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Jessica Rainwater 10 28 SGRP

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Jessica Rainwater READ 3226-002

Reading Mini-Lesson Plan

Grade level/subject: 5 /Reading Topic: Synonyms and antonyms Rationale: This lesson allows st dents to engage in acti!e learning "y #laying a short game $nown as Bingo% St dents will "e a"le to learn and de!elo# nderstanding while interacting and #artici#ating in an hands-on acti!ity% CCSS& ''SS%E(A-(iteracy%(%5%5c )se the relationshi# "etween #artic lar words *e%g%+ synonyms+ antonyms+ homogra#hs, to "etter nderstand each o- the words% Behavioral bjective& St dents will "e a"le to #ractice and " ild nderstanding osynonyms and antonyms on s#eci-ic words they are c rrently learning on in (esson .% Prere!uisite "no#ledge $ S%ills: St dents m st "e aware o- their c rrent lesson . words and "e a"le to recogni/e and nderstand the meaning o- synonym and antonym% St dents m st also "e -amiliar with the r les and directions -or "ingo *across+ diagonal+ # and down, Materials/Resources: 0ingo 'hart *1 -or each st dent, Teacher2s cheat list o- the words to call o t and correct synonym and antonym -or each Small "ag o- red/yellow chi#s -or each #layer &ocus/Revie#: Teacher will "egin the lesson "y as$ing st dents what is the de-inition oa synonym and antonym3 bjective 'as stated (or students): 4o will "e a"le to match the corres#onding synonym and antonym to the gi!en word said alo d on yo r "ingo chart in ho#es to #er-orm great nderstanding and win the game5 Teacher *nput: Teacher will hand o t "ingo charts and chi#s to each st dent and e6#lain the r les to the acti!ity% Teacher will call a word listed in lesson . alo d -or st dents to match the correct synonym or antonym on their chart% They m st cross o t each one so that is not re#eated% Guided Practice: Teacher will gi!e an e6am#le o- how the acti!ity will "e #layed "y gi!ing an e6am#le o- the word cold% The synonym o- cold is -ree/ing and antonym ocold is hot+ there-ore+ 7 co ld # t a chi# on the word 8-ree/ing9 or 8hot9% *ndependent Practice: St dents will write 25 words #ro!ided "y the teacher2s list osynonyms and antonyms on their "lan$ 0ingo chart and #artici#ate in two ro nds o0ingo to demonstrate learning and nderstanding o- their s#elling words+ synonyms+ and antonyms% Closure: A-ter each ro nd o- 0ingo+ st dent will call o t his or her winning #iece and teacher will ma$e s re that it is correct% A-ter the second ro nd+ teacher will as$ st dents i- this acti!ity hel#ed them any and as$ which words were di--ic lt or easier to -ig re o t on their chart and why% +valuation: St dents will : st "e e!al ated -or #artici#ating in the small gro # acti!ity and staying on tas$% Plans (or *ndividual ,i((erences: Allow st dents with indi!id al di--erences to se their notes or te6t"oo$ d ring the game% Re(erence's): htt#&//www%learnnc%org/l#/#ages/32;63re-<search

Jessica Rainwater READ 3226-002 Small Reading =ro # Acti!ity& BINGO >ord (ist Acc rate A##ro6imate 'o rse Des#air Destination Deteriorate =ale Aori/on J "ilation Ea!igate Eostalgia Re!i!e Se!er @oyage Synonyms 'orrect Almost ?ath/Trail (ose Ao#e Tra!el =oal 'l ster Strong >ind S$y Deets Sea Joy Direct Dwelling on a memory Strength To c t in F (ong Jo rney /E6act E6act @ent re Baith (ocation Crgani/ed 'alm weather @ertical Sad (ost 'ontent >ea$ >hole/)n"ro$en Tri# Antonyms 7ncorrect

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