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Fluoride - Wide Range of Serious Health Problems"

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The key takeaways are that fluoride has been linked to a wide range of serious health problems and many medical professionals warn against water fluoridation. However, others still believe it helps reduce cavities.

The article discusses that fluoride has been linked to thyroid problems, dental fluorosis in children, and eczema. It also mentions 600 physicians calling for an end to fluoridation due to health concerns.

The article discusses that Belgium became the first country to prohibit fluoride supplements such as tablets and drops due to them being poisonous and posing health risks.

Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

Holistic Health: Flouride/Fluoride

Fluoridated and Chlorinated Water: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems

Respected Medical Professionals and Scientists are warning that water fluoridation has
dangerous long-term consequences to health. For over 50 years, the U.S. government and
media have trumpeted fluoride as a safe and effective means of reducing cavities, especially
in children. But fluoride is not the benevolent and innocuous substance the public has been
led to believe.

"I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive
poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this
way is deplorable." Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical
Association ---- more

Welcome to... Health Hazards of Fluoride and Chlorine in Tap Water (aka: - - -A free educational web site on the internet

since 1996
This site is being continuously updated so check in often to see what's new ---Last update 12/12/2008
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"Fluoridation ... it is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been
perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has."Professor Albert Schatz, Ph.D.
(Microbiology), Discoverer of streptomycin and Nobel Prize Winner

600 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists and

Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death Environmentalists Call for an End to
Serious Health Conditions Caused by
Fluoride and Eczema
The Effects Of Fluoride On The Thyroid
Many medications are packing a potentially
Gland Thyroid disorder related to water
lethal hidden dose of fluoride
Belgium becomes the first country in the
Dental Fluorisis - Children at Risk
world to prohibit fluoride supplements
Detoxing from Fluoride
Health Effects of Chlorine in Drinking Water

Dr Robert Verkerk - “Fluorides are extremely reactive

molecules which have been shown to cause considerable Translate
harm in biological systems. They continue to be used by Select Language
health authorities for a specific medicinal purpose, namely
Update this gadget. Click here
the treatment and prevention of dental caries, yet they have Gadgets powered by Google

never been subjected to the full risk/benefit analysis which

is required in order to bring other drugs to the market.
Drinking water medicated with fluoride clearly amounts to Search Page 1 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

government-sponsored use of an unlicenced drug. It is Find

staggering that international bodies such as the United
Nations’ Codex Alimentarius Commission could have
Site map
overruled the substantial scientific concerns about fluoride
in infant formula raised by several countries in November’s
Codex meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand and that babies,
the most vulnerable members of our society, are made the
innocent victims” Dr Robert Verkerk, Executive Director of the
Alliance for Natural Health .
(aka: is a
August 2002 - Belgium becomes the first country in the free educational site site dedicated to
world to prohibit fluoride supplements Fluoride tablets, help promote holistic health for you,
fluoride drops and fluoride chewing gum, for decades your family, and your animals.
promoted as the crown jewels of dentistry, are going to be
taken off the market because they are poisonous and pose a
great risk for physical and psychological health. This has
been decided by the Federal Minister of Public Health. Shirley was once a victim of the
never-ending flow of propaganda from
November 2005 - Most of Western Europe has now the medical establishment who wants
abandoned fluoridation of water due to a lack of evidence to maintain a monopoly on the word
as to its effectiveness and concerns about major side- "cure" and who wants us to believe
effects. 98% of Europe is now free of fluoridated water. that we have no control over our own
more health and that our only hope to get
"well" is with drugs, surgery and
radiation. You can read an account
CDC Covering Up Serious Hazards of Water of Shirley's journey into health without
Fluoridation drugs, surgery or radiation.

Dr. Mercola - "In 2005, eleven unions within the EPA

publicly called for a ban of water fluoridation, over
concerns that it may cause bone cancer. And in 2006, the Do you have a question
American Dental Association warned mothers about using about holistic or natural
health or need assistance?
fluoridated water to mix their powdered baby formula. click here to email Shirley or use this
Now, finally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is contact form or call 206-984-3009 or
developing software to try to assess just how much fluoride 323-389-0560
you’re ingesting, citing new findings that
cumulative fluoride
intake might lead to
painful skeletal Leaders in Washington are working
fluorosis. Yet despite to restrict your access to dietary
supplements - including the safe,
long-standing, ever-
effective, and affordable vitamins,
mounting evidence of minerals, and herbs you depend on
fluoride's hazard to for your health. Your hard-won
human health, the natural health freedoms as
CDC still clings to its guaranteed by the Dietary
Supplement Health and Education Act
(DSHEA) of 1994 have come under
recommendation to attack by the political allies of
add fluoride to pharmaceutical interest groups!"
drinking water in Watch the Whistleblower doctors
order to protect your free videos
oral health. Even
Prescription for
though it was a lie, Disaster in-depth investigation into
right from the start. the relationships between the
pharmaceutical industry, the FDA,
90 percent of the fluoride added to your drinking water is lobbyists, lawmakers, medical
hydrofluoric acid -- a compound of fluorine that is a schools, and researchers, and the
impact this has on consumers and Page 2 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

impact this has on consumers and

chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate,
their health care.
and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Fluoride is also the
active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. It is
nothing but a carcinogenic industrial waste product, passed Tell Your
off on the public as a “nutrient” with necessary health
benefits, to benefit the nuclear arms, aluminum, and
phosphate manufacturers financially, to the tune of about $ Congressperson to Co Sponsor the
10 billion per year. Aided, of course, by your federal health Health Freedom Protection Act, H.R.
agencies, controlled by political interest." more 2117 This bill will stop the FDA &
FTC longtime efforts of censorship
Barry Grove's book, Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death, and restriction to access supplements
exposes the "science" that has successfully promoted water and educational information.
fluoridation for what it is: bluff, propaganda, and lies.
Fluoride is a poison--more poisonous than lead, slightly The National Health Federation is an
less poisonous than arsenic. It is cumulative and collects in international consumer education,
bones and tissues, not just the teeth. Numerous studies health-freedom organization working
done on animals point out the obvious dangers. Other to protect individuals' rights to
studies have shown increased rates of cancer, osteoporosis, choose to consume healthy food, take
supplements, and use alternative
and other diseases. Dr. Albert Schatz, who discovered the therapies without government
antibiotic streptomycin, said in 1982 that "fluoridation is restrictions.
the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated." Yet other
studies of tens of thousands of children show that it isn't The Natural Solutions Foundation
even effective at preventing cavities and is an extremely (NSF) is a non-profit corporation
poor delivery system even if it were effective. Like it or devoted to protect, preserve and
defend our right to make our own
not, your government sometimes lies to you. Groves points health choices based on what we,
out the fact that fluoridation is nothing more or less than a not the government, believe are the
huge government-sponsored lie, conveniently spun so that best choices for ourselves.
the super-phosphate industry can rid itself of harmful toxic
waste that is illegal and dangerous to release into the air but
suddenly becomes a magical "elixir of good teeth" when
added to our drinking water. The Truth About the Drug Companies
: How They Deceive Us and What to
Drinking clean water (fluoride free) Do About It "The medical
establishment works closely with the
drug multinationals whose main
Health problems caused by fluoride: objective is profits, and whose worst
nightmare would be an epidemic of
Excerpt from "The Perfect Prescription For Your Teeth" booklet: good health. Lots of drugs MUST be
"Fluoride detaches the gum tissue, forming POCKETS sold. In order to achieve this, anything
goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks.
from 1 to 8 mm deep. Dr. Judd states, “Receding gum Doctors are the principal salespeople
surgery will end when the GUM POCKETS cease. The of the drug companies. " Guylaine
very mention of the procedure, which involves transferring Lanctot, M.D.
flesh from the roof of the mouth to the excised area of the
gums, is a heinous and useless procedure which ought to
pass into oblivion. Fluoride is a nerve poison. FLUORIDE
CAUSES CAVITIES. There is not the slightest doubt. Dr.
MORE THAN 114 AILMENTS.. These 114 MEDICAL Dr. Lorraine Day,
SIDE EFFECTS extend all the way from cancer down to M.D. - "How One
Wicked Nation Can
headaches CAUSED BY 1 PPM FLUORIDE IN THE Kill Billions Around the
WATER. Thirteen of these side effects are proved by a World With One Lie"
double blind study on 60 patients by 12 physicians, 1 Learn the "truth"
pharmacist and 1 attorney.” behind the so-called
bird flu pandemic!
Spokesmen for national groups are beginning to notice AN
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

AND TEENS. Some dentists recommend DENTAL

SEALANTS, especially for older teens not previously
considered candidates for the treatment. But if sealants are
PREVENT CAVITIES??? Says Dr. Judd, “REMOVAL OF A few days ago
DIPHOSPHATASE so it can deliver phosphate to calcium moms not to give babies under 12
months any fluoridated water! Still the
at the tooth surface, RESULTING IN A BEAUTIFUL, unhealthy dumping of toxins into our
SEMI-FLEXIBLE ENAMEL.” And for those that care drinking water continues.
about wrinkles and such...Fluoride disrupts the
connective tissue, causing excessive cross-linking, cysts,
and premature aging of the skin! Clearly, getting rid of
fluoride is the first important step to take care of your teeth The Fluoride Deception
and other problems in the body. In this video (google) , Christopher
Bryson, an award-winning journalist
Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Links to Learning and former producer at the BBC,
discusses the findings of his new
Disabilities Attention Deficit and Behavior Disorders - Dr. book The Flouride Deception. "Bryson
Phyllis J. Mullenix marshals an impressive amount of
Toxicology Department, Forsyth Research Institute, research to demonstrate fluoride's
Boston, MA harmfulness, the ties between leading
fluoride researchers and the
corporations who funded and
Osteoporosis and Arthritis: Scientists at EPA in benefited from their research, and
Washington have declared that there is every reason to what he says is the duplicity with
believe that the increasing numbers of people with carpal- which fluoridation was sold to the
tunnel syndrome and arthritis-like pains are due to the mass people. The result is a compelling
fluoridation of drinking water. On July 9, 1998 the challenge to the reigning dental
orthodoxy, which should provoke
Manchester Guardian reported news of fluoride poisoned renewed scientific scrutiny and public
water in Central India, from untested wells drilled in the debate."
1980s, causing severe arthritic damage to tens of millions
of people -- a national disaster. Fluoride is the most bone
seeking element known to mankind. The US Public Health
Service has stated that fluoride makes the bones more
brittle and dental enamel more porous.

Hip fractures: Drinking fluoridated water will double the

number of hip fractures for both older men and women. Most Popular Products..
Extremely low levels of water fluoridation 0.1 ppm still
produced statistically significant increased hip fractures.
(Bordeaux Study JAMA 1994). According to Dr. J.
William Hirzy (vice-president of the NFFE LOCAL 2050,
the union representing all scientists at the EPA,
Washington, D.C.) there have been 5 epidemiological
studies done since 1990, in three different countries, all
showing a higher increase in hip fractures in fluoridated
communities. Some studies have indicated a 87% higher
risk of hip fractures to the elderly in areas where water
fluoridation was even below 1.5 ppm.

Cancer: Fluoride was found to be an equivocal carcinogen

by the National Cancer Institute Toxicological Program.
Further studies by the New Jersey Department of Health
Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. says that
have now confirmed a 6.9 fold increase in bone cancer in marine phytoplankton contains almost
young males. Earlier studies had found a 5% increase in all everything one needs to sustain life Page 4 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

everything one needs to sustain life

types of cancers in fluoridated communities. In 1981, Dean and to restore health by providing the
Burk, for many decades Chief Chemist at the US National raw materials to make new cells that
Cancer Institute, testified at congressional hearings, function normally. These nutrients
improve mental function, and
reporting that at least 40,000 cancer deaths in 1981 were memory. They reduce depression,
attributable to fluoride. 40,000 cases that could have been harmful effects of stress, and mood
prevented simply by NOT putting industry waste into the swings. Profound Life-Giving
public water supply. Burk stated that fluoride causes more Properties of Marine Phytoplankton
cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.

Infertility: Infertilityin women was found to increase with

water fluoridation. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
scientists reported a close correlation between decreasing
total fertility rates in women between ages of 10 and 49,
and increasing fluoride levels. They also reported that a
review of all of the animal studies done to date shows that
fluoride adversely affects fertility in most animal species. Dr. Paula
Hamilton, M.D.,
Brain damage: Fluorides lower the intelligence capacity of Ph.D. reveals
humans, with children, again, especially susceptible to early the evidence
fluoride toxicity. IQ levels were significantly lower than linking
children not exposed to fluorides in all age groups listed. diseases and
obesity to health damaging chemicals
(Li,X.S.,Zhi,J.L.,Gao,R.O.,"Effects of Fluoride Exposure which can upset the balance that
on the Intelligence of Children", Fluoride;28:182-189, helps maintain healthy body
1995) Further studies proving the neurotoxicity of fluoride weight. Learn about simple, natural,
in rats have also been conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullinex. inexpensive and effective approach to
In 1995 Mullenix and co-workers showed that rats given cleansing and weight loss programs.
fluoride in drinking water at levels that give rise to plasma
levels fluoride concentrations in humans, suffer neurotoxic
effects that vary according to when the rats were given the
fluoiride - as adult animals, as young animals, or thorugh
the placenta before birth. Those exposed before birth were
born hyperactive and remained so throughout their lives.
Thoses exposed as young animals displayed depressed A growing number
of holistic doctors,
activity. In 1998 Guan et al. gave similar doses as used by pediatricians and
the Mullenix group and found that several key chemicals in veterinarians use
the brain - those that form the membrane of brain cells, transfer factors
were substantially depleted in rats given fluoride, as as an alternative to,
compared to those who did not receive fluoride. Partly or in conjunction
with conventional
based on these findings, the union representing all EPA medicine for their acute and chronic
scientists in Washington have now filed a grievance cases, including cancer and other
demanding fluoride-free bottled water for their offices. serious health conditions, with
(Note: this also explains a recent University of South excellent outcome.
Florida study relating fluoride intake during pregnancy to Dr. Rob Robertson, MD - "There is
the yearly 1% increase in learning disabilities found in no other product in a nutritional
substance, nor a drug, that has this
children...) Studies proving that fluorides transfer through kind of power and ability to affect our
the placenta are well known. (Meanwhile, Dr.Weil, immune system. With the increase of
Internet's Health Guru, advocates fluoride supplements for killer viruses, mutated germs, super-
pregnant woman in his book "8 Weeks To Optimum resistant germs, and food
Health"...) contaminations, our only hope and
defense, must lie within our own
immune system." Transfer factors
Alzheimer Disease There are also several studies linking and the immune sytem
aluminum with fluoride, showing that the bioavailability of
aluminum is increased in the presence of fluorides, causing
aluminum in the brain to double in treated animals.
According to an October 28, 1992 Wall Street Journal Page 5 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

According to an October 28, 1992 Wall Street Journal

Article about a study conducted by Varnier JA, et al.: "Rats
fed the highest doses developed irregular mincing steps
characteristic of senile animals.... Post mortem examination
of the rat brains disclosed 'substantial cell loss in structures
associated with dementia -- the neo-cortex
and hippocampus'." (Note: Alzheimer's Disease, first AIDS/HIV/AZT: truth behind the
diagnosed by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, is now the #4
killer for every person over 60 in the US. Every 2nd person
over 70 will develop Alzheimer's.) Environmental fluoride
is implicated in this. more on Alzheimer disease and
natural recovery

Thyroid disorder: It is only in the last two decades during

which endocrinology has progressed so rapidly, that now Do you have a question or
over 150 symptoms and associations can be identified in need guidance? Patricia
hypothyroidism. Almost all(!) correlate with known Wilson volunteers her time to
symptoms of fluoride poisoning. Most of the double-blind provide guidance and support in your
quest to find relevant information.
test results of fluoride poisoning found in Moolenburgh's She can be reached at 281-581-2424
study on water containing 1ppm of fluoride - which led to or 206-222-1619 (USA) If you prefer
the ban of fluoridation in Holland - are now recognized you can email Shirley or click here to
symptoms of hypothyroidism. ..more about thyroid disorders contact Shirley

The Effects Of Fluoride On The Thyroid Gland By Dr

Barry Durrant-Peatfield
It has been known since the latter part of the 19th century
that certain communities, notably in Argentina, India and
Turkey were chronically ill, with premature ageing,
arthritis, mental retardation, and infertility; and high levels More at Shirley's Wellness Cafe:
of natural fluorides in the water were responsible. Not only
was it clear that the fluoride was having a general effect on Holistic Animal Health
the health of the community, but in the early 1920s Natural Health for Children
Goldemberg, working in Argentina showed that fluoride Natural Health for Women
was displacing iodine; thus compounding the damage and Natural Health for Men
rendering the community also hypothyroid from iodine Steroids' Side Effects - Anti-
Inflammatory Diet and Natural
The acid-alkaline balance's impact on
Finally the Media is Recognizing the Perils of Fluoridated
Arthritis Conditions - Natural
What You Never Expected to Hear About Water
Eyesight Conditions - Natural
Is Fluoride Really As Safe As You Are Told
The Truth About Tap Water
Diabetes Alternative Medicine
Drinking clean water (fluoride free)
Health Issues: Consumer Alert!
Arguments Against Water Fluoridation from the National
Alternative Cancer Therapies
Academy of Sciences
Gulf War Syndrome Causes and
Chia Seeds: The Wonder Food with
Healing Power
Antibiotic Resistance and Side Effects
600 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists and
Natural Herbal antibiotics
Environmentalists Call for an End to Fluoridation The New Healing Science of
A statement asking Congress to end water fluoridation in What is Homeopathy?
the United States has been released by the Fluoride Action Urine therapy: medically proven
Network (FAN). Over 600 professionals, including a Nobel natural cure Page 6 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

natural cure
Prize winner, officers in the Union that represents Toxic Environment - Toxic Cosmetics
Environmental Protection Agency professionals, and Detoxification for Optimum Health:
members of the National Research Council panel on Chemicals and toxins are the primary
fluoride's toxicology, have signed the statement. The report cause of disease and obesity
Tonic Herbs for Longevity,
urges Congressional members to “recognize that
Rejuvenation, Immunity
fluoridation is outdated, has serious risks that far outweigh
Raw Food and Juice Therapy
any minor benefits, violates sound medical ethics, and
Therapeutic Fasting
denies freedom of choice.” more...
Healing with Herbs and Other Natural
Fluoride The Aging
Water: the great healer
Factor: How to
Clay Therapy - Our Earth, Our Cure
Recognize and Avoid
Bee Pollen: healing from the hives
the Devastating
Magnesium Medical Miracles
Effects of Fluoride
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Dr. John Profound Life-Giving Properties of
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Guide to natural treatments for
John Yiamouylannis Fibromyalgia
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authority on the department
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fluoride, which Cayenne Pepper: the great healer
include mottling of Wheatgrass juice: nectar of health
teeth, premature aging, spontaneous abortion, brittle bones and rejuvenation
and cancer. Learn how fluoride acts as a chronic poison Healing Earth: Fulvic Acid and Shilajit
and how to avoid exposure. The author provides a scathing Stem Cell Physiology - Supporting
indictment of corporate and government responsibility in Bone Marrow Adult Stem Cell
Release Naturally
promoting the fable of fluoride as a necessary and safe
A healing crisis: what is it?
product for human consumption.
Transfer Factor for people and
Fluoride's positive image in the United States may rest in
Emotional Freedom: overcoming
part on the whitewashing of unwelcome research findings stress naturally
and the firing of scientists who dared question fluoride's Overcoming The Sugar Blues and
benefits. Dr. William Marcus, formerly the chief Getting Off Prozac
toxicologist for the EPA's Office of Drinking Water, lost Healing shingles/herpes zoster
his job in 1991 after he insisted on an unbiased evaluation naturally and rapidly
of fluoride's potential to cause cancer. Marcus fought his Flaxseed Oil The Wonder Healer
dismissal in court, proved that it was politically motivated Cholesterol Myth - Fats that Heal,
and eventually won reinstatement. Marcus now declines Fats that Kill!
comment on the episode beyond saying, "I was right about Salt Deficiency: the cause of many
fluoride's carcinogenicity, and now we know that." An serious disease
investigation by the Senate Environment and Public Works Radiant, healthy skin: the natural way
Words Of Wisdom Follow Your
Committee in 1991 supported Marcus' charges,
documenting that government scientists had been coerced
Dangers of Modern Medicine:
to change their findings and portray fluoride more Iatrogenic Diseases
favorably. Excerpt from salon Healing asthma: a drugless approach
Alzheimer's Disease: There is Hope!
Do you have a question about holistic or natural health
or need assistance? click here to email Shirley or use Healing eczema: a drugless approach
this contact form or call 206-984-3009 or 323-389-0560 Healing psoriasis: a drugless
Parasites Infections: Symptoms and
Health Effects of Chlorine in Drinking Water Natural Treatment (humans and pets)
Basic Healing Principles
The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, poisonous, AIDS/HIV/AZT: truth behind the
greenish-yellow gas that has a suffocating odor and is 2 1/2
The bitter truth about nutrasweet Page 7 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

The bitter truth about nutrasweet

times heavier than air. Chlorine belongs to the group of
Canola oil: how toxic is it?
elements called halogens. The halogens combine with
Bovine Growth Hormones in your milk
metals to form compounds called halides. Chlorine is Beware of Genetically Engeneered
manufactured commercially by running an electric current Foods
through salt water. This process produces free chlorine, Radiation Emergencies: Protecting
hydrogen, and sodium hydroxide. Chlorine is changed to its The Thyroid Gland
liquid form by compressing the gas, the resulting liquid is Weight Loss: natural and healthy
then shipped. Liquid chlorine is mixed into drinking water solutions
and swimming pools to destroy bacteria. more West Nile Virus - what the media
won't tell you
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Chlorinated tap water linked to birth defects Safe and Effective Remedies for
People and Pets
Scientists from Imperial College, London University, will About the author of this website
carry out the research after doctors in Norway, Canada and
the United States reported higher levels of birth defects in most popular
areas where chlorine is used, compared with drinking water health products
treated by alternative methods. A Norwegian study of
141,000 births over three years found a 14 per cent
increased risk of birth defects in areas with chlorinated Free
Google Videos.
water. Scientists have already found an association Doctors and parents
between chlorine and an increased risk of bowel, kidney expose how vaccines
and bladder cancer, but it is the first time that a link has are crippling our
been found with higher levels of spina bifida. children.
Dr. David Ayoub, M.D. lectures on
Matthew Silver, MD - "An associate in her early fifties who had Vaccines, Mercury, Autism and other
suffered for many years from the toxic effects of chlorine disease
poisoning from inhaling vapors from an over-chlorinated
swimming pool. This had resulted in many severe health Vaccines: deception and tragedy
challenges including extreme chronic fatigue and breathing Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death
difficulty that kept her housebound and dependent on oxygen. Syndrome (SIDS)
Even minimal exertion led to extreme shortness of breath. After Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-
just three days of drinking lycium (Goji) juice, she reported that all
Induced Encephalitis?
of her symptoms improved dramatically and that she was able to
leave her house without oxygen and work in her garden, which Misdiagnosed Shaken Baby
she had not been able to do in years." The sugars found on all Syndrome: A Criminal Consequence
Glyconutrients (saccharides) also address the workings of the of Vaccine Injury
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Water therapy has been used for centuries to heal the sick. How To Legally Avoid Unwanted
Hydro- and hydrothermal therapy are traditional methods Immunizations Of All Kinds
Vaccine Support Groups and
of treatment that have been used for the treatment of
disease and injury by many cultures, including those of Animals: chronic dis-ease caused by
ancient Rome, China, and Japan. Water therapy has been vaccines
around for centuries. The ancient Greeks took therapeutic Nosodes: alternative to conventional
baths. Water is an important ingredient in the traditional vaccines
Chinese and Native American healing systems. more Library: Vaccine Controversy books

F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. - "Every function inside the body is

regulated by and depends on water. Water must be available to
Holistic Children's Health :
carry vital elements, oxygen, hormones, and chemical
messengers to all parts of the body. Without sufficient water to Holistic Pediatrics (general)
wet all parts equally, some more remote parts of the body will not Nutrition for Babies and Children Page 8 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

receive the vital elements that water supplies. Water is also Attachment Parenting
needed to carry toxic waste away from the cells. In fact, there are Ear infections: alternative to tubes and
at least 50 reasons why the body needs sufficient water on a antibiotics
regular, everyday basis. Without sufficient water to constantly wet Pshychiatry - betraying and drugging
all parts, your body's drought-management system kicks into
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action. The histamine-directed chemical messenger systems are
activated to arrange a new, lower quota of water for the drought- Childhood vaccinations: are they
stricken areas. When histamine and its subordinate "drought really safe and effective?
managers" come across pain-sensing nerves, they cause pain. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
This is what I discovered in my research that I mentioned astonishing facts
earlier." Autism: is there a vaccine
Benefits of Alkaline, Ionized Water, by Dr. Hidemitsu The Circumcision Decision: what I
Hayashi, M.D. wish I had known...
Water has the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. Understanding your baby's needs
It also stores an energy memory of harmful or helpful Natural Birth and Home Birth
vibrations to which it was exposed in the past. Chlorinated Ritalin Free Kids: Helping Children,
tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and Not Drugging Them
negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy Homeopathy for Children and Infants
and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as Forced Drugging of Children Parents
facing jail over compulsory drug
'dead'. Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing orders.
number of health care professionals as the best water to No longer blind: the story of Shirley's
drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the baby born blind and brain-injured
treatment of degenerative diseases.

Joseph M. Price, MD - "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and

Holistic Animal health
killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison."
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Glyconutrients (saccharides) also address the workings of the illness
brain and nervous system – from memory and sleep to anxiety Alternative to antibiotics
and depression. Testimonials of amazing animal
Safe, toxin-free, Ionized, Energized, Drinking Water helps to Preventing and Healing Animal
naturally flush toxins and acidic waste from the body and is a Cancer without drugs or surgery
powerful antioxidant. Ionized Water makes more oxygen available
Holistic Health for Horses
to our cells than distilled, reverse osmosis, filtered only, bottled or
tap water and is the best possible drinking water. "Disease and Feline Holistic Health
early death is more likely to be seen with the long term drinking Natural diet for pet birds
of purified water. Avoid it except in special circumstances." Zoltan Vaccinosis: chronic dis-ease caused
P. Rona M.D by vaccines
Nosodes: alternative to conventional
List of holisitic veterinarians
Chemicals and Toxins Are The Primary Cause of Managing flea bites and hotspots
naturally Page 9 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

Illness, Disease and Obesity Improving your animal's health with
Substances that are toxic to our bodies come at us from all Books and video: holistic animal
directions: the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we health
drink, the cleaning products we use, and the metabolic Training Shasta for personal
waste produced inside us. Toxins build-up in the body protection
contribute to premature aging and chronic and degenerative Non-toxic health products and
diseases. Dr. Steve Nugent, the past president of the supplies for your pets
American Naturopathic Medical Association, reported
recently that "in the typical American home there are more
toxins inside the home than outside the home! Your cells
actually contain over 400 new toxins that didn't even exist
45 years ago and we are losing the battle against toxins!"
It's a fact. There are increasing amounts of toxins and
chemical agents in the water we drink, the food we eat and
the air we breathe - they all contribute to the breakdown in
cellular communication and disease. more

More about the healing power of water

The US-based National Health Federation (NHF) has

strongly opposed since the 1950s the fluoridation of public
water supplies, and has long fought against the
contradictory consensus views at Codex meetings. Scott
Tips, NHF’s Legal Counsel, said: “This disproportionate
behaviour at Codex must be stopped and we welcome the
support of other high-profile NGOs in this important
struggle in which the most vulnerable sector of our society The acid-
– babies - are the innocent victims. Even the Canadian alkaline
Dental Association has stated that ‘Fluoride supplements balance of
the body
should not be recommended for children less than three has an
years old.’ This demonstrates a most definite awareness enormous impact on a person’s
that fluoride is not the innocuous substance that it is passed health. When the pH of the body gets
off as being, particularly where the forms used out of balance (too acidic), we may
(hydrofluosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium experience low energy, fatigue,
excess weight, poor digestion, aches
fluoride) are nothing more than the by-products of and pains, and even more serious
commercial fertilizer or aluminium production. In fact, disorders. When the body is
while many governments struggle with the fluoride issue, excessively acidic, vital organs and
increasing amounts of scientific evidence contraindicate the individual cells are subject to damage
use of fluoride in the public water supply.” or destruction. This condition, known
as acidosis, can be a cause, an
effect, or even a symptom of almost
any health condition. By balancing the
98% Of Western Europe Has body's acidity levels, this simple plan
Rejected Water Fluoridation. This can help toward curing various
includes Austria, Belgium, medical conditions, including arthritis,
Denmark, Finland, France, hepatitis, insomnia, alcoholism, and
kidney disease.
Germany, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, and
Sweden. The predominant reason
for Europe's rejection is the belief
that public drinking water is NOT
the appropriate vehicle with which
to deliver medication to a population. India, and Japan
have either rejected or banned its use in recent years. Page 10 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

The Native
"In 1990 a 10 year study was completed by the federal Americans call it
government National Toxicology Program (a part of the "Ee-Wah-Kee"
Department of Health and Human Services) to rule out any meaning "The-
possibility that fluoride causes cancer. Much to their Mud-That-
surprise, bone tumors found in laboratory animals were Heals". In
addition to the
found to be the direct result of fluoride ingestion. Even role it plays as a
before the study was complete, the NTP contacted the potent detoxifier, therapeutic clay has
Environmental Protection Agency to inform them that also been used extensively in the
fluoride was carcinogenic." treatment of pain, open wounds,
colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids,
stomach ulcers, intestinal problems,
A subsequent animal study found that fluoride interferes
acne, anemia, and a variety of other
with the pineal gland's production of melatonin, a hormone health issues. more
which helps regulate the onset of PUBERTY. In the study,
animals dosed with fluoride had reduced levels of
melatonin metabolites in their urine and had earlier onsets
of puberty than the controls. (23) Dr. Mercola

Up until the 1950s, European doctors used fluoride to

reduce the activity of the thyroid gland for people suffering The Healing Power
of Original
from overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). (24) The daily Himalayan Crystal
dose of fluoride which people are now receiving in Salt For centuries,
fluoridated communities (1.6 to 6.6 mg/day) (25) actually the
exceeds the dose of fluoride which was found to depress energy/information content, in the
the thyroid gland (2.3 to 4.5 mg/day). (26) form of vital mineral elements locked
away within these perfectly formed
crystals of mineral rich salt, were
Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) is currently one of utilized by doctors for treating most
the most common medical problems in the United States. every disorder known to humans, and
Synthroid, the drug doctors prescribe to treat with unfailing success. Recently. this
hypothyroidism, was the fourth most prescribed drug in the ancient knowledge was once again
US in the year 2000. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include uncovered by biophysicists and
brought to light in the acclaimed book,
depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, Water and Salt, The Essence of Life ,
increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease. by Dr. Barbara Hendel and
biophysicist Peter Ferreira
A recent study published in the journal Brain Research
found that 1 PPM fluoride in water facilitated the uptake of
aluminum into the brain of rats, producing the type of brain
tangles (amyloid deposits) that are associated with
Alzheimers disease and other types of dementia. (27) An Search
epidemiological study published in the December 2000 Find
issue of the journal Neurotoxicology, found that fluoridated
water was associated with elevated levels of lead in Share this information - send this
children's blood. (28) The study's findings parallel the page
findings of an earlier study published in the September
1999 issue of the International Journal of Environmental If you have
Studies. (29) Lead in the blood is associated with a variety friends that you
of neurological problems, including reduced intelligence, would like to
aggression and hyperactivity. Dozens of laboratory studies this page to, or
have found that fluoride is a mutagen - a classification if you just want to send yourself a
which frequently indicates that a substance is carcinogenic reminder, this is an easy way to do
(i.e. that it causes cancer). (30) A cancer bioassay it! (You will automatically be returned
conducted by the National Toxicology Program found that to this page)
rats dosed with fluoride had a statistically significant
increase in bone tumors (osteosarcomas), which were not
found among the controls. Raising Public Awareness
Most modern maladies are caused by Page 11 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

prolonged exposure to a combination

The initial review of the study also reported that the of negative lifestyles and toxic
fluoride-dosed rats had tumors of the thyroid, oral cavity environmental factors, including junk
and rare tumors of the liver; however these tumors were food and malnutrition, pesticides,
later downgraded under conspicuous and controversial antibiotics, microwaves, chemical
circumstances. According to Dr. William Marcus, the Chief pollution of food, water and air, lack of
exercise and chronic stress. These
Toxicologist at the EPA's Office of Drinking Water, the factors are further aggravated by the
downgrading of the tumors was politically motivated and failure of modern medicine to
not scientifically defensible. A recent epidemiological recognize them as agents of dis-
study conducted by a scientist from the US Public Health "ease" and death and the consequent
Service found that female infertility was associated with failure to take preventative measures
against them. more
elevated levels of fluoride ( >3ppm) in drinking water. The
study concluded that more emphasis needs to be given to
the effects on health from total fluoride exposure - not just
exposure to fluoridated drinking water.

"Dr. Phyllis Mullenix of Harvard University's Forsyth

Research Institute (a dental research institute) published a Causes of
study pointing out that fluoride was more effective than Mysterious,
lead in reducing IQ levels in children!" Excerpt from Massive Death of Bees

In 1997, 1500 scientists, engineers, and lawyers of the Albert Einstein said: "If the bee
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined in the disappeared off the surface of the
globe, then man would only have four
release of a cautionary statement regarding fluoride: "Our
years left to live."
members' review of the body of evidence over the last
eleven years, including animal and human epidemiological
studies, indicates a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation
and cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment, and
bone pathology

Belgium becomes the first country in the world to

Teas Are One of
prohibit fluoride supplements The Most
In a report from 1999 UNICEF complained that certain Effective Ways to
governments knew insufficiently how poisonous fluoride is Benefit from
- especially for children, as their young organism absorbs Nature's Healing Herbs
more fluoride than an adults'. In the same year HUMO Teas can help fight depression and
anxiety, heal skin conditions and
wrote a dossier about the dangers of fluoride (Humo gastrointestinal disorders, regulate
Nr.17/33059, April 20, 1999). We got a lot of reaction at hormone imbalances, improve your
the time, particularly from dentists who, though sex life, prevent illness, and help you
undoubtedly with good faith, echoed the arguments of heal faster.
fluoride proponents. Many diseases
and conditions
for which we
But the usefulness of fluoride has been doubted worldwide turn to modern
for a long time already. Over the years at least 12 Nobel medicine can
Prize winners in Medicine and Chemistry have warned of also be treated naturally with healing
the associated health risks. To make children take fluoride herbs. These treatments can be safer,
is not only useless against caries, it is plainly dangerous. less expensive and possibly even
more effective than traditional
Tooth and bone decalcification as a result of fluoride even methods. Dr. Myklebust, MD: "Teas
has a name - fluorosis. Fluoride is very reactive and it goes are rich in antioxidants called
deep into the bones and cells where it is accumulated. Yes, polyphenols which are plant
the tooth surface becomes much harder, but the tooth itself chemicals that may help prevent
becomes more brittle. From a lot of research it seems that cancer, heart disease, and other
diseases" More
fluoride causes joint problems, skeletal deformations,
osteoporosis, and that it can even cause bone cancer. Also Page 12 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

the brain cannot escape from it. Fluoride has a negative

influence on the nervous system and the immune system,
and in children it can lead to (chronic) fatigue, a lower IQ,
learning disabilities, lethargy and depression. more Excerpt
from The Fluoride Stop website and the Preventative Dental Health
Association website)
Oil Therapy
Finally the Media is Recognizing the Perils of Fluoridated Magnesium
Water helps
What You Never Expected to Hear About Water Fluoridation maintain
Is Fluoride Really As Safe As You Are Told normal
The Truth About Tap Water muscle and nerve function, keeps
heart rhythm steady, and bones
Drinking clean water (fluoride free) strong. Dr. Sidney Baker -
Arguments Against Water Fluoridation from the National "Magnesium deficiency can affect
Academy of Sciences virtually every organ system of the
body. With regard to skeletal muscle,
one may experience twitches, cramps,
muscle tension, muscle soreness,
including back aches, neck pain,
tension headaches and jaw joint
(TMJ) dysfunction." more

Dental Fluorisis - Children at

Have you seen children and young
adults among your family and friends
with those whitish spots or flecks on their teeth or, in more
extreme cases, dark streaks that look like decay? This is the Chia Seeds:
effect of dental fluorosis, the first visible sign of The "Aztec"
overexposure to fluoride. In some communities, the Wonder Food
incidence of dental fluorosis is 30 to 60 percent or more. with Healing
Fluoride ingestion from mouth rinses and dentifrices in Power. The
ancient Aztec
children is extremely hazardous to biological development, civilization used Chia seed to provide
life span and general health. Research from China has them with radiant health, endurance,
shown a correlation between exposure to low doses of and boundless energy.
fluoride and diminished IQ in children.

Research is beginning to show that the cavity-fighting

power of fluoride may have been overstated. Recent studies
in the Journal of Dental Research conclude that tooth decay
rates in Western Europe, which is 98 percent unfluoridated,
have declined as much as they have in the United States in Subscribe
recent decades. Indeed, it's only in the United States that to Dr.
fluoride is championed by the government Mercola's
Most European nations -- including Germany, France, Health
Sweden and Holland -- prohibit fluoride on public health Newsletter
grounds. more for the
Paul Anthony Taylor, on behalf of the Dr Rath Health natural
Foundation - “It is deeply irresponsible of governments to
news and
force all sectors of society to consume fluoride along with one of the best natural health
our single most required form of sustenance – water, solutions! Page 13 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

especially when the toxic dose overlaps the therapeutic
dose meaning there is no safety margin. The recent meeting
of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Shirley's newsletter archive
Special Dietary Uses in Chiang Mai, exemplified the
irrational and inconsistent behaviour of regulators in
relation to fluoride. On the basis of consensus voting
procedures, the same committee, in the same meeting,
voted to prevent fluoride from being added to powdered
formulas during their manufacture, while allowing the same
contaminant to be added to water used in the manufacture
of ready-to-use formulas.”

At India Herbs, you will find the

The Fluoride Deception unearths one highest quality natural medicine based
of the great secret narratives of our upon 5,000 Year Old Ayurveda
age, how a grim workplace poison and Medicine and formulated by a team
the most damaging environmental of doctors with extensive clinical
experience to help with a wide range
pollutant of the Cold War was added
of health conditions.
to our drinking water and toothpaste.
A chronicle of the abuse of power and
of the manufacture of state sponsored
medical propaganda, the book reveals how military and
industry scientists and public health officials buried
information about fluoride's potential for human harm,
while promoting its use in dentistry. The book documents
how a secretive group of powerful industries, who all faced
extensive litigation for fluoride pollution, collaborated with
officials from the National Institutes of Dental Research,
Alternative to
laundering fluoride's public image, and helping industry off Ear Tubes Stop
Your Child's Ear
the hook.
Infections Naturally
Without Antibiotics
A few days ago the CDC joined the ADA to warn moms not to
give babies under 12 months any fluoridated water! Still the
unhealthy dumping of toxins into our drinking water continues.

The Fluoride Deception In this video(google) ,

Christopher Bryson, an award-winning journalist and former
producer at the BBC, discusses the findings of his new book The
Flouride Deception. "Bryson marshals an impressive amount of
research to demonstrate fluoride's harmfulness, the ties between
leading fluoride researchers and the corporations who funded and
benefited from their research, and what he says is the duplicity
with which fluoridation was sold to the people. The result is a Natural Skin Care
compelling challenge to the reigning dental orthodoxy, which from the Rainforest
should provoke renewed scientific scrutiny and public debate." Recent discoveries
of beneficial
compounds in
Fluoride and Eczema Rainforest plants
give new hope for
A testimonial on Thu, 02 Dec 1999 from Rose fresh young looking
<> skin.

"I have a 7 month old baby boy who had been diagnosed
with eczema quite some time ago. He suffered from it
behind the ears, hairline and mainly cheeks. I tried
everything to help him get rid of it. While I was on the
allergy onelist group, I was told about flouride and it's
problems. I NEVER would have dreamed that this was the Page 14 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

problems. I NEVER would have dreamed that this was the

problem. Sure enough, after eliminating tap water (which
has flouride in it, in my city anyhow), and replacing that
tap water with steam distilled water, his eczema is GONE!
I am so surprised and very happy some one told me about
this as I would have never associated the two.? It worked
for me and it's worth a try for your child. The distilled
water is used for drinking, and I use it to make his formula.
As for bathing, I rarely bathe my son (doctor's orders
because his skin is so sensitive)- I use regular tap water
when I do and afterwards apply a lotion all over his body to
seal in the moisture. Even his constant nasal congestion has
cleared since using the distilled water, also my allergies
have subsided as I now too drink that water. I am very
happy with the results!!!! Rose"

"The contents of a family size tube of fluoridated

toothpaste is enough to kill a 25 pound child." Facts The Ugly Side of
Cosmetics Make-up
LABEL LATELY? products have been
Warning: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years linked to allergic
reactions, birth
of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for defects, and even cancer. It is a
brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison medically recognised fact that our
control center immediately. body absorbs significant amounts of
what we put on our skin. With
Three ingredients in toothpaste are considered dangerous. Certified Organic food rapidly
Fluoride is poisonous if taken internally, and Sorbitol and becoming the nutrition of choice by
the health conscious amongst us, why
sodium lauryl sulfate can cause diarrhea, especially in would you accept any less for your
children. As of April 7, 1997, all fluoride toothpastes and skin?.
dental care products shipped must have a warning label
stating that if more toothpaste is swallowed tha needed for
brushing, a poison control center or health care
professional should be contacted immediately. Natural
fluoride-free toothpaste:

Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Natural herbal remedies for a
Pasca Dent toothpaste Healthy Heart - Hypertention
MSM toothpaste - High Cholesterol
Grape-fruit seed extract Dental-Gel

Dental Fluorosis: A Legal Time Bomb

by George Glasser

In the United States, there are no warnings posted on Natural Remedies for
fluoride-laced products pertaining to the risks of ingesting Headaches
too much fluoride or for those at risk from ingesting
fluoride. Many dentists and pediatricians who prescribe
fluoride supplements, dentists administering fluoride
treatments and the manufacturers of fluoride-laced products
do not inform people of the risks: (1) Fluoride is poison;
second only in toxicity to arsenic which is rated as the most
toxic. (2) The fluoride gel used for topical treatments Natural Remedies for
contain concentrations as high as 12,000 ppm (parts per Sleeplessness Page 15 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

million), well above the probable lethal dosage for a child.

(3) A tube of toothpaste contains 1,000 to 1,500 ppm of
fluoride which can be a lethal dose for young children. (4)
Many children and adults have allergic reactions to
fluoride. The more notable reactions are:
Restlessness/insomnia, nausea and swelling of the lips. (5)
People who have maladies such as: kidney ailments,
HlV/AIDS, immunodeficiencies, diabetes and heart
ailments are at risk from consuming fluoride-laced
products and fluoridated water. (6) The suspected geno-
toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic effects from long term Shirley's Wellness
fluoride intake have not been disproved. Almost every Cafe's recommended
research paper broaching the subjects calls for more natural health
research into those areas and states that the evidence of products.
safety is "inconclusive and contradictory". The same
scenario occurred with asbestos.

More info on Fluoride Issues From the Santa Rosa Junior

college Campus Wide Information System.

Fluoride: A Kick in the Teeth

Do you have a question about holistic or natural health
or need assistance? click here to email Shirley or use
this contact form or call 206-984-3009 or 323-389-0560

Many medications are packing a potentially lethal

hidden dose of fluoride
Over the past several years, numerous fluoride-containing
medications have been pulled off the market for causing
deaths and illness. Fluoride is "highly toxic to the liver,"
expert Andreas Schuld of Vancouver, BC Canada said.
Schuld, head of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children, Home-base Income opportunity
Share with others nature's gifts that
explained that "In the liver all fluorides interfere with the assists us on our journey to optimal
metabolism of thyroid hormones, creating thyroid disorders health and wellness.
and associated diseases, such as muscle diseases ….heart
disease, etc." Other effects can include a serious muscle
disease that causes pain and weakness. He cited the recent
withdrawal of Baycol, a cholesterol-lowering drug taken by
700,000 Americans, as an example of hidden fluoride-
induced dangers that could be lurking in your medications.
Baycol, Schuld said, has been linked to 31 U.S. deaths,
with at least nine other fatalities worldwide.

CIPRO is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone, belonging

to a class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include
enoxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin, norfloxacin,
sparfloxacin, tosufloxacin, fleroxacin, lomefloxacin,
ofloxacin, etc.

September 4, 2000 - Sen. Bob Smith (R-N.H.), chairman

of the Environment and Public Works committee, has Page 16 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

asked EPA to review its standard for fluoride in drinking

water because of some recent scientific reports showing
potential adverse effects from fluoride exposure. In a letter
to J. Charles Fox, EPA assistant administrator for water,
Smith wrote, "I urge EPA to conduct an in-depth analysis
of fluoride in drinking water based on the best available,
peer-reviewed science, as required by the [Safe Drinking
Water act Amendments of 1996 (SDWA)], and also to
evaluate whether fluoride additives, including
fluorosilicates, provide a safe alternative to sodium fluoride
added to drinking water." Smith, Bob (R) email to:

In addition, Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), chairman of the

Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, has written to
EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner asking 20 questions
about EPA's standard of 4 mg per L for fluoride in drinking
water. Fluoride is now added to the drinking water supplied
to about 50% of the U.S. Population. SDWA requires EPA
to review drinking water standards between August 2000
and August 2002 Write Your Representative --- U.S. Senators' Email

October 26, 2000 Assemblyman John V. Kelly (R-36)

today petitioned FDA Commissioner Jane Henney to take
regulatory action against children's fluoride supplements.
The products, drops and tablets, are prescribed for children
living in areas with non-fluoridated water to reduce dental


Exerpt from The Health Action Network Society's website

Crippling By Fluoride: A Global Problem "Millions

Effected," Says Noted Scientist From India
"Endemic skeletal fluorosis" blackens and wakens the teeth,
permanently curves the spine and cripples both children
and adults. A 35 year old suffering this disease may appear
to be 80! This was one of the topics discussed at the 19th
conference of The International Society for Fluoride
Research [ISFR] in Kyoto, Japan, September 8 - 11, 1992.

The conference, hosted by Osaka Medical College was

attended by researchers from around the world. Dr. S.P.S.
Teotia from LLRM Medical College, Meerut, India has
studied this problem for thirty years. Speaking at the
conference Dr. Teotia stated that "endemic fluorosis is a
global challenge". In his study of 150,000 villages in India
from 1963-1990, he discovered that "the continuous uptake
of less than 2.5 MG of fluoride per day for more than 6
months causes detectable x-ray changes of fluorosis." This Page 17 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

should trouble all of us in countries that allow artificial

fluoridation of water supplies as our total intake of fluoride
may be higher than this from a combination of drinking
fluoridated water, food prepared in fluoridated areas,
fluoride dental products and atmospheric pollution.

The National Health Federation

P.O. Box 688
Monrovia, California 91017
Tel: +1 626 357 2181
Fax: +1 626 303 0642

Excerpt taken from The Health Action Network Society's website

China Hosts International Fluoride Conference US

Public Health Service and WHO in Conflict with
By Richard G. Foulkes, MD

The 20th Conference of the International Society for

Fluoride Research [ISFR] was held September 5-9, in
Beijing, Peoples' Republic of China. This was co-
sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Health and the World
Health organization [WHO]. The conference was the largest
in the history of the Society. In attendance were 200
scientists from China and almost 100 from 15 other

The main theme of the Conference was the wide range of

serious health problems caused by wide-spread fluorosis in
China. In the regions where endemic fluoride poisoning
has been found, out of a total population of 100 million, 43
million have dental fluorosis and 2.4 million, skeletal

The sources of fluoride poisoning in China are multiple:

high natural fluoride in drinking water supplies;
atmospheric fluoride from burning coal for cooking,
heating and power generation; and, fluoride in food such as
corn, millet and wheat dried over coal fires.

The Chinese recognize that there is a continuum of adverse

effects from fluoride poisoning: Chalk-like dental fluorosis
[DF]; DF in which teeth are discolored; DF in which teeth
are damaged; and, skeletal fluorosis that may result in
severe crippling and deformity as well as paralysis.

Their studies show that bone changes occur early and

accompany the three levels of dental fluorosis. Skeletal
fluorosis is seen as the end result of fluoride poisoning. In
Canada and the US, dental fluorosis is largely ignored and Page 18 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

evidence of skeletal fluorosis is taken as an indicator of

fluoride toxicity.

The following article excerpt exposes the biggest on-going

medical experiment ever carried out by the United States
Government on an unsuspecting population.

Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb

by Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson July 1997

Since the days of World War II, when this nation prevailed
by building the world's first atomic bomb, U.S. public
health leaders have maintained that low doses of fluoride
are safe for people, and good for children's teeth.

That safety verdict should now be re-examined in the light

of hundreds of once-secret World War II documents
obtained by Griffiths and Bryson -- including declassified
papers of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. military group
that built the atomic bomb.

Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production,

according to the documents. Massive quantities of fluoride
-- millions of tons -- were essential for the manufacture of
bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons
throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals
known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical
health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb program -- both for
workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.

The Truth About Mandatory Fluoridation

by John R. Lee, MD
9620 Bodega Highway Sebastopol, CA 95472 April 15, 1995

Several states have passed laws which mandate state-wide

fluoridation. A common perception is that fluoridation has
been proven to reduce caries rates in children, is without
harmful risk, and is cost effective. The many who have not
studied the fluoridation problem in depth are often unaware
that the pro-fluoridation argument contains a heavy mix of
political and economical pressures which seriously distort
the scientific validity of these claims. Having extensively
researched this subject for the past 25 years, I offer the
following facts.

Please go to the main Fluoride Issues index file for A

wealth of additional information) From the Santa Rosa Junior
college Campus Wide Information System

Join The Nationwide Call for

Congressional Hearings on Fluoridation
2001 Please join Citizens for Safe Page 19 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

Drinking Water, National Nutritional

Foods Association, Citizens for Health,
the National Treasury Employees Union
of professionals and scientists at EPA
Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
(Chapter 280), concerned citizen
groups, city officials, and thousands of
health-minded individuals. Together,
we are making a nationwide appeal to congress for hearings
to review fluoridation policy. Electronically Sign the

Corruption and Fraud at the EPA - Truth suppressed

by fraud and intimidation
by Robert J. Carton, Ph.D . - July 28, 1995

The Big Lie has been maintained by outright fraud and the
persecution of scientists attempting to speak the truth. In
1990, Dr. William Marcus, a senior scientist at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, was fired for exposing a
coverup in a government study showing that fluoride
causes cancer. In 1992, EPA ignored the union representing
all 1200 scientists, lawyers and engineers at EPA's
Headquarters, when the union provided evidence of
scientific fraud in the development of the fluoride in
drinking water standard.

How the truth is suppressed

The powers that be work overtime at maintaining the Big
Lie with some fairly simple, but effective techniques:
outright fraud and coverup, and initimidation and
persecution of scientists and other professionals who dare
to speak the truth. One of the best examples of the use of
these techniques can be found at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency in Washington, D.C.

Please go to the main Fluoride Issues index file for more

info - From the Santa Rosa Junior college Campus Wide
Information System.

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of

Fluorides have been used to modify behavior and
mood of human beings. It is a little known fact that
fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water
of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit
questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps
in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia. Page 20 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

Fluorides have little or no effect on decay prevention

in humans. In 1990 Dr. John Colquhoun was forced
into early requirement in New Zealand after he
conducted a study on 60,000 school children and
found no difference in tooth decay between
fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. He additionally
found that a substantial number of children in
fluoridated areas suffered from dental fluorosis. He
made the study public.
"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of
this century" Robert Carlton, Ph. D., former U. S.
EPA scientist on "Marketplace" Canadian Broadcast
Company, Nov. 24, 1992 Get more facts...

Visit the Fluoride Stop Website for FAQ and a wealth of

additional information about the devastating health effects
of fluoride/flouride and read about Scientific Facts on the
Biological Effects of Fluorides

National call for a full Congressional hearing and copies of

the Committee on Science investigative letters can also be
viewed and downloaded at Citizens for Health web site

Fluoride Action Network An International Coalition to End

Water Fluoridation and Alert People to Fluoride's Health
and Environmental Risks

View list of Esteemed Voices have, for 50 years, warned

the American public that water fluoridation has dangerous
long-term consequences to health.

The Road To Better Health may begin with

a Healing Crisis A healing crisis is also
known as the Herxheimer Reaction which
occurs when the body is detoxifying too
rapidly and toxins are being released faster
than the body can eliminate them. As you
move toward better health with natural healing programs
and better nutrition, healing begins to occur. As part of the
healing process the body will begin to discard toxic
residues which have built up in your body over the years.
The healing process usually does not occur without
repercussions. During the initial phase of healing, as your
body begins to clean house, (detoxify) and your vital
energy begins to repair and rebuildinternal organs, you may
experience headache, uneasiness, flu like symptoms and
fatigue. With

Dr. Mercola - "Every act of every cell in the body

produces waste. This waste is poisonous, it is incompatible
with the life of the cell..." "The cells throw their waste into Page 21 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

the lymph that carries it back to the blood. The blood takes
the waste to the excretory organs mentioned above for
elimination." "Normal elimination keeps the blood and
lymph clean."

Do you have a question about holistic or natural health

or need assistance? click here to email Shirley or use
this contact form or call 206-984-3009 or 323-389-0560

Thyroid Power by
Richard Shames MD
and Karilee Shames

Dr. Richard Shames,

a Harvard and
University of
graduate who served
at the NIH, believes
that we are witnessing
an autoimmune low-
thyroid epidemic.
Doctors on the Thyroid Unit at Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center in NYC have revealed that 20 million
Americans are currently being treated for thyroid problems.
Synthroid, just one of the various thyroid medicines, is
now either first or second most-prescribed drug in the US.
The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
estimates that there are over 13 million more Americans
who have undiagnosed thyroid problems that are causing
many of their uncomfortable symptoms (fatigue,
depression, excess weight, infertility, miscarriage, severe
menopause, dry skin, constipation, hair loss). Karilee
Shames, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nursing, points
out that a major environmental trigger of low thyroid is
likely to be the fluoride added to municipal water supplies.
Scientists believe that fluoride can depress thyroid
functions with levels as low as 2. 5 mg/ day, even though
(according to a 1991 government report estimates that)
adults in fluoridated areas ingest an average of 3.9 mg
daily. Drs. Richard and Karilee Shames suggest that in a
misguided attempt to help curb cavities in young children,
we may be unwittingly poisoning our collective endocrine
systems. In fact, the Shames are quick to point out, there
really is no solid research on the long-term effects of
fluoride on the human body, even though it has been used
for over fifty years. Equally disturbing is the current
substitution of an industrial silicofluroide waste product in
place of the original pharmaceutical grade of sodium
fluoride, without proper research.

"Consider Thyroid Power a long, personal visit with a Page 22 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

caring, prevention-oriented practitioner," state the authors.

The journey begins with thyroid basics: how this little
hormone-producing tissue operates, signs that things are
amiss, how other illnesses compound the problem, and how
to determine one's risk for hypothyroidism. Next, the
Shameses discuss the labyrinth of diagnostic and treatment
issues a patient must endure. Helpful and harmful
supplements and environmental factors, repairing the
immune system (the origin of thyroid troubles), and a rich,
sensitive exploration of holistic healing nicely round out
this valuable resource. A brief section titled "Show This to
Your Doctor," penned by Richard, perfectly crystallizes the
book and provides an effective tool for initiating a
patient/physician dialogue. -- Liane Thomas

Thyroid disorder
Two main thyroid disorders: Hyperthyroid and
Hypothyroid. The thyroid hormones regulate (1)
metabolism, (2) growth and developement,(3) the activity
of the nervous system. An under production of these
hormones is a hypothyroid condition, while an
overproduction creates a hyperthyroid condition.

Two main thyroid disorders:

Hypothyroid / Hypothyroidism / Under Active Thyroid
Hypothyroidism is an under production of thyroid
hormone. The two hormones produced by the thyroid
controls the body’s temperature, ability to burn calories,
and energy usage. It is estimated that hypothyroidism
affects over 13 million people in the USA and even more
worldwide, 90% of which are women. One in eight women
may develop a thyroid condition at some time in their life
usually between the ages of 30 and 50. Under production of
thyroid hormoneSymptoms: Fatigue, loss of appetite,
overweight, painful PMS, muscle weakness, dry and scaly
skin, yellow orange coloration in the skin, particularly
palms, yellow bumps on the eyelids, hair loss, recurrent
infections, constipation, slow speech, myxedema (drooping
and swollen eyes), depression. Most frequent symptoms
are: intolellerance to cold and fatigue., A conditon called
Hashimoto's disease (allergy to thyroid hormone). More
information and Available Supplements

Hyperthyroid occurs when tyroid gland produces too

much hormone.Speeds up body processes (esp. digestion).
Thyroid functions influence pituitary, parathyroid, and sex
glands. All may be affected., Results: overactive metabolic
state, malabsorbtion of food, increased fat breakdown and
cholesterol excretion, increased use of glucose, over
stimulation of protein synthesis., Symptoms: Nervousness,
irritability, increased perspiration, insomnia and fatigue,
weakness, hair loss, seperation of the nails, hand tremors,
intolerance of heat, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes
protuding eyeballs., The condition is sometimes called Page 23 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

thyrotoxicosis, or Grave's disease. More information and

Available Supplements

Protecting The Thyroid Gland In Radiation Emergencies The toll

of thyroid cancer carried by the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear
disaster could have been prevented, new evidence suggests.
Governments world-wide are now stockpiling a supplement that
protects the thyroid from radiation fallout (radioiodine). Amongst
them are Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Poland,
Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sweden, etc., but not the
U.S. Learn how to protect your thyroid gland.

Detoxing with Medicinal and Nutritional Herbs from

the Amazon Rain Forest
Disease is a symptom of one or more body systems in
distress. When you nourish and balance the systems, you
give your body what it requires to resist, repair and
overcome disease, and to achieve optimal health. As living
foods, these herbal remedies have the ability to support
good blood chemistry, balance energetic frequencies in the
body, help cleanse and detoxify, and more. Unlike most
nutritional supplements on the market today, the botanicals
in Amazon Herb formulas have not been altered or
fractioned. They have not been extracted from their original
composition. These herbs are never fumigated, irradiated,
genetically engineered or exposed to pesticides and
industrial poisons. The integrity and life force of these plant
is maintained. They are living foods that work, just as
nature intended! more

Amazon Herb formulas offer you the purest, most nutrient-

rich herbal remedies in the world. Their wild botanicals are
sustainably harvested in the lush, virgin terrain of the
Amazon Rainforest. They undergo a rare and superior
preparation technique to retain their full essence and

Envirozon - Purify your body. Assists the body's

natural ability to cleanse and restore balance after
exposure to environmental impurities. We deal with toxic
exposure on a daily basis. Down loading and detoxifying
environmental challenges is an integral part of optimizing
health. Rainforest botanicals include Jerubeba, Quebra
Pedra, and Uña de Gato. Jerubeba facilitates the body's
ability to reduce toxic excesses. Quebra Pedra fortifies the
body's natural filtering organs while stimulating the immune
system. Uña de Gato's reputation as an overall cleansing
agent is well known and documented.
Gravizon - An enhanced immune, circulatory and
lymphatic formula. It contains the whole-leaf spagyric
extract of graviola. Graviola is a small evergreen tree from
the Amazon. Rainforest natives have a rich history of
using this herb for its profound healing properties – among
them, immune, circulatory and lymphatic support. Research
since the 1940s has validated and expanded
understanding of this herb and its unique phyto-nutritional
qualities. Page 24 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

You can also use the free Amazon Herb's Quick Health
Guide to select products that target your health and
nutritional goals:

ciculatory system
digestive system
lymphatic systmem
muscular/skeletal system
nervous system
reproductive/endocrine system
respiratory system - urinary system - enter

Learn more about the healing power of potent herbal


Detoxification for Optimum Health

Chemicals and Toxins Are The Primary Cause of Illness,
Disease and Obesity
Substances that are toxic to our bodies come at us from all
directions: the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we
drink, the cleaning products we use, and the metabolic
waste produced inside us. Toxins build-up in the body
contribute to premature aging and chronic and degenerative
diseases. Dr. Steve Nugent, the past president of the
American Naturopathic Medical Association, reported
recently that "in the typical American home there are more
toxins inside the home than outside the home! Your cells
actually contain over 400 new toxins that didn't even exist
45 years ago and we are losing the battle against toxins!"
It's a fact. There are increasing amounts of toxins and
chemical agents in the water we drink, the food we eat and
the air we breathe - they all contribute to the breakdown in
cellular communication and disease. more

Arguments Against Water Fluoridation from the

National Academy of Sciences

Three Reasons Why Those Who Supported the Use

of Fluoride Say No to Fluoridation Today
1. Total fluoride exposure. The fluoridation goal of
delivering 1 mg (milligram) of fluoride to a child per day
has already been reached, and exceeded, even in non
fluoridated communities. Explanation:

The total dosage goal of 1 mg of free-fluoride ion/day for a

child was adopted in the early 1940's when there was little
or no other source of exposure.

The 1 mg of free-fluoride ion was to be placed in 1 liter of

water, as that was the amount that a child was assumed to
drink per day (The very reason for using the public water Page 25 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

was the assumption that it would be the child's only access

to fluoride). Placing 1 mg into a liter created an equivalent
concentration of 1 ppm (part per million). Promoters have
since incorrectly identified the 1 ppm concentration as the
goal, rather than the 1 mg dosage.

2 mg per day was considered by all, including promoters, to

be excessive, as it caused an unacceptable risk for dental
fluorosis (the visible display of fluoride poisoning the
specialized cells that make the enamel, resulting in white
opaque spots, brown stains, mottling and fracture-prone
teeth); thus many scientists protested that there was not an
adequate margin of safety. Despite their protests, 1 mg/L
was chosen as the "optimal" concentration, and a
temperature adjusted 2 mg/L, or 2 ppm, was chosen for the
Maximum Contaminant Level for fluoride concentration in
the water.

Independent laboratory analysis now shows that fluoride is

in most cola and fruit juices at concentrations of 1 ppm and
up; in well known cereals at 2 to 10 times the concentration
intended for our water; in products using white grape juice
as sweetener or in children's juices at 3 to 7 ppm; and,
because of fluoride-based pesticide residue, on lettuce at
180 ppm and raisins (that we know no child is going to
scrub) at 55 ppm.

U.S. Public Health Service documents show that even in

1991, non fluoridated communities were already receiving
equal to and more than the targeted fluoride dosage of 1 mg
per day. Fluoridated communities were receiving an
estimated 3 to 7 times the "optimal" goal.

Result: in 1986-87, 29.9 % of all children in so-called

"optimally" fluoridated communities displayed the
permanent visible signs that they have been overdosed
(dental fluorosis). (1986-87 survey, National Institute of
Dental Research)

2. Adding fluoride to the water to achieve the so-called

"optimal" concentration mass medicates at a higher level
than any doctor in the country following the current
recommendations for care can prescribe. Explanation:

Although promoters of fluoridation often insinuate that

children are deficient in fluoride, 98% of Europe and our
own continent's professional associations have seen that
adverse effects have gotten out of hand and have advised
their professionals to adjust for uncontrolled exposure.

In 1995, the American Dental Association Council on

Scientific Affairs and the American Academy of Pediatrics,
while segments of these same trade associations
simultaneously continued to lobby for fluoridation, created
new policy recommendations for controlled-dose Page 26 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

supplementation, which are intended to be the substitute for

fluoridated water in non fluoridated communities.

The new schedules indicate that mass medication, at the

claimed "optimal" level of fluoridation, grossly exceeds the
dosage that a qualified professional could prescribe, even
after the professional's individual evaluation of a child for
growth and development, weight, total exposure to fluoride
from all sources, and individual susceptibility.

According to these new recommendations infants are to

receive no additional fluoride, no matter what the fluoride
level in the water; and it is not until a child reaches the age
of 6 that the new prescription recommendations ever reach
the excessive dosage that is thrust upon a child that
consumes fluoridated tap water.

The Canadian Dental Association went even further, stating

that fluoride's effect on caries is topical, rather than
systemic, and recommended that if a child brushes his/her
teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste that they
should have no further exposure to fluoride even in a non
fluoridated community.

"The level of fluoride incorporated into dental mineral by

systemic ingestion is insufficient to play a significant role
in caries prevention." (Featherstone JD. Prevention and
reversal of dental caries: role of low level fluoride.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1999;27:31-40.

3. The hazardous waste substances used in 90% of

fluoridation have never been tested, either alone in distilled
water, or in combination with other chemicals and
contaminants found in tap water. Explanation:

The most common substances now used for fluoridation are

hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride, which are
waste products that are captured in scrubber systems of the
phosphate fertilizer industry. The resulting toxic waste can
not be diluted by 1 million or even 3 million or 10 million
to 1 and dumped in the ocean or river or landfill, nor
allowed to escape into the air because it would kill all the
plants and animals and people. And it can't be given away
because it would still be classified as a Class I toxic waste
and have to be neutralized at the highest rated hazardous
waste facility at a cost of $1.40 per gallon, or more
depending on how much cadmium, lead, uranium, and
arsenic are also present.

But, if destined for a water district that will pay $0.35 to

$0.45 per gallon for transportation, the 23% solution in
industrial waste water is magically pronounced benign and
shipped, untreated, to be mixed into our water.

If it was not a hazardous waste, it could have been added to Page 27 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

salt or some other universally accessible food source, just

like iodine is, more than fifty years ago. Each of us would
then be free to choose for ourselves.
Do you have a question about holistic or natural health
or need assistance? click here to email Shirley or use
this contact form or call 206-984-3009 or 323-389-0560

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Your Pet's Food? Solution prostate enlargement.
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Peter R. Breggin, M.D

- "The drugging of
children has gotten so
Natural Health for Children: out of hand that
America is waking up
Alternatives to steroids, antibiotics, and ear tubes to this. This is a
national catastrophe."
Homeopathy for children and infants
Do you know what happens during circumcision?
Health hazard and adverse effects of vaccines Julian Whitaker M.D -
Forced drugging of children: parents may face jail over "Class action lawsuits
compulsory drug orders have been filed in
Attachement parenting Texas, California and
New Jersey charging
Resources for Children With Special Needs: the Holistic approach
Swiss pharmaceutical
ADD/ADHD Helping Children, Not Drugging Them: In 1996 the giant Novartis, maker
World Health Organization warned that Ritalin over-use has reached of Ritalin, with Page 28 of 29
Fluoride: Wide Range of Serious Health Problems 6/4/09 12:46 PM

of Ritalin, with
dangerous proportions. Learn about alternatives to ritalin and other conspiracy to create
drugs the psychiatric disorder
known as ADHD in
order to fuel the
market for their

Ailment Guide A-Z

Search for Conditions and Ailments
(listed in alphabetical order along with
natural treatments)

"We can solve well over 90% of the all

chronic diseases with simple, inexpensive natural therapies." Dr. Mercola

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