Anasuya Menon has a Master's degree in Computer Applications from PSG College of Technology with experience in languages like C, C++, Java and databases like Oracle. She is seeking a job placement and has experience with projects involving a financial accounting system and intelligent network protocols. Her academic achievements include ranking first in her BSc Computer Science program and she was involved with extracurricular activities like public speaking competitions and as district secretary of Rotaract.
Anasuya Menon has a Master's degree in Computer Applications from PSG College of Technology with experience in languages like C, C++, Java and databases like Oracle. She is seeking a job placement and has experience with projects involving a financial accounting system and intelligent network protocols. Her academic achievements include ranking first in her BSc Computer Science program and she was involved with extracurricular activities like public speaking competitions and as district secretary of Rotaract.
Anasuya Menon has a Master's degree in Computer Applications from PSG College of Technology with experience in languages like C, C++, Java and databases like Oracle. She is seeking a job placement and has experience with projects involving a financial accounting system and intelligent network protocols. Her academic achievements include ranking first in her BSc Computer Science program and she was involved with extracurricular activities like public speaking competitions and as district secretary of Rotaract.
Anasuya Menon has a Master's degree in Computer Applications from PSG College of Technology with experience in languages like C, C++, Java and databases like Oracle. She is seeking a job placement and has experience with projects involving a financial accounting system and intelligent network protocols. Her academic achievements include ranking first in her BSc Computer Science program and she was involved with extracurricular activities like public speaking competitions and as district secretary of Rotaract.
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DEGREE : Master of Computer Applications
NAME : Anasuya Menon ROLL NO. : 02MX04 CONTACT ADDRESS: ERMANENT ADDRESS: C/o. The Placement Officer, Meenakshi, S.V. Colon !oa" PS# Colle$e of Technolo$, Calic%t & '() 00'. Coim*atore + '4, 004. Phone- ./.42 2/()/ email - 0lacement1email.0s$ email - DATE O! "#RT$ : ,/.,2.,./, AGE: 22 SE%: 2emale !AT$ER&S NAME : Mr. 3. C. S. Menon LANGUAGES : Rea' : 4n$lish, Malaalam, 5in"i (rite : 4n$lish, Malaalam, 5in"i Spea) : 4n$lish, Malaalam, 5in"i
Course #nstitution "oar' * Uni+ersity ,ear of Completion Mar)s - *CGA % St. 6ose0h7s 8. 9. #. 5. S Calic%t 3erala State ,..( .2.'( : re. De/ree Pro;i"ence <omen7s Colle$e Calic%t. Calic%t =ni;ersit ,... /,.) : ".Sc. 0Comp. Sc. 1 Colle$e Of 800lie" Science Calic%t. Calic%t =ni;ersit 2002 .0.2' : MCA P.S.#. Colle$e of Technolo$ Coim*atore. 8nna =ni;ersit 200> ...( MCA SEMESTER MAR2S: Semester # ## ### #3 SGA ,0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 ..// ACADEM#C RECORDS ERSONAL DETA#LS COMUTER RO!#C#ENC,: Lan/ua/es : CO?O@, C, CAA, 6a;a. RD"MS : MS+8ccess, Oracle /i, SB@ Ser;er (.0. ac)a/es : Microsoft Vis%al St%"io, @4X, C8CC, !ational !OS4. latforms Use' : MS DOS, <9E .F, <9E ET, =E9X, SO@8!9S >.2. AREAS O! #NTEREST: Data*ase Mana$ement Sstems O0eratin$ Sstems RO4ECT DETA#LS: Title : !inancial Accountin/ System Soft5are : Microsoft Vis%al ?asic '.0, MS 8ccess 2000, Crstal !e0orts Description : The softGare Gas "e;elo0e" an" is c%rrentl in %se at 3.=.D.2.C, Calic%t. 9t meets the acco%ntin$ an" re0ortin$ nee"s of an or$aniHation Gith *ack%0 an" restorin$ facilities incl%"e". The sstem has s%ccessf%ll carrie" forGar"e" the *alances "%rin$ the financial ears 2002 an" 200). Title : #ntelli/ent Net5or) rotocol for Automatic Tas) S6arin/ Soft5are : 6a;a 2.0 Description : The main aim of this 0roIect is to "e;elo0 a 0rotocol * Ghich "istri*%te" com0%tin$ can *e im0lemente". The task loa" on a *%s ser;er is to *e "istri*%te" amon$ i"le clients. The *l%e 0rint for the sstem has *een "e;elo0e". Title : Mo7ile Access to 'istri7ute' information Soft5are : T%r*o C, Microsoft Vis%al ?asic, Microsoft Vis%al St%"io .E4T Description : The softGare is "esi$ne" to acce0t calls comin$ into a mo*ile "e;ice connecte" to the sstem, res0on" to the call "e0en"in$ %0on the ke 0resse" an" access "istri*%te" information that is store" in XM@ "oc%ments. ACADEM#C AC$#E3EMENTS: Sec%re" 2irst !ank in ? Sc. Com0%ter Science J2002K of Calic%t =ni;ersit. E%TRA 8 CO.CURR#CULAR ACT#3#T#ES: Acti+e articipation in #nstitutions * Association * Clu7 Partici0ate" an" Gon the o;er+all cham0ionshi0 at Version 200) hel" at N#T9 Tric6y. Sec%re" , st 0lace in The #%r% JGith D?MS as areaK an" Online Com0etition. <as the Ginner in Onto t6e :enit6 Com0etition. <as the Deputy Coor'inator of The XPert com0etition con"%cte" at @O#9E. <on the "est Secretary aGar" "%rin$ ten%re as Secretar of !otaract Calic%t Metro Central. <as the youn/est an' first la'y District Secretary of ! 9 District )200 Jcom0risin$ of 0art of 3erala an" 0art of Tamil Ea"%K. Cultural Acti+ities <inner of school an" colle$e le;el com0etitions in 4n$lish 4loc%tion, 4n$lish One 8ct 0la, 4n$lish Versification, 4n$lish 4ssa Gritin$ an" 4n$lish Stor <ritin$. <on Secon" 0lace in 4n$lish 4loc%tion in District School Co%th 2esti;al HOBBIES: !ea"in$ ?ooks Tra;ellin$ 9, 8nas%a Menon "o here* confirm that the information $i;en a*o;e is tr%e to the *est of m knoGle"$e.