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A Dissident Guide to RADICALLY Slashing Your Cancer Risk in Just 3 Weeks

OR to Beating Any Cancer You Do Have!

A Global Resilience Solutions Guide to Sidestepping the Number One Killer of Our Time AND the Industry that Feeds It.

By Dr. Symeon Rodger Anthony S. Rodger, MA

2013 by Dr. Symeon Rodger, Rock Solid Life Systems and Global Resilience Solutions. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualied health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it on the basis of something you have heard or read. The authors guarantee neither the accuracy nor the completeness of the information presented. The authors expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which may be or is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any advice, course of action or comment they have made, whether written or oral.

Warning: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT give away, share or resell this intellectual property in any way.

A word about this

Global Resilience Survive and Thrive Guide:

After Doing The CANCER FILES program

1. You will be armed with the FACTS about cancer, so the government, the media and the cancer industry will no longer be able to manipulate you. 2. You will be empowered with information that, if you act on it, will make you virtually cancer-proof. 3. You will be equipped with a specic and simple protocol that will uproot the emotional triggers of cancer within you AND lead you to a deeply harmonious and happy life! 4. You will understand how to construct a nutritional lifestyle that makes your entire physiology deeply inhospitable to cancer cells. 5. You will learn how simple adjustments to your home environment and personal care products can eliminate a host of toxic risk factors from you life right away. 6. You will know the most common medical and dental procedures to avoid and what the alternatives are. 7. You will come away with a much broader and more accurate understanding of the human person and your own health than you will typically get from the medical establishment. AND this new understanding will be based on solid scientic evidence. 8. You will know how to detoxify your body and rid yourself of the poisons your tissues have been accumulating for years.

9. If you are ever diagnosed with cancer, youll quickly learn that theres no reason to panic. 10. Youll learn exactly how you need to react to a cancer diagnosis. 11. Youll learn all about the three conventional cancer treatments chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and what each can or cannot do to help you. 12. And, best of all, after youve learned this information and introduced a few simple changes to your life, you will never have to give cancer a second thought ever again!

Prevalence of Cancer.........................................................................................6 EM Causes............................................................................................................9 Chemical and Dietary Causes..........................................................................11 Perspectives on Cellular Behaviour...................................................................17 Emotional Causes................................................................................................19 Diagnosis..............................................................................................................26 Conventional Therapies......................................................................................31 Food is Medicine.................................................................................................36 Energy and Belief.................................................................................................45 Inner Life................................................................................................................53 Detoxication.......................................................................................................55 New and Suppressed Therapies........................................................................58 How to Get Good Information...........................................................................63 Preventing Breast Cancer...................................................................................65 Preventing Prostate Cancer................................................................................70 Recommended Online Resources ...................................................................74 Recommended Reading...................................................................................76

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Prevalence of Cancer
zz Put simply, cancer is the growth of abnormal cells. It is what happens
when a group of cells grow out of control and do not respond when the body tells them to stop growing. Cancer is thus fundamentally a problem with the bodys normal regulation of its own growth.

zz Cancer has always been present in the human race. We can trace it
through archaeological and historical records back through the most ancient civilisations, but it was always very rare. Cancer has never been as prevalent as it is today. Incidence of cancer has risen by over 44 percent since 1950 alone. Think about that. The industrial age with all of its environmental problems was actually better off than we are in terms of cancer, despite advances in medicine.

zz According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 2 males and 1 in 3

females in America will develop cancer in their lifetimes. 1 in 4 males and 1 in 5 females will die of it.

zz Colo-rectal, lung, breast and prostate cancers have the highest


zz In 2009, 5.8 million American men

and 6.7 million American women were living with a cancer diagnosis. 1600 people a day in the United States will die of cancer. Globally, 13% of all human deaths in 2007 were from cancer.

1 in 2 males and 1 in 3 females in America will develop cancer in their lifetimes.

zz The human cost of cancer is something that were all at least somewhat
familiar with. The nancial cost gives a window into the scale of cancers impact on society. In 2008, that cost was $201.5 billion dollars in the United States alone. Of that, $77.4 billion was spent directly on treatment and healthcare. Think about what 77 billion dollars could do- and where that money is going, which well get to later.

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zz The global prevalence of cancer doubled in the last three decades of

the 20th Century and will likely double again by 2020.

zz The point of all this is not to scare you with the scope of the problem,
which many of you already know, but to impress upon you the abject, abysmal failure of Western allopathic medicine to nd a winning strategy against cancer as a whole.

zz Think about it. In just a few generations, Western medicine all but wiped
out most of the contagious epidemic diseases that used to cut us down in droves- cholera, typhus, typhoid, polio, smallpox, plague. Theyre all still around, but they dont kill us off in droves in the developed world anymore.

zz Every week, you can read or hear on the radio about some new cancer
treatment thats just around the corner, but while some will individually succeed in improving the prognosis of certain very specic types of cancer, very few of them will make any signicant dent in any of these statistics.

zz This is a global failure of approach, and that is really what this series is
about, nding a new (or very old, but different) way of approaching the problem of cancer as a whole. This is not a problem that society can afford to take one cancer at a time, one incremental step at a time. We made the incidence of cancer go up, and its still going up worldwide as more and more people learn to repeat the mistakes of the developed world.

zz If we have the power to make it go up so dramatically, we also have

the power to make it go down.

zz So were going to start by asking what these causes are that are
creating the global cancer pandemic.

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What do we mean when we talk about causes?

zz In school you may have heard of the post hoc fallacy. This is the
fallacious argument that because thing x happened after thing y, thing y must have caused thing x. I broke my leg after a black cat crossed my path, so black cats must be unlucky.

zz Most of the time when we talk about causation, were actually talking
about correlation- a certain percentage of patients have x in their background, or, in a certain research population, those with x had a higher rate of developing cancer.

zz Its very seldom only one thing.

When we talk about causes, were really talking about risk factors. For most cancers, it is likely that a number of these risk factors have come together and cancer has resulted.

For most cancers, it is likely that a number of these risk factors have come together and cancer has resulted.

zz The good news is, you can not

only start to reduce your risk factors today, but even those already diagnosed can make a massive impact just by changing their lifestyle.

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EM Causes
zz One of the major unrecognised causes of cancer is exposure to

zz John Goffman, a medical doctor and nuclear physicist, has published

a study conclusively linking medical radiation, from normal x-rays, CT scans and uoroscopy, with cancer and heart disease mortality.

zz X-rays and other ionising radiation are linked to genetic mutations. zz Heres how it works. X-rays are basically high-energy photons. These
photons impact electrons orbiting the atoms of the cells in your body. These electrons, kicked out of their normal orbits, impart energy to whatever atoms and molecules they collide with, energy greater than any normal biological reaction. The victim molecules, including DNA, are deformed.

zz This is not to say that medical radiology has no benets. Rather the
argument is that:
XX 1. It is used too often XX 2. When it is used the dosage is much higher than it needs to be despite the existence of technology to reduce radiation exposure.

zz Because radiation causes cancer, there is also a problem with

conventional mammography as a screening tool. The frequent irradiation of the breast has been linked to breast cancer. According to a study by the Nordic Cochrane Centre, a network of physicians and scientists in northern Europe dedicated to evidentiary evaluation of medical procedures, for every 2000 women screened, one will have her life prolonged, while ten healthy women will be treated unnecessarily due to false positives.

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zz There is a much safer, completely passive method called thermographic

imaging, which has been shown to detect many cancers far earlier than radiation-based diagnostics. It works by mapping the infrared signature of your body, and detects tumours through the temperature differential caused by different blood ow inside the tumour. Despite the existence of this method, radiological mammography is an industry that continues to stage huge efforts to promote itself.

zz Electromagnetic Fields have

also been strongly linked to cancer. Power lines, transformers, radar and even

cell-phone EM elds present danger. According to one study in the Internal Medicine Journal, People who lived within 328 yards of a power line up to the age of ve were ve times more likely to develop cancer, specically leukemia and bone cancer. Those who lived within the same range to a power line at any point during their rst 15 years were three times more likely to develop cancer as an adult.

There is a much safer, completely passive method called thermographic imaging.

zz Many other studies have been conducted on this topic. I recommend

in particular looking up the work of Dr. David Savitz and Dr. Marjorie Speers.

zz Why dont you hear about this? Well, the US Environmental Protection
Agency would have reported these as probable carcinogens, but it seems that certain obvious interest groups got there rst. Military radar stations, in particular, have time and again been linked to high cancer rates.

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Chemical and Dietary Causes

Chemical Causes
zz We are exposed to a large number of man-made chemicals in our
daily life- in food, water, cosmetics and any number of other places. Some of these chemicals can have dire consequences for your health as they accumulate in your system, including, unfortunately, cancer.

zz Cosmetics have a long history of mass poisonings.

Back in the Renaissance, lead was the culprit. Oh, and it still is today. Laboratory testing in a study by a Canadian environmental group has shown that lead is in up to 96% of our cosmetics today. 20% showed traces of arsenic and cadmium was found in 51%. These are by-products of the manufacturing process and do not have to be labelled.

zz Today, there are products used by almost everyone that include

carcinogenic substances. Most common antiperspirants are based on salts of aluminum. These compounds are used to block the pores under your arms. Not only is this not good for us because its blocking one of the bodys major routes for eliminating toxins, but according to studies in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, the body absorbs and retains that aluminum.

zz Aluminum is not only linked to Alzheimers and other forms of dementia,

but women with breast cancer have been shown to have signicantly higher levels of aluminum in their breasts than the general population.

zz Among other body care products that include carcinogenic substances,

baby powder with talc, many toothpastes, some hair conditioners and hair colouring products.

zz For a list of common household products that may increase cancer risk,
see the list of top cancer-causing products from the National Cancer Prevention Coalition in the accompanying material.

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zz We often have no idea of our own chemical exposure. Even a very

health- and environmentally- conscious person in our society can accumulate lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum and other dangerous substances without ever realising it.

zz We are reckless about the chemicals we add to the food chain,

consumer products and ecosystem, adding about 1500 per year without verifying that they are safe.

zz Pesticides are a major problem. 60

percent of herbicides, 90 percent We often have no idea of fungicides and 30 percent of our own chemical of insecticides are known to be exposure. carcinogenic according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Apart from their presence in the environment, anywhere from 50 to 95 percent of your food may be contaminated.

zz Chloroform is another common carcinogen, formed when chlorine is

introduced to water.

zz Heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium are

particularly pernicious because they accumulate in the body and are not eliminated by normal processes. Sources range from dental llings to food preservatives, cosmetics, antiperspirants, aluminum cookware, and even public water supplies and u vaccines.

zz Asbestos, used as insulation in old buildings, is a fairly commonly-known


zz A less commonly known indoor health risk is from toxins excreted by

fungi and moulds.

zz Other common carcinogens are found in articial sweeteners,

especially Aspartame. Aspartame was originally developed in a search for an ulcer drug, and was only later marketed as a food additive. The FDA has known since 1974 that the substance caused brain tumours in

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rats, and that many of the studies paid for by the manufacturers were awed. Under industry pressure, both the FDA and the US attorney hired to investigate aspartame swept the issue under the carpet. Among other effects, aspartame exposed to heat in the body breaks down into methyl alcohol, a poison.

Free Radicals
zz So what is it about these things that is so pernicious? Well, for at least
some of these substances, the answer is that they create free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules which are produced naturally in the metabolic process and which the body uses as part of the immune system. Your body has mechanisms to neutralise excess free radicals, but when too many of the molecules build up, that system is overwhelmed. Part of the problem with x-rays is that they produce free radicals in the body. Because of their reactive quality, free radicals tend to damage or destroy cells.

Sources of excess free radicals include: zz Radiation from x-rays and microwaves; zz All the heavy metals we just talked about zz Chlorine and uoride in drinking water, zz Sodium Laurel Sulphate in toothpaste etc.; zz Propelene Glycol in toothpaste, hair products, over the counter meds zz Cigarette smoke; zz Hydrogenated trans-fatty oils, such as shortening, deep-fryer oil and
non-dairy creamers; these fat molecules have been modied through long-term exposure to heat or chemical process. They oxidize much more quickly than ordinary fat molecules, releasing free radicals at a rate that kills or damages the host cell.

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Parabens and other Hormone-mimicking substances

zz Another class of pernicious substances are those that act as hormones.
As well see, cancer is highly dependent on the hormonal balance of the body for growth. By ingesting or coming into contact with articial hormones, you destroy your own hormonal balance and create a cancer-friendly environment.

zz Some sources of hormones are

obvious. Meat and animal products in North America tend to have been exposed to growth hormones.

zz Other

sources are less obvious. Parabens are a class of chemical in cosmetics and personal care products, including deodorants, shampoos, shaving gel, toothpaste, lotions and sunscreen, and even pharmaceutical and food additives. They accumulate in the body and behave much like estrogen.

By ingesting or coming into contact with articial hormones, you destroy your own hormonal balance and create a cancer-friendly environment.

zz Metals, including the heavy metals weve talked about, may also
behave this way in the body.

zz There are also phytoestrogens, a class of plant substances that mimic

human estrogen, that can be absorbed from foods notably including soy products.

zz Teon in non-stick pans releases particles of a substance derived from
uoride called peruorooctanoic acid or PFOA. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said that PFOA is likely a cancer-causing agent in humans. It disrupts the endocrine system, which as we will see is a key factor in cancer incidence.

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zz Propyl gallate, used as a preservative in cosmetics and food, has been
shown to cause thyroid, brain, pancreatic and adrenal tumours in rats.

zz BHA and BHT, used to stabilise fats and oils in processed foods, also
causes cancer in rats.

zz Bisphenol-A, which is found in most plastics, disrupts the endocrine


To recap, the list of things you want to look for on labels includes:

zz Aluminum in any form zz Talc zz Propelene Glycol zz Propyl gallate zz BHA and BHT zz Sodium laurel sulfate or sodium lauryth sulfate zz Aspartame zz Parabens- Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Isobutyl paraben, Ethyl
paraben, Butyl paraben, E216

zz Fluoride zz Soy zz Chlorine zz So-called silver dental llings zz Teon zz Biphenol-A plastics

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Image courtesy of

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Perspectives on Cellular Behaviour

Behaviour of Cancerous Cells
zz There have been a number of theories from mainstream medicine
about why cancer cells do what they do.

zz Two, the viral theory and the oncogene theory, hold that the problem
is genetic, that your own genes, or mutation of your own genes, are somehow causing cancer.

zz The tumour suppressor gene theory proposes that the body also has
a countermeasure against these cancer-causing genes, and that the countermeasure itself can fail. This is now a subject of advanced cancer research.

zz The theory that is most

The Immune Deciency Theory proven and of most states that some cancerous cells interest to us is the Immune exist in everyone but are kept Deciency Theory. This theory states that some under control by the immune cancerous cells exist in system. everyone but are kept under control by the immune system. When the immune system is weakened by radiation,
pollution, toxic chemicals, unhealthy lifestyle etc., normal cells mutate, the immune system loses control, and cancer results.

zz This is the theory that everyone accepts, because they have to. We
know that prevalence of cancers jumps when theres been a nuclear accident like Chernobyl or a chemical spill. This is the theory, in other words, that explains why environmentally-caused damage to the immune system is a large factor in cancer development.

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zz The body can keep cancer at bay. One of the great myths is that
the immune system cant ght cancer. The body can repair the DNA of cells that were damaged by chemical or radioactive agents. The immune system can ght cancer. It happens all the time. The trick is to nd out whats preventing the body from doing its job.

zz Take lung cancer. We know that chemical damage from tobacco

smoke damages the DNA in the cells of the respiratory tract so that they eventually divide out of control. There have to be about ten separate points of damage to the DNA for this to happen. But in the vast majority of cases, cells with damaged DNA dont grow out of control. We all sustain DNA damage in the normal course of daily life. The DNA is repaired, or the cells are removed by normal apoptosis, cell death. Even when abnormal cell division occurs, it usually doesnt cause malignant cancer. Each of us probably has a number of tiny tumours at this very moment, and normally the body has them perfectly under control. For cancer to form, either DNA repair processes or cell death have to be impaired.

zz To understand why this might occur, we have to look in an unexpected


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Emotional Causes
The Importance of Inner Life
zz Where does inner life t as a cause of cancer? We know and can
demonstrate, for instance, that smoking radically increases the risk of lung cancer. But there are lifelong smokers who never develop lung cancer or any of the other cancers associated with smoking. What is different about them? Or, to turn it around, what gives some smokers the extra nudge toward cancer?

zz As early as the 1960s, Dr. David Kissen, a chest surgeon in Britain, noticed
that victims of lung cancer tended to have an unusual degree of emotional repression. He designed studies which demonstrated that these patients had poor emotional outlets, and that the risk of lung cancer in men who couldnt express themselves emotionally was ve times higher. The more severe the repression, the less smoke needed to cause cancer.

zz Kissens work was published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research


zz An even more extensive study followed in the same journal in 1985.

A population in the former Yugoslavia was selected for a longitudinal study. 1400 healthy participants lled out extensive questionnaires regarding their emotional lives and coping mechanisms. Ten years later, over six hundred had died of various diseases, but especially cancer. The greatest risk factor for cancer was obsessive rationality and a non-emotional coping style. It was found that smokers did not contract lung cancer unless they also exhibited this psychological trait.

zz This is not to say that the smoking didnt contribute- all those who died
of lung cancer in this study were smokers- but it is to say that we now have a risk factor that seems to bridge the gap between physical and chemical risk factors and the disease itself. That factor is the inner psychological life of the individual.
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How It Works
zz The idea that the body and the mind are separate systems is an artefact
of the Western mindset, and though increasing volumes of research support the interdependence of these systems, there is still resistance within the medical and scientic communities to fully exploring the body-mind relationship. The discipline of Psychoneuroimmunology combines immunology, endocrinology, neuroscience and psychology in order to study the interaction between these systems, and especially between the personality, the brain and the immune system.

zz The immune organs, the bone marrow,

the thymus gland, the spleen and The idea that the the lymph nodes, have abundant boy and the mind connections to the nervous system and are separate systems act in response to impulses received is an artefact of the from the brain. Likewise, white Western mindset. blood cells and lymph cells provide feedback to the brain, because they are capable of secreting almost all of the hormones, endorphins and messenger chemicals the body produces, and can also read these substances when sent by other cells.

zz The hub of this system are the glands that answer the phones, so to
speak, in the bodys defence system. These are the adrenals, pituitary and hypothalamus. These are the organs that dispatch adrenaline and cortisol to activate the bodys defences when a threat is sensed, whether physical, emotional or health-related.

zz This switchboard gets its instructions from the emotional centres of your
brain. It doesnt know the difference between a hungry tiger and an unsatised emotional need or constant low-level stress. All that this system knows is when we achieve whats called consummation, when weve done something to remove the danger or relieve the tension. If we cant do that, the system stays active, and that activity wears down all of our bodys defence systems. Worse, it becomes, as well see, a self-fullling prophecy.

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Effect on DNA repair and cell death

zz Now, after all that, we can ask how the bodys systems for dealing with
damaged cells, DNA repair and cell death, can malfunction.

zz Studies have shown that lymphocytes, cells which help in the DNA
repair process, have a reduced ability to repair damaged DNA in patients who are depressed. Experiments on laboratory animals have shown a similar pattern with constant external stress.

zz Chronic stress, of which emotional repression can be one of the most

severe forms, causes a chronic state of chemical imbalance in the body, which includes the steroid hormones that regulate normal cell death.

zz Many cancers are hormone-dependent, either arising in organs directly
related to hormone production or else linked to the endocrine system. Cancerous cells have receptors for hormones that can promote cell growth, including sex hormones, one reason that hormone-blocking drugs are prescribed for certain cancers.

zz It is not just the presence of the hormones but the regulation of the
hormones that matters, and hormone regulation is disturbed by chronic stress. In a study of female monkeys, for example, disturbances manifested whenever a monkey was in social subordination to other monkeys.

zz In prostate cancer, a disease often associated with testosterone, it is

not that the men have abnormal levels of testosterone- indeed, it is more prevalent in older men with lower testosterone levels than their younger counterparts. Rather, the total chemical environment of the body has somehow altered the susceptibility of the cells to the effects of the hormone.

zz Likewise, hormonal imbalances caused by stress have been linked to

blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma. Normally inhibited
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The Cancer Files 22 from cell division by the hormone cortisol, cortisol levels may be raised for long periods due to stress, leading these cancerous cells to lose their susceptibility. A study at the University of Rochester found that people with these cancers had often experienced a recent emotional loss or separation causing profound stress and anxiety.

zz Given the prevalent and acknowledged inuence of hormones in

cancer, it is quite inexcusable that the medical community has all but ignored the psychological and neural roots of hormonal imbalances, while using methods ranging from chemical castration to removal of healthy ovaries and testes (as treatments for breast and prostate cancers) in order to isolate cancers from growth-promoting hormones.

zz Stress also profoundly impacts
the ability of cancer to grow and to metastasise, or spread to different parts of the body.

zz Doubling time, that is the time it

takes cancerous cells to double in numbers, varies not only according to the type of cancer, but according to the environment in the host body. Breast cancer doubling times range from a few days to one and a half years. Starting from a single cell, it would take about eight years to become noticeable at the latter rate.

A large proportion of cancers that are going to metastasize have done so by the time they are clinically detectable.

zz A large proportion of cancers that are going to metastasize have

done so by the time they are clinically detectable. However, most of those metastases arent viable, depending again on the bodys ability to control the spread of the cancer. If for some reason the bodys resistance suddenly drops, dormant malignant cells might suddenly multiply in some other part of the body. 25 to 30 percent of terminal breast cancer patients have other small malignancies that never manifested noticeable symptoms.

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zz Because of this, it is important not just to prevent the spread of

cancerous cells, but to understand the circumstances in which spread of the disease is likely. Metastasis is very inconsistent between different people, with rapid metastasis in one case and thirty-year dormancy in another case with the same cancer.

Emotions and Traits to Look Out For

The emotions and personality traits most associated with cancer fall into a few categories which are not mutually exclusive, including:

zz Emotional repression/ inability to express emotion zz Submissive personalities, inability to stand up for yourself zz A feeling of constriction in life, personal creativity or personal autonomy,

zz Anger, resentment or hatred, particularly when repressed. zz Finally, of course, all of these conditions create constant emotional
stress, which is ultimately what causes the immune system to weaken.

Cancer Personalities and Childhood

Well-known Canadian physician and palliative care specialist Gabor Mate has noted that many personalities prone to developing cancer originate from childhood experiences, and especially relationships with parents. There are several common scenarios:

zz The rst is the combination of an abusive father and an insufcientlyassertive mother. In this scenario, children will often follow the mothers lead in repressing their true feelings, and they will learn the behaviour of ignoring their own needs, desires and pain in order to cater to the needs of others.

zz Children in this kind of situation become intensely angry, rst on their

mothers behalf and then for themselves, because they are not getting the attention they need, and nally they become angry at their mother, but have no means of expressing it or resolving it, because their mother has never shown them that such a thing is possible.
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zz So, like their mother, they repress these feelings, and work extra hard
to be perfect in order to maintain their relationships with their parents, since the parents cant put in the energy. They dont share their own pain with anyone, and especially not with their parents. Sometimes they are starved for affection, sometimes just for attention. Before long, every interaction with a parent becomes work, an exercise in selfcontrol, because they are trying to keep up the relationship. Then this spills over into every interaction in their lives- they become the one who needs to be perfect and hold things together and repress their feelings and needs in order to make things work.

zz In adult life, addictive behaviours

are common for these people. And then they pass on this legacy to their own children. They themselves have no idea how to provide their children with a nurturing, stable relationship, and so they pass on the same kind of childhood experience without realising it. Even if they later tried to rebel completely against their childhood passivity, the same dynamic occurs. Dr. Mate provides a detailed study of a case in which the daughter of someone who had a childhood like this died of breast cancer. Before the end, she told her mother, Ive invited the cancer into my body. Youre part of this too, mom. You have your own part of my cancer.

In adult life, addictive behaviours are common for these people.

zz A second childhood scenario is simpler, revolving around an unfullled

need for acceptance. Acceptance here means more than simply loving a child, but active involvement and support at all stages of their development. This unfullled need may manifest in personal, sexual and professional lives as a burning need to try to become whatever people want you to be. In the midst of this effort to become what others want you to be, there is no room left for you to be yourself with anyone.

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zz A third childhood scenario is simply the controlling parent, who uses

coercive pressure, whether physical or psychological, to get their child to conform to their ideal of perfection. Often, the child will make excuses for their parents behaviour, try to see it as normal, look on the bright side- no one likes to admit that the world they have to live in is terrible- which only engrains the habit of repression. Whether the child is obedient or rebellious, they will continue measuring themselves by that ideal over the course of their adult lives, sometimes to the point where they are unable to create any space for themselves at all under the burden of this parentally-imposed set of standards. They will bend over backwards to do the right thing all the time, even to the point where it harm them. They will hang on in life situations that anyone else would immediately recognise as unacceptable, suffering in silence until something nally breaks them.

zz Finally, of course, there is the overattached parent, the one who

will not let their child go or accept them growing into a separate life. Children in those circumstances face rst the repression of trying to conne themselves, and then the guilt of breaking out. What all of these scenarios have in common is isolation. Dr. Mate reports that in a decade of palliative care work, he never heard any patient with cancer or another chronic illness say yes when he asked them if they had had someone to talk to as a child when they had been upset, even when that person caused the upset. Many parents are either too busy or too threatened by the anger and sadness in their children to deal with it. My parents needed me to be happy is the common refrain. Why do we attach so much importance to childhood experience? What many people think of as their personality is not their personality at all, but a complex of coping mechanisms learned in childhood. These are the patterns by which we process emotion and stress for the rest of our lives, unless we consciously decide to change.

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zz One of the most common questions is how to tell if you might have
cancer, because while a few people might develop a visible or palpable tumour in time to do something about it, that is often not the rst symptom for many cancers.

zz The classic warning signs of cancer are somewhat unhelpful in that

most of them can also signal other things.

zz First obviously is a lump that either doesnt go away or grows rapidlyokay, that ones pretty obvious that you should have it looked at.

zz Other signs include:

XX unusual bleeding or discharge, XX sores that dont go away or heal in two weeks, XX obvious changes in bladder or bowel function, XX persistent cough or hoarseness of voice, XX persistent indigestion or difculty swallowing XX Changes in a wart or mole

zz You see how some of these are less than helpful, if you can imagine
getting checked out every time you have persistent cough or hoarseness.

zz Youll notice that pain is not an usual warning sign of cancer in its early

zz As you know and can guess from this list of early symptoms, early
detection of cancer is far from reliable. That said, the very best course of treatment is prophylactic, making sure that you do the things that will make your body and immune system the least hospitable environment possible for cancer.

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zz You can probably guess the general course of diagnosis, blood tests,
x-rays, MRI and CT scans, ultrasound etc. that can be used to determine if you have cancer. If a tumour is found, it will be biopsied, a piece of tissue removed to determine whether the cells are malignant or benign.

zz Remember, however, that there is some evidence that the biopsy

procedure itself may contribute inadvertently to the spread of the cancer. Whats the alternative?

zz All of this is very expensive,

whether its expensive for you, Its never too early your insurance, your government, to begin prudential depending on where you live, measures to avoid cancer. but the point of all this testing is that any course of treatment in Western medicine is likely going to be even more expensive and will likely take a signicant toll on your health, and its thus important to know exactly what youre dealing with.

zz This good thing about the approaches we will be discussing in this

series is that they are not particularly expensive and do not require you to tear down the house to repair the kitchen- you dont have to sacrice your immune system to improve your chances of avoiding or ghting cancer with the methods that we will lay out.

zz Its never too early to begin prudential measures to avoid cancer, or

to begin laying the groundwork for your recovery if you think there is something wrong with your health, and the sooner the better.

zz Denial of persistent symptoms is one of the worst possible obstacles to
successful treatment, which often hinges on an early diagnosis. This goes for alternative medicine just as much as for conventional medicine, but for different reasons. The more time you have to transform your bodymind organism, the better.
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zz There are two basic reasons for denial, or rather two different kinds of
denial personalities:
XX The rst is the tough guy (or girl), the stoic personality for whom pain, illness and asking for help in general are signs of weakness. Many of these are athletes, soldiers, or businesspeople. Many have had prolonged experience of jobs or life situations where others depended on them to be strong. Many have also been taught by their families from an early age to be tough-minded, not to show weakness, to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, as it were. XX The second type of denial comes from a feeling of vulnerability, of being unable to face the prospect of chronic and possibly terminal illness. XX Both of these are manifestations of harmful emotional states, and the tough guy attitude in particular is a direct manifestation of one of the personality types we talked about that is prone to cancer.

Attitudes Toward Cancer

There are also attitudes toward a cancer diagnosis that manifest harmful emotional dynamics and which lessen the chances of successful treatment:

zz First, there is a continuation of the tough guy attitude. As weve said,

this approach to life is basically grounded in denial and putting aside emotions and pain that need to be dealt with. Failure to deal with them, and failing to admit the extent of the problem, will only stand in the way of resolving the disease.

zz Second, there are the approaches that come from resignation and
victimhood. Maybe its my time, look at the statistics, its Gods will, its karma, etcetera. Well, in a certain sense it is karma, but its your thoughts and actions in this life that have manifested it for you. Thats not a sign that you should go on suffering, but that you should change your life. One thing that needs to be made very clear is that its not Gods will, its your will, or the will of the society that created the environment and the conditions that lead to cancer, but it is certainly not Gods will. We got ourselves into this cancer epidemic, and we will get ourselves out, one person at a time.
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zz Weve mentioned that we have a tendency to treat doctors a little too
much like God, and this extends not only to treatment, but to prognosis as well.

zz The divine pronouncement of a bad prognosis reinforces feelings of

resignation, grief, denial, and victimhood in general.

zz The worse the prognosis, the sharper the wake-up call, and the more
radically you have to become proactive in changing your own life.

Diagnosis Can Mean Different Things

zz There are some cancers that are never
diagnosed and which never cause problems, because the immune system has stopped them at a certain point. Likewise, the presence of cancerous cells can mean different things for different cancers.

The presence of cancerous cells can mean different things for different cancers.

zz Prostate cancer is a good example. By age 50, a man has a 42%

chance of developing prostate cancer. Yet only a minority of these cancers will ever progress to the point of an aggressive, malignant tumour that causes severe or life-threatening symptoms.

So, what are the types of cancer, and what do they mean?

zz At the most basic level, we know that cells can grow out of control,
and they tend to do so in groups in particular areas and form masses or tumours.

zz Not all tumours are cancerous. There are growths that are quite happy
to keep to themselves, and may eventually go away. These are benign tumours. They should be taken as a warning sign to address everything

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The Cancer Files 30 that weve just talked about in terms of causes, but a tumour is only cancerous when it starts invading other areas and stops being selfcontained- in other words, it becomes malignant.

zz One veterinarian wrote about a case where he was called in to look

at a cow that had a big round growth on its buttocks, about the size of a large plum. So he looked at it and probed the edges, and it just fell off and rolled into the sleeve of his jacket. The edges of the skin where it had been came together, and the cow was perfectly ne. This just illustrates that the body can sometimes pull these party tricks with benign tumours and resolve them on its own.

zz Three families of cancerous cells:

XX Carcinomas, which begin in the tissue lining various organs, the lungs and respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the breasts, prostate, thyroid and so on; XX Sarcomas arise from the muscles, bones and connective tissues XX Leukemias develop in the tissues of the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes, while Lymphomas develop specically in the lymphatic or immune system cells.

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Conventional Therapies
zz Chemotherapy is the most popular form of cancer treatment. zz It uses what are often toxic chemicals to combat cancer. zz One popular class of chemotherapy drugs, called nitrogen mustards,
are close relatives of the mustard gas used in World War I.

zz Side effects of chemo include, depending

on the drug, nausea, vomiting, blood problems, loss of appetite, loss of hair, loss of hearing, heart damage, lung damage, nerve damage, kidney damage and seizures.

Only 2% to 3% of cancer patients are saved by chemotherapy.

zz Some chemo drugs are proven carcinogens- notably Cytoxan. So yes,

one of the side effects of this cancer treatment is cancer.

zz Chemotherapy not only kills healthy cells throughout the body, it is

often indiscriminate about which rapidly-dividing cells it kills, whether cancer or the bone marrow cells that divide to produce blood cells.

zz Studies have found that in at least 27% of cases, cancer patients on

chemotherapy died earlier than they otherwise would have because of their treatment.

zz Chemotherapy overall has a 5-year survival success rate of just over 2%

for all cancers, according to the journal Clinical Oncology.

zz Like radiation, chemotherapy has mainly been successful with a few

particular cancers- acute lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkins disease, Burkitts lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, lymphosarcoma, Wilms tumour and Ewings sarcoma.

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zz The most common forms of cancer either dont react at all to

chemotherapy, or react with only a temporary tumour shrinkage. Life expectancy is extended in one out of three cases, and only 2-3 percent of cancer patients are saved by chemotherapy.

zz Negative consequences of chemotherapy can last a decade or more

after the fact. A UCLA study on one persistent side effect, mental confusion and memory loss, showed that the brains of chemotherapy recipients experienced lasting changes to the structure and blood ow of the brain even ten years after their chemotherapy.

zz Given the devastating consequences to the immune system and the

entire body, you want to be careful to make sure that there is scientic literature to prove the effectiveness of a particular chemo protocol on the particular cancer.

zz If youre wondering why this noxious approach to cancer treatment is

considered the standard approach, the fact is that big pharmaceutical companies who fund, research and produce chemo stand to prot from it, billions of dollars every year. This is an industry, and it takes great pains to make sure that those prots do not escape to, say, independent researchers who come up with better approaches. This will become clear when we talk about other therapies Western medicine has come up with- and then marginalised.

zz The most difcult thing about chemotherapy is that, like radiation, it

destroys the immune system. In that regard, this approach to ghting cancer is diametrically opposed to the objective of alternative therapies, which is to strengthen the immune system.

zz Another thing to watch out for is that there are harmful interactions
between chemotherapy and herbal and other natural therapies. It is imperative to consult knowledgeable sources and seek experienced advice before combining the two.

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zz One book that talks about using alternative medicine to compliment

conventional therapies is The Denitive Guide to Cancer by Lise Alschuler and Karolyn Gazella. While we do not agree with their approach to alternative medicine, this book does contain a lot of useful information about the nuts and bolts of combining conventional and alternative therapies.

zz It is important to note that some chemotherapy drugs are derived

from herbal sources traditionally used for cancer treatment. They are synthesised to concentrate the active chemicals involved. While some of these therapies may be safer and more effective than non-naturally derived therapies, the processing and dosage may result in similar immune disruption.

zz Surgery is primarily effective in the early
stages of cancer.

zz The earlier the diagnosis, the more likely

that tumours are still localised and not spreading to other organs.

Surgery is primarily effective in the early stages of cancer.

zz Cancers of the skin, breast, stomach, bowel and uterus, for example,
can often be completely cured by surgery if detected early enough.

zz The tumour and some of the surrounding healthy tissue is removed.

The surrounding tissue of the organ is examined by a pathologist to determine that it is free of malignant cells. Nearby lymph nodes may also be biopsied.

zz When it can be done relatively safely, surgery is the best tool in the bag
of Western medicine to combat cancer.

zz Success is never guaranteed before they open you up.

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zz Radiation therapy, which typically uses targeted X-rays and gamma
rays to destroy cancerous tumours, can be successful in treating certain cancers, such as:
XX Early Hodgkins disease XX Lymphosarcoma XX Inoperable local prostate cancer XX Localised tumours of the head, neck, larynx or cervix XX Testicular cancer XX Childhood leukemia

zz However, more than half of all cancer patients in the US receive

radiation therapy, and not just for these cancers.

zz Radiation is not a cure for most cancers and rarely extends life
expectancy for cancers not on this list.

zz People who have had radiation are more likely to have their cancer
metastasise, spread throughout the body.

zz Repeated studies have shown correlation between x-rays and other

ionising radiation and cancer. In other words, radiation therapy is attempting to use a cause of cancer to cure cancer.

zz It is very important if a doctor recommends radiation to nd the scientic

literature supporting its effectiveness in treating the particular cancer. If it is not known to be effective, the harm will almost certainly outweigh the good.

zz The real danger of radiotherapy is that of overexposure, whether

accidental or cumulative. Radiation machines depend on software to deliver correct dosages to the patient, and sometimes they are programmed incorrectly. In 2005, a Florida hospital disclosed that 77 brain cancer patients had received 50 percent more radiation than prescribed because a powerful linear accelerator had been programmed incorrectly for nearly a year.
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zz As we have previously discussed, there is no such thing as a safe dose

of x-rays. Medical radiation has been convincingly linked to cancer mortality.

zz To wrap up our segment on conventional Western medical treatments,
the news is depressing. At best, the evidence is that some of them work, some of the time, while exacting potentially high tolls on your health.

zz One statistical survey by Dr. Otis Brawley, published in the journal Cancer,
suggests that in areas where screening for prostate cancer is widely practiced, the number of men being treated goes up, but the death rate from the disease remains unchanged. If anything, death rates increased slightly, as did the susceptibility of the men being treated to other cancers. On top of this, there is no way to know if a treatment regime for prostate cancer has been successful, since in many cases men can live with it for years untreated and die of something else, and the really malignant prostate cancers tend to kill very quickly. It may seem incredible that the medical community is sticking to a treatment regime that appears to be largely ineffective, but that is exactly what is happening.

zz In light of this study and many others like it, the many stories from
cancer patients of doctors who ignored documented health risks of a course of diagnosis or treatment, or who continued chemotherapy or radiation treatments well beyond safe limits, seem less odd. There is an industrial complex behind cancer, and its shape is easy to see when you realise how many prominent members of the American Cancer Society and similar organisations have also worked for large pharmaceutical companies.

zz The paramount message here is that you need to take control of and
be responsible for your own health, rather than leaving it to the doctors.

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Food is Medicine
zz The most direct way of resetting your internal environment to promote
health and diminish cancer is through the food you eat.

zz If youve seen recent articles on my blog, youre familiar with the dietary
changes that should accompany any kind of poor health. For cancer, the diet is similar, but even more rigorous. Quite simply, the purpose of this diet is to get everything working so well that there is no room for illness.

Creating an Alkaline Environment

zz In general, the human body is designed to function in a more alkaline
state than most of us are in today. Alkalising the system makes it easier for the immune system to function and creates a less hospitable environment for disease in general. In order to function properly, blood The human body is plasma should remain slightly alkaline designed to function in at a pH of 7.35-7.45. Fluctuations in a much more alkaline blood acidity immediately affect state than most of us all bodily functions, especially the heart and circulatory system and are in today. cellular mitochondria.

zz Alkalising the system as a defence against tumours has been a

favourite approach of alternative medicine. Recent studies, however, point out that cancer cells, like the rest of the system, thrive in alkaline environments, which mitigate the toxic lactic-acid soup which they create, due to their inefcient metabolic function. So no, alkalising the system wont destroy tumours in and of itself, but bringing your system up to a normal pH balance will support your immune system.

zz To alkalise the system means eating alkalising foods. This does not refer
to the pH balance of the foods, but their ultimate effect on your system. Fresh fruits and vegetables, teas and some spices including garlic are a good start.
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zz Antioxidants are natures counterbalance to free radicals. Your body
produces some antioxidants, but to deal with the articial sources of free radicals weve added to our environment, it needs help. Vitamins C and E, Beta Carotine, D3 and B complex, as well as certain amino acids either act as antioxidants or stimulate antioxidant production. The herbs ginko and ginseng and the spice turmeric likewise have antioxidant effects, and certain fruits, such as wild blueberries, are high in antioxidant content. Increasing your vegetable intake also helps.

zz Has been billed as a health food for cancer zz Asian soy-rich diet often correlated with low cancer rates zz Soy has been correlated with broid tumors zz The only safe forms of soy are fermented forms such as tempeh. Tofu is
not a fermented soy product.

zz Fermentation breaks down many of the unhealthy components of soy,

but does not remove phytoestrogens, so eating large quantities is not recommended.

Eliminate Animal Products

zz One of the rst things you should do is reduce your intake of animal
products, especially dairy products and any meat that is not organic, free range and hormone and antibiotic free. This ends your intake of a number of substances in packaged and non-organic meat that promote cancer, reduces the amount of effort your body needs to digest food and limits the supply of protein available to a tumour.

zz According to research by Dr. Ron Rosedale, high protein consumption

activates a chemical pathway in your body called the mTOR pathway that increases your susceptibility to cancer. Reducing your protein intake to no more than a gram per pound of lean body mass will help your body to avoid this trap.
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Eliminate Crap (a technical term for junk food)

zz Sugar, salt, processed foods, anything with trans fats and anything with
corn syrup you should immediately eliminate. You cannot strengthen your immune system unless you do this.

Eliminate Gluten and Reduce Carbohydrates

zz Okay, this one may be just on general principle, but the fact is that if your
body is dealing with even a low-level gluten allergy (as most people are) and its accompanying digestive and immune imbalances, you arent helping your body. Reducing your insulin levels by limiting your grain consumption is also something your immune system will thank you for.

zz Another element of your health that

you absolutely must attend to is You cannot strengthen your blood sugar. If you are eating your immune system too many sugars, and most of us do, unless you eliminate junk your body will become increasingly food from your diet. resistant to insulin, which means it will produce more insulin and crave more sugars. According to Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Harvard Medical School, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are driven by either mutations or environmental factors that work to enhance or mimic the effect of insulin on the incipient tumor cells. In other words, getting your insulin in balance is key to ghting cancer.

Burn Fat
zz So, weve reduced protein and carbs, so what should your body be
burning? Ironically, high-quality dietary fat from sources such as avocados, butter, coconut oil, olives, olive oil, nuts and eggs. This will not only help you to cut down on body fat once your metabolism is switched over, it will reduce your hunger.

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Eat Raw Vegetables

zz Vegetables are effective in alkalising the system and provide a good
supply of antioxidants to the system. Carrots, cruciferous vegetables and leafy green vegetables all have properties that have been identied as useful in ghting cancer.

zz Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliower and cabbage,

have been shown to ght certain forms of cancer. The compound isothiocyanate in these vegetables can activate certain cancerghting genes and turn off others that promote cancer. It can also lead to apoptosis in cancer cells.

zz Capsaicin, the compound found in chili peppers that gives them their
spicy taste, has also been shown to assist in triggering apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells.

zz Studies have shown that watercress may have a prophylactic effect

against lung cancer, and a study at the University of Southampton has shown that it may slow the growth of breast cancer. In both cases, the action is due to an anti-angiogenic compound- it inhibits the growth of blood vessels feeding the tumours.

Balance Omega-3/ Omega-6 Intake

zz Your body needs a certain amount of dietary fat. Unfortunately,
modern diets tend to be weighted toward Omega 6 fatty acids rather than Omega 3, while our bodies are designed for the opposite.

zz Omega 3 deciency has been linked to cancer, and studies have

shown that use of Omega 3 supplements can reduce risk of breast cancer by 32%. Omega 3 reduces cancer cell growth and stimulates tumour suppressor genes.

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Herbs and Spices

zz A large number of herbs and spices have historically been used to ght
cancer, and it is a good idea to nd a qualied practitioner to assist in herbal therapy.

zz The herbs you dont have to wait for are the ones in your cupboardturmeric and green tea. Studies at the University of Texas have linked turmeric, and specically the compound curcumin which it contains, with potent cancer-ghting abilities. Curcumin not only seems to differentiate between healthy and diseased cells, it heals by changing the epigenetic tags of the DNA within the cancer cells, thus going right to the heart of the problem. It Studies at the University can both promote healthy cellular of Texas have linked activity and destroy cancerous turmeric with potent cells. It also inhibits the growth of cancer-ghting abilities. tumours and the multiplication of cancer cells. To top it off, turmeric has been used by Ayurvedic medicine specically for its ability to promote the health and drainage of the lymphatic system, which is both the mechanism that eliminates toxins which promote cancer and one of the means by which cancer spreads, so by using turmeric and turmeric concentrates, you get on top of a large number of problems.

zz Turmeric has so many different health benets due to its ability to affect
the bodys signalling molecules that it affects many different diseases, including, heart, lung, neurological and autoimmune disorders.

zz Green tea has been shown to have a large number of positive health
effects on conditions ranging from diabetes to glaucoma. According to a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, it contains a powerful antioxidant that induces apoptosis in cancer cells. Studies have also shown that green tea may protect against oral cancers and that three cups a day substantially reduce the risk of breast cancer. A compound in green tea may also reduce the growth of prostate cancer.

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zz Other herbs and spices shown to be effective against various kinds of

cancer include ginko, Tang kuei (Angelica sinensis), a Chinese blood tonic, and black kohosh. Garlic, Scallions, leeks and chives are high in avinols, which have been shown to have tumour-ghting effects. Research from China suggests that eating garlic can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The Madacascar periwinkle is a source for three agents used in chemotherapy for breast cancer and leukemia. There are a number of berries, such as the lowbush blueberry, which can contribute high levels of exotic antioxidants. However, it is safe to say that no herb in isolation is a magic bullet, but rather, an individuallydesigned herbal therapy combined with dietary and lifestyle changes are needed to be effective in strengthening the immune system.

zz A properly-constructed herbal therapy is fundamentally different in

approach than pharmaceutical treatments. Rather than treating diseases as something to be attacked and defeated chemically, traditional herbal systems like TCM and Ayurveda aim to support health and address the imbalances in the body-mind organism that are at the root of disease. Herbal treatments are calibrated for their effect on the energy system rather than their chemical constituents. Hippocrates said that food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food. A great deal about us and our physical and energetic health can be addressed this way.

Fasting and Juicing

zz As well say later when we discuss detoxication, two of the best things
you can do are to fast totally and to adopt a vegetable-juice based diet for periods of at least a week.

zz Fasting is natures response to illness. Sick animals stop eating. This

naturally gives your body a chance to purge the toxins it has built up, particularly in the digestive tract. If you feel like crap when you start, thats because you have a lot of toxins accumulated that you need to get rid of.

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zz Juicing is a great way to saturate the body with the raw-vegetable

nutrients that it needs, and spending time living primarily on juices made from raw vegetables helps to replenish the system. No, we do not mean store-bought juice. There is plenty of information around on the subject of juicing, and you should nd a guidebook that includes information on juice-based fasting. Juicing is also a great way to get all the vegetables you otherwise have trouble tting into your diet.

zz Once again, it is worth reiterating that combining alternative medicines
and conventional drugs can lead to dangerous side effects. This is why it is important to do your research- you can start with the sources on our reading listCombining alternative to make sure that you arent medicines and conventional putting yourself in danger, drugs can lead to dangerous and to stand up for yourself side effects. against drug therapies that do not have any proven record of success.

zz Selenium deciency has been linked to a wide range of health
conditions from cancer to heart disease to dementia. Most of us should be getting about 55mcg of this antioxidant a day, whether from foods or supplements, while for those with cancer, 200mcg per day is a safe dose that encourages apoptosis and inhibits neoplastic proliferation.

Vitamin D
zz Vitamin D is a steroid hormone and one of the most potent ways to ght
cancer. It has been introduced directly into cancer cells and been shown to destroy them in short order.

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zz Most of us are Vitamin D decient, and epidemiological studies have

consistently linked low Vitamin D levels with cancer. Vitamin D deciency leads to a loss of communication between cells, which inhibits normal processes which regulate growth and trigger cell death.

zz Vitamin D can enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis, reduce the
spread and reproduction of cancer cells, promote cell differentiation (cancer cells are often undifferentiated) and reduce vascularisation which could feed new tumours.

zz Sun exposure is the preferred method of getting Vitamin D, but short of

that, around 5000 units per day is recommended for adults.

zz Caveat: do not take cod liver oil as a Vitamin D source, as it also

contains Vitamin A. Vitamin A reduces the effectiveness of Vitamin D signicantly.

Note on Supplements
With all the possible supplements we talk about, you must do your research to nd out which brands contain live specimens of the food or vitamin with the molecules your body needs intact, and which are simply dead powders. Little differences in processing can make 100% difference in the impact of the supplement.

zz Exercise is a crucial part of immune-boosting, and to get all the benets,
you need to do not only aerobic exercise, but also stretching, strength training and endurance. Short, intense bursts of exercise stimulate the production of human growth hormone, which in turn boosts the immune system.

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zz If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get all of these aspects in a
concentrated form, I recommend a program called TACFIT, developed by Scott Sonon for law enforcement and special forces training. All you need to get started is a mat, a pair of 10-20 lb. weights, twenty free minutes a day and access to the Mass Assault video series. The routines are deceptively simple and quick, but as long as you pay attention to the advice on body mechanics, you will nd them to have amazingly high impact. TACFIT is designed to change the anabolic state of the body, creating the conditions for muscle growth, something that very few tness programs do up front. That feeling of muscular energy is the manifestation of a physiological change that translates into much higher benet from any form of exercise you do. For a very small time investment, you get an immediate and noticeable result that will motivate you to keep going.

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Energy and Belief

The Power of the Mind
zz Consider just one medical phenomenon: the placebo effect. In studies,
fty-ve percent of people obtain the same pain relief from placebos as from narcotic drugs. The mind is enabled to activate a biological process that eases pain. And yet very little research has been done into the nature of this phenomenon.

zz Why those 55 percent?

What is different about them and their

circumstances that lets them ease their own pain?

zz If the mind can control this, how much else can it control? zz It is believed that 1/3 of all healings can be attributed to this mechanism
rather than medical intervention. And yet, the medical community is happy to ignore this effect, to refrain from studying it or any links between the mind and the bodys innate healing capacity.

What Do We Mean By Energy?

zz If youve seen the movie The Empire Strikes Back, you might remember
that Yoda says to Luke, Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

zz The truth is that the crude matter is not crude at all. We are all energy
that just happens to be moving differently than the energy around us. All particles vibrate on a specic frequency. All particles communicate with other particles. We, the environments we live in, the food we eat, the people we know, are all basically energy that happens to perceive itself as matter and happens to organise itself through chemical means.

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The Energy System:

zz For over a century, biology has said that the body moves itself and
regulates itself through nerve impulses and chemical reactions.

zz However, we can measure the speed of nerve impulses, and we know

that they are far too slow to explain certain movements that humans are capable of. Figure skaters, martial artists, even skilled typists all move too fast for the movement to be explained by nerve impulses.

zz More than that, we know that the brain can

set up coherent patterns in different parts of itself, patterns that are clearly part of the same process, much faster than the physical ability of the brain cells to communicate with those different areas of the brain.

We are electromagnetic beings.

zz We are electromagnetic beings. Thanks to the research of people

like Gary Schwartz, Fritz Popp and many others, we know that human electromagnetism is expressed on many different levels. Russian scientists Kirlian and Korotkov developed technology to photograph the so-called aura, the bioelectric elds surrounding the human body, technology widely used in Russia for diagnostic purposes. Schwartz, amusingly, began his interest in the eld when he discovered at the age of seven that he could substitute his own body for the rabbit-ears on his television set and achieve perfect picture.

zz Tests of energy healers, for example, have revealed that healing is

accompanied by much higher than normal electrostatic and magnetic elds emanating from the healer. The implication is that humans can be trained to use their intention to manipulate electromagnetic elds. But that is not all. Healers also register higher than normal emission of photons- light.

zz I say normal because all living things do emit light. Fritz Popp was able
to put a plant in a darkened space in front of the right camera, and get a perfect image of the plant in its own light. A similar procedure carried out on the hands of a healer showed coherent streams of
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The Cancer Files 47 light emanating from them. Popp has been able to show that DNA is the control mechanism for the frequencies at which this light is emitted. What makes light from living organisms extraordinary is its counterintuitive tendency toward coherent oscillation. Ordinary light is not coherent. It interferes with itself and thus is limited in the distance it seems to travel. Coherent light, like that produced by a laser, travels much farther. In a phenomenon dubbed superradiance, the light emitted by a living thing acts like a single frequency.

zz German biophysicist Herbert Frohlich created a model showing that

complex dynamic systems, like living organisms, tend to organise energy coherently. Subatomic particles which have become coherent become electromagnetically linked and resonate together rather than separately. Living energy is the highest form of coherence discovered in nature. Coherence of this kind was postulated in matter by Einstein, and may be a key to superuid and superconductive materials- matter that, respectively, ows and allows electricity to ow through without losing energy.

zz So, we are beings of light and our intention is expressed as light. We are
transmitting information, but are we receiving?

zz Cleve Backster was a leading expert in lie detection. In a moment of

bored experimentation, he hooked a lie detector up to a plant, with the idea that by measuring electrical conduction at different points he could measure the rate at which it absorbed water. And then, prompted by a misinterpretation of his own readings, he thought he had registered a human-like emotional response from the plant. He then threatened the plant with a match. This reading was not a mistake. The moment the thought entered his head, the needle jumped. Backster would spend decades designing controlled experiments through which he managed to show that plants are both receivers and re-transmitters of feeling and intention. And not only plants- mould and even yogurt bacteria react to human emotional states. Once two organisms become attuned to one another, it doesnt matter how far away they are; they will react to the emotional state of the other.

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zz So, plants do receive. What about animals? Fritz Popp discovered that
eas transmit, receive, and retransmit light to each other, as though providing updates. But it was Korotkov who used his equipment to monitor the reaction of humans to intention transmitted by other humans. The light discharge of the recipient of the intention changed markedly according to the emotion being broadcast.

You and Your DNA are an interactive system

zz We are all pretty much used to the idea that our DNA contains a
program which creates the proteins that in turn create us. DNA contains the details of how we work, our susceptibility to different diseases and disorders. Science used to tell us that our DNA was our destiny, that our genetic self was set in stone.

zz Today, we know that this isnt true. We know, for example, that certain
cancers appear to be passed down genetically. But research has also shown that adopted children exhibit the same predisposition The genome is more like toward cancer and other a set of building blocks diseases as their adopted family. than a complete blueprint. A new branch of science called epigenetics explores how genes are expressed.

zz Identical twins with identical DNA, for example, will start life with the
same set of epigenetic predispositions that govern how their DNA is expressed. As they go through life and their experiences start to diverge, those epigenetic tags start to differentiate, to the point where the twins may end up looking very different, experiencing different health challenges etc.

zz There are at least 30,000 different combinations of ways in which any

genetic code can be expressed, depending on the epigenetic tags. Thus, the genome is more like a set of building blocks than a complete blueprint. The way in which the blocks are put together determines the outcome.
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zz So how does the body know which pieces of information to express? zz Morphogenetic elds, the elds of energy that surround every organism,
are believed to be the organising principle for the growth of an organism. Without these elds, there is simply no scientic explanation for the coherence of growth patterns throughout the body.

So How Does the System Work?

zz So, we know that there are electromagnetic elds surrounding the
body, and that all living cells emit low-level coherent light.

zz Each organ and cell emits its own eld within the eld, and of these, the
heart eld is by far the most powerful, inuencing all of the other elds. The heart eld also changes measurably depending on emotion, sharing a different kind of information with the rest of the body. The pattern becomes more coherent with positive emotion, and less coherent with negative emotion.

zz The heart thinks: Studies have shown that the heart responds faster
than the brain to outside stimulation. Not only that, but it can react in a way that predicts a future event. In one study, participants were monitored as they sat in front of a computer. The computer would, after a delay of several seconds, select an emotionally-stimulating picture from a database and show it to them. The reaction of the heart to the picture preceded the selection of the picture and corresponded to the emotional stimulus.

zz Within the heart, there are many neural cells, and specialists now believe
that these cells act to imprint the hearts substantial electromagnetic charge with the information needed to regulate the cells of the body.

zz But on the other hand, it isnt that simple. Once information is in this
eld, it can not only communicate throughout the body, but it can be retrieved by the body at any time. Some experiments even suggest that highly complex information, such as language and memory, exist more in the eld than they do in any particular part of the brain.

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What Can We Do About It?

zz First, you can provide yourself with some means of directly addressing
blockages in your energy system. Energy blockages, often associated with emotions which the body is storing or particular traumatic events, tend to correspond with the locations of cancers. Restoring proper energy circulation is essential.

zz A number of systems, including notably Thought Field Therapy (TFT), the

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Morter Health System (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique or BEST) and Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR) have been developed to address these blockages directly and much more quickly than any conventional psychotherapy.

zz Of course, there are also a number

of traditional systems of energy Provide yourself with work, of which acupuncture is some means of directly perhaps the best known. Another addressing blockages in system I recommend is Qigong, which operates on the principle of your energy system. giving your energy system exercise in the same way you give your body exercise. The used hinge does not rust, as the Chinese say, and strengthening your energy system directly in this way is one of the best things you can do for your health.

zz Case histories of recovered cancer patients are frequently reported in

qigong magazines. The use of qigong to treat cancer was popularised by Guo Lin (1906-1984), a Chinese painter who was aficted with uterine cancer with metastasis to the bladder. After doctors told her she had six months to live, she turned to qigong manuals left to her by her grandfather, a Taoist priest. She practiced qigong two hours every day, and in six months, the cancer had abated. Convinced that chi gong was responsible for her recovery Guo began giving lessons in what she called New Chi Gong Therapy. By 1977, cancer patients from all over China were pouring into Beijing to take part in her chi gong therapy

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The Cancer Files 51 classes. Guo Lin reportedly helped hundreds of cancer sufferers attain remissions while prolonging the lives and easing the pain of thousands more. Qigong energizes the bodys vital forces, balances yin and yang, strengthens blood circulation, and improves the patients emotional and mental states while increasing their willpower. Thus, it acts on all levels of the problem- physical, psychological and energetic.

zz Acupunture, another Chinese approach to energy work, is also claimed

to be effective in treating certain cancers such as leukemia, and has exhibited a wide range of actions in boosting immunity, including increasing the number of white blood cells and increasing the amount of B-cells, which manufacture antibodies, chemicals that help destroy foreign invaders in the body.

zz Finally, there is now experimental data to support several direct energy

healing methods for cancer. Energy healers who have proven able to deal with cancer spring from diverse traditions and backgrounds. Some Qigong practitioners have developed abilities to reduce cancer by projecting qi. Studies have consistently shown that successful energy healers emit a variety of energetic effects, including massively increased emission of coherent biophotons and magnetic eld effects. Although many energy healers touch their patients, the effect translates across vast distances. Most of the methods successful with cancer involve certain common denominators- an intention for the cancer cells to return to their natural state and visualisation of a specic end result. The most powerful energy healers are those who can completely identify with the person they are healing and who invoke universal love.

zz For more information on energy healing, I strongly suggest reading

The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart, which pulls together decades of research into a highly readable package.

zz Cancer patients almost always have someone praying for them, and
it is important to emphasise that the only difference between a prayer that is ineffective and a prayer that is effective and healing is in the way that prayer is offered. Intention and rm belief in the result are emphasised as the keys to successful prayer in Christian scripture 2013 Global Resilience Solutions

The Cancer Files 52 Christ says very clearly, Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Without this, without the total identication with the other, without the ability to move oneself aside and let universal love enter, without the conviction that healing and not sickness is Gods will, without discarding fatalism altogether, prayer can yield no positive result.

zz It can, however, yield negative results. Studies have shown that when
family and friends of recovering alcoholics pray for them, they tend to do worse than those being prayed for by strangers. Cancer, which is subject as we have seen to very similar emotional dynamics, is probably no different. The family and friends may simply be reinforcing the baggage that brought on the condition in the rst place. Healing, then, is a collective affair.

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Inner Life
zz Weve already talked about the effect of prolonged negative emotions,
like anger or frustration, on our biological systems and the chemical processes that it sets in motion. But by transforming that negative emotion into a positive one, rapid and palpable physiological and chemical changes take place, on the order of 1400 distinct reactions. The more love, forgiveness, appreciation, joy you feel, the healthier you will be.

zz A note on positive and negative: When we think about emotions, its

important to recognise that it is not in many cases the emotion itself but our experience of it that makes it positive or negative. Many if not most practitioners in this eld would agree that love is by far the most positive and healthful emotion, and yet we are capable of expressing love in unbalanced ways. Anger is not a helpful emotion if it is prolonged, but remember that we said that many of the emotional problems of cancer sufferers come from suppressing anger and frustration. It is often When we think about healthier to express it when it emotions, its important to serves a purpose and then let recognise that it is not in it go than not to express it at many cases the emotion all so that it stays there in the itself but our experience of background. Its all about it that makes it positive or balancing. The emotions we negative. tend to call negative often express something quite legitimate, but they should not become our median state.

zz Your energy system is profoundly affected by intention and belief, yours

and those of the people around you. You may not realise the extent to which you may subconsciously be sending yourself intentions that end up causing cancer. One osteopathic practitioner subconsciously
2013 Global Resilience Solutions

The Cancer Files 54 was terried of having children due to her childhood experiences, and ended up creating a tumour that led to infertility. This is a more obvious example, but a lot of cancers come down to self-sabotage, which may require a lot of inner work to identify.

zz One thing that many cancer patients dont consider or ignore is that
there may be something in their life, their emotional makeup, their relationships, that they desperately need to change. Temporary stress relief people understand, but what they often dont understand is that they may need to make an opportunity to get themselves all the way out of the world that they have constructed for themselves, whether in terms of emotional baggage, relationships, obligation, job, climate. Some people do have to entirely reinvent themselves in order to recover.

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zz Detoxication is important for a number of reasons, some of which you
can guess from our previous discussion.

zz First, of course, there may be carcinogenic substances still in your body

that it needs to get rid of, and there may be other substances that are compromising your immune system, articial hormones, other food additives etc.

zz This is where detoxication comes in. Most detox procedures can be

undertaken easily on your own, as long as you have the right information and the right guidance.

zz The baseline detox procedures we recommend are easily available

online from Blessed Herbs (see the Recommended Online Resources section at the end of this book for their website URL).

zz The rst and most fundamental detox to undertake for almost everyone
is the colon cleanse. After years or decades of a diet consisting of too little ber, too much rened food, unwise food combining, not to mention too little exercise, your colon will have failed to excrete all the waste material youve been putting through it. Residual waste lines the colon and turns into a thick, blackish rubbery substance that is quite unlike normal excrement. It is usually referred to as intestinal plaque.

zz The existence of this substance in your lower digestive tract and many
people have well in excess of ten pounds of it interferes with proper assimilation of nutrients and also creates toxins that leach into your blood stream, compromising your immune system.

zz There are two types of cleanses that can easily remove this plaque. The
rst is colonic hydrotherapy, which involves lling the colon with water, optimally in conjunction with fasting. This approach can be done at home with equipment costing approximately two hundred dollars or can be performed on you at specialized clinics available in most major urban centers.
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zz An easier, more convenient approach is to use an herbal based

cleanse in conjunction with some specic fasting guidelines over a period of one to two weeks. We can just about guarantee the results will ASTOUND you.

zz Following a colon cleanse, which should optimally be repeated once

or twice per year, there is the general system cleanse this is an herbalbased cleanse of your major organs, blood, skin and other tissues. This should be repeated with about the same frequency.

zz The reason for doing things in this

order is simple: if toxicity of the colon is not addressed rst, it will interfere with the effectiveness of any general system cleanse. In addition, the colon cleanse provided compelling visual evidence of the true state of your system and will transform anyone into a believer in the value of detoxication.

If toxicity of the colon is not addressed rst, it will interfere with the effectiveness of any general system cleanse.

zz In addition to these cleanses, there are also specic cleanses designed

to remove heavy metals from your body. As discussed previously, the sources of heavy metal toxicity are numerous and pervasive everything from air pollution to deodorant to dental procedures. Removal of heavy metals is accomplished by what is called chelation therapy. Chelation administers substances that bind to heavy metal molecules and escort them out of your body. Chelation can be done orally through specic supplements or given intravenously the latter being more effective.

zz Second, when we talked about the role of emotional stress in causing

cancer, what we said was that prolonged states of stress or emotional constriction cause harmful imbalances in your bodys own chemical environment, affecting hormone production and the immune system. Detoxication can help your body to release these chemicals that it has been producing and give your system a chance to reset.
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zz Third, cancers produce their own chemicals, their own hormones, and
because theyre damaged cells, functioning incorrectly, a lot of what they produce isnt good for you, so you want that out of your bodys chemical environment.

zz Fourth, if youve already been undergoing pharmaceutical treatment,

chances are your immune system is being affected by it, and you absolutely must clear out your chemical environment before attempting to rebuild your immune system.

zz When were talking about releasing not only articial substances that
you have absorbed, but the chemicals your own body is producing that may be out of balance, that may seem strange to some of you who are used to thinking about detox in a certain way. But consider that many traditional cultures around the world had avenues of detoxication that had less to do with getting rid of harmful chemicals, because they had fewer to deal with, and more to do with cleansing the body on an emotional and spiritual level, by cleansing the internal chemical environment. The sweat lodge in particular is a great example of that.

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New and Suppressed Therapies

zz A common denominator of the cancer industry is its total unwillingness
to consider any treatment that is not owned by the pharmaceutical companies and does not require their chemotherapy drugs and radiation machines. As a result, there are a number of remarkable therapies that have been suppressed.

zz Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who developed a non-toxic gene-target cancer

therapy called antineoplastons, has been harassed by the Food and Drug Administration and his ndings suppressed in order to prevent him 25% of patients were from bringing his therapy to the cancer-free following public. Unfortunately, no one in antineoplaston therapy, the cancer industry, aside from as opposed to 9% with Burzynski himself, stood to make conventional therapies. any money if his treatment were granted approval.

zz Clinical data comparing antineoplaston therapy with conventional

therapies has shown that 25% of patients were cancer-free following antineoplaston therapy, as opposed to 9 percent with conventional therapies.

zz Antineoplastons are peptides and derivatives of amino acids. Dr.

Burzynski discovered that antineoplastons work as genetic switches. They turn off the oncogenes that cause cancer, and turn on or activate tumor suppressor genes genes that ght cancer. Treatment is preceded by genetic mapping so that the specic genes can be targeted.

zz In 1950, biochemist Dr. Ernst Krebs isolated a new vitamin that he

numbered B17 and called Laetrile. He was particularly interested in its use against cancer. Vitamin B17 is found in bitter almonds and in the seeds of many fruits, and therefore cannot be patented. The
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The Cancer Files 59 pharmaceutical multinationals, unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin, launched a propaganda attack against B17, despite the fact that studies by dozens of medical doctors worldwide have been able to substantiate its effects in treating and preventing cancer.

zz New York City physician and cancer specialist Dr. Nick Gonzalez was
inspired by a dentist, Dr. William Kelly, to focus on treating cancer using a nutritional approach which included diet, supplements and detoxication. Under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Good, the president of the Sloan-Kettering foundation at Cornell Universitys teaching hospital and the father of modern immunology, Gonzalez designed a study to test his protocol which included 50 terminal cases that survived due to this therapy. Patients with rapid terminal pancreatic cancer who used his protocol properly survived an average of eight years, unheard-of results with this type of cancer. Despite this, not one journal would publish his articles or any of his case histories, and his book remained unpublished. When he was invited to conduct a further study, it was systematically sabotaged. The principle investigator on the study had helped to develop the chemo drug the protocol was being tested against, and many aspects of the study were improperly handled by the organisation.

zz Similarly, the Gerson Therapy, developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s,
used methods including organic foods, juicing, detoxication and supplements, to activate the bodys healing potential. Despite a long history of research and outstanding results with very difcult cancers, it remains in obscurity.

zz Poly-MVA, developed by Merrill Garnett, is a member of the family of

compounds known as Palladium Lipoic Lipoic Complexes. It is a dietary supplement containing a mixture of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12 and various trace minerals. The purpose of the treatment is to take advantage of a peculiarity of cancer-cell chemistry to denature the proteins within these cells. Despite an abundance of testimonials and case histories, it is casually dismissed by the American Cancer Society because it has no published studies in
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The Cancer Files 60 peer-reviewed journals- many alternative approaches, however much evidence they gather, face resistance to publication from the medical establishment. If Poly MVAs claims of zero toxicity are true, however, it automatically has a leg up on traditional chemotherapy.

zz Another new treatment approach involves coenzyme Q10, a substance

produced naturally in the body which supports cellular respiration and has antioxidant properties. It has been used as an adjunct to cancer treatment because of its immune-boosting properties, and research shows that analogues of this compound may be useful in targeting cancer directly.

zz Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine, grape skins and other fruits
and vegetables, has been used to overcome the insensitivity of cancer cells to treatment, and thus acts as an adjunct to chemotherapy. It may do the opposite in some cases, so more research is required. It has also been shown to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

zz Dichloroacetate or DCA, a synthetic drug, has been researched

by cardiologist Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. In 2007, Michelakis and his colleagues garnered a great deal of interest when they announced rats fed DCA showed rapid tumor regression without any apparent side effects. Since then, it appears to be doing the same in humans, although the research Coenzyme Q10 has is preliminary and side-effects been used as an adjunct have not been fully explored. to cancer treatment DCA is a simple, inexpensive because of its immuneand unpatentable molecule boosting properties. unlikely to attract the interest of pharmaceutical companies.

zz DCA works by suppressing the glycolysis process from which cancer

cells derive their energy. In doing so, it stimulates the mitochondria of the cell and activates apoptosis. The mitochondria are the keepers of the cells suicide mechanism, and their deactivation is the only thing stopping cancer cells from self-destructing.
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zz Human trials are in their early stages, but the truth is that side-effects
of the treatment are still unknown, and may include neurological effects and liver damage. Worryingly, DCA is derived from a known carcinogen.

zz There are a number of machines based on electromagnetic vibration

that are claimed to be able to kill cancer cells by resonating at a specic frequency disruptive to the cancer cells but harmless to normal tissue, notably the machines created by Raymond Rife, inventor of the rst microscope capable of seeing viruses, and Hulda Clarke. The theory behind such machines is potentially sound given what weve already said about the regulatory role of the bodys electromagnetic eld. Each cell also has its own elds and its own frequency spread, which can be disrupted. Scientists such as Jaques Benveniste have demonstrated and mimicked the powerful effects of electromagnetic signaling between cells. Fritz Popp was able to show that DNA is the primary inuence on the frequency emitted by the individual cell, and so it is quite conceivable that cancerous cells would be susceptible to different frequencies than normal tissue. When investigating these therapies, it is important to nd trustworthy people who back the claims being made, to seek out and verify testimonials and to make sure in advance that your body will not be harmed by the energy it will be exposed to.

zz There are a number of cancer therapies out there that deserve a

cautious reception. A good example is the Kanzius Machine, a device designed by a radio technician to use radiowaves in conjunction with metal nanoparticles injected into a tumour to heat up the metal particles and cook the tumor to death. It thus far has no evidentiary support, and yet it has been celebrated by the medical community, perhaps because they get to charge us for the nanoparticles.

zz There are also a number of treatments out there based on alternate

theories of the origin of cancer. Some are convinced that cancer is caused by cellular bacterial parasites. Others, such as Dr. Hulda Clarke, trace cancer to the migration of intestinal parasites into the liver. Raymond Rife was convinced that cancer was caused by a
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The Cancer Files 62 particular virus. We hesitate to endorse any of these theories for two reasons: rst, very few even in the alternative medicine community will corroborate their research, and second, there are so many traceable contributing causes to cancer whose activity we can demonstrate that there seems to be little room for parasite-based hypotheses. Still, we await further evidence.

zz Some cancer treatments have used simple ingredients to shrink

tumours- sodium bicarbonate and iodine. Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini claims that sodium bicarbonate is effective in destroying cancer cells because it abruptly alkalizes them, forcing in levels of oxygen that cancer cells cannot survive. At a pH of 8.5, cancer cells die, while healthy cells survive. Iodine, a common medicine in the early 20th century, can serve similar purposes in raising pH. Sodium bicarb also has the property of leaching out environmental toxins and heavy metals which concentrate in cancerous tissue. Cancers can also have secondary complications, such as fungal growth in the cancerous tissue, which are at least as toxic as the cancer itself. Sodium bicarb is an effective antifungal.

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How to Get Good Information

zz You and only you must take responsibility for your health, and to do
that, you need to know what sources of information are credible.

zz That

something in





studies does not make it trueone poll by the British Medical Journal found that one in ten scientists and doctors have witnessed a colleague falsifying a result, and as many as fty percent of studies are designed to give biased results. The

Make use of all the sources available to you, and approach everything you hear with a combination of informed skepticism and an open mind.

incentives to support the insupportable can be quite high, and the structural support given to the cancer industry by the American Food and Drug Administration in particular has been quite brazen.

zz Conversely, just because something has not been studied by modern

medicine does not mean that it does not work. Chinese medical science, for example, has thousands of years of experimentation to back it up, even though Western science has only begun to scratch the surface. The key thing is to make sure that the source is reliable and is backed by trustworthy experts.

zz A big reason why a lot of the information we have provided does not
get out is that there are legal restrictions in the US and other countries about telling people that something can cure, mitigate or prevent cancer and other diseases if it is not a patentable drug that has gone through drug approval processes. Since things like Vitamin D certainly cant t that bill, they are considered dietary supplements, and no specic claims can be made by their manufacturers or retailers.

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zz In order to navigate successfully, you have to make use of all the

sources available to you, and approach everything you hear with a combination of informed skepticism and an open mind. There is no easier way, no single stamp of authority that will guarantee you the best treatment possible. In short, you and no one else is responsible for your health.

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Preventing Breast Cancer

zz Breast cancer causes around 14% of all cancer deaths in women, and
is the leading cause of death for women aged 40-55, although more aggressive breast cancers tend to occur earlier. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Here are a few steps that deserve special emphasis in minimising your risk of this preventable disease.

zz Thermograms rather than mammograms.

Mammograms expose

you to far more radiation than a normal chest x-ray. According to cancer expert Dr. Samuel Epstein, The premenopausal breast is highly sensitive to radiation, each 1 rad exposure increasing breast cancer risk by about 1 percent, with a cumulative 10 percent increased risk for each breast over a decades screening... A 2010 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that around 4 deaths per 10,000 women were avoided because of mammography. According to a study by the Nordic Cochrane Centre, a network of physicians and scientists in northern Europe dedicated to evidentiary evaluation of medical procedures, for every 2000 women screened, one will have her life prolonged, while ten healthy women will be treated unnecessarily due to false positives. 80% of breast cancers are found through breast self-exams, and survival rates do not improve by adding an annual mammogram to physical examination. There is also a false positive rate of around 6%. Thermography is far more effective and detects cancers earlier by mapping the redirection of blood ow to cancerous cells. And of course, its radiation-free. Doppler sonography has also been used to detect vascularisation of breast tumours.

zz Vitamin D- raising your Vitamin D levels is one of the surest ways to cut
breast cancer risk, and many studies have substantiated this. A trial at Creighton University of 1,100 post-menopausal women, for example, showed that the group taking Vitamin D had a 77% lower incidence of cancer than the control group. Other studies have come up with

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The Cancer Files 66 numbers between 50 and 60 percent. According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, women with lots of long-term sun exposure had a 50% reduced risk of developing advanced breast cancer.

zz Avoid aluminum salts and parabens in deodorant, cosmetics and body

care products. These molecules are absorbed by the body through the skin, and particularly the breast tissue, and accumulate because the body is not designed to eliminate them. The parts of the breast near the armpit have been shown to accumulate particularly high levels, as you might expect, the areas where the majority of cancers occur. Parabens behave like estrogen with breast cancer cells, and studies have suggested that parabens can inhibit apoptosis and cause cellular DNA damage. In one study, parabens were found in 99% out of 160 tissue samples of cancerous breasts. Many of these women had said they did not use deodorant containing parabens, suggesting that topical application in other products was at fault. The safety of parabens has never been thoroughly studied. Aluminum, an active ingredient in antiperspirants, likewise behaves like estrogen, increasing cell proliferation. Some doctors assert that no evidence of a link between personal care products and breast cancer- that is because very few people are studying it. The data we do have, however, is more than signicant enough to take precautions.

Raising your Vitamin D levels is one of the surest ways to cut breast cancer risk.

zz Breast cancer cells are highly responsive to estrogen-like compounds,

and sources can range from plastics to food additives to pesticides and cleaning products. And of course, there are medically-added hormones, such as from Hormone Replacement Therapy. Educate yourself about how to avoid these risk factors.

zz In addition to articial estrogens, you also need to avoid phytoestrogens,

or estrogen-like compounds which occur in food. Soy products, now added to many foods, are the main culprit, although there are others.
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zz Studies also suggest that exposure to foreign estrogen-like chemicals

during pregnancy may lead to daughters having a higher epigenetic susceptibility to breast cancer.

zz Another risk substance is RBGH, or recombinant bovine growth hormone,

which is administered to around one third of cows in the United States, although it is illegal in many other jurisdictions. RBGH stimulates production of IGF-1 in cows, a hormone that has a powerful impact on cell growth and replication. When we consume contaminated dairy products, IGF-1 is absorbed into our bloodstreams. Pasteurisation and processing do not eliminate this hormone. A Harvard Nurses Health study showed that women with elevated IGF-1 levels had up to a sevenfold increase in breast cancer, while women younger than age 35 who had elevated IGF-1 had more aggressive forms of the disease. Breast cancer cells have ten times as many IGF-1 receptors as normal cells, and the hormone greatly increases the growth and aggressiveness of the cells.

zz Avoid underwire bras and tight-tting bras. Research linking breast

cancer to underwire bras is fairly extensive at this point. Tight bras inhibit lymph drainage, which cuts off your bodys means of eliminating toxins in the area. Most underwires are metal coated in plastic. All conductive metals can intercept some electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere and translate it to your body, an effect that is often used in acupuncture. Over a long period of time, this low-level exposure to electromagnetic elds can have a harmful effect. Medical anthropologists Sydney Singer and Soma Grismaijer found that women who do not wear bras have a 1 in 168 chance of developing breast cancer, while those who wore them 12 hours a day had a 1 in 7 chance.

zz Breast cancer is one of the cancers that has been observed to be

most connected to emotional problems and traumatic experience. German New Medicine, for example, holds that cancer my turn up in different parts of the breast tissue in accordance with the origin of the trauma. Relationships with parents, partners and children are often

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The Cancer Files 68 key elements, but the core problem usually has to do with emotional expression and personal fulllment. For this reason, it is important to get some means both of clearing emotional and traumatic blockages, such as EFT or BEST (there are dozens more), but also of dealing with interpersonal and family dynamics that may be toxic and nding ways to start living the life that you want to live, rather than what others want from you or what you have been taught to settle for.

zz Traditional Chinese Medicine has attributed breast cancer to

dysfunctional family and emotional life for at least 700 years.

zz It is important to note that a lot of so-called

genetic predispositions to this disease are actually epigenetic predispositions which are transmitted through the emotional life of the family.

zz Exercise is crucial, both in preventing

breast cancer and in improving prognosis with it. A review of epidemiological

Exercise is crucial, both in preventing breast cancer and in improving prognosis with it.

studies stated that active women have a 20-30% reduced risk of breast cancer compared with less active women. A study at Harvard Medical School found that breast cancer patients who exercised 3-5 hours per week had a 50% better survival rate than sedentary patients. What should that exercise consist of? The body responds very well to a combination of relatively low-impact exercise and brief, high-intensity exercise. Additionally, of course, maintaining a healthy body weight in itself cuts your risk of cancer, and since increasing abdominal fat increases estrogen levels, youre doing yourself an additional favour.

zz TCM has used breast self-massage for breast health and as a preventive
measure against breast cancer for centuries. There are also qigong exercises that can be used specically for this purpose.

zz Some research suggests that breastfeeding exclusively to 6 months

may reduce the mothers risk of breast cancer.
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zz The

nutritional strategies we have already discussed apply. Cruciferous vegetables, rich in isothiocyanates, have been shown to limit the growth of breast cancer cells. Watercress, which contains an anti-angiogenic compound, can slow the vascularisation of breast cancer, and thus its growth, according to a study at the University of Southampton. Likewise, turmeric, which contains curcumin, has a great deal of literature to support its cancerghting abilities, and it has been shown to inhibit metastasis of breast cancer cells in mice. Another herb under study, commonly prescribed for menopausal symptoms as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, is black cohosh. Studies have shown that an extract of black cohosh is able to induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells. It does have a number of interactions with conventional therapies, however, so seek expert advice before combining the two.

zz Studies in mice have also shown that two handfuls of walnuts a day
may reduce breast cancer risk by 50%, and cut the growth of existing tumours by the same amount.

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Preventing Prostate Cancer

zz Prostate cancer is a particularly difcult cancer to deal with effectively,
because it is both extremely common and so often benign. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, 27% of new cancer diagnoses in men are for prostate cancer, and 10% of cancer deaths were from prostate cancer. Rates of this cancer vary wildly throughout the world and in time, with prostate cancer rising sharply in incidence for some populations, especially in the Western world, and vastly lower in the rest of the world. The website lays out these statistics. In the United States, one in six men will be diagnosed and one in thirty-six will die from prostate cancer.

zz The vast majority of prostate cancers have minimal physical impact.

Only a minority of prostate cancers are aggressive enough to be lethal, and these tend to be very fast-acting. To complicate matters, it has been shown that wide-scale screening does not reduce death rates from the disease, but rather increases death rates slightly- likely because otherwise-benign cancers are being The vast majority exposed to carcinogenic treatments or of prostate cancers encountering weaker immune systems have minimal as a result of therapies. In other words, physical impact. conventional screening leads to pain, suffering and nancial drains for minimal measurable results.

zz The problem is that common screening methods have no way to

discern which prostate conditions are dangerous. The prostatespecic antigen test (PSA test), analyzes your blood for prostatespecic antigen (PSA), a substance produced by your prostate gland. If theres too much, ostensibly you have cancer. The US Preventive Services Task Force, which has recently panned mammography, is just the latest critic of this screening tool, which only indicates the size of the gland. This is followed by a biopsy, and prostate screening biopsies
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The Cancer Files 71 are a major source of dangerous bloodstream infections. Once they have the cells, they may look like cancer under the microscope and not behave like cancer in the body, or vice-versa.

zz So, if you are facing symptoms that could be prostate cancer, whats
the alternative? One new technique is a colour Doppler sonogram, which, as the name suggests, uses sound-waves to map the prostate, locating tumours through their vascularisation, that is, the blood vessels that feed them.

zz Risk factors to avoid for prostate cancer are little different than other
cancers. Everything we said about estrogen-like chemicals and their effects with breast cancer also applies here. This may sound counterintuitive if youve been told that prostate cancer has to do with testosterone. It does, but its the disruption of the hormone balance with these synthetic estrogens in the environment that is ultimately to blame. Prostate cancer incidence is highest among men at exactly the age when testosterone levels naturally diminish, while meanwhile theyre exposing themselves to articial estrogens.

zz High calcium levels, associated with dairy intake, have been correlated
with prostate cancer. Studies have shown that high calcium intake can almost double your risk of metastatic prostate cancer. Calcium, weve been told, is a good thing, but it needs to be balanced by magnesium.

zz Like breast cancer, prostate cancer is heavily linked to emotional

issues and trauma, particularly constraints of personal expression and traumatic experiences which impact self-worth. Untreated depression and anxiety are common among men diagnosed with prostate cancer. In addition, the stage of life at which the cancer has usually manifested- late middle age- is associated with losses of various kinds, whether spouses, close friends, work etc. Dealing with these problems head-on rather than avoiding them is the rst hurdle for most men. All the advice weve given thus far on addressing your emotional health applies.

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zz Increasing your intake of vitamin K2, found in fermented foods, may

reduce your risk of prostate cancer by up to 35%, according to the results of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. There are some risk factors in taking Vitamin K supplements, so consult a physician rst, but we could all benet from eating a few more fermented foods, which, although generally healthy, do not form a signicant part of our diet. A Finnish study has shown that long-term Vitamin E supplements can cut incidence of prostate cancer by 32%, and the death rate from prostate cancer by 41%. Vitamin D, of course, has the most dramatic results, with studies showing incidence of aggressive forms of prostate cancer reduced by half in people with high Vitamin D levels, and those with prostate cancer showing a sevenfold improvement in their chances of survival with high Vitamin D levels.

zz Food-wise, studies involving green tea,

tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables have all shown positive results. Polyphenol antioxidants, found in red wine and green tea, disrupt a signalling pathway that is key to the growth of both prostate cancer and breast cancer. Lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes and raspberries, has shown potential in ghting prostate cancer particularly. Ginger extract, which contains a number of antioxidants and immune-boosting and anti-inammatory compounds, has been shown to kill prostate cancer cells, and should be equally helpful prophylacticly. Studies in mice have shown that eating walnuts daily reduces prostate cancer growth by 30-40%. Walnuts not only pack Omega 3 fats and antioxidants, they affect the genes that control tumour growth and metabolic functions. Cruciferous vegetables, rich in isothiocyanate, are also extremely helpful. They can make hundreds of changes to epigenetic tags, discouraging tumours and boosting the bodys ability to ght cancer.

Like breast cancer, prostate cancer is heavily linked to emotional issues and trauma.

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zz Saw palmetto, used by Native North Americans to treat prostate

cancer successfully for centuries, is a helpful supplement. It inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone or dht. An excess of the latter chemical contributes to prostate cancers, while a healthy level of testosterone is necessary for prostate health. As with all supplements, do your research in terms of the quality of the productorganic supercritical-extracted saw palmetto oils are preferable, with other forms having a much lower level of the active ingredients.

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Recommended Online Resources

Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics- watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Y-Hh7b3Nxxc Burton Goldberg Burzynski and Antineoplastons - The-Great-Cancer-Hoax-by-Dr-Mercola Cochrane Centre on Mammography- theses/KJJ-disputats-2012.pdf Cochrane Centre Reviews- Consumer Products- dirty_dozen.htm Gerson- Mercola on Aspartame- htm Mercola on Exercise- archive/2012/11/30/exercise-protects-immune-system.aspx Mercola on the FDA- archive/2011/08/06/why-we-dont-have-a-cure-for-cancer-yet-or-do-we.aspx

2013 Global Resilience Solutions

The Cancer Files 75 Mercola on Soy- soy-controversy-and-health-effects.aspx Personal Care Products Database- new-and-improved-skin-deep-database Power Lines- =%22Internal+medicine+journal%22%5BJour%5D+AND+2007%5Bpdat%5D+A ND+Lowenthal%5Bauthor%5D Radiation Study- Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer- Article/Chinese_Medicine_and_Cancer/2006 Vitamin D Sources List- Blessed Herbs Cleansing / Detoxication Kits:

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Recommended Reading
Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment, What Doctors Dont Tell You Dr. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Lise Alschuler and Karolyn Gazella, The Denitive Guide to Cancer Film The Living Matrix William Bengston with Sylvia Fraser, Chasing the Cure Dr. Gabor Mat, When the Body Says No Dr. Robert Wiehe, Alternative Medicine and the Treatment of Cancer Ralph Moss, The Cancer Industry Barry Lynes, The Cancer Conspiracy Albert Sanchez, Overcome Cancer

2013 Global Resilience Solutions

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