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CL Nica Esperanza/Hope Clinic: Go Work On International Health by Bus

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Cl nica Esperanza/Hope Clinic

Fall/2012 Upcoming Events

Sept. 8
Health Interpreter Training 8 to 4 PM. Sign up by emailing info@aplacetobehea CPR training for staff and volunteers. Sign up by emailing info@aplacetobe

Go work on international health by bus.

Take the RIPTA bus to Olneyville and you can practice your Spanish, French, and Urdu.



Sept 27

Know your Number Health Screen with Blue aCROSS RI. 10 to 5 PM, at the Clinic. Back to School health screen PPD tests, Vaccination, Health forms filled out. Date TBD. Annual Thanksgiving Stone Soup Potluck Community partners , Volunteers, Staff ! Potluck Dinner at the Clinic dont miss it!

Oct. 13

Nov. 26

This is good work
Cl nica Esperanza does indeed spread hope. We see it. We live it. Its about more than individuals. The whole community grows stronger. -Duane Clinker OTC

We believe in health care access.

Who$ are$ we?$ We$ are$ a$ group& of& medical& volunteers&from&Rhode&Island$who$provide$ free$health$care$to$the$uninsured.$We$have$ patients& from& all& over& the& world$ $ Africa,$ Central$ and$ South$ America,$ Russia,$ Haiti,$ the$ Dominican$ Republic$ .$ .$ .$ and$ just$ plain$ old$Providence.$$ understanding$ of$ their$ cultural$ background,$ improves$ health$ care$ outcomes.$ Join$ us$ and$ contribute$ in$ any$ way$you$can$$to$making$our$city$and$state$ a$place$to$be$healthy.$$

Find$ out$ more$ about$ volunteering$ by$ writing$,$ Our$ group$of$ volunteers$ is$just& as& diverse.$ or$support$our$work$by$donating$on$line$at$ We$ speak$ Arabic,$ French,$ Creole,$ Spanish,$$ and$(on$a$good$day)$a$little$Italian.$$$ $ We$ believe$ that$ providing$ health$ care$ in$ the$ patients$ own$ language,$ and$ with$ an$
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Fall/2012 Issue | Date

We believe in well care, not just health care. Check out the Vida Sana health literacy program, for example. We are working with patients to in an effort to intervene before chronic health problems set in.

What does ObamaCare mean for Free Clinics?

At$ first$ glance$ some$ observers$ might$ conclude$ that$ health$ reformwhich$ will$ leave$ only$ 6%$ of$ Americans$ without$ insuranceautomatically$ spells$ a$ diminished$ role$ for$ free$ clinics.$ But& a& recent& analysis& reaches& the& contrary& conclusion:& health& reform& paves& the& way& for& an& expanded$role&for&free&clinics.$$ Free& clinics& as& gap<fillers.& Free$ clinics$ have$long$played$the$role$as$gap$fillers$ in$ the$ safety$ net$ and$ there$ will$ continue$ to$ be$ a$ need$ for$ free$ clinics$ to$assert$ this$ role$ after$ health$reform$ for$two$reasons:$ 1.& Gaps& in& coverage& and& services& remain.$It$ is$ projected$that$ 23$ million$ people$ will$ remain$ uninsured$ when$ the$ health$ reform$ law$ is$ fully$ implemented.$ This$ is$ more$ than$ 10$ times$ the$ estimated$ number$ of$ patients$ that$ free$ clinics$ actually$ served$ in$ 2006.$ Thus& free& clinics& will& also& remain& an& important& source& of& adult& dental& services& and& health& education,& neither& of& which& are& required& services& in& the& essential& health&benefits&package.& 2.& Coverage& is& not& synonymous& with& access.$ While$ nearly$ half$ of$ the$ coverage$ expansion$ is$ achieved$ through$ making$ more$ people$ eligible$ for$ Medicaid,$ it$ is$ well$ documented$ that$ a$ sizable$minority$ of$ people$ who$ are$eligible$do$not$enroll.$ A"synopsis"of"an"article"published"on","by"CareFree" Director"Garret"Johnson."

Mi Voz, Mi Voto!
Ocean$ State$ Action$ was$ recently$ staffing$ Voter$ Registration$ at$ CEHC.$ Why$ do$ we$ think$ voting$ is$ so$ important?$ How$ else$ will$ we$ register$ support$for$Obamacare?$$A&healthcare& safety& net& is& needed& even& after& comprehensive& health& insurance& reform.$ As$ gaps$ and$ weakness$ will$

clearly$ continue$ to$ exist$ after$ health$ reform,$ free$ clinics$ will$ constitute$ a$ litmus$ test$ of$ the$ success$ of$ the$ reformed$ U.S.$ health$ system.$ Policymakers$ and$ other$ safety$ net$ providers$ have$ a$ lot$ to$ gain$ by$ tracking$ and$ supporting$ what$ free$ clinics$ do$ over$ the$ next$ decade.$ Please& make& us& obsolete$ by$ going$ to$ the$polls$and$voting$for$Obamacare!$

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Issue | D


Iftar - 2nd Annual Breakfast at CEHC for pictures see

Miracles happen! 7 Small miracles at the clinic of Hope
Do$ you$ ever$ have$ to$ catch$ your$ breath$ because$ a$ miracle$ just$ happened?$ Well$ that's$what$we$did$when$we$found$out$that$ Rhode& Island& Foundation$is$going$to$grant$ CEHC$ funds$ to$ support$ our$ Health& Innovation&Project.&& We$just$sat$there.$We$took$a$deep$breath.$ And$ then$ we$ counted$ our$ blessings$ for$ a$ few$ minutes.$ Yes,$ we$ work$ hard,$ and$ yes,$ we$believe$ in$ what$ we$ are$doing,$and$yes,$ we$ are$ doing$ something$ great$ for$ the$ neighborhood,$ but$ that$ doesnt$mean$that$ we$ get$ funding.$ And$ sometimes,$ we$ just$ need$a$miracle.$ And$so$thats$ what$we$ did$ when$ we$ heard$ about$ the$ support$ from$ RIF.$ We$ had$ to$ just$ sit$ there$ and$ say:$ Wow.$$ So$here$is$a$list$of$our$latest$miracles:$ One&<$Rhode$Island$Foundation$granted$our$ Healthcare$ Innovations$ Project$ grant$ support.$ Now$ we$ can$ keep$ working$ on$ reducing$ health$ disparities$ in$ a$ culturally$ sensitive,$ linguistically$ appropriate$ manner.$ Two&<&CHEER&clinic&started!&We$have$had$a$ 'soft$ opening'$ (unannounced)$ for$ our$ new$ walk$ in,$ the$ Clinica$ Esperanza/Hope$ Clinic$ Emergency$ Room$ diversion$project$funded$ by$ our$ partner$ BCBSRI.$ We've$ seen$ about$ 30$ patients$ so$ far,$ we$ have$ a$ great$ group$ of$volunteers,$we$are$working$out$the$kinks$ in$ the$ system,$ and$ a$ it's$ coming$ together!$ $CHEER$ is$ for$ nonaurgent$ care,$


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and$ only$ for$ uninsured$ patients$ who$ do$ not$ have$a$ health$ care$ provider.$ 2$ to$ 7$ PM,$ Monday$ through$ Friday.$ Thank$you$Blue&Cross&Blue&Shield&of&RI& for&your&support!&& $$ Three:&Vida&Sana&started!&&American$ Medical$Foundation$gave$us$funding$ to$pilot$this$program.$Welcome$Back$ volunteer$Ericka&Olivera&MD$is$taking$ on$the$task$of$implementing$Dr.$Susan& Olivero's$wonderful$Thumbs$ Up1health$literacy$program$and$ applying$it$to$patients$who$have$ metabolic$syndrome.$We$anticipate$ great$outcomes$(especially$if$we$work$ hard$together$to$support$the$patients$ in$their$choices!$Thank&you&American& Medical&Association&for&the&support!&$ $ Four:&Patient&Success&Stories.$Well,$of$ course$there$are$so$very$many$ patients$whose$stories$we$could$tell,$ but$this$one$is$so$recent$and$we$just$ saw$him$this$week$.$.$The$patient$ could$barely$walk$when$one$of$our$ patients$brought$him$to$CHEER$clinic.$ With$help$from$AHRQ$(a$great$ resource$for$evidence$based$medical$ care,$and$a$thorough$work$up$by$ Pamela$Davis,$our$wonderful$new$ Welcome&Back$(Dorcas$Place)$ physician$from$Ecuador,$the$patient$is$ slowly$getting$better.$$It's$great$to$see$ him$smile$when$he$comes$in!$ $$ Five:$We$have$more$volunteer$ providers!$In$addition$to&Chuck& Sherman,&M.D.$and$Andrew&Levinson& M.D.,$who$joined$last$year,$we$are$ now$lucky$to$have$Nancy&Hughes,& RNP,$who$has$been$helping$out$on$ Thursday$nights$alongside$Pam&Davis& M.D.$(another$Dorcas$Place$Welcome$ Back$physician)$and$me,$and$ occasional$medical$students$(Thank$ you$Saul$and$Corey!).$We$also$look$ forward$to$welcoming$Fadya&El&Rayes& MD$who$will$be$helping$us$start$our$ second$Medical&Student&clinic$night.$ Welcome$Fadja$and$Nancy$and$thank$ you$for$volunteering$at$our$clinic!$$For$ more$information$about$volunteering$ write$to$,$ or$volunteer@a$$ $ Six:$We$had$our$SECOND&annual&Iftar$ at$the$clinic.$We$thank$AIWA$for$ bringing$the$wonderful$food$to$the$ Iftar,$and$for$sharing$some$stories$ about$their$culture$with$us,$and$for$ the$many$ways$that$they$make$our$ clinic$a$more$inclusive,$more$culturally$ sensitive$place$to$work.$And& congratulations&to&AIWA&for& obtaining&their&501c3.&We&are&so& lucky&to&have&you&as&partners!& $ And&Seven:&&We$have$more$than$ SEVEN$HUNDRED$patients$on$the$ books!$Many$more$helped,$but$700$ new$patients$entered,$logged,$and$ taken$care$of.$Amazing$but$true.$And$ None$of$this,$Nothing,&could&happen& without&you&&volunteers,&donors&and& staff!&& $ Collectively,&we&volunteers&and&staff& are&the&miracle&that&makes&Clinica& Esperanza&happen.$Clinica$Esperanza$ Hope$Clinic$operates$without$ expensive$fundraisers$and$Executive$ Directors$$we$leverage$the$expertise$ of$our$committed$founders$to$and$an$ active$Board$to$make$it$all$work.$$ Thank$you$EVERYONE$for$your$many$ contributions,$and$now,$thanks$to$ support$from$our$community,$we$can$ just$keep$up$the$great$work!$ Board$members$include:$Tim$Brown$ (Chair);$Mary$Pat$Smith$(Secretary);$ Karen$Kent,$Dawna$Blake$M.D.,$Jeena$ Santos$Ahmed,$Ellen$Lynch$R.N.$MPH,$ Stephanie$Tecun,$M.D.,$Rebecca$ Gerber,$M.D.,$Anne$Sliney,$R.N.$ Special$thanks$to$Frank$Mancieri,$CPA,$ who$helps$us$with$our$financials.$ $ $

Fall/2012 Issue | Date

The why and the wherefore.
How many Americans were without health insurance coverage in 2010? Answer: 49 million. Most uninsured are not covered by employerbased coverage because: Answer: Their employer does not offer coverage. Most of the uninsured go without coverage because: Answer: They cannot afford coverage.

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Fall/2012 Issue | Date

Happy Birthday, Nation of Strivers!

This$July& 4th,& 2012$marked$ our$second$year$in$our$ permanent$ clinic$at$60$Valley$Street$in$Olneyville.$Just$as$we$celebrate$the$ founders$ of$ our$ clinic$ on$ our$ own$ birthday$ (May$ 1st$ every$ year),$July$4th$is$a$day$to$celebrate$the$founders$of$this$country,$ and$ to$ remember$ just$ who$ we$ truly$ are.$ We$ are$ a$ nation$ of$ immigrants,$ and$ immigrants$ are$ strivers.$ With$ nothing$ more$ than$ their$ bare$ hands$ and$ their$ desire$ to$ succeed,$ our$ ancestors$made$this$country$what$it$is$today.$$ This$July$4th,$of$all$days,$a&Guatemalan&who&had&just&become&a& naturalized& citizen& read& the& "Pledge& of& Allegiance"& at& the& swearing&in&at&the&White&House.$$ We$ have$ many$ Guatemalans$ at$ Clinica$ Esperanza/Hope$ Clinic,$ and$they$too,$are$strivers.$We$see$them$during$our$clinical$visits$ and,$when$ we$ ask$them$ why$ they$ worked$ so$ hard$ to$ be$here,$ they$ talk$ about$ America$ still$ being$ a$ land$ of$ opportunity$ for$ their$ families$ and$ their$ children.$ They$ understand$ that$ work$ creates$that$opportunity,$and$they$work$very$hard.$$ Recent$ studies$ have$ shown$ that$ cities$ and$ towns$ that$ have$ many$ recent$ immigrants$ experience$ growth$ and$ lower$ crime$ rates.$We$can$see$that$happening$in$Olneyville,$already.$Thats$ where$ the$next$generation$ of$ Americans$ to$ put$ their$ shoulder$ to$ the$ wheel$ currently$ lives.$ There$ are$ many$ new$ immigrants$ coming$to$our$clinic$$from$all$over$the$world.$They$are$Central$ and$South$American,$they$are$African$and$Arab,$they$are$from$ Afghanistan$ and$ further$ afield.$ Their$ contributions$ to$ this$ city$ and$our$country$will$be$significant$and$lasting.$$ We$ at$ Clinica$ Esperanza/Hope$ Clinic$ are$ happy$ to$ help$ our$ immigrant& patients$ by$ providing$ free$ health$ care$ to$ their$ families$ a$ during$ this$ transition$ period$ for$ immigrants$ and$ for$ health$ care$ under$ Obama.$ This$ is$ our$ way$ of$ putting$ our$ shoulder$ to$ the$ wheel,$ just$ as$ our$ ancestors$ did,$ so$ that$ the$ next$generation$of$immigrants$will$be$able$to$return$the$favor,$ helping$ the$ next$ generation$ of$ immigrants,$ because$ it$ just$ makes$sense.$Come$volunteer$and$see$what$we$mean.$$ If$you$would$like$to$help$our$clinic$financially,$wed$also$love$to$ have$your$support.$You$can$donate$directly$on$line.$The$online$ donation$link$is$here:$$ if$ you$ would$ like$ to$ mail$ a$ check,$ the$ administrative$ office$ for$ the$ clinic$ is$ 146$ Clifford$Street,$Providence$02909.$$Wed$love$to$have$your$help$ to$ make$ our$ clinic$ a$ a$ healthy$ starting$ point$ for$ the$ next$ generation$of$strivers.&&

& Volunteer&Jordan&Bicki&playing&music&for&our& patients& We are grateful for the support of our donors! LISC City of Providence, CDBG Rhode Island Foundation Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island American Communities Trust The Fund for Community Progress Dexter Foundation Making a Difference Grant (PC) BankRI State of RI Legislative grant AIWA members Individual donors We are grateful for our partners! d AIWA NE Open Table of Christ Dorcas Place/Welcome Back Center Center for Women and Enterprise FarmFresh RI Olneyville Housing Collaborative URI College of Nursing SBER and Armory Properties 5

Fall/2012 Issue | Date

From a patient: You care about helping the community and seem to go the extra mile to accomplish your goal of a healthier people.

How to help with CHEER!

How to do more with less? Volunteer! We have a waiting list of more than 100 patients, and we can only see two new patients per night. One solution that we came up with is a Walk In Clinic. In this non-acute care clinic we'll be providing care based on protocols approved by our medical advisory board with Blue Cross Blue Shield RIs support. Care will be provided by a nurse, supervised by an MD or RNP volunteer. This service will decrease the number of patients who have minor problems who are waiting for care and alleviate some of the burden of emergency room visits that are non-acute in nature. To make this walk-in clinic happen, we definitely need more volunteers! CEHC currently provides primary care and health education to more than 650 patients with cultural and linguistic differences, including many from the communities surrounding the clinic. Sign up at:

Clnica Esperanza /Hope Clinic
60 Valley Street Suite 104 Providence, RI 02909

To: Citizens of Rhode Island

Become a volunteer at Clinica Esperanza/ Hope Clinic! Experience the feeling of giving back . . . Speak Spanish/Creole/Arabic and learn about different cultures without having to travel. Improve the lives of your neighbors by volunteering. Learn more at or Email us at

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