PROG191 Pass
PROG191 Pass
PROG191 Pass
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Grade (0-10)
❒Summative Feedback: ❒Resubmission Feedback:
IV. Implement
1. Explain program structure
The program is universally designed with 2 main Java files. In which 1 file contains the design form
and 1 file contains application property data.
2. Explain classes
a. MainFrame class:
This class will contain all the functions created with java swing. Functions will be implemented
through user interactions.
b. Manga class:
This class contains the properties of the manga.
Figure 3: Manga class (1)
Figure 4: Manga class (2)
b. Read:
The read feature is executed when the user uses the load button. The program will read the txt file
available in the folder. In case the file is not available, the program will report an error.
Figure 6: Load (Read) function
c. Update:
The update feature is executed when the user uses the edit button. After the user selects a row to
update the information, the user will enter the information and then click Edit. That item will be
updated. If the user does not select a row, the system will ask the user to select a row before
Figure 7: Edit(Update) function
d. Delete:
The delete feature is executed when the user uses the delete button. The user selects a row and then
presses the Delete button. The program will delete the data of that row from the table.
Figure 8: Delete function
e. Save
After the user is finished using it, they can press the save button to save the table, the program will
save the table as a txt file.
Figure 9: Save (Write) function
f. Search function
Users can enter search information with the search tool in the lower corner of the program. When
entering the table, it will filter out the record and display the relevant record.
Figure 10: Search function
3 Check Pass
4 Check Pass
5 Check Pass
6 Check Pass
7 Check if Pass
the user left
8 Check if Pass
wrong data
9 Check if Pass
user tries to
when there
is no data
in the table
10 Check if Pass
user tries to
edit when
there is no
data in the