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About The Institution

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ABOUT THE INSTITUTION Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), one of the premier technical institutions in Tamilnadu, was

established in 19 !" The College is situated on the Chennai # $angalore %ational &ighwa' (%&() about )* km south+west of Chennai" The college offers 1, -. programmes and 1/ 0. programmes" The %ational $oard of 1ccreditation accredited man' of the eligible programmes, and SVCE is an 2S3 9,,14/,, certified institution" DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering noted the recent growth in 5odern 2ndustrial $iotechnolog'" 2n order to support the growth in biotechnolog', SVCE started the 6epartment of $iotechnolog' in /,,! under the guidance of our Chairman 6r"1"C"5uthiah, a well known 2ndustrialist who understands the strength of 2ndustrial $iotechnolog'" The department offers $"Tech and 5"Tech $iotechnolog' programme under 1nna -ni7ersit', Chennai, appro7ed b' 12CTE" 2t is also appro7ed as a 8esearch Center in $iotechnolog' for 5"S" (b' 8esearch) and 0h"6" programmes b' 1nna -ni7ersit', Chennai" PROGRAM OBJECTIVE The ob9ecti7e of this program is to pro7ide a platform for the students and research scholars to ac:uire knowledge and hands on e;perience in the pilot scale

mammalian cell culture using <1VE $ioreactor" 5ammalian cell culture technolog' has become a ma9or field in modern biotechnolog', especiall' in the area of human health" =ascinating de7elopments achie7ed in the past decades, due to the interdisciplinar' approach between 5edicine, $iolog' and Engineering has changed the trend for production of classical products from cells to 7iral 7accines, monoclonal antibodies, and also recombinant therapeutic proteins" This workshop would focus on the mammalian cell culture techni:ue with a <1VE $ioreactor" PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS $ioreactors from small+ (ml range up to 1, >) to large+scale (up to /, ?>) ha7e been de7eloped o7er the past !, 'ears for mammalian cell culture+based applications" The <1VE $ioreactor s'stem is a 7ersatile s'stem designed for use both in 8 @ 6 and production units, which is the main focus of this workshop" 2t consists of a base unit with 7arious integral options suitable for culturing multiple cell lines" <1VE $ioreactor has an ad7antage of lowering shear stress, reducing cell damage compared to classical stirred+tank reactors, due to the gentle li:uid motion in the rocking cell bag" This enables the researchers and students to ha7e an e;perience in mammalian cell culturing techni:ues using <1VE $ioreactor" $esides learning about <1VE $ioreactor, industr' e;perts

from .E &ealthcare 0ri7ate >imited will present the challenges faced in mammalian cell culture applications and the latest de7elopments relating to the use of <1VE $ioreactor" PARTICIPANTS 8esearch scholars, students, professionals from academia and industr' are the anticipated participants" Total number of participants is limited to /!" Therefore, earl' registration is highl' recommended" VENUE AND DURATION This workshop is organiAed at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), Sriperumbudur, Tamilnadu, 2ndia, on %o7ember 1/th, /,1)" TRANSPORT The participants can a7ail the SVCE bus facilit' to attend this Conference" =or transportation details, please refer our college website" DATES TO REMEMBER >ast date for registration4 ,!+11+1)" =or an' further clarifications kindl' e+mail to mccwa7e/,1)Bgmail"com

form along with 66 should be sent to the &ead, 6epartment




SVCE, on or before !

%o7ember, /,1)"

1ll student participants must submit a bonafide certificate dul' attested b' their &ead of the institution or department"

0rof" Sulochana Somasundaram &ead @ 0rofessor 6epartment of $iotechnolog' Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering 0ennalur, 2rungattukottai + E,/ 11* Tel4 ,(( /*1!/,,,F/*1E)* ) E;tn4 ! (F! )F! !" =a;4 ,(( + /*1E/(E/ F /*1E/(9( Email4 mccwa7e/,1)Bgmail"com

TRAINING COURSE CONTENT <ith respect to the 5ammalian using cell culturing techni:ues <1VE

$ioreactor, the participants will be gi7en hands+on training in the following areas4 1" Tissue Culturing $asics /" 0assaging and &ar7esting of cells )" 5ammalian cell culturing using <1VE $ioreactor The number of participants for the workshop is limited to /!" REGISTRATION FEE : Rs. 200 1ll participants must register with the registration fee in the form of 6emand 6raft drawn in fa7or of CThe 0rincipalD, SVCE, Sriperumbudur pa'able at 2ndian $ank, Sriperumbudur" =illed in registration

Natio a! "o#$s%o& o 'Pi!ot S(a!) Ma**a!ia C)!! C+!t+#) +si , "AVE Bio#)a(to#.2t% No/)*0)#1 20.2" REGISTRATION FORM 1" %ame 4 /" 6esignation 4 )" 1ge 4 (" %ame of the 2nstitution with address4 !" E+mail 264 E" 5obile number4 *" SpecialiAation4 " 6emand draft %o" @ 6ate4 6eclaration4 2 agree to abide b' the rules and regulations of the <orkshop" 0lace4 Signature4 (Cop' of this form can be used for registration) MAILING ADDRESS 6ate4


1ffiliated to 1nna -ni7ersit', Chennai 1n 2S3 9,,14/,, certified 2nstitution 1ccredited b' %$1, %ew 6elhi"
Natio a! "o#$s%o& o 'Pi!ot S(a!) Ma**a!ia C)!! C+!t+#) +si , "AVE Bio#)a(to#-

.2t% No/)*0)#1 20.2 Sponsored by "IPRO GE HEALTHCARE PRIVATE LIMITED1 C%) ai Co /) )#s 0rof" 5" Si7anandham 0rof" Sulochana Somasundaram Co4o#7i ato#s 5s" V"Sumitha 5s" S"Si7agami

O#,a i8)7 09 6epartment of $iotechnolog' Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering http4FFwww"s7ce"ac"in

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