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Turbofan: Development

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Lewis Research Center




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Report No.


Government A c c e s s i o n No.

3. R e c i p i e n t ' s Catalog No.


5. Report Date

February 1970


7. Author(s)

8. Performing Organization Report No.


Everett C. Armentrout
Performing Organization Name and Address

10. Work U n i t No.

Lewis Research Center National Aeronautics and Space Adlninistration Cleveland, Ohio 441 35
Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

11. Contract or Grant No. 13. T y p e o f Report and P e r i o d Covered

Technical Memoranduln

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D. C. 20546

15. Supplementary N o t e s

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

16. A b s t r a c t

The application of miniature pressure transducers for dynamic pressure measurelllents within the a i r passages of jet engines is a relatively new but practical approach. This report describes t h e development of a measuring rake having a removable transducer sensor within the rake and a flat amplitude response t o 500 Hz. Calibration and development was done through the use of a pist on-in-cylinder calibrator using a shaker a s the driver. A recommended design is described for pressure-sensing rakes to be used in future jet engine tests.

17. K e y Words ( S u g g e s t e d b y A u t h o r ( s ) )


D i s t r i b u t i o n Statement

P r e s s u r e rake High frequency Miniature transducers

19. Security C l a s s i f . ( o f t h i s report)


- unlimited

20. Security C l a s s i f . (of t h i s page)

21. No.

of Pages

22. P r i c e

Unclassif led




*For sale by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Virginia 22151

The application of miniature p r e s s u r e transducers for dynamic p r e s s u r e measurements within the a i r passages of jet engines is a relatively new but practical approach. This report describes the development of a measuring rake having a removable t r a n s ducer sensor within the rake and a flat amplitude response t o 500 Hz. Calibration and development was done through the u s e of a piston-in-cylinder calibrator using a shaker as the driver. A recommended design i s described for pressure-sensing rakes t o be used in future jet engine tests.

Improvement in compressor performance for advanced a i r c r a f t turbine engines has been accomplished with higher stage loadings. Concomitantly, the operation of the comp r e s s o r has become more sensitive to inlet a i r profiles, inlet airflow perturbations, and stage matching. Lewis Research Center has undertaken to systematically investigate the effects of these variables. Special high-frequency-response p r e s s u r e instrumentation has been developed to better define the cause and initiation of the stall phenomenon and its progression through the compressor. P r e s s u r e - and temperature-sensing rakes were designed for insertion into the diff e r e n t stages of the engine compressors. Any blockage of the compressor a i r passages by the rakes had to be minimized l e s t the rake itself become the initiator of compressor stall. The dynamic p r e s s u r e measurements extended over a frequency range that required the transcl1.1cer to be mounted close to the sensing point. This necessitated the u s e of miniature p r e s s u r e transducers, Small cooling jackets were designed for the transducers to provide thermal stability. For the frequency range of interest, a cali-

bration method was devised to deter mine frequency response. This report describes the design factors for a miniature semiconductor p r e s s u r e transducer installed in several configurations of sensing line tube assemblies. To know the frequency response of a s y s t e m is to know the amplitude ratio and phase shift a s a function of frequency. This response was determined with the use of a shaker-driven piston-in-c ylinder calibrating device. The effect on frequency response of combinations of sensing tube length and diameter was deter mined. The effect of porous plugs to inc r e a s e the damping ratio was also measured. Damping ratio [ is defined as the ratio of the degree of actual damping to the degree of damping required for critical damping.


. - Typical transducer mounting. Figure 1

Critical damping provides the most rapid transient response to a step change without overshoot. The inside diameter of the sensing tubes varied from 0.020 to 0.089 inch (0.0508 to 0.2261 cm) and the coupling length from 0. 625 to 4.0 inches (1. 587 to 10. 16 cm). Coupling length is defined a s the distance from the face or diaphragm of the transducer to the tip of the sensing port in the gas stream, where the measurements a r e desired. In figure 1, the coupling.length is indicated by 1 '. This differs from the connecting tube length L by the height of the transducer cavity, which is one dimension of the instrument volume Vi in the same figure.


Pressure measurements in jet engine studies generally require that the transducers be connected to the sensing points with tubes. While it reduces the optimum frequency response, tubing is sometimes necessary to provide thermal isolation from the hot gas stream, or to avoid physical limitations both on the size of the transducer or on the engine air passage. Even when a connecting tube is used, care must be exercised to minimize blockage of the a i r passage. The effects of the length of tubing can be prof more than a few inches a r e used, the reduction in accoustical frequency renounced. I sponse will f a r outweigh any possible gains derived from transducers with higher mechanical natural frequencies. A flush- mounted transducer, though not always practical because of physical mounting limitations, is the ultimate approach. In this case, the mechanical natural frequency of the transducer becomes all important. I f only steady-state measurements a r e required, the transducer can be mounted at some remote location where temperature and mounting a r e a a r e not a s restrictive. A long length of tubing and a large instrument volume Vi may be used to deliberately average out any pressure fluctuations. The instrument volume Vi is the volume between the transducer diaphragm and the sensing tube, as shown in figure 1. This volume must be kept a s small as possible for good frequency response. When the tubing diameter is small enough s o that viscosity effects predominate, the response is approximately that of a first-order system having a time constant 128 l-l,LVi .F= seconds

where Po

fluid viscosity, (lb) (sec)/in. 2; (N) (sec)/cm 2 (for a i r at room temperature, 2.75~10-' (lb)(sec)/in. 2; 0.019 cp o r 1 9 ~ 1 0 N-sec/m -~ 2 tubing length, in. ; c m instrument volume, in. 3; cm 3 tubing inside diameter, in. ; c m p r e s s u r e sensed, psi; N/cm 2

Vi d Po

With a very small transducer instrument volume and a smooth constant-area sensing tube of fairly large diameter (so that damping is low), the system will exhibit a resonant frequency closely approximated by 3a hertz f =L

Frequency, f , Hz Figure 2. - Resonant frequency obtainable for different tube area to cavity volume ratios as function of tubing length. For a i r at 75' F and atmospheric pressure; a i s speed of sound.


speed of sound in gas media at test temperature, ft/sec; m/sec

Peaks will also occur at odd harmonics of this frequency. This equation represents t h e typical organ pipe resonance. If the transducer instrument volume Vi is not small, the resonant frequency is r e duced according t o the Helmholtz resonator equation

Damping ratio,

Frequencyratio, Frequency of interest Resonant frequency

Figure 3. - Response of linear second-order system with various damping ratios to sine wave inputs.

where 1 = L + 0.85 d. The Helmholtz resonator equation yields good results for short e tubing lengths. The addition of instrument volume lowers the frequency response, a s shown in figure 2. And a s expected, for any fixed Vi, increasing the tube diameter shifts the curve toward the organ pipe curve, since the tube diameter then approaches the diameter of the instrument volume. This does not hold true if there is a restriction in the line, however. The miniature transducers used, as explained in the next section, were underdamped, with damping ratios of the order of 0.005 t o 0.03. This low damping ratio, a s shown in figure 3, produces a narrow frequency range for flat amplitude response for such a transducer. Attempts were made t o increase the damping ratio, and hence inc r e a s e the range for flat amplitude response, through the use of different tubing sizes and porous plugs. The amount of damping plays an important role in the accuracy of a transducer presf too much damping is added, the signal will be attenuated over all s u r e measurement. I frequencies. It is therefore important to know the effect of any damping added t o the system. Unlike some calibrators which can determine only the resonant frequency and the damping ratio, the calibrator employed generated the complete frequency-response curve. The numerical value of the damping ratio for any test configuration was not considered necessary and not determined.


Initial research requirements specified an amplitude response ratio for dynamic instrumentation that was flat t o within 15 percent over a range of 0 to 200 hertz. Characteristics of the engine system and the inlet distortion hardware used, a s indicated by the initial data, required the range to be extended t o 500 hertz and the number of measurement stations on each rake t o be increased. The new measurement locations and the increased number of measurements severely limit the size of the individual transducer probes. The smaller probes and the increased usable frequency range a r e opposing fact o r s leading t o the need for a reduced coupling length and an improved damping ratio.

Description of Semiconductor Transducers

The miniature transducers used in the dynamic airflow studies of the turbofan engine have been of the semiconductor strain-gage type. This type is very similar t o the bonded strain-gage transducers with the foil gages replaced by semiconductors. For the same s t r e s s , the semiconductor provides a signal significantly greater than that obtainable

with metal foil or unbonded wire gages. In the early transducers, temperature changes produced large e r r o r s ; the transducers had high hysteresis, poor repeatability, and were large and bulky. Experience and improved mounting techniques have now greatly reduced most of these faults. The present semiconductor transducer is nearly equivalent in overall accuracy to the much-larger-diameter, bonded and unbonded, foil- and wire-type transducers. The 0,250-inch- (0.635-cm-) diameter-type transducers used for the intitial tests a r e being replaced by an 0.082- inch- (0.208-cm-) diameter transducer. This transducer has a silicon diaphragm with the strain gages diffused into the diaphragm itself. The s t r e s s sensors then become an integral and inseparable part of the diaphragm and do not depend upon some elastic material to transmit the strain. The hysteresis and linearity of the most recent transducers has been improved by moving the electrical lead attachment to the strain sensors to the edge of the diaphragm. This eliminates the inelastic soldering mass from the center and sensitive a r e a of the diaphragm. Both types, the bonded semiconductor and the diffused diaphragm, can be considered as.simple spring-mass systems. The diaphragm constitutes most of the mass, and, as the force member, represents the principal spring element. It is made a s light as possible and the full-range deflection is extremely small. Typical diaphragm deflections ~ ~ (0.00076 cm); thickness ranges from 1 to 3 mils (0.0254 a r e of the order of 3 x 1 0 inch to 0.0762 mm). This combination of low diaphragm mass and high spring rate gives a high mechanical natural frequency to the transducer. The 0.082-inch- (0.208-cm-) diameter transducer has a resonant frequency greater than 200 kilocycles. The extremely small deflection of the diaphragm prohibits any form of damper, s o the transducer must remain essentially undamped. Typical damping ratios a r e of the order of 0.005 to 0.03 for both the 0.082- and 0.250-inch-diameter (0.208- and 0.635cm-diam) transducers.

Description of Mounting and Coupling

To circumvent possible variation in the transducer output due to temperature gradients and the high temperature environment each transducer was enclosed in a cooling jacket. For the 0.250-inch- (0.635-cm-) diameter transducers, two concentric tubes were used with the outer tube pressed into an elliptical shape so that the two tubes touched a t the sides, forming two separate water paths. This jacket is shown in figure 4. The major diameter of the elliptical water jacket for the 0.250-inch- (0.635-cm-) diame t e r transducer was 0.406 inch (1.0312 cm).

Silicone rubber-,


Typical section through water jacket

Reference tube

Electrical leads

114-in. (0.635-cm) tube


Silicone rubber Sealing r i n g

(0.635 cm) diam

O-ring -

Sensing tube, 118 in. (0.3175 cm) diam Original mounting


Revised mounting


Figure 4. - Cooling jacket mounting for 0.25-inch- (0.635-cm-) diameter transducer.

Mounting the transducer, whether it be in a cooling jacket, special housing, o r a rake body requires considerable care. A small force on the transducer shell can cause a change in the response characteristics detectable only through careful recalibration. Because of the cooling jacket design and the requirement that the transducers be removable, a flexible cement mounting technique was developed, hitially, the transducer was cemented in place in the cooling jacket with ordinary rubber cement. This was later replaced with silicon rubber, which improved the transducer performance and produced less leak paths around the transducer. Certain manufacturers have suggested the use of sealing wax or epoxy-type cement. To minimize leakage, an additional tube, approx-

Inline stacking of transducers on 0.20- and 0.15-inch (0.508- and 0.381-cm)

(0.208 cm) diam



Figure 5. - 0.082-Inch- (0.208-cm-) diameter transducer and cooling jacket with stacking detail. Dimensions are i n inches (cm).

imately the s a m e diameter a s the transducer, was attached to the r e a r of the transducer body. A sealing ring was molded in place on this attached tube t o provide a seal near the sensing end when the transducer was inserted into the cooling jacket. The tube at the opposite end of the cooling jacket was sealed with indium solder t o provide a positive seal, but at the s a m e time, be easily removable. The cooling jacket was mounted t o the pressure-sensing 1/8-inch- (0.3175-cm-) diameter tube by means of an O-ring within the cooling jacket. This O-ring also served as a thermal b a r r i e r and reduced the heat load on the transducer. The cooling jacket for the 0.082-inch- (0.208-cm-) diameter transducer, a s shown in figure 5, was wedge-shaped s o that several transducers could be mounted in a minimum of space. The overall length of a wedge was 0.254 inch (0.6452 cm); and when stacked one behind the other on 0.20-inch (0.508-cm) centers with the centers in line, the overall width was 0.118 inch (0.2997 cm). When stacked on 0.15-inch (0.381-cm) centers, the overall width was 0.156 inch (0.3962 cm). This means of stacking is illustrated in figure 5. A typical instrumentation rake with a transducer and cooling jacket assembly in place is shown in figure 9 (p. 15).


Any method of transducer calibration requires that a known input be applied and that the output be measured precisely. In the dynamic calibration of transducers, the time phase between the two must also be determined. The testing and evaluation of the pressure transducer systems was done mainly on a piston-in-cylinder calibrator but good correlation was also obtained on the other calibrators available, such a s the rotating disk, shock tube, and resonant tube pressure generators. Calibrators in the periodic function generator class, such a s the rotating disk and piston-in-cylinder, a r e restrictive in both amplitude and frequency but can generate a complete frequency response curve. The range of these two calibrators is good t o approximately 3000 hertz, however, which was sufficient for these tests.

Description of Piston-in-Cylinder Calibrator

The piston-in-cylinder calibrator (fig. 6) was patterned after a device used at the NASA Flight Research Center. A piston which was actuated by a frequency and ampli-


, r


Enlarged view of test transducer mounting

Test transducer-, Reference transducer

Shaker head

Figure 6 .

- Piston-in-cylinder

calibrator. Dimensions are i n inches (cm).

tude controlled shaker was positioned in a fixed cylinder. Two openings were provided in the cylinder head for mounting a reference transducer and the test transducer. A charging port was also provided t o change the static-pressure level. The assembly was placed on a shaker with t h e cylinder and head mounted t o the unmovable part of the shaker and the piston mounted t o the shaker head. This type of piston mounting eliminated the need of any piston rod and its associated problems of sealing and bending. The motion of the piston was limited by the maximum stroke of the shaker. The length of the a i r column above the piston was made a s small a s possible to eliminate cavity resonances in t h e range of frequency interest.

The output of the transducer system on test was compared to that of a reference which was flush mounted in the cylinder head. Therefore, if the shape of the pressure wave differed for any reason, both systems, the reference and the transducer being tested, saw the s a m e input. The shaker, a s the excitor, provided t r u e vertical motion without side effects. It was capable of providing (1) a stepless frequency output with easily adjustable amplitude and control and (2) distortion-free sinusoidal forces. Tests on the shaker could be run in either a constant displacement or a constant acceleration level mode over the desired frequency range. At constant displacement, the double amplitude or total vertical motion of the piston was limited by the rating of the shaker at the high end of the frequency range. This resulted in a constant dynamic pres* s u r e level over the entire frequency range but it was also limited t o a very small dynamic pressure level. Tn the constant acceleration mode, the dynamic pressure changed over the frequency range but it was always a s high a s possible at any given frequency. Results were then compared for the test transducer and the flush-mounted reference transducer which had been tested on many different calibrators and had a flat response greater than 3000 hertz.

Five different tube sizes were selected a s representative of those used in the majority of pressure-sensing rakes:

Outside diameter

Wall thickness

Area cm2

in. 1 2 3 4 5


i n .
0.006 -008 .012 .012 .018



0.032 0.08128 .062 .I5748 ,062 .I5748 ,093 .23622 .I25 .3175

0.01524 .02032 .03048 .03048 .04572

0.000314 0.002026 .001665 .010743 .001131 .007297 .003632 .023434 .006362 .041048

The results of the frequency-response t e s t s with these five tube diameters, each at lengths of 4, 3, 2, and approximately 1 inch, a r e shown in figure 7. Tn all cases, the instrument volume was the s a m e and the same 0.250-inch- (0.635-cm-) diameter test p r e s s u r e transducer was used. The data indicate that for a constant instrument volume a greater resonant frequency is obtained with a tube of greater inside diameter. To re-


Inside diameter, in. (cm)

0 2M10


1 2 3 4 5

0. OX) (0.0508) .046 (.1168) .038 (. 0965) .M8 (. 1727) .089 (. 2261)

Ratio of tube area to cavity volume, AIVi 0.17 .44 .39 .53 .58

U a c


800 600 400

Tubing length, in.

6 7 Tube length, cm



Figure 7. - Effect of tube length o n resonant frequency of different-sized sensing tubes; instrument volume remaining constant. For air at 75' F and at atmospheric pressure.

alize the s a m e resonant freque-ICY for a smaller-diameter tube, the instrument volume must be decreased. However, the availability of suitable smaller-diameter transducers limits the reduction of instrument volume. The amplitude response curve of a transducer system is very similar t o that shown in figure 3 for near-zero values of damping ratio. The usable *5 percent flat portion is approximately 20 percent of the resonant frequency. One way to increase the frequency range corresponding to the flat portion of the curve in figure 3 would be t o increase the resonant frequency. Since increases in resonant frequency a r e limited by available transducer sizes and by the limited size of the tubes which can be used in many locations in the engine, another means of obtaining a flat response to a higher frequency is required. This can be accomplished by increasing the damping ratio. The u s e of porous bronze, molded into slugs, afforded a damping device which was subject t o quality control. This material is available commercially in various porosities with controlled limits on mean pore diameter. The curves shown in figure 8 illustrate the response changes obtainable by using different slug densities. The damping slugs u s e d for curves 1 and 2 were made from a coarser powder than those for curves 3 and 4. With the test configuration used, it was possible to vary the usable portion from 240 t o 440 hertz, an increase of approximately 83 percent. To accomplish the s a m e thing, a sensing system having a coupling length of 2.03 inches (5.1562 cm) and a resonant frequency of 1700 hertz would require an increase in its resonant frequency t o 3120 hertz



60 80 100

Frequency, Hz


600 8001000

Figure 8. -Variation i n frequency of a pressure transducer system using sintered bronze molded slugs of different porosities to change the damping ratio. Tube inside diameter, 0.042 inch (0.1067 cm); tube length, 2.03 inches (5.156 cm); transducer diameter, 0.082 inch (0.208 cm); a i r at atmospheric pressure and 75" F.

by reducing its coupling length t o 1.0 inch (2.540 cm). The transducer and cooling jacket used for these t e s t s were identical t o that shown in figure 5. To avoid disturbing the transducer before all t e s t s were completed, the damping slug was placed in the end of the sensing tube, approximately 0.50 inch (1.270 cm) from the transducer diaphragm. Consequently, the porous slug could not be positioned close t o the diaphragm, a s shown in figure 9, s o the curves should not be interpreted a s optimum, but only representative of the possibilities. Figure 10 affords the response comparison for the damping slug mounted close to the diaphragm, a s shown in figure 9, against the case of no added damping slug. Using the s a m e 0.250-inch- (0. 635-cm-) diameter transducer and coupling length as that of probe 3 in figure 7, the porous slug was positioned at the sensing end and at the diaphragm end. The results a r e shown in figure 11. With a damping slug at the transducer diaphragm end, an amplitude response ratio below 1.05 i s maintained up t o 480 hertz, as contrasted to a limit of 240 hertz for an undamped (no porous slug) probe. Moving the damping slug to the sensing end attenuates the signal to the extent that it is down 5 percent at 100 hertz and down 19 percent at 240 hertz. Measured values of phase shift a r e also shown in figure I f . Phase shift is a function of frequency and damping. With zero damping, phase shift is theoretically nonexistent until resonance is reached. For any increase in damping ratio, the phase shift is correspondingly higher.

' r Coolant

water passages

Typical inline stacking Bottom view

(0.208 cm) diam

Enlarged view of transducer mounting Figure 9.

- Multipoint sensing rake showing transducer

mounting. Dimensions are i n inches (cm).

Frequency, Hz Figure 10. - Improved response obtainable with increased damping. Transducer diameter, 0.082 inch (0.208 cm); coupling length, 2.03 inches (5.156 cm); a i r at 75' F.

1 .

---- Standard probe (no added damping) --- - - Damping slug at diaphragm end

-Damping slug at sensing end

Frequency, Hz Figure 11. - Variation i n frequency response caused by positioning damping slug at sensing end and diaphragm end of probe. Probe inside diameter, 0.038 inch (0.0965 cm); probe length, 1.25 inches (3.175 cm); a i r at atmospheric pressure and 75" F.

As a result of these tests, the transducer mounting, size, damping ratio, and coupling length were changed from the figure 4 configuration to that shown in figure 9. The transducer s i z e was reduced to 0.082 inch (0.208 cm) diameter since t e s t results indicated performance a s good as that obtained on the 0.125-inch- (0.318-cm-) diameter transducers and better than that of the 0.250-inch- (0.635-cm-) diameter transducers

being used. The smaller size also permitted a reduction in rake thickness and allowed the installation of more sensing points in each rake. The molded seal ring near the transducer sensing end not only provided a better pressure seal but also easier removal of the transducer from the cooling jacket. Installation of a damping slug at the transducer diaphragm provides controlled increases in the flat amplitude response but a t the expense of increased phase shift. A screen was also added to the transducer face to prevent contact of the damping slug with the diaphragm. Hysteresis, linearity, and z e r o stability were improved through the use of the sealing ring mounting technique and the new diaphragm layout. Leakage of the sensing p r e s s u r e past the transducer was minimized by the use of a backup indium solder s e a l a t the top of the cooling jacket. Lewis Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio, November 17, 1969, 720-03.




IfUoddiwrable ( Ssrtian 1 Posull Manual ) Do Nor Rec

' T h e aerotzn~~tical and space nctivities of tbe Ufaited Stntes sbdl be covEditcted J O us to co?#ribute . . . to the expansion of hu?tlun h o w l edge of p h e n o ~ ~ e nin n the nt~~osphere attd spuce. The Ad~~thistrntion sbdI1 provide for the widest prncticdbh and appropriut~cbiJsen~inution of imforttlntio~t concerniag its nctir*ities nszd the resrdts thereof."



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