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MDM7.1SP08 InstallationGuideWindows

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Installation Guide

SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management 7.1 on Windows

Document Version .! " Se#tem$er% &!11


'(#ogra#)ic *onventions
Type Style Example Text Represents Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation Example text Emphasized words or phrases in bod te!t, titles of "raphics and tables 'ames of elements in the s stem. These include report names, pro"ram names, transaction codes, table names, and indi(idual )e words of a pro"rammin" lan"ua"e, when surrounded b bod te!t, for e!ample, *E&ECT and +'C&,DE. *creen output. This includes file and director names and their paths, messa"es, names of (ariables and parameters, source code as well as names of installation, up"rade and database tools. E!act user entr . These are words or characters that ou enter in the s stem e!actl as the appear in the documentation. -ariable user entr . %ointed brac)ets indicate that ou replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. .e s on the )e board, for e!ample, function )e s /such as F20 or the E'TER )e .

Icon Meaning Caution E!ample 'ote Recommendation * nta!

E#A$%&E TE#T

E!ample te!t

Example text

<Example text>


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

Document &istory
Document 'ersion 1.2 3 *ep 4255 Description o( )*ange x x x x 6uide updated for $D$ 7.5 *%28. The default password for the Administrator user is now sapmdm, and can no lon"er be empt . For more information, see 1.4 *ettin" ,p $D$ *er(ers on pa"e 9:. 6uide updated for $D$ 7.5 *%27. **& *upport= o o ;.9 3 >an 4255 x x x x For information about **& TC%3+% ports, see Software Requirements on pa"e 54. For information about settin" up **&, see 5.3 Setting Up SSL Communication for Ser"ers on pa"e 9;. !

;.< 3 $a 4255

6uide updated for $D$ 7.5 *%29. *tartin" from $D$ 7.5 *%29, runnin" multiple instances on a sin"le machine is supported. For more information, see #.3 aintaining ultiple ! Ser"ers on a $ost on pa"e 98. Addition re"ardin" +?$ i 9.5 @*. For more information, see #.3 Ser"ers on a $ost on pa"e 98. aintaining ultiple !

,pdated path for downloadin" files from *A% *oftware Download Center on *$%. o ,pdated followin" documentation= 3.5 %reparing t&e 'nstallation (iles on pa"e 4;. ,pdate re"ardin" installatin" the @racle Database. For more information, see +nstall @racle and Create a Database +nstance on pa"e ;9. Terminolo" updates relatin" to $D$ ser(er namin". For e!ample, $D$ *er(er was chan"ed to $aster Data *er(er, $D$ +mport *er(er was chan"ed to $aster Data +mport *er(er. Two additional $D$ Components were added= $D$ Web D npro and $D$ Collaborati(e %rocesses for $aterial. For more information, see section ).) ! Component *"er"iew on pa"e 1. &in)s to installation process for the $D$ Web D npro and the $D$ Collaborati(e %rocesses for $aterial has been pro(ided. For more information, see +.3 'nstalling Additional ! Components on pa"e ;5. *ection #.3 aintaining ultiple ! Ser"ers on a $ost on pa"e 98 was rewritten to resol(e ambi"uities re"ardin" the installation of multiple $aster Data *er(er instances on the same host. +n +.)., SA%inst 'nstallation *ptions section on pa"e :5, under Configure SL! -eneration, a reference to the ! ..) $ow To Register ! in SL! "uide was added. +n the Software Requirements section on pa"e 54, information about updated 'W RFC *D. &ibraries as of $D$ 7.5 *%21 was added. This reAuires the installation of $icrosoft -isual CBB 4221 *er(ice %ac) 5 Redistributable %ac)a"e AT& *ecurit . +n the ).) ! Component *"er"iew section on pa"e 9, a note about installin" the C@$ A%+ of the same build as the $aster Data *er(er /$D*0 for usin" the $D$ ,@$ $ana"er was added. !ocument $istor/ section added *tep 7 in +.+.5 ax!0 on pa"e 1<= When mountin" an $D$ repositor residin" in a $a!D? D?$* /usin" $D$ Console0, ou specif the instance name /and database name0, not the hostname /and database name0 of the $a!D? D?$*.

x x



x x


x x

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

Ta"le o( )ontents
Installation Guide , MDM 7.1 on Windo s ...................................................1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. .1.1 MDM )omponent ./er/ie ....................................................................................... 1.# Re0uired Documentation........................................................................................... 7

#. 1lanning ................................................................................................................... .2 %. 1reparation............................................................................................................. .1$

%.1 &ard are and So(t are Re0uirements ................................................................... 1$ %.# 3asic S41 System 1arameters ............................................................................... 1+ %.% 1reparation Steps .................................................................................................... 17
:.:.5 Chec)in" the File * stem .............................................................................................57 :.:.4 Chec)in" the Domain *tructure ....................................................................................57 :.:.; Chec)in" ReAuired ,ser Authorizations .......................................................................58 :.:.1 %erformin" a Domain +nstallation Without ?ein" a Domain Administrator ......................5<

%.+ S41 Directories ........................................................................................................ ##

:.;.5 *A% * stem Directories ...............................................................................................44 :.;.4 $D$ Windows Client Directories..................................................................................4;

%.- 1reparing t*e Installation 5iles ............................................................................... #+

+. Installation.............................................................................................................. .#7
+.1 Installing MDM Ser/ers............................................................................................ #7
;.5.5 Runnin" *A%inst ..........................................................................................................47 ;.5.4 *A%inst +nstallation @ptions .........................................................................................:5 ;.5.: +nterrupted +nstallation with *A%inst ............................................................................. :4 ;.5.; %erformin" a Remote +nstallation with *A%inst /@ptional0 .............................................:: ;.5.1 *tartin" *A%inst 6,+ *eparatel /@ptional0 ..................................................................:; ;.5.9 *ilent +nstallation with *A%inst /@ptional0 .....................................................................:9 ;.5.7 Entries in the *er(ices File Created b *A%inst ............................................................:9 ;.5.8 Cow to A(oid Automatic &o"off b *A%inst ...................................................................:9 ;.5.< Troubleshootin" with *A%inst .......................................................................................:7

+.# Installing MDM Windo s )lients ............................................................................ %2 +.% Installing 4dditional MDM )omponents ................................................................. +1 +.+ Installing and )on(iguring t*e Data"ase ................................................................ ++
;.;.5 $icrosoft *D& *er(er ...................................................................................................;; ;.;.4 @racle D?$* ...............................................................................................................;9 ;.;.: +?$ D?4 for &inu!, ,ni! and Windows .........................................................................1; ;.;.; +?$ D?4 for z3@*.........................................................................................................1; ;.;.1 $a!D? .........................................................................................................................1<

-. 1ost6Installation..................................................................................................... .71
-.1 Starting and Stopping t*e MDM Ser/ers ................................................................ 71
1.5.5 ,sin" *A% $icrosoft $ana"ement Console..................................................................95 1.5.4 ,sin" $D$ Console or $D$ C&+# ..............................................................................94 1.5.: ,sin" *cripts................................................................................................................94

-.# Setting 8p MDM Ser/ers.......................................................................................... 7% -.% Setting 8p SS9 )ommunication (or MDM Ser/ers ................................................ 7+

7. 4dditional In(ormation .......................................................................................... .77

7.1 S41 System Security ............................................................................................... 77 7.# 8pdating MDM Ser/ers ............................................................................................ 77 7.% Maintaining Multiple MDM Ser/ers on a &ost ........................................................ 72 7.+ 8ninstalling MDM Ser/ers ....................................................................................... 7: 7.- 8ninstalling MDM Windo s )lients........................................................................ 7$
+ Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

Installation Guide , MDM 7.1 on Windo s

1. Introduction
This installation "uide describes all steps that are necessar to install the *A% 'etWea(er $aster Data $ana"ement /$D$0 7.5 components on released Windows platforms. The "uide also describes the installation and confi"uration of released databases for use with $D$.

The installation procedure for $D$ 7.5 differs si"nificantl from the installation procedure for $D$ 1.1. The $D$ ser/ers are installed as *A% s stems usin" *A%inst installation tool and *A% +nstance Framewor). The installation procedure for the $D$ Windows clients and additional components has not chan"ed. The procedure is described in this Windows installation "uide. The main tar"et "roups are= x x * stem administrators Technolo" consultants

1.1 MDM )omponent ./er/ie

MDM Ser/ers The followin" $D$ ser(ers are the foundation of the $D$ software. These components can be installed on supported Windows platforms usin" *A%inst= x x x x $aster Data *er(er /$D*0 $aster Data +mport *er(er /$D+*0 $aster Data * ndication *er(er /$D**0 $aster Data &a out *er(er /$D&*0

MDM Windo s )lients The followin" $D$ clients enable ou to administrate the s stem and mana"e our data. These components can be installed on Windows usin" a simple $D$-specific installation routine= x x $D$ Console $D$ C&+#

The administration command line tool $D$ C&+# is automaticall installed with the $D*. Eou onl need to install it manuall for remote access to $D*, for e!ample, from a local %C.

May #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

x x x x x

$D$ Data $ana"er /includin" $D$ Wor)flow0 $D$ +mport $ana"er $D$ * ndicator $D$ &an"ua"e *elector $D$ ,@$ $ana"er

To use $D$ ,@$ $ana"er, ou must install the C@$ A%+ of the same build as the $aster Data *er(er. x x x x $D$ +ma"e $ana"er $D$ %ublisher $D$ +nde!er +nDesi"nF %lu"-+n

4dditional MDM )omponents The followin" additional $D$ components enable ou to connect $D$ to other applications. These components can be deplo ed on their respecti(e platforms= x x x x x x x x x x x $D$ >a(a A%+ and $D$ Connector $D$ %ortal Content $D$ %+ Adapter $D$ A?A% A%+ $D$ Web *er(ices $D$ .'ET A%+ $D$ C@$ A%+ $D$ Enrichment Controller $D$ TRE# Client $D$ Web D npro $D$ Collaborati(e %rocesses for $aterial

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

1.# Re0uired Documentation

The followin" sections list the documentation needed for the installation. x x *A% +nstallation 'otes +nformation on the *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace

S41 Installation ;otes

+t is essential that ou read the followin" *A% 'otes "e(ore startin" the installation. These *A% 'otes contain the most recent information about the installation as well as corrections to the installation documentation. $a)e sure that ou ha(e the most up-to-date (ersion of each *A% 'ote, which ou can find on SA% Ser"ice ar1etplace at S41 ;ote ;um"er 54;<12: Title $D$ +nstallation 'ote Description $ost recent information and best practices about the $D$ installation procedure. The $D$ +nstallation 'ote complements this $D$ +nstallation 6uide. This note contains information about the current $D$ 7.5 support pac)a"e. This note contains the restrictions of the current $D$ 7.5 support pac)a"e.


*A% 'etWea(er $D$ 7.5 *%27 Release $D$ 7.5 Release Restriction 'ote


In(ormation on S41 Ser/ice Mar<etplace

+nformation on the followin" areas is a(ailable on *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace= Description *A% 'etWea(er $D$ 7.5= Documentation Center G an eas to use pa"e that pro(ides useful information and access to the complete $D$ documentation set Released platforms Technical infrastructure G confi"uration scenarios and related aspects, such as securit , load balancin", a(ailabilit , and cachin" 'etwor) infrastructure Internet 4ddress

May #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

#. 1lanning
When plannin" the $D$ s stem landscape, familiarize ourself with the followin" documentation at x x x $D$ $aster 6uide $D$ *izin" 6uide +ntroduction for this "uide

6et informed about the supported plat(orms and databases. Eou can find the $D$ 7.5 %roduct A(ailabilit $atri! /%A$0 at /search for H$D$ 7.5I0. +f ou are plannin" an $D$ upgrade installation /for e!ample from release 1.1 to release 7.50, read the ! Upgrade -uide "uide first /a(ailable at +f ou are plannin" an $D$ update installation /for e!ample implementin" $D$ 7.5 patches0, run *A%inst with the software lifec cle option Update ! . For more information, refer to the followin" sections in this "uide= x x SA%inst 'nstallation *ptions Updating ! Ser"ers

Implementation )onsiderations
An $D$ s stem landscape is t picall structured as follows= x .ne separate ,ni! host or Windows ser(er host with the $D$ ser(ers and the database /standard s stem0. Eou can distribute the different $D$ ser(ers to se(eral hosts /distributed s stem0. Se/eral different Windows machines with multiple combinations of $D$ clients for administrators, master data specialists and end users More t*an one installation of additional $D$ components for de(elopers and portal administrators, for e!ample, on Web or *@A% ser(ers.

x x

+f ou want to install the $D$ 7.5 as part of the implementation of a *A% 'etWea(er scenario, it is essential that ou familiarize ourself with the contents of the correspondin" *A% 'etWea(er $aster 6uide before startin" the installation. The $aster 6uide is the central document for the implementation of *A% 'etWea(er solutions and scenarios. +t lists the components and third-part applications reAuired for each scenario in an *A% 'etWea(er solution, and refers to the reAuired installation and up"rade "uides. +t also defines the installation seAuence for the scenarios of the correspondin" *A% 'etWea(er solution.

Windo s Domain or 9ocal Installation

?efore ou install the $D$ ser(ers on Windows, ou ha(e to decide whether ou want to perform a domain or local installation. The installation t pe affects how the user account information is stored and accessed. Domain Installation +n a domain installation, the user account information is stored centrall in one database on the domain controller and is accessible to all hosts in the s stem. Eou ha(e to perform a domain installation if ou install a distributed s stem with $D$ ser(ers and the database on different hosts /this is stron"l recommended to a(oid authorization problems0. 9ocal Installation +n a local installation, all Windows account information is stored locall on one host and is not (isible to an other hosts in the s stem. +f ou want to run the $D$ ser(ers and the database on a sin"le machine, ou can perform a local installation. 2 Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

&ig* 4/aila"ility
Ci"h a(ailabilit /CA0 is a maJor consideration when constructin" business s stems in order to impro(e s stem reliabilit . For $D$, there are different approaches that support this obJecti(e, for e!ample, s stem redundanc usin" load and balancin" tools, bac)up strate"ies and cluster mana"ement software. +f ou plan to set up $D$ in a landscape that "rants hi"h a(ailabilit , read the followin" documentation first= o Solution *peration -uide o $ig& A"aila2ilit/

Multiple )omponents on .ne Data"ase

$D* can be installed in an $C@D en(ironment, sharin" the same database with other *A% components, such as *A% ER% ECC or *A% 'etWea(er Application *er(er. 6enerall , se(eral components sharin" the same database resources affect o(erall performanceK this must be ta)en into consideration when sizin" the hardware and s stem. For more information, see

For $C@D on an .racle database, ou need to chec) and adJust the temporar tablespace after the $D$ installation. For more information, see the section Ad3ust Temporar/ Ta2lespace for C*! in this "uide.

9ig*t eig*t Directory 4ccess 1rotocol

$D$ supports the &i"htwei"ht Director Access %rotocol /&DA%0 for user authorization mana"ement. +f ou plan to use &DA% with $D$, familiarize ourself with the followin" documentation= o ! Console Reference -uide, section L!A% Support.

May #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

%. 1reparation
To prepare for an $D$ installation ou need to learn about *A% s stems and ma)e some chec)s and settin"s on our Windows platform. The chapter is structured as follows= x $ardware and Software Requirements &ists the reAuirements needed for runnin" *A%inst and $D$ ser(ers and shows ou how to chec) these reAuirements. 0asic SA% S/stem %arameters 6i(es ou an o(er(iew of the basic parameters that ma)e up an *A% s stem, li)e s stem +Ds, users, and so on. %reparation Steps &ists the Windows-specific steps that ou need to perform to prepare a local or domain installation. SA% !irectories &ists the directories *A%inst and the $D$ Windows client installation e!ecutables will create for $D$ ser(ers and clients. %reparing t&e 'nstallation (iles E!plains how to retrie(e the installation files from the D-D or *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace and how to create installation pac)a"es for the (arious installation options.

x x

%.1 &ard are and So(t are Re0uirements

Chec) that our hosts meet the hardware and software reAuirements for our operatin" s stem /@*0, the $D$ ser(er instances, and the $D$ clients.

+f our hosts do not full meet these reAuirements, ou mi"ht e!perience problems when wor)in" with the *A% s stem.

x x Contact our @* (endor for the latest @* patches. $a)e sure that the host name meets the reAuirements listed in *A% 'ote 955:95.

+f ou want to monitor $D$ usin" the *A% *olution $ana"er ma)e sure that the $D$ host name also meets the reAuirements listed in *A% 'ote 547824<.

1rocess 5lo
5. Chec) the %roduct A"aila2ilit/ atrix 4%A 5 on *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace at o SA% 6ET7EA8ER o SA% ! for supported operatin" s stem releases. 4. Chec) the Requirements for 7indows section below.

1 $

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s! :. +f ou are installin" a production s stem, the (alues pro(ided b the %rerequisite C&ec1er and the Requirements for 7indows section in this "uide are not sufficient. +n this case, ou need to perform the followin" additional steps= a. Read the $D$ *izin" 6uide a(ailable at o 9 Si:ing -uide. ! ..)

b. Contact our hardware (endor, who can anal ze the load and calculate suitable hardware sizin" dependin" on parameters such as= - Cow intensi(el the applications are to be used - 'umber of users - Data $odel of our $D$ repositories - 'umber of records in the $D$ repositories - 'umber of lar"e binar obJects /for e!ample, ima"es and %DFs0 in the repositories

Re0uirements (or Windo s

This section lists the minimum hardware and software reAuirements for installin" and runnin" $D$ ser(ers on released Windows platforms. Eour production s stem must meet the minimum reAuirements listed in the tables below.

&ard are Re0uirements

Re0uirement Type $inimum dis) space Re0uirement *A% s stem files /not includin" pa"in" file0= 4 6? Temporar dis) space for the installation= 5 6? &o to )*ec< To chec) dis) space= 5. Choose Start o All %rograms o Administrati"e Tools o Computer anagement o !is1 anagement. 4. Ri"ht-clic) the dri(e and choose %roperties. $inimum RA$ 1 6? To chec) RA$= +n the Windows E!plorer, choose $elp o A2out 7indows. %a"in" file size 5 times RA$ plus 52 6? To chec) pa"in" file size= 5. Choose Start o Control %anel o S/stem. 4. Choose Ad"anced. :. *elect %erformance Settings Ad"anced. ;. +n section 8irtual memor/, choose C&ange.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

So(t are Re0uirements

Re0uirement Type Windows operatin" s stem for $D$ ser(ers Re0uirement En"lish international 9;-bit (ersion of one of the released Windows *er(er Editions. For an (ersion of Windows *er(er, ou need the latest supported ser(ice pac). TC%3+% access $D+*, $D**, and $D&* must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*. This connection must be on a local networ) to be effecti(e. *tartin" from $D$ 7.5 *%27, each $D$ instance can use either re"ular TC%3+% ports, or **& TC%3+% ports for secure communication /if this was confi"ured0. For more information on the TC%3+% ports, see *A% 'ote 5;8781:. x x x &o to )*ec< To chec) our Windows (ersion= 5. Choose Start o All %rograms o Accessories o Command %rompt. 4. Enter the command winver. Chec) the setup of our networ), operatin" s stem, and firewalls, to (erif that the $D$ ser(ers can be accessed throu"h their dedicated TC%3+% ports. Eou set the ports durin" the installation. The re"ular TC%3+% ports are= x $D* %ort 59950 and three seAuential ports in the ran"e 2000 - 9999 for e(er loaded repositor . Eou can confi"ure the repositor ports usin" the $D$ Console. $D+* %ort 59750 $D** %ort 59850 $D&* %ort 59650

The **& TC%3+% ports, startin" from $D$ 7.5 *%27, are= x $D* %ort 59951 and three seAuential ports in the ran"e 2000 - 9999 for e(er loaded repositor . Eou can confi"ure the repositor ports usin" the $D$ Console. $D+* %ort 59751 $D** %ort 59851 $D&*= Port 59651

x x x

+f ou alread ha(e an $D$ *er(er installed on our machine and ou install an additional instance of $D*, $D+*, $D**, and3or $D&*, the default TC%3+% ports will be created in the followin" format, where !! is the instance number= x x 1!!12 for the re"ular TC%3+% ports 1!!15 for the **& TC%3+% ports

1 #

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

As of *A% 'etWea(er $D$ 7.5 *%21, the 'W RFC *D. &ibraries were updated for $icrosoft Windows. The updated *D. reAuires a securit fi! for $icrosoft -isual CBB 4221 *%5 Redistributable Runtime as described in .?<7:1;;. Eou need to install $icrosoft -isual CBB 4221 *er(ice %ac) 5 Redistributable %ac)a"e AT& *ecurit ,pdate. For more information, see *A% 'ote 5:71;<;.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

%.# 3asic S41 System 1arameters

*A%inst will as) whether ou want to run the installation in T/pical or Custom mode. +f ou choose T/pical, *A%inst pro(ides automatic default settin"s and ou onl ha(e to respond to a minimum number of prompts. Cowe(er, ou can still chan"e an of the default settin"s on the parameter summar screen. The tables below list the basic s stem parameters that ou alwa s need to specif before installin" our *A% s stem, both in t pical and in custom mode. For all other *A% s stem parameters, use the F1 help in the *A%inst dialo"s. 1arameter S41 System ID < AP !"# Description The *A% s stem +D < AP !"# identifies the entire *A% s stem. *A%inst prompts ou for the < AP !"# if ou run the first installation option to install a new *A% s stem. +f there are further installation options to be e!ecuted, *A%inst prompts ou for the profile director . For more information, see the description of the parameter SA% S/stem %rofile !irector/.

Choose our *A% s stem +D carefull . Choosin" a new +D is difficult and reAuires ou to reinstall the *A% s stem. $a)e sure that our *A% s stem +D= x x x x x +s uniAue throu"hout our or"anization Consists of e!actl three alphanumeric characters Contains onl uppercase letters Cas a letter for the first character Does not include an of the followin", which are reser(ed +Ds= A"" ALL A$" A$% A & A'X &(M &($ ")A E$" EP F(* +!" !)M !$T ,E% L(+ LPT M($ $!X $(T $'L (FF (M P*$ *A*(- AP ET +A .+ !" /L % TMP '!" ' * 0A*

S41 System 1ro(ile Directory 11< AP+L()AL.( T#1 sapmnt1< AP !"#1 % 1pro2i3e

The installation retrie(es the parameters entered earlier from the *A% s stem pro2i3e director . *A%inst prompts ou to enter the location of the pro2i3e director if the installation option that ou run is not the first one belon"in" to our *A% s stem installation. For more details, read the description of the parameter < AP !"#.

1 +

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

1arameter Instance ;um"er o( t*e S41 System

Description Technical identifier that is reAuired for e(er instance of an *A% s stem, consistin" of a two-di"it number from 00 to 97. The instance number must be uniAue on the host. That is, if more than one *A% instance is runnin" on the same host, these instances must be assi"ned different numbers. The instance number is used to specif the names of the *A% s stem instance directories that *A% automaticall creates durin" the installation. For e!ample, the director of the $D* is called M" <!nstan4e5$6m7er#.

Do not use 8< for the instance number because it is used b Windows Terminal *er(er. 'irtual &ost ;ame Eou can use one or more (irtual TC%3+% host names for *A% ser(ers within an *A% ser(er landscape in order to conceal their ph sical networ) identities from each other. This ma be useful for mo(in" *A% ser(ers or complete ser(er landscapes to other new hardware within a short time frame, without ha(in" to carr out a reinstallation or complicated reconfi"uration. +f ou want to use (irtual host names for the installation, ou ha(e to specif the (irtual host name before ou start *A%inst. For more information about the use of (irtual TC%3+% host names, see *A% 'ote <94<11. The host name must not e!ceed 54 characters. For more information about the allowed host name len"th and characters, see *A% 'ote 955:95. Destination Dri/e ?ase director for the *A% s stem.

+f ou install an additional *A% s stem, ou cannot select the installation dri(e because the sapmnt share alread e!ists. *A%inst uses the installation dri(e that the sapmnt share points to. Master 1ass ord Common password for all users that are created durin" the installation= @peratin" s stem users /for e!ample <sapsid#adm, AP ervi4e< AP !"#0

+f ou did not create the operatin" s stem users manuall before the installation, *A%inst creates them with the default master password. +n this case, ma)e sure that the master password meets the reAuirements of our operatin" s stem. +f a user alread e!ists, ou are prompted to confirm the password for this user.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

1arameter 8ser <sapsid#adm

Description ,ser <sapsid#adm is the s stem administrator user and is a member of the local Administrators "roup. +f ou did not create the user <sapsid#adm manuall before the installation, *A%inst creates it automaticall durin" the installation. *A%inst sets the $aster %assword b default, but ou can o(erwrite it either b choosin" the parameter mode Custom or b chan"in" it on the parameter summar screen. $a)e sure that the user +D and "roup +D of this operatin" s stem user are uniAue and the same on each $D$ ser(er instance host.

8ser sapadm

,ser sapadm is used for central monitorin" ser(ices. The same notes appl as in user <sapsid#adm.

8ser AP ervi4e< AP !"# 1ass ord o( .perating System 8sers

This user is the Windows account to run the *A% s stem. +t is not a member of the local Administrators "roup and direct lo"in to this user is not possible. *A%inst processes the passwords of operatin" s stem users as follows= +f the operatin" s stem users do not e!ist, *A% creates the users listed in this table. +f the operatin" s stem users alread e!ist, *A%inst prompts ou for the e!istin" password, unless the password of these users is the same as the master password.

$a)e sure that ou ha(e the reAuired user authorization for these accounts before ou start the installation. 1ass ord o( sapadm The administration user sapadm is created to use central monitorin" ser(ices. +f this user does not alread e!ist, *A%inst automaticall creates it. *A%inst prompts ou to enter either the password of the e!istin" user or a new password for the user to be created. 1ort ;um"er o( t*e MDM ser/er The TC%3+% port number of the respecti(e $D$ ser(er /$D*, $D+*, $D**, $D&*0 ma)es the ser(er accessible throu"h the networ). As of *A% 'etWea(er $D$ 7.5 *%2;, this parameter is confi"urable durin" the $D$ installation.

We recommend that ou use ports hi"her than ;<515. The ports between 2 and 524: mi"ht be used b the operatin" s stem and the application ma not function correctl . The ports between 524; and ;<515 mi"ht be re"istered for and used b other applications. Chec) the +nternet Assi"ned 'umbers Authorit /+A'A0 re"istrations with our networ) administrator.

1 7

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

%.% 1reparation Steps

This chapter e!plains the followin" Windows-specific preparation steps that ou need to perform before startin" *A%inst= x x x x x C&ec1ing t&e (ile S/stem C&ec1ing t&e !omain Structure /Windows domain installation onl 0 Reducing t&e Si:e of t&e (ile Cac&e C&ec1ing Required User Aut&ori:ations %erforming a !omain 'nstallation 7it&out 0eing a !omain Administrator /Windows domain installation onl 0

%.%.1 )*ec<ing t*e 5ile System

Eou need to chec) that ou are usin" the Windows file s stem 'TF* on the hosts where ou want to install the *A% s stem. 'TF* supports full Windows securit and lon" file names.

Eou must use 'TF* for an *A% s stem installation. Do not install the *A% directories on a FAT partition.

5. @pen the Windows E!plorer. 4. *elect the rele(ant dis). :. Choose %roperties o -eneral. The s stem displa s the t pe of file s stem in use. ;. Chec) that the file s stem is 'TF*.

%.%.# )*ec<ing t*e Domain Structure

Eou do not need this step for a local installation. +n Windows, ou can implement either of the followin" domain models for the *A% s stem= x Extra domain +n this model, the *A% s stem is embedded in its own domain, which is speciall defined for *A%. A second domain e!ists for the user accounts. +n Windows, the *A% domain and user domain must be incorporated into a domain tree. +n this tree, the user accounts must form the root domain and the *A% domain must be a child domain of the root domain. Single domain +n this model, the *A% s stem and the user accounts are incorporated into a sin"le domain.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

x x Eou are performin" a domain installation. Eou are familiar with chec)in" Windows domain structures. For more information, see the Windows @* documentation.

Eou cannot create local users and "roups on the host that is used as a domain controller. Runnin" an *A% instance or the database on the host where the domain controller is installed is therefore not supported.

For a domain installation, we recommend that ou chec) that all *A% s stem and database hosts are members of a sin"le Windows domain. We recommend this for all *A% s stem setups.

%.%.+ )*ec<ing Re0uired 8ser 4ut*ori=ations

The authorization reAuired depends on whether ou intend to perform a domain or local installation. Eou mi"ht ha(e to as) the s stem administrator to "rant the necessar authorization before ou start the installation. +f ou attempt the installation with an account that does not ha(e the reAuired authorization, the installation aborts. This section informs ou about the authorization reAuired for a domain and a local installation.

Do not use the user <sapsid#adm for the installation of the *A% s stem.

Domain Installation
For a domain installation, the account used to run the installation needs to be a member of the local Administrators and the domain Admins "roup needs to be a member of the rele(ant domain. All hosts in the s stem must belon" to the same domain. +n a domain installation, the *A% s stem user information is stored centrall on the domain controller and is accessible to all hosts in the s stem.

1 2

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s! +f the *A% s stem is to be distributed across more than one machine, *A% stron"l recommends that ou perform a domain installation to a(oid authorization problems.

+f ou install a distributed s stem as a local installation, this can lead to authorization problems for the operatin" s stem users <sapsid#adm and AP ervi4e< AP !"#. Therefore, we do not support a local installation for a distributed s stem. We recommend that ou install a distributed s stem as a domain installation. +f ou still want to perform a local installation for a distributed s stem, ma)e sure that= - Eou use the same password for the <sapsid#adm or the AP ervi4e< AP !"# user on all hosts. The password for the <sapsid#adm and AP ervi4e< AP !"# user can differ. - Eou use the same master password on all hosts. - All hosts belon" to the same Windows wor) "roup. For performance and securit reasons, *A% does not support an *A% s stem installation on a domain controller. +f for an reason the account used for the installation is not a member of the domain Admins "roup, ou can perform the installation with a domain user who is a member of the local Administrators "roup. Cowe(er, the domain administrator has to prepare the s stem for ou. For more information, see section %erforming a !omain 'nstallation wit&out 2eing a !omain Administrator below. For a domain installation, ou need to= 5. Chec) that the account used for the installation is a member of the domain Admins "roup. 4. +f reAuired, obtain these ri"hts b as)in" the s stem administrator to enter the account as a member of the domain Admins "roup.

9ocal Installation
For a local installation, the account used for the installation needs to be a member of the local Administrators "roup of the machine in(ol(ed. +n a local installation, all Windows account information is stored locall on one host and is not (isible to an other hosts in the s stem. For a local installation, ou need to= 5. Chec) that the account used for the installation is a member of the local Administrators "roup. 4. +f reAuired, obtain these ri"hts b as)in" the s stem administrator to enter the account as a member of the local Administrators "roup.

%.%.- 1er(orming a Domain Installation Wit*out 3eing a Domain 4dministrator

Eou normall perform a domain installation of the *A% s stem with a user who is a member of the domain Admins "roup, as described in section C&ec1ing Required User Aut&ori:ations abo(e. +f for an reason, the account used for the installation is not a member of the domain Admins "roup, ou can perform the installation with a domain user who is a member of the local Administrators "roup. +n this case, the domain administrator has to prepare the s stem appropriatel for ou. The domain administrator can perform the followin" steps manuall or b usin" *A%inst= 5. Create the new "lobal "roup AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin. 4. Create the two new *A% s stem users <sapsid#adm and AP ervi4e< AP !"#. :. Add the users <sapsid#adm and AP ervi4e< AP !"# to the newl created "roup AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

Eou must be domain administrator to perform the reAuired steps.

)reating t*e Re0uired 8sers and Groups 8sing S41inst

@n the host where the *A% s stem is to be installed, the domain administrator runs *A%inst and chooses Additional Software Life9C/cle *ptions o *perating S/stem Users and -roups to create the "roup and users automaticall .

)reating t*e Re0uired 8sers and Groups Manually

)reating t*e ;e Glo"al Group SAP <SAPS!D> "lo#alAdmin 5. &o" on as domain administrator. 4. To start the Acti(e Director ,sers and Computers Console, choose Start o Control %anel Administrati"e Tools o Acti"e !irector/ Users and Computers. :. Ri"ht-clic) Users in Tree, and choose 6ew -roup. ;. Enter the followin"= -roup name= AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin

Enter the AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin "roup e!actl as specified in the correct uppercase and lowercase. 1. *elect the followin"= -roup scope= 6lobal -roup t/pe= *ecurit S41 System 8sers <sapsid>adm and SAPService<SAPS!D>

9. Choose *;. )reating t*e ;e 5. +n Acti"e !irector/ Users and Computers Console, ri"ht-clic) Users in Tree and choose 6ew User. 4. Enter the followin"= 5ield First name= +nitials= &ast name= Full name= ,ser lo"on name= Input (or >sapsid?adm 'one 'one 'one <sapsid#adm <sapsid#adm Input (or S41Ser/ice>S41SID? 'one 'one 'one AP ervi4e< AP !"# AP ervi4e< AP !"#

Enter the <sapsid#adm and AP ervi4e< AP !"# user e!actl as specified in the correct uppercase and lowercase. :. Choose 6ext and enter the followin"= %assword= <password# Confirm password= <password#

# $

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s! ;. *elect %assword ne"er expires.

$a)e sure that no other options are selected. 1. Choose 6ext o (inis&. 4dding t*e <sapsid>adm 8ser to t*e SAP <SAPS!D> "lo#alAdmin "ro$p 5. +n the Users folder, double-clic) the newl created user account <sapsid#adm in the list on the ri"ht. 4. Choose em2er Add. :. *elect the new AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin "roup and choose Add to add it to the list.

? default, the user is also a member of the "omain 'sers "roup. ;. Choose *; twice. 4dding t*e SAPService<SAPS!D> 8ser to t*e SAP <SAPS!D> "lo#alAdmin "ro$p 5. +n the Users folder, double-clic) the newl created user account AP ervi4e< AP !"# in the list on the ri"ht. 4. Choose em2er Add. :. *elect the new AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin 8ro6p. ;. Choose Add to add it to the list, and then *;. 1. Choose *; to close AP ervi4e< AP !"# %roperties. 9. Close the Acti"e !irector/ Users and Computers anagement Console.

May #$11


MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s!

%.+ S41 Directories

This section describes the directories that the s stem creates durin" the installation of $D$ ser(ers and $D$ Windows clients.

%.+.1 S41 System Directories

This section describes the *A% s stem-specific and $D$ ser(ers-specific directories that *A%inst creates durin" the installation of $D$ ser(ers. *A%inst automaticall creates the followin" director durin" the installation= %$sr%sap This director is created on the= x Glo"al host and shared with the networ) share sapmnt. The "lobal host is the host where the primar $D* instance is installed. @n "lobal hosts, the 16sr1sap director contains "eneral *A% software, "lobal and local /instance- specific0 data. *A%inst creates the "lobal director 6sr1sap1< AP !"#1 % . There is e!actl one ph sical director for each *A% s stem. +t consists of the followin" subdirectories= - 83o7a3 G contains "loball shared data - pro2i3e G contains the profiles for all instances - e9e G contains the e!ecutable replication director for all instances 9ocal host and shared with the name sap3o4. @n local hosts, the 16sr1sap1< AP !"#1<instan4e5name# director contains copies of the *A% software and local /instance-specific0 data. ,nder 16sr1sap1< AP !"#1<instan4e5name#14on2i8, for e!ample, ou find the $D$specific confi"uration files for $D$ ser(ers= - mds:ini - mdis:ini - mdss:ini +n the $D* instance folder under mdm, ou find the followin" $D*-specific sub-folders= - a44e3erators - ar4;ives - distri76tions - reports

As *A% traces for the instance are created in 16sr1sap, ma)e sure there is sufficient space a(ailable in this director . Chan"es to *A% profiles can also affect the dis) space. The e!ecutables on the local host are replicated from the e!ecutables on the "lobal host e(er time the local instance is started. The *A% cop pro"ram sap4pe compares the binaries in the <p3at2orm# director on the "lobal host and the binaries in the e9e director on the $D*. +f the binaries in the e9e director are older than those in the <p3at2orm# director , sap4pe replaces them with the newer (ersion of the "lobal host. @ther $D$ ser(ers or application ser(ers access the "lobal data usin" the ,ni(ersal 'amin" Con(ention /,'C0 path 11< AP+L()AL.( T#1sapmnt. The *A% pro"rams access their instance-specific data with the ,'C path 11< APL(&AL.( T#1sap3o4. +f the ,'C path points to a local director , the local path /and not the ,'C path0 is used to access the director . The parameters AP+L()AL.( T and APL(&AL.( T ha(e the same (alues on the "lobal host.

# #

Septem"er #$11

MDM 7.1 Installation Guide (Windo s! The followin" "raphic shows the director structure of a central installation=

@@>S41G9.349&.ST?@sapmnt (8;) pat*! usr @@>S419.)49&.ST?@saploc (8;) pat*!


glo"al pro(ile exe uc >plat(orm? exe con(ig or< log mdm
4ccelerators 4rc*i/es Distri"utions Reports

con(ig or< log exe


Replication b sapcpe

uc L ,nicode

The followin" "raphic shows the director structure of a distri"uted installation=

Glo Glo"all "a &ost Insta Instance

>dri/e? usr

it* MDS

9oca 9ocal Instance(s! (4uxili uxiliary Ser/er!

4ccess to glo"al directories

>dri/e? usr

4ccess to local instance directories

@@>S41G9.349&.ST?@sapmnt (8;) pat*! @@S419.)49&.ST?@saploc >S41SID? (8;) pat*!


>S41SID? >SID?

@@>S419.)49&.ST?@saploc (8;) pat*!

SAS glo"al pro(ile exe uc >plat(orm?

MDS>;o? con(ig or< log mdm

4ccelerators 4rc*i/es Distri"utions Reports

con(ig or< log exe

CeyD Replication b sapcpe ucD ,nicode .n glo"al *ostD *A%6&@?A&C@*T L *A%&@CA&C@*T


May #$11


%.+.# MDM Windo s )lient Directories

This section describes the $D$ Windows client-specific directories that the $D$ client installers create durin" the installation of each client component= %Pro&ram 'iles%SAP MDM 7.1 This director is created on the local host, where the $D$ client installation e!ecutables are started. The 1Pro8ram Fi3es1 AP M"M 7:1 director contains, for e!ample e!ecutables, lo"s, and the lan"ua"e files for the client ,+s.

%.- 1reparing t*e Installation 5iles

This section describes how to prepare the installation files. The installation files can be obtained from one of the followin"= x x Download the installation files from *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace /*$%0. An $D$ installation D-D, which is a part of the installation pac)a"e.

5. Create a download director on the host where ou want to the $D$ installation. 4. Download to the download director all the obJects necessar for the t pe of $D$ installation ou want to perform. a. b. Downloadin" +nstallation Files f rom *$% @btainin" +nstallation Files f rom D-D

:. E!tract the indi(idual download obJects directl into the download director . Durin" the e!traction, the structure of the installation D-D is set up in the download director .

+f ou download an installation D-D, the D-D mi"ht be split into se(eral files. +n this case, ou ha(e to reassemble the reAuired files after the download.

Do nloading Installation 5iles (rom SM1

Eou can download installation files from the *A% *oftware Download Center on *$%. The *A% *oftware Download Center enables ou to download indi(idual components one b one, or download an entire stac) of components at once, b usin" one of the followin" options= x Entr/ 2/ Component= ,sed to download indi(idual components one b one. Eou select the tar"et operatin" s stem for the component, and then ou select the items to download. T picall , ou select the latest patch of the latest ser(ice pac) /*%0. Eou repeat this process for an additional components. Lin1 to S% Stac1 Application= ,sed to download all the components necessar for mo(in" to a hi"her *% than the one currentl installed. After selectin" the tar"et *%, ou select for each component the instantiation, b definin" the tar"et operatin" s stem, database, or other reAuired information. 5. *elect the component to download= (ttp)// o Support %ac1ages and %atc&es o 0rowse our !ownload Catalog o SA% 6et7ea"er and complementar/ products o SA% ! o SA% 6ET7EA8ER ! ..) o Entr/ 2/ Component o <component= a. -erif that ou are usin" the latest (ersion of the b. -erif that the (ersion of the installed (ersion of the ser(er component. ! ! 'nstallation aster ..).

To do nload a single MDM component (rom t*e S41 So(t are Do nload )enter (s dc!D

4. When ou select a ser(er component= S&ared 'nstall Content corresponds to the

:. *elect the installable software unit. ;. *elect the tar"et operatin" s stem. 1. *croll down to (iew the !ownloads tab, and select the items to download.

."taining Installation 5iles (rom D'D

5. +dentif the files reAuired to install our MDM ser/ers usin" the list below. MDM Installation Type Central +nstallation Installation 5ile Arc&i"e on S % $D$ +nstallation $aster $aster Data *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9ser"er9<2uild=9<7indows platform=.:ip $D$ +mport *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9import9ser"er9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip $D$ * ndication *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9s/ndication9ser"er9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip $D$ *hared +nstallation Content %ac)a"e mdm9s&ared9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip

@n D-D, the abo(e $D$ components reside unpac)ed in the erver5!nsta33ation director . *A% +nstance Framewor) +nstallation %ac)a"e Distributed +nstallation of $aster Data *er(er $D$ +nstallation $aster $aster Data *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9ser"er9<2uild=9<7indows platform=.:ip $D$ *hared +nstallation Content %ac)a"e mdm9s&ared9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip *A% +nstance Framewor) +nstallation %ac)a"e

MDM Installation Type Distributed +nstallation of $D$ +mport *er(er

Installation 5ile $D$ +nstallation $aster $D$ +mport *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9import9ser"er9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip $D$ *hared +nstallation Content %ac)a"e mdm9s&ared9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip *A% +nstance Framewor) +nstallation %ac)a"e $D$ +nstallation $aster $D$ * ndication *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9s/ndication9ser"er9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip $D$ *hared +nstallation Content %ac)a"e mdm9s&ared9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip *A% +nstance Framewor) +nstallation %ac)a"e

Distributed +nstallation of $D$ * ndication *er(er

Distributed +nstallation of $D$ &a out *er(er

$D$ +nstallation $aster $D$ &a out *er(er +nstallation %ac)a"e mdm9la/out9ser"er9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip $D$ *hared +nstallation Content %ac)a"e mdm9s&ared9<2uild=9< 7indows platform=.:ip *A% +nstance Framewor) +nstallation %ac)a"e

4. +dentif the files reAuired for our MDM Windo s client installation. For more information, see section 'nstalling ! 7indows Clients. :. $a)e the reAuired installation media a(ailable on each installation host.

+f ou cop the D-D to dis), ma)e sure that the paths to the destination location of the copied D-D do not contain an blan)s. +f ou perform a domain installation and ou do not want to cop the D-D but use networ) dri(es for mappin" the installation D-D, ma)e sure that the <sapsid#adm user has access to the ,'C paths of the networ) dri(es.

+. Installation
This section describes how to install the followin" components= x x x x $D$ ser(ers /$D*, $D+*, $D**, $D&*0 on released Windows platforms usin" *A%inst. $D$ Windows clients usin" $D$-specific installation e!ecutables Additional $D$ Components usin" deplo ment tools for the respecti(e platforms A database usin" the database-specific installation routine

+.1 Installing MDM Ser/ers

Eou install the $D$ ser(ers as instances of an *A% s stem usin" *A%inst. +n one installation run, ou can install all $D$ ser(ers or a sin"le $D$ ser(er on one host. This section is structured as follows= x Running SA%inst E!plains the prereAuisites and the "eneral procedure for performin" an *A% s stem installation with *A%inst. SA%inst 'nstallation *ptions &ists the $D$ options ou can select in *A%inst for different installation t pes and software lifec cle tas)s. 'nterrupted 'nstallation wit& SA%inst E!plains how to proceed if the installation run of *A%inst has been interrupted manuall or b the s stem. %erforming a Remote 'nstallation wit& SA%inst> Starting SA%inst -U' Separatel/> and Silent 'nstallation wit& SA%inst Shows optional alternati(e wa s of startin" and runnin" *A%inst. Entries in t&e Ser"ices (ile Created 2/ SA%inst> $ow to A"oid Automatic Logoff 2/ SA%inst> Trou2les&ooting wit& SA%inst %ro(ides additional useful information about the usa"e of *A%inst.

+.1.1 Running S41inst

This procedure tells ou how to install $D$ ser(ers with *A%inst. *A%inst includes a *A%inst 6,+ and a 6,+ ser(er, which both use >a(a. This section describes an installation where *A%inst, *A%inst 6,+, and the 6,+ ser(er are runnin" on the same host= When ou start *A%inst, *A%inst 6,+ and the 6,+ ser(er also start. *A%inst 6,+ connects (ia a secure **& connection to the 6,+ ser(er and the 6,+ ser(er connects to *A%inst.

;ote t*e 5ollo ing In(ormation a"out S41inst

x *A%inst normall creates the installation director sapinst5instdir, where it stored its lo" files. This director is located directl in the Pro8ram Fi3es director . +f *A%inst is not able to create sapinst5instdir in this location, it tries to create sapinst5instdir in the director defined b the en(ironment (ariable TEMP. We recommend that ou )eep all installation directories until ou are certain that the s stem has been completel and correctl installed.

x x

*A%inst creates a subdirector for each installation option called <sapinst5instdir#1<insta33ation5option5dire4tor<#. The *A%inst *elf-E!tractor e!tracts the e!ecutables to a temporar director . These e!ecutables are deleted after *A%inst has stopped runnin". Directories called sapinst5e9e:999999:9999 sometimes remain in the temporar director . Eou can safel delete them. The temporar director also contains the *A%inst *elf-E!tractor lo" file dev5se32e9:o6t, which mi"ht be useful if an error occurs.

+f *A%inst cannot find a temporar director , the installation terminates with the error F&(= 00058. x Durin" the installation, the default ports 45422, 45454, and ;4:< are used for communication between *A%inst, 6,+ ser(er, *A%inst 6,+, and CTT% ser(er. - *A%inst uses port 45422 to communicate with the 6,+ ser(er. - The 6,+ ser(er uses port 45454 to communicate with *A%inst 6,+. - ;4:< is the port of the CTT% ser(er, which is part of the 6,+ ser(er. Eou "et an error messa"e if one of these ports is alread in use b another ser(ice. +n this case, proceed as follows= @pen a command prompt and chan"e to the reAuired director as follows= 4d <"0" drive#>1!M5-!$"(- 5<p3at2orm# Enter the followin" command in a sin"le line= sapinst:e9e AP!$ T5"!AL(+5P(*T?<2ree5port5n6m7er5sapinst5to586i5server# +'! E*0E*5"!AL(+5P(*T?<2ree5port5n6m7er586i5server5to5sapinst586i# +'! E*0E*5.TTP5P(*T?<2ree5port5n6m7er5;ttp5server# To "et a list of all a(ailable *A%inst properties, proceed as follows= 6o to the director /@TEMP@1sapinst5e9e:999999:99990, after ou ha(e started *A%inst, and enter the command sapinst:e9e =p x +f ou want to terminate *A%inst and the *A%inst *elf-E!tractor, choose one of the followin" options= - Ri"ht-clic) the icon for the *A%inst output window located in the Windows tra and choose Exit. - Clic) the icon for the *A%inst output window located in the Windows tra and choose (ile o Exit.

8sing S41inst G8I

The followin" table shows the most important functions that are a(ailable in *A%inst 6,+= Input Type $enu option 9a"el (ile o Exit Description *tops the *A%inst 6,+. *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er continue runnin".

Durin" the installation, if ou need to lo" off from the host where ou control the installation with *A%inst 6,+, the installation continues after ou lo" off. Eou can reconnect to the same *A%inst installation from the same host or a different host later on. For more information, see section Starting SA%inst -U' Separatel/. $enu option SA%inst o Log 0rowser Displa s the &o" -iewer dialo" This dialo" enables ou to access the followin" lo" files directl = x x +nstallation lo" /sapinst5dev:3o80 &o" files from the *A%inst 6,+ ser(er

These lo" files mi"ht help ou durin" troubleshootin". For more information, see section Trou2les&ooting wit& SA%inst. $enu option SA%inst o Cancel Cancels the installation with the followin" options= x Stop *tops the installation /*A%inst 6,+, *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er0 without ma)in" an further chan"es to the installation files. Eou can restart and continue the installation from this point later on. Continue Continues the installation

x $essa"e button $essa"e button Retr/ Stop

%erforms the installation step a"ain /if an error occurred0 *tops the installation without ma)in" an further chan"es to the installation files Eou can continue the installation from this point later on. Continues with the option that ou chose before

$essa"e button


x x x x Eou are usin" an account with the reAuired user authorization to install the *A% s stem with the *A%inst tool. Eou need at least :22 $? of free space in the installation director for each installation option. +n addition, ou need 92-422 $? free space for the *A%inst e!ecutables. $a)e sure that ou ha(e defined the most important *A% s stem parameters as described in the section 0asic SA% S/stem %arameters before ou start the installation. Chec) that our installation host/s0 meet/s0 the reAuirements for the installation option/s0 that ou want to install. For more information, see section $ardware and Software Requirements.

5. +nsert the *A% +nstallation $aster D-D into our D-D dri(e or mount it locall . 4. *tart *A%inst from the *A% +nstallation $aster D-D b double-clic)in" sapinst:e9e from the followin" path= <"0" drive#>1 erver5!nsta33ation1!nsta33ation5Master1M"M5!M5<p3at2orm# *A%inst 6,+ starts automaticall b displa in" the 7elcome screen.

+f ou want to use a (irtual host name, start *A%inst as follows= sapinst:e9e AP!$ T5' E5.( T$AME?<virt6a3 ;ost name# :. +n the 7elcome screen, choose the reAuired *A%inst installation option from the tree structure. For more information, see section SA%inst 'nstallation *ptions below.

+f ou want to use the installation option Software Life9C/cle *ptions o *perating S/stem Users and -roups, ou must start it before ou start the installation of the *A% s stem. Choose this option if the operatin" s stem users do not et e!ist and ou do not want to create them manuall . $a)e sure that ou ha(e the reAuired user authorization for these accounts before ou start the installation. ;. +f *A%inst prompts ou to lo" off from our s stem, lo" off and lo" on a"ain. *A%inst restarts automaticall . 1. Follow the instructions in the *A%inst dialo"s and enter the reAuired parameters.

$ore information about the input parameters= *ection 0asic SA% S/stem %arameters 9. To start the installation, choose Start. *A%inst starts the installation and displa s the pro"ress of the installation. When the installation has successfull completed, *A%inst shows the dialo" Execution of <*ption?6ame= &as 2een completed successfull/. 7. We recommend that ou delete all the files in the director @6serpro2i3e@1:sdt86i1.

+.1.# S41inst Installation .ptions

This section pro(ides information about the installation options and software lifec cle options in *A%inst.

+f ou want to use "lobal accounts, which are confi"ured on separate hosts, ou must run the installation option *perating S/stem Users and -roups before ou start the installation of the *A% s stem /see Additional Software Life9C/cle *ptions in the table below0. Installation .ption )entral System ! Central S/stem Creates a new *A% s stem for $D$ and installs the followin" instances on a sin"le host= $D*, $D+*, $D** Creates a new *A% s stem for $D$ and installs an $D* instance. Adds a new $D* instance to an e!istin" *A% s stem, which is suitable for runnin" $D$. Adds a new $D+* instance to an e!istin" *A% s stem, which is suitable for runnin" $D$. Adds a new $D** instance to an e!istin" *A% s stem, which is suitable for runnin" $D$. Adds a new $D&* instance to an alread e!istin" *A% s stem which is suitable for $D$. This option is onl a(ailable on Windows platforms. 4dditional So(t are 9i(ecycle .ptions *peration S/stem Users and -roups Configure TRE@ Creates all operatin" s stem accounts for our *A% s stem. +n most cases, this is optional. Cowe(er, ou ha(e to e!ecute this option if ou want to use "lobal accounts that are confi"ured on a separate host. Confi"ures $D* in order to connect to TRE#. $ore information= +.3 'nstalling Additional o TRE@ Client Configure SL! -eneration ! Components on pa"e ;5 Description

Distri"uted System aster !ata Ser"er aster !ata Ser"er 4in an existing SA% s/stem5 aster !ata 'mport Ser"er 4in an existing SA% s/stem5 aster !ata S/ndication Ser"er 4in an existing SA% s/stem5 aster !ata La/out Ser"er 4in an existing SA% s/stem5

Confi"ures $D$ instances for re"istration as technical s stems in the * stem &andscape Director /*&D0 ,se this option onl for *A% 'etWea(er %rocess +nte"ration /%+0 7.55 and hi"her. +n lower (ersions of %+ /or #+0, ou need to re"ister $D$ manuall in the *&D. $ore information= x o onitoring and Supporta2ilit/A $ow9To -uides 4B'%5 o ! ..) $ow To Register ! in SL! /%DF0 o Scenario Configuration -uide o Setting Up %'

'nstall and Configure CC S Agent and ! CC S %lug9in

+nstalls the *A% CC$* A"ent alon" with the $D$ CC$* plu"-in and re"isters the a"ent in a central monitorin" s stem. $ore information= o onitoring and Supporta2ilit/A $ow9To -uides 4B'%5 o $ow To 'nstall and Configure ! ..) CC S onitoring on 7indows and U6'@ /%DF0


,pdates all $D$ instances of an *A% s stem. Eou can use this option, for e!ample, to implement patches of $D$ ser(ers. $ore information= *ection Updating ! Ser"ers


,ninstalls all $D$ instances and deletes the *A% s stem.

+.1.% Interrupted Installation


it* S41inst

The *A% s stem installation mi"ht be interrupted for one of the followin" reasons= An error occurred durin" the dialo" or processin" phase= *A%inst does not abort the installation in error situations. +f an error occurs, the installation is stopped and a dialo" bo! appears. The dialo" bo! contains a short description about the choices listed in the table below as well as a path to a lo" file that contains detailed information about the error. Eou interrupted the installation b choosin" Exit in the *A%inst menu. De(inition *A%inst retries the installation from the point of failure without repeatin" an of the pre(ious steps. This is possible because *A%inst records the installation pro"ress in the Ae<d7:9m3 file. We recommend that ou (iew the entries in the lo" files, tr to sol(e the problem and then choose Retr/. +f the same or a different error occurs a"ain, *A%inst displa s the same dialo" bo! a"ain. Stop *A%inst stops the installation, closin" the dialo" bo!, the *A%inst 6,+, and the 6,+ ser(er. *A%inst records the installation pro"ress in the Ae<d7:9m3 file. Therefore, ou can continue the installation from the point where ou stopped without repeatin" an of the pre(ious steps. *ee the procedure below. Continue *A%inst continues the installation from the current point.

x .ption Retr/

The followin" table describes the options in the dialo" bo!=

This procedure describes the steps reAuired to restart an installation, which ou stopped b choosin" Stop, or to continue an interrupted installation after an error situation. 5. &o" on to our remote host as a user who is a member of the local administrators "roup. 4. +nsert the installation D-D in the D-D dri(e or mount the installation D-D. :. Restart *A%inst b double-clic)in" sapinst:e9e. Eou can also start *A%inst b enterin" the followin" commands at the Windows command prompt= 4d <"0" drive#>1M"M5!M5-!$"(- <p3at2orm# ;. From the tree structure in the 7elcome screen, select the installation option that ou want to continue and choose 6ext.

1. +n the 7&at do /ou want to doC screen, decide between the followin" alternati(es and confirm with *;. 4lternati/e Run a new 'nstallation 3e*a/ior *A%inst does not continue the interrupted installation. +nstead, it mo(es the content of the old installation director and all installation-specific files to the bac)up director . Afterwards, ou can no lon"er continue the old installation. For the bac)up director , the followin" namin" con(ention is used= <3o85da<5mont;5<ear5;o6rs5min6tes5se4onds# /for e!ample, 3o85015(4t5200851B5C75560. Continue old installation *A%inst continues the interrupted installation from the point where ou stopped.

+.1.+ 1er(orming a Remote Installation

it* S41inst (.ptional!

Eou use this procedure to install our *A% s stem on a remote host. +n this case, *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er run on the remote host, and *A%inst 6,+ runs on the local host. The local host is the host from which ou control the installation with *A%inst 6,+. Alternati(el , ou can use an # ser(er for $icrosoft Windows or other remote des)top tools li)e vn4viewer or n9serverDn943ient G offered b (arious (endors or open source G for remote access to *A%inst 6,+ on Windows wor)stations. We recommend that ou use the Cummin"bird E!ceed # *er(er, which we use to (alidate installations with *A%inst.

The beha(ior of *A%inst has chan"ed compared to pre(ious (ersions. The client-ser(er mode is not acti(e b default, because *A% is no lon"er allowed to deli(er the cr pto"raphic librar that is reAuired for the encr ption of client-ser(er communication due to le"al reAuirements. For more information, see *A% 'ote 54:8545.

x x The remote host meets the prereAuisites before startin" *A%inst as described in section Running SA%inst abo(e. ?oth computers are in the same networ) and can Hpin"I each other. To test this= a. &o" on to our remote host and enter the command pin8 <3o4a3 ;ost#. b. &o" on to the local host and enter the command pin8 <remote ;ost#.

5. &o" on to our remote host as a user who is a member of the local administrators "roup. 4. +nsert the installation D-D in the D-D dri(e or mount the installation D-D.

:. Enter the followin" commands= 4d <"0" drive#>1M"M5!M5-!$"(- 5<p3at2orm# sapinst:e9e =no86i For more information, see section Running SA%inst. *A%inst now starts and waits for the connection to the *A%inst 6,+. Eou see the followin" at the command prompt= 86ien8ine> no +'! 4onne4tedE waitin8 2or a 4onne4tion on ;ost <;ost5name#F port <port5n6m7er# to 4ontin6e wit; t;e insta33ation ;. *tart *A%inst 6,+ on our local host as described in section Starting SA%inst -U' Separatel/ below.

+.1.- Starting S41inst G8I Separately (.ptional!

,se the procedure described below to start *A%inst 6,+ separatel . Eou mi"ht need to start *A%inst 6,+ separatel in the followin" cases= x Eou ha(e lo""ed off from *A%inst. +f ou lo""ed off durin" the installation and ou later want to reconnect to the installation while it is still runnin", ou can start *A%inst 6,+ separatel . Eou want to perform a remote installation. +f *A%inst 6,+ runs on a different host from *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er, ou ha(e to start *A%inst 6,+ separatel .

The beha(ior of *A%inst for remote installations has chan"ed compared to pre(ious *A%inst (ersions. The client-ser(er mode is not acti(e b default, because *A% is no lon"er allowed to deli(er the cr pto"raphic librar that is reAuired for the encr ption of client-ser(er communication due to le"al reAuirements. For more information, see *A% 'ote 54:8545.

Starting S41inst G8I on Windo s

5. &o" on as a member of the local administrators "roup. 4. +nsert the installation D-D into our D-D dri(e. :. Chan"e to the director of the *A%inst e!ecutables= <"0" drive#>1M"M5!M5-!$"(- 5<p3at2orm#

+f ou want to start *A%inst 6,+ on a Windows :4-bit operatin" s stem, chan"e to the followin" director = <!nsta33ation5Master5"0"#1 AP!$ T+'!57105-!$"(- 5!B86

;. *tart *A%inst 6,+ b double-clic)in" sapinst86i:e9e. *A%inst 6,+ starts and tries to connect to the 6,+ ser(er and *A%inst, usin" the local host as default. +f *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er are runnin" on another host, *A%inst 6,+ cannot connect and the *A% +nstallation 6,+ Connection dialo" appears. +n this case, enter the name of the host on which *A%inst is runnin" and choose Log on. The first dialo" of the installation appears and ou can perform the remote installation from our local host.

Eou can start sapinst86i:e9e with the followin" optional parameters= - ;ost?<;ost name#, where <;ost name# is the host name of the installation host - port?<nr#, where <nr# is the port number for the connection to the 6,+ ser(er - =a44essi73e enables the Accessibilit mode E!ample= :Dsapinst86i:e9e ;ost?3si1209 port?B000 =a44essi73e

Starting S41inst G8I on 8;IE

5. &o" on as user root.

$a)e sure that the root user has not set an en(ironment (ariables for a different *A% s stem or database. 4. $ount our +nstallation $aster D-D.

$ount the D-D locall . We do not recommend that ou use 'etwor) File * stem /'F*0. :. Chan"e to the director of the *A%inst e!ecutables= <mo6ntpoint5o25!nsta33ation5Master5"0"#DM"M5!M5<( #

+f ou want to start *A%inst 6,+ on a &inu! :4-bit operatin" s stem, chan"e to the followin" director = <mo6ntpoint5o25!nsta33ation5Master5"0"#D AP!$ T+'!57105L!$'X5!B86

;. *tart *A%inst 6,+ b e!ecutin" :Dsapinst86i. *A%inst 6,+ starts and tries to connect to the 6,+ ser(er and *A%inst, usin" the local host as default. +f *A%inst and the 6,+ ser(er are runnin" on another host, *A%inst 6,+ cannot connect and the SA% 'nstallation -U' Connection dialo" appears. +n this case, enter the name of the host on which *A%inst is runnin" and choose Log on. The first dialo" of the installation appears and ou can perform the remote installation from our local host.

Eou can start sapinst86i with the followin" optional parameters= - ;ost?<;ost name#, where <;ost name# is the host name of the installation host - port?<nr#, where <nr# is the port number for the connection to the 6,+ ser(er - =a44essi73e enables accessibilit mode E!ample= :Dsapinst86i ;ost?3si1209 port?B000 =a44essi73e

+.1.7 Silent Installation

it* S41inst (.ptional!

Eou can install $D$ ser(ers silentl without "raphical output and user interaction. @nce ou ha(e run *A%inst for the first time, ou can use the initialization file created b *A%inst for an subseAuent unattended installation. For the detailed procedure, see *A% 'ote <1295<.

+.1.7 Entries in t*e Ser/ices 5ile )reated "y S41inst

@nce the installation is complete, *A%inst creates the followin" entries in= <drive>#1-!$"(- 1s<stemB21drivers1et41servi4es= sapdpXX ? B2XXDt4p sapd7XXs ? C7XXDt4p sap8wXX ? BBXXDt4p sap8wXXs ? C8XXDt4p where XX is set from 00 to 99.

+f there is more than one entr for the same port number, this is not an error.

+.1.2 &o

to 4/oid 4utomatic 9ogo(( "y S41inst

When ou install the *A% s stem with *A%inst, the *A%inst installation tool chec)s whether the user account used for the installation has the reAuired pri(ile"es and authorization. For a domain installation, the account needs to be both a member of the local Administrators and the domain Admins "roup. For a local installation, the account needs to be a member of the local Administrators "roup.

+n both cases, the user account must be authorized to= x x x Act as part of the operatin" s stem AdJust memor Auotas for a process Replace a process le(el to)en

+f the user account does not ha(e these ri"hts assi"ned, *A%inst assi"ns them and automaticall lo"s off the account to acti(ate them. To pre(ent *A%inst from lo""in" off the account, ou can set these ri"hts manuall before ou start the installation.

%erform the followin" steps to assi"n these ri"hts to the user account used for the installation.

?e aware that domain policies o(erride locall defined policies. This means that if ou want to "rant domain administrator ri"hts for a user who belon"s to the local Administrators "roup, ma)e sure that ou ha(e also defined domain administrator ri"hts for this user on domain le(el. 5. Choose Start D Settings D Control %anel D Administrati"e Tools D Local Securit/ %olic/.

4. +n the Local Securit/ Settings window, choose Local %olicies D

User Rig&ts Assignment.

:. Double-clic) the reAuired ri"ht under %olic/ and choose Add User or -roup. ;. +n the Select Users and -roups window, choose the reAuired user and choose Add. The selected user appears in the bo! below. 1. Confirm our entr and then repeat the steps for each remainin" polic that the user reAuires for the installation. 9. &o" off and lo" on a"ain to appl the chan"es.

+.1.: Trou"les*ooting
+f an error occurs, *A%inst= x x *tops the installation

it* S41inst

This section e!plains how to proceed when errors occur durin" the installation with *A%inst.

Displa s a dialo" informin" ou about the error

5. To (iew the lo" file, choose 8iew Logs. 4. +f an error occurs durin" the dialo" or processin" phase, perform one of the followin" actions= - Tr to sol(e the problem. - Abort the installation with Exit. For more information, see section 'nterrupted 'nstallation wit& SA%inst. - Continue the installation b choosin" Retr/. :. Chec) the lo" and trace files of the 6,+ ser(er and *A%inst 6,+ in the followin" director for errors> @6serpro2i3e@1:sdt86i1 - +f 6,+ ser(er or *A%inst 6,+ do not start, chec) the file sdtstart:err in the current user director . - +f *A%inst 6,+ aborts durin" the installation without an error messa"e, restart *A%inst 6,+ as described in section Starting SA%inst -U' Separatel/.

+.# Installing MDM Windo s )lients

This section e!plains how to install the $D$ Windows clients on released Windows platforms. $D$ Windows clients are administration clients /for e!ample, the $D$ Console0 and data mana"ement clients /for e!ample, the $D$ Data $ana"er or the $D$ +mport $ana"er0.

+n order to run $D$ Windows clients, a Windows user must ha(e read3write access to .,LMD (FT-A*ED APDM"M 7:1 in the Windows re"istr . The $D$ Windows client installation procedure for $D$ 7.5 is still the same as the one for $D$ 1.1.

5. Chec) the %roduct A"aila2ilit/ atrix 4%A 5 on *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace at o SA% 6ET7EA8ER o SA% ! for supported Windows releases. 4. &o" on to our host as a user with administrator ri"hts. :. Download the $D$ installation archi(es from *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace or insert the installation D-D in our D-D dri(e. ;. E!tract the $D$ installation e!ecutables.

Installation 1rocedure
Eou can choose between the followin" installation modes= x x +nstall the components one b one ma)in" installation settin"s in a grap*ical user dialo". +nstall one component or a set of components MsilentlyM, ma)in" the settin"s in a Windows initialization file /e!tension .ini0.

For more information about the installation prereAuisites and dependencies of indi(idual components, see the table below.

Grap*ical Mode
Double-clic) the installation e!ecutables one b one and follow the instructions on the screen.

Silent Mode
To install a single component proceed as follows= 5. @pen a 7indows Command %rompt and na(i"ate to the folder containin" the e!tracted installation e!ecutable/s0. 4. &aunch the e!ecutable and pass the parameter Ds and the path to an initialization file /for e!ample, enter M"M!mportMana8er!nsta33:e9e Ds insta33:ini0. With the optional initialization file ou can o(erride the default installation settin"s. Eou can use one .ini file for all components. We ship a sample .ini file to"ether with the installation e!ecutables. For more information about the file structure and the indi(idual settin"s, see comments in the initialization file.

Eou can chec) whether installation was successful usin" the install.log file, which is written to the correspondin" installation director for each component.

To install a collection of components in one run proceed as follows= 5. Create a Windows batch file /create a new .txt file and rename it to .2at file0. 4. @pen the batch file in a te!t editor and enter one installation command for each component in separate lines. For a lean $D$ client installation, the batch file mi"ht loo) as follows= M"M&onso3e!nsta33:EXE Ds insta33:ini M"M"ataMana8er!nsta33:EXE Ds insta33:ini M"M!mportMana8er!nsta33:EXE Ds insta33:ini M"MLan86a8e e3e4tor!nsta33:EXE Ds insta33:ini M"M <ndi4ator!nsta33:EXE Ds insta33:ini With the optional initialization file ou can o(erride the default installation settin"s. Eou can use one initialization file for all components. We ship a sample .ini file to"ether with the installation e!ecutables. *ee the initialization file for more information about the file structure and the indi(idual settin"s. :. *a(e the batch file and launch it either b double-clic)in" it or usin" a 7indows Command %rompt.

Eou can chec) whether installation was successful usin" the insta33:3o8 file, which is written to the correspondin" installation director for each component.

MDM Windo s )lients in Detail

)omponent S&ipped (iles MDM )onsole ! Console'nstall?<2ui ld=.exe MDM )9IE ! CL'@'nstall?<2uild= .exe 1rere0uisites The $D$ Console and C&+# must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*. The machine runnin" the $D$ Console and $D$ C&+# must be in the same networ) domain as the $D*. The Console and C&+# user must )now the user name and password for the D?$* ser(er with read3write3create permissions. The Console and C&+# user must ha(e read3write permissions on the $D*machine. MDM Data Manager ! !ata anager'nstall ?<2uild=.exe The $D$ Data $ana"er must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*. This connection can be local or remote. Eou need to install $* -isio on the machines on which ou want to model /not run0 $D$ wor)flows. Remar<s The administration command line tool $D$ C&+# is automaticall installed with the $D* /at <s<stem drive#>16sr1 sap1< AP !"#1<!nstan4e Fo3der#1e9e0. Eou onl need to install the tool manuall for remote access to $D*, for e!ample, from a local %C. To use the Start Ser"er command in the Console, the lo""ed-in Windows user must ha(e permission to start the $D* ser(ice on the /remote0 machine. +n $* -isio, ma)e the followin" settin"s for $D$ Wor)flow= x ,nder Tools o *ptions o Ad"anced o (ile %at&s... set both Add9ons and Start9 up to the folder where $D$ -*& is installed /CAE%rogram (ilesESA% ! ..)E7or1flo wE8SL in a standard Windows installation0. ,nder Tools o *ptions o Securit/ choose Ena2le Automation E"ents.

)omponent S&ipped (iles MDM Import Manager ! 'mport anager'nst all?<2uild=.exe MDM Syndicator ! S/ndicator'nstall?< 2uild=.exe

1rere0uisites The $D$ +mport $ana"er and the $D$ * ndicator must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*. This connection can be local or remote.

Remar<s To enable the $D$ +mport $ana"er to "enerate #$& schemas from #$& files upon import, the 9sd:e9e must reside in the same folder as the +mport $ana"er e!ecutable. The 9sd:e9e is part of the $icrosoft .'ET Framewor) *D. /*oftware De(elopment .it0 4.2, which can be downloaded from the download center of the $icrsosoft web site.

MDM 9anguage Selector ! LanguageSelector' nstall?<2uild=.exe

MDM 8.M Manager ! ?U* anager'nst all?<2uild=.exe MDM Image Manager ! 'mage anager'nst all?<2uild=.exe

To displa the $D$ client componentNs user interfaces correctl in East Asian lan"ua"es, ou ma ha(e to install these lan"ua"es on Windows /Settings o Control %anel o Regional and Language *ptions o Languages0. The client software of the underl in" database needs to be installed on the ,@$ $ana"er host. Eou must install Adobe %hotoshopF before installin" the +ma"e $ana"er. The +ma"e $ana"er must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*. This connection must be local to be effecti(e. $D&* must be installed first.

MDM 1u"lis*er ! %u2lis&er'nstall?<2 uild=.exe MDM Indexer ! 'ndexer'nstall?<2uil d=.exe InDesignF 1lug6In 'n!esign%lugin<'n!esig n "ersion='nstall?<2uild=.e xe

$D$ %ublisher must be installed first.

Adobe +nDesi"nF must be installed first. The machine on which the plu"-in is installed must ha(e TC%3+% access to the $D*, $D&*, and Data $ana"er. This connection must be local to be effecti(e. The %lu"-+n for +nDesi"n (ersion C*: reAuires the icrosoft 8isual CFF ,GG5 S%) Redistri2uta2le %ac1age 4xH#5, which ou can download at http=33www.microsof t.com3downloads3det ails.asp!OFamil +DL422b4f d<-ae5a;a5;-<8;d:8<c:9f 819;7Pdispla lan"Len

+nstall the $D$ plu"-in in the +nDesi"n default plu"-in director .

+.% Installing 4dditional MDM )omponents

)omponent S&ipped (iles MDM Ha/a 41I and MDM )onnector 1rere0uisites G Remar<s For hosted applications, ou need *A% 'etWea(er 422; or 7.2. For standalone applications, ou need a >a(a 5.;.4 compatible >a(a -irtual $achine. MDM 1ortal )ontent $D$ Connector and $D$ >a(a A%+ are deplo ed /see abo(e0. Installation 1rocedure Deplo the components on our >a(a machine. For more information, see o ! Ia"a and .6ET A%' -uide. Deplo the components on our E%. For more information, see o %ortal 0usiness %ac1age for aster !ata anagement Deplo the components and the adapter content on our %+. For more information, see o ! %rocess 'ntegration 4%'5 Adapter -uide Deplo components on our A?A% s stem as *A% Add-@n. For more information, see o ! A0A% A%' and the application help of transaction *A+'T. MDM We" Ser/ices For more information, see o ! 7e2 Ser"ices For more information, see o ! Ia"a and .6ET A%' As $icrosoft .'ET is the technolo"ical successor of $icrosoft C@$, the $D$ C@$ A%+ is deprecated with $D$ 7.5. Customers are ad(ised not to start an new proJects based on the $D$ C@$ A%+ and to consider mi"ration to the $icrosoft .'ET framewor), as the $D$ C@$ A%+ will not be part of the ne!t $D$ release. *A% Web Application *er(er 9.;2 />a(a0, $D*, $D+*, and $D** are installed. $D$ Connector and $D$ >a(a A%+ are deplo ed /see abo(e0. *ee section 'nstalling Clients abo(e. ! 7indows

MDM 1I 4dapter

The *A% 'etWea(er %rocess +nte"ration /%+0 is installed. $D$ Connector and $D$ >a(a A%+ are deplo ed /see abo(e0.

MDM 4341 41I

An A?A% s stem is installed.


MDM ).M 41I ! C* 'nstall?<2uild=.exe

MDM Enric*ment )ontroller

For more information, see o ! Enric&ment Arc&itecture.

)omponent S&ipped (iles TREE )lient ! %rotocol$andler.dll

1rere0uisites G Remar<s The TRE# ser(er must be (ersion 7.5. For performance reasons we recommend that ou install TRE# ser(er and $D* on different hosts. +f ou install them on the same host, both ha(e to be 9;bit (ersions. When installin" TRE# ser(er for use with $D$ there is no need to set a communication protocol. The $D* host needs to ha(e incomin" TC% traffic enabled on port 59950. +f there is a firewall on the $D$ ser(er, the firewall needs to be confi"ured to permit traffic on this port. The $D$-TRE# inte"ration supports En"lish documents onl . For more information about TRE# installation see install*+7, o 'nstallation 9 Standalone Engines o 'nstallation 9 Searc& and Classification TRE@

Installation 1rocedure 5. +f $D* and TRE# ser(er reside on different hosts, ou also need to install a TRE# instance on the $D* host. This additional TRE# is used as a client for $D$. To use TRE# as client for $D$, disable the ser(er aspect of the additional TRE#. For more information, see *A% 'ote 55::;<:. 4. @n our $D* host, start *A%inst, choose Additional Software9Lifec/cle *ptions o TRE@ Configuration and follow the instructions on the screen. :. @n our TRE# ser(er host, stop the TRE# ser(er processes. ;. Cop the file ! %rotocol$andler.dll to the TRE# ser(er e!ecutables director /this director also contains TRE@%reprocessor.exe0. 1. @pen the %roperties dialo" of the D&&. @n the Securit/ tab pa"e, (erif that the TRE# ser(ice user /SA%Ser"ice<TRE@?S'!=0 or a "roup the TRE# user is member of /for e!ample SA%?<TRE@?S'!=LocalAdmins or SA%?LocalAdmin0, has all permissions for the D&&. 9. @pen the TRE@%reprocessor.ini file located on the TRE# ser(er. 7. *earch for a section in the TRE@%reprocessor.ini file called Gproto4o3H. +f this section does not e!ist, add it to the end of the file. 8. +n the Gproto4o3H section, add the followin" line /if it does not alread e!ist0= mdm?mdswrap <. *a(e and close TRE@%reprocessor.ini and restart the TRE# ser(er processes.

MDM We" Dynpro

*A% 'etWea(er $D$ Web D npro Framewor) 7.5 *%1 %atch 4 or hi"her

For more information, see (ttp)// lmdm71 Q De(elopment and Customization Q $D$ Web D npro Components. Refer to the followin" sections= x x +nstallin" the $D$ Web D npro En(ironment Deplo in" the $D$ Web D npro Components Framewor)

MDM )olla"orati/e 1rocesses (or Material

$D$ Collaborati(e %rocesses for $aterial 7.52 7.42

For more information, see o $D$ ?usiness Content E!tensions o Collaborati(e %rocesses for $aterial $aster Data Creation

+.+ Installing and )on(iguring t*e Data"ase

?efore the $D* can handle data, ou must install and confi"ure the database.

When stoppin" and restartin" $D* and the database, restart the database first. *tartin" from $D$ 7.5 *%29, the installation for Windows as)s ou which database ser(erRsS will be used b $D$. Then, for each ser(er, the installation searches for the database client and refuses to continue unless the database client is found on the ser(er. 'ote the followin" when plannin" the $D* and database combination= x $a)e sure that our operatin" s stem meets the prere0uisites for the database ou want to run, includin" an necessar ser(ice pac)s, hot fi!es, libraries, or dlls. For more information, see the @* and D? documentation. D3MS client software must be installed on the machine that runs the $D*. $a)e sure that the $D$ user AP ervi4e< !"# has the necessar ri"hts for accessin" the database client. The D3MS user that $D$ uses to connect to a D?$* must ha(e access ri"hts eAui(alent to the s stem user. Eou can use the s stem account or create a user with eAui(alent ri"hts. The built-in s stem accounts are as follows= - $* *D& G sa /reser(ed0 - @racle G s/stem /reser(ed0 - D?4 G d2,admin /confi"urable installation option0 - $a!D? - d2m /confi"urable installation option0

x x

+.+.1 Microso(t SI9 Ser/er

When installin" $aster Data *er(er instances on Windows *er(er 4228 and connectin" to an *D& *er(er database, ma)e sure that the *A% +nstance Framewor) used for $D$ is of *A% .ernel (ersion 752 patch 5;9 or hi"her. This instance framewor) patch le(el is deli(ered with the $D$ 7.5 *%24 installation pac)a"e. To chec) the instance framewor) (ersion of an $D$ instance proceed as follows= - *tart the *A% $icrosoft $ana"ement Console /*A% $$C0 - +n the conte!t menu of the instance node choose 8ersion 'nfo. 5. +nstall the *D& *er(er and create the appropriate database instances.

$* *D& can be installed as a 6amed 'nstance or a !efault 'nstance. When usin" $* *D& as a 6amed 'nstance, in which the full Aualified name contains a bac)slash /T0, ou must use the S SJL Client 6etwor1 Utilit/ to create an alias for that instance. Eou then refer to the alias instead of the full Aualified name in all $D* interactions. Eou can use an collation.

4. When usin" $D$ in an en(ironment where the *D& *er(er D?$* and $D* are located on separate machines, ou mi"ht need to chan"e the networ) connection between the $D* and the D?$* from the default connection. This confi"uration is done usin" the *D& *er(er 'etwor) ,tilit = a. To access this utilit , ri"ht-clic) on the D?$* *er(er in SJL Ser"er Enterprise anager, choose %roperties from the conte!t menu, and choose 6etwor1 Configuration from the -eneral tab. b. Chec) if there are an features of our local s stem which will wor) better with a particular protocol. :. Chan"e the securit settin"s from the default 7indows Securit/ to SJL and 7indows.

Data"ase 1er(ormance Tips

x *D& *er(erUs performance increases when the main data file /.mdf0 and the transaction lo" file /.ldf0 are located on separate spindles. Remember that this in(ol(es usin" different dri(es and not Just different dri(e letters. When $D* creates database schemas, it does not set the reco(er method. *o *D& *er(er creates a new database schema with the method that the MmodelM database uses. +f ou wish to e!plicitl use a settin" different than MmodelM, use one of the followin" parameters in the top section of mds.ini= - /L erver *e4over< T<pe?F633 - /L erver *e4over< T<pe? imp3e - /L erver *e4over< T<pe?)63A5Lo88ed ,narchi(in" mainl ?&@?-based repositories /containin" man %DFs, pictures and so on0 runs si"nificantl faster when usin" imp3e or )63A5Lo88ed. @n other repositories F633 is sli"htl faster. x Define the stora"e paths. The first time ou connect the $D* to the database usin" $D$ Console, a dialo" bo! appears as)in" for !ata pat& and Log pat&. This optional step ma sli"htl impro(e performance= +f ou lea(e these fields blan), $D$ creates tablespaces in the default director of *D& *er(er. While this is acceptable in most cases, ou ma wish to specif other locations on the database host machine. Furthermore, if ou choose different locations for the !ata pat& and Log pat& so that the are on different hard dis)s /different ph sical spindles, not Just lo"ical dri(es0, database performance ma impro(e b a small de"ree. The director paths ou specif must alread e!ist on the database host machine. $D$ repositories use one, two or four schemas. $D$ data is di(ided into four t pes of data collections= ain, *riginals, T&um2nails, and 8ariants. +n a two partition arran"ement, ain and *riginals are placed in one partition, with T&um2nails and 8ariants bein" placed in the other. With four partitions, each data collection t pe has a separate partition /*chema and Tablespaces0. Choosin" two or four partitions "i(es ou the option of performin" *D& *er(er-based bac)ups on a different schedule for the (arious partitions. *ince T&um2nails and 8ariants can be recreated throu"h $D$, these can be bac)ed up less freAuentl or not at all. For man use cases, *riginals chan"e at a less freAuent rate than ain data. This means the can also be bac)ed up less freAuentl in a four partition confi"uration. With *D& *er(er 4221, the (ull9text 'ndexing feature is automaticall on. *ince $D* does not need this feature, it is e!plicitl turned off when creatin" repositor database schemas. This sli"htl impro(es performance for man database operations. +f ou want to o(erride the default and enable this feature at repositor creation, enter the followin" in the top section of mds.ini= /L erver Ena73e F633=Te9t !nde9in8?tr6e

+.+.# .racle D3MS

Install .racle and )reate a Data"ase Instance
x Eou need to install both D?$* and client of @racle if ou plan to host @racle on the same machine as $D*. +f the D?$* and $D$ reside on different hosts, the $D* host reAuires the installation of the @racle client.

When installin" the @racle Database, in the step where ou select the installation option, ma)e sure ou select Create and configure data2ase /and not 'nstall data2ase software onl/0. x +f the $D* and the D?$* are on the same machine, use the 'et Confi"uration Assistant to define a Listener address and local Ser"ice 6ame that uses the +%C protocol rather than TC%. This affects the 3istener:ora and tsname:ora files, which can also be edited manuall . This increases the repositor unarchi(e performance. To determine the @racle client (ersions which are supported for the (arious D?$* (ersions, refer to the @racle ser(er3client interoperabilit support matri!.

+n earlier (ersions of @racle, b default, passwords did not e!pire. *tartin" from @racle 55, the default is that passwords e!pire in 582 da s. %assword e!piration has a ne"ati(e impact on $D*. This is due to the fact that durin" the da s before the password e!pires, warnin" messa"es about password e!piration interfere with $D* operations. x @racleUs performance increases when separate spindles /hard dis)s0 are used for the main data and indices. Rollbac) se"ments /for transactions and lo""in"0 are set at database instance creation time and can represent an opportunit to use three separate spindles. The location of the main and inde! files can be set before repositor creation, unarchi(in", or duplication (ia the Console. $a)e sure that ou reboot the machine after a new installation of @racle on a Windows platform so that the $D$ ser(ice can inherit the @racle path from the s stem. The &6rsor ;arin8 parameter is set on a session basis to be e9a4t. This pro(ides a small performance impro(ement for certain operations between $D* and the @racle *er(er. For earlier (ersions of $D$, ou ma ha(e the option of "loball turnin" this parameter on for the entire @racle instance with the followin" command= ALTE* % TEM ET 46rsor5s;arin8?IEXA&TI s4ope?)(T. $D$ reAuires particular character sets= - 'ational Character *et= Choose a ,nicode character set, such as ,TF8 or A&59,TF59. - Database Character *et= Choose a ,nicode character set, such as ,TF8 or A&:4,TF8.

x x

,nicode character sets are the onl character sets that $D* supports. Do not use an @racle database instance that has different character sets for $D$. To use an e!istin" database instance, run the followin" Aueries to determine the character sets= - 'ational Character *et= se3e4t 0AL'E 2rom $L 5"ATA)A E5PA*AMETE* w;ere PA*AMETE*?I$L 5$&.A*5&.A*A&TE* ETI - Database Character *et= se3e4t 0AL'E 2rom $L 5"ATA)A E5PA*AMETE* w;ere PA*AMETE*?I$L 5&.A*A&TE* ETI +f the results of the abo(e Aueries do not return ,nicode character sets, ou must create a new database instance for $D$. For more parameter recommendations for @racle 52", see *A% 'ote 8:2179.

Set 8p and Test t*e )onnection

5. To connect to the database, create an entr in the tnsnames:ora file. @n Windows, the tnsnames:ora file is t picall located in 1ora43e1:::1networA1admin. The entr must use the followin" format= <net servi4e name spe4i2ied in t;e M"M &onso3e as ")M server# ? J"E &*!PT!($ ? JA""*E 5L! T ? JA""*E ? JP*(T(&(L ? T&PKJ.( T ? <2633< L6a3i2ied !P address or domain o2 t;e ;ost ma4;ine r6nnin8 t;e (ra43e ")M #KJP(*T?<n6m7er o2 t;e port 6sed 7< ")M ;ost wit; de2a63t 1521#KK K J&($$E&T5"ATA ? J E*0!&E5$AME ? <(ra43e servi4e name spe4i2ied w;en t;e (ra43e ")M was insta33ed#K K K Eou can test the net ser(ice name b lo""in" onto the @racle database from the $D* host usin" the @racle *D&%&,* command as follows= sL3p36s <6serid#D<password#M<net servi4e name# Alternati(el , ou can Just test the connection to the @racle database with the followin" command= tnspin8 <net servi4e name# 4. @n the $D* host, run the 'et $ana"er to ma)e the D?$* )nown to @racle clients. +n this case, the $D* is an @racle client.

)onnect Initially
5. $odif the temporar tablespace. When connectin" to the D?$* for the first time /D?$* initialization0, the s stem account or an eAui(alent account is used to ma)e the connection and the D?$* is Aueried for the temporar tablespace of that account. 'ormall this tablespace is named TEMP. +f the site needs to use a different tablespace, modif the temporar tablespace of the connectin" account prior to D?$* initialization. 4. *et the user account. The first time that the $D* connects to the database, the $D$ Console as)s which user account to use to connect to the D?$*. ? default ou use the % TEM account for all access. +f ou want to use another account or the use of the % TEM account is not allowed in our D?$*, ou can use the % TEM account, or the $D$ Console3C&+# feature to create an alternati(e account. Eou should model our account creation accordin" to the followin" template= 4reate 6ser .A**%5P(TTE* identi2ied 7< m6883es de2a63t ta73espa4e % TEME 8rant a3ter 6serF a3ter s<stemF 4reate sessionF 4reate an< inde9F 4reate viewF d7aF drop an< viewF 4reate an< ta73eF de3ete an< ta73eF drop an< ta73eF insert an< ta73eF 6pdate an< ta73eF se3e4t an< ta73eF a3ter ta73espa4eF 4reate ta73espa4eF drop ta73espa4eF 6n3imited ta73espa4eF 4reate an< seL6en4eF drop an< seL6en4eF a3ter an< seL6en4eF se3e4t an< seL6en4eF 3o4A an< ta73eF a3ter an< ta73eF a3ter an< t<peF a3ter data7aseF 4reate pro2i3eF drop pro2i3eF 4reate data7ase 3inAF drop an< inde9F 4reate 6serF drop 6serF 4reate an< dire4tor<F 4reate an< pro4ed6reF ana3<Ne an< to .A**%5P(TTE*E

:. Define the tablespace directories. The first time ou connect the $D* to the database usin" $D$ Console, a dialo" bo! appears as)in" ou where ou want to store data and inde! tablespace files. This optional step sli"htl impro(es performance= a. +f ou lea(e these fields blan), $D$ creates tablespaces in the default tablespace director . While this is acceptable in most cases, ou ma wish to specif other locations on the database host machine. Furthermore, if ou choose different locations for the data tablespace and inde! tablespace so that the are on different hard dis)s /different ph sical spindles, not Just lo"ical dri(es0, database performance can impro(e b a small, but si"nificant, de"ree. The director paths ou specif must alread e!ist on the database host machine. b. These settin"s appl to repositories onl as the are created. Alread e!istin" repositories will sta where the were created. c. To "ain e(en more detailed control our tablespaces, or to use tablespaces that alread e!ist, see the Allow (lexi2le Ta2lespaces section below.

After a repositor is created throu"h create, unarchi(e, duplicate or sla(e operations, all tables and inde!es are anal zed in the final step. We recommend that ou re-anal ze tables to ma!imize the performance of the D?$* rom time to time and especiall if our repositor has "ained or lost a si"nificant number of records /for e!ample from a lar"e import0. ;. To mount an $D$ repositor residin" in an @racle D?$*, specif the *racle 6et Ser"ice 6ame as the D?$* ser(er in the Add !0 S Ser"er dialo". This name should be defined usin" @racle networ)in" methodolo"ies.

4dJust Temporary Ta"lespace (or M).D

For $C@D /$D$ sharin" the same database with other *A% components, such as *A% ER% ECC or *A% 'etWea(er Application *er(er0, ou need to chec) and adJust the temporar tablespace. The first time $D* establishes a relationship with a particular @racle instance, it Aueries the temporar tablespace name of the initial lo"in, for e!ample % TEM. The retrie(ed (alue, for e!ample TEMP, is stored in $D$ in the A2i59&at5")s:A2i5")5 ettin8s table in the TempTa73e pa4e$ame field. $D$ Aueries this table when creatin" more users or schemas. +n an $C@D en(ironment where the database has been installed with *A% 'etWea(er A* >a(a usin" *A%inst, the temporar tablespace is set to P APTEMP. To adJust the temporar tablespace settin", proceed in one of the followin" wa s= x x +n the $D$ Console, choose !0 S Settings from conte!t menu of our $D* and set the Temp ta2lespace name. ,se the followin" C&+# command= 43i9 d7 et")M ettin8 <mds.ost pe4# TempTa73e pa4e$ame?P APTEMP <d7ms pe4#


5lexi"le Ta"lespaces

Eou can detach from the methods built into $D$ for the creation of @racle database stora"e. As an e!perienced database administrator, ou can utilize e(en more of the fle!ibilit and power that the database pro(ides. 3ac<ground +n @racle, data elements are stored in tables. Collections of tables are "rouped to"ether into schemas. Tables /or schemas0 are then assi"ned to lo"ical stora"e entities called tablespaces. ? usin" the lo"ical concept of a tablespace, @racle allows ou to mana"e the actual files that are used for a tablespace independent of the schemas and tables. ? default $D$ applies the followin" data stora"e concept= x $D$ repositories use one, two or four schemas. $D$ data di(ides into four t pes of data collections= ain, *riginals, T&um2nails, and 8ariants. +n a two partition arran"ement, ain and *riginals are placed in one partition, with T&um2nails and 8ariants bein" placed in the other. With four partitions, each data collection t pe has a separate partition /schema and tablespaces0.

Choosin" two or four partitions "i(es ou the option of performin" @racle based bac)ups on a different schedule for the (arious partitions. *ince T&um2nails and 8ariants can be recreated throu"h $D$, these can be bac)ed up less freAuentl or not at all. For man use cases, *riginals chan"e at a less freAuent rate than ain data, so the , too, can be bac)ed up less freAuentl in a four partition confi"uration. x $D$ creates two tablespaces for each schema, one for data and the other for inde!es. The names of the schemas are deri(ed from the repositor name, and in turn the tablespace names are deri(ed from the schema names. $D$ uses a sin"le director location on an indi(idual D?$* for all data tablespaces and another sin"le director for inde! tablespaces. These two settin"s are controllable from the $D$ Console.

Whereas this arran"ement is con(enient for the maJorit of use cases, it limits the full control of location and other parameters in the creation and mana"ement of tablespaces that are possible in @racle databases. ?ut ou ha(e the freedom to create tablespaces accordin" to the needs of our particular installation as described below.

Ta"lespace En*ancement $D* can use tablespaces that pree!ist in a database as an alternati(e to creatin" them. The confi"uration of such a custom tablespace is maintained on the D?$* in the followin" table= A2!5X&AT5") :A2!5")5 ETT!$+ Eou ha(e to add se(eral rows that are not automaticall created throu"h use of the $D$ Console or C&+#, b manuall usin" scripts and3or *D&V%lus utilit of @racle. @nce these rows are created, the can be maintained usin" the $D$ Console. The A2!5X&AT5") :A2!5")5 ETT!$+ ;4ME column "ataPat; !nde9Pat; tsname5m SETTI;G column Actual path or empt Actual path or empt 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created 'ame of tablespace ou created table creates the followin" records= Explanation Alread e!ists and mana"ed b $D$ Console. A sin"le director where data tablespaces are created. Alread e!ists and mana"ed b $D$ Console. A sin"le director where inde! tablespaces are created. Tablespace name for main repositor schema tables. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the !ata%at& record is used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for main repositor schema tables inde!es. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the 'ndex%at& record is used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for originals repositor schema tables. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the !ata%at& record is used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for originals repositor schema tables inde!es. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the 'ndex%at& record will be used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace 'ame for T*um"nails Repositor *chema Tables. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the HData%athI record will be used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for t*um"nails repositor schema tables inde!es. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the 'ndex%at& record will be used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for ima"e /ariants repositor schema tables. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the !ata%at& record will be used to create a new tablespace. Tablespace name for ima"e /ariants repositor schema tables inde!es. +f this record is missin" or the Setting column is blan) or empt , the 'ndex%at& record will be used to create a new tablespace.








To initiall create the A2!5X&AT5") schema and A2!5")5 ETT!$+ table on a D?$* from the $D$ Console, choose !0 S Settings from the !S Ser"er node conte!t menu or from the Ser"er menu. @nce created, ou can insert the ei"ht necessar records listed in the table abo(e usin" the @racle Enterprise $ana"er, or with a script usin" *D&V%lus. The followin" sample script utilizes ei"ht separate tablespaces. The password for the a2i594at5d7s account is the same as the one used to initiall connect usin" the !0 S Settings dialo"= 4onne4t a2i594at5d7sD<m<Password#M<m<!nstan4e#E insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es 4ommitE JItsname5mIF IMMMIKE JItsname5oIF I(((IKE JItsname5tIF ITTTIKE JItsname5vIF I000IKE JItsname5m9IF IMMM5!XIKE JItsname5o9IF I(((5!XIKE JItsname5t9IF ITTT5!XIKE JItsname5v9IF I0005!XIKE

Eou must use the names of the actual, e!istin" tablespace or tablespaces ou intend to use prior to actuall creatin" a repositor /creatin" sla(e, unarchi(in", etc0. For e!ample, if ou were usin" a sin"le tablespace for all data named M" "ATA and another for all inde!es named M" 5!"X, our script would be as follows= 4onne4t a2i594at5d7sD<m<Password#M<m<!nstan4e#E insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es insert into a2i5d75settin8s JnameF settin8K va36es 4ommitE JItsname5mIF IM" "ATAIKE JItsname5oIF IM" "ATAIKE JItsname5tIF IM" "ATAIKE JItsname5vIF IM" "ATAIKE JItsname5m9IF IM" 5!"XIKE JItsname5o9IF IM" 5!"XIKE JItsname5t9IF IM" 5!"XIKE JItsname5v9IF IM" 5!"XIKE

At this point, ou create a new repositor /or unarchi(e, ma)e a sla(e, etc.0 on that particular D?$* host. After ha(in" created this repositor , ou ma want to create another repositor with different tablespaces. For e!ample ou want to re"ularl bac)up the tablespaces for a master repositor , but ou also want a sla(e repositor on different tablespaces where bac)ups are less necessar . %rior to creatin" a sla(e, do the followin"= usin" the !0 S Settings dialo" in the $D$ Console, chan"e the settin" (alues for the tsname5<O# settin" names. Alternati(el ou can use C&+# or *D&%lus scripts which would loo) as follows= x )9IE 43i9 43i9 43i9 43i9 43i9 43i9 43i9 43i9 d7 d7 d7 d7 d7 d7 d7 d7 et")M et")M et")M et")M et")M et")M et")M et")M ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 ettin8 <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost <mds.ost pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms <d7ms pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# pe4# tsname5m? LA0E"ATA tsname5o? LA0E"ATA tsname5t? LA0E"ATA tsname5v? LA0E"ATA tsname5m9? L05!"X tsname5o9? L05!"X tsname5t9? L05!"X tsname5v9? L05!"X

@nce the records ha(e been created /as shows abo(e0, the C&+# method inte"rates easil with other C&+# commands such as create sla(e operations. $ore information= Documentation of the Cli! commands <mds.ost pe4# and <d7ms pe4# at o ! Console Reference -uide.

SI91lus 4onne4t a2i594at5d7sD<m<Password#M<m<!nstan4e#E 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I LA0E"ATAI w;ere name 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I LA0E"ATAI w;ere name 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I LA0E"ATAI w;ere name 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I LA0E"ATAI w;ere name 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I L05!"XI w;ere name ? 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I L05!"XI w;ere name ? 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I L05!"XI w;ere name ? 6pdate a2i5d75settin8s set settin8 ? I L05!"XI w;ere name ? 4ommitE

? Itsname5mIE ? Itsname5oIE ? Itsname5tIE ? Itsname5vIE Itsname5m9IE Itsname5o9IE Itsname5t9IE Itsname5v9IE

+f ou want to return this D?$* to the state where $D* automaticall creates tablespaces, then ou must manuall delete these records from the database. This cannot be done from the $D$ Console, but ou can use the followin" script= 4onne4t a2i594at5d7sD<m<Password#M<m<!nstan4e#E de3ete a2i5d75settin8s w;ere name 3iAe Itsname5@IE 4ommitE ;otes x When ou choose this alternate method of tablespace assi"nment, ou must create the tablespaces b ourself. To test what ou ha(e done with these assi"nments, ou can create a new repositor usin" four partitions and e!amine the results in report files, or b usin" the *racle Enterprise anager. The settin"s in A2!5X&AT5") :A2!5")5 ETT!$+ table are Aueried when $D* performs a duplicate, unarchi(e, create new, or create sla(e operation. Afterwards these tablespace settin"s remain associated with that repositor e(en if ou chan"e the settin"s prior to creatin" another repositor . The contents of the $AME column are case-sensiti(e. $a)e sure that ou use tsname5o and no other spellin". @nce ou ha(e created these ei"ht records in the A2!5")5 ETT!$+ table, ou can chan"e the settin" (alues usin" the !0 S Settings dialo" of the $D$ Console. This dialo" does not allow ou to add or delete records or chan"e the name of an e!istin" record. Therefore if ou ma)e a mista)e with a name or wish to remo(e these records, ou must do so usin" the *racle Enterprise anager or SJLK%lus utilities. The $istor/ table, which is used for auditin", does not fall under this manual tablespace mana"ement approach and still uses the settin"s for "ataPat; and !nde9Pat;. When ou create our own tablespaces, ou must monitor their "rowth and mana"e the wa that the size of the tablespace files is e!tended.

x x

x x

More Sample Scripts x The followin" e!ample shows a tablespace definition that is t pical for the main data partition of an $D$ repositor where the tablespace is comprised of two files that can "row indefinitel = &*EATE TA)LE PA&E M" "ATA "ATAF!LE ID6srDd7DtsDmdsdata1:d72I !PE 1M *E' E A'T(EXTE$" ($ $EXT 1M MAX !PE '$L!M!TE"F ID6srDd7DtsDmdsdata2:d72I !PE 1M *E' E A'T(EXTE$" ($ $EXT 1M MAX !PE '$L!M!TE" "EFA'LT T(*A+E J!$!T!AL 16, $EXT 6C, MAXEXTE$T '$L!M!TE" P&T!$&*EA E 0KE x The followin" e!ample shows a tablespace definition similar to the pre(ious e!ample, e!cept that the file s stem limits files to 4 6? and ou allocate the entire file space immediatel to a(oid dis) fra"mentation= &*EATE TA)LE PA&E M" "ATA "ATAF!LE ID6srDd7DtsDmdsdata1:d72I !PE 20C8MF ID6srDd7DtsDmdsdata2:d72I !PE 20C8M "EFA'LT T(*A+E J!$!T!AL 16, $EXT 6C, MAXEXTE$T '$L!M!TE" P&T!$&*EA E 0KE x The followin" e!ample shows a tablespace definition that is t pical for an $D$ repositor inde! tablespace. &*EATE TA)LE PA&E M" 5!"X "ATAF!LE ID6srDd7DtsDmds5id9:d72I !PE 128, *E' E A'T(EXTE$" ($ $EXT 6C, MAX !PE '$L!M!TE" "EFA'LT T(*A+E J!$!T!AL 16, $EXT 6C, MAXEXTE$T '$L!M!TE" P&T!$&*EA E 0KE

+.+.% I3M D3# (or 9inuxK 8nix and Windo s

*ee o 'nstalling and Setting Up U6'@> and 7indows. ! wit& '0 !0, for Linux>

+.+.+ I3M D3# (or =G.S

$D$ repositories on +?$ D?4 for z3@* are limited to 4; lan"ua"es.

)*ec< t*e system re0uirements

The minimum s stem reAuirements for an *A% $D$ installation are as follows= x x +?$ D?4 for z3@* -ersion 8 in 'ew Function $ode
+?$ D?4 Dri(er for @D?C and C&+ -ersion < Fi!%a) 5

Eou must use this dri(er for connecti(it between the database and our $D$ ser(er.

Install t*e )9I Dri/er

Do nload and Extract t*e 4rc*i/e
5. Create a director where ou can install the C&+ dri(er. +n the documentation, we call this director <d72543i5od745driver#. 4. Download the C&+ dri(er file - +f ou are an *A% @E$ customer, ou can download the file from the *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace at (ttp)// o !ownload o !ata2ase %atc&es 4from ot&er "endors5 o !0, for :L*S o '0 !0, !ri"er for *!0C> CL' and I!0C> <"ersion and (ix%a1=. There is no top director in this archi(e. - +f ou are an +?$ customer, ou obtain the file from +?$. +n this case, the top director in the archi(e is 43idriver. :. E!tract the file to the director <d72543i5od745driver# - +f ou downloaded the file from the S41 Ser/ice Mar<etplace, ou need to e!tract it usin" AP&A* to <d72543i5od745driver#. For more information about AP&A*, see *A% 'ote 454879. - +f ou downloaded the file from the I3M site, see the followin" +?$ documentation for information about file e!traction= ocenter3db4luw3( <3inde!.JspO doc3c224::78.htm.

When ou e!tract the file, a subdirector 43idriver is created, pro(ided that ou downloaded the file from +?$.

Modi(y t*e 14T& 'aria"le

Add the followin" db4 director to our PAT. en(ironment (ariable= <d72543i5od745driver#17in +f a D?4 Connect client is installed on the ser(er, ma)e sure that the C&+ Dri(er is found prior to the D?4 Connect client. +n special cases, ou will need to set the ")25&L!5"*!0E*5!$ TALL5PAT. en(ironment (ariable to <d72543i5od745driver#. This en(ironment (ariable o(erwrites the librar path settin".

Do nload t*e )9I Dri/er 9icense

The C&+ Dri(er comes with a temporar license that will e!pire after <2 da s= +f a permanent license is alread a(ailable, cop it to the license director = <d72543i5od745driver#D3i4ense to a(oid unnecessar downtime later on. @n Windows 'T, the user AP ervi4e< AP !"# must ha(e permission to modif and read the license file director of the +?$ clidri(er= <43i5driver5pat;#143idriver13i4ense Dependin" on the wa ou purchase D?4 Connect, the permanent license file for the +?$ D?4 Dri(er for @D?C and C&+ is a(ailable from different sources= x 5or S41 .EM )ustomers= +f ou p6r4;ase D?4 and D?4 Connect from *A% as an @E$ customer, ou need to do the followin"= 6o to (ttp)// o !ownload o !ata2ase %atc&es 4from ot&er "endors5 o !0, for :L*S o License (iles for '0 !0, !ri"er for *!0C> CL' or I!0C 8M. The site with the license file is onl accessible for @E$ customers. x 5or I3M )ustomers= +f ou purchase D?4 and D?4 Connect from +?$, ou need to do the followin"= Retrie(e the permanent license file for the +?$ D?4 Dri(er for @D?C and C&+ from the D?4 Connect ima"e that ou recei(e from +?$. Dependin" on our edition of D?4 Connect /Enterprise Edition, ,nlimited *er(er Edition0, the name of the license file (aries.

+n the Enterprise Edition, the license file is called d724onsv5ee:3i4:

)atalog Data"ase Ser/er to d"#cli.ini

This file is located in director <d72543i5od745driver#D428Dd7243i:ini. Add the followin" section to the d7243i:ini file /with our (alues0= G<")AL!A #H "ATA)A E?<L(&AT!($ $AME# P*(T(&(L?T&P!P .( T$AME?<.( T$AME# E*0!&E$AME?<""FP(*T#

DD5 Term De(initions

The definitions of the terms used abo(e are listed below. x <")AL!A # &o"ical name of the database under which the database is )nown to the $D$ Console.

Eou need to specif the <")AL!A # within the $D$ Console when ou specif the D?4 for z3@* data source for our archi(es. x x x <L(&AT!($ $AME# DDF &ocation name of the D?4 *ubs stem <.( T$AME# 'ame of the database host <""FP(*T# DDF listenin" port of the D?4 *ubs stem

The D?4 command ="! PLA% ""F displa s the DDF %ort as T&PP(*T and the DDF &ocation 'ame as L(&AT!($.

General D3# Setup

The D?4 z3@* setup is the same for *A% 'etWea(er and *A% 'etWea(er $D$. For more information on the D?4 z3@* setup, see the SA% !0A -uide for !0, at (ttps)//$idesnw

Eou must install the stored procedure " $'T!L !0A -uide for :L*S.

accordin" to the instructions in the SA%

1er(orm t*e 3I;D and GR4;T Steps

For the most recent information about ?+'D and 6RA'T with $D$, see *A% 'ote 555<2;5.

3I;D and GR4;T

it*out a S41 ;etWea/er 4pplication Ser/er Ha/a (4S Ha/a!

To perform a ?+'D and 6RA'T in an en(ironment without *A% 'etWea(er A* >a(a, carr out the followin" steps= 5. Download sap4ar from the *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace at o Support %ac1ages and %atc&es o 0rowse our !ownload Catalog o Additional Components o SA%CAR o <SA%CAR "ersion= This tool enables ou to unpac) the files that ou need to download to ?+'D and 6RA'T. 4. ,npac) *A%E#ED?.*AR on our local s stem usin" *A%CAR. :. *et the en(ironment (ariable D+RW&+?RARE to location of unpac)ed e!ecutables.

;. Download D?4RAD$ and .ernel %art ++ /minimum %atch &e(el ;80 to an location within the path ou specified in the en(ironment (ariable. Eou can download the support pac)a"es from the *A% *er(ice $ar)etplace at= o Support %ac1ages and %atc&es o 0rowse our !ownload Catalog o Additional Components o SA% ;ernel o SA% ;ER6EL #+90'T U6'C*!E o <SA% ;ER6EL "ersion= o <*perating S/stem= 1. To ?+'D and 6RA'T, enter the followin" at the command prompt of our s stem= d72radm Qm mdmi QP <""F Port# =L <""F Lo4ation# = <"ata7ase $ame# =. <.ost $ame# =' <"ata7ase &onne4t 'ser# =6 <Admin 'ser# =p <Admin Password#

3I;D and GR4;T

it* S41 ;etWea/er 4pplication Ser/er (4S Ha/a!

Eou do not need a *A% 'etWea(er A* >a(a to install $D$. Cowe(er, if ou ha(e *A% 'etWea(er A* >a(a installed, ou can use the followin" procedure to ?+'D and 6RA'T= First ou call the D?A Coc)pit /or transaction D?40 on our *A% *olution $ana"er s stem and perform these steps remotel for the $D$ s stem. For "eneral information about the *olution $ana"er, see the *A% *olution $ana"er documentation at$tionmana&er. The procedure for performin" the ?+'D and 6RA'T steps depends on the (ersion of our *A% 'etWea(er A* >a(a.

?efore ou be"in, chec) that the user who is installin" $D$ has the correct permissions to ?+'D and 6RA'T, as well as the $D$ user "enerated durin" the installation process. For details on permissions, see the *ecurit 6uide for D?4 for z3@* at$ides o <SA% release= o *perations. S41 Solution Manager %.$ or %.1 (S41 We" 4S 4341 7.#$ or 7.+$! +f ou are performin" ?+'D and 6RA'T throu"h a remote connection from *A% *olution $ana"er (ersion :.2 or :.5 on an *A% Web A* A?A% 9.42 or 9.;2 s stem, use the followin" procedure= 5. Appl CC$* transport AP,6C0(&(. For more information, see *A% 'ote ;477;8. 4. Download the e!ecutable d2,radm patch < into our )ernel director . :. Call *A% transaction D?4 and select the C&ec1sLSettings tab. ;. Choose ! Configuration and enter the followin" parameters for the D?4 subs stem of the remote $D$ s stem= a. Database host name b. Database port number c. Database **+D d. Database location name e. $D$ connect user The user +D that is specified in transaction D?4> to e!ecute stored procedures on the %rofiles panel is used to "rant the necessar pri(ile"es to the $D$ connect user. Therefore, ensure that this user +D has sufficient authorization.

S41 Solution Manager +.$ (S41 ;etWea/er 7.$$ or &ig*er! +f ou are performin" ?+'D and 6RA'T throu"h a remote connection from *A% *olution $ana"er ;.2 on an *A% Web A* A?A% 7.22 s stem or hi"her, use the followin" procedure= 5. Eou need to appl *A% basis support pac)a"e 54. 4. Download the e!ecutable d2,radm patch ; into our )ernel director . :. Call the D?A Coc)pit /or transaction D?40. ;. Define a connection to the D?4 subs stem of the $D$ s stem. 1. +n the Configuration section, choose ICL Settings 4!0,I5 to specif the T*@ user +D to be used to run stored procedures. Eou do this in %rofiles. The T*@ user +D needs to ha(e sufficient pri(ile"es in the D?4 subs stem of the $D$ s stem to "rant the authorities to the $D$ connect user. 9. *pecif the password for this user +D on the ICL Settings panel. For more information, see Securit/ Considerations for Stored %rocedures in the SA% !0A -uide for !0,. 7. Choose ! Configuration in the Configuration section of the D?A Coc)pit. a. Chec) whether the parameters for the D?4 subs stem of the $D$ s stem are correct. b. *pecif the $D$ connect user. 8. Choose ! 0ind and -rant Action to perform the bind and "rant tas).

)reate ST.GR.81 (optional!

When ou initialize D?4 for $D$, the *T@6R@,% APM"M is created with the -CAT of *T@6R@,% % "EFLT. +f ou do not want this to happen, ou must create the *T@6R@,% now.

5oreign Ceys
*A% $D$ creates forei"n )e s (er freAuentl . When a referenced table is con(erted, the status of the tablespace containin" the table is set to CCEC. %E'D+'6. The $D* resets the CCEC. %E'D+'6 status to read-write /RW0 b callin" the D?4 CCEC. utilit from the stored procedure D*',T+&*.

+.+.- MaxD3
5. &o" on as a user with administrator ri"hts.

+f ou plan to host $a!D? on the same machine as $D$, ou need to install the $a!D? ser(er software onl /which includes a $a!D? client0. +f the $a!D? ser(er and $D* reside on different hosts, ou also need to install the $a!D? client software on the $D* host. Due to specific database restrictions, $D$ repositories can contain no more than 57 data lan"ua"es when wor)in" with $A#D?. 4. +nstall the $a!D? client software usin" the $a!D? +nstallation $ana"er=

The $a!D? client (ersion must be or hi"her. a. *tart *D?*ET,%. b. *tart installationLupgrade. c. *elect component "roup Client. d. Edit the followin" independent data path= <L-#1sapd71data e. Edit the followin" independent pro"ram path= <L-#1sapd71pro8rams f. +nstall. :. +nstall the $a!D? ser(er software and create an $D$ database instance usin" the $a!D? +nstallation $ana"er= a. *tart *D?*ET,%. b. *tart installationLupgrade. c. *elect component "roups Ser"er F Client. d. Choose 'nstall software and create data2ase instance. e. *elect SA% f. ! . Edit installation prefi! <L-#1sapd7 and define the followin"= - Database name /default= ! 0 - %assword of the database mana"er operator /default user= !0 0 - %assword of the database s stem administrator /default user= !0A0

". Define the locations of the database (olumes /default= 5 DATA (olume with 4 6?K 5 &@6 (olume with 422 $?0. h. Define the followin" s stem resource settin"s for the database= - $emor /default= ,GG 0K increase for producti(e en(ironment0 - C%,s /default= )K increase for producti(e en(ironment0 - %arallel database sessions - /default= ,GK for producti(e en(ironment, set at least 3GG0 i. Define the followin" "lobal database settin"s= - Automatic start on s stem reboot /Windows onl K default= *60 - Automatic e!tension of data areas /default= *((0 - Automatic statistics update /default= *((0 - &o" settin"s /default= 6o L*- 2ac1upK onl recommended for a test en(ironment0



The installation creates the followin" default database user which can be used for $D$= - ,ser name L SA% ! !0 - %assword L SA% The created database instance with the default database parameters is tailored for an $D$ test en(ironment and can be e!tended for producti(e use. @n Windows ou ha(e to reboot the s stem after installation. ;. @ptional= +nstall the followin" $a!D? administration tools /Windows onl 0= - !ata2ase anager for administerin" databases, includin" remote ones - SJL Studio for sendin" *D& statements to the database 1. %lan and implement a lo" and bac)up strate" for a producti(e en(ironment. 9. For a producti(e en(ironment, chan"e the default (alue of the database parameter 5G GGG to at least #5G GGG. A@L*C;S from

With $a!D? 7.7.2;, the name of the parameter chan"ed to


7. To mount an $D$ repositor residin" in a $a!D? D?$* /usin" $D$ Console0, specif the instance name and the database name of the $a!D? D?$* as the D?$* *er(er in the Add !0 S Ser"er dialo". This name should be defined usin" $a!D? s nta! instan4ename>d7name.

,se a semi-colon /K0 as the delimiter when usin" C&+# with $a!D?.

More In(ormation
x x Details about $a!D? installation and operations= ( DSA% 6et7ea"er ..G DSA% 6et7ea"er 2/ ;e/ Capa2ilit/ D !ata2ases D ax!0. FreAuentl as)ed Auestions /FAD0 on $a!D?= *A% 'ote 84284;

-. 1ost6Installation
To con(ert our installed $D$ s stem to a runnin" s stem, ou need to test and set up the $D$ ser(ers and the database connection. Eou can also set up secure communication /**&0 for the $D$ ser(ers.

-.1 Starting and Stopping t*e MDM Ser/ers

*A%inst automaticall starts the *A% s stem and its instances after the installation. *tart and stop the $D$ ser(ers to chec) if the installation was successful.

When stoppin" and restartin" $D* and the database, restart the database first. For startin" and stoppin" $D$ ser(ers ou can use the followin" tools under Windows= x SA% icrosoft anagement Console 4SA% C5 *A% $$C is the "eneric *A% s stem mana"ement tool, which is installed automaticall with an *A% s stem on Windows platforms. ! Console or ! CL'@ The $D$ Console is the $D$ administration Windows client for s stem, authorization, repositor mana"ement and other administration tas)s. $D$ C&+# is a Windows command line tool that pro(ides functions of the $D$ Console.

+n a hetero"eneous s stem landscape, ou can also start and stop a ,'+# s stem with the Windows-based *A% $$C, $D$ Console, and $D$ C&+#.

+f ou cannot start or stop the *A% s stem usin" *A% $$C and ou "et an Unaut&ori:ation Error, e(en thou"h ou made sure that ou are usin" (alid credentials, see *A% 'ote <479:7.

-.1.1 8sing S41 Microso(t Management )onsole

Eou use this procedure to chec) that ou can start and stop the *A% s stem with the *A% $icrosoft $ana"ement Console /*A% $$C0 after the installation. With the newl installed *A% $$C, ou can start or stop installed *A% instances locall on the host that ou are lo""ed on to. +f the *A% $$C is confi"ured for central s stem administration, ou can start or stop the entire s stem from a sin"le host.

x x Eou ha(e lo""ed on to the *A% s stem host as user <sapsid#adm. Eou ha(e chec)ed the settin"s for -$ parameters as described in *A% 'ote 74:<2<.

5. *tart the *A% $$C on the *A% s stem host b choosin" Start D SA% anagement Console. All %rograms D

4. Ri"ht-clic) the *A% s stem node and choose Start or Stop. All instances listed under the s stem node start or stop in the correct order.

:. +f the *A% s stem is installed on multiple hosts /distributed s stem0, ou ha(e the followin" options to start or stop our s stem= - Eou start or stop the *A% instances usin" the *A% $$C on each host. - Eou add the remote instances to the *A% $$C confi"uration to start or stop all instances from a sin"le *A% $$C. For more information, see the *A% $$C s stem documentation.

-.1.# 8sing MDM )onsole or MDM )9IE

Eou can also start and stop $D$ ser(er instances on all supported platforms usin" the followin" $D$ administration clients= x The command line tool $D$ C&+# C&+# is automaticall installed with an $D* instance on an platform. +t can be installed separatel on Windows platforms. The Windows 6,+ client $D$ Console The $D$ Console must be installed separatel on Windows :4bit platforms /for e!ample on a %C0.

More In(ormation
+nstallin" $D$ C&+# and $D$ Console= *ection 'nstalling ! 7indows Clients in this "uide ,sin" $D$ C&+# and $D$ Console= o x x C&+#= ! Ser"er Commands ! Ser"er Console= Accessing an ! N Console -uide. Read the followin" sections=

-.1.% 8sing Scripts

Eou can start and stop the *A% s stem for $D$ b runnin" the sap4ontro3 utilit .

Eou ha(e lo""ed on to the *A% s stem hosts as user <sapsid#adm.

Starting t*e S41 System To start all instances on an $D$ s stem host, enter the followin" command= sap4ontro3 Qnr <instan4e n6m7er# =26n4tion tart <stem Where <instan4e n6m7er# is the number of one of the $D$ ser(er instances of the *A% s stem ou want to start.

Eou can start the $D$ ser(er instances separatel b enterin" the followin" command= sap4ontro3 Qnr <instan4e n6m7er# =26n4tion tart Where <instan4e n6m7er# is the number of the $D$ ser(er instance ou want to start.

Stopping t*e S41 System To stop all instances on an $D$ s stem host, enter the followin" command= sap4ontro3 Qnr <instan4e n6m7er# =26n4tion top <stem Where <instan4e n6m7er# is the number of one of the $D$ ser(er instances of the *A% s stem ou want to stop.

Eou can stop the $D$ ser(er instances separatel b enterin" the followin" command= sap4ontro3 Qnr <instan4e n6m7er# =26n4tion top <instan4e n6m7er# is the number of the $D$ ser(er instance ou want to stop. $a)e sure that ou alwa s stop the $D* instance first.

-.# Setting 8p MDM Ser/ers

To set up the $D$ ser(ers after installation, ou use the $D$ confi"uration files and the $D$ Console. Eou confi"ure the $D$ ser(ers and test the s stem b mountin" the $D* and connectin" to the database. +n addition, ou set $D* and repositor passwords for secure $D$ operation.

)on(iguring MDM Ser/ers

When the $D$ ser(er instances /$D*, $D+*, $D**, $D&*0 are installed, the followin" confi"uration files are created in the config director of the instances= - mds:ini - mdm53ist:ini - mdis:ini - mdss:ini 9 md3s:ini +n the confi"uration /ini0 files, ou can chan"e a broad ran"e of default ser(er settin"s to suit our needs. For more information about the indi(idual settin"s and their effects, see the followin" points at x x x mds:ini and mdm53ist:ini= ! Console Reference -uide, section mdis:ini= ! Console Reference -uide, section mdss:iniA ! Console Reference -uide, section !S Configuration !'S Configuration !SS Configuration

Mounting MDS and )onnecting t*e Data"ase

To chec) if $D$ and the database are installed and confi"ured correctl , ou start the $D$ Console, mount the $D* and connect to the database. For more information, see o ! Ser"er Administration. ! Console Reference -uide, section

Setting MDS and Repository 4ut*entications

? default, access to new $D* and $D$ repositories is not limited. For a secure, producti(e use of $D$, ou ha(e to set passwords usin" the $D$ Console to control access= x x When mountin" an $D* for the first time, ma)e sure that ou set a password for the new $D*. When creatin" a new repositor or unarchi(in" a repositor , ma)e sure that ou set passwords for the predefined users, especiall for the Administrator user. *tatrin" in $D$ 7.5 *%28, the default password for the Administrator user is sapmdm, and can no lon"er be empt . For more information, see o ! S/stem Administration. ! Console Reference -uide, section

-.% Setting 8p SS9 )ommunication (or MDM Ser/ers

*tartin" from (ersion 7.5 *%27, ou can set up **& /*ecure *oc)ets &a er0 communication durin" an installation or update of $D*, as described in the followin" sections.

Setting 8p SS9 During an Installation or an 8pdate o( MDS

1rere0uisites Eou are usin" the latest $D$ 7.5 *%27 +nstallation $aster, which can be downloaded from *$% /*er(ice $ar)et %lace0. 1rocedure +n the 'nstall all Ser"ers for ! tool= SSL 'nstallation step, select the Setup ! for Secure Soc1et La/er 5. +n the Setup for t&e ! Connection chec) bo!. 4. From the ! Listening

ode dropdown, select either SLL or 0ot&.

+n a new installation, the installer automaticall sets the $D$ listenin" mode in the $D$ ser(ersN ini files. When updatin" $D$ ser(ers, ou need to set this parameter manuall in the ini files, as described in *A% 'ote 519:4;<. :. *pecif the followin" strin"s= x x *rgani:ation Countr/ /4 letter strin"0 The installer uses these strin"s, the Common 6ame, which is the full Aualified ser(er name, and the SSL TC% %ort of the $D$ ser(er, to create the ser(er and client )e s. ;. Choose 6ext. 1. +n the SA% Cr/ptograp&ic Software step, ma)e sure the 'nstall t&e SA% Cr/ptograp&ic Li2rar/ chec) bo! is selected, and specif the path to the AP&*%PT( librar in the %at& to SA%CRO%T*.SAR field. For information about downloadin" the AP&*%PT( librar , see *A% 'ote :<7571.

1ost InstallationG8pdate Tas<s

After the installation or update is complete, the followin" files are created in the e9e folder of the "lobal host= 5ile 43ient:pse Description Client )e of the **& communication. The $D$ clients )omments

will need this file to connect to the $D$ ser(ers. AP L :pse *er(er )e of the **& communication. The $D$ ser(ers will need this file. Certificate files that are used to connect the $D$ ser(er to the WA* /Web Application *er(er0 in secure mode. For internal use. For internal use. Copied also to the se4 folder of the $D$ ser(ers Copied also to the se4 folder of the $D$ ser(ers.

4ert:4rt 4red5v2 ti4Aet

For information about creatin" the client and ser(er )e s manuall , see *A% 'ote 5194998. To (erif that **& is set up correctl , ou need to perform the followin" tas)s= 'eri(y t*at t*e (rame or< is set to secure &TT1S modeD For e(er ser(er instance /$D*, $D+* $D**0, perform the followin"= 5. &o" in to the $D$ ser(er usin" the < !"#adm account. 4. +n the command line, t pe the followin" command= sapcontrol.exe -nr <*.> -f$nction "etAccessPoint/ist :. -erif that the CTT%* access point is a(ailable in the access point list. +f CTT%* is not in the access point list, tr to restart the instance ser(ice and chec) a"ain. 'eri(y SS9 settings in t*e mdm ini (ilesD +n the $D$ ini files /mds:iniF mdis:iniF mdss:ini0, (erif that the followin" parameters are set= x Listenin8 Mode?)ot; or L

This parameter is set b the $D$ listenin" mode parameter in the installation. x x L Li7 Pat;? G%ath to the ser(ersU sap4r<pto librar K must be located in the ser(ersU e9e folderH L ,e< Pat;? G%ath to the ser(ersU )e file AP or< as clientsD L :pse, located in the ser(ersU se4 folderH

Setting MDIS and MDSS to

To enable the $D$ +mport *er(er and $D$ * ndication *er(er to wor) as clients with the $D$ ser(ers, ou must set the followin" paramers manuall after an $D* installation or update= x ervi4e &ontro3 Default is Tr6e. x L Ena73ed?Tr6e Default is Fa3se. x L ,e< pat;LR%ath to the client )e file 43ient:pse, located in the e9e folder of the "lobal hostS e46rit< Ena73ed?Tr6e

7. 4dditional In(ormation
This chapter pro(ides additional useful information about *A% * stem *ecurit on Windows, uninstallin" $D$ ser(ers and Windows clients, and updatin" an $D$ installation /for e!ample, implementin" a patch0.

7.1 S41 System Security

+n a central *A% s stem installation, *A%inst automaticall performs all steps rele(ant for securit . Althou"h *A%inst ma)es sure that the s stem is protected a"ainst unauthorized access, ou must still chec) that no securit breaches can occur. For central and strai"htforward administration of the *A% s stem, ou ha(e to install distri"uted *A% s stems with multiple application ser(ers in a Windows domain. This section describes the user accounts and "roups that *A%inst creates durin" a domain installation and shows how these are related to the *A% directories.

8ser 4ccounts
*A%inst creates the followin" accounts for *A% s stem administration= x <sapsid#adm This is the *A% s stem administrator account that enables interacti(e administration of the s stem. ,nder Windows, this account is a member of the local Administrators "roup. AP ervi4e< AP !"# This is the user account that is reAuired to start the *A% s stem. +t has the local user ri"ht to lo" on as a ser(ice. The ad(anta"e of the additional AP ervi4e< AP !"# account is that it does not allow an interacti(e lo"on, which pre(ents abuse of the account. Therefore, ou do not need to set an e!piration date for the password and ou do not ha(e to set the option user must c&ange password at next logon.

*A%inst creates the followin" "roups durin" a domain installation= x AP5< AP !"#5+3o7a3Admin This "lobal "roup is a domain-le(el *A% administration "roup for or"anizin" *A% s stem administrators. The onl function of a "lobal "roup is to "roup users at the domain le(el so that the can be placed in the appropriate local "roups. AP5< AP !"#5Lo4a3Admin @nl local "roups are created and maintained on an $D$ ser(er. A local "roup can onl be "i(en permissions and ri"hts to the s stem where it is located. The s stem is part of a particular domain, and the local "roup can contain users and "lobal "roups from this domain.

S41 Directories
*A%inst protects the *A% directories under 16sr1sap1< AP !"# b onl "rantin" the "roup AP5< AP !"#5Lo4a3Admin full control o(er these directories.

An access control list /AC&0 controls access to *A% s stem obJects. For ma!imum securit in the *A% s stem, onl the followin" are members of all *A% s stem obJect AC&s= - &ocal "roup AP5< AP !"#5Lo4a3Admin - 6roup Administrators - Account % TEM

7.# 8pdating MDM Ser/ers

This section describes how to update $D$ ser(ers with the Update option of *A%inst, for e!ample to implement support pac)a"es or patches. The Update option allows ou to update the complete *A% s stem from one host, e(en if the s stem was installed on se(eral hosts /distributed s stem0. For performance reasons ou should run the update on the host where ou installed the first $D$ instance.

+f ou want to update sin"le instances, be aware that updates can onl be installed based on $D$ ser(er t pes and host t pes. For e!ample, if ou choose to update one $D* instance runnin" on a Windows !89W9; host, all other $D* instances of this *A% s stem runnin" on other Windows !89W9; hosts are updated as well.

x x x This description assumes that ou installed our *A% s stem with standard *A% tools accordin" to the installation documentation. Eou are lo""ed on as an administration user. Eou )now how to start *A%inst. $ore information= *ection Running SA%inst

5. *tart *A%inst and on the 7elcome screen, choose Additional Software Lifec/cle *ptions o Update ! . 4. Follow the instructions in the *A%inst input dialo"s.

7.% Maintaining Multiple MDM Ser/ers on a &ost

Eou can install multiple instances of $D$ *er(ers /includin" $D*, $D**, $D+*, and $D&*0 on a sin"le host. The instances of $D$ *er(ers can be from different (ersions of $D$ /such as 1.1 and 7.50, which ma be useful when up"radin" from one $D$ (ersion to another, or multiple instances of $D$ 7.5 *%2; and abo(e.

When installing multiple instances of $D$ 7.5 $aster Data *er(er on the same host, and each instance has a di((erent MDM /ersion, each $D$ 7.5 instance must ha(e a uni0ue *A% * stem +D /*+D0. X When installing multiple instances of $aster Data *er(er on the same host, and each instance has the same MDM /ersion, the can all ha(e the same *A% * stem +D /*+D0. Running multiple instances of $aster Data *er(er, at t*e same time, on the same host, is supported startin" from MDM 7.1 S1$7. /+n pre(ious (ersions, ou could not run the multiple instances at the same time.0 X To start and stop the $D$ ser(ers on hosts with multiple $D$ 7.5 *er(er instances, ou can use the followin" tools= *A% $icrosoft $ana"ement Console /*A% $$C0, *A% $ana"ement Console /*A% $C0, or scripts. *tartin" from $D$ 7.5 *%29, ou can also use $D$ Console or C&+# for these tas)s. X $aintainin" multiple instances of $D$ 1.1 $aster Data *er(er on the same host is not supported. X

Installing Di((erent 'ersions o( MDM )lients

Eou can install multiple (ersions of $D$ Windows clients /such as $D$ Console and $D$ Data $ana"er0 on one host b selectin" different tar"et directories in the client installers. x The installer for $D$ Windows clients o(erwrites an e!istin" des)top and *tart menu icons to point to the last-installed (ersion of the client. To pre(ent this o(erwritin" and a(oid an potential user confusion, we recommend labelin" e!istin" icons with their $D$ (ersion number. $D$ clients connectin" to an $aster Data *er(er must be from the same (ersion as the $aster Data *er(er. $D$ clients connectin" to a $aster Data *er(er on a host where multiple instances of $aster Data *er(ers are maintained must pro(ide the port number of the $aster Data *er(er the want to connect to.

x x

8narc*i/ing and 8pdating MDM Repositories

All $D$ repositories used with an $aster Data *er(er must be from the same (ersion as that $aster Data *er(er. To a(oid data problems due to schema differences amon" $D$ (ersions, repositories should onl be unarchi(ed and updated from earlier to later (ersionsYne(er the opposite.

MDM -.- and MDM 7.1

The default installation and tar"et directories for $D$ ser(ers and clients differ between $D$ 1.1 and $D$ 7.5. Therefore, one instance of $D$ 7.5 can be installed side-b -side with an instance of $D$ 1.1 without additional manual confi"uration. For more information about a $D$ 1.1 and $D$ 7.5 side-b -side scenario for up"rade purposes, see Z ! ..) 9 Upgrade -uide

7.+ 8ninstalling MDM Ser/ers

$D$ has been installed as an *A% s stem and the $D$ ser(ers /$D*, $D+*, $D**, $D&*0 ha(e been installed as instances of this *A% s stem. This section describes how to uninstall $D$ ser(ers b deletin" a sin"le instance or a complete *A% s stem with the Uninstall option of *A%inst.

$a)e sure that ou stop, archi(e, and store the $D$ repositories that ou want to reuse. +n the *A%inst un-installation procedure, ou can )eep the Arc&i"e folder and other folders /see below0. Eou cannot delete an *A% s stem remotel . +f ou delete networ)-wide users, "roups or ser(ice entries in an en(ironment with 'etwor) +nformation * stem /'+*0, other *A% installations mi"ht also be affected. $a)e sure that the users, "roups, and ser(ice entries to be deleted are no lon"er reAuired.

x x x +t is assumed that ou ha(e installed our *A% s stem with standard *A% tools accordin" to the installation documentation. Eou are lo""ed on with a user account that has the reAuired authorization to run the *A%inst tool and the *A% s stem. Eou )now how to start *A%inst. For more information, see section Running SA%inst.

5. *tart *A%inst and on the 7elcome screen, choose Additional Software Lifec/cle *ptions o Uninstall ! . 4. Follow the instructions in the *A%inst input dialo"s. *A%inst first as)s ou which *A% instances ou want to delete. 'ote the difference between central and distributed s stems= x x +f ou want to delete a central s stem /all instances reside on the same host0, ou can do this in one *A%inst run. +f ou want to delete a distributed s stem, ou ha(e to run *A%inst to delete the reAuired instances locall on each of the hosts belon"in" to the *A% s stem.

*A%inst onl stops local instances automaticall . *A%inst as)s ou if ou want to )eep the $D$-specific folders and files located under D6srDsapD< AP !"# for reuse. Eou can )eep the followin"= x x x x x Confi"uration files /:ini0 &o" files Archi(es /$D* onl 0 Distribution files /$D* onl 0 Reports /$D* onl 0

7.- 8ninstalling MDM Windo s )lients

Eou can uninstall $D$ Windows clients in the followin" wa s= x x Eou can remo(e the $D$ core components one b one usin" the correspondin" Windows function /Settings D Control %anel D Add or Remo"e %rograms0. Eou can use the installation e!ecutables to remo(e sin"le $D$ Windows clients or sets of $D$ Windows clients= - To remo(e a sin"le client, open a 7indows Command %rompt and launch the installation e!ecutable passin" the parameter Ds6 / for e!ample enter M"M erver!nsta33:e9e Ds60. - To remo(e a collection of clients, create a batch file. SA% ! ..)0 from our

After uninstallin", delete the $D$ Windows client folders /%rogram (iles D hard dis).

[ Cop ri"ht 4255 *A% A6. All ri"hts reser(ed.

'o part of this publication ma be reproduced or transmitted in an form or for an purpose without the e!press permission of *A% A6. The information contained herein ma be chan"ed without prior notice. *ome software products mar)eted b *A% A6 and its distributors contain proprietar software components of other software (endors. $icrosoft, W indows, E!cel, @utloo), and %ower%oint are re"istered trademar)s of $icrosoft Corporation. +?$, D?4, D?4 ,ni(ersal Database, * stem i, * stem i1, * stem p, * stem p1, * stem !, * stem z, * stem z52, * stem z<, z52, z<, i*eries, p*eries, !*eries, z*eries, e*er(er, z3-$, z3@*, i13@*, *3:<2, @*3:<2, @*3;22, A*3;22, *3:<2 %arallel Enterprise *er(er, %ower-$, %ower Architecture, %@W ER9B, %@W ER9, %@W ER1B, %@W ER1, %@W ER, @pen%ower, %ower%C, ?atch%ipes, ?ladeCenter, * stem *tora"e, 6%F*, CAC$%, RETA+', D?4 Connect, RACF, Redboo)s, @*34, %arallel * sple!, $-*3E*A, A+#, +ntelli"ent $iner, W eb*phere, 'etfinit , Ti(oli and +nformi! are trademar)s or re"istered trademar)s of +?$ Corporation. &inu! is the re"istered trademar) of &inus Tor(alds in the ,.*. and other countries. Adobe, the Adobe lo"o, Acrobat, %ost*cript, and Reader are either trademar)s or re"istered trademar)s of Adobe * stems +ncorporated in the ,nited *tates and3or other countries. @racle is a re"istered trademar) of @racle Corporation. ,'+#, #3@pen, @*F35, and $otif are re"istered trademar)s of the @pen 6roup. Citri!, +CA, %ro"ram 'ei"hborhood, $etaFrame, W inFrame, -ideoFrame, and $ultiW in are trademar)s or re"istered trademar)s of Citri! * stems, +nc. CT$&, #$&, #CT$& and W :C are trademar)s or re"istered trademar)s of W :CF, W orld W ide W eb Consortium, $assachusetts +nstitute of Technolo" . >a(a is a re"istered trademar) of *un $icros stems, +nc. >a(a*cript is a re"istered trademar) of *un $icros stems, +nc., used under license for technolo" in(ented and implemented b 'etscape. *A%, R3:, !Apps, !App, *A% 'etW ea(er, Duet, %artnerEd"e, ? Desi"n, *A% ?usiness ? Desi"n, and other *A% products and ser(ices mentioned herein as well as their respecti(e lo"os are trademar)s or re"istered trademar)s of *A% A6 in 6erman and in se(eral other countries all o(er the world. All other product and ser(ice names mentioned are the trademar)s of their respecti(e companies. Data contained in this document ser(es informational purposes onl . 'ational product specifications ma (ar .

Septem"er #$11


Disclaimer and 9egal In(ormation

These materials are subJect to chan"e without notice. These materials are pro(ided b *A% A6 and its affiliated companies /H*A% 6roupI0 for informational purposes onl , without representation or warrant of an )ind, and *A% 6roup shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The onl warranties for *A% 6roup products and ser(ices are those that are set forth in the e!press warrant statements accompan in" such products and ser(ices, if an . 'othin" herein should be construed as constitutin" an additional warrant . *A% does not warrant that this document is error-free. *A% $A.E* '@ W ARRA'T+E*, E#%RE** @R +$%&+ED, @R @F $ERCCA'TA?+&+TE, @R F+T'E** F@R A %ART+C,&AR %,R%@*E.

Ha/aL Source )ode

*ome components of this product are based on >a(a\. An code chan"e in these components ma cause unpredictable and se(ere malfunctions and is therefore e!pressl prohibited, as is an decompilation of these components. An >a(a\ *ource Code deli(ered with this product is onl to be used b *A%Us *upport *er(ices and ma not be modified or altered in an wa .

)oding Samples
An software codin" and3or code lines3strin"s /HcodeI0 included in this documentation are onl e!amples and are not intended to be used in a producti(e s stem en(ironment. The code is onl intended better e!plain and (isualize the s nta! and phrasin" rules of certain codin". *A% does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the code "i(en herein, and *A% shall not be liable for errors or dama"es caused b the usa"e of the code, e!cept if such dama"es were caused b *A% intentionall or "rossl ne"li"ent.

Internet &yperlin<s
The *A% documentation ma contain h perlin)s to the +nternet. These h perlin)s are intended to ser(e as a hint where to find supplementar documentation. *A% does not warrant the a(ailabilit and correctness of such supplementar documentation or the abilit to ser(e for a particular purpose. *A% shall not be liable for an dama"es caused b the use of such documentation unless such dama"es ha(e been caused b *A%Us "ross ne"li"ence or willful misconduct.

The information contained in this documentation represents *A%Us current (iew of accessibilit criteria as of the date of publicationK it is in no wa intended to be a bindin" "uideline on how to ensure accessibilit of software products. *A% specificall disclaims an liabilit with respect to this document and no contractual obli"ations or commitments are formed either directl or indirectl b this document. This document is for internal use onl and ma not be circulated or distributed outside our or"anization without *A%Us prior written authorization.

Gender6;eutral 9anguage
As far as possible, *A% documentation is "ender neutral. Dependin" on the conte!t, the reader is addressed directl with H ouI, or a "ender-neutral noun /such as Hsales personI or Hwor)in" da sI0 is used. +f when referrin" to members of both se!es, howe(er, the third person sin"ular cannot be a(oided or a "ender-neutral noun does not e!ist, *A% reser(es the ri"ht to use the masculine form of the noun and pronoun. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible.


Septem"er #$11

9egal So(t are Terms

Terms (or Included .pen Source So(t are
This *A% software contains also the third part open source software products listed below. 'ote that for these third part products the followin" special terms and conditions shall appl . x x T*is so(t are as de/eloped using 4;T9R.

S41 9icense 4greement (or ST9port *A% &icense A"reement for *T&%ort between *A% A)tien"esellschaft * stems, Applications, %roducts in Data %rocessin" Dietmar-Copp-Allee 59 9<5<2 W alldorf, 6erman /hereinafter= *A%0 and ou /hereinafter= Customer0 a0 *ubJect $atter of the A"reement A0 ?0 C0 D0 E0 *A% "rants Customer a non-e!clusi(e, non-transferable, ro alt -free license to use the *T&port.or" CBB librar /*T&port0 and its documentation without fee. ? downloadin", usin", or cop in" *T&port or an portion thereof Customer a"rees to abide b the intellectual propert laws, and to all of the terms and conditions of this A"reement. The Customer ma distribute binaries compiled with *T&port /whether ori"inal or modified0 without an ro alties or restrictions. Customer shall maintain the followin" cop ri"ht and permissions notices on *T&port sources and its documentation unchan"ed= )opyrig*t #$$1 S41 4G The Customer ma distribute ori"inal or modified *T&port sources, pro(ided that= x x The conditions indicated in the abo(e permissions notice are metK The followin" cop ri"ht notices are retained when present, and conditions pro(ided in accompan in" permission notices are met= )opyrig*t 1::+ &e lett61ac<ard )ompany )opyrig*t 1::7K:7 Silicon Grap*ics )omputer Systems Inc. )opyrig*t 1::7 Mosco )enter (or S14R) Tec*nology. )opyrig*t 1:::K#$$$ 3oris 5omitc*e/ )opyrig*t #$$1 S41 4G

%ermission to use, cop , modif , distribute and sell this software and its documentation for an purposes is hereb "ranted without fee, pro(ided that the abo(e cop ri"ht notice appear in all copies and that both that cop ri"ht notice and this permission notice appear in supportin" documentation. Cewlett-%ac)ard Compan ma)es no representations about the suitabilit of this software for an purpose. +t is pro(ided Has isI without e!press or implied warrant . %ermission to use, cop , modif , distribute and sell this software and its documentation for an purpose is hereb "ranted without fee, pro(ided that the abo(e cop ri"ht notice appear in all copies and that both that cop ri"ht notice and this permission notice appear in supportin" documentation. *ilicon 6raphics ma)es no representations about the suitabilit of this software for an purpose. +t is pro(ided Has isI without e!press or implied warrant . %ermission to use, cop , modif , distribute and sell this software and its documentation for an purposes is hereb "ranted without fee, pro(ided that the abo(e cop ri"ht notice appear in all copies and that both that cop ri"ht notice and this permission notice appear in supportin" documentation. $oscow Center for *%ARC ma)es no representations about the suitabilit of this software for an purpose. +t is pro(ided Has isI without e!press or implied warrant . ?oris Fomitche( ma)es no representations about the suitabilit of this software for an purpose. This material is pro(ided Mas isM, with absolutel no warrant e!pressed or implied. An use is at our own ris). %ermission to use or cop this software for an purpose is hereb "ranted without fee, pro(ided the abo(e notices are retained on all copies. %ermission to modif the code and to distribute modified code is "ranted, pro(ided the abo(e notices are retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included with the abo(e cop ri"ht notice. %ermission to use, cop , modif , distribute and sell this software and its documentation for an purposes is hereb "ranted without fee, pro(ided that the abo(e cop ri"ht notice appear in all copies and that both that cop ri"ht notice and this permission notice appear in supportin" documentation. *A% ma)es no representations about the suitabilit of this software for an purpose. +t is pro(ided with a limited warrant and liabilit as set forth in the &icense A"reement distributed with this cop . *A% offers this liabilit and warrant obli"ations onl towards its customers and onl referrin" to its modifications. b0 *upport and $aintenance *A% does not pro(ide software maintenance for the *T&port. *oftware maintenance of the *T&port therefore shall be not included. All other ser(ices shall be char"ed accordin" to the rates for ser(ices Auoted in the *A% &ist of %rices and Conditions and shall be subJect to a separate contract.

May #$11



E!clusion of warrant As the *T&port is transferred to the Customer on a loan basis and free of char"e, *A% cannot "uarantee that the *T&port is error-free, without material defects or suitable for a specific application under third-part ri"hts. Technical data, sales brochures, ad(ertisin" te!t and Aualit descriptions produced b *A% do not indicate an assurance of particular attributes. &imited &iabilit A0 +rrespecti(e of the le"al reasons, *A% shall onl be liable for dama"e, includin" unauthorized operation, if this /i0 can be compensated under the %roduct &iabilit Act or /ii0 if caused due to "ross ne"li"ence or intent b *A% or /iii0 if based on the failure of a "uaranteed attribute. +f *A% is liable for "ross ne"li"ence or intent caused b emplo ees who are neither a"ents or mana"erial emplo ees of *A%, the total liabilit for such dama"e and a ma!imum limit on the scope of an such dama"e shall depend on the e!tent to which its occurrence ou"ht to ha(e anticipated b *A% when concludin" the contract, due to the circumstances )nown to it at that point in time representin" a t pical transfer of the software. +n the case of Art. ;.4 abo(e, *A% shall not be liable for indirect dama"e, conseAuential dama"e caused b a defect or lost profit. *A% and the Customer a"ree that the t pical foreseeable e!tent of dama"e shall under no circumstances e!ceed E,R 1,222. The Customer shall ta)e adeAuate measures for the protection of data and pro"rams, in particular b ma)in" bac)up copies at the minimum inter(als recommended b *A%. *A% shall not be liable for the loss of data and its reco(er , notwithstandin" the other limitations of the present Art. ; if this loss could ha(e been a(oided b obser(in" this obli"ation. The e!clusion or the limitation of claims in accordance with the present Art. ; includes claims a"ainst emplo ees or a"ents of *A%.



C0 D0 E0

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4do"e Document Ser/ices Adobe, the Adobe lo"o, Acrobat, %ost*cript, and Reader are either re"istered trademar)s or trademar)s of Adobe * stems +ncorporated in the ,nited *tates and 3 or other countries. For information on Third %art software deli(ered with Adobe document ser(ices and Adobe &i(eC cle Desi"ner, see *A% 'ote 81;945 .


Septem"er #$11

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