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Situation of human rights in Kosovo

Sub-Commission resolution 1995/10

The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities,

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,

Recalling its resolution 1993/9 of 20 August 1993,

Recalling also Commission on Human Rights resolutions 1992/S-1/1 of 14 August 1992, 1992/S-2/1 of 1
December 1992, 1993/7 of 23 February 1993 and 1994/76 of 9 March 1994, and General Assembly resolution
49/204 of 23 December 1994,

Taking note of the reports of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of
human rights in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, in which he describes the various discriminatory
measures taken in the legislative, administrative and judicial areas, acts of violence and arbitrary arrests and
further deterioration of the human rights situation in Kosovo including:

(a) Police brutality against ethnic Albanians, the deaths of ethnic Albanians resulting from such brutality,
arbitrary searches, seizures and arrests, forced evictions, torture and ill-treatment of detainees, and discrimination
in the administration of justice, including several trials, which are still going on, of former Albanian policemen,

(b) Discriminatory and arbitrary dismissals of ethnic Albanian civil servants, notably from the ranks of the police
and the judiciary, mass dismissals of ethnic Albanians, confiscation and expropriation of their property,
discrimination against Albanian pupils and teachers, the closing of Albanian language secondary schools and the
Albanian university, as well as the closing of Albanian cultural and scientific institutions,

(c) The harassment and persecution of political parties and associations of ethnic Albanians and their leaders and
activists who, on a permanent basis, are subjected to inhuman and degrading il-treatment and arrest,

(d) The intimidation, systematic harassment and imprisonment of ethnic Albanian journalists and disruption of
the Albanian language news media,

(e) The dismissal of doctors and other medical staff from clinics and hospitals,

(f) The elimination in practice of the Albanian language, particularly in the public administration and services,

(g) The serious and massive occurrence of discriminatory and repressive practices aimed at Kosovo Albanians as
a whole, which is resulting in widespread involuntary migration, and noting that these measures and practices
constitute a form of silent "ethnic cleansing",

Gravely concerned that the new Citizenship Law awaiting approval by the Parliament of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) may cause further deterioration of the situation of human rights and that its
purpose is to change the demographic composition of Kosovo through new settlement schemes,

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Recognizing that the long-term mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to Kosovo
played a positive role in monitoring the human rights situation and preventing an escalation of the tension there,
and recalling in this context Security Council resolution 855 (1993) of 9 August 1993,

Considering that the re-establishment of the international presence in Kosovo to monitor and investigate the
situation of human rights is of the greatest importance in preventing the situation in Kosovo from deteriorating
into a violent conflict,

1. Strongly condemns the measures and practices of discrimination and the violation of human rights of ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo committed by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and

2. Condemns the large-scale repression by the police and military of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) of the defenceless ethnic Albanian population and the discrimination against the ethnic
Albanians in education, the administrative and judicial branches of government, health care and employment
aimed at forcing ethnic Albanians to leave their land;

3. Requests that the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro):

(a) Take all necessary measures to bring to an immediate end all human rights violations against ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo, including, in particular, discriminatory measures and practices, arbitrary searches and
detention, violation of the right to a fair trial and the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading

(b) Revoke all discriminatory legislation, in particular that which has entered into force since 1989;

(c) Release all political prisoners in Kosovo;

(d) Establish genuine democratic institutions in Kosovo, including the parliament and judiciary, and respect the
will of its inhabitants as the best means of preventing the escalation of conflict there;

(e) Reopen all the cultural and scientific institutions of the ethnic Albanians;

(f) Pursue dialogue with the representatives of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo under the auspices of the
International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia;

4. Demands that the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cooperate fully
and immediately with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human
rights in the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the discharge of his functions as requested by the Commission
in its resolution 1994/76 and other relevant resolutions;

5. Encourages the Secretary-General to pursue his humanitarian efforts in the former Yugoslavia, in liaison with
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Children's Fund and other
appropriate humanitarian organizations, with a view to taking urgent practical steps to address the critical needs
of the people of Kosovo, especially of the most vulnerable groups affected by the conflict, and to assisting in the
voluntary return of displaced persons to their homes;

6. Urges the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) to allow the immediate
and unconditional return of the long-term mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to
Kosovo, called for in Security Council resolution 855 (1993);

7. Requests the Secretary-General to seek ways and means, including through consultations with the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and relevant regional organizations, to establish an adequate
international monitoring presence in Kosovo and to report thereon to the General Assembly;

8. Calls upon the Special Rapporteur to continue to monitor closely the human rights situation in Kosovo and to
pay special attention to this matter in reporting;

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9. Calls upon the relevant United Nations bodies not to recognize the legal effects which might derive from the
entering into force of the Citizenship Law;

10. Decides to continue the examination of the human rights situation in Kosovo at its forty-eighth session,
under the same agenda item.

27th meeting
18 August 1995
[Adopted by secret ballot by 17 votes to 3, with 4 abstentions.]

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