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PNACX376 Water Resources

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Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program

2003 No. 15


Can potable water and irrigation systems, which exploit water resources from a given watershed, contribute to the latters sustainable management? Are rural SANREMS mission households in developing countries willing to pay for improvements in the quality and reliability of water supplies? What are the key social and economic determiis to assist in the analysis, creation and nants for such willingness? successful application of decision sup- This study addresses the economics of water resource development, generally, and port methods, institu- of watershed management, specifically. It seeks to determine what local people are tional innovations willing to pay for improved performance of potable water and irrigation systems and local capacity particularly in the case of improved performance that would result from waterapproaches to supshed conservation. In developing countries, the quantity and quality of water support participatory plies are often inadequate. Water systems are often plagued by poor planning, sustainable agricul- which reflects erroneous assumptions about the needs and demands of rural poputure and natural lations. Moreover, in many areas there are no markets for water resources, and resource planning, therefore no ways for evaluating costs and benefits of improved performance. management and pol- Even where markets exist, as in Ecuador, prices are distorted by subsidies and icy analysis at local, other policies. municipal, provincial and national levels. Economists have developed methodologies for evaluating natural resources in the absence of price signals, including the technique known as contingent valuation (CV). CV calls for respondents to participate in simulated transactions in a hypothetical market setting. These transactions reveal what people are willing to pay for non-market goods and services provided by the natural environment. Applications of the Price distortions in Ecuador undervalue irrigation water methodology in various Asian, African and Latin American countries indicates that rural households are willing to pay an appreciable share of their modest earnings to improve access to


1422 Experiment Station Road, Watkinsville, Georgia, 30677 USA Phone (706) 769-3792 - Fax (706) 769-1471 - E-mail: Web site:

and quality of their water supplies. CV is used in this study. In addition, a Linear Programming (LP) model of a typical subsistence farm has been developed in order to identify shadow prices for water and other resources used in crop and live-

lower elevations some land is under pasture. In addition to subsistence crops, small holders are increasingly turning to production of vegetables (e.g., onions and cabbage) for local markets, while large farms are moving into export-oriented floriculture, which requires irrigation. Most households combine income from agriculture with off-farm employment, as construction workers in urban areas and as laborers on bigger farms. Only one third of households are exclusively dedicated to agriculture. Education levels are low, with many children dropping out of school before the seventh grade to join the family labor pool. More than one quarter of the population does not have any education, and another third did not go beyond elementary school. At least two members of each household are illiterate. The declining quality and diminished reliability of water supplies for household and agricultural uses resulting from deforestation and erosion of the upper reaches of the drainage basin is an issue of serious concern to local people, most of whom depend on untreated mountain springs for drinking water. For example, among more than 300 water samples collected throughout the watershed as part of a study carried out by SANREM-AND and the Catholic University of Ecuador, 34 percent had concentrations of E. coli at levels that are unhealthy for human consumption (Duncan and Ruiz-Crdova, 20011). Deterioration of the water supplies is rooted in institutional as well as environmental changes. In 1995, the national government started to transfer the management of public irrigation systems to farmer-beneficiaries. The Consejo Nacional de Recursos Hidrulicos (CNRH) was created. Also, responsibilities for water resource development and watershed management were devolved to regional authorities, provincial and municipal governments, as well as rural communities. However, progress towards a more market-driven system continues to be hindered by subsidies for irrigation and potable water, which have been in place since the 1972 Water Law. Subsidies discourage the

Rural households are willing to pay more to improve potable water systems

stock production (shadow prices are indicators of the scarcity value of different resources, that is how much farmer would have to pay for marginal (i.e. small) increase in the availability of corresponding farm resource or input).

Cotacachi is located 105 kilometers north of Quito, Ecuador, in the Andean highlands of Imbabura province. Average annual precipitation is approximately 1300 mm, mostly falling between October and May. The mountainous area surrounding the town of Cotocachi hosts 41 indigenous communities, all of which belong to a federative organization known as Unin Organizaciones de Campesinos de Cotacachi (UNORCAC). Just northwest of Cotocachi lays the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve one of the worlds richest biodiversity hotspots, with an unusually high level of endemism (e.g., presence of species found nowhere else). Cotacachis major agricultural crops include maize, beans, and peas. Potatoes, barley, wheat and quinoa are also grown in the highlands, while at

development of water rights markets and reduce incentives for sustainable watershed management, since its outcome expanded supplies of cleaner water is depreciated by the states policy of selling water at an artificially low price.


To assess the value that Cotacachis rural population attaches to potable water and to analyze factors influencing these values, 80 households were interviewed in September 2002. Half the sample is in communities below 3,200 meters elevation, which have access to irrigation. The other half The main objective of LP modeling and the CV resides in communities above this elevation level, analysis in this study is to estimate the value of where rainfed farming predominates. A survey water in order to inform policy proposals that can elicited data on household demographic composiimprove living standards in rural communities and tion and social-economic status, labor availability provide incentives to conserve natural resources. and wages, income from agricultural or non-agriThe shadow prices obtained from the LP model cultural activities, prices of outputs and inputs, provide guidance for policies to manage irrigation access to credit, and social capital (measured by water. Likewise, CV estimates of WTP are imporparticipation in community meetings). In additant criteria in planning for investments in tion, the survey contained referendum-style CV improved drinking water systems. questions in which RESULTS improvements in the local General LP water system Results and a stipulatThe LP model was ed price were run in two different proposed to settings, one a farm the responwith irrigation water dent, who was and the other a farm asked either to without irrigation accept or to water. Initially, the reject the prostudy included cattle posal. Using and hogs competing the responses for privately-owned to CV quesland with other agritions as well cultural activities. as other surHowever, farmers in vey data, we Cotacachi generally have underuse community land, Improved potable water and irrigation systems can contribute to taken econoin addition to their watershed conservation metric estimaown fields, as a tion of a model in which WTP for water quantity source of forage and therefore animals do not and quality improvements is the dependent varialways compete with crop production for farm able and household earnings and proportion of resources. The LP models land constraint was income from off-farm employment are the indemodified to reflect this practice, which reduces the pendent variables. opportunity cost of livestock production by the farm family. The two representative farms, with Also undertaken in this study was a Linear and without irrigation, illustrate the general condiProgramming (LP) analysis of a typical farm. LP tions of the majority of farmers in the study area.

analyzes ways to maximize farm net revenues, which equal product sales less cash expenditures on inputs, in the face of limited availability of land, water, labor and other resources. A profit-maximizing mix of production and employment levels is identified, as are the shadow prices for various farm resources and inputs. Each run of the LP model corresponds to a specific configuration of resource availabilities as well as market prices of inputs and outputs. In particular, LP analysis can be used to examine how production and employment are affected as a farm is given access to irrigation water.

Rents farmers pay for irrigated land are substantially higher than those for nonirrigated land, (respectively US$58.80 and US$48.60 per hectare). This difference relates to the higher crop yields and agricultural net returns in irrigated field. Yet farmers only pay a flat fee of $1.20 per farm per growing season to access irrigation, without any relationship to acreage or quantity of water used, even as irrigation increases the marginal price of their land by US$10.20 per hectare. This shows how undervalued water is in the region, this artificially low price for water being a result of heavy government subsidies. Regression results A key objective of this study was to know if communities are willing to pay for improving quality and reliability of their spring drinking water systems. The analysis reveals that most of households are willing to pay an average of US$ 1.84 to improve the quality and reliability of their system, which is about 50% more than what they are currently paying for drinking water. Respondents maximum willingness to pay was related positively to the income. As expected, people with higher incomes were willing to pay more to improve the quality of their drinking water. Family size also has a positive and statistically significant influence. This was also expected because the demand for water is higher in large households; as a result they would request increasing quality and reliability of the system and would be willing to pay to assure it. Other variables did not yield significant results.

tem. The results showed that respondents of the ten communities that participated in this study were willing to pay more than they currently do. Econometric analysis revealed that the majority of households, in low-altitude communities as well as high-altitude settings, are willing to pay between $1 to $3 per month to make water supplies cleaner and more reliable through improved watershed management, for example. This is a sizable payment relative to existing tariffs for potable and irrigation water. This study suggests that the costs of watershed management could be covered, at least in part, by capturing its associated local benefits. This has significant implications for the decentralization of water resource development, as is happening in Ecuador and several other Latin American countries.
1 Duncan, B. and S. Ruiz-Cordova. 2001. Global Water Watch in the Andes. In: SANREM CRSP Research Scientific Synthesis Conference. November 28-30, Athens, GA. This brief draws from Fabian Rodriguez Ph.D. dissertation, entitled Local Resolution for Watershed Management: The Case of Water and Land Allocation in Cotacachi, Ecuador, School of Natural Resources, Ohio State University, Columbus, 2003. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Fabian Rodriguez has a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from Ohio State University and is currently working as an Associate Researcher at the Fundacion Antisana, an Ecuadorian NGO. He can be reached at: Douglas Southgate is a Professor of Agricultural Economics at Ohio State University whose research focuses on environmental problems in developing countries. He can be reached at:


Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development Cooperative Agreement No. PCEA-00-98-00019-00 and managed by the University of Georgia. The project brings together researchers from eight U.S. universities who partner with host country universities; local and national government officials; international agricultural research centers; and non-governmental organizations.

Failure of government policies have led communities around Cotacachi to seek outside assistance to build their own drinking water systems. Responding to local communities concern with water quality, this study sought to estimate if households would be willing to pay more for improving the drinking water sys-

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