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The Overnight Cure For Cancer WITH MMS

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The document discusses a treatment called the Overnight Cure for Cancer (OCC) which is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells within 24 hours by killing microbes inside the cancer cells. It notes that tumors and fibrosis may take longer to be affected.

The OCC is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside each cancer cell. Doing so reverts the cancer cell metabolism back to normal without producing toxins, inflammation, or pain.

The current version uses less DMSO and limits the diet more than prior versions. It also uses a different form of silver and requires chlorine dioxide to be taken orally instead of mixing it with DMSO.

OCC - The Overnight Cure For Cancer - Version 2

by R. Webster Kehr
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.


This treatment has not been evaluated by the FDA. The term "cure," as used in this
article, is the alternative medicine definition of "cure," meaning the cancer patient
has less than or equal to the number of cancer cells of a normal person.
Note For Those Using a Prior Version of the OCC

A new version of the Overnight Cure For Cancer was released on the evening of
October 25, 2008. If you have already started a prior version of the OCC, and need
information about the prior version, click this link (NOTE: Use the "Cancer Diet" from
this page as the "Cancer Diet" for the prior version of the OCC!!):
Prior Version of OCC

The Overnight Cure For Cancer (OCC) was designed several years ago to do one
thing - revert cancer cells into normal cells. It is the only alternative cancer
treatment on earth, other than electromedicine treatments, which was designed
specifically to quickly revert cancer cells into normal cells.

Why is this important? It is important because by reverting cancer cells into normal
cells (as opposed to killing the cancer cells), very little, if any, toxins are produced in
the body and thus the liver is protected. Furthermore, there is no swelling or
inflammation caused by reverting cancer cells into normal cells.

Also, a treatment which reverts cancer cells into normal cells can theoretically cure
cancer within 24 hours (though it will take 2 or 3 weeks for the complete transition in
metabolism to occur inside the cells).

In other words, this treatment is being developed specifically for very advanced
cancer patients who need to quickly and safely get rid of their cancer cells. However,
it should only be used in its trial version by those who are not yet considered

It is literally the only cancer treatment of its kind in the world. It was designed by a
member of the Board of Directors of the Indendent Cancer Research Foundation,
Inc. (ICRF)

Much more about the theory behind this treatment will be presented below.
The "original version" of the treatment used high doses of DMSO, MSM and very low
doses of silver nitrate. This version is no longer used, but it was safely used by
several people.

The "first version" of the OCC (meaning the first version using chlorine dioxide, or
more technically: acidified sodium chlorite) used DMSO, MSM and chlorine dioxide.
It has been used by more than 25 people with absolutely no complaints. However,
there was very little statistically useful feedback from those who used the protocol.

This "second version" of the OCC which uses chlorine dioxide is a mixture of the
best parts of the original OCC and the best parts of the "first version" of the OCC.
However, it is much more than that because it is based on feedback from DMSO
experts and chlorine dioxide experts.

Whereas the original version of the OCC used 25 TABLEspoons of DMSO over a
twelve hour period, this version only uses 12 TABLEspoons of DMSO. The dosage
for MSM is also well within safe limits. The dosage of chlorine dixode is the same as
it was for the "first version" of the OCC.

But there are three main differences between the prior versions and this version. All
three changes came from feedback from experts in the use of DMSO or chlorine
dioxide or colloidal silver.

First, the DMSO is taken by itself. In other words, nothing is mixed with the DMSO.
This means the chlorine dioxide must be taken orally.

The second main difference is the "cancer diet," meaning the allowed foods which
can be taken with the protocol. The "original version" was a cancer fast. The "first
version" did not have any restrictions. This "second version" has many restrictions,
but it is not a cancer fast.

The third major change is the use of a different kind of silver. The "original OCC"
used silver nitrate, which could only be used in very low doses. This version uses a
pure version of colloidal silver which can be used in much higher doses. This also
must be taken orally because it is not mixed with the DMSO.

This is a somewhat complex treatment until you understand what is going on. It is
always recommended to have a second "pair of eyes" (i.e. a second person) also
study the treatment to make sure it is done right and all the rules are followed.

This "second version" is unquestionably safe. The doses of DMSO are half of what
were used in the "original version." The doses of the other products are similar to the
"first version." Only the doses of the colloidal silver are new and they have been
approved by two different experts in both the product and the overall use of colloidal

As with the "first version," this treatment is not recommended for advanced cancer
patients. It is not that this treatment is potentially dangerous (it is not), it is because it
will take several days out of their regular alternative cancer treatment, which
hopefully is one of the more proven treatments. For an advanced cancer patient
every day of their treatment is critical.

Please provide feedback after you have taken this treatment. Feedback is very, very
important. My email address is linked to at the bottom of this article.

Webster Kehr
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

Critical Warnings
This is an New Cancer Treatment

This cancer treatment is new. It is experimental, though it has been proven to be

totally safe even for very advanced cancer patients. In other words, its safety is NOT
experimental, only its effectiveness is experimental. This treatment is based heavily
on a great deal of scientific evidence combined with solid cancer theory.

Be aware that chlorine dioxide is toxic in high doses. The doses chosen for this
treatment have been chosen to be well within safe, non-toxic levels. However, do
not assume significantly higher doses of chlorine dioxide will be safe. Stick
within the safe doses of this treatment. Over 25 people have already taken this
treatment and no one has had the slightest complaint about the doses.

Also note that this treatment is spread out over 12 hours. This is also part of the
safety of this treatment. Do not take the total daily doses in less time than the
treatment prescribes!!

DMSO is far, far less toxic than chlorine dioxide, thus the doses of DMSO are simply
not a factor. Earlier versions of this treatment used 25 tablespoons of DMSO without
a single complaint. This treatment uses 12 tablespoons of DMSO during the official

Because this is a new treatment, this article changes from time to time. It is
important to read this article in its entirety just before starting the treatment
(i.e. after you have obtained the necessary materials). This article is still
changing as feedback is received from cancer patients who have taken the
The OCC Should Not Be Used By Advanced Cancer Patients

It will take several months before the OCC can be fine-tuned to be effective for
advanced cancer patients.
Thus, the Overnight Cure for Cancer should NOT be used by advanced cancer
patients. This is not because the OCC is dangerous, it is because advanced cancer
patients should not take a week off for any cancer treatment which has not been
proven to be effective for advanced cancer patients.

In other words, advanced cancer patients should ONLY use alternative cancer
treatments which have been proven to be effective for advanced cancer patients,
such as the Cellect-Budwig Protocol (designed by a board member of the ICRF), the
Bill Henderson Protocol (designed by a board member of the ICRF) or the Cesium
Chloride Protocol (which has been around for several decades).

See this article for a list of proven, highly effective cancer treatments for advanced
cancer patients:
Stage IV Cancer Treatments
Children Under Twelve Should NOT use This Treatment

Childen Under Twelve Should NOT use this treatment except under the supervision
of a medical professional.
Do NOT Use This Treatment With Prescription Drugs

This alternative cancer treatment should NOT be combined or used with ANY
prescription drugs. The reason is that this treatment may greatly enhance the
effectiveness of prescription drugs. For example, if a prescription drug binds to
DMSO, which is part of this treatment, the DMSO may drag the prescription drug into
the cancer cells, thus killing the cancer cells. This treatment is designed to REVERT
cancer cells into normal cells. Killing cancer cells may yield undesirable
inflammation and swelling and/or create excess debris from dead cancer cells.

In addition, the DMSO in this treatment may enhance the effectiveness of

prescription drugs, thus the cancer patient may effectively overdose on their
prescription drugs.
Do NOT Use This Treatment With Some Alternative Cancer Treatments

There are two kinds of alternative cancer treatments or products which should NOT
be used with this treatment.

First, this cancer treatment should NOT be combined with alternative cancer
treatments which kill cancer cells. Should a product which kills cancer cells bind
to the DMSO, the DMSO may allow it to kill far more cancer cells than it
normally would. This could lead to excess debris from dead cancer cells.

In other words, do NOT combine this treatment with any alternative cancer
treatment or product which kills cancer cells!! This treatment is so potent, if
cancer cells were killed it could create a dangerous situation for the patient!!

Second, this treatment should NOT be used with alternative cancer treatment
products which contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium or any other antioxidant or
immune builders. These products will neutralize the effectiveness of this treatment.
More will be said about these products below.

As a general rule, only the Budwig Diet can be used with this treatment because it
does not kill cancer cells and does not contain anything that will conflict with this
treatment (make sure you add only things on the "cancer diet" list below to the
cottage cheese if you are using the Budwig Diet).
Warning For Women Who Are, or Who Might Be, or Who Might Become Pregnant

Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, might become pregnant, or are
nursing, should NOT take this treatment. The affect on an unborn fetus could
be fatal to the fetus due to the high doses of chlorine dioxide in this treatment
combined with the extremely low weight of the fetus!! In addition, fetus have
many undifferentiated cells and this treatment will TARGET cancer cells, which
are also undifferentiated!! Thus, this treatment may inadvertantly target
undifferentiated fetal cells!!!!


Dangerous Conditions

Neither the OCC, nor any other alternative cancer treatment, will shrink tumors within
a month or remove blockages. That is not what they are designed to do. If you have
a dangerous health condition, such as a tumor on the head of your pancreas which
is pressing against the bile duct, then you need to seek medical help immediately.
Alternative cancer treatments are not designed to quickly shrink tumors or remove

Likewise, if you have swelling in your brain, or any other dangerous condition, seek
medical help immediately.
Allergies to DMSO

This treatment includes DMSO. I have never seen a case of an allergy to DMSO, but
apparently in rare cases someone is allergic to DMSO. When you get your bottle of
DMSO put one drop on your skin and spread it out and see if you have an allergic
reaction. If not, an hour later put 10 drops on your skin and spread them out. If you
do not have a reaction, go ahead with the treatment.

Cancer Theory Section

What Causes Cancer?

What causes cancer? Most people believe that it is DNA damage that causes
cancer. While in rare situations, DNA can have a negative affect on a person's
immune system, DNA normally has absolutely nothing to do with the development of

The "theory" that DNA causes cancer is driven by a desire to convince the general
public that a cure for cancer is 100 years away. This deception is to convince the
general public that cancer can only be treated as a highly profitable chronic disease.
The cancer treatments and propaganda which are chosen by the FDA and
pharmaceutical industry (and worldwide for that matter, I have worked with cancer
patients from all over the civilized world and I know of no country on earth with
honest politicians) are chosen on the basis of profitability, not effectiveness. There is
no money in curing cancer, but there are hundreds of billions of dollars in
pretending cancer is a chronic disease and that there is no cure for cancer. All of this
is nonsense driven by greed.

The fact is that cancer is caused by a special type of microbe which gets inside of
normal cells and turns the cells cancerous.

Actually, everyone has cancer cells forming in their body at all times. The immune
system generally safely kills them. Thus, a weakened immune system, and many
other things, can allow cancer cells to overcome the immune system. But the actual
formation of cancer cells is exclusively caused by microbes which get inside of
normal cells or are there when the cell divides.

Dr. Royal Rife did an enormous amount of research into the relationship between
microbes and cancer in the 1930s. He would inject mice with a virus and in 100% of
the cases the mice would get cancer.

Dr. Rife proposed a cure for cancer which did nothing but kill these viruses. His cure
was 100% successful. However, note that his cure had no intention of killing
cancer cells or fixing DNA (which had not been discovered in the 1930s); its
only goal was to kill microbes in the body. Once the microbes were dead the
cancer cells were able to revert back into normal, differentiated cells.

It is very doubtful that Dr. Rife knew that the critial microbes which needed to be
killed were inside the cancer cells, but electromedicine will kill microbes inside or
outside of cancer cells.

But almost all natural substances do not normally get inside of cells, thus it is almost
impossible for natural substances to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. Natural
substances can kill cancer cells and build the immune system, but they generally
cannot kill microbes inside the cancer cells.

Many other cancer researchers, starting over 100 years ago in the 1800s, have
isolated the cause of cancer to be microbes, though they did not understand the
mechanism inside the cell which caused a microbe to make a cell cancerous.

Now, the entire mechanism inside the cell which allows microbes to cause cancer is
understood. We now know that a microbe which is able to get inside of a normal cell
blocks glucose from being used to create pyruvate, which in turn blocks the Citric
Acid Cycle and in turn the Electron Transport Chain, both in the mitochondria.
Blocking these two chemical chains cause the number of ATP molecules in a cancer
cell to plummet!!

A detailed discussion of how microbes cause cancer can be found in the Cancer
Theory article. In essence, the article on cancer theory is also the theory behind this
treatment. The cancer theory article also discusses the four different categories of
treatments which can cure cancer. See this article:
The Theory of Cancer

You may have noted in the article just linked to that as long as microbe(s) are inside
cancer cells, the cell is unable to revert into a normal cell.

While many people have tried to replicate Dr. Rife's electromedicine cancer
treatment (which was destroyed by the FDA and AMA), this treatment, the Overnight
Cure For Cancer, is the first non-electromedicine cancer treatment ever
designed to specifically kill the microbes inside the cancer cells as a cure for

If you kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells the cancer cells WILL NOT
DIE!! The cancer cells will actually be able, within two or three weeks, to
restore their Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain and become normal,
differentiated cells again. Thus, there is zero debris from dead cancer cells or
broken-apart DNA. That is why this treatment can be so effective so fast.

This treatment is not only based on solid cancer theory, it has behind it a great deal
of scientific evidence.

So how is it possible to kill a microbe which is comfortably and happily living inside a
very sick cancer cell?

First, you must get a chemical which is known to kill microbes inside the cancer
cell. Chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver are two such molecules.

So how do you get chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver inside the cancer cells?

You use DMSO. DMSO is officially: dimethyl sulfoxide. DMSO is a byproduct of the
wood industry and is totally natural and was designed by a Higher Power to target
cancer cells like a guided missle.

The details of the necessary sequence for the Overnight Cure For Cancer (OCC) to
work are as follows:

1) You find a molecule known to kill microbes. Both chlorine dioxide and colloidal
silver are such substances. Both are used in the OCC to kill the microbes inside the
cancer cells. Because chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver normally stay in the
bloodstream, they generally only kill microbes in the bloodstream.

2) Once inside the body, the DMSO must target cancer cells. This is a very well-
known ability of DMSO. DMSO has been combined with chemotherapy, and many
other substances, to get them inside of cancer cells. For example, one
DMSO/chemotherapy cancer treatment, which was designed to kill cancer cells by
using DMSO to get chemotherapy inside the cancer cells, was a superb cancer
treatment, but it was shut down by the FDA in Georgia.

3) Once at the site of a cancer cell, the DMSO must "open up" the cancer cells for
the substances in the protocol which are taken after the DMSO. Essentailly, the job
of the DMSO is to "open the door" for the chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver to get
inside the cancer cells.

4) Once inside the cancer cells the chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver must be able
to kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells.

Once the microbe(s) are killed inside the cancer cells, the cancer cells will be able to
restore their Citric Acid Cycle and Electron Transport Chain (ETC). In two or three
weeks the cancer cell will be a normal cell. The cell will revert from an
undifferentiated cell to a differentiated cell.

Most of the above items are known to be true. For example, it is KNOWN that DMSO
targets cancer cells and only cancer cells (when there are cancer cells). It is also
known that DMSO will "open the door" of the cancer cells to allow other substances

It is also known that chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver can kill any microbes they
can come into contact with.

The only mystery in this treatment is how effective DMSO is at "opening the door" for
the chlorine dioxide and colloidal silver. Will the door be open too wide or not wide
enough or "just right?" Will other things get through the door first? And so on.

This treatment is very different than the normal way that DMSO and chlorine dioxide
are used because it uses twelve treatments in one day. The reason for the intensity
of this treatment is that it is necessary to kill EVERY microbe inside of EVERY
cancer cell in a short amount of time. If you don't accomplish that, the surviving
microbes will continue to breed inside the cancer cells and the cancer will again start
spreading. So it is a safe, but intense, treatment.
Why Is This Called: The Overnight Cure For Cancer?

The vast majority of alternative cancer treatments kill cancer cells or build the
immune system. For advanced cancer patients who have been on chemotherapy,
radiation and/or surgery, they typically don't have enough time to live to depend on
building their immune system. On the other hand, cancer treatments which kill
cancer cells can only kill so many cancer cells per day or else the debris from dead
cancer cells can overwhelm the liver.

Chemotherapy must be "paced" (i.e. small doses are spread out over long periods of
time) because chemotherapy kills and damages so many non-cancerous cells. On
the other hand, many alternative cancer treatments must be "paced" because they
target cancer cells and kill so many cancer cells that the liver is burdened with debris
from dead cancer cells.
Thus, most highly effective alternative cancer treatments must be "paced," meaning
doses of substances must be limited to the ability of the liver to process the debris
from dead cancer cells.

Some of the treatments that kill cancer cells also cause swelling and inflammation;
even tumors can swell during the treatment. The reason for this is that if cancer cells
are killed slowly, the immune system will recognize the cells as being "sick" and will
attack them. The inflammation, swelling and possibly congestion (for lung cancer)
can also cause alternative cancer treatments to need to be paced.

For example, the normal dosage for cesium chloride and DMSO must be cut in half
for brain cancer and certain other cancer conditions.

However, when you kill the microbe(s) inside a cancer cell, but do NOT kill the
cancer cell itself, the immune system is clueless as to what is going on, thus there
is NO inflammation or swelling.

But equally important, when you revert a cancer cell into a normal cell there is
no debris from dead cancer cells or broken apart DNA. The cell stays intact and
the cell deals with the debris from the dead microbes "in house," so to speak. The
debris which goes outside the cell is minimal because the cancer cell itself if not

Thus, in theory, a treatment which reverts cancer cells into normal cells could cure
cancer within 24 hours!! But the only way to do that would be to kill the microbes
inside the cancer cells without killing any cancer cells! That is exactly why the
Rife Machine could safely cure cancer within minutes, without any danger to the

Excluding electromedicine, there are more than a dozen natural substances which
are known to be able to revert cancer cells into nomal cells. However, none of them
are practical as a cancer treatment for a variety of reasons.

But this treatment is practical, and that is why this treatment is called the "Overnight
Cure For Cancer." When this treatment is perfected, it literally will be able to cure
cancer within 24 hours, without any debris from dead cancer cells, debris from
broken DNA or swelling or inflammation from the immune system attacking cancer
cells which are slowly dying.

The OCC is also safe for the liver, unless the liver has already been damaged by
debris from dead cancer cells or chemotherapy.

The importance of perfecting this treatment cannot be overestimated. It overcomes

all the problems of other alternative cancer treatments for advanced cancer patients.
What Is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been
mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought
chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.
Jim's initial discovery was somewhat of an accident. Two of his associates came
down with malaria. Being deep in the jungle Jim only had one thing to treat them:
stabilized oxygen, which is chemically known as sodium chlorite. Do not confuse
sodium chlorite with common table salt, which is sodium chloride

Both of his associates were cured of malaria deep in the jungles of Guyana.
However, not everyone Jim later gave the stabilized oxygen to was cured, but most

When Jim got back to America he started researching why several people had been
cured of malaria. His conclusion was that part of the sodium chlorite was chemically
converted into chlorine dioxide and that it was the chlorine dioxide which actually
cured the malaria.

After more research, Jim settled on using 15 drops of chlorine dioxide, followed one
hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with
chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide is vastly different.

Actually, chlorine dioxide is created by mixing sodium chlorite with an "activator."

The formula is one drop of sodium chlorite with five drops of the activator. More will
be said about the activator below.

Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually

between 3% and 6% sodium chlorite. However, Jim developed a product (which he
does NOT sell) which is 28% sodium chlorite and he calls it the "Miracle Mineral
Supplement" or MMS.

Do not confuse MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) with MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl
Methane) which is a natural molecule found in nature. DMSO, by the way, is
chemically related to MSM (not MMS). Both MMS and MSM are part of this
treatment, so keep them apart in your mind.

Stabilized oxygen (i.e. sodium chlorite) has been used in alternative medicine for
several decades. It is used primarily to prevent viral infections, such as colds and the
flu, and to treat allergies.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is 28% sodium chlorite. The reason for this
mixture is so that it will react more readily to the "activator," meaning less of the
activator will be needed per drop of MMS.

Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar as
can actually feed yeast infections.

The three things you can mix with MMS are (these are the three activators):
1) 10% citric acid solution (the recommended activator),
2) fresh squeezed lemon juice, which you squeeze yourself,
3) fresh squeezed lime juice, which you squeeze yourself,
Any of these three items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create
chlorine dioxide. The powdered citric acid is the preferred item to mix with MMS, if it
is purchased from a vendor of MMS. If it is not purchased from a vendor of MMS it
may have been sitting on the shelf for many months. But MMS vendors have high
turnover of citric acid, thus the product is always fresh.

The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the
things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon
juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative.

The bottom line is to always use 10% citric acid, purchased from a vendor of MMS,
or if you cannot get that, then use fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice (which you
squeezed yourself). Nothing else is acceptable as an activator.

Also note the Miracle Mineral Supplement bottle should NOT be exposed
directly to sunlight.

While you can buy chlorine dioxide over the internet, this website recommends that
you make it yourself at home using MMS. You should make it at home and use it
within an hour of making it.
Vitamin C, Antioxidants and Immune Builders

Vitamin C and other antioxidants can interfere with this treatment!! They interfere so
much so that this treatment should not be taken at the same time as alternative
cancer treatment products which include vitamin C, other antioxidants or immune

This cannot be emphasized enough, you should not start this treatment until you
have gone at least three days without any antioxidants (e.g. vitamin C, vitamin E,
selenium, etc.) or immune builders.

If your multi-vitamin has any of these things, do not take it before or during this

MSM is used during this treatment and unfortunately most MSM creams have
antioxidents added to them. Do NOT use any MSM cream if any antioxidants
have been added, which is almost always the case!!

You need to be fanatical about this because Vitamin C and other antioxidants can
destroy this entire treatment.

In summary: Do NOT use the chlorine dixoide protocol at the same time as any
substance which has Vitamin C, or any other antioxidant, including immune
builders. Wait at least three days after discontinuing these treatments before
starting the chlorine dioxide treatment.

More will be said about this in the "cancer diet" section.


Curing cancer, especially advanced cancer, is in two parts. They are both equally

The two parts are the "cancer cells" and the "non-cancerous cells." The importance
of the cancer cells is obvious. So why are the non-cancerous cells just as important
as the cancer cells when treating cancer?

Many cancer patients, perhaps most cancer patients, die because of the damage
done to their non-cancerous cells. Cancer cells steal vital nutrients from non-
cancerous cells, that is one reason cancer patients become so weak. In
addition, chemotherapy and radiation do incredible damage to non-cancerous cells.
Thus, in advanced cancer, the non-cancerous cells are very, very weak and very,
very sick.

The Overnight Cure For Cancer will ONLY deal with cancer cells, it WILL NOT help
the non-cancerous cells.

For example. suppose there was a "magic bullet" (which hopefully the OCC will
become) which safely rided the body of all cancer cells within one day. Would the
cancer patient be guaranteed to survive their cancer? The answer is 'no' because
the non-cancerous cells are the cause of death in many cancer patients, if not most
cancer patients. Thus, getting rid of the cancer cells is only half of the battle
with cancer.

Even if the cancer cells of a cancer patient are reverted into normal cells, the
patient still has to continue using cancer treatments which are designed to
protect and heal the non-cancerous cells.

So here is the key question, should a cancer patient deal with the cancer cells first or
the non-cancerous cells first?

This question will be answered with a parable:

The Parable of the Thugs and the Preachers

Suppose there were 100 thugs who were locked in a building with 100 preachers.
Suppose at every opportunity the thugs beat up the preachers. The preachers are
getting weaker and weaker because of getting beat up daily by the thugs.

You are assigned to go in and help nourish the preachers back to health. What is the
first thing you should do?

The first thing you should do is get rid of the thugs!! If you don't get rid of the thugs
you will not be able to nourish the preachers because they will continue to get beat
up as you are trying to help them.

In exactly a similar way, it is critical to get rid of the cancer cells as quickly as
possible in a cancer treatment!! The problem is that normal alternative cancer
treatments must be paced!! In other words, you cannot kill the cancer cells quickly or
it will create so much debris you may kill the cancer patient.

But the Overnight Cure For Cancer does not kill cancer cells, not a single one. The
OCC is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells very, very quickly.

This treatment is not ready for advanced cancer patients, but when it is, remember
that the OCC should be the first alternative cancer treatment used!!

Introduction to the OCC Treatment

Big Picture Overview

The actual OCC is only done once, on a single day. However, for several reasons,
there are four "mini-OCC" treatments on each of the four days preceding the actual
OCC. Each "mini-OCC" takes four hours. Thus, the complete OCC looks like this:
"Mini-OCC" - Day 1 (4 hours)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 2 (4 hours)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 3 (4 hours)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 4 (4 hours)
Official OCC - Day 5 (12 hours)

The main reasons for the four days of "mini-OCCs" are because the cancer patient
needs to determine how much chlorine dioxide they will be able to take during the
treatment, plus they must get used to handling and using DMSO, plus they must get
used to the hourly scheduling, and so on.

In short, if you started with the full OCC, you would likely be very confused and the
entire day would be a disaster. By having four trial days you can learn to use the
treatment, learn to use the products, get used to the hectic schedule, and so on.

The "Cancer Diet," to be discussed below, should be followed religiously on three

days: on the "Mini-OCC" on the third day and the "Mini-OCC" on the fourth day and
the complete/official OCC on the fifth day. In other words, you should stick to the
"cancer diet" for three total days:
"Mini-OCC" - Day 1 (4 hours)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 2 (4 hours)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 3 (4 hours) (Stay on "Cancer Diet" all day)
"Mini-OCC" - Day 4 (4 hours) (Stay on "Cancer Diet" all day)
Official OCC - Day 5 (12 hours) (Stay on "Cancer Diet" all day)

Then, the morning after the full/official OCC you can go back to whatever diet you
were on before you started the OCC.
Note that the OCC takes five days, but on only one of those days is the complete
twelve-hour OCC taken.

One last comment. It would be nice if each "mini-OCC" would last for four hours.
However, realize that the "mini-OCCs" are mainly to train you and prepare you for
the official OCC on the fifth day. If, for some reason, you cannot complete one of the
"mini-OCCs" you can go ahead and take the official OCC on schedule if you feel you
are comfortable with doing the treatment and using the products.

However, do NOT take the complete/official OCC until you have been on the "cancer
diet" for at least 2 full days before beginning the complete OCC.
The "Cancer Diet" For The OCC

There is an incredibly long and complex list of things you cannot eat while on the
official OCC. Rather than give you the long list of things you cannot eat, it is much
simpler to give you a list of the things you CAN eat.

Starting on Day 3 of the 5 day OCC, meaning starting on the morning of the 3rd
"mini-OCC," you are allowed to eat the following things, and ONLY the following
things until the morning of the day after the official OCC (which means the
beginning of Day 6 using the above charts):

Brussels Sprouts
Sweet Potatoes (but NOT white potatoes)
Dark Green Lettuce
Corn on the Cob
Yellow Squash
Green Beans
Red Bell Peppers

(Note: These are the ONLY things you can add to the cottage cheese if you are
taking the Budwig Diet at the same time as the OCC)

The above list comprises the only things you can eat for 72 hours (i.e. the two days
before the official OCC and the day of the official OCC). No exceptions!! You can
ONLY drink water (e.g. distilled water or whatever kind of water you want to drink).

Virtually every other food and herb on earth will interfere with the effectiveness of the
chlorine dioxide.
Also remember that sugar, refined flour, meat (unless the patient is extremely frail),
dairy products (unless you are taking the Budwig Diet during the 5 days of the OCC),
etc. will FEED cancer cells.

During this treatment, eating the wrong foods will either neutralize the chlorine
dioxide or feed your cancer cells. For three whole days stick with the above list of
foods exclusively.

Also, since this "cancer diet" is used for 3 straight days, make sure no more than
25% of your foods each day are "green" foods. "Green" foods (e.g. Dark Green
Lettuce) contain Vitamin K and for certain heart conditions, high levels of Vitamin K
in the blood can cause blood clots.
The Substances Needed For the OCC

Miracle Mineral Supplement Information: eBook 1 (free) and eBook 2 (About $10):

A website by Dr. Thomas L. Hesselink, M.D. is also a resource for understanding

about chlorine dioxide, but it is highly technical:
Dr. Hellelink website (free)

Here is a checklist of things you need for this treatment. Unfortunately you will need
four different vendors (who will be listed below) to get everything you need:
1) MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement - 28% sodium chlorite) - at least 2 bottles,
2) 10% citric acid (usually in powdered form which you add distilled water to), which
should be included in the MMS package,
3) DMSO - at least two 8 ounce glass or hard plastic bottles,
4) MSM crystals to be made into "MSM Water" (see below how to do this),
5) Ultra pure Colloidal Silver

To buy MMS (and receive a free CD and 10% citric acid), one vendor is: [Miracle Mineral Supplement]

There are many other vendors of MMS if you wish to use Google. Whatever vendor
you choose make sure they also include 10% citric acid with the MMS. The citric acid
usually comes in powdered form which you have to mix with distilled water.

The DMSO should be at least 99% pure DMSO, mixed with distilled water. The ideal
mixture for putting it on your skin is 70% DMSO and 30% distilled water. Do NOT
use DMSO with less than 30% water. Here is one of many vendors of DMSO on the
Internet where you can obtain DMSO (you generally cannot buy it at health food

Here is a vendor of MSM crystals/powder (I recommend Lignisul "granular

Sometimes the MSM crystals can be purchased at a heath food store. Whatever you
do make sure the MSM has not had any anti-clotting chemicals added to it. Almost
all pill forms of MSM have had anti-clotting chemicals added to them and thus they
are virtually worthless.

The purpose of the MSM is to prevent the DMSO from chemically breaking down
inside the body. DMSO, by itself, will seek equilibrium with MSM in the body. In other
words, half of any DMSO, if taken by itself, will convert into MSM. Thus, adding the
MSM is critical to allow the DMSO to maintain its potency in the body. It is a very
important part of the treatment!!

MSM will penetrate the skin, just like DMSO, but it will NOT bind to other molecules
or carry them through the skin like DMSO will (though this trait of DMSO is not used
in this treatment). Even though the MSM is not part of the treatment, it will make the
DMSO more effective, so it is important.

In some countries a person can obtain all the substances needed for the OCC
except for the MSM. The MSM Water is highly recommended for this treatment, but it
is optional. In other words, don't let the lack of MSM stop the rest of this treatment.

Finally, there are only two acceptable vendors of ultra pure and ultra small particles
of colloidal silver. These two vendors are the only ones which use a highly pulverized
form of pure silver. The products are Utopia Silver and MesoSilver. Get at least
three - 8 ounce bottles of colloidal silver. Here is a link to Utopia Silver:
Utopia Silver

Using the Elements of the OCC

Putting the DMSO on the Skin (Transdermal)

"Transdermal" means: "through the skin." DMSO is simply rubbed on the skin and it
will penetrate the skin and quickly get into the bloodstream. You can take DMSO
orally, but it is not recommended because your stomach will have a hard enough
time adjusting to chlorine dioxide, which must be taken orally.

It is very important to rotate where you put the mixture on the skin. During the "mini-
OCC" days and the official OCC day, you will spread one TABLEspoon of DMSO on
the skin every hour.

The first hour you may want to spread it thinly on your arms. The second hour you
may want to spread it thinly on your leg thighs. The third time you may want to
spread it thinly on your leg calfs. The next time you use it you may want to thinly
spread it on your back. Where you put it is up to you.
On the official OCC day, you will need to rub it on your skin 12 times. Thus, you must
rotate where you put it on the skin. By rotating where you put the mixture your skin
has 3 hours to completely recover from the DMSO being rubbed on the skin.

There are ways to protect your skin, no matter where you put the mixture. Ten to
fifteen minutes after putting the DMSO on the appropriate place on your body (if you
can wait that long because of potential burning on the skin), you should put the
"MSM Water" on the same location you put the DMSO in order to prevent any rash
from developing.

Thus, you have two different ways to protect your skin during the treatment; first, by
spreading the mixture as thin and wide as possible, and second, by using MSM
water ten to fifteen minutes after spreading the mixture on the skin.

It should be mentioned that latex gloves, rubber gloves or any other kind of gloves
should NOT be used to spread DMSO on the skin. The DMSO can bind to these
materials and pull the materials in these gloves through the skin. Always use bare
hands to spread the mixture.
Making and Using the "MSM Water"

Here is how you make a gallon of "MSM Water":

1) Take a gallon of DISTILLED water,
2) Pour out about 2 cups of the distilled water,
3) PUT 1 and 1/2 CUPS of MSM granules into the gallon jug.

It will take about half-an-hour for the MSM to totally dissolve in the water. Shake the
jug every few minutes until it is totally dissolved and there are no particles which
settle at the bottom of the jug. This is the "MSM Water" which will be referred to in
this treatment.

You will be taking two TABLESpoons of MSM each hour. While the TABLEspoon of
DMSO is 70% DMSO and 30% water, the "MSM Water" is mostly water.

You will put the two TABLEspoons on your skin and take the MSM transdermally. If
you wish to try and build up taking the MSM water orally, that is OK, but it is actually
better to take part of the "MSM Water" transdermally to reduce wear and tear on
your skin from the DMSO.

The DMSO will actually be a little hard on your skin, and the "MSM Water" serves
two purposes. First, to prevent too much of the DMSO from breaking down in the
body into MSM and second, to protect the skin from a rash from the DMSO.

In other words, you will put the "MSM Water" on the same locations as the DMSO,
as mentioned above. If there is any "MSM Water" left over," meaning it won't spread
over the same area as the DMSO, you can rub it on some other location of the skin.
Taking the Colloidal Silver

Taking the colloidal silver is the easiest part of this treatment. All you have to do is
pour the colloidal silver into a TEAspoon and drink it. Here is the dose: three
TEAspoons of colloidal silver each hour.
Taking Chlorine Dixoide Orally

When taken orally, chlorine dioxide can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. It is
not the body which is causing these side-effects, it is the stomach.

This, of course, creates a problem. Some cancer patients may not be able to tolerate
taking chlorine dioxide during this protocol. That is one reason the colloidal silver is
so important.

As already mentioned, the actual OCC is preceded by "mini-OCCs" during the 4

days prior to the actual OCC. Each "mini-OCC" lasts 4 hours. Details on the "mini-
OCCs" will be explained in detail below.

During these four days you should attempt to build up to being able to take 10 drops
of chlorine dioxide at one time - orally. If you cannot build up to 10 drops, once each
hour, try to build up to as much as your stomach will tolerate.

Actually, some people will not need to build up to 10 drops. The maximum dose per
hour depends on the person's weight, which will be explained below. But for
demonstration purposes, we will assume you need to build up to 10 drops per hour.

DO NOT test your stomach by taking 10 drops of chlorine dioxide the first time
you take it!! You could get very, very sick by doing that. Always build-up to the
required dose.

If, at any time during your build-up, you get nausea, diarrhea, etc. you either need to
reduce the number of drops you are taking or start over at one drop the next day.
Even one-half drop can be taken by putting one drop in a small glass of water, then
drinking only half of the glass.

In the first hour of the first "mini-OCC" take only ONE drop of chlorine dioxide
orally (actually you will put that drop in a small glass of water and drink the
glass of water). If you can tolerate that dose, then in the next hour try two drops in
the water. And so on. After the first build-up day, if you can handle 4 drops in a small
glass of water, then on the second build-up day (i.e. second "mini-OCC") start at 4

Thus, by the end of the second build-up day you hopefully will be taking 7 drops. If
so, start on the third day with 7 drops, and at the end of third day you will be up to 10
drops. Then, ideally, you can take 10 drops for each of the four hours in the 4th "mini

REMEMBER, always put the drops in a small glass of water and drink the glass
of water.
If you cannot build up to 10 drops by the end of the four "mini-OCCs" just do the best
you can without making yourself miserable.

Essentially, all during this treatment you will be taking as much chlorine dioxide as
your stomach can tolerate, each hour. But do not take more than the maximum dose,
for your body weight, as mentioned below.
How to Make "ONE DOSE" of Chlorine Dioxide

READ THIS SECTION SEVERAL TIMES to make sure you aren't missing
anything. Especially read it AFTER making one or two doses!! You would also
be smart to have a second person look at the instructions to make sure you
both agree on how to make "One Dose."
Step 1: Measuring the MMS

Using the lid on the bottle of MMS, put exactly 10 drops of MMS in a small bowl.
This should equal 1/8 of a TEAspoon.

If you weigh between 110 pounds and 130 pounds, use 8 drops instead of 10 drops.
IF you weigh 110 pounds or less, use 6 drops instead of 10 drops.

The rest of the instructions below this section are NOT based on weight.

Remember that if you cannot tolerate the 6, 8 or 10 drops, just do the best you can
and try to build up during the OCC itself. But do not make yourself sick trying to take
the recommended dose. Use common sense.
Step 3: Measuring the Volume of the Activator

The "activator" will either be citric acid or lemon juice or lime juice. Each will now be

Making the "One Dose" Using Citric Acid:

If you are using 10% citric acid as the activator, make sure you dissolve it in water
before using it. Here is the formula for what to put in the blue bottle (also check the
instructions on the packet of citric acid):
1) Put 2 TEAspoons of the citric acid powder in the blue bottle (or whatever color it
2) ADD 6 TABLEspoons of water (i.e. which is equal to 3 ounces of water) to the
blue bottle (preferrably distilled water or reverse osmosis water).

As a sanity check, this will fill about 3/4 of the blue bottle. This formula has the
correct 10% citric acid mixture. Use doses for the activator using the blue bottle if
you use the citric acid.

Lemon Juice or Lime Juice

If you use lemon juice or lime juice as the activator, make sure you filter out all
particles using a common kitchen strainer.
The Volume of the Activator
Regardless of your weight, and even if you are in the "build-up" mode and are using
less than your normal number of drops of MMS, use 5/8 of a TEAspoon of the

ADD the 5/8 TEAspoon of activator to the MMS you already put in the small bowl.

AFTER MIXING the MMS (i.e. sodium chlorite) with the activator, stir the mixture,
then let it sit for 3 minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds. This three minute
wait creates the chlorine dioxide.

At this point, no matter how many drops of MMS you used, you have a mixture
which is defined to be "One Dose" of Chlorine Dioxide.

You will ALWAYS add this "One Dose" to 4 to 6 ounces of water before taking it
Clarifying What "One Dose" Means

The steps above can be summarized thusly:

1) Put 10 drops (or 8 drops or 6 drops) of MMS in a small bowl,

2) Add 5/8th of a TEAspoon of the "activator" (citric acid, lemon juice or lime juice),
3) WAIT 3 minutes (stir at first and every 30 seconds) to make the chlorine dioxide,
4) ADD to 4 to 6 ouces of water before taking it orally.

You Have Now Made "One Dose"!!

The mixture you made above contains 10 drops (or 8 drops or 6 drops) of
MMS, plus an activator. The entire mixture of MMS, activator and DMSO is
called "One Dose." By definition, if you take "10 or 8 or 6 drops" of chlorine
dioxide (or less if your stomach cannot tolerate it), you are taking "One Dose,"
meaning the entire mixture above.
What To Do If You Cannot Tolerate Taking Chlorine Dioxide Orally

(NOTE: Do NOT add the DMSO to the "One Dose" until AFTER the three minute
wait already mentioned above. You may remember the three minute wait was to
make the chlorine dioxide. The DMSO should not be added until after the chlorine
dioxide is already made, including the three minute wait.)

If you cannot tolerate the chlorine dioxide orally, meaning you cannot build up to the
maximum dose for your weight (e.g. 6 or 8 or 10 drops hourly) then you need to take
the chlorine dioxide transdermally (through the skin).

However, if you are taking the chlorine dioxide transdermally, then you can use the
"maximum" dose of chlorine dioxide for your weight because your stomach is totally
bypassed. In other words, if you are going to take the "One Dose" transdermally,
make the "One Dose" with 6 or 8 or 10 drops of MMS, depending on your weight.
You will not have any stomach problems even if you use the maximum dose.
Here are the steps for adding DMSO to the "One Dose" so you can take the "One
Dose" transdermally:

Step 1) Add 5/8th TEAspoon of DMSO to the "One Dose."

Step 2) WAIT 3 minutes for the DMSO to bind to the chlorine dioxide before putting it
on your skin.

Step 3) Spread the "One Dose Plus DMSO" on your skin at the scheduled time. You
may need to use a different section of skin than you use for the DMSO which has
nothing added to it. Because of the activator this mixture may be more difficult to get
to penetrate the skin.

By doing this you will be getting the full benefit of the chlorine dioxide without
irritating your stomach.

The Schedule Of Using the Items in the Protocol

Each "Mini-OCC" - the Four Nights Before the Official OCC

Note: If at any time during a "Mini-OCC Day" or the "Official OCC," if you do
not feel well (meaning you feel sick, but it is not nausea from the chlorine
dioxide), terminate the treatment immediately. This treatment is not toxic, but
there may be individuals who have a reaction to the DMSO or chlorine dioxide
or have some other health condition which responds to the treatment.

On the four "mini-OCC" days, the treatment will generally be done in the evening, but
can be taken at any time of the day. Each "mini-OCC" treatment will last for four

Assuming you start your "mini-OCC" at 6:00 PM, as an example, here is the
schedule you need to follow during EACH hour:

Step 1: 6:00 PM (1800) - Take one TABLEspoon of DMSO transdermally

Step 2: 6:15 PM (1815) - Take two TABLEspoons of MSM transdermally
Step 3: 6:30 PM (1830) - Take the three TEAspoons of colloidal silver orally
Step 4: 6:45 PM (1845) - Take the "One Dose" of chlorine dioxide orally.

This same four step cycle is repeated at 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM. This will
complete the "mini-OCC."

Also remember that during the "mini-OCCs" you are also building up how much
chlorine dioxide you can take orally.
This mini-OCC is critical!!! The purpose of the four "mini-OCCs" is to prepare you for
the official OCC and to kill microbes in the bloodstream before the official OCC
begins. If you do not do this, some of the chlorine dioxide in the official OCC will
never make it to the cancer cells because it will kill microbes in the bloodstream and
thus be neutralized prior to getting to the cancer cells. This is not the goal of the
official OCC. The goal of the official OCC is to kill the microbes INSIDE the cancer
cells to revert the cancer cells back into normal cells.
The Official OCC (12 Hours on Day 5)

Each of the 12 hours of the OCC is exactly like each hour of each "mini-OCC." Each
hour is a four-step process.

If, for some reason you get behind schedule by 15 minutes or even an hour, just start
the next hour when you can. Staying exactly on schedule is not that important. The
important thing is that within 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 hours you complete 12 doses in the
order shown above.

It also doesn't matter what time of the day you take the official treatment.

As mentioned above, the intent of this treatment is to kill every MICROBE, inside of
every cancer cell. Any cancer cell which has all of its microbes killed will, in two or
three weeks, revert into a normal cell.

As a final comment, this treatment may cause bad breath due to the DMSO.
What To Expect From This Treatment

The objective of this treatment is to revert cancer cells into normal cells. If this is
what happens, this is what you can expect from this treatment:

First, you may not see any benefit for two or three weeks!! When reverting
cancer cells into normal cells it takes 2 or 3 weeks for their metabolism to change
and to see any type of increase in energy.

Second, reverting cancer cells into normal cells WILL NOT shrink tumors. If the
cancer cells are removed from the tumor by this treatment, the body should
eventually get rid of any tumors, but it will not happen quickly.

Third, for the same reasons, the OCC will not get rid of any fibrin. What happens to
the fibrin when the cancer is gone is unknown at this time.

Fourth, the OCC SHOULD start to reduce the pain of cancer within 3 or 4 weeks.
Whether the pain is caused by lactic acid or some other cause, most types of pain
will be reduced by this treatment. However, pain caused by tumors pressing against
some other part of the body will not be immediately affected by this treatment.

Fifth, the OCC should stop the spread of cancer, but this will not be realized for
several weeks. This will not be obvious for awhile; but without any cancer cells, there
is no way for the cancer to spread. This, of course, is more important for fast-
spreading cancers.
Sixth, swelling and inflammation should also be reduced by this treatment within a
few weeks. However, this will depend on what is causing the swelling and

In summary, tumors and fibrin will not immediately be affected by this treatment.
These will take the longest time to be affected by this treatment. The reduction of
fibrin may be helped by taking proteolytic enzyme supplements, also known as
pancreatic enzyme supplements.
How You Can Help Other Cancer Patients!!

This treatment can never be perfected without information from people who have
used the treatment. It is this information, and nothing else, which will allow us to fine-
tune this treatment for other cancer patients. You become a cancer researcher when
you use this treatment. If you do not contact the ICRF, then you are only benefiting
yourself, not others, with information that may help them.

REMEMBER that it will take two to three weeks to notice ANY difference because it
will take about two to three weeks for the cancer cells to make the adjustment in their
metabolism to become normal cells again.

If you want us to be able to measure how effective this treatment is, then please take
the Navarro Urine Test at least THREE WEEKS AFTER the complete OCC is
finished. That is actually the most important information the ICRF can receive!! Tell
the truth, we are researchers. Even bad news gives us critical information!!
The Navarro Urine Test

If you also want to take the Navarro Urine Test BEFORE you start the OCC, then the
comparison of the beginning and ending numbers will help us even more.

To contact the ICRF, whether you have questions or comments or need to tell us you
are taking the protocol, email support is provided. Be sure to include "OCC"
somewhere in your Subject line so your email is not mistaken for spam:
Send the ICRF an E-mail

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