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ArangoDB's Reference Manual For API Implementors

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ArangoDBs Reference Manual for API Implementors

The ArangoDB Team

1 REST Interface for Documents 1
1.1 Documents, Identiers, Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Address and ETag of a Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Working with Documents using REST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 REST Interface for Edges 22
2.1 Documents, Identiers, Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2 Address and ETag of an Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3 Working with Edges using REST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3 HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cursors 28
3.1 Database Cursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Retrieving query results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.1 Single roundtrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.2 Using a Cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4 HTTP Interface for AQL Queries 40
5 HTTP Interface for AQL User Functions Management 47
5.1 AQL User Functions Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6 HTTP Interface for Simple Queries 51
6.1 Simple Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7 HTTP Interface for Collections 73
7.1 Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.2 Address of a Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3.1 Creating and Deleting Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3.2 Getting Information about a Collection . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.3.3 Modifying a Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8 HTTP Interface for Indexes 95
8.1 Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.2 Address of an Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
9 Accessing Cap Constraints via Http 104
10 Accessing Hash Indexes via Http 106
11 Accessing Skip-List Indexes via Http 112
12 Accessing Geo Indexes via Http 116
13 Accessing Fulltext Indexes via Http 125
14 HTTP Interface for Transactions 129
14.1 Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
14.2 Executing Transactions via HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
15 HTTP Interface for Graphs 133
16 HTTP Interface for bulk imports 154
16.1 Importing self-contained documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
16.2 Importing headers and values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
16.3 Importing in edge collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
17 HTTP Interface for Batch Requests 157
18 HTTP Interface for Administration and Monitoring 162
19 HTTP Interface for User Management 175
19.1 User Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
20 HTTP Interface for Miscellaneous functions 181
21 HTTP Handling in ArangoDB 186
21.1 Keep-Alive and Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
21.2 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
21.3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests . . . . . . . . . 188
22 Naming Conventions in ArangoDB 190
22.1 Collection Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
22.2 Document Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
22.3 Attribute Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
23 Error codes and meanings 193
24 Glossary 204
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24.1 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
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Chapter 1
REST Interface for Documents
1.1 Documents, Identiers, Handles
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs REST interface for documents.
Document: Documents in ArangoDB are JSON objects. These objects can be
nested (to any depth) and may contains lists. Each document is uniquely identied
by its document handle. For example:
"_id" : "1234567/2345678",
"_rev" : "3456789",
"firstName" : "Hugo",
"lastName" : "Schlonz",
"address" : {
"street" : "Strasse 1",
"city" : "Hier"
"hobbies" : [
All documents contain special attributes: the document handle in _id, the docu-
ments unique key in _key and and the etag aka document revision in _rev. The
value of the _key attribute can be specied by the user when creating a document.
_id and _key values are immutable once the document has been created. The
_rev value is maintained by ArangoDB autonomously.
1.1 Documents, Identiers, Handles 2
Document Handle: Adocument handle uniquely identies a document in the database.
It is a string and consists of a collection name and a document key separated by /.
Document Key: A document key uniquely identies a document in a given collec-
tion. It can and should be used by clients when specic documents are searched.
Document keys are stored in the _key attribute of documents. The key values
are automatically indexed by ArangoDB so looking up a document by its key is
regularly a fast operation. The _key value of a document is immutable once the
document has been created.
By default, ArangoDB will auto-generate a document key if no _key attribute is
specied, and use the user-specied _key otherwise.
This behavior can be changed on a per-collection level by creating collections with
the keyOptions attribute.
Using keyOptions it is possible to disallow user-specied keys completely, or
to force a specic regime for auto-generating the _key values.
Document Revision: As ArangoDB supports MVCC, documents can exist in more
than one revision. The document revision is the MVCC token used to identify a
particular revision of a document. It is a string value currently containing an integer
number and is unique within the list of document revisions for a single document.
Document revisions can be used to conditionally update, replace or delete docu-
ments in the database. In order to nd a particular revision of a document, you
need the document handle and the document revision.
ArangoDB currently uses 64bit unsigned integer values to maintain document re-
visions internally. When returning document revisions to clients, ArangoDB will
put them into a string to ensure the revision id is not clipped by clients that do not
support big integers. Clients should treat the revision id returned by ArangoDB as
an opaque string when they store or use it locally. This will allow ArangoDB to
change the format of revision ids later if this should be required. Clients can use
revisions ids to perform simple equality/non-equality comparisons (e.g. to check
whether a document has changed or not), but they should not use revision ids to
perform greater/less than comparisions with them to check if a document revision
is older than one another, even if this might work for some cases.
Note: revision ids have been returned as integers up to including ArangoDB 1.1
Document Etag: The document revision enclosed in double quotes. The revision
is returned by several HTTP API methods in the Etag HTTP header. The basic
operations (create, read, update, delete) for documents are mapped to the stan-
dard HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE). There is also a partial update
method, which is mapped to the HTTP PATCH method.
An identier for the document revision is returned in the ETag header eld. If
you modify a document, you can use the If-Match eld to detect conicts. The
revision of a document can be checking using the HTTP method HEAD.
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1.2 Address and ETag of a Document 3
1.2 Address and ETag of a Document
All documents in ArangoDB have a document handle. This handle uniquely de-
nes a document and is managed by ArangoDB. All documents are found under
the URI:
For example: Assume that the document handle, which is stored in the _id at-
tribute of the document, is demo/362549736, then the URL of that document
Each document also has a document revision or etag with is returned in the "ETag"
header eld when requesting a document.
If you obtain a document using GET and you want to check if a newer revision
is available, then you can use the If-None-Match header. If the document is
unchanged, a HTTP 412 is returned.
If you want to update or delete a document, then you can use the If-Match
header. If the document has changed, then the operation is aborted and a HTTP
412 is returned.
1.3 Working with Documents using REST
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 4
GET /_api/document/document-handle,reads a document
document-handle (string,required) The Handle of the Document.
If-None-Match (string,optional) If the "If-None-Match" header is given, then it
must contain exactly one etag. The document is returned, if it has a different revi-
sion than the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP 304 is returned.
If-Match (string,optional) If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain
exactly one etag. The document is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given
etag. Otherwise a HTTP 412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the
etag in an attribute rev in the URL.
Returns the document identied by document-handle. The returned document
contains two special attributes: _id containing the document handle and _rev
containing the revision.
is returned if the document was found
is returned if the document or collection was not found
is returned if the "If-None-Match" header is given and the document has same
is returned if a "If-Match" header or rev is given and the found document has a
different version
Use a document handle:
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "30032295"
"hello" : "world",
"_id" : "products/30032295",
"_rev" : "30032295",
"_key" : "30032295"
Use a document handle and an etag:
unix> curl --header 'If-None-Match:"31343015"' --dump
- http://localhost:8529/_api/document/products
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 5
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
etag: "31343015"
Unknown document handle:
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "document /_api/document/products/
unknownhandle not found",
"code" : 404,
"errorNum" : 1202
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 6
POST /_api/document,creates a document
document (json,required) A JSON representation of document.
collection (string,required) The collection name.
createCollection (boolean,optional) If this parameter has a value of true or yes,
then the collection is created if it does not yet exist. Other values will be ignored
so the collection must be present for the operation to succeed.
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
Creates a new document in the collection named collection. A JSON repre-
sentation of the document must be passed as the body of the POST request.
If the document was created successfully, then the "Location" header contains the
path to the newly created document. The "ETag" header eld contains the revision
of the document.
The body of the response contains a JSON object with the following attributes:
_id contains the document handle of the newly created document
_key contains the document key
_rev contains the document revision
If the collection parameter waitForSync is false, then the call returns as soon
as the document has been accepted. It will not wait, until the documents has been
sync to disk.
Optionally, the URL parameter waitForSync can be used to force synchronisa-
tion of the document creation operation to disk even in case that the waitFor-
Sync ag had been disabled for the entire collection. Thus, the waitForSync
URL parameter can be used to force synchronisation of just this specic operations.
To use this, set the waitForSync parameter to true. If the waitForSync pa-
rameter is not specied or set to false, then the collections default waitFor-
Sync behavior is applied. The waitForSync URL parameter cannot be used to
disable synchronisation for collections that have a default waitForSync value
of true.
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the body does not contain a valid JSON representation of a document.
The response body contains an error document in this case.
is returned if the collection specied by collection is unknown. The response
body contains an error document in this case.
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 7
Create a document given a collection named products. Note that the revision
identier might or might not by equal to the auto-generated key.
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ "Hello": "World" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "24986023"
location: /_api/document/products/24986023
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/24986023",
"_rev" : "24986023",
"_key" : "24986023"
Create a document in a collection named products with a collection-level wait-
ForSync value of false.
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ "Hello": "World" }
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "26427815"
location: /_api/document/products/26427815
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/26427815",
"_rev" : "26427815",
"_key" : "26427815"
Create a document in a collection with a collection-level waitForSync value of
false, but using the waitForSync URL parameter.
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ "Hello": "World" }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 8
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "27541927"
location: /_api/document/products/27541927
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/27541927",
"_rev" : "27541927",
"_key" : "27541927"
Create a document in a new, named collection
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ "Hello": "World" }
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "28787111"
location: /_api/document/products/28787111
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/28787111",
"_rev" : "28787111",
"_key" : "28787111"
Unknown collection name:
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ "Hello": "World" }
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "collection /_api/collection/
products not found",
"code" : 404,
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 9
"errorNum" : 1203
Illegal document:
unix> curl -X POST --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{ 1: "World" }
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "expecting attribute name",
"code" : 400,
"errorNum" : 600
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 10
PUT /_api/document/document-handle,replaces a document
document-handle (string,required) The Handle of the Document.
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) You can conditionally replace a document based on a target
revision id by using the rev URL parameter.
policy (string,optional) To control the update behavior in case there is a revision
mismatch, you can use the policy parameter. This is the same as when replacing
documents (see replacing documents for more details).
If-Match (string,optional) You can conditionally replace a document based on a
target revision id by using the if-match HTTP header.
Completely updates (i.e. replaces) the document identied by document-handle.
If the document exists and can be updated, then a HTTP 201 is returned and the
"ETag" header eld contains the new revision of the document.
If the newdocument passed in the body of the request contains the document-handle
in the attribute _id and the revision in _rev, these attributes will be ignored. Only
the URI and the "ETag" header are relevant in order to avoid confusion when using
Optionally, the URL parameter waitForSync can be used to force synchronisa-
tion of the document replacement operation to disk even in case that the wait-
ForSync ag had been disabled for the entire collection. Thus, the waitFor-
Sync URL parameter can be used to force synchronisation of just specic oper-
ations. To use this, set the waitForSync parameter to true. If the wait-
ForSync parameter is not specied or set to false, then the collections default
waitForSync behavior is applied. The waitForSync URL parameter cannot
be used to disable synchronisation for collections that have a default waitFor-
Sync value of true.
The body of the response contains a JSON object with the information about the
handle and the revision. The attribute _id contains the known document-handle
of the updated document, the attribute _rev contains the new document revision.
If the document does not exist, then a HTTP 404 is returned and the body of the
response contains an error document.
There are two ways for specifying the targeted document revision id for conditional
replacements (i.e. replacements that will only be executed if the revision id found
in the database matches the document revision id specied in the request):
specifying the target revision in the rev URL query parameter
specifying the target revision in the if-match HTTP header
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 11
Specifying a target revision is optional, however, if done, only one of the described
mechanisms must be used (either the rev URL parameter or the if-match HT-
TP header). Regardless which mechanism is used, the parameter needs to contain
the target document revision id as returned in the _rev attribute of a document or
by an HTTP etag header.
For example, to conditionally replace a document based on a specic revision id,
you the following request:
PUT /_api/document/document-handle?rev=etag
If a target revision id is provided in the request (e.g. via the etag value in the
rev URL query parameter above), ArangoDB will check that the revision id of
the document found in the database is equal to the target revision id provided in
the request. If there is a mismatch between the revision id, then by default a HTTP
412 conict is returned and no replacement is performed.
The conditional update behavior can be overriden with the policy URL query
PUT /_api/document/document-handle?policy=policy
If policy is set to error, then the behavior is as before: replacements will fail if
the revision id found in the database does not match the target revision id specied
in the request.
If policy is set to last, then the replacement will succeed, even if the revision id
found in the database does not match the target revision id specied in the request.
You can use the last policy to force replacements.
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the body does not contain a valid JSON representation of a document.
The response body contains an error document in this case.
is returned if collection or the document was not found
is returned if a "If-Match" header or rev is given and the found document has a
different version
Using document handle:
unix> curl -X PUT --data @- --dump - http://localhost
{"Hello": "you"}
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 12
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "36323751"
location: /_api/document/products/35996071
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/35996071",
"_rev" : "36323751",
"_key" : "35996071"
Unknown document handle:
unix> curl -X PUT --data @- --dump - http://localhost
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "document /_api/document/products
/37503399 not found",
"code" : 404,
"errorNum" : 1202
Produce a revision conict:
unix> curl -X PUT --header 'If-Match:"39338407"' --
data @- --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"code" : 412,
"errorNum" : 1200,
"errorMessage" : "precondition failed",
"_id" : "products/39010727",
"_rev" : "39010727",
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 13
"_key" : "39010727"
Last write wins:
unix> curl -X PUT --header 'If-Match:"41042343"' --
data @- --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "41238951"
location: /_api/document/products/40714663
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/40714663",
"_rev" : "41238951",
"_key" : "40714663"
Alternative to header eld:
unix> curl -X PUT --data @- --dump - http://localhost
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"code" : 412,
"errorNum" : 1200,
"errorMessage" : "precondition failed",
"_id" : "products/42418599",
"_rev" : "42418599",
"_key" : "42418599"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 14
PATCH /_api/document/document-handle,patches a document
document-handle (string,required) The Handle of the Document.
keepNull (string,optional) If the intention is to delete existing attributes with the
patch command, the URL query parameter keepNull can be used with a value
of false. This will modify the behavior of the patch command to remove any
attributes from the existing document that are contained in the patch document
with an attribute value of null.
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) You can conditionally patch a document based on a target
revision id by using the rev URL parameter.
policy (string,optional) To control the update behavior in case there is a revision
mismatch, you can use the policy parameter.
If-Match (string,optional) You can conditionally delete a document based on a tar-
get revision id by using the if-match HTTP header.
Partially updates the document identied by document-handle. The body of
the request must contain a JSON document with the attributes to patch (the patch
document). All attributes from the patch document will be added to the existing
document if they do not yet exist, and overwritten in the existing document if they
do exist there.
Setting an attribute value to null in the patch document will cause a value of
null be saved for the attribute by default.
Optionally, the URL parameter waitForSync can be used to force synchronisa-
tion of the document update operation to disk even in case that the waitForSync
ag had been disabled for the entire collection. Thus, the waitForSync URL
parameter can be used to force synchronisation of just specic operations. To use
this, set the waitForSync parameter to true. If the waitForSync parameter
is not specied or set to false, then the collections default waitForSync be-
havior is applied. The waitForSync URL parameter cannot be used to disable
synchronisation for collections that have a default waitForSync value of true.
The body of the response contains a JSON object with the information about the
handle and the revision. The attribute _id contains the known document-handle
of the updated document, the attribute _rev contains the new document revision.
If the document does not exist, then a HTTP 404 is returned and the body of the
response contains an error document.
You can conditionally update a document based on a target revision id by using
either the rev URL parameter or the if-match HTTP header. To control the
update behavior in case there is a revision mismatch, you can use the policy
parameter. This is the same as when replacing documents (see replacing documents
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1.3 Working with Documents using REST 15
for details).
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the document was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the body does not contain a valid JSON representation of a document.
The response body contains an error document in this case.
is returned if collection or the document was not found
is returned if a "If-Match" header or rev is given and the found document has a
different version
patches an existing document with new content.
unix> curl -X PATCH --data @- --dump - http://
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "44450215"
location: /_api/document/products/44122535
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/44122535",
"_rev" : "44450215",
"_key" : "44122535"
unix> curl -X PATCH --data @- --dump - http://
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "44974503"
location: /_api/document/products/44122535
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/44122535",
"_rev" : "44974503",
"_key" : "44122535"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 16
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "44974503"
"one" : "world",
"hello" : "world",
"numbers" : {
"empty" : null,
"one" : 1,
"two" : 2,
"three" : 3
"_id" : "products/44122535",
"_rev" : "44974503",
"_key" : "44122535"
unix> curl -X PATCH --data @- --dump - http://
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "45367719"
location: /_api/document/products/44122535
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/44122535",
"_rev" : "45367719",
"_key" : "44122535"
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "45367719"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 17
"one" : "world",
"numbers" : {
"empty" : null,
"one" : 1,
"two" : 2,
"three" : 3,
"four" : 4
"_id" : "products/44122535",
"_rev" : "45367719",
"_key" : "44122535"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 18
DELETE /_api/document/document-handle,deletes a document
document-handle (string,required) Deletes the document identied by document-handle.
rev (string,optional) You can conditionally delete a document based on a target
revision id by using the rev URL parameter.
policy (string,optional) To control the update behavior in case there is a revision
mismatch, you can use the policy parameter. This is the same as when replacing
documents (see replacing documents for more details).
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
If-Match (string,optional) You can conditionally delete a document based on a tar-
get revision id by using the if-match HTTP header.
The body of the response contains a JSON object with the information about the
handle and the revision. The attribute _id contains the known document-handle
of the updated document, the attribute _rev contains the known document revi-
If the waitForSync parameter is not specied or set to false, then the col-
lections default waitForSync behavior is applied. The waitForSync URL
parameter cannot be used to disable synchronisation for collections that have a
default waitForSync value of true.
is returned if the document was deleted sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the document was deleted sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the collection or the document was not found. The response body
contains an error document in this case.
is returned if a "If-Match" header or rev is given and the current document has a
different version
Using document handle:
unix> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : false,
"_id" : "products/46678439",
"_rev" : "46678439",
"_key" : "46678439"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 19
Unknown document handle:
unix> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "document /_api/document/products
/48054695 not found",
"code" : 404,
"errorNum" : 1202
Revision conict:
unix> curl -X DELETE --header 'If-Match:"49824167"' --
dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/document/products
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"code" : 412,
"errorNum" : 1200,
"errorMessage" : "precondition failed",
"_id" : "products/49365415",
"_rev" : "49365415",
"_key" : "49365415"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 20
HEAD /_api/document/document-handle,reads a document header
document-handle (string,required) The Handle of the Document.
rev (string,optional) You can conditionally delete a document based on a target
revision id by using the rev URL parameter.
policy (string,optional) To control the update behavior in case there is a revision
mismatch, you can use the policy parameter. This is the same as when replacing
documents (see replacing documents for more details).
If-Match (string,optional) You can conditionally get a document based on a target
revision id by using the if-match HTTP header.
Like GET, but only returns the header elds and not the body. You can use this call
to get the current revision of a document or check if the document was deleted.
is returned if the document was found
is returned if the document or collection was not found
is returned if the "If-None-Match" header is given and the document has same
is returned if a "If-Match" header or rev is given and the found document has a
different version
unix> curl -X HEAD --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "34554279"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1.3 Working with Documents using REST 21
reads all documents from collection
GET /_api/document,reads all documents from collection
collection (string,required) The Id of the collection.
Returns a list of all URI for all documents fromthe collection identied by collection.
All went good.
The collection does not exist.
Returns a collection.
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"documents" : [
Collection does not exist.
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : true,
"errorMessage" : "collection /_api/collection/
doesnotexist not found",
"code" : 404,
"errorNum" : 1203
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 2
REST Interface for Edges
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs REST interface for edges.
ArangoDB offers also some graph functionality. A graph consists of nodes, edges
and properties. ArangoDB stores the information how the nodes relate to each
other aside from the properties.
A graph data model always consists of two collections: the relations between the
nodes in the graphs are stored in an "edges collection", the nodes in the graph are
stored in documents in regular collections.
the "edge" collection stores the information that a companys reception is
sub-unit to the services unit and the services unit is sub-unit to the CEO.
You would express this relationship with the to and _to attributes.
the "normal" collection stores all the properties about the reception, e.g. that
20 people are working there and the room number etc.
_from is the document handle of the linked vertex (incoming relation),
_to is the document handle of the linked vertex (outgoing relation).
2.1 Documents, Identiers, Handles
Edge: Edges in ArangoDB are special documents. In addition to the internal at-
tributes _key, _id and _rev, they have two attributes _from and _to, which
contain document handles, namely the start-point and the end-point of the edge.
_from and _to contain document handles, e.g.:
{ "_from" : "myvertices/doc1", "_to" : "myvertices/doc2", ... }
2.2 Address and ETag of an Edge 23
The values of _from and _to are immutable once saved.
2.2 Address and ETag of an Edge
All documents in ArangoDB have a document handle. This handle uniquely de-
nes a document and is managed by ArangoDB. All documents are found under
the URI
For edges you can use the special address
For example: Assume that the document handle, which is stored in the _id at-
tribute of the edge, is demo/362549736, then the URL of that edge is:
2.3 Working with Edges using REST
GET /_api/edge,reads an edge
GET /_api/edge/document-handle
See REST Interface for Documents (p. 1) for details.
POST /_api/edge,creates an edge
POST /_api/edge?collection=collection-name&from=from-handle&to=to-handle
Creates a new edge in the collection identied by collection-name. A JS-
ON representation of the edge document must be passed as the body of the PO-
ST request. This JSON object may contain the edges document key in the _-
key attribute if needed. The document handle of the start point must be passed
in from-handle. The document handle of the end point must be passed in
from-handle and to-handle are immutable once the edge has been created.
In all other respects the method works like POST /document, see REST Inter-
face for Documents (p. 1) for details.
Create an edge:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
2.3 Working with Edges using REST 24
{ "e" : 1 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9683012"
"_rev": "9683012",
"_id": "7848004/9683012",
"error": false
Read an edge:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/edge
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9683012"
"_from": "7848004/9289796",
"_rev": "9683012",
"_to": "7848004/9355332",
"_id": "7848004/9683012",
"e": 1
PUT /_api/edge,updates an edge
PUT /_api/edge/document-handle
See REST Interface for Documents (p. 1) for details.
PATCH /_api/edge,partially updates an edge
PATCH /_api/edge/document-handle
See REST Interface for Documents (p. 1) for details.
DELETE /_api/edge,deletes an edge
DELETE /_api/edge/document-handle
See REST Interface for Documents (p. 1) for details.
GET /_api/edge,reads an edge header
HEAD /_api/edge/document-handle
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
2.3 Working with Edges using REST 25
See REST Interface for Documents (p. 1) for details.
GET /_api/edges,reads in- or outbound edges
GET /_api/edges/collection-identifier?vertex=vertex-handle&direction=any
Returns the list of edges starting or ending in the vertex identied by vertex-handle.
GET /_api/edges/collection-identifier?vertex=vertex-handle&direction=in
Returns the list of edges ending in the vertex identied by vertex-handle.
GET /_api/edges/collection-identifier?vertex=vertex-handle&direction=out
Returns the list of edges starting in the vertex identied by vertex-handle.
Any direction
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"edges": [
"_from": "17501660/18419164",
"_rev": "19140060",
"_to": "17501660/19008988",
"_id": "17501660/19140060"
"_from": "17501660/18419164",
"_rev": "19336668",
"_to": "17501660/19008988",
"_id": "17501660/19336668",
"e": 1
"_from": "17501660/19008988",
"_rev": "19402204",
"_to": "17501660/18419164",
"_id": "17501660/19402204",
"e": 2
"code": 200,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
2.3 Working with Edges using REST 26
In edges
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"edges": [
"_from": "17501660/19008988",
"_rev": "19402204",
"_to": "17501660/18419164",
"_id": "17501660/19402204",
"e": 2
"code": 200,
"error": false
Out edges
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"edges": [
"_from": "17501660/18419164",
"_rev": "19336668",
"_to": "17501660/19008988",
"_id": "17501660/19336668",
"e": 1
"_from": "17501660/18419164",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
2.3 Working with Edges using REST 27
"_rev": "19140060",
"_to": "17501660/19008988",
"_id": "17501660/19140060"
"code": 200,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 3
HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cursors
3.1 Database Cursors
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for Queries. Results of AQL
and simple queries are returned as cursors in order to batch the communication
between server and client. Each call returns a number of documents in a batch
and an indication, if the current batch has been the nal batch. Depending on the
query, the total number of documents in the result set might or might not be known
in advance. In order to free server resources the client should delete the cursor as
soon as it is no longer needed.
To run a select query, the query details need to be shipped from the client to the
server via a HTTP POST request.
3.2 Retrieving query results
Select queries are executed on-the-y on the server and the result set will be re-
turned back to the client.
There are two ways the client can get the result set from the server:
in a single roundtrip
using a cursor
3.2.1 Single roundtrip
The server will only transfer a certain number of result documents back to the
client in one roundtrip. This number is controllable by the client by setting the
batchSize attribute when issueing the query.
3.2 Retrieving query results 29
If the complete result can be transferred to the client in one go, the client does not
need to issue any further request. The client can check whether it has retrieved the
complete result set by checking the hasMore attribute of the result set. If it is set
to false, then the client has fetched the complete result set from the server. In
this case no server side cursor will be created.
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users LIMIT 2 RETURN u", "count"
: true, "batchSize" : 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"result": [
"n": 0,
"_rev": "21030455",
"_id": "19588663/21030455"
"n": 1,
"_rev": "21030455",
"_id": "19588663/21030455"
"code": 201,
"count": 2
3.2.2 Using a Cursor
If the result set contains more documents than should be transferred in a single
roundtrip (i.e. as set via the batchSize attribute), the server will return the rst
few documents and create a temporary cursor. The cursor identier will also be
returned to the client. The server will put the cursor identier in the id attribute
of the response object. Furthermore, the hasMore attribute of the response object
will be set to true. This is an indication for the client that there are additional
results to fetch from the server.
Create and extract rst batch:
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3.2 Retrieving query results 30
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users LIMIT 5 RETURN u", "count"
: true, "batchSize" : 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": true,
"error": false,
"id": 26011191,
"result": [
"n": 0,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"n": 1,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"code": 201,
"count": 5
Extract next batch, still have more:
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": true,
"error": false,
"id": 26011191,
"result": [
"n": 2,
"_rev": "25880119",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.2 Retrieving query results 31
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"n": 3,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"code": 200,
"count": 5
Extract next batch, done:
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"result": [
"n": 4,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"code": 200,
"count": 5
Do not do this:
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"errorNum": 1600,
"errorMessage": "cursor not found: disposed or
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 32
unknown cursor",
"error": true,
"code": 400
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP
POST /_api/cursor,creates a cursor
POST /_api/cursor
The query details include the query string plus optional query options and bind
parameters. These values need to be passed in a JSON representation in the body
of the POST request.
The following attributes can be used inside the JSON object:
query: contains the query string to be executed (mandatory)
count: boolean ag that indicates whether the number of documents found
should be returned as "count" attribute in the result set (optional). Calculat-
ing the "count" attribute might have a performance penalty for some queries
so this option is turned off by default.
batchSize: maximum number of result documents to be transferred from
the server to the client in one roundtrip (optional). If this attribute is not set,
a server-controlled default value will be used.
bindVars: key/value list of bind parameters (optional).
If the result set can be created by the server, the server will respond with HTTP
201. The body of the response will contain a JSON object with the result set.
The JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
result: an array of result documents (might be empty if query has no
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 33
hasMore: a boolean indicator whether there are more results available on
the server
count: the total number of result documents available (only available if the
query was executed with the count attribute set.
id: id of temporary cursor created on the server (optional, see above)
If the JSON representation is malformed or the query specication is missing from
the request, the server will respond with HTTP 400.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
If the query specication is complete, the server will process the query. If an error
occurs during query processing, the server will respond with HTTP 400. Again,
the body of the response will contain details about the error.
A list of query errors can be found Error codes and meanings (p. ??) here.
Executes a query and extract the result in a single go:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users LIMIT 2 RETURN u", "count"
: true, "batchSize" : 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"result": [
"n": 0,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 34
"_rev": "21030455",
"_id": "19588663/21030455"
"n": 1,
"_rev": "21030455",
"_id": "19588663/21030455"
"code": 201,
"count": 2
Bad queries:
> curl -X POST --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"errorNum": 1503,
"code": 400,
"error": true,
"errorMessage": "query specification invalid"
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN unknowncollection LIMIT 2 RETURN
u.n", "count" : true, "bindVars" : {}, "batchSize"
: 2 }
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"code": 400,
"error": true,
"errorMessage": "unable to open collection '%s':
unable to open collection 'unknowncollection'",
"errorNum": 1510
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 35
POST /_api/query,parses a query
POST /_api/query
To validate a query string without executing it, the query string can be passed to
the server via an HTTP POST request.
These query string needs to be passed in the attribute query of a JSON object as
the body of the POST request.
If the query is valid, the server will respond with HTTP 200 and return the names
of the bind parameters it found in the query (if any) in the "bindVars" attribute
of the response.
The server will respond with HTTP 400 in case of a malformed request, or if the
query contains a parse error. The body of the response will contain the error details
embedded in a JSON object.
Valid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER == @name
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"error": false,
"bindVars": [
"code": 200
Invalid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER = @name
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"errorNum": 1501,
"errorMessage": "parse error: %s: parse error: 1:29
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 36
syntax error, unexpected assignment near ' =
@name LIMIT 2 RETURN u.n'",
"error": true,
"code": 400
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 37
PUT /_api/cursor,reads next batch from a cursor
PUT /_api/cursor/cursor-identifier
If the cursor is still alive, returns an object with the following attributes.
id: the cursor-identifier
result: a list of documents for the current batch
hasMore: false if this was the last batch
count: if present the total number of elements
Note that even if hasMore returns true, the next call might still return no doc-
uments. If, however, hasMore is false, then the cursor is exhausted. Once the
hasMore attribute has a value of false, the client can stop.
The server will respond with HTTP 200 in case of success. If the cursor identier
is ommitted or somehow invalid, the server will respond with HTTP 404.
Valid request for next batch:
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": true,
"error": false,
"id": 26011191,
"result": [
"n": 2,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"n": 3,
"_rev": "25880119",
"_id": "23914039/25880119"
"code": 200,
"count": 5
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 38
Missing identier
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"code": 400,
"errorMessage": "bad parameter",
"errorNum": 400,
"error": true
Unknown identier
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"code": 400,
"errorNum": 1600,
"error": true,
"errorMessage": "cursor not found: disposed or
unknown cursor"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3.3 Accessing Cursors via HTTP 39
DELETE /_api/cursor,deletes a cursor
DELETE /_api/cursor/cursor-identifier
Deletes the cursor and frees the resources associated with it.
The cursor will automatically be destroyed on the server when the client has re-
trieved all documents from it. The client can also explicitly destroy the cursor at
any earlier time using an HTTP DELETE request. The cursor id must be included
as part of the URL.
In case the server is aware of the cursor, it will respond with HTTP 202. Other-
wise, it will respond with 404.
Cursors that have been explicitly destroyed must not be used afterwards. If a cursor
is used after it has been destroyed, the server will respond with HTTP 404 as well.
Note: the server will also destroy abandoned cursors automatically after a certain
server-controlled timeout to avoid resource leakage.
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json
"code": 202,
"id": "8679702",
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 4
HTTP Interface for AQL Queries
ArangoDB has an Http interface to syntactically validate AQL queries. Further-
more, it offers an Http interface to retrieve the execution plan for any valid AQL
Both functionalities do not actually execute the supplied AQL query, but only in-
spect it and return meta information about it.
POST /_api/explain,explains a query
POST /_api/explain
To explain how an AQL query would be executed on the server, the query string
can be sent to the server via an HTTP POST request. The server will then validate
the query and create an execution plan for it, but will not execute it.
The execution plan that is returned by the server can be used to estimate the prob-
able performance of an AQL query. Though the actual performance will depend
on many different factors, the execution plan normally can give some good hint on
the amount of work the server needs to do in order to actually run the query.
The query string needs to be passed in the attribute query of a JSON object as the
body of the POST request. If the query references any bind variables, these must
also be passed in the attribute bindVars.
If the query is valid, the server will respond with HTTP 200 and return a list of
the individual query execution steps in the "plan" attribute of the response.
The server will respond with HTTP 400 in case of a malformed request, or if the
query contains a parse error. The body of the response will contain the error details
embedded in a JSON object. Omitting bind variables if the query references any
will result also result in an HTTP 400 error.
Valid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER == @id LIMIT 2
RETURN", "bindVars": { "id" : 3 } }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"plan": [
"id" : 1,
"loopLevel" : 1,
"type" : "for",
"resultVariable" : "u",
"expression" : {
"type" : "collection",
"value" : "users",
"extra" : {
"accessType" : "all"
"id" : 2,
"loopLevel" : 1,
"type" : "filter",
"expression" : {
"type" : "expression",
"value" : " == 3"
"id" : 3,
"loopLevel" : 1,
"type" : "limit",
"offset" : 0,
"count" : 2
"id" : 4,
"loopLevel" : 1,
"type" : "limit",
"offset" : 0,
"count" : 2
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"id" : 5,
"loopLevel" : 1,
"type" : "return",
"expression" : {
"type" : "expression",
"value" : ""
"error": false,
"code": 200
Invalid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER == @name
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"errorNum": 1551,
"errorMessage": "no value specified for declared
bind parameter 'name'",
"error": true,
"code": 400
The data returned in the plan attribute of the result contains one element per A-
QL top-level statement (i.e. FOR, RETURN, FILTER etc.). If the query optimiser
removed some unnecessary statements, the result might also contain less elements
than there were top-level statements in the AQL query. The following example
shows a query with a non-sensible lter condition that the optimiser has removed
so that there are less top-level statements:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR i IN [ 1, 2, 3 ] FILTER 1 == 2 RETURN
i" }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"plan": [
"id" : 1,
"loopLevel" : 0,
"type" : "return (empty)",
"expression" : {
"type" : "const list",
"value" : "[ ]"
"error": false,
"code": 200
The top-level statements will appear in the result in the same order in which they
have been used in the original query. Each result element has at most the following
id: the row number of the top-level statement, starting at 1
type: the type of the top-level statement (e.g. for, return ...)
loopLevel: the nesting level of the top-level statement, starting at 1 De-
pending on the type of top-level statement, there might be other attributes
providing additional information, for example, if and which indexed will be
used. Many top-level statements will provide an expression attribute
that contains data about the expression they operate on. This is true for FOR,
FILTER, SORT, COLLECT, and RETURN statements. The expression
attribute has the following sub-attributes:
type: the type of the expression. Some possible values are:
collection: an iteration over documents from a collection. The
value attribute will then contain the collection name. The extra at-
tribute will contain information about if and which index is used when
accessing the documents from the collection. If no index is used, the
accessType sub-attribute of the extra attribute will have the value
all, otherwise it will be index.
list: a list of dynamic values. The value attribute will contain the
list elements.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
const list: a list of constant values. The value attribute will
contain the list elements.
reference: a reference to another variable. The value attribute
will contain the name of the variable that is referenced.
Please note that the structure of the explain result data might change in future
versions of ArangoDB without further notice and without maintaining backwards
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_api/query,parses a query
POST /_api/query
To validate a query string without executing it, the query string can be passed to
the server via an HTTP POST request.
These query string needs to be passed in the attribute query of a JSON object as
the body of the POST request.
If the query is valid, the server will respond with HTTP 200 and return the names
of the bind parameters it found in the query (if any) in the "bindVars" attribute
of the response.
The server will respond with HTTP 400 in case of a malformed request, or if the
query contains a parse error. The body of the response will contain the error details
embedded in a JSON object.
Valid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER == @name
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"error": false,
"bindVars": [
"code": 200
Invalid query:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "query" : "FOR u IN users FILTER = @name
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
"errorNum": 1501,
"errorMessage": "parse error: %s: parse error: 1:29
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
syntax error, unexpected assignment near ' =
@name LIMIT 2 RETURN u.n'",
"error": true,
"code": 400
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 5
HTTP Interface for AQL User Functions
5.1 AQL User Functions Management
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for managing AQL user func-
tions. AQL user functions are a means to extend the functionality of ArangoDBs
query language (AQL) with user-dened Javascript code.
For an overview of how AQL user functions work, please refer to Extending AQL
with User Functions (p. ??).
The Http interface provides an API for adding, deleting, and listing previously
registered AQL user functions.
All user functions managed through this interface will be stored in the system col-
lection _aqlfunctions. Documents in this collection should not be accessed
directly, but only via the dedicated interfaces.
POST /_api/aqlfunction,creates or replaces an AQL user function
POST /_api/aqlfunction
The following data need to be passed in a JSON representation in the body of the
POST request:
name: the fully qualied name of the user functions.
code: a string representation of the function body.
isDeterministic: an optional boolean value to indicate that the func-
tion results are fully deterministic (function return value solely depends on
5.1 AQL User Functions Management 48
the input value and return value is the same for repeated calls with same in-
put). The isDeterministic attribute is currently not used but may be
used later for optimisations.
If the function can be registered by the server, the server will respond with HTTP
201. If the function already existed and was replaced by the call, the server will
respond with HTTP 200.
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the JSON representation is malformed or mandatory data is missing from the
request, the server will respond with HTTP 400.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "name" : "myfunctions:temperature:
celsiustofahrenheit, "code" : "function (celsius) {
return celsius
1.8 + 32; }" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error" : false,
"code" : 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
5.1 AQL User Functions Management 49
DELETE /_api/aqlfunction,remove an existing AQL user function
DELETE /_api/aqlfunction/name
group (string,optional) If set to true, then the function name provided in name is
treated as a namespace prex, and all functions in the specied namespace will be
If set to false, the function name provided in name must be fully qualied,
including any namespaces.
Removes an existing AQL user function, identied by name.
If the function can be removed by the server, the server will respond with HTTP
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the JSON representation is malformed or mandatory data is missing from the
request, the server will respond with HTTP 400. If the specied user does not
exist, the server will respond with HTTP 404.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
5.1 AQL User Functions Management 50
GET /_api/aqlfunction,returns registered AQL user functions
GET /_api/aqlfunction
Returns all registered AQL user functions.
GET /_api/aqlfunction?namespace=namespace
Returns all registered AQL user functions from namespace namespace.
The call will return a JSON list with all user functions found. Each user function
will at least have the following attributes:
name: The fully qualied name of the user function
code: A string representation of the function body
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 6
HTTP Interface for Simple Queries
6.1 Simple Queries
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for simple queries.
Simple queries can be used if the query condition is straight forward simple, i.e.,
a document reference, all documents, a query-by-example, or a simple geo query.
In a simple query you can specify exactly one collection and one condition. The
result can then be sorted and can be split into pages.
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP
To limit the amount of results to be transferred in one batch, simple queries support
a batchSize parameter that can optionally be used to tell the server to limit the
number of results to be transferred in one batch to a certain value. If the query has
more results than were transferred in one go, more results are waiting on the server
so they can be fetched subsequently. If no value for the batchSize parameter is
specied, the server will use a reasonable default value.
If the server has more documents than should be returned in a single batch, the
server will set the hasMore attribute in the result. It will also return the id of
the server-side cursor in the id attribute in the result. This id can be used with
the cursor API to fetch any outstanding results from the server and dispose the
server-side cursor afterwards.
PUT /_api/simple/all,executes simple query "all"
PUT /_api/simple/all
Returns all documents of a collections. The call expects a JSON object as body
with the following attributes:
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 52
collection: The name of the collection to query.
skip: The number of documents to skip in the query (optional).
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. The skip is applied
before the limit restriction. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Limit the amount of documents using limit
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "4421689145", "skip" : 2900, "limit"
: 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"result": [
"n": 1679,
"_rev": "4533165881",
"_id": "4421689145/4533165881"
"n": 679,
"_rev": "4467629881",
"_id": "4421689145/4467629881"
"count": 2,
"error": false
Using a batchSize value
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "4421689145", "batchSize" : 2 }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 53
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"hasMore": true,
"result": [
"n": 1679,
"_rev": "4533165881",
"_id": "4421689145/4533165881"
"n": 679,
"_rev": "4467629881",
"_id": "4421689145/4467629881"
"count": 3000,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 54
PUT /_api/simple/by-example,executes simple query "by-example"
PUT /_api/simple/by-example
This will nd all documents matching a given example.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
example: The example.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Matching an attribute:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ { "i" : 1
} ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "k": 2, "j": 2 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181802847", "_id": "3179705695/3181802847" },
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" },
{ "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181737311", "_id": "3179705695/3181737311" },
{ "i": 1, "_rev": "3181147487", "_id":
"3179705695/3181147487" }
"count": 4,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 55
Matching an attribute which is a sub-document:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ { "a" : {
"j" : 1 } } ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" }
"count": 1,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Matching an attribute within a sub-document:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ "a.j", 1
] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" },
{ "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181737311", "_id": "3179705695/3181737311" }
"count": 2,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 56
PUT /_api/simple/rst-example,executes simple query "rst-example"
PUT /_api/simple/rst-example
This will return the rst document matching a given example.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
example: The example.
Returns a result containing the document or HTTP 404 if no document matched
the example.
If a matching document was found:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "666351134", "example" : [ "a.j", 1,
"a.k", 1 ] }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"error": false,
"code": 200,
"document": { "_rev": "668382750", "_id":
"666351134/668382750", "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1, "l"
: 10 }, "i": 1 }
If no document was found:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "666351134", "example" : [ "a.j", 1,
"a.k", 2 ] }
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json
"errorMessage": "no match",
"error": true,
"code": 404,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 57
"errorNum": 404
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 58
PUT /_api/simple/any,executes simple query "any"
PUT /_api/simple/any
Returns a random document of a collection. The call expects a JSON object as
body with the following attributes:
collection: The identier or name of the collection to query.
Returns a JSON object with the document stored in the attribute document if the
collection contains at least one document. If the collection is empty, the attrbute
contains null.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/simple/any
{ "collection" : 222186062247 }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 114
"document": {
"_id": "222186062247/223172116903",
"_rev": 223172116903,
"Hello": "World"
"error": false,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 59
PUT /_api/simple/range,executes simple range query
PUT /_api/simple/range
This will nd all documents within a given range. You must declare a skip-list
index on the attribute in order to be able to use a range query.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
attribute: The attribute path to check.
left: The lower bound.
right: The upper bound.
closed: If true, use interval including left and right, otherwise ex-
clude right, but include left.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "6328369086", "attribute" : "i", "
left" : 2, "right" : 4 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"result": [
{ "_id": "6328369086/6329876414", "i": 2, "_rev":
"6329876414" },
{ "_id": "6328369086/6329941950", "i": 3, "_rev":
"6329941950" }
"count": 2,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 60
"hasMore": false,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 61
PUT /_api/simple/near,executes simple query "near"
PUT /_api/simple/near
The default will nd at most 100 documents near a given coordinate. The returned
list is sorted according to the distance, with the nearest document coming rst. If
there are near documents of equal distance, documents are chosen randomly from
this set until the limit is reached.
In order to use the near operator, a geo index must be dened for the collection.
This index also denes which attribute holds the coordinates for the document. If
you have more then one geo-spatial index, you can use the geo eld to select a
particular index.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
latitude: The latitude of the coordinate.
longitude: The longitude of the coordinate.
distance: If given, the attribute key used to store the distance. (optional)
skip: The number of documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. The skip is applied
before the limit restriction. The default is 100. (optional)
geo: If given, the identier of the geo-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Without distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "11172897562", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "skip" : 1, "limit" : 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 62
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"result": [
"_id": "11172897562/11178271514",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "11178271514"
"_id": "11172897562/11177616154",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "11177616154"
"code": 201,
"error": false
With distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "11182465818", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "limit" : 2, "distance" : "distance
" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"result": [
"distance": 0,
"_id": "11182465818/11187905306",
"loc": [ 0, 0 ],
"_rev": "11187905306"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "11182465818/11187839770",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "11187839770"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 63
"code": 201,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 64
PUT /_api/simple/within,executes simple query "within"
PUT /_api/simple/within
This will nd all documents with in a given radius around the coordinate (latitude,
longitude). The returned list is sorted by distance.
In order to use the within operator, a geo index must be dened for the collection.
This index also denes which attribute holds the coordinates for the document. If
you have more then one geo-spatial index, you can use the geo eld to select a
particular index.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
latitude: The latitude of the coordinate.
longitude: The longitude of the coordinate.
radius: The maximal radius (in meters).
distance: If given, the result attribute key used to store the distance values
(optional). If specied, distances are returned in meters.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
geo: If given, the identier of the geo-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Without distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2076584128", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "skip" : 1, "radius" : 1111950 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 65
"result": [
"_id": "2076584128/2082744512",
"loc": [ 10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2082744512"
"_id": "2076584128/2082089152",
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2082089152"
"_id": "2076584128/2081302720",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2081302720"
"_id": "2076584128/2081958080",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "2081958080"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 4,
"error": false
With distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2086152384", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "distance" : "distance", "radius" :
1111950 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
"distance": 0,
"_id": "2086152384/2091591872",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 66
"loc": [ 0, 0 ],
"_rev": "2091591872"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2090870976",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2090870976"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2091657408",
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2091657408"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2092312768",
"loc": [ 10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2092312768"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2091526336",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "2091526336"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 67
PUT /_api/simple/fulltext,executes simple query "fulltext"
PUT /_api/simple/fulltext
This will nd all documents from the collection that match the fulltext query spec-
ied in query.
In order to use the fulltext operator, a fulltext index must be dened for the
collection and the specied attribute.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
attribute: The attribute that contains the texts.
query: The fulltext query.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
index: If given, the identier of the fulltext-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2076584128", "attribute" : "text", "
query" : "word" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
"_id": "2076584128/2082744512",
"text" : "this text contains a word",
"_rev": "2082744512"
"_id": "2076584128/2082089152",
"text" : "this text also contains a word",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 68
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2082089152"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 69
PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-example,removes documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-example
This will nd all documents in the collection that match the specied example
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to remove from.
example: An example object that all collection objects are compared against.
waitForSync: if set to true, then all removal operations will instantly be
synchronised to disk. If this is not specied, then the collections default
sync behavior will be applied.
limit: an optional value that determines how many documents to delete at
most. If limit is specied but is less than the number of documents in the
collection, it is undened which of the documents will be deleted.
Returns the number of documents that were deleted
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "test", "example" : { "age" : 37, "
likes" : "tennis" } }
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"deleted": 4,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 70
PUT /_api/simple/replace-by-example,replaces documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/replace-by-example
This will nd all documents in the collection that match the specied example
object, and replace the entire document body with the new value specied. Note
that document meta-attributes such as _id, _key, _from, _to etc. cannot be
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to replace within.
example: An example object that all collection objects are compared against.
newValue: The replacement document that will get inserted in place of the
"old" documents.
waitForSync: if set to true, then all removal operations will instantly be
synchronised to disk. If this is not specied, then the collections default
sync behavior will be applied.
limit: an optional value that determines how many documents to replace
at most. If limit is specied but is less than the number of documents in
the collection, it is undened which of the documents will be replaced.
Returns the number of documents that were replaced
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "test", "example" : { "age" : 37, "
likes" : "tennis" }, "newValue" : { "foo" : "bar"
}, "limit" : 3 }
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"replaced": 1,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 71
PUT /_api/simple/update-by-example,updates documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/update-by-example
This will nd all documents in the collection that match the specied example
object, and partially update the document body with the new value specied. Note
that document meta-attributes such as _id, _key, _from, _to etc. cannot be
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to update within.
example: An example object that all collection objects are compared against.
newValue: The update value that will get inserted in place of the "old"
version of the found documents.
keepNull: This parameter can be used to modify the behavior when han-
dling null values. Normally, null values are stored in the database. By
setting the keepNull parameter to false, this behavior can be changed
so that all attributes in data with null values will be removed from the
updated document.
waitForSync: if set to true, then all removal operations will instantly be
synchronised to disk. If this is not specied, then the collections default
sync behavior will be applied.
limit: an optional value that determines how many documents to update
at most. If limit is specied but is less than the number of documents in
the collection, it is undened which of the documents will be updated.
Returns the number of documents that were updated
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "test", "example" : { "age" : 37, "
likes" : "tennis" }, "newValue" : { "age" : null, "
likes" : "foo" }, "keepNull" : false }
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
6.2 Working with Simples Queries using HTTP 72
"code": 200,
"updated": 1,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 7
HTTP Interface for Collections
7.1 Collections
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for collections.
Collection: A collection consists of documents. It is uniquely identied by the
server via its collection identier. It also has a unique name that clients should use
to identify and access it. Collections have a type that is specied by the user when
the collection is created. There currently are document and edge collections. The
default type is document.
Collection Identier: A collection identier identies a collection in a database. It
is a string value and is unique within the database. Up to including ArangoDB 1.1,
the collection identier has been a clients primary means to access collections.
Starting with ArangoDB 1.2, clients should instead use a collections unique name
to access a collection instead of its identier.
ArangoDB currently uses 64bit unsigned integer values to maintain collection ids
internally. When returning collection ids to clients, ArangoDB will put them into
a string to ensure the collection id is not clipped by clients that do not support big
integers. Clients should treat the collection ids returned by ArangoDB as opaque
strings when they store or use it locally.
Note: collection ids have been returned as integers up to including ArangoDB 1.1
Collection Name: A collection name identies a collection in a database. It is
a string and is unique within the database. Unlike the collection identier it is
supplied by the creator of the collection. The collection name must consist of
letters, digits and the characters _ (underscore), - (dash), and : (colon). Please
refer to Naming Conventions in ArangoDB(p. 190) for more information on valid
collection names.
Key Generator: ArangoDB allows using key generators for each collection. Key
7.2 Address of a Collection 74
generators have the purpose of auto-generating values for the _key attribute of a
document if none was specied by the user.
By default, ArangoDBwill use the traditional key generator. The traditional
key generator will auto-generate key values that are strings with ever-increasing
numbers. The increment values it uses are non-deterministic.
Contrary, the autoincrement key generator will auto-generate deterministic
key values. Both the start value and the increment value can be dened when the
collection is created. The default start value is 0 and the default increment is 1,
meaning the key values it will create by default are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
When creating a collection with the autoincrement key generator and an increment
of 5, the generated keys would be:
1, 6, 11, 16, 21, ...
The basic operations (create, read, update, delete) for documents are mapped to the
standard HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE).
7.2 Address of a Collection
All collections in ArangoDB have an unique identier and a unique name. Arango-
DB internally uses the collections unique identier to look up collections. This
identier however is managed by ArangoDB and the user has no control over it. In
order to allow users use their own names, each collection also has a unique name,
which is specied by the user. To access a collection from the user perspective, the
collection name should be used, i.e.:
For example: Assume that the collection identier is 7254820 and the collection
name is demo, then the URL of that collection is:
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP
7.3.1 Creating and Deleting Collections
POST /_api/collection,creates a collection
Creates an new collection with a given name. The request must contain an object
with the following attributes.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 75
name: The name of the collection.
waitForSync (optional, default: false): If true then the data is synchro-
nised to disk before returning from a create or update of an document.
journalSize (optional, default is a conguration parameter (p. ??))-
: The maximal size of a journal or datale. Note that this also limits the
maximal size of a single object. Must be at least 1MB.
isSystem (optional, default is false): If true, create a system collec-
tion. In this case collection-name should start with an underscore. End
users should normally create non-system collections only. API implemen-
tors may be required to create system collections in very special occasions,
but normally a regular collection will do.
isVolatile (optional, default is false): If true then the collection
data is kept in-memory only and not made persistent. Unloading the collec-
tion will cause the collection data to be discarded. Stopping or re-starting the
server will also cause full loss of data in the collection. Setting this option
will make the resulting collection be slightly faster than regular collections
because ArangoDB does not enforce any synchronisation to disk and does
not calculate any CRC checksums for datales (as there are no datales).
This option should threrefore be used for cache-type collections only, and
not for data that cannot be re-created otherwise.
keyOptions (optional) additional options for key generation. If speci-
ed, then keyOptions should be a JSON array containing the following
attributes (note: some of them are optional):
type: species the type of the key generator. The currently available
generators are traditional and autoincrement.
allowUserKeys: if set to true, then it is allowed to supply own
key values in the _key attribute of a document. If set to false, then
the key generator will solely be responsible for generating keys and
supplying own key values in the _key attribute of documents is con-
sidered an error.
increment: increment value for autoincrement key generator.
Not used for other key generator types.
offset: initial offset value for autoincrement key generator. Not
used for other key generator types.
type (optional, default is 2): the type of the collection to create. The fol-
lowing values for type are valid:
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 76
2: document collection
3: edges collection
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "name" : "UnitTestsCollectionBasics" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"waitForSync": false,
"isVolatile": false,
"id": 179665369,
"status": 3,
"type" : 2,
"error": false
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "name" : "UnitTestsCollectionEdges", "type" : 3 }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionEdges",
"code": 200,
"waitForSync": false,
"isVolatile": false,
"id": 184354432,
"status": 3,
"type": 3,
"error": false
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "name" : "users", "keyOptions" : { "type" : "
autoincrement", "increment" : 5, "allowUserKeys" :
true } }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 77
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
location: /_api/collection/users
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"name" : "users",
"waitForSync" : false,
"isVolatile" : false,
"isSystem" : false,
"status" : 3,
"type" : 2,
"error" : false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 78
DELETE /_api/collection/{collection-name},deletes a collection
collection-name (string,required)
Deletes a collection identied by collection-name.
If the collection was successfully deleted then, an object is returned with the fol-
lowing attributes:
error: false
id: The identier of the deleted collection.
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Using an identier:
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"id": 101711425,
"error": false
Using a name:
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"id": 103022145,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 79
PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/truncate,truncates a collection
collection-name (string,required)
Removes all documents from the collection, but leaves the indexes intact.
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"id": 56478340,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 80
7.3.2 Getting Information about a Collection
GET /_api/collection/{collection-name},reads a collection
collection-name (string,required)
The result is an object describing the collection with the following attributes:
id: The identier of the collection.
name: The name of the collection.
status: The status of the collection as number.
1: new born collection
2: unloaded
3: loaded
4: in the process of being unloaded
5: deleted
Every other status indicates a corrupted collection.
type: The type of the collection as number.
2: document collection (normal case)
3: edges collection
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 81
GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties,reads a collection with proper-
collection-name (string,required)
In addition to the above, the result will always contain the waitForSync, journal-
Size, and isVolatile properties. This is achieved by forcing a load of the
underlying collection.
waitForSync: If true then creating or changing a document will wait
until the data has been synchronised to disk.
journalSize: The maximal size of a journal / datale.
isVolatile: If true then the collection data will be kept in memory
only and ArangoDB will not write or sync the data to disk.
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Using an identier:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"id": 73482,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Using a name:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 82
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"id": 73482,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 83
GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/count,reads a collection with count
collection-name (string,required)
In addition to the above, the result also contains the number of documents. Note
that this will always load the collection into memory.
count: The number of documents inside the collection.
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Using an identier and requesting the number of documents:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"waitForSync": true,
"isVolatile": false,
"id": 73482,
"journalSize": 33554432,
"count": 0,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 84
GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/gures,reads a collection with stats
collection-name (string,required)
In addition to the above, the result also contains the number of documents and
additional statistical information about the collection. Note that this will always
load the collection into memory.
count: The number of documents inside the collection.
figures.alive.count: The number of living documents.
figures.alive.size: The total size in bytes used by all living docu-
figures.dead.count: The number of dead documents.
figures.dead.size: The total size in bytes used by all dead docu-
figures.dead.deletion: The total number of deletion markers.
figures.datafiles.count: The number of active datales.
figures.datafiles.fileSize: The total lesize of datales.
figures.journals.count: The number of journal les.
figures.journals.fileSize: The total lesize of journal les.
figures.shapes.count: The total number of shapes used in the col-
lection (this includes shapes that are not in use anymore)
figures.attributes.count: The total number of attributes used in
the collection (this includes attributes that are not in use anymore)
journalSize: The maximal size of the journal in bytes.
Note: the lesizes of shapes and compactor les are not reported.
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Using an identier and requesting the gures of the collection:
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 85
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"figures": {
"datafiles": {
"count": 0,
"fileSize": 0
"journals": {
"count": 0,
"fileSize": 33554432
"alive": {
"size": 0,
"count": 0
"dead": {
"size": 2384,
"count": 149
"shapes": {
"count": 59
"waitForSync": true,
"isVolatile": false,
"id": 73482,
"journalSize": 134217728,
"count": 0,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 86
GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/revision, reads a collection with revision
collection-name (string,required)
In addition to the above, the result will also contain the collections revision id.
The revision id is a server-generated string that clients can use to check whether
data in a collection has changed since the last revision check.
revision: The collection revision id as a string.
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 87
GET /_api/collection,reads all collections
excludeSystem (boolean,optional)
Returns an object with an attribute collections containing a list of all collec-
tion descriptions. The same information is also available in the names as hash
map with the collection names as keys.
By providing the optional URL parameter excludeSystem with a value of
true, all system collections will be excluded from the response.
Return information about all collections:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"collections": [
"name": "employees",
"id": 64091684,
"status": 3,
"type": 2
"name": "units",
"id": 63043108,
"status": 3,
"type": 2
"code": 200,
"names": {
"units": {
"name": "units",
"id": 63043108,
"status": 3,
"type": 2
"employees": {
"name": "employees",
"id": 64091684,
"status": 3,
"type": 2
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 88
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 89
7.3.3 Modifying a Collection
PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/load,loads a collection
collection-name (string,required)
Loads a collection into memory. Returns the collection on success.
The request might optionally contain the following attribute:
count: If set, this controls whether the return value should include the
number of documents in the collection. Setting count to false may speed
up loading a collection. The default value for count is true.
On success an object with the following attributes is returned:
id: The identier of the collection.
name: The name of the collection.
count: The number of documents inside the collection. This is only re-
turned if the count input parameters is set to true or has not been speci-
status: The status of the collection as number.
type: The collection type. Valid types are:
2: document collection
3: edges collection
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"id": 55144253,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 90
"count": 0,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 91
PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/unload,unloads a collection
collection-name (string,required)
Removes a collection from memory. This call does not delete any documents. You
can use the collection afterwards; in which case it will be loaded into memory,
again. On success an object with the following attributes is returned:
id: The identier of the collection.
name: The name of the collection.
status: The status of the collection as number.
type: The collection type. Valid types are:
2: document collection
3: edges collection
If the collection-name is missing, then a HTTP 400 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
> curl -X PUT --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
"id": 57765693,
"status": 4,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 92
PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties,changes the properties of a col-
collection-name (string,required)
Changes the properties of a collection. Expects an object with the attribute(s)
waitForSync: If true then creating or changing a document will wait
until the data has been synchronised to disk.
journalSize: Size (in bytes) for new journal les that are created for the
If returns an object with the attributes
id: The identier of the collection.
name: The name of the collection.
waitForSync: The new value.
journalSize: The new value.
status: The status of the collection as number.
type: The collection type. Valid types are:
2: document collection
3: edges collection
Note: some other collection properties, such as type or isVolatile cannot be
changed once the collection is created.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "waitForSync" : true }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics",
"code": 200,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 93
"waitForSync": true,
"isVolatile": false,
"id": 70109828,
"journalSize": 134217728,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
7.3 Working with Collections using HTTP 94
PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/rename,renames a collection
collection-name (string,required)
Renames a collection. Expects an object with the attribute(s)
name: The new name.
If returns an object with the attributes
id: The identier of the collection.
name: The new name of the collection.
status: The status of the collection as number.
type: The collection type. Valid types are:
2: document collection
3: edges collection
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "name" : "UnitTestsCollectionBasics2" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"name": "UnitTestsCollectionBasics2",
"code": 200,
"id": 59230852,
"status": 3,
"type": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 8
HTTP Interface for Indexes
8.1 Indexes
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for indexes in general. There
are special sections for various index types.
Index: Indexes are used to allow fast access to documents. For each collection
there is always the primary index which is a hash index for the document key. This
index cannot be dropped or changed.
Edge collections will also have an automatically created edges index, which cannot
be modied.
Most user-land indexes can be created by dening the names of the attributes which
should be indexed. Some index types allow indexing just one attribute (e.g. fulltext
index) whereas other index types allow indexing multiple attributes.
Indexing system attributes such as _id, _key, _from, and _to is not supported
by any index type. Manually creating an index that relies on any of these attributes
is unsupported.
Index Handle: An index handle uniquely identies an index in the database. It is a
string and consists of a collection name and an index identier separated by /.
Geo Index: A geo index is used to nd places on the surface of the earth fast.
Hash Index: A hash index is used to nd documents based on examples.
Edges Index: An edges index is automatically created for edge collections. It con-
tains connections between vertex documents and is invoked when the connecting
edges of a vertex are queried. There is no way to explicitly create or delete edge
Skiplist Index: A skiplist is used to nd ranges of documents.
8.2 Address of an Index 96
Fulltext Index: A fulltext index can be used to nd words, or prexes of words
inside documents. A fulltext index can be set on one attribute only, and will index
all words contained in documents that have a textual value in this attribute. Only
words with a (specifyable) minimum length are indexed. Word tokenisation is
done using the word boundary analysis provided by libicu, which is taking into
account the selected language provided at server start. Words are indexed in their
lower-cased form. The index supports complete match queries (full words) and
prex queries. The basic operations (create, read, update, delete) for documents
are mapped to the standard HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE).
8.2 Address of an Index
All indexes in ArangoDB have an unique handle. This index handle identies an
index and is managed by ArangoDB. All indexes are found under the URI
For example: Assume that the index handle is demo/63563528 then the URL of
that index is:
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP
GET /_api/index,reads an index
GET /_api/index/index-handle
The result is an objects describing the index. It has at least the following attributes:
id: The identier of the index.
type: The type of the collection.
All other attributes are type-dependent.
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 97
"code": 200,
"fields": [
"id": "117843216/0",
"type": "primary",
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 98
POST /_api/index,creates an index
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a new index in the collection collection-name. Expects an object
containing the index details.
The type of the index to be created must specied in the type attribute of the
index details. Depending on the index type, additional other attributes may need to
specied in the request in order to create the index.
See Accessing Cap Constraints via Http (p. 104), Accessing Geo Indexes via
Http (p. 116), Accessing Hash Indexes via Http (p. 106), Accessing Fulltext In-
dexes via Http (p. 125), and Accessing Skip-List Indexes via Http (p. 112) for
Most indexes (a notable exception being the cap constraint) require the list of at-
tributes to be indexed in the fields attribute of the index details. Depending on
the index type, a single attribute or multiple attributes may be indexed.
Indexing system attributes such as _id, _key, _from, and _to is not supported
by any index type. Manually creating an index that relies on any of these attributes
is unsupported.
Some indexes can be created as unique or non-unique variants. Uniqueness can be
controlled for most indexes by specifying the unique in the index details. Setting
it to true will create a unique index. Setting it to false or omitting the unique
attribute will create a non-unique index.
Note that the following index types do not support uniqueness, and using the
unique attribute with these types may lead to an error:
cap constraints
fulltext indexes
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Creating a unique constraint:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "hash", "unique" : true, "fields" : [ "a",
"b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 99
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "102901008/168054969",
"type": "hash",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": true,
"error": false
Creating a hash index:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "hash", "unique" : false, "fields" : [ "a",
"b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "105981200/171069625",
"type": "hash",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": false,
"error": false
Creating a skip-list:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "skiplist", "unique" : false, "fields" : [
"a", "b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 100
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "109061392/173166777",
"type": "skiplist",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": false,
"error": false
Creating a unique skip-list:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "skiplist", "unique" : true, "fields" : [ "
a", "b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "112141584/175722681",
"type": "skiplist",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": true,
"error": false
Creating a fulltext index:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "fulltext", "fields" : [ "text" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 101
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "109061392/1748352392",
"type": "fulltext",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 102
DELETE /_api/index,deletes an index
DELETE /_api/index/index-handle
Deletes an index with index-handle.
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"id": "180506809/181424313",
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
8.3 Working with Indexes using HTTP 103
GET /_api/index,reads all indexes of a collection
GET /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Returns an object with an attribute indexes containing a list of all index de-
scriptions for the given collection. The same information is also available in the
identifiers as hash map with the index handle as keys.
Return information about all indexes:
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"code": 200,
"indexes": [
"fields": [
"id": "115221776/0",
"type": "primary"
"error": false,
"identifiers": {
"115221776/0": {
"fields": [
"id": "115221776/0",
"type": "primary"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 9
Accessing Cap Constraints via Http
POST /_api/index,creates a cap constraint
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a cap constraint (Introduction to Cap Constraints (p. ??)) for the collec-
tion collection-name, if it does not already exist. Expects an object contain-
ing the index details.
type: must be equal to "cap".
size: The maximal number of documents for the collection.
Note that the cap constraint does not index particular attributes of the documents
in a collection, but limits the number of documents in the collection to a maximum
value. The cap constraint thus does not support attribute names specied in the
fields attribute nor uniqueness of any kind via the unique attribute.
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Creating a cap collection
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "cap", "size" : 10 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"size": 10,
"code": 201,
"id": "1786279/2769319",
"type": "cap",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 10
Accessing Hash Indexes via Http
If a suitable hash index exists, then /_api/simple/by-example (p. 54) will use this
index to execute a query-by-example.
POST /_api/index,creates a hash index
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a hash index for the collection collection-name, if it does not already
exist. The call expects an object containing the index details.
type: must be equal to "hash".
fields: A list of attribute paths.
unique: If true, then create a unique index.
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
If the collection already contains documents and you try to create a unique hash
index in such a way that there are documents violating the uniqueness, then a HTTP
400 is returned.
Creating an unique constraint:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "hash", "unique" : true, "fields" : [ "a",
"b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "102901008/168054969",
"type": "hash",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": true,
"error": false
Creating a hash index:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "hash", "unique" : false, "fields" : [ "a",
"b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "105981200/171069625",
"type": "hash",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": false,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/by-example,executes simple query "by-example"
PUT /_api/simple/by-example
This will nd all documents matching a given example.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
example: The example.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Matching an attribute:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ { "i" : 1
} ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "k": 2, "j": 2 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181802847", "_id": "3179705695/3181802847" },
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" },
{ "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181737311", "_id": "3179705695/3181737311" },
{ "i": 1, "_rev": "3181147487", "_id":
"3179705695/3181147487" }
"count": 4,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Matching an attribute which is a sub-document:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ { "a" : {
"j" : 1 } } ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" }
"count": 1,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Matching an attribute within a sub-document:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "3179705695", "example" : [ "a.j", 1
] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
{ "a": { "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev": "3181475167", "
_id": "3179705695/3181475167" },
{ "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1 }, "i": 1, "_rev":
"3181737311", "_id": "3179705695/3181737311" }
"count": 2,
"error": false,
"hasMore": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/rst-example,executes simple query "rst-example"
PUT /_api/simple/rst-example
This will return the rst document matching a given example.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
example: The example.
Returns a result containing the document or HTTP 404 if no document matched
the example.
If a matching document was found:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "666351134", "example" : [ "a.j", 1,
"a.k", 1 ] }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
"error": false,
"code": 200,
"document": { "_rev": "668382750", "_id":
"666351134/668382750", "a": { "k": 1, "j": 1, "l"
: 10 }, "i": 1 }
If no document was found:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "666351134", "example" : [ "a.j", 1,
"a.k", 2 ] }
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json
"errorMessage": "no match",
"error": true,
"code": 404,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"errorNum": 404
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 11
Accessing Skip-List Indexes via Http
If a suitable skip-list index exists, then /_api/simple/range (p. 59) will use this
index to execute a range query.
POST /_api/index,creates a hash index
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a skip-list index for the collection collection-name, if it does not
already exist. The call expects an object containing the index details.
type: must be equal to "skiplist".
fields: A list of attribute paths.
unique: If true, then create a unique index.
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
If the collection already contains documents and you try to create a unique skip-
list index in such a way that there are documents violating the uniqueness, then a
HTTP 400 is returned.
Creating a skiplist:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "skiplist", "unique" : false, "fields" : [
"a", "b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "109061392/173166777",
"type": "skiplist",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"unique": false,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/range,executes simple range query
PUT /_api/simple/range
This will nd all documents within a given range. You must declare a skip-list
index on the attribute in order to be able to use a range query.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
attribute: The attribute path to check.
left: The lower bound.
right: The upper bound.
closed: If true, use interval including left and right, otherwise ex-
clude right, but include left.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "6328369086", "attribute" : "i", "
left" : 2, "right" : 4 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"result": [
{ "_id": "6328369086/6329876414", "i": 2, "_rev":
"6329876414" },
{ "_id": "6328369086/6329941950", "i": 3, "_rev":
"6329941950" }
"count": 2,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"hasMore": false,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 12
Accessing Geo Indexes via Http
POST /_api/index,creates a geo-spatial index
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a geo-spatial index in the collection collection-name, if it does not
already exist. Expects an object containing the index details.
type: must be equal to "geo".
fields: A list with one or two attribute paths.
If it is a list with one attribute path location, then a geo-spatial index on
all documents is created using location as path to the coordinates. The
value of the attribute must be a list with at least two double values. The list
must contain the latitude (rst value) and the longitude (second value). All
documents, which do not have the attribute path or with value that are not
suitable, are ignored.
If it is a list with two attribute paths latitude and longitude, then a
geo-spatial index on all documents is created using latitude and longitude
as paths the latitude and the longitude. The value of the attribute latitude
and of the attribute longitude must a double. All documents, which do
not have the attribute paths or which values are not suitable, are ignored.
geoJson: If a geo-spatial index on a location is constructed and geo-
Json is true, then the order within the list is longitude followed by lat-
itude. This corresponds to the format described in http://geojson.-
constraint: If constraint is true, then a geo-spatial constraint is
created. The constraint is a non-unique variant of the index. Note that it
is also possible to set the unique attribute instead of the constraint
ignoreNull: If a geo-spatial constraint is created and ignoreNull
is true, then documents with a null in location or at least one null in
latitude or longitude are ignored.
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Creating a geo index with a location attribute:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "geo", "fields" : [ "b" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"geoJson": false,
"fields": [
"id": "demo/162222265",
"type": "geo1",
"unique" : false,
"constraint" : false,
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"error": false
Creating a geo index with latitude and longitude attributes:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "geo", "fields" : [ "e", "f" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"fields": [
"id": "demo/165564601",
"type": "geo2",
"unique" : false,
"constraint" : false,
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/near,executes simple query "near"
PUT /_api/simple/near
The default will nd at most 100 documents near a given coordinate. The returned
list is sorted according to the distance, with the nearest document coming rst. If
there are near documents of equal distance, documents are chosen randomly from
this set until the limit is reached.
In order to use the near operator, a geo index must be dened for the collection.
This index also denes which attribute holds the coordinates for the document. If
you have more then one geo-spatial index, you can use the geo eld to select a
particular index.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
latitude: The latitude of the coordinate.
longitude: The longitude of the coordinate.
distance: If given, the attribute key used to store the distance. (optional)
skip: The number of documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. The skip is applied
before the limit restriction. The default is 100. (optional)
geo: If given, the identier of the geo-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Without distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "11172897562", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "skip" : 1, "limit" : 2 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"result": [
"_id": "11172897562/11178271514",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "11178271514"
"_id": "11172897562/11177616154",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "11177616154"
"code": 201,
"error": false
With distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "11182465818", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "limit" : 2, "distance" : "distance
" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"result": [
"distance": 0,
"_id": "11182465818/11187905306",
"loc": [ 0, 0 ],
"_rev": "11187905306"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "11182465818/11187839770",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "11187839770"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"code": 201,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/within,executes simple query "within"
PUT /_api/simple/within
This will nd all documents with in a given radius around the coordinate (latitude,
longitude). The returned list is sorted by distance.
In order to use the within operator, a geo index must be dened for the collection.
This index also denes which attribute holds the coordinates for the document. If
you have more then one geo-spatial index, you can use the geo eld to select a
particular index.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
latitude: The latitude of the coordinate.
longitude: The longitude of the coordinate.
radius: The maximal radius (in meters).
distance: If given, the result attribute key used to store the distance values
(optional). If specied, distances are returned in meters.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
geo: If given, the identier of the geo-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
Without distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2076584128", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "skip" : 1, "radius" : 1111950 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"result": [
"_id": "2076584128/2082744512",
"loc": [ 10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2082744512"
"_id": "2076584128/2082089152",
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2082089152"
"_id": "2076584128/2081302720",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2081302720"
"_id": "2076584128/2081958080",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "2081958080"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 4,
"error": false
With distance:
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2086152384", "latitude" : 0, "
longitude" : 0, "distance" : "distance", "radius" :
1111950 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
"distance": 0,
"_id": "2086152384/2091591872",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"loc": [ 0, 0 ],
"_rev": "2091591872"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2090870976",
"loc": [ -10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2090870976"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2091657408",
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2091657408"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2092312768",
"loc": [ 10, 0 ],
"_rev": "2092312768"
"distance": 1111949.26644559,
"_id": "2086152384/2091526336",
"loc": [ 0, -10 ],
"_rev": "2091526336"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 5,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 13
Accessing Fulltext Indexes via Http
If a fulltext index exists, then /_api/simple/fulltext (p. 67) will use this index to
execute the specied fulltext query.
POST /_api/index,creates a fulltext index
POST /_api/index?collection=collection-name
Creates a fulltext index for the collection collection-name, if it does not al-
ready exist. The call expects an object containing the index details.
type: must be equal to "fulltext".
fields: A list of attribute names. Currently, the list is limited to exactly
one attribute, so the value of fields should look like this for example: [
"text" ].
minLength: Minimum character length of words to index. Will default
to a server-dened value if unspecied. It is thus recommended to set this
value explicitly when creating the index.
If the index does not already exist and could be created, then a HTTP 201 is
returned. If the index already exists, then a HTTP 200 is returned.
If the collection-name is unknown, then a HTTP 404 is returned.
Creating a fulltext index:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "type" : "fulltext", "fields" : [ "text" ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"code": 201,
"fields": [
"id": "109061392/1748352392",
"type": "fulltext",
"isNewlyCreated": true,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/simple/fulltext,executes simple query "fulltext"
PUT /_api/simple/fulltext
This will nd all documents from the collection that match the fulltext query spec-
ied in query.
In order to use the fulltext operator, a fulltext index must be dened for the
collection and the specied attribute.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
collection: The name of the collection to query.
attribute: The attribute that contains the texts.
query: The fulltext query.
skip: The documents to skip in the query. (optional)
limit: The maximal amount of documents to return. (optional)
index: If given, the identier of the fulltext-index to use. (optional)
Returns a cursor containing the result, see HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cur-
sors (p. 28) for details.
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{ "collection" : "2076584128", "attribute" : "text", "
query" : "word" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json
"result": [
"_id": "2076584128/2082744512",
"text" : "this text contains a word",
"_rev": "2082744512"
"_id": "2076584128/2082089152",
"text" : "this text also contains a word",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"loc": [ 0, 10 ],
"_rev": "2082089152"
"code": 201,
"hasMore": false,
"count": 2,
"error": false
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 14
HTTP Interface for Transactions
14.1 Transactions
ArangoDBs transactions are executed on the server. Transactions can be initiated
by clients by sending the transaction description for execution to the server.
Transactions in ArangoDB do not offer seperate BEGIN, COMMIT and ROLLB-
ACK operations as they are available in many other database products. Instead,
ArangoDB transactions are described by a Javascript function, and the code inside
the Javascript function will then be executed transactionally. At the end of the
function, the transaction is automatically committed, and all changes done by the
transaction will be persisted. If an exception is thrown during transaction execu-
tion, all operations performed in the transaction are rolled back.
For a more detailed description of how transactions work in ArangoDB please refer
to Transactions (p. ??).
14.2 Executing Transactions via HTTP
POST /_api/transaction,executes a transaction
POST /_api/transaction
The transaction description must be passed in the body of the POST request.
The following attributes must be specied inside the JSON object:
collections: contains the list of collections to be used in the transac-
tion (mandatory). collections must be a JSON array that can have the
optional sub-attributes read and write. read and write must each be
either lists of collections names or strings with a single collection name.
14.2 Executing Transactions via HTTP 130
action: the actual transaction operations to be executed, in the form of
stringied Javascript code. The code will be executed on server side, with
late binding. It is thus critical that the code specied in action properly
sets up all the variables it needs. If the code specied in action ends with
a return statement, the value returned will also be returned by the REST API
in the result attribute if the transaction committed successfully.
The following optional attributes may also be specied in the request:
waitForSync: an optional boolean ag that, if set, will force the transac-
tion to write all data to disk before returning.
lockTimeout: an optional numeric value that can be used to set a timeout
for waiting on collection locks. If not specied, a default value will be used.
Setting lockTimeout to 0 will make ArangoDB not time out waiting for
a lock.
params: optional arguments passed to action.
If the transaction is fully executed and committed on the server, HTTP 200 will
be returned. Additionally, the return value of the code dened in action will be
returned in the result attribute.
For successfully committed transactions, the returned JSON object has the follow-
ing properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate if an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
result: the return value of the transaction
If the transaction specication is either missing or malformed, the server will re-
spond with HTTP 400.
The body of the response will then contain a JSON object with additional error
details. The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
14.2 Executing Transactions via HTTP 131
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
If a transaction fails to commit, either by an exception thrown in the action code,
or by an internal error, the server will respond with an error.
Exceptions thrown by users will make the server respond with a return code of
HTTP 500. Any other errors will be returned with any of the return codes HTTP
400, HTTP 409, or HTTP 500.
Executing a transaction on a single collection:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "collections" : { "write" : "users" }, "action" : "
function () { var users = require(\"internal\").db.
users;{ _key: \"hello\" }); return
users.count(); }" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "result" : 1, "error" : false, "code" : 200 }
Executing a transaction using multiple collections:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "collections" : { "write" : [ "users", "logins" ] },
"action" : "function () { var users = require(\"
internal\").db.users; var logins = require(\"
internal\").db.logins;{ });
({ }); return \"worked!\"; }" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "result" : "worked!", "error" : false, "code" : 200
Aborting a transaction due to an internal error:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "collections" : { "write" : [ "users" ] }, "action"
: "function () { var users = require(\"internal\").
db.users;{ _key: \"abc\" });
({ _key: \"abc\" }); }" }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
14.2 Executing Transactions via HTTP 132
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "error" : true, "code" : 400, "errorNum" : 1210, "
errorMessage" : "cannot save document: unique
constraint violated" }
Aborting a transaction by throwing an exception:
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{ "collections" : { "read" : "users" }, "action" : "
function () { throw \"doh!\"; }" }
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Error
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ "error" : true, "code" : 500, "errorNum" : 500, "
errorMessage" : "doh!" }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 15
HTTP Interface for Graphs
POST /_api/graph,create graph
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
Creates a new graph.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the following attributes:
_key: The name of the new graph.
vertices: The name of the vertices collection.
edges: The name of the egde collection.
Returns an object with an attribute graph containing a list of all graph properties.
is returned if the graph was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the graph was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if it failed. The response body contains an error document in this case.
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{"_key" : "graph1", "vertices" : "v", "edges" : "e"}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 11767958
"graph": {
"_id": "_graphs/graph1",
"_rev": "11767958",
"_key": "graph1",
"vertices": "v",
"edges": "e"
"error": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_api/graph,get graph properties
rev (string,optional) Revision of a graph
Returns an object with an attribute graph containing a list of all graph properties.
If the "If-None-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The
document is returned, if it has a different revision than the given etag. Otherwise a
HTTP 304 is returned.
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the graph was found
is returned if the graph was not found. The response body contains an error docu-
ment in this case.
"If-None-Match" header is given and the current graph has not a different version
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current graph has a different version
get graph by name
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 11767958
"graph": {
"_id": "_graphs/graph1",
"_rev": "11767958",
"_key": "graph1",
"vertices": "v",
"edges": "e"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
DELETE /_api/graph,delete graph
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of a graph
Deletes graph, edges and vertices
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The doc-
ument is deleted, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the graph was deleted
is returned if the graph was not found. The response body contains an error docu-
ment in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current graph has a different version
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"deleted": true,
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_api/graph/graph-name/vertex,create vertex
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
Creates a vertex in a graph.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the vertex properties:
_key: The name of the vertex (optional).
further optional attributes.
Returns an object with an attribute vertex containing a list of all vertex proper-
is returned if the graph was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the graph was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{"_key" : "v1", "optional1" : "val1", "optional2" : "
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 24332177
"vertex": {
"_id": "v/v1",
"_rev": "24332177",
"_key": "v1",
"optional1": "val1",
"optional2": "val2"
"error": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_api/graph/graph-name/vertex,get vertex
rev (string,optional) Revision of a vertex
Returns an object with an attribute vertex containing a list of all vertex proper-
If the "If-None-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The
document is returned, if it has a different revision than the given etag. Otherwise a
HTTP 304 is returned.
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the graph was found
"If-Match" header is given and the current graph has not a different version
is returned if the graph or vertex was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-None-Match" header or rev is given and the current graph has a different ver-
get vertex properties by name
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 24332177
"vertex": {
"_id": "v/v1",
"_rev": "24332177",
"_key": "v1",
"optional1": "val1",
"optional2": "val2"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/graph/graph-name/vertex,update vertex
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until vertex has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of a vertex
Replaces the vertex properties.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the new vertex properties.
Returns an object with an attribute vertex containing a list of all vertex proper-
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The doc-
ument is updated, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the vertex was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the vertex was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the graph or the vertex was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current vertex has a different version
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{"optional1" : "val2"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 24332190
"vertex": {
"_id": "v/v1",
"_rev": "24332190",
"_key": "v1",
"optional1": "val2"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PATCH /_api/graph/graph-name/vertex,update vertex
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until vertex has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of a vertex
keepNull (boolean,optional) Modify the behavior of the patch command to remove
any attribute
Partially updates the vertex properties.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the properties to patch.
Setting an attribute value to null in the patch document will cause a value of
null be saved for the attribute by default. If the intention is to delete existing
attributes with the patch command, the URL parameter keepNull can be used
with a value of false. This will modify the behavior of the patch command to
remove any attributes from the existing document that are contained in the patch
document with an attribute value of null. If the "If-Match" header is given, then it
must contain exactly one etag. The document is updated, if it has the same revision
ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP 412 is returned. As an alternative you can
supply the etag in an attribute rev in the URL.
Returns an object with an attribute vertex containing a list of all vertex proper-
is returned if the vertex was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the vertex was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the graph or the vertex was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current vertex has a different version
> curl --data @- -X PATCH --dump - http://localhost
{"optional2" : "vertexPatch2"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 24332193
"vertex": {
"_id": "v/v1",
"_rev": "24332193",
"_key": "v1",
"optional1": "val2",
"optional2": "vertexPatch2"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"error": false,
"code": 200
> curl --data @- -X PATCH --dump - http://localhost
{"optional2" : null}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 24332199
"vertex": {
"_id": "v/v1",
"_rev": "24332199",
"_key": "v1",
"optional1": "val2"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
DELETE /_api/graph/graph-name/vertex,delete vertex
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until document has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of a vertex
Deletes vertex and all in and out edges of the vertex
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The doc-
ument is deleted, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the vertex was deleted
is returned if the graph or the vertex was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current vertex has a different version
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"deleted": true,
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_api/graph/graph-name/edge,create edge
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until edge has been sync to disk.
Creates an edge in a graph.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the edge properties:
_key: The name of the edge.
_from: The name of the from vertex.
_to: The name of the to vertex.
$label: A label for the edge (optional).
further optional attributes.
Returns an object with an attribute edge containing the list of all edge properties.
is returned if the edge was created sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the edge was created sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{"_key" : "edge1", "_from" : "vert2", "_to" : "vert1",
"optional1" : "val1"}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 57595366
"edge": {
"_id": "e/edge1",
"_rev": "57595366",
"_key": "edge1",
"_from": "v/vert2",
"_to": "v/vert1",
"$label": null,
"optional1": "val1"
"error": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_api/graph/graph-name/edge,get edge
rev (string,optional) Revision of an edge
Returns an object with an attribute edge containing a list of all edge properties.
If the "If-None-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The
document is returned, if it has a different revision than the given etag. Otherwise a
HTTP 304 is returned.
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the edge was found
"If-Match" header is given and the current edge has not a different version
is returned if the graph or edge was not found. The response body contains an error
document in this case.
"If-None-Match" header or rev is given and the current edge has a different ver-
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 57595366
"edge": {
"_id": "e/edge1",
"_rev": "57595366",
"_key": "edge1",
"_from": "v/vert2",
"_to": "v/vert1",
"$label": null,
"optional1": "val1"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PUT /_api/graph/graph-name/edge,update edge
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until edge has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of an edge
Replaces the optional edge properties.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the new edge properties.
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
Returns an object with an attribute edge containing a list of all edge properties.
is returned if the edge was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the edge was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the graph or the edge was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current edge has a different version
> curl --data @- -X PUT --dump - http://localhost
{"optional2" : "val2"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 57595391
"edge": {
"_id": "e/edge1",
"_rev": "57595391",
"_key": "edge1",
"_from": "v/vert2",
"_to": "v/vert1",
"$label": null,
"optional2": "val2"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
PATCH /_api/graph/graph-name/edge,update edge
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until edge has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of an edge
keepNull (boolean,optional) Modify the behavior of the patch command to remove
any attribute
Partially updates the edge properties.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body with the properties to patch.
Setting an attribute value to null in the patch document will cause a value of
null be saved for the attribute by default. If the intention is to delete existing
attributes with the patch command, the URL parameter keepNull can be used
with a value of false. This will modify the behavior of the patch command to
remove any attributes from the existing document that are contained in the patch
document with an attribute value of null.
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL. Returns an object with an attribute edge containing a list of all edge
is returned if the edge was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the edge was updated sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the graph or the edge was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current edge has a different version
> curl --data @- -X PATCH --dump - http://localhost
{"optional3" : "val3"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: 57595398
"edge": {
"_id": "e/edge1",
"_rev": "57595398",
"_key": "edge1",
"_from": "v/vert2",
"_to": "v/vert1",
"$label": null,
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"optional2": "val2",
"optional3": "val3"
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
DELETE /_api/graph/graph-name/edge,delete edge
waitForSync (boolean,optional) Wait until edge has been sync to disk.
rev (string,optional) Revision of an edge
Deletes an edge of the graph
If the "If-Match" header is given, then it must contain exactly one etag. The docu-
ment is returned, if it has the same revision ad the given etag. Otherwise a HTTP
412 is returned. As an alternative you can supply the etag in an attribute rev in
the URL.
is returned if the edge was deletd sucessfully and waitForSync was true.
is returned if the edge was deleted sucessfully and waitForSync was false.
is returned if the graph or the edge was not found. The response body contains an
error document in this case.
"If-Match" header or rev is given and the current edge has a different version
> curl -X DELETE --dump - http://localhost:8529/_api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"deleted": true,
"error": false,
"code": 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_api/graph/graph-name/vertices/vertice-name,get vertices
Returns a cursor.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body to lter the result:
batchSize: the batch size of the returned cursor
limit: limit the result size
count: return the total number of results (default "false")
filter: a optional lter
The attributes of lter
direction: Filter for inbound (value "in") or outbound (value "out")
neighbors. Default value is "any".
labels: lter by an array of edge labels (empty array means no restriction)
properties: lter neighbors by an array of edge properties
The attributes of a property lter
key: lter the result vertices by a key value pair
value: the value of the key
compare: a compare operator
is returned if the cursor was created
Select all vertices
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{"batchSize" : 100, "filter" : { "direction" : "any"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"result": [
"_id": "v/id3",
"_rev": "47810529",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"_key": "id3",
"optional2": 2,
"optional1": "val1"
"_id": "v/id1",
"_rev": "47548385",
"_key": "id1",
"optional2": 1,
"optional1": "val1"
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"code": 201
Select vertices by direction and property lter
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
"batchSize" : 100,
limit : 10,
count : true,
"filter" : {
"direction" : "out",
"properties" : [
"key" : "optional1",
"value" : "val1",
"compare" : "=="
"key" : "optional2",
"value" : 2,
"compare" : "=="
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"result": [
"_id": "v/id3",
"_rev": "47810529",
"_key": "id3",
"optional2": 2,
"optional1": "val1"
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"count" : 1,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_api/graph/graph-name/edges/vertex-name,get edges
POST /_api/graph/graph-name/edges/vertex-name
Returns a cursor.
The call expects a JSON hash array as body to lter the result:
batchSize: the batch size of the returned cursor
limit: limit the result size
count: return the total number of results (default "false")
filter: a optional lter
The attributes of lter
direction: Filter for inbound (value "in") or outbound (value "out")
neighbors. Default value is "any".
labels: lter by an array of edge labels
properties: lter neighbors by an array of properties
The attributes of a property lter
key: lter the result vertices by a key value pair
value: the value of the key
compare: a compare operator
is returned if the cursor was created
Select all edges
> curl --data @- -X POST --dump - http://localhost
{"batchSize" : 100, "filter" : { "direction" : "any"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"result": [
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"_id": "e/edge1",
"_rev": "125407382",
"_key": "edge1",
"_from": "v/id1",
"_to": "v/id2",
"$label": null,
"optional1": "val1a"
"_id": "e/edge2",
"_rev": "125800598",
"_key": "edge2",
"_from": "v/id2",
"_to": "v/id3",
"$label": null,
"optional1": "val1b"
"hasMore": false,
"error": false,
"code": 201
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 16
HTTP Interface for bulk imports
ArangoDB provides an HTTP interface to import multiple documents at once into
a collection. This is known as a bulk import.
The data uploaded must be provided in JSON format. There are two mechanisms
to import the data:
self-contained documents: in this case, each document contains all attribute
names and values. Attribute names may be completely different among the
documents uploaded
attribute names plus document data: in this case, the rst document must be
a JSON list containing the attribute names of the documents that follow. The
following documents must be lists containing only the document data. Data
will be mapped to the attribute names by attribute positions.
The endpoint address is /_api/import for both input mechanisms. Data must
be sent to this URL using an HTTP POST request. The data to import must be
contained in the body of the POST request.
The collection URL parameter must be used to specify the target collection
for the import. The optional URL parameter createCollection can be used
to create a non-existing collection during the import. If not used, importing data
into a non-existing collection will produce an error. Please note that the create-
Collection ag can only be used to create document collections, not edge col-
16.1 Importing self-contained documents
This import method allows uploading self-contained JSON documents. The doc-
uments must be uploaded in the body of the HTTP POST request. Each line of
16.1 Importing self-contained documents 155
the body will be interpreted as one stand-alone document. Empty lines in the body
are allowed but will be skipped. Using this format, the documents are imported
Example input data: { "_key": "key1", ... } { "_key": "key2", ... } ...
To use this method, the type URL parameter should be set to documents.
It is also possible to upload self-contained JSON documents that are embedded
into a JSON list. Each element from the list will be treated as a document and be
Example input data for this case:
{ "_key": "key1", ... },
{ "_key": "key2", ... },
This format does not require each document to be on a separate line, and any
whitespace in the JSON data is allowed. It can be used to import a JSON-formatted
result list (e.g. from arangosh) back into ArangoDB. Using this format requires
ArangoDB to parse the complete list and keep it in memory for the duration of the
import. This might be more resource-intensive than the line-wise processing.
To use this method, the type URL parameter should be set to array.
curl --data-binary @- -X POST --dump - "http://
{ "name" : "test", "gender" : "male", "age" : 39 }
{ "type" : "bird", "name" : "robin" }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
server: triagens GmbH High-Performance HTTP Server
connection: Keep-Alive
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
The server will respond with an HTTP 201 if everything went well. The number of
documents imported will be returned in the created attribute of the response. If
any documents were skipped or incorrectly formatted, this will be returned in the
errors attribute.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
16.2 Importing headers and values 156
16.2 Importing headers and values
When using this type of import, the attribute names of the documents to be im-
ported are specied separate from the actual document value data. The rst line of
the HTTP POST request body must be a JSON list containing the attribute names
for the documents that follow. The following lines are interpreted as the document
data. Each document must be a JSON list of values. No attribute names are needed
or allowed in this data section.
curl --data-binary @- -X POST --dump - "http://
[ "firstName", "lastName", "age", "gender" ]
[ "Joe", "Public", 42, "male" ]
[ "Jane", "Doe", 31, "female" ]
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
server: triagens GmbH High-Performance HTTP Server
connection: Keep-Alive
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
The server will again respond with an HTTP 201 if everything went well. The
number of documents imported will be returned in the created attribute of the
response. If any documents were skipped or incorrectly formatted, this will be
returned in the errors attribute.
16.3 Importing in edge collections
Please note that when importing documents into an edge collection, it is mandatory
that all imported documents contain the _from and _to attributes, and that these
contain valid references.
Please also note that it is not possible to create a new edge collection on the y
using the createCollection parameter.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 17
HTTP Interface for Batch Requests
Clients normally send individual operations to ArangoDB in individual HTTP re-
quests. This is straightforward and simple, but has the disadvantage that the net-
work overhead can be signicant if many small requests are issued in a row.
To mititage this problem, ArangoDB offers a batch request API that clients can use
to send multiple operations in one batch to ArangoDB. This method is especially
useful when the client has to send many HTTP requests with a small body/payload
and the individual request resulsts do not depend on each other.
Clients can use ArangoDBs batch API by issuing a multipart HTTP POST request
to the URL /_api/batch handler. The handler will accept the request if the
Content-Type is multipart/form-data and a boundary string is specied.
ArangoDB will then decompose the batch request into its individual parts using
this boundary. This also means that the boundary string itself must not be con-
tained in any of the parts. When ArangoDB has split the multipart request into
its individual parts, it will process all parts sequentially as if it were a standalone
request. When all parts are processed, ArangoDB will generate a multipart HT-
TP response that contains one part for each part operation result. For example, if
you send a multipart request with 5 parts, ArangoDB will send back a multipart
response with 5 parts as well.
The server expects each part message to start with exactly the following "header":
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
You can optionally specify a Content-Id "header" to uniquely identify each part
message. The server will return the Content-Id in its response if it is specied.
Otherwise, the server will not send a Content-Id "header" back. The server will not
validate the uniqueness of the Content-Id. After the mandatory Content-Type
and the optional Content-Id header, two Windows linebreaks (i.e. \\r\\n\\r\\n)
must follow. Any deviation of this structure might lead to the part being rejected
or incorrectly interpreted. The part request payload, formatted as a regular HTTP
request, must follow the two Windows linebreaks literal directly.
Note that the literal Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
technically is the header of the MIME part, and the HTTP request (including its
headers) is the body part of the MIME part.
An actual part request should start with the HTTP method, the called URL, and
the HTTP protocol version as usual, followed by arbitrary HTTP headers. Its body
should follow after the usual \\r\\n\\r\\n literal. Part requests are therefore
regular HTTP requests, only embedded inside a multipart message.
The following example will send a batch with 3 individual document creation op-
erations. The boundary used in this example is XXXsubpartXXX.
> curl -X POST --data-binary @- --header "Content-Type
: multipart/form-data; boundary=XXXsubpartXXX" http
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 1
POST /_api/document?collection=xyz&createCollection=
true HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 2
POST /_api/document?collection=xyz HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 3
POST /_api/document?collection=xyz HTTP/1.1
The server will then respond with one multipart message, containing the overall
status and the individual results for the part operations. The overall status should
be 200 except there was an error while inspecting and processing the multipart
message. The overall status therefore does not indicate the success of each part
operation, but only indicates whether the multipart message could be handled suc-
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Each part operation will return its own status value. As the part operation results
are regular HTTP responses (just included in one multipart response), the part op-
eration status is returned as a HTTP status code. The status codes of the part op-
erations are exactly the same as if you called the individual operations standalone.
Each part operation might also return arbitrary HTTP headers and a body/payload:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
connection: Keep-Alive
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
content-length: 1055
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 1
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9514299"
content-length: 53
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 2
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9579835"
content-length: 53
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
Content-Id: 3
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9645371"
content-length: 53
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
In the above example, the server returned an overall status code of 200, and each
part response contains its own status value (202 in the example):
When constructing the multipart HTTP response, the server will use the same
boundary that the client supplied. If any of the part responses has a status code of
400 or greater, the server will also return an HTTP header x-arango-errors
containing the overall number of part requests that produced errors:
> curl -X POST --data-binary @- --header "Content-Type
: multipart/form-data; boundary=XXXsubpartXXX" http
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
POST /_api/document?collection=nonexisting
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
POST /_api/document?collection=xyz
In this example, the overall response code is 200, but as some of the part request
failed (with status code 404), the x-arango-errors header of the overall re-
sponse is 1:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-arango-errors: 1
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
content-length: 711
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 111
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
":"collection \/_api\/collection\/nonexisting not
Content-Type: application/x-arango-batchpart
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "9841979"
content-length: 53
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 18
HTTP Interface for Administration and
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for administration and moni-
toring of the server.
GET /_admin/log,reads the log information
GET /_admin/log
Returns all fatal, error, warning or info log messages.
The returned object contains the attributes:
lid: a list of log-entry identiers. Each log message is uniquely identied
by its lid and the identiers are in ascending order.
level: a list of the log-level of the log-entry.
timestamp: a list of the timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01 of the
text: a list of the text of the log-entry.
totalAmount: the total amount of log entries before pagination.
GET /_admin/log?upto=log-level
Returns all log entries upto log-level. Note that log-level must be:
fatal / 0
error / 1
warning / 2
info / 3
debug / 4
GET /_admin/log?level=log-level
Returns all log entries of log-level. Note that level= and upto= are mutably
GET /_admin/log?size=size&offset= offset
Paginates the result. Skip the rst offset entries and limit the number of returned
log-entries to size.
GET /_admin/log?start=lid
Returns all log entries such that their log-entry identier is greater or equal to lid.
GET /_admin/log?sort=direction
Sort the log-entries either ascending if direction is asc, or descending if it is desc
according to their lid. Note that the lid imposes a chronological order.
GET /_admin/log?search=text
Only return the log-entries containing the text string.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_admin/modules/ush,ushs the module cache
POST /_admin/modules/ush
The call ushes the modules cache on the server. See Modules Cache (p. ??) for
details about this cache.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
POST /_admin/routing/reload,reloads the routing collection
POST /_admin/routing/reload
Reloads the routing information from the collection routing.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_admin/statistics,reads the statistics
Returns the statistics information. The returned objects contains the statistics g-
ures group together according to the description returned by _admin/statistics-description.
For instance, to access a gure userTime from the group system, you rst se-
lect the sub-object describing the group stored in system and in that sub-object
the value for userTime is stored in the attribute of the same name.
In case of a distribution, the returned object contains the total count in count
and the distribution list in counts. The sum (or total) of the individual values is
returned in sum.
Statistics were returned successfully.
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_admin/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"system" : {
"minorPageFaults" : 23048,
"majorPageFaults" : 2604,
"userTime" : 0.644947,
"systemTime" : 0.302917,
"numberOfThreads" : 16,
"residentSize" : 84783104,
"virtualSize" : 5005017088
"client" : {
"httpConnections" : 1,
"connectionTime" : {
"sum" : 0,
"count" : 0,
"counts" : [
"totalTime" : {
"sum" : 0.22414636611938477,
"count" : 12,
"counts" : [
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"requestTime" : {
"sum" : 0.22205686569213867,
"count" : 12,
"counts" : [
"queueTime" : {
"sum" : 0.00022125244140625,
"count" : 11,
"counts" : [
"bytesSent" : {
"sum" : 4160,
"count" : 12,
"counts" : [
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"bytesReceived" : {
"sum" : 2300,
"count" : 12,
"counts" : [
"error" : false,
"code" : 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_admin/statistics-description,statistics description
Returns a description of the statistics returned by /_admin/statistics. The
returned objects contains a list of statistics groups in the attribute groups and a
list of statistics gures in the attribute figures.
A statistics group is described by
group: The identier of the group.
name: The name of the group.
description: A description of the group.
A statistics gure is described by
group: The identier of the group to which this gure belongs.
identifier: The identier of the gure. It is unique within the group.
name: The name of the gure.
description: A description of the group.
type: Either current, accumulated, or distribution.
cuts: The distribution vector.
units: Units in which the gure is measured.
Description was returned successfully.
unix> curl --dump - http://localhost:8529/_admin/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"groups" : [
"group" : "system",
"name" : "Process Statistics",
"description" : "Statistics about the ArangoDB
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"group" : "client",
"name" : "Client Statistics",
"description" : "Statistics about the clients
connecting to the server."
"figures" : [
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "userTime",
"name" : "User Time",
"description" : "Amount of time that this
process has been scheduled in user mode,
measured in clock ticks divided by sysconf(
_SC_CLK_TCK) aka seconds.",
"type" : "accumulated",
"units" : "seconds"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "systemTime",
"name" : "System Time",
"description" : "Amount of time that this
process has been scheduled in kernel mode,
measured in clock ticks divided by sysconf(
_SC_CLK_TCK) aka seconds.",
"type" : "accumulated",
"units" : "seconds"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "numberOfThreads",
"name" : "Number of Threads",
"description" : "Number of threads in this
"type" : "current",
"units" : "number"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "residentSize",
"name" : "Resident Set Size",
"description" : "The number of pages the process
has in real memory. This is just the pages
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
which count toward text, data, or stack space
. This does not include pages which have not
been demand-loaded in, or which are swapped
"type" : "current",
"units" : "bytes"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "virtualSize",
"name" : "Virtual Memory Size",
"description" : "The size of the virtual memory
the process is using.",
"type" : "current",
"units" : "bytes"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "minorPageFaults",
"name" : "Minor Page Faults",
"description" : "The number of minor faults the
process has made which have not required
loading a memory page from disk.",
"type" : "accumulated",
"units" : "number"
"group" : "system",
"identifier" : "majorPageFaults",
"name" : "Major Page Faults",
"description" : "The number of major faults the
process has made which have required loading
a memory page from disk.",
"type" : "accumulated",
"units" : "number"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "httpConnections",
"name" : "HTTP Client Connections",
"description" : "The number of http connections
that are currently open.",
"type" : "current",
"units" : "number"
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "totalTime",
"name" : "Total Time",
"description" : "Total time needed to answer a
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
"units" : "seconds"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "requestTime",
"name" : "Request Time",
"description" : "Request time needed to answer a
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
"units" : "seconds"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "queueTime",
"name" : "Queue Time",
"description" : "Queue time needed to answer a
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"units" : "seconds"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "bytesSent",
"name" : "Bytes Sent",
"description" : "Bytes sents for a request.",
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
"units" : "bytes"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "bytesReceived",
"name" : "Bytes Received",
"description" : "Bytes receiveds for a request
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
"units" : "bytes"
"group" : "client",
"identifier" : "connectionTime",
"name" : "Connection Time",
"description" : "Total connection time of a
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
"type" : "distribution",
"cuts" : [
"units" : "seconds"
"error" : false,
"code" : 200
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 19
HTTP Interface for User Management
19.1 User Management
This is an introduction to ArangoDBs Http interface for managing users.
The interface provides a simple means to add, update, and remove users. All users
managed through this interface will be stored in the system collection _users.
This specialised interface intentionally does not provide all functionality that is
available in the regular document REST API.
Operations on users may become more restricted than regular document operations,
and extra privilege and security security checks may be introduced in the future for
this interface.
POST /_api/user,creates user
POST /_api/user
The following data need to be passed in a JSON representation in the body of the
POST request:
username: The name of the user as a string. This is mandatory.
passwd: The user password as a string. If no password is specied, the
empty string will be used.
active: an optional ag that species whether the user is active. If not
specied, this will default to true.
extra: an optional JSON object with arbitrary extra data about the user.
If the user can be added by the server, the server will respond with HTTP 201.
19.1 User Management 176
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the JSON representation is malformed or mandatory data is missing from the
request, the server will respond with HTTP 400.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
19.1 User Management 177
PUT /_api/user,replaces user
PUT /_api/user/username
Replaces the data of an existing user. The name of an existing user must be speci-
ed in username.
The following data can to be passed in a JSON representation in the body of the
POST request:
passwd: The user password as a string. Specifying a password is manda-
tory, but the empty string is allowed for passwords.
active: an optional ag that species whether the user is active. If not
specied, this will default to true.
extra: an optional JSON object with arbitrary extra data about the user.
If the user can be replaced by the server, the server will respond with HTTP 200.
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the JSON representation is malformed or mandatory data is missing from the
request, the server will respond with HTTP 400. If the specied user does not
exist, the server will respond with HTTP 404.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
19.1 User Management 178
PATCH /_api/user,updates user
PATCH /_api/user/username
Partially updates the data of an existing user. The name of an existing user must be
specied in username.
The following data can be passed in a JSON representation in the body of the POST
passwd: The user password as a string. Specifying a password is optional.
If not specied, the previously existing value will not be modied.
active: an optional ag that species whether the user is active. If not
specied, the previously existing value will not be modied.
extra: an optional JSON object with arbitrary extra data about the user. If
not specied, the previously existing value will not be modied.
If the user can be updated by the server, the server will respond with HTTP 200.
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the JSON representation is malformed or mandatory data is missing from the
request, the server will respond with HTTP 400. If the specied user does not
exist, the server will respond with HTTP 404.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
19.1 User Management 179
DELETE /_api/user,removes a user
DELETE /_api/user/username
Removes an existing user, identied by username.
If the user can be removed by the server, the server will respond with HTTP 202.
In case of success, the returned JSON object has the following properties:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (false in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
If the specied user does not exist, the server will respond with HTTP 404.
The body of the response will contain a JSON object with additional error details.
The object has the following attributes:
error: boolean ag to indicate that an error occurred (true in this case)
code: the HTTP status code
errorNum: the server error number
errorMessage: a descriptive error message
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
19.1 User Management 180
GET /_api/user,fetches a user
GET /_api/user/username
Fetches data about the specied user.
The call will return a JSON document with at least the following attributes on
username: The name of the user as a string.
active: an optional ag that species whether the user is active.
extra: an optional JSON object with arbitrary extra data about the user.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 20
HTTP Interface for Miscellaneous
This is an overview of ArangoDBs HTTP interface for miscellaneous functions.
GET /_admin/version,returns the server version number
GET /_admin/version
Returns an object containing the server name in the server attribute, and the
current server version in the version attribute.
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_admin/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"server": "arango",
"version": "1.3.devel"
GET /_admin/version?details=true
If the optional URL parameter details is set to true, then more server version
details are returned in the details attribute. The details are returned as pairs of
attribute name and value, which are all strings. The number of attributes may vary,
depending on the server built and conguration.
> curl -X GET --dump - http://localhost:8529/_admin/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"server": "arango",
"version": "1.3.devel"
"details": {
"build-date": "Mar 8 2013 22:06:49",
"configure": "'./configure' '--enable-maintainer-
mode' '--enable-relative' '--enable-all-in-one-
icu' '--enable-all-in-one-v8'","icu-version
"libev-version": "4.11",
"openssl-version": "OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012",
"repository-version": "heads/devel-0-
"server-version": "1.3.devel",
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_admin/time,returns the system time
GET /_admin/time
The call returns an object with the attribute time. This contains the current system
time as a Unix timestamp with microsecond precision.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
GET /_admin/echo,returns the current request
GET /_admin/echo
The call returns an object with the following attributes:
headers: a list of HTTP headers received
requestType: the HTTP request method (e.g. GET)
parameters: list of URL parameters received
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 21
HTTP Handling in ArangoDB
ArangoDB will always respond to client requests with HTTP 1.1. Clients should
therefore support HTTP version 1.1.
21.1 Keep-Alive and Authentication
ArangoDB supports HTTP keep-alive. If the client does not send a Connection
header in its request, and the client uses HTTP version 1.1, ArangoDB will assume
the client wants to keep alive the connection. If clients do not wish to use the keep-
alive feature, they should explicitly indicate that by sending a Connection:
Close HTTP header in the request.
ArangoDB will close connections automatically for clients that send requests using
HTTP 1.0, except if they send an Connection: Keep-Alive header.
The default Keep-Alive timeout can be specied at server start using the \-\-server.-
keep\-alive\-timeout parameter.
Client authentication is done by using the Authorization HTTP header. Arango-
DB supports Basic authentication.
Authentication is optional. To enforce authentication for incoming requested, the
server must be started with the option \-\-server.disable-authentication.
Please note that requests using the HTTP OPTIONS method will be answered by
ArangoDB in any case, even if no authentication data is sent by the client or if the
authentication data is wrong. This is required for handling CORS preight requests
(see Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests (p. 188)). The response
to an HTTP OPTIONS request will be generic and not expose any private data.
21.2 Error Handling 187
21.2 Error Handling
The following should be noted about how ArangoDB handles client errors in its
HTTP layer:
ArangoDBwill reject client requests with a negative value in the Content--
Length request header with HTTP 411 (Length Required).
if the client sends a Content-Length header with a value bigger than 0
for an HTTP GET, HEAD, or DELETE request, ArangoDB will process the
request, but will write a warning to its log le.
when the client sends a Content-Length header that has a value that is
lower than the actual size of the body sent, ArangoDB will respond with
HTTP 400 (Bad Request).
if clients send a Content-Length value bigger than the actual size of
the body of the request, ArangoDB will wait for about 90 seconds for the
client to complete its request. If the client does not send the remaining body
data within this time, ArangoDB will close the connection. Clients should
avoid sending such malformed requests as they will make ArangoDB block
waiting for more data to arrive.
when clients send a body or a Content-Length value bigger than the
maximum allowed value (512 MB), ArangoDB will respond with HTTP
413 (Request Entity Too Large).
if the overall length of the HTTP headers a client sends for one request ex-
ceeds the maximum allowed size (1 MB), the server will fail with HTTP
431 (Request Header Fields Too Large).
if clients request a HTTP method that is not supported by the server, Arango-
DB will return with HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed). ArangoDB offers
general support for the following HTTP methods:
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
21.3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests 188
Please note that not all server actions allow using all of these HTTP methods.
You should look up up the supported methods for each method you intend to
use in the manual.
Requests using any other HTTP method (such as for example CONNECT,
TRACE etc.) will be rejected by ArangoDB.
21.3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests
ArangoDB will automatically handle CORS requests as follows:
when the client sends an Origin HTTP header, ArangoDB will return
a header access-control-allow-origin containing the value the
client sent in the Origin header.
for non-trivial CORS requests, clients may issue a preight request via an
additional HTTP OPTIONS request. ArangoDB will automatically answer
such preight HTTP OPTIONS requests with an HTTP 200 response with
an empty body. ArangoDB will return the following headers in the response:
access-control-allow-origin: will contain the value that
the client provided in the Origin header of the request
access-control-allow-methods: will contain a list of all H-
TTP methods generally supported by ArangoDB. This list does not
depend on the URL the client requested and is the same for all CORS
access-control-allow-headers: will contain exactly the value
that the client has provided in the Access-Control-Request--
Header header of the request. This header will only be returned if
the client has specied the header in the request. ArangoDB will send
back the original value without further validation.
access-control-max-age: will return a cache lifetime for the
preight response as determined by ArangoDB.
any access-control-allow-credentials header sent by the client
is ignored by ArangoDB its value is not true. If a client sends a header
value of true, ArangoDBwill return the header access-control-allow-credentials-
: true, too.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
21.3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests 189
Note that CORS preight requests will probably not send any authentication data
with them. One of the purposes of the preight request is to check whether the
server accepts authentication or not.
A consequence of this is that ArangoDB will allow requests using the HTTP OPT-
IONS method without credentials, even when the server is run with authentication
The response to the HTTP OPTIONS request will however be a generic response
that will not expose any private data and thus can be considered "safe" even without
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 22
Naming Conventions in ArangoDB
The following naming conventions should be followed by users when creating col-
lections and documents in ArangoDB.
22.1 Collection Names
Users can pick names for their collections as desired, provided the following nam-
ing constraints are not violated:
Collection names must only consist of the letters a to z (both in lower and
upper case), the numbers 0 to 9, the the underscore (_), or the dash (-) sym-
bol. This also means that any non-ASCII collection names are not allowed.
Collection names must start with a letter (not a number, the underscore or the
dash character). Collection names starting with an underscore are considered
to be system collections that are for ArangoDBs internal use only. System
collection names should not be used by end users for their own collections.
The maximum allowed length of a collection name is 64 bytes.
Collection names are case-sensitive.
22.2 Document Keys
Users can dene their own keys for documents they save. The document key will
be saved along with a document in the _key attribute. Users can pick key values
as required, provided that the values conform to the following restrictions:
22.3 Attribute Names 191
the key must be at least 1 byte and at most 254 bytes long. empty keys are
disallowed when specied (though it may be valid to completely omit the
_key attribute from a document)
it must consist of the letters a-z (lower or upper case), the digits 0-9, the
underscore (_), dash (-), or colon (:) characters only
any other characters, especially multi-byte sequences, whitespace or
punctuation characters cannot be used inside key values
the key must be unique within the collection it is used
Keys are case-sensitive, i.e. myKey and MyKEY are considered different keys.
Speciying a document key is optional when creating new documents. If no docu-
ment key is specied by the user, ArangoDB will create the document key itself as
each document is required to have a key.
There are no guarantees about the format and pattern of auto-generated document
keys other than the above restrictions. Clients should therefore treat auto-generated
document keys as opaque values and not rely on their format.
22.3 Attribute Names
Users can pick attribute names for document attributes as desired, provided the
following attribute naming constraints are not violated:
Attribute names starting with an underscore are considered to be system at-
tributes for ArangoDBs internal use. Such attribute names are already used
by ArangoDB for special purposes, e.g. _id is used to contain a documents
handle, _key is used to contain a documents user-dened key, and _rev
is used to contain the documents revision number. In edge collections, the
_from and _to attributes are used to reference other documents.
More system attributes may be added in the future without further notice so
end users should not use attribute names starting with an underscore for their
own attributes.
Attribute names should not start with the at-mark (\@). The at-mark at the
start of attribute names is reserved in ArangoDB for future use cases.
Theoretically, attribute names can include punctuation and special charac-
ters as desired, provided the name is a valid UTF-8 string. For maximum
portability, special characters should be avoided though. For example, at-
tribute names may contain the dot symbol, but the dot has a special meaning
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
22.3 Attribute Names 192
in Javascript and also in AQL, so when using such attribute names in one of
these languages, the attribute name would need to be quoted by the end user.
This will work but requires more work so it might be better to use attribute
names which dont require any quoting/escaping in all languages used. This
includes languages used by the client (e.g. Ruby, PHP) if the attributes are
mapped to object members there.
ArangoDB does not enforce a length limit for attribute names. However,
long attribute names may use more memory in result sets etc. Therefore the
use of long attribute names is discouraged.
As ArangoDB saves document attribute names separate from the actual doc-
ument attribute value data, the combined length of all attribute names for a
document must t into an ArangoDB shape structure. The maximum com-
bined names length is variable and depends on the number and data types of
attributes used.
Attribute names are case-sensitive.
Attributes with empty names (the empty string) and attributes with names
that start with an underscore and dont have a special meaning (system at-
tributes) are removed from the document when saving it.
When the document is later requested, it will be returned without these at-
tributes. For example, if this document is saved
{ "a" : 1, "" : 2, "_test" : 3, "b": 4 }
and later requested, it will be returned like this:
{ "a" : 1, "b": 4 }
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 23
Error codes and meanings
The following errors might be raised when running ArangoDB:
0: no error No error has occurred.
1: failed Will be raised when a general error occurred.
2: system error Will be raised when operating system error occurred.
3: out of memory Will be raised when there is a memory shortage.
4: internal error Will be raised when an internal error occurred.
5: illegal number Will be raised when an illegal representation of a
number was given.
6: numeric overflow Will be raised when a numeric overowoccurred.
7: illegal option Will be raised when an unknown option was sup-
plied by the user.
8: dead process identifier Will be raised when a PID without a
living process was found.
9: not implemented Will be raised when hitting an unimplemented fea-
10: bad parameter Will be raised when the parameter does not fulll
the requirements.
11: forbidden Will be raised when you are missing permission for the
12: out of memory in mmap Will be raised when there is a memory
13: csv is corrupt Will be raised when encountering a corrupt csv
14: file not found Will be raised when a le is not found.
15: cannot write file Will be raised when a le cannot be written.
16: cannot overwrite file Will be raised when an attempt is made
to overwrite an existing le.
17: type error Will be raised when a type error is unencountered.
18: lock timeout Will be raised when theres a timeout waiting for a
400: bad parameter Will be raised when the HTTP request does not
fulll the requirements.
403: forbidden Will be raised when the operation is forbidden.
404: not found Will be raised when an URI is unknown.
405: method not supported Will be raised when an unsupported H-
TTP method is used for an operation.
500: internal server error Will be raised when an internal server
is encountered.
600: invalid JSON object Will be raised when a string representa-
tion of a JSON object is corrupt.
601: superfluous URL suffices Will be raised when the URL con-
tains superuous sufces.
1000: illegal state Internal error that will be raised when the datale
is not in the required state.
1001: could not shape document Internal error that will be raised
when the shaper encountered a problem.
1002: datafile sealed Internal error that will be raised when trying to
write to a datale.
1003: unknown type Internal error that will be raised when an unknown
collection type is encountered.
1004: ready only Internal error that will be raised when trying to write
to a read-only datale or collection.
1005: duplicate identifier Internal error that will be raised when
a identier duplicate is detected.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1006: datafile unreadable Internal error that will be raised when
the datale is unreadable.
1100: corrupted datafile Will be raised when a corruption is de-
tected in a datale.
1101: illegal parameter file Will be raised if a parameter le is
1102: corrupted collection Will be raised when a collection con-
tains one or more corrupted datales.
1103: mmap failed Will be raised when the system call mmap failed.
1104: filesystem full Will be raised when the lesystem is full.
1105: no journal Will be raised when a journal cannot be created.
1106: cannot create/rename datafile because it already
exists Will be raised when the datale cannot be created or renamed be-
cause a le of the same name already exists.
1107: database is locked Will be raised when the database is locked
by a different process.
1108: cannot create/rename collection because directory
already exists Will be raised when the collection cannot be created
because a directory of the same name already exists.
1109: msync failed Will be raised when the system call msync failed.
1200: conflict Will be raised when updating or deleting a document and
a conict has been detected.
1201: wrong path for database Will be raised when a non-existing
directory was specied as path for the database.
1202: document not found Will be raised when a document with a
given identier or handle is unknown.
1203: collection not found Will be raised when a collection with a
given identier or name is unknown.
1204: parameter collection not found Will be raised when
the collection parameter is missing.
1205: illegal document handle Will be raised when a document
handle is corrupt.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1206: maixmal size of journal too small Will be raised when
the maximal size of the journal is too small.
1207: duplicate name Will be raised when a name duplicate is de-
1208: illegal name Will be raised when an illegal name is detected.
1209: no suitable index known Will be raised when no suitable
index for the query is known.
1210: unique constraint violated Will be raised when there is a
unique constraint violation.
1211: geo index violated Will be raised when a illegale coordinate
is used.
1212: index not found Will be raised when an index with a given iden-
tier is unknown.
1213: cross collection request not allowed Will be raised
when a cross-collection is requested.
1214: illegal index handle Will be raised when a index handle is
1215: cap constraint already defined Will be raised when a
cap constraint was already dened.
1216: document too large Will be raised when the document cannot
t into any datale because of it is too large.
1217: collection must be unloaded Will be raised when a col-
lection should be unloaded, but has a different status.
1218: collection type invalid Will be raised when an invalid col-
lection type is used in a request.
1219: validator failed Will be raised when the validation of an at-
tribute of a structure failed.
1220: parser failed Will be raised when the parsing of an attribute of
a structure failed.
1221: illegal document key Will be raised when a document key is
1222: unexpected document key Will be raised when a user-dened
document key is supplied for collections with auto key generation.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1223: index needs resizing Will be raised when an index is full and
should be resized to contain more data.
1224: database directory not writable Will be raised when
the database directory is not writable for the current user.
1225: out of keys Will be raised when a key generator runs out of keys.
1226: missing document key Will be raised when a document key is
1227: invalid document type Will be raised when there is an at-
tempt to create a document with an invalid type.
1300: datafile full Will be raised when the datale reaches its limit.
1500: query killed Will be raised when a running query is killed by an
explicit admin command.
1501: %s Will be raised when query is parsed and is found to be syntactially
1502: query is empty Will be raised when an empty query is specied.
1503: runtime error %s Will be raised when a runtime error is
caused by the query.
1504: number out of range Will be raised when a number is outside
the expected range.
1510: variable name %s has an invalid format Will be
raised when an invalid variable name is used.
1511: variable %s is assigned multiple times Will be
raised when a variable gets re-assigned in a query.
1512: unknown variable %s Will be raised when an unknown vari-
able is used or the variable is undened the context it is used.
1521: unable to read-lock collection %s Will be raised when
a read lock on the collection cannot be acquired.
1522: too many collections Will be raised when the number of col-
lections in a query is beyond the allowed value.
1530: document attribute %s is assigned multiple times
Will be raised when a document attribute is re-assigned.
1540: usage of unknown function %s() Will be raised when
an undened function is called.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1541: invalid number of arguments for function %s()
Will be raised when the number of arguments used in a function call does
not match the expected number of arguments for the function.
1542: invalid argument type used in call to function
%s() Will be raised when the type of an argument used in a function call
does not match the expected argument type.
1543: invalid regex argument value used in call to function
%s() Will be raised when an invalid regex argument value is used in a
call to a function that expects a regex.
1550: invalid structure of bind parameters Will be raised
when the structure of bind parameters passed has an unexpected format.
1551: no value specified for declared bind parameter
%s Will be raised when a bind parameter was declared in the query but
the query is being executed with no value for that parameter.
1552: bind parameter %s was not declared in the query
Will be raised when a value gets specied for an undeclared bind parameter.
1553: bind parameter %s has an invalid value or type
Will be raised when a bind parameter has an invalid value or type.
1560: invalid logical value Will be raised when a non-boolean
value is used in a logical operation.
1561: invalid arithmetic value Will be raised when a non-numeric
value is used in an arithmetic operation.
1562: division by zero Will be raised when there is an attempt to
divide by zero.
1563: list expected Will be raised when a non-list operand is used for
an operation that expects a list argument operand.
1569: FAIL(%s) called Will be raised when the function FAIL() is
called from inside a query.
1570: no suitable geo index found for geo restriction
on %s Will be raised when a geo restriction was specied but no suitable
geo index is found to resolve it.
1571: no suitable fulltext index found for fulltext query
on %s Will be raised when a fulltext query is performed on a collection
without a suitable fulltext index.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1580: invalid user function name Will be raised when a user
function with an invalid name is registered.
1581: invalid user function code Will be raised when a user
function is registered with invalid code.
1582: user function %s() not found Will be raised when a
user function is accessed but not found.
1600: cursor not found Will be raised when a cursor is requested via
its id but a cursor with that id cannot be found.
1650: internal transaction error Will be raised when a wrong
usage of transactions is detected. this is an internal error and indicates a bug
in ArangoDB.
1651: nested transactions detected Will be raised when trans-
actions are nested.
1652: unregistered collection used in transaction Will
be raised when a collection is used in the middle of a transaction but was not
registered at transaction start.
1653: disallowed operation inside transaction Will be raised
when a disallowed operation is carried out in a transaction.
1700: invalid user name Will be raised when an invalid user name is
1701: invalid password Will be raised when an invalid password is
1702: duplicate user Will be raised when a user name already exists
1703: user not found Will be raised when a user name is updated that
does not exist
1750: application not found Will be raised when an application is
not found or not present in the specied version.
1751: invalid application name Will be raised when an invalid
application name is specied.
1752: invalid mount Will be raised when an invalid mount is specied.
1753: application download failed Will be raised when an ap-
plication download from the central repository failed.
1800: invalid key declaration Will be raised when an invalid key
specication is passed to the server
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1801: key already exists Will be raised when a key is to be created
that already exists
1802: key not found Will be raised when the specied key is not found
1803: key is not unique Will be raised when the specied key is not
1804: key value not changed Will be raised when updating the value
for a key does not work
1805: key value not removed Will be raised when deleting a key/-
value pair does not work
1806: missing value Will be raised when the value is missing
1901: invalid graph Will be raised when an invalid name is passed to
the server
1902: could not create graph Will be raised when an invalid name,
vertices or edges is passed to the server
1903: invalid vertex Will be raised when an invalid vertex id is passed
to the server
1904: could not create vertex Will be raised when the vertex could
not be created
1905: could not change vertex Will be raised when the vertex could
not be changed
1906: invalid edge Will be raised when an invalid edge id is passed to
the server
1907: could not create edge Will be raised when the edge could
not be created
1908: could not change edge Will be raised when the edge could
not be changed
1951: invalid session Will be raised when an invalid session id is
passed to the server
1952: could not create session Will be raised when the session
could not be created
1953: could not change session Will be raised when session data
could not be changed
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
1961: invalid form Will be raised when an invalid form id is passed to
the server
1962: could not create form Will be raised when the form could
not be created
1963: could not change form Will be raised when form data could
not be changed
2000: unknown client error This error should not happen.
2001: could not connect to server Will be raised when the client
could not connect to the server.
2002: could not write to server Will be raised when the client
could not write data.
2003: could not read from server Will be raised when the client
could not read data.
3100: priority queue insert failure Will be raised when an
attempt to insert a document into a priority queue index fails for some reason.
3110: priority queue remove failure Will be raised when an
attempt to remove a document from a priority queue index fails for some
3111: priority queue remove failure - item missing in
index Will be raised when an attempt to remove a document from a priority
queue index fails when document can not be located within the index.
3312: (non-unique) hash index insert failure - document
duplicated in index Will be raised when an attempt to insert a doc-
ument into a non-unique hash index fails due to the fact that document is
duplicated within that index.
3313: (non-unique) skiplist index insert failure - document
duplicated in index Will be raised when an attempt to insert a doc-
ument into a non-unique skiplist index fails due to the fact that document is
duplicated within that index.
3200: hash index insertion warning - attribute missing
in document Will be raised when an attempt to insert a document into a
hash index is caused by the document not having one or more attributes
which are required by the hash index.
3202: hash index update warning - attribute missing in
revised document Will be raised when an attempt to update a docu-
ment results in the revised document not having one or more attributes which
are required by the hash index.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
3211: hash index remove failure - item missing in index
Will be raised when an attempt to remove a document from a hash index fails
when document can not be located within that index.
3300: skiplist index insertion warning - attribute missing
in document Will be raised when an attempt to insert a document into a
skiplist index is caused by in the document not having one or more attributes
which are required by the skiplist index.
3302: skiplist index update warning - attribute missing
in revised document Will be raised when an attempt to update a doc-
ument results in the revised document not having one or more attributes
which are required by the skiplist index.
3311: skiplist index remove failure - item missing in
index Will be raised when an attempt to remove a document from a skiplist
index fails when document can not be located within that index.
3400: bitarray index insertion warning - attribute missing
in document Will be raised when an attempt to insert a document into a
bitarray index is caused by in the document not having one or more attributes
which are required by the bitarray index.
3402: bitarray index update warning - attribute missing
in revised document Will be raised when an attempt to update a doc-
ument results in the revised document not having one or more attributes
which are required by the bitarray index.
3411: bitarray index remove failure - item missing in
index Will be raised when an attempt to remove a document froma bitarray
index fails when document can not be located within that index.
3413: bitarray index insert failure - document attribute
value unsupported in index Will be raised when an attempt to in-
sert a document into a bitarray index fails due to the fact that one or more
values for an index attribute is not supported within that index.
3415: bitarray index creation failure - one or more index
attributes are duplicated. Will be raised when an attempt to
create an index with two or more index attributes repeated.
3417: bitarray index creation failure - one or more index
attribute values are duplicated. Will be raised when an at-
tempt to create an index with two or more index attribute values repeated.
10000: element not inserted into structure, because key
already exists Will be returned if the element was not insert because
the key already exists.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
10001: element not inserted into structure, because it
already exists Will be returned if the element was not insert because
it already exists.
10002: key not found in structure Will be returned if the key
was not found in the structure.
10003: element not found in structure Will be returned if the
element was not found in the structure.
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen
Chapter 24
24.1 Glossary
Collection: A collection consists of documents. It is uniquely identied by the
server via its collection identier. It also has a unique name that clients should use
to identify and access it. Collections have a type that is specied by the user when
the collection is created. There currently are document and edge collections. The
default type is document.
Collection Identier: A collection identier identies a collection in a database. It
is a string value and is unique within the database. Up to including ArangoDB 1.1,
the collection identier has been a clients primary means to access collections.
Starting with ArangoDB 1.2, clients should instead use a collections unique name
to access a collection instead of its identier.
ArangoDB currently uses 64bit unsigned integer values to maintain collection ids
internally. When returning collection ids to clients, ArangoDB will put them into
a string to ensure the collection id is not clipped by clients that do not support big
integers. Clients should treat the collection ids returned by ArangoDB as opaque
strings when they store or use it locally.
Note: collection ids have been returned as integers up to including ArangoDB 1.1
Collection Name: A collection name identies a collection in a database. It is
a string and is unique within the database. Unlike the collection identier it is
supplied by the creator of the collection. The collection name must consist of
letters, digits and the characters _ (underscore), - (dash), and : (colon). Please
refer to Naming Conventions in ArangoDB(p. 190) for more information on valid
collection names.
Document: Documents in ArangoDB are JSON objects. These objects can be
nested (to any depth) and may contains lists. Each document is uniquely identied
24.1 Glossary 205
by its document handle.
Document Etag: The document revision enclosed in double quotes. The revision
is returned by several HTTP API methods in the Etag HTTP header.
Document Handle: Adocument handle uniquely identies a document in the database.
It is a string and consists of a collection name and a document key separated by /.
Document Key: A document key uniquely identies a document in a given collec-
tion. It can and should be used by clients when specic documents are searched.
Document keys are stored in the _key attribute of documents. The key values
are automatically indexed by ArangoDB so looking up a document by its key is
regularly a fast operation. The _key value of a document is immutable once the
document has been created.
By default, ArangoDB will auto-generate a document key if no _key attribute is
specied, and use the user-specied _key otherwise.
This behavior can be changed on a per-collection level by creating collections with
the keyOptions attribute.
Using keyOptions it is possible to disallow user-specied keys completely, or
to force a specic regime for auto-generating the _key values.
Document Revision: As ArangoDB supports MVCC, documents can exist in more
than one revision. The document revision is the MVCC token used to identify a
particular revision of a document. It is a string value currently containing an integer
number and is unique within the list of document revisions for a single document.
Document revisions can be used to conditionally update, replace or delete docu-
ments in the database. In order to nd a particular revision of a document, you
need the document handle and the document revision.
ArangoDB currently uses 64bit unsigned integer values to maintain document re-
visions internally. When returning document revisions to clients, ArangoDB will
put them into a string to ensure the revision id is not clipped by clients that do not
support big integers. Clients should treat the revision id returned by ArangoDB as
an opaque string when they store or use it locally. This will allow ArangoDB to
change the format of revision ids later if this should be required. Clients can use
revisions ids to perform simple equality/non-equality comparisons (e.g. to check
whether a document has changed or not), but they should not use revision ids to
perform greater/less than comparisions with them to check if a document revision
is older than one another, even if this might work for some cases.
Note: revision ids have been returned as integers up to including ArangoDB 1.1
Edge: Edges in ArangoDB are special documents. In addition to the internal at-
tributes _key, _id and _rev, they have two attributes _from and _to, which
contain document handles, namely the start-point and the end-point of the edge.
_from and _to contain document handles, e.g.:
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24.1 Glossary 206
{ "_from" : "myvertices/doc1", "_to" : "myvertices/doc2", ... }
The values of _from and _to are immutable once saved.
Edge Collection: Edge collections are special collection that store edge documents.
Edge documents are connection documents that reference other documents. The
type of a collection must be specied when a collection is created and cannot be
changed afterwards.
Index: Indexes are used to allow fast access to documents. For each collection
there is always the primary index which is a hash index for the document key. This
index cannot be dropped or changed.
Edge collections will also have an automatically created edges index, which cannot
be modied.
Most user-land indexes can be created by dening the names of the attributes which
should be indexed. Some index types allow indexing just one attribute (e.g. fulltext
index) whereas other index types allow indexing multiple attributes.
Indexing system attributes such as _id, _key, _from, and _to is not supported
by any index type. Manually creating an index that relies on any of these attributes
is unsupported.
Index Handle: An index handle uniquely identies an index in the database. It is a
string and consists of a collection name and an index identier separated by /.
Edges Index: An edges index is automatically created for edge collections. It con-
tains connections between vertex documents and is invoked when the connecting
edges of a vertex are queried. There is no way to explicitly create or delete edge
Fulltext Index: A fulltext index can be used to nd words, or prexes of words
inside documents. A fulltext index can be set on one attribute only, and will index
all words contained in documents that have a textual value in this attribute. Only
words with a (specifyable) minimum length are indexed. Word tokenisation is done
using the word boundary analysis provided by libicu, which is taking into account
the selected language provided at server start. Words are indexed in their lower-
cased form. The index supports complete match queries (full words) and prex
Geo Index: A geo index is used to nd places on the surface of the earth fast.
Hash Index: A hash index is used to nd documents based on examples.
Priority Queue: A priority queue based on an attribute of the documents.
Skiplist Index: A skiplist is used to nd ranges of documents.
Key Generator: ArangoDB allows using key generators for each collection. Key
generators have the purpose of auto-generating values for the _key attribute of a
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24.1 Glossary 207
document if none was specied by the user.
By default, ArangoDBwill use the traditional key generator. The traditional
key generator will auto-generate key values that are strings with ever-increasing
numbers. The increment values it uses are non-deterministic.
Contrary, the autoincrement key generator will auto-generate deterministic
key values. Both the start value and the increment value can be dened when the
collection is created. The default start value is 0 and the default increment is 1,
meaning the key values it will create by default are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
When creating a collection with the autoincrement key generator and an increment
of 5, the generated keys would be:
1, 6, 11, 16, 21, ...
Generated on Wed Aug 28 2013 15:03:39 for ArangoDB by Doxygen

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