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Palestine Final Resolution 15th Oic

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4 – 5 MAY 2024



The 15th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Summit of Strengthening Unity and Solidarity
Through Dialogue for Sustainable Development) held in Banjul, Republic of the Gambia, on 25-26
Shawwal, 1445 AH - May 4-5, 2024 CE,
Having considered the Secretary-General's report on the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli
conflict contained in Document No. (IS/14-2019/PAL/SG.REP);
Proceeding from the principles and objectives contained in the Charter of the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC),
Adopting the resolutions issued by the ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the Islamic Summit,
especially the Extraordinary Joint Arab Islamic summit to consider the Israeli aggression against the
Palestinian people, which was held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in November 2023; the 14th
Session of the Islamic Summit Conference chaired by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King
Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, which was held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
on 31 May 2019; the 7th Extraordinary Summit, which was held in Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye, in
May 2018, the 6th Extraordinary Islamic Summit under the chairmanship of H.E. Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, and the Extraordinary Session of the Council of Foreign
Ministers (CFM) on Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, which was held in Istanbul, Türkiye, in December 2017, and
all the OIC resolutions on the Palestinian issue and all the occupied Arab territories, including the CFM
resolutions, the most recent of which was the CFM 49th Session in Nouakchott, and the final
communiqués issued by the meetings of the Executive Committee at the ministerial level, which
confirm our unwavering and principled position with regard to the Cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-
Sharif, and our condemnation of the brutal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, and the
necessity of confronting and standing against this aggression, stopping it, and ending all illegal Israeli
practices that perpetuate the colonial occupation and deprive the Palestinian people of their rights,
especially their right to self-determination, freedom, and independence,
Reaffirming the need to take practical measures against states that undermine the existing historical,
legal, and religious status of the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif or contribute to consolidating the Israeli
occupation and colonization of the city,
Emphasizing all relevant resolutions issued by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and
the Security Council (UNSC), in particular Resolutions No. 181 (1947), 242 (1967), 252 (1968), 338
(1990) 681, (1980) 478, 1980) 476, (1980) 465(1978) 425, (1973), 1073(1996), 1397 (2002), 1435
(2002), 1515 (2003), and UNGA Resolution No. 194 (1948) on the issue of Palestinian refugees,
including UNSC Resolution 2334 (2016) and all resolutions of the UNGA held under the title “United
for Peace” in its 10th Special and Regular Sessions, regarding the illegal Israeli actions in occupied East
Al-Quds and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, especially Resolution No. A/ RES/ES-10/22
“Protecting Civilians and Upholding Legal and Humanitarian Obligations” of December 12, 2023, as
well as UNSC Resolutions 2712 (2023), 2720 (2023) calling for “urgent steps to immediately allow
safe, unhindered, and expanded humanitarian access and to create the conditions for a sustainable
cessation of hostilities,” and 2728 (2024) which demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip,


Guided by the UN Charter and purposes, its relevant resolutions, and principles, most notably the
principle of the inadmissibility of seizing the lands of others by force, the right of peoples to self-
determination, and respect for the principles of human rights and non-discrimination ,
Recalling UNGA Resolution No. 85/292 of May 06, 2004, regarding the status of the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, including East Al-Quds, and Resolution No. 67/19 of November 29, 2012,
according to which Palestine was granted observer state status in the United Nations according to the
internationally agreed-upon two-state solution and based on the pre-1967 borders,
Recalling also the legal advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of July 09, 2004,
on the legal consequences arising from the construction of the apartheid wall in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, and reaffirming the relevant UNGA resolutions relevant to the implementation
of the legal opinion, and also welcoming the adoption by the UNGA 77th Session a request for an
advisory opinion from the ICJ on the legal implications of the Israeli occupation’s policies and practices
in Palestine, including East Al-Quds, and the consequences of this occupation and the illegal practices
associated with it, and thanks the Member States that supported the State of Palestine in this endeavor
by submitting legal pleadings in this regard before the ICJ,
Considering all resolutions and recommendations of reports issued by the UN, the Human Rights
Council (HRC), commissions of inquiry, and special rapporteurs relating to Israeli violations of human
rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Al-Quds and other Arab territories occupied
since 1967, as well as resolutions issued by the Non-Aligned Movement, the African Union, and the
League of Arab States, all of which affirm that the Israeli colonial occupation of Palestinian land and
discrimination against Palestinians are the “root causes” of the recurring tensions, instability and
prolongation of conflict in the region, and call for ensuring the accountability of the occupying state
for its violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including
putting an end to Israel’s impunity,
Recalling the Nakba as a historical human tragedy and catastrophe in the context of a colonial plan
that began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and included systematic Jewish immigration to
Palestine and the commission of the crime of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people at the hands of
Zionist gangs since 1947, which led to the forcible displacement of nearly a million Palestinian Arabs
from their land, robbery of their property and cultural heritage, the attempt to tear apart their social
fabric, the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages, and the continuation of the Nakba
by continuing the racist Israeli colonial occupation, its aggression against the Palestinian people and
their land and the denial of their legitimate rights, including their right to return and self-determination,
Condemning the continuation of the illegal Israeli military occupation of the occupied territory of the
State of Palestine, and all of its intensive and systematic colonial activities in all their manifestations,
and renewing its call to the international community and international organizations to work to
immediately end this settler colonial occupation and the apartheid regime it established, and
denouncing all systematic and widespread Israeli crimes and violations and the escalation against the
defenseless Palestinian people, including field executions, arbitrary detention, torture, forced
displacement, house demolitions, land confiscation and other acts of violence, as well as the apartheid
policies that it established to consolidate its colonization of the land of the State of Palestine, and
stressing the responsibility of the international community to hold Israel, the colonial occupation
power, accountable and taking practical steps, including imposing penalties for all these crimes, in
accordance with international law and international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva


Convention, to ensure their non-recurrence by activating the legal and international frameworks that
provide protection for the Palestinian people,
Commending the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their just and valiant struggle to achieve
their legitimate national aspirations and realize their inalienable rights, including the right to self-
determination, independence, sovereignty over their land, and the return of refugees to their homes,
1. Reaffirms the centrality of the Palestine Cause, with Holy Al-Quds at its heart for the entire Islamic
Ummah, the Arab and Islamic identity of occupied Al-Quds, and the necessity of defending the sanctity
of the Islamic and Christian holy places therein; also affirms at the same time that this Cause is similar
to all other just causes of peoples struggling to break free from colonialism and gain their rights.
2. Condemns in the strongest terms the genocide being committed by the Israeli occupation forces against
the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip and the entire occupied Palestinian territory, including
Al-Quds, including killing, bombing, starvation, and destruction of civilian objects and infrastructure,
which claimed the lives of over 34500 Palestinian citizens, and injured over 77500 others, the majority
of whom are women and children, in addition to the displacement of over 1.7 million Palestinians, and
reiterates its absolute rejection of any justification for this barbaric aggression that targets civilians,
and insists on starving them, depriving them of basic materials and safe access to humanitarian aid,
and forcibly deporting them under any pretext in contravention of all international norms and laws, and
the most basic human principles and values, and allows the continuation of the crime of genocide.
3. Emphasizes the significant efforts undertaken by the Arab-Islamic Ministerial Group, headed by the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,, Chair of the 32nd Session of the Arab Summit and the 14th Session of the
Islamic Summit Conference, and the Extraordinary Joint Arab and Islamic Summit, with the
membership of Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Turkiye, Indonesia and Nigeria, on behalf of all
Member States of the OIC and the League of Arab States, with the aim of ending the crimes of genocide
committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and ending the long-standing
Israeli colonial occupation of the State of Palestine, achieve the vision of the two-state solution, and
thus reach lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with international law and UN resolutions,
and calls on them to continue their efforts in this regard in order to stop the barbaric aggression against
the Palestinian people and end the causes that lead to its continuation, and to adopt a new approach to
enable the Palestinian people to exercise their rights, including ending the colonial occupation and
granting the State of Palestine its independence.
4. Calls on the OIC Member States to exercise diplomatic, political and legal pressure and to take any
deterrent measures to stop the crimes of the Israeli colonial occupation, and the genocidal war it is
waging against the Palestinian people, including by imposing sanctions at all international economic,
sports and cultural levels, expelling Israel from international organizations and forums, refraining from
supporting its candidacy to international positions, and freezing the assets of persons and entities
proven to have been involved in the crimes committed against the Palestinian People; urges the OIC
Member States to consider imposing sanctions on persons/entities that support Israel in its crimes
against the Palestinian people, and requests the OIC General Secretariat to consider this measure in
all its aspects and to report thereon to the Member States;
5. Demands an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and cessation of the all-out aggression against the
Palestinian people in Gaza, the provision of humanitarian, medical, and relief aid, the provision of
water and electricity, and the opening of humanitarian corridors to deliver urgent aid to the Gaza Strip
in an unimpeded and adequate manner; Warns of the danger of continuing the crime of genocide and
ethnic cleansing, including starvation, deprivation of water, and preventing entry of fuel, which led to


a genuine disaster for all health and humanitarian sectors; and Calls for an immediate investigation
into these crimes, including the horrific mass graves that were recently discovered in many locations
in the Gaza Strip, and stresses the responsibility of all States to confront and stop this crime, and to
strictly comply with the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, and rejects
characterizing the genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people as self-
defense or justifying it under any pretext;
6. Deplores the positions of some countries that apply double standards and support the brutal aggression
against the Palestinian people, granting the Israeli occupation immunity and providing it with impunity,
and affirms that these positions are inconsistent with international law and UN resolutions and will
only increase the cycle of violence and destruction, fuel extremism, and escalate the conflict in the
region, and punish the Palestinian people, including inflammatory speeches that call for genocide and
strip the Palestinian people of their humanity.
7. Urgently calls on the OIC Member States to do everything necessary at all levels to stop and confront
the crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people, hold their perpetrators, be they
civilian or military, accountable and bring them to justice, provide all forms of financial support and
humanitarian relief, and work to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip since
over 16 years.
8. Condemns the crime of forced disappearance committed by the occupation forces since the beginning
of the current aggression against thousands of Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip and throughout the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, including women, children, and the elderly, in addition to the abuse,
oppression, torture, and humiliating and degrading treatment to which they are subjected, and calls on
the OIC Member States to act at all levels to uncover the fate of the abductees, release them
immediately, ensure protection for them, and demand an independent and transparent investigation into
this crime, including the policy of executing Palestinian detainees in its prisons. (Jordan)
9. Stresses that it fully and absolutely rejects and stands collectively against any attempts at individual or
collective forced transfer, displacement, exile, or deportation of the Palestinian people, whether inside
the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, including Al-Quds, or outside their territories to any other destination,
whatever it is, as this amounts to a war crime and a crime against humanity, and emphasized the
collective response to these attempts.
10. Emphasizes the central significance of the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 2720
and the necessity for the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction
in Gaza to assume her responsibilities in the meticulous implementation of the said resolution and the
establishment of a mechanism within the Gaza Strip to facilitate entry of humanitarian assistance and
avoid Israeli obstacles, in full cooperation and coordination with United Nations agencies operating in
the Gaza Strip, especially UNRWA, to allow for the immediate flow of humanitarian aid through all
crossings between Israel, the colonial occupation authority and the Gaza Strip, while holding the Israeli
occupation responsible as an occupying authority.
11. Supports the role of the Arab Republic of Egypt in providing and facilitating entry of humanitarian
aid into Gaza, supports all the steps it takes to confront the consequences of the brutal Israeli
aggression on Gaza, as well as its efforts to bring aid into the Gaza Strip in an immediate, sustainable
and adequate manner, in addition to its role in ending the aggression
12. Condemns the systematic and widespread colonial policies of the Israeli government and all frantic
colonial activities in all their manifestations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Al-


Quds, which constitutes a grave violation of international law as a war crime and a crime against
humanity and undermines the chances of reaching a political settlement based on the two-state solution,
and expresses its deep concern about the successive settlement announcements of Israel, the colonial
occupying power, and all other colonial practices that endanger international peace and security.
13. Condemns also the system of oppression established by the Israeli colonial occupation, including the
ongoing arbitrary detention campaigns that affect all the Palestinian people, including children and
women, in addition to the policy of administrative detention that violates an inherent human right and
expresses deep concern about the unjust, inhumane conditions to which Palestinian prisoners,
specifically children, are exposed in Israeli detention centers, their continued detention, torture and
deprivation of appropriate health care, and the humiliating treatment of their families by Israel, the
colonial occupation authority, including depriving them of visits, confirms the illegitimacy of the racist
Israeli judicial system that permits such illegal and inhumane policies, and calls on all international
bodies, the Red Cross, and the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to assume their
responsibilities in this regard.
14. Condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist acts committed by the Israeli settlers against defenseless
Palestinian citizens and their property, which have escalated dangerously under the protection of the
Israeli colonial occupation forces by arming them and inciting the killing of Palestinians, and in this
regard calls for the settlers to be held accountable for the crimes they commit against the Palestinian
people and their property, and to work to classify the Jewish settlement movements and their
accomplices as terrorist groups, organizations, and armed militias and include them on global terrorist
lists, including the UN lists, calls on the General Secretariat, in cooperation with the State of Palestine,
to prepare this list and circulate it to the Member States to take the necessary measures, and welcomes
the decisions of countries that imposed sanctions on several settlers on the grounds of committing
terrorist acts, crimes and attacks against Palestinian citizens, and considers it a step in the right
direction towards imposing comprehensive sanctions on the settler colonial system on the land of the
State of Palestine.
15. Affirms that peace and security in the Middle East region, as a strategic option and necessity, will not
be achieved except with the complete withdrawal of Israel, the occupying power, from the territory of
the State of Palestine occupied since 1967, especially Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, in accordance with
international law and what is stipulated in the relevant international resolutions, and the Arab Peace
Initiative, with all its elements and its natural sequence, as stated in the Beirut Summit in 2002, which
stipulated that peace with Israel must be preceded by ending its occupation of the Palestinian and Arab
lands occupied since 1967, including East Al-Quds, and its recognition of the State of Palestine and
the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and the right
of return for Palestinian refugees, in accordance with Resolution 194 (1948).
16. Undertakes to work with the international community to confront and end all colonial practices of
Israel and to force it to abide by its obligations as an occupying power under international law and
international humanitarian law, and calls on international actors to end their bias and take practical and
irreversible steps to achieve this, and to sponsor a serious multilateral political path according to a
timetable under international auspices based on international law and aiming to achieve peace based
on the two-state solution and ending the long-standing Israeli colonial occupation that began in 1967,
including by calling for an international peace conference.
17. Stresses that any proposal for a peace process in the Middle East from any party that is inconsistent
with international law and the agreed upon terms of reference is rejected, will not achieve any results,


and will be doomed to failure, and in this regard calls on the Member States to confront any financial
or political blackmail to which the Palestinian people and their leadership are exposed for imposing
unfair solutions to the Palestinian issue that affect the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, most
notably the right to self-determination, independence, and return.
18. Supports the legal measures taken by the State of Palestine, supported by the Member States, in
confronting the policies of the Israeli colonial occupation, affirms its right to confront the intransigence
of the Israeli occupation and the continuation of its crimes against the Palestinian people, including
turning to international courts, including the ICC, to decide on the illegality of the existence of
occupation on the land of the State of Palestine, and calls on the OIC Member States and the General
Secretariat to support these actions by all possible means.
19. Urges the ICC Prosecutor for the speedy completion of the criminal investigation into war crimes and
crimes against humanity being committed by officials of the Israeli colonial occupation government
against the defenseless Palestinian people and to bring the criminals to international justice and calls
on the OIC Member States and the General Secretariat to provide the necessary technical and financial
support to the State of Palestine in this field, including supporting the move to universal jurisdiction to
confront the crimes of the occupation and hold perpetrators accountable; and Thanks South Africa,
Comoros, Djibouti, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Chile and Mexico for referring the situation in
the State of Palestine to the International Criminal Court.
20. Reiterates its call on the OIC Member States to support efforts aimed at expanding international
recognition of the State of Palestine and enabling it to obtain UN full-fledged membership at the earliest
opportunity and to work with countries that have not recognized the State of Palestine to do so as soon
as possible; welcomes, in this regard, the recognition of the State of Palestine by Barbados, Jamaica,
and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago condemns the United States of America’s obstruction of the
UN Security Council’s recommendation to accept Palestine’s membership in the United Nations,
which contradicts the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter and its relevant resolutions
and the international consensus on the two-state solution.
21. Emphasizes the commitment to support resolutions on the Palestinian issue, including Al-Quds, in all
international forums and by all OIC Member States, requests the OIC General Secretariat and the OIC
subsidiary, affiliated, and specialized organs and institutions, including the Islamic Development Bank,
to take the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of the OIC resolutions on the Palestinian
issue and Al-Quds Ash-Sharif; calls for taking legal measures against non-compliant countries,
including freezing membership, and Calls for convening a meeting to discuss their sensitive issue.
22. Condemns and rejects the identification of some countries with the policies of the Israeli colonial
occupation, including moving their embassies to the city of Al-Quds and opening commercial offices
there, in plain violation of international law and UN resolutions, including UNSC Resolution No. 478
(1980) and other relevant resolutions, considers it as a complicity in the occupation and a blatant attack
on the historical, legal, and natural rights of the Palestinian people and a targeting of their legitimate
aspirations to gain their freedom and independence, and on the rights of Christians and Muslims around
the world, which threatens international peace and security, demands that the United States of
America, Guatemala, Honduras, Kosovo, Papua Guinea, Hungary, Serbia, and the Czech Republic,
and Liberia abide by international law and international legitimacy resolutions, and calls on the OIC
Member States to take all measures that would urge these countries to backtrack on these hostile steps
in implementation of the relevant resolutions.


23. Considers any actions or decisions that aim to change the historical and legal status of the City of Al-
Quds Ash-Sharif and change its status or demographic character null and void, have no legal effect,
and illegitimate, demands all countries to refrain from establishing/opening diplomatic missions in the
City of Al-Quds, urges all OIC Member States to boycott those countries, and stop any relations,
commercial exchanges, and visits with them, whether political, cultural, sporting, or artistic, until they
backtrack on such actions and adhere to the relevant UNSC resolutions.
24. Highlights the importance of the implementation on the previously made calls in support of the
Palestinian cause in the face of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and urges the Member
States and the OIC Secretariat to implement those measures effectively such as convening of an
international peace conference, activating the Arab and Islamic financial safety net, application of all
feasible and effective diplomatic, legal and deterrent measures to stop Israel’s practices, and asserts
the need to form a practical and effective mechanism to protect Palestinian civilians in implementation
of the resolution of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly on the protection of the
Palestinian people. formation of a practical and effective mechanism to protect the Palestinian civilians
in implementation of the relevant UN resolutions as well as working on establishment of a guarantee
mechanism to ensure proper implementation of a peace agreement;
25. Stresses the need to continue verifying that Israeli credentials to the UN do not include the Palestinian
territory occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Al-Quds, and calls on the OIC General
Secretariat to form a committee of the Member States to follow up on this file with the UN and its
organizations; and examine the consistency of its membership with the United Nations Charter, given
its clear violations of the terms of membership and its repeated violations of its resolutions.
26. Renews its condemnation of the repeated attacks by Israel, the colonial occupying authority, on the
Islamic and Christian holy places in and around Al-Quds, its demolition and robbery of Palestinian
homes therein, and all its colonial practices, including its settlement activities, the construction of the
wall of annexation and racial expansion, and other actions it undertakes to change its position, status,
legal standing, demographic composition, and Arab-Islamic and Christian character, as well as illegal
and provocative excavations under the Al-Haram Ash-Sharif and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and warns against
violating the sanctity of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and closing the Gate of Mercy, and the danger
of the continuing incursions by settlers and Israeli officials, and holds Israel, the occupying power,
responsible for the consequences of these racist and hostile practices.
27. Calls on the OIC Member States, in cooperation with the UN, to work to provide protection for
Palestinian civilians and to form a practical and effective mechanism for this in the implementation of
the UNGA and UNSC resolutions on the protection of the Palestinian people, including Resolution 904
(1994), and the report of the UN Secretary-General in this regard.
28. Emphasizes the historical and legal responsibility of the UN and its organs towards the question of
Palestine and rejects the policies of Israel, the occupying power, its attacks on the UN Secretary-
General and other international figures, and the prevention of the entry of UN employees and the threats
to do so, including the special rapporteurs, the Director of the Office of the High Commissioner, and
other active international institutions, as part of their efforts to obscure the facts and hide their crimes
against the Palestinian people.
29. Emphasizes the responsibility of the UN towards the issue of Palestinian refugees and the centrality
of the role of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in alleviating the
plight of Palestinian refugees and helping to provide regional stability and vital services to
approximately 5.9 million Palestinian refugees, rejects any prejudice to its role or cancellation of its


mandate, denounces the rabid incitement campaign launched by the Israeli occupation against
UNRWA, which seeks to liquidate its existence, condemns some countries’ suspension of their
financial support for the UNRWA, demands that they immediately reconsider their irresponsible
positions, calls on countries to provide their contributions to sustainable funding for UNRWA and to
provide financial resources to the Development Endowment Fund, which aims to provide sustainable
support to it, and in this regard, appreciates the efforts of the OIC Member States that have generously
contributed to mobilizing resources to support UNRWA so that it can continue its tasks and
responsibilities, and the role played by the Arab countries hosting Palestinian refugees;
30. Adopts May 15 of each year as an Arab, Islamic, and international day to commemorate the Nakba,
and taking measures at the level of states and international and regional organizations to commemorate
this painful memory as a reminder of the necessity of ending the suffering of the Palestinian people
and their refugees exercising their right to return and compensation in accordance with the UNGA
resolution No. 194, condemning the denial of the Nakba, questioning the tragedy that befell the
Palestinian people, and ignoring the crimes against humanity committed by the Zionist gangs against
them, which led to their forced displacement from their land, and calls on the United States of America,
Britain, and Israel to assume their historical, legal, and moral responsibilities and recognize the Nakba
that befell the Palestinian people and apologize for it, redress the damage, and provide just
compensation to the Palestinian people.
31. Calls on the OIC Member States to support the efforts of the State of Palestine in UNESCO to preserve
the cultural and educational places and the tangible and intangible cultural and historical heritage of
Palestine, especially in Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, including the appointment of a permanent representative
of the UNESCO Director-General in Al-Quds old town to monitor the measures falling within the
Organization’s competence, and the dispatching of the interactive monitoring mission from UNIESCO
to Al-Quds to monitor all violations; and to cooperate closely with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
to ensure the implementation of relevant resolutions, including the reference to Al-Aqsa Mosque/ Al-
Haram Ash-Sharif in the legal manner approved by the UN system and rejecting any designation that
does not agree with it, and in this regard, condemns Israel's blatant disregard for UNESCO resolutions,
including obstructing the restoration projects implemented by the Hashemite Fund and the
Endowments Department in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque yard, preventing the entry of the
UNESCO team (the Interactive Monitoring Unit) to the Old City and its surroundings, and changing
authentic parts of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the imposition of Israeli educational curricula on Palestinian
schools in Al-Quds Ash-Sharif.
32. Calls on the Director-General of UNESCO to carry out its duty within the mandate granted to it,
including condemning the attacks of the colonial occupation authorities, and to send the Interactive
Monitoring Unit and its special envoy to assess the situation of the Holy City of Al-Quds and the Gaza
Strip due to the destruction that Israel deliberately caused of heritage, cultural, and educational places,
such as schools and universities and targeting journalists and media organizations to take action to help
rebuild them.
33. Stresses the importance of the submission by a number of Member States and the General Secretariat
of proceedings to the International Court of Justice during its deliberations on the advisory opinion on
the legal implications of the Israeli occupation’s policies and practices in Palestine, including East Al-
Quds, at the request of the United Nations General Assembly, and appreciates the participation in
person of H.E. the Secretary-General and his address directly to the Court alongside the OIC legal team
during the Court's oral arguments session on February 19-26, 2024.


34. Welcomes the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, and Affirms the
need for their immediate implementation to prevent Israel, the occupying power, from committing
further acts of genocide against the Palestinian people; Thanks the Republic of South Africa for filing
a case with the ICJ, Urges all countries to declare their involvement in that case, and Stresses the
necessity of pursuing political and legal efforts in order to achieve a complete and comprehensive
cessation of the Israeli crime of brutal military aggression, and all acts of genocide, including killing,
displacement and destruction, committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip and the rest
of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in an effort to consider accountability for the violations of
international law committed by the occupying power, as well as remedies and compensation for the
Palestinian civilian population.
35. Warns all countries that participate directly or indirectly in committing genocide against the
Palestinian people, and considers them direct accomplices in this heinous crime, and welcomes, in
this regard, the step taken by the Republic of Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice.
36. Calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to assume their responsibilities
under Common Article I of the Geneva Conventions, take all necessary measures to respect the rules
of international humanitarian law and its main principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, deter the grave violations committed by the colonial occupying
authorities against Palestinian civilians, refrain from getting involved in them, and hold their
perpetrators accountable by convening a meeting of the States Parties as soon as possible.
37. Renews its support for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate representative
of the Palestinian people, and expresses its support for President Mahmoud Abbas's efforts to achieve
Palestinian national unity within the framework of the PLO as an essential step for achieving the
Palestinian people's legitimate aspirations for freedom, independence, and the embodiment of their
national rights.
38. Demands the international community and its institutions to criminalize the policies of apartheid
pursued by the Israeli colonial occupation in all of the historic lands of Palestine, calls on the UN
countries to deal with the Israeli colonial occupation as an illegal presence on the land of the State of
Palestine, and boycott it, and calls on all countries, institutions, companies, and individuals to stop all
forms of direct and indirect dealing with this colonial system that must be ended immediately.
39. Calls on all countries to take measures to prevent Israel from continuing its crimes against the
Palestinian people, including stopping the export of weapons and ammunition to Israel, the occupying
power, that uses its army to commit the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip and other crimes committed
by terrorist settlers in killing Palestinians in the West Bank, including Al-Quds, including preventing
the use of its ports and airspace to transport these weapons and ammunition.
40. Condemns the systematic and continuous piracy carried out by Israel, the occupying power, of the
funds of the Palestinian people, and the theft of Palestinian tax revenues and allocations to the families
of Palestinian martyrs and prisoners in violation of international law and the agreements signed
between the two parties, calls on the international community to condemn and stop this piracy and
other Israeli practices, and on the OIC Member States to expedite the formation of an Islamic financial
safety network in support of the general budget of the State of Palestine to confront political pressures
and the stifling financial crisis, and assigns the General Secretariat to follow up on the implementation
of this based on its previous resolutions, including the Final Communique of the 13th Islamic Summit.


41. Calls on all Islamic organizations and funds, civil society organizations, and the private sector to
support Al-Quds projects in coordination with the State of Palestine within the framework of
implementing all previous resolutions and plans submitted by the State of Palestine related to providing
the necessary support for the Holy City of Al-Quds.
42. Calls on the Member States to take the necessary measures that would strengthen the steadfastness of
the Palestinian people on their land, including exempting Palestinian goods and products from customs
duties, fees, and taxes with a similar effect and without quantitative or qualitative restrictions, and
supporting the efforts of the State of Palestine to disengage from the Israeli occupation and develop
national industries.
43. Appreciates the distinguished effort made by the Islamic Group within the Security Council, and the
efforts made by the United Arab Emirates during its membership in the Security Council and the
success of its efforts in the United Nations Security Council’s adoption of Resolution 2712 (2023) as
well as Resolution 2720 (2023), which called for taking concrete steps to increase the flow of
“Humanitarian aid that Palestinians desperately need, and protection for UN staff and humanitarian
workers on the ground in the Gaza Strip.”
44. Praises the continuous efforts of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to support the
Palestinian Cause, especially in the UN Security Council, which resulted in the adoption of Security
Council Resolution 2728 (2024) on the immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip, and expresses its deep
appreciation for its holding of the conference to end division and achieve reconciliation as a positive
step on the path to Palestinian national unity, which led to the adoption of the “Algeria Declaration”
on 12 October 2022, and appreciates and supports the tireless efforts made by Algerian President,
Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to ensure the success of this historic endeavor.
45. Praises the efforts made by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the role of His Majesty King
Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, the Guardian of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds Ash-
Sharif, in defending, protecting, and preserving the city of Al-Quds and its Islamic and Christian
sanctities and supporting the steadfastness of its Palestinian Arab Maqdisite population on their land
in the face of Israeli violations and illegal measures, which aim to change the Arab, Islamic, and
Christian identity of the city and renews its rejection of all Israeli attempts that affect Hashemite
46. Commends the continuing efforts made by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-
Quds Committee, to protect the Islamic holy sites in Al-Quds Ash-Sharif and to stand up to the
measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities with the aim of Judaizing the Holy City and
appreciates the tangible role played by the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Ash-Sharif Agency, emanating from
the Al-Quds Committee, through implementing development projects and activities for the benefit of
the residents of the Holy City and supporting their steadfastness.
47. Calls on the Member States to provide support to Al-Quds Fund and Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency,
affiliated with Al-Quds Committee, and to establish endowments in Islamic countries dedicated to
supporting Al-Quds and its residents, enabling them to carry out their tasks of implementing
development projects and preserving the Arab, Islamic, and cultural character of the city of Al-Quds,
and strengthening the steadfastness of its people in the face of ongoing Israeli occupation measures
aimed at Judaizing the holy city.


48. Emphasizes that restoring peace in the Palestinian territory and supporting the post-conflict
reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and other affected areas of the territory is the key to ensuring security
and stability in the region
49. Calls for the activation of the Ministerial Contact group on Al-Quds to develop an action plan that
includes visiting all influential capitals to protect the city of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif from the fierce
campaign launched by the colonial occupation authorities against the Palestinian people and their
efforts to Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque and all other religious places in the city of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, and
to submit a report to the upcoming Islamic Summit on its efforts.
50. Requests the Secretary-General to follow up on the implementation of this resolution and submit a
report on this matter to the next session of the Summit.


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