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What Is Marriage? Explain: Relationships

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What Is Marriage?

Explain Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal. A broad definition of marriage includes those that are monogamous, polygamous, same-sex and temporary. People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious. Who they marry may be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire. In many parts of the world, marriages are arranged. Forced marriages are illegal in some jurisdictions. Why marrying late is an advantage? Personal Growth Getting married when you are younger doesn't allow you to grow as a single person quite enough sometimes. There are many things that you learn about yourself such as who you want to be and where you want to go in life as you get older. The older you are the more chance you have of knowing exactly who you are. Finding the Right One When you are young marriage is more of a romantic idea than anything else. It is romantic to think you have found the only person that you will ever want to be with. This is great in theory, but not always true. There are those few couples that marry young and have no regrets about their choice. There are far too many other couples that fall into the divorce category because they only thought they were sure this was the one. The older that you are, the more likely you will be to distinguish between those relationships that will last and those that won't. More Financially Secure Most people have established good careers when they are older. This makes for a more stable relationship in the long run. Waiting until later in life to get married makes good sense for this reason. The more established your finances, the less struggles you will have to go through in the marriage. Money isn't everything but it sure does help. Getting yourself to a secure and stable way of life before bringing someone else into it is a great way to start off Maturity It takes a lot of maturity to be in a solid, long-lasting marriage. Each person has to be secure. As you get older, priorities change. What once may have made you a very jealous person no longer bother you. You come to realize that some things don't matter. Getting older means a maturing attitude towards things. Looking at things in a different light sometimes is a matter of only waiting for a few years and looking back at how things used to be. Learning to be a more mature person can 't be forced. It is something that has to grow just as the flowers in your garden do. Why Maturity is Important in marriage? Studies have shown that waiting until you are older to marry (twenty-five and up) dramatically reduces your chances of divorce. It gives you time to really know and understand yourself, to understand what you need in a spouse, and what you have to offer a spouse. Marriages of people younger than twenty-five, however, are not automatically doomed. Ive known several thriving marriages of couples who married young; however, one of the common denominators among those young couples with flourishing marriages was maturity. Mature people view the world and themselves differently than children. Children have a small world and, until their horizons broaden, they think they are the center of it. Before you start passing judgment on little kids, believe me, you

were the same way at one time, as was I. ~smile~ When children grow up, they realize that the world does not revolve around them; they are able to empathize with the needs of others and they can interact with the world as a member of the human race and not necessarily as the leader. Our culture praises age as its own rite of passage. When kids turn eighteen, we slap a grown sticker on them and allow them to do adult behaviors, but many eighteen-year-olds have not yet been given the responsibilities and lessons needed to grow into mature adults. When someone looks like an adult, walks like an adult, drives like and adult, works like an adult, and talks like an adult, some people might actually mistake him or her for an adult when the child is faking its not difficult to do.

Justify. Marriage is important to the continuity of the human race? Marriage is a sort of mutual agreement 'signed' between a man and a woman to live together, share all problems in life, reproduce, bringing up the off springs, etc. Actually, it is a contract for continuing the family. Of course, reproduction may take place even without a marriage, but it may not help continuing the family system. A healthy society is formed as a result of family system. When this system is non-existent, a loose society will be the result. Hence marriage is needed in order to continue a social set up.Remember that for the continuity of human race reproduction is a must. Compare the married Life of young couple and mature couple. Make an interview? Young Couple Interview 1. Why did you marry? We love one another 2. Do you communicate openly w/ one another? Do you listen? Yes and yes 3. How have you approached financial issues? Satisfied? Yes and somewhat 4. Do you distinguish between "womens work" & "mens work"? Nope 5. Have your inlaws had an effect on your relationship? Yes, in that they are FABULOUS! 6. How do you spend your free time? Together or apart? Both, mainly together 7. What do you do during your free time together? Dinner out, shows, concerts, gym, movies, etc. 8. What are your interests? Are they alike or different? We share some. We don't share others. 9. Do you agree on having children or on how to raise them? Yes and yes 10. Is the frequency of your love making mutually satisfying? No due to his prostate cancer surgery two weeks ago 11. Are there any religious differences that create a problem? Beliefs? No. Yes and they make our discussions interesting

12. Have alcohol or any other drug caused stress in your marriage? Has something else caused stress? No. Yes. 13. Do you ever feel that your mate depends too much on you? No. 14. Does your mate support all of your opinions and decisions? 100% 15. What things cause conflict in your marriage? Not much Mature People Interview 1. Why did you marry? Because I was in love and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my husband. 2. Do you communicate openly w/ one another? Do you listen? Sometimes. We communicate but don't listen to the dumb things. 3. How have you approached financial issues? Satisfied? We started saving money. Not shopping as much, not eating out as much, etc. Happy? I guess I have to be, we need money 4. Do you distinguish between "womens work" & "mens work"? Nope. We both do our equal part in the house work. 5. Have your inlaws had an effect on your relationship? Not at all, I love my in laws. 6. How do you spend your free time? Together or apart? Together 7. What do you do during your free time together? We hang out at home, or go out 8. What are your interests? Are they alike or different? Most of them are alike, but we do have some that differ then each other's. 9. Do you agree on having children or on how to raise them? We do have children, and when one says no, it means no! 10. Is the frequency of your love making mutually satisfying? ALL THE TIME! 11. Are there any religious differences that create a problem? Beliefs? Nope 12. Have alcohol or any other drug caused stress in your marriage? Has something else caused stress? Money is what we most stress about. 13. Do you ever feel that your mate depends too much on you? Not at all, I migth depend on him more. 14. Does your mate support all of your opinions and decisions? No, but we always talk about it first. He might come around or if it really isn't a good idea, I back down. 15. What things cause conflict in your marriage? Money

A young couple looks at marriage through the eyes of romance. The freshly minted bride and groom foresee a great adventure which will be lived in a whirlwind of joy. These feelings and expectations arise understandably because romance appears to be the fountainhead of love, the spring from which the unitize purpose of marriage draws its life, the inexhaustible source of lifelong wedded bliss.

Well-instructed young Catholics will be careful, in theory, to avoid reducing love to romance. But in the midst of romance it is very hard to escape its exhilarating grasp. Feelings of euphoria make it too easy to be led astray even by various contemporary orthodox Catholic theories of wedded love. The same misconceptions seem to keep slipping in, as it were, through the back door. Matured Couple in marriage is where you realize that you have committed yourself to someone else in a way that is reminiscent of patriotism. When you can pledge yourself to another person, your marriage has finally matured. This isn't easy, and it is not something that is actually done when you got married. It's an act of maturity that might take a bit of time. When you get married you make certain vows. But a vow isn't meaningful until you are forced to keep it. When things get tough, that's when the vow begins to have meaning for you. How many people make all sorts of promises only to break them in divorce and other ways? Too many. Those marriages never had true commitment. Make a personal checklist of the qualities that you would look for in a partner whom you envision to be married to 10 years from now. Make a separate checklist of the qualities you hope to have as his/her partner. Justify why these qualities (yours and those of your partner) are essential ingredients of your married life MY QUALITIES MY PARTNER QUALITIES

Make an Interview of small and big Family. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the two? Advantages of a Small Family A small family gets the advantages of a quieter home, cleaner home and possibly more money to spend on holidays. It's also not a struggle to bring your family of one or two children to the shops or a restaurant or even holidays. 1. only few people will have to eat and you will have more food for yourselves rather than feeding it to brothers and sisters. 2. your parents can focus on you and take cares of you more because you are few A small family has a lot of advantages. First of all, a small family is easy to maintain. It costs less money. In addition, a small family is helpful for the country as well, as it demands less public services. A small family often has 2/3 children and parents. Both the parents can work in a small family because it is easy to take care of 2/3 children. So the family can save a lot. Finally, the members of a small family have a strong bondage among themselves. They become more close to each other. Every country supports small family over large ones. It is always a good idea to have family planning to keep the family small. Advantages of Big Family A bigger family gets the advantage of children that are never lonely and have had to share and make friends easily. Big families often have more fun and an excuse to get out more. Children from a big family appreciate their siblings when they are older more than they would when they are younger. There is less chance of the children being lonely as they have other siblings to play with and talk to.

The older children are likely to help out with the house work when they are older. They may also be able to help with babysitting their younger siblings. Younger children can look to their older siblings as positive role models. They can also either ask them or their pa rents for help if they have a problem. As there are more siblings in the household, children learn how to form relationships may be easier than it would be for an only child for example. Being in a bigger family with more people to talk to may help a child develop quicker. For example, with more voices in the house, a toddler may even start talking quicker. Siblings learn how to share their belongings and how to live in harmony with each other which may make them more responsible. Disadvantages of Small Family However a small family gets the disadvantage of a lonely child. Big families are more fun and usually a bit more daring and adventurous. Children from small families are often more spoilt than children from a bigger family, especially if you have one child. They might find it harder to make friends, share and socialise. 1. No one to share your amazing times together. 2. not having a joyful and social life 3. What if you die, no one can inherit your money 4. To much respect from parents can change the childes behavio

Disadvantages of Big Family However a big family gets the disadvantage of less attention. This might make them frustrated or upset. Siblings don't always get along as well! It can be a pain trying to bring your family down to the shop, cinema and especially a fancy restaurant! As there are more people living in the home, the cost of food, bills etc will be higher. As a result the family budg et may be more constrained and there may be less disposable income for things such as holidays and eating out. There may be a lot of confrontations and arguments. With so many personalities in the household, there are times whe n family members do not get on. The parents may find it difficult to spend quality with each of their children on an individual basis. They may also find it impossible to have private time away from them. There may be more sibling rivalry as they compete for the attention of their parents. If one person gets a cold or flu, it i s probably only a matter of time before the rest of the family gets it too.

Cut pictures of your own Family, list down the responsibilities of each other member of the family .explain how is it important to have different roles of each family member. MY FAMILY

Cut Some Articles about RH Bill ,Make a short Reflection of each Articles .

Reflection ; FOR ME ITS GOOD THAT IT IS NOW A LAW. HOPE THE UNITY AND THE COOPERATION OF EVERY FILIPINOS SO THAT WE MAY HAVE PEACE IN OUR COUNTRY...IS A RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN OF OUR COUNTRY. in this world there would always be something that would go against your faith and belief, however, living along side it will not make you a sinful man but to utilize it makes you a sinner. just like money, the bible says its evil but we still use it everyday, i bet you have some in your wallets or pockets.

Are you in Favor of using Family Planning methods? Justify your Answer Yes Im in Favor of Family Planning method Because Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of pregnancies. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility Promotion of family planning and ensuring access to preferred contraceptive methods for women and couples is essential to securing the well-being and autonomy of women, while supporting the health and development of communities.. It is important that family planning is widely available and easily accessible through midwives and other trained health workers to anyone who is sexually active, including adolescents. Midwives are trained to provide (where authorized) locally available and culturally acceptable contraceptive methods. Other trained health workers, for example community health workers, also provide counseling and some family planning methods, for example pills and condoms. For methods such as sterilization, women and men need to be referred to a clinician.

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