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The key takeaways are that prophetic ministry is available to all believers, involves receiving, interpreting and delivering revelation from God, and the book provides tools to develop skills in prophetic ministry.

The purpose of prophetic ministry is to strengthen, encourage and build up believers by communicating revelation from God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The different prophetic gifts mentioned are the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues.


Ministry Boot
Third Edition
Ministry Boot
Third Edition
by Jeremy Caris

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Copyright © 2014, Jeremy Caris. All rights reserved. Printed in the

United States of America.

First edition, July 2009.

Second edition, May 2010.

Second edition – Revision 1, September 2011.

Second edition – Revision 2, June 2012.

Third edition, December 2014.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2001 by Crossway
Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

Foundation: Biblical Basis for the Prophetic Ministry of Every

What Is Prophetic Ministry & What Is It's Purpose?................................ 3
Who Can Prophesy?.................................................................................... 5
God Wants Us To Minister Prophetically.................................................8
The Difference Between The Prophet & Prophetic Ministry...................9
Activities, Of fices, & Gifts....................................................................... 11
What Are The Prophetic Gifts?................................................................ 13
Explanation Of The Prophetic Gifts........................................................ 14
Internal & External Anointings................................................................ 15
The New Testament Standard.................................................................. 17
Overview Of The Process......................................................................... 19
Ask, Believe, And Receive....................................................................... 22
Receiving: Hearing the Voice of God Anytime, Anywhere.........31
How It "Looks & Feels"........................................................................... 33
How It Happens......................................................................................... 34
The Five Golden Senses........................................................................... 35
Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain........................................................................ 36
How To Tune In........................................................................................ 41
Activation: Personal Journaling............................................................... 51
Activation: Looking For Fruit.................................................................. 51
Activation: Prophetic Blessing................................................................. 52
Interpreting: Receiving Understanding for Prophetic
The Importance Of Good Interpretation.................................................. 57
The Roots Of Good Interpretation........................................................... 57
Understanding Spiritual Metaphors......................................................... 58
The Roots Of Misinterpretation............................................................... 59
Searching It Out vs. Figuring It Out........................................................ 60
Seeing the Big Picture.............................................................................. 63
What To Do............................................................................................... 64
Activation: Popcorn Prophecy.................................................................. 73
Activation: Practicing Word of Knowledge............................................ 73
Activation: Word Gifts............................................................................. 74
Delivering: Prophetic Etiquette For Any Environment..............75
Ministering With Wisdom........................................................................ 77
Spheres Of Authority................................................................................ 81
Express In Order To Bene fit..................................................................... 83
Proper Motives.......................................................................................... 84
Appropriate Timing................................................................................... 86
Activation: Unknown Individual Prophesy............................................. 93
Activation: Destiny Purpose Words......................................................... 93
Team Prophecy: Ministering Efectively as Part of a Team.......95
Facilitating Exchange............................................................................... 97
Cooperate vs. Compete............................................................................. 98
Quick Clarity............................................................................................. 98
Quick Con firmation................................................................................... 99
The Multiplication Principle.................................................................. 100
Corporate Anointing............................................................................... 101
Activation: Group Prophecy................................................................... 109
Activation: Hot Potato!........................................................................... 109
Activation: Pit Training.......................................................................... 110
Prophetic Evangelism: Boldly Revealing the Kingdom of God 111
Opening The Door................................................................................... 113
One Step Closer....................................................................................... 113
Watch Your Language!........................................................................... 114
Street Smarts............................................................................................ 115
Just Do It!................................................................................................ 117
Activation: Crowd Illumination............................................................. 123
Activation: Crowd Word of Knowledge for Healing........................... 123
Activation: Stretching For Details......................................................... 124
Important Info About the De finitions of Spiritual Metaphors.............133
Source of Meanings................................................................................ 133
Chapter 1
Foundation: Biblical Basis for the Prophetic
Ministry of Every Believer

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

What Is Prophetic Ministry & What Is It's Purpose?

P rophetic ministry is primarily ministry, which is done through

the use of prophetic gifts. The term “prophetic” is commonly
used to refer to ministry which is based on spiritual revelation.
It is diferent from “prophecy” in the sense that it involves a wider
focus. Prophecy is only one of the spiritual gifts involved in prophetic

In essence, prophetic ministry is sharing the piece of Jesus Christ from

within you which the Holy Spirit illuminates, inspires, or infuences you
to give at a particular moment for a certain person or group of people.

Strengthen, Encourage, Build Up

Prophetic ministry is speaking God's mind and heart to edify, encourage,
and exhort both believers and unbelievers—for strengthening,
encouraging, and comforting; for building up, stirring up, and cheering
up. It is to hear from God and then speak what we hear so that we
might all understand the things freely given to us by God (1 Cor. 2:9-

“For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but

to God; for no one understands him, but he utters
mysteries in the Spirit. 3 On the other hand, the one who
prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and
encouragement and consolation. 4 The one who speaks in
a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies
builds up the church.” 1 Cor. 14:2-4 ESV

Prophetic ministry should always strengthen, encourage, and comfort.

God is in control, and He confrms that to us when He announces new

things to us. Prophetic ministry brings clarity to the fact that He is not
only in control, but He knows us intimately and passionately.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

“The former things I declared of old; they went out from

my mouth, and I announced them; then suddenly I did
them, and they came to pass. 4 Because I know that you
are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew and your
forehead brass, 5 I declared them to you from of old,
before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest
you should say, ‘My idol did them, my carved image and
my metal image commanded them.’ 6 “You have heard;
now see all this; and will you not declare it? From this
time forth I announce to you new things, hidden things
that you have not known.” Isa. 48:3-6 ESV

Good Stewards Of God's Grace

Like all ministry, the prophetic ministry should be one of serving each
other as good stewards of God's grace, and should be an impartation of
faith, hope, and love.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God's varied grace: ” 1 Pet. 4:10

“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all

mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as
to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. ”
1 Cor. 13:10 ESV

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the
greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13:13 ESV

The Expression Of Jesus Christ

Prophetic ministry should release the truth and reality of heaven into
the earth by putting Jesus Christ on display. It reveals that we are
witnesses of Him by cooperating with Him in the moment, doing the
things that He is doing, and expressing the things that He is saying. It
testifes of the fact that He is alive and brings glory to Him.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

“… For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Rev. 19:10 ESV

Prophetic ministry is an expression of life and faith (John 6:63). It allows

us to convey a small part of the vast sum of God's thoughts (Psa.
139:17); including the heart of God, the attributes of His nature, and
the fruits or character of His Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Prophecy is calling
those things which are not as though they are (Rom. 4:17; Gen. 1:1-3;
Eze. 37).

Original Mandate For Mankind

In the beginning God gave mankind the mandate to be fruitful,
multiply, have dominion, and subdue the earth (Gen. 1:28); to extend
the rule and reign of His kingdom throughout the earth. Prophetic
ministry is one of the powerful ways that we can cooperate with God's
original plan for mankind to release the substance and reality of Heaven
into the earth.

Who Can Prophesy?

I f you can hear God's voice and then express what you hear, then
you can prophesy. In other words, you can all prophesy (1 Cor.
14:31). Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27) and
“... it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking
through you” (Mat. 10:20). As Peter and John said, “we cannot but
speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

We can all prophesy.

All Believers Hear God

The frst requirement to prophesy is to hear God. The Bible says that
He will teach you, remind you all things, guide you, speak to you, and
tell you what you need to know.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring
to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Joh.
14:26 ESV

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into

all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority,
but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare
to you the things that are to come.” Joh. 16:13 ESV

Desiring The Fullness Of The Christ-like Life

To some degree, all believers can prophesy because we can all hear God
and speak what we hear. However, we should desire the fullness of all
that God intends for us, and becoming a believer is only the frst step. In
Acts 19:1-6, it seems clear that the Apostles of the early church
expected all believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. When the Holy
Spirit came upon them, “they began speaking in tongues and
prophesying”. Also, throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see
individuals prophesy after receiving revelation from an angel (Rev.
10:8-11, 22:6).

Three Levels Of Prophetic Operation:

All believers (Joh. 10:27 and Mat, 10:20)

Spirit-flled believers (1 Cor. 12-14)

Angelic-assisted believers (Rev. 10:8-11, 22:6)

Joel's Prophecy Of The Last Days

In Acts chapter 2, Peter spoke under inspiration of the Holy Spirit as he
explained why they were speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit
illuminated the prophecy of Joel to his mind.

“But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice

and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my

words. 15 For these people are not drunk, as you
suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. 16 But
this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel:

17 “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I

will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men
shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
18 even on my male servants and female servants in those

days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.

19“And I will show wonders in the heavens above and

signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of
smoke; 20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the
moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the
great and magni ficent day. 21 And it shall come to pass
that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall
be saved.” Act. 2:14-21 ESV

We Are Still In The Last Days

Peter prophesied under inspiration of the Holy Spirt, saying that the last
days had begun. He listed the signs of the beginning of the last days,
revealing that those signs were being demonstrated among them. He
then listed the signs that would mark the end of that age. Those signs
have not yet happened. This means that we are still in the last days, in
which “your sons and daughters shall prophesy”.

You Don't Have To Be Perfect!

Most of the authoritative scriptures on the prophetic gifts are found in
Paul's letters to the Corinthians. This is the same church that Paul
rebuked and corrected for various forms of sin, such as quarreling,
sexual immorality, and even drunkenness at meetings. Yet instead of
discouraging them from operating in the prophetic gifts, he actually
encouraged them to earnestly desire to prophesy. The King James
Version of the Bible even goes so far as to say, “covet to prophesy” (1

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Cor. 14:39).

“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts,

especially that you may prophesy.” 1 Cor. 14:1 ESV

“... I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to

prophesy. ...” 1 Cor. 14:5 ESV

Action Develops Maturity

What does this mean for us? We don't have to be perfect for God to use
us. He does want us to mature and grow in character, but that process
can only be completed as we actually do the things that God wants us to
do. Spiritual maturity is completely impossible without acting on

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,

deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the
word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently
at his natural face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself
and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25
But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of
liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but
a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” Jam.
1:22-25 ESV

God Wants Us To Minister Prophetically

G od wants us to know how to function in the prophetic gifts,

and to actually use them. He desires to have a deeply
intimate relationship with us out of which He can actively
speak to us and through us. He is glorifed when we afect the lives of
others with the life of His Spirit, which is powerfully at work within us.

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want

you to be uninformed.” 1 Cor. 12:1 ESV

“By this my Father is glori fied, that you bear much fruit

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

and so prove to be my disciples.” Joh. 15:8 ESV

We will soon learn how to efectively minister by using the prophetic

gifts, but frst we need to understand a few more things that will help us
begin from a strong foundation.

The Diference Between The Prophet & Prophetic


T here are distinct diferences between the prophetic ministry

potential of all believers, Spirit-flled ministry using the
prophetic gifts, and the ofce of prophet. The ofce of
prophet typically goes beyond what is acceptable in even Spirit-flled
prophetic ministry. Doing those things that someone in the ofce of
prophet does will not make you a prophet. Rather, being commissioned
into prophetic ofce, which requires favor with God and man, allows
you to utilize these additional dimensions.

Three Levels Of Prophetic Ministry:

“My sheep hear My voice” (Joh. 10:27)

Intentional Spirit-flled gifting (Act. 19:6)

Five-fold ofce mandate (Eph. 4:11)

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris


is generally limited to these aspects: typically adds these dimensions:

Edify, Encourage, and Exhort Correct, Judge, Discipline, and


Makes you a member of the Body, Makes you a joint of the Body,
indispensable and needed (1 Cor. holding things together (Eph.
12:12-26) 4:11-16)

Typically ministers to individuals Also ministers to a region, nation,

and a local body (limited sphere of or more (greater sphere of
authority) authority)

Ministers the prophetic word Tends to become a prophetic

word, modeling it through their

Speaks what is acceptable to the Speaks the acceptable year of the

Lord Lord; decrees times and seasons

Strengthens foundations and Lays foundations and casts vision

establishes the vision as a witness along with apostles (Eph. 2:19-22)
(2 Cor. 13:1)

Builds up the body by doing the Equips the body to do the work of
work of the ministry, being the ministry, maturing and
matured and perfected through perfecting the saints

Operates in spiritual gifts and Releases spiritual gifts and callings,

callings, acting in agreement with acting in agreement with God

Proclaims good news as Identifes, raises up, anoints,

ambassadors and citizens of the commissions, and guides key
Kingdom of God leaders

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Activities, Ofces, & Gifts

T he Lord our God is one God (Deu. 6:4), but He has chosen
to reveal Himself to us in three distinct persons: Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit (Mat. 28:19). He has also chosen to give all
mankind gifts from birth and to make others available to some upon
surrender to Jesus Christ. He manifests his power through us when we
are baptized in His Spirit. These manifestations are what most believers
commonly refer to as “the gifts”. Before we investigate the gifts of the
Spirit, it is benefcial to understand the gifts of the Father and of the

Ministry activities (also called motivational gifts or natural abilities) are
gifts of the Father. These are given to all mankind from birth and are
known as: perceiving, serving, teaching, exhorting, giving, organization,
and mercy.

“and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same

God who empowers them all in everyone.” 1 Cor. 12:6

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to

us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;
7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his

teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the

one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads,
with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with
cheerfulness.” Rom. 12:6-8 ESV

Ministry ofces are gifts of Jesus Christ. When Jesus ascended to Heaven
after triumphing over death and the grave, He divided His personal
ministry into fve roles. These are known as the fve-fold ministry
ofces of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher.

“and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;”

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

1 Cor. 12:5 ESV

“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,

the shepherds and teachers,” Eph. 4:11 ESV

Ministry “gifts” (also called manifestations, enablements, or
empowerments) are gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are what most
believers are referring to most of the time when they mention “the
gifts”. There are nine gifts of the Spirit: word of wisdom, word of
knowledge, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, interpretation of
tongues, faith, healing, and miracles.

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;” 1

Cor. 12:4 ESV

“For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of

wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge
according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the
same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
10 to another the working of miracles, to another

prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between

spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another
the interpretation of tongues.” 1 Cor. 12:8-10 ESV

The Holy Spirit Is The Gift

There is a wide range of teaching on the gifts of the Spirit, but it is my
personal conviction that the Holy Spirit is the gift. When He works
through you, His power will be made evident through you in nine
particular ways which we commonly refer to as the gifts of the Spirit.

“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the

common good.” 1 Cor. 12:7 ESV

“All these [gifts] are empowered by one and the same

Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

wills.” 1 Cor. 12:11 ESV

Not only does He distribute the gifts to each one as He wills (1 Cor.
12:11), but He does will to distribute them according to his grace and
the need at hand. The real issue has more to do with learning to
function as the new creation which we are in Christ, instead of a merely
human way (2 Cor. 5:17, 1 Cor. 3:1-3).

What Are The Prophetic Gifts?

T he prophetic gifts are manifestations of the working of the

Holy Spirit, and are always in agreement with the heart,
substance, or essence of scripture. The gifts most commonly
associated with prophetic ministry are word of knowledge, word of
wisdom, and prophecy. Discerning of spirits and various kinds of
tongues along with the interpretation are prophetic in nature as well.

Revelatory Gifts
The word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits are
gifts of revelation. These gifts are concerned with receiving the truth of
“as it is in Heaven”.

Expression Gifts
Prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues are gifts of
communication. These gifts are concerned with expressing the truth of
“as it is in Heaven”.

Power Gifts
The three remaining gifts are known as the power gifts: miracles,
healing, and the gift of faith. We should not limit the Holy Spirit by
only allowing Him to manifest the life of Jesus through us in the form
of revelatory gifts and expression gifts. In fact, the prophetic gifts often
help create an opportunity to operate in the power gifts.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Explanation Of The Prophetic Gifts

Word Of Knowledge
Word of knowledge is the supernatural revelation of a fact that is
already true in the present or past, and possibly known by others, but
not naturally known by the person receiving the word of knowledge.

Word Of Wisdom
Word of wisdom is the supernatural revelation of wise advice, direction,
or knowledge for future action. Wisdom itself is always future oriented.
The word of wisdom is wisdom from God about how to approach or
handle some current or future situation, whether previously known or
unknown. It is understanding for future action, or the application of
knowledge which can be independent of a “word of knowledge”. It is
often demonstrated in applying scriptures, insight, guidance, or counsel.

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then

peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and
good fruits, impartial and sincere.” Jam. 3:17 ESV

Prophecy is speaking ahead of time, or foretelling, what God is planning
to do and preparing the way for it to come. It is an inspired utterance
concerning God's plans and purposes. Prophecy is future potential
which is being made known and available.

Discerning Of Spirits
Discerning of spirits is not discernment in general, but rather discerning
of spirits. This includes the type, name, function, purpose, and/or
assignment of spirits (whether good or bad), which are commissioned,
present, working or operating, in authority, controlling, infuencing,
etc. It is distinguishing the motivating spirit behind certain words or
deeds; whether human, demonic, or divine.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Speaking In Various Kinds Of Tongues

Speaking in various kinds of tongues is the supernatural ability to speak
in languages of men and/or of angels that the speaker does not know in
the natural. The gift of tongues along with the gift of interpretation of
tongues can manifest word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy,
and interpretation.

Interpretation Of Tongues
Interpretation of tongues is the supernatural ability to know the message
being conveyed by various kinds of tongues that the interpreter does not
comprehend in the natural. It is not normally a word for word
translation, but rather it is same message being conveyed.

Internal & External Anointings

xperience will teach you that there is a diference between
ministering from the anointing that fows from within you and
the anointing that comes upon you from outside of your

Internal Anointing
Most of the time, most people minister out of the anointing that is
within them. The anointing is the person of the Holy Spirit Himself
working in and through you. This is the “internal” anointing that comes
from within you and abides in you.

“But the anointing that you received from him abides in

you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you.
But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is
true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in
him.” 1 Joh. 2:27 ESV

The Kingdom of God is within you because God's own Spirit is within

“Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is]
there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].” Luk.

17:21 AMP

External Anointing
The anointing that comes upon you from outside of your own being is
what I would refer to as an external anointing. Throughout the Old
Testament, it is evident that this external anointing is at times the Holy
Spirt, and at other times the infuence of angels. Angels are often
commissioned to aid you in ministry.

For instance, there is a spirit of prophecy, a spirit of knowledge, a spirit

of wisdom, and a spirit of revelation (or understanding). While these can
refer to the Holy Spirit, they could also refer to messenger angels that
have been assigned to you for a specifc task, such as prophetic ministry
or for your calling. In other words, spirits are often angels.

Regardless of the perspective you take, there is an “external” anointing

that can come upon you from outside of your own being.

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel
and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the
Lord.” Isa. 11:2 ESV

“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of

glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation
in the knowledge of him,” Eph. 1:17 ESV

Spiritual revelation that comes to you through an external anointing has

a much stronger sense of feeling and clarity than the internal anointing
typically does. A vision or other revelation that is delivered to you
through an external anointing is often much more vivid and intense.
However, sensing or perceiving through an internal anointing is just as
legitimate as sensing things delivered though an external anointing, even
though it may not seem as vivid or intense.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

The New Testament Standard

O ld covenant principles are understood within the new

covenant model as exemplifed only in Jesus Christ.
Everything under the law was a shadow of a greater truth.
The full reality and fulfllment that those things point to is perfectly seen
in Jesus Christ alone.

“Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions

of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new
moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things
to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.” Col. 2:16-
17 ESV

“For since the law has but a shadow of the good things
to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can
never, by the same sacri fices that are continually offered
every year, make perfect those who draw near.” Heb.
10:1 ESV

Jesus Christ Is Our Only Perfect Example

Even though God has spoken to us in many ways and through many
people, only Jesus Christ perfectly reveals God to us. He is God and He
is our primary means of knowing and understanding God.

“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke

to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he
has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir
of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact
imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the
word of his power. ...” Heb. 1:1-3 ESV

Old Covenant Prophets & Character Flaws

While there is much we can learn from prophets in the old covenant,
we should never imitate their character faws. Only Jesus exhibited
perfect character. We should strive to imitate Him alone.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

God held old covenant prophets to the very strict standard of the law of
Moses. If they failed to represent His message as required, then God was
obligated to punish them severely. But, we are not under that covenant
any longer. Jesus enacted a new covenant of grace toward us by his own
blood. We enter into that covenant relationship with Him by faith.

“Therefore, since we have been justi fied by faith, we

have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2
Through him we have also obtained access by faith into
this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of
the glory of God.” Rom. 5:1-2 ESV

A New Covenant Of Grace By Faith

We are not living under the same covenant that the prophets of old
were. Therefore, we should operate under the guidelines of this new
covenant. Since we are receiving the grace of God which we access by
faith, we should also extend the grace of God toward others by that same
faith. By doing so, God will work in their lives by the power of His
Spirit. We allow room for Him to work according to His own design in
this new covenant.

Judging New Covenant Prophetic Words

One of the major diferences we notice as it relates to prophetic
ministry is in the area of judging prophetic words. Several scriptures
summarize some of the most important principles:

“Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others

weigh what is said.” 1 Cor. 14:29 ESV

“Do not despise prophecies, 21 but test everything; hold

fast what is good.” 1 The. 5:20-21 ESV

Retain What is Good

Under the old covenant, when a prophetic word was given and found
to be wrong, they were judged severely. Of course, they persecuted and
killed accurate prophets as well.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Paul implies that under the new covenant there is room for error, and
that it is up to those hearing or receiving the word to weigh what is
being said. With the possibility of error comes the possibility for some
to despise prophecy all together. However, Paul encourages us to retain
what is good after testing the prophetic word.

Overview Of The Process

We are not going to automatically know how to do it efectively unless
we actually start doing it. As we practice, we will make mistakes. That's
okay, because we all learn by doing and we have the liberty to give one
another grace to develop and mature under the new covenant.

It's okay to practice; we learn and develop skilled ability by doing.

Practice Makes Perfect

It's okay to practice so that you may learn, which helps us grow in
ability. There is no other way to learn to minister prophetically. God
gives us the gift or ability, but we have to learn how to use it. We learn
and grow by deliberately trying to apply knowledge until we develop a
skill. Then we intentionally practice that skill until it becomes a part of
our lifestyle.

“But solid food is for the mature, for those who have
their powers of discernment trained by constant practice
to distinguish good from evil.” Heb. 5:14 ESV

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may
discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.” Rom. 12:2 ESV

“Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that

all may see your progress.” 1 Tim. 4:15 ESV

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

It's Okay To Stumble

God's grace allows us to fall while learning to walk. It's okay to stumble
or miss it while trying to edify, exhort, and encourage others. Even if
we “miss it”, we can't mess it up too bad if we are striving to
strengthen, encourage, and build up.

Three Actions Of Prophetic Ministry

There are three parts to prophetic ministry: receiving, interpreting,
delivering. Each of those are actions. This means that we must do
something. Obviously, we are intimately involved in the process of
prophetic ministry.

Three Actions Of Prophetic Ministry:




Receiving Requires Action

Faith that doesn't blossom into action will prove to be inefective and
will eventually deteriorate. Faith is incomplete without action in
agreement with the heavenly reality it sees. In other words, physical
action fnishes faith.

“So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have

works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and

I will show you my faith by my works.” Jam. 2:17-18

Receiving requires action in agreement with faith.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Act by faith, in agreement with truth, as if you have what you asked for.

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your

mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that
we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with
the heart one believes and is justi fied, and with the
mouth one confesses and is saved.” Rom. 10:8-10 ESV

Heart-Believing + Physical Action = Manifestation

Believing from your heart combined with physical action completes
living faith and results with the manifestation of what you believe for.
It's cooperating with Heaven, seeing what God has promised, and then
acting on it. Isaiah prophesied how that Jesus Christ would put action to
faith and see the will of the Lord prosper.

“Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put
him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the
will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.” Isa. 53:10

Jesus Intentionally Cooperated

How did the will of the Lord prosper in his hand? What’s the
signifcance of the it being in his hand? It's the fact that even Jesus had
the responsibility to deliberately cooperate with the will of the Father.
His decision to take action in agreement with the prophetic word
caused it to come to pass.

“Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will

come to you.” Job 22:21 ESV

Confrmation Comes After Delivery

You will never learn how accurately you hear until you deliver the
word. You often will not get confrmation until after you are obedient.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

This demands faith, which God will never remove from the equation
because anything that is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23).

“But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to

Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
12 He said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the

sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have
brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on
this mountain.” Exo. 3:11-12 ESV (emphasis added)

“Jeremiah said, “The word of the Lord came to me: 7

Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle will
come to you and say, ‘Buy my field that is at Anathoth,
for the right of redemption by purchase is yours.’ 8 Then
Hanamel my cousin came to me in the court of the guard,
in accordance with the word of the Lord, and said to me,
‘Buy my field that is at Anathoth in the land of Benjamin,
for the right of possession and redemption is yours; buy
it for yourself.’ Then I knew that this was the word of
the Lord.” Jer. 32:6-8 ESV

You Must Deliver To Learn

We all want to wait until we are sure of what we feel before we deliver
it, but we will never be one-hundred percent sure until after we simply
act and obey. We must be “doers” of the Word, not people who hear
but never act.

Ask, Believe, And Receive

T here is a three step process to receiving all the things that are
freely given to us in Jesus. Ask for what you really want, in
agreement with the established will of God.

Then, sincerely believe that God is doing for you what He has always
done for everyone that has ever believed in Him. How much you really
believe is the limiting measure of what you can receive. The more you
believe you can access, the more you will access.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who
asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the
one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you,
if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or
if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you
then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more will your Father who is in
heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Mat.
7:7-11 ESV

“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one
who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and
tossed by the wind.” Jam. 1:6 ESV

Next, you must receive what you ask and believe for by taking action
that is in agreement with your faith. Continue acting in agreement until
you see the reality made manifest in your personal experience (Jam. 1:2-
25; Jam. 2:14-26; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6).

Remember that it's okay to try as long as you don't stop trying before
you get what you ask and believe for. It's alright to practice. If you don't
practice, then you will never become skilled.

Three Actions Taken To Receive Anything:




Truth, Grace, and Faith

There are three stages in the process of receiving all the things that are
freely given to us in Christ.

First, we are presented truth which the Holy Spirit illuminates to the

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

hungry. We receive all spiritual things the same way we receive

salvation. We hear the truth and promises of God. God's grace gives us
unearned favor to receive what we have not earned.

When faith rises in our hearts, we believe. We believe God's word from
deep within our spirit, not just agree with it mentally. Then we confess
with our mouth and take action in agreement with our faith.

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the

word of Christ.” Rom. 10:17 ESV

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your

mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that
we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with
the heart one believes and is justi fied, and with the
mouth one confesses and is saved.” Rom. 10:8-10 ESV

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has

faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?”
Jam. 2:14 ESV

Three Stages In The Process Of Receiving Anything:

Realizing truth

Receiving grace

Acting in faith

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. Prophetic ministry is primarily ministry.

2. The purpose of the prophetic ministry of all believers is to

strengthen, encourage, and comfort; to serve each other
as good stewards of God's grace; and to impart faith,
hope, and love.

3. If you can hear God's voice and then express what you hear, then
you can minister prophetically.

4. God wants you to mature and grow in character, but growing

into maturity can only be accomplished as you take

5. The Holy Spirit is the gift, and He will especially manifest

through you in nine particular ways which we refer to as the
gifts of the Spirit.

6. Most of the time, most people minister out of the

anointing that is within them, an internal anointing, which is
more subtle but just as legitimate and efective as the external
anointing which comes upon you from outside of your being.

7. We should judge prophetic ministry under the New Covenant and

retain that which is good without despising prophesy
because of errors or immaturity.

8. Even spiritual abilities are developed through practice.

Practice develops skilled ability to use what we've been given.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #1
Prophetic ministry should always strengthen, encourage, and comfort.

Key Concept #2
We can all prophesy.

Key Concept #3
It's okay to practice; we learn and develop skilled ability by doing.

Key Concept #4
Receiving requires action in agreement with faith.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Three Levels Of Prophetic Operation
1. All believers (Joh. 10:27 and Mat, 10:20)

2. Spirit-flled believers (1 Cor. 12-14)

3. Angelic-assisted believers (Rev. 10:8-11, 22:6)

Three Levels Of Prophetic Ministry

1. “My sheep hear My voice” (Joh. 10:27)

2. Intentional Spirit-flled gifting (Act. 19:6)

3. Five-fold ofce mandate (Eph. 4:11)

Three Actions Of Prophetic Ministry

1. Receiving

2. Interpreting

3. Delivering

Three Actions Taken To Receive Anything

1. Asking

2. Believing

3. Receiving

Three Stages In The Process Of Receiving Anything

1. Realizing truth

2. Receiving grace

3. Acting in faith

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 2
Receiving: Hearing the Voice of God Anytime,

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

How It "Looks & Feels"

I magine yourself being at home in your favorite chair with a cup

of hot cofee and a cinnamon bun, as a helicopter fies just over
the top of your house. Feel the comfort of being there, and the
hot cup in your hand. Smell the cofee and cinnamon bun. Look at the
inside of your house or peer out the window at the helicopter fying by.
Listen to the sound of the helicopter and the neighbor's dog barking at

Imagination Is Where We Perceive

The way we experience those things in our imagination is what it
typically looks and feels like to receive prophetic revelation.1 When we
say that we have received prophetic revelation, what we are saying is
that we have perceived spiritual communication.

Your mind, will, and emotions will perceive things from both the
physical and spiritual realms. You must practice in order to learn the
diference between your own human imagination, God speaking, and
the enemy speaking. You will only learn to distinguish between them
through practice, having trained yourself by “doing” (Heb. 5:14).

God Speaks In Spirit

God is Spirit, so He usually “speaks” to you in the form of spiritual
communication. Spiritual communication is transferred into your
perception through your mind, will, and emotions. Therefore, when
God speaks to you it sounds like you thinking.

Spiritual communication is perceived in many diferent ways, such as

through dreams, vision, voice, sounds, smells, tastes, spontaneous ideas,
illumination, inspiration (including inspired utterance and inspired
unction), impression, intuition, internal witness, empathetic feelings,
and fashbacks.

1 The previous demonstration was not prophetic revelation or spiritual

communication. It was simply a demonstration of what it looks and feels like to
perceive spiritual communication in your imagination.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

How It Happens
Although God will often speak to you suddenly without your
anticipation, you can also deliberately utilize the prophetic gifts
whenever you desire. You only need to know that you can. By doing
so, you are simply coming into agreement with the present reality of “as
it is in Heaven”.

We can operate in the prophetic gifts whenever we choose to.

Operating in prophetic ministry deliberately is a lot like walking into a

dark room with a fashlight. You do not know what you will see as you
look around, but you will see in the areas that you focus your light on.

The Soul Is The Projector Screen Of Your Being

As mentioned previously, spiritual information is transmitted to your
physical being through the soul, which is the mind, will, and emotions.
There are three methods of receiving prophetic revelation which
directly relate to these three parts of the soul: seer, knower, and feeler.
The seer method favors perceiving through the mind, the knower
through the will, and the feeler through the emotions.

We will all tend to favor one of these methods over the others, but we
still function in all three ways at least some of the time. In other words,
we are not limited to only one method, but each one of us will fnd one
of these to be naturally dominant.

Three Methods Of Spiritual Perception:




Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

A Further Word
John G. Lake said, “... each one is conscious of our own personality to
this extent: At least in our material consciousness, our earthly
consciousness, we are aware of our environments and the things that
take place about us. And through the sensory organs we are brought
into harmony with the world about us. All our life and being is on that
plane to a great extent, without realizing as we should that the spiritual
man and the real man – the God-man, the indestructible, eternal man,
the God in us – has a being, a consciousness, and spiritual sensory organs
just the same as our material man has. The soul is the consciousness, the
ego, by which either that which takes place in the natural or that which
takes place in the spiritual sensory organs is brought to us just the same
as our material man has.”2

Spiritual Reality Is Superior

Even though prophetic revelation may not initially seem as real to you
as the physical realm, the spiritual realm you are perceiving is still
superior. (Heb. 11:3; 2 Cor. 4:18; 1 Joh. 1:2) Everything physical was
made out of the spiritual realm. Therefore, what we perceive in the
spiritual realm is superior to what we perceive with our physical senses.

The Five Golden Senses

I n the same way that every person has fve physical senses which
gather information from the physical realm, we each have fve
spiritual senses which gather information from the spiritual realm.
They are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling (or touching).
Some may refer to these spiritual senses as the golden or divine senses.

We all have fve spiritual senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and

2 Lake, John G., and Roberts Liardon. “Untitled, The Triune God.” John G. Lake:
The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker
House, 2004. 152. Print.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Living From The Spirit, To The Physical

God created us to primarily receive information from the heavenly
realm through the use of our spiritual senses, which we perceive
through our soul, and then release through our body into the physical
realm. This is the way we were designed to function.

But after the fall of mankind, sin entered the world and corrupted our
nature. Now we naturally tend to live in the reverse order of primarily
receiving information out of the earthly realm through our physical
senses, which is projected onto our soul, and then sowed into the
spiritual realm.

As we deliberately use our spiritual senses and function in the order that
God designed us to, we will fnd that our ability to perceive the spiritual
realm will grow stronger. The more we value the spiritual information
we receive, the more we perceive it.

Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain

R eceiving prophetic revelation is a right-brain activity. For

instance, dreams are not logical, systematic, and rational.
Instead, they are intuitive, spontaneous, and random. The
right-brain naturally interfaces with the spiritual realm, while the left-
brain is perfectly designed to interface with the physical realm.

Spiritual revelation is carried on spontaneous thought, which is

associated with right-brained thinking. Spontaneous thought is easily cut
of by self-exertion.

Accessing the spiritual realm is associated with right-brained thinking.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris


Logical Intuitive

Systematic Spontaneous

Rational Random

Accuracy & Precision Creativity & Aesthetics

Reasoning Imagination

Analyzing Synthesizing

Specifcs Patterns

Sequential Simultaneous

Linear Progression Holistic Overview

Seeing the Parts Seeing the Whole

Object Focused Subject Focused

Specifc Detail General Concept

Verbally Oriented Imagery Oriented

Speaking, Reading, Writing Music, Art, Acting

Counting & Measuring Shapes & Motion

Literal, Technical Metaphoric, Poetic

Grammar & Vocabulary Context & Idea

Factual Past Visionary Future

Individual, Independent Group, Community

Mental Thinking and Learning Hands-on Thinking and Learning

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

The broad generalization of assigning certain functions and activities to

either the right-brain or left-brain is technically not an accurate
assumption because they are not isolated to one side of your physical
brain.3 However, it a useful way of explaining the defnite diferences
between the two distinct modes of thinking.

Whole-Brain Balance
Most people naturally prefer one mode over the other, but if you
deliberately practice the mode you are weakest in, you will be able to
operate in more of a whole-brain fashion. The more you practice, the
easier it will get, even though you may continue to prefer one or the

The ideal goal would be to become fairly balanced between them both.
We should strive to be equally right-brained and left-brained. There are
benefts to both modes of thinking. In fact, both are necessary for you
to minister at your full potential.

Advantages Of Left-Brain & Right-Brain Thinking

You can increase your ability to receive prophetic revelation by
intentionally doing things that utilize right-brain functions. You can
increase your ability to deliver prophetic revelation by exercising left-
brain your abilities.

Three Ways To Increase Ability To Receive Revelation:

Be spontaneous by taking a drive to an unknown destination.

Use your imagination to do something new.

Do something creative, random, or unplanned.

3 The brain is distinctly diferent from the mind. The brain is a physical organ. The
mind is spiritual, the invisible, real you. The mind, will, emotions, and every other
part of our being is in some way connected to the function of our physical brains.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Three Ways To Increase Ability To Deliver Revelation:

Create a plan, schedule, or outline to act on and follow it exactly.

Be accurate, precise, and detailed in describing something.

Organize something in a rational order.

Left-Brained Advantages & Errors

Because we live in a left-brain dominated society, it's important to
understand that in some ways logical, deductive reasoning is actually just
as vulnerable to deception and error as spontaneous creative fow. The
left-brain assumption that if you are in logical control, you will be less
vulnerable to deception is deception in itself, because you think you are
in control. Surrender and abandonment to the Holy Spirit relates
inversely to your level of vulnerability to deception.

Logical thinkers may adhere to biblical facts and details more precisely,
but they may also tend to reason themselves into error. This is especially
true in light of the fact that the content of the bible is largely right-brain
in essence. When left-brain thinkers try to understand right-brain
thinking through left-brain lenses, they tend to develop basic
misunderstandings and erroneous assumptions.

Three Errors of Left-Brained Thinkers:

Thinking you are in logical control.

Reasoning into erroneous assumptions.

Interpreting right-brained thinking or expression as logical or


Right-Brained Advantages & Errors

On the other hand, right-brain thinkers may connect easily with the
essence of the bible and the experiences that it conveys, but they may
also tend to sacrifce clear facts and details for the sake of what they feel.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

For this reason, right-brain thinkers need to deliberately anchor

everything on the details of the written Word and value it above their
own feelings.

There are advantages to both ways of thinking and neither one is perfect
in itself. Developing a balance between the two is best. You should
embrace both as part of your maturing process toward being renewed in
the likeness of Christ and becoming a whole man.

Three Errors of Right-Brained Thinkers:

Thinking you can be completely carefree by disregarding logic.

Disregarding clear facts and details in favor of feeling and intuition.

Receiving left-brained logical thinking as harsh, cold, or overly


Exercise Your Right-Brain Ability

You must exercise to strengthen anything. In other words, do it. You
can make it a point to do creative things daily, if for no other reason
than to simply stretch your right-brain abilities. This will help you learn
to shift into that spontaneous, creative mode at will, which will allow
you to perceive the spiritual realm more easily.

It's okay to do right-brain activities with or without spiritual intentions.

Some things that you can do are creative writing, drawing, doodling,
rearranging, listen to music, singing, etc. Exercise your right-brain
ability by doing anything to release what you feel in your heart without
analyzing it.

Left-brained function is more focused on thinking, while right-brained

functions involve more focus on hands-on involvement. Therefore, if
you want to expand your ability to receive revelation, you should
evaluate less and act on spontaneous thought more frequently, learning
as you go.

Remember: practice to develop the gifts that God gives you, and

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

exercise to strengthen your ability to use them.

How To Tune In

T he only safe and legal access into the spiritual realm is through
Jesus Christ. We need to be surrendered to Him when we
turn our attention to the spiritual realm. However, we are
always in the spiritual realm whether are aware of it or not, and we are
safe to the degree that we are living a life of yielding to His control.

Holy Spirit Infuences, Enemy Pushes

God knocks on your heart and infuences you. If you don't respond and
surrender to God, He will often pass on by (Luk. 24:28-29). The enemy
bombards you with what he wants you to say and pushes obsessively to
have his way. In other words, if you feel compelled to relent to a strong
pressure that you don't feel you can control, the enemy is pressuring
you. God created you to take dominion and subdue, and He even gives
you control of your Spirit.

“And the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets.” 1

Cor. 14:32 ESV

We will cover more about how to identify a pure and Godly word in
Chapter 4.

The Kingdom Of God Is Within You

Tuning in to hear the voice of God is as simple as shifting your
attention to the spiritual realm where the Holy Spirit is. That heavenly
realm is all around you, but the Kingdom of God is within you. Jesus is
in you, and you are in Him.

“Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God

would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is
not coming with signs to be observed, 21 nor will they
say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the
kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” Luk. 17:20-21

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

“In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and

you in me, and I in you.” Joh. 14:20 ESV

“In him you also are being built together into a dwelling
place for God by the Spirit.” Eph. 2:22 ESV

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the
things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right
hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above,
not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and
your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Col. 3:1-3 ESV

Look To See
After shifting your whole being to focus on the King and His Kingdom
which is within you, then you “look to see” what He will show you in
the area that you wish to see into.

“I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself

on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to
me ...” Hab. 2:1 ESV

Use Your Flashlight

Essentially, you get into His presence, and then you shine into the area
you wish to see into, expecting Him to show you something. In His
light, nothing is hidden. Believe that God will share one of His many
thoughts with you (1 Cor. 2:9-16; Rom. 8:27; Psa. 139:17; Jer. 29:11).

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we

see light.” Psa. 36:9 ESV

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has

not overcome it.” Joh. 1:5 ESV

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming

into the world.” Joh. 1:9 ESV

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

You can “warm up” by deliberately looking for specifc kinds of word
of knowledge, like looking into a dark room with a fashlight.
Remember, you don't know what you will see, but you will see in the
area that you are looking into. You can then use these targeted words of
knowledge to launch into prophecy more easily (John 1:47-51; John

You will fnd that you will see the kinds of things you look for. This is
why some people tend to see certain types of things more frequently,
while others see other types of things regularly. It is also true that you
will tend to see the kinds of things you personally value.

Use Proximity
Being in someone's personal space, especially by touching them, makes
it easier to perceive spiritual revelation about them. Always ask
permission before laying hands on anyone, unless the permission is
already implied (as it is in most churches).

More about proximity will be explored in Chapter 5.

Three Power Principles For Spiritual Perception:

Look into the area you want to see into as you would in a dark room
with a fashlight.

Shift your attention inwardly where the Holy Spirit is.

Get closer to the person you are ministering to, even by stepping into
their personal space.

When It's Tough Getting Started

If you don't think you are hearing God speak, ask yourself questions.
What do I think I saw? What am I thinking of, or what do I think I'm
thinking of? What do I think I feel? Don’t evaluate too much, just
engage. If you take more than a few seconds to evaluate your
impressions, then you are probably being too logical. When you are
logical, you tend to reason it out of your way. Just start saying what you

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

see or feel without analyzing it and trust that God will give you more as
you go.

For instance, sometimes it helps to ask questions to investigate by

focusing on what is already there. The perspective would be, “it is
already there, I just haven't perceived it.” Ask specifc questions based
on the leading of the Holy Spirit, while looking for answers. Ask
yourself, “what is already there?”

Alternately, it is helpful to shift your perspective to perceive what you

have already noticed and disregarded. It is shifting your focus from
“God, please show me,” to, “what have I already perceived?”

A third method is to think out-loud to bring clarity to what you are

seeing. This is explaining or talking-out what you perceive. It is actively
acknowledging what you are perceiving while engage your whole being
in releasing it. This is a very powerful way to engage what you are

Three Ways To Jump-Start Prophetic Ministry:

Ask questions to investigate

Shift perspective to perceive

Think out-loud

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. The way we experience things in our imaginations is
what it looks and feels like to perceive in the spiritual

2. God is Spirit, and He most often speaks to us spiritually.

3. We can perceive spiritually anytime we shift our

attention to look inwardly and perceive what God is

4. We perceive the spiritual realm inwardly in three ways: seeing,

knowing, and feeling.

5. We gather spiritual awareness through our fve spiritual senses:

seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling.

6. Right-brained thinking is ideal for receiving spiritual

revelation, while left-brained thinking is ideal for delivering

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #5
We can operate in the prophetic gifts whenever we choose to.

Key Concept #6
We all have fve spiritual senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and

Key Concept #7
Accessing the spiritual realm is associated with right-brained thinking.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Three Methods Of Spiritual Perception:
1. Seer

2. Knower

3. Feeler

Three Ways To Increase Ability To Receive Revelation:

1. Be spontaneous by taking a drive to an unknown destination.

2. Use your imagination to do something new.

3. Do something creative, random, or unplanned.

Three Ways To Increase Ability To Deliver Revelation:

1. Create a plan, schedule, or outline to act on and follow it

2. Be accurate, precise, and detailed in describing something.

3. Organize something in a rational order.

Three Errors Of Left-Brained Thinkers:

1. Thinking you are in logical control.

2. Reasoning into erroneous assumptions.

3. Interpreting right-brained thinking or expression as logical or


Three Errors Of Right-Brained Thinkers:

1. Thinking you can be completely carefree by disregarding logic.

2. Disregarding clear facts and details in favor of feeling and


Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

3. Receiving left-brained logical thinking as harsh, cold, or overly


Three Power Principles For Spiritual Perception:

1. Look into the area you want to see into as you would in a dark
room with a fashlight.

2. Shift your attention inwardly where the Holy Spirit is.

3. Get closer to the person you are ministering to, even by stepping
into their personal space.

Three Ways To Jump-Start Prophetic Ministry:

1. Ask questions to investigate

2. Shift perspective to perceive

3. Think out-loud

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 2 – Activations

Activation: Personal Journaling

In this exercise, you will begin to prophesy by writing down the things
that you feel God is saying to you concerning yourself. This will help
you to realize that you can hear God speaking to you, and then express

You will simply ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about yourself and
then start writing the frst things that come to your mind. Don't try to
fgure it out or plan it out. Don't evaluate what you are thinking or
writing. Don't worry about being perfect or saying everything just right.
It doesn't even need to be in complete sentences. It may be seemingly
random pictures, ideas, feelings, words, scriptures, etc. Just write
whatever comes to mind. When you are done, you can go back to read
and evaluate what you feel God was saying to you.

An extra page is included at the end of this chapter for you to write
down what God is saying to you.

Activation: Looking For Fruit

In this prophetic exercise, you will get a word of knowledge by looking
for the fruit of the Spirit that is most strongly developed in someone's
life. You are going to encourage them by noticing the good things that
God is doing in their life. This will stretch your ability to perceive
spiritual truth by looking for a word of knowledge.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Select a partner to prophesy to. After praying and then focusing your
attention on your partner, read through the fruits of the Spirit listed in
Gal. 5:22-23: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. The Holy Spirit will illuminate at
least one of the fruits to you that are especially prominent in your
partner's life. You will then prophesy that word of knowledge to the
your partner for their encouragement. Switch roles and allow your
partner to do the same for you.

Activation: Prophetic Blessing

This activation will allow you to speak the goodness of God into the
future of others as the Holy Spirit leads you. You will speak love,
acceptance, and appreciation, invoking God's special favor and divine
blessing on their lives. Proverbs 10:11 says, “The mouth of the
righteous is a fountain of life,” so you are going to turn your fountain
on and speak life.

Pair up with a partner and ask them to allow you the opportunity to
practice. Focus your attention on Jesus and His presence. Then from
that place, shift your attention to your partner and pray or speak a
prophetic blessing into their life. Continue to verbally release the good
things that come to your mind until that fow of thoughts or ideas stops.
Then switch roles and allow your partner to prophetically bless you.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 3
Interpreting: Receiving Understanding for
Prophetic Revelation

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

The Importance Of Good Interpretation

M uch of what is labeled as false prophecy is often simply a

misinterpretation of accurate revelation. In other words,
the interpretation is where most apparently wrong
prophetic revelation frst goes wrong.

Experience Comes Through Practice

Obviously, experience makes a big diference. Experience comes through
practice, so if you don't try, you'll never reach your potential. Don't
stop trying just because you've missed it. Don't wait until you're perfect.
Rather, allow God to work on your personal character as you continue
trying and practicing until you get it right.

It's easy to interpret prophetic revelation in a way that you want it or

expect it, therefore it's important to take steps to ensure as much
impartial accuracy as possible. When you don't have an internal witness
about the interpretation you are considering, don't proclaim it. Rather,
phrase it as a question, present it as a possibility, wait on the Lord until
you get the understanding, or simply say what you see. No
interpretation is better than forcing a misinterpretation.

The Roots Of Good Interpretation

H aving a solid biblical foundation with an accurate perception

of God as perfectly revealed only in Jesus Christ is of utmost
importance to accurate interpretation.

Every interpretation should accurately testify of the Truth as revealed
in Jesus Christ.

The Testimony Of Jesus

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, so every interpretation
should accurately testify of Jesus, His nature, and His heart. Knowing Him

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

in Spirit and in Truth is crucial. Approaching all things in a spirit of

love is paramount.

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth,
for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship
in spirit and truth.” Joh. 4:23-24 ESV

Agreement With The Word

All good interpretation will be in agreement with the established Word
of God. It's not following the letter of the law that is important, it is
following the heart and soul of the One behind the words that is
imperative. Accurate understanding of prophetic revelation must always
refect the essence of the Word as revealed in Jesus Christ.

Purity Of Heart
Our heart attitude towards God and towards the recipient must be pure.
Our motivation for giving the interpretation must also be pure. It is the
pure in heart who see God clearly, including His heart and desires.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
Mat. 5:8 ESV

Understanding Spiritual Metaphors

L ogically reasoned thoughts and calculations often contain basic

errors because God usually speaks to us through both symbolic
spiritual metaphors and specifc literal facts. But, one thing is
certain: most prophetic revelation is in the form of metaphors.

In order to understand the things that God speaks to your heart, you
will need to think metaphorically. The more you come into agreement
with correct interpretation of spiritual metaphors, the more you grow in
faith and ability. Remember, we learn by doing.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

What Is A Metaphor?
A metaphor fguratively explains something by making a comparison
with the similarities of something that is technically unrelated.4
Metaphors are associated with right-brain thinking, so exercising your
right-brain thinking skills will expand your ability to interpret prophetic

See the Appendix for some examples of common spiritual


Four Roots Of Good Interpretation:

A solid Biblical understanding

Agreement with the Truth as revealed in Jesus Christ

Purity of your motives and attitude

Understanding metaphorical thinking

The Roots Of Misinterpretation

W hen you have prejudice, anger, fear, suspicion, or other

internal confict with someone, it is very easy to wrongly
interpret revelation concerning them. However, you can
train yourself to wipe the slate clean and accurately interpret prophetic
revelation even if you have internal confict. With maturity in both
wisdom and character, you can allow your revelation to positively afect
your previous feelings and receive the heart and mind of Christ towards

Areas Of Confict
In any area that you have unconfessed sin, strongholds, or personal areas

4 Examples of verbal metaphors: got your hands full; like riding a bike; fshing for
information; everybody is singing the same tune; with your back up against a wall;
water under the bridge.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

of struggle, you will fnd that you are not able to accurately interpret
revelation concerning those areas in the lives of others. In this case, you
must confess your own sins and allow the blood of Christ to cover you.

Interpreting prophetic revelation based on preconceived ideas or on the

recipient's attitudes, past, or outward appearance can easily be wrong.

“When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought,

“Surely the Lord's anointed is before him.” 7 But the
Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or
on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.
For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the
outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1
Sam. 16:6-7 ESV

Wounds, Desires, Preferences, And Moods

Most misinterpretation is rooted in one of four things: our own
wounds, desires, preferences, or moods. Interpretations that are
produced out of or afected by these things often end up skewed or

Four Roots Of Misinterpretation:

Personal inner wounds

Personal desires

Personal preferences

Personal moods

Searching It Out vs. Figuring It Out

T he understanding or interpretation is received in the same

way that any other prophetic revelation is received. It is a gift
of the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, teaches, and reveals
Truth. It's always okay to ask the Holy Spirit and the recipient questions

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

as we are searching for the pieces to come together. We must learn to

dig for accuracy while looking for more revelation.

Don't Force It
Pressure breaks your connection to receiving revelation by the Spirit.
Just search it out by looking diligently, not hastily. Peace and gentleness
are the way of the Spirit.

Inner Witness
Always look for an inner witness of the Spirit to indicate an accurate
interpretation. On the other hand, a confused, clouded, “of”, or
“sinking” feeling immediately indicates a wrong interpretation for most
people. There is a distinct feeling that you will learn to notice when
something is either defnitely right or defnitely wrong.

Don't fgure it out; search it out.

The Holy Spirit Interprets

In Jeremiah 1:11-19, when God taught Jeremiah to understand what He
showed him metaphorically, you will notice that it is God who speaks
and it is God who interprets. In Genesis 40:8 Joseph said, “Do not
interpretations belong to God?” And again in Genesis 41:16, Pharaoh
asked Joseph to interpret his dreams and Joseph answered Pharaoh, “It is
not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”

“Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of

the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. 20
Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God
forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. 21
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and
sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and
knowledge to those who have understanding; 22 he
reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the
darkness, and the light dwells with him. 23 To you, O God

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have

given me wisdom and might, and have now made known
to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to
us the king's matter.” Dan. 2:19-23 ESV

Making assumptions about how prophetic revelation should be
interpreted or will play out is often wrong because we only see in part.
Especially try to avoid making assumptions with timing and the object
or person of focus. For instance, names may be family or close friends
instead of the person you are actually talking to.

Opinions and doctrines can be especially devastating to accurate

interpretation. Even though they may be right, opinions and doctrines are
not interpretations.

The bottom line is that we must learn not to force our revelation into
our current grid of understanding, while still remaining rooted in the
established Word of God. We should allow prophetic revelation to
expand our understanding of the Word without going beyond it.

Friendly Advice
While they mean well, close friends will often give you advice out of
their personal and more intimate knowledge of your own life and
desires. In other words, they tend to fll in the blanks for you. It's
wonderful to have close friends to share your life with. There are great
benefts just in maintaining close relationships. But helping you
interpret your revelation is usually not one of them, unless they are
matured through experience.

The most common problem is that friends will unintentionally tell you
what they know you want to hear, or to interpret your revelation in a
way that fts what they already know about you. Another way of saying
this is that your friends will have a tendency to box your revelation
within the framework of your current life, in the way they perceive it.
Also, it is very difcult for friends to not allow their own personal
desires concerning your relationship to afect their understanding.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Seeing the Big Picture

C onstructing an entire life-size poster out of tiny details almost

always results in error. We only know in part (1 Cor. 13:9),
and therefore prophesy in part. It is impossible to piece
together every question and mystery out of the few parts that we do see.

It is only possible to piece together the part of the picture that God is
currently revealing. This is what I would call the big picture. The big
picture is the overall theme and message that God is currently revealing.
It's the bigger picture in the sense that it includes or encompasses the
currently revealed details.

Filling In The Blanks

It's common for people to try to fll in all the blanks in an attempt to
answer all the questions they've ever had based on something that they
are currently seeing, even when it is unrelated. Another common error
is to attempt to make everything you see or hear be in some way related
to something you desire. There is no need to make these mistakes. Just
because God is speaking to you doesn't mean you are authorized to fll
in the blanks about things He isn't revealing.

Prophesy In Part
So, it's okay to prophesy in part. Do not prophesy beyond what you
actually receive. You don't need to piece together everything in a
person's life and make sense of everything for them. If it worked that
way then it would no longer be a personal journey of dependance and
surrender to God.

The Bigger Picture

However, never lose track of the bigger picture that God is currently
revealing for the sake of small details. Details should bring clarity and
depth of meaning. Details can often reveal patterns and themes which
are encompassed in the bigger piece of the puzzle which you are
presently receiving.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris


Details bring clarity to the bigger picture.

Receiving The Interpretation

Ask and wait on the Lord for the interpretation, which you will receive
in the same way you receive any other prophetic revelation. It may be
one simple picture or idea, but it will present an overall perspective of the
interpretation. It will be spontaneous thought and understanding. Then,
when you focus your attention on the details, you will notice how the
details add great clarity and depth of meaning to the bigger picture.

Never make any major life changes because of a prophetic word unless you have
received multiple confrmations concerning the larger perspective. It is
important to submit directive prophetic words to the wise counsel of your
pastor and other spiritual leaders in your life whom God has gifted and
entrusted with your care.

What To Do
So what do you do with the revelation you receive? The frst and most
important thing is to acknowledge the reality of the revelation, or
acknowledge that God is showing you something (Pro. 3:6). It is simply
admitting that you perceive it and that it's real. This causes your whole
being to come more into focus on what it perceives in the spiritual
realm. This causes you to grow and increase in your ability to see and

The second thing you should do is to interpret the revelation if possible.

When you don't understand what you hear or see, you ponder it in
your heart until the understanding comes (Luk. 2:19). Hold it out in
front of you, and as you go, be aware when and where it fts but don't
force it to ft. It can sometimes be years before the understanding is
there. Don't feel pressured to understand when you simply don't.
Pressure breaks your ability to hear clearly by muddying the fow you
do receive. Often the interpretation comes easily when the pressure to
get it is released.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

In the next chapter, we will learn more about how to apply the
revelation. For now, let's just recognize the fact that the spiritual realm
and the physical realm are overlapping and they infuence one another.
Therefore, what we perceive in the spiritual realm is useful for
infuencing the physical realm. In order to do this it must be applied in
an appropriate way.

Three Things To Do With What You Receive:

Acknowledge it (Pro. 3:6)

Interpret it or ponder it (Luke 2:19)

Apply it as appropriate (1 Pet. 4:10)

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. A solid Biblical foundation and understanding of Jesus
Christ are of utmost importance to good interpretation.

2. Most prophetic revelation is in the form of spiritual

metaphors, so to understand it you will need to think

3. A metaphor fguratively explains something by making a

comparison with the similarities of something technically

4. Most misinterpretation is rooted in either personal

wounds, desires, preferences, or moods.

5. It is helpful to gently dig for accuracy while still looking

for further revelation and an inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

6. You are not authorized to fll in the blanks about things

God isn't revealing.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #8
Every interpretation should accurately testify of the Truth as revealed in
Jesus Christ.

Key Concept #9
Don't fgure it out; search it out.

Key Concept #10

Details bring clarity to the bigger picture.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Four Roots Of Good Interpretation:
1. A solid Biblical understanding

2. Agreement with the Truth as revealed in Jesus Christ

3. Purity of your motives and attitude

4. Understanding metaphorical thinking

Four Roots Of Misinterpretation:

1. Personal inner wounds

2. Personal desires

3. Personal preferences

4. Personal moods

Three Things To Do With What You Receive:

1. Acknowledge it (Pro. 3:6)

2. Interpret it or ponder it (Luke 2:19)

3. Apply it as appropriate (1 Pet. 4:10)

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 3 – Activations

Activation: Popcorn Prophecy

This activation demonstrates the fact that we all see and know in part by
allowing everyone in a group to add a piece to the prophetic ministry.
It also helps you exercise your ability to hear from the Lord and speak
what you hear.

Everyone in the group will quickly deliver one word, picture, idea, or
feeling for a person previously selected. It is very helpful to have
someone write down the words given. Everything will then be put
together to form one group word and presented to the recipient for
ministry and feedback. You will then dig for better accuracy by
presenting details individually.

Activation: Practicing Word of Knowledge

In this activation, you will practicing receiving words of knowledge and
then interpreting them in a way that is applicable to the person's life.

Find someone you don't know well and then ask for their permission to
practice receiving words of knowledge and the interpretation through
the Holy Spirit. Focus your attention on Jesus and then turn your
attention to your partner. Look to see what the Holy Spirit will show
you about that person. You will intentionally perceive something about
them that is already true in the present. Then interpret what you
receive. Present your partner with the word of knowledge and then the

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

interpretation, and then ask them for confrmation or clarity. After you
are done, give your partner permission to practice on you also.

Activation: Word Gifts

This activation exercise is a creative way to prophetically bless someone
by asking the Holy Spirit to give you a gift for them. This gift could be a
word of knowledge describing something special that God highlights
about them, or it could be a prophecy of something good that God is
giving to them now or in the future. This exercise will stretch your
ability to access prophetic revelation.

After selecting a partner, you will focus your attention on the Holy
Spirit and ask Him for a gift to present to them from His heart. You
may see a picture or a short video in your imagination, or you may hear
a specifc word or phrase. You could feel an excitement or joy. You
may smell a sweet aroma. Whatever it is, receive it from the Lord and
then present it to your partner for their comfort and encouragement.
After you are done, allow your partner to give you a special word gift
from the Lord.

Chapter 4
Delivering: Prophetic Etiquette For Any

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Ministering With Wisdom

W hen delivering prophetic ministry, always strive to

encourage, edify, and exhort from a heart full of the fruits
of the Spirit. Make it your aim to stir up faith, hope, and
love out of a place of vibrant intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Always
minister in a spirit of love.


Minister in a way that you could personally accept from someone

There are some things that we should completely avoid in the prophetic
ministry of all believers. It is wise to not prophecy exact dates,
mates, serious change of direction, or babies. These areas simply
involve too much opportunity for unintended danger and are best left
alone for the person to hear from God for themselves.

Four Things To Avoid Prophesying:

Exact dates


Serious change of direction


Prophecy Is Potential
For instance, individuals receiving prophecy may assume that all
prophecy is supposed to automatically come to pass without their
cooperation when, in fact, almost all prophesy is God-given potential.
Dates, mates, change of direction, and babies all require specifc action

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

on the part of the individual in order for them to come to pass.

If the person doesn't do their part to cooperate with the word and the
prophecy doesn't come to pass, then they may easily begin to despise
prophecy or doubt God. More often, they tend to view and portray you
as a “false prophet” or “bad guy”.

At the other extreme, the person may take on false condemnation when
they realize that their actions do afect their future and that their failure
to act has had defnite results as well. They may realize that they missed
an opportunity and feel that they failed God, thinking they now have
no other option. God is always ready to make the most of any situation
and provide a new way for anyone who is willing to change their way
of thinking and follow His leading.

Avoid Unnecessary Pressuring

It can also tend to put pressure on people to perform and force things to
happen the way they think it has to happen instead of simply
cooperating with God by faith and seeing other doors open which they
had never before considered. We are taking a position of greater
responsibility as the ones doing the ministry, so we just want to avoid
some of these common issues.

Another very signifcant reason for these safeguards is that you can
accurately see four diferent things: the plan of the Lord, the plan of the
enemy, the desires of the human heart, and what is there just because it
exists. It can be very difcult to discern the diferences, even with

If someone is looking for confrmation of their personal desires instead

of God's desires, the person ministering prophetically may perceive it
and share what they perceive without realizing it is the persons own
desires. They can be accurate whether they prophesy the desires of the
persons heart or the desires of God's heart. The roots of good
interpretation can often help you discern the diference through

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Psa. 25:14 says that the secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear
Him. In order to stay on the path hearing and prophesying God's plan,
we must keep ourselves in the place of awe and fear of the Lord.

Four Things That You See Spiritually:

The plan of the Lord

The plan of the enemy

The desires of the human heart

What is there just because it exists

Good Sense
Never say, “this will happen” (unconditionally) when the recipient's
personal response or involvement is required to see the fulfllment of a
prophetic word. Most prophecy is potential that is specifcally available
to the person, but does require cooperation for the fulfllment. Instead,
it's best to encourage them to begin taking action in agreement with the
word of the Lord.

“Thus Sayeth The Lord”

Do not say “thus sayeth the Lord” or “God says”. It is not wise since
we're practicing until we are mature, and we don't need to be
presumptuous. Instead, say something like, “I feel” or, “I sense”.

Leave A Way Out

You should always give the person the opportunity to reject your
prophetic word. You need to allow them a way out. If you don't, then
you may unintentionally heap condemnation on them when they are
not ready to hear what God is saying to them.

Never Pressure Acceptance

Never pressure anyone to accept your ministry. The Holy Spirit loves

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

them more than you do, and you should allow Him room to work in
their lives. If your ministry is not well received, graciously bow out and
apologize for any mistakes you may have made.

Four Good Sense Principles In The Prophetic Ministry Of

All Believers:
Don't say that something “will” happen.

Don't say, “thus sayeth the Lord!”

Leave room for your ministry to be rejected.

Never pressure anyone; only infuence them.

Minister For Growth

Consider how to minister in a way that allows for growth at the person's
own pace instead of placing demands or obligations on them. What they
can't receive now, they will often not forget. If God is speaking
something to them, He will continue even after you are gone. In other
words, you do not need to do the Holy Spirit's job. You only need to
allow yourself to be the bridge that allows that person to connect to

Stretch, Don't Force

Do not prophesy beyond your faith (Rom. 12:6), but do stretch beyond
your comfort zone. If you see something but you do not believe it
yourself, do not prophecy it publicly.

What You See vs. What You Say

Consider what you see versus what you should say. It's not about you
prophesying; it's about ministering to the need. If you do address sin,
darkness, turmoil, and struggle, do it very gently and full of love, never

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of

gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be
tempted.” Gal 6:1 ESV


You do not prophesy everything you see; rather you minister to the

Encourage For Overcoming

Don't justify sin or disregard the truth, but encourage them with
wisdom for overcoming. Personal prophecies should never be delivered
in a manner that would cause shame or embarrassment to the recipient.

Be Accountable And Safe

Never minister to another person alone unless you have a close
relationship with them already. Having accountability protects you
against any possible false accusation and makes a safer environment for
the recipient as well.

Spheres Of Authority

S piritual authority in the Kingdom of God is favor which directly

relates to responsibility, servanthood, relationship, and love.
Authority does not come from great revelation. God grants
authority according to His will, and we receive it by cooperating with
Him by serving in love.

“But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only
with regard to the area of in fluence God assigned to us,
to reach even to you.” 2 Cor. 10:13 ESV

Authority Varies By Environment

Having a personal relationship with the recipient can give you greater
authority in their life within a private informal setting which may not be

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

applicable in other settings. You only have an authoritative relationship

to the degree that you take personal responsibility with love and
humility to see them succeed in their lives.

Stay Within Your Sphere Of Authority

Do not prophesy beyond your level of authority. Just because you see
something doesn't mean you have to say it. When appropriate, convey
the word to the person who has the necessary authority. Yes, you can
do this even when you feel great urgency, because the spirit of the
prophet is subject to the prophet (1 Cor. 14:32). Jude verse 6 reveals
that even angels are presently held under judgement because they “did
not stay within their own position of authority.”


Minister only within your faith and authority.

Honor & Submit To Authority

Always submit yourself to the governing authorities with the humble
heart of a servant (Rom. 13:1). Obey your leaders and remain teachable
(Heb. 13:17).

The Roman centurion revealed an understanding of authority when He

told Jesus, “I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me”
(Mat. 8:9). He recognized that Jesus had authority because He was
acting under authority. Even though Jesus is God, He willingly
subjected Himself to the Father's will and did not act on His own
abilities and rights as God, but lived as a man under the authority of the

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in

Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God,
did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7
but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant,
being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in
human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Phi. 2:5-8


Express In Order To Beneft

o one will beneft from your prophetic revelation unless it
is expressed clearly. We should strive to express it in a way
that the person receiving the word can accept and

“Now, brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues,

how will I bene fit you unless I bring you some revelation
or knowledge or prophecy or teaching? 7 If even lifeless
instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not give
distinct notes, how will anyone know what is played? 8
And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get
ready for battle? 9 So with yourselves, if with your
tongue you utter speech that is not intelligible, how will
anyone know what is said? For you will be speaking into
the air. 10 There are doubtless many different languages
in the world, and none is without meaning, 11 but if I do
not know the meaning of the language, I will be a
foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me.
12 So with yourselves, since you are eager for

manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up

the church.” 1 Cor. 14:6-12 ESV

Attempt To Be Efective
You may express a prophetic word in many diferent ways, but you
should choose one that is appropriate for the person receiving so that
they may beneft. You can express prophetic ministry by speaking,
writing, journaling, prophetic acts, painting, music, and any other form
of expression.

People receiving prophetic ministry often think of things diferently

from the way you present it to them. Even when the revelation is true,
your presentation can prevent them from connecting with the word.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

For instance, in Gen. 18:12-15 Sarah “laughed to herself,” and then

denied laughing when the Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah
laugh?” I do not believe Sarah was intentionally lying to the Lord, but
that Sarah did not think that laughing to herself (or laughing within her
heart) was the same as “actually laughing.” This type of issue is common
with prophetic ministry, and therefore it is good to be as fuid and
descriptive as possible when relating what you perceive.

Open Hearts Through Positive Presentation

Always present your ministry in a positive way, making sure that the
recipient feels as comfortable as possible. The openness of their heart is
directly related to their trust of you and the how comfortable you make
them feel socially. The more open their heart is towards you, the more
efective your ministry will be in their life.

“Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you

would a father, younger men as brothers, 2 older women
as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.” 1
Tim. 5:1-2 ESV

Guard one another's dignity. Always be respectful and honoring,

preferring others above yourself. Be bold yet gentle and full of grace,
not blunt without compassion. Always ask permission before laying
hands on anyone you are unfamiliar with, especially if you sense any
sort of intimidation, fear, or distrust.

It's always a good idea to use breath mints and smile.

Proper Motives

Y our motives should be to fulfll the purposes of prophetic

ministry (refer to Chapter 1). Always strive to edify,
encourage, and exhort. Remember, all true ministry is an
impartation of faith, hope, and love as we serve one another as good
stewards of God's grace. You should also be motivated to see
righteousness and justice established through humility, mercy, and

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

More than anything else, all ministry should be done as an act of

worship and obedience to Jesus Christ.

Fruit Of The Spirit Litmus Test

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-
control; against such things there is no law.” Gal. 5:22-
23 ESV

The fruits of the Spirit are an excellent aid for evaluating your motives.
Use them to test the what is fowing from your heart. All of these fruits
can be faked outwardly, but if they are not honest and truthful from the
heart then the weight and substance of Heaven will not be resting upon
your words.

Never Manipulate
Manipulation is any means of tricking or making people or
circumstances satisfy your own desires, preferences, or moods, even if
they are God-given and right. If you personally beneft by giving a
prophetic word then you should probably “sit on” that word long
enough to honestly evaluate your heart motives. Likewise, if you feel
any sort of negative emotion towards someone, then you should get the
Father's heart for that person before prophesying to them.

The Kingdom of God is established upon the surrendered, yielded heart.

You must absolutely refuse to spiritually abuse others through

It is manipulation if you use spiritual gifts as a way to impress others. If

you are prophesying, always let the person know when you say or refer
to something that you know in the natural. It is normal for the Holy
Spirit to bring things to your memory in that moment, but it's best to
let them know that He is reminding you of it.

Leave A Way Out

Remember, as a general rule, you should always leave the person a way
out of the prophetic word. This means that you must leave them the

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

option to disagree with you and completely reject what you say. Never
force them to accept you or the prophetic word you are giving.

Appropriate Timing

L ook for the appropriate time to minister prophetically while

expecting God to provide the opportunity. Allow things to
fow along with the surrounding circumstances. In a church
setting, this means that you should cooperate with what the Holy Spirit
is doing corporately as you are surrendered to the established leadership.

God Loves More Than You Do

God wants people to know that He is speaking to them more than you
want to prophesy. Trust that He will make a way at a time when the
person will have their heart open to receive, whether through you or
through someone else. Sometimes it's best to allow someone else to give
the prophetic word that you have. Remember to prefer others over
yourself. Every one of us can do this. If God can speak through a
donkey, He can speak through anybody (Num. 22:28-30, 2 Pet. 2:16).

“and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets.” 1

Cor. 14:32 ESV

Private Prayer Works

Don't forget about the power of private prayer and declaration. When it
is best to give the word at a later time or not to give it publicly at all,
you should always pray through it personally.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. As a general rule, and especially when referring to the prophetic
ministry of all believers, it is not wise to prophecy exact
dates, mates, serious change of direction, or babies.

2. Almost all prophesy is God-given potential and requires

defnite cooperation from the person who receives it.

3. You should minister in a way that allows for growth at

the person's own pace instead of placing demands or
obligations on them. Therefore consider what you see versus
what you should say.

4. Spiritual authority directly relates to responsibility,

servanthood, relationship, and love; it does not come from
great revelation.

5. Strive to express prophetic ministry in a way that the

person receiving the word can accept and understand.

6. Evaluate your heart motives against the fruits of the Spirit.

7. Look for the appropriate time to minister prophetically

while expecting God to provide the opportunity.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #11
Minister in a way that you could personally accept from someone else.

Key Concept #12

You do not prophesy everything you see; rather you minister to the

Key Concept #13

Minister only within your faith and authority.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Four Things To Avoid Prophesying:
1. Exact dates

2. Mates

3. Serious change of direction

4. Babies

Four Things That You See Spiritually:

1. The plan of the Lord

2. The plan of the enemy

3. The desires of the human heart

4. What is there just because it exists

Four Good Sense Principles In The Prophetic Ministry Of All

1. Don't say that something “will” happen.

2. Don't say, “thus sayeth the Lord!”

3. Leave room for your ministry to be rejected.

4. Never pressure anyone; only infuence them.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 4 – Activations

Activation: Unknown Individual Prophesy

In this exercise, you will learn that it is often easier to get a prophetic
word for someone when you do not allow yourself to be distracted by
their appearance.

You will face the wall and close your eyes. Someone unknown to you
will then stand directly behind you. Have them tap your shoulder to let
you know that they are there without giving you any clues about who
they are. You will ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you concerning this
person, and then you will prophesy what He shows you.

Activation: Destiny Purpose Words

Giving destiny purpose words will exercise your ability to receive,
interpret, and deliver prophetic words in a way that ministers to
someone – to edify, encourage, and exhort them to pursue God with
more purpose and clarity. You are not going to prophesy a directive
word to them, but you are going to speak about doors that God may be
opening for them and opportunities that God may be bringing into their
life. (I can see you doing these types of things ____, or I sense God may
be moving you towards something like this ____, etc.)

After receiving permission to practice on someone, begin to pray over
them while looking to the Holy Spirit to speak to you and give you a
word of destiny or purpose for them. Deliver it in the form of a prayer

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

as you actively receive and interpret the word. Do not be afraid to be

silent for a few seconds as you focus your attention on receiving from
the Holy Spirit. Switch roles with your partner and allow them to ofer
you a gift from the Holy Spirit for your own life.

Chapter 5
Team Prophecy: Ministering Efectively as Part of a

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Facilitating Exchange

P rophetic team ministry should be a spiritual exchange between

God and the recipient, which we are facilitating as good
stewards of God's grace (1 Pet. 4:10).

It's Not About You

This means that it's not about you. It's about creating an atmosphere or
an environment that allows the Holy Spirit to touch someone's life. It's
about allowing the recipient to be able to encounter God without being
distracted by us. We become like a bridge that allows the two a means
of access to one another.

You Are A Bridge

Of course, God can minister to them without us, but He chose to use us
and gave us authority and a mandate to make the connection. We serve
God and man by allowing ourselves to be a bridge between them. What
a privilege that is.

Jesus Is The Ladder Connecting Heaven & Earth

In Genesis chapter 28, Jacob was on a journey to Haran. It says that
when He came to a certain place he put a stone under his head and lay
down to sleep.

“And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up

on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And
behold, the angels of God were ascending and
descending on it! 13 And behold, the Lord stood above it
and said, “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your
father and the God of Isaac. ...” Gen. 28:12-13 ESV

In John chapter 1, Nathaniel met Jesus and quickly answered Him,

“Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” (Joh.
1:49) Jesus said, “you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God
ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (Joh. 1:51) Essentially,
Jesus was saying, “I am the ladder, the bridge, between Heaven and

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Earth. And more than that, I am the way to the Father. My life is
allowing you access to Him.”

We were made in His image, and He intends for us to do what He

does. If you are a believer, your life is no longer your own and the life
that you are living now is Christ living in you (Gal. 2:20). Because of
Jesus, you are now the bridge that connects Heaven and Earth. The
Holy Spirit is making you Christ-like. God intends to reveal Himself to
all creation through your life.

Cooperate vs. Compete

W hen we operate as part of a team in ministry, we can only

be an efective bridge when we are cooperating with our
team. If we compete, hinder, or interrupt one another it
breaks up the fow of ministry and tends to jerk the recipient out of a
receiving mode.

Key Concept #14

Cooperate with the Holy Spirit and with your team.

It should never become a competition of who can get the best word or
articulate it the most clearly. We should strive to honor one another
above ourselves and to support one another, encouraging the recipient
and our teammates. This is the message of Rom. 12:10 and 1 Cor. 14,
especially verses 12 and 26-33.

Quick Clarity

W orking together as a team can quickly bring greater

defnition and clarity to every individual word. Because
we see and understand in part, we often get more
revelation long after we ministered to someone. But, you may not have
another chance to clarify what you felt the Lord wanted you to say to
them. Team ministry overcomes this issue of timing very easily.

“But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all,

25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling

on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is

really among you.” 1 Cor. 14:24-25 ESV

A Team Operates As One Body

Quite often, someone will have a very general impression. After giving
it, another teammate may get more specifc understanding immediately.
God will confrm it in your spirit, and then you will fnd that you are all
moving quickly into deeper levels of ministry with the person. You will
fnd that you are quickly penetrating the depths of their heart by
operating as one body.

Focus Creates Flow

Or you may quickly receive the interpretation of a spiritual metaphor
that another teammate delivers without an interpretation. Instead of
being concentrated on what is unclear, the team can become wholly
focused on being good stewards of God's grace toward someone that He

Quick Confrmation

T eam ministry allows for confrmation of prophetic revelation

very quickly. Sometimes the only confrmation that you will
get will come from your teammates. It is very common for
more than one person to receive the same revelation in diferent ways.
This also establishes the word by the testimony of two or three

“This is the third time I am coming to you. Every charge

must be established by the evidence of two or three
witnesses.” 2 Cor. 13:1 ESV

Stay Focused On The Recipient

You will comfort, edify, and encourage your teammates in the process
of ministering to others. This is very important, but keep your attention

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

focused on the recipient. Otherwise, you may end up getting revelation

about your teammates. Cooperation only works when everyone's focus
is on the same recipient.

Key Concept #15

Stay focused and unifed for the beneft of the recipient.

Debrief Afterwards
It's a good idea to privately debrief as a team after you have ministered
so that you grow and strengthen one another. During this time, you can
focus more on each other and really take the time to be specifc about
details as you encourage and build one another up in the Lord.

If you are in a church setting, it's best to have an experienced team

leader who can skillfully make any corrections that may need to be
made. Let all judging, correcting, and directing among the team be
done by the team leader, who has the responsibility to lovingly help you
advance and grow in your own walk with God and in your own ability
to minister efectively.

The Multiplication Principle

I n the Kingdom of God, there is no addition; there is only

multiplication. When two or more come together in unity there is
a multiplied efectiveness. We will always be more efective
together than we are individually.

“Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of

you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall
before you by the sword.” Lev. 26:8 ESV

“How could one have chased a thousand, and two have

put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold
them, and the Lord had given them up?” Deu. 32:30 ESV

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concept #16

When two or more work together, there is a multiplied efectiveness.

Multiplication Increases Impact

Remember, there is also an establishing of the word at the testimony of
two or three. When we are getting the same revelation, we are
testifying of what we have seen and heard. This gives confrmation to
the recipient and to us. It strengthens the power, efect, and impact of
that revelation.

Corporate Anointing

H aving your hearts focused in unity for the beneft of the one
receiving ministry allows you to access a greater level of
anointing and revelation than you can normally access
alone. This is what is called a corporate anointing.

Proximity Anointing
In 1 Samuel chapter 19, Saul and his messengers prophesied under the
corporate anointing. Normally, they did not operate in this prophetic
anointing, but when they came into the spiritual atmosphere that was
established by Samuel and the company of prophets they accessed and
functioned in it.

Then Saul sent messengers to take David, and when they

saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and
Samuel standing as head over them, the Spirit of God
came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also
prophesied. 21 When it was told Saul, he sent other
messengers, and they also prophesied. And Saul sent
messengers again the third time, and they also prophesied.
22 Then he himself went to Ramah and came to the great

well that is in Secu. And he asked, “Where are Samuel

and David?” And one said, “Behold, they are at Naioth
in Ramah.” 23 And he went there to Naioth in Ramah.
And the Spirit of God came upon him also, and as he

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

went he prophesied until he came to Naioth in Ramah. 24

And he too stripped off his clothes, and he too
prophesied before Samuel and lay naked all that day and
all that night. Thus it is said, “Is Saul also among the
prophets?” 1 Sam. 19:20-24 ESV

Not only is it true that being in close proximity to someone allows you
to more easily receive spiritual revelation for them, but it is also allows
you to come under the anointing that others carry as well. This is true
between you and your teammates, but more importantly it is also true
between you and Jesus. As you abide in Him, covered by His blood,
you can access and function in His anointing.

Mixed Teams
Because of the multiplied efectiveness and the principle of the
proximity anointing, it's a great idea to mix team members with various
strengths and levels of maturity. This is especially valuable to equip
those who are new to prophetic ministry.

Three Key Benefts Of Team Prophetic Ministry:

Quick clarity

Quick confrmation

Multiplied efectiveness

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. Prophetic ministry is about facilitating an exchange
between God and the recipient. Therefore, it's not about

2. Team ministry is only efective when you cooperate

instead of compete.

3. Working as a team brings quick clarity, greater

defnition, and quick confrmation to prophetic revelation.

4. You will be more efective as part of a team than you are


5. Having your hearts focused in unity with your team allows

you to access a greater level of anointing and revelation
than you can normally access alone. This is called a corporate

6. Close proximity allows you to perceive related spiritual

revelation more easily, and also to operate under the
anointing that others carry.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #14
Cooperate with the Holy Spirit and with your team.

Key Concept #15

Stay focused and unifed for the beneft of the recipient.

Key Concept #16

When two or more work together, there is a multiplied efectiveness.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Three Key Benefts Of Team Prophetic Ministry:
1. Quick clarity

2. Quick confrmation

3. Multiplied efectiveness

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 5 – Activations

Activation: Group Prophecy

In this exercise, everyone will work as a team in order to demonstrate
how God gives confrming words through multiple people. This will
build your confdence that your confrming revelation is legitimate and
helpful in ministering prophetically.

One person will be chosen randomly for the whole group to prophesy
over. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word for this person. After one
person delivers their word, anyone who has a confrming or similar
word will share their revelation also. Then someone will have an overview
interpretation that brings all of the revelation together and really brings
it all together.

Activation: Hot Potato!

This will initiate you in the experience of prophetic team ministry by
stretching you to give words quickly as a part of a team. It will allow
you to practice giving your teammates an opportunity to minister and
will stretch your ability to get prophetic revelation.

One person chosen from the group will sit in a chair, and the rest of the
team will surround them. Each member will give a quick, short word
and then pass of the opportunity to the person on their left. Continue
rotating quickly until each of you has had at least two or three

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Activation: Pit Training

Pit training will give you more of a chance to turn your prophetic
revelation into ministry as you work together with others. It will allow
you to practice cooperating with your team and with the Holy Spirit as
you focus on ministering with more depth and clarity.

One person chosen from the group will sit in a chair, and the rest of the
team will surround them. Take turns ministering in more depth, and
allow your prophetic revelation to grow into ministry while remaining
cooperative and considerate of your teammates.

Chapter 6
Prophetic Evangelism: Boldly Revealing the
Kingdom of God

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Opening The Door

Y ou can use the prophetic gifts to open the door to speak to

unbelievers about the good news of Jesus. But, remember that
evangelism isn't just leading people to Jesus. It's revealing the
kingdom of God as Jesus did.

Key Concept #17

Use the prophetic gifts as a way to open the door for whatever
ministry God wants to do.

Revealing The Kingdom

This is not an opportunity to impress people with the accuracy of your
gifting, but to impress them with the reality and truth of the kingdom of
God with which you have learned to cooperate.

In John chapter 4, Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, telling her
things about her life that were already true which He didn't know in the
natural (word of knowledge). Because of this one encounter, many in
that town believed in Him (Joh. 4:39-42).

One Step Closer

N ot everyone will be ready to surrender to Jesus, but you

don't need to get everyone saved immediately. You only
need to love them one step closer to Jesus from where they
currently are. You can do this by demonstrating the love, power, and
reality of the kingdom of God and His personal interest in their lives.

Not Pressuring For Commitments

When you sense that someone is ready, you can ask if they would like
to know Christ. But, never pressure them into making commitments or
decisions that they aren’t ready to make.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Demonstrate The Kingdom In Power

Don't limit yourself to only ministering prophetically. Believe that the
Holy Spirit will allow you to minister healing, miracles, and great faith.
Anything that is not "as it is in Heaven" is a clue alerting you of an
opportunity to minister.

Key Concept #18

Expect to demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God.

It's Not About Morals

Many unbelievers actually have better morals than many professing
Christians. Good morals isn’t what makes you a Christian. In fact,
Christianity is diferent from every religion on the earth because the
Spirit of it's founder personally inhabits every person who believes and
surrenders controlling rights of their life to Jesus Christ. It's not morals
that make us diferent; it's the Holy Spirit that makes us diferent.

Unreligious Approach
In John chapter 3, Peter and John were on their way to the temple to
pray when they encountered the lame beggar who asked them for
money. Acts 4:13 reveals that they were uneducated, common men.
They didn't suddenly start talking in a religious manner just because
they were about to minister. They simply said, “We don't have any
money, but we will give you what we do have. Receive the life-giving
power of Jesus Christ.”

Watch Your Language!

L anguage is more than words. If you are walking through a bad

part of town to minister, wearing a suit is either going to turn
people away or switch them into a learned church mode that
turns of their heart. People may act and talk right as a reaction even
though it's not from their heart.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Body Language
Speak in a language that the people you are ministering too will
understand (1 Cor. 14:6-11), while keeping it as simple as possible.
Smile and be as relaxed as you can. People get nervous when you are
nervous. Body language often overrides the words you say and can pull
all of the attention away from God.

Church Words
Avoid words that are long, complex, and archaic. In other words, don't
use King James English. Nobody speaks it or really understands it, not
even most Christians. Most of all, avoid Christian words. You use words
in church that people outside of the church do not understand. I'm
referring to words such as redeemed, saved, salvation, righteousness,
anointing, fesh, carnal, gospel, works, grace, amen, glory, and

Key Concept #19

Learn to talk without using your church language.

See the Appendix for a list of defnitions to some of the Christian words
that people outside of the church do not typically understand.

Street Smarts

A void arguments and avoid being trapped in unfruitful

discussions about various beliefs and doctrines. You should
never try to convince people of anything on the street, you
should simply put Jesus Christ on display.

You Have Dominion

You may have to steer conversations, and help people see the bridge
that is available to them. They have a divine opportunity that has
nothing to do with anyone's opinions. If someone is intent on discussing
hard topics or arguing, then just end the conversation quickly. Tell
them that you have no desire to argue and that you just want to bless

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

them. Ask them if they would let you bless them before you go on your

People Only Listen When Loved

People usually don’t listen to God unless they know He loves them and
realize that He has an interest and intimate knowledge of their life,
circumstances, dreams, and destiny.

People do not generally listen to you either, unless they feel that you
actually like them. Let your love be genuine. Never be preachy; be
authentic and sincere. When something is unwillingly shoved down
someone's throat, they always reject it.

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what

is good. Rom. 12:9 ESV

I say this not as a command, but to prove by the

earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. 2
Cor. 8:8 ESV

It's Not A Program

When people are being recruited, they feel like they are being recruited.
Prophetic evangelism isn’t a program. Don't turn it into one. Neither is
it about promoting a church. It is sharing the gospel, which is revealing
the good news about Jesus through love and friendship, not about
building or growing a church or ministry. It's about expanding the
kingdom of God being in the earth.

Small Teams
As a general rule, it's best to limit the street teams to two or three
people. Larger groups of people can be intimidating to others. It's also
good to mix giftings and personalities when pairing people up into street

Encountering Christians
Sooner of later you will encounter a Christian when you are out on the

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

street ministering. Prophetic ministry works on them also, even if they

don't believe in the gifts. You don't need to explain what you are doing
or how you are doing it. You only need to do it.

As we saw when Jesus encountered Nathaniel in John 1:43-51, a new

level of Heavenly reality and personal understanding was opened up to
him that must have absolutely altered the course of his life. Imagine
what God may do in someone's life through one encounter with Jesus,
which you facilitate through prophetic ministry.

Just Do It!

G iving the frst word is always the hardest one. Just do it. God
loves people more than you can imagine, and He will work
powerfully through you. Other people's lives will be
impacted, and yours will be too. One powerful encounter will increase
your boldness and change you forever.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Summary Review
1. Prophetic evangelism isn't just about leading people to Jesus, it's
an opportunity to use the prophetic gifts to reveal the
Kingdom of God and minister to others.

2. You do not need to pressure anyone into making

commitments or decisions that they aren’t ready to make.

3. Speak in a language that the people you are ministering

too will understand and avoid using church words.

4. You may have to steer conversations to help people see

the bridge that is available to them through the grace of
Jesus Christ.

5. No one likes feeling that they are being recruited, and most
people only listen when they feel they are loved.

6. Prophetic evangelism isn't a program, it is ministry through


Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Key Concepts
Key Concept #17
Use the prophetic gifts as a way to open the door for whatever ministry
God wants to do.

Key Concept #18

Expect to demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God.

Key Concept #19

Learn to talk without using your church language.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Chapter 6 – Activations

Activation: Crowd Illumination

This activation will encourage you to fnd a particular person out of a
crowd that the Holy Spirit specifcally leads you to minister to.

You will scan the crowd looking for the Holy Spirit to illuminate
someone in particular to you. You will then call them up before you
have anything for them, believing God to give you a prophetic word for

Activation: Crowd Word of Knowledge for Healing

This activation will allow you to see confrming words of knowledge, to
work as part of a team, and to allow you to dig for more accuracy and
detail. Many people will also be healed.

Everyone will ask the Holy Spirit for at least one word of knowledge
f o r healing and then deliver it when asked. Confrming words of
knowledge from others will be asked for. Then those receiving the
word will minister to those who respond to it, boldly believing that
God desires to heal them.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Activation: Stretching For Details

In this activation, you will stretch for specifc words of knowledge for a
person, regarding them, or related to them.

Find someone you don't know well and then ask for their permission to
practice stretching for words of knowledge. Focus your whole being on
the Holy Spirit and then shift your attention toward your partner.
Intentionally look to see something about them that is already true in
the present, something regarding their life or something related to them
in some way. Present your partner with the words of knowledge as you
receive them without trying to piece them together or fgure them out.
Ask them to confrm any details that you got right. After you are done,
give your partner permission to practice on you also.


Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Typical Schedule for a Live Boot Camp

Session 1 (Friday 10am)

• Foundation: Biblical Basis for the Prophetic Ministry of Every
Spirit-Filled Believer

Session 2 (Friday 2pm)

• Receiving: Hearing the Voice of God Anytime, Anywhere (plus

Session 3 (Friday 7pm)

• Interpreting: Receiving Understanding for Prophetic Revelation
(plus Activations)
• Delivering: Prophetic Etiquette For Any Environment (plus

Session 4 ( Saturday 10am)

• Team Prophecy: Ministering Efectively as Part of a Team (plus
• Prophetic Evangelism: Boldly Revealing the Kingdom of God
(plus Activations)

Session 5 (Saturday 2pm)

• Question & Answers / Group Mentoring

Session 6 (Saturday 7pm)

• Personal impartation and ministry through the laying on of hands

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Sample Christian Words

Amen - "I agree".

Atonement – The price that was paid so that you could be forgiven for
all wrong-doing and be in good relationship with God.

Anointing - The presence and power of God's Spirit which you can

Believer - One who believes that Jesus has given them eternal life.

Born again – (see Saved / Salvation)

Carnal – Human.

Covenant – Total, irreversible commitment.

Faith - Totally believing something you haven't seen yet.

Flesh - Human nature.

Gospel - The good news that Jesus has made it possible for anyone who
believes to receive eternal life.

Grace - Favor that God gives to the humble.

Holy – Set apart for God's purpose. Dedicated to God.

New man - Your life and dominant nature after believing and
surrendering control to Jesus.

Old man - Your life and dominant nature before believing and
surrendering control to Jesus.

Redeemed – Freed from the consequences that you deserve.

Repentance - Turning from wrong-doing and humbling yourself.

Righteousness – Living rightly. Being okay with God.

Saved / Salvation – Surrendering your whole life to Jesus and being

freed from the consequences that you deserve.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Sin - Missing the mark of loving God and everyone else.

Walk - The way we behave and the decisions we make in life.

Works – Things that we do in an attempt to feel like we are right with


Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Sample Spiritual Metaphors*

Bed - Intimacy, covenant, marriage, love; The place you have settled
into or rested your heart; Rest, recovery, comfort, peace, the grave;
Meditation, dreaming; Self-made (you "lie in the bed you make");
Sickness (sickbed), dying; Impurity, adultery, betrayal.

Bathroom - Cleansing, removing or releasing of toxins or iniquity;

Purifying, washing or cleansing a wound.

Brown - Character, humility, compassion, servanthood, teacher,

meekness; Mankind, earth, menial; humanism, Godless “wisdom” and
reasoning, poverty, dead works.

Eagle - Prophet, the prophetic gifts; Spiritual sight, seeing into the
distance (the future) with understanding; Ability to soar or ascend to
heavenly places easily and swiftly; To dwell on the heights; Ability to
swoop down and attack specifc prey, swift to devour; A king or

Eye -To see; Omniscience, knowledge, sight, insight, foresight; The

prophetic, insight, seeing what God is showing, spiritual sight; The
perspective of a person's life; The orientation of one's afection, desires,
and faith.

Falling - Losing control, anxious, nervous; Losing support, backsliding,


Gun - Spiritual power; Ability to extend or wield power, ability to

support authority with actual power; Danger.

House - You, your body, and life (the temple of your being where true
worship takes place), the details or afairs of your life, your manner of
living; The place, conditions, situation, details or afairs with which you
abide or co-habitat; Your habitation or dwelling place in life; Your
family, household, the body of Christ (as in a group of people gathered
for relationship, fellowship, or purpose).

Left - God-given anointing, enabling, empowerment, ability, calling,

destiny; Undeveloped ability; The spiritual; The future; What you were

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

born to do (God’s destiny for you), gift of great faith from God;
Spiritual: weakness (of man) and therefore God’s strength, ability and
authority; spiritual power and ability; Left turn; Spiritual change.

Naked - Vulnerable, transparent; Uncovering of truth, honesty, purity;

Exposed, revealing the true nature or substance; Feeling like everyone
can see your personal secrets or shame; Aware of your own vulnerability
and true nature.

Right - Developed ability; The natural; The present; What you have
faith to do (from within yourself), preparing for ministry, natural
strength and authority, physical power and ability; Strength of man
(fesh) or power of God revealed through man; Accepted; Right turn;
Natural change.

Three - Godhead, Trinity; Fellowship, agreement (Amos 3:3);

Strength; divinely ordered, sovereignly established or determined;
Heaven, heavenly, spiritual, spiritual realm.

Two - Witness, relationship, fellowship, covenant, establishing; Double,

multiplication, increase; Breakthrough; Psalm 2 -The Seating Of Christ
(The Messianic Psalms); The reigning of the Lord's anointed.

Vehicle - A person's ministry, vocation, or way of life; What you are

doing or created to do, purpose in life.

*These de finitions of spiritual metaphors and more can

be found in the Seer Dictionary at

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Important Info About the Defnitions of Spiritual

You must rely on the Holy Spirit. The meanings of colors, numbers,
and symbols on are given only to help by
inspiring your understanding and giving you clues that will help you
begin to think in a way that allows you to understand heavenly
metaphors. The defnitions are nothing more than likely and possible
meanings. You must always rely on the Holy Spirit to give you the
interpretation in every situation.

Source of Meanings
The meanings given are based frst and foremost on their use in the
Bible. Secondly, they are based on their symbolic signifcance in United
States culture. Thirdly, they are based on the personal experience of
myself and others that I trust. Last of all, the inherent meaning of
symbols or objects is often true. In other words, the essential character,
dominant features, nature, or habit of something is often the symbolic
meaning of it.


Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

This book originated as an outline for training believers in our local

church without any intention being printed or distributed. At the time I
compiled and wrote the content, I wasn't aware of anything of it's type
in existence. Since then, I've become aware of some similar resources
that I am happy to recommend.

No sources were used or cited in the compilation of this book, other

than the Bible. The content of this book is the product of walking into
my own calling over many years. All of the activation exercises
contained were either inspired by things I've done myself or by things
I've learned from friends.

Prophetic Ministry Boot Camp — Jeremy Caris

Alphabetical Index of Key Words and
Action.................................................14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 77, 79
Agreement..............................13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34, 58, 79
Angels. Angels are often..........................................................16
Anointing..................................................15, 16, 101, 102, 115
Apostles..............................................................................10, 12
Assumptions.......................................................................39, 62
Authority...............................................6, 10, 14, 81, 82, 87, 97
Character.............................................................5, 8, 17, 57, 59
Character. W...........................................................................17
Confrmation.......................................................21, 74, 99, 101
Corporate anointing...............................................................101
Correct...............................................................................10, 58
Deliver...............................................................................20, 29
Discerning of spirits.....................................................12, 13, 14
Edify......................................................3, 10, 20, 77, 84, 93, 99
Encourage...........3, 10, 20, 51, 77, 79, 81, 84, 93, 99, 100, 123
Evangelism.............................................................111, 113, 116
Exhort.........................................................3, 10, 20, 77, 84, 93
Expression gifts........................................................................13
External anointing....................................................................16
Faith4, 5, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 58, 77, 78, 80, 84, 114
Figuring It Out........................................................................60
Five Golden Senses..................................................................35
Five physical senses..................................................................35
Five spiritual senses..................................................................35
Four Good Sense Principles In The Prophetic Ministry Of All Believers:
Four Things That You See Spiritually:...................................91
Four Things To Avoid Prophesying:.......................................91
Fruits of the Spirit.......................................................52, 77, 85
Gifts of Jesus Christ..................................................................11
Gifts of the Father....................................................................11
Gifts of the Holy Spirit............................................................12
Healing..............................................................12, 13, 114, 123
Heavenly realm..................................................................36, 41
Internal anointing....................................................................16
Interpret.............................................................................20, 29
Interpretation......12, 13, 15, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 73, 99, 109
Interpretation of tongues...................................................13, 15
Interpretation of tongues, faith, healing, and miracles...........12
Joel.........................................................................................6, 7
Language..........................................................83, 114, 115, 119
Last days...........................................................................6, 7, 17
Left-brain...............................................................36, 37, 38, 39
Mind, will, and emotions..................................................33, 34
Ministry “gifts”........................................................................12
Ministry activities.....................................................................11
Ministry ofces........................................................................11
Miracles......................................................................12, 13, 114
Misinterpretation.........................................................57, 59, 60
Motivational gifts.....................................................................11
Natural abilities........................................................................11
New covenant.............................................................17, 18, 19
Ofce of Prophet.................................................................9, 10
Old covenant.....................................................................17, 18
Pastor.................................................................................11, 64
Physical realm....................................................................35, 36
Physical senses....................................................................35, 36
Power gifts...............................................................................13
Practice...........19, 23, 33, 38, 52, 57, 73, 74, 93, 109, 110, 124
Prophecy5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 43, 57, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83,
87, 95, 109
Prophesy.........................5, 7, 8, 51, 52, 63, 80, 82, 86, 93, 109
Prophet..........................................................7, 9, 10, 11, 78, 82
Prophetic gifts.....................................3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 34, 113
Prophetic Ministry.........1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 77, 83, 84
Prophetic ministry: receiving, interpreting, delivering. E.......20
Prophetic revelation33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 74,
83, 99, 109, 110
Prophetic word.........10, 18, 19, 21, 64, 79, 83, 85, 86, 93, 123
Prophetic word, modeling it through their lives.....................10
Prophets.................................................12, 17, 18, 86, 101, 102
Receiv................................................................................20, 29
Receiving13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 31, 34, 36, 55, 61, 73, 77, 83, 87,
93, 94, 98, 101, 123
Revelatory Gifts.......................................................................13
Right-brain...............................................36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 59
Searching It Out......................................................................60
Spheres Of Authority...............................................................81
Spiritual authority..............................................................81, 87
Spiritual communication..........................................................33
Spiritual gifts..................................................................8, 10, 85
Spiritual information..........................................................34, 36
Spiritual realm.......................................................35, 36, 40, 41
Strengthen, Encourage, Build Up.............................................3
Team.............................95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 109, 110, 123
Testimony..............................................................5, 57, 99, 101
The Expression Of Jesus Christ.................................................4
The Holy Spirit Interprets.......................................................61
Three Actions Taken To Receive Anything...........................29
Three Key Benefts Of Team Prophetic Ministry:................107
Three Levels Of Prophetic Operation.....................................29
Three Stages In The Process Of Receiving Anything.............29
Thus sayeth the Lord...............................................................79
Timing.........................................................................62, 86, 98
Tongues.........................................................6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 83
Tongues, faith, healing, and miracles.....................................12
Will of God.......................................................................19, 22
Word of knowledge........12, 13, 14, 15, 43, 51, 52, 73, 74, 123
Word of wisdom...................................................12, 13, 14, 15

.....................................................................28, 48, 70, 90, 106

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