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Inspiring Health: Dental MASH Outreach

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a publication of

Dental MASH Outreach

If you ask any of the patients or dentists at our rst Dental M*A*S*H* Unit Outreach, theyll probably tell you it went well. But behind Transformed Lives...............................2 the scenes there was a urry of activity to make this an incredibly successful collaboration. Organizing and preparing 15 dentists, 10 Obam(A.C.A.)re Impact.......................3 hygienists and dozens of assistants and students to serve over 60 patients was no small task. Compiling patient charts and x-rays, No Cash? No Problem..........................4 labeling borrowed equipment, prepping dental trays . . . there was a huge amount of work involved. In fact, nal preparations for the outreach actually started the day before as S&S Dental tested the 30 dental chairs at the Carrington College dental unit to ensure that they were operational. With the groundwork laid, everybody was ready to go as the brisk fall morning broke on September 27th. All of the 62 patients served that day had been pre-screened, x-rayed and had a treatment plan prepared for them at the Garden City Community Clinic. Consequently, there were no surprises when the doctors and hygienists went to work after enjoying donated coffee and scones from Moxie Java. Linnea Collins who conceived the Dental MASH and got it funded welcomed the professionals and staff, as well as students from Carrington College and College of Western Idaho who served as assistants. Patients started registering at 7:45, the chairs began to ll up and doctors some from as far away as Sun Valley went to work. There was a constant stream of patients for four hours, with the dental work wrapping up around 1 p.m. People dont usually smile immediately after dental work, but words were enough to tell the story as patients stopped to write Thank You notes for the care they received: I take care of my mom so I dont have a job. This is my lifeline. The most excellent dental experience I have ever had!

In This Issue

By the Numbers
More than 80 staff, volunteers and students worked together to serve 62 patients with 276 restorative, surgical, preventative or periodontal procedures valued at $38,700 donated to patients.

I wouldnt have been able to go anywhere else without this thats why my teeth have gotten so bad. I was extremely nervous and crying, but my dentist and his helper were perfect and very professional.

We are so grateful for the collaboration of Carrington, CWI, the Idaho State Dental Association, Burkhart Dental Supply, Patterson Dental, Henry-Schein and S&S Dental. United Way of Treasure Valley helped pave the way with a Flex Fund grant of $8,000 for the day. Additional funding came as part of Idaho Womens Charitable Foundation and Saint Alphonsus dental expansion grants. Atlas Resell Management and Moxie Java provided food and the Riverside Hotel donated three rooms for out-of-town dentists. We plan to work with our partners to repeat the event in April.

w w w. g e n e s i s w o r l d m i s s i o n . o r g

Transformed Lives
Culvert Project is on the Road
By Tracy Ritter, Burangi Project Director

Once again, it was so encouraging to be in Burangi in September. Our friends there recognize opportunities and take advantage of them quickly. The people seized the opportunity to clear 10 miles of bush and now the funding from a Rotary Global Grant is adding culverts, making their road accessible year-round. They are building their clinic and, with time, a quality medical facility will be available for the treatment and prevention of illnesses. They value the benets of clean water and sanitation so they are diligently ltering water and using pit latrines. There has been a lot of positive change in Burangi: Crop yields are increasing Water-borne illness is on the decline Farmer cooperatives are organized Incomes are rising The culvert construction should be completed by December. I was thrilled to witness the huge earthmovers paving the way for these people to have a sustainable future. Now we are raising $15,000 so the community can nish building the clinic walls. After that, another grant will complete the interior electricity, plumbing, etc. then the District Ministry of Health will supply the medical staff. You can quickly see that this step-by-step, logical process is empowering the people of Burangi to be self-sufcient and improve their living conditions.

I will not be a patient any longer Healthy Transformations

Steve Van Vorce diabetic patient who graduated
We are so delighted to offer more opportunities to teach local patients in Boise how to transform their lives.

1. In conjunction with the Idaho Foodbank,

we now offer a Cooking Matters class that puts 12 patients in the kitchen with a chef. Through food prep instruction, menu creation and grocery budgeting, this eight-week course helps patients nd better ways to eat.

2. Lilly Diabetes monthly diabetes

education class at the clinic, is providing education to rst-time and ongoing insulin users. (We were all taken aback when we found that none of the patients in the rst class even knew whether their insulin was rapid or long-acting!) A lot of camaraderie developes as patients share diabetes care tips with each other. The diabetes education provided by our health professionals is invaluable.

1. 2

Preparing for the Impact of Obam(A.C.A.)re

While everybody is pointing ngers at the failed launch of the website for enrolling people in health care exchanges, it does not change the fact that healthcare insurance in America has been permanently affected. Although there are uncertainties about how things will proceed nationally and in the state, the Garden City Community Clinic has been thinking about the ACAs impact on its population since the law passed in March 2010.

The Factors
The Garden City Community Clinic and Volunteer Physicians Network (VPN) were designed to serve people with no affordable health insurance coverage or access to medical services. Our current eligibility requires a household income to be less than twice the federal poverty line (FPL). Idahos Health Insurance Exchange will provide a marketplace with premium and cost-sharing subsidies for people above the poverty line who have not had traditional access to group health policies or couldnt afford them. Idaho legislators declined to pass Medicaid expansion for the state this year and have kicked the issue out until at least the 2015 session. Medicaid expansion would have provided patients below the poverty line access to care. This represents about 40% of Idahos uninsured. Now our clinic and the VPN will begin to assess their policies of serving 100-200% FPL patients who have new access to insurance. We are already collecting feedback from our patients to see how they think new coverage and associated responsibilities like co-pays may impact their families. We will also have personnel at the clinic who can educate patients on their new options. As the New Year begins, we will carefully monitor how the change is affecting our patient population, the uptake of new insurance and other local healthcare environmental factors.

Moving towards empowerment

With the need for uninsured access beginning to taper off, we are now leaning hard into the question of how to best empower those for whom basic health remains a challenge. While there is a close correlation between lower-income populations and poor health outcomes, access alone does not solve long-standing health disparities. As the clinic adapts to the changes taking place, we will now re-double our efforts on helping patients develop healthy attitudes, knowledge and behaviors that will affect their long-term well-being. This will require deeper work with our patients than we have ever attempted before but holds potential as a demonstration of what whole-person healing can look like. We remain as committed as ever to truly loving those who need this kind of care and attention.

12th Annual Faith, Hope & Love Dinner and Auction March 2, 2014
Sponsorship opportunities from $625 to $5,000 are available for you or your business. This event provides general support for Genesis World Missions various programs, locally and abroad. To inquire or commit to a sponsorship, please contact Barbara Mahr at 854-3927. *To be included on the event invitations, major donors must commit by December 15, 2013.

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No Cash? No Problem! Genesis World

Mission has many ways you can support the organization through tax-deductible in-kind donations.

In Honor Of Steven Reames by Janice and Used Cars through an arrangement with Gene Cathcart Idaho Youth Ranch used auto sales, you can Ellen Heiselmann by now donate a used vehicle and Genesis gets Anne Heiselmann a commission check when it sells. In Memory Of Taylor Wood by Montie and Stocks and Insurance Policies there Ann Ralstin are multiple ways to transfer both liquid Paul Ralstin by Montie and and non-liquid assets that strengthen our Ann Ralstin balance sheet. Bob and Barbara Vincent by Lori Urban Airline Miles several airlines allow ly Online r g e r u c e S e t Tyfane Whittingham by customers to donate miles to charities, o . n o Dona i iss m d l r o w Jane Watts s which we can use as part of auction items .genesi w w w Myrtle Bean by Marilyn Fredricks or to defer domestic or international travel costs.

Garden City Community Clinic Pacic Source Foundation for Health Improvement, $20,000 Bernie & Warren McCain Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation, $1,000 United Way of Treasure Valley, $8,000 IDACORP Employees Fund, $680

Recent Grants and Corporate Gifts

Individual Donations

IMI Challenge Grant

Medical Community

We continue to thrive on the generous support of our community partners.

Match Challenge

$25,000 Goal

We have just three months to raise another $8,000 from new donors in the medical community that IMI will match. Help our local programs stay vibrant in the coming year with your donation of $500 or more.

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