CFD Syllabus
CFD Syllabus
CFD Syllabus
AIM: To build up necessary background for the computational fluid flow dynamics. OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic concept about the numerical flow problems and various flow analyses. UNIT I INTRODUCTION&BASICCONCEPTS: 9 Introduction of CFD, Types of fluids and basic equations of flow, Conservation of mass, Newtons Second law of Motion, Governing equations of fluid flow, Naviser-Stokes equations, Boundary layer equations, Expanded form of N-S equations, Conservation of energy principle, Classification of second order partial differential equations, Initial and boundary conditions, Governing equations in generalized coordinates. UNIT II DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS & DISCRETIZATION: 9 Elementary Finite Difference Equations, Basic aspects of Finite Difference Equations, Errors and Stability Analysis, Discretization , Application to heat conduction and convection, Problems on 1-D and 2-D steady state and unsteady state conduction, Problem on Advection phenomenon, Incorporation of Advection scheme. UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT PHILOSOPHY: 9 Basics of finite element method, stiffness matrix, isoperimetric elements, formulation of finite elements for flow & hear transfer problems. UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO FINITE VOLUME PHILOSOPHY: 9 Integral approach, discretization & higher order schemes, Application to Complex Geometry. UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO SOLUTIONS OF VISCOUS 9 incompressible flow using MAC and simple algorithm. Solutions of viscous incompressible flows by stream function, vorticity formulation. Two dimensional incompressible viscous flow, estimation of discretization error, applications to curvilinear geometries, derivation of surface pressure & drag. TOTAL; 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Patankar, Numerical heat transfer & Fluid Flow, Mc.GrawHill.,2002 2. Murlidhar K., Sunderrajan T., Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House. REFERENCES: 1. Anderson D.A., Tannehil j.c.Pletcher R.H. Computational fluid mechanics & heat transfer Hemisphere publishing corporation,. Newyork, U.S.A2004. 2. Anker S.V., Numerical heat transfer & flow Hemisphere corporation,2001 3. H.K.verstag & W.Malalsekra, An introduction to computational fluid dynamics Longman2000 4. Carnahan B, Applied numerical method John Wiley & Sons-2001. 5. Date A. W., Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambrige Uni. Press, 2005. 6. Ferziger J. H., Peric M., Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 2002.