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Immediate Post Anesthetic Recovery

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The key takeaways are that patients should recover in a designated recovery area, be handed over to recovery staff, and have agreed discharge criteria. Monitoring, equipment, staffing, and emergency response should meet certain standards.

The document recommends recovery rooms should comply with standards regarding facilities, equipment, drugs, staffing, transfers, management, discharge, and more as described in the document.

Recovery room staff are responsible for observing patients, managing care until stability is achieved, communicating with patients, and ensuring privacy and dignity. The anaesthetist is responsible for removing tracheal tubes.

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Published by
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland,
21 Portland Place, London W1B 1PY
Telephone: 020 7631 1650, Fax: 020 7631 4352
E-mail: Website: September 2002
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Membership of the Working Party

Professor David J Rowbotham Chairman
Dr Richard J S Birks Council representative
Dr Chris J Barham Council representative
Dr Kate E Bullen Council representative
Dr Sarah E M Harries Group of Anaesthestists in Training (GAT)
Dr John P Curran Royal College of Anaesthestists (RCA)
Dr George Meakin Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists (APA)
Mr Ahmed Shandall Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Ms Maddie Woods British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses
Association (BARNA)

Ex Officio
Professor Leo Strunin President
Dr Peter G M Wallace President Elect
Dr David J Wilkinson Honorary Treasurer
Dr Bob W Buckland Honorary Secretary
Dr David K Whitaker Assistant Honorary Secretary
Dr Michael E Ward Honorary Membership Secretary
Professor Michael Harmer Editor, Anaesthesia
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Membership of working party
Key recommendations
1. The recovery facility
2. Equipment and drugs
3. Recovery room staff
4. Transferring a patient from the operating theatre to the recovery room
5. Management of patients in the recovery room
6. Discharging a patient from the recovery room
7. Local anaesthesia
8. Children
9. Patients’ perspective
10. Recovery in special areas
11. Critically ill patients
12. Care of the dying patient
13. Audit
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Key recommendations
1. After general, epidural or spinal anaesthesia, all patients should be recovered
in a specially designated area which complies with the standards and
recommendations described in this document.
2. The anaesthetist must formally hand over care of a patient to a recovery room
nurse or other appropriately trained member of staff.
3. Agreed criteria for discharge of patients from the recovery room to the ward
should be in place in all units.
4. An effective emergency call system must be in place in every recovery room.
5. No fewer than two staff should be present when there is a patient in the recovery
room who does not fulfil the criteria for discharge to the ward.
6. All specialist recovery staff should be appropriately trained, ideally to a
nationally recognised standard.
7. All patients must be observed on a one-to-one basis by an anaesthetist, recovery
nurse or other appropriately trained member of staff until they have regained
airway control and cardiovascular stability and are able to communicate.
8. The removal of tracheal tubes from patients in the recovery room is the
responsibility of the anaesthetist.
9. There should be a specially designated area for the recovery of children.
10. All standards and recommendations described in this document should be applied
to all recovery areas where anaesthesia is administered including obstetric,
cardiology, X-ray, dental and psychiatric units and community hospitals.
11. Patient dignity and privacy should be considered at all times.
12. When critically ill patients are managed in the recovery room because of bed
shortages, the primary responsibility for the patient lies with the critical care
team. The standard of nursing and medical care should be equal to that within
the critical care unit.
13. Audit and critical incident systems should be in place in all recovery rooms.

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Preface 1. The Recovery Room Facility

In 1985, the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland published As the number and complexity of surgical procedures have increased, immediate
recommendations for the improvement and management of recovery facilities in postoperative care has developed from a brief period of observation in a convenient
hospitals. These were updated in 1993. However, many changes in practice, area near the theatre suite to a more prolonged and active period of monitoring
workload, expectations and staff training have occurred in the last 9 years and and intervention in a specifically designed clinical environment.
the recommendations in this new document reflect these changes. The NHS Estates Agency of the Department of Health issues regulations and
Every patient undergoing general anaesthesia or central neuraxial blockade guidelines with respect to the design and building of hospitals and their facilities.
should be recovered in a designated area as described in this document. Health Building Note (HBN) 26 refers to operating departments, including recovery
rooms [2]. Other factors involved in design include guidance on fire precautions
These recommendations are not concerned with those patients recovering from
(Health Technical Memoranda, Fire Practice Notes), operational management
sedation. Guidelines with respect to this have been published recently [1].
(Health Guidance Notes), specialised building systems (Health Technical
Memoranda), engineering services (Model Engineering Specifications), contracts
and commissioning (Concode) and recommendations on energy, water and waste.
Details of these guidelines can be found on the NHS Estates website [3].
The recovery suite should be in a central position within the theatre complex
enabling ease of access from the operating theatre but with a separate outside
access for transfer of patients to the ward. HBN 26 relates the size of a recovery
room facility to the number of operating theatres served, e.g. a recovery area of
164 m2 for a department of eight theatres [4]. However, it recognises that the size
and number of beds should also reflect the number of cases per session and the
average time spent in recovery. The ratio of beds to operating theatres should not
be less than two. The beds should allow unobstructed access for trolleys, X-ray
equipment, resuscitation carts and clinical staff. The facility should be open-plan
allowing each recovery area to be observed but with the provision of curtains for
optional patient privacy.
The recovery room should be mechanically ventilated as the air is polluted by
anaesthetic gases. Other facilities should include storage areas for equipment, a dirty
utility room, a secure supply of drugs, easy access to sinks and space for information
technology and clerical activities. All recovery rooms should have pipeline outlets
for suction, oxygen and air. An exhaled gas scavenging system must be available
for the occasional use of an anaesthetic machine. The décor should provide an
attractive ambiance and, if possible, windows should be present. Lighting should
not be harsh and should comply with recommended standards [2]. Local lighting
to assist clinical examination must also be available. Noise levels should be kept
as low as possible and the ceiling should be sound absorbent.
Good communication systems linking recovery room staff with operating theatres,
wards and other clinical facilities are essential. An effective emergency call

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system must be in place with alarm and telephone or intercom links to operating 3. Recovery room staff
theatres and rest areas. All members of staff must be aware of this system and it
should be tested at least weekly. No fewer than two staff should be present when there is a patient in the recovery
There should be access to a staff rest area near to, but outside, the immediate recovery room who does not fulfil the criteria for discharge to the ward. At such times,
area. Other facilities should include toilets, showers, clean duty clothes and secure there should be an anaesthetist, supernumerary to requirements in the operating
storage for personal possessions. Patient and staff safety should be assured by theatres, immediately available for the recovery room. Dedicated anaesthetic
appropriate security systems, especially at night. sessions in the recovery room should be considered in large busy units.
The provision of a satisfactory quality of care during recovery from anaesthesia and
2. Equipment and drugs surgery relies heavily on investment in the education and training of recovery room
staff. Maintenance of standards requires continuous update, e.g. resuscitation skills,
An appropriate standard of monitoring should be maintained until the patient is fully application of new techniques, advances in pain management. Recovery room staff
recovered from anaesthesia [5]. Clinical observation should be supplemented by a are specialists and often play a key role in the education of others, including other
minimum of pulse oximetry and non-invasive blood pressure monitoring. An ECG, theatre staff, ward-based nurses, midwives and trainee doctors.
nerve stimulator, thermometer and capnograph should be immediately available.
All specialist staff should have received appropriate training, ideally to a nationally
Ideally, there should be compatibility between operating theatre, recovery room
recognised standard. Training should be tailored to meet the needs of the individual
and ward equipment.
and recovery room but practical training and maintenance of skills must supplement
All drugs, equipment, fluids and algorithms required for resuscitation and management theoretical knowledge.
of anaesthetic and surgical complications should be immediately available.
Core skills include:
i. Assessment of vital signs and overall patient status and initiation of
management leading to their improvement.
ii. Competence in all aspects of basic life support. At all times, at least one
member of staff should be a certified ALS provider and, for children, hold an
appropriate paediatric life support qualification. All staff should be encouraged
to attain and maintain at least one ‘provider’ qualification.
iii. Assessment of fluid balance and management of intravenous infusions.
iv. Intravenous administration of appropriate drugs.
v. Administration of analgesics, anti-emetics and other drugs by all appropriate
routes and use of associated equipment. This should be guided by local protocols.
vi. Initiation of appropriate investigations, often using local protocols.
Continued professional development and the training of other staff is facilitated
by activities such as the establishment of lead practitioners in certain areas (e.g.
pain relief, life support, infection control, liaison with ward staff, health and safety
matters), a training co-ordinator, rotation of duties with the local high dependency
unit (HDU) and/or critical care unit (CCU), an audit programme and teaching
displays, journal clubs and tutorials.

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4. Transferring a patient to the recovery room 5. Management of patients in the recovery room
The transfer of patients from the operating theatre to recovery room and elsewhere Patients must be observed on a one-to-one basis by an anaesthetist, recovery
has been considered in two publications by the Association of Anaesthetists [5,6]. nurse or other properly trained member of staff until they have regained airway
Before transfer, the anaesthetist should be satisfied that the recovery staff are control and cardiovascular stability and are able to communicate. This
competent and able to take responsibility for the patient. If this cannot be assured, recommendation is paramount and must be observed, even if it causes delay in the
the anaesthetist should stay with the patient, either in the operating theatre or recovery throughput of patients. All recovery rooms must be staffed to a level which allows
room, until the patient is fit to return to the ward. It is essential for the anaesthetist this to be routine practice, even in times of peak activity. Life-threatening
to formally hand over care of the patient to a qualified member of the recovery complications occur during this period and failure to provide adequate care may
room staff. prove catastrophic for the patient and result in serious medico-legal consequences.
The patient should be physiologically stable on departure from the operating theatre Patients must be kept under clinical observation at all times and all measurements
and the anaesthetist must decide on the need for monitoring during transfer. This should be recorded. Ideally, this should be on a dedicated section of the anaesthetic
will depend on factors such as proximity of the recovery room, level of consciousness chart. The introduction of automatic recording systems is encouraged. The frequency
and respiratory and cardiovascular status. If the recovery room is not immediately of observations will depend on the stage of recovery, nature of surgery and clinical
adjacent to the operating theatre, or if the patient’s condition is poor, adequate condition of the patient. It should not be influenced by staffing levels. The following
mobile monitoring is required i.e. a minimum of pulse oximetry and non-invasive information should be recorded:
blood pressure with the immediate availability of an ECG, nerve stimulator, means i. level of consciousness
of measuring temperature and capnograph [5]. The anaesthetist is responsible for
ii. haemoglobin oxygen saturation and oxygen administration
ensuring that this transfer is accomplished safely.
iii. blood pressure
Supplemental oxygen should be administered to all patients during transfer.
iv. respiratory frequency
v. heart rate and rhythm
vi. pain intensity e.g. verbal rating scale (none, mild, moderate, severe)
vii. intravenous infusions
viii. drugs administered
ix. other parameters (depending on circumstances) e.g. temperature, urinary
output, central venous pressure, end-tidal CO2, surgical drainage.
For all patients, the name, hospital number, time of admission, time of discharge
and destination should be recorded in a central register.

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Pain and emesis 6. Discharge from the recovery room

No patient should be returned to the general ward until control of emesis and Every recovery room should have well-defined criteria for discharge of patients to
postoperative pain is satisfactory. All recovery staff should be specifically trained the general ward or other clinical areas. The following criteria must be fulfilled:
in the use of patient-controlled analgesia and epidurals. Nurse-administration of
i. The patient is fully conscious without excessive stimulation, able to maintain
intravenous analgesics (including opioids) prescribed by the anaesthetists as part
a clear airway and exhibits protective airway reflexes.
of a specific protocol facilitates rapid and flexible pain control. Such protocols
incorporate precise instructions on administration and the recognition and ii. Respiration and oxygenation are satisfactory.
management of side-effects. Nurse-administration of opioids should not occur iii. The cardiovascular system is stable with no unexplained cardiac irregularity
unless there is the immediate availability of an anaesthetist. or persistent bleeding. The specific values of pulse and blood pressure should
approximate to normal pre-operative values or be at an acceptable level
Tracheal tubes and other airway devices commensurate with the planned postoperative care. Peripheral perfusion
should be adequate.
On many occasions, patients will be handed over to the recovery nurse with a
laryngeal mask airway in situ. The nurse must be specifically trained in the iv. Pain and emesis should be controlled and suitable analgesic and anti-emetic
management of these patients and in the removal of the laryngeal mask airway. regimens prescribed.
An anaesthetist should be immediately available to assist if problems occur whilst v. Temperature should be within acceptable limits. Patients should not be
the laryngeal mask airway is in situ or being removed by a qualified member of returned to the ward if significant hypothermia is present.
the recovery room staff.
vi. Oxygen and intravenous therapy, if appropriate, should be prescribed.
The removal of tracheal tubes from patients in the recovery room is the responsibility
Discharge from the recovery room is the responsibility of the anaesthetist but the
of an anaesthetist.
adoption of strict discharge criteria allows this to be delegated to recovery staff. If
the discharge criteria are not achieved, the patient should remain in the recovery
room and the anaesthetist informed. An anaesthetist must be available at all times
when a patient who has not reached the criteria for discharge is present in the
recovery room.
If there is any doubt as to whether a patient fulfils the criteria, or if there has been a
problem during the recovery period, the anaesthetist who administered the anaesthetic
(or another anaesthetist with special duties in the recovery room) must assess the
patient. After medical assessment, patients who do not fulfil the discharge criteria
may be transferred to a HDU or CCU.
Handing over to ward staff
Patients should be transferred to the ward accompanied by a suitably trained member
of staff and porter. The anaesthetic record, together with the recovery and prescription
charts, must accompany the patient. The recovery nurse must ensure that full clinical
details are relayed to the ward nurse with particular emphasis on problems and
syringe pump settings.

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7. Local anaesthesia 8. Children

The principles of management in any patient undergoing local anaesthesia, either Children have special needs reflecting fundamental psychological, anatomical and
alone or as part of a general anaesthetic technique, are the same as any other patient. physiological differences to adults. These needs are best met by having a designated
Information given on handover to recovery staff should include site and type of paediatric recovery area which is child friendly and staffed by nurses trained in the
local block, drug and dosage used and anticipated duration of action. Instructions recovery of paediatric patients. The area should be kept warm to prevent hypothermia
for ward staff should include further pain relief and positional restrictions for the and provision should be made for a parent or carer to rejoin their children in the
patient. Information for the patient includes the anticipation of return of sensation recovery area as soon as they are awake.
and/or motor function, care with hot and cold items and weight-bearing. Equipment must include a full range of sizes of face masks, breathing systems,
Considerations after spinal and epidural anaesthesia include noting the level of airways, nasal prongs and tracheal tubes. Essential monitoring equipment includes
analgesia achieved, cardiovascular status, sitting up (when and how much), bladder a full range of paediatric non-invasive blood pressure cuffs and small pulse
care, details of any continuous infusions, degree of motor block and time of likely oximeter probes.
recovery. Many of these considerations apply also to plexus block. Children are more likely to become restless or disorientated postoperatively and
require one-to-one supervision throughout their recovery room stay. Postoperative
vomiting, bradycardia and laryngeal spasm are more common. The latter can have
devastating effects as small children become hypoxaemic 2-3 times faster than adults.
Children should not be denied adequate pain relief due to fear of side-effects. It
can be difficult to assess pain, especially in the pre-verbal child. However, suitable
techniques are available. In general, intramuscular injections should be avoided.

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9. Patients’ perspective 10. Anaesthesia and recovery in special areas

The purpose and nature of the recovery room should be explained to the patient Anaesthesia is often administered in areas such as obstetric, X-ray, cardiology,
before anaesthesia. Ideally, this should be included in written information available dental and psychiatric units and in community hospitals. All standards and
before admission to hospital. Anaesthesia and Anaesthetists: Information for Patients guidelines described in this document must be fulfilled at any site where
and their Relatives published by the Association of Anaesthetists is an example of anaesthesia is administered.
this [7]. Although the design of recovery facilities is, by necessity, one of open plan,
there should be provision for patient privacy and dignity e.g. curtains. Most patients 11. Critically ill patients
find recovery rooms unpleasant and they should be transferred as soon as discharge
criteria are met. The primary goal of the recovery room is to provide the postoperative patient with
the optimum standard of care and to effectively maintain the flow of surgical lists.
Staff in some hospitals may require access to translators to facilitate communication
Unfortunately, critically ill patients are often managed in the recovery room during
with non-English speaking patients.
times of bed or staff shortages on the CCU.
During such times, it must be recognised that the primary responsibility for the patient
lies with the Consultant in charge of the CCU and his/her team. A CCU-trained nurse
must care for the patient on a one-to-one basis, with immediate access to senior CCU
nursing assistance. The standard of medical and nursing care should be equal to that
within the CCU and a specific action plan should be formulated by the Intensivists to
facilitate discharge to a more appropriate area as soon as possible.

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12. Care of the dying patient References

Occasionally, a patient who is expected to die imminently will be taken to the 1. Implementing and ensuring safe sedation practice for healthcare procedures
recovery room. The patient should be managed in isolation from others who in adults. Report of an intercollegiate working party chaired by the Royal
should not be aware of the situation. Relatives must be able to be present and College of Anaesthetists. UK Academy of Medical Colleges and their
a dedicated nurse should be available. Faculties, 2002.
2. Health Building Note 26. Operating Department. HMSO: London, 1991.
13. Audit in the recovery room 3. NHS Estates website.
It is important to monitor the quality of immediate postoperative care and audit it 4. Revised schedules of accommodation. NHS Estates, March 2002.
against local and national standards. The reports of the National Confidential Enquiry
into Postoperative Deaths [8] make frequent reference to the lack of appropriate
5. Recommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and
postoperative facilities, especially for emergency surgery.
recovery. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2000.
The following topics for audit are recommended by the Royal College of
Anaesthetists [9]:
6. The Anaesthesia Team: Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and
i. Recovery room staffing Ireland, 1998.
ii. Monitoring in recovery 7. Anaesthesia and Anaesthetists. Information for Patients and their Relatives.
iii. Oxygen therapy 2nd edition. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 1998.
iv. Airway problems
8. National Confidential Enquiry into Postoperative Deaths (NCEPOD)
v. Hypertension and hypotension
vi. Postoperative nausea and vomiting
9. The Audit Recipe Book, section 3: Postoperative care. Royal College of
vii. Record keeping Anaesthetists, 2000.
viii. Discharge protocols
ix. Unplanned admissions to HDU and CCU
x. Postoperative visiting (by the anaesthetist)
Acute pain management starts in the recovery room and the quality of pain relief
on arrival and on discharge to the ward should be audited. There should be a local
system for the documentation of, and response to, critical incidents.

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