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Rite and Laws On Marriage

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Rite and Laws on Marriage CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Pre-nuptial preparations: * aptis!" Con#ir!

ation" Penan$e an% &ol' Eu$(arist *Pre-nuptial inter)ie* - to #in% out t(e e+isten$e o# possi,le i!pe%i!ents - to ensure t(e #ree%o! o# t(e parties - to #in% out *(et(er t(e $ontra$tinparties are su##i$ientl' instru$te% in t(e C(ristian %o$trine parti$ularl' on t(e essential properties o# !arria-e Pre-Cana Se!inar .prepare t(e $ouple spirituall'/ 0. 1o$u!ents Nee%e% * aptis!al Certi#i$ate *Certi#i$ate o# Con#ir!ation *Certi#i$ate t(at t(e $ouple -$o!plete% a #a!il' plannin- se!inar *%ul' appro)e% !arria-e li$ense #ro! t(e $i)il re-istrar *Per!it to !arr' outsi%e t(e paris( Publication of Wedding Banns The purpose of the wedding banns is to uncover any existing circumstances which could impede a valid marriage. Wedding banns are either announced or in print, transmitted to the faithful for three consecutive Sundays or Holy ays of obligation. LEGAL / STATE REQUIREMENTS !according to the "ew #amily $ode% 1. Contra$tin- parties !ust ,e !ale an% #e!ale2 0. at least 13 'ears o# a-e2 4. not un%er le-al i!pe%i!ent to !arr' 5. I# eit(er or ,ot( are 13-01 'rs. ol%" a *ritten parental $onsent is re6uire%. 7. I# eit(er or ,ot( are 01 - 07 'rs. ol%" parental a%)i$e is re6uire%. 8. Consent #reel' -i)en in t(e presen$e o# t(e sole!ni9in- o##i$er. T(is !eans t(at t(e $onsent o# eit(er part' s(oul% not (a)e ,een o,taine% ,' #rau%" #or$e inti!i%ation" or un%ue in#luen$e. IMPEDIMENTS TO MATRIMONY I!pe%i!ents to !atri!on' are o,sta$les or restri$tions i!pose% ,' t(e la* o# :o% or t(e C(ur$( #or t(e *el#are o# t(e so$iet' an% #or t(e prote$tion o# !atri!onial ,on%. an e+istin- !arria-e $oer$ion ,elo* a-e re6uire!ent

,loo% relations(ip ; t(e C(ur$( #or,i%s t(e !arria-e o# $lose relati)es to en#or$e t(e respe$t %ue to ,loo% relations to pre)ent t(e ,irt( o# p('si$al an% !ental %e#e$ti)e $(il%ren $lose a##init' ; a *i%o* or *i%o*er $annot !arr' t(e ,loo% relation in t(e %ire$t line o# (is or (er %ea% spouse &ol' Or%ers" sole!n )o*s" si!ple )o*s ; !en an% *o!en *(o (a)e ta<en !a=or or%ers: !on<s" nuns" *(o (a)e ta<en t(e )o* o# $(astit' $annot $ontra$t a )ali% !arria-e %isparit' o# *ors(ip spiritual a##init' ; sponsors in ,aptis! $annot !arr' t(eir -o%$(il%ren *it(out %ispensation le-al relations(ip ; t(is re#ers to t(ose *(o ,' $i)il la* are in$apa,le o# $ontra$tin- !arria-e ,e$ause o# a le-al relations(ip arisin- #ro! a%option The Sacrament of Marriage Ne* Ritual T(e ne* !arria-e rite #ul#ills t(e pro)ision t(at t(e sa$ra!ental -ra$e an% %uties o# t(e !arr'in- partners ,e $learl' si-ni#ie%. T(rou-(out t(e $ere!on'" *(i$( is $ele,rate% %urin- Mass" t(e $ouple are tol% t(at t(eir !arria-e is >#or t(e rest o# 'our li)es"> t(at t(e' are to >a$$ept $(il%ren lo)in-l' #ro! :o%" an% ,rin- t(e! up a$$or%in- to t(e la* o# C(rist an% (is C(ur$("> t(at t(e rin-s t(e' e+$(an-e are to ,e s'!,ols >o# true #ait( in ea$( ot(er an% al*a's re!in% t(e! o# t(eir unen%inlo)e"> an% t(at t(e Lor% *ill >stren-t(en 'our $onsent an% #ill 'ou ,ot( *it( (is ,lessin-s.> You are invited to our wedding 1/ ?lo*er -irl 0/ rin- ,earer 4/ Arr(ae ,earer 5/ Parents o# t(e -roo! 7/ Parents o# t(e ,ri%e 8/ :roo! *aitin- #or (is ,ri%e@ A/ ri%e ,ein- turne% o)er to t(e -roo! ,' (er parents@ &% Bridal procession is a beautiful tradition and a symbolic cultural practice by which the bride is accompanied by her loyal friends in court.

'% The flame from the lighted candles on both sides symboli(e )od*s presence within the union. 1B/ Coinin- o# ri-(t (an%s is an e+pression o# t(e #ree%o! o# $onsent to !arria-e. 11/ T(e )eil is pla$e% on t(e s(oul%er o# t(e -roo! an% o)er t(e ,ri%eDs (ea%. T(is s'!,oli9es t(e union o# t*o people >$lot(e%> as one" !utual an% e6ual surren%er to ea$( ot(er 10/ T(e *e%%in- $or% (a% a sil<en rope in t(e #or! o# a #i-ure ei-(t an% ea$( loops loosel' an% *as pla$e% aroun% our ne$<s(oul%er area. T(is s'!,oli9es t(e in#inite ,on% o# !arria-e. +,% -. ta/e thee to be my wedded wife !or husband%, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sic/ness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.0 15/ E+$(an-in- o# *e%%in- rin-s ,et*een ,ri%e an% -roo! an% t(at is a !e!ora,le !o!ent as it *ill re!in% o# $o!!it!ent" %e)otion" an% lo)e t(rou-(out t(e 'ears o# li#e to-et(er. 17/ Arr(ae or t(e arras" Spanis( #or >earnest !one'>" is sai% to $o!e #ro! a Ro!an $usto! o# ,rea<in- -ol% or sil)er into e6ual (al)es ,' ,ot( parties as a ple%-e o# !arria-e. 18/ T(e t(irteen $oins" sai% to represent C(rist an% (is 10 apostles" s'!,oli9e t(e -roo!Es un6uestiona,le trust an% $on#i%en$e it si-ni#ies also su##i$ien$' o# !aterial possessions in or%er t(at t(e #a!il' $an ta<e $are o# t(eir te!poral nee%s. 1A/ ' -i)in- arras to (is ,ri%e" (e pla$es all (is !aterial *ealt( into (er $are. A$$eptan$e ,' t(e ,ri%e !eans ta<int(at trust un$on%itionall' *it( total %e%i$ation. 13/ Si-nin- o# t(eir $o)enant lo)e #or ea$( ot(er

!a' #i+ t(e propert' relations %urin- t(e !arria-e *it(in t(e li!its pro)i%e% ,' t(is Co%e. $ho are a%thori&ed to solemni&e marriages# 1. An' in$u!,ent !e!,er o# t(e =u%i$iar' *it(in t(e $ourtEs =uris%i$tion 0. An' priest" ra,,i" i!a!" or !inister o# an' $(ur$( or reli-ious se$t %ul' aut(ori9e% ,' (is $(ur$( or reli-ious se$t an% re-istere% *it( t(e $i)il re-istrar -eneral" a$tin- *it(in t(e li!its o# t(e *ritten aut(orit' -rante% ,' (is $(ur$( or reli-ious se$t an% pro)i%e% t(at at least one o# t(e $ontra$tin- parties ,elon-s to t(e sole!ni9in- o##i$erEs $(ur$( or reli-ious se$t 4. An' s(ip $aptain or airplane $(ie# onl' in t(e $ase !entione% in Arti$le 41 o# t(e ?a!il' Co%e 5. An' !ilitar' $o!!an%er o# a unit to *(i$( a $(aplain is assi-ne%" in t(e a,sen$e o# t(e latter" %urin- a !ilitar' operation" li<e*ise onl' in t(e $ases !entione% in Arti$le 40 o# t(e ?a!il' Co%e 7. An' $onsul--eneral" $onsul or )i$e-$onsul in t(e $ase pro)i%e% in Arti$le 1B o# t(e ?a!il' Co%e. $hat are the essential re'%isites of marriage# 1. Le-al $apa$it' o# t(e $ontra$tin- parties *(o !ust ,e a !ale an% a #e!ale 0. Consent #reel' -i)en in t(e presen$e o# t(e sole!ni9in- o##i$er. $hat are the formal re'%isites of marriage# 1. Aut(orit' o# t(e sole!ni9in- o##i$er2 0. A )ali% !arria-e li$ense e+$ept in t(e $ases *(ere t(e sa!e is e+e!pte% 4. A !arria-e $ere!on' *(i$( ta<es pla$e *it( t(e appearan$e o# t(e $ontra$tin- parties ,e#ore t(e sole!ni9in- o##i$er $hat (inds of marriages are e)em"ted from marriage license# 1. In $ase eit(er or ,ot( o# t(e $ontra$tinparties are at t(e point o# %eat( 0. I# t(e resi%en$e o# eit(er part' is so lo$ate% t(at t(ere is no !eans o# transportation to ena,le su$( part' to appear personall' ,e#ore t(e lo$al $i)il re-istrar 4. Marria-es a!on- Musli!s or a!on!e!,ers o# t(e et(ni$ $ultural $o!!unities !a' ,e per#or!e% )ali%l' *it(out t(e

The Legal Aspe t o! Marriage How does the Famil !ode of the Phili""ines define marriage# Marria-e is a spe$ial $ontra$t o# per!anent union ,et*een a !an an% a *o!an entere% into in a$$or%an$e *it( la* #or t(e esta,lis(!ent o# $on=u-al an% #a!il' li#e. It is t(e #oun%ation o# t(e #a!il' an% an in)iola,le so$ial institution *(ose nature" $onse6uen$es" an% in$i%ents are -o)erne% ,' la* an% not su,=e$t to stipulation" e+$ept t(at !arria-e settle!ents

ne$essit' o# !arria-e li$ense" pro)i%e% t(e' are sole!ni9e% in a$$or%an$e *it( t(eir $usto!s" rites or pra$ti$es. 5. No li$ense s(all ,e ne$essar' #or t(e !arria-e o# a !an an% a *o!an *(o (a)e li)e% to-et(er as (us,an% an% *i#e #or at least #i)e 'ears an% *it(out an' le-al i!pe%i!ent to !arr' ea$( ot(er. marriages which the law consider *oid from the +eginning 1. T(ose $ontra$te% ,' an' part' ,elo* ei-(teen 'ears o# a-e e)en *it( t(e $onsent o# parents or -uar%ians2 0. T(ose $ontra$te% t(rou-( !ista<e o# one $ontra$tin- part' as to t(e i%entit' o# t(e ot(er 4. A !arria-e $ontra$te% ,' an' part' *(o" at t(e ti!e o# t(e $ele,ration" *as ps'$(olo-i$all' in$apa$itate% to $o!pl' *it( t(e essential !arital o,li-ations o# !arria-e" s(all li<e*ise ,e )oi% e)en i# su$( in$apa$it' ,e$o!es !ani#est onl' a#ter its sole!ni9ation 5. et*een $ollateral ,loo% relati)es *(et(er le-iti!ate or ille-iti!ate" up to t(e #ourt( $i)il %e-ree2 ,et*een step-parents an% step$(il%ren2 ,et*een t(e a%optin- parent an% t(e a%opte% $(il%2 7. et*een parties *(ere one" *it( t(e intention to !arr' t(e ot(er" <ille% t(at ot(er personEs spouse" or (is or (er o*n spouse. Moral and !anonical As"ect of Marriage 1arriage is that individual union through which man and woman by their reciprocal rights form one principle of generation. .t is effected by their mutual consent to give and accept each other for the purpose of propagating the human race, of educating their offspring, of sharing life in common, of supporting each other in undivided con2ugal affection by a lasting union. Some h%man %nderstanding a+o%t the %nion of man and woman 1i)or$e Annul!ent Un,rea<a,le unit' ?a!il' plannin,egal-!anonical as"ect of marriage LE:AL Marria-e is a spe$ial $ontra$t o# per!anent union ,et*een a !an an% a *o!an entere% into

in a$$or%an$e *it( la* #or t(e esta,lis(!ent o# $on=u-al an% #a!il' li#e. It is t(e #oun%ation o# t(e #a!il' an% an in)iola,le so$ial institution *(ose nature" $onse6uen$es" an% in$i%ents are -o)erne% ,' la* an% not su,=e$t to stipulation" e+$ept t(at !arria-e settle!ents !a' #i+ t(e propert' relations %urin- t(e !arria-e *it(in t(e li!its pro)i%e% ,' t(is Co%e. !#amily $ode of the Philippines% CANONICAL 1arriage is that individual union through which man and woman by their reciprocal rights form one principle of generation. .t is effected by their mutual consent to give and accept each other for the purpose of propagating the human race, of educating their offspring, of sharing life in common, of supporting each other in undivided con2ugal affection by a lasting union. MARRIA.E INSTIT/TED 0Y .OD Marria-e is a $o)enant an% is ,' its )er' nature a,o)e (u!an la*. It *as institute% ,' :o%" is su,=e$t to t(e 1i)ine la*" an% $annot #or t(at reason ,e o)erturne% ,' (u!an la*. Marria-e ,' its )er' nature" $on=u-al lo)e re6uires t(e in)iola,le #i%elit' o# t(e spouses. Lo)e see<s to ,e %e#initi)e2 it $annot ,e an arran-e!ent Funtil #urt(er noti$e.G T(e Finti!ate union o# !arria-e" re6uire an un,rea<a,le union ,et*een t(e!.G MARRIA.E IN THE !HRISTIAN DISPENSATION The $hurch being the ivinely appointed custodian of all sacraments, it belongs to her 2urisdiction to interpret and apply the ivine law of marriage. She cannot repeal or change that law. The marriage bond is sacred3 married life symboli(es the union between $hrist and His $hurch ! 4phesians 5677% and the $hurch protects both by such rules as will maintain their $hristian characteristics under all circumstances. The $hurch respects the re8uirements of the State for the marriages of its citi(ens as long as those re8uirements are for the common good, and in /eeping with the dignity and ivine purpose of marriage $hristian couples are called to participate truly in the irrevocable, .ndissolubility that binds $hrist to the

$hurch, his bride, loved by him to the end !$#$% $hrist proclaimed -Therefore, let no man separate what )od has 2oined0 1atthew +'69 : marriage is said to be canonical or civil6 canonical, when contracted in accordance with $hurch law 3 civil, if the ordinances of civil law are observed.

MARRIA.E INDISSO,/0,E E1!EPT 0Y DEATH It !ust a-ain ,e repeate% (ere t(at t(e C(ur$( tea$(es" an% (as al*a's tau-(t" t(at %eat( alone $an %issol)e a rati#ie% an% $onsu!!ate% C(ristian !arria-e.

An Indissolu*le 'o##union Con=u-al $o!!union L in%issolu,ilit' F@ inti!ate union i!poses total #i%elit' on t(e spouses an% ar-ues #or an un,rea<a,le oneness ,et*een t(e!.> C(ur$(: #un%a!ental %ut' is to rea##ir! stron-l' t(e %o$trine o# t(e in%issolu,ilit' o# !arria-e con2ugal love<$hrist its foundation and strength )od has manifested in His revelation6 He wills and He communicates t(e in%issolu,ilit' o# !arria-e: as a #ruit" a si-n an% a re6uire!ent o# t(e a,solutel' #ait(#ul lo)e t(at :o% (as #or !an an% t(at t(e Lor% Cesus (as #or t(e C(ur$( indissol%+ilit and fidelit 3 !ost pre$ious an% !ost ur-ent tas<s o# C(ristian $ouples in our ti!e The Broader $ommunion of the #amily C(ristian #a!il' $onstitutes a spe$i#i$ re)elation an% reali9ation o# e$$lesial $o!!union" an% #or t(is reason too it $an an% s(oul% ,e $alle% >t(e %o!esti$ C(ur$(.G All !e!,ers o# t(e #a!il' (a)e t(e -ra$e an% responsi,ilit' o# ,uil%in- t(e $o!!union o# persons" !a<in- t(e #a!il' >a s$(ool o# %eeper (u!anit'G t(is (appens *(en t(ere is: 1. $are an% lo)e #or t(e little ones" t(e si$<" t(e a-e%" !utual ser)i$e e)er' %a' o# s(arin- -oo%s" =o's an% sorro*s. 0. e%u$ational e+$(an-e ,et*een parents an% $(il%ren .-i)e J ta<e/ 4. C(il%ren: o##er spe$i#i$ an% irrepla$ea,le $ontri,ution to t(e $onstru$tion o# t(e #a!il' 5. parents: ser)i$e to t(e (u!an an% C(ristian *ell-,ein- o# t(eir $(il%ren" (elpin- t(e! a$6uire a trul' responsi,le #ree%o! 7. #a!il' $o!!union $an onl' ,e preser)e% an% per#e$te% t(rou-( a -reat spirit o# sa$ri#i$e 8. It re6uires un%erstan%in-" to #or,earan$e" to par%on" to re$on$iliation. A. o)er$o!es e)er' %i)ision an% o# !o)into*ar%s t(e #ullness o# $o!!union *ille% ,' :o%" respon%in- in t(is *a' to t(e ar%ent %esire o# t(e Lor%: >t(at t(e' !a' ,e one.>

General Tas"s !or the !a#il$ a ording to %&a#iliaris 'onsortio( #or!in- a $o!!unit' o# persons ser)in- li#e parti$ipatin- in t(e %e)elop!ent o# so$iet' s(arin- in t(e li#e an% !ission o# t(e C(ur$(. I. ?ORMIN: A COMMUNITH O? PERSONS T(e #a!il' is a $o!!unit' o# persons: o# (us,an% an% *i#e" o# parents an% $(il%ren" relati)es an% ot(er persons *(o are sta'into-et(er in t(e sa!e roo#. .?C/ Love as the )rin iple and )ower o! 'o##union t(e per!anent po*er an% t(e #inal -oal is ,O2E -1an cannot live without love...0 love between husband and wife LOIE: e)er %eeper an% !ore intense $o!!union is t(e #oun%ation an% soul o# t(e $o!!unit' o# !arria-e an% t(e #a!il'. The .ndivisible ;nity of $on2ugal $ommunion 1. #irst $o!!union: t(e !an an% *o!an >are no lon-er t*o ,ut one #les(G 0. pro!ise o# total !utual sel#--i)in-. 4. natural $o!ple!entarit' t(at e+ists ,et*een !an an% *o!an 5. nurture% t(rou-( t(e personal *illin-ness o# t(e spouses to s(are t(eir entire li#e-pro=e$t 7. sa$ra!ent o# !atri!on': t(e &ol' Spirit *(o is poure% out" J o##ers C(ristian $ouples t(e -i#t o# a ne* $o!!union o# lo)eKuni6ue unit'

LOIE: t(e sour$e an% t(e $onstant i!petus #or *el$o!in-" respe$tin- an% pro!otinea$( one o# its !e!,ers t(e aut(enti$it' o# $on=u-al an% #a!il' relations(ips $onsists in #osterin- t(e %i-nit' an% )o$ation o# t(e in%i)i%ual persons" *(o a$(ie)e t(eir #ullness ,' sin$ere sel#--i)inspe$ial attention !ust ,e %e)ote% to t(e $(il%ren ,' %e)elopin- a pro#oun% estee! #or t(eir personal %i-nit'" an% a -reat respe$t an% -enerous $on$ern #or t(eir ri-(ts .Ri-(ts o# C(il%ren/ T(e el%erl' in t(e #a!il' ta<es an a$ti)e an% responsi,le part in #a!il'2 t(e' $arr' out t(e i!portant !ission o# ,ein- a *itness to t(e past an% a sour$e o# *is%o! #or t(e 'ounan% #or t(e #uture II. SERIIN: LI?E +.Transmission of life 7. 4ducating life 4ducating in the 4ssential =alues of Human >ife by begetting in love and for love, a new person who has within himself or herself the vocation to growth and development, parents by that very fact ta/e on the tas/ of helping that person effectively to live a fully human life parents !ust trustin-l' an% $oura-eousl' train t(eir $(il%ren in t(e essential )alues o# (u!an li#e C(il%ren !ust -ro* up *it( a $orre$t attitu%e o# #ree%o! *it( re-ar% to !aterial -oo%s strictly $hristian education of children calls upon them to share in the very authority and love of )od and the $hurch parents s(oul% s(o* t(eir $(il%ren t(e %ept(s o# si-ni#i$an$e to *(i$( t(e #ait( an% lo)e o# Cesus C(rist $an lea% e)er' a$t o# true lo)e to*ar%s a (u!an ,ein,ears *itness to an% per#e$ts t(e spiritual #e$un%it' o# t(e #a!il' III. Parti$ipatin- in t(e %e)elop!ent o# so$iet' T(e so$ial su,=e$ti)it' o# t(e #a!il'" ,ot( as a sin-le unit an% asso$iate% in a -roup" is e+presse% in t(e %e!onstrations o#

soli%arit' an% s(arin- in t(e )arious #or!s o# parti$ipation in so$ial an% politi$al li#e. T(e a$t o# parti$ipation (appens *(en t(e realit' o# t(e #a!il' is #oun%e% on lo)e: ,ein- ,orn in lo)e an% -ro*in- in lo)e. Soli%arit' ,elon-s to t(e #a!il' as a $onstituti)e an% stru$tural ele!ent. T(is is a soli%arit' t(at $an ta<e on t(e #eatures o# ser)i$e an% opens itsel# to a$$eptan$e" to -uar%ians(ip an% a%option. Soli%arit' a!on- #a!ilies is a,le to ,rine)er' situation o# %istress to t(e attention o# institutions so t(at" a$$or%in- to t(eir spe$i#i$ $o!peten$e" t(e' $an inter)ene. #a!ilies $an an% !ust ,e$o!e a$ti)e su,=e$ts" *or<in- Fto see t(at t(e la*s an% institutions o# t(e State support an% positi)el' %e#en% t(e ri-(ts an% %uties o# t(e #a!il' #a!ilies s(oul% -ro* in a*areness o# ,einMprota-onistsE o# *(at is <no*n as M#a!il' politi$sE an% assu!e responsi,ilit' #or trans#or!in- so$iet' On t(e e$ono!i$" so$ial" =uri%i$al an% $ultural le)els" t(e ri-(t#ul role o# #a!ilies an% #a!il' asso$iations !ust ,e re$o-ni9e% in t(e plannin- an% %e)elop!ent o# pro-ra!s *(i$( tou$( on #a!il' li#e. I24 Sharing in the ,ife and Mission of the !h%rch t(e #un%a!ental tas<s o# t(e C(ristian #a!il' is its e$$lesial tas<: -- T(e #a!il' is pla$e% at t(e ser)i$e o# t(e ,uil%in- up o# t(e <in-%o! o# :o% in (istor' ,' participating in the life and mission of the church. -- ' pro$lai!in- t(e *or% o# :o% t(e $(ur$( re)eals to t(e C(ristian #a!il' its true i%entit' --,' $ele,ratin- t(e sa$ra!ents t(e $(ur$( enri$(es an% stren-t(ens t(e C(ristian #a!il' *it( t(e -ra$e o# C(rist #or its san$ti#i$ation to t(e -lor' o# t(e ?at(er -- by the continuous proclamation of the new commandment of love the church encourages and guides the $hristian family to the service of love so that it may imitate and relive the same self?giving and sacrificial love that the >ord @esus has for the entire human race. t(e C(ristian #a!il' is a #ruit an% si-n o# t(e supernatural ri$(ness o# t(e $(ur$(" it

stan%s also as a s'!,ol" *itness an% parti$ipant o# t(e $(ur$(Es !ot(er(oo%. T(e C(ristian #a!il' is $alle% upon to an >inti!ate $o!!unit' o# li#e an% lo)e> at t(e ser)i$e o# t(e $(ur$( an% o# so$iet'. T(e #a!il' !ust ,e >o# one (eart an% soul> in #ait(" t(rou-( t(e s(are% apostoli$ 9eal t(at ani!ates t(e! an% t(rou-( t(eir s(are% $o!!it!ent to *or<s o# ser)i$e in t(e e$$lesial an% $i)il $o!!unities T(e C(ristian #a!il' also ,uil%s up t(e <in-%o! o# :o% in (istor' t(rou-( t(e e)er'%a' realities t(at $on$ern an% %istin-uis( its state o# li#e Lo)e an% Li#e $onstitute t(e nu$leus o# t(e sa)in!ission o# t(e C(ristian #a!il' in t(e $(ur$( an% #or t(e $(ur$(.

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