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The document discusses a book that details threatened amphibian species globally and the conservation efforts to protect them.

The book is titled 'Threatened Amphibians of the World' and provides information on threatened and endangered amphibian species from around the world.

Some of the threats mentioned include habitat loss, climate change, infectious diseases, pollution and overexploitation.


S.N. Stuart, M. Hoffmann, J.S. Chanson, N.A. Cox, R.J. Berridge, P. Ramani, and B.E. Young (eds.)


Cover: Hylomantis lemur, Endangered. Joel Sartore / Back cover: Agalychnis callidryas, Least Concern. Kenji Nishida Page 1: Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, Least Concern. Dant Fenolio Page 135: Atelopus ignescens, Extinct. Michael and Patricia Fogden Page 145: Leptopelis vermiculatus, Vulnerable. Maik Dobiey Page 609: Epipedobates bassleri, Near Threatened Maik Dobiey Recommended citation: Stuart, S.N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Berridge, R.J., Ramani, P., and Young, B.E. (eds.) (2008). Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain; IUCN, Gland, Switzerland; and Conservation International, Arlington, Virginia, USA. Published as a partnership between IUCN, Conservation International and Lynx Edicions. First edition: July 2008 Lynx Edicions Montseny 8, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain) Texts: introductory matter: authors / IUCN and Conservation International; species accounts: IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe Photographs: credited photographers Printed by Ingoprint S.A. DL: B-32.689-2008 ISBN: 978-84-96553-41-5

All rights reserved. No form of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of this work may be carried out without the authorization of its copyrights holders, except that foreseen by the law. Those needing to photocopy or electronically scan any part of this work should contact Lynx Edicions.

Threatened Amphibians of the World is dedicated to The 500 herpetologists from around the world who devoted their knowledge, intellect and time to the Global Amphibian Assessment, and without whom this book could not have been written and especially to George Rabb for his visionary leadership and commitment to confronting the amphibian extinction crisis, which gives us hope in an otherwise bleak situation.

Dendrobates azureus, Vulnerable. Albert Popalis



Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians Chapter 2. Why Save Amphibians? Chapter 3. The Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA): History, Objectives and Methodology Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm Chapter 6. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm Chapter 8. Amphibians of the Nearctic Realm Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic Realm Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians

2 23 30 33 53 65 74 85 92 106 114

Appendix Ia. The IUCN Red List Categories (IUCN 2001) Appendix Ib. Summary of the ve criteria (A-E) used to evaluate if a species belongs in a Category of Threat (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable) Appendix II. Denitions for the initial data collection regions Appendix III. A summary of IUCN Red List status by genus Appendix IV. List of rapidly declining species Appendix V. Species listed by territory Appendix VI. Amphibian Conservation Summit Declaration: an Amphibian Conservation Action Plan Appendix VIIa. The scale of conservation required for globally threatened amphibians Appendix VIIb. The nature of the ecological process for which landscape-scale conservation action is required Appendix VIII. List of Critically Endangered and Endangered species for which captive breeding is an immediately necessary ex-situ conservation action Appendix IX. Amphibians listed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) on the 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Appendix X. Amphibians listed as Vulnerable D2 on the 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Appendix XI. List of Least Concern species listed on the 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, with country of occurrence Appendix XII. List of Data Decient species, with country of occurrence Appendix XIII. The differences in IUCN Red List Status for some Brazilian species Appendix XIV. Glossary of some key terms used Appendix XV. Websites and amphibian-related resources

135 145 609 645 693

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The rst signs of trouble for amphibians arose around three decades ago. IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe made great efforts to understand what was happening, and in 2004, the Global Amphibian Assessment was produced with this shocking result: one-third of amphibian species are threatened with extinction. In addition, we were lacking data on many species which are potentially threatened. New studies show that many of the species that are listed as Data Decient on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species are indeed threatened. One-third of an entire distinct group of species at risk of extinction is not a trivial gure. This book is another step in our attempt to alert the world about the extinction crisis that toads, frogs, salamanders and caecilians are currently facing. It is a landmark book comprising all what needs to be known about amphibian conservation, and as such I am very happy to see its publication and to write this foreword. I would, however, be even happier if the amphibian extinction crisis was not taking place. I am concerned that the size of this book is a reection of the number of threatened species that it comprises. When reading it one should not forget that only threatened amphibians are included in the species accounts that occupy the bulk of its length. Many of us probably do not give much attention to amphibians and will probably be surprised to see how diverse, unique, colourful, and fascinating they are. Many species have developed very specic evolutionary characteristics and adaptations. We might think that they all lay eggs in water, but some give birth to live young, some do not need water, some species carry their eggs, others carry their young. Two Australian frogs incubated their eggs in their stomachs and both are already Extinct. As a result, an entire evolutionary lineage has been lost, along with up to 164 other species. These reproductive traits are the results of millions of years of evolution. Who knows if such adaptations would not have been key to the survival of species in response to climate change? Amphibians are sending us a very strong signal that something is seriously wrong with the way we take care of our environment. They have been considered as the canaries in the coal mine; their permeable skin makes them sensitive to many forms of pollution; they are also extremely sensitive to climate change and diseases. The sharp decline in amphibian populations could pregure, if we are not careful, what other groups of species might undergo in the future. Amphibians provide us with a critical challenge if we are to meet the target that all countries agreed upon: a signicant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Amphibians are a key part of ecosystems and the food chain; they control the number of many invertebrates, and are prey for many species of birds or mammals. Some species are also a source of revenue for human communities who eat them, use them as medicines, or supply them to the international pet trade. The skins of certain species contain molecules that are very promising in terms of developing new medicines for people. Who knows, a little frog hiding in the understorey of a tropical rainforest might bring the solution to the AIDS pandemic? After reading this book and contemplating all these pictures, no one will look at amphibians with the same eyes again. Julia Marton-Lefvre Director General IUCN, the World Conservation Union

Round up the usual suspects, as Captain Renault famously said in the lm Casablanca, did not seem to apply. Something appeared to be going on with amphibians that could not be wholly explained by the standard litany of ecological threats, such as habitat degradation and loss. The declines that were rst noticed in earnest in the late 1980s and early 1990s raised the possibility that something was seriously amiss: a crisis that might start with environmentally sensitive creatures such as amphibians, but ultimately affect other strands of life, including humans. NatureServe is a non-prot organization dedicated to providing the scientic basis for effective conservation action, with a deep appreciation for the role that research plays in addressing environmental challenges. We were pleased to join with IUCN and Conservation International in carrying out the Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA) as a way to document and draw attention to the amphibian declines now underway. NatureServe scientists began seriously delving into the plight of amphibians through our coordination of RANA (Research and Analysis Network for Neotropical Amphibians), a U.S. National Science Foundation-funded effort. Through RANA, researchers with an interest in understanding amphibian declines in Latin America came together to share information, approaches, and results, and to train a new generation of Latin American herpetology students. The project has also helped to document some of the causes that appear to be behind these declines, including fungal diseases and shifts in climate. Building on our work with RANA, as well as our long history of assessing conservation status for North American and Latin American species, I am pleased that NatureServe was able to contribute to the GAA by coordinating the Western Hemisphere portion of the initiative, and creating a website for disseminating the projects data and results to the broader community ( The GAA partnership has succeeded admirably in bringing the dire condition of the worlds amphibian species into focus, and in motivating the scientic and conservation communities to take action. The present volume provides an important summary of what is known about amphibians around the world, and what will be required to ensure their future. While the work to do so will be difcult, and success is not assured, only by committing to the approaches outlined in the recent Amphibian Conservation Action Plan will we have a hope for preserving the many and varied faces of this ancient lineage. Mary L. Klein President and CEO, NatureServe

Eight years ago, I was invited to write a foreword to BirdLife Internationals landmark publication Threatened Birds of the World. At the time, I commented how encouraging it was that at least one organization had managed to hone its focus down to the level of sites and species across the planet. Writing this foreword for what is, in essence, the sister publication to BirdLifes earlier work, I am struck by our progress since then. In 2003, at the Fifth World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa, the results of a global analysis revealed the tremendous gaps in coverage of the existing protected areas network. While not all threats to biodiversity can be mitigated via habitat protection, habitat loss remains the overwhelming threat to our planets unique life forms. It is encouraging, then, to see the expansion of the Important Bird Areas concept, pioneered by BirdLife International, to all taxa under the umbrella of the Key Biodiversity Areas approach, which aims to identify globally important sites for the conservation of biodiversity. Such initiatives, aided by the efforts of the Alliance for Zero Extinction, which prioritizes that subset of sites known to hold the last remaining population of a highly threatened species, provide conservation planners, funders and practitioners with a valuable lens on where, and what form of, conservation action is most appropriate in order to avoid the loss of global biodiversity. Such ne-scale resolution would be impossible without the foundation provided by the data in the IUCN Red List, the recognized authority for the conservation status of global biodiversity. Before the launch of the Global Amphibian Assessment in September 2004, only a few hundred hand-picked frogs, toads and salamanders appeared on the IUCN Red List. Today, we have detailed, up-to-date information on the distribution, population status, threats, and conservation status of nearly 6,000 amphibians. Threatened Amphibians of the World is a visual exploration of the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment a compelling synthesis of herpetological knowledge and a yardstick for amphibian conservation. In tandem with the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan, produced by the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, it puts the amphibian agenda center-stage. And it does so with tremendous visual impact, presenting us with a face on an unfolding crisis like nothing that has gone before. The plight of the worlds amphibians is not just theirs, but ours as well. We should care that one-third of amphibians stand a high risk of extinction in the wild and probably many more because the threats that imperil them are those that stem from our actions and will be no less detrimental to our own livelihoods: pollutants, invasive species and disease, global climate change, and rampant habitat loss. Responding to these threats must be a societal concern. Let us hope that a second edition of this book does not require two volumes Russell A. Mittermeier President, Conservation International Steering Committee member, IUCN Species Survival Commission IUCN Council member 2004-2008, IUCN World Conservation Union

Amphibians, be they frogs, toads, salamanders or caecilians, are thought to be amongst the most sensitive ecological indicators, warning us of unsafe environmental conditions that are not only impacting our health, but that of the global ecosystem. With at least 32% of the described amphibian species threatened with extinction, and 500 species probably beyond the point of no return, the global amphibian extinction crisis represents one of the greatest conservation challenges of our times. A direct result of mankinds insatiable appetite for natural resources, the rapid decline in amphibian numbers demonstrates the sensitivity of not only species, but of entire ecosystems. The current crisis exemplies how, if unmanaged, actions of every-day human consumption and waste can compound to form ripple-like reactions resulting in entire populations disappearing, and all within our lifetime. In 2004, a global collaboration of work from 500 of the worlds most respected amphibian specialists from over 60 nations was released: the Global Amphibian Assessment. Citing the possible loss of 122 species since 1980 alone, this unprecedented collaborative research effort highlighted the pace of modern amphibian declines. Since the rst release of the Global Amphibian Assessment, there has been constant updating of information, including the addition of 160 new species to the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM nine of which are Critically Endangered, 17 Endangered, and 12 Vulnerable. However, a large percentage of species remain in the Data Decient category, emphasizing the need for more amphibian assessment work. At present, little is known of the deadly fungal disease that is wiping out some amphibians faster than can be recorded. With fears that this could worsen with global climate change, there is no better time than the present to act with the knowledge we have, improve shortcomings in our knowledge, and continue work with our current and future collaborative efforts to raise the awareness for amphibian conservation. The recent release of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan by IUCN/SSCs Amphibian Specialist Group and the publication of this book, are tributes to the enormous efforts dedicated teams are undertaking to tackle the global loss of species. Onwards to 2008, aptly named the Year of the Frog. Holly T. Dublin Chair, IUCN Species Survival Commission



Imagine a world without frogs. No spring choruses of calling males. No tadpoles for kids to play with. No brightly coloured jewels perched on rocks and leaves throughout the worlds tropical forests. We are currently witnessing the global extinction of amphibians they are facing extinctions at levels unprecedented in any other group of organisms in human history. In light of this, we have some serious questions to address: How extensive is the amphibian extinction crisis? How much worse can it get? Why is this happening now? Will it affect humans? Is there any hope? As early as 1989, researchers exchanged anecdotal reports of declines and disappearances of amphibian species from many areas around the world. Species, such as Costa Ricas Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes), went missing from pristine protected areas, often in the absence of familiar threats such as habitat loss and pollution (e.g., Crump et al. 1992). Further complicating matters, data on species distributions and population uctuations were lacking for most amphibian species, thus preventing our ability to make accurate estimates of endangerment. In response, the IUCN Species Survival Commission formed The Declining Amphibian Population Task Force (DAPTF; and see Essay 11.1) to guide, sponsor, and fund crucial research into the phenomenon of global amphibian declines. There are currently (as of the time of writing) just over 6,000 recognized species of amphibians and this number has increased by 48% in the past 20 years (Frost et al. 2006). This reects both increased access to, and ease of collecting data in, remote locations, as well as the growth of active scientic communities in a few megadiverse countries (see Essay 1.1). Unfortunately, this increase in knowledge of amphibian diversity is offset by massive population declines and growing numbers of species extinctions (Stuart et al. 2004; Lips et al. 2005). Simply put, amphibian species are disappearing from the planet perhaps faster than we can discover them. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA; Stuart et al. 2004), some 43% of amphibian species are declining in abundance, 32% of amphibians (one-third of all species) are threatened with extinction, and 122 species likely have become extinct since 1980 (with 34 species conrmed Extinct). Worse yet, these numbers are certainly underestimates because 23% of all known species are so poorly known that their threat status could not be classied at all. Statistics of this sort represent a near-categorical extinction event perhaps on the scale of the disappearance of the dinosaurs. The GAA also reviewed causes of declines, and identied familiar threats such as habitat loss, chemical contamination, and over-harvesting as being involved in some cases. However, the terrifying realization was that novel threats related to emerging infectious diseases and climate change accounted for many of the disappearances. Conservationists have worked for decades to limit habitat loss, pollution, and over-harvesting in natural areas, but our current well-intentioned conservation programmes are insufcient to prevent extinctions from such insidious threats as emerging infectious diseases and climate change. Amphibian declines and extinctions are real and the recently discovered chytrid fungal pathogen (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) is a primary cause of many catastrophic losses (Lips et al. 2006). We can detect the pathogen using a non-lethal skin swab (Annis et al. 2004), predict its potential ecogeographical distribution (Ron 2005), predict local movement, and foresee the catastrophic effects on local amphibian faunas (Lips et al. 2006). Species most threatened with disease-induced extinction are those in high-elevation, riparian habitats, with small geographic ranges (Lips et al. 2003). High endemism of amphibians in upland areas throughout the tropics suggests that climate changes with or without associations with chytrid may also be devastating amphibians. The scope of the amphibian crisis is massive, and the local and global effects of these losses are numerous and widespread (Whiles et al. 2006). When amphibians disappear, we lose their roles in maintaining ecosystem function, and also any potential benets they may offer to humans. Important questions remain: How can ecosystems continue to function in the absence of amphibians? What can be done to preserve some amphibian species for future generations? How can we stop these extinctions? Research and conservation organizations do not have the answers to these questions at this time. Nevertheless, a large-scale commitment to truly maverick, but coordinated, conservation efforts is in order (Mendelson et al. 2006). Because multiple causes are involved, diverse and innovative solutions must be implemented. For those species affected by habitat loss, we need to continue current efforts aimed at safeguarding important sites. Understanding direct and indirect effects of chemicals on amphibians requires extensive additional levels of attention, as do contaminantmonitoring programmes. While over-harvesting does not affect most amphibian species, it represents a real problem for some, such as the Asian giant salamanders (Andrias spp.; see Essay 4.5). Unfortunately, effective solutions to global problems, such as climate change and emerging infectious diseases, do not currently exist. Responses to threats related to climate change will require global commitment to alternative fuels and reduced emissions, and reconguring protected areas to encompass broad elevational ranges, in order to account for potential shifts in species distributions. Solutions to emerging infectious diseases will require signicant levels of funding and aggressive research to better understand the epidemiology and pathology of the diseases, and to develop vaccines and/or resistance in wild populations. Creating and implementing global solutions to these global threats requires signicant levels of commitment, organization, funding, and especially time. In cases of predicted catastrophic losses, the only conservation tool we have at our disposal is the establishment of ex-situ survival assurance colonies (Mendelson and Rabb 2006). Captive programmes are not a solution to the actual problems, but they may preserve living colonies of individuals, increase numbers through breeding, and potentially serve as research colonies to enable timely studies of pathology and evolution of resistance. The challenge again is a matter of scale: there are currently fewer than 40 amphibian species in managed ex-situ programmes (Zippel 2005), yet at least ve times that number require urgent ex-situ conservation action (Appendix VII). These numbers represent a major challenge for zoos, gardens, and aquariums (see Essay 11.5). Many species need immediate attention to prevent their extinction, and potentially thousands of others remain to be discovered or described. It is not uncommon to encounter several new species per trip to certain regions of Latin America, especially upland areas, which are most affected by threats related to climate and disease. As a result, we are losing species we never knew existed. Among the current authors, JRM has described about 40 new species of Latin American amphibians in the past 15 years, but already half of them are likely extinct. Similarly, KRL has observed the annihilation of the amphibian faunas at ve different sites in Latin America in the past 15 years. Of course, we hope our experiences are the exceptions, or even inaccurate, but were very afraid that they are close to reality. Karen R. Lips and Joseph R. Mendelson III

ning, A., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370 Lips, K.R., Reeve, J. and Witters, L. 2003. Ecological factors predicting amphibian population declines in Central America. Conservation Biology 17:1078-1088. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Infectious disease and global biodiversity loss: pathogens and enigmatic amphibian extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103:3165-3170. Mendelson, J.R., III, Lips, K.R., Gagliardo, R.W., Rabb, G.B., Collins, J.P., Diffendorfer, J.E., Daszak, P., Ibanez D, R., Zippel, K.C., Lawson, D.P., Wright, K.M., Stuart, S.N., Gascon, C., da Silva, H.R., Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L., La Marca, E., Lotters, S., du Preez, L.H., Weldon, C., Hyatt, A., Rodriguez-Mahecha, J.V., Hunt, S., Robertson, H., Lock, B., Raxworthy, C.J., Frost, D.R., Lacy, R.C., Alford, R.A., Campbell, J.A., Parra-Olea, G., Bolanos, F., Domingo, J.J.C., Halliday, T., Murphy, J.B., Wake, M.H., Coloma, L.A., Kuzmin, S.L., Price, M.S., Howell, K.M., Lau, M., Pethiyagoda, R., Boone, M., Lannoo, M.J., Blaustein, A.R., Dobson, A., Grifths, R.A., Crump, M.L., Wake, D.B. and Brodie Jr, E.D. 2006. BIODIVERSITY: Confronting Amphibian Declines and Extinctions. Science 313(5783):48. Mendelson, J.R., III and G.B. Rabb. 2006. Global amphibian extinctions and the role of living-collections institutions. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Proceedings WAZA Conferences: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting, New York City, USA, 2-6 October 2005: 179-181. Ron, S. 2005. Predicting the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the New World. Biotropica 37:209-221. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Whiles, M.R., Lips, K.R., Pringle, C., Kilham, S.S., Brenes, R., Connelly, S., Colon Guad, J.C., Hunte-Brown, M., Huryn, A.D., Montgomery, C. and Peterson, S. 2006. The consequences of amphibian population declines to the structure and function of neotropical stream ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4:27-34. Zippel, K.C. 2005. Zoos play a vital role in amphibian conservation. AmphibiaWeb:

The Global Amphibian Assessment sharpened the scientic communitys focus on both the nature and extent of threats to amphibians worldwide. Now is the time to act on new knowledge regarding the causes of an ongoing amphibian extinction event. Clear and internationally coordinated options for thwarting further extinctions of threatened amphibians must be developed with parties capable of implementing actions. The Amphibian Conservation Summit was called in September 2005 to design and promote a response to this global crisis. To this end, the participants in the summit and now the newly formed IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) commends the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP) to governments, the business sector, civil society, and the scientic community for urgent and immediate adoption and implementation. Participants in the Amphibian Conservation Summit set priorities for conservation and research actions within 12 areas relevant to amphibian conservation: 1) Designing a network of conservation sites for amphibians Key Biodiversity Areas; 2) Freshwater resources and associated terrestrial landscapes; 3) Climate change, biodiversity loss, and amphibian declines; 4) Infectious diseases; 5) Over-harvesting of amphibians; 6) Evaluating the role of environmental contamination in amphibian population declines; 7) Captive programmes; 8) Reintroductions; 9) The continuing need for assessments, making the Global Amphibian Assessment an ongoing process; 10) Systematics and conservation; and 11) Bioresource banking efforts in support of amphibian conservation. The ACAP embodies this work, although we recognize that additional themes may need to be addressed in future versions of the document. A declaration (Appendix VI) was released following the Summit urging four kinds of intervention that are needed to conserve amphibians, all of which should be initiated with immediate effect: 1) Expanding our understanding of the causes of declines and extinctions; 2) Continuing to document amphibian diversity, and how it is changing; 3) Developing and implementing long-term conservation programmes; and 4) Responding to emergencies and immediate crises. The full text of the Amphbian Conservation Summit Declaration and ACAP is at ( The amphibian extinction crisis requires a global response at an unprecedented scale. The ACAP requires the international community to enter uncharted territory and to take great risks. But the risks of inaction are even greater. The ACAP calls on all governments, corporations, civil society, and the scientic community to respond. There needs to be unparalleled commitment to developing and implementing the ACAP with accompanying changes in international and local environmental policies that affect this class of vertebrate animals as they truly are the proverbial canaries in the global coal mine. This document offers practical, large-scale, creative, innovative and realistic actions that will be required to halt the present tide of extinctions of amphibian species and includes an ambitious yet realistic budget. A unied global strategy incorporating survival assurance colonies, disease research, and habitat protection forms the focus of this new plan to save amphibians. We must, of course, also remain vigilant and act on other threats, including climate change, over-harvesting, and toxins. Lessons learned from confronting the amphibian crisis will be transferable to other groups and ecosystems. We have many other potential crises-in-the-making, such as coral reef collapses, sheries collapses, emerging human diseases such as Ebola, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Nipah virus, and our poor record of managing freshwater resources that will certainly lead to global shortages of clean drinking water with great negative consequences. Many, if not all, of these environmental challenges are the result to varying degrees of the same human footprint that our species is leaving on this planet. The road to success must include a broad set of stakeholders who help implement the ACAP. This is important because there are many issues that are beyond the simple realm of amphibian conservation work. Addressing many of the underlying causes of this crisis will help us avert the next global environmental challenge. Helping curb unsustainable wildlife use would not only decrease some of the threats to particular amphibian species, but also help us apply these same solutions to other species. Similarly, tackling climate change, although a huge task in its own right, will make a major contribution to the continued survival of all species as well as to the sustainability of ecosystems in general. Claude Gascon Co-Chair IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group Secretariat Executive Vice President, Conservation International, Virginia James P. Collins Co-Chair IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group Secretariat Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Arizona

Annis, S.L., Dastoor, F., Ziel, H., Daszak, P. and Longcore, J.E. 2004. A DNA-based assay identies Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in amphibians. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40:420-428. Crump, M.L., Hensley, F.R. and Clark, K.L. 1992. Apparent declines of the golden toad: underground or extinct? Copeia 1992:413-420. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J., Bain, R., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Wilkinson, M., Chan-



This book is a product of the Global Amphibian Assessment, and therefore owes everything to those who contributed directly to that process, and indeed who continue to do so. In particular, this product would not have been possible without the expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm of the more than 500 herpetologists who contributed their time to the data collation and review process. This book is a testimony to the dedicated efforts of these individuals and their unstinting passion for amphibian conservation. Although we once again express our sincere thanks to the many individuals that contributed to the GAA below, it is also necessary here to extend particular thanks to those who helped make publication of Threatened Amphibians of the World a reality. Undertaking and producing a book of this scope has relied greatly on the dedicated help and willingness of a very large number of people, as borne out by the acknowledgements that follow. Firstly, as with any enterprise of this nature, the publication of Threatened Amphibians of the World would not have been possible without the support of Conservation International providing generous nancial support, in large part through the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, to IUCN The International Union for the Conservation of Nature to cover staff time in the Biodiversity Assessment Unit. In particular we thank Gustavo Fonseca and Russell Mittermeier for their courage and vision in making this happen. It is necessary to extend a special word of thanks to several individuals for their help, time and advice in the planning and production of this book. Ali Statterseld, Stuart Butchart and Martin Sneary provided initial useful insights into the production of this book, based on their own experiences producing its sister publication, Threatened Birds of the World. Our fellow staff in the IUCN Species Programme, particularly Jane Smart, Jean-Christophe Vi and Jim Ragle, provided much needed network support, and often had to shoulder the burden on other projects while we were editing amphibian species accounts. We trust they are as happy to see this project completed as we are! In particular, we take this opportunity to single out the heroic efforts of the staff in the IUCN Red List Unit, Craig Hilton-Taylor and Caroline Pollock, for their efforts in ensuring the quality of the data feeding into the IUCN Red List. Vineet Katariya is thanked for her assistance with a number of GIS-related tasks and analyses, including producing Figures 7 and 10 in Chapter 4. We also extend thanks to The Shared Earth Foundation and its President and CEO, Caroline D. Gabel, and to George Meyer and Maria Semple, for making valuable contributions to the printing costs of this book. At Conservation International (CI), the real herpetologists, Don Church, Claude Gascon and Robin Moore, provided much valued advice and suggestions and also wrote several essays and contributed their expertise to several chapters. Conservation International provided valuable network support through the entire duration of the project, and we are particularly indebted to a number of current and former staff in CIs Center for Applied Biodiversity Science for ideas, fruitful discussions and help in other ways, including: Charlotte Boyd, Daniel Brito, Thomas Brooks, Naamal de Silva, Graham Edgar, Matt Foster, David Knox, Thomas Lacher, Penny Langhammer, John Pilgrim, Ana Rodrigues, Will Turner and Peter Paul van Dijk. Noura Bakkour kindly helped with translations of several materials from French to English, and vice versa. Noura and Sarah Wyatt provided support with several cumbersome administrative tasks. Kellee Koenig provided valuable cartographic help with the production of the maps for essays 7.2 and 11.3. Our thanks, too, to Julia-Marton Lefvre, Russell Mittermeier, Mary Klein and Holly Dublin for agreeing to write the forewords, and to Jim Collins, Claude Gascon, Karen Lips and Joseph Mendelson III for writing the prefaces. A number of colleagues kindly agreed to review drafts of the introductory chapters, and their comments and input helped improve the overall content and accuracy of these chapters immeasurably. In particular, we would like to thank: Darrel Frost, Taran Grant, Ron Heyer, David Wake and George Zug (Introduction to Amphibians); Teresa Mulliken (Why Save Amphibians?); and Ariadne Angulo, Charlotte Boyd, Peter Riger, Lee Hannah and Michael Wai Neng Lau (Amphibian Conservation). Several people also provided useful inputs into the regional chapters, and they are acknowledged accordingly at the end of each chapter. Notwithstanding these valued and important inputs, we stress that any errors in fact or judgment remain ours alone. The editors would also like to thank all the authors of the regional chapters for their hard work, for keeping to the deadlines, and for their constructive comments in reviewing the drafts we hope that the nal product meets the approval of all! In addition to the regional chapter authors, several people devoted time to writing essays to draw attention to particular issues or to highlight particular themes or trends. We wish to extend our thanks to the following for their excellent contributions: Alan Channing, Alex Ngari, Ana S.L. Rodrigues, Andrs R. Acosta-Galvis, Andrew A. Cunningham, Andrew Turner, Angel Alcala, Annika Hiller, Arvin Diesmos, Ben D. Bell, Bhoopathy, Bryan l. Stuart, Catherine H. Graham, Clio F.B. Haddad, Christopher J. Schneider, Claude Gascon, Claude Miaud, Claudia Corti, David B. Wake, David J. Gower, David Knox, Dbora Leite Silvano, Djoko T. Iskandar, Don R. Church, Enrique La Marca, Esteban O. Lavilla, Feng Xie, Franco Andreone, Frank Glaw, Franky Bossuyt, G.K. Bhatta, Gabriela Parra-Olea, Geoffrey A. Hammerson, Gerry Marantelli, Gracia Syed, Graeme R. Gillespie, Herilala Randriamahazo, Ian G. Bride, Ignacio De la Riva, Indraneil Das, Ismail Ugurtas, James Hanken, James P. Collins, Jean-Louis Amiet, Jeanne E. McKay, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Jen M. Germano, Jodi J.L. Rowley, Johannes Penner, John D. Lynch, Jrn Khler, Joseph C. Mitchell, Joseph R. Mendelson III, Julin Faivovich, Justin Gerlach, Karen R. Lips, Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi, Kevin Buley, Kevin Zippel, Kim Howell, Louise A. Rollins-Smith, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Maj de Poorter, Mark Wilkinson, Mark-Oliver Rdel, Martin Wegmann, Masafumi Matsui, Matt Foster, Melizar V. Duya, Michael J. Tyler, Michael Wai Neng Lau, Michele Menegon, Michelle S. Koo, Miguel Vences, Mirza D. Kusrini, Naamal de Silva, P. Jol Adeba, Pablo A. Menndez-Guerrero, Penny Langhammer, Peter Daszak, Peter Paul van Dijk, Petros Lymberakis, Philip J. Bishop, Rachunliu G Kamei, Rafael Marquez, Rafe M. Brown, Raffael Ernst, Raoul H. Bain, Richard A. Grifths, Richard Gibson, Rick Relyea, Robert C. Lacy, Robert F. Inger, Robert Johnson, Robert Puschendorf, Robin D. Moore, Robinson Mugo, Rohan Pethiyagoda, Ross A. Alford, Ruth Grace Ambal, S.D. Biju, S. Blair Hedges, S. Gilles A. Nago, Santiago R. Ron, Sherif Baha el Din, Stefan Ltters, Steve Richards, Susanne Schick, Tahar Slimani, Taran Grant, Thomas S.B. Akre, Tim Davenport, Tim Halliday, Vance T. Vredenburg, Varad Giri, Vineet Katariya, Wang Xiaoming, Wolfgang Bhme, Yehudah Werner, and Zhang Ke-jia. Don Church and Kevin Zippel led the valuable analysis of Appendix VIII that forms part of Chapter 11; Appendix VIIa and VIIb are products of an analysis by Charlotte Boyd and colleagues recently published in the journal Conservation Letters. That this book is anywhere near as colourful as we intended is largely a tribute to the 350-odd people and institutions who generously provided or made available use of photographs of threatened amphibians to bring the species accounts to life, as well as those persons who provided images for use elsewhere in the book. We received many more images than we could use, and in some cases we had difcult decisions to make regarding which image would be most appropriate. For anyone who contributed a photograph hoping that it would be used, and who nds this not to be the case, we hope you will not hold this against us! We have not been successful in securing images for every threatened species. That we were able to secure as many as we did, owes a great deal to the generosity and understanding of those who helped out. We would especially like to thank Esteban Lavilla, Vanessa Verdade, Simon Chan, Andres Charrier, Federico Bolaos, Jahson Alemu, and Sergio Potsch de Carvalho e Silva for their help in sourcing photographs from friends and colleagues. Despite having been meticulous in the copyrighting of photographs, we apologize for any errors and omissions regarding photo credits and hope that any instances in this regard are minimal. We emphasize that the identication of the species in the photographs is the responsibility of the photographers, and we claim no expertise of our own in ensuring that these are correct. The names of the photographers are provided alongside each photograph, and are not listed here. However, we must mention the following people who provided particularly large numbers of images that were used in the book: Jean-Louis Amiet, Franco Andreone, Marion Anstis, Csar Luis Barrio-Amors and Fundacin AndgenA, S.D. Biju, Thomas Bille, Rafe Brown, Tim Burkhardt, Ignacio de la Riva, Bill Duellman, S. Blair Hedges, Frank Glaw, K. Jayaram, Twan Leenders, John Lynch, Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Rohan Pethiyagoda, and Miguel Vences.

Throughout the compilation of Threatened Amphibians of the World, we have been collaborating with ARKive, to source images of threatened amphibian species in order to illustrate the book and increase the number of species proled by ARKive. ARKive is a not-for-prot initiative of Wildscreen, a UK-based charity, gathering together lms and photographs of the worlds threatened fauna and ora into one centralized digital library. ARKive is leading the virtual conservation effort, compiling comprehensive and enduring multi-media species proles for the 16,000-plus species threatened with extinction, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. We encourage any photographers who would like to make their images of threatened species available for educational and awareness raising purposes to contact ARKive directly. We would also like to say a special thank you to Michelle Lindley, ARKive Media Researcher, for her enthusiasm and assistance in locating, cataloguing and ensuring the smooth passage of images between the photographers, ARKive and the GAA; and to Harriet Nimmo, Wildscreen Chief Executive, for suggesting this exciting and valuable collaboration, and for eagerly supporting it. Doan Nguyen provided tremendous support by helping scan many slides that were sent to us for use in the book, while David A. Sanchez took on the formidable task of going through the immense slide collection of John Lynch and scanning slides of threatened species for the book. Breck Bartholomew, at Bibliomania, kindly made available high-resolution scans of the images of Craugastor milesi and Craugastor chrysozetetes by James McCranie, which appear in Guia de Campo de los Anbios de Honduras by James R. McCranie & Franklin Castaeda. We also extend thanks to the following photographers for making their superb images available for use on the front and back covers, as well as the half-title pages: Joel Sartore (cover); Kenji Nishida (back cover); Dant Fenolio, Michael and Patricia Fogden, and Maik Dobiey (Half-title pages). In addition, we would also like to acknowledge Kraig Adler and the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles for their permission to reproduce selected paintings by David M. Dennis from the excellent Hylid Frogs of Middle America, by William E. Duellman. Likewise, we were kindly granted permission to reproduce illustrations from the Atlas of Amphibians of China by Fei et al. (1999), for which we acknowledge the permission of Prof. Liang Fei, and the two artists who contributed to the book, Yisheng Wang and Jian Li. Finally, we would also like to acknowledge Ted Kahn and Csar Landazbal for permission to use their illustrations published in Ranas Arlequines, published by Conservation International, and we thank Jos Vicente Rodriguez Machecha of CI-Colombia for making these illustrations available to us, and for his assistance in securing permission to reproduce other images that appear in this publication. A project of this magnitude is never without sacrices made by family and loved ones. Simon Stuart thanks his wife Ann, and daughters Claire and Jyoti, for all their love and support throughout the Global Amphibian Assessment project, and the writing of this book, even though it took him away from home far too often. Michael Hoffmann would like to thank his parents, Francois and Cheryl, for their unstinting support and prayers, particularly over the last four years while being 8,000 miles from home, and also his fellow editors for putting up with his continuous harassment to meet project deadlines. Janice Chanson is extremely grateful for the love and support of her husband John (including moving continents twice), and the happiness and love that baby Sacha whom arrived midway through the writing of this book brings to our lives. Neil Cox thanks his parents and grandparents for giving him a love of both the countryside and traditional natural history, and he thanks Kerry and Megan for their love, patience and understanding while he spent far too much time away from home. Richard Berridge thanks his parents (and especially his mum, Eileen) for supporting his interest in mantellas, including putting up with a house that smells like a brewery (on account of breeding fruit ies in the laundry cupboard), and for rescuing frogs on the stairs during dinner parties; and also to his much loved grandfather, Norman, for starting off his interest in natural history in the rst place. Pavithra Ramani thanks her family and friends for their tremendous support during the production of this book. They have all kept an open mind and have shown an eagerness to learn, which she heartfully appreciates. Bruce Young is grateful for the tremendous kindness and patience shown by his wife Cynthia and daughters Emily and Amanda during the compilation of the Global Amphibian Assessment. Finally, the last word of thanks must go to the ever remarkable publication house that is Lynx Edicions, and particularly to Josep del Hoyo for constant guidance, encouragement and patience, and Susanna Silva for leading on the production side with great efciency and creativity.


The Moore Family Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, through Conservation International, provided the core nancial support for the Global Amphibian Assessment. The MAVA Foundation, the US Department of State, the Regina Bauer Frankenberg Foundation for Animal Welfare, the National Science Foundation (DEB-0130273 and INT-0322375), the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, George Meyer, the European Commission, Ben Hammett, and the Disney Foundation provided additional major support. The Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, WWF Australia, the Taipei Zoological Foundation, the Chicago Zoological Society, the Society for Wildlife and Nature, the Columbus Zoo and the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation also provided generous support. Claude Gascon and Jorgen Thomsen in particular assisted us with fundraising. Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views of any donor.

Conservation Partners
Special mention must be made of George Rabb, who was the rst to recognize the enormity of the global amphibian conservation crisis, and who has mobilized both scientists and conservationists to address this challenge. Out of respect for his visionary leadership, we dedicate this book to him. Darrel Frost of the American Museum of Natural History provided extensive assistance on taxonomic and nomenclatural issues, without which it would have been much more difcult to implement the Global Amphibian Assessment. David Wake of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California at Berkeley gave us privileged access to the AmphibiaWeb database. We are most grateful to both of these people for their unfailing support. We received assistance and advice in ways too numerous to mention from the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (formerly the IUCN/SSC Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force), in particular from Don Church, Jim Collins, Claude Gascon, Tim Halliday, Jim Hanken, Jeanne McKay, Robin Moore and John Wilkinson. The following people provided local logistical support for the GAA workshops: Jean-Marc Hero (Australia), Zhong Shengxian (China), Barasa Johnson (Kenya), Sanjay Molur and Sally Walker (India), Rosa Mary Saengsanthitham (Thailand), Enrique Lahmann (Costa Rica), Sabrina Cowan and Allen Allison (Hawaii), Adriano Paglia, Jose Maria Cardoso da Silva and Luis Paulo de Souza Pinto (Brazil), Paul and Sara Salaman and Jos Vicente Rodrguez (Ecuador), Doreen Zivkovic (Switzerland), Esteban Lavilla (Argentina), Juan Carlos Ortiz (Chile), David Gower and Mark Wilkinson (UK), Sixto Inchaustegui (Dominican Republic), and Sonsoles San Romn and Jamie Skinner (Spain). We also thank Craig Hilton-Taylor, Sanjay Molur, Bob Inger, Arvin Diesmos, Matt Foster, Mike Hoffmann, Penny Langhammer, Don Church and David Knox who assisted in facilitating working groups during GAA workshops. John Pilgrim worked diligently on adding all the amphibians that were described since the 2004 release of the data, including creating range maps for each of these species. Gustavo Fonseca, Claude Gascon, Russell Mittermeier, Tom Lacher, Tom Brooks, Larry Master, Bruce Stein and Georgina Mace provided guidance and encouragement throughout the project, and we wish to express a special debt


Threatened Amphibians of the World

of gratitude to them. Rob Waller, Vineet Katariya and Mark Denil provided extensive, high-quality GIS support. Leslie Honey set up and manages the Global Amphibian Assessment website on Feng Xie provided invaluable assistance in many ways, and in particular by helping us with the Chinese data, and giving us access to scientic literature in Chinese. Don Church and Allison Parker did a very large amount of work locating missing bibliographic references and entering them into the database. Noura Bakkour, Laara Manler and Andrew Mitchell provided important logistical and administrative support. The distribution maps used for U.S. species were adapted from several sources, including NatureServes Central Databases and the United States Amphibian Atlas Database. The NatureServe data were developed in collaboration with its Natural Heritage member programmes, a leading source of information about rare and endangered species, and threatened ecosystems. The United States Amphibian Atlas Database was compiled at Ball State University by Priya Nanjappa, Laura M. Blackburn, and Michael J. Lannoo and supported in part by grants and/or matching funds from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund.

GAA Contributing Scientists

The GAA was entirely dependent on the more than 500 herpetologists who generously gave of their time and knowledge. The enthusiasm and commitment of these people has enabled us to generate a comprehensive global picture of amphibian status and trends for the rst time. We record our thanks to the following people, asking for forgiveness from anyone whose name is inadvertently omitted or misspelled: A. Vivek Gour-Broome Abraham Mijares-Urrutia Abyerami Balasubramanian Adolfo Amezquita Agnieszka Ogrodowczyk Ahmad Mohammed Mousa Disi Alain Dubois Alan Channing Alan Pounds Alberto Cadena Alberto R. Estrada Alberto Veloso Aldrin Mallari Alex Kupfer Alfonso Miranda Leiva Alfredo Salvador Allen Allison Alonso Quevedo Gil Alvin Braswell Ana Almendariz Ana Carolina Queiroz Carnaval Ana Maria Paulino Telles de Carvalho e Silva Anand Padhye Andrea Herman Andreas Schmitz Andres Acosta Andres Merino-Viteri Andrew Gardner Andrew Turner Angel Alcala Anna Wong Annamaria Nistri Annemarie Ohler Anslem De Silva Antonio Muoz Alonso Antonio W. Salas Argelia Rodrguez Ariadne Angulo Ariel Rodrguez Gmez Arne Schiotz Aroshana Weerasinghe Arvin C. Diesmos Atherton de Villiers Avital Gasith Axel Kwet Baldwin Gutierrez Beatrice Ibn Ben D. Bell Benedetto Lanza Benedikt Schmidt Bexel Ayyasamy Daniel Blair Hedges Boris Blotto Boris Tuniyev Bosco Chan Brad Shaffer Brandon Anthony Brian Kubicki Bruce Bury Bruce Waldman Bruce Young Bruno Pimenta Bryan Stuart Byron Wilson Carlos Alberto Gonalves da Cruz Carlos Davidson Carlos Frederico D. da Rocha Carmen A. Ubeda Carmen Daz Paniagua Celio Haddad Celsa Senaris Channa Bambaradeniya Charles Msuya Charles Painter Chelmala Srinivasulu Chou Wenhao Christian Marty Christopher Austin Christopher Beachy Christopher J. Raxworthy Christopher Magin Christopher Pearl Christopher Phillips Clare Morrison Claude Gascon Claude Miaud Claudia Azevedo-Ramos Claudia Cortez Fernandez Claudia Corti Conrad Hoskin Cristina Arzabe Cynthia Dolino Csar Aguilar Puntriano Csar Jaramillo Csar Luis Barrio Amors Dale Jackson Dale Roberts Dan Cogalniceanu Daniel R. Neira Herrera Dante Pavan David Beamer David Bickford David Bradford David Cannatella David Donaire-Barroso David Gower David Hunter David Moyer David Newell David Price David Tarkhnishvili David Vieites David Wake Debjani Roy Debora Silvano Deepthi Wickramasinghe Denis Vallan Denise de C. Rossa-Feres Derek Brown Dick Watling Diego Almeida Diego Baldo Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia Dilip Bhagwanrao Sawarkar Diva Ma. Borges-Nojosa Djoko Iskandar Dolores Huacaz Don Church Donald Shepard Dondi Ubaldo Dwight Lawson Ed Meyer Edgar Lehr Edif. Newton Plaza Eduardo Toral El Hassan El Mouden Eldad Elron Eli Greenbaum Eliza Maria Xavier Freire Elizabeth Scott Emilio Balletto Engin Gem Enrique La Marca Erik N. Smith Erik R. Wild Erin Muths Ernesto Fernndez-Badillo Ernesto Recuero Gil Esteban O. Lavilla Federico Bolaos

Fei Liang Fernando Castro Fernando Nogales S Firoz Ahmed Flavio Baldisseri Flora Acua Junc Franco Andreone Frank Glaw Frank Lemckert Frank Sols Franklin Casteeda Franky Bossuyt Franois Tron Fred Kraus Fred Parker G.K. Bhat Gabriel Skuk Gabriela Parra Gad Degani Gajanan Buddhe Gary Fellers Genevieve Gee Geng Baorong Geoffrey A. Hammerson George Zug Georgina Santos Barrera Gerardo Chavez Ghazi S.M. Asmat Gilda Andrade Glucia Moreira Drummond Gopalakrishna Bhatta Graeme Gillespie Gu Hui-qing Guarino R. Colli Guinevere Wogan Gunther Khler Gustavo Cruz Gven Eken Hal Cogger Hans-Werner Herrmann Harold Cogger Harry Hines Hartwell Welsh Helen Daz-Pez Helen Gerson Hellen Kurniati Hendrik Muller Herman Nuez Hinrich Kaiser Ho Thu Cuc Idriz Haxhiu Ignacio J. De la Riva Indraneil Das Iigo Martnez-Solano Irina Maslova Irwin Garca Ishmail H. Ugurtas Ismael E. di Tada Istvn Kiss Ivan Sazima J. W. (Pim) Arntzen Jaime Bertoluci Jaime Bosch James Hanken James Harrison James McCranie James Menzies James Rorabaugh James Vonesh Jan Meerman Jarujin Nabhitabata Javier Icochea Monteza Jay Savage Jean Lescure Jean Raffaeli Jean-Louis Amiet Jean-Luc Perret Jean-Marc Hero Jeanne McKay Jeet Sukumaran Jef Jaeger Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jenny Daltry Jerry Hardy Jesus H. Cordova Santa Gadea Jesus Manzanilla Jiang Jianping Jigme Palden Joan Mayol Serra Johannes Foufopoulos John Clarke John E. Cadle John Fa John Jensen John Lynch John Measey

John Palis John Poynton John Wilkinson Jon Loman Jorge A. Cespedez Jorge Luis Martinez Ruiz Jrn Khler Jose Antonio Mateo Miras Jose Hernndez Jose Langone Jos Nuez Jos P. Pombal Jr. Jose Padial Jos Vicente Rueda Almonacid Joseph Mitchell Joseph R. Mendelson III Joseph T. Collins Josiah Townsend Juan Formas Juan Manuel Guayasamin Juan Manuel Renjifo Judit Vrs Julian Faivovich Julian Harrison Julian Lee Justin Gerlach Kaniskha Ukuwwela Karen Lips Karl-Heinz Jungfer Karthikeyan Vasudevan Kartik Shanker Katie Hampson Keith McDonald Kelly Irwin Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi Ken Aplin Kenneth Dodd Kim Howell Kristiina Ovaska Juan Antonio Oliver Valls Juan Carlos Ortiz Juan Elias Garcia-Perez Krushnamegh Kunte Kumthorn Thirakhupt Kurtulus Olgun Larry David Wilson Leong Tzi Ming Leslie Minter Letty Afuang Li Cheng Li Pipeng Li Shengquan Liang Gang Lic. Jos A. Langone Lily Rodriguez Linda LaClaire Liz Dovey Liza Paguntalan Lovemore C.J. Mazibuko Lu Shunqing Luciana Barreto Nascimento Lucy Aquino Lue Kuangyang Luis Canseco Luis Coloma Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera Luis M. Diaz Luke Shoo Luis Zambrano M.A. Bangoura M.S. Ravichandran Madhava Meegaskumbura Mae Leonida Diesmos Magno V. Segalla Maklarin Lakim Malcolm Largen Mandy Tocher Manfred Beier Manuel Acevedo Manuel Morales Marc Cheylan Marcelino Hernandez Marcelo Napoli Marcos Vaira Marga Born Margaret Considine Maria Cristina Ardila-Robayo Maria Isabel Herrera Maria Ogielska Mariela Osorno Marinus S. Hoogmoed Mario Garcia Paris Mario Ynez- Muoz Marisol Pedregosa Marius Burger Mark Bailey



Mark Wilkinson Mark-Oliver Roedel Martha Crump Martha Patricia Ramirez P. Martin Bustamante Martin Pickersgill Marvalee Wake Mary Gartshore Mason Ryan Mathias Behangana Mathieu Denol Matthew Parris Mattias Stoeck Masafumi Matsui Maureen A. Donnelly Max Sparreboom MD. Kamrul Hasan Dolon Meren Ao Michael Adams Michael Cunningham Michael Harvey Michael Mahony Michael Sredl Michael Wei Neng Lau Michel Breuil Michele Menegon Miguel Lizana Avia Miguel Tejedo Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues Miguel Vences Mikls Puky Milan Vogrin Mills Tandy Min Mi-Sook Mohammad Ali Reza Khan Mohammed Firoz Ahmed Mohini Mohan Borah Monique Van Sluys Mozafar Shari Muhammad Sharif Khan Mumpuni Murat Sevin Murray Littlejohn Naomi Doak Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani Natalia B. Ananjeva Neftal Ros-Lopez Nstor G. Basso Nguyen Quang Truong Nick Arnold Nikolai Orlov Nimal Dharmapriya Rathnayake Noami Doak Norman Scott Norsham Suhaina Yaakob Olivier Pauwels Oommen V. Oommen Oscar Flores-Villela Oscar Fuentes-Ramos

Oswaldo Luiz Peixoto Pablo Menendez Paola Mosig Reidl Patricia Narvaes Patrick Malonza Paul Chippindale Paul Edgar Paul Horner Paul Imbun Yambun Paul Moler Paul Walker Paula Cabral Eterovick Paulino Ponce-Campos Paulo Christiano de Anchietta Garcia Paulo S-Sousa Pedro Beja Per Nystrm Perry Ong Peter Beerli Peter Brown Peter Paul Van Dijk Peter Robertson Peter Vogel Petros Lymberakis Phil Bishop Philippe Gaucher Philippe Geniez Pierre-Andr Crochet Pradeep Kumara Pranabes Sanyal Pranjalendu Ray Querube Fuenmayor Rafael Joglar Rafael Lajmanovich Rafael Mrquez Rafe Brown Rainer Guenther Rainer Schulte Rajehdra Vyas Ramn Formas Randy Jennings Randy McCranie Ranjit Daniels Raoul Bain Rastko Ajtic Raymond Brereton Renato Neves Feio Renaud Boistel Richard Grifths Richard Highton Richard Retallick Richard Siegel Richard Thomas Richard Tinsley Richard Zweifel Rita Pascolini Robert Herrington Robert Inger Robert Jehle

Robert P. Reynolds Robert Powell Robert Puschendorf Robert Schabetsberger Robert Stuebing Robert Webb Roberta Lecis Roberto Ibanez Rogelio Cedeo Vzquez Rogrio Pereira Bastos Rohan Pethiyagoda Roman Khalikov Ronald A. Nussbaum Ronald Crombie Ronald Heyer Ross Alford Ross D. MacCulloch Roy Swain Riyad A. Sadek Rob Grasso Robert Drewes Roy W. McDiarmid Rubn Albornoz Ruth Adriana Maldonado-Silva Ruth Amanda Estupinan S. Bhupathy S. P. Vijayakumar S.D. Biju S.R.M Swarnapali Samaradiwaka Sabitry Choudhury Bordoloi Saibal Sengupta Sanjay Molur Santiago Ron Sarah May Sarig Gafny Sean Blomquist Senarathge Weerawardhena Sergio Potsch de Carvalho e Silva Sergius Kuzmin Sherif Baha El Din Shi Haitao Simon Loader Sixto Inchaustegui Slimani Tahar Sohrab MD Sarkar Uddin Somsak Panha Souad Hraoui- Bloquet Srinivasulu Chelmala Stefan Ltters Steffen Reichle Stephen Richards Stephen Richter Steven C. Anderson Steven Karsen Steven Morey Steven Swan Suh Y. Yang Suleima Santiago Surya Adoor

Susan Koenig Sushil Dutta Sylvana Mass Tahar Slimani Tanya Chanard Taran Grant Tassanee Eamkamon Tatjana Dujsebayeva Ted Kahn Tej Kumar Shrestha Terry Schwaner Theodore Papenfuss Thierry Fretey Thomas Uzzell Tibor Kovcs Tim Davenport Tim Halliday Tom Mann Travis Ryan Trent Garner Trevor Beebee Tuba Kili Ulisses Caramaschi Ulisses Galatti Ulrich Sinsch Uriel Barrantes V.A. Prasanna Samarawickrama Valentn Prez Mellado Vance Vredenburg Ulrich Joger Vanessa Verdade Varad Giri Varol Tok Vctor R. Morales Victorino Molina Vidana Arachchilage Samarawickrama Vladimir Ischenko Wang Xiuling Wang Yuezhao Wenhua Lu Wichase Khonsue Wieslaw Babik Wilfredo Arizabal Will Osborne William E. Duellman Wilmar Bolivar Wolfgang Bhme Wu Guanfu Xie Feng Yang Datong Ye Changyuan Yehudah. L. Werner Yodchaiy Chuaynkern Yolanda Matamorros Yoshio Kaneko Yuan Zhigang Zhao Ermi Zhao Wenge Zheng Zhonghua

Introductory Chapters


Neil Cox, Simon Stuart, Janice Chanson, Michael Hoffmann, David Gower, Mark Wilkinson, Don Church and Robin Moore


Amphibians are familiar to most people as frogs and toads, salamanders and newts, and to a much smaller group of people as caecilians. All amphibians are members of the tetrapod vertebrate Class Amphibia. There are more than 6,000 currently recognized species of extant amphibians, with representatives present in virtually all terrestrial and freshwater habitats, but absent from the coldest and driest regions, and from the most remote oceanic islands. The number of recognized species of amphibians has grown enormously in recent years, with a nearly 50% increase between 1985 and 2004 (Frost 1985, 2004) and an increase in species numbers of 25% in the years between 1992 and 2003 (Khler et al. 2005) (and see Essay 1.1). This unprecedented growth largely reects an increase in collecting work in previously remote locations, a signicant growth of active herpetological communities in a few megadiverse countries, and the application of complementary techniques, such as molecular genetics, to support more traditional taxonomic methods. Even countries such as Sri Lanka, in which biodiversity inventories were deemed to be relatively complete (see Essay 1.2), are revealing startling levels of previously undocumented and unsuspected diversity. Unfortunately, as this book demonstrates, our rapid increase in the knowledge of amphibian species diversity and biology is coincident with a massive global decline in amphibian populations.

Frogs, Salamanders and Caecilians the Amphibian Orders

The Amphibians are divided between three higher-level ranks or Orders: Gymnophiona, Anura and Caudata, with Anura and Caudata being more closely related to each other than either is to the Gymnophiona. Anura is comprised of the frogs (and their subgroup, the toads), and is by far the largest Order, with 5,208 living species currently recognized1. Anurans are globally distributed, being found on every continent with the exception of Antarctica (Figure 1). While tropical habitats are richest in anuran diversity, frogs and toads may be encountered in many different environments ranging from dry deserts, through tropical and temperate regions to areas as far north as the Arctic Circle and as far south as Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America. The elevation at which frogs have been recorded ranges from sea level (or even below it in some cases) to as high as 5,244m asl in the Peruvian Andes (Seimon et al. 2006). Although anurans have a wide variety of body shapes, adult frogs and toads are always tailless and have four limbs. The have a constrained and specialized body form including a very short body, an elongated pelvis, relatively large head, and two well-developed hind legs used for jumping and/or swimming. The frogs and toads range greatly in size. The giant Goliath Frog Conraua goliath of West Africa may grow to over 30cm (snout-vent length), while mature adults of the Flea-frog Brachycephalus didactylus of south-eastern Brazil and Eleutherodactylus iberia and E. limbatus of Cuba may be less than 1cm (snout-vent length). Virtually all species have external fertilization and most have aquatic larvae (tadpoles). The Caudata (salamanders and newts) contains 535 described living species and is the second largest of the three amphibian Orders, although representing only about 10% of the number of species as frogs. Salamanders and newts are less widely distributed than the frogs and toads, with families mostly concentrated in the north temperate regions (Figure 2); but about 40% of the species occur in the New World tropics. There are no salamander or newt species in Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, the Indian Subcontinent south of the Himalayas, insular Southeast Asia, and Australasia, and only a few in South America and mainland Southeast Asia. The southern Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States is the centre of species diversity for the Caudata (see Essay 8.1). Around 60 species of the family Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders) are found in this mountain range, including many locally restricted species. Most salamanders and newts have the primitive tetrapod body shape, with four limbs and a long attened tail, but there is also a tendency for body elongation and limb reduction or loss. They generally move over land by walking and aquatic species use their long tail for rapid swimming in water. Within the Caudata there are many well-known paedomorphic forms (sexually mature animals retaining juvenile characteristics). The highly threatened Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum of the Valley of Mexico is probably the most familiar paedomorphic species. The largest of the Caudata, and indeed of modern amphibians, is the rapidly declining Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus, which may grow to around 200cm in total length; the smallest may be the salamander Thorius arboreus of Mexico, which has an average total length of only around 1.7cm. Most salamanders have internal fertilization via a spermatophore and aquatic larvae, but direct development of terrestrial eggs without an aquatic life-stage whatsoever is also common. The Gymnophiona (caecilians) occur in the tropics of the Americas, Africa and Asia (Figure 3). In addition, caecilians are present on the Seychelles, but absent from Madagascar, New Guinea and Australasia; their apparent absence from much of the Congo Basin may be due to lack of survey effort. With only 172 described species, this is the smallest of the three amphibian Orders, even though the group is at least as old as all of the diversity of salamanders and frogs taken together. Because they tend to be rare animals in collections, the taxonomic status of many caecilian species is uncertain. According to our current understanding of caecilian taxonomy, the two most species-rich genera are Ichthyophis (34 species) of South and Southeast Asia, and Caecilia (33 species) occurring mainly in South America. Caecilians are elongated and limbless, and they are sometimes mistaken for snakes, eels or earthworms. The largest of the caecilians is the poorly known Caecilia thompsoni of Colombia, which may exceed 150cm in length. The smallest caecilian is probably the threatened Grandisonia brevis of the Seychelles Islands, which grows little larger than 11cm. In general, caecilians are burrowing species and are most often encountered in leaf-litter or under soil. A few are aquatic species (such as the Rubber Eel Typhlonectes natans). Caecilian species show a relatively wide range of reproductive modes. All species seem to have internal fertilization and at least 31 of the known species are live-bearing. Oviparous caecilians lay their eggs on land have either direct development or an aquatic larva (and see Essay 1.3).

Figure 1. Species richness map for amphibians in the Order Anura, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 142 species.

Figure 2. Species richness map for amphibians in the Order Caudata, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 23 species.

Figure 3. Species richness map for amphibians in the Order Gymnophiona, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 8 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 8 species.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians

Amphibian classication at the family level

At a slightly ner taxonomic level, amphibians are divided up among 48 families, some of which, like the recently named Nasikabatrachidae (Biju and Bossuyt 2003), are monotypic (including only a single species), whereas others, particularly the Hylidae and Leptodactylidae, are represented by hundreds of species, the latter including the genus Eleutherodactylus, the most speciose vertebrate genus with more than 600 species (see Essay 1.4). Amphibian classication was relatively stable for much of the 20th century, but the very roots of the amphibian tree have been shaken by a new classication proposed by Frost et al. (2006). Frost and associates showed that a number of traditionally recognized groups (including entire families) are para- or polyphyletic (in other words, they are not natural groups in terms of evolutionary history). The new classication proposed by Frost et al. (2006) appeared while this book was in preparation. Thus, we use the traditional classication of amphibian families (following Frost 2004). However, in this chapter, we outline the new classication of Frost et al. (2006), as amended by Grant et al. (2006) and Glaw and Vences (2006), to show some of the major taxonomic changes that are now under discussion. We also discuss the implications of Frost et al. (2006) in the regional introductory chapters.

Scolecomorphidae. This poorly known family of caecilians comprises two genera, the West African Crotaphatrema and East African Scolecomorphus, with three species in each. We know very little about Crotaphatrema, as only seven individuals have ever been seen, all from western Cameroon. The diversity of the genus Scolecomorphus is centred on eastern Tanzania. Two of the species are known to be live-bearing, and the third is presumed to be so.

The Traditional View of Amphibian Families

This section presents the traditionally recognized amphibian families, alphabetically within each order.

Caecilians Gymnophiona
Caeciliidae. This is the largest of the caecilian families, containing 113 species, distributed within 21 genera. Many of these species are known from fewer than 10 specimens and little is known of species ranges and biological attributes. In this treatment, the semi-aquatic to aquatic species of South America, often recognized as the Family Typhlonectidae, are included in the Caeciliidae. Representatives are widely, but disjunctly, distributed throughout much of the tropics, being found in South and Central America, West and East Africa, on the Indian Subcontinent and also on the Seychelles Islands (uniquely, there are more caecilian species in the Seychelles than there are frogs). Although the breeding biology of most caeciliid species remains poorly known at present, larval-developing, direct-developing and live-bearing species have all been recorded.

Uraeotyphlidae. This small family of caecilians contains only ve species all of which are in the genus Uraeotyphlus. The family is entirely restricted to the Western Ghats and surrounding parts of southern India. The breeding biology of the family is poorly known, but they are probably all oviparous species with terrestrial eggs and aquatic larvae.

Salamanders and Newts Caudata

Ambystomatidae Mole Salamanders. This family of 30 species (all within the genus Ambystoma) is strictly North American (occurring south to central Mexico), where they range widely throughout much of the continent. Animals are largely terrestrial and breed in slow or still waters but some are stream-dwellers; all species undergo larval development. The family includes a number of paedomorphic species that retain larval characteristics (such as gills) as adults, including the famous Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum. Ichthyophiidae. This poorly known family of caecilians is widely distributed in South Asia and Southeast Asia. The 39 recognized species are divided between the two very poorly delimited genera Ichthyophis and Caudacaecilia. However, many of the currently named species are poorly circumscribed and require taxonomic conrmation. All taxa are egg-layers. The eggs are deposited in underground chambers and they are guarded by the mother at least until hatching. The larvae may be encountered in waterlogged soil, streams, ponds and other waterbodies.

Amphiumidae Amphiumas. This family contains three species, all in the genus Amphiuma, and is endemic to the coastal plain of the eastern and south-eastern United States. These are relatively large, eel-like salamanders, which are specialized for a mostly aquatic lifestyle. The eggs of these species are laid in a moist cavity on land close to the water; the female guards the nest until the larvae hatch and are washed into the adjacent water. An interesting feature of the larvae is their external gills, which disappear once the lungs develop. Rhinatrematidae. This poorly known family of caecilians is restricted to northern South America, with most species known from the tropical Andes. The genus Epicrionops has eight species and Rhinatrema one. All species are presumed to lay eggs on land, with the larvae living in waterbodies.

Threatened Amphibians of the World

Hynobiidae Asian Salamanders. These salamanders are Asian with a centre of diversity in Japan, with only the very widespread Siberian Salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii also present in extreme eastern Europe. There are 46 species divided between the seven genera, with Hynobius being the most speciose (27 species; see Essay 10.1). The salamanders of this family are highly aquatic, living mostly in streams and pools, and have external fertilization, and the eggs are laid in two egg-sacs attached to rocks or submerged vegetation. In some species, the male is known to guard the eggs.

The Pickerel Frog Rana palustris (Least Concern), found over much of eastern North America, is a typical representative of the very diverse amphibian Order Anura, which includes the frogs and toads. Don Church Cryptobranchidae Giant Salamanders. This small family is entirely aquatic. Cryptobranchidae are very large salamanders placed in three species in two genera (Andrias and Cryptobranchus). The family has a disjunct distribution with species present only in East Asia and the eastern United States. The species undergo larval development, with paired strings of externally fertilized eggs deposited under stones or between rocks within streams and other waterbodies. This family contains the largest (~200cm) and the heaviest (~50kg) of the modern day amphibians, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus.

Plethodontidae the Lungless Salamanders. This is the largest of the salamander families, with the vast majority of the 365 species being found in the New World (see Essay 9.3). Outside of this region there are seven species known from Europe, and a single, recently discovered Asian species (Karsenia koreana) currently known only from the middle of the Korean Peninsula. Plethodontids are the only salamanders that have a substantial presence in the New World tropics, where more than 60% of the species are found, most of them in Central America. The family is generally present in a wide variety of habitats including damp terrestrial areas, waterbodies (both stagnant and owing), cave and similar habitats, and arboreal sites (such as within bromeiliads). Most of the species have direct development, unique to this family among salamanders; however, at least 50 species undergo larval development.

Proteidae Mudpuppies and Waterdogs. This small family of salamanders comprises ve species in the genus Necturus, found in the streams of eastern North America, and the single strange species, the Olm Proteus anguinus, which is restricted to subterranean aquatic habitats within the Dinaric Alps of south-eastern Europe. All of the species are both aquatic and paedomorphic. The breeding biology of this family is poorly known; however, female Olms have been recorded laying ~70 eggs on rocks, and, in addition, the species is occasionally live-bearing with fully formed young born after a period of about two years.

Dicamptodontidae Pacic Mole Salamanders. This small family of relatively large, larval-developing salamanders is restricted to western parts of the United States, with one species occurring marginally in Canada. All four members are in the single genus Dicamptodon. The eggs are deposited in clear streams, where they are attached singly to rocks and other cover. The stream-adapted larvae take between 2 and 4.5 years to reach metamorphosis and may achieve sexual maturity without metamorphosing. One species, Dicamptodon copei, is exclusively paedomorphic.

Rhyacotritonidae Torrent Salamanders. This small family of four species, all in the genus Rhyacotriton, is endemic to the Coastal and Cascade Ranges of the western United States. Populations of these salamanders are usually closely associated with cold streams in old-growth coniferous forest. All four species undergo larval development.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians

Salamandridae Newts and Relatives. This family is widespread with representatives present in Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America. Most of the species within Salamandridae are aquatic breeders, laying eggs in ponds, streams and other suitable waterbodies. A small number of the species, including the well-known Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra, are live-bearing.

Ascaphidae Tailed Frogs. The small family Ascaphidae contains only two species, both in the genus Ascaphus. The family exhibits a number of primitive characteristics, and is unique among the frogs and toads in that animals posses a copulatory organ (the eponymous tail) that allows internal fertilization to take place in the fast-owing streams they inhabit. The unpigmented eggs are attached as strings to the underside of rocks within the stream; the larvae also develop within this environment. The family is endemic to North America, where it is distributed in the north-western USA and south-western Canada.

Sirenidae the Sirens. This small family has two genera (Siren and Pseudobranchus) with four species, and is restricted to the south-eastern United States and northern Mexico. Animals are mostly aquatic; the eggs are deposited singly or in small numbers, and are attached to submerged vegetation.

Astylosternidae. This family of stream-associated, larval-developing frogs has its centre of diversity in Cameroon, with a few species occurring more widely within the equatorial forest belt. Two genera, Astylosternus (11 species) and Leptodactylodon (15 species) dominate the family, with three monotypic genera, one of which, Trichobatrachus, is the famous Hairy Frog.

Frogs and Toads Anura

Allophrynidae. This monotypic family is generally widespread in northern South America, where it ranges from Venezuela, through much of the Guiana region and into north and eastern Brazil2. The single species is largely associated with water bodies, where explosive breeding and larval development take place. The classication of the family, and the single recognized species, Allophryne ruthveni, has been problematic. Allophryne has previously been assigned to a number of families, including Allophrynidae, Bufonidae, Centrolenidae, Hylidae and Leptodactylidae. Bombinatoridae Fire-bellied Toads. This small family of only 10, often colourful, species is widely distributed in Europe and Asia. There are two genera, Bombina (eight species), which mostly ranges from Western Europe into East Asia, and the poorly known genus Barbourula, that has only two known species, one present in the Philippines and one in Borneo. Bombina are all believed to undergo larval development; the reproductive mode of Barbourula is currently unknown, but they are suspected to be direct-developing species.

Arthroleptidae Squeakers or Screaming Frogs. This family is dominated by the direct-developing genus Arthroleptis (34 species), which is widely distributed in more mesic environments of the African mainland. Together with Schoutedenella, it is one of the most taxonomically confused groups of frogs in the world, with many species in SubSaharan Africa being of uncertain identity, and with large numbers of species remaining to be described. The third genus in the family, Cardioglossa (16 species), is represented by stream-associated, larval-developing frogs in West and Central Africa, with the centre of known diversity in Cameroon.

Brachycephalidae Saddle-back Toads or Pumpkin Toadlets. This small family of toads is restricted to the humid forests of the Atlantic coast of south-eastern Brazil. There is a single genus, Brachycephalus, containing the eight known species3 - ve of these having been described since 1998. These small toads live in leaf litter on the forest oor, and are all believed to deposit a few large, terrestrial eggs and to undergo direct development.

Threatened Amphibians of the World

Bufonidae True Toads. Members of the Bufonidae are near global in occurrence, being absent naturally from Madagascar, New Guinea, Australia and surrounding islands. Species occupy a wide variety of habitats, from very arid conditions to humid tropical rainforest. It is a speciose family and although the vast majority of the species have larval development, there are some direct-developing and live-bearing species. The genus Nimbaphrynoides (two species), includes the only fully viviparous frog species (with the embryos being nourished internally by the female).

Heleophrynidae Ghost Frogs. This small relict family of stream-associated, larvaldeveloping frogs is endemic to southern Africa. All members are in the genus Heleophryne. These frogs are dependent on permanent streams because their tadpoles require two years to develop.

This Spotted Salamander Hynobius naevius (Least Concern) is one of sixteen Hynobius salamander species found only in Japan. The only other representatives of the Family Hynobiidae are found in mainland China (six species), the island of Taiwan (three), and the Korean Peninsula (three). Henk Wallays Centrolenidae Glass Frogs. This speciose Neotropical family ranges from southern Mexico to Bolivia and north-eastern Argentina. The family is overwhelmingly concentrated in the tropical Andean countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela), where 124 species (90% of the total) occur. Most species are arboreal to some degree, and typically lay small clutches of eggs on vegetation or rocks overhanging water. On hatching, the larvae fall into the water below and complete their development. Members of this family are unusual, in that the dorsal part of the body is commonly a shade of green, whereas the ventral side is often transparent, allowing many of the internal organs to be seen.

Hemisotidae Snout-burrowers. This small family is widespread through much of the Sub-Saharan African mainland. All members are in the genus Hemisus. Eggs are laid underground in a nest cavity, and the tadpoles subsequently move into water where they complete their development (the females sometimes digging channels for them to move from the nest to water).

Dendrobatidae Poison Frogs. The dendrobatids are almost exclusively conned to the tropics of Central and South America. The greatest diversity is in the tropical Andean countries, where 190 species (81% of the total) occur. A single species occurs in the Lesser Antilles (on Martinique). Only a few species are the familiar brightly coloured animals often seen in the pet trade (especially in the genera Dendrobates, Epipedobates and Phyllobates); the majority are less colourful, including most species of the largest genus Colostethus (131 species). Nearly all species have a larval phase. In some species an adult guards the eggs at the deposition site (such as a bromeliad), before carrying the hatched larvae on its back to water (usually a stream) where development is completed.

Hylidae True Treefrogs. This family is the second largest clade of amphibians and consists of three subfamilies: Hylinae (Americas and northern Eurasia); Phyllomedusinae (tropical Americas); and Pelodryadinae (Australia, New Guinea and other islands). The family is particularly diverse in the New World, with only a few hylid genera occurring elsewhere (see Essay 1.5). Hylids occur throughout the Americas (with the exception of the extreme north and south), and are also widespread in Australia and New Guinea. Elsewhere, there are a few species in Europe and northern Asia, but the family is absent from most of tropical Asia, and all of Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. Many species are arboreal, although there are exceptions, with terrestrial and aquatic species also. The vast majority of species undergo larval development. The subfamily Hemiphractinae, which included only species that undergo direct development, was recently shifted to the family Leptodactylidae (Faivovich et al. 2005).

Discoglossidae Painted Frogs and Midwife Toads. This small family has its distribution centred on the western Mediterranean Basin, with one species extending as far north as northern Germany, and a single species known from Israel (the now extinct Hula Painted Frog Discoglossus nigriventer). The 12 species are divided between two genera, Alytes and Discoglossus. Frogs of both genera undergo larval development in suitable waterbodies. The breeding behaviour of the genus Alytes is notable in that the males carry the strings of eggs wrapped around their back legs, taking them to the water when they are ready to hatch.

Hyperoliidae African Treefrogs and Reed Frogs. This large family comprises 18 genera, including Hyperolius (125 species), Leptopelis (51 species), Afrixalus (32 species) and Kassina (13 species). Hyperoliids can be found in most habitats throughout the Afrotropical region, including Madagascar and the Seychelles Islands. Nearly all the members of the family undergo larval development, but a wide variety of reproductive strategies occur within the family. Under certain conditions, females of at least one species, Hyperolius viridiavus, can change into fully functional males (Grafe and Linsenmair 1989). Hyperoliids are closely related to arthroleptids and astylosternids (with some authors suggesting that Leptopelis is, in fact, closer to these groups than to other hyperoliids), sharing many characteristics with them.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians

Leiopelmatidae New Zealand Frogs. This endemic New Zealand family comprises four largely terrestrial species in the single genus Leiopelma. The female lays large unpigmented eggs in damp locations on the ground, which undergo direct development. The males of three of the species (Leiopelma archeyi, L. hamiltoni and L. pakeka) actively guard the eggs and transport the developing young. Leiopelmatidae is particularly interesting in the apparent retention of a number of primitive characteristics for frogs (see Essay 6.2), mostly shared with Ascaphidae.

Megophryidae Asian Spadefoots. These often-large Asian frogs range from India and Pakistan through much of Southeast Asia, to the Philippines, Borneo and the Sunda Islands. The family is quite diverse with 10 genera, the most species-rich of these being Xenophrys (31 species). All of the species undergo larval development in streams or similar habitats.

Leptodactylidae the Southern Frogs. This is by far the most speciose of all the amphibian families, with the genus Eleutherodactylus alone containing 610 species (and see Essay 1.4). The Leptodactylidae are found throughout South and Central America, with a few species ranging as far north as the southern United States. The family is diverse morphologically, with some species exclusively adapted to terrestrial, arboreal or aquatic lifestyles. Even though the largest group in the family (Eleutherodactylinae) breed by direct development, many are larval developing and at least one species, the Critically Endangered Golden Coqui Eleutherodactylus jasperi, is live-bearing.

Microhylidae Narrow-mouthed Toads. This diverse, large Anuran family is globally widely distributed, and may be encountered in many different habitats. The 69 recognized genera include many highly specialized forms, with a number of species adapted to either a largely fossorial or arboreal lifestyle. Both larval-developing and direct-development reproductive modes have been recorded. Although many of the direct-developing species are found on New Guinea, there are direct-developing genera outside of this region such as Breviceps in Africa and Myersiella in Brazil.

Limnodynastidae. This family of 50 species is distributed from the Aru Islands of Indonesia, through New Guinea and much of Australia, to the island of Tasmania. Five genera (Adelotus, Heleiporus, Neobatrachus, Notaden and Philoria) are endemic to Australia, and only ve species occur outside of Australia, with four endemic to New Guinea. All of the eight genera are larval developing, with some genera (such as Limnodynastes) depositing eggs in oating foam nests. The Tusked Frog, Adelotus brevis, is unusual in that adults have small tusk-like teeth sticking up from the bottom jaw; these might possibly be used in defence of the nest (Duellman and Trueb 1994). Hemiphractus fasciatus (Near Threatened) from Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, is one of six species contained within in the newly proposed Family Hemiphractidae (currently included in Leptodactylidae). All species are highly specialized treefrogs from primary rainforest that feed only on other frog species. Edgargo Grifth

Mantellidae. This family is endemic to Madagascar, and is dominated by the genera Mantidactylus (86 species) and Boophis (53 species). However, by far the best-known members of the family are the brightly coloured Madagascar poison frogs of the genus Mantella (15 species). There are two other smaller genera. The family includes both larvaland direct-developing species.

Threatened Amphibians of the World

Myobatrachidae. This family is distributed in southern New Guinea and much of Australia, including the island of Tasmania. The family comprises 71 species and 11 genera, with the three largest genera being Uperoleia (24 species), Crinia (15 species) and Pseudophryne (13 species). All species are endemic to Australia except for Crinia remota, which is found in northern Australia as well as the southern lowlands of New Guinea (both Indonesia and Papua New Guinea), and Uperoleia lithomoda which occurs in northern Australia as well as the southern lowlands of Papua New Guinea. Members are for the most part terrestrial, with a number of burrowing species (e.g., Arenophryne). There are both larval-developing and direct-developing species within the family. The monotypic genus Assa is unusual in that the hatching larvae are carried in brood pouches on the hips of the male.

Pelobatidae Western Palaearctic Spadefoots. This small family consists of only four species, all in the genus Pelobates, ranging from Morocco and Iberia in the west, through Europe, Southwest Asia and the Caucasus Mountains to western Kazakhstan. All four species are larval developing, with adults generally spawning in stagnant temporary waterbodies. The adults are adapted to digging in soil, spending much of the year underground, and generally require uncultivated sandy habitats.

Pelodytidae Parsley Frogs. This small family, consisting of three species all in the single genus Pelodytes, has a disjunct distribution in south-western Europe and the Caucasus Mountains. All species undergo larval development, with eggs laid in short strings. Nasikabatrachidae Indian Burrowing Frog. This recently described, currently monotypic, family is known only from a few localities in the Western Ghats of southern India. For much of the year animals are fossorial, living up to 3.7m below ground. The species undergoes larval development, with the adults coming to the surface for a few weeks each year to breed and deposit their eggs in both temporary and permanent waterbodies. This new family appears to be most closely related to the Sooglossidae of the Seychelles Islands.

Petropedetidae. This family is widespread in Africa, and is dominated by the puddle frogs of the genus Phrynobatrachus (66 species). There are 13 genera in total, eight of which are monotypic. Other genera are Cacosternum (10 species), Arthroleptella (7 species), Petropedetes (7 species) and Arthroleptides (3 species). The family exhibits a wide range of reproductive modes, although the great majority are larval developers.

The most familiar of amphibian larvae are the free-swimming tadpoles of the frogs and toads. The body shape is roughly ovoid, with a long laterally compressed tail used for swimming. Pictured here is a larval Wood Frog Rana sylvatica (Least Concern). Twan Leenders

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians

Pipidae Tongueless Frogs. This small, distinct family of highly aquatic frogs is restricted to South America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The Pipidae is unique among frogs in that species do not have a tongue. In African genera, such as Xenopus, small pigmented eggs are laid in water and undergo larval development. In the South American genus Pipa, the eggs are laid into the females back and in some cases (such as in the Surinam Toad Pipa pipa) these eggs develop directly into frogs without a larval stage.

Rhinodermatidae Darwins Frogs. This small terrestrial family from the temperate forests of Chile and neighbouring southern Argentina contains only two species, both within the genus Rhinoderma. The small clutches of unpigmented eggs are laid in leaf litter. In Rhinoderma rufum, the male takes up the hatching larvae in its mouth and transfers them to water to complete their development. In Darwins Frog, Rhinoderma darwinii, the male not only takes the larvae into its mouth, but also broods the larvae in the vocal sacs until development into froglets is completed.

Ranidae True Frogs. This is the third largest Anuran family, and with a few exceptions, for instance most of Australia and New Zealand, it has a very cosmopolitan distribution. Members of this family may be found in a wide variety of arid, temperate and humid tropical habitat types. While most reproduce through larval development, there are a number of direct-developing genera such as Platymantis. The Ranidae contains the largest living anuran, the Goliath Frog Conraua goliath, which can grow to over 30cm and weigh over 3kg.

Rhinophrynidae Burrowing Toad. This monotypic family is largely restricted to the coastal lowlands of Central America. The single species, Rhinophrynus dorsalis, is for the most part fossorial, coming only to the surface to mate during the rainy season; the eggs and larvae develop in temporary pools formed by heavy rains.

Rhacophoridae Asian Treefrogs. This large family of mostly arboreal frogs is widely distributed in Asia and Africa. Of the nine genera, the most species-rich are Philautus (146 species) and Rhacophorus (64 species), both of which are restricted to Asia. The family includes a diversity of both larval- and direct-developing species. Some species of the genus Rhacophorus have extensively webbed toes that enable them to glide between trees.

Scaphiopodidae North American Spadefoots. This small family of seven species, divided between the two genera Scaphiopus and Spea, has been included by some authors in the family Pelobatidae. All of the species tend to burrow in loose soil, with adults emerging to breed in temporary pools during the rainy season. In general, the larvae develop quickly before the seasonal desiccation of their habitat.

Rheobatrachidae Gastric-brooding Frogs. This family was restricted to eastern Queensland, Australia, and is now considered to be extinct. There were only two species in the family, Rheobatrachus silus and R. vitellinus, both of which shared a unique reproductive mode. The eggs and larvae were brooded within the stomach of the female, with the larvae feeding off of the egg yolk before emerging from their mothers mouth as fully formed frogs (see Essay 6.1). The status of this family has long been controversial, with a number of authors including it as a subfamily within either the Limnodynastidae or the Myobatrachidae.

Sooglossidae Seychelles Frogs. This family is endemic to the Seychelles Islands, and comprises four species in two genera. Three species breed by direct development, and in one the larvae are carried on the adults backs.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Ichthyophiidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Uraeotyphlidae in this Indomalayan family, but its content is otherwise unchanged.

Rhinatrematidae. This family remains unchanged.

Salamanders and Newts Caudata

Cryptobranchidae. This family remains unchanged. Hynobiidae. This family remains unchanged. Rhyacotritonidae. This family remains unchanged. Amphiumidae. This family remains unchanged. Direct development is one of the three basic amphibian breeding strategies. In this photograph, the young of the Bornean shrub-frog Philautus amoenus (Vulnerable) can be seen developing into frogs without undergoing a free-living larval stage. Andreas & Christel Nllert

The Proposed Revisions to Amphibian Families

For some time it has been recognized that the traditional classication of amphibian families, especially among the frogs, does not reect their evolutionary relationships (e.g., Darst and Cannatella 2004; Faivovich et al. 2005; Grant et al. 2006). Frost et al. (2006) proposed a new taxonomy of living amphibians, based on analysis of the interrelationships of 522 species selected to the best of their ability to reect the entire amphibian tree, using molecular genetic data and also taking into account anatomical features, especially of larvae, following Haas (2003). The hypothesized evolutionary tree of amphibians, which was modied somewhat by Grant et al. (2006) is summarized to the level of families in Essay 1.6. The merits and demerits of this new taxonomy are currently the subject of considerable debate among herpetologists. One group (e.g., Frost et al. 2006) emphasizes the need to move to a monophyletic taxonomy but retain traditional nomenclature which has been more-or-less universally employed for 250 years. The other group (e.g., Cannatella and Hillis 2004; Hillis 2007) emphasize the need for a monophyletic taxonomy, but promote abandoning traditional nomenclature for a new approach that they argue better reects understanding of phylogeny, while simultaneously arguing that caution is needed before adopting any changes prior to more thorough investigation. Frost et al. (2006) acknowledge that their proposal will be subject to changes as more information becomes available, as has already happened in the case of Grant et al. (2006). In addition, there are differences of opinion among authors regarding how data are to be analysed, probably the most serious issue at hand. Although this will be a period of intense instability, the end result should be a much improved understanding of amphibian evolutionary relationships and a taxonomy that reects this. Whatever the outcome of this debate, it is clear that: a) the traditional classication of amphibian families, which forms the basis of the analysis in this book, will not survive; and b) although there will certainly be some changes to our understanding of the amphibian tree in coming years, much of what is proposed by Frost et al. (2006) is likely to be adopted. Much of the current debate concerning Frost et al. (2006) is focused on the generic, rather than the family level. This debate focuses in particular on the splitting up of three large genera, Eleutherodactylus, Bufo and Rana, but we do not discuss this further. It should be noted that the genus Craugastor was separated from Eleutherodactylus by Crawford and Smith (2005), and we do follow this change. In addition, the formerly large genus Hyla was split by Faivovich et al. (2005), a change that we have included. Below, we go through the Frost et al. (2006) proposed new family structure for amphibians, as amended by Grant et al. (2006), in the order of the amphibian tree (Essay 1.6). Although there are many changes at the family level, the most far-reaching and complex have to do with the splitting up the Leptodactylidae and Ranidae, and the changes to these two families also impact several families that were previously recognized.

Plethodontidae. This family remains unchanged. Proteidae. This family remains unchanged. Sirenidae. This family remains unchanged. Ambystomatidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Dicamptodontidae in this North American family, but its content is otherwise unchanged.

Salamandridae. This family remains unchanged.

Frogs and Toads Anura

Leiopelmatidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Ascaphidae in this family, returning to the taxonomy prior to Ford and Cannatella (1993), but its content is otherwise unchanged. As a result, this family now contains six species, and its distribution is in New Zealand and the Pacic Northwest of North America, with the New Zealand species breeding by direct development, and the North American ones by larval development.

Caecilians Gymnophiona
Caeciliidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Scolecomorphidae in this pantropical family, but its content is otherwise unchanged.

Pipidae. This family remains unchanged. Rhinophrynidae. This family remains unchanged.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians


Alytidae. This is the revised name for the family Discoglossidae, the content of which otherwise remains unchanged.

Myobatrachidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Rheobatrachidae in this family, and transfer the genus Mixophyes to this family from the Limnodynastidae. There are almost 80 described species from Australia and New Guinea.

Bombinatoridae. This family remains unchanged. Megophryidae. This family remains unchanged. Pelobatidae. This family remains unchanged. Pelodytidae. This family remains unchanged. Scaphiopodidae. This family remains unchanged. Heleophrynidae. This family remains unchanged. Sooglossidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Nasikabatrachidae in this family, consistent with the phylogenetic placement of this taxon by Biju and Bossuyt (2003), but its content is otherwise unchanged. As a result, this primitive family now contains ve species, and its distribution is in the Seychelles Islands and the Western Ghats of southern India. Hemiphractidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae and partitioned it further to address its non-monophyly as also suggested by Darst and Cannatella (2004). It consists of one small genus, Hemiphractus (comprising six species), ranging from Panama to the upper Amazon Basin. These species are highly specialized treefrogs from primary rainforest that feed only on other species of frog. They breed by direct development, with the eggs being carried on the females back.

Batrachophrynidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae (consistent with work by San Mauro et al. 2005). It consists of three small genera (collectively comprising just six species), Batrachophrynus, Caudiverbera and Telmatobufo, from southern Chile and north into southern Andean Peru and Bolivia. These species are highly aquatic and breed by larval development. Frost et al. (2006) suggested that Batrachophrynus might not be in this group; should Batrachophrynus be found to be close to Telmatobius, the name for this family will become Calyptocephalellidae.

Brachycephalidae. The nomenclatural effect of Frost et al. (2006) showing that Brachycephalus (Brachycephalidae) is imbedded within the Eleutherodactylinae (genera Adelophryne, Atopophrynus, Barycholos, Dischidodactylus, Craugastor, Eleutherodactylus, Euparkerella, Geobatrachus, Holoaden, Ischnocnema, Phrynopus, Phyllonastes and Phyzelaphryne) is that the name of the combined large group becomes Brachycephalidae, a new grouping of nearly 800 species covering all of South and Central America (except Chile and most of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the Caribbean islands, with a few species ranging as far north as the southern United States. With the exception of Eleutherodactylus jasperi, which is live-bearing, all members of this family so far examined lay eggs that develop directly without a larval stage.

Cryptobatrachidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae. It consists of two genera (collectively comprising 21 species), Cryptobatrachus and Stefania conned to moderate to high elevations in northern South America (the Colombian Andes, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and the Guianan Shield in Guyana, Venezuela and northern Brazil). They exhibit direct development, with the eggs being carried on the females back. Limnodynastidae. Frost et al. (2006) transfer the genus Mixophyes from this family to the Myobatrachidae, but otherwise this family is unchanged. There are about 45 described species from Australia and New Guinea.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Oreophryne wapoga (Data Deficient) is a microhylid frog from New Guinea in which the eggs develop directly without a free-living larval stage. The male parent guards the eggs on the ground, and transports the juveniles on its back, as shown here. Rainer Gnther

Leptodactylidae4. Frost et al. (2006) split the Leptodactylidae into nine families (also comprising the traditionally recognized Brachycephalidae and Rhinodermatidae). These nine families are: Amphignathodontidae; Batrachophrynidae; Brachycephalidae; Ceratophryidae; Cryptobatrachidae; Cycloramphidae; Hemiphractidae; Leptodactylidae; and Thoropidae. However, Grant et al. (2006) merged the Thoropidae into the Cycloramphidae, split the Hylodidae out of the Cycloramphidae, and split the remaining Leptodactylidae into Leptodactylidae and Leiuperidae. Under this arrangement, the Leptodactylidae contains just four genera (Hydrolaetare, Leptodactylus [including former Adenomera and Lithodytes], Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys) and about 75 species that breed in water with larval development (with some species building foam nests). The family ranges widely in South and Central America and the Caribbean islands, north to the southern United States, but is absent from Cuba, Chile and southern Argentina.

Amphignathodontidae. Frost et al. (2006) separated this family from the Hemiphractidae. It consists of two genera, Flectonotus and Gastrotheca (collectively comprising around 60 species), ranging from Costa Rica south to northern Argentina, southern Brazil, and Trinidad and Tobago. These species, collectively termed marsupial frogs, possess a dorsal pouch for brooding their eggs (which can develop with or without a free-living larval stage, depending on the species). Cycloramphidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae, and to render it monophyletic included the traditionally recognized Rhinodermatidae within it. Subsequently, Grant et al. (2006) added the genus Thoropa to this family, but removed the genera Crossodactylus, Hylodes, and Megaelosia to the family Hylodidae. With these changes, the Cycloramphidae consists of 12 genera (collectively comprising around 90 species), Alsodes, Crossodactylodes, Cycloramphus, Eupsophus, Hylorina, Limnomedusa, Macrogenioglottus, Odontophrynus, Proceratophrys, Rhinoderma, Thoropa and Zachaenus, occurring in southern tropical and temperate South America. Most species breed by larval development, though in some cases the larvae are terrestrial, or live in the splash zones of waterfalls.

Hylidae. This family remains unchanged. Centrolenidae. Frost et al. (2006) include the Allophrynidae in this family, but its content and overall distribution is otherwise unchanged.

Leiuperidae. Grant et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae. It consists of ve genera (collectively comprising around 70 species), Edalorhina, Physalaemus, Pleurodema, Pseudopaludicola and Somuncuria, ranging from Mexico south to Argentina. They breed by larval development, and some species make foam nests.

Ceratophryidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Leptodactylidae. It consists of seven genera (collectively comprising around 80 species), namely Atelognathus, Batrachyla, Ceratophrys, Chacophrys, Insuetophrynus, Lepidobatrachus, and Telmatobius, ranging from Colombia south to Chile and Argentina. They breed by larval development.

Bufonidae. This family remains unchanged. Hylodidae. Grant et al. (2006) separate this family from the Cycloramphidae. It consists of three genera (collectively comprising nearly 40 species), Crossodactylus, Hylodes, and Megaelosia, mainly restricted to southern Brazil, but ranging into nearby Argentina and Paraguay. They undergo larval development.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians


Aromobatidae. Grant et al. (2006) separate this family from the Dendrobatidae. Grant et al.s revision of the Dendrobatidae and Aromobatidae results in great changes in the allocation of species to the traditionally recognized genera. The Aromobatidae consists of nearly 90 species in ve genera and three subfamilies, occurring in tropical South America, north to Nicaragua, with one species on Martinique in the Lesser Antilles. The reproductive modes of these species are the same as described for the traditionally recognized Dendrobatidae above.

Hyperoliidae. Frost et al. (2006) remove the genus Leptopelis from this family from Africa, Madagascar and the Seychelles, but its content is otherwise unchanged.

Brevicipitidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Microhylidae, following Loader et al. (2004). There are ve genera (Balebreviceps, Breviceps, Callulina, Probreviceps, and Spelaeophryne) and 24 species occurring in eastern and southern Africa, from Ethiopia south to South Africa. Where known, all species breed by direct development. Dendrobatidae. Grant et al. (2006) separate the Aromobatidae from this family, leaving nearly 160 species in 11 genera and three subfamilies, occurring widely in tropical South America, north to Nicaragua. The reproductive strategies of these species are the same as described for the traditionally recognized Dendrobatidae above.

Hemisotidae. This family remains unchanged. Ptychadenidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Ranidae. There are three genera (Hildebrandtia, Lanzarana, Ptychadena) and 51 species occurring widely in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. All species reproduce by larval development in water.

Microhylidae. Frost et al. (2006) removed the African family, Brevicipitidae, from this family, but otherwise its content remains unchanged, though it is now much less diverse in Africa. The Microhylidae consists of at least seven very distinct subfamilies: Asterophryninae (southern Philippines and Sulawesi to northern Australia; direct developing); Cophylinae (Madagascar; non-feeding larvae); Dyscophinae (Madagascar; larval developing); Gastrophryninae (the Americas; larval developing); Melanobatrachinae (Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and the Western Ghats of India; larval developing); Microhylinae (South, Southeast and East Asia; larval developing); Scaphiophryninae (Madagascar; larval developing), with several genera still unassigned in Africa and Asia.

Ceratobatrachidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Ranidae as phylogenetically distinct. There are six genera (Batrachylodes, Ceratobatrachus, Discodeles, Ingerana, Palmatorappia, Platymantis) and almost 80 species occurring from southern China, though Myanmar, adjacent Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, northern Borneo, the Philippines, New Guinea, the Admiralty and Bismarck Archipelagos, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Palau. All species breed by direct development. Arthroleptidae. Frost et al. (2006) merge the Astylosternidae into this family, and also transfer the genus Leptopelis from the Hyperoliidae to this family, which consists of around 130 species, widely distributed in Sub-Saharan Africa. It includes both direct- and larval-developing species.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Micrixalidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Ranidae. There is a single genus (Micrixalus) and 11 species restricted to the Western Ghats of southern India. All species exhibit larval development.

Dicroglossidae. Frost et al. (2006) establish this new family from genera previously assigned to Ranidae, but found to be distantly related to that group. It includes 11 genera (Annandia, Eripaa, Euphlyctis, Fejervarya, Hoplobatrachus, Limnonectes, Minervarya, Nannophrys, Nanorana, Occidozyga, Ombrana, Quasipaa, and Sphaerotheca) and 143 species that are widely distributed in South, East and Southeast Asia (as far east as the Philippines and the Lesser Sunda Islands), with one species in Sub-Saharan Africa and another on the Arabian Peninsula. All species breed by larval development.

Phrynobatrachidae. Frost et al. (2006) separate this family from the Petropedetidae as phylogenetically distant. There is one genus Phrynobatrachus (including Dimorphognathus and Phrynodon and excluding Ericabatrachus, which Scott [2005] transferred to what is now Pyxicephalidae) and almost 70 species occurring widely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most species breed by larval development.

Nyctibatrachidae. Frost et al. (2006) establish this new family from genera previously assigned to Ranidae. It is composed of two genera (Nyctibatrachus, Lankanectes) and 13 species that are endemic to Sri Lanka and the Western Ghats of southern India. All species breed in water with larval development.

Petropedetidae. Frost et al. (2006) make major changes to the content of this family. All the existing genera in the family, except for Petropedetes and Arthroleptides, are moved to two new families endemic to the Afrotropics, Phrynobatrachidae and Pyxicephalidae. However, two genera are transferred from Ranidae to Petropedetidae: Conraua, and Indirana (this last genus of 10 species occurring only in the Western Ghats of southern India). Under this arrangement, Petropedetidae becomes a small family of just 26 species, 16 in tropical Africa and 10 in India. All species breed by larval development, and many have larvae associated with the splash zones of waterfalls.

Ranidae. Frost et al. (2006) split the Ranidae into eight families (also comprising the traditionally recognized Petropedetidae) to remedy the polyphyly of the Ranidae as traditionally recognized. These eight families are: Ceratobatrachidae; Dicroglossidae; Micrixalidae; Nyctibatrachidae; Petropedetidae; Ptychadenidae; Pyxicephalidae; and Ranidae. Under this arrangement, the Ranidae contains just eight genera (Amnirana, Amolops, Huia, Meristogenys, Pseudoamolops, Pterorana, Rana and Staurois, though Frost et al. [2006] redelimited and recognized several new genera) and 310 species that breed in water with larval development. The family ranges widely throughout Eurasia and tropical Asia, to northern Australia and the Solomon Islands, throughout North America south to northern South America, and also in tropical Africa. It is absent from the Caribbean islands, Madagascar and New Zealand, and from most of southern Africa, Australia and most of South America south of the Amazon basin.

Pyxicephalidae. Frost et al. (2006) establish this new family from genera previously assigned to Petropedetidae and Ranidae, largely consistent with a monophyletic group rst recognized by Van der Meijden et al. (2005). It comprises 13 genera (Amietia, Afrana, Anhydrophryne, Arthroleptella, Aubria, Cacosternum, Ericabatrachus [transferred to this group by Scott 2005], Microbatrachella, Natalobatrachus, Nothophryne, Poyntonia, Pyxicephalus, Strongylopus, and Tomopterna) and 61 species that are widely distributed in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the species breed by larval development, but some are direct developers.

Mantellidae. This family remains unchanged, although Glaw and Vences (2006) have recently provided a completely revised taxonomy that bears little resemblance to what preceded it. Rhacophoridae. This family remains unchanged. In summary, under the revisions of Frost et al. (2006) and Grant et al. (2006), nine traditionally recognized families disappear (Scolecomorphidae, Uraeotyphlidae, Dicamptodontidae, Ascaphidae, Nasikabatrachidae, Rheobatrachidae, Allophrynidae, Rhinodermatidae, Astylosternidae), and 17 new families are established (Batrachophrynidae, Hemiphractidae, Cryptobatrachidae, Amphignathodontidae, Ceratophryidae, Cycloramphidae, Leiuperidae, Hylodidae, Aromobatidae, Brevicipitidae, Ptychadenidae, Ceratobatrachidae, Micrixalidae, Phrynobatrachidae, Pyxicephalidae, Dicroglossidae, Nyctibatrachidae). The number of amphibian families increases from 48 to 56.

Reproduction, Parental Care, and Metamorphosis

The characteristic most closely associated with amphibians is their ability to live in both terrestrial and freshwater environments they are amphibious. Movement of amphibians between land and water is commonly linked to breeding activity. Adults move from terrestrial habitats to spawn in water, the resulting free-living larvae are aquatic, and fully developed young return to land following the process of metamorphosis. However, there are many ex-

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians


ceptions to this lifestyle, including species that complete their entire live cycles in terrestrial habitats (such as many caecilians and the Puerto Rican Coqui Frog Eleutherodactylus coqui); species that are wholly aquatic (e.g., frogs of the genus Pipa); and many species that undergo direct development or are live-bearing, bypassing the free-living larval stage. Amphibians use either internal or external fertilization. With very few exceptions, the fertilization of eggs in frogs and toads is external, while the vast majority of salamanders and newts, and probably all caecilians, have internal fertilization. Among the frogs and toads, the only species known to exhibit forms of internal fertilization are members of the family Ascaphidae, the live-bearing African toad genera Nimbaphrynoides and Nectophrynoides, the African toad species Mertensophryne micranotis and the live-bearing frog from Puerto Rico Eleutherodactylus jasperi. Within the salamanders and newts, the families Hynobiidae, Cryptobranchidae, and possibly the Sirenidae, have external fertilization (Duellman and Trueb 1994). The eggs of amphibians are commonly formed of one or several semi-permeable gelatinous membranes surrounding the ovum. These membranes allow gasses and water to pass freely through the egg and also protect the egg against damage, desiccation, infection and predation. Eggs are most often deposited (oviposition) in water bodies or in damp sites (such as underneath moist leaf-litter) where desiccation is unlikely to prevent successful development. The most familiar of amphibian larvae are the free-swimming tadpoles of frogs and toads. The body shape of most anuran larvae is roughly ovoid, with a long laterally compressed tail used for swimming. The mouthparts are generally formed of upper and lower horny beak-like jaws, with surrounding oral papillae. Anuran larvae are commonly herbivorous with a gut that is often quite long in order to process plant matter. The larvae of salamanders and newts tend to have a very similar morphology to that of the adults, with noticeable external differences being their smaller size, external lamentous gills, attened tail n, and the lack of a true tongue. The young of larval-developing caecilians are eel-like and supercially similar in form to the adult animals. Caecilian larvae differ from the adults in having a tail n, a spiracle and gill slits, lateral line organs and expanded lips for suction feeding. While some caecilians hatch with external gills, these are generally reabsorbed into the body or shed within a few days.

Reproductive modes
While most amphibian species lay eggs (oviparous), there are in general three main breeding modes: those that lay eggs and have a free-living larval stage; those that lay eggs and undergo direct development, circumventing the larval stage; and the non-egg laying livebearing (viviparous and ovoviviparous) species, in which the young develop completely, or to some large degree, within the female. Having a larval stage is by far the most common, and perhaps the most familiar, amphibian reproductive mode. This mode of reproduction has been recorded in more than two-thirds of the worlds ~6,000 amphibian species (see Chapter 4), perhaps being completely absent only from the families Brachycephalidae, Leiopelmatidae, Typhlonectidae and Scolecomorphidae (though in several families, such as Arthroleptidae, Leptodactylidae, Microhylidae, Plethodontidae and Rhacophoridae, many species do not have a larval stage). In the majority of species, the eggs are laid within a suitable water-body, which may range in size from a leaf-axil to a large lake, and hatch into free-living aquatic larvae (tadpoles) that complete their development and undergo metamorphosis before leaving the water. In the majority of direct-developing species, a reproductive mode that is particularly common within the families Arthroleptidae, Caeciliidae, Leptodactylidae, Microhylidae, Plethodontidae and Rhacophoridae, the eggs are deposited in a damp or moist terrestrial site (such as underneath leaf-litter, bark or rocks), where they complete development, sometimes under the umbrella of paternal care, and hatch as fully formed young. Advantages to a direct-development strategy include reduced vulnerability to aquatic predators and to drying up of wetlands. A very few amphibian species (less than 2% of all species) have a live-bearing reproductive mode. Ovoviviparous species include all species in which the young undergo development within the female obtaining nourishment from the yolk alone. In viviparous species the developing young obtain additional nourishment from the female. In most ovoviviparous or viviparous species very few well-developed young are born. Many of the known live-bearing amphibian species are caecilians of the families Caeciliidae (28 species) and Scolecomorphidae (three species). Within the salamanders and newts there are 12 live-bearing species in the genera Salamandra and Lyciasalamandra (some species of Salamandra give birth to free-living larvae that complete their development in water). There are few known live-bearing frog and toad species (14 species in total), relative to the diversity of the Order as a whole. Most of these species, such as the Critically Endangered Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis and Golden Coqui Eleutherodactylus jasperi are ovoviviparous, with the equally highly threatened Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis and Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis being the only known truly viviparous frogs. For the purposes of analysis in this book, amphibian reproductive modes have been combined into three general groups: larval developing - species that lay eggs, from which free-living larvae hatch; direct developing species that lay eggs in which the young develop into the adult form, and undergo any metamorphosis prior to hatching; and live-bearing species that do not lay eggs, and give birth to young animals.

Parental Care
While most amphibian species show very little or no parental care after initial egg deposition, there are a number of instances where the care of both eggs and larvae is highly developed. Parental care can include the production of foam nests in which the eggs develop (Anura), driving away predators (including conspecics), moistening and aeration of the eggs, oscillation (or turning) of eggs, the removal of damaged or infected eggs from the clutch, and possibly the application of protective skin secretions to prevent pathogen growth (Duellman and Trueb 1994; Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Some well-known examples of protection include: the African Bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus that will attack much larger animals and people that come close to the nest site; the construction and guarding of shallow nesting basins by males of the frog Hypsiboas rosenbergi; the large aquatic Hellbender Salamander Cryptobranchus alleganiensis that defends eggs against predation; and, where known, the terrestrial eggs of oviparous caecilians are attended by the female until they hatch into aquatic larvae (Duellman and Trueb 1994; Stebbins and Cohen 1995). In some instances the eggs or larvae are actively transported by one of the adults. Following amplexus, the strings of eggs of midwife toads (Alytes spp.) are collected on the hind legs of the male, which are carried (with periodic moistening in water) until the larvae begin to hatch. The male then transports them to water where they hatch and complete their development. Many of the species of dendrobatid frogs from the Neotropics (including a number of the well-known Poison Frogs) show quite advanced parental care. In addition

to the adults guarding the terrestrial site of egg deposition, the larvae upon hatching are typically transported on the back of one of the adults to a stream or water-lled bromeliad where development is completed. Similar behaviour has also been recorded in two ranid frogs (Limnonectes nchi and L. palavanensis) from Borneo, the sooglossid Sooglossus seychellensis (in which larval development is completed on the adults back), in the Leiopelmatidae (in which the males of Leiopelma archeyi, L. hamiltoni and L. pakeka transport the young on their back), and most recently in the New Guinea microhylids Liophryne schlaginhaufeni, Sphenophryne cornuta, Oreophryne cf. wapoga and the newly described Callulops pullifer (Inger et al. 1986; Inger and Voris 1988; Duellman and Trueb 1994; Stebbins and Cohen 1995; Gnther et al. 2001; Bickford 2002; Gnther 2006). Forms of brooding developing eggs within pouches or body cavities have evolved in a number of amphibian species. For example, the eggs of the well-known aquatic toads of the genus Pipa develop on the back of the female, with either larvae or toadlets emerging from under the skin. Several leptodactylid genera (Hemiphractus, Gastrotheca, Flectonotus, Stefania) contain species in which the eggs are carried in pouches, or are glued to the back of the adult. Depending on the species, the eggs either develop directly into froglets, or are released from the adult as well-developed non-feeding larvae. The hatching larvae of the monotypic Australian genus Assa climb into hip pouches on the male, where they may remain for around two months feeding on the yolk sac before emerging as fully developed froglets. The two species of the genus Rhinoderma from southern Argentina and Chile are the only known examples of vocal sac brooding amphibians. The male Darwins Frog Rhinoderma darwinii collects recently hatched larvae into the vocal sac where they complete their development, eventually emerging from the males mouth as froglets. Similarly, the two, now extinct gastric-brooding species of Rheobatrachus from eastern Australia were unique in that the female picked up the eggs that then completed their development to froglets entirely within the females stomach (see Essay 6.1). As with Darwins Frog, Rheobatrachus froglets emerged from the mouth once fully developed. There are a few instances known of amphibians actively providing nourishment to the developing larvae. Females of a number of species in the genus Dendrobates regularly lay unfertilized eggs into the bromeliads and leaf axils in which their larvae are developing. The larvae rely on these eggs as a source of nutrition, and may not survive if the eggs are not deposited. The developing larvae of the Critically Endangered Mountain Chicken Leptodactylus fallax feed exclusively on unfertilized eggs provided by the female; with as many as 10,000 to 25,000 unfertilized eggs deposited in total (Gibson and Ley 2004). The young of the caecilian Boulengerula taitana have recently been found to nourish themselves by stripping and eating the outer layer of their mothers skin. This form of parental care might be common in direct-developing caecilians, but is not known from other amphibians (Kupfer et al. 2006).

The young of the caecilian Boulengerula taitana (Least Concern) have been found to nourish themselves by stripping and eating the outer layer of the mothers skin. Alexander Kupfer

The process of metamorphosis from the larval stage to adult form is often dramatic in amphibians. In general, an internal release of the hormone thyroxine prepares the organs and tissues of the larval amphibian for metamorphosis. The timing of the thyroxine release is largely determined by both environmental factors (such as overcrowding or predation levels) and chemical factors, including a reduction in the corticoid hormones that inhibit thyroxine release (Zug et al. 2001). The transformation is most striking in the frogs and toads. During metamorphosis, the larvae begin to develop all their limbs (including the strong hind legs), larval mouthparts are replaced by true jaws and teeth, the tail is reabsorbed, the glandular outer skin of the adult develops, the gut changes to process a more carnivorous diet, the lungs continue their development, and the skeleton hardens. As salamander young often closely resemble the adults, metamorphosis appears to be less remarkable. However, signicant changes do take place, including the reabsorbtion of the external gills and the tail n, and the development of a true tongue. In some salamanders and newts, adults may retain juvenile characteristics (such as external gills); this phenomenon is termed paedomorphism. Caecilian larvae are supercially similar to adult animals, but metamorphic changes may be substantial including


Threatened Amphibians of the World

This image of a larval Marbled Salamander Ambystoma opacum (Least Concern) shows clearly the large lamentous gills used for respiration. Henk Wallays

tend to have modied skin and kidneys to prevent or compensate for excessive osmosis from the surrounding environment. Because of the loss of body water through osmosis in saltwater, there are no truly marine amphibians. The frog Fejervarya cancrivora from Southeast Asia occurs in the brackish water of mangrove forest, and is the closest to a marine amphibian.

With few exceptions, the diet of adult amphibians consists of a wide range of freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates. Most amphibians appear to be opportunistic feeders, with the types of prey captured often dependent on availability and seasonality. While most adult amphibians only consume invertebrates, some larger amphibians, such as the African Bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus, can also catch small vertebrates such as mice, birds, reptiles or other amphibians. Amphibians have also been recorded feeding opportunistically on dead carrion, pet food, organic waste, and similar scraps. There are a few well-recorded instances of amphibians in which the adult also consumes vegetables or fruits. Adults of the treefrog Xenohyla truncata regularly consume small fruits, and as some of the defecated seeds germinate it seems possible that this frog may contribute to plant dispersal (da Silva et al. 1989). Amphibian larvae have a greater diversity of feeding mechanisms and diet than adult amphibians. The larvae of most frogs and toads are highly specialized lter feeders, using organs called the branchial food traps and gill lters to collect food. Trapped food is transported from these traps to the oesophagus by mucal threads. Anuran larvae typically fall into two groups, those that feed on microscopic matter (microphagous), and those that feed on much larger objects (macrophagous). Microphagous larvae feed on food items such as suspended algae or protists, and tend to have large branchial food traps. Macrophagous larvae generally have both reduced branchial food traps and keratinized mouthparts adapted to scraping and biting food, including algal mats or animal prey (including other amphibian larvae). In contrast to the frogs and toads, the vast majority of salamander and newt larvae and probably all caecilian larvae are carnivorous, and feed on aquatic invertebrates.

a thickening of the skin and development of scales, changes in the cranium and glossal skeleton and associated musculature, loss of labial folds and gill slits, and the growth of sensory tentacles.

Skin, Respiration and Thermoregulation

The distinctive semi-permeable skin of amphibians performs a number of important biological functions. The outer skin (epidermis) is covered with mucous glands and serous granular glands. The mucous glands help to keep the skin moist and slippery by secreting mucus. The granular glands secrete alkaloids or other chemicals that are often toxic to potential predators. The skin helps to protect the animal against physical damage (such as abrasion), and antimicrobial peptides covering the skin prevent infection by pathogens (further details of the possible values of these skin secretions are discussed in Chapter 2). Amphibians occur in a wide variety of colours, ranging from the subtle shades of green, brown and black used to camouage animals, to the bright warning colours of the familiar posion frogs. Pigmentation cells within the skin largely determine colour and shading. Pigments may be dispersed or concentrated through hormonal action, allowing skin colour and patterns to quickly change in response to the animals environment. The skin can be an important respiratory organ. Most amphibians have a semi-permeable skin with both a low level of keratinization, and an extensive network of below-skin blood capillaries adapted to cutaneous gas exchange (oxygen absorption through the skin). The importance of this varies between species, but for some groups, such as the lungless plethodontid salamanders, cutaneous gas exchange may account for 85-90% of total gas exchange (Duellman and Trueb 1994; Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Some amphibians, such as the giant salamanders of China and Japan (Andrias spp.), have evolved skin folds that may enhance gas exchange through an increased skin surface area. Hair-like laments develop on the body of male Hairy Frogs Trichobatrachus robustus during the breeding season, and these may aid oxygen uptake during times of increased demand. A single species of caecilian is entirely lungless; the enigmatic Atretochoana eiselti is a giant aquatic species known from only two specimens. Most amphibians at some point in their development use gills for gas exchange. Larval amphibians often have lamentous gills that are the primary means of respiration. These gills are usually reabsorbed into the body during metamorphosis, while the adult lungs develop. The lungs of amphibian species are ventilated by a buccopharyngeal pump accompanied by exaggerated gulping movements of the oor of the mouth. Lungs vary greatly in size and structure, and this variation may be related to a number of factors including the importance of other respiratory organs (such as the skin), thermal characteristics, activity, and habitat and evolutionary characteristics (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). In general, amphibians inhabiting well-oxygenated cold environments (for instance, mountain streams) are more likely to have smaller or reduced lungs; species from warmer habitats with low oxygen levels more commonly have larger lungs with a more complex structure. Some aquatic caecilians have very well-developed lungs extending almost the entire length of their bodies that may be important in buoyancy as well as in respiration. Gas exchange across the lining of the buccal cavity and pharynx (mouth and throat) appears to be particularly important to a number of salamanders, most especially the lungless species. Unlike warm-blooded birds and mammals (endotherms), amphibians are ectotherms or cold-blooded animals, with the outside environment largely determining body temperature. Both behavioural and physiological mechanisms regulate body temperature. Behavioural mechanisms are mostly associated with movements to warmer or cooler sites, or microhabitats, within the animals environment. This includes moving to basking sites where the animal can raise its body temperature through exposure to the sun, or movements to shaded areas away from the heat. Physiological adaptations include increasing or decreasing evaporative cooling through the skin; changes in skin pigmentation in response to UV exposure; and possibly changes in the amount of blood ow to the skin. While very few amphibians can persist at temperatures above 43C (110F), several species, such as the North American Wood Frog Rana sylvatica, can tolerate freezing conditions through conversion of liver glycogen to glucose in response to extracellular ice formation. Animals recover when milder temperatures arrive by greatly increasing blood glucose levels (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). As with thermoregulation, body water regulation in amphibians is controlled by both behavioural and physiological mechanisms. The generally highly water permeable skin of amphibians allows movement of water both into the body through osmosis when the animal enters the water or is exposed to a moist surface, and away from the body through evaporative transpiration when the animal is outside a wet or damp environment. Individual animals can control the intake of water through the skin by entering or leaving water, and many animals regularly move between terrestrial and wet or damp sites to rehydrate themselves. Body water regulation is most commonly associated with preventing water loss, rather than coping with an excess of water. Amphibians have developed several strategies to prevent water loss, including: having a largely nocturnal lifestyle; inhabiting moist places when away from water; burrowing or undergoing periods of aestivation to avoid dry periods when desiccation is a possibility; a reduction of the body area available for evaporative transpiration; the retention of urea in plasma (especially among species from arid habitats); and, in a few species, the excretion of nitrogenous waste as up to 80% uric acid (uricotelic species). In some instances, amphibians have to adapt to excess, rather than a loss, of water. Amphibians that are largely, or wholly, aquatic in freshwater for a lengthy period

Movement and Migration

In general, the daily movement of amphibian species is mostly restricted to the vicinity of the animals home range. Although the home range size of most amphibian species remains unstudied or poorly known, in many cases it is believed that home range sizes are typically quite small, being a total of only a few square metres in size. However, it should be noted that amphibians have a wide range of dispersal abilities, and in some instances are known to move greater distances than previously anticipated (Smith and Green 2005). Possibly the most commonly recognized amphibian movements are the more substantial seasonal migrations of large numbers of animals from their individual home territories to and from breeding sites. The sight of mass breeding congregations of amphibians in ponds, lakes and other water bodies is generally familiar to most people, and may often be their rst encounter with amphibians. Seasonal breeding migrations tend to be triggered by a number of environmental conditions; these can include changes in daylight, temperature, or in moisture and precipitation levels. For example, Gascon et al. (2003) mention a breeding aggregation of more than 5,000 adults of the Marbled Salamander Ambystoma opacum in a cluster of three ponds at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains following the torrential rains of Hurricane Dennis in September of 1999; the breeding event gave rise to over 12,000 metamorphic salamanders that emigrated en masse from ponds in the following May. Movements most often take place at night, probably reducing the risk of predation by birds and other diurnal predators (Zug et al. 2001). While many amphibians may move only relatively short distances from the surrounding terrestrial habitat to and from the breeding site, it is possible for some species to travel longer distances to their traditional breeding site. Experiments with displaced individuals of Red-bellied Newts Taricha rivularis have demonstrated that animals were able to locate their breeding sites from as far as eight kilometres away (Twitty et al. 1967). Amphibian movements and migrations are guided by a number of homing and orientation mechanisms (Zug et al. 2001). Visual landmarks within the home territory or migration route help to direct individual animals, especially to familiar escape routes when disturbed. Many species are guided by olfactory cues, including the characteristic scents, smells or odours of the home territory or breeding site. The sounds of calling conspecics provide auditory cues for frogs defending territories or trying to locate a mate. Variation in polarized light allows amphibians to differentiate between wet and dry areas; in addition, salamanders are able to orient themselves through the use of the pineal body which acts as a polarized light receptor (Zug et al. 2001). Many amphibians are sensitive to magnetic elds, and a number of studies into this interesting eld have demonstrated that animals can orientate themselves through the use of a light sensitive magnetic compass (including Phillips 1977, 1986a,b; Sinsch 1987; Deutschlander 2000; Freake and Phillips 2005). Two magnetoreception systems have been found: the rst measures spatial variation in the magnetic eld and uses this information to derive a geographic map of the area, while the second system is sensitive to the horizontal alignment (azimuth) of the magnetic eld and is used for compass alignment (Freake and Phillips 2005). Recent studies have conrmed the presence of orientation by magnetic elds in both the Caudata and Anura (Freake and Phillips 2005).

Amphibians generally communicate through vocal, chemical or visual means, or through a combination of these three systems. Of the three Orders of amphibian, only the frogs and toads tend to make signicant vocalizations. While some species of caecilians and salamanders can produce soft clicking, squeaking or hissing sounds, in general there are very few voluntary sounds made. Although there are a few exceptions, most species of frogs and toads tend to force air from the lungs over the larynx where the vocal cords vibrate creating sound. In many cases the calls are transmitted via vocal sacs, with some external vocal sacs having a balloon-like appearance. While further research is needed into the role of the vocal sacs, these are often considered to both intensify or modify the acoustic signal and assist in radiating calls in all directions. The volume and intensity of calls can vary greatly by species, and this often depends on whether the call is intended for nearby conspecics or for those that are far away. Environmental conditions may also determine the volume and intensity of the call. For example, the threatened species Amolops tormotus from eastern China has recently been discovered to emit calls in ultrasonic frequencies; this is possibly an adaptation to the loud torrential stream habitats in which the animal lives (Feng et al. 2006). The Bornean frog Metaphrynella sundana has been shown to actively exploit the acoustic properties of partially water-lled tree cavities (Lardner and bin Lakim 2002). By tuning their vocalizations to the resonant frequency of the hole, the calling males enhance their chances of attracting a female.

Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Amphibians


Most communication between individual caecilians and salamanders appears to be largely through chemical secretions and visual signs. Perhaps the most commonly employed chemical signals are pheromones produced by courtship glands, which may be used to distinguish between species and also to locate conspecics (Zug et al. 2001). Visual or tactile signals in amphibians have been observed in all three Orders and can include animals biting, nudging or butting their partner, tail-whipping (especially in some European newts), or using a foot-agging display and colour displays especially where vocalizations may not easily be heard (Zug et al. 2001; Hdl 2000). Amphibian communication methods are very diverse and have several different functions. Advisement calls and signals are used to attract a mate, to aggressively warn others of territorial boundaries, or are made in response to encountering other males. Reciprocation calls and signals are made by females willing to mate in response to the courtship of a particular male. Unreceptive females give release calls or signals during attempts at amplexus, as do males that have been mistakenly identied as females. Distress signals may be low-pitched shrieks or shrill cries, or specic movements or chemicals, which are produced by either sex in response to disturbance or fright.


Duellman, W.E. and Trueb, L. 1994. Biology of Amphibians. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Hofrichter, R (ed.) 2000. The Encyclopedia of Amphibians. Key Porter Books Limited, Toronto, Canada. Stebbins, R.C. and Cohen, N.W. 1995. A Natural History of Amphibians. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Zug, G., Vitt, L.J. and Caldwell, J.P. 2001. Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Second Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, USA.

Bickford, D. 2002. Male parenting of New Guinea froglets. Nature 418:601-602. Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. 2003. New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles. Nature 425:711-714. Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. 2004. Amphibians: leading a life of slime. In: J. Cracraft and M.J. Donoghue (eds.), Assembling the tree of life, pp. 430-450. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. Crawford, A.J. and Smith, E.N. 2005. Cenozoic biogeography and evolution in direct-developing frogs of Central America (Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus) as inferred from a phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35:536-555. da Silva, H.R., Britto-Pereira, M.C. and Caramaschi, U. 1989. Frugivory and seed dispersal by Hyla truncata, a Neotropical treefrog. Copeia 1989:781-783. Darst, C.R. and Cannatella, D.C. 2004. Novel relationships among hyloid frogs inferred from 12S and 16S mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:462-475. Deutschlander, M.E., Phillips, J.B. and Borland, S.C. 2000. Magnetic compass orientation in the Eastern red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens: rapid acquisition of the shoreward axis. Copeia 2000:413-419. Duellman, W.E. and Trueb, L. 1994. Biology of Amphibians. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Faivovich, J., Haddad, C.F.B., Garcia, P.C.A., Frost, D.R., Campbell, J.A. and Wheeler, W.C. 2005. Systematic review of the frog family Hylidae, with special reference to Hylinae: a phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 294:1-240. Feng, A.S., Marins, P.M., Xu, C-H., Lin W-Y., Yu, Z-L., Qui, Q., Xu, Z-M. and Shen, J-X. 2006. Ultrasonic communication in frogs. Nature 440:333-336. Ford, L.S. and Cannatella, D.C. 1993. The major clades of frogs. Herpetological Monographs 7:94-117. Freake, M.J. and Phillips, J.B. 2005. Light-dependent shift in bullfrog tadpole magnetic compasss orientation: evidence for a common magnetoreception mechanism in anuran and urodele amphibians. Ethology 111:241-254. Frost, D.R. (ed.). 1985. Amphibian species of the world. A taxonomic and geographical reference. Association of Systematics Collections and Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Frost, D.R. 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 3.0 (22 August, 2004). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Frost, D.R. 2007. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.0 (1 February, 2007). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370.

Gascon, C., Stuart, S. and Church, D. 2003. Frogs, Toads, and Salamanders. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, C.G. Mittermeier, T.M. Brooks, M. Hoffmann, G. Fonseca, W.R. Konstant and R. Mast (eds.), Wildlife Spectacles, pp. 239-241. Mexico City, Mexico. Gibson, R.C. and Ley, K.R.B. 2004. Maternal care and obligatory oophagy in Leptodactylus fallax: a new reproductive mode in frogs. Copeia 2004(1):128-135. Glaw, F. and Vences, M. 2006. Phylogeny and genus-level classication of mantellid frogs (Amphibia, Anura). Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 6:236-253. Grafe, T.U. and Linsenmair, K.E. 1989. Protogynous sex change in the reed frog Hyperolius viridiavus. Copeia 1989:1024-1029. Grant, T., Frost, D.R., Caldwell, J.P., Gagliardo, R., Haddad, C.F.B., Kok, P.J.R., Means, D.B., Noonan, D.P., Schargel, W.E. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. Phylogenetic systematics of dart-poison frogs and their relatives (Amphibia: Athesphatanura: Dendrobatidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 299:1-262. Gnther, R. 2006. Derived reproductive modes in New Guinean anuran amphibians and description of a new species with paternal care in the genus Callulops (Microhylidae). Journal of Zoology 268:153-170. Gnther, R., Kapisa, M. and Tetzlaff, I. 2001. Ein seltenes Brutpegeverhalten bei Froschlurchen: Mnnchen von Sphenophryne cornuta transportiest Jungtiere auf seinem Rcken (Anura, Microhylidae). Herpetofauna 23:14-24. Haas, A. 2003. Phylogeny of frogs as inferred from primarily larval characters (Amphibia: Anura). Cladistics 19:23-90. Hillis, D.M. 2007. Constraints in naming parts of the Tree of Life. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42:331-338. Hdl, W. 2000. Visual Signalling in Frogs. In: R. Hofrichter (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Amphibians, pp. 164-165. Key Porter Books Limited, Toronto, Canada. Hofrichter, R (ed.) 2000. The Encyclopedia of Amphibians. Key Porter Books Limited, Toronto, Canada. Inger, R.F., Voris, H.K. and Walker, P. 1986. Larval transpost in a Bornean ranid frog. Copeia 1986:523525. Inger, R.F. and Voris, H.K. 1988. Taxonomic status and reproductive biology of Bornean tadpole-carrying frogs. Copeia 1988:1060-1061. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garcia, F.H., Glaw, F., Steinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New Amphibians and Global Conservation: A Boost in Species Discoveries in a Highly Endangered Vertebrate Group. BioScience 55:693-696. Kupfer, A., Mller, H., Antoniazzi, M.M., Jared, C., Greven, H., Nussbaum, R.A. and Wilkinson, M. 2006. Parental investment by skin feeding in a caecilian amphibian. Nature 440:926-929. Lardner, B. and bin Lakim, M. 2002. Tree-hole frogs exploit resonance effects. Nature 420:475. Loader, S.P., Gower, D.J., Clarke, B.T., Howell, K.M., Doggart, N., Rdel, M.-O., de S, R.O., Cohen, B.L. and Wilkinson, M. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of African microhylid frogs inferred from DNA sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal rRNA genes. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 4:227-235. Phillips, J.B. 1977. Use of the earths magnetic eld by orienting cave salamanders (Eurycea lucifaga). Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 121:273-288. Phillips, J.B. 1986a. Magnetic compass orientation in the Eastern red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 158:103-109. Phillips, J.B. 1986b. Two magnetoreception pathways in a migratory salamander. Science 233:765-767. Pitman, N., Vriesendorp, C. and Moskovits, D. (eds.). 2003. Per: Yavar. Rapid Biological Inventories Report 11. The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Pombal, J.P., Jr. and Gasparini, J.L. 2006. A new Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) from the Atlantic rainforest of Esprito Santo, southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology 1(2):87-93. San Mauro, D., Vences, M., Alcobendas, M., Zardoya, R. and Meyer, A. 2005. Initial diversication of living amphibians predated the break-up of Pangaea. American Naturalist 165:590-599. Scott, E. 2005. A phylogeny of ranid frogs (Anura: Ranoidea: Ranidae), based on a simultaneous analysis of morphological and molecular data. Cladistics 21:507-574. Seimon, T.A., Seimon, A., Daszak, P., Halloys, S.R.P., Schloegel, L.M., Aguilar, C.A., Sowell, P., Hyatt, A.D., Konecky, B. and Simmons, J.E. 2006. Upward range extension of Andean anurans and chytridiomycosis to extreme elevations in response to tropical deglaciation. Global Change Biology 12:1-12. Sinsch, U. 1987. Orientation behavior of toads (Bufo bufo) displaced from breeding sites. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 161:715-727. Smith, M.A. and Green, D.M. 2005. Dispersal and the metapopulation paradigm in amphibian ecology and conservation: are all amphibian populations metapopulations? Ecography 28:110-128. Stebbins, R.C. and Cohen, N.W. 1995. A Natural History of Amphibians. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Twitty V., Grant, D. and Anderson, O. 1967. Initial homeward orientation after long-distance displacements in the newt Taricha rivularis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 57:342-348. Van der Meijden, A., Vences, M., Hoegg, S. and Meyer, A. 2005. A previously unrecognized radiation of ranid frogs in southern Africa revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37:674-685. Zug, G., Vitt, L.J. and Caldwell, J.P. 2001. Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles Second Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, USA.

Endnotes 1 Based on the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, as of December 2006. At the time of going to press (February 2008), there were 6,184 species recognized on Amphibian Species of the World (Frost 2007), including 5,453 anurans, 560 Caudata, and 171 Gymnophiona. 2 Recently also collected in Peru by Pitman et al. (2003). 3 During 2006 three new Brachycephalus species were described (B. ferruginus, B. pombali, and B. alipioi), increasing the number of recognized species in the family Brachycephalidae to 11 (Pombal Jr. and Gasparini 2006). 4 The enigmatic genus Rupirana Heyer, 1999, formerly included within the Leptodactylidae is not allocated to any family by Frost et al. (2006). These authors remark that they did not study it, and that its position remains to be elucidated.

Paratelmatobius lutzii is an example of a Brazilian frog that is currently listed as Data Decient, but which should probably be considered as Critically Endangered. It was once common in an area of a few square metres on the Alto do Itatiaia, at 2,200m asl in the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border of the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. However, it has not been seen since 1978, despite suitable habitat remaining and signicant survey efforts. Ivan Sazima


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Since the ofcial implementation of zoological nomenclature by Carl von Linn in 1758 there has been a steady increase in the number of recognized extant amphibian species. However, rates of species descriptions over time have been neither constant nor decreasing as one would expect when assuming that the number of undiscovered species decreases with a longer period of scientic investigation. Unlike other, well-known, vertebrate groups such as mammals and birds,, amphibians are a class where species numbers have increased exponentially, especially in recent decades (Glaw and Khler 1998, AmphibiaWeb 2006). Since the early times of amphibian classication, the major works of a few active taxonomists contributed signicantly to descriptions of novel taxa, specically Josephus N. Laurenti, Franois Daudin, Johann Baptist von Spix, Andr M. Constant Dumril and Gabriel Bibron, Albert C. L. G. Gnther, Edward D. Cope, Wilhelm Peters, George A. Boulenger and Oskar Boettger. With the increasing number of researchers dealing with the classication of amphibians and the intensied exploration of tropical regions, taxonomic work on amphibians experienced its rst major boost and description rates of species per period steadily increased until the end of the 19th century. For example, about 260 species of amphibians were described in the last decade of the 19th century, many of which are still considered to represent valid taxa. Subsequently, a decrease in species description rates occurred during two periods of the last century. These periods correlate with the First and Second World Wars, respectively, with obviously low research activity (Glaw and Khler 1998). However, the general long-term trend was still an increase in description rates. More recently, a second major boost of new species discoveries and descriptions has been in evidence. Whereas at the end of 1992, the number of amphibians recognized stood at only 4,533 species (Duellman 1993, Glaw et al. 1998), as of July 2006, this total stood at 6,041 species (AmphibiaWeb 2006). This equates to an increase of more than 32% in only 13 years. The absolute number of newly described amphibian species per decade (not only the cumulative number of valid and described species) has been steadily increasing since the 1960s, with especially steep increases since the 1990s (Glaw and Khler 1998, Khler et al. 2005). No fewer than 810 amphibian species were described in the last decade of the 20th century; this is more than three times the number of species descriptions compared with the same period 100 years earlier. The average annual number of amphibians described during the 1990s was about 81 species; the number of described species in 2005 alone exceeds 200, a record that was never reached before. One factor contributing to this high rate of description was the publication of at least 35 new species from Sri Lanka (Manamendra-Arachi and Pethiyagoda 2005, Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachi 2005). New species descriptions can be attributed, in part, to known populations of described species that have been found to be genetically or bioacoustically (in frogs) distinct, and may in many cases be recognized as different species. Modern molecular and bioacoustic techniques that provide increased resolution have revealed that in many cases several morphologically similar, and hence, cryptic species may be concealed within a single taxon name. However, compared with true rst-hand discoveries in amphibians, removal from synonymy constitutes a relatively small portion (~14%) of newly recognized species (Khler et al. 2005). Indeed, a large proportion of new species are genuine new discoveries, as exemplied by the recent spectacular ndings of a new frog family, genus and species in India, the Nasikabatrachidae (Biju and Bossuyt 2003), and of a new genus and species of plethodontid salamander, Karsenia, in Korea the rst Asian representative of this family (Min et al. 2005). A case study of mantellid frogs in Madagascar indicated that newly discovered species since 1990 were as genetically divergent as those described in previous research periods. Additionally, most had not been collected previously, indicating that the increase in new amphibian species on this island of endemism is not a sign of taxonomic ination due to exaggerated splitting approaches or different species concepts (Khler et al. 2005). If the current trend in species descriptions continues, we probably face a decade (2000-2009) in which more than 1,500 amphibian species could be described. This raises the interesting question of just how long will this trend continue and how many amphibian species are there on earth? Of course, nobody knows the nal number and there is no available method to give an exact estimate. We suspect that at least several hundred new species remain to be described from throughout the tropical regions (including Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, and South America). For example, 223 species are ofcially known from Madagascar (December 2005), yet we have clear evidence (from morphology, bioacoustics and genetics) for the existence of at least 282 species and know of 45 further forms which are likely to represent new species as well, indicating that about 100 new Madagascan species still await their description at the current time. Given this situation, and the strongly increasing description rates in many tropical areas of the world, we believe that an eventual doubling of the current number of known amphibian species to around 12,000 is not inconceivable, though this global amphibian inventory may still require an additional 50 years to be completed. In the meantime, since many of our currently recognized amphibian species may actually prove to represent species complexes, this will have practical relevance for conservation. Taxonomic revisions will likely have an important bearing on the Red List status of many species, particularly if formerly widespread non-threatened species complexes are actually shown to represent a number of smaller-ranged threatened species. In addition, the non-cryptic real discoveries of the future are far more likely to be taxa having restricted ranges, with the result that these species are more likely to qualify as threatened. These two factors suggest that future estimates of the degree of threat among amphibians will be much higher due to factors unrelated to habitat destruction and other human-induced declines. Jrn Khler, Frank Glaw and Miguel Vences

AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. 2006. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. 2003. New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles. Nature 425:711-714. Duellman, W.E. 1993. Amphibian species of the world: additions and corrections. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Special Publications 21:1-372. Glaw, F. and Khler, J. 1998. Amphibian species diversity exceeds that of mammals. Herpetological Review 29:11-12. Glaw, F., Khler, J., Ltters, S. and Vences, M. 1998. Preliminary list and references of newly described amphibian species and subspecies between 1993 and 1997. Elaphe 6:1-24. Khler, J., Vietes, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Hita Garcia, F., Glaw, F., Steinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Manamendra-Arachi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. The Sri Lankan shrub-frogs of the genus Philautus Gistel, 1848 (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae), with description of 27 new species. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement No. 12:163-303. Meegaskumbura, M. and Manamendra-Arachi, K. 2005. Description of eight new species of shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae: Philautus) from Sri Lanka. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement No. 12:305-338. Min, M.S., Yang, S.Y., Bonett, R.M., Vieites, D.R., Brandon, R.A. and Wake, D.B. 2005. Discovery of the rst Asian plethodontid salamander. Nature 435:87-90.


1,200 Number of species



Research period Actual Predicted

Figure 1. Descriptions of new amphibian species per decade until July 2006 on a global scale (including taxa considered to be valid species today only). A steady increase of the numbers is recognizable since 1940. The yellow bar shows the expectation for the period 2000-2009 if the rate of 2000-2006 continues.


























Biodiversity exploration in Sri Lanka, a 65,000-km2 continental island situated immediately south of India, began with the arrival of Portuguese colonists in 1505. The country had, from pre-Roman times, been an important source of spices, including black pepper and cardamom. European demand for medicinal plants and spices was growing, and sporadic botanical investigations were not long in getting under way. Natural history studies gathered momentum with transfer of the island to the Netherlands in the early 17th century, the rst botanic gardens being established in 1669. In 1747, Carolus Linnaeus wrote Flora Zeylanica (1747), his only tropical ora, on the then-known plants of the island. Inheriting the island from the Dutch in 1796, the British institutionalized biodiversity exploration by establishing a botanic garden at Peradeniya in 1822, and a natural-history museum in 1877. By 1993, when the Wildlife Heritage Trust (WHT) a non-prot organization dedicated to the scientic exploration and documentation of Sri Lankas biodiversity began a survey of the islands amphibian populations, the islands vertebrate fauna was generally regarded as well known. Every group had beneted from taxonomic reviews Kirtisinghe (1957), the major taxonomic work on amphibians before the WHT explorations, recognized 35 species and there was no hint in the regularly published checklists that signicant novelties were to be expected. Indeed, the accretion of new amphibian species had slowed to a trickle, just four having been discovered in the previous half-century (Figure 1). The initial purpose of the WHT survey was to identify key habitats for amphibian conservation, with the knowledge that by 1993 Sri Lankas rapidly growing human population was causing ever-increasing expanses of forest to be converted to agriculture. However, within just a short period of time, the WHT team began uncovering many novelties, and in 1998 announced that the islands amphibian fauna could reach an unprecedented 250 species (Pethiyagoda and Manmendra-Arachchi 1998), an estimate since revised downward to ~140 by Meegaskumbura et al. (2002). Between 1993 and the present, 42 of these new species have been formally named (e.g., Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005; Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi 2005) and as many as 50 more are in the process of description. The vast majority of the novelties discovered in Sri Lanka belong to the Oriental shrub-frog genus Philautus. These small frogs are ubiquitous in the very humid forests of tropical Asia, and their tinkling vocalizations gure prominently in the nocturnal forest chorus. Philautus are direct-developing frogs: their eggs, deposited on leaves or in shallow nests excavated in the forest oor, hatch directly into near-fully metamorphosed froglets, bypassing the conventional aquatic tadpole stage. Although direct-development rarely features in popular texts on amphibian biology, about 20% of the worlds anuran species are reported to show this developmental mode (Thibaudeau and Altig 1999). Many Sri Lankan Philautus appear to have remained undiscovered for so long because they had been assumed to belong to a small number of polymorphic species. However, the WHT studies have shown that the new species were consistently distinct, not only in morphology, but also with respect to bioacoustics and genetics (Meegaskumbura and ManamendraArachchi 2005) (Figure 2). The islands species count presently stands at 103, of which 19 are categorized as Extinct, 11 Critically Endangered, 35 Endangered and 6 Vulnerable. While loss of habitat is clearly the most immediate threat, habitat fragmentation combined with on-going climatic change is likely to result in many more species being considered threatened, especially those restricted to high altitudes. Although there is no evidence of Sri Lankan amphibians having been victim to the synergistic effects of climate change and disease (e.g., Pounds et al. 2006), on-going climatic change could stress shrub-frog populations. Bahir et al. (2005) showed that Philautus breed only during periods of sustained rainfall and continuously high relative humidity (80-100%). However, meteorological data from across Sri Lanka show clear warming and desiccation trends. For example, at Nuwara Eliya (1,800 m



Number of species described




0 1758-1799 1800-1849 1850-1899 1900-1949 1950-1992 1993-2005

Research Periods

Figure 1. Number of descriptions of new amphibian species from Sri Lanka from the time of Linnaeus to the present.

asl) in the central mountains, average annual temperature increased by 1.3C and average annual precipitation decreased by ~20% in the period 1869-1995 (Schaefer 1998). The irony of so many new amphibian species being discovered when amphibian populations worldwide are declining has not escaped attention (e.g., Hanken 1999): some 1,000 newly discovered species were described worldwide in the period 1992-2003 (Khler et al. 2005; and see Essay 1.1).

Chapter 1. An Introduction introduction to the Amphibians amphibians


Figure 2. Although Philautus hoffmanni (A,C) and P. asankai (B,D) are distinctively coloured, these sister species are morphologically so similar that they key out as a single species. Philautus hoffmanni is restricted to altitudes of about 1,250m in Sri Lankas Knuckles Hills, while P. asankai occurs only at altitudes of 800-1,800m in the central massif, about 100km to the south. The two populations are separated by a deep valley. Despite their supercial similarity, the species are distinguished by their vocalizations (E,F), which differ in call length, pulse rate, dominant frequency, fundamental frequency, pulse length, and the number of pulses per call. They also differ from each other by a 12S and 16S mt-DNA divergence of 1.01%, a cytochrome-b divergence of 6.04%, and a suite of subtle, but consistent, morphological characters.








The case of Sri Lanka suggests that much amphibian diversity, which is rapidly becoming impoverished, remains to be discovered, even in those regions deemed to be historically well studied. This is already evidenced by ongoing studies in other megadiverse tropical countries, such as the Philippines (e.g. Brown and Guttman 2002; and see Essay 7.3). There is an urgent need, therefore, for further exploration and survey work in under-sampled regions, re-analysis of old museum collections, the application of new taxonomic methodologies, including molecular and vocalization analyses, and for the much-needed rejuvenation of neglected taxonomic collections (and see Essay 11.10). Rohan Pethiyagoda, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi and Christopher J. Schneider

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5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Bahir, M.M., Meegaskumbura, M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Schneider, C.J. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. Reproduction and terrestrial direct development in Sri Lankan shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae: Philautus). The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:339-350. Brown, R.M. and Guttman, S.I. 2002. Phylogenetic systematics of the Rana signata complex of Philippine and Bornean stream frogs: reconsideration of Huxleys modication of Wallaces Line at the Oriental-Australian faunal zone interface. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 76:393-461. Hanken, J. 1999. Why are there so many new amphibian species when amphibians are declining? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:7-8. Kirtisinghe, P. 1957. The amphibian of Ceylon. Published by the author, Colombo, Ceylon. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garca, F.H., Glaw, F. Skeinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. The Sri Lankan shrub-frogs of the genus Philautus Gistel, 1848 (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae), with description of 27 new species. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:163-303. Meegaskumbura, M., Bossuyt, F., Pethiyagoda, R., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Bahir, M.M., Schneider, C.J. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2002. Sri Lanka: an amphbian hotspot. Science 298:379. Meegaskumbura, M. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. 2005. Description of eight new species of shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae: Philautus) from Sri Lanka. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:305-338. Pethiyagoda, R. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. 1998. Evaluating Sri Lankas amphibian diversity. Occasional Papers of the Wildlife Heritage Trust 2:1-12. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., SnchezAzofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Schaefer, D. 1998. Climate change in Sri Lanka? Statistical analyses of long-term temperature and rainfall records. In: M. Domroes and H. Roth (eds), Sri Lanka: past and presentarchaeology, geography, economicsselected papers on German research, pp. 102-117. Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, Germany. Thibaudeau, G. and Altig, G. 1999. Endotrophic anurans: development and evolution. In: R.W. Mcdiarmid and G. Altig (eds.), Tadpoles: the biology of anuran larvae, pp. 170-188. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.








-30 0 15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


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Of the three orders of living amphibians, caecilians (Gymnophiona) are the least familiar to both amateur and professional biologists. Caecilians are found in most moist tropical regions of the world except in Madagascar and Australasia, and they extend into some adjacent subtropical areas in Indochina and South America. There are c. 170 recognized caecilian species in three, four or six families, according to alternative taxonomies. Species taxonomy is still dominated by the work of E.H. Taylor (e.g., Taylor 1968). Subsequent work relegated many of Taylors taxa to synonyms, but also increased the rate of description of new species (e.g., Wilkinson and Nussbaum 2006). The current taxonomy of many caecilians is confused, and unpublished work indicates the need for further synonymy, but also justies the expectation of an eventual rise in the number of caecilian species once taxonomic revisions are complete and as discoveries and descriptions of new species continue (Gower and Wilkinson 2005; Wilkinson and Nussbaum 2006). All caecilians lack limbs and limb girdles, and tails are very short or absent. Other notable external features include annulated skin, eyes covered with skin and sometimes also bone, and a pair of, sensory tentacles in front of the eyes. The name Gymnophiona (naked snakes) seems like a rather appropriate description given their supercial snake- (or worm-) like form and lack of external scales. However, many species produce scales in pockets associated with the skins annulation (Zylberberg et al. 1980). Despite their supercial uniformity, caecilians are intriguingly diverse in morphology and ecology, as might be expected from a group that may have its origins in the Mesozoic. For example, adult caecilians range from less than 10 cm to more than 150 cm in total length, with fewer than 70 to more than 270 vertebrae. This reects the substantial variation in the degree of elongation of caecilians. They can be dull or vividly coloured, uniform, striped or mottled. There are also notable variations in dentition, annulation, the presence and distribution of scales, and in the structure of the skull, trunk musculature, and sensory, urogenital and cardiovascular systems. The adults of the vast majority of known caecilian species are terrestrial and burrow in soil and/or leaf litter. Some are dedicated subterranean burrowers, while others are more surface-cryptic (e.g., Gower et al. 2004b). In addition, there are semi-aquatic and fully aquatic forms (replete with ns for swimming), and one aquatic species, Atretochoana eiselti (DD), is the largest lungless tetrapod (Nussbaum and Wilkinson 1995). Caecilian reproductive modes include terrestrial oviparity, with aquatic larvae or direct development, and viviparity. Aquatic larvae have a small tail n, lateral-line organs, labial folds and spiracles, and they undergo substantial metamorphosis. As far as is known, all male caecilians have the cloaca modied into an eversible copulatory organ (e.g., Gower and Wilkinson 2002), fertilization is internal, and the mothers of all oviparous species guard egg clutches in subterranean chambers. Different types of viviparity have been distinguished by the degree of dependence of newborns, and the amount and type of any post-parturition maternal care (Loader et al. 2003). The foetuses of some viviparous species are thought to feed on the lining of their mothers oviducts (Parker 1956), while the young of some species peel and eat their mothers specially modied skin (Kupfer et al. 2006). Caecilians are generally not as well studied as frogs and salamanders. This unfortunate lack of attention is perhaps primarily a consequence of their largely tropical distribution and cryptic habits. Another impediment to progress is that the distribution of experts and active researchers in caecilian biology rarely coincides with that of their study taxa. Perhaps only in India are there more than a couple of caecilian biologists studying native taxa, and this situation has underpinned the relatively recent and rapid advancements in knowledge of this fauna (Gower et al. 2004a). An astonishing two-thirds of all caecilian species are classied as Data Decient, according to IUCN Red list categories and criteria (Gower and Wilkinson 2005). The majority of these taxa are Data Decient by virtue of their poorly characterized taxonomy, and a lack of data on distribution, ecology, abundance, and response to threats. Caecilian ecology often demands special eld techniques that are rarely employed by vertebrate biologists, but substantial progress has been made in recent years (see Gower and Wilkinson 2005; Gower et al. 2006). However, with a handful of notable exceptions (e.g., Kupfer et al. 2004, 2006; Measey 2004; Measey et al. 2003), there have been no detailed studies of reproductive ecology and population


Threatened Amphibians of the World

density - important parameters for accurate and precise conservation assessments. To underpin their scientic conservation, further studies are needed of caecilian reproduction and ecological requirements, and their response to habitat alteration and climate change. Simultaneously, remaining taxonomic problems must be resolved. Many caecilians are thought to inhabit moist forests, and it is known that some species have a biphasic life history with aquatic larvae. Thus, these species might be thought of as vulnerable to chytridiomycosis (not yet studied in caecilians) and deforestation factors that threaten some other amphibians. Some caecilians are known to thrive in certain agricultural landscapes, but it is likely that others are adversely affected by habitat alteration and changing land use (Gower and Wilkinson 2005). At present, no caecilians are known to have become extinct (at least those species described in the last few hundred years), and only ve species are considered threatened. The taxonomy of these ve taxa seems relatively stable, and they all occur in relatively small regions (an isolated Kenyan Mountain, Sri Lanka, and the Seychelles). The extent of occurrence is an important parameter in conservation assessments, but what sets the ve threatened caecilians apart from other sympatric species is that they are relatively infrequently recorded, and/or their known habitats (native forest and agricultural plots) are threatened by habitat loss or pollution. Three of the ve species are believed to have larvae that are dependent on water. Although the majority of caecilians are classied as Data Decient, there is

no room for complacency, and the group as a whole is threatened by lack of knowledge. David J. Gower and Mark Wilkinson

Gower, D.J. and Wilkinson, M. 2002. Phallus morphology in caecilians and its systematic utility. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Zoology Series 68:143-154. Gower, D.J. and Wilkinson, M. 2005. Conservation biology of caecilian amphibians. Conservation Biology 19:45-55. Gower, D.J., Bhatta, G., Giri, V., Oommen, O.V., Ravichandran, M.S. and Wilkinson, M. 2004a. Biodiversity in the Western Ghats: the discovery of new species of caecilian amphibians. Current Science 87:739-740. Gower, D.J., Loader, S.P., Moncrieff, C.B. and Wilkinson, M. 2004b. Niche separation and comparative abundance of Boulengerula boulengeri and Scolecomorphus vittatus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) in an East Usambara forest, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology 53:183-190. Gower, D.J., Oommen, O.V. and Wilkinson, M. 2006. Marking amphibians with alpha numeric uorescent tags caecilians lead the way. Herpetological Review 37: 302 Kupfer, A., Nabhitabhata, J. and Himstedt, W. 2004. Reproductive ecology of female caecilians (genus Ichthyophis): a baseline study. Biological Journal of the Linnean

Society 83:207-217. Kupfer, A., Mller, H., Antoniazzi, M.M., Jared, C., Greven, H., Nussbaum, R.A. and Wilkinson, M. 2006. Parental investment by skin feeding in a caecilian amphibian. Nature 440:926-929. Loader, S.P., Wilkinson, M., Gower, D.J. and Msuya, C.A. 2003. A remarkable young Scolecomorphus vittatus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Scolecomorphidae) from the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania. Journal of Zoology 259:93-101. Measey, G.J. 2004. Are caecilians rare? An East African perspective. Journal of East African Natural History 93:1-19. Measey, G.J., Gower, D.J., Oommen, O.V. and Wilkinson, M. 2003. A pilot mark-recapture study of the caecilian amphibian Gegeneophis ramaswamii (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) in southern India. Journal of Zoology 261:129-133. Nussbaum, R.A. and Wilkinson, M. 1995. A new genus of lungless tetrapod: a radically divergent caecilian (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Proceedings of the Royal Society. Ser. B 261:331-335. Parker, H.W. 1956. Viviparous caecilians and amphibian phylogeny. Nature 178:250-252. Taylor, E.H. 1968. The Caecilians of the world: a taxonomic review. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Wilkinson M, and Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Phylogeny and classication of caecilians. In: J.-M. Exbrayat (ed.), Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Gymnophiona, pp 39-78. Science Publishers, Inc., Eneld, New Hampshire, USA. Zylberberg, L., Castanet, J., and de Ricqles. A. 1980. Structure of the dermal scales in Gymnophiona (Amphibia). Journal of Morphology 165:41-54.

Typhlonectes compressicauda (Least Concern) is a member of a South American group of aquatic and semi-aquatic caecilians. This species has a wide distribution across Amazonian Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and the Guyanas. Alexander Kupfer

Ichthyophis cf. tricolor. Species of the two genera (Ichthyophis and Caudacaecilia) of ichthyophiid caecilians are distributed across South and Southeast Asia, west of Wallaces Line, and are the only caecilians occurring in the latter region. Taxonomic difculties mean that the precise identication of this specimen is unclear. As far as is known, all ichthyophiids retain the presumably ancestral caecilian reproductive mode of oviparity with aquatic larvae that metamorphose into terrestrial adults. Ashok Captain

Herpele squalostoma (Least Concern) is a member of the Caeciliidae, the largest and most taxonomically confused family of caecilians. This species has its eyes covered by skin and bone, and probably spends the vast majority of its life underground. H. squalostoma is one of the few caecilian species to appear occasionally in the pet trade in the West. Alexander Kupfer


The genus Eleutherodactylus, once the most speciose radiation of vertebrates on earth, is beginning to be dismembered. The dismemberment is partially driven by new molecular data showing that some other genera are intercalated within Eleutherodactylus sensu lato (Brachycephalus and Phrynopus being the initial two cases). However, the urge to dismember Eleutherodactylus is also driven by its very large size and a desire to have smaller genera at hand. Most recently, there has been a trend to recognize the genus Craugastor, which is largely restricted to Middle America, contains more than 100 species, and has been viewed as monophyletic for about twenty years (conrmed by more recent molecular work; Crawford and Smith 2005; Darst and Cannatella 2004; Frost et al. 2006). In its larger sense, Eleutherodactylus species are natively distributed from the south-western part of the United States (the southernmost parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas) and from the Bahamas and Cuba to the south and east in an unbroken tapestry until the northernmost (both north-east and north-west) parts of Argentina. Species are known from sea level to at least 4,350m asl (in the Central Cordillera of Colombia). Some taxonomic discontinuity/ fragmentation is apparent across this broad distribution. Some species from Texas to Guatemala are assigned to the subgenus Syrrhophus (about 25 species of small frogs). From the south-western United States south and east to western Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela one nds the frogs of the genus Craugastor. These two generic groupings account for nearly all species of Eleutherodactylus sensu lato known from Middle America except for perhaps a dozen species of another group found in Lower Middle America (but better represented in South America). From the Bahamas and Cuba through all of the Greater Antilles, one nds a different group (subgenus Euhyas), which scarcely even enters the Lesser Antilles. Human intervention has delivered a few species of Euhyas onto the mainland (south-eastern United States, Mexico, Nicaragua). Another group of a half-dozen species (subgenus Pelorius) is restricted to Hispaniola. The third grouping in the Antilles (subgenus Eleutherodactylus) includes species on all of the major islands and through the Lesser Antilles. Some of these are widely introduced elsewhere (Bermuda, Hawaii, northern South America). In spite of being the most notable Neotropical radiation, few works have treated the genus (sensu lato or sensu stricto) as a whole (Lynch 1976, 2001; Lynch and Duellman 1997) In South America, Eleutherodactylus species abound in the northern Andes, but barely penetrate Peru except as an assortment of species distributed along the eastern anks of the Andes that then continues south to northern Argentina. These frogs are abundant in the western lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador, patchily in the inter-Andean valleys of Colombia, and are once again diverse in the western part of the Amazon Basin. However, east of the western fringe of the Amazon Basin, Eleutherodactylus becomes a scarce biological component (or even disappears entirely in the Llanos of Colombia and Venezuela as well as in the Cerrado formations of Brazil), with only a minor are-up in the Guianas. In the once-forested Atlantic domain of eastern Brazil (and south to north-eastern Argentina) there is another focus of diversity, in sharp contrast to the situation over most of Brazil. The South American fauna has not been fragmented with generic (or subgeneric) names as was the case for the Antilles and Middle America. Nonetheless, a number of clades are evident. The species of the Atlantic forests of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina represent a single clade (Lynch 2001), although some species of this clade extend westward to Bolivia. Another clade, present in the north-western part of the continent, is composed of species with broad heads and chunky toad-like bodies. The remaining species are grouped into the subgenus Eleutherodactylus, with their distribution centered on the Andes (and immediately adjacent lowlands) of Colombia and Ecuador. This heterogeneous unit extends into Lower Central America (at least to Honduras), east to the mouth of the Amazon River, and south to Bolivia. Superimposed upon this pattern of distribution one nds some taxonomic elements that have been separated from Eleutherodactylus sensu lato on what could be viewed as tenuous grounds, for example, Phrynopus in the Andes from Colombia to Bolivia, separated because they lack digital disks. At least in terms of Colombia and Ecuador, there is an obvious pattern to occurrence and diversity. In those areas with a negligible dry season, Eleutherodactylus communities achieve impressive diversities (to more than 20 sympatric species). However, as the dry season becomes more and more marked (and longer), diversity decays rapidly and only one or two species persist. When the dry season increases to three or more months duration, Eleutherodactylus disappear from the frog community or must retreat into enclaves (caves or phyllotemata) so as to survive the dry conditions. The cause of this pattern is almost certainly the pattern of reproduction employed by all known species (save the apparently extinct E. jasperi, once an ovoviviparous species). Adults, juveniles, and egg masses occupy the same ecological space and the embryos and small juveniles are especially susceptible to desiccation. Embryos and juveniles tend to occur in the leaf litter and the dry season is especially severe in that layer of the habitat (adults may retreat to phyllotemata or caves and by virtue of their smaller surface area/ volume ratio resist more effectively the harshness of the dry season than the smaller juveniles). Members of the genus are smallish frogs. The smallest species have body-size maxima of about 10 mm and these very small species (8-18mm body size) are typically conned to the wettest parts of the landscape. The other extreme is occupied by species of Craugastor that reach between 100 and 130 mm body-size. Most of these occupy very wet habitats (such as the Choc), but some occur in lands that are or appear to be dry (for example, parts of the Mexican highlands extending into the south-western part of the United States where I once collected Craugastor augusti amidst cactus). The generic name Eleutherodactylus means free toes in allusion to the absence of inter-digital membranes (webs and this is true for the vast majority of the species now assigned to Eleutherodactylus. However, a few species have

Figure 1. Richness map of amphibian species in the genera Eleutherodactylus and Craugastor, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 48 species.

Chapter 1. An Introduction introduction to the Amphibians amphibians


apparently never read Dumeril and Bibron or Boulenger and have obviously webbed feet (for example, the Puerto Rican E. karlschmidti and the Colombian E. anatipes and E. zygodactylus). For many reasons, Eleutherodactylus are confusing to the non-specialist. The confusion stems from several factors: (1) the sheer number of sympatric species in several areas; (2) the difculty in distinguishing between adults and juveniles, compounded by the rst factor; (3) the marked sexual dimorphism, where for most species adult males are only about 75% the length of adult females; and (4) the widespread phenomenon of pattern polymorphism, especially evident in the exposed visible parts of the animal (dorsal surfaces of the body, head and limbs). When diversity is modest (fewer than a half dozen sympatric species), even the non-specialist becomes slowly comfort-

able with these frogs.


John D. Lynch

Crawford, A.J. and Smith, E.N. 2005. Cenozoic biogeography and evolution in direct-developing frogs of Central America (Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus) as inferred from a phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Systematics 35:536-555. Darst, C.R. and Cannatella, D.C. 2004. Novel relationships among hyloid frogs inferred from 12S and 16S mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Systematics 31:462-475.

Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J., Bain, R., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., De S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D. and Wheeler, W. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Lynch, J.D. 1976. The species groups of South American frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Leptodactylidae). Occasional Papers Museum of Natural History University of Kansas 61:1-24. Lynch, J.D. 2001. Four osteological synapomorphies within Eleutherodactylus (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae) and their bearing on subgeneric classication. Revista Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 25:127-136. Lynch, J. D. and Duellman, W.E. 1997. Frogs of the Genus Eleutherodactylus (Leptodactylidae) in Western Ecuador: Systematics, Ecology, and Biogeography. University of Kansas Natural History Museum Special Publication 23:1-236.


Hylidae, the treefrogs, is among the most species-rich family of amphibians, with more than 800 described species. These include some species quite familiar to the general public, such as common Green Treefrog Hyla cinerea and leaf frogs, but also an incredible diversity of less well-known groups. Hylids are found mostly in South and Central America, as well as in the Australo-Papuan Region, but some species also occur in the Caribbean, North America, and temperate Eurasia, including extreme northern Africa and the Japanese Archipelago. Our knowledge about the relationships and composition of Hylidae has experienced dramatic changes in recent years, in part thanks to the revelations of DNA-based studies. For example, marsupial frogs, for a long time considered to be hylids, have been shown by several analyses to be quite unrelated with treefrogs, and have been shown to be unrelated to this family in recent analyses (Haas 2003; Darst and Cannatella 2004; Faivovich et al. 2005; Wiens et al. 2005; Frost et al. 2006) As it stands, Hylidae is now composed of three subfamilies. Phyllomedusinae, whose species are sometimes called monkey frogs or leaf frogs, includes the poster frog of the amphibian world, the Red-eyed Treefrog Agalychnis callidryas (LC), but also other charismatic species such as Phyllomedusa sauvagii (LC), and the quite uncommon, but astonishingly beautiful, Cruziohyla craspedopus (LC). This subfamily is distributed from the tropical areas of Mexico to northern Argentina. It currently comprises 56 species divided into seven genera. A very interesting characteristic of Phyllomedusinae is that most of its species lay eggs outside water. Eggs are most frequently adhered to leaves (sometimes even completely enveloped by them) or tree trunks, where the earlier developmental stages are spent, and the tiny larvae then fall into the water body below them (be it a pond, stream, or even the water trapped in a tree hole), where they undergo larval development as free-living feeding larvae. The subfamily Pelodryadinae includes all the Australo-Papuan treefrogs. Among their better known representatives are Litoria caerulea (LC), and the White-lipped Treefrog Litoria infrafrenata (LC). Its more than 170 species are included in three genera: most (126) occur in the genus Litoria, with the remaining members included either Cyclorana or Nyctimystes5. Pelodryadines are amazing in that they diversied in complete isolation, occupying an extensive range of habitats, and evolving multiple adult and tadpole morphologies that are quite reminiscent to those of the subfamily Hylinae. The subfamily Hylinae includes the core of hylid diversity. Its more than 590 species are divided into 34 genera and four tribes. The tribe Cophomantini is restricted to the Neotropics and includes ve genera. This tribe includes, among others, the gladiator frogs, so called because males of several of its species engage in violent territorial combats, assisted by a pre-pollex (one of the bones of the hand) that is modied as a spine of variable size and shape. The tribe Dendropsophini, whose identity still requires additional research, includes seven genera restricted to the Neotropics. This tribe includes the most aquatic hylids (genera Lysapsus and Pseudis), so peculiar that for a long time they were included in a separate family (Pseudidae). It also includes the two most species-rich genera of the subfamily, the taxonomically complex Scinax and Dendropsophus (about 90 species each, and doubtless much more awaiting description), and possibly the only known frugivorous frogs (genus Xenohyla). while only 43 belong to the remaining groups (4 phyllomedusines, 12 pelodryadines, 2 Dendropsophini, 13 Cophomantini, and 7 Lophihylini). Among those hylids classed in the Critically Endangered or Endangered categories, the overwhelming threat is habitat loss (113 species). However, whether the overwhelming majority of Hylini present on the list of Critically Endangered and Endangered hylids is partially the consequence of differences in the perceived threat posed by habitat destruction by different specialists, or a genuine reection of real destruction of the most diverse areas in Central America and the Caribbean, deserves further study. One important problem facing the conservation of hylids in many countries is our ignorance about the geographic distribution of a large number of species, a problem that complicates any assessment of the status of their populations. A further problem stems from our plain ignorance about the taxonomy of several groups; there are likely many dozens of species of hylids that are unknown to scientists sitting on the shelves of biological collections, not to mention many species still awaiting discovery in poorly surveyed regions. In conclusion, Hylidae is a large and diverse family of amphibians, but, like most other amphibian families, its members are facing population declines in the face of a litany of threats (Blaustein et al. 1994; Beebee and Grifths 2005). Although actions to mitigate against threats such as habitat loss are undoubtedly necessary, the resolution of this environmental crises depends rstly on an attitude change of the humans in relations to their environment. Julin Faivovich and Clio F.B. Haddad The tribe Lophiohylini is also restricted to the Neotropics. This tribe includes 10 genera, many of which include species characterized by heavily modied skull architecture, including fusion of several bones and unusual ornamentations, earning them the name of casque-headed frogs. An interesting characteristic of this tribe is that many of its species depend on bromeliads and/or tree holes for refuge and even for reproduction, with one genus (Phyllodytes) and some of the species of other genera (Osteocephalus, Osteopilus) laying eggs in the water trapped by the leaf axils of bromeliads, where the tadpoles then spend their entire larval life. The members of the genus Nyctimantis and some species of Trachycephalus are suspected, or known, to lay their eggs in water trapped in tree holes. The tribe Hylini includes 16 genera and is mostly concentrated in Central America and North America, with species of the genus Hyla also present in temperate Eurasia, including extreme northern Africa and the Japanese Archipelago. This diverse tribe includes common species such as the Green Treefrog Hyla cinerea (LC), the cricket frogs (genus Acris), the unusual and diverse Plectrohyla, from the mountains of Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and the rarely seen fringe-limbed species of Ecnomiohyla. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, only a single hylid is classed as Extinct, namely Phrynomedusa mbriata, which has not been recorded since it was rst collected in 1898 in south-eastern Brazil. In addition, the Global Amphibian Assessment identied another 123 hylids as Critically Endangered or Endangered; interestingly, of these, 81 are from the tribe Hylini (roughly 50% of the known species in the tribe!),

Litoria daviesae (Vulnerable), a representative of the subfamily Pelodryadinae, is distributed on the eastern edge of the tablelands and the great escarpment of the Great Dividing Range of New South Wales, Australia. Marion Anstis

Beebee, T.J.C. and Grifths, R.A. 2005. The amphibian decline crisis: A watershed for conservation biology? Biological Conservation 125:271-285. Blaustein, A.R., Wake, D.B. and Sousa W.P. 1994. Amphibians declines: judging stability, persistence and susceptibility of populations to local and global extinctions. Conservation Biology 8:60-71. Darst, C.R. and Cannatella, D.C. 2004. Novel relationships among hyloid frogs inferred from 12S and 16S mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:462-475. Faivovich, J., Haddad, C.F.B., Garcia, P.C.A., Frost, D.R., Campbell, J.A. and Wheeler, W.C. 2005. Systematic review of the frog family Hylidae, with special reference to Hylinae: phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 294:1-240. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J., Bain, R., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Haas, A. 2003. Phylogeny of frogs as inferred from primarily larval characters (Amphibia: Anura). Cladistics 19:23-89. Wiens, J.J., Fetzner, J.W., Jr., Parkinson, C.L. and Reeder, T.W. 2005. Hylid frog phylogeny and sampling strategies for speciose clades. Systematic Biology 54:719-748+48 (Supp. Data).

Phyllomedusa nordestina, a representative of the subfamily Phyllomedusinae, is known from north-eastern Brazil. The species was only recently described in 2006, and has yet to be assessed according to IUCN Red List criteria. Clio F.B. Haddad

Bokermannohyla luctuosa (Least Concern), a representative of the subfamily Hylinae, is a common species from south-eastern Brazil. Clio F.B. Haddad


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Recent advances in the eld of computational biology and high-throughput DNA sequencing have opened up possibilities for exploring the relatedness between large numbers of species in a much more rigorous way than was previously possible (Wheeler 1996; Wheeler et al. 1996-2003). As a result of these advances, Frost et al. (2006), presented the rst ever comprehensive amphibian tree, and this was subsequently modied by Grant et al. (2006) (see Figure 1). The analysis by Frost et al. (2006) addressed the relationships of 522 species of amphibians, from all nominal families as well as a informative selection of genera. Details of this very large tree are undoubtedly going to change as data on more species become available, but the broad picture is now probably reasonably well delimited. The tree shows that caecilians are not only the most distinctive group of amphibians; they are also the sister group of all other living amphibians (i.e., Batrachia, the salamanders and the frogs). In other words, the 172 species of caecilians form one ancient major branch in the tree, and the remaining 5,746 species of salamanders and frogs form the other major branch. Among the salamanders and frogs, the next major division is, not surprisingly, between these two groups; they are sister groups of each other. Within the salamanders, two families (Cryptobranchidae and Hynobiidae) arguably form the sister group of all the other salamanders. According to Frost et al. (2006), these two families (collectively comprising 49 species) are centred on East Asia, with one species of Cryptobranchidae occurring in North America and a single species of Hynobiidae just reaching Europe. The remaining clade of salamanders (comprising seven families and 486 species) is, with the exception of the Salamandridae, overwhelmingly North American. The position of Sirenidae, placed as the sister taxon of Proteidae by Frost et al. (2006), is controversial as this family was traditionally considered to form the sister taxon of all other salamanders. We can only assume that this result will be either further conrmed or rejected as more data come to bear on the question. The taxonomic changes within frogs are more drastic, although the bulk of the Frost et al. (2006) results have been suggested previously and many can be considered conventional, the taxonomy having just lagged behind the general understanding of frog evolution. The vast majority of the species continue to belong to the Neobatrachia (see Figure). However, several groups branch off from the stem of the tree before we reach the Neobatrachia. The rst group to branch off comprises a single family, the Leiopelmatidae (the New Zealand frogs and the tailed frogs of western North America), comprising just six species. This is the sister group of all the other frogs (5,205 species). Traditionally, this family would be considered primitive, but there is no particular reason to consider these frogs as being more or less primitive than any others. However, they do comprise the most phylogenetically isolated group of frogs in the world. The next major branch among the bulk of the frogs puts two families, the Pipidae (30 highly aquatic species in tropical Africa and South America) and Rhinophrynidae (one species from Mesoamerica) as the sister group to all remaining species. The Alytidae (midwife toads and painted frogs 12 species in Europe and the Mediterranean region) and the Bombinatoridae (re-bellied toads ten species from western and eastern Eurasia and Southeast Asia) are the next major branch to diverge from the tree, followed by the spadefoots (Megophryidae from East and Southeast Asia, Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae from western Eurasia, and Scaphiopodiae from North and Central America), which form a distinct clade of 142 species. As suggested by Frost et al. (2006) and other authors (e.g., Savage 1973; Roelants and Bossuyt 2005) spadefoots are the sister group of the Neobatrachia, which comprises the remaining 5,010 species. The rst split within the Neobatrachia is between the Heleophrynidae (the six species of South African ghost frog) and the remaining species, the Phthanobatrachia. The Phthanobatrachia consist of two familiar major groupings, the Hyloides (3,157 species 60% of all frog species) and the Ranoides (1,975 species 38% of the frogs). The Hyloides is the dominant group of frogs in the Americas and Australia. Of the 18 families, 13 are endemic to the Americas, and two (Limnodynastidae and Myobatrachidae) are centred on Australia. Of the remaining families, the Hylidae is overwhelmingly concentrated in the Americas and Australia (but with a few species in Eurasia), the Bufonidae is globally widespread except in Australasia, and the Sooglossidae is restricted to the Seychelles Islands and the Western Ghats of southern India. The Ranoides is the dominant group in Africa and Eurasia, to which 13 of the 16 families are endemic. Of the remaining families, the Microhylidae is widespread through both the New World and Old World tropics, the Ranidae is globally widespread except in the southern parts of South America, Africa and Australia, and the Ceratobatrachidae ranges from East Asia to the islands of the South Pacic. An understanding of the relationships between these families is important for conservation. In deciding conservation priorities, consideration needs to be given to the evolutionary distinctness of species, as well as to the severity of threat to species. For example, using such considerations we would devote much more conservation attention to the caecilians than they currently receive. And within the frogs, we should focus much more on the New Zealand frogs and tailed frogs as the most evolutionarily distinct group of species. Simon N. Stuart Acknowledgements We thank Darrel Frost and Taran Grant for their very helpful comments on an earlier draft of this essay.

Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Grant, T., Frost, D.R., Caldwell, J.P., Gagliardo, R., Haddad, C.F.B., Kok, P.J.R., Means, D.B., Noonan, D.P., Schargel, W.E. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. Phylogenetic systematics of dart-poison frogs and their relatives (Amphibia: Athesphatanura: Dendrobatidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 299:1-262. Roelants, K. and Bossuyt, F. 2005. Archaeobatrachian paraphyly and Pangaean diversication of crown-group frogs. Systematic Biology 54:111-126. Savage, J.M. 1973. The geographic distribution of frogs: patterns and predictions. In J. L. Vial (editor), Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans: Contemporary Research on Major Problems: 351-445. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press. Wheeler, W.C. 1996. Optimization alignment: the end of multiple sequence alignment in phylogenetics? Cladistics 12:1-9. Wheeler, W.C., Gladstein, D.S. and De Laet, J. 1996-2003. POY: Phylogeny reconstruction via optimization of DNA data. New York: Computer software distributed by the authors and from the American Museum of Natural History: ftp://ftp.amnh. org/pub/molecular/poy.

Caeciliidae Ichthyophiidae Rhinadermatidae Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Rhyacotritonidae Amphiumidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Sirenidae Ambystomatidae Salamandridae Leiopelmatidae Pipidae Rhinophrynidae Alytidae Bombinatoridae Megophryidae Pelobatidae Pelodytidae Scaphiopodidae Heleophrynidae Sooglossidae Batrachophrynidae Limnodynastidae Myobatrachidae Hemiphractidae Brachycephalidae Neobatrachia Cryptobatrachidae Amphignathodontidae Hylidae Centrolenidae Ceratophrynidae Leptodactylidae Cycloramphidaeeps Phthanobatrachia Leiuperidae Bufonidae Hylodidae Aromobatidae Dendrobatidae Microhylidae Arthroleptidae Hyperoliidae Brevicipitidae Hemisotidae Ptychadenidae Ceratobatrachidae Micrixalidae Phrynobatrachidae Petropedetidae Pyxicephalidae Dicroglossidae Nyctibatrachidae Ranidae Mantellidae Rhacophoridae



Frogs and Toads



Figure 1. The amphibian tree of life, showing the relationships between amphibian Orders and Families, according to Frost et al. (2006), as modied by Grant et al. (2006).


Neil Cox, Richard J. Berridge, Don Church, Peter Paul van Dijk, Mirza Kusrini, Michal Lau, Thomasina Oldeld, Louise Rollins-Smith and Feng Xie

While scientists discuss the urgency of preventing further amphibian declines, it is clear that many people are uncertain about why we should care about the loss of these species. When the ongoing extinction crisis is discussed, the question often asked is why save amphibians? This chapter provides a brief discussion of some of the reasons for saving amphibians.

In much of the world, amphibians, most especially frogs such as this mix of Fejervarya cancrivora (Least Concern) and Limnonectes macrodon (Vulnerable), provide an important but often overlooked source of animal protein. Anisa Fitri

To many people, it may be surprising to hear that amphibians are a valued food source throughout much of the world. The use of amphibians for food can range widely from the consumption of animals for subsistence means, to their inclusion as essential ingredients in gourmet dishes. The results of the GAA indicate that ~220 of the worlds amphibian species are used for food. The muscular back legs of the larger species of frogs, particularly members of the families Ranidae and Leptodactylidae, are eaten in many cultures; in some regions, other body parts of both frogs and salamanders are also consumed. Liner (2005) has helpfully documented 193 recipes for frogs and toads, and 26 for salamanders (mostly recipes from North America), and freely admits that this total does not include many of the expected high number of recipes from Asia and Europe. In some instances, species that may seem particularly unappetising are eaten; for example, the Campa Indians of central Peru are reported to roast (to remove noxious skin alkaloids) and eat the poison frog Epipedobates petersi (Rodrguez and Myers 1993). Subsistence harvesting of amphibians for food is often quite small-scale or opportunistic, and may have little overall impact on amphibian populations (with the exception of some restricted-range species). The results of the GAA suggest that at least 212 amphibians are used for subsistence food; however, the diversity of species consumed is probably under recorded, and further studies will almost certainly reveal additional species not previously identied as being used. Commercial harvesting of wild amphibians for food operates at scales ranging from the local collection and transportation of animals to regional or provincial markets, to the extensive international trade in frog legs. Unfortunately, commercial collection of wild amphibians has often been unsustainable, and in many cases appears to have resulted in signicant reductions in amphibian populations. Declines of formerly common species have been reported from the United States (Jennings and Hayes 1985), Europe (Szilrd and Csengele 2001; Ljubisavljevic et al. 2003; Trk 2003), South Asia (Fugler 1983; Abdulali 1985; Niekisch 1986), China (Ye et al. 1993), Viet Nam (Nguyen Quang Truong 2000), and several Andean countries (Lehr 2000, 2006). From a global conservation perspective, amphibians with localized distributions, or those that are in high demand, such as the Critically Endangered Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus, have undergone even more alarming declines. Many restricted-range species that are collected for food are now threatened with extinction (such as the frog Batrachophrynus brachydactylus EN, conned to the region of Lake Junin in Peru, and the Mountain Chicken Frog Leptodactylus fallax of the islands of Montserrat and Dominica [Rollins-Smith et al. 2005a]), and while some species such as the Chinese Giant Salamander are protected by both national and international legislation (nationally protected in China since 1988; listed on CITES Appendix I in 1997), unsustainable harvesting continues to threaten dwindling populations (and see Essay 4.7). The international trade in frog legs still largely depends on the collection of wild animals, with the majority of animals in trade (all species) coming from wild sources (possibly up to 85% in 2002; see FIRI 2005). While frog legs are sold globally, the largest market by far is Western Europe, particularly France, Belgium, the Netherlands [almost exclusively wholesale for re-export], Luxembourg, and Switzerland (Niekisch 1986; Kusrini and Alford 2006). The principal source of frog legs exported to these countries were initially India and Bangladesh; however, concerns about the ecological damage resulting from the heavy harvest of amphibians, in particular of the species Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (LC) and Euphlyctis hexadactylus (LC), led to export bans in the mid-1980s, and the listing of both species on CITES Appendix II in 1985, to establish controls on international trade aimed at keeping it within sustainable levels. Exports of frog legs from Indonesia (mostly from Java) have continued to increase since the rst exports in 1969, and this country is now considered to be the worlds primary exporter. In 2002, around 3,800t of frog legs, largely of the Mangrove Frog Fejervarya cancrivora (LC), were exported from Indonesia, with 83% of these exports going to Europe (Kusrini and Alford 2006). The impact of this heavy collection on Indonesias frog populations is unclear, especially as the large domestic market still needs to be fully investigated (see Essay 2.1). The results of the GAA given here indicate that the Fanged River Frog Limnonectes macrodon of Indonesia now meets the criteria for the category of Vulnerable, in part as a result of the frog legs trade. In order to meet both international and domestic market demands for frogs, commercial frog aquaculture has developed in some parts of the world. While frogs have generally been considered difcult to farm, as they often require moving food and are relatively slow to reach marketable size, suitable pelleted food has recently been developed for feeding to both adults and larvae. Fishery statistics available from the FAO indicate that farms in China alone annually produce substantial numbers of frogs; in 2004 these farms are reported to have provided 73,837t of frogs (all species) (FAO-FIDI, c2004). In some instances, it is possible to nd example statistics for the cultivation of a single species of amphibian. Approximately, 1,382t of American Bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana were reportedly produced by farms in 2004 with most originating from Taiwan (Province of China) (FAO-FIDI, c2004; FIRI 2005). Lau et al. (1999) report that more than six million Chinese Edible Frogs Hoplobatrachus rugulosus were imported to Hong Kong from Thailand in 19991. Unfortunately, frog aquaculture has in many instances been detrimental to wild stocks, with a key problem being the escape of large, often non-native amphibians (such as the American Bullfrog) and their diseases, into surrounding environments (see Lanza and Ferri 1997; Rueda-Almonacid 2000; Kiesecker et al. 2001; Mazzoni et al. 2003; Goris and Maeda 2004) (and see Essay 4.8).


While amphibians have long been recognized for their value in traditional medicines2, they are increasingly also being acknowledged as an important potential source of chemical substances for use in modern medicine. According to the GAA, at least 73 amphibians are considered to have some kind of medicinal value. In many parts of the world amphibians are still collected for use in traditional medicines by tribal and local peoples, often to meet primary health needs. Aside from this more localized use, there are some areas, notably East Asia, where commercial markets exist for the use of amphibians in traditional medicinal practices. More than 30 species of amphibian have been recorded in Traditional Chinese Medicine alone (Ye et al. 1993). Most of the animals used in the various traditional medicines tend to come from wild sources, and although much of the harvesting is of common or widespread species (and may often have little overall effect on the conservation status of populations), there is concern that a number of restricted-range species, such as the Critically Endangered Achoque Ambystoma dumerilii, a salamander from Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico, are now signicantly threatened by over-harvesting. The potential value of amphibians to modern medicine is coming under increasing scientic study, with the diverse skin secretions produced by amphibians being of particular interest. The skin of an amphibian must protect the animal against many environmental pressures, including both disease and predation. Chemical secretions identied so far fall into the four categories of biogenic amines, bufodienolides (bufogenins), alkaloids and steroids, and peptides and proteins (Clarke 1997; Pukala et al. 2006). Of these substances, perhaps the most familiar are the alkaloids produced by the Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae), which rank among the most powerful animal poisons known. Hundreds of alkaloids have now been identied in extracts from amphibian skins, with many of these considered to be potentially very useful chemicals (Daly 1995; Philippe and Angenot 2005). For example, the alkaloid epibatidine, isolated from the skin of the Ecuadorian species Epipedobates tricolor (EN), is a potent non-addictive analgesic considered to be around 100 to 200 times more effective than morphine (Badio et al. 1994). While a number of ongoing studies have demonstrated that many of the alkaloids in amphibian skin are not produced directly by the animals themselves, but are sequestered from the arthropods that make up much of their diet (Daly 1995; Smith and Jones 2004; Saporito et al. 2004), emerging evidence suggests that some species of Australian frogs in the genus Pseudophryne are capable of directly biosynthesizing skin alkaloids (pseudophrynamines) (Smith et al. 2002). A number of important advances have recently been made in the study of the peptides synthesized and typically stored in granular glands of amphibians. Several hundred peptides have now been recorded from amphibians, and many of these are known to have antimicrobial properties that act as an important natural defence against skin pathogens (Rollins-Smith et al. 2005b). Antimicrobial peptides from amphibian skin have potentially very signicant applications for both human health and conservation. Exciting work by VanCompernolle et al. (2005) has identied three amphibian antimicrobial peptides that inhibit Human Immunodeciency Virus (HIV) infection of human immune system T cells. Importantly, these peptides have also been found to be effective at preventing transmission of HIV from dendritic cells to T cells (see Essay 2.2). One important nding, particularly with regards to global conservation efforts, is that of Rollins-Smith et al. (2002, 2003) who determined that a number of amphibian skin peptides can inhibit the growth of the chytrid fungal pathogen Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis, which is implicated as a major cause of ongoing global amphibian declines. Indeed, it now appears that many amphibian species produce antimicrobial peptides that protect against infection with the chytrid pathogen (Rollins-Smith et al. 2005b). However, as many amphibians are suffering chytrid-associated population declines, it seems entirely plausible that in many instances these natural defences have now been compromised by other environmental factors (Rollins-Smith et al. 2005b).


Since the mid 20th century, a wide range of amphibian species has been represented in the international pet trade. The GAA recorded that at least 278 species of amphibian were in the pet trade alone, and it is likely that many additional species enter the trade on a regular basis. The main centres of export for the amphibian pet trade are the wet tropics, with species largely coming from the rainforests of Africa (including Madagascar), Central America, South America and Southeast Asia. Comprehensive data covering all amphibians traded are often hard to come by, especially as there is no global database or monitoring system for the trade in non-CITES species (Schlaepfer et al. 2005). Very generally, the main international markets for pet amphibians are considered to be within North America and


Threatened Amphibians of the World

A number of brightly coloured amphibians are now regularly bred in captivity and kept as pets. Pictured here is the Dyeing Poison Frog Dendrobates tinctorius (Least Concern), a native species of the lowland forests of the Guianas and adjacent Brazil. Henk Wallays

Table 1. Export of Mantella frogs between 1994 and 2003 from Madagascar as reported in the CITES annual report data obtained from the UNEP-WCMC trade database (data collated on 2 May 2005). The species M. baroni, M. cowani, M. haraldmeieri, M. madagascariensis and M. pulchra have gone through stages of profound taxonomic rearrangements between 1988-1999, and these have been largely confounded also in the pet trade. The trade gures of these species therefore need to be viewed with some caution (reproduced from Rabemananjara et al. in press).
Taxon Mantella spp. Mantella aurantiaca Mantella baroni Mantella bernhardi Mantella betsileo Mantella cowani Mantella crocea Mantella expectata Mantella haraldmeieri Mantella laevigata Mantella madagascariensis Mantella milotympanum Mantella nigricans Mantella pulchra Mantella viridis TOTAL 1994 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1995 0 11,965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,965 1996 0 16,693 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,693

Europe, and developed countries such as Japan. Schlaepfer et al. (2005) provide a valuable study of imports of wild reptiles and amphibians into the United States from 1998-2002; during this period at least ve million amphibians, reported as being from wild-caught sources, entered the US primarily for the purposes of the pet trade3. The export of mantella frogs (Mantellidae) from Madagascar has been particularly closely examined, and provides a helpful case study of the value of some amphibians in the international pet trade. Data gathered by Rabemananjara et al. (in press) reveal that over the 10-year period from 1994-2003 the top ten importers of mantella frogs were: the United States (71% of all mantellas exported from Madagascar), the Netherlands (5.5%), Germany (5.2%), Canada (4.6%), Belgium (4.5%), France (2.2%), Japan (1.9%), Switzerland (1.1%), Great Britain (1.3%), and Spain (1.0%). This trade comprised over 230,000 animals, and over a period of three years (2001-2003) was worth almost US$250,000 in foreign currency revenue for Madagascar. Although these gures relate just to mantellas, and are therefore subject to certain inuences4, the broad trends in these data, particularly in terms of which countries have the highest demand for pet amphibians, are likely to apply across many other genera. The most common amphibians in the international trade are the frogs and toads, and among these several groups of species predominate. The brightly coloured poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) and the equally attractive mantellas from Madagascar (Table 1) have always been in high demand. Other popular anurans include similarly spectacular species, such as treefrogs (most often in the family Hylidae), re-bellied toads (Bombinatoridae), horned frogs (Ceratophrys, in the Leptodactylidae) and several aquatic frogs (often species in the genera Hymenochirus or Xenopus). Several salamander species are also traded, with aesthetic appeal seeming to be the main criterion for inclusion. Popular taxa include the Asian re-bellied newts of the genus Cynops, members of the North American family Plethodontidae, and other brightly coloured salamanders such as the European Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra (LC), and several newts of the Asian genus Tylototriton. Salamanders of the family Ambystomatidae are also in demand as pets, often because of their large size, general ease of maintenance and, perhaps most particularly in the case of the Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum (CR), their fascinating ecology and breeding biology. Caecilians tend to be comparatively rare in the international pet trade, with the easier to observe fully aquatic species (such as Typhlonectes natans LC), being more readily available than the predominantly subterranean forms. While the vast bulk of the international pet trade in amphibians comprises wild-caught specimens, in several instances captive-bred individuals feature more prominently. For example, some captive-bred colour morphs of particular poison frogs (such as the pink and yellow morph of Epipedobates tricolor) now appear to be commoner in the trade than their wild progenitors. A comprehensive study of the trade in dendrobatid frogs by Gorzula (1996) revealed that an increasing proportion of the animals recorded in trade from 1987 to 1993 were reported as having been captive-bred; of nearly 16,000 poison frogs in international trade during this period, live captive-reared frogs represented 13.1% of the total traded5. It seems possible that the implementation of various regulatory controls, such as CITES (which has also had a marked effect on the availability of particular species), has provided a stimulus for the development of captive-breeding methods, which in turn have reduced the need for wild-caught individuals. Several amphibians that are particularly popular as pets are also captive-bred in commercial quantities, such as the Ceratophrys horned frogs, some treefrogs (such as Red-eyed Treefrog Agalychnis callidryas LC), and a number of poison frog species. And, indeed, the Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is more common in captivity now than it is in the wild. There is potential scope for developing sustainable in situ harvesting, or farming, of some of the more desirable species, where their ecology is sufciently well understood for sustainable harvest quotas and practices to be established (see also Chapter 11). This could have profound conservation benets, as although most amphibian species kept as pets have been now bred in captivity on occasion, the great bulk of all animals in trade are still collected from wild populations. And even where the capture of wild specimens does not yet constitute a threat to a species, the development of in situ harvesting practices could provide the required incentive to motivate landowners to protect and even enhance the species habitat. A local, sustainable, production programme for species of relatively high worth (e.g., mantella frogs or poison frogs) could also have the additional benet of playing a role in poverty reduction strategies for some of the poorest parts of the world (and see Chapter 11).

of 7-10 individuals per square metre in Red-backed Salamander Plethodon cinereus populations within the Shenandoah National Park, eastern USA; and estimates by Stewart and Rand (1991) of as many as 20,570 adult Puerto Rico Coqui Frogs Eleutherodactylus coqui per single hectare of forest. It is probable that amphibians can occur in such abundance because both adults and larvae are often the immediate primary vertebrate predators of invertebrates (especially insects), in both freshwater and moist terrestrial environments (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Additionally many larvae are primary consumers of plant matter, such as algae, and detritus and can be frequently found at high densities in freshwater habitats. In agricultural landscapes, such as rice paddies, amphibians have been suggested as important agents in the control of invertebrate pests (Abdulali 1985; Oza 1994). There is some concern that the removal of amphibians from these systems could lead to increases in these pests, and subsequently to an increase in the need for the application of insecticides and other agrochemicals. It should be noted here that a number of amphibians, such as the Cane Toad Bufo marinus (LC), have been widely introduced as biological controls of insect pests. In the majority of cases, naturalized populations of non-native amphibians are considered to have had damaging ecological and/or socioeconomic consequences. Lever (2003) provides extensive details on the effects of known amphibian introductions worldwide. Amphibians are one of the key links in many ecosystem food webs. As cold-blooded ectotherms, ingested energy from food is efciently converted to high-quality new tissue, with this biomass then becoming readily available for transfer to higher trophic levels (Pough 1983; Stebbins and Cohen 1995; Whiles et al. 2006). In both freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, amphibians as adults and larvae represent a major food resource for many predators, including large invertebrates, shes, other amphibians, reptiles (snakes in particular), birds, and mammals. Through the process of metamorphosis, they also provide a link in the transfer of nutrients from aquatic systems to terrestrial ones (including forest, see Gibbons et al. 2006). From the few studies that have been undertaken into the potential consequences of removing amphibians from an ecosystem, it appears that important changes can take place in both ecosystem processes and services. Among the structure and functions affected by the removal of amphibians are algal communities, invertebrate populations, predator dynamics, organic matter dynamics, patterns of primary production, leaf litter decomposition, and nutrient cycling (Whiles et al. 2006). The future impact of ongoing amphibian declines on the worlds ecosystems is still uncertain with much further study needed. However, given the important role of amphibians in many food webs it seems likely that signicant measurable changes in both freshwater and terrestrial environments will eventually take place.


Amphibians have a number of physiological, ecological and life history characteristics that make them susceptible to environmental changes. They are often considered to be valuable bioindicators of environmental change in both aquatic and terrestrial environments, and declines in amphibian populations or species diversity have frequently been directly linked to habitat degradation (Harfenist et al. 1989; Vitt et al. 1990; Blaustein and Wake 1995; Stebbins and Cohen 1995; Dodd 1997; Southerland et al. 2004). It seems that relatively few attempts have been made to explicitly estimate how good amphibians are as indicators compared with other taxonomic groups. Welsh and Droege (2001) argued that the low variation in counts of plethodontid salamanders among studies relative to Lepidoptera (butteries and moths), passerine birds, small mammals, and other amphibians suggests that these salamanders provide a statistical advantage over other species for monitoring forest health6. In contradiction to Welsh and Droege (2001), Bailey et al. (2003, 2004a,b,c) explicitly estimated detection probability and temporary movement in plethodontid salamander populations using marked individuals and found that counts of animals varied both spatially and temporally, thereby potentially confounding any studies that use simple counts by themselves as a surrogate to population size. In other words, the ndings of Bailey et al. (2004a,b,c) suggest that counts that are not corrected by incorporating detection and temporary movement probabilities across temporal and spatial components of a study area are likely to provide inaccurate and potentially biased indications of how populations and, thereby, the environment are faring. As further complication to the potential of plethodontids as indicator species, Bailey et al. (2004a) found that accounting for detection probability can only do a reasonable job of correcting counts if temporary movement from a population is a random process. Although there remains some uncertainty concerning the overall value of amphibians as bioindicators, especially with regards to monitoring more difcult to observe species, the following text outlines some of the commonly recognized characteristics of amphibians that are believed to be of use in recording environmental change. Physiologically, the skin and egg capsules of amphibians are often highly permeable to gases and liquids and may readily absorb pollutants such as toxic chemicals, endocrine mimics, and other substances from the surrounding environment (Stebbins and Cohen 1995; Dodd 1997). Contamination with many of these substances can often result in rapid declines in amphibian populations, and, perhaps more pervasively, can frequently lead to abnormal metamorphosis from the larval stage to the adult form (malformed animals may often be observed in contaminated populations). Amphibian larvae feed on a wide variety of plant and animal matter, in all parts of the water column from the benthic detritus to the surface lm. The larvae are often susceptible to ingesting persistent chemicals attached to particulate matter. The chemicals can readily accumulate in fat deposits, and sequestered contaminants may also signicantly affect normal development or metamorphosis when the fat deposits are drawn upon. As adult amphibians largely feed on invertebrates, they are also vulnerable to bioaccumulation of persistent chemical pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (better known as DDT), in the food web (Hall et al. 1985; Stebbins and Cohen 1995; Dodd 1997; Fagotti et al. 2005; DeGarady and Halbrook 2006). Amphibian populations can decline in response to changes in the acidity of aquatic habitats, through either a decrease or increase in pH levels. Sources of changes in pH include acidic precipitation, or point pollution, such as runoff from abandoned mines (Dodd 1997; Middlekoop et al. 1999). In general, eggs and developing larvae are the most sensitive life stages to low pH (< 4.5) (Dodd 1997). Adult temperate and montane amphibians are often heliothermic, and may expose themselves to sunlight in order to increase their body temperatures. This characteristic may make animals more susceptible to increases in ultraviolet (UV) radiation, often associated with a thinning of the ozone layer (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). In addition, as amphibians are moisture dependent ectotherms, they are generally sensitive to any changes in temperature or precipitation levels. Unfavourable conditions may prevent reproduction, possibly for many years (Stebbins 1995).


Although generally unseen, amphibians can often be very abundant in some ecosystems. In both temperate and tropical environments, amphibians may exceed all other terrestrial vertebrate classes (reptiles, mammals, and birds) in both the numbers of individuals and in the proportion of total available biomass (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Examples of particularly high abundances of amphibians include ndings by Gergits and Jaeger (1990) of densities

1997 230 17,406 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 100 125 0 100 0 125 19,186

1998 620 3,194 0 0 435 52 395 624 0 435 2,182 0 200 784 690 9,611

1999 200 8,850 0 30 175 150 250 105 0 415 1,535 0 0 905 385 13,000

2000 6,760 11,445 0 490 150 425 1,157 1,260 240 2,537 6,195 0 155 3,277 1,951 36,042

2001 9,853 10,335 0 1,005 4,040 975 1,750 1,790 310 2,795 8,805 0 490 4,430 3,825 50,403

2002 1,420 4,780 10 650 1,215 1,520 630 2,585 380 1,170 5,945 1,270 80 2,990 2,495 27,140

2003 1,291 2,681 650 60 1,465 500 100 1,100 350 1,581 4,848 1,780 0 2,560 2,040 21,006

TOTAL 20,374 116,196 660 2,235 8,480 3,622 4,282 7,564 1,280 9,033 29,635 3,050 1,025 14,946 11,511 233,893

% 8.71 49.68 0.28 0.96 3.63 1.55 1.83 3.23 0.55 3.86 12.67 1.30 0.44 6.39 4.92 100

Chapter 2. Why Save Amphibians?


Amphibians are one of the key links in ecosystem food webs, providing a significant food source for snakes and other predators. This juvenile Pink-sided Treefrog Agalychnis litodryas (Vulnerable) has become prey for the snake Leptodeira septentrionalis. H. Mauricio Ortega-Andrade

Increases in sedimentation or turbidity of streams and other waterbodies may be revealed through changes in both the species richness, and population sizes, of amphibians present (Welsh and Ollivier 1998). Many species, possibly most especially in their larval stage, are sensitive to the loss of certain microhabitats or food sources resulting from increased levels of particulates. Other species may be affected by a reduced efciency of their gills within turbid waters. Unlike many vertebrates, such as birds, some amphibian species have a low inclination or ability to disperse and tend to be largely conned to small areas of moist habitat (although see Chapter 1) (Smith and Green 2005). These sites, and the amphibian populations present, are often naturally fragmented and there can be little or no movement between populations. Consequently, the loss of one of these populations, for instance through a temporary pollution event, does not necessarily mean that the site will be easily recolonized from any nearby populations. The loss of amphibian populations in some species can, therefore, be used to track ecological disturbance with some condence that recolonization from adjacent populations will not mask any notable changes to the environment. It has sometimes been suggested that while some invertebrates have the ecological characteristics that make amphibians helpful bioindicators, they generally differ in that many species are short-lived and can have signicant population uctuations within a short timeframe. However, amphibian populations may also exhibit unstable population dynamics (e.g. Pechmann et al. 1991). To use them as bioindicators it is necessary to either monitor their populations over long periods or establish a solid understanding of the relationships among population vital rates, the environmental factors that inuence these rates, and how the environment is likely to change in the future so that stochastic population projections can be performed. While nearly all caecilian and salamander species make little, if any, noticeable vocalizations, the often loud calls by frog species are well known to most people. Communication between individual frogs is a helpful means by which the general species composition of the area, and relative density of the individuals for each species, can be roughly determined. Auditory monitoring of frog vocalizations can help indicate any changes in either species composition or density of individuals (which in turn may reect changes in environmental quality of the site) (Crouch and Paton 2002; Brandes et al. 2006).


For many people, one of their rst experiences in handling amphibians is in dissecting a frog during school biology classes. Frogs are most frequently used in these classes, as they cost relatively little and are often readily available. The primary aim of such lessons, of course, is to observe the animals major internal organs (such as the heart and the liver), and thereby allow students to gain a better understanding of basic vertebrate (including human) anatomy and physiology. As many biology classes require a course in dissection, there is understandably a high demand for subject animals. Although the volume of frogs specically used in dissection classes is difcult to determine, an early study by Gibbs et al. (1971) reported that approximately 326.5t of wild-caught animals (Leopard Frogs Rana pipiens and Bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana) were annually supplied for educational and research purposes in the United States7. Pandian and Marian (1986) estimated that 18 million frogs were used in 1980 by the education sector in India; a signicant rise on the 2.6 million animals estimated to have been used in 1956. It is difcult to determine the current volume of animal use in countries such as the United States, as supply companies are perhaps understandably concerned about the condentiality of these data. However, information kindly provided by Carolina Biological Supply Company (USA) suggests an overall decline in the use of frogs (both live and preserved) within the United States for dissection in education (D.E. James pers. comm.). Most of the frogs now used in the classroom appear to originate from cultivated stock, although small numbers of wild animals are still available8.

Today, modern technology means that there are now a number of interactive or virtual programmes and software available for use in dissection and anatomy classes (Kinzie et al. 1996). Many of these programmes use virtual frogs as the dissection subject, and in some instances provide an alternative to the use of animals in classes. Outside the classroom, amphibians have contributed to important medical research and discoveries. In fact, seven Nobel prizes have been awarded based on research done with amphibians. While using a dissected frog, the 18th century Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani found by chance that muscle and nerve cells produce electricity. During the discovery, Galvanis assistant accidentally touched an electrically charged scalpel to the sciatic nerve of the dissected frog, causing the limbs to violently twitch and convulse. This observation and subsequent experiments by Galvani helped to establish the basis for the study of the nervous system through the scientic disciplines of neurophysiology and neurology. Amphibian oocytes (a cell which may produce an egg [ovum] by meiotic division) are commonly used in patch clamp experiments for measuring the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues. The Nobel Prize-winning team of Bert Sakmann and Erwin Neher developed this technique, which is used to measure the movement of electrically charged molecules through individual channels in the membranes of cells (Neher and Sakmann 1976). To conduct an experiment, a very ne, polished glass pipette is placed in contact with the membrane of a cell, and then slight suction is used to make a very tight seal between the pipette and the patch of cell membrane underneath the pipettes tip. The passage of electrically charged molecules through the cells membrane channels, both into, and out of the cell, is then measured. Xenopus oocytes are commonly used for these experiments because of their relatively large size (at approximately 1mm across they are 10 times larger than most animal cells), which makes their handling and manipulation easier. Not only can patch clamping be used to examine the electrical properties of the channels that are normally found in the membranes of Xenopus oocytes, but treatment with genetic material from other organisms makes the oocytes express other organisms membrane channels too, making Xenopus oocytes an extremely valuable tool for neurological research. Molecules that are temporary copies of DNA (mRNA - messenger RNA) can be extracted from the cells or tissues of other organism, and then injected into the Xenopus oocyte, which will manufacture the foreign proteins, and incorporate that organisms foreign channels into its own membranes, as if they were actually its own9. Amphibian eggs have an especially important role in the eld of embryology the study of the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms. The large size of amphibian eggs and their translucent jelly-like coat provide a helpful window into embryonic development, with the African-clawed Frog Xenopus laevis (LC) most regularly used as the model organism for embryology studies (Gurdon and Hopwood 2000). During the 1930s, it was discovered that female Xenopus could be induced to ovulate when injected with the urine, and hormones, of a pregnant woman. Additional research demonstrated that other species of frogs, such as Rana pipiens and Bufo viridis, could also be used as pregnancy tests (Miller and Wilberger 1949; Rabau and Szeinberg 1959). For some time during the 1940s and 1950s the use of Xenopus, or the Hogben test as it was called, was the only pregnancy test readily available to hospitals. Once it was realized that large eggs suitable for microsurgery could be obtained year-round from domesticated Xenopus, embryologists no longer needed to rely on the seasonal collection of wild amphibian eggs for their experiments. The eggs of Xenopus are now the leading choice for many embryology studies, as they are ideal for microsurgery, and can be easily manipulated both morphologically and genetically (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). It may be of some interest that the worlds rst successful cloning experiments relied on the use of amphibians. In 1952, the two scientists Robert Briggs and Thomas King managed to clone a Leopard Frog by carefully transferring early stage nuclei (from blastula cells) into enucleated eggs (Briggs and King 1952). Although some of Briggs and Kings initial attempts failed, they continued perfecting their methods and by the end of the project a number of eggs had successfully developed into normal tadpoles. However, during their


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Laboratory studies using the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis (Least Concern) have led to significant medical breakthroughs. Louis du Preez

experiments, Briggs and King were unable to clone frogs using nuclei from older, differentiated, embryo cells. The breakthrough came in 1962, when the scientist John Gurdon nally demonstrated that successful cloning could be achieved from differentiated cells. Gurdon transferred intestinal cell nuclei from Xenopus tadpoles into enucleated eggs and managed to produce 10 normal tadpoles (Gurdon 1962). Although there was some initial scepticism among scientists concerning Gurdons results, his later experiments conrmed that a major advance in our understanding of cloning had indeed taken place. The potential importance of the achievements of these cloning pioneers is difcult to overestimate. Their experiments with amphibians have formed the scientic basis for later landmark events, such as the cloning of Dolly the sheep, the rst mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell (Wilmut et al. 1997). Unfortunately, although we are continuing to gain an appreciation for the value of amphibians for medical advances and in research, it seems as though one important lesson may have been lost forever. The two species of gastric-brooding frogs (Rheobatrachus silus and R. vitellinus) from the rainforests of Queensland, Australia, had extraordinary reproductive habits in which the females brooded young within the stomach and disgorged the fully developed young through the mouth. Research by Tyler et al. (1983), when the species was already rare, provided evidence that the tadpoles secrete a substance (prostaglandin E2) that inhibits the secretion of gastric acid by the female. It certainly seems possible that further studies of this remarkable reproductive mode could have resulted in medical advances in the treatment of people who suffer from gastric ulcers. Sadly, neither of the Rheobatrachus species has been seen since the mid-1980s, despite extensive eld surveys, and both are now considered to be extinct (see Essay 6.1).


Amphibians have long been represented in the cultures of many human societies. As it is difcult to present a concise picture of the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional uses of amphibians, the following examples are intended to provide only a very brief overview of their many contributions. Within written records, amphibians are well represented in antiquity by the Ancient Egyptians, most especially in the form of the goddess Heqet who symbolized birth and rebirth, life and fertility. Heqet is depicted in hieroglyphs as a frog or as a woman with a frogs head, a reection of the sudden abundance of calling frogs during and following Nile River oods. An important cultural reference to both frogs and Ancient Egypt is found within the Biblical book of Exodus and Sura 7 in the Quran, in which Moses leads the Israelites from Egypt. In Exodus, 10 plagues are inicted upon Egypt by God to convince Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave. The second of these plagues was a horde of frogs that overran the land. Pharaoh gave permission for the Israelites to leave if Moses would agree to remove the frogs; however, once the frogs had died Pharaoh reneged on his word. God subsequently sent eight more calamities to Egypt before the Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites leave. Frogs are not the only amphibians that have been associated with religion, spiritualism or mysticism. Salamanders were long associated with the popular European myth that these animals were invulnerable to re. Indeed, it was often believed that salamanders preferred the hottest or ercest of res. It seems as though this legend is almost certainly derived from the frequent hibernation of Fire Salamanders Salamandra salamandra in stacks of rewood. The Axolotl of Mexico provides another helpful example of a culturally important salamander (see Essay 2.3). There are several local festivals around the world in which frogs are the leading feature, and a few examples are given here. During the Maguai (= frog) festival of the Zhuang people of Guangxi, China, a frog is captured, honoured and then buried in order to ensure good weather and an excellent harvest for the following year. Since 2003, the city of San Fernando on Luzon Island in the Philippines has held the Pyestang tugak frog festival; with the purpose of perpetuating the Kapampangan peoples traditional methods of catching and cooking frogs. The City of Rayne in Louisiana, USA, declares that it is the Frog Capitol of the World! People attending this annual festival can see frog races and jumping competitions, as well as frogs dressed up in small uniforms. In Japan, the frog is traditionally viewed as a symbol of good fortune endowed with magical powers. The word for frog in Japanese, kaeru, also means to return; this may include

a return from travel, the return of a fortune, or the return of youth. Small charms of frogs are often carried, and are considered to be especially lucky if the frogs mouth is open. Amphibians are regularly found in both classical literature and fairy tales. Shakespeare gives a familiar view of the toad in the comedy As You Like It (Sweet are the uses of adversity, which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.), and amphibians are an important ingredient of a witches brew (eye of newt and toe of frog) in the tragedy Macbeth. Mark Twain wrote about the unfortunate gambler Jim Smiley and his trained frog, Daniel Webster, in the short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. The much-loved central characters of the childrens stories, Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter, The Frog Prince by the Brothers Grimm and The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, are all amphibians. Aesop included frogs in two of his most popular fables The Frog and the Ox and The Frogs Who Desired a King. Images of amphibians, especially frogs, are often used for advertising or entertainment in popular culture. International advertising campaigns for beer (Budweiser) and telephone ring-tones (the Crazy Frog) feature amphibians, as do advertisements and packaging for products as diverse as shoe-polish (Erdal) and chocolate (Freddo Frog). Within entertainment, amphibians are commonly found in video games, such as the classic arcade game Frogger, as puppets, such as the frog Kaj in the popular Danish childrens TV series Kaj og Andrea, and as characters in various cartoons and manga comics including: Michigan J. Frog, an animated Looney Tunes cartoon character; Sergeant Keroro, an anime character; Flip the Frog, an animated cartoon character who starred in a series of cartoons from 1930 to 1933; and Baron Silas Greenback, the recurring villain in the British animated television series, Danger Mouse. Finally, of course, perhaps the most widely recognized amphibian in contemporary pop-culture is the puppet Kermit the Frog, famously associated with the well-known television programmes Sesame Street and The Muppets.


In concluding this chapter on the value of amphibians to society, it is important to discuss their aesthetic worth, and although this component of intrinsic value generally dees complete quantication in monetary terms, it is important to recognize, and provides perhaps the most important incentive for valuing amphibians (McCauley 2006a,b). In particular, because amphibians are abundant and generally harmless, they may be one of the rst wild animals encountered by young children that can lead to an enduring appreciation of nature. Carl von Linnaeus, the founding father of modern taxonomy, famously described amphibians as ugly, disgusting creatures ... whose creator failed to try and make more of them (Hofrichter 2000). However, there is, in fact, a diversity of colour, form, appearance and activity among amphibians to rival the aesthetic delights of anything else that the natural world cares to dazzle us with. Colours range from one end of the spectrum to the other, with every possible permutation in between, with reds, oranges, brilliant vermilions, blues, greens, violets, pinks, black, and even white. Some are paradigms in post-modernism, being delicately dipped in just one shade, while others combine crazy rainbow combinations with spots, stripes, hatches and stipples, madly nished off with tiger-striped legs. Yet others amaze with their uniform bright, almost uorescent colouration, impossibly tastefully well offset by a crystal clear, shining bright black. No one who sees these species can fail to be amazed by their outlandish, excessive, seemingly pointless beauty. Yet, these colours serve a very important purpose. Bright colours may serve to advertise tness to a potential mate, and toxicity (to predators) in the dark connes of the rainforest. A tasteful mix of browns and greys is just the right combination to render a dainty treefrog identical, upon resting, to a very ordinary, quite unappetising bird dropping. Other species produce amazing visual displays by hiding their brightest surprises until the situation demands that they parade themselves in all their glory the re-bellied toads (Bombina spp.) are camouaged on their upper surface, being a mixture of browns, blacks, and greens, but upon disturbance by a predator they arch their backs and reveal a stunning ery belly, aame with bright oranges, reds, and yellows, warning any foolish predator to back off, lest they ingest some of the poison the toads carry. The frog Physalaemus nattereri (LC) even reveals startling eye-patches on its hind legs when being pursued by a predator; the eye patches are actually inguinal venomous macroglands, but they contribute to the appearance of a large face with a pair of impressive large eyes. The particular characteristics or forms are often reected in their scientic names. The Latin name of the Golden Poison Frog Phyllobates terribilis (EN) is most apt when one considers that it is the most toxic species of frog in the world (Myers and Daly 1983). Another example is the Lake Titicaca Frog Telmatobius culeus (CR), whose names translates as aquatic scrotum on account of this species multiple folds of baggy skin, designed to enhance oxygen uptake in its cold water habitat. There is little doubt that the sheer diversity of form and appearance provides an endless aesthetic treat for the interested observer. But perhaps the greatest appeal of amphibians is not visual, but acoustic as anyone who has ever been privy to a chirping chorus of frogs as they begin their courtship ritual in early spring will attest. Frogs do for the night what birds do for the day... they give it a voice. And that voice is a varied and stirring thing that ought to be better known. These words written by the zoologist, Archie Carr (Carr 1973) reect the thinking of many of us who study amphibians. Sadly, such melodic rhapsodies are under threat; this book sets out to argue that we cannot stand by while the frogs croak their last.

It was once believed that the Common Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra (Least Concern) was invulnerable to fire, mostly because hibernating animals would quickly emerge from rewood once it had been lit. Jelger Herder

People may often be surprised by how many simple images of amphibians surround them in daily life. For example, this bakers shop in Denmark sells tasty frog-shaped cakes. Thomas Brooks

Abdulali, H. 1985. On the export of frog legs from India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 82:347-375. Badio, B., Garraffo, H.M., Spande, T.F. and Daly, J.W. 1994. Epibatidine: discovery and denition as a potent analgesic and nicotinic agonist. Medicinal Chemistry Research 4:440-448 Bailey, L.L., Simons, T.R. and Pollock, K.H. 2003. Estimating site occupancy and species detection probability parameters for terrestrial salamanders. Ecological Applications 14(3):692-702. Bailey, L.L., Simons, T.R. and Pollock, K.H. 2004a. Comparing population size estimators for plethodontid salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 38(3):370-380. Bailey, L.L., Simons, T.R. and Pollock, K.H. 2004b. Estimating detection probability parameters for Plethodon salamanders using the robust capturerecapture design. Journal of Wildlife Management 68(1):1-13. Bailey, L.L., Simons, T.R. and Pollock, K.H. 2004c. Spatial and temporal variation in detection probability of plethodontid salamanders using the robust capture-recapture design. Journal of Wildlife Management 68(1):14-24. Blaustein, A.R. and Wake, D.B. 1995. The puzzle of declining amphibian populations. Scientic American 272:52-57.

Chapter 2. Why Save Amphibians?


Brandes, T.S., Naskrecki, P. and Figueroa, H.K. 2006. Using image processing to detect and classify narrowband cricket and frog calls. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(5):2950-2957. Briggs, R. and King, T.J. 1952. Transplantation of living nuclei from blastula cells into enucleated frogs eggs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38:455-463. Carr, A. 1973. The Everglades. Time-Life Books, New York, USA. Clarke, B.T. 1997. The natural history of amphibian skin secretions, their normal functioning and potential medical applications. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 72(3):365-79. Crouch, W.B. and Paton, P.W.C. 2002. Assessing the use of call surveys to monitor breeding anurans in Rhode Island. Journal of Herpetology 36:185-192. Daly, J.W. 1995. The chemistry of poisons in amphibian skin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92:9-13. DeGarady, C.J. and Halbrook, R.S. 2006. 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Endnotes 1 Although it is unclear what percentage of these were cultivated, the species is commonly farmed in Thailand and most are suspected to have originated from farms (Pariyanonth and Daorerk 1995; P.P. van Dijk pers. comm.). 2 In China, the use of amphibians in traditional medicine was documented to at least 1500 years ago (Fei et al. 2006). 3 This represents the total number of only the three most frequently traded species identied as being primarily imported for the pet trade: Hymenochirus curtipes (2,376,647 animals); Cynops orientalis (1,635,362 animals); and Bombina orientalis (1,016,579 animals). In addition to this total, large numbers of poorly documented amphibians entered the US during the same period (presumably many of which were destined for the pet trade); there were seven families for which more than 100,000 individuals entered the US with no species-specic identication (Schlaepfer et al. 2005). Approximately 500,000 amphibians with a primary trade purpose as pets were reportedly exported from the United States during the same period of 1998-2002 (Schlaepfer et al. 2005). 4 This includes the 2001 decision by the European Commission to halt trade in all Mantella species (with the exception of the widespread Mantella betsileo), articially inating the percentage of the market being dominated by the United States. 5 In 1987 only 1.2% of the animals traded were reported to be captive-bred, by 1993, 39% of animals in trade were captive-bred. 6 This study therefore indicates that not all amphibian taxa are of equivalent quality in terms of providing an accurate and precise measure of ecosystem health, but that plethodontids may be overall superior indicators in North American forests. 7 The numbers reported by Gibbs et al. (1971) are considered by some to be overstated by several magnitudes; it is possible that frogs collected primarily for food were also included within these totals (D.E. James pers. comm.). 8 Carolina Biological Supply Company reports that there has been no news from collectors of declines in numbers of frogs harvested from the wild for dissection, including those populations within the main collecting areas of southwest Texas and Mexico (D.E. James pers. comm.). 9 The oocyte can also be induced to produce many more times the number of channels than the cells from the original organism would have done, and this, coupled with the fact that the oocyte is comparatively large and easy to use, makes Xenopus oocytes a very powerful system for conducting patch clamp experiments.

Amphibians have an amazing diversity of colours, body shapes and calls. The jewel-like Mantella frogs of Madagascar, such as Barons Mantella Mantella baroni (Least Concern), are among the worlds most colourful animal species. Frank Glaw & Miguel Vences


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Walking down the aisle of a traditional market or supermarket in many cities in Southeast Asia, you can nd frogs sold for human consumption, either live or as fresh skinless legs. Although they are not consumed as universally as are other aquatic taxa such as sh and prawns, frogs have traditionally been used as food in many cultures. People in most regions of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australia, consume frogs. Usually, only the legs are eaten. Frogs legs are often considered to be delicacies, and are sometimes highly appreciated as a unique dish, for example les cuisses de grenouilles of France. The number of species exploited for frog legs varies among regions. For instance, in Europe the species most harvested are the green frog Rana esculenta (LC) complex and other species such as Rana dalmatina (LC) and Rana ridibunda (LC), whereas in Asia the species harvested are mostly associated with rice elds, such as Fejervarya cancrivora (LC) and Fejervarya limnocharis (LC). Asians also harvest some stream-associated species such as Limnonectes macrodon (VU) and Limnonectes blythii (NT). Most harvested species share several attributes: they are large, with heavy muscled legs (for example, Limnonectes macrodon exported from Indonesia have snout-vent lengths up to 15cm), are mostly in the family Ranidae, and most do not possess skin glands that produce secretions that are highly toxic to humans. The largest extant frog species, the African Bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus (LC), is consumed by many traditional cultures in southern Africa; in this case, most of the frog carcass is consumed (Okeyo 2004). On a local scale, which is probably too small to be of conservation signicance, some smaller frogs are also harvested in many areas and sold for consumption by other animals, such as sh and pet snakes. In the USA, and probably in other countries, smaller frog species, juvenile ranids, and salamanders are also collected or raised and used or sold, usually locally, as sh bait (e.g., Meronek et al. 1997). The extent of this trade appears to be small, but it is of potential concern for its immediate impact on frog populations, the potential to disseminate pathogens such as the amphibian chytrid skin fungus, and for ethical reasons since most amphibians are used as live bait. Most frogs consumed by humans are caught from the wild. Only one species of frog is widely farmed, the American Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana (LC), which has been introduced to many other countries, such as Indonesia, often specically to boost the production of frog legs for export (Iskandar 1998). The introduction of bullfrogs may cause many problems (and see Essay 4.8). Several studies in the USA have suggested that feral populations of Rana catesbeiana outside the natural range of this species have caused declines of native frog populations by acting as competitors or predators (Hayes and Jennings 1986). This species also is likely to act as a vector and reservoir of amphibian diseases, including chytridiomycosis (Mazzoni et al. 2003). Harvesting for consumption has led to declines in populations of some species, for example in the California Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii) in the USA (Jennings and Hayes 1985). The combination of population declines, ongoing demand, and expanding trade has led to the nomination of some edible species for protected status. When local species are protected in an area where frog consumption is traditional, the sources of frog legs shift to countries that do not restrict frog harvesting. Frozen frog legs have thus become an international commodity, in which developing countries in Asia or South America are the producers and developed countries, mostly in Europe, are the consumers. This has shifted the focus of consumption-related conservation concern from the consuming countries to exporting countries. In 1985 two major producing countries, India and Bangladesh, placed their two edible species (Euphyctis hexadactylus, LC, and Holobatrachus tigerinus, LC) on CITES Appendix II because of declines in their populations (Abdulali 1985; Pandian and Marian 1986). As the number of frog legs exported from these countries declined, Indonesian exports rose markedly; currently Indonesia is one of the major exporters of frog legs in the world (Kusrini and Alford 2006). The maximum level of exports from Indonesia occurred in 1992, when approximately 5,600 metric tonnes, valued at US$23,596,841, were exported (Kusrini and Alford 2006). This underestimates the total harvest substantially as it ignores the large domestic market (Kusrini 2005). The total harvest of frogs in Indonesia may be as high as 400 million individuals per annum (Kusrini 2005). Concern regarding the impact of frog harvesting is related not only to the viability of frog populations, but also to the fact that frogs provide ecosystem and even economic services, in particular pest control in agricultural systems (Abdulali 1985; Pandian and Marian 1986). It has been suggested that frog harvesting and pesticide use may interact synergistically: decreases in frog populations caused by harvesting may allow pest populations to increase, leading to increased use of pesticides, which may then have greater negative effects on frogs (Abdulali 1985; Pandian and Marian 1986). The large number of frog legs exported from Indonesia has raised concern regarding the sustainability of populations of its edible frogs. During the early 1990s several Indonesian Rana species were proposed for listing on CITES Appendix II (Martens 1991). This proposal was rejected, perhaps in part for political reasons, but primarily because there was insufcient data on their population status and the extent of the trade to justify a CITES listing (Favre 1989; Schmuck 2000). More recently, research has shown that there is no evidence that harvesting has seriously depleted the populations of edible frogs, particularly the species that inhabit rice elds. Kusrini (2005) showed that harvesting in Indonesia is mostly accomplished using highly targeted manual techniques that do not disturb the habitat or affect populations of non-target species. Harvesting rates are constrained by the need to harvest during phases of the rice growing cycle when frogs can be efciently captured without interfering with the crops. Kusrini suggested that populations of Indonesian rice eld species have been able to withstand continuous harvest pressure because of these constraints on harvesting pressure, combined with their life history traits, which include rapid growth, early maturation, and relatively high reproductive output, and also with their ability to thrive in disturbed landscapes. This may not be true for species harvested in other habitats or environments. Stream-breeding frogs, for example, often appear to have lower reproductive capacities and slower population turnover, which may make them more vulnerable to the effects of harvesting. Temperate species that must concentrate their reproductive activity into restricted habitats during short growing seasons may have lower rates of replacement and be more vulnerable during their short, concentrated reproductive episodes. There is a need to improve the quality and quantity of information available on harvesting rates and trade in frogs and frog products, and our understanding of the biology of the species harvested, so that developing problems can be averted before they become serious. Critiques of frog harvesting have mostly neglected the human dimension. Pandian and Marian (1986) briey mentioned that the ban on Indian frog leg exports resulted in the collapse of this industry and the loss of jobs for many people. Since most frogs are caught from the wild, frog harvesting provides a substantial income for unskilled labour in developing countries. In the case of Indonesia, the trade has been well established for several decades and provides employment and a livelihood for many local people. Although Kusrini (2005) showed that the present Indonesian harvest appears to be sustainable, it may be approaching the critical threshold of unsustainability. In the case of Indonesia, it is of concern that the sizes and numbers of frogs harvested are not regulated,

Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Least Concern) for sale in a market in Phnom Penh. Jodi Rowley/Robert Puschendorf

as they are in many other countries such as Romania (Trk 2003). Additionally, exported frogs are often misidentied (Veith et al. 2000). In January 2007, the specic international Harmonized System Code for frogs legs will be dropped from the Tariff of the World Customs Organization, making monitoring of the international trade more difcult. More thorough and evenly applied monitoring is needed within harvesting and exporting countries to ensure that populations are not being harvested at unsustainable levels, and the international trade needs to be more, rather than less, thoroughly monitored, so that the sources and destinations of traded frogs can be more reliably traced. Mirza D. Kusrini and Ross A. Alford

Abdulali, H. 1985. On the export of frog legs from India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 2:347-375. Favre, D.S. 1985. International trade in endangered species: A guide to CITES. Martinus Nijhoff Pub, Netherlands. 415 pp. Hayes, M.P. and Jennings, M.R. 1986. Decline of ranid frog species in western North America: Are bullfrogs (Rana catesbiana) responsible? Journal of Herpetology 20:490-509. Jennings, M.R. and Hayes, M.P. 1985. Pre-1900 overharvest of California red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii): The inducement for bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) introduction. Herpetologica 41:94-103. Iskandar, D.T. 1998. Ambi Jawa dan Bali. Puslitbang Biologi-LIPI, Bogor, Indonesia. 132 pp. Kusrini, M.D. 2005. Edible frog harvesting in Indonesia: Evaluating its impact and ecological context. PhD thesis. School of Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. Kusrini, M.D. and Alford, R.A. 2006. Indonesias exports of frogs legs. Trafc Bulletin 21:13-24. Mazzoni, R., Cunningham, A.A., Daszak, P., Apolo, A., Perdomo, E. and Speranza, G. 2003. Emerging pathogen of wild amphibians in frogs (Rana catesbeiana) farmed for international trade. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9:995-998. Meronek, T.G., Copes, F.A. and Coble, D.W. 1997. The Bait Industry in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Technical Bulletin Series #105, USDAs Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, USA. Okeyo, D.O. 2004. The delicacy of Giant Bullfrog eating in Namibia. Science in Africa Pandian, T.J. and Marian, M.P. 1986. Production and utilization of frogs: An ecological view. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.) 95:289-301. Schmuck, J. 2000a. Trade and species conservation. In: R. Hofrichter (ed.), The encyclopedia of amphibians, pp. 228-241. Key Porter Books Lim., Ontario, Canada. Trk, Z. 2003. Action plan for sustainable exploitation of Rana ridibunda stocks from the Danube delta biosphere reserve (Romania). Froglog 60. Veith, M., Kosuch, J., Feldmann, R., Martens, H. and Seitz, A. 2000. A test for correct species declaration of frog legs imports from Indonesia into the European Union. Biodiversity and Conservation 9:333-341.

6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 Weight (kg) 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

Figure 1. Total export of Indonesian frogs legs from 1969 to 2000 (Source: Foreign Trade Statistical Bulletin, BPS).


The skin of frogs and toads has been a component of folk medicine of many cultures since ancient times (Lazarus and Attila 1993). Each amphibian species seems to have its own arsenal of compounds that are stored in the skin to ward off predators and/or microorganisms. They include amines, alkaloids, and peptides (Pukala et al. 2006). These stored materials are essentially a packet of poisons to disarm predators along with a rst aid kit containing antibiotics and pain relievers to help with the healing processes. Granular glands in the skin (also called serous glands or poison glands) produce an array of bioactive substances, including peptides with antimicrobial properties. The peptides are synthesized as larger proteins that are cleaved to smaller active peptides and stored in high concentrations in membrane-enclosed granules within each gland. When the animal is alarmed or injured, the entire contents of the gland are pushed out onto the skin, and the peptides play their protective roles. Then the gland is reformed and new peptides are synthesized. Most amphibian antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are composed of 10 to 46 amino acids. AMPs tend to contain positively charged amino acids and hydrophobic amino acids and tend to form an -helix that folds in such a way that the positively charged regions and the hydrophobic regions are in discrete areas of the molecule (Yeaman and Yount 2003). This allows them to remain water soluble and capable of interacting with biological membranes. They kill microorganisms by disrupting the plasma membrane or by entering the cell and interfering with vital cellular processes such as DNA replication and protein synthesis. Several hundred unique AMPs have been isolated from amphibian species, and the number is rapidly growing (Conlon et al. 2004; Pukala et al. 2006). They fall into a number of related families, but each species has its own repertoire of peptides with very little species overlap. Most of the AMPs were isolated and characterized by classical biochemical purication methods (high pressure liquid chromatography, testing for antimicrobial activity, Edman degradation sequencing of active peptides) (Conlon et al. 2004). Most amphibian AMPs have been isolated for their antibacterial properties. They may be active against a broad spectrum of pathogens or active against a limited subset. One example of a broad spectrum peptide is caerin 1.1 from Litoria caerulea (LC). Caerin 1.1 has been shown to inhibit Gram positive and some Gram negative bacteria, inhibit growth of cancer cells, inhibit viral infection of target cells [human immunodeciency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus], prevent growth of the malaria parasite, and kill nematodes (Apponyi et al. 2004; VanCompernolle et al. 2005). Another example of a recently discovered antibacterial peptide is brevinin-2TSa isolated from the Tsushima Brown Frog (Rana tsushimensis, LC) from Japan. This peptide effectively killed several important Gram negative pathogens (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis)

Chapter 2. Why Save Amphibians?


as well as problematic Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Enterococcus faecalis). Yet, it was not harmful to red blood cells suggesting it would be a good candidate for drug development (Conlon et al. 2006). Fewer of the amphibian AMPs have been tested for their antiviral activities. Because most of them are membrane active, it is very likely that many of them will be effective agents to inhibit infection of target cells by enveloped viruses such as HIV and inuenza virus. Six amphibian AMPs inhibited infectivity by a frog ranavirus (frog virus 3) and a sh herpesvirus (channel catsh virus) (Chinchar et al. 2001, 2004) and 13 amphibian AMPs were tested for their ability to inhibit transmission of HIV. Three peptides from Australian frogs (caerin 1.1, caerin 1.9, and maculatin 1.1) were potent inhibitors of viral infectivity and could interfere with the transfer of virus from dendritic cells to lymphocytes (VanCompernolle et al. 2005). Brevinin-1 from Daruma Pond Frog Rana porosa inhibited infection by herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (Yasin et al. 2000). Another important set of pathogens are fungal pathogens. The chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), is thought to be the cause of recent amphibian declines in the USA, Australia, and Central America (Lips et al. 2006; and see Essay 4.5). Many amphibian AMPs potently inhibit growth of Bd (Rollins-Smith and Conlon 2005), and those species whose peptides are most active against Bd in the laboratory tend to survive better in nature (Woodhams et al. 2006a,b). Many amphibian AMPs are also effective against the human fungal pathogen, Candida albicans (Conlon et al. 2004), which causes thrush. A few amphibian AMPs have been tested for their ability to kill malarial parasites. Caerin 1.8 from Litoria chloris (LC; Apponyi et al. 2004) and dermaseptin S3 from Phyllomedusa sauvagii (LC) have been shown to have activity against malaria parasites, and S3 selectively kills parasites within host erythrocytes without harming the erythrocytes (Ghosh et al. 1997). The mucous of frog skin is a rich environment for microorganisms, and control of potential pathogenic organisms is essential for life. It seems clear that the amphibian AMPs in the mucous play an essential role in protection of the species against skin pathogens. The peptide families are conserved, and the peptides can cooperate to be much more effective as mixtures. What might this teach us that could benet human health? Antimicrobial peptides have potential for development as therapeutic agents for use on the skin or at mucosal surfaces. Further, because most of the AMPs are small, they can be chemically synthesized. While costs of chemical synthesis are one barrier to the development of AMPs as effective drugs, safety and efcacy are also important concerns. It seems only reasonable that we should learn all that we can from the amphibians about how these unique peptides protect them and exploit this knowledge for the benet of human health as well as the health of amphibians. Louise A. Rollins-Smith

Apponyi, M.A., Pukala, T.L., Brinkworth, C.S., Vaselli, V.M., Bowie, J.H., Tyler, M.J., Booker, G.W., Wallace, J.C., Carver, J.A., Separovic, F., Doyle, J., and Llewellyn, L.E. 2004. Host-defence peptides of Australian anurans: structure, mechanisms of action and evolutionary signicance. Peptides 25:1035-1054. Chinchar, V.G., Wang, J. Murti, G., Carey, C., and Rollins-Smith, L. 2001. Inactivation of frog virus 3 and channel catsh virus by esculentin-2P and ranatuerin-2P, two antimicrobial peptides isolated from frog skin. Virology 288:351-357. Chinchar,V.G., Bryan. L., Silphadaung, U., Noga E., Wade, D., Rollins-Smith L. 2004. Inactivation of viruses infecting ectothermic animals by amphibian and piscine antimicrobial peptides. Virology 323:268-275. Conlon, J.M., Al-Ghaferi, N., Abraham, B., Sonnevend, A., Coquet, L., Leprince, J., Jouenne, T., Vaudry, H., and Iwamuro, S. 2006. Antimicrobial peptides from the skin of the Tsushima brown frog Rana tsushimensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 143:42-49. Conlon, J.M., Kolodziejek, J., and Nowotny, N. 2004. Antimicrobial peptides from ranid frogs: taxonomic and phylogenetic markers and a potential source of new therapeutic agents. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1696:1-14. Conlon, J.M., Sonnevend, ., Patel, M., Davidson, C., Nielsen, P.F., Pal, T., and Rollins-Smith, L.A. 2003. Isolation of peptides of the brevinin-1 family with potent candidacidal activity from the skin secretions of the frog Rana boylii. Journal of Peptide Research 62:207-213. Ghosh, J.K., Shaool, D., Guillaud, P., Ciceron, L., Mazier, D., Kustanovich, I., Shai, Y., and Mor, A. 1997. Selective cytotoxicity of dermaseptin S3 toward intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum and the underlying molecular basis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 272:31609-31616. Lazarus, L.H. and Attila, M. 1993. The toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious

jewel in his skin. Progress in Neurobiology 41:473-507. Lips, K.R., Brem ,F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P., and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103:3165-3170. Pukala,T.L., Bowie, J.H., Maselli, V.M., Musgrave, I.F., and Tyler, M.J. 2006. Host-defence peptides from the glandular secretions of amphibians: structure and activity. Natural Product Reports 23:368-393. Rollins-Smith, L.A. and Conlon, J.M. 2005. Antimicrobial peptide defenses against chytridiomycosis, an emerging infectious disease of amphibian populations. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 29:589-598. VanCompernolle, S.E., Taylor, R.J., Oswald-Richter, K., Jiang, J., Youree, B.E., Bowie, J.H., Tyler, M.J., Conlon J.M., Wade, D., KewalRamani, V.N. Dermody T.S., Aiken, C., Rollins-Smith L.A., and Unutmaz, D. 2005. Amphibian antimicrobial skin peptides potently inhibit HIV infection and transfer of virus from dendritic cells to T cells. Journal of Virology 79:11598-11606. Woodhams, D.C. Rollins-Smith, L.A., Carey, C., Reinert, L., Tyler, M.J., and Alford, R. 2006a. Population trends associated with antimicrobial peptide defenses against chytridiomycosis in Australian frogs. Oecologia 146:531-540. Woodhams, D.C., Voyles, J., Lips, K.R., Carey, C., and Rollins-Smith, L.A. 2006b. Predicted Disease Susceptibility in a Panamanian Amphibian Assemblage Based on Skin Peptide Defenses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42:207-218. Yasin, B., Pang, M., Turner, J.S., Cho, Y., Dinh, N.N., Waring, A.J., Lehrer, R.I., and Wager, E.A. 2000. Evaluation of the inactivation of infectious Herpes simplex virus by host-defense peptides. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 19:187-194. Yeaman, M.R., and Yount, N.Y. 2003. Mechanisms of antimicrobial peptide action and resistance. Pharmacological Reviews 55:27-55.

Antimicrobial peptides in leopard frog (Rana pipiens) skin secretions dramatically reduce skin microbes. The left panel shows bacteria developing on growth medium from skin sampled before induction of skin secretions by injection of norepinephrine. The right panel shows growth from skin of the same frog sampled 15 minutes after skin peptide induction. Douglas C. Woodhams, Vanderbilt University

The term axolotl (ajolote in Spanish) originates from the ancient Aztec language, Nauatal (in which it is properly pronounced ashlotl). Amongst its many translations it means: water slave, water-servant, water sprite, water monster or water dog (from atl for water and xolotl which has various meanings). These names are derived from Aztec mythology where the axolotl was considered to be the transguration of Xolotl, the twin brother of the famous feathered serpent deity named Quetzalcoatl. As with Quetzalcoatl, the exact signicance and attributes of Xolotl have varied somewhat between Mesoamerican civilizations throughout history. Xolotl has been known as the God of the Evening Star (the underworld) who ruled over games, deformities, twins, and other irregularities in nature. He was also attributed with powers over the dead and the resurrected, having thought to be responsible for escorting newly deceased souls to the afterlife. Conversely, he was also believed to have brought mankind and re from the underworld. One popular myth describes Xolotl attempting to escape death by disguising himself into various forms which were either monstrous or double in nature such as double-stalked corn or agave plants (Smith 1969). As each disguise was uncovered by the Gods, Xolotl made one nal attempt to escape detection by transforming himself into the axolotl. It was in this state that he was nally captured and sacriced to nourish the sun and the moon, thereby helping to ensure that the cycle of night and day would continue. The Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is endemic to the canals of Lake Xochimilco, at the southern edge of the valley of Mexico. Archaeological excavations in the Xochimilco basin show that from at least 6000 BC Axolotls were part of a rich lacustrine habitat where it was considered the top predator (Shaffer 1989; Duhon 1997). Although the wetland was used for agricultural purposes before Aztec occupation, the development of chinampas (man-made, tree-lined corrals of agricultural land separated by canals) intensied during the construction of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. For thousands of years the Axolotl has been used as a food source (Smith 1989). When the Spanish arrived, it was still an important part of the local economy, as the Franciscan missionary, Friar Bernardino de Sahagun, wrote in his seminal manuscript, the Florentine Codex (Sahagun 1938): There are some creatures in the water that are called axolotl that have feet and hands like small lizards, and they have the tail of an eel and the body as well; they have a very wide mouth and whiskers at the neck. It is very good to eat; it is the food of the lords. Indeed, the Axolotl was considered such good eating that celebrated Spanish naturalist Francisco Hernandez (1959) thought it provoked lechery. It has also been immortalized by the renowned artist Diego Rivera in his famous mural depicting the axolotl as a product in the ancient market of Tenochtitlan, and in Julio Cortazars well-known essay Axolotl in his collection of short stories The End of the Game. Today, the Axolotl continues to play a role in the local economy. Various medicines and tonics that feature the Axolotl as the main ingredient are sold in local markets and are believed to provide remedies for respiratory ailments, such as bronchitis. Similarly, a captive-bred population of a close relative, Ambystoma dumerilli (or Achoque), is harvested by nuns in Pascuaro, in northwestern Michoacn, to make a medicinal syrup. This is also believed to cure lung illnesses and help children suffering from anaemia (McKay 2003). Many of the medical powers accredited to the Axolotl may stem from its ability to regenerate damaged or destroyed body parts, including limbs, parts of the cornea, brain, and heart cells. These abilities have made the Axolotl the focus of widespread medical research since the late 1800s. Due to its diminished population and protected status in the wild, the Axolotl is not utilized to the extent that it was in the past. Nevertheless, they are still illegally harvested from the wild and are sold in markets for the local pet trade, biomedical research, and as a source of food and medicine (Grifths et al. 2004). Due to a lack of trade data, it is difcult to measure the impact of this offtake, mainly because the market operates clandestinely and often involves a related species, Ambystoma tigrinum, which is easily confused with the Axolotl. Because of its mythological connections and prominent position within the ancient lacustrine economy of the region, the Mexican Axolotl has become something of a cultural icon. Therefore, despite its precarious status in the wild, this remarkable species continues to represent not only a signicant symbol of the past, but also a sobering example of the need for imaginative solutions required for the present. Indeed, with local people increasingly engaging with current attempts to promote the Axolotl as a agship species for the conservation of Xochimilcos natural and cultural diversity (Grifths et al. 2004), there is real hope that the species will continue to provide an important catalyst for sustainable development in the future. Jeanne E. McKay, Richard A. Grifths and Ian G. Bride

An early depiction of Xochimilca farmers creating chinampas by piling up mud, vegetation and faeces inside corrals of the water-loving willow (Salix bonplandiana).

Duhon, S.T. 1997. The axolotl in its native habitat-yesterday and today. Axolotl News 26:14-17. Grifths, R.A., Graue. V., Bride, I.G and McKay, J.E. 2004. Conservation of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) at Lake Xochimilco, Mexico. Herpetological Bulletin 89:4-11. Hernandez, F. 1959. Historia Natural de Nueva Espana, Coleccion Obras Completas Vol. IV. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mxico, Mxico City, Mxico. McKay, J. 2003. An evaluation of captive breeding and sustainable use of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). MSc Dissertation. University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Sahagun, Fr. Bernardino de. 1938. Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana Vol. III. In: P. Robredo (ed.), pp. 195. Mxico D.F., Mxico. Schaffer, H.B. 1989. Natural history, ecology and evolution of the Mexican axolotl. Axolotl News 18:5-11. Smith, H.M. 1969. The Mexican Axolotl: Some misconceptions and Problems. Bioscience 19:593-597. Smith, H. 1989. Discovery of the axolotl and its early history in biological Research. In: J.B. Armstrong and G.M. Malacinski (eds.), Developmental Biology of the Axolotl, pp. 3-12. Oxford University Press, New York, USA.

An early Spanish image of the Axolotl in the Florentine Codex. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun described the Axolotl as a lizard-like animal with an eel-like tail and ears on the neck.

Janice Chanson, Simon Stuart, Neil Cox, Bruce Young and Michael Hoffmann far more widespread and severe than would be expected under natural conditions (Pounds et al. 1997). This evidence, in addition to many further reports of declines in the 1990s (Laurance et al. 1996; Lips 1998; Lynch and Grant 1998; Houlahan et al. 2000; Young et al. 2001), convinced most herpetologists that non-random and severe declines were taking place in the populations of many amphibian species.


The lack of a comprehensive global picture on the extent and severity of amphibian declines prompted IUCN, in partnership with Conservation International and NatureServe, to undertake the Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA), which commenced in 2001. The over-arching goal of the GAA was to stimulate concerted and well-targeted activities to halt the current wave of amphibian extinctions, through the development of an information baseline on amphibian status and conservation needs. The initial objectives of the GAA included: Identication of the most threatened amphibian species, using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (see Appendix I) to determine which species were in need of urgent conservation action. Identication of the most important geographic regions and habitats that need to be conserved in order to prevent further amphibian extinctions. Identication of the most important threats to amphibians globally, specically those resulting in rapid declines, and to propose both mitigating measures and prioritized conservation actions for these. Comparing the conservation needs for amphibians with those for mammals and birds, thus making it possible to determine the extent to which conservation initiatives can efciently and simultaneously address the needs of all of these species groups. Increasing and building the capacity of the IUCN Species Survival Commission expert network for amphibians, thereby allowing scientists to coordinate their conservation activities at the global level, and providing a base of expertise from which information collected during the GAA could be regularly updated. To meet these ambitious objectives the GAA had to develop a sound methodology by which it could engage the scientic community and gather data on the distribution, abundance, population trends, habitat requirements, and threats for all of the ~6,000 described species of amphibians.

Participants at the China and the Koreas GAA workshop in Chengdu, China, in March 2002.

The GAA process involved three core phases of data compilation: initial data collection; data review; and data correction and consistency check. The task of collecting the initial data was divided into 33 geographic regions (Appendix II) that were dened to cover the global distribution of all amphibians. A network of regional coordinators scientists with a broad knowledge of the regions amphibian species were then identied and given the responsibility of collecting data on the amphibians within their region. During the initial data collection phase, regional coordinators were asked to produce distribution maps of each species current geographic range, which were then digitized in a geographic information system (ArcView 3.x). These maps are most often in a standardized form of polygons that join known point localities. In addition to range maps, coordinators provided general information on habitat requirements, population status, major threats and conservation measures for each species, and were also asked to make use of the IUCN Classication Schemes for coding up Countries of Occurrence, Habitat Preferences, Major Threats, Conservation Measures, and Utilization1. Finally, regional coordinators were asked to provide a provisional Red List assessment of the conservation status of each species by applying the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (Appendix I; and see later). Once the initial data had been collected, they were subjected to a process of peer review. More than 500 amphibian specialists and experts from over 60 countries participated in this process. The means of undertaking reviews varied from region to region, but in most cases (usually the more species-rich regions) the process was handled through expert workshops. However, in other regions, peer-review of data was managed through individual review by leading herpetologists. The following GAA workshops have been held to date: Australia Hobart, Tasmania, 6-8 February 2001. China and the Koreas Chengdu, China, 18-21 March 2002. Sub-Saharan Africa Watamu, Kenya, 16-18 April 2002. South Asia Coimbatore, India, 1-5 July 2002. Southeast Asia Bangkok, Thailand, 30 September 4 October 2002. Mesoamerica (Mexico south through Panama) La Selva, Costa Rica, 11-15 November 2002. The Papuan Region Hawaii, United States, 24-27 February 2003. Tropical South America East of the Andes (merging the Amazonian Brazil, Atlantic Forest-Cerrado-Caatinga, Paraguay, and Guianas regions, and parts of the Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela regions) Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 31 March 4 April 2003. Tropical Andes (merging the remaining parts of the Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia regions) Tandayapa, Ecuador, 18-22 August 2003. Madagascar Gland, Switzerland, 22-25 September 2003. Chile Concepcin, Chile, 3-4 October 2003. Argentina and Uruguay Puerto Madryn, Argentina, 12-14 October 2003. Caecilians (the only taxonomic rather than geographically based workshop) London, 23-25 February 2004. Caribbean Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 19-21 March 2004. Mediterranean Malaga, Spain, 13-17 December 2004. Data review has been completed by correspondence with amphibian experts in the following regions: Northern Eurasia; Seychelles Islands; Japan; Australia (a continuation of the initial data collection workshop); New Zealand; West Asia; North America; Europe; and North Africa.

Participants at the Southeast Asia GAA workshop in Bangkok, Thailand, in SeptemberOctober 2002.

While there have always been some instances of localized amphibian declines, often in response to changes in the local environment, scientists had started to become increasingly concerned about the possibility of widespread and severe population declines when they met during 1989 at the First World Congress of Herpetology. A review of historical data suggested that signicant amphibian declines had begun as early as the 1970s in the western United States, Puerto Rico and north-eastern Australia (Czechura and Ingram 1990; Kagarise Sherman and Morton 1993; Drost and Fellers 1996; Burrowes et al. 2004). Subsequent reports from eld sites revealed the true severity of the population declines. At one site in Costa Rica, 40% of the amphibian fauna had disappeared over a short period in the late 1980s (Pounds et al. 1997). In addition, sudden disappearances of montane species had also been simultaneously noted elsewhere in Costa Rica, and in Ecuador, and Venezuela (Pounds and Crump 1994; Pounds et al. 1997; Young et al. 2001; Ron et al. 2003). In some regions, the declines were taking place in seemingly pristine habitats (Czechura and Ingram 1990; Kagarise Sherman and Morton 1993; Pounds and Crump 1994; Drost and Fellers 1996; Pounds et al. 1997; Young et al. 2001; Ron et al. 2003; Burrowes et al. 2004). Some scientists were initially skeptical about the reports; amphibian populations were already well known to sometimes uctuate widely from year to year (Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). However, by using statistical tests and models, it was shown that the declines were

Participants at the Mesoamerica GAA workshop in La Selva, Costa Rica, in November 2002.

Chapter 3. The Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA): History, Objectives and Methodology


Following the review process, the GAA coordinating team undertook a nal review of all the data to ensure that there had been a consistent approach in the collection and quality of the data between the different regions and taxonomic groups (members of the GAA coordinating team also attended all of the workshops to help promote consistent approaches during the review process). To the extent possible within the constraints of time and budget, when signicant problems or uncertainties were encountered in the data, the coordinating team contacted the experts who contributed information about the species to ensure that any changes were correctly made, or information claried, in order to ensure accurate and consistent conservation status assessments for each individual species. However, it is the GAA coordinating team, not the individual data providers, that takes responsibility for the content of each species account. The data providers are listed as assessors on each species account, but because of the limitations in time and funding, they have not all been given the opportunity to sign off on the content of each account to which their name is attached as an assessor.


As already noted under the introductory chapter, the taxonomic framework used for the Global Amphibian Assessment follows Frost (2004). Regional coordinators were initially asked to follow the systematic arrangement provided in Version 2.2 of Amphibian Species of the World (2000), and were only permitted to depart from this classication in a few well-justied circumstances. The GAA has continued to follow revisions to the ASW up to Version 3.0 (Frost 2004). The signicant changes given in the most recent update of the ASW are discussed in the introductory chapter.

Distribution maps
The GAA process has endeavored to produce maps for all of the ~6,000 amphibian species; however, in a very few instances (~100) it has been impossible to produce a meaningful map, mostly for species that are currently known only from non-specic type localities. The maps are in the form of polygons that join known locations. A species distribution map can consist of more than one polygon where there is an obvious discontinuity in suitable habitat. Data attached to each polygon include presence (e.g., extant, extirpated) and origin (native, introduced, reintroduced). In some cases, polygons were clipped to geographical features, such as rivers, or elevational contours.

Participants at the Papuan region GAA workshop in Hawaii, United States, in February 2003.

IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2 (hereafter referred to as the Red List) is the accepted standard for species global threat status (Lamoreux et al. 2003; Rodrigues et al. 2006). The identication of threatened species is of great importance to biodiversity conservation, since it enables practitioners to target those species known to be at highest risk of extinction. The rst Red List assessments were largely subjective and qualitative, and primarily focused on a few hand-picked species. However, in 1994, IUCN introduced a system of categorical rankings employing quantitative criteria and representing several advances, including: enabling consistent application by different people, being based around a probabilistic assessment of extinction risk, the incorporation of a time-scale, and the ability to handle uncertainty. The adoption in 2001 of the most recent version of the categories and criteria (IUCN 2001; Appendix I), has enabled considerable improvement of the rigor, justication, and transparency of Red List assessments. Despite the development of objective criteria, consistency and subjectivity in the application of these remains an issue. The Red List criteria are designed to handle uncertainty, for example uncertainties in population size or trends and distribution (Akakaya et al. 2000), but when there is inadequate information to make an assessment of extinction risk, the category Data Decient must be used. In the course of undertaking a Red List assessment, there is a risk that errors will be introduced, specically errors of omission (a species that is genuinely threatened is included in a non-threatened category, such as Data Decient or Least Concern) and commission (a species that is not genuinely threatened is classed in a threatened category). The attitudes of assessors to such risk and uncertainty range along a spectrum from evidentiary (demanding substantial evidence of threatened status before allowing such a classication) to precautionary (allowing a species to be listed in a non-threatened category only if there is strong evidence that it is not threatened). For a well-known species with extensive quantitative data, the effects of the assessors attitudes on listings are generally small. However, when the level of uncertainty is high, attitudes can easily cause the observed discrepancies. Assessors with strongly precautionary attitudes are concerned mainly about omission errors, whereas assessors with strongly evidentiary attitudes are concerned mainly about commission errors. Seeking to minimize the risk of one type of error inevitably increases the risk of the other type. IUCN is concerned about both types of error and, therefore, seeks to nd a balance between the extremes. The purpose of the consistency check was to help ensure that the Red List category selected for each species reected this balance. Improved training in the use of the Red List criteria, particularly at a regional level, and assessor awareness of issues relating to criteria application can help ensure consistency and minimize discrepancies between the global IUCN Red List and national Red Lists.

information that was published before that date but which was only made available to the GAA Coordinating Team after that date, is also not included here (and, as already noted, the overarching taxonomic classication follows Frost 2004). However, the information presented in the species accounts has been fully edited for content and style, and a number of corrections have been made usually to correct inconsistencies in data or obvious data errors. In a few exceptional instances, we have introduced footnotes, where we feel it is necessary to draw attention to important recent ndings (for example, rediscovery of Conraua derooi in West Africa).

Participants at the Tropical South America East of the Andes region GAA workshop in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in March-April 2003.

Rapidly Declining Species

In view of the rapid changes that are taking places in the status of amphibian species in many parts of the world, the GAA Coordinating Team attempted to dene a group of species as rapidly declining, based on an estimate of the likely IUCN Red List status of each species in 1980. Drawing on the data in the 2004 and 2006 IUCN Red List assessments, in particular on information on population trends, habitat decline trends, threatening processes and conservation actions, one member of the GAA Team (Simon Stuart) determined the likely Red List category for each species in 1980. This was estimated conservatively, with the default position being that no change had occurred unless there was strong evidence. Small changes in status were not considered to be sufcient to allow Red List category change. Changes in category were generally related to dramatic changes in the status of the species. Examples include: the disappearance of most, or all, of the population due to disease or poorly understood processes; a catastrophic decline due to over-harvesting; or severe habitat loss (especially for species that are not tolerant of habitat disturbance). Back-calculating of Red List categories has previously been done for birds in order to detect genuine trends in status over time, though this has only been done from 1994 back to 1988 (BirdLife International 2004). Amphibians that moved to a higher Red List threat category between 1980 and 2006 were dened as rapidly declining species. The assignment of individual species to the rapidly declining group clearly requires further review. However, for broad multi-species geographic analyses, the results give what seems to be a reliable overall picture of the patterns of amphibian declines.

Brazilian species
For 113 species endemic to Brazil, it was not possible to reach agreement on the Red List category between the GAA Coordinating Team and the experts on the species in Brazil (Appendix XIII). The Red List category for the individual species listed in this book are those that were agreed at the GAA Brazil workshop in April 2003. However, in the subsequent consistency check conducted by the GAA Coordinating Team, many of these were found to be inconsistent with the approach adopted elsewhere in the world. It is these consistent Red List categories that are used in the actual analyses presented in the introductory chapters of this book, and in Appendix V; the consistent categories are presented as footnotes in the species accounts in the book, where relevant.

Underlying data
The data upon which the analyses in this book are based, and the content presented in the individual species accounts that comprise the bulk of this work, are essentially the same as the information contained within the 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Any species described or revalidated after 31 December 2005, is not included. In addition, any


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Participants at the Chile GAA workshop in Concepcin, Chile in October 2003.

Participants at the Tropical Andes region GAA workshop in Tandayapa, Ecuador, in August 2003.

Participants at the Caribbean GAA workshop in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in March 2004.

Participants at the Southern Cone GAA workshop in Puerto Madryn, Argentina, in October 2003.

Endnotes 1 and htm 2

Akakaya, H.R., Ferson, S., Burgman, M.A., Keith, D.A., Mace, G.M. and Todd, C.R. 2000. Making Consistent IUCN Classications under Uncertainty. Conservation Biology 14:1001-1013. BirdLife International. 2004. State of the Worlds Birds: Indicators for our Changing World . BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK. Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L. and Green, D.E. 2004. Potential causes for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico. Herpetologica 60:141-154. Czechura, G.V. and Ingram, G. 1990. Taudactylus diurnus and the case of the disappearing frogs. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 29:361-365. Drost, C.A. and Fellers, G.M. 1996. Collapse of a regional frog fauna in the Yosemite area of the Sierra Nevada. Conservation Biology 10:414-425. Frost, D.R. 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 3.0 (22 August, 2004). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Houlahan, J.E., Findlay, C.S., Schmidt, B.R., Meyer, A.H. and Kuzmin, S.L. 2000. Quantitative evidence for global amphibian population declines. Nature 404:752-755. Kagarise Sherman, C. and Morton, M.L. 1993. Population declines of Yosemite toads in the eastern Sierra Nevada of California. Journal of Herpetology 27:186-198. Lamoreux, J., Akakaya, R., Bennun, L., Collar, N.J., Boitani, L., Brackett, D., Brutigam, A., Brooks, T.M.,

Fonseca, G.A.B., Mittermeier, R.A., Rylands, A.B., Grdenfors, U., Hilton-Taylor, C., Mace, G., Stein, B.A., and Stuart, S. 2003. Value of the IUCN Red List. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18:214-215. Laurance, W. F., McDonald, K.R. and Speare, R. 1996. Epidemic disease and the catastrophic decline of Australian rain forest frogs. Conservation Biology 10:406-413. Lips, K.R. 1998. Decline of a tropical montane amphibian fauna. Conservation Biology 12:106-117. Lynch, J.D. and Grant, T. 1998. Dying frogs in western Colombia: catastrophe or trivial observation? Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 23:149-152. Pechmann, J.H.K. and Wilbur, H.M. 1994. Putting declining amphibian populations in perspective: natural uctuations and human impacts. Herpetologica 50:65-84. Pounds, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Savage, J.M. and Gorman, G.C. 1997. Tests of null models for amphibian declines on a tropical mountain. Conservation Biology 11:1307-1322. Pounds, J.A. and Crump, M.I. 1994. Amphibian declines and climate disturbance: the case of the golden toad and the harlequin frog. Conservation Biology 8:72-85. Rodrigues, A.S.L., Pilgrim, J.D., Lamoreux, J.L., Hoffmann, M. and Brooks, T.M. 2006. The value of the Red List for conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21:71-76. Ron, S.R., Duellman, W.E., Coloma, L.A. and Bustamante, M.R. 2003. Population decline of the Jambato Toad Atelopus ignescens (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Andes of Ecuador. Journal of Herpetology 37:116-126. Young, B.E., Lips, K.R., Reaser, J.K., Ibanez, R., Salas, A.W., Cedeno, J. R., Coloma, L.A., Ron, S., La Marca, E., Meyer, J.R., Munoz, A., Bolanos, F., Chavez, G. and Romo, D. 2001. Population declines and priorities for amphibian conservation in Latin America. Conservation Biology 15:1213-1223.


Janice Chanson, Michael Hoffmann, Neil Cox and Simon Stuart During the course of the 20th Century the global human population increased from 1.65 billion to 6 billion people. In April 2005, the United Nations launched the results of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment1, a four-year effort involving 1,360 scientists from 95 countries that aimed to determine more precisely how a burgeoning human population is impacting the planets biodiversity and ecosystem services, and, conversely, how those changes are affecting human well-being. According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the worlds population doubled between 1960 and 2000, while the global economy gre six-fols over the same time-period. Perhaps not surprisingly then, over the past 50 years, humans have changed the planets ecosystems more rapidly and more extensively than in any other comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, bre, and fuel. The most important direct drivers of change in ecosystems are habitat change, overexploitation, invasive alien species, pollution, and climate change (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). Many of the dramatic ndings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment are telling indictments of the anthropogenic inuences that a rapidly technologically evolving human society has brought to bear on earths natural resources. More land was converted to cropland in the 30 years after 1950 than in the 150 years between 1700 and 1850. Cultivated systems (areas where at least 30% of the landscape is in croplands, shifting cultivation, conned livestock production, or freshwater aquaculture) now cover one-quarter of Earths terrestrial surface. In the last 20 years, some regions have experienced very high rates of forest loss, particularly in the tropics: in Central America, Amazonia, the Congo Basin, the forests of eastern Madagascar, and south-east Asia (mainly in lowland regions), and it is projected that a further 10-20% of grassland and forestland will be converted between 2000 and 2050 (primarily to agriculture). More than two-thirds of the area of two of the worlds 14 major terrestrial biomes and more than half of the area of four other biomes had been converted by 1990, primarily to agriculture. The amount of water impounded behind dams quadrupled since 1960, and three to six times as much water is held in reservoirs as in natural rivers; most water use (70% worldwide) is for agriculture. Since 1750, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by about 32% (from about 280 to 376 parts per million in 2003), primarily due to the combustion of fossil fuels and land use changes. Approximately 60% of that increase (60 parts per million) has taken place since 1959 (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). From a human welfare perspective, such dramatic changes are of primary importance because of the direct linkages between ecosystems and the essential provisioning, regulating and cultural services that they provide to humanity. That such changes already are having a dramatic effect on human society is undeniable. We already know, for example, that the impacts of the massive Tsunami that struck Aceh province in Indonesia on December 26, 2004, could have been signicantly less were it not for the loss of coastal mangroves and offshore coral reef systems (e.g., Marris 2005). Similarly, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the Gulf Coast of the United States, and in particular the city of New Orleans, may rekindle interest in bolstering the wetlands south of New Orleans to provide more of a barrier to future hurricanes (Travis 2005). Unfortunately, these same aforementioned drivers of change are leading to a signicant, irreversible loss of Earths biodiversity the very foundation upon which these ecosystem services are built. Although some species respond positively to anthropogenic pressures, the great majority show only limited tolerance of the increasingly widespread and rapid changes impacting ecosystems worldwide. There is already ample evidence that current species extinction rates are 100-1,000 times higher than the normal rate of extinction (Pimm et al. 1995; Baillie et al. 2004). At least in the last 500 years alone, nearly 800 documented extinctions have occurred, clearly an underestimate since this gure is based only on those species actually known to have gone extinct within this time frame (Baillie et al. 2004). And, at least one recent study suggests that we could lose at least three times this number of species within just a few decades (Ricketts et al. 2005). The Global Amphibian Assessment is the rst-ever attempt to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of the worlds ~6,000 amphibian species. Only 124 threatened amphibians appeared on the 1996 IUCN Red List (Baillie and Groombridge 1996), and only a few more were added to this number in the 2000 IUCN Red List (Hilton-Taylor 2000). Other than amphibians, only two other vertebrate Classes have been globally and comprehensively assessed: mammals were assessed globally for the rst time in 1996 (Baillie and Groombridge 1996), and, at the time of writing, are the focus of a massive revision through the IUCN-led Global Mammal Assessment; birds, on the other hand, a Class of ~10,000 species, have been assessed globally four times since 1988 (most recently in 2004), with a fth major global assessment planned for completion in 2008. A comprehensive assessment of this nature permits us a clear picture of the state and distribution of global biodiversity. However, of greatest interest, particularly among amphibians, is the opportunity it presents to investigate the causes of the marked and rapid declines and disappearances that have been observed in amphibian populations the world over, especially those populations that have vanished in seemingly pristine habitats where apparent environmental degradation or anthropogenic impacts are low.

in a threatened category. Although the assessment revealed that 44% of amphibian species are currently not considered to be globally threatened (these are species listed in the categories Near Threatened and Least Concern), the populations of most of these species are still decreasing, albeit not currently at a rate sufcient to meet the criteria for listing in a higher category of threat (see later). A total of 34 species4 are listed as ofcially Extinct5; 19 of these species are from Sri Lanka6 (see Figure 2; and see Essay 4.1). One species, the Wyoming Toad, Bufo baxteri, is considered Extinct in the Wild, since the surviving wild population persists only due to annual releases of thousands of captive-reared toadlets (see Essay 11.7). Furthermore, within the category Critically Endangered, 130 of the 455 species are agged as being Possibly Extinct (see Appendix IX). These typically are species that have not been seen for an extended period of time, but for which there is still some lagging hope that they may yet be hanging on in their native habitat (see Butchart et al. 2006).

Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 34 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 1 Critically Endangered (CR) 455 Endangered (EN) 768 Vulnerable (VU) 670 Near Threatened (NT) 369 Least Concern (LC) 2,236 Data Decient (DD) 1,382 Total Number of Species 5,915
1% 23% 8% 13%


In order for a species to qualify for one of the three threatened Red List categories (CR, EN, VU), it must satisfy one or more of the ve Red List criteria: A: Population reduction; B: Geographic range size and decline; C: Small population size and decline; D: Very small or restricted population; and E. Quantitative analysis of the probability of extinction (see Appendix I). By summarizing across species the criteria that trigger the Red List categories,
38% 11%


Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for all amphibian species. The percentage of species in each category is given in the pie chart above.

One of four small families of amphibians at risk of extinction, the Leiopelmatidae of New Zealand is represented by only four species, including Leiopelma hochstetteri (Vulnerable) from North Island, which is at possible risk from the chytrid fungus. Paddy Ryan


The GAA undertook risk assessments for 5,915 amphibian species2, categorizing one-third of all extant species (1,893 out of 5,881) as threatened with extinction3 (Figure 1). This is noticeably higher compared with other groups that have been globally and comprehensively assessed, specically mammals (23%) and birds (12%) (Baillie et al. 2004). Not only are amphibians more threatened than mammals or birds, but they also have a higher proportion of species on the verge of extinction. Some 21% of amphibians are classed in the categories Critically Endangered or Endangered, compared with 10.5% of mammals and 5.4% of birds. Worryingly, it seems increasingly certain that this high level of threat is a signicant underestimate of the true threat status of the class, since there is currently insufcient information available to assess the conservation status of 23% of amphibians (these species are placed in the category Data Decient). These poorly known species (a number of which have only recently been described), are often rare and have small distributions, and with the availability of more information, particularly on threats, may warrant listing

Figure 2. The distribution of Extinct (n=34) and Extinct in the Wild (n=1; Bufo baxteri) amphibians (since 1500). Numbers correspond as follows: 1-19 Philautus malcolmsmithi, Adenomus kandianus, Nannophrys guentheri, Philautus adspersus, Philautus eximius, Philautus hypomelas, Philautus leucorhinus, Philautus nasutus, Philautus temporalis, Philautus variabilis, Philautus oxyrhynchus, Philautus halyi, Philautus dimbullae, Philautus nanus, Philautus rugatus, Philautus extirpo, Philautus stellatus, Philautus zal, Philautus zimmeri; 20 Philautus travancorius; 21 Rheobatrachus vitellinus; 22-23 Rheobatrachus silus, Taudactylus diurnus; 24 Cynops wolterstorf; 25 Discoglossus nigriventer; 26 Plethodon ainsworthi; 27 Rana sheri; 28 Bufo baxteri; 29 Eleutherodactylus milesi; 30 Eleutherodactylus chrysozetetes; 31 Bufo periglenes; 32 Atelopus vogli; 33-34 Atelopus longirostris, Atelopus ignescens; 35 Phrynomedusa mbriata.

Red List Category Critically Endangered (CR) Endangered (EN) Vulnerable (VU)

Number of species in category 455 768 670

A 189 50 36

% of category 42 7 5

B 316 730 463

% of species in category 69 95 69

C 8 4 1

% of category 2 1 0.1

D 5 2 177

% of category 1 0.3 26

Table 1. A summary of the Red List criteria triggering each Red List category. No amphibians are listed under Criterion E, as quantitative analysis of extinction risk requires considerably more data over longer time periods than is usually available for threatened amphibians.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Order/Family Anura Allophrynidae Arthroleptidae Ascaphidae Astylosternidae Bombinatoridae Brachycephalidae Bufonidae Caeciliidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Discoglossidae Heleophrynidae Hemisotidae Hylidae Hyperoliidae Leiopelmatidae Leptodactylidae Limnodynastidae Mantellidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Nasikabatrachidae Pelobatidae Pelodytidae Petropedetidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Rheobatrachidae Rhinodermatidae Rhinophrynidae Scaphiopodidae Sooglossidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Amphiumidae Cryptobranchidae Dicamptodontidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Rhyacotritonidae Salamandridae Sirenidae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Ichthyophiidae Rhinatrematidae Scolecomorphidae Uraeotyphlidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA










Number threatened 0 14 0 21 5 1 214 3 51 65 3 2 1 183 49 4 566 10 35 44 72 13 1 1 0 24 3 164 118 2 2 0 0 4 1,672 13 0 1 0 27 177 2 1 30 0 251 2 0 0 0 5

% Threatened or Extinct 0 27 0 72* 50 13 45* 3* 37 28 25 33 11 23* 19* 100 46* 20 22* 34 17* 18* 100 25 0 24 10* 25* 43* 100 100 0 0 100 32 43 0 33 0 59* 48* 33 25 43 0 47* 5* 0 0 0 3*

1 51 2 29 10 8 476 113 138 234 12 6 9 804 253 4 1,238 50 158 128 430 71 1 4 3 102 30 666 274 2 2 1 7 4 5,208 30 3 3 4 46 365 6 4 70 4 535 39 9 6 5 172

0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 18 2 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 3 0 2 0 0 85 1 6 20 0 2 0 71 1 1 145 1 7 3 6 6 0 0 0 3 1 19 17 0 1 0 0 0 400 9 0 1 0 5 36 0 0 3 0 54 0 0 0 0 1

0 9 0 11 1 0 71 1 16 29 0 0 0 64 19 1 247 7 12 14 27 2 1 1 0 13 2 61 50 0 0 0 0 0 658 2 0 0 0 10 82 1 0 14 0 109 0 0 0 0 1

0 2 0 8 4 1 52 1 29 16 2 0 1 47 29 2 172 2 16 27 39 4 0 0 0 8 0 82 33 0 1 0 0 4 581 2 0 0 0 12 58 1 1 12 0 86 2 0 0 0 3

0 3 0 2 0 1 26 0 10 14 4 0 0 27 17 0 61 1 12 13 18 3 0 1 0 10 1 60 26 0 0 0 1 0 311 1 1 2 1 2 37 1 2 11 0 58 0 0 0 0 0

1 18 2 5 5 1 171 41 28 58 5 4 4 431 133 0 351 37 77 40 177 49 0 2 3 39 21 295 64 0 0 1 6 0 2,028 13 2 0 3 11 91 3 1 27 4 155 5 4 3 0 53

0 16 0 1 0 5 65 69 49 97 0 0 4 163 54 0 260 2 34 31 163 6 0 0 0 29 5 147 66 0 0 0 0 0 1,197 3 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 2 0 71 32 5 3 5 114

we can potentially obtain a better understanding of the factors driving species towards extinction (Table 1)7. Among Critically Endangered amphibians, 42% of the species meet the criteria for this category due to their having undergone a substantial population reduction (Criterion A), and 69% of species meet the geographic range criterion (Criterion B). The majority of amphibians that are recognized as threatened on the basis of population reduction most often fall within the category of Critically Endangered, with 69% of species meeting Criterion A being within this highest category of threat. Very few amphibian species meet either Criteria C or D (the exception being Vulnerable species meeting Criterion D2; see Appendix X) as the information necessary to appropriately apply these criteria is usually not available. For most species, it is considerably easier to observe a decline in the population, or to make an educated inference of the range size, than it is to estimate the actual number of individuals.


There are signicant differences among the three taxonomic Orders of amphibians in the total number of species and conservation status (Table 2). The Anura (frogs and toads), by virtue of absolute numbers of species, greatly inuence the average threat level for all amphibians, with 32% either globally threatened or extinct. The less species-rich Caudata (salamanders and newts) are signicantly more threatened than the global average, with 47% of species currently threatened or extinct. The smallest Order of amphibians, the Gymnophiona (caecilians), remain extremely poorly known, with two-thirds (66%) of caecilians currently assessed as Data Decient. Only 3% of caecilians are known to be threatened. Signicant variations in both the total number of species and threat status are also evident between the 48 amphibian families (Table 2). Very diverse families of frogs and toads that are signicantly more threatened than the global average include the Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae, and Rhacophoridae. Sadly, both species of the extraordinary Australian endemic family Rheobatrachidae (the gastric-brooding frogs) are now Extinct (see Essay 6.1). Four small families are at severe risk of disappearing altogether; the Leiopelmatidae of New Zealand, with all four species in the family threatened (see Essay 6.2); the Rhinodermatidae of Chile and Argentina with two threatened species, one of which (Rhinoderma rufum) has not been recorded since the late 1970s; the Sooglossidae, all endemics of the Seychelles, and the monotypic family Nasikabatrachidae. Diverse families that are less threatened than the global average include Ranidae, Microhylidae, and Hyperoliidae. Among the three most species-rich salamander families, Hynobiidae and Plethodontidae exhibit much higher levels of threat than Salamandridae.


Biogeographic realms are the eight continent-scale terrestrial and freshwater regions distinguished by characteristic biota that reect shared evolutionary histories (Udvardy 1975). We adapted the biogeographic realm classication of Olson et al. (2001) (Figure 3) to allocate species to one of six biogeographic realms10. These realms are broadly similar to the six zoogeographic realms employed by Duellman (1999) in his regional comparison of amphibian distributions (see Fig 1:1 in Duellman 1999). The Neotropical Realm, which stretches from central Mexico south throughout South America and includes all of the Caribbean Islands, is by far the leader in terms of overall species richness of amphibians, being home to almost half of the worlds amphibians, of which 96% are endemic to the realm (Table 3). Two other realms have even higher levels of endemism, the Australasian (99%) and Afrotropical (98%) realms. The relatively low level of endemism in the Palaearctic is mainly due to the somewhat arbitrary border between the Palaearctic and Indomalayan realms in China, and similarly the level of endemism in the Nearctic is also reduced by the arbitrariness of the division of Mexico between the Nearctic and Neotropical realms. The Neotropical Realm also has the greatest proportion of threatened and extinct species, having experienced signicant habitat loss, and is home to many narrow range endemics, especially in the Andes and Mexico. It is also the region that has been hardest hit by chytridiomycosis. Although there are many species that are threatened or extinct as a result of habitat loss, disease and introduced species in Australia and New Zealand, the contribution of the relatively unthreatened amphibians of the island of New Guinea results in the overall percentage of threatened species in the Australasian Realm being the lowest of all the regions, with only 13% and signicantly less than the global average of 33%. The Afrotropics, Nearctic, and the Palaearctic are also regions with signicantly less threatened species than the global average. In-depth syntheses of amphibian distributions in each of the six biogeographic realms are presented in Chapters 5-10.

Table 2. Red List Status by Order and Family8. *The difference between these percentages and the percentages for amphibians as a whole is statistically signicant9


Nearly a decade has passed since the last major synthesis on the global distribution patterns of amphibians (Duellman 1999). Prior to Duellmans (1999) synthesis, the only major contributions in the last 50 years that have taken a global perspective on amphibian distributions are those of Savage (1973) and Duellman and Trueb (1986). There have, of course, been many treatises focusing on regional distribution patterns on continents, such as Central America (Savage 1982), China (Zhao and Adler 1993) and Europe (Gasc 1997), as well as island faunas, such as the Caribbean (Hedges 1996) and the Philippines (Inger 1954). However, Duellmans publication was the rst to attempt a major synthesis of the global distribution patterns of amphibians, describing differences and similarities among continents, major islands and archipelagos, and discussing the implications of these patterns of distribution relative to conservation. Figure 3. Biogeographic Realms adapted from Olson et al. (2001).
Realm Afrotropical Australasian* Indomalayan Nearctic Neotropical Palaearctic Total (endemics) 969 (954) 544 (538) 999 (800) 337 (230) 2,916 (2,808) 468 (260) % endemics 98 99 80 68 96 56 EX 0 3 20 2 7 2 EW 0 0 0 1 0 0 CR 33 16 32 10 358 13 EN 107 21 134 24 456 40 VU 100 29 143 46 324 58 NT 53 10 104 40 140 48 LC 467 287 311 189 956 245 DD 209 178 255 25 675 62 Number threatened 240 69 329 83 1,145 113 % Threatened or EX 25* 13* 33 25* 39* 24*

Table 3. Red List status in each biogeographic region. *includes Oceania

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


Leptopelis vermiculatus (Vulnerable) is a range-restricted species endemic to several mountain blocks in the Eastern Arc chain of Tanzania, including the East and West Usambaras, Nguu, Udzungwa, Poroto and Mount Rungwe. Around two-thirds of amphibians have distribution ranges less than 50,000km2. Maik Dobiey Figure 4. Global species richness for amphibians, with dark red colours corresponding to higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 144 species.

One of the major advances of the GAA process is the collection of high resolution spatial data that allow us to undertake analyses that expand considerably upon the work and conclusions of these aforementioned earlier assessments, making comparisons possible across both broad geographic regions and political units. Importantly, we can make these comparisons across threatened species. Such an analysis of extent of occurrence data has not previously been possible for amphibians beyond that of a single continent (e.g., Brooks et al. 2001). It is also possible to compare these maps to human demographic data to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by amphibians in an increasingly human dominated world (See Essay 4.2).


The most obvious pattern to emerge from an analysis of the overlay of all species distributions is visual evidence that the tropics hold much higher species richness than do temperate regions (Figure 4). This is further supported by a summary of the number of species in each ve-degree latitudinal band, which shows that species richness is much higher in the tropics than is to be expected based on area alone, and peaks around the equator (Baillie et al. 2004; Mace et al. 2005). Areas of high global species richness among amphibians include Central America, the Andes and the Amazon Basin, the Atlantic forest of Brazil, the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa, the Afromontane regions of Africa (including the Albertine Rift, the highlands of Cameroon, and the Eastern Arc Mountains), eastern Madagascar, the Western Ghats, and montane Southeast Asia. The only non-tropical area with high species richness is the south-eastern United States, which is the global centre for salamander diversity. Species richness is lowest in arid regions, and there are no amphibians at all in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere, central Asia, North Africa, south-central Australia, Antarctica, and most of New Zealand. Of course, this map must be interpreted with some caution when considering the problem of uneven survey efforts around the world; regions such as Indonesia, New Guinea and the Congo Basin are especially likely to be under represented on this map due to lack of adequate surveys, although the overall pattern of species richness decreasing away from the poles holds true. Considering existing maps of species richness among mammals and birds, there is an obvious degree of congruence in patterns of overall species richness among these groups (Baillie et al. 2004; Mace et al. 2005). The global distribution of threatened amphibians (Figure 5) differs signicantly from the map of overall species diversity. Major concentrations of threatened species are associated with insular systems (montane environments, islands), where there has been severe habitat loss and exposure to the fungal disease chytridiomycosis, including the sierras and transvolcanic belt of Mexico, Central America, the tropical Andes, Brazils Atlantic Forest, the Greater Antilles, the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa, the forest of western Cameroon and eastern Nigeria, the Albertine Rift, the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and other Afromontane outliers, the south-east coast of South Africa, Madagascars wet forests, the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka, montane Southeast Asia, and eastern Australia. South and East China also emerge quite strongly, although the pattern is driven to a large degree by the formerly widespread, but now Critically Endangered, Chinese Giant Salamander. In contrast then to published richness maps of threatened mammals (Baillie et al. 2004; Grenyer et al. 2006) or birds (Baillie et al. 2004; BirdLife International 2004; Orme et al. 2005; Grenyer et al. 2006), most of the world is devoid of threatened amphibians. It has already been established that there is a widespread correlation between a species range size and extinction risk (Purvis et al. 2000), and geographic range is inherent in the Red List criteria (see Appendix I). Since amphibians are largely sedentary species, their ranges tend to be much smaller than more mobile species, such as birds (Baillie et al. 2004). Threatened amphibians are more likely to have small range sizes (Table 4) and tend to occur more densely in smaller areas than either mammals or birds. Not only do most amphibians have small ranges, but these narrowly distributed species tend to co-occur in centres of endemism (Anderson 1994). These centres of endemism tend to lie across isolated or topographically varied regions, and show extreme concentration in the tropics (Figure 6). This is the geographical manifestation of Rapoports rule (Rapoport 1982), which states that the mean latitude of a species range correlates with the species range size, although the generality of this rule has been questioned (Gaston 1999). Previous analyses have already demonstrated the remarkable degree of overlap between centres of endemism across birds, mammals and amphibians (Baillie et al. 2004).

Figure 5. Richness map of threatened amphibian species, with dark red colours corresponding to higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 44 species.

Order Anura Caudata Gymnophiona All species

All species minus DD, EX and EW Median area (km2) Number of species 19,118 3,978 4,378 462 33,224 58 16,794 4,498

All threatened species Median area (km2) Number of species 1,090 1,639 417 249 44 5 976 1,893

Table 4. Median range size of species in each amphibian Order. Only extant non-Data Decient species with a range map are included in the analysis11.


An important contribution of any analysis of geographic patterns of amphibian distributions is reporting on the distribution of species by political units, specically countries. Particularly Figure 6. Centres of endemism inhabited, respectively, by more than two overlapping species with global distributions of less than 50,000km 12.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Brazil Colombia Ecuador Peru Mexico Indonesia China Venezuela United States of America Papua New Guinea India Madagascar Australia Congo, D.R. Bolivia Malaysia Camerooon Panama Costa Rica Tanzania 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Jamaica Seychelles Madagascar Cuba Australia Sri Lanka Japan Philippines Puerto Rico United States of America Chile Mexico Papua New Guinea Brazil India China Haiti Venezuela Colombia Taiwan, Province of China 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Colombia Mexico Ecuador Brazil China Peru Guatemala Venezuela India

Haiti Dominican Republic Jamaica Cuba Puerto Rico Sri Lanka Guatemala Mexico Seychelles Philippines

Costa Rica Honduras Honduras Ecuador Madagascar Chile Panama Cameroon Sri Lanka United States of America Philippines Australia Cuba Malaysia 0 50 100 150 200 250 Japan Turkey Costa Rica Colombia Panama El Salvador Taiwan, Province of China Trinidad and Tobago 0 20 40 60 80 100

Number of species Endemics Figure 7 Non-endemics Figure 9

Percentage of endemic species Figure 10

Number of threatened species Endemics Non-endemics Figure 12

Percentage of species threatened

Figure 7. The 20 most diverse countries for amphibians.

Figure 9. The 20 countries with the highest percentage of country endemics. Countries with less than 10 native species are excluded (NB. The totals for China include species in Hong Kong and Macau).

Figure 10. The 20 countries with the highest number of threatened amphibians.

Figure 12. The 20 countries with the highest percentage of threatened amphibians. Only countries with 10 or more native amphibians are included.

informative are the numbers of species endemic to each country, and especially the numbers of endemic threatened species, because they can guide a doctrine of ultimate responsibility for each nation to ensure the persistence of global biodiversity (Mittermeier et al. 1998). Although the number of threatened species per country provides a coarse measure of threats to biodiversity, albeit heavily conated by area (Balmford and Long 1995), dividing the number of threatened species by total numbers of species per country does give a useful measure of relative threat to a nations biodiversity. Further, the presentation of threatened species occurrences by country is also useful in providing a cross-check to national Red Lists, and vice versa (Hilton-Taylor et al. 2000; Rodriguez et al. 2000), given the important implications of these for national conservation policy. A detailed summary for all countries is provided in Appendix V. When comparing amphibian richness amongst countries, Brazil, with 751 species currently recognized, is rst, followed closely by Colombia with 697 (Figure 7). These results need to be considered with some caution, particularly bearing in mind the relative level of survey effort in some countries. For example, both Colombia and Brazil have received extensive survey efforts in recent decades, and although both countries can be expected to add signicantly to their totals (see Essay 9.5 and Essay 9.4, respectively), the level of increase is likely to be less than in some of the other highly diverse countries such as Papua New Guinea or Indonesia. In South America, Peru in particular is relatively poorly sampled and is almost certain to experience substantial increases in its number of recorded species, and could even surpass Ecuador. Nonetheless, the species richness in Ecuador is remarkable for a country one-thirtieth the size of Brazil. Figure 8 provides an alternative illustration of the relative signicance of each country in terms of amphibian diversity. The number and percentage of endemics within a country (Table 5 and Figure 9, respectively), gives a slightly different perspective on the importance of countries in amphibian conservation. When looking at the number of country endemics, the rst two countries, Brazil and Colombia, not surprisingly emerge yet again at the top of the list. Interestingly, Ecuador with the third largest number of amphibians is only 11th in the list of percentage of endemics, with only 36% of species endemic. To put some perspective on the contribution

these countries make to global amphibian species richness, the endemic species of the top 10 countries account for 40% of the worlds amphibian species, and the top 20 for 56%. When considering the percentage of country endemics, it is perhaps not surprising to see that the rst nine countries listed are island states. Many of these have very small numbers of species, with the exception of Madagascar with 226 species currently described, only one of which is not endemic to the country. Similarly, Australia with a total of 214 species has 200 country endemics. The two countries with the highest number of endemics, Brazil and Colombia, are only ranked 18th and 24th when looking at percentage of endemic species. Among countries with the highest number of threatened amphibians (Figure 10), there are some apparent differences to the most species-rich countries listed in Figure 7, suggesting that either amphibians in some countries are more susceptible to threats, or that threats vary between countries, or that there are other factors inuencing the distribution of threatened species. Figure 11 illustrates the relative importance of each country to threatened amphibians. Colombia, the country with the second largest amphibian fauna, has the most threatened species. The major threat to amphibians in Colombia is habitat loss, although there have also been many as yet unexplained declines occurring (presumably due to chytridiomycosis). The dramatic topography of the Andes means that many of the amphibians have very restricted ranges thus making them more vulnerable to threatening processes. Ranking of countries with the highest percentage of threatened species (Figure 12 is quite different to the list of countries with the highest number of threatened species (Figure 10). The rst ve countries13 with the highest percentage are all in the Caribbean, and over 70% of all the amphibians in these countries are threatened. Compared with other regions, the Caribbean region stands out with by far the highest percentage of threatened species. Most notable in this regard is Haiti, with 46 of the 50 species native to this country threatened with extinction, almost entirely due to rampant habitat loss. In Mexico, a country ranked fth for species richness, but second in terms of number of threatened species, more than 50% of amphibians are threatened. Severe habitat loss is the overwhelming threat to Mexican amphibians, but chytridiomycosis is also present.

Figure 8. The world according to amphibians. The size of each country represents the relative proportion of the worlds amphibians found there. Map produced by Vineet Katariya.

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 =20 =20

Country Brazil Colombia Mexico Madagascar Australia United States of America Peru China Papua New Guinea Indonesia Ecuador Venezuela India Philippines Sri Lanka Tanzania Cuba Malaysia Cameroon Bolivia Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Native 751 697 363 226 214 261 411 325 244 347 447 298 236 98 83 162 59 203 196 209 211

Native Endemic 489 337 246 225 200 182 181 170 164 161 159 155 151 77 67 65 57 56 55 53 53

% endemics 65 48 68 99.6 93 70 44 52 67 46 36 52 64 79 81 40 97 28 28 25 25

Number threatened 110 209 198 55 47 52 81 87 10 33 163 69 63 48 52 41 47 47 53 21 13

Number threatened endemics 106 159 162 55 47 48 59 82 8 23 102 62 61 48 51 40 47 34 38 18 4

% Species Threatened 15 30 55 24 22 20 20 27 4 10 36 23 27 49 63 25 80 23 27 10 6

Table 5. The 20 countries with the highest number of country endemics.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Recording the habitat preferences of species from a standardized classication scheme (see documentation on CD) is part of the required documentation in the Red List assessment process. Almost 80% of amphibians are forest species (Table 6 and Figure 13) and 90% of these species (4,251 species), in turn, occur in tropical forests. Of all forest species, 36% are either threatened or extinct, and for those occurring in tropical forests the percentage of threatened or extinct species is slightly higher at 37%. However, montane forest species (very generally dened here as forest at altitudes above 1,000m asl) are much more likely to be threatened than those occurring in lowland forest. This is probably because montane species are more likely to have restricted ranges and hence are more susceptible to threatening processes, and also because chytridiomycosis appears to be having a much greater impact on species occurring at elevations above 1,000m asl. Only a small percentage of amphibians occur in relatively dry habitats such as arid and semi-arid habitats and savannah, 2% and 8%, respectively, and the percentages of species in these habitats that are threatened are very low (9% and 3%, respectively). The lack of species in these habitats is not surprising as amphibians are known to prefer moist habitats. These drier habitats are also usually less varied topographically and are relatively less impacted by anthropogenic disturbance, so it is to be expected that there will also be fewer threatened species. Although amphibians are classically considered as leading dual lives, occurring in both land and water environments (hence the etymological origins of the word), in fact only two-thirds of species (3,775) undergo a free-swimming larval development stage in which they are dependent on a freshwater habitat. Those species that are not dependent on freshwater habitats are predominantly direct-developing species, which develop directly from eggs without a larval stage (see Chapter 1). It is the larval stage of larval-developing species that most likely occurs within freshwater habitats. In Table 6, occurrence in freshwater is divided into three subgroups: still, flowing, or swamp/marsh. Flowing freshwater habitats for amphibians usually include streams, creeks or brooks; still freshwater habitats are often temporary rainpools or other small pools of freshwater (favoured breeding sites for many explosive-breeding species). This distinction between freshwater habitats appears to have a significant influence on the likelihood that a species is threatened. Of species that are associated with flowing water, 36% are currently threatened or extinct, whereas only 15% of species associated with still water are currently threatened or extinct. This may be related to

While almost 80% of amphibians are forest species, only two-thirds undergo a free-swimming larval development stage in which they are dependent on some freshwater habitat (like Atelopus varius pictured here). Species that are not dependent on freshwater habitats are predominantly direct-developing species, which develop directly from eggs without a free-living larval stage. Twan Leenders

Figure 11. The world according to threatened amphibians. The size of each country represents the relative proportion of the worlds threatened amphibians found there. Map produced by Vineet Katariya.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Table 6. The habitat preferences for all amphibian species. All tropical forest encompasses both lowland and montane tropical forest.

Habitat type

All species

% of all species

Threatened or Extinct species

% of all species in habitat that are threatened or Extinct 36 37 28 46 3 22 17 17 36 16 15 9

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 1,500 3,000 4,500

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Figure 13. The number of species occurring in a particular habitat, and the percentage of species occurring within each habitat that are threatened.

Forest All tropical forest Lowland tropical forest Montane tropical forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

4,710 4,251 2,849 2,507 484 987 860 1,496 2,506 722 1,793 94

80 72 48 42 8 17 15 25 42 12 30 2

1,678 1,566 807 1,142 13 217 148 258 897 113 275 8




the likelihood of exposure to disease increasing in flowing water, as the water may be acting as a vector for disease.

Reproductive Modes
As noted earlier (see Chapter 1), for the purposes of analysis in this book, amphibian reproductive modes have been combined into three general groups: larval developing species that lay eggs, from which free-living larvae hatch; direct developing species that lay eggs in which the larvae develop and metamorphose prior to hatching; and livebearing species in which the larvae develop inside the mother, with no eggs being laid (including viviparous and ovoviviparous species). By far the most common reproductive mode is larval development, with 4,004 species known or believed to use this mode. Direct development is also quite common, being present or strongly suspected in 1,742 species, whereas there are only 58 known or suspected live-bearing species. There are 111 species for which the reproductive mode remains completely unknown and cannot readily be inferred from close relatives. The global distribution of larval-developing, direct-developing, and live-bearing amphibians is shown in Figure 14. The richness map of larval developers is very similar to the richness map for all amphibian species (Figure 4), which is not surprising considering that over two-thirds of amphibians are larval developers. The few regions that differ signicantly are the Caribbean; a region extending from southern Mexico south to Ecuador and Venezuela; New Guinea; and the mountains of the eastern United States, which have very few larval-developing species compared with overall species richness. Compared with larval developers, direct developers occur in relatively few areas. The main concentrations are in the Caribbean, the Andes of South America extending through Central America to

southern Mexico, the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, New Guinea, Sri Lanka (see Essay 4.3), the mountainous regions of the eastern United States, and the west coast of the United States. Lesser concentrations are also found in east and central Africa, Madagascar, the Western Ghats and the Philippines. The number and overall range of direct-developing species in the Old World tropics is still greatly under-estimated, especially because large numbers of species in the genera Philautus (Indomalayan) and Arthroleptis (Afrotropical) probably remain to be described. Live-bearing species are only found in a few places: the Amazon, Central America, Europe, West Africa, the Eastern Arc Mountains and West Asia. A map of the global distribution of all three reproductive modes (Figure 15) shows that the majority of the global range of amphibians is home only to larval-developing species. This is perhaps why most people think of amphibians as being freshwater, larval-developing species only, and are often surprised to hear of the existence of other remarkable reproduc-



Figure 14. Richness map of a) larval-developing amphibians; b) direct-developing amphibians; and c) live-bearing amphibians. Darker red colours correspond to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10, 10 and 5 quantile classes, respectively. Maximum richness equals 127, 55 and 9 species, respectively.

Family Larval-developing Direct-developing Live-bearing Unknown Anura Allophrynidae 1 0 0 0 Arthroleptidae 16 35 0 0 Ascaphidae 2 0 0 0 Astylosternidae 29 0 0 0 Bombinatoridae 8 0 0 2 Brachycephalidae 0 8 0 0 Bufonidae 426 24 13 13 Centrolenidae 138 0 0 0 Dendrobatidae 232 2 0 0 Discoglossidae 12 0 0 0 Heleophrynidae 6 0 0 0 Hemisotidae 9 0 0 0 Hylidae 800 0 0 4 Hyperoliidae 250 1 0 2 Leiopelmatidae 0 4 0 0 Leptodactylidae 394 836 1 7 Limnodynastidae 50 0 0 0 Mantellidae 125 20 0 13 Megophryidae 128 0 0 0 Microhylidae 192 233 0 5 Myobatrachidae 63 8 0 0 Nasikabatrachidae 1 0 0 0 Pelobatidae 4 0 0 0 Pelodytidae 3 0 0 0 Petropedetidae 90 10 0 2 Pipidae 25 3 0 2 Ranidae 585 80 0 1 Rhacophoridae 138 130 0 6 Rheobatrachidae 0 2 0 0 Rhinodermatidae 1 1 0 0 Rhinophrynidae 1 0 0 0 Scaphiopodidae 7 0 0 0 Sooglossidae 1 3 0 0 TOTAL ANURA 3,737 1,400 14 57 Caudata Ambystomatidae 30 0 0 0 Amphiumidae 3 0 0 0 Cryptobranchidae 3 0 0 0 Dicamptodontidae 4 0 0 0 Hynobiidae 45 0 0 1 Plethodontidae 50 315 0 0 Proteidae 6 0 0 0 Rhyacotritonidae 4 0 0 0 Salamandridae 57 0 13 0 Sirenidae 4 0 0 0 TOTAL CAUDATA 206 315 13 1 Gymnophiona Caeciliidae 8 27 28 50 Ichthyophiidae 39 0 0 0 Rhinatrematidae 9 0 0 0 Scolecomorphidae 0 0 3 3 Uraeotyphlidae 5 0 0 0 TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA 61 27 31 53 TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS 4,004 1,742 58 111


Table 7. Variation in reproductive mode between taxonomic Orders and Families.

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


Figure 15. Combined distribution of amphibian reproductive modes.

Breeding Strategy Larval developers only Direct developers only Larval and direct developers Larval and live-bearing Larval, direct and live-bearing

tive modes. Live-bearing species always occur sympatrically with larval-developing species, and sometimes with direct-developing species. The regions where all three reproductive modes co-exist are the Amazon Basin, Colombia to southern Mexico, West and Central Africa, East Africa and north-central Italy and south-eastern France. Direct developers are the only amphibians in New Zealand, Fiji, the Lesser Antilles, the Bahamas, Palau, the Solomon Islands and various small islands off New Guinea, but otherwise are always found in areas inhabited by larval developers. The prevalence of the various reproductive modes varies between the different taxonomic Orders (Table 7). All three Orders have species representative of each reproductive mode. The most common strategy for frogs and toads is larval development (over 70% of species), and the most common strategy for salamanders and newts is direct development (59%). While the most common strategy for caecilians is larval development (35% of species), the majority (54%) of live-bearing species are caecilians. There is still very little known about most caecilian species, and the reproductive mode for nearly one-third (30%) of caecilians remains unknown. Larval development is a very common reproductive mode amongst amphibian families, and all but four families have some larval-developing species. The three anuran families, Brachycephalidae, Rheobatrachidae and Leiopelmatidae, contain direct-developing species only, and the caecilian family Scolecomorphidae has three live-bearing species in one genus, and the reproductive mode for the three species in the other genus are unknown. Compared with larval development, direct development and live-bearing are reproductive modes restricted to far fewer families. Only 19 families have species that are direct developers, and the overwhelming majority of these are within the anuran family Leptodactylidae, and in particular the largest amphibian genus Eleutherodactylus. Amongst other anuran families, slightly more than half of the microhylid species, and almost half of the rhacophorid species are direct developers. There is only one salamander family containing direct-developing species, Plethodontidae, and only one caecilian family, Caecilidae. Within the Caudata there are 13 live-bearing species all in the genera Salamandra and Lyciasalamandra. There appear to be few live-bearing frog and toad species (14 species in total), relative to the diversity of this Order. Most of these species, such as the Critically Endangered Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis and Golden Coqui Eleutherodactylus jasperi are ovoviviparous, with the equally highly threatened Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis and Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis being the only truly viviparous anurans. The reproductive mode of a particular species is related to whether or not it is likely to be threatened with extinction (Table 8). Amongst direct developers, 45% of species are currently threatened with extinction or are already extinct, which is considerably higher than the global average of 33%. Twenty-one of the 34 extinct amphibians were direct developers. Larval developers are relatively less threatened than the global average. The median range size of amphibians employing each of the three different reproductive modes is summarized in Table 9. When considering all extant, non-Data Decient species, the median for larval-developing species is much greater than that of direct-developing species. The much smaller range size of direct developers makes these species more susceptible to habitat loss and other threats compared to larval developers. This might

partly explain why direct-developing amphibians are proportionately more threatened than larval-developing amphibians.

Major Threats
As part of the Global Amphibian Assessment, the major threats to all amphibians were collated. Analyses of these data permit a quantitative perspective on the major causal mechanisms not only driving amphibians to extinction, but also allowing us some insight into the threats that are driving amphibians most rapidly to extinction. Given the major nding of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively in the last 50 years than in any comparable period of time in human history, it is not surprising that habitat loss remains the number one threat to amphibians globally, with two-thirds (63%) of species affected, of which almost nine out of every 10 species (87%) are threatened with extinction (Table 10; Figure 16). These gures for threatened amphibians are comparable with those for threatened birds, where habitat loss and degradation affects 86% of species (BirdLife International 2004). These results take on more meaning when one considers that nearly three-quarters of amphibians are inhabitants of tropical forest environments the same habitats that are subject to the highest rates of forest loss. The most common form of habitat loss is clearance for crops, followed very closely by extractive processes, such as logging (be it for subsistence purposes or due to selective and/or clear-cutting15), and urbanization and industrial development (Table 10). But just how high are rates of forest loss? In Indonesia, the vast majority of forest loss has occurred over the last 30 years or so, mainly the result of commercial logging, followed by massive agricultural projects (particularly rubber, oil palm, industrial timber for pulp production, and so forth) and smallholder agriculture. One recent estimate alone indicates that Kalimantans protected lowland forests declined by 56% between 1985 and 2001 primarily due to logging (Curran et al. 2004). Another study combining high-quality remote sensing applications and extensive eld surveys across an area of 1.17 million ha in south-west Sumatra determined that the single largest contiguous area of forest standing across their study area had been nearly halved in the space of three decades (692,850 ha to 344,409 ha between 1972 and 2002), at an average rate per original forest cover of 1.69% per year (Gaveau et al. 2007). In Madagascar, rates of forest loss have been estimated at slightly less than 1% per annum (Harper et al. 2007). One of the key consequences of habitat loss is habitat fragmentation. Decreasing patch size and increasing isolation of patches results in an increased risk of demographic, stochastic and genetic events, thereby increasing extinction risk by reducing demographic and genetic input from immigrants (not to mention reducing the chance of recolonization after local extinction) (Cushman 2006). Connectivity is therefore important in the regional viability of amphibian populations, being predominantly affected by means of juvenile dispersal. However, in fragmented landscapes, the survival of dispersers is often lower than required for population viability, and even species with limited dispersal abilities are likely to be imperilled by habitat loss and fragmentation over longer time periods (see Cushman

Reproductive mode Larval-developing Direct-developing Live-bearing Unknown

All species 4,004 1,742 58 111

EX 11 23 0 0

EW 1 0 0 0

CR 266 176 7 6

EN 412 337 9 10

VU 410 249 4 7

NT 262 106 1 0

LC 1,775 418 18 25

DD 867 433 19 63

Number threatened or EX 1,100 785 20 23

% Threatened or EX 27 45 34 21

Table 8. The Red List status of species with varying reproductive modes.

Reproductive mode Larval development Direct development Live-bearing Not known Total

All species (minus DD, EX and EW) Median area (km2) Number of species 41,999 3,125 2,272 1,286 1,755 39 12,264 48 16,794 4,498

All threatened species Median area (km2) Number of species 1,671 1,088 454 762 287 20 713 23 976 1,893

Table 9. Median range size for the different reproductive modes employed by amphibians. Only extant non-Data Decient species with a range map are included in the analysis14.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Species of the genus Lyciasalamandra, such as L. helverseni (Vulnerable) from the islands of Karpathos and Kasos in Greece, are among the only live-bearing salamanders, giving birth to fully developed young. Jan van der Voort

All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 1,000 2,000 Number of species 3,000 4,000

2006 for review). Among those amphibians currently listed as threatened, 45% are affected by severe fragmentation of their habitat, particularly in regions such as the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka, the Philippines, the coastal forests of Eastern Africa, and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil (C. Boyd et al. unpubl.). The second most signicant threat to amphibians is pollution, affecting around one-fth (19%) of species, and 29% of threatened species. These percentages are much higher than those recorded for mammals or birds (4% and 12%, respectively; Baillie et al. 2004), probably due to the fact that a high proportion of amphibians are aquatic. Among the over-riding causes of increasing pollution is the increasing use of agrochemicals (fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides), especially in developing countries; other types of pollution include the discharge of industrial wastes into waterways, acid precipitation, and atmospheric pollution that results in thinning of the ozone layer and increased ultra-violet (UV) radiation. Most studies investigating the effects of pollutants and contaminants on amphibians have focused on physiology (e.g., disruption of the endocrine system; Hayes et al. 2002), behaviour (e.g., changes in activity patterns; Bridges 1997), and morphology (specically, morphological anomalies, such as ectromelia, apody or syndactyly; Oullet et al. 199716). Although a foreboding body of evidence suggests that pollutants and contaminants can compromise amphibian communities (see Essay 4.4), the relative contribution of contaminants to declines remains unclear. However, at least one recent study has demonstrated a correlation between population declines and chemicals carried by winds from agriculture in California (Davidson et al. 2002)17. Although disease appears to be a relatively less signicant threat for amphibians, for those species affected it can cause sudden and dramatic population declines and disappearances (see Essay 4.5). That disease is operating in synergy with global climate change is now also strongly supported, with evidence suggesting that recent trends toward warmer nights and increased daytime cloud cover have created optimum conditions for the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, at mid-elevation sites (1,000-2,400m asl), which is where the preponderance of amphibian extinctions and disappearances have occurred (Pounds et al. 2006; and see Essay 4.6). In comparison, although habitat loss and degradation affect a much greater number of species, the rate at which species decline is usually much slower, and there are a number of strategies, such as the establishment of protected areas, available to counter this threat.


The signicance of a threatening process is inuenced by a species ability to adapt to this process. Some species are more able to adapt to certain threats than others; for example, species that are able to persist, or even thrive, in degraded habitats are much less affected by habitat loss than species that breed only in bromeliads. Comparing major threats to threatened species across taxonomic groups (Table 11) can potentially provide some insight into how susceptible particular groups of species are to certain threatening processes. Caution is needed in interpreting these results, given the uneven global distribution of both threats and biodiversity. Hence, it is not always possible to separate whether a particular taxonomic group is more or less susceptible to a threatening process, or whether exposure to threats is inuencing these gures. Across all the Orders, habitat loss is still overwhelmingly the most signicant threat. For frogs and toads, and salamanders and newts, habitat loss affects around three times more species than the next most signicant threat, pollution. Disease is the third most signicant threat to frogs and toads, but only seventh in level of signicance for salamanders and newts. Disease is almost three times more prevalent amongst threatened frogs and toads than salamanders and newts. To date, there have been no recorded incidences of disease amongst caecilians. Looking at other major threats, utilization affects proportionally three times more threatened salamanders and newts, than frogs and toads, suggesting that salamanders and newts appear to be relatively more susceptible to utilization (particularly for human consumption and for the international pet trade). Salamanders and newts on average have a much longer generation length than the frogs and toads; in the Critically Endangered Chinese Giant Salamander, a species that has been subject to extensive exploitation (see Essay 4.7), it takes two months for the eggs to hatch after fertilization. Hence the effect of removing an individual from a wild population is likely to have a more signicant impact. When comparing the different types of habitat loss affecting threatened amphibians, frogs and toads are most signicantly impacted by habitat loss for agricultural crops, followed closely by vegetation removal (mostly logging) and infrastructure development (mainly for human settlement) (Table 11). The relative signicance of different types of habitat loss is slightly different for salamanders and newts, with vegetation removal affecting the most species, followed closely by infrastructure development and agricultural crops. By comparing major threats to threatened species across taxonomic families it is possible to get a ner scale understanding of the variation in the signicance of different threats to species (Table 12). Such an analysis can also assist species conservation by highlighting groups of species which are more or less likely to be impacted by particular threats. For example, 36% of threatened bufonids are affected by disease, compared with only 19% of all threatened species. It can be predicted that bufonids in any newly infected region would therefore have a high probability of being impacted by the disease. Not surprisingly, across almost all families habitat loss affects the greatest proportion of species. The only exceptions are the families Caeciliidae, Leiopelmatidae and Sooglossidae. Two of the three threatened species in the family Caeciliidae, and all of the species in the Sooglossidae, are endemic to the Seychelles Islands and are listed on the basis of their restricted range with a major threat being invasive species. Similarly, the four species within the Leiopelmatidae are all endemic to New Zealand and are also threatened by invasive species. When looking at the families most affected by invasive species, it is island endemics (for example, the Mantellidae of Madagascar and the leptodactylids of the Caribbean) that are most affected. While many threatened amphibians are impacted by invasive alien species, some amphibians themselves can also be invasive, and in so doing become a threat in their own right (see Essay 4.8). Pollution, the second most signicant threat to all amphibians, also affects a signicant number of species in almost all families, with no families in particular appearing to be more susceptible to this threat than others. The incidence of disease, the third most signicant threat to all threatened species, does seem to vary across families. Disease is only recorded in 15 of the 36 families containing threatened species, and in particular there are 10 families containing a higher proportion of species affected than the global average of 19%. These families are Leiopelmatidae (100%), Rhinodermatidae (100%), Discoglossidae (50%), Myobatrachidae (58%), Hylidae (51%), Bufonidae (36%), Dendrobatidae (28%), Leptodactylidae (21%), Centrolenidae (20%), and Limnodynastidae (20%). Of the 362 threatened species affected by disease, 286 (79%) of them are found in just three of these families: Leptodactylidae (118 species), Hylidae (93 species), and Bufonidae (75 species).

Figure 16. The major threats to amphibians globally.

Threatened species

Non-threatened species

Major Threat All habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree Plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

All species 3,700 2,588 508 1,376 2,529 2,106 456 250 47 3 1,122 220 451 243 16 615

% of all species 63 44 9 23 43 36 8 4 1 0.05 19 4 8 4 0.3 10

Threatened species 1,655 1,227 230 620 1,169 945 207 105 22 1 544 128 362 151 4 290

% of Threatened species 87 65 12 33 62 50 11 6 1 0.05 29 7 19 8 0.2 15

Table 10. The major threats to amphibians globally. Only present threats to species are tallied. All species excludes Extinct species.

Major Threat All habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree Plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

Anura 1,440 1,092 209 560 1,013 799 186 72 18 0 479 97 343 129 3 220

% of Anurans 88 67 13 34 62 49 11 4 1 0 29 6 21 8 0.2 13

Caudata 212 132 21 60 155 146 19 33 4 1 62 30 19 22 1 68

% of Caudata 85 53 8 24 62 59 8 13 2 0.4 25 12 8 9 0.4 27

Gymnophiona 3 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 2

% of Gymnophiona 60 60 0 0 20 0 40 0 0 0 60 20 0 0 0 40

Table 11. The major threats to threatened amphibians globally in each amphibian Order. Only present threats to species are tallied.

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians



Number of All habitat loss Invasive species threatened species in family 14 21 5 1 208 51 65 2 2 1 182 49 4 564 10 35 44 72 12 1 1 24 3 162 100 2 4 1,672 13 1 27 176 2 1 29 251 3 2 5 13 21 5 1 167 48 57 2 2 1 169 47 2 490 9 35 36 63 11 1 1 23 2 143 89 2 0 1,440 13 1 25 150 2 1 20 212 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 21 8 12 1 2 1 21 3 4 28 8 22 0 16 10 0 1 4 1 19 1 0 3 186 13 0 2 2 0 0 2 19 2 0 2


Accidental mortality



Natural disasters


Human disturbance

Changes in native sp. dynamics (ex. disease) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0


Anura Arthroleptidae Astylosternidae Bombinatoridae Brachycephalidae Bufonidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Discoglossidae Heleophrynidae Hemisotidae Hylidae Hyperoliidae Leiopelmatidae Leptodactylidae Limnodynastidae Mantellidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Nasikabatrachidae Pelobatidae Petropedetidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Rhinodermatidae Sooglossidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Rhyacotritonidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Ichthyophiidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA

0 1 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 13 0 10 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 24 1 0 0 72 5 1 15 1 0 0 11 33 0 0 0

0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 18 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

1 4 3 0 79 29 27 0 1 0 66 2 2 128 8 4 14 9 6 0 1 6 1 51 35 2 0 479 12 1 11 23 2 0 13 62 1 2 3

0 0 1 0 13 4 3 1 0 0 18 1 3 19 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 97 1 0 2 22 0 0 5 30 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 75 10 18 1 0 0 93 0 4 119 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 9 0 2 0 343 2 0 1 16 0 0 0 19 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 14 4 1 0 1 0 16 0 0 67 2 0 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 129 5 0 4 9 1 0 3 22 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 31 4 4 0 2 0 30 5 2 75 2 14 3 19 6 0 0 2 0 7 8 1 3 220 1 0 0 66 0 0 1 68 2 0 2

Table 12. The major threats to threatened amphibians globally in each amphibian Family. Utilization, a major threat for 6% of all threatened species, is also only recorded as a threat in 15 of the 36 families containing threatened species. There are seven families in particular that contain a greater proportion of species affected by utilization compared with the average: Hynobiidae (56%), Salamandridae (38%), Ambystomatidae (38%), Mantellidae (29%), Ranidae (15%), Dendrobatidae (14%) and Megophryidae (11%). Species in the Dendrobatidae, Mantellidae and Salamandridae are particularly popular in the pet trade, and those in the Ranidae and Megophryidae are quite popular, particularly in Asia for providing food.


Comparing threats across biogeographic realms, habitat loss is still by far the most signicant threat, affecting at least over three-quarters of all threatened species in every region (Table 13). However, there is substantial variation in the relative importance of the various causes of habitat loss across the regions. For example, in the Afrotropics, 80% of threatened species are affected by expanding croplands, as are the majority of threatened species in the Neotropics and Indomalayan realms. In Australasia, on the other hand, only 6% of threatened species are impacted by this threat, and only 29% and 37%, respectively, are affected in the Palaearctic and Nearctic. These differences between the regions probably reect the timing of large-scale agricultural expansion, the three regions with the minority of threatened species affected being those that have already converted most of their suitable land to agriculture. A similar trend, albeit to a lesser extent, is evident when one looks at habitat loss that has taken place as a result of timber and other vegetation removal. Again, the three regions most impacted are those that still have a more signicant proportion of their original forest cover. The signicance of invasive species and disease as a major threat varies substantially between regions. Invasive species is the second most signicant threat in the Australasian Realm, affecting 67% of threatened species, which is three times more than any other region, and much higher than the global average of 11%. The Afrotropics and Nearctic also have a higher proportion of species than the global average affected by this threat (22% and 21%, respectively). In the other three realms, the importance of invasive species as a threat is comparatively small. Australasia is also the region with the highest proportion of threatened species affected by disease (36%), followed by the Neotropics with 28%, and the Nearctic with 18%. In comparison, the Afrotropics, Indomalayan and Palaearctic realms have far fewer species affected, only 2%, 0.3% and 2%, respectively. Utilization is a relatively minor threat in all regions (affecting 8% or less of threatened species), except for the Palaearctic Realm where 37% of threatened species are affected. This gure is mainly driven by the signicant number of Chinese species that are utilized. The relative importance of the different threatening processes within each region is discussed further in Chapters 5-10.

Threat type Afrotropical All habitat loss 92 Agriculture Crops 80 Agriculture Tree plantations 8 Agriculture Livestock 33 Timber and other vegetation removal 75 Urbanization and industrial development 74 Invasive species 22 Utilization 6 Accidental mortality 0.4 Persecution 0 Pollution 13 Natural disasters 1 Disease 2 Human disturbance 0.4 Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) 1 Fire 21

Australasian 76 6 8 36 26 44 67 2 3 0 47 18 36 24 0 24

Indomalayan 88 61 18 5 64 46 3 8 3 0 32 8 0.3 6 0 6

Nearctic 79 29 15 14 49 39 21 8 8 1 34 11 18 15 1 16

Neotropical 89 71 13 42 64 47 7 3 0.3 0 29 6 28 9 0.1 17

Palaearctic 81 37 4 14 43 53 8 37 4 0 37 10 2 10 0 4

Table 13. The percentage of threatened species affected by each major threatening process across regions. Only present threats to species are tallied.


Not surprisingly, habitat loss is the most signicant threat across all three reproductive modes (Table 14). When comparing the various types of habitat loss there is no difference between larval and direct developers in the ranking of importance, although for direct developers

Threat type All habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

Larval 963 651 133 351 631 586 168 103 21 1 396 68 250 72 3 140

% of larval 89 60 17 32 58 54 15 9 2 0.1 36 6 23 7 0.3 13

Direct 657 549 96 256 510 336 32 1 1 0 142 60 110 77 1 146

% of direct 86 72 13 34 67 44 4 0.1 0.1 0 19 8 14 10 0.1 19

Live-bearing % of live-bearing 12 60 7 35 0 0 1 5 9 45 9 45 1 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 10 1 5 0 0 1 5

Table 14. Major threats to threatened species employing different reproductive modes. Only present threats to species are tallied.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Table 15. A summary of the population trends for all extant amphibians, as well as across the different realms, given as a percentage of all species in the realm.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of extant amphibians globally 2,500 1,567 29 1,788

% of all extant species globally 42 27 0.5 30

Afrotropical 44 23 1 32

Australasian 10 53 0.4 37

Indomalayan 52 16 0.2 31

Nearctic 31 48 1 20

Neotropical 45 25 1 29

Palaearctic 53 27 1 19

Table 16. The number of rapidly declining amphibians in each IUCN Red List category categorized by the type of threat they are experiencing.

Threat Over-exploitation (A) Reduced habitat (B) Enigmatic decline (C) All rapidly declining species

Number of species rapidly declining 38 206 226 470

EX 0 1 8 9

EW 0 0 1 1

CR 8 66 156 230

EN 8 33 38 79

VU 11 29 14 54

NT 11 77 9 97

Number threatened or Extinct 27 129 217 373

% of rapidly declining that are threatened or Extinct 71 63 96 79

Number of species that have changed category from 1980 to 2006

Figure 17. The number of rapidly declining amphibians in the IUCN Red List Categories, broken into the major threat causing the decline.






the percentage of species affected by expanding cropland, livestock and timber and other vegetation removal is slightly higher. For live-bearing species, it is difcult to identify any trends as there are only 20 threatened species employing this reproductive mode. Invasive species are a much greater threat to larval developers, affecting 15% of threatened species. This is most likely because the vast majority of amphibians in Australia, the country most impacted by invasive species, are larval developers (87%). Utilization is primarily a threat affecting only larval-developing species, with 103 of the 105 species affected employing this reproductive mode. Like invasive species, this trend in utilization is most likely because the country that utilizes the most species, China, is also dominated by larval developers (there are only nine direct-developing species in China). Pollution is a more signicant threat to larval-developing rather than direct-developing species. Most larval developers rely on freshwater for breeding making them more susceptible to water pollution than direct developers that are more likely to be restricted to terrestrial habitats. Disease is also more prevalent amongst larval developers (23% compared with 14% for direct developers) and this may also be explained by larval developers being more often linked to freshwater habitats, since it is suspected that chytrid is most likely transmitted from one site to another through waterways.

0 Extinct Extinct in the Wild Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable Near Threatened

Population Status and Trends

IUCN Red List Category in 2006 Over-exploitation Reduced habitat Enigmatic decline

Table 17. The number of rapidly declining species in each taxonomic Order and Family. *these percentages differ signicantly from the global average21.
Family Anura Arthroleptidae Bufonidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Discoglossidae Hemisotidae Hylidae Hyperoliidae Leiopelmatidae Leptodactylidae Limnodynastidae Mantellidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Pelobatidae Petropedetidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Rheobatrachidae Rhinodermatidae Scaphiopodidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS Over-exploitation (A) Reduced habitat (B)

Enigmatic decline (C)

Total rapidly declining species 3 107 4 17 3 1 66 6 1 110 7 1 4 10 9 2 7 54 9 2 1 1 425 6 1 2 24 1 11 45 470

% of Family

By measuring trends in the status of biodiversity, we can gain a better understanding of the impact that humans are having, and determine how successful we are at addressing biodiversity loss. This has become all the more important given the target set by the nations of the world for signicantly reducing the rate of loss of biological diversity by 201018. Here, we use IUCN Red List data for amphibians to present several insights into the overall trends of amphibian species globally, including the use of an indicator, developed specically to help monitor progress towards achieving this ambitious target.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 30 2 1 1 0 0 4 8 38

3 26 0 6 3 1 17 6 0 48 4 0 4 7 2 2 7 31 9 0 0 1 177 4 0 1 16 1 7 29 206

0 81 4 11 0 0 49 0 1 53 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 2 1 0 218 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 226

6 22* 3 7 25 11 8 2* 25 9 14 1* 3 2* 13 50 7 8 3* 100* 50 14 8 20 33 4 7 17 16 8 16


Red List data offer several means of estimating population trends. The most simple involves categorizing the current population trend for all extant amphibians as either decreasing, stable, increasing or unknown. These trend data are not necessarily derived from population data, and are often based on expert opinion related to the impact of threats, including, for example, habitat loss, invasive species and the conrmation of disease within populations, as well as changes in range size. At least 42% of amphibian species are believed to be declining, only 27% are considered to have generally stable populations, and fewer than 1% of species are believed to be increasing (Table 15). As many as 30% of species are so poorly known that it is difcult to give even a rough estimate of population trends. Unfortunately, it seems plausible that this 30% will include many additional species that are undergoing population declines. These general gures give some indication of the magnitude of the decline in amphibian populations globally. Although currently one-third of species are globally threatened, there are also signicant numbers of non-threatened species that have declining populations (albeit that are not currently declining at a rate fast enough to qualify for listing under a threatened category). It is inevitable that many of these species could eventually become globally threatened if threats are not mitigated and their populations continue to decline. Although the small number of species with increasing populations includes populations that are recovering from past declines, for the most part these species are often widespread invasive animals that can represent a signicant threat to native amphibian populations through predation, competition, hybridization, or disease transmission. The magnitude of the decline in amphibian populations varies across biogeographic realms (Table 15). The two regions with the highest proportion of species with decreasing populations are the Indomalayan and Palaearctic realms. The Indomalayan Realm also has the lowest proportion of species with a stable population. The Australasian Realm has signicantly more optimistic statistics, with only 10% of species considered to have populations in decline, and 53% of species with stable populations, although this very likely is partly due to the stabilizing effect of New Guinea (where threats are still relatively minor). This region also has the highest percentage of species for which the population trend is unknown (37%); however, again, most of these lesser known species are from New Guinea where populations are less likely to be in decline.

Biogeographic Realm Afrotropical Australasian Indomalayan Nearctic Neotropics Palaearctic

Over-exploitation (A) 3 0 20 1 12 18

% of rapidly declining species 10 0 34 4 4 43

Reduced habitat (B) 26 12 37 14 99 23

% of rapidly declining species 87 34 64 58 32 55

Enigmatic decline (C) 1 23 1 9 194 1

% of rapidly declining species 3 65 2 38 64 2

TOTAL 30 35 58 24 305 42

% of species in the region 3 6 6 7 10 9

Table 18. The number of rapidly declining amphibians in each biogeographic realm, categorized by the type of threat they are experiencing.

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians



For amphibians, 2004 was the rst time that all species were assessed using the Red List Categories and Criteria. The rst comprehensive assessment of all species in a group is a measure of the current projected extinction risk of the group, but does not give any indication of how this is changing with time. Therefore, to estimate an overall trend in projected extinction risk for amphibians, the information used to make the assessments in 2004 was also used to assign a backcast Red List Category for 1980. These backcast categories were determined by the GAA coordinating team and not by the assessors of the species in 2004. They are not ofcial Red List assessments, as these cannot be accepted retrospectively, but are instead used here to identify species that appear to be in rapid decline. When determining these backcast categories, it was assumed that the category in 1980 was the same as in 2004 unless there was evidence to support a change in category. It is most likely that this methodology for retrospectively assigning categories has resulted in a conservative estimate of the change in status of amphibians, since undoubtedly there would have been some changes in status for some species for which there was insufcient evidence available to support a change in category.19 Rapidly declining species are dened here as species that have moved to a higher Red List category of threat between 1980 and 2006. They have been categorized into three groups according to the most dominant threat that is thought to be causing the decline: over-exploitation (A); reduced habitat (B); or enigmatic decline (C). Particular threats appear to be pushing amphibians to extinction more quickly than others. Of the 470 species that are rapidly declining (see Appendix IV), 373 (79%) are considered threatened or already Extinct (Table 16 and Figure 17). The most likely threat to push species into a threatened category or to extinction is enigmatic decline (96% of enigmatic decline species are threatened or already extinct). In contrast, only 63% of rapidly declining species






0.5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


Figure 18. Red List Index for amphibians. If all species are Least Concern the RLI is equal to 1, and if all species are Extinct the RLI is equal to 0.

suffering from reduced habitat are currently threatened or already extinct. For rapidly declining species experiencing over-exploitation, 71% of these species are currently threatened and there are no documented extinctions. Species in certain taxonomic groups are more likely to be experiencing a rapid decline than other groups (Table 17). For example, there are no caecilians known to be in rapid decline at present, but around 8% of all frogs and toads and 8% of salamanders and newts are. Two families of anurans, Bufonidae and Rheobatrachidae20, have signicantly more species in rapid decline compared with the average. There are currently 476 species described in the Bufonidae, 107 (22%) of which are in rapid decline. Amphibians in different regions of the world are experiencing different threats, and these threats also vary in their severity (Table 18). For example, in the Australasian and Neotropical realms most rapidly declining species are experiencing enigmatic declines. For the other four realms, reduced habitat is the reason for decline amongst the majority of rapidly declining species. In the Indomalayan and Palaearctic realms, over-exploitation is also responsible for over one-third of the declines amongst rapidly declining species. The Neotropics overall has the most rapidly declining species, with 10% of amphibians in the region currently considered to be in rapid decline. The Nearctic has the least number of amphibians in rapid decline, only 24; however, as a percentage of species richness in the region, the Afrotropics have the least rapidly declining species with only 3%.

Baskets of frogskins from a market in Thailand. The GAA recorded more than 220 species of amphibians currently used for human consumption, although in some cases such use does not always represent a major threat to the species. Peter Paul van Dijk




The most robust means of looking at how the Red List status of large groups of species has changed over time is by means of the IUCN Red List index. The Red List Index (RLI) uses the Red List categories of species within a group, and how they change over time, to estimate an overall trend in projected extinction risk (Butchart et al. 2004, 2007). Every time a comprehensive assessment of all species in the group is completed, the Red List categories are then used to calculate a value for the RLI for this time period. For amphibians, the RLI was calculated in 2004 (Baillie et al. 2004), but since then the methodology for calculating the RLI has been revised, a small number of amphibians have been reassessed, and some assessments have been corrected. Here, we present a calculation of the RLI for amphibians using the revised formulation and use the most current categories for each species. Between 1980 and 2006 there has been a decrease in the RLI, as illustrated by a downward trend in Figure 18, which indicates that the projected extinction risk for amphibians is increasing. In order to meet the Convention on Biological Diversity target of signicantly reducing the loss of biodiversity by 2010 (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2003), the RLI must increase from the previous time period i.e., the line in Figure 13 must show an upward trend. With only two data points for the amphibian RLI, at present it can only be shown that the projected extinction risk is increasing, but as the global assessment of amphibians continues on a regular basis, future data points will show whether or not the rate of increase is accelerating or decelerating. The Red List Index can also be disaggregated, for example, by biogeographic realm (Figure 19) and by reproductive mode (Figure 20). All six realms show an increase in the projected extinction risk for amphibians from 1980 to 2006. However, the level of increase varies across realms, as does the average threatened status of amphibians. The current threat status of amphibians is best (that is on average there are less threatened species) in the Australasian Realm and worst in the Neotropical Realm. For all regions, the RLI shows a downward trend i.e., the projected extinction risk has increased in 2006 compared with 1980, indicating that amphibian declines are a global problem. The rate of increase in projected extinction risk is lowest for the Afrotropics, and highest for the Neotropics. The RLI was also calculated across the three different reproductive modes: larval developers, direct developers or live-bearing species. There are also quite a few species for which the reproductive mode is not known and these species were omitted from this RLI calculation. The results show that the average threatened status of larval developers in 1980 and 2006 is better than live bearers and direct developers. All three groups show a downward trend in the RLI, indicating an increase in projected extinction risk, but the increase for direct developers is less compared with larval developers and live bearers.





0.5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


Figure 19. Red List Index for amphibians in the different biogeographic realms. (Note: species that occur in more than one realm contribute to the RLI in all the realms in which they occur.) Key to realms: AUS = Australasian; PAL = Palaearctic; NEAR = Nearctic; AFR = Afrotropical; IND = Indomalayan; NEO = Neotropical.






0.5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Year Larval developers Direct developers Live-bearing

The GAA assessed 5,915 amphibian species globally and categorized one-third of all extant species (1,893 out of 5,881) as threatened with extinction. There are 34 species currently listed as Extinct and one as Extinct in the Wild.

Figure 20. Red List Index for amphibians across the different reproductive modes.

Endnotes 1 2 This is the number of amphibians ofcially recognized as valid by the GAA as of December 2006. At the time of going to press, 6,184 species were officially listed on Amphibian Species of the World (v 5.0), and 6,308 on AmphibiaWeb (Feb 25, 2008). 3 A threatened species is one that is included in the IUCN Red List Categories Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered. 4 At the time of going to press, there were reports of the rediscovery of one EX species, namely Philautus travancoricus from the Western Ghats in India (S.D. Biju pers. comm.). 5 A taxon is presumed Extinct, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal, annual), throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame appropriate to the taxons life cycles and life form. Species that are believed to have gone extinct prior to 1500 AD are not considered. 6 At the time of going to press, Meegaskumbara et al. (2007) had just described two additional extinct species, Philautus pardus and P. maia, known only from collections made in Sri Lanka prior to 1876; both species await formal assessment. 7 When interpreting these results, it is necessary to bear in mind that a species can be listed in a category on the basis of one or more criteria, and that a species may trigger criteria for a lower category of threat than that for which it is listed (these criteria are not recorded). For example, a species may qualify for Endangered on the basis of criterion B and for Vulnerable on the basis of criterion C. When listed as Endangered only criterion B will be given. 8 As discussed elsewhere in this volume, the major reclassication by Frost et al. (2006) and Grant et al. (2006) has dramatic implications for amphibian classication at the family level. The results presented here can be expected to undergo substantial modication based on the conclusions of that study. 9 P<0.01 (binomial test) 10 No amphibian species occur in the Antarctic Realm, while only three species occur in the Oceanian Realm, so we include the Oceanian Realm in all discussion on the Australasian Realm. For further information on the boundaries between these regions, please refer to the regional summaries.




Threatened Amphibians of the World

Plectrohyla dasypus (Critically Endangered) from the Parque Nacional Cusuco in Honduras is one of many species that have undergone a rapid decline in status, in this case due to the effects of chytridiomycosis. Silviu Petrovan

11 The range size for each species has been calculated using the area of the polygons representing each species Extent of Occurrence. 12 The methodology for mapping these amphibian centres of endemism follows that developed by BirdLife International in identifying their Endemic Bird Areas (Statterseld et al. 1998). Around twothirds of amphibians have range sizes less than 50,000km compared with around one-quarter of birds. 13 Table 10 only includes countries with more than 10 species. If all countries are included, the country with the highest percentage is New Zealand with all four of its species, which are also all endemic, threatened with extinction. 14 The range size for each species has been calculated using the area of the polygons representing each species Extent of Occurrence. 15 Selective logging is generally defined as the process by which only the most desirable trees, often the largest and\or most commercially viable, are logged from an area of forest; in contrast, clearcutting is generally dened to be a large-scale and commercial process, by which all trees from a given area are taken in a logging operation. 16 Although amphibian deformities can result from exposure to contaminants, many cases of limb deformities in nature have been linked to other abiotic and biotic factors, such as UV radiation, parasitic infections, retinoids, predation, and the interaction of several of these factors (see Oullet 2000; Sessions 2003). 17 In this study, pesticides that inhibit acetylcholinesterase were most strongly correlated with declines. Such cholinesterase inhibitors (or anticholinesterase) suppress the action of the enzyme, and ultimately lead to death. Anticholinesterases are commonly used for killing insects in organophosphate and other pesticides. 18 19 In 2006, a small number of species were reassessed, and the new information supporting these reassessments was also used to better estimate the categories in 1980, and where necessary some categories were changed. The Red List categories for all species in 2006 and the revised 1980 categories form the basis of the information in the section on rapidly declining species. 20 The family Rheobatrachidae has only two species, both of which are now Extinct. 21 P<0.01 (binomial test)

Within amphibian Orders, Caudata (Salamanders and Newts) contains the highest proportion of threatened species (47%), followed by Anura (Frogs and Toads) (32%) and Gymnophiona (Caecilians) (3%). Very diverse families of frogs and toads that are signicantly more threatened than the global average include the Bufonidae (45%), Leptodactylidae (46%), and Rhacophoridae (43%). Diverse families that are less threatened than the global average include Ranidae (25%), Microhylidae, (17%) and Hyperoliidae (19%). The Neotropical realm has the highest number of species (2,916, of which 2,808 are endemic to the realm) and the greatest proportion of threatened species (39%). Major concentrations of threatened species include the sierras and trans-volcanic belt of Mexico, Central America, the tropical Andes, Brazils Atlantic Forest, the Greater Antilles, the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa, the forest of western Cameroon and eastern Nigeria, the Albertine Rift, the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and other Afromontane outliers, the south-east coast of South Africa, Madagascars wet forests, the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka, montane Southeast Asia, and eastern Australia. Brazil, with 751 species currently recognized, is the country with the most amphibian species, followed closely by Colombia with 697. These two countries also have the highest number of endemic species, 489 and 337, respectively. Four countries have more than 100 threatened species: rst is Colombia with 209, second is Mexico with 198, third is Ecuador with 163, and fourth is Brazil with 110. Almost 80% (4,710 species) of amphibians occur in forest habitats, and 90% (4,251 species) of these species occur in tropical forest. Species occurring in montane tropical forests are more likely to be threatened (46% of species), than those occurring in lowland tropical forest (28% of species). When comparing reproductive modes of amphibians, 45% of direct-developing species, 28% of larval-developing species, and 34% of live-bearing species are currently threatened with extinction or are already extinct. Habitat loss, primarily due to expanding croplands, vegetation removal (mainly logging), and urbanization/industrial development, is the most pervasive threat to amphibians, affecting 63% of all species and 87% of threatened species. Other threats that are commonly recorded include pollution, invasive species, re and disease. Disease is a major threat for 8% of all species and for 19% of threatened species. At least 42% of amphibian species are believed to have declining populations, only 27% are considered to have generally stable populations, and less than 1% of species are believed to be increasing. As many as 30% of species are so poorly known that it is difcult to give even a rough estimate of population trends. There are 470 rapidly declining species globally. Of these, 38 species are declining primarily due to over-exploitation, 206 are declining due to reduced habitat, and 226 are experiencing enigmatic declines (probably due to the effects of chytridiomycosis in combination with climate change). Calculation of the Red List Index for amphibians shows a worsening trend in extinction risk for amphibians from 1980 to 2006.

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Biological Conservation 134:495-504 Grenyer, R., Orme, C.D.L., Jackson, S.F., Thomas, G.H., Davies, R.G., Davies, T.J., Jones, K.E., Olson, V.A., Ridgely, R.S., Rasmussen, P.C., Ding, T.-S., Bennett, P.M., Blackburn, T.M., Gaston, K.J., Gittleman, J.L. and Owens, I.P.F. 2006. Global distribution and conservation of rare and threatened vertebrates. Nature 444:93-96. Harper, G.J., Steininger, M.K., Tucker, C.J., Juhn, D., and Hawkins, F. 2007. Fifty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 34:325-333. Hayes, T., Haston, K., Tsui, M., Hoang, A., Haeffele, C. and Vonk, A.. 2002. Feminization of male frogs in the wild. Nature 419:895-896. Hedges, S.B. 1996. The origin of the West Indian populations and reptiles. In: R. Powell and R.W. Henderson (Eds), Contributions to West Indian herpetology: a Tribute to Albert Schwartz, pp. 95-128. Society for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA. Hilton-Taylor, C. 2000. 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Hilton-Taylor, C., Mace, G.M., Capper, D.R., Collar, N.J., Stuart, S.N., Bibby, C.J., Pollock, C. and Thomsen, J.B. 2000. Assessment mismatches must be sorted out: they leave species at risk. Nature 404:541. Inger, R.F. 1954. Systematics and zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia. Fieldiana 33:181-531. Mace, G.M., Baillie, J., Masundire, H., Ricketts, T.H., Brooks, T.M., Hoffmann, M., Stuart, S.N., Balmford, A., Purvis, A., Reyers, B., Wang, J., Revenga, C., Kennedy, E.T., Naeem, S., Alkemade, R., Allnutt, T., Bakarr, M., Bond, W., Chanson, J., Cox, N., Fonseca, G., Hilton-Taylor, C., Loucks, C., Rodrigues, A., Sechrest, W., Statterseld, A.J., van Rensburg, B. and Whiteman, C. 2005. Biodiversity. In: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Current State and Trends: Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group. Ecosystems and Human Well-being, volume 1. Island Press, Washington DC., USA. Meegaskumbara, M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Schneider, C.J. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2007. New species amongst Sri Lankas extinct shrub frogs (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae: Philatus). Zootaxa 1397:1-15. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Island Press, Washington, DC., USA. Mittermeier, R.A., Robles Gil, P. and Mittermeier, C.G. 1998. Megadiversity. Cemex, Mexico City, Mexico. Olson, D.M., Dinerstein, E., Wikramanayake, E.D., Burgess, N.D., Powell, G.V.N., Underwood, E.C., DAmico, J.A., Itoua, I., Strand, H.E., Morrison, J.C., Loucks, C.J., Allnutt, T.F., Ricketts, T.H., Kura, Y., Lamoreux, J.F., Wettengel, W.W., Hedao, P. and Kassem, K.R. 2001. Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: A new map of life on Earth. Bioscience 51:933-938. Orme, C.D.L., Davies, R.G., Burgess, M., Eigenbrod, F., Pickup, N., Olson, V.A., Webster, A.J., Ding, T.-S., Rasmussen, P.C., Ridgely, R.S., Statterseld, A., Bennett, P., Blackburn, T.M., Gaston, K.J. and Owens, I.P.F. 2005. Global hotspots of species richness are not congruent with endemism or threat. Nature 436:1016-1019. Ouellet, M. 2000. Amphibian deformities: current state of knowledge. In: D.W. Sparling, G. Linder, and C.A. Bishop (eds.), Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles, pp. 617-661. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, Florida, USA. Oullet, M., Bonin, J., Rodrigue, J., Desgranges, J.L. and Lair, S. 1997. Hindlimb deformities (ectromelia, ectrodactyly) in free-living anurans from agricultural habitats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33:95-104. Pimm, S.L., Russell, G.L., Gittleman, J.L. and Brooks, T.M. 1995. The future of biodiversity. Science 269:347-350. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Purvis, A., Gittleman, J.L., Cowlishaw, G. and Mace, G.M. 2000. Predicting extinction risk in declining species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 267:1947-1952. Rapoport, E.H. 1982. Areography: Geographical Strategies of Species. Pergamon Press, New York, USA. Relyea, R.A. 2005. The impact of insecticides and herbicides on the biodiversity and productivity of aquatic communities. Ecological Applications 15:618-627. Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Boucher, T., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J.F., Morrison, J., Parr, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Sechrest, W., Wallace, G.E., Berlin, K., Bielby, J., Burgess, N.D., Church, D.R., Cox, N., Knox, D., Loucks, C., Luck, G.W., Master, L.L., Moore, R., Naidoo, R., Ridgely, R., Schatz, G.E., Shire, G., Strand, H., Wettengel, W. and Wikramanayake, E. 2005. Pinpointing and preventing imminent extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102:18497-18501. Rodrguez, J.P., Ashenfelter, G., Rojas-Surez, F., Garcia Fernandez, J.J., Surez, L. and Dobson, A.P. 2000. Local data are vital to conservation worldwide. Nature 403:241. Savage, J.M. 1973. The geographic distribution of frogs: patterns and predictions. In: J.L. Vial (Ed.), Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans, pp. 351-445. University of Missouri Press, Columbia, USA. Savage, J.M. 1982. The enigma of the Central American herpetofauna: dispersal or vicariance? Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 69:464-547. Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity 2003. Handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2nd edition). Earthscan, London, UK. 937 pp. Sessions, S.K. 2003. What is causing deformed amphibians? In: R.D. Semlitsch (Ed.), Amphibian Conservation, pp. 168-186. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA. Statterseld, A.J., Crosby, M.J., Long, A.J. and Wege, D.C. 1998. Endemic Bird Areas of the World: Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Udvardy, M.D.F. 1975. A Classication of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 18. IUCN, Morges, Switzerland. 49 pp. Zhao, E.M. and Adler, K. 1993. Herpetology of China. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians



At a time when amphibian populations globally are in decline, the recent discoveries of large numbers of new frog species on Sri Lanka, an island from which the pathogenic chytrid fungus has not yet been reported, may seem heartening (Meegaskumbura et al. 2002). A total of 42 new species of anurans have been described since 1993, and many more species are in the process of being formally described. Description of these new species necessitated the examination of all available type material, as well as other preserved voucher material, for all Sri Lankas amphibians. As a result of the countrys ve-century history of colonial occupation, these specimens, collected largely between 1850 and 1950, lie scattered amongst natural history museums in Europe, the United States and India. In particular, since Sri Lanka was a British colony from 1796 to 1948, most type specimens are housed in The Natural History Museum (formerly the British Museum of Natural History), in London. Sri Lankas own national museum contains no amphibian types whatsoever. Although locality information beyond Ceylon is usually lacking on the specimen labels, these specimens provide the only available baseline of Sri Lankas amphibian fauna before the islands primary rainforests were reduced to their present-day extent of approximately 750km2. The recent review of historical material served to highlight several key aspects. First, a number of species described in the 19th century, and since relegated to synonymy, were shown to represent valid taxa. Second, several new species lay silently undiscovered among the old collections (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005; Meegaskumbura and ManamendraArachchi 2005). At the same time, the Wildlife Heritage Trusts 1993-2005 comprehensive survey of the islands amphibian fauna provides a reliable record of the species still persisting on the island and their relative abundance. A comparison of the results of the recent biodiversity survey, together with the historically preserved specimens, revealed that 19 named anuran species have apparently disappeared from the island (an additional two undescribed species also appear to be extinct). Given that these 19 species had not been reported since their original collections before 1940, and were not recorded during the recent surveys across the islands remaining forests, they were formally declared Extinct according to the IUCN Red List categories and criteria (GAA; Stuart et al. 2004). Apart from a single species each from the endemic genera Adenomus and Nannophrys, the Extinct species all belong to the Oriental shrub-frog genus Philautus (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae), which shows a remarkable radiation in Sri Lanka. A total of 62 of the approximately 140 species currently recognized in this genus are endemic to Sri Lanka. To put these ndings in a global context, according to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, 19 of 34 amphibian species conrmed as Extinct worldwide are from Sri Lanka. Even though a further 122 species are considered possibly extinct globally, the Sri Lankan total is still remarkably high. Given that the island accounts for only around 2% of the worlds anuran species (which is high given its relatively small size: 65,000km2), it is surprising that more than half of the conrmed amphibian extinctions worldwide have occurred on Sri Lanka. This extinction phenomenon in Sri Lanka (19 of the 103 native species described to date) appears to have been driven largely by the destruction of suitable habitat. Since 1815, approximately 95% of the islands 16,000km2 of rainforest was lost to coffee and cinchona plantations, later to be replaced by tea and rubber (Kumar et al. 2004). While large expanses of dry forest and scrub persist elsewhere in the island, these habitats only support three of the 68 extant endemic amphibian species, with only a single species, Philautus regius (DD), restricted to dry forest. Of Sri Lankas 84 surviving anuran species, 11 are Critically Endangered (seven of them Philautus) and 28 Endangered (20 Philautus). Many of these surviving amphibian species, especially the Philautus, have extremely restricted ranges. Even where there are larger tracts of contiguous forest, the ranges of many of these species are restricted by altitude or vegetation, resulting in the total contemporary range of some species being as small as 5km2. Some 17 species are known only from a single site each (per Ricketts et al. 2005), with some sites, such as Morningside and Knuckles Forest Reserve, being home to several endemic and threatened species. Interestingly, though not unexpectedly, the results of the GAA also suggest that, among threatened direct-developing species worldwide, 65 out of the 115 (57%) species that are closely associated with freshwater are threatened by disease, compared with only 45 out of the 650 (7%) species not closely associated with freshwater. Given that the major global threat to direct developers appears to be habitat loss (Chapter 4), and most of the extant Sri Lankan direct developers are not associated closely with freshwater habitats, the role of waterborne diseases in Sri Lankas extinction of direct developers may have been slight. The large-scale extinction of many of the islands amphibians might have gone undetected if not for the historical collections in the worlds natural history museums; unfortunately, old amphibian collections in Sri Lankas National Museum have not survived the years to help facilitate this effort. Clearly, the extraordinary value historical collections represent by way of biodiversity baselines against which present-day surveys may be assessed, remains to be widely appreciated (Fig. 1). This is especially relevant at a time when the contemporary role and value of natural history collections is being questioned, and with many museums facing nancial crises (Dalton 2003; Suarez and Tsutsui 2004; Winker 2004). Furthermore, historical collections can be useful in several other ways, as exemplied most recently by the detection of chytrid fungus in the skin of a museum specimen collected from near Monteverde, Costa Rica, and deposited in a museum well before declines were documented in the area (Puschendorf et al. 2006). Interestingly, since most of the species that were recently described (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005; Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi 2005) were absent from early museum collections, it seems that past surveys of the island were not very thorough. The documentation of the extinction of so many species from such a limited collection suggests that these extinct species may be only a fraction of a much larger extinction event in Sri Lanka. The account of Sri Lankas amphibian declines is also novel in that it combines a recent comprehensive survey of the islands amphibians with a re-examination of almost all preserved material worldwide. Many other tropical countries are similarly under-explored, and it is therefore likely that the global tally of recent amphibian extinctions will rise signicantly when their historical collections are similarly evaluated and compared with current assessments of amphibian diversity. Madhava Meegaskumbura, Rohan Pethiyagoda, Janice Chanson, David Wake and James Hanken

Dalton, R. 2003. Natural history collections in crisis as funding is slashed. Nature 423:575. Kumar, A., Pethiyagoda, R. and Mudappa, D. 2004. Western Ghats and Sri Lanka. Pp. 152-157, in: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots Revisited. Cemex. 392 pp. Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. The Sri Lankan shrub-frogs of the genus Philautus Gistel, 1848 (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae), with description of 27 new species. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:163-303. Meegaskumbura, M., Bossuyt, F., Pethiyagoda, R., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Bahir, M.M., Schneider, C. J. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2002. Sri Lanka: an amphbian hotspot. Science 298:379. Meegaskumbura, M. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. 2005. Description of eight new species of shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae: Philautus) from Sri Lanka. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:305-338. Puschendorf, R., Bolanos, F., and Chaves, G. 2006. Amphibian chytrid fungus along an altitudinal transect before the rst reported declines in Costa Rica. Biological Conservation 132:136-142. Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Boucher, T., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J.F., Morrison, J., Parr, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Sechrest, W., Wallace, G.E., Berlin, K., Bielby, J., Burgess, N.D., Church, D.R., Cox, N., Knox, D., Loucks, C., Luck, G.W., Master, L.L., Moore, R., Naidoo, R., Ridgely, R., Schatz, G.E., Shire, G., Strand, H., Wettengel, W. and Wikramanayake, E. 2005. Pinpointing and preventing imminent extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102:18497-18501. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Suarez, A.V. and Tsutsui, N.D. 2004. The value of museum collections for research and society. BioScience 54:66-74. Winker, K. 2004. Natural history museums in a postbiodiversity era. BioScience 54:455459.

The collections of the worlds natural history museums represent important biodiversity baselines. Here, preserved amphibian specimens collected in Sri Lanka ca. 1900 are stored on the shelves of The Natural History Museum in London Barry Clarke/NHM


To effectively conserve amphibian populations in the wild it is not only necessary to understand the needs of the individual species, but also the context in which conservation efforts will need to take place. By comparing overlays of individual species range maps with recent and future human demographic variables (such as human population density, population growth, Gross National Income, and poverty), it is possible to elucidate the social and economic context in which conservation action must be implemented. Here, we investigate the relationships between amphibian species richness and two of these variables, human population density and levels of poverty using Infant Mortality Rate data (CIESIN 2005) as a surrogate not as a means of looking for causal relationships, but rather to identify regions where conservation may be more challenging. the regions that are favoured by both humans and amphibians (Figure 1). Regions with a large number of amphibian species and a high population density are mostly found in Asia, in particular southern and eastern India, south-east China, southern Sri Lanka, and Indonesia (especially Java), as well as coastal parts of West Africa, the Ethiopian Highlands, and the Albertine Rift of Central Africa. There are also similar regions in the eastern United States, which is a hotspot for salamander diversity. In South America, the Atlantic Forest is the most prominent region. Considering that humans and amphibians are dependent on freshwater for survival, the arid regions of the world are the places with the fewest amphibians (often none at all) and very low human population densities. For example, the deserts of North Africa, central Australia, central North America, and Central Asia. The majority of amphibians prefer moist tropical conditions, and many of the regions rich in amphibian species, but with low human population densities, are the worlds tropical rainforests, for example the Amazon, the Congo, the tropical Andes, Southeast Asia and northern Queensland in Australia (the Queensland Wet Tropics). Regions with low diversity of amphibians, but high human population densities, are in general cooler regions such as northern India, northern China and much of Europe. By comparing the diversity of threatened amphibians with human population density it is possible to highlight regions where species conservation is most likely to come into conict with increasing demand by humans for natural resources (Figure 2). Many of these regions are the same as those highlighted in Figure 1, for example south-east China, Java (Indonesia), the Albertine Rift of Central Africa, coastal West Africa, and the Ethiopian Highlands. Notable additions are the larger islands of the Caribbean, southern Mexico, and the Philippines. In India, the highest density of threatened amphibians is focused on the Western Ghats. Parts of the eastern United States, Europe and India that are rich in amphibian species and have high human population densities are no longer highlighted as they have relatively few or no threatened species. In Europe and the United States this may be because species susceptible to habitat loss may have declined a long time ago, and perhaps also because many of the resources on which humans in these areas rely on come from other regions, for example the forests of Africa and Asia.

Human population density

By comparing the current human population density in 2005 (LandScan 2005) with the global distribution of all amphibian species it is possible to identify


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Figure 1. Amphibian species richness compared with human population density. Each quarter-degree grid cell is coded according to the combined value of the two variables. Amphibian species richness is represented by the number of amphibian species per grid cell (Low: 0-15; Medium: 16-30; High: 30-144). Population density is classied by the number of people per km2 (Low: 0-10; Medium: 11-100; High: >100).

Figure 2. Threatened amphibian species richness compared with human population density. Each quarter-degree grid cell is coded according to the combined value of the two variables. Threatened amphibian species richness is represented by the number of threatened amphibian species (Red List Categories Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable) per grid cell (Low: 0; Medium: 1-10; High: >10). Population density is classied by the number of people per km2; Low: 0-10; Medium: 11-100; High: >100.

Figure 3. Amphibian species richness compared with poverty. Each quarter-degree grid cell is coded according to the combined value of the two variables. Amphibian species richness is represented by the number of amphibian species per grid cell (Low: 0-15; Medium: 16-30; High: 30-144). Infant Mortality Rate data (CIESIN 2005) are used as an index of poverty. The rates are per thousand of live births and the data are at the sub-national level. The data were reclassed as: Low: 0-100; Medium: 100-250; High: >250.

Figure 4. Threatened amphibian species richness compared with poverty. Each quarter-degree grid cell is coded according to the combined value of the two variables. Threatened amphibian species richness is represented by the number of threatened amphibian species (Red List categories Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable) per grid cell (Low: 0; Medium: 1-10; High: >10). Infant Mortality Rate data (CIESIN 2005) are used as an index of poverty. The rates are per thousand of live births and the data are at the sub-national level. The data were reclassed as: Low: 0-100; Medium: 100-250; High: >250.

Human poverty
An additional challenge to biodiversity conservation is the welfare of local human populations, in particular the degree of poverty. Many of the worlds most densely populated regions are also some of the poorest, for example, China, India, mainland Southeast Asia and West Africa. When comparing the most impoverished regions with amphibian diversity we nd these same regions emerging again, but also less densely populated regions are also highlighted, such as central and southern Africa, Madagascar, northern Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia (see Figure 3). The land surface area of the worlds wealthiest nations is relatively small and these countries often have cooler climates not favoured by amphibians, hence the proportion of amphibian species found in these countries is relatively low. Exceptions are the eastern United States, coastal eastern Australia and central Europe. However, the relatively high numbers of species in these regions may be more a reection of intense survey effort when compared with much poorer countries.

By comparing the diversity of threatened amphibians with the level of poverty it is possible to highlight those regions where biodiversity conservation will most likely suceed if it also improves the welfare of the local communities (Figure 4). In addition these regions will less likely be unable to shoulder any of the costs of conservation programmes. Many of these regions are the same as those highlighted when comparing threatened species with human population density, for example south-east China, the Albertine Rift of Central Africa, the Ethiopian Highlands, coastal West Africa, Puerto Rico, southern Mexico, the Western Ghats of India, and the Philippines. Regions with a high level of poverty that were not previously highlighted as also being densely populated include Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, the Solomon Islands, Vietnam, Madagascar, and the Cameroon highlands.

be successful without understanding the context in which it is to take place. By comparing the distribution of amphibians, and in particular threatened amphibians, with human demographic data, it is possible to gain a better understanding of some of the challenges facing conservation. Vineet Katariya and Janice Chanson

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University; 2005 Global subnational infant mortality rates [dataset]. CIESIN, Palisades, NY, USA. Available at: LandScanTM Global Population Database. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Available at

In an increasingly human-dominated world it is impossible for conservation to

The discovery of large numbers of new amphibian species in Sri Lanka and elsewhere (Pethiyagoda and Manamendra-Arachchi 1998; Khler et al. 2005; and see Essay 1.1), even as population declines accelerate worldwide, presents profound challenges to conservation managers. Prioritizing conservation actions in the face of declines caused by a diversity of threats including disease and habitat fragmentation and loss is obviously difcult. Frequently, detailed natural history knowledge that would facilitate conservation, is missing for many, if not most, species. Nonetheless, it is often necessary to make decisions even in the absence of detailed information. Phylogenetic analyses of species and genera can provide an important source of additional information, particularly when coupled with existing ecological data. In this respect, the anurans of Sri Lanka provide an interesting case study. Based on morphological characters, taxonomists had previously allocated the treefrogs (subfamily Rhacophorinae of the family Ranidae) of Sri Lanka among several genera, such as Philautus (including a subgenus Kirtixalus), Polypedates, Rhacophorus and Theloderma. However, recent phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA have largely refuted these classications and demonstrated that Sri Lankan treefrogs belong to only two clades: a large and diverse group of direct-developing species in the genus Philautus, and a much smaller clade of foam-nesting species in the genus Polypedates (Meegaskumbura et al. 2002) (Figure 1A). While information on breeding strategy is available for 19 species of Sri Lankan rhacophorids, several lines of evidence suggest that the entire radiation of Philautus in Sri Lanka is characterized by direct development (i.e., their embryos undergo complete development within the egg, from which they emerge as fully developed froglets, enabling them to develop with the tadpoles bypassing the conventional aquatic larval stage). The fact that each of the 19 species examined shows direct development suggests, at least, that the most recent common ancestor of those taxa was a direct developer (Figure 1A, 1B and 1C). The sister group of the Sri Lankan clade of Philautus is a diverse Indian clade (Meegaskumbura et al. 2002; Bossuyt et al. 2004) in which direct development has been observed for a number of species (Biju and Bossuyt 2005). This suggests that the most recent common ancestor of the Indian and Sri Lankan taxa was also a direct developer. Therefore, it is parsimonious to infer that all Sri Lankan Philautus are direct developing. In contrast, Polypedates, which has only ve species in Sri Lanka, build foam nests on vegetation overhanging water, into which emerging tadpoles fall and continue to develop. While all Sri Lankan Philautus are direct developers, they exhibit two distinct reproductive behaviours: soil-nesting and leaf-nesting (Bahir et al. 2005) (Figure 1B, 1C). While in amplexus, females of soil-nesting species excavate a pit in damp soil with their hands into which they deposit eggs, which are fertilized by the males. The females then cover up the nest with soil and leaf litter. Leaf-nesting females, on the other hand, attach their clutch to the underside of a leaf (also while still in amplexus), usually 1-2 m above

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


the forest oor. Egg masses on leaves are highly vulnerable to desiccation when relative humidity falls below about 90%, and so the species depend on good-quality forests with dense shade and low wind speeds. The phylogeny suggests that leaf nesting, as a reproductive trait, is restricted to a single clade (Figure 1B and 1C). Despite Sri Lanka having been connected by a land bridge to India for much of its history and as recently as 10,000 years ago, phylogenies of several groups of organisms indicate that there has been little recent biotic exchange between the two landmasses particularly for taxa restricted to rainforest habitats (Bossuyt et al. 2004). This is true for Sri Lankan Philautus, which belong to an old lineage distinct from the Indian direct developers, except for a small group that appears to be derived from a species that migrated back to India over 9 million years ago. The Sri Lankan Philautus, therefore, encompass substantial phylogenetic diversity that necessitates their consideration as a unique entity from a conservation perspective. In addition to conserving diversity per se, it is widely recognized that conservation must aim also to preserve the processes that generate diversity. A mt-DNA based phylogeny has shown how sister taxa are distributed across montane-forest refugia in Sri Lanka, suggestive of speciation by vicariance during the contraction of cool and wet habitats during dry periods of the Miocene and the Pliocene (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi 2005) (Figure 1D). This pattern of geographic isolation of sister taxa in patches of favourable habitat is seen also in several other major lineages of direct-developing frogs, including the Neotropical genus Eleutherodactylus (Savage 2002), and the Afrotropical Arthroleptella (Dawood and Channin 2000), and, interestingly, also in the direct-developing plethodontid salamanders of Central America (Garcia-Paris et al. 2000). These observations suggest that montane isolation may be an important mechanism of speciation in direct-developing amphibians. However, this does not mean that habitat fragmentation should be encouraged. In addition, phylogenies can also help to identify refugia that survive as habitats through successive major climatic oscillations (Hewitt and Nichols 2005). Such refugia can be identied because they will, for a given species, contain greater genetic diversity than areas of recent population expansion (Schneider et al. 1998) and they often contain a higher diversity of montane endemic species (Schneider and Williams 2005). The rhacophorine phylogeny (see Figure 1A) also suggests that the more derived terrestrial direct development is associated with a larger number of species. The more basal Buergeria, containing only ve species, shows conventional, and plesiomorphic, anuran reproduction, with eggs and larvae undergoing development entirely in water. On the other hand, ca. 200 species of Philautus are presently recognized, with dozens more species awaiting description (Biju 2001; Meegaskumbura et al. 2002). Direct development releases amphibians from dependence on water bodies for reproduction. This, in turn, appears to enable amphibians to colonize a wide array of moist terrestrial habitats, as evidenced by the diversity of such habitats (e.g., forest canopy, leaf litter, rock surfaces, and open grasslands) occupied by species of both Philautus and Eleutherodactylus. However, greater habitat specialization and/or smaller habitat patches would make them susceptible to stochastic population declines as well as putting them at risk due to climate change. Phylogenetic information contributes to conservation in several important ways. First phylogenetic information is fundamental to identify biodiversity (i.e., to diagnose species or to identify evolutionarily signicant units or endemic taxa). Second, phylogenies are necessary for identifying important adaptive diversity. For example, the Sri Lankan / Indian radiation of Philautus appears to have evolved direct development independently from Asian Philautus (Meegaskumbura et al. 2002). Separate instances of adaptive evolution are crucial for understanding adaptation and thus the Sri Lankan / Indian Philautus take on added importance for conservation. Third, knowledge of phylogenetic relationships allows us to extend our understanding of ecology and behavior in a few species to clades of closely related species for which we have limited data. For example, understanding phylogenetic relationships may allow us to use a relatively abundant species as a surrogate to develop captive-breeding protocols for a closely related, but Critically Endangered, species in urgent need of ex situ conservation. Phylogenies are important on several levels and now, with the widespread use of DNA sequencing and molecular phylogenetics, are likely to play an increasing role in conservation biology. Madhava Meegaskumbura, Kelum Manamedra-Arachchi, Rohan Pethiyagoda and Christopher J. Schneider

Philautus - Sri Lanka/ Philautus - Ind (100+) Ind (100+)

3 Kurixalus (2) Philautus - SE Asia (63) Polypedates (28) Chiromantis (4) Rhacophhorus (63) Theloderma (9) Buergeria (5)
P. alto P. hallidayi

P. stuarti P. viridis P. demoralis P. mooreorum P. poppiae 3

P. femoralis

4.37-6.93* 5.31-11.97*

P. asankai

7.63-11.06* P. steineri P. microtympanum 5 P. decoris P. mittermeieri 4.00-5.80 P. hoffmani P. asankai 4.15-6.04*

P. sp.

P. wynaadensis

P. zorro

Bahir, M., Meegaskumbura, M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Schneider. C.J. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. Reproduction and terrestrial direct development in Sri Lankan shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae:Philautus). The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:339-350. Biju, S.D., 2001. A synopsis to the frog fauna of the Western Ghats, India. Occasional Papers of the Indian Society for Conservation Biology. South Asian Natural History 1:119-124. Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. 2005. Two new species of Philautus (Anura: Ranidae: Rhacophorinae) from Ponmudi Hill in the Western Ghats of India. Copeia 1:29-37. Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbura, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D.J., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.J., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2004. Sri Lanka: a center of faunal endemism in a Biodiversity Hotspot 21. Science 306:479-481. Dawood, A. and Channing, A. 2000. A molecular phylogeny of moss frogs from the Western Cape, South Africa, with a description of a new species. Journal of Herpetology 34:375-379. Garcia-Paris, M., Good, D.A., Parra-Olea, G. and Wake, D.B. 2000. Biodiversity of Costa Rican Salamanders: implications of high levels of genetic differentiation and phylogeographic structure for species formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:1640-1647. Hewitt, G.M. and Nichols, R.A. 2005. Genetic and evolutionary impacts of climate change. In: T.E. Lovejoy and L. Hannah (eds.), Climate change and biodiversity, pp.176-192. Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.

Figure 1. The mt-DNA phylogeny of Sri Lankan Philautus (modied from Meegaskumbura et al. 2002 and Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi 2005). 1A: the genus level relationships of the Old World treefrogs shows that Buergeria is basal and shows aquatic breeding (light blue), while the more derived groups are tree-hole breeding (black), foam nesting (green), tree-hole nesting (purple) with brood care and direct developing (Red South East Asian and Indian species, and Blue Sri Lankan species). Number of species within each genus is depicted within brackets. 1B and 1C: the major clades within the Sri Lankan radiation, with the number of species for which breeding information is available inside the triangles. The leaf nesting clade is circled. 1D: some of the clades (highlighted by a *) restricted to cloud forest habitats and the sister taxa within these clades distributed on adjacent cloud-forest habitats (K - Knuckles Hills, C - Central Hills; R - Rakwana Hills). In contrast, Philautus decoris mittermeieri clade is distributed across an altitudinal gradient. This information is useful for making conservation decisions.

Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garca, F.H., Glaw, F., Skeinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. The Sri Lankan shrub-frogs of the genus Philautus Gistel, 1848 (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae), with description of 27 new species. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:163-303. Meegaskumbura, M., Bossuyt, F., Pethiyagoda, R., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Bahir, M.M., Schneider, C.J. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2002. Sri Lanka: an amphibian hotspot. Science 298:379. Meegaskumbura, M. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. 2005. Description of eight new species of shrub frogs (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae: Philautus) from Sri Lanka. The Rafes Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 12:305-338.

Pethiyagoda, R. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. 1998. Evaluating Sri Lankas amphibian diversity. Occasional Papers of the Wildlife Heritage Trust 2:1-12. Savage, J. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna Between Two Continents Between Two Seas. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Schneider, C.J., Cunningham, M. and Moritz, C. 1998. Comparative phylogeography and the history of endemic vertebrates in the Wet Tropics rainforests of Australia. Molecular Ecology 7:487-498. Schneider, C.J. and Williams, S.E. 2005. Effects of Quaternary Climate Change on Rainforest Diversity: Insights from Spatial Analyses of Species and Genes in Australias Wet Tropics. In: E. Bermingham, C.W. Dick, and C. Moritz (eds.), Tropical Rainforests: Past, Present, and Future, pp. 401-424. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ilinois, USA.


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Since the general recognition of global amphibian declines in the early 1990s, biologists have sought to determine the underlying causes (Alford and Richards 1999; Stuart et al. 2004). During the past two decades, a number of hypotheses have been developed and it seems likely that many declines have a multitude of causes. One leading hypothesis is that some amphibian populations are declining due to exposure to chemical contaminants including the more than 10 billion kg of globally applied pesticides (U.S.E.P.A. 1997). Understanding all of the mechanisms by which contaminants may impact amphibian populations is certainly a difcult proposition because there are more than 80,000 registered chemicals in the United States alone, and the registration process does not require any tests on amphibians. Thus, the effect of pesticides on amphibian populations remains a very large and open question. Below, I very briey review the evidence linking pesticides to amphibian declines and then discuss the various mechanisms by which pesticides affect amphibians and thereby potentially cause declining populations. that pesticides may indeed be the underlying cause. If pesticides are a cause of amphibian declines, we need to consider the possible mechanisms by which this could occur. hormones and cause adult male frogs to become feminized and grow eggs in their testes (Hayes et al. 2002; Hayes 2004). While these effects are certainly dramatic, it is currently unclear as to whether they can subsequently result in amphibian population declines.

Mechanism #1: Direct toxicity

The most obvious mechanism by which pesticides could cause amphibian declines is via direct toxicity. There are two key issues concerning this mechanism. First, because very high concentrations of pesticides are almost always lethal to amphibians, we must consider the actual concentrations that an amphibian would experience in nature. Second, to cause a population decline, the amount of death due to the pesticide would have to be over and above natural causes of death experienced by amphibians (which can be >90% for amphibian larvae; reviewed in Relyea 2007). For some pesticides including the herbicide Roundup (Monsanto Corp., St. Louis, MO), researchers have observed 70-100% mortality of larval amphibians at concentrations that have been observed in nature (Relyea 2005; Relyea et al. 2005). However, for many of the pesticides that have been tested, including some of the most common insecticides (e.g., carbamates and organophosphates), the concentrations that cause amphibian death are above those concentrations that are most commonly found in nature (Boone and Semlitsch 2001; Relyea 2004) although seasonal spikes in pesticide use may make these rare, high concentration events quite important to amphibian populations. In either case, it is clear that we should also consider alternative mechanisms for how pesticides might cause amphibian declines.

Mechanism #3: Synergistic effects between pesticides and other stressors

One way in which low concentrations might impact amphibian populations is by interacting with other natural stressors and becoming more lethal than we appreciate. Traditional pesticide testing is done on a single species under laboratory conditions that typically lack any natural environmental stressors. In contrast, there are wide variety of stressors that occur in nature including elevated temperature, reduced pH, increased ultraviolet radiation, competition, and the threat of predation. To date, very few pesticides have been tested on amphibians in combination with different natural stressors, but the results thus far have been quite surprising; insecticides can become more lethal at higher temperatures (Boone and Bridges 1999) and more lethal when combined with the smell of predators in the water (Relyea 2003; Figure 2). The physiological mechanisms underlying these synergistic interactions are not yet known, but it is clear that natural stressors can make seemingly sublethal concentrations of pesticides become highly lethal to amphibians.

The evidence supporting a connection between pesticides and amphibian declines

Documenting a denitive link between pesticides and the decline of any organism in nature is a monumental task because it requires long-term monitoring data over large regions (because amphibian populations are normally quite variable over time) and, ideally, the ability to conduct controlled experiments at these same scales. Given the virtual impossibility of such a task, perhaps the best hope is to document pesticide-related patterns of declines in nature at large geographic scales and then identify the most likely mechanism(s) using smaller, more feasible experimental scales. This is the approach that has been employed by amphibian biologists during the past decade. The most extensive regional data examining patterns of declines come from the western United States where a number of amphibian species are experiencing population declines across a large regional scale. By combining detailed records of annual pesticide use in the Central Valley of California with surveys of hundreds of amphibian populations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Davidson et al. (2001, 2002) found a positive correlation between population declines and the amount of agricultural land that is upwind. Subsequently, Davidson (2004) found a correlation between declining populations and the actual amount of pesticides that are applied upwind (Figure 1). Amphibians in these mountain sites contain pesticides in their tissues and reduced acetylcholine esterase activity (i.e., a signal of insecticide exposure; Datta et al. 1998, Sparling et al. 2001), further strengthening the hypothesis

Mechanism #2: Sublethal effects on amphibian behaviour, physiology, and endocrinology

One of the most striking discoveries in recent years is that pesticides can have some surprising and unintended effects on amphibians at very low, sublethal concentrations. Analogous to the side effects of human drugs, pesticides are now known to alter animal behavior in ways that can reduce feeding, impair locomotion, and weaken predator avoidance (Weis et al. 2001). Pesticides can also compromise the immune system, making amphibians more susceptible to parasites and pathogens (Christin et al. 2003). Moreover, there appears to be a correlation between the frequency of amphibian malformations (e.g., extra or missing limbs) and the proximity of agricultural land (Taylor et al. 2005). Perhaps the most striking discovery is that some pesticides (e.g., atrazine) at very low concentrations (i.e., within drinking water standards) can mimic sex

Mechanism #4: Indirect effects through a food web

Amphibians live in diverse ecological communities with a network of interactions, yet traditional pesticide testing is conducted on single species in the laboratory. As a result, we know relatively little about how low concentrations of pesticides that cannot directly kill amphibians might indirectly affect amphibians via changes in the food webs that contain amphibians. These effects can initially be positive if pesticides reduce or remove populations of amphibian predators whereas the changes can be negative when pesticides affect the food available to amphibians (Boone and Semlitsch 2001; Relyea 2005). Reduced food availability commonly reduces amphibian growth which can have long-term effects on the time to reproduction (i.e. generation time), future survival, and reproductive output (i.e., the number of eggs that can be laid; Relyea 2007). However, we do not yet know whether these indirect food web effects impact the population sizes of amphibians.

< 0.2 kg/m 69% present

0.2 - 5.2 kg/m 45% present

5.2 - 99 kg/m 32% present

> 99 kg/m 17% present

Figure 1. Statewide patterns of declines in populations of ve amphibian species (Rana muscosa, R. boylii, R. cascadae, R. draytonii and Bufo canorus) throughout California and the amount of pesticide applied upwind of each site. The general pattern suggests a connection between pesticide use and amphibian declines (gure courtesy of Carlos Davidson based on data from Davidson 2004).

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


Conrming the role of pesticides in the global decline of amphibians is an extremely daunting task, but it is being rapidly addressed by researchers. Since realizing that amphibians were declining globally, we have been accumulating additional regional datasets on amphibian populations to assess their status and to test for correlative patterns with regional pesticide use. At the same time, experimentalists are rapidly delving into the wide range of possible mechanisms whereby pesticides might affect amphibians and discovering some mechanisms that were inconceivable only a decade ago. Unfortunately, most pesticide research is being conducted in North America and Europe on a small fraction of the 6,000-odd amphibian species that exist (and mostly on the larval stage), making our current power of inference rather limited (Schiesari et al. 2007). If pesticides are contributing to amphibian declines in nature, we will continue to require a multi-faceted approach from many sources of data to develop a solid case. A solid case is critical because it must withstand the doubtless challenges that will follow from the manufacturers and applicators of pesticides around the world. Importantly, while scientists can provide the data demonstrating the impacts of pesticides on amphibians, only societies can determine whether or not demonstrated pesticide impacts are acceptable. Rick Relyea

Alford, R.A. and Richards, S.J. 1999. Global amphibian declines: A problem in applied ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 30:133-165. Boone, M.D. and Bridges, C.M. 1999. The effect of temperature on potency of carbaryl for survival of tadpoles of green frog (Rana clamitans). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18:1482-1484.

Boone, M.D. and Semlitsch, R.D. 2001. Interactions of an insecticide with larval density and predation in experimental amphibian communities. Conservation Biology 15:228-238. Christin M.S., Gendron A.D., Brousseau P., Menard L., Marcogliese D.J., Cyr D., Ruby S. and Fournier M. 2003. Effects of agricultural pesticides on the immune system of Rana pipiens and on its resistance to parasitic infection. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:1127-1133. Datta, S., Hansen, L., McConnell, L., Baker, J., LeNoir, J. and Seiber, J.N. 1998. Pesticides and PCB contaminants in sh and tadpoles from the Kaweah River basin, California. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 60:829-836. Davidson, C. 2004. Declining downwind: Amphibian population declines in California and historical pesticide use. Ecological Applications 14:1892-1902. Davidson, C., Shaffer, H.B. and Jennings, M.R. 2001. Declines of the California red-legged frog: Climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypotheses. Ecological Applications 11:464-479. Davidson, C., Shaffer, H.B. and Jennings, M.R. 2002. Spatial tests of the pesticide drift, habitat destruction, UV-B, and climate-change hypotheses for California amphibian declines. Conservation Biology 16:1588-1601. Hayes, T.B. 2004. There is no denying this: Defusing the confusion about atrazine. Bioscience 54:1138-1149. Hayes, T.B., Collins, A., Lee, M., Mendoza, M., Noriega, N., Stuart, A.A. and Vonk, A. 2002. Hermaphroditic, demasculinized frogs after exposure to the herbicide atrazine at low ecologically relevant doses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99:5476-5480. Relyea, R.A. 2003. Predator cues and pesticides: A double dose of danger for amphibians. Ecological Applications 13:1515-1521. Relyea, R.A. 2004. Synergistic impacts of malathion and predatory stress on six species of North American tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23:1080-1084. Relyea, R.A. 2005. The impact of insecticides and herbicides on the biodiversity and productivity of aquatic communities. Ecological Applications 15:618-627. Relyea, R.A. 2007. Getting out alive: How predators affect the decision to metamorphose.

Oecologia 152:389-400. Relyea, R.A., Schoeppner, N.M. and Hoverman, J.T. 2005. Pesticides and amphibians: The importance of community context. Ecological Applications 15:1125-1134. Schiesari, L., Grillitsch, B. and Grillitsch, H. 2007. Biogeographic biases in research and their consequences for linking amphibian declines to pollution. Conservation Biology 21:465-471. Sparling, D.W., Fellers, G.M. and McConnell, L.L. 2001. Pesticides and amphibian population declines in California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:1591-1595. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and Trends of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions Worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Taylor, B., Skelly, D., Demarchis, L.K., Slade, M.D., Galusha, D. and Rabinowitz, P.M. 2005. Proximity to pollution sources and risk of amphibian limb malformation. Environmental Health Perspectives 113:1497-1501. U.S.E.P.A. 1997. Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage. Report # 733-R-97-002. Washington, DC. USA. Weis, J.S., Smith, G., Zhou, T., Santiago-Bass, C. and Weis, P. 2001. Effects of contaminants on behavior: Biochemical mechanisms and ecological consequences. Bioscience 51:209-217.

Figure 2. The synergistic impacts of an insecticide (carbaryl) on bullfrog tadpoles when combined with the presence or absence of predator odours in the water. When no insecticide is present, there is low mortality with or without the odour of predators. When the insecticide is present at high concentrations (6.5 mg/L) there is high mortality with or without the odour of predators. However, at intermediate concentrations (0.6 mg/L), there is low mortality in the absence of predator odours, but 46 times higher mortality in the presence of predator odours.

No pesticide
100% 100%

1.6 mg/l of carbaryl


6.5 mg/l of carbaryl











40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16


0% 0 4 8 12 16


Day No predator odors Predator odors



Amphibian populations are declining at alarmingly rapid rates worldwide and species are disappearing from entire regions. A greater proportion of amphibians are at imminent risk of extinction than any other animal class, including birds. Some have already been lost forever. While habitat loss, overexploitation and the other usual suspects are partly to blame, the factor driving amphibians most rapidly to extinction is the emergence of the virulent fungal disease, chytridiomycosis. Chytridiomycosis is caused by a fungus in the order chytridiales (the chytrid fungi) called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. This fungus was unknown until 1998, when it was simultaneously discovered as the primary cause of catastrophic amphibian declines in the rain forests of Australia and Central America (Berger et al. 1998). While many chytrid fungi are parasites of invertebrates, B. dendrobatidis is the only chytrid fungus known to infect vertebrates. Although the fungus is known only to infect amphibians, it has low host specicity having thus far been recorded infecting at least 14 families and over 100 species of amphibian on ve continents. Although B. dendrobatidis was unknown until the late 1990s, retrospective studies have shown it to have been a major cause of amphibian declines at least as far back as the 1970s. Many amphibian declines considered to have been due to other reasons at the time, such as predation or competition by introduced species, or stress and disruption by human activities, are now known to have been due at least in part - to chytridiomycosis (Green and Sherman 2001; Green et al. 2002; Muths et al. 2003; Carey et al. 2006). The primary hypothesis for the emergence of chytrid-caused declines is the exposure of nave host populations to a newly introduced pathogen, although other hypotheses (such as a change in a pre-existing host-pathogen relationship) have not yet been discounted (Cunningham et al. 2003; Weldon et al. 2004). Some amphibian species, such as the North American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) (Daszak et al. 2004) and the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) (Weldon et al. 2004), are generally unaffected by B. dendrobatidis infection and there has been speculation these species might act as transport hosts, introducing the infection to new areas and to new host species and populations (Mazzoni et al. 2003; Weldon et al. 2004; Garner et al. 2006). The global trade in amphibians, which began in the 1930s with the trade in Xenopus laevis for pregnancy testing, mushroomed in the 1970s and 1980s with the widespread harvesting of wild frogs in India, Indonesia and China for the international restaurant trade. The level of international trade continues to rise with the development of commercial frog farms in Asia and Latin America that export bullfrogs and other ranid species for the North American and European markets. There is evidence that this trade might be a major driver of the current chytridiomycosis pandemic (Mazzoni et al. 2003; Weldon et al. 2004; Garner et al. 2006; Kusrini and Alford 2006; Cronin et al. in press). Infection with B. dendrobatidis is limited to the keratinized tissues of the animal: the most supercial, keratinized, cells of the skin in metamorphosed amphibians, and the mouthparts of anuran larvae (Daszak et al. 1999; Berger et al. 2005). The infection is intracellular (i.e. the fungus grows within the skin cell) and discharge tubes open onto the surface of the cell for the release of zoospores, the infective stage of the fungus. The presence of the fungus induces a number of host responses, including, in metamorphosed animals, hyperkeratosis, irregular foci of hyperplasia, disordered epidermal cell layers, spongiosis, erosion and ulceration of the skin. Areas of the skin more frequently in close contact with the water, such as the digits and the pelvic patch, are more severely affected (Berger et al. 1998). Inammatory responses in the dermis are mild, if at all present, and involve mononuclear cells. Inammation within the epidermis is rare. The lack of an immune response might be due to a lack of stimulation of the host immune system as the site of infection is both supercial and intracellular. Also, the degree of tissue damage is very low. There is no evidence of immuno-suppression either as an underlying factor to, or as a consequence of, B. dendrobatidis infection (Berger et al. 1999). Signs of the disease include lethargy, loss of righting reex and abnormal posture. Gross lesions are usually not apparent, but increased epidermal sloughing, epidermal ulceration and reddening (hyperaemia) of the digital and ventral skin have been reported (Daszak et al. 1999; Berger et al. 2000). Diagnosis is by visualization of the characteristic intracellular zoosporangia in the keratinized epidermis using either cytology of sloughed skin or histopathology of skin samples (e.g., toe-clip biopsies or post-mortem skin samples). Molecular techniques, such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR, have largely superseded cytology and histopathology for rapid diagnosis and for screening large numbers of animals. Despite almost a decade of research on chytridiomycosis, there is still much that remains unknown. The exact mechanism by which B. dendrobatidis causes mortality is not known, but there are currently three possible mechanisms hypothesized. Firstly, the chytrid might release toxins, such as proteolytic enzymes, which are absorbed to cause systemic poisoning. Secondly, epidermal hyperplasia may impair cutaneous respiration and/or osmoregulation (Berger et al. 1998, 2005). Thirdly, a combination of both of these mechanisms might be involved (Daszak et al. 1999). The absence of any specic internal lesions suggests that the ultimate cause of death probably is either metabolic or toxic (Berger et al. 1999). Although several life-history (e.g., low fecundity) and ecological (e.g., riparian, montane habitat) factors have been shown to correlate with population declines due to chytridiomycosis, these might be solely indicators of a


Threatened Amphibians of the World

there are differences in response, depending on variables such as dose of exposure, temperature and humidity. Therefore, a chytrid-positive population might appear to be resistant, only to decline markedly following a change in environmental conditions. Addressing the threat of chytridiomycosis is not easy. We are used to tackling species threats by introducing or increasing protection measures of the animals and/or their habitats. Pathogens respect neither the law nor protected areas. In fact, many of the most devastating effects of chytridiomycosis have occurred in pristine and protected areas, such as rainforest reserves in Australia and Central America. Although B. dendrobatidis can be killed by a range of antifungal medications, it is both impractical and ecologically dangerous to attempt such treatments in the wild. The disease and causative agent were unknown until less than 10 years ago and there is still much to learn about the biology, ecology and distribution of the pathogen. Currently, our only defense is to bring vulnerable species into captivity until alternative approaches are devised. These are massive challenges to the zoo and conservation research communities. If we are to avoid losing a substantial proportion (the majority?) of the worlds amphibians in the face of this daunting threat, these communities need to raise their game to a new level of cooperation along the lines of a Manhattan project-style response for amphibian conservation. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in the supercial, keratinized layer of skin sloughed from an adult North American bullfrog. Note focal thickening of the sloughed skin with numerous subspherical empty sporangia. One sporangium still contains zoospores (arrow). Andrew Cunningham, ZSL. Andrew A. Cunningham and Peter Daszak

Berger, L., Hyatt, A.D., Speare, R. and Longcore, J.E. 2005. Life cycle stages of the amphibian chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 68:51-63. Berger, L., Speare, R., Daszak, P., Green, D.E., Cunningham, A.A., Goggin, C.L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M.A., Hyatt, A.D., McDonald, K.R., Hines, H.B., Lips, K.R., Marantelli, G. and Parkes, H. 1998. Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian mortality associated with population declines in the rain forests of Australia and Central America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95:9031-9036.

populations ability to respond to any stochastic factor (amphibians in riparian, montane habitats tend to have small and restricted ranges). Infection with B. dendrobatidis is highly variable between species: some species (e.g., Rana catesbeiana, Xenopus laevis) become infected, but show no evidence of disease, while others (e.g., Atelopus spp.) appear to be highly susceptible to infection, with very high mortality rates. However, within a species,

Berger, L., Speare, R. and Hyatt, A.D. 1999. Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines: overview, implications and future directions. In: Campbell A. (ed) Declines and disappearances of Australian frogs. Environment Australia: Canberra 1999:23-33. Carey, C., Bruzgul, J.E., Livo, L.J., Walling, M.L., Kuehl, K.A., Dixon, B.F., Pessier, A.P., Alford, R.A. and Rogers, K.B. 2006. Experimental exposures of boreal toads (Bufo boreas) to a pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). EcoHealth 3:5-21. Cronin, A.O., Maranda, L., Pokras, M. and Daszak, P. in press. Wildlife trade into the Port of New York 2000-2003: Assessment of the risk to public health and conservation. Ecohealth. Cunningham, A.A., Daszak, P. and Rodrguez, J.P. 2003. Pathogen pollution: dening a parasitological threat to biodiversity conservation. Journal of Parasitology 89:S78-S83. Daszak, P., Berger, L., Cunningham, A.A., Hyatt, A.D., Green, D.E. and Speare, R. 1999. Emerging infectious diseases and amphibian population declines. Emerging Infectious Diseases 5:735-748. Daszak, P., Strieby, A., Cunningham, A.A., Longcore, J.E., Brown, C.C. and Porter, D. 2004. Experimental evidence that the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) is a potential carrier of chytridiomycosis, an emerging fungal disease of amphibians. Herpetological Journal 14:201-207. Garner, T.W.J., Perkins, M.W., Govindarajulu, P., Seglie, D., Walker, S.F., Cunningham, A.A. and Fisher, M.C. 2006. The emerging amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis globally infects introduced populations of the North American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Biology Letters 2:455-459. Green, D.E., Converse, K.A. and Schrader, A.K. 2002. Epizootiology of sixty-four amphibian morbidity and mortality events in the USA, 1996-2001. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 969:323-339. Green, D.E. and Sherman, C.K. 2001. Diagnostic histological ndings in Yosemite toads (Bufo canorus) from a die-off in the 1970s. Journal of Herpetology 35:92-103. Kusrini, M.D. and Alford, R.A. 2006. Indonesias Exports of Frogs Legs. TRAFFIC Bulletin 21:13-24. Mazzoni, R., Cunningham, A.C., Daszak, P., Apolo, A., Perdomo, E. and Speranza, G. 2003. Emerging pathogen of wild amphibians in frogs (Rana catesbiana) farmed for international trade. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9:995-998. Muths, E., Corn, P.S., Pessier, A.P. and Green, D. E. 2003. Evidence for disease-related amphibian decline in Colorado. Biological Conservation 110:357-365. Weldon, C., du Preez, L.H., Hyatt, A.D., Muller R. and Speare, R. 2004. Origin of the amphibian chytrid fungus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10:2100-2105.


Evidence that climate change is currently affecting life on earth has become overwhelming in the last few years. Although some continue to question the link between global warming and human activity, the rate of current trends in temperature shifts is vastly different from past global climate change events. For example, in lower elevation cloud forests in the Andes, the warming trend experienced from the 1970s to the present is 18 times faster than at the end of the last ice age (Bush et al. 2004). Species of plants and animals in many different taxonomic groups and regions of the world are already responding to warming, by shifting their ranges uphill or towards the poles and tracking cooler environments (Walther et al. 2002). The timing of seasonal cycles, such as owering in plants and migration in birds, has also been shifting with the changing climate (Root et al. 2003). Spawning dates and breeding migrations in a number of amphibian species have already become signicantly earlier (Root et al. 2003). Although these changes might appear trivial, they do alter the composition and dynamics of communities, with complex and unpredictable outcomes. For example, in Britain, newts are now arriving much earlier at breeding ponds, allowing their predatory larvae to be much larger by the time frogs arrive. This may be detrimental for frog species that now deposit their eggs and tadpoles into pools full of hungry newt larvae (Beebee 1995). Along with changes in species ranges and phenology, current models predict a great loss of species in the future due to a warmer and more extreme climate (Thomas et al. 2004). In fact, climate change may already be causing extinctions. Declines and disappearances of amphibian populations have become increasingly apparent in the past 20 years. Some declines appear to be explained by clear anthropogenic effects such as habitat loss, while others, with less apparent causes, have been classied as enigmatic (Stuart et al. 2004). Research activity has increasingly focused on determining the causes of these declines. High-elevation species seem to be most affected, and based on the fate of known species it appears that many have probably disappeared prior to being described. In the Neotropics, harlequin frogs of the genus Atelopus appear to have been most affected by enigmatic declines. A number of undescribed Atelopus species collected by South American herpetologists are currently awaiting description. In the short time since these species were collected, scientists have returned to their original collection sites only to nd that most of these undescribed species have vanished from their apparently pristine environments. Many more species are likely to have become extinct before even being collected. For instance, in many countries, most historical collection sites are directly adjacent to a highway or rural road, while vast tracts of land remain almost entirely unsurveyed. This makes it likely that many species unknown to science have already been lost. The situation is even worse when we take molecular evidence into account. Cryptic species that looked extremely similar to each other were probably hidden among some of the widespread species. We may never know how many species we have truly lost. Could amphibian disappearances be attributed to global warming patterns? Skeptics have voiced critical opinions on this idea. Amphibians have been on earth for at least 280 million years, persisting through at least 60 glacial periods in the last 12 million years alone. So why would the recent temperature shifts be more threatening to amphibians than the ever-changing environment they evolved in? The answer may be found in the interaction between climate change and another variable disease. Climate change is already impacting human health by facilitating the spread of disease, causing an estimated 150,000 deaths a year (Patz et al.

Atelopus zeteki (Critically Endangered) from El Cope, Panama, taken about nine months before the population crash happened at that site. Ross A. Alford

2005). As with humans, a synergistic interaction between temperature change and infectious disease may explain many of the recent disappearances of amphibians. One disease for which this synergism may be important is the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which infects the skin of amphibians, causing the disease chytridiomycosis. Outbreaks of this disease have occurred in apparently nave populations, and are clearly linked to the extirpation of frog communities in the immediate range of harlequin frogs (Lips et al. 2006). Approximately 80% of missing harlequin frog species vanished directly after a relatively warm year (Pounds et al. 2006; see Figure

1). The probability of this correlation occurring by chance is less than one in a thousand. In the laboratory, B. dendrobatidis grows best at temperatures between 17 and 25C, but grows more slowly outside this range, and may not cause disease at temperatures over 30C (Piotrowski et al. 2004). Even short periods at body temperatures of 37C can clear frogs of infections by the pathogen (Woodhams et al. 2003). Such temperatures may be experienced by frogs after a short period in direct sunlight, but cannot be attained under heavy cloud cover. Although it has been suggested that the probability of population declines increases with altitude, this does not seem entirely

Chapter 4. The State of the Worlds Amphibians


true for harlequin frogs. Pounds et al. (2006) demonstrate that patterns of extinction in harlequin frogs vary at different altitudes, and suggest that they are caused by interactions among temperature, atmospheric moisture, cloud cover, and host-pathogen dynamics. This hypothesis could be tested in other regions of the world, such as Australia, where the patterns of declines in amphibian populations show many parallels with those in the Neotropics. In eastern Queensland, Australia, at least 14 species have experienced declines in recent decades, with six species disappearing altogether, and others becoming locally extinct at high-elevation sites. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated in most of these declines. In these areas, where B. dendrobatidis now appears to be endemic, patterns of infection and mortality are consistent with the climate-linked epidemic hypothesis, with infection levels and mortality highest during cooler months (Berger et al. 2004; Retallick et al. 2004; McDonald et al. 2005; Woodhams and Alford 2005). Future predictions for amphibians in the region are grim, with 13 to 68% of frog species endemic to Queensland predicted to become extinct under future climate scenarios (Thomas et al. 2004). This prediction is based on the effects of changing climatic conditions alone. The true impacts of climate change may be far more complex and potentially detrimental when acting in synergism with disease. What seems to be clear is that amphibian extinctions are strongly correlated with the changing climate. The disappearance of frogs may be an early warning of a new episode of mass extinction, and this time, there is no cataclysm to blame, only ourselves. Robert Puschendorf, Ross A. Alford, and Jodi J.L. Rowley

Beebee, T.J.C. 1995. Amphibian breeding and climate change. Nature 374:219-220. Berger, L., Speare, R., Hines, H.B., Marantelli, G., Hyatt, A.D., McDonald, K.R., Skerratt, L.F., Olsen, V., Clarke, J.M., Gillespie, G., Mahony, M., Sheppard, N., Williams, C. and

Tyler, M.J. 2004. Effect of season and temperature on mortality in amphibians due to chytridiomycosis. Australian Veterinary Journal 82:434-439. Bush, M.B., Silman, M.R. and Urrego, D.H. 2004. 48,000 years of climate and forest change in a biodiversity hot spot. Science 303:827-829. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:3165-3170. McDonald, K.R., Mndez, D., Mller, R., Freeman, A.B., and Speare, R. 2005. Decline in the prevalence of chytridiomycosis in frog populations in North Queensland, Australia. Pacic Conservation Biology 11:114-120. Patz, J.A., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Holloway, T. and Foley, J.A. 2005. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature 438:310-317. Piotrowski, J., Annis, S. and Longcore, J.E. 2004. Physiology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a chytrid pathogen of amphibians. Mycologia 96:9-15. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., SanchezAzofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Retallick, R.W.R., McCallum, H. and Speare, R. 2004. Endemic infection of the amphibian chytrid fungus in a frog community post-decline. PLoS Biology 2:1965-1971. Root, T.L., Price, J.T., Hall, K.R., Schneider, S.H., Rosenzweig, C. and Pounds, J.A. 2003. Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants. Nature 421:57-60. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and Trends of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions Worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Thomas, C.D., Cameron, A., Green, R.E., Bakkenes, M., Beaumont, L.J., Collingham, Y.C., Erasmus, B. F. N., de Siquera, M.F., Grainger, A., Hannah, L., Hughes, L.S., Huntley, B., van Jaarsveld, A.S., Midgley, G.F., Miles, L., Ortega-Huerta, M.A., Peterson, A.T., Phillips, O.L. and Williams, S.E. 2004. Extinction risk from climate change. Nature 427:145-148. Walther, G.-R., Post, E., Convey, P., Menzel, A., Parmesank, C., Beebee, T.J.C., Fromentin, J.-M., Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and Bairlein, F. 2002. Ecological responses to recent climate change. Nature 416:389-395.



10 0,6 8 Number of species Tropical AT (C)


4 0,2 2

0 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994


Figure 1. Last year of observation in harlequin frog species for which there is sufcient population data (red line) and air temperature for the tropics (C) of the preceding year (blue line). Reproduced, with permission of authors, from Pounds et al. 2006 (Nature 439:161-167).

Woodhams, D.C., Alford, R.A. and Marantelli, G. 2003. Emerging disease of amphibians cured by elevated body temperature. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 55:65-67. Woodhams, D.C. and Alford, R.A. 2005. The Ecology of Chytridiomycosis in Rainforest Stream Frog Assemblages of Tropical Queensland. Conservation Biology 19:14491459.

The Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus, is the largest living amphibian, with adults reaching a total length of more than 200cm and a weight of 50kg (Peng et al. 1998). Although very similar to its congener, the Japanese Giant Salamander Andrias japonicus, the Chinese Giant Salamander differs in the arrangement of tubercles on the head and throat, which are mostly in pairs, and much smaller and fewer than those of its Japanese cousin. The snout is also less rounded and the tail a little longer in the Chinese species. The species is referred to locally as wawayu (baby sh), because its call resembles a babys cry. Formerly widespread in China, most local wild populations of the Chinese Giant Salamander have declined greatly in both range and number since the 1950s, largely due to habitat fragmentation or loss, and as a result of overharvesting for human consumption. Recent surveys show that the Chinese Giant Salamander is distributed in a few mountainous areas in the middle and lower tributaries of the Yangtze, Yellow and Pearl Rivers, across the 17 provinces of Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Hubei, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong and Guangxi (Wang et al. 2004). Many populations are now on the verge of extinction, and some are already extinct (Zhao 1998; Zhang and Wang 2000). Today, because of this continuing, drastic, population decline the Chinese Giant Salamander is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Although habitat loss is certainly a threat, uncontrolled harvesting is the primary reason for the steep decline in numbers of Chinese Giant Salamander. Before the wildlife protection act was declared by the Chinese government in 1988, the Chinese Giant Salamander was a legal shery product in China. Indeed, there was already a marked decline in the number of salamanders being collected from the wild by the 1970s. For example, a traditional company in Taibai county of Shaanxi province reported that, while demand remained high, the quantity of Chinese Giant Salamander purchased declined from 3,813kg in 1973 to 1,300kg in 1979, presumably in response to a reduction in wild stocks. Likewise, from the 1950s to the 1980s, the amount purchased of this species had declined more than 80% in some areas in Hunan and Anhui Provinces (Wang et al. 2004). In addition, whereas the salamander was found in 28 counties of north-eastern Sichuan Province in the 1970s, it appears to have disappeared from 11 of them by the middle of the 1980s. Western Hunan Province had 10 counties with salamanders in the 1960s, but the species could only be found in ve of them in the 1980s (Liu 1989). Despite protection by the Chinese Government since 1988 (the Chinese Government has declared the giant salamander a Class II Protected Species), illegal collection of Chinese Giant Salamander from the wild is still a leading threat widely contributing to population declines, and in many counties the poaching has actually increased during recent years. Hunters now use pesticides, electrical shock tools, explosives, and other modern methods, instead of traditional bow-hooks to capture salamanders. The increasing use of such unsustainable methods has resulted in very serious declines in salamander populations. Furthermore, the species is in danger of losing its title of worlds largest amphibian, as the weights of giant salamanders being captured today appears to be much lower than formerly, presumably due to the increased hunting pressure. In Sangzhi County in Hunan Province most individuals weighed c. 35-40kg; all individuals captured in the same locality during the 1970s were <5kg (Liu 1989). According to our eld surveys, and questionnaires to local people in the main distributions of the salamander in six provinces from 2000 to 2001, illegal poaching is still prevalent across the range, and is even prevalent within protected areas. For example, more than 100kg of salamanders were collected per year in Dabie mountain area of Anhui Province (given weights of 0.5-1.0kg, this represents around 7-100 animals), and the poachers could have captured about 50kg (30-50 animals) worth of giant salamander per year in recent years in Hupingshan National Natural Reserve. Three canoes with over 150 bow-hooks were seen in the main river of Yongshun Chinese Giant Salamander reserve of Hunan Province. As the Chinese Giant Salamander has a great economic value mostly as luxury food, this species has long been excessively exploited by local people. Because of the high demand in some cities such as Guangzhou and other provincial capitals, the value of salamander meat is increasing steadily in local black markets. The price in China has risen from around US$5 per kg in the early 1980s to over US$350 in recent years. High prices are strong incentives for harvesting salamanders from the wild, and combating illegal harvesting and trade has become extremely difcult. In order to protect the wild populations of Chinese Giant Salamander, 21 nature reserves have been established in Henan, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Guangdong, and Hunan Provinces since the 1980s (and see Table 1), but many of these reserves have very limited funds available to effectively conserve the salamanders. Sadly, because of funding difculties four of these reserves have now been degazetted. To date, about 100 legal Chinese Giant Salamander farms have been established throughout the species range. Most of them were set up during the 1990s, directly aimed at supplying the ever-growing food market, and more than 20 farms have bred the giant salamanders and successfully reared young to maturity. During 2005, over 32,000 larvae were bred from more than 6,000 parents in seven farms. But, at present, even sustainable breeding programmes are insufcient to meet market demands. To date, only a few restaurants in Beijing, Hunan and Guangdong have been approved by the government to sell Chinese Giant Salamander, with the result that most trade of this animal has been driven to the black market (Zhang, pers. obs.). In addition, it certainly seems possible that a number of farms have obtained adult salamanders illegally from the wild, and this in itself may pose a threat to remaining wild populations. The Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Critically Endangered) is the largest living amphibian, with adults reaching a total length of more than 200cm and a weight of 50kg. Kejia Zhang

Table 1. Chinese Giant Salamander reserves in China with location, grade, area and year established (updated from Wang et al. 2004).
Reserve Lushi Giant Salamander Reserve Xixia Giant Salamander Reserve Qingyaoshan Giant Salamander Reserve Songxian Giant Salamander Reserve Luanchuan Giant Salamander Reserve Youyang Giant Salamander Reserve Taibai Xushuihe Giant Salamander Reserve Lingkou Giant Salamander Reserve Zhuxi Giant Salamander Reserve Zhongjianhe Giant Salamander Reserve Dachenshan Giant Salamander Reserve Sangzhi Quanhe Giant Salamander Reserve Yongshun Liangcha Giant Salamander Reserve Chenxi Longmen Giant Salamander Reserve Zhangjiajie Giant Salamander Reserve Qianxi Giant Salamander Reserve Jingan Liaohe Giant Salamander Reserve Guishan Giant Salamander Reserve Nuoshuihe Giant Salamander Reserve Chuanxihe Giant Salamander Reserve Wenxian Giant Salamander Reserve Location Lushi, Henan Xixia, Henan Xinan, Henan Songxian, Henan Luanchuan, Henan Youyang, Chongqing Taibai, Shannxi Luonan, Shannxi Zhuxi, Hubei Xianfeng, Hubei Loudi, Hunan Sanzhi, Hunan Yongshun, Hunan Chengxi, Hunan Zhangjiajie, Hunan Qianxi, Guizhou Jinan, Jiangxi Heyuan, Guangdong Tongjiang, Sichuan Dayi, Sichuan Wenxian, Gansu Grade Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial County Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial County County County National level County County Municipal Provincial County Provincial Area (ha) 184,350 131,040 9,000 600 800 4,000 5,740 5,715 800 264 100 4,810 24,400 1,700 14,285 1,000 100 1,199 9,480 21,160 Established year 1982 1982 1988 1998 1996 1989 1986 1998 1986 1994 1987 1983 1988 1984 1998 1986 1980 2001 1998 2004 2004


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The many problems outlined above suggest that wild populations of the Chinese Giant Salamander are on the verge of extinction, particularly if no effective conservation measures are taken in the immediate future. The development and enforcement of a comprehensive conservation strategy and action plan is now urgently needed to prevent the extinction of this extraordinary amphibian. Zhang Ke-jia and Wang Xiaoming

Anon. 1978. The economic amphibian and reptiles in China. Shanghai Science and Technology Press, Shanghai, China. [In Chinese] Wang, X.-M., Zhang, K.-J., Wu, W., Wang, Z.-H., Ding, Y.-Z. and Huang, S. 2004. The decline of the Chinese giant salamander and applications for its conservation. Conservation status and distribution of Chinese giant salamander. Oryx 38:197-202. Peng, K.-M., Fen, R.-P. and Cheng, X.-P. 1998. The Chinese giant salamander. Journal of Chinese Wildlife 19:11. [In Chinese] Ermi, Z. 1998. China Red Data book of Endangered Animal: Amphibia and Reptilia. Science Press, Beijing, Hong Kong, China, and New York, USA. Zhang, K.-J. and Wang, X.-M. 2000. Status of conservation biology of Chinese giant salamander. In: Proceedings of the fourth Asian Herpetological Conference (ed.), pp. 172. Chengdu, China. Liu, G.-J. 1989. The Rare and Precious Animal in China---giant salamander. Chinese Journal of Zoology 24:43-45. [In Chinese.]


While only a small proportion of the species that are moved around the world with human movements and global trade actually cause harm, those that do termed invasive alien species are devastating. Such biological invasions are now considered one of the biggest factors in biodiversity loss and extinctions (Baillie et al. 2004). Many threatened amphibians are heavily impacted by invasive alien species. However, amphibians themselves can also be invasive. The list of 100 of the worlds worst invasive alien species includes three amphibians, as well as a fungal disease agent, for which invasive amphibians are vectors of spread (Lowe et al. 2000; and see

Frog eats frog

The American Bullfrog is not only a vector for disease, but is also a highly invasive alien species in its own right, affecting native species, amphibian and otherwise, through competition or direct predation. In British Columbia (Canada), for example, it has been recorded in competition with, and predating upon, the Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora), and in Puerto Rico there have been reports of bullfrogs preying on several bird species, including Whitecheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis) (GISD 2006a). In the United States, its impacts include: competition with the Relict Leopard Frog (Rana onca, EN), which was once thought to be extinct, in Arizona and Nevada (Bradford et al. 2004); predation on both larval and juvenile Red-legged Frogs in California (Doubledee et al. 2003); and competition with and predation on the Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa, VU) in Oregon (Pearl et al. 2004).

Judas kiss: the role of invasive amphibians in the spread of frog chytrid fungus
Amphibian species have been reported as declining since the 1970s, and in many of them the fungal disease chytridiomycosis is implicated. Moreover, of the recorded nine recent extinctions of amphibians since 1980, eight were sudden disappearances in suitable habitats and they are thought to be the result of this disease, probably operating in synergy with climate change. At first, this may seem to be unrelated to the issue of invasive species, but in fact, it perfectly illustrates the complexity of biological invasion issues: not only is the pathogen itself an invasive alien species, but its spread is facilitated by invasive alien species that are amphibians! The origin of the virulent pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is not known with absolute certainty, but a recent study has led to the conclusion that in all likelihood it originated in Africa. Hence, the impacts on amphibian populations in the rest of the world result from the unintentional introductions of a pathogen as an invasive alien species. In an ironic twist of fate, several invasive frog species play a role in the exportation of the pathogen out of Africa, its escape into the wild and its ongoing spread and impact on threatened amphibians. It is thought to have started with the export, out of Africa, of the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) for use in laboratories. This frog was a carrier of chytridiomycosis, and the establishment of feral populations of this species in countries where it had been moved to, allowed the pathogen access to other species, such as the American Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana which now is considered to be one of the main vectors of the disease (Weldon et al. 2004). The bullfrog, native in parts of the USA and Canada, is itself a highly invasive species, and has been introduced to Hawaii, parts of western USA and south-western Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, South America, Europe and Asia (GISD 2006a). It has been traded internationally as a food item, and within countries it can spread when populations held for culinary use escape and establish. Frog species in the pet trade are also potential agents of spread of the disease and infected amphibians have been identified in European and US zoos. In Australia, chytridiomycosis has been found in Cane Toads (Bufo marinus), a recently introduced invasive alien species. Chytrid can persist in contaminated water or mud and it can hence also be spread by wet or muddy boots, vehicles, cattle and other animals moving among aquatic sites. Nevertheless, invasive alien frogs and toads have acted in an (involuntary) Judas role, exposing many native species of amphibian around the world to the pathogen, with disastrous results.

legged than toads from older populations, conrming that the invasion process has been assisted by the evolution of improved dispersal ability among toads at the front. This means that it would be expected that over many generations, rates of invasion will be accelerated owing to rapid adaptive change in the invaders. The annual rate of progress of the toads invasion through tropical Australia has increased about ve-fold since the toads rst arrived. In other words, an already strong invader is actually in the process of getting even better at it (Philips et al. 2006). This should be a salutary reminder that, as with all alien invasive species, prevention of introduction is the best option, and any management should be undertaken as soon as possible, before the invader has had time to evolve into a more dangerous adversary. Maj de Poorter

There goes the neighbourhood

The Caribbean Treefrog, also called the Common Coqui (Eleutherodactylus coqui) is a relatively small treefrog native to Puerto Rico. While there are ecological concerns about its introduction into Hawaii, it also creates a nuisance to people: it is their loud call that is the main reason that many Hawaiians consider the species as a pest. It is feared that the high-pitched call of the frog may affect the tourism industry and there are also concerns that property value may be affected due to the high biomass of frogs on infested sites (Kraus and Campbell 2002; GISD 2006b).

Baillie, J.E.M., Hilton-Taylor, C. and Stuart, S.N. (eds.) 2004. 2004 IUCN Red list of Threatened Species. A Global Assessment, pp.Xxiv+191. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Bradford, D.F., Jaeger, J.R. and Jennings, R.D. 2004. Population status and distribution of a decimated amphibian, the relict leopard frog (Rana onca). Southwestern Naturalist 49:218-228. Davenport, J., Hills, J., Glasspool, A. and Ward. J. 2001. Threats to the Critically Endangered endemic Bermudian skink Eumeces longirostris. Oryx 35:332-339. Doubledee, R.A., Muller, E.B. and Nisbet, R.M. 2003. Bullfrogs, disturbance regimes, and the persistence of California red-legged frogs. Journal of Wildlife Management. 67:424-438 Global Invasive Species Database, 2006a. Rana catasbeiana. Available from: http:// [Accessed 6th September 2006] Global Invasive Species Database, 2006b. Eleutherodactylus coqui. Available from: [Accessed 6th September 2006] Global Invasive Species Database, 2006b. Bufo marinus. Available from: http://www. [Accessed 6th September 2006] Hinkley, A.D. 1962. Diet of the giant toad, Bufo marinus (L.), in Fiji. Herpetologica 18:253-259. Kraus, F. and Campbell, E. 2002. Human-mediated escalation of a formerly eradicable problem: The invasion of Caribbean frogs in the Hawaiian Islands. Biological Invasions 4:327-332. Lowe, S., Browne, M., Boudjelas, S., and De Poorter, M. 2000. 100 of the Worlds Worst Invasive Alien Species. A selection from the Global Invasive Species Database; Published by ISSG as special lift-out in Aliens 12, December 2000. 12 pp. http://www. (English) (Spanish) Pearl, C.A., Adams, M.J., Bury, R.B., and McCreary, B. 2004. Asymmetrical effects of introduced Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) on native ranid frogs in Oregon. Copeia 2004:11-20 Phillips, B.L., Brown, G.P. Webb, J.K., and Shine, R. 2006. Invasion and the evolution of speed in toads. Nature 439:803. Weldon C., du Preez, L.H., Hyatt, A.D., Muller, R. and Speare, R. 2004. Origin of the Amphibian Chytrid Fungus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10:2100-2105.

Cane toad conquest

The Cane Toad is native in parts of South and Central America and parts of the Caribbean. It has been introduced widely throughout the world as a biological control agent for various insect pests of sugarcane and other crops. Its alien range now includes many countries, including parts of the Caribbean where it is not native, and where, for example, it has been implicated in the decline of the endemic Bermuda Skink (Eumeces longirostris) (Davenport et al. 2001). It has also been introduced in parts of Asia, Australia and the Pacic. The Cane Toad has become a major invasive species in most of its introduced range. It competes with native amphibians and other animals for food and breeding habitat, and also directly preys on them. In fact, it has been quoted as eating almost any terrestrial animal (Hinkley 1962). In addition, the toads toxicity means that many native predators are killed. For example, in Australia native snakes have been found dead with the Cane Toad in their mouths or guts, and in Japans remote Iriomote Island, it is feared that the recent arrival of Cane Toads may result in the poisoning of the threatened Iriomote Cat (Prionailurus iriomotensis) (GISD 2006c). In Australia, Cane Toads were introduced to Queensland in 1935 and they have since expanded their range to encompass more than a million square kilometres of tropical and subtropical Australia. When researchers radio-tracked toads at the invasion front they found astonishing locomotor performance, with animals moving up to 1.8km per night during the rainy months. As is the case with many anurans, toads with longer legs can move faster than those with shorter legs. This turned out to be happening at a grand scale in Australia: longer-legged toads were disproportionately common among the rst wave of arrivals at any new site. In general, toads at the invasion front were longer-

An African Clawed Toad Xenopus laevis (Least Concern) with a sh in its mouth. Chytridiomycosis was detected in museum specimens of this species dating back to 1938, and one hypothesis posits that the international trade in this species may have introduced this fungal disease to other regions of the world. Carlos Garin Lobos

The Cane Toad Bufo marinus (Least Concern), a native of Central and South America, has been widely introduced in the Caribbean, the Philippines, Japan, parts of Melanesia and the Pacic Islands and Australia. It was introduced to Australia in 1935 to control sugar cane pests (which it failed to do) from whence its name derives. Craig Morley

In recent years, Eleutherodactylus coqui (Least Concern), a species native to Puerto Rico, has become infamous in the Hawaiian islands, where it probably arrived in plant pots and bromeliads. There, it has spread widely (the Hawaiian archipelago has no native amphibians) where they reportedly annoy the local people when they sing loudly by windows and in gardens, at night. Alejandro Sanchez


Franco Andreone, Alan Channing, Robert Drewes, Justin Gerlach, Frank Glaw, Kim Howell, Malcolm Largen, Simon Loader, Stefan Ltters, Leslie Minter, Martin Pickersgill, Christopher Raxworthy, Mark-Oliver Rdel, Arne Schitz, Denis Vallan and Miguel Vences


The Afrotropical Realm includes all of mainland Sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula1, as well as several large offshore islands: Zanzibar and Pemba; Madagascar; the western Indian Ocean islands of the Seychelles (including Aldabra), Mauritius (including Rodrigues), Runion, Mayotte, and the Comoros; the Gulf of Guinea islands (Bioko, Prncipe, So Tom and Pagalu); Socotra; and the Cape Verde Islands. Although Africa nally separated from the rest of the southern land-mass of Gondwanaland some 100 Ma, the African, Arabian and Eurasian plates abutted at least at the end of the Oligocene, and it is only from about 15-10 Ma that Africa has been an isolated land mass (when the African and Arabian land masses rifted apart; see Kingdon 1989; Goudie 2005). The island of Madagascar, on the other hand, separated from the African mainland between 165-140 Ma and has been isolated (as an island) from all other land masses for 87-91 million years (Storey et al. 1995; Torsvik et al. 2000). An extensive process of rifting which began about 30 Ma has left mainland Africa very diverse topographically, with many high mountain ranges, especially on the east of the continent, and with rift valleys that include some of the deepest lakes in the world. Much of Africa is still volcanically active, including Mount Kilimanjaro, its highest peak, soaring some 5,895m above sea-level. A combination of intra-plate hotspots, extensive Cenozoic doming (45 Ma), vulcanism and coastal upwarp has created the worlds largest plateau. This is characterized by a basin and swell topography unique to the interior of the African continent, and stretching from South Africa to East Africa, with high points including Mount Mulanje (3,002m) in southern Malawi and Mount Rungwe (2,691m) in southern Tanzania (Beentje et al. 1994; Goudie 2005). East and North-east Africa are bisected by the 6,000-km-long Great Rift (or Gregory Rift), the passive margin between the African and East African Plates. This massive feature is visible from space and runs from the Luangwa Valley in Zambia, northe-ast through Ethiopia, where it meets the Saudi Arabian Plate and continues north-west to the Caucasus Mountains. Not surprisingly, the region is ecologically diverse, with an enormous range of vegetation types from deserts to woodlands and grasslands to rainforests. In West Africa, the agriculturally productive Guinea and Sudanese savannah regions slowly merge into the lowland forests stretching across West Africa. A little further to the east, the highly fragmented, lower Guinea rainforests of Nigeria and western Cameroon open into the vast, lush, relatively intact tropical rainforests of the Congo Basin. Apart from the chain of volcanic mountains centred on western Cameroon and extending into the sea as the Gulf of Guinea islands, West Africa has very few uplands (with the exception of Mount Nimba, and the Loma and other nearby mountains in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia). The eastern edge of the Congo Basin is anked by the Albertine Rift, a series of high, block-faulted mountain chains that separates the Congo Basin rainforest of Central Africa from the forest/savannah mosaic habitats of East Africa, most famous for their teeming herds of wildebeest and zebra. To the north the Great Rift cuts through the Ethiopian Highlands, home to more than two-thirds of Africas unique Afro-alpine habitat, while to the south-east of the Great Rift are the Eastern Arc Mountains that continue into the Southern Highlands of Tanzania south to Mount Mulanje in Malawi and the Chimanimani Highlands of Zimbabwe. Patches of forest (now highly fragmented) fringe the coast of much of eastern Africa, from the Juba and Shabelle River Valleys in Somalia south to south-eastern South Africa. In the south-western part of South Africa, the unique Mediterranean fynbos vegetation is dominant, with its remarkable oristic endemism, and further north the Succulent Karoo becomes dominant along the west coast of South Africa. Africa has a low human population density (approximately 30 people per square kilometer in 2005), of which over 60% live in rural areas, but a high population growth rate (over 2.1% per annum, though this is decreasing). Historically, the region has been subject to relatively low levels of anthropogenic disturbance, related not only to low human population densities, but also to widespread poverty (gross income per capita was around US$600 in Sub-Saharan African in 2004). However, 35% of the continents Gross Domestic Product is concentrated in South Africa, where the human impacts on natural ecosystems and biodiversity have been more severe than in most of the region. Economic growth rates in Africa have been amongst the lowest in the world and still are, though there has been a recent tendency for somewhat faster growth (4.5% in 2004). Although many of Africas natural habitats are still intact, some parts of the continent have been affected much more than others. Deforestation has been particularly severe in the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa, in the mountains and lowlands of Nigeria and western Cameroon, in many of the mountainous regions of central and East Africa, and in the East African coastal lowlands. This forest loss has been driven largely by expanding subsistence agriculture to support the burgeoning human populations, but also by commercial agriculture and logging. As mentioned above, habitat loss and fragmentation has been particularly severe in South Africa, and above all in the fynbos vegetation of the extreme south and south-west (which has been heavily impacted by invasive species and re, and well as by general urban and agricultural development). There has also been extensive habitat degradation in the semiarid Sahel region, much of it driven by over-exploitation of resources for basic subsistence by growing human populations. However, in central and south-central Africa, extensive tracts of lowland forest, savannah and grassland remain largely intact. On Madagascar, habitat loss has been especially severe, with almost no natural habitat surviving on the central plateau, and much of the country characterised by very high levels of soil erosion.

are likely to be rare, and have small ranges) are discovered, and as the taxonomic status of many species complexes is resolved. The Afrotropical realm currently accounts for about 13% (240) of all globally threatened amphibian species. When looking at the Red List Categories, the Afrotropics account for only 7% of CR species, but 14% of the EN species, and 15% of the VU species. Hence, on the basis of current knowledge, threatened Afrotropical amphibians are more likely to be in a lower category of threat, when compared with the global distribution of threatened species amongst categories. This might partly be explained by the fact that the amphibian fauna is very poorly known in many parts of the continent (for example the Albertine Rift, the Congo Basin, the Ethiopian plateau and the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa), and these are places that could have many threatened species. However, the lower than average level of threat is also likely to be genuine, in part because the fungal disease chytridiomycosis, although present in Africa (Weldon et al. 2004), is not so far believed to be a serious threat in the region (although there are few monitoring programmes, and further information could change this perception). Species that are threatened by this disease are more likely to experience sudden and dramatic declines, pushing them very quickly into the higher categories of threat. Surprisingly, especially for such a poorly known region, the percentage of DD species (22%) is slightly lower than the global average (23%). As more African amphibian species are discovered and named, the percentage of DD species might increase for a period, at least until the conservation status of these species can be adequately assessed. There have been no recorded recent extinctions of amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm. However, of the 33 CR species, three are agged as Possibly Extinct: Arthroleptides dutoiti from Mount Elgon in Kenya, which has not been recorded since 1962, despite extensive searches (Ltters et al. 2003); Nectophrynoides asperginis from the Udzungwa Mountains in the Eastern Arc of Tanzania (which might have become extinct in the wild in 2004, though it still survives in captivity); and Conraua derooi, from the Togo-Volta Highlands of eastern Ghana and western Togo (previously not recorded since the 1960s3).

Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm. The percentage of species in each category is also given.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 0 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 33 Endangered (EN) 107 Vulnerable (VU) 100 Near Threatened (NT) 53 Least Concern (LC) 467 Data Decient (DD) 209 Total Number of Species 969
3% 22% 11%




SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa
The 969 native amphibian species in the Afrotropical Realm represent 16% of the currently known global total of 5,915 species. Of these 969 species, 954 (or 98%) are endemic to the Afrotropics (Table 1). The overwhelming majority of African amphibians are frogs and toads (Anura), 98% of which are endemic. All 28 species of Afrotropical caecilian (Gymnophiona) occurring in the region are endemic. Members of the order Caudata (salamanders) are completely absent. A total of 618 species (64%) are members of families that are endemic to the region. The amphibian fauna of the Afrotropical Realm has been relatively isolated from that of the rest of the world for much of its evolutionary history, and remains so today (the Saharan and Arabian deserts forming an effective, though fairly recent, barrier to most species). This isolation accounts for the high level of family and genus-level endemism within the region. For example, of the 16 families of amphibians found in the region, nine are also endemic. From the perspective of amphibian biogeography, the region is almost dened by the distribution of the African treefrogs and reed frogs (family Hyperoliidae) (Poynton 1999), which are present through nearly all of Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, the Seychelles Islands, and the Gulf of Guinea islands (though absent from southern Arabia, the Comoros4, the Mascarenes, and the Cape Verde Islands). The amphibian fauna comprises elements with both tropical and southern temperate origins (Poynton 1999). There are 112 amphibian genera in the Afrotropical Realm, of which 105 (94%) are endemic. These endemic genera represent nearly one-quarter (23%) of the 460 amphibian genera worldwide. The Afrotropics, therefore, account for a larger proportion of the overall diversity of amphibians at the generic level than at the species level. The most species-rich endemic genus in the region is Hyperolius (125 species). At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are 42 monotypic genera endemic to the Afrotropical Realm, which equates to exactly

Table 1. The number of Afrotropical amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.
Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 100 93 100 100 0 100 100 100 100 100 64 100 100 93 100 100 100 94 100 100 41 100 100 0 100 100 26 100 80 23 11 100 26 100 100 100 23


Native species (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 100 92 100 100 0 100 100 100 100 100 94 100 100 98 100 100 100 98 100 100 20 100 100 0 100 100 20 100 77 15 1 100 18 19 100 16 16

Native genera (endemics to region)


A total of 969 amphibian species are recorded from the Afrotropical Realm, of which 240 (25%) are considered threatened (see Figure 1 for details). Although this is signicantly less than the global average of 33%2, it is still almost one-quarter of the overall amphibian fauna of the Afrotropics. As is the case globally, the percentage of threatened species is expected to increase as the status of DD species is claried, as new species (many of which

Anura Arthroleptidae Astylosternidae Bufonidae Heleophrynidae Hemisotidae Hylidae Hyperoliidae Mantellidae Microhylidae Petropedetidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Sooglossidae TOTAL ANURA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Scolecomorphidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

51 (51) 29 (29) 105 (97) 6 (6) 9 (9) 1 (0) 253 (253) 158 (158) 87 (87) 102 (102) 23 (23) 109 (103) 4 (4) 4 (4) 941 (926) 22 (22) 6 (6) 28 (28) 969 (954)

3 (3) 5 (5) 15 (14) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (0) 18 (18) 5 (5) 18 (18) 13 (13) 4 (4) 14 (9) 1 (1) 2 (2) 101 (94) 9 (9) 2 (2) 11 (11) 112 (105)


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Boophis luteus (Least Concern) is a treefrog in the Family Mantellidae, which is endemic to Madagascar. This species is locally abundant along streams in both pristine and degraded rainforest. Piotr Naskrecki

Table 2. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Afrotropical Realm. Introduced species are not included.
Family Anura Arthroleptidae Astylosternidae Bufonidae Heleophrynidae Hemisotidae Hylidae Hyperoliidae Mantellidae Microhylidae Petropedetidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Sooglossidae TOTAL ANURA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Scolecomorphidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS CR EN

one-third (33%) of the 126 monotypic genera of amphibians worldwide. This unexpectedly high percentage is probably a reection of the poor state of knowledge of the Afrotropical amphibian fauna; it is likely that many of these genera will prove not to be monotypic as more species are discovered. For example, recent descriptions include a second species of the previously monotypic genus Callulina (De S et al. 2004), a second species of Cophyla (Vences et al. 2005), a second species of Acanthixalus (Rdel et al. 2003), and a second and third species of Alexteroon (Amiet 2000). The seven non-endemic genera in the Afrotropics include ve ranid genera (Euphlyctis5, Hoplobatrachus, Ptychadena, Rana6, Tomopterna7) and the widespread genera Bufo8 and Hyla5. As noted already, 16 of the worlds 48 amphibian families (33%) occur in the Afrotropics. The nine endemic families to the region (Arthroleptidae, Astylosternidae, Heleophrynidae, Hemisotidae, Hyperoliidae, Mantellidae, Petropedetidae, Sooglossidae and Scolecomorphidae) represent 19% of the global level of diversity of amphibians at the family level9. The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 1. Among the non-endemic families, the majority of Afrotropical species are in the Bufonidae, the Microhylidae and the Ranidae. Of the Afrotropical Bufonidae, 68 species (65% of those occurring in the region) are within the widespread genus Bufo8. The remaining 14 genera have mostly small numbers of species, with the exception of Nectophrynoides (11 species). The Afrotropical toad genera of Nectophrynoides (endemic to eastern Tanzania) and Nimbaphrynoides (endemic to Mount Nimba in Cte dIvoire, Guinea and Liberia) are remarkable in that they include 13 of the 14 known live-bearing anurans in the world10 (with the possibility that the poorly known, monotypic Afrotropical bufonid genera, Didynamipus and Laurentophryne, might also be live-bearing). The Afrotropical Microhylidae species are very unevenly distributed within the region, with 56 species endemic to Madagascar (10 genera, including Plethodontohyla 15 species, Platypelis 11 species, Scaphiophryne 10 species, and Stumpfa 8 species). On the African mainland, there are 29 species in eight genera. The largest concentrations of microhylids are in South Africa (15 species, eight of which are endemic) and Tanzania (12 species, nine of which are endemic, with four endemic genera). Microhylid diversity is low in the rest of Africa, with only one species in West Africa, and none at all in the equatorial rainforest belt. The largest genera on the African mainland are Breviceps (15 species) and Phrynomantis (5 species). The Afrotropical microhylids exhibit a wide diversity of reproductive modes, including both larval- and direct-developers.11 The Afrotropical Ranidae species are all larval-developers, and occur throughout the African mainland, with one species naturally occurring on Madagascar. There are 14 genera, the dominant genus being Ptychadena (47 species), with other notable genera including Amnirana (11 species), Strongylopus (11 species), Afrana (10 species), and Tomopterna (9 species). Among the Afrotropical ranids is the largest frog in the world, the Goliath Frog Conraua goliath, with some individuals recorded as weighing more than 3kg.12 Of the remaining families, the highly aquatic Pipidae, although small in number of species (but with more than 75% of the species in the family occurring in the Afrotropics), is a very visible and abundant component of the amphibian fauna, being dominated by the generally widespread and resilient genus Xenopus (16 species). The caecilian family Caeciliidae is very poorly known in the Afrotropics, as in other parts of the world. Only 21 species (in nine genera) are known, of which six species are endemic to the granitic islands of the Seychelles, though strangely none at all occur in Madagascar.

The Seychelles is the only country in the world in which the order Gymnophiona forms a majority of the amphibian fauna (and see Essay 5.1). One species in the Caeciliidae is endemic to the island of So Tom. On the African mainland, members of this family appear to occur mainly in the West African forest belt, east to Cameroon and western Democratic Republic of Congo, and in the coastal areas of East Africa and the Eastern Arc Mountains, south to southern Malawi. There is a single species present in south-western Ethiopia, and a single species (known from just one specimen) is known from the Albertine Rift highlands. Caecilians are unknown from the Congo Basin, but this is probably due to lack of sampling, and they also appear to be absent from the Kenyan Highlands (except for the northern outliers of the Eastern Arc Mountains). Not surprisingly, the larger families Bufonidae, Hyperoliidae, Mantellidae, Microhylidae, Petropedetidae have the largest absolute numbers of globally threatened species (Table 2). The percentage of threatened species ranges greatly between the families, from 0% for the Hylidae, Rhacophoridae and Scolecomorphidae to 100% for the endemic Sooglossidae of the Seychelles (all four of the species have tiny ranges). The percentage of threatened species is also very high in the Astylosternidae (73%), reecting the poor state of forest conservation in the mountainous regions of Cameroon. The percentages are also high (>30%) in the Bufonidae, Heleophrynidae, and Microhylidae. In the Bufonidae, only 11 of the 68 species of Afrotropical Bufo (16%) are globally threatened, but 27 of the remaining 37 species in other genera (80%) are threatened. The Bufonidae are also noteworthy in that 30 of the 38 threatened species fall in the Critically Endangered and Endangered categories, underlining how urgent the conservation needs are in this family. Certain families have lower levels of threat, notably the Pipidae, Hemisotidae and Ranidae13, all of which have a high proportion of adaptable species in the Afrotropics. The results for the Arthroleptidae are hard to interpret because of the major taxonomic uncertainties in this family (31% of the species are DD). There is very little information on the threat levels to Afrotropical caecilians (39% DD); two of the three threatened species occur in Seychelles, and the other in Kenya, but almost nothing is known of the conservation status of most of the West African species.

Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

A map of overall species richness of amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm (Figure 2) shows that species richness is lowest in arid regions, such as the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and south-west Africa. However, the apparent region of species paucity on the southern Congo Basin is almost certainly an artefact reecting the very limited herpetological work in that part of Africa. Although the regions with the highest known species richness, such as south-western Cameroon and eastern Madagascar are genuine reections of amphibian diversity, these are also the rainforest regions that have received the most research attention from herpetologists. Other regions, such as the high mountains of the Albertine Rift of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and south-western Uganda, are likely to be richer in species than the current data indicate. Some regions showing higher species richness, such as the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, and Mount Nimba in Liberia, Guinea and Cte dIvoire, are likely to represent genuine patterns, whereas others (for example, in the Upemba region of southern Democratic Republic of Congo and the Ta National Park in south-western Cte dIvoire) are probably a reection of locally intensive survey efforts. There are seven major concentrations of threatened species (Figure 3a): the Upper Guinea forests from Sierra Leone to Togo; south-eastern Nigeria and south-western Cameroon; the mountains of the Albertine Rift; the Ethiopian Highlands; the Eastern Arc Mountains; southern South Africa (especially in the south-western Cape); and eastern Madagascar (especially in the northern and southern extremities of the eastern rainforest zone). These concentrations of threatened species correlate with those for other taxa (Stuart and Collar 1988; Baillie et al. 2004). Smaller concentrations of threatened amphibians are found in: So Tom, the Kenyan Highlands; southern Malawi (around Mount Mulanje); eastern Zimbabwe (the Chimanimani mountains, in particular) and adjacent Mozambique; and the Seychelles Islands. These geographic concentrations reect the parts of the region where amphibians have naturally small ranges, and where habitat destruction is ongoing. However, at least some of the threatened species in the Upper Guinea forests were once more widespread, but have declined due to extremely severe habitat destruction. Because of the relatively small number of CR species, there are few signicant concentrations of CR species, and the overall pattern is similar to that for threatened species (Figure 3b).

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Amphibians occur naturally in every mainland country in Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Arabia (Figure 4). They are also present on Madagascar, and are indigenous to the following





Total number Number threatened of species or Extinct 51 29 105 6 9 1 253 158 87 102 23 109 4 4 941 22 6 28 969 14 21 38 2 1 0 49 35 32 24 2 15 0 4 237 3 0 3 240

% threatened or Extinct 27 72 36 33 11 0 19 22 37 24 9 14 0 100 25 14 0 11 25

3 2 9 2 0 0 1 7 3 3 1 1 0 0 32 1 0 1 33

9 11 21 0 0 0 19 12 13 13 1 7 0 0 106 1 0 1 107

2 8 8 0 1 0 29 16 16 8 0 7 0 4 99 1 0 1 100

3 2 2 0 0 0 17 12 2 10 1 4 0 0 53 0 0 0 53

18 5 49 4 4 1 133 77 36 39 15 68 4 0 453 11 3 14 467

16 1 16 0 4 0 54 34 17 29 5 22 0 0 198 8 3 11 209

Grandisonia sechellensis (Least Concern) is known only from the islands of Mah, Praslin and Silhouette in the Seychelles. The Seychelles is the only place in the world where caecilians form the majority of the amphibian fauna, and this species is sympatric with ve other caecilian species. Renaud Boistel

Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm


a. Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 123 species. islands: Seychelles (on most of the granitic islands, but not on the coral atolls), Zanzibar, Pemba, Maa, Bioko, Prncipe and So Tom (but apparently not on Pagalu, Socotra, the Comoros4, the Mascarenes or the Cape Verde Islands). Madagascar has been intensively studied (Blommers-Schlsser and Blanc 1991; Glaw and Vences 1994; Andreone et al. 2005) and has the largest number of species of any country in the Afrotropical Realm (226 species), and 70% of these are in the endemic family Mantellidae (see also Essay 5.2). The only other country with more than 200 species is the Democratic Republic of Congo, and only four other countries have more than 100 species (Cameroon, Tanzania, South Africa, and Nigeria), although, if including species awaiting description, Cameroon has more than 200 species (J.-L. Amiet pers. comm.; see Essay 5.3). However, these gures need to be treated with considerable caution. The rate of new species descriptions in Madagascar has been very high over the last decade, with the number of described species from the country doubling since 1991 (compare Blommers-Schlsser and Blanc [1991] with Figure 4). However, the rate of species descriptions in recent years from the African mainland has been much slower than from Madagascar, and this is largely a reection of the very limited amount of herpetological work that has been conducted on the continent in recent decades. Only the work of Schitz (1967, 1975, 1999) focusing on the Hyperoliidae, and that of Tandy and Keith (1972) focusing on African Bufo, has taken a continental approach to the amphibian fauna. In particular, there has been very limited work carried out in the Congo Basin since the late 1950s in what might be expected to be one of the most diverse parts of the region. Similarly, with the exception of a small amount of work in Uganda (Drewes and Vindum 1994; Vonesh 2001), the Albertine Rift has received no attention for a similar period of time, despite the fact that this area has higher species richness and endemism among vertebrates than any other part of mainland Africa (Stuart and Collar 1988; Brooks et al. 2001). There has been much greater focus on the amphibian fauna of Cameroon (Perret 1966; Amiet 1983, 1989), but serious exploration of the fauna of West Africa only resumed in the mid 1990s (Rdel 2000; see Essay 5.4). Apart from some

Bufo togoensis (Near Threatened) is a toad from the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa, ranging from eastern Sierra Leone to western Togo. It lives only in primary forest, usually in close association with the streams in which it breeds, and is affected by ongoing deforestation throughout its range. Piotr Naskrecki Figure 4. The number of amphibians present in and endemic to each Afrotropical country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Afrotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Afrotropical country. Countries with no endemic species are not included. *denotes countries not entirely within the Afrotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 6. The number of threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Afrotropical country. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Afrotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are threatened. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Afrotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

b. Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 31 species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Maximum richness equals three species.

Madagascar Congo D.R. Cameroon Tanzania South Africa Nigeria Angola Kenya Cte dIvoire Gabon Zambia Ghana Malawi Guinea Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Ethiopia Zimbabwe
Central African Republic

So Tom and Principe

Madagascar Cameroon Tanzania South Africa Congo D.R. Cte dIvoire Nigeria Ghana Ethiopia Rwanda Burundi Kenya Seychelles Uganda Zimbabwe Guinea Malawi Equatorial Guinea Liberia Gabon Mozambique
So Tom and Prncipe

So Tom and Prncipe

Uganda Congo Liberia Sierra Leone Namibia Swaziland Botswana Rwanda Senegal Somalia Burundi Mali* Gambia Togo Burkina Faso Sudan* Benin Lesotho Chad* Eritrea Guinea Bissau Seychelles Niger* Saudi Arabia* Djibouti
So Tom and Principe

Madagascar South Africa Tanzania Ethiopia Cameroon Congo, D.R. Chad* Angola Yemen* Kenya Somalia Togo Mali* Namibia Zimbabwe Burundi Guinea Cte dIvoire Eritrea Ghana Lesotho
Central African Republic

Cameroon Tanzania Madagascar Burundi Rwanda South Africa Yemen* Cte dIvoire Ethiopia Togo Ghana Nigeria Uganda Zimbabwe Liberia Guinea Malawi Kenya Congo D.R. Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Sierra Leone Gabon Namibia Zambia 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Yemen* Mauritania* Oman*

United Arab Emirates*

Uganda Gabon Malawi Sierra Leone Liberia Rwanda Zambia Equatorial Guinea Nigeria 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 100

Togo Sierra Leone Namibia Yemen* Zambia

Number of species Endemics Figure 4 Non-endemics Figure 5

Percentage of endemic species Figure 6

Number of threatened species Endemics Non-endemics Figure 7

Percentage of threatened species


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Kassina cochranae (Near Threatened) is in the endemic Afrotropical Family Hyperoliidae. It is an arboreal, forest-dwelling species known from the forest zone of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Certain populations are probably suffering from severe deforestation as a result of agricultural expansion, logging and growing human settlements. Piotr Naskrecki

preliminary work in Ethiopia (Largen 2001) and Somalia (Lanza 1990), work in eastern Africa has been very limited, although there has been some recent attention on Tanzania (e.g., Poynton 2003), and a eld guide to the amphibians of East Africa, covering Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (Channing and Howell 2006). The frogs of the southern third of the African continent are probably somewhat better known, thanks to a number of detailed studies, for example: Poynton (1964) and Channing (2001) covering the whole region; Wager (1986), Lambiris (1989a), Passmore and Carruthers (1995), and Minter et al. (2004) in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland; Channing and Grifn (1993) in Namibia; Lambiris (1989b) in Zimbabwe; Broadley (1971) in Zambia; Stewart (1967) in Malawi; Poynton (1966) in Mozambique; and the classic Amphibia Zambesiaca works of Poynton and Broadley (1985ab, 1987, 1988, 1991). However, even in South Africa, which is by far the most studied country in the region, new species continue to be described (for example, Turner et al. 2004). In reality, our understanding of the country-level species richness of amphibians in the Afrotropics is still very incomplete. Future investigations will doubtless result in increases in the numbers of species in every country; however, based on the known species richness of other groups such as birds, these increases are likely to be greatest for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Cte dIvoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Uganda, Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Burundi, Togo, Sudan, Benin14, and Chad. Meanwhile, Madagascar, Cameroon and Tanzania, which have received the most herpetological attention (after South Africa) in recent years, show no signs of slowing in their rates of new species descriptions. Not surprisingly, endemism (in terms of relative proportions; Figure 5) is much higher in island nations. Madagascar has far more endemics than any other country, with all but

Habitat type

Number of species in each habitat

% of all species occurring in the habitat 67 64 51 33 23 28 22 43 39 23 39 4

Threatened and Extinct species

% of species occurring in habitat that are Threatened or Extinct 32 32 23 43 3 19 14 18 29 17 14 2

one of the native species, the Mascarene Ridged Frog Ptychadena mascareniensis (LC), being found nowhere else15. In both Seychelles and So Tom and Prncipe, the level of endemism is 100%. On the African mainland, Tanzania has more endemic species than any other country (see Essay 5.5). More than 50 endemic species are also known from Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Africa. In terms of percentage of the fauna being endemic, the highest endemism on the African mainland is found in South Africa, Tanzania and Ethiopia (all have around 40% of species endemic). Although the actual numbers and percentages will change as new information becomes available, the overall patterns are concordant with those of other taxonomic groups, and are almost certainly real. Threatened species occur in 27 of the 49 countries in which there are native amphibians (Figure 6). In fact, threatened species are concentrated in relatively few countries. Only four countries, Madagascar, Cameroon, Tanzania and South Africa, have more than 20 globally threatened species. The top three countries, Madagascar, Cameroon and Tanzania, are undoubtedly genuine centres of threatened species, but the number is almost certainly grossly under-estimated for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Here there are likely to be many threatened species, probably many of them still undescribed, in the mountains around the Albertine Rift (where there is also severe forest loss due to expanding subsistence agriculture). The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in the island nations of Seychelles and So Tom and Prncipe (Figure 7). The highest percentage on the African mainland is 27% for Cameroon, a reection of the poor state of forest conservation in the mountainous regions of the country. In many countries, the percentage of threatened species can be expected to rise as new species discoveries are made or crucial habitats are destroyed. Assessments of the conservation status of Afrotropical amphibians at national level have been carried out only for South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (Branch 1988; Monadjem et al. 2003; Minter et al. 2004). There are only 33 Critically Endangered Afrotropical species, nine of which occur in Madagascar, seven in Cameroon and ve in Tanzania. Outside these three countries, there are three Critically Endangered species in South Africa, two each in Cte dIvoire and Kenya, and one each in Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Togo and Zimbabwe. However, the numbers in West Africa are very likely to increase during the coming years, both because of newly discovered species and because of destruction of forest and mountain habitats.

Table 3. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm. Figure 8. The habitat preferences of Afrotropical amphibians. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the right-hand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.

Forest All tropical forest Lowland tropical forest Montane tropical forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

648 624 495 322 227 267 213 415 380 223 375 41

208 201 114 137 7 52 29 74 112 38 53 1

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Two-thirds of Afrotropical amphibians occur in forests, and over 40% are believed to be able to survive in secondary terrestrial habitats (Table 3; Figure 8). Similar percentages make use of owing water and of standing, open water habitats, but marshes and swamps appear to be used by fewer species. Forest-dwelling amphibians are more likely to be threatened than those occurring in any other habitats, with almost one-third of them being globally threatened. Almost 30% of amphibians associated with owing water (generally streams) are threatened. Consequently, forest-associated amphibians that live along streams are particularly likely to be threatened, a combination that has also been associated with rapid declines worldwide (Stuart et al. 2004). For tropical forests overall, 32% of Afrotropical species are globally threatened. However, in montane tropical forest, 43% of known species are threatened, compared with 23% in lowland tropical forest. These gures probably reect smaller range sizes of montane species, and the lack of effective habitat conservation measures in many mountainous parts of the region. Amphibians occurring in savannah and arid habitat are particularly unlikely to be threatened. Africa has 47% of the worlds 484 savannah-associated amphibians, and 44% of the worlds 94 arid-habitat species, but only 14% of the global total of 4,712 forest-dwelling species. Many of these species are in fact complexes of several species, and when these are disaggregated, the number of savannah amphibians will increase. In addition, the number of threatened savannah species can also be expected to increase as their habitats shrink and dry out (these habitats are especially vulnerable to climate change) and their ranges become smaller.

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Hyperolius puncticulatus (Least Concern), one of at least 125 treefrogs in the genus Hyperolius, ranges from coastal Kenya, through eastern and southern Tanzania (including the island of Zanzibar) to the highlands of Malawi. The males of this species call from vegetation around pools, where they breed. Alan Channing

Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 200 400 600 0 10 20 30

Reproductive Modes
Larval development is by far the most common reproductive mode in the Afrotropics (85% of species), compared with 10% for direct development and 2% live-bearing (this compares with the global picture of 68% larval development, 30% direct development, and 1% live-bearing) (Table 4). Although live-bearing is uncommon, the Afrotropics account for 36% of the worlds known live-bearing amphibians, and all but one of the worlds known live-bearing frogs and toads. However, it should be noted that the reproductive mode of many species is unknown, and more terrestrial breeders are likely to be identied (Rdel and Ernst 2002; Rdel et al. 2002). In the Afrotropics, the percentage of globally threatened direct-developing amphibians is only slightly higher than for larval-developing species (at a global level, direct-developing species are much more likely to be threatened). The high percentage of threatened livebearing species in the Afrotropics is a reection of the high levels of threat to species in the genera Nectophrynoides and Nimbaphrynoides, many of which have very small ranges in fragile, primarily montane, and poorly protected, habitats.

As in other parts of the world, habitat loss is overwhelmingly the major threat to amphibians in the Afrotropics (Table 5; Figure 9), affecting over 90% of the threatened species. Other commonly recorded threats include invasive species, re and pollution. Over-utilization appears to be a minor threat in the region (at least based on current knowledge), and disease, which is a very important factor in other parts of the world, is cited as a threat to only 2% of threatened species in the Afrotropics (although the amount of information on the chytrid fungus, and its pathogenicity, is very limited in the region). In terms of the types of habitat loss that are impacting threatened amphibians in the Afrotropics, expanding croplands, vegetation removal (mainly logging), and urbanization / industrial development are approximately equivalent, and each is affecting more than 70% of threatened species. Livestock grazing has less impact (probably because it is more prevalent in regions of lower amphibian species richness, and in any case much of Africa has long been grazed by large wild mammals), and tree plantations also appear not to be a signicant threat in most places (although this is a serious threat in South Africa and Swaziland). In

Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm


Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All Species 100 819 21 29

Threatened or Extinct Species 26 190 10 14

% Threatened or Extinct 26 23 48 48

Table 4. Afrotropical amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

Threat type Habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

Threatened species 221 191 18 79 179 177 52 15 1 30 3 4 1 2 50

% Threatened species 92 80 8 33 75 74 22 6 0.4 13 1 2 0.4 1 21

Table 5. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.
All habitat loss

parts of West Africa, planned mining activities might become increasingly serious as threats to important sites for amphibians (for example, in Guinea and Ghana). A total of 84 species (18 of which are threatened) are recorded as being used for some or other purpose in the region (Table 6). The most commonly recorded reason for harvesting Afrotropical amphibians is for the international pet trade (especially in Madagascar), followed by human consumption (although the number of species used as human food is probably greatly under-recorded). Much of the harvesting of amphibians in the region is not considered to constitute a major threat to the species. Of the 84 species being harvested, utilization is considered to be a threat for 32 (of which only 15 are threatened species for which harvesting is believed to be contributing to deterioration in their status).

Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics

Leptopelis parkeri (Vulnerable), a treefrog in the Family Hyperoliidae, is endemic to several mountain blocks in the Eastern Arc chain of Tanzania. It is a species of closed, intact rainforest, not surviving in seriously disturbed habitats outside forest, and is threatened by habitat loss as a result of expanding human settlements and agriculture, and the harvesting of wood. David Moyer / Wildlife Conservation Society

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

A summary of the inferred population trends of Afrotropical amphibians is presented in Table 7. For nearly all species, these trends are inferred from trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend. Species with decreasing populations are typical forest-dependent species that can tolerate little disturbance to their habitats. The percentage of decreasing and increasing species in the Afrotropics is very similar to the global results. However, the percentage of species where the situation is stable is slightly lower, and the percentage for which it is unknown is slightly higher than the global averages (27% and 30%, respectively).

Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of threatened species affected

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Afrotropical Realm.


Rapidly Declining Species

The Afrotropics appears to have been shielded to some extent from the amphibian declines that are taking place in some other regions, with only 30 (6%) of the 470 globally rapidly declining species occurring within the region (a full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the realms). Most of the rapidly declining species are threatened primarily by the reduction of suitable habitat. Twelve of these are forest-obligate species from the Upper Guinea region of West Africa (see Essay 5.4), where habitat loss has been particularly severe. Another six are endemic to South Africa, where urbanization and agricultural intensication in key habitats has been relatively more severe than on the rest of the continent (see Essay 5.6). The remaining eight species are scattered widely across the continent in Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar (two species), So Tom and Prncipe, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. The Afrotropics have three rapidly declining species, affected by severe over-harvesting. Two of these, Mantella cowanii (CR) and Scaphiophryne gottlebei (CR), both from Madagascar, appear to have declined due to over-collection for the international pet trade (Andreone et al. 2006). In the case of Mantella cowanii, it declined initially because of the loss of most of its habitat, but subsequently the remnant populations were hit by over-harvesting. The third species, the Goliath Frog Conraua goliath (EN) from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, has declined mainly due to over-harvesting for human consumption, though there is also some international trade. So far, only one rapidly declining species undergoing an enigmatic decline has been recorded in the Afrotropics, namely the Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis (CR). This species, endemic to the spray zone of one waterfall in Tanzania, decreased initially because of the damming of an upstream river. However, its nal catastrophic decline to probable extinction is believed to have been caused by the fungal disease chytridiomycosis (Krajick 2006), which has been implicated or suspected in most of the enigmatic declines worldwide. Globally, enigmatic declines account for 48% of the rapid declines worldwide, but for only 3% so far in the Afrotropics, though it is possible that additional enigmatic declines have not yet been detected. One suspected case concerns Arthroleptides dutoiti (CR) in Kenya. This species has the ecological characteristics of other species that have succumbed to chytridiomycosis elsewhere in the world, and now appears to be absent from former sites, even though suitable habitat remains. It is not listed as an enigmatic decline species here, as its decline might have taken place prior to 1980.

Subsistence Sub-national/ National Food human 24 (4) 5 (2) Medicine human and veterinary 3 1 Pets, display animals 0 1 Research 0 1

Regional/ International 1 1 61 (15) 1

Number of species 25 (4) 3 (0) 61 (15) 2 (0)

Table 6. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Afrotropical Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 425 221 8 315

% of species 44 23 1 33

Table 7. The population trends for all extant Afrotropical amphibians.

The aptly named Tomato Frog Dyscophus antongilii (Near Threatened) of the Family Microhylidae is endemic to north-eastern Madagascar. Although it is an adaptable species, being found in a variety of habitats from primary rainforest to disturbed urban areas, the pollution of waterbodies is a potential threat to this species. Russell A. Mittermeier


Number of species in rapid decline 3 5 1 6 1 2 7 5

Percentage of species in family in rapid decline 6 5 11 2 6 2 7 5

Arthroleptidae Bufonidae Hemisotidae Hyperoliidae Mantellidae Microhylidae Petropedetidae Ranidae

Table 8. The number of species in rapid decline in the Afrotropical Realm by Family .


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Endnotes 1 We follow the WWF biogeographic realms in this chapter, but recognize that this is not ideal for amphibians, especially with regard to the inclusion of the Arabian Peninsula within the Afrotropical Realm. The small Arabian amphibian fauna is generally of Palaearctic origin. 2 P<0.01 (binomial test) 3 At the time of writing, this species had been rediscovered in the Togo Hills (Leache et al. 2006), and been found outside its former range in the Atewa mountains (M.-O. Rdel, pers. comm.). 4 Although no amphibians have been found on the islands that make up the country Comoro, two undescribed species are present on the French island of Mayotte, which is part of the Comoro Archipelago (Vences et al. 2003). Because they are undescribed, they are not included in this analysis. 5 The genera Euphlyctis and Hyla occur only in the southern Arabian peninsula within the Afrotropical Realm, and not on the African continent south of the Sahara. 6 The only evidence for the occurrence of the genus Rana in Africa is the doubtfully valid Rana demarchii of unknown provenance in Ethiopia (Largen 2001). 7 The genus Tomopterna occurs marginally in the Palaearctic, as it is present in parts of the Sahara region; the genus is, however, essentially Afrotropical. 8 Frost et al. (2006) split the genus Bufo in Africa. 9 Frost et al.s (2006) rearrangement results in 19 families in the Afrotropics, of which nine are endemic: Arthroleptidae; Brevicipitidae; Heleophrynidae; Hemisotidae; Hyperoliidae; Mantellidae; Ptychadenidae; Phrynobatrachidae; and Pyxicephalidae. However, in this section we follow the former taxonomic arrangement of families based on Frost (2004). 10 The only other species is the apparently extinct Eleutherodactylus jasperi from the Neotropics. 11 Frost et al. (2006) separate the genera Breviceps, Balebreviceps, Callulina and Probreviceps into a new family endemic to the Afrotropics: Brevicipitidae. Loader et al. (2004) consider that the genus Spelaeophryne also belongs with the brevicipitine group. Under this arrangement, all the African mainland species remaining in Microhylidae are larval developers. 12 Under the new arrangement by Frost et al . (2006), the genus Amnirana is the only remaining member of the Ranidae in the Afrotropics. The genus Conraua is moved to Petropedetidae, and Euphyctis and Hoplobatrachus are transferred to the predominantly Indomalayan Dicroglossidae. Ptychadena, Hildebrandtia and Lanzarana are transferred to a new endemic Afrotropical family, Ptychadenidae, and the remaining Afrotropical genera previously considered to be in Ranidae are transferred to the endemic new family Pyxicephalidae. 13 It should be noted that the species of Ranidae that have been separated by Frost et al. (2006) as Pyxicephalidae have a clear center of endemism and species richness in southern Africa; these species appear to be on average more strongly threatened than other frogs in South Africa (Van der Meijden et al. 2006). 14 Indeed, since we concluded this analysis, Nago et al. (2006) added 17 new country records of amphibians from Benin. 15 However, Vences et al. (2004) show that even the Ptychadena mascareniensis on Madagascar represent a different species from the animals on the African mainland, but as the formal taxonomic amendments have not yet been made, we have not included this change in our analysis. When the formal taxonomic change is made, 100% of the amphibian species occurring on Madagascar will be considered to be endemic.

Unlike most other regions, the Afrotropical rapidly declining species show no distinct taxonomic pattern (see Table 8), with small percentages (less than 7% of the species) in all of the larger families.

A total of 969 species are recorded from the Afrotropical Realm, of which 240 (nearly 25%) are considered threatened. At the species level, 954 amphibians (99% of those present) are endemic to the Afrotropics; of the 16 families found in the region, nine are endemic, and of 112 amphibian genera occurring, 105 are endemic. The percentage of threatened species is very high in the family Astylosternidae (72%), reecting the poor state of forest conservation in the mountainous regions of Cameroon. On the other hand, certain families have lower levels of threat (Pipidae, Hemisotidae and Ranidae), all of which have a high proportion of adaptable species in the Afrotropics. Geographic concentrations of threatened species occur in the Upper Guinea forests from Sierra Leone to Togo; south-eastern Nigeria and south-western Cameroon; the mountains of the Albertine Rift; the Ethiopian Highlands; the Eastern Arc Mountains; eastern and southern South Africa (especially in the south-western Cape); and eastern Madagascar (especially at the northern and southern tips). Madagascar has the largest number of species of any country in the Afrotropical Realm (226 species). Only ve other countries have more than 100 species (Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Tanzania, South Africa, and Nigeria), with all except Nigeria having more than 50 endemics. Madagascar, Cameroon, Tanzania and South Africa each have more than 20 globally threatened species. Madagascar has many more endemics than any other country. Among species occurring in tropical forests, 43% of species in montane tropical forest are threatened, compared with 23% in lowland tropical forest, probably reecting smaller range sizes of montane species, and the lack of effective habitat conservation in montane regions. Africa has 47% of the worlds 484 savannah-associated amphibians (yet only 3% of these species are threatened) and 44% of the worlds 94 arid-habitat species (2% threatened). Habitat loss, primarily due to expanding croplands, vegetation removal (mainly logging), and urbanization/industrial development, is affecting over 90% of the threatened species in the region. Other commonly recorded threats include invasive species, re and pollution; disease is cited as a threat to only 2% of threatened species. Only 6% of the 470 globally rapidly declining species occur within the region; 12 of these species are forest-obligate species from the Upper Guinea region of West Africa, where habitat loss has been especially severe. No amphibian extinctions have yet been recorded from the Afrotropics, but three species are possibly extinct.

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Phylogenetic relationships of African microhylid frogs inferred from DNA sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal rRNA genes. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 4:227-235. Ltters, S., Rotich, D. and Veith, M. 2003. Non-nding of the Kenyan endemic frog Arthroleptides dutoiti. Froglog 60:3. Minter, L.R., Burger, M., Harrison, J.A., Braack, H.H., Bishop, P.J. and Knoepfer, D. 2004. Atlas and Red Data Book of the Frogs of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. SI/MAB Series No. 9. Washington, D.C., USA Monadjem, A., Boycott, R.C., Parker, V. and Culverwell, J. 2003. Threatened Vertebrates of Swaziland. Swaziland Red Data Book: Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals. Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Communications, Swaziland. Nago, S.G.A., Grell, O., Sinsin, B. and Rdel M.-O. 2006. The amphibian fauna of the Pendjari National Park and surroundings, northern Benin. Salamandra 42:93-108. Passmore, N.I. and Carruthers, V.C. 1995. South African Frogs, 2nd Edition. Southern Book Publishers and Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, South Africa. Perret, J.-L. 1966. Les amphibiens du Cameroun. Zoologische Jahrbcher. Abteilung fr Systematik, kologie und Geographie der Tiere 8:289-464. Poynton, J.C. 1964. The amphibia of southern Africa: a faunal study. Annals of the Natal Museum 17:1-334. Poynton, J.C. 1966. Amphibia of northern Mozambique. Memorias do Instituto de Investigaco Cientica de Moambique, Ser. A Ciencas B 8:13-34. Poynton, J.C. 1999. Distribution of amphibians in Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and Seychelles. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 483-539, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Poynton, J.C. 2003. Altitudinal species turnover in southern Tanzania shown by anurans: some zoogeographical considerations. Systematics and Biodiversity 1:117-126. Poynton, J.C. and Broadley, D.G. 1985a. Amphibia Zambesiaca. 1. Scolecomorphidae, Pipidae, Microhylidae, Hemisidae, Arthroleptidae. Annals of the Natal Museum 26:503-553. Poynton, J.C. and Broadley, D.G. 1985b. Amphibia Zambesiaca. 2. Ranidae. Annals of the Natal Museum 27:115-181. Poynton, J.C. and Broadley, D.G. 1987. Amphibia Zambesiaca. 3. Rhacophoridae and Hyperoliidae. Annals of the Natal Museum 28:161-229. Poynton, J.C. and Broadley, D.G. 1988. Amphibia Zambesiaca. 4. Bufonidae. Annals of the Natal Museum 29:447-490. Poynton, J.C. and Broadley, D.G. 1991. Amphibia Zambesiaca. 5. Zoogeography. Annals of the Natal Museum 32:221-277. Rdel, M.-O. 2000. Herpetofauna of West Africa. Volume 1. Amphibians of the West African Savannas. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Rdel, M.-O. and Ernst, R. 2002. A new reproductive mode for the genus Phrynobatrachus: Phrynobatrachus alticola has nonfeeding, nonhatching tadpoles. Journal of Herpetology 36:121-125. Rdel, M.-O., Kosuch, J., Veith, M. and Ernst, R. 2003. First record of the genus Acanthixalus Laurent, 1944 from the Upper Guinean rain forest, West Africa, with the description of a new species. Journal of Herpetology 37:43-52. Rdel, M.-O., Krtz, D. and Ernst, R. 2002. The tadpole of Ptychadena aequiplicata (Werner, 1898) with the description of a new reproductive mode for the genus (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae). Alytes 20:1-12. Schitz, A. 1967. The treefrogs (Rhacophoridae) of West Africa. Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 25:1-346. Schitz, A. 1975. The Treefrogs of Eastern Africa. Steenstrupia, Copenhagen, Denmark. Schitz, A. 1999. Treefrogs of Africa. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Stewart, M.M. 1967. Amphibians of Malawi . State University of New York Press, Albany, New York, USA. Storey, M., Mahoney, J.J., Saunders, A.D., Duncan, R.A., Kelly, S.P. and Cofns, M.F. 1995. Timing of hot spot-related volcanism and the breakup of Madagascar and India. Science 267:852-855. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Tandy, M. and Keith, R. 1972. African Bufo. In: Blaire, W.F. (ed.) Evolution in the Genus Bufo, pp. 119-170, University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, USA. Torsvik, T.H., Tucker, R.D., Ashwal, L.D. Carter, L.M., Jamtveit, B., Vidyadharan, K.T. and Venkataramana, P. 2000. Late Cretaceous India-Madagascar t and timing of break-up related magmatism. Terra Nova 12:220-225. Turner, A.A., de Villiers, A.L., Dawood, A. and Channing, A. 2004. A new species of Arthroleptella Hewitt, 1926 (Anura: Ranidae) from the Groot Winterhoek Mountains of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. African Journal of Herpetology 53:1-12. Van der Meijden, A., Vences, M., Hoegg, S. and Meyer, A. 2005. A previously unrecognized radiation of ranid frogs in southern Africa revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37:674-685. Vences, M., Andreone, F. and Glaw, F. 2005. A new microhylid frog of the genus Cophyla from a transitional forest in northwestern Madagascar. African Zoology 40:143-149. Vences, M., Kosuch, J., Rdel, M.-O., Ltters, S., Channing, A., Glaw, F. and Bhme, W. 2004. Phylogeography of Ptychadena mascareniensis suggests transoceanic dispersal in a widespread African-Malagasy frog lineage. Journal of Biogeography 31:593-601. Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Glaw, F., Brinkmann, H. Kosuch, J. Veith, M. and Meyer, A. 2003. Multiple overseas dispersal in amphibians. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 270:2435-2442. Vonesh, J. 2001. Natural history and biogeography of the amphibians and reptiles of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Contemporary Herpetology. 4. Wager, V.A. 1986. Frogs of South Africa. 2nd edition. Delta Books, Craighall, South Africa. Weldon, C., du Preez, L.H., Hyatt, A.D., Muller, R. and Speare, R. 2004. Origin of the amphibian chytrid fungus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10:2100-2105.

Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Critically Endangered) is restricted to two localities near Isalo in south-central Madagascar. Like other members of the Family Microhylidae, it digs itself into the ground, as shown in this photograph. Over collection for the international pet trade could be a signicant threat to this restricted-range species. Franco Andreone

Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm



Figure 1. Map of the Seychelles Islands.

Due to their permeable skin few amphibians are able to tolerate dry or salty conditions, a characteristic that has prevented most species from colonising oceanic islands. The most diverse oceanic island amphibian fauna is found in the Seychelles, an archipelago of about 115 granitic and coralline islands in the Indian Ocean, some 1,600km east of mainland Africa, and northeast of the island of Madagascar (Figure 1). Eleven native amphibian species have been recorded from the Seychelles islands, comprising both recent colonists and ancient endemics. Recent colonization by one species, the Mascarene Grass Frog Ptychadena mascariensis (LC), is probably the result of human introduction (Vences et al. 2004) in the 1800s, whilst the endemic Seychelles Treefrog Tachycnemis seychellensis (LC) is believed to be descended from a natural colonist from Madagascar (Vences et al. 2003). The remaining species are all ancient endemics that have probably existed on the island since their isolation from the Indian landmass some 65 million years ago. These species comprise the endemic frog family Sooglossidae and seven species of burrowing caecilians (Order Gymnophiona). Sooglossidae are an exceptional family in several respects. Four species are currently recognized in two genera, although recent morphological and molecular data suggests that a further three species remain to be described and that the genera need to be redened. They are all small frogs, with Gardiners Frog Sooglossus gardineri (VU) among several species up for contention as the worlds smallest frog (with adults being as small as 9mm in length). All sooglossids are found in the damp forests of the two highest islands, Mah and Silhouette. These habitats have only seasonal or fast-owing stems, and the sooglossids have abandoned the normal frog life-cycle in favour of terrestrial development. The Seychelles Frog Sooglossus sechellensis (VU) lays its eggs on land and the female carries the tadpoles until they develop into frogs. Sooglossus gardineri is even more specialized, with the male guarding terrestrial eggs that hatch into 3-mm long froglets; the entire tadpole stage is passed within the egg. Thomassets Seychelles Frog Nesomantis thomasseti (VU) has recently been discovered to have a very similar breeding strategy, but nothing is known of the reproductive behaviour of the Seychelles Palm Frog S. pipilodryas (VU). This latter species is the most recently described of the Seychelles amphibian species, having been discovered in 2000 (Gerlach and Willi 2002). It lives in the axils of endemic palms where it lay protected from discovery by the dense spines of the palm leaves. It is the only arboreal sooglossid, the other species all being associated with crevices in boulder elds or the leaf-litter and root-mat of the forest oor. The caecilian fauna of the Seychelles islands comprises six species in three endemic genera. Not surprisingly, and as with caecilians in general (see Essay 1.3), these are the least well known of all Seychelles amphibians. Their burrowing habits make them difcult to locate and study. For most species, their distributions are reasonably well dened and there are some observations of breeding habits. Different species appear to show the full range of reproductive strategies, form aquatic larvae, thorough to terrestrial larvae and direct development. The limited ecological data available indicate that Grandisonia alternans (LC) is a widespread species occurring in all habitats and Hypogeophis rostratus (LC) is a similar generalist, although more associated with lowland habitats. In contrast, Praslina cooperi (VU) and some of the small Grandisonia species appear to be specialists of the high forest. Current research into this group is attempting to develop monitoring methods and to identify aspects of their ecology that are of importance to their conservation.

Half of Seychelles amphibians are threatened due to their naturally restricted ranges and deteriorating habitats (ve species are categorised as Least Concern, 5 Vulnerable and one Endangered). The sooglossid frogs and the caecilian Praslina cooperi have particularly restricted ranges, being associated only with the damper rain-forests. Habitat deterioration is a signicant threat to the caecilian Grandisonia brevis (EN), which has a restricted range and occurs in habitats that are suffering from ongoing invasion by alien plant species. In addition, there is some suggestion that changes in rainfall patterns may have impacts on some species, which may result from mid-year declines in rainfall restricting the activity and distribution of the rain-forest specialists (Gerlach 2000). Losses of several areas of marsh habitats have probably caused population declines in some species, such as another caecilian Grandisonia alternans (Gerlach 2000). There have been a number of successful conservation programmes in Seychelles, concentrating mainly on birds. Critically Endangered species have been rescued from extinction by limited habitat management, but mostly by inter-island transfers. These programmes have been to the benet of species such as the Seychelles Magpie-robin Copsychus seychellarum and the Seychelles White-eye Zosterops modesta. Such options are not available for the amphibians due to their close dependence on their high forest or marsh-land habitats. Consequently, preservation of their habitat is essential; most species are present in protected areas, although habitat management is still required to control the spread of invasive plant species. The island with the highest diversity of amphibians (Silhouette) is currently unprotected

and designation of this island as a national park would signicantly enhance amphibian conservation in Seychelles. To date, there has been no evidence of any sudden amphibian decline in Seychelles, although the potential impact of an invasion by chytridiomycosis would be considerable. Monitoring programmes are in place for the frogs, and are being developed for the caecilians. Updates on research and conservation progress can be found at Justin Gerlach

Gerlach, J. 2000. Seychelles Amphibia a mixture of secure and declining species. Froglog 40(5). Gerlach, J. and Willi, J. 2002. A new species of Sooglossus frog (Sooglossidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 23:445-498. Vences, M., Kosuch, J., Glaw, F., Bohme W. and Veith, M. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of hyperoliid treefrogs: biogeographic origin of Malagasy and Seychellean taxa and re-analysis of familial paraphyly. Journal of Zoology and Systematic Evolutionary Research 41:205-215. Vences, M., Kosuch, J., Rodel, M.-O., Channing, A., Glaw, F. and Bohme, W. 2004. Phylogeography of Ptychadena mascareniensis suggests transoceanic dispersal in a widespread African-Malagasy frog lineage. Journal of Biogeography 31:593-601.

Nesomantis thomasseti (Vulnerable) is restricted to Mah and Silhouette Islands in the Seychelles, and has been recorded from the Morne Seychellois National Park. Naomi Doak


Separated from mainland Africa by a sea channel of about 300km, the biodiversity of Madagascar has experienced a distinct evolutionary trajectory that has resulted in a very high degree of endemism in both its fauna and ora. Among the vertebrates, the amphibians of this large island (around 580,000km, the fourth in the world for size) are currently represented by more than 230 frog species1, a number that is still preliminary and tentative, since many more remain to be discovered or are awaiting description (see Essay 1.1) (Figure 1). Remarkably, out of the entire amphibian fauna, only two species, the adaptable and widely distributed Ptychadena mascareniensis, which is present also in mainland Africa, and Hoplobatrachus tigerinus, introduced to Madagascar from southern Asia, are not considered to be endemic. Interestingly, recent molecular studies have shown that the P. mascareniensis populations from Madagascar are already sufciently differentiated from those from mainland Africa, and likely represent a different species (Vences et al. 2003, 2004). Malagasy amphibians are represented by four families of frogs (Gymnophiones and Urodeles being absent): Mantellidae, Microhylidae, Hyperoliidae, and Ranidae2, with ranids being represented only by the aforementioned non-endemic Ptychadena mascareniensis and Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (Glaw and Vences 1994). Mantellidae is the most speciose group and is endemic to Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. This family includes the highly diverse genus Mantidactylus (with nearly 90 species), the well-known genus Mantella


Threatened Amphibians of the World

(15 species), Boophis (53 species), Aglyptodactylus (3 species), and the monospecic genus Laliostoma. At the time of writing, Mantidactylus has been split into several genera (Glaw and Vences 2006), which differ signicantly in aspects of morphology, life history and distribution: Wakea, Blommersia, Guibemantis, Spinomantis, Gephyromantis, Boehmantis, and Mantidactylus. As a general trait, Mantidactylus (sensu lato) and the closely related Mantella show peculiar reproductive features, such as the absence of amplexus and of nuptial pads in males, with eggs laid outside water, and the presence (in most species) of femoral glands, which are glandular structures on the inside of the thighs, and related to reproductive behaviour. They also exhibit a variety of life history traits, with species adapted to terrestrial, aquatic, and arboreal habitats (Andreone and Luiselli 2003). The diurnal Mantella species are characterized mainly by their bright aposematic colouration, small size, and accumulations of alkaloids in the skin. The Mantella species are, therefore, toxic, and are apparently rarely predated upon by other species, a situation similar in many respects to that of the Neotropical dendrobatid frogs (Clark et al. 2005). In contrast to these frogs, amphibians in the genus Boophis are mainly arboreal species, breed in water, and have a typical larval development. Egg-laying usually occurs in streams, except for some species that reproduce in lentic waters (Aprea et al. 2004; Glaw and Vences 2006). Two further genera, Aglyptodactylus and Laliostoma, are mainly terrestrial and breed in temporary ponds, often breeding explosively during which time they form large aggregations. The genus Aglyptodactylus is also peculiar in having the males that assume a somehow bright yellow colouration during the breeding season (Glaw and Vences 1994, 2006). Microhylidae are represented by 10 genera and more than 50 species with a diverse life history. The cophyline microhylids (belonging to the genera Cophyla, Platypelis, Anodonthyla, Plethodontohyla, Madecassophryne, Rhombophryne, and Stumpfa) are closely tied to rainforest habitats and have a reproduction that is characterized by the presence of parental care (for example, both the parents, or at least one of them, remain with the tadpoles during their development) and non-feeding tadpoles (Andreone et al. 2004). The genera Dyscophus, Paradoxophyla, and Scaphiophryne are different in this habitat preference, living mainly in open areas, but sometimes in arid and sub-arid conditions (Andreone et al. 2006a). Most of them are mainly terrestrial, although some species, such as S. gottlebei are partly rupicolous and able to climb vertical walls within the narrow canyons of the Isalo Massif (Andreone et al. 2005a). In particular, Scaphiophryne species have tadpoles that are largely lter feeding, with some peculiar specializations (see Mercurio and Andreone 2005). The Malagasy Hyperoliidae includes the single endemic genus Heterixalus comprising eleven species, which inhabit grasslands and forest edges. They are quite similar in habitat preferences and general behaviour to other hyperoliids from mainland Africa (Glaw and Vences 1994). Nine species of Malagasy frogs have been categorized as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, namely: Mantella aurantiaca, M. cowani, M. expectata, M. milotympanum, M. viridis, Scaphiophryne gottlebei, Mantidactylus pauliani, Boophis williamsi, and Stumpfa helenae (Andreone et al. 2005b). A further 21 species were classed as Endangered and 25 as Vulnerable. In general, the main threat affecting the local amphibian fauna is the high rate of forest loss (just less than 1% per annum; Harper et al. 2007) (Figure 2). The different life history traits of the amphibians are consequently mirrored by their differential ecological sensitivity and conservation needs (Andreone and Luiselli 2003). In fact, most of the Malagasy frogs inhabit the eastern rainforest, an ecosystem that allowed the rapid diversication of some groups, such as Boophis, Mantidactylus (sensu lato), and cophyline microhylids. The original eastern rainforest block is now severely fragmented due to deforestation, and this fragmentation has often resulted in high levels of threats among the native amphibian fauna (Figure 3). However, in some cases this loss in amphibian species richness is not immediately evident, because species have differing sensitivities to habitat alterations (Andreone et al. 2005b).

In addition to the threat of habitat loss, some species (e.g. those belonging to Mantella, Scaphiophryne, and Dyscophus) have been highly sought after for the international pet trade due to their biological peculiarities and remarkable colouration (Raxworthy and Nussbaum 2001; Andreone et al. 2006b; Mattioli et al. 2006). There is still a paucity of reliable data on the impact of trade on wild populations, although in some cases it is evident that collecting represents a confounding threat when the habitat is already compromised and the populations are small. This is the case, for example, for the rare harlequin mantella, Mantella cowani, which was collected in high numbers and survived in a very degraded environment on the high plateau of Madagascar (Andreone and Randrianarina 2003; Chiari et al. 2005). Fortunately, the collecting and exportation of this species, classied as Critically Endangered, are now banned, a measure that should reinforce its protection (Andreone et al. 2006b). Due to concerns about overharvesting for commercial trade, all frogs in the genus Mantella as well as the species Scaphiophryne gottlebei are now included on CITES Appendix II. Other species are also of conservation concern, such as the Tomato Frog, Dyscophus antongili, the only native species included on CITES Appendix I. Although its distribution area is wider than formerly believed (Andreone et al. 2006b), the habitat degradation around the town of Maroantsetra, where most known populations occur, is high. There is also evidence that the populations have apparently declined in numbers, and the species appears to have vanished from sites at which it was formerly known to occur (Chiari et al. 2006). Fortunately, eld surveys conducted during the last 15 years have revealed no known extinctions of Malagasy amphibians resulting from habitat loss, disease or other agents (Andreone et al. 2005b), as has been reported elsewhere. On the other hand, 12 highly threatened species now have their last remaining populations conned to a single site (Ricketts et al. 2005), and several of these sites, such as the Ankaratra Massif and Fierenana, remain unprotected. In general, the two areas with the majority of threatened species are the northern Tsaratanana-Marojejy-Masoala highlands and the southeastern Anosy Mountains (Andreone et al. 2005b). Following the remarkable declaration by Malagasy president Marc Ravalomanana to triple the existing coverage of the islands protected areas network (see Figure 2), amphibians are now beginning to be considered in the identication of globally important sites for conservation (see Essay 11.3). This is all the more important since, as already noted, several highly threatened species experience no protection whatsoever. For example, of the nine Critically Endangered amphibians, six are not recorded from any protected area (Andreone et al. 2005b, 2006b). Amphibians also represent an excellent candidate to become a symbol for the conservation strategies in Madagascar. Indeed, it is clear that, as with lemurs, the frogs of Madagascar have the potential to become an important tool for the conservation of wildlife in Madagascar. This aspect, as well as long-term conservation planning, was the focus of a workshop (A Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of Madagascar) held in Antananarivo in September 2006 specically dedicated to the amphibians of Madagascar, and attended by more than 80 scientists and conservation practitioners. Franco Andreone and Herilala Randriamahazo

Andreone F., Aprea G., Odierna G. and Vences M. 2006a. A new narrow-mouthed frog of the genus Paradoxophyla (Microhylidae: Scaphiophryninae) from Masoala rainforest, northeastern Madagascar. Acta Herpetologica 1:15-27. Andreone F., Mattioli F. and Mercurio V. 2005a. The call of Scaphiophryne gottlebei, a microhylid frog from the Isalo Massif, south-central Madagascar. Current Herpetology 24:33-35. Andreone, F. and Luiselli, L.M. 2003. Conservation priorities and potential threats inuencing the hyper-diverse amphibians of Madagascar. Italian Journal of Zoology 70:53-63.

Andreone F. and Randrianirina J.E. 2003. Its not carnival for the harlequin mantella! Urgent actions needed to conserve Mantella cowani, an endangered frog from the High Plateau of Madagascar. Froglog 59:1-2. Andreone, F., Cadle, J.E., Cox, N., Glaw, F., Nussbaum, R.A., Raxworthy, C.J., Stuart, S.N., Vallan, D. and Vences, M. 2005b. Species Review of Amphibian Extinction Risks in Madagascar: Conclusions from the Global Amphibian Assessment. Conservation Biology 19:1790-1802. Andreone, F., Mercurio, V. and Mattioli, F. 2006b. Between environmental degradation and international pet-trade: conservation strategies for the threatened amphibians of Madagascar. Natura 95:81-96. Andreone, F., Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Glaw, F. and Meyer, A. 2004. Recurrent ecological adaptations revealed through a molecular analysis of the secretive cophyline frogs of Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34:315-322. Aprea, G., Andreone, F., Capriglione, T., Odierna, G. and Vences, M. 2004. Evidence for a remarkable stasis of chromosome evolution in Malagasy treefrogs (Boophis: Mantellidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, Supplement 2:237-243. Chiari, Y., Andreone, F., Vences, M. and Meyer, A. 2005. Genetic variation of an endangered Malagasy frog, Mantella cowani, and its phylogeographic relationships to the widespread M. baroni. Conservation Genetics 6:1041-1047. Chiari, Y., Orozco-terWengel, P., Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Sarovy, A., Randrianirina, J.E., Meyer, A. and Louis, E., Jr. 2006. Genetic identication of units for conservation in tomato frogs, genus Dyscophus. Conservation Genetics 7:473-482. Clark, V.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Rakotomalala, V., Sierwald, P. and Fisher, B.L. 2005. Convergent evolution of chemical defense in poison frogs and arthropod prey between Madagascar and the Neotropics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 102:11617-11622. Glaw, F. and Vences, M. 1994. A eldguide to the amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar. 2nd edition. Vences & Glaw Verlag, Kln, Germany. Glaw, F. and Vences, M. 2006. Phylogeny and genus-level classication of mantellid frogs. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 6:236-253. Harper, G.J., Steininger, M.K., Tucker, C.J., Juhn, D. and Hawkins, F. 2007. Fifty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 34:325-333. Mattioli, F., Gili, C. and Andreone, F. 2006. Economics of captive breeding applied to the conservation of some selected amphibian and reptile species from Madagascar. Natura 95:67-80. Mercurio, V. and Andreone, F. 2005. The tadpoles of Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Microhylidae, Scaphiophryninae) and Mantella expectata (Mantellidae, Mantellinae) from Isalo Massif, central-southern Madagascar. Alytes 23:81-95. Raxworthy, C.J. and Nussbaum, R.A. 2001. Extinction and extinction vulnerability of amphibians and reptiles in Madagascar. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 2:15-23. Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Boucher, T., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J.F., Morrison, J., Parr, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Sechrest, W., Wallace, G.E., Berlin, K., Bielby, J., Burgess, N.D., Church, D.R., Cox, N., Knox, D., Loucks, C., Luck, G.W., Master, L.L., Moore, R., Naidoo, R., Ridgely, R., Schatz, G.E., Shire, G., Strand, H., Wettengel, W. and Wikramanayake, E. 2005. Pinpointing and preventing imminent extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102:18497-18501. Vences, M., Vieites, D.R., Glaw, F., Brinkmann, H., Kosuch, J., Veith, M. and Meyer, A. 2003. Multiple overseas dispersal in amphibians. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 270:2435-2442. Vences, M., Kosuch, J., Rdel, M.-O., Ltters, S., Channing, A., Glaw, F. and Bhme, W. 2004. Phylogeography of Ptychadena mascareniensis suggests transoceanic dispersal in a widespread African-Malagasy frog lineage. Journal of Biogeography 31:593-601.

1 Although only some 226 species are currently classied through the Global Amphibian Assessment, several new species were recently described, including Paradoxaphyla tiarano from Masoalo Forest in north-eastern Madagascar (Andreone et al. 2006a). 2 The Ranidae were disaggregated into several families by Frost et al. (2006). In Madagascar, Pthychadena is ascribed to Ptychadenidae and Hoplobatrachus to Dicroglossidae. Thus, the number of families becomes ve.

Figure 1. Richness map of amphibian species in Madagascar, with dark red colours corresponding to areas of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 91 species.

Figure 2. Forest cover map for Madagascar, and existing protected areas in black. Red corresponds to forest clearance between 1990 and 2000, brown to clearance between 1975 and 1990, and green to forest cover in 2000.

Figure 3. Richness map of threatened amphibian species in Madagascar, with dark red colours corresponding to areas of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes. Maximum richness equals nine species.

Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm



Around 200 species of frogs occur in Cameroon (Amiet 1989), including several unnamed taxa, but the nal total could be as high as 210 due to limited knowledge of the extreme north and south-east of the country. Comparisons with the less well prospected neighbouring countries in central Africa are difcult, but the frog fauna of Cameroon is almost certainly the second most diverse in continental Africa, after the Democratic Republic of the Congo. addition to affecting the overall climate, these high plateaus and mountain massifs also display vertical climatic zoning, resulting in the diversication of ecological conditions over very short distances. While the diversity of current climatic conditions undoubtedly contributes to the diversity of Cameroons frog fauna, climatic changes during the Quaternary are the main cause. These changes (see Maley 1996, 2001) resulted in repeated modications to the distribution of bioclimatic zones, and have been a major cause of frog speciation, affecting in particular lowland forest and montane species. Lowland tropical and montane forests both experienced phases of expansion and regression. When habitats became fragmented, allopatric speciation took place in isolated areas, causing remarkable diversication in genera such as Cardioglossa, Astylosternus or Leptodactylodon, which include pairs and trios of closely related species. Some of these close relatives have remained allopatric, while others have become sympatric or even syntopic (Amiet 1980, 1987). However, Quaternary climatic changes are too recent to explain the presence of 15 genera, endemic, or largely endemic, to Cameroon (Amiet 1989). Most of these have tadpoles that develop in welloxygenated, running water, a habitat that is plentiful in the hilly highlands of the west and south-west. These genera presumably evolved in situ during the formation of the Cameroon mountain ridge. More recently, human impact on the environment has had favourable consequences on savannah and parasylvicolous species. Maintenance of savannahs by re since the last episode of forest regression has aided the expansion of savannah species (for example, in the northern part of the southern Cameroon Plateau, which under current climatic conditions should be forest, but which is in fact dominated by savannah). In the forest zone, agricultural clearings have provided habitats favourable to parasylvicolous species, especially with the increasing destruction of forests since the start of the colonial period. Some parasylvicolous species of western origin, now quite common, were not found by the rst collectors, and some of these might have reached Cameroon in the last 150 years, and continue to expand towards the east or south-east. Judging by the speed at which certain parasylvicolous species settle in newly opened forest sites, this hypothesis does not seem outlandish. The situation is much worse for the forest species in regions Ia, Ib and Ic, with the increasingly serious loss of forest, which seems inevitable due to lack of political commitment to conservation. However, frogs are less seriously affected than large mammals because, thanks to their small size, they are often able to survive in what little forest remains. They can also survive in areas of shifting cultivation where rotations allow for rapid recovery of the forest cover. Logging has limited impact as there is very little clear-cutting in Cameroon, but commercial tree plantations (such as oil palm) do have a very negative impact on forest frogs, and are especially prevalent in region Ia. Region III has lost much forest, especially on the Bamileke Plateau. However, on the humid southern and western mountain slopes cleared forest can be replaced quickly by dense secondary vegetation suitable for many montane frogs (few species are completely dependent on intact forest). However, the tendency of the Bamileke and Banso peoples to clear large areas of habitat is alarming. For frogs living at very high elevations in open habitats, the threat level is low. The Goliath Frog Conraua goliath (EN) requires particular mention as the only directly threatened frog in Cameroon. In the past it was sold in large numbers to at least one American importer for the ridiculous practice of jumping competitions. Now, these frogs, which used to be eaten only occasionally, have become prized game actively sought after, at least in the area of Nkongsamba (G. Renson, pers. comm.). Special traps have even been invented for catching this species, a victim of the current fad for bushmeat. With lack of law enforcement and endemic corruption, conservation measures are ineffective, and the future of the Goliath Frog depends on a change in food habits among local people. The most effective measure of conservation for forest and montane frogs in Cameroon would be total preservation or restoration of a 30m-wide band of forest on both sides of water courses, whatever their size and location (including in commercial plantations). This solution, based on this authors 29 years of eld research in Cameroon, would safeguard a huge portion of biodiversity in all taxonomic groups, and would contribute to quantitative and qualitative improvements in water reserves. Such a measure, if it were adopted, would require the means, and above all the political will, to implement in a resolute manner. Jean-Louis Amiet Figure 1 shows how the frog fauna is distributed in relation to the main bioclimatic units of the country. In regions Ic, II, Va and Vb, the numbers of species have probably been underestimated, but regions Ia, Ib and III will remain the centres of Cameroons frog diversity. The high diversity in regions Ia and III is due to the large number of endemic and near-endemic species. Region III includes virtually all of Cameroons montane species, none of which occur in other mountainous regions in Africa. Regions Ia and Ib include several parasylvicolous species (those in Ia and Ib being of western and Congolese origin, respectively). However, the higher diversity in Ia is due to the presence of several endemic species on the coastal plain, especially between the lower Sanaga and the Mungo rivers, and also south of the lower Nyong River (both probably being forest refugia during past climatic uctuations).

Components of Cameroons frog fauna

Cameroons frog fauna largely consists of four ecological components. The savannah component (c. 35 species) is associated with grassy and herbaceous habitats over a broad latitudinal extent, from the small savannahs near Yaound, north to the steppes around Lake Chad. Very few species occupy this entire area, most being distributed in latitudinal bands reecting their different tolerances of drought. All have wide distributions outside Cameroon, and their tadpoles develop in still water. The montane component, represented by about 50 species, many endemic, is restricted not only to mountains but also to high plateaus in western Cameroon. The boundary between this component and lowland faunas is between 800 and 1,200m. These species prefer forests or are indifferent to vegetation type, and for many the tadpoles develop in streams. The forest component includes some 80 species that are generally conned to closed-canopy forest. These species depend mainly on ecological conditions created by a closed canopy, rather than on the exploitation history of the forest (primary or secondary), or on oristic composition. Amiets (1989) study of the Yaound forest frog fauna showed that it consisted overwhelmingly of species living in leaf-litter (43%), or on vegetation (39%), with half of the water-dependent species associated with streams. This component includes many species and some genera that are, more or less, restricted to Cameroon, especially in the west. The parasylvicolous component includes some 30 species conned to the forest zone and gallery forests in the savannah zone. These species do not live in intact forest, but in habitats that have been disturbed, either as a result of natural processes, or because of degradation by humans (Amiet 1989). Most of these species occur widely outside Cameroon, their tadpoles developing in still or slow-owing waters. There is also a small component of about six species that occur widely in the savannahs, and in degraded habitats in the forest zone, often in villages and large urban areas. These components are not homogeneous, and can be subdivided into elevational zones (montane component) or latitudinal zones (savannah component). However, the limits of these zones are less clear than those that separate the components themselves.

Geographic patterns of diversity

Amiet, J.-L. 1980. Rvision du genre Leptodactylodon (Amphibia Anura, Astylosterninae). Annales de la Facult des Sciences de Yaound 27:69-224. Amiet, J.-L. 1987. Aires disjointes et taxons vicariants chez les Anoures du Cameroun: implications palocliamtiques. Alytes 6:99-115. Amiet, J.-L. 1989. Quelques aspects de la biologie des Amphibiens Anoures du Cameroun. Anne biologique 28:73-136. Maley, J. 1996. The African rain forest - main characteristics of changes in vegetation and climate from the upper Cretaceous to the Quaternary. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 104B:31-73. Maley, J. 2001. The impact of arid phases on the African rain forest through geological history. In: W. Weber, L.J.T. White, A. Vedder and L. Naughton-Treves (eds.), African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation, pp. 68-87. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Schitz, A. 1999. Treefrogs of Africa. Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Suchel, J.-B. 1972. La rpartition des pluies et les rgimes pluviomtriques au Cameroun. Travaux et documents de gographie tropicale, 5. Universit fdrale du Cameroun et C.N.R.S. Suchel, J.-B. 1988. Les climats du Cameroun. Thse de Doctorat dEtat, Universit de Saint-Etienne, France. t. I-III: 1188 pp., et t. IV, atlas.

Causes of the diversity of Cameroons frog fauna

Several factors contribute to the high level of frog diversity in Cameroon. The rst is the wide variety of natural conditions in the country. An old tourist advertisement boasts that Cameroon is the whole of Africa in just one country, which is not an exaggeration. Diversity is boosted by interplay between climatic and geomorphological factors. The country covers over 12 of latitude, including most of the climatic gradient of western and central Africa north of the equator, from a very rainy equatorial to tropical climate (with rainfall decreasing as one goes northwards). This pattern is modied by two major axes of relief. The rst is the Cameroon mountain ridge, a series of massifs, often of volcanic origin with peaks over 2,000m, the highest being Mount Cameroon (4,095m). The ridge runs SSW-NNE, with numerous southern and western slopes exposed to the monsoon rains. The second is the Adamawa Plateau, which, at an altitude of 1,000-1,200m, crosses the entire country between 6 and 8N, and has a relatively cool and humid climate. Thus, there is a complex patchwork of rainfall patterns in Cameroon, analysed in depth by Suchel (1972, 1988). In

Threats to Cameroons frog fauna

The ecological conditions and the overall diversity and endemism of frogs vary across the regions of Cameroon, and this affects the threats facing the frog fauna. Moreover, future environmental changes in the context of the countrys socio-economical and political situation need to be considered. The frog faunas in regions IV, Va and Vb are not at great risk, despite these regions being greatly affected by human activity, as most of the species are adaptable. Conversely, in region II, the savannah species are, in theory at least, doomed to eventual extinction, as the forest should be expanding rapidly under current climatic conditions. However, the species in question also occur in regions IV and V, and forest species would presumably spread in region II.

Astylosternus ranoides (Endangered) is known only from western Cameroon, where it has been recorded from the Bamboutos Mountains, Lake Oku, and Mount Neshele, at altitudes of 2,000-2,600m asl. Jean-Louis Amiet

Figure 1. Map of Cameroon showing the major bioclimatic regions, with the number of species recorded from each region. Key for bioclimatic regions: Ia: coastal plain tropical lowland forest (92 species); Ib: southern Cameroonian plateau tropical lowland forest (83); Ic: Congo basin tropical lowland forest (57); II: southern Cameroonian plateau gallery forests and Guinea savannah (51); III: Cameroon mountain ridge mountains and high plateaus (78); IV: Adamawa Plateau (40); Va: northern Cameroon Sudan savannah (23); and Vb: northern Cameroon Sudano-Sahelian savannah and Sahel (29). For methodology in dening these regions and estimating species totals, see (Amiet 1983).


Threatened Amphibians of the World


160 140 # of described species 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010

Figure 1. Number of described West African amphibian species per decade (including known but not yet described new species for the last decade). Black arrows indicate the start of periods of more intensive survey and taxonomic work. These signicant increases were mainly due to (arrows from left to right) P. Chabanaud; J. Guib, M. Lamotte and co-workers; A. Schitz and J.-L. Perret and M.-O. Rdel and co-workers. With the exception of the 1960s (A. Schitz) new amphibian species have been described at a near constant rate of about 0.7 species per annum. Since 2000 the description rate increased to more than 1.8 species per annum and is not yet reaching any visible plateau, hence illustrating that the West African amphibian fauna still is far from being well known.

West Africa, here dened as the region from Senegal in the west to Nigeria in the east and extending north to the southern border of the Sahara Desert, covers almost all larger African biomes, ranging from rainforests along the Atlantic Oceans coast, over various types of savannahs to semi-deserts. In the border region of Guinea, Cte dIvoire, and Liberia, as well as within Sierra Leone, there are also several higher mountain ranges representing rare examples, at least in the West African context, of montane grassland. Amphibian research in West Africa dates back to the middle of the 19th century. In general, the diversity of amphibians in West Africa is high, with around 175 amphibian species having been recorded from this region, including four caecilians and 171 anurans. While some forests may support as many as 40 different amphibian species in an area as small as 2 ha, amphibian richness is also high in some savannah formations (sometimes surpassing 30 frog species in only a few square kilometres). However, while new species have been described on a continual basis, species description curves have never attained any sort of saturation (Figure 1) suggesting that many new species remain undiscovered. Around one-fth of the regions amphibian fauna is considered to be threatened (34 species), including 14 species that are listed as Vulnerable, 16 Endangered, and four Critically Endangered. A further 19 species are classied as Near Threatened. The four Critically Endangered species include two species, Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis and N. liberiensis, known only from a few square kilometres on Mount Nimbas grassland mountain ridge and a very limited area in Liberias rainforest on Mount Nimbas southern slopes, respectively. A third species, Bufo taiensis, is only known from four specimens collected from the region of Ta National Park in Cte dIvoire, while the fourth species, Conraua derooi (currently considered Possibly Extinct on the IUCN Red list), was described from, and only very recently rediscovered, in the southern part of the Ghanaian-Togolese mountainous borderline. Many West African forest amphibians have very small ranges, possibly due to uctuations in the regions forest cover (Wieringa and Poorter 2004). These uctuations presumably also served as a catalyst for amphibian speciation and are a reason for todays high diversity. In the Pleistocene and pre-Pleistocene, rainforests were either increasing towards the north in humid periods or were shrinking to comparatively small forest refugia during drier periods (Falk et al. 2003). The recent distributions of West Africas endemic frogs matches well with the rough location of these postulated forest refugia, namely southwestern Ghana (Rdel et al. 2005), south-western Cte dIvoire (Rdel and Branch 2002), and the Mount Nimba area (Rdel et al. 2004; Figure 2). However, new evidence lends support for a much ner grained picture, adding a few more distinct Pleistocene or Pre-Pleistocene forest remnants to the Upper Guinea highlands (Rdel et al. unpubl.). The Upper Guinea highlands region stretches from Sierra Leone and Guinea through Liberia to western Cte dIvoire, and forms part of the Guinean Forests of West Africa biodiversity hotspot (Bakarr et al. 2004). In order to understand West Africas forest history and to reveal potentially overlooked centres of endemism, an accurate knowledge of the location of historical forest refugia is needed. Current research aims to locate these former forest refugia by investigating the relationships between various leaf litter frog species and populations from West African forests. The recent distribution patterns of these amphibians and the genetic divergences of populations of these frogs will help us to reconstruct the history of West Africas forest cover (Hillers et al. unpubl.). On this regional scale we have also started to analyse landscape characteristics such as climate, vegetation, altitude, and topo-diversity with respect to their potential inuence on amphibian species richness. Our analyses have revealed positive correlations of species richness with rainfall, forest cover, and habitat diversity. Based on these three parameters, we have been able to model areas believed to harbour a high richness of amphibian species. These areas coincide with the aforementioned areas of former forest refugia, which hence would be not only islands of high endemism but also of corresponding high amphibian diversity (Penner et al. unpubl.). Unfortunately, these areas are also among the most threatened regions in West African. South-western Cte dIvoire, the area with the most extensive tracts of remaining forest in the country, lost about 80% of its forests within the last 30 years (Chatelain et al. 1996). Guinea has little more than about 5% of its former rainforests left (UICN 1996), and many of its remaining forested mountain ranges are threatened by open-cast mining operations. Given the distributional limitations of many forest amphibians and the vast tracts of forest areas that have already been lost, it is not unreasonable to

expect that several species have already gone extinct without having been discovered and described scientically. But even selective logging might be a severe danger to the endemic West African forest frogs. We have shown that habitat degradation markedly alters the composition of forest frog communities, and many endemic and range-restricted forest frogs do not prevail in logged or fragmented forests (Ernst and Rdel 2005). Moreover, not only does forest degradation negatively affect particular species, but it severely and non-randomly reduces the functional diversity of forest species assemblages, i.e., specic life history traits disappear (Ernst et al. 2006). The latter is particularly important for ecosystem renewal and reorganization following change and it provides adaptive capacity in a world of complex systems, and human-dominated environments. The loss especially concerns species with tadpoles that are dependant on larger stagnant or slow-owing waters. In conclusion, West Africa still supports an extraordinary rich amphibian fauna, albeit restricted to steadily declining islands of diversity. Mark-Oliver Rdel, P. Jol Adeba, Raffael Ernst, Annika Hillers, S. Gilles A. Nago, Johannes Penner and Martin Wegmann

Bakarr, M., Oates, J., Fahr, J., Parren, M., Rdel, M-O. and Demey, R. 2004. Guinean Forests of West Africa. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots: Revisited, pp. 123-130. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Chatelain, C., Gautier, L. and Spichiger, R. 1996. A recent history of forest fragmentation in southwestern Ivory Coast. Biodiversity and Conservation 5:783-791. Ernst, R. and Rdel, M.-O. 2005. Anthropogenically induced changes of predictability in

Figure 2. Endemism of West African amphibian species. Shown are 42 well-known amphibian communities and the respective proportion of endemic species. The level of endemism ranges from local (red, e.g. Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis, estimated range: 111km) and regional (orange, e.g. Kassina lamottei, 13,002km) endemics, to species that occur in the Upper Guinea forest zone (yellow), West Africa (clear green), Central and West Africa (green, e.g. Phlyctimantis boulengeri, 294,445km) to species with an almost sub-Saharan distribution (dark green, e.g. Kassina senegalensis, 12,263,903km).

Chapter 5. Amphibians of the Afrotropical Realm


tropical anuran assemblages. Ecology 86:3111-3118. Ernst, R., Linsenmair, K.E., and Rdel, M.-O. 2006. Diversity erosion beyond the species level: Dramatic loss of functional diversity after selective logging in two tropical amphibian communities. Biological Conservation 133:143-155. Falk, T.M., Teugels, G.G., Abban, E.K., Villwock, W. and Renwartz, L. 2003. Phylogeographic patterns in populations of the blackchinned Tilapia complex (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from coastal areas in West Africa: support for the refuge zone theory. Molecular

Phylogenetics and Evolution 27:81-92. Rdel, M.-O., Bangoura, M.A. and Bhme, W. 2004. The amphibians of south-eastern Republic of Guinea (Amphibia: Gymnophiona, Anura). Herpetozoa 17:99-118. Rdel, M.-O. and Branch, W.R. 2002. Herpetological survey of the Haute Dodo and Cavally forests, western Ivory Coast, Part I: Amphibians. Salamandra 38:245-268 Rdel, M.-O., Gil, M., Agyei, A.C., Leach, A.D., Diaz, R.E., Fujita, M.K. and Ernst, R. 2005. The amphibians of the forested parts of south-western Ghana. Salamandra

41:107-127. UICN 1996. Latlas pour la conservation des forts tropicales dAfrique. Editions JeanPierre de Monza, Paris, France. Wieringa, J.J. and Poorter, L. 2004. Biodiversity hotspots in West Africa; patterns and causes. In: L.F. Poorter, F. Bongers, F. Kouam and W.D. Hawthorne (eds.), Biodiversity of West African forests. An ecological atlas of woody plant species, pp. 61-72. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

In 1983 three botanists Jon Lovett, Roger Polhill and John Hall were sitting together at the foot of the Uluguru Mountains discussing recent discoveries of rare plants in the Udzungwa Mountains, previously thought to be endemic to the Usambaras and Ulugurus (Lovett 1998). From the analysis they were making, it was clear that these rare forest plants were found only on the crystalline peaks of a series of isolated mountain ranges in south-eastern Kenya and Tanzania. These mountains were showing remarkable similarities in terms of species richness and composition and since they are set in a halfmoon arc shape, they decided to name them collectively as the Eastern Arc Mountains (Lovett 1998). The name rst appeared in an article written by Jon Lovett for the Kenyan magazine Swara, in 1985. The Taita Hills of Kenya and the Pare, Usambara, Nguru, Nguu, Ukaguru, Uluguru, Rubeho, Udzungwa, Malundwe and Mahenge Mountains in Tanzania comprise the Eastern Arcs. They lie within the intertropical montane region and were formed by heavily metamorphosed Pre-Cambrian basement rocks, rising to 2,635 m in elevation (Kimhandu peak in the Ulugurus). They are part of one of the Earths richest biodiversity hotpots and amongst the most important regions in Africa for concentrations of endemic animals and plants, with at least 93 species of endemic vertebrate (Burgess et al. 2007). The Danish batrachologist Arne Schitz published a short paper highlighting the importance of the basement hills of Tanzania (the name Eastern Arc was still to be coined) as a regional centre of amphibian endemism (Schitz 1981). The Eastern Arcs are home to about 94 named amphibian species, of which 57 are endemic or near-endemic. A further 17 species have been recently discovered and are awaiting formal description (all of which are probably endemic). A rough estimate, therefore, of the total number of amphibians (described and undescribed) in the Eastern Arc Mountains is 121 species, of which 74 occur are endemic or nearly so. The remarkable species richness and the high level of endemism is due to the great age of the Eastern Arc Mountains (they uplifted at least 30 million years ago), to their archipelago-like arrangement, and to the climatic inuence of the Indian Ocean that kept the mountains relatively wetter and warmer than the surrounding areas during past climatic uctuations. The high number of endemic species in small areas, the co-occurrence of recent and old lineages, and the consequent biogeographical implications make these mountains of extreme biological and conservation interest. Historically, the Eastern Arc Mountains were probably covered by a mosaic of rainforests. These rainforests were concentrated mostly on the eastern slopes and on the upland plateaux and were interspersed with open grassland areas and with dry, semi-deciduous forests on the western slopes. The majority of endemic species occur in the wet forest that covered parts of the eastern slopes of the mountains. Although the forest environment has been well-studied, the grasslands and ecotones could represent a further frontier of batrachological exploration. At the southern tip of the Udzungwas, the so called Makambako gap has long been considered the southernmost limit. However, recent cross-taxon studies are revealing that the Southern Highlands, especially the forests of Mt Rungwe and Livingstone, also contain many species previously assumed to be endemic to the Eastern Arcs. For example, amphibian species such as Nectophrynoides viviparus (VU), Nectophrynoides tornieri (VU), and Leptopelis barbouri (VU) demonstrate Mt Rungwes Eastern Arc afnities (Davenport et al. 2003). Recently, molecular analysis has shown that a number of genera and species in the Eastern Arc Mountains are genetically ancient. For example, DNA sequence data of caecilians, including Eastern Arc species, suggest that the origin of the caecilian fauna of Africa may predate the break-up of Gondwana (Wilkinson et al. 2003). Similar suggestions are made concerning the microhylids and brevicipitids fauna of Africa based on DNA sequence data, which have exposed the extremely ancient age of these lineages (Loader et al. 2004). The present pattern of distribution and the presence of recent and old lineages could be interpreted as a consequence of stable local conditions, and to some degree the pattern can be attributed to local speciation or to local low extinction rates in other words, long species persistence (Lovett et al. 2004). Among the taxa occurring in the Arc, forest bufonids are of particular interest with a number of endemic genera and species like the extraordinary Churamiti maridadi (CR), with its shining skin resembling wet lichen, or the bicoloured Nectophrynoides viviparus. Ongoing molecular studies on forest bufonids are revealing the presence of lineages of East African origin as well as others derived from Guineo-Congolian taxa and ancient African-Asian linkages. Forest bufonids in the Arc are revealing a much more abundant species radiation than expected with several new species and genera awaiting description. Many of the endemic species are conned to high-elevation sites and their distribution pattern may be due to relictualization. Other endemic species demonstrate intriguing and highly restricted ranges, deserving of special conservation strategies. These species display a single site distribution, since they are conned to a single valley or parts of it, at certain elevations, and yet are surrounded by apparently suitable habitat. In just the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve there are three strictly endemic species showing such distribution patterns: two dwarf forest bufonids, Nectophrynoides wendyae (CR) and N. poyntoni (CR), and the treefrog Hyperolius kihangensis (EN)(Menegon and Salvidio 2005). Another single site species is the Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis (CR) occurring only in the Kihansi gorge, and now possibly extinct in the wild. This species is adapted to the peculiar habitat inuenced by the constant spray provided by waterfalls. In this case, the small distribution is explained by the extremely peculiar local conditions in the lower Kinhasi gorge. The other three species inhabit sites with no apparent special conditions; they have been sought unsuccessfully in other suitable sites within the same forest patch. Differences thus exist between assemblages at sites at similar altitudes in adjoining mountain fragments or within single fragments, indicating a ne-scale geographic turnover in the herpetofauna of these areas. The distinct nature of the herpetofauna species assemblages at high altitude, and the high elevational turnover of species, clearly demonstrates the importance of conserving forest at all altitudes. Areas of forest or marginal habitats, at all elevations, might also be vital in generating high species diversity, and need to be considered in the development of a holistic conservation strategy for the area. This suggests that not only is it important to conserve the forest along an elevational gradient, but it is also important to conserve fragments in geographically complex terrains, where isolated populations and therefore potentially new species may still exist, and are awaiting discovery. Michele Menegon and Tim Davenport
Rovero, F., Stanley, W.T., Stuart, S.N. 2007. The biological importance of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and Kenya. Biological Conservation 134:209-231. Davenport, T.R.B., Machaga, S.J., Mwamtobe, A., Mwaipungu, O. and Hayes, B. 2003. Some notes on the amphibians of Mt Rungwe. Unpublished Report. Southern Highlands Conservation Programme / Wildlife Conservation Society (SHCP/WCS). 4 pp. Loader, S.P., Gower, D.J., Howell, K.M., Doggart, N., Rdel, M.-O., Clarke, B.T., De S, R.O., Cohen, B.L. and Wilkinson, M. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of African microhylid frogs inferred from DNA sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 4:227-235. Lovett, J.C. 1985. Moist forests of Tanzania. Swara 8:8-9. Lovett, J.C. 1998. Naming the Arc. The Arc Journal 7. Lovett, J.C., Marchant, R., Taplin, J., Kper, W., 2004. The oldest rainforests in Africa: stability or resilience for survival and diversity? In: A. Purvis, J.L. Gittleman, and T.M. Brooks (eds.), Phylogeny and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Menegon, M., Salvidio, S., 2005. Amphibian and Reptile diversity in the southern Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, South-Eastern Tanzania. In: B.A. Huber, B.J. Sinclair and K.H. Lampe (eds.), African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems, pp. 205-212. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Tropical Biology, Museum Koenig, Bonn, Germany. Moyer, D.C. 1993. Foraging ecology, habitat selection, and community structure of afromontane forest birds in Tanzania. M.Sc. thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Department of Zoology and Physiology. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. Schitz, A. 1981. The Amphibia of the forested basement hills of Tanzania - a biological. indicator group. African Journal of Ecology 19:205-208. Wilkinson, M., Loader, S.P., Gower, D.G., Sheps, J.A. and Cohen, B.L., 2002. Phylogenetic Relationships of African Caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona): Insights from Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences. African Journal of Herpetology 52:83-92.

Burgess, N.D., Butynski, T.M., Cordeiro, N.J., Doggart, N., Fjelds, J., Howell, K.M., Kilahama, F., Loader, S.P, Lovett, J.C., Menegon, M., Moyer, D.C., Nashanda, E., Perkin, A.,

Figure 1. Map showing the 13 blocks of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and Kenya (reproduced, with permission, from Moyer 1993).


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Although many species of amphibians have been described from Africa in recent years, amphibians as a group remain poorly known relative to other vertebrate taxa. An exception is South Africa, which has perhaps the beststudied fauna in the region, culminating in the Atlas and Red Data Book of the Frogs of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (Minter et al. 2004). The larger southern African region, including Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, is home to 185 species of amphibians, of which 32 species (17%) have been assigned a status of conservation concern, including ve as Critically Endangered, 16 as Endangered, and 11 as Vulnerable. These threatened species have several things in common: they mostly occupy small areas, either on coastal plains, or in highland or montane grasslands or forests. The coastal areas are preferred localities for housing developments, and for farming wheat and other crops. The highlands and mountains are areas with high rainfall, and are selected for planting huge tracts of pine plantations. These threatened species evolved on highlands where there was sufcient moisture, often separated from other highlands by dry plains. The moist conditions that promoted speciation, thereby assisting the formation of a rich diversity of amphibians (see, for example, Channing et al. 2002, 2005; Clarke & Poynton 2005) are the same environmental conditions that are suitable for growing trees and other crops. Agriculture leads to severe habitat modication and fragmentation. All the well-known areas planted with exotic pines, such as the Amatola Mountains, the Elandsberg Mountains, and even Table Mountain in Cape Town, are home to endemic species of amphibians that are now threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and conversion. Furthermore, many of these species may be at risk of infection with the fast-spreading chytrid fungus, which is responsible for the extinction of amphibian species in many parts of the world (Daszak et al. 1999; Mendelson et al. 2006). One-quarter of threatened species do not have normal life-cycles with free-swimming tadpoles. Instead, their tadpoles remain within the egg, and develop directly into small frogs. This negates the need for nearby pools of water, enabling these species to survive in areas where there is little chance of pools forming, such as in very sandy areas, forests and mountain tops. However, the species with tadpoles display some very unusual breeding strategies: some deposit eggs out of water, and the tadpoles must either move to water, or wait until the nest is ooded. The tadpoles of these species also display a range of adaptations. Most develop in streams or quiet pools, but the tadpoles of Broadleys Ridged Frog Ptychadena broadleyi (EN) live on wet rocks in forests, and both species of ghost frogs Heleophryne sp. have tadpoles that develop in fast-owing rocky streams. The tadpoles hang onto rocks in these turbulent habitats by using a large sucker-like mouth. The Chirinda Toad Stephopaedes anotis (EN) breeds in small pockets of water trapped in tree-holes. Protected areas have proved to be the most important conservation tactic in southern Africa, provided that the conservation area is large enough to include a viable population size of the threatened species. Protected areas that provide a haven for globally threatened amphibians include: Inyanga National Park, Chimanimani National Park and Chirinda Forest on the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe (Afrana inyangae, EN; Bufo inyangae, EN; Arthroleptis troglodytes, CR; Probreviceps rhodesianus, EN; Stephopaedes anotis, EN; Strongylopus rhodesianus, VU); Mt Mulanje Forest Reserve in Malawi (Afrana johnstoni, EN; Nothophryne broadleyi, EN; Arthroleptis francei, EN; Ptychadena broadleyi); Nyika National Park in Malawi (Bufo nyikae, VU), and Table Mountain National Park (Capensibufo rosei, VU; Heleophryne rosei, CR) on the Cape Peninsula of South Africa. Smaller reserves occur along the south and east coasts of South Africa, though these may not be adequate to sustain viable populations of threatened species in the region, such as Knysna Spiny Reed Frog Afrixalus knysnae (EN), Natal Spiny Reed Frog Afrixalus spinifrons (VU), and Pickersgills Reed Frog Hyperolius pickersgilli (EN). Several threatened species occur almost entirely within strictly managed, albeit different, areas. For example, the Cape Platanna Xenopus gilli (EN) occurs within the well-established Table Mountain National Park, with other populations in the newly proclaimed and still developing Agulhas National Park. However, even within these national parks, its security cannot be guaranteed, principally due to hybridization with the Common Platanna Xenopus laevis (LC) (Kobel 1981; Picker et al. 1996) although the extent of this problem may be limited (Evans et al. 1997). The Desert Rain Frog Breviceps macrops (VU) occurs in a narrow coastal zone along the west coast of South Africa and southern Namibia. This is a diamond mining area where access is restricted, and no development is permitted. However, the diamonds are mined by removing all the old beach sand above the bedrock. This effectively destroys the habitat where this species is found. Of course, even within many protected areas, a lack of management means that natural forest is still being removed, and agricultural activities (both subsistence and large-scale) have been reported from within these. Most (81%) threatened species occur largely (72%) or entirely (9%) outside of any conservation area. Active protection of threatened species does occur in some cases, as in the Western Cape province of South Africa, where CapeNature was able to both thwart construction plans for a road that would have had devastating impacts on the breeding habitat of the Critically Endangered Micro Frog Microbatrachella capensis, and establish a new breeding site. This species is also being actively monitored by CapeNature, although continual active intervention by local authorities is required to halt the damaging effects of alien invasive plants on the breeding sites. As far as can be determined, the only threatened species that are subject to ofcial long-term monitoring activities are Roses Ghost Frog Heleophryne rosei (CR), the Micro Frog, and Cape Platanna. Among local conservation authorities, only CapeNature seems to be paying sufcient attention to the problem of threatened amphibians. In many other protected areas, including those to the north of southern Africa, it is not unusual for staff of reserves to be unaware of the importance of their reserve as a haven for a population of a globally threatened species. Conservationists are able to determine effectively which species are threatened. We are also able to determine which species require the most appropriate conservation response, be it the establishment of a protected area or controlling invasive species. However, it seems that we are unable to initiate long-term programmes involving active management. Will we sit on the sidelines and tick off the species as they become extinct? Where there was once a rallying call from African conservationists, Save the Rhino!, we now need to encourage a Save the Frog! campaign. Alan Channing and Andrew Turner

Channing, A., Moyer, D.C. and Howell, K.M. 2002. Description of a new torrent frog in the genus Arthroleptides from Tanzania (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae). Alytes 20:13-27. Channing, A., Menegon, M., Salvidio, S. and Akker, S. 2005. A new forest toad from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania (Bufonidae: Nectophrynoides). African Journal of Herpetology 54:149-157. Clarke, B.T. and Poynton, J.C. 2005. A new species of Stream Frog, genus Strongylopus (Anura:Ranidae) from Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, with comments on a northern volcanic mountains group within the genus. African Journal of Herpetology 54:53-60. Daszak P., Berger L., Cunningham, A.A., Hyatt, A.D., Green, D.E. and Speare, R. 1999. Emerging infectious diseases and amphibian population declines. Emerging Infectectious Diseases 5:735-48. Evans, B.J., Morales, J.C., Picker, M.D., Kelley, D.B. and Melnick, D.J. 1997. Comparative molecular phylogeography of two Xenopus species, X. gilli and X. laevis, in the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. Molecular Ecology 6:333-343. Kobel, H.R., du Pasquier, M. and Tinsley, R.C. 1981. Natural hybridization and gene introgression between Xenopus gilli and Xenopus laevis laevis (Anura:Pipidae). Journal of Zoology 194:317-322. Minter, L.R., Burger, M., Harrison, J.A., Braack, H.H., Bishop, P.J. and Kloepfer, D. (eds.). 2004. Atlas and Red Data Book of the Frogs of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA. Mendelson, J.R., Lips, K.R., Gagliardo, R.W., Rabb, G.B., Collins, J.P., Diffendorfer, J.E., Daszak, P., Ibanez, R., Zippel, K.C., Lawson, D.P., Wright, K.M., Stuart, S.N., Gascon, C., da Silva, H.R., Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L., La Marca, E., Lotters, S., du Preez, L.H., Weldon, C., Hyatt, A., Rodriguez-Mahecha, J.V., Hunt, S., Robertson, H., Lock, B., Raxworthy, C.J., Frost, D.R., Lacy, R.C., Alford, R.A., Campbell, J.A., Parra-Olea, G., Bolanos, F., Domingo, J.J., Halliday, T., Murphy, J.B., Wake, M.H., Coloma, L.A., Kuzmin, S.L., Price, M.S., Howell, K.M., Lau, M., Pethiyagoda, R., Boone, M., Lannoo, M.J., Blaustein, A.R., Dobson, A., Grifths, R.A., Crump, M.L., Wake, D.B. and Broody, E.D. 2006. Confronting Amphibian Declines and Extinctions. Science 313(5783):48. Picker, M.D., Harrison, J.A. and Wallace, D. 1996. Natural hybridisation between Xenopus laevis laevis and X. gilli in the south-western Cape Province, South Africa. In: R.C. Tinsley and H.R. Kobel (eds.), The Biology of Xenopus, pp. 61-71. Zoological Society of London, Oxford, UK.

Afrana johnstoni (Endangered) is known only from montane grassland and forest habitats on Mount Mulanje in southern Malawi. Alan Channing

Table Mountain National Park on the Cape Peninsula of South Africa is home to the only known population of the eponymous Table Mountain Ghost Frog Heleophryne rosei (Critically Endangered), a cryptic species found from 2401,060m asl. Richard Boycott


Jean-Marc Hero, Stephen Richards, Ross Alford, Allen Allison, Philip Bishop, Rainer Gnther, Djoko Iskandar, Fred Kraus, Frank Lemckert, James Menzies, Dale Roberts and Michael Tyler


The Australasian Realm as dened here includes Australia and New Zealand, and subsumes the Papuan Sub-region incorporating the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and parts of Indonesia (Papua Province on the island of New Guinea, and the Malukus, including the islands of Halmahera, Ceram, Obi, Misool, Aru, Ambon, Buru and Kai). The Oceanic Region, which includes islands in the northern and eastern Pacic Basin, is usually treated as a separate biogeographic region (Olsen et al. 2001), but as it has only three native amphibians occur in the region (two in Fiji and one in Palau) and their evolutionary afnities are with Australasian taxa so it is combined with Australasia for the purpose of this analysis. The Australasian continental plate includes mainland Australia, the island of Tasmania and the southern half of the island of New Guinea. It was part of the southern landmass of Gondwana until about 96 Ma, though connections with Antarctica and South America continued until more recently. The Indo-Australian Plate started drifting northwards (with the Indian and Australasian portions separating), colliding with the Eurasian Plate to the north approximately 15 Ma, and creating the uplift that formed New Guineas spectacular mountainous spine. Much of New Guinea, particularly the northern portions, is a complex mosaic of terrains, fragments of the earth that have embedded onto the mainland at different times, each with different origins and ages of impact. This incredibly complex geological history and one of the most active orogenies on earth has resulted in a spectacularly diverse topography and fauna in a relatively small area. The Torres Strait, a shallow water body that now separates Australia from New Guinea, has formed a bridge between the two land-masses on several occasions in the past during glacial periods when global sea levels were lower. The most recent land connection between Australia and New Guinea lasted until about 7,000 years ago. Tasmania was similarly connected to the Australian mainland during times of glacial maxima when Bass Strait was exposed. The islands of Wallacea form the western boundary of the region. These islands enabled cross colonization of plants between Southeast Asia and Australia-New Guinea but the deep ocean straits between islands appear to have hindered the exchange of many groups of amphibians (though some dispersal appears to have taken place due to tectonic accretion, for example allowing Oreophryne to reach Sulawesi from the east, and Rana to reach New Guinea from the west). Around 85 Ma, a land mass known as Tasmantis broke away from Australia. All that now remains of this largely submerged landmass is New Zealand at its southern end and New Caledonia at the northern end. Located on the south-eastern boundary of the Australian plate where it converges with the Pacic plate, New Zealand consists of two main islands, called the North and South Islands, and a number of smaller islands. Its position on the boundary of two converging plates is reected in the many active volcanoes on the North Island. Australia is one of the attest countries in the world. Because it lies in the middle of the Australian tectonic plate there has been very little geological activity since the plate separated from Gondwana. Instead the landscape has been moulded by constant weathering and erosion over millions of years. The highest peak is Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m) in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales; these form part of the Great Dividing Range, which runs north-south along nearly the entire east coast of the country. This mountain range promotes signicant rainfall along the east coast, but substantially prevents rainfall from the Pacic Ocean reaching the interior. Hence, the east coast includes a wide range of wet forest habitats (especially in the more mountainous areas), but the vast interior of Australia, stretching all the way to the west coast, is predominantly desert, semi-desert or savannah. The north of the country is tropical, and is dominated by savannah, eucalypt woodland, grassland, and desert habitats, with rainforests being found along parts of the east coast (mainly in mountainous regions) and in pockets scattered further west. There are signicant areas of rocky escarpment country in the Kimberley and Arnhem Land. Temperate climates are found only in the south-east and south-west corners of the country. Inland droughts lasting several seasons are not uncommon as rainfall can be highly variable and patchily distributed. The island of New Guinea is divided politically, with the eastern half of the island along with many islands off the north and east coast (including Admiralty and Bismarck archipelagos, and the islands of Bougainville and Buka in the Solomons Archipelago) forming the country of Papua New Guinea, and the western half of the island belonging to Indonesia. A wide, east-west range of mountains dominates the interior of the island, with the highest peak being snow-covered Puncak Jaya (5,030m) in Papua, Indonesia. To the north and south of the central mountains are vast lowland rainforests and complex wetland habitats. These are most conspicuously developed in the Trans-Fly region of south-central New Guinea where seasonally ooded savannah grasslands form a habitat unique in New Guinea (but typical of northern Australia). New Zealand is geographically very isolated, the closest countries being Australia some 2,000km to the west, and New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga, between 1,400 and 2,000km to the north. Mountains cover about two-thirds of the South Island and 20% of the North Island, the highest peak being Aoraki/Mount Cook (3,754m) on the South Island. On either side of the central mountain ridges are rolling fertile plains, and due to its southerly latitudes the country has a temperate climate. Rainfall is generally moderate to high in New Zealand. Human population density is very low throughout the Australasian Realm. The Solomon Islands have the highest population density (17 people/km2), followed by New Zealand (15), Papua New Guinea (11), Indonesia (Papua Province only: 6) and Australia (less than 3). Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, but only 1% of Indonesians live in Papua Province, even though the landmass of Papua constitutes around 22% of the total landmass of the country. Population growth is high (over 3% per annum) in Papua Province, partly due to a high birth rate but also due to immigration from other provinces of Indonesia. The Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea also have growth rates above 2% (approaching 4% in many coastal areas), but Australia and New Zealand have growth rates that are less than 1% per annum. New Guinea has been subject to relatively low anthropogenic disturbance and it has been stated that around 70% of the natural environment on the island remains intact (Mittermeier

Ceratobatrachus guentheri (Least Concern) is an abundant direct-developing ranid frog from the Solomon Islands and Bougainville and Buka Islands in Papua New Guinea. It inhabits the forest oor in tropical rainforest, and persists in secondary forest, rural gardens and other degraded areas. Piotr Naskrecki

et al. 2002), although some parts of the island have experienced serious habitat loss (and the level of loss is likely to be higher than has been realised). The extensive tropical rainforest wilderness on the island is the worlds third largest rainforest block after the Amazon and Congolese forests. However, logging concessions now cover much of the lowland forest in New Guinea and nearly all of New Britain; unsustainable logging is the most immediate threat to the biodiversity of these regions. In Papua New Guinea the majority of people still practice subsistence agriculture and live in traditional societies, and the GDP per capita is low ($2,400 in 2005). The Solomon Islands has a similarly low GDP per capita ($1,700 in 2002), and Indonesia ($3,700 in 2005 averaged across the whole country, not just Papua Province) is only slightly higher. Australia has a very low human population density, but with the majority of the people living along the east and south-east coast, coupled with the high GDP per capita, habitat loss and degradation has been particularly serious in these regions. There has also been extensive habitat loss in south-western Australia (which is a Mediterranean-type system). Likewise, New Zealand has experienced signicant habitat loss and degradation with natural habitats covering only 22% of the country. Invasive species have had a signicant impact on native species both in Australia and New Zealand.


There are 544 amphibians currently recorded from the Australasian Realm, 69 (13%) of which are considered globally threatened or Extinct. This is much lower than the global average of 33%1. However, the number of DD species, 178 (33%), is much higher than the global average of 23%. As sufcient information becomes available to assess these species, it is expected that some of them will contribute to an increase in the percentage of threatened species in the region. The Australasian Realm accounts for only 3% of globally threatened amphibians, which is relatively low considering that 9% of the worlds amphibian species occur here. The region contains 4% of the CR, 3% of the EN and 4% of the VU species in the world. Of the worlds 34 known amphibian extinctions, three occurred in the Australasian Realm and all of them were species endemic to Australia. The only two species within the family Rheobatrachidae are now both Extinct: the Southern Gastric-brooding Frog Rheobatrachus silus was last seen in the wild in 1981 (Richards et al. 1993), while the Northern Gastricbrooding Frog Rheobatrachus vitellinus was last recorded in the wild in 1985 (Ingram and McDonald 1993; McDonald and Alford 1999) (see Essay 6.1). The third Extinct species, Taudactylus diurnus, has not been recorded in the wild since 1979 (Czechura and Ingram 1990). The reason(s) for the decline of all three species has still not been conrmed despite extensive research (Tyler and Davies 1985), but the disease chytridiomycosis (which was unknown at the time of these extinctions) must now be suspected. In addition, there are ve Critically Endangered species that are considered Possibly Extinct (Litoria castanea, Litoria lorica, Litoria nyakalensis, Litoria piperata and Taudactylus acutirostris). This represents 4% of the global total of 130 Possibly Extinct species. Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Australasian Realm. The percentage of species in each category is also given.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 3 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 16 Endangered (EN) 21 Vulnerable (VU) 29 Near Threatened (NT) 10 Least Concern (LC) 287 Data Decient (DD) 178 Total Number of Species 544
1% 3% 4% 5% 33% 2%

SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa

There are 544 amphibian species occurring in the Australasian Realm (9% of the worlds total). Only one of the three orders of amphibians, the Anura, is found here but of the seven anuran families native to the region, four are endemic. The level of endemism increases at the generic level, with 90% (45 of 50) of genera endemic, and again at the species level, with 99% (538 of 544) of species endemic. The high level of endemism is largely due to the insular nature of the region. The boundary between Australasia and Indomalaya is also dened here in a manner that minimizes the number of amphibians occurring across both regions. Whereas the boundary between the Australasian and Indomalayan realms is often taken as Wallaces line (an imaginary line running between Borneo and Sulawesi and Bali and Lombok in Indonesia; e.g. Newton 2003), the boundary is here taken to lie further to the east between Sulawesi and the Maluku islands (approximating Tyler 1999a), as this reects amphibian distribution patterns better. Seven of the worlds 48 amphibian families are found in the region, and four of these are endemic: Leiopelmatidae, Limnodynastidae, Myobatrachidae, and Rheobatrachidae. The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 12. There have been various taxonomic arrangements of the families dened here as Limnodynastidae, Myobatrachidae


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The Australian Lace-lid Nyctimystes dayi (Endangered) is a treefrog (Hylidae) that is endemic to the Wet Tropics of northern Queensland, Australia. In the 1980s and early 1990s it disappeared from upland sites throughout its range, but still persists in suitable habitat at low elevations. Jodi Rowley

Table 1. The number of Australasian amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.
Family Native species (endemics to region) Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 99 100 100 100 100 91 100 99 99 20 100 100 46 100 8 100 10 9 Native genera (endemics to region) Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 67 100 100 95 100 57 100 90 90 4 100 100 26 100 10 100 12 10

Anura Hylidae Leiopelmatidae Limnodynastidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Ranidae Rheobatrachidae TOTAL ANURA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

161 (159) 4 (4) 50 (50) 197 (197) 71 (71) 59 (55) 2 (2) 544 (538) 544 (538)

3 (2) 1 (1) 8 (8) 19 (18) 11 (11) 7 (4) 1 (1) 50 (45) 50 (45)

Family Anura Hylidae Leiopelmatidae Limnodynastidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Ranidae Rheobatrachidae TOTAL ANURA








Total of Order 161 4 50 197 71 59 2 544

Number threatened or Extinct 24 4 10 12 13 4 2 69

% Threatened or Extinct 15 100 20 6 18 7 100 13

0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3

6 1 1 2 6 0 0 16

6 1 7 4 2 1 0 21

12 2 2 6 4 3 0 29

2 0 1 3 3 1 0 10

93 0 37 71 49 37 0 287

42 0 2 111 6 17 0 178

Table 2. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Australasian Realm. Introduced species are not included.

and Rheobatrachidae. Limnodynastidae and Rheobatrachidae are sometimes included as subfamilies of Myobatrachidae, with the species dened here as members of the Myobatrachidae included in the subfamily Myobatrachinae (Heyer and Liem 1976). Another taxonomic arrangement recognizes two families, separating the Limnodynastidae as a separate family from the Myobatrachidae (Zug et al. 2001; Davies 2003a, b; Iskandar and Colijn 2000). The Rheobatrachidae were placed in a separate family by Laurent (1980, 1986), and these three separate families are recognized here.3 The three non-endemic families occurring in the region are Microhylidae, Hylidae, and Ranidae. Together, these three non-endemic families contain 77% of the regions species. The family with the largest number of species in the region is Microhylidae with 197 species (all endemic), and representing 46% of the familys global species diversity. Most of these species are found on New Guinea, and comprise almost half of the total amphibian fauna on the island. There are 19 genera of the Microhylidae in the region, which represents 28% of the familys generic diversity. All of these are endemic to the region except for the genus Oreophryne which occurs as far west as the Philippines. The three most speciose genera are Oreophryne (34 species in the region) that within Australasia is restricted to the Papuan sub-region, and Cophixalus (35 species) and Austrochaperina (24 species) both of which occur in Australia and in the Papuan sub-region. All microhylids occurring in the region have a reproductive strategy in which embryonic and larval development occurs entirely within the egg capsule and they do not rely on free-standing water for breeding. The second largest family in the region is the Hylidae4 with 161 species, of which 159 are endemic to the region (representing 20% of the familys global species diversity). Three hylid genera, representing only 6% of the global diversity at the genus level, are represented in the region. The largest genus, and the only one not endemic to the region, is Litoria (124 species), which ranges across Australia and the Papuan sub-region. Two of the species in the genus occur in both the Australasian and Indomalayan regions (Litoria infrafrenata and L. rubella) and one is endemic to the Indomalayan region (Litoria everetti). The second largest genus, Nyctimystes (24 species), also occurs in Australia and the Papuan sub-region while the smallest genus, Cyclorana (13 species), is endemic to Australia. All hylids occurring in the region lay eggs in water where free-swimming larvae develop until metamorphosis. The remaining non-endemic family occurring in the region is the globally widespread Ranidae, represented in the region by 59 species (55 endemic) comprising 9% of the global species diversity of the family. Within Australasia ranids are primarily found in the Papuan sub-region with only one species, Rana daemeli, extending its range into Australia. The three native amphibians of the Oceanic Region are members of the regions most speciose ranid genus, Platymantis (29 species). In total there are seven native ranid genera in the region, which is 10% of the global diversity of the family at the genus level. Four of these genera are endemic: Batrachylodes (8 species), Ceratobatrachus (1 species), Discodeles (5 species) and Palmatorappia (1 species). The species in these genera have a direct development reproductive strategy like the microhylids, but species within the genera Limnonectes and Rana have aquatic larvae.5 There are 69 threatened or extinct species in the Australasian Realm spread across all seven families (Table 2). The family with the highest number of threatened species (24) is the Hylidae. The most diverse family in the region, the Microhylidae, has relatively few threatened species (only 12 of 197 species being threatened). Comparing the percentage of species that are threatened or extinct reveals large variation between families. Two families have 100% of their species threatened or Extinct. Both species within the family Rheobatrachidae are Extinct, and all four species within the New Zealand endemic family Leiopelmatidae are threatened (and see Essay 6.2). The least threatened families are the Microhylidae and Ranidae, with only 6% and 7% of species in threatened categories, respectively. Both of these families have in common that they are primarily found in the Papuan sub-region, and all microhylids and the majority of ranids in the region are direct-developing species. Compared with the other families, they also have a much higher percentage of species in the Data Decient category: 56% for Microhylidae and 29% for Ranidae. This is partly a reection of how poorly surveyed the Papuan sub-region is for amphibians. As more research is done in the Papuan sub-region it is to be expected that the number of threatened species in these two families will increase, at least to some extent, although direct-developing species in this region do not appear to be at risk from chytridiomycosis. Microhylids in northern Australia have not declined due to this disease, even in areas where other species have disappeared.

Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

A map of overall amphibian species richness within the Australasian Realm is shown in Figure 2. The highest species richness of amphibians is found in the tropics, where the number of species is highest in the central mountains of New Guinea and the Wet Tropics rainforests of north-eastern Queensland in Australia. In Australia amphibian species richness is concentrated in the areas of highest rainfall including the east (in particular in the temperate forest systems in the New South Wales / Queensland border area) and north coastal regions, and the south-western tip of Western Australia. Areas of lowest species richness coincide with Australias arid interior and central southern coast. In the Papuan sub-region, Papua New Guinea has a higher documented species richness than Papua Province (Indonesia), but this is most likely an artefact of sampling because there has been substantially greater survey effort in Papua New Guinea. The pattern of species richness illustrated in Figure 2 will require modication as survey effort is increased in poorly documented areas. Australia and New Zealand are both well surveyed for amphibians and the rate of new species descriptions is low. In comparison, the Papuan sub-region is one of the least studied regions in the world, and it is estimated that more than half of the amphibian species in New Guinea remain to be described (Gnther 2006a). Many species in the Papuan sub-region are still known only from their type localities and perhaps one other locality, whereas the known range of species in Australia and New Zealand is much more likely to be representative of their actual ranges. There has been relatively little herpetological research conducted in the Solomon Islands and on the offshore islands of Papua New Guinea, and it is expected that documented amphibian diversity in these regions will increase in the future. However, there has recently been considerable survey work on the islands offshore of south-eastern Papua New Guinea and the known amphibian diversity there has increased markedly. Although most of these new additions have yet to be described, a number of new range records have been published (Kraus and Allison 2004; Kraus and Shea 2005). The vast majority of threatened species in the Australasian Realm are endemic to Australia (see Figure 3) (and see Essay 6.3). The highest concentrations are found along the east and south-east coast, largely congruent with the areas of highest species species richness. However, the north coast, a relatively species-rich region, has no threatened species. Two factors appear to be contributing to this pattern: rstly, the fertile plains of the east and south-east coast of Australia are where the vast majority of people live, and

Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Australasian Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 51 species.

Austrochaperina parkeri (Data Decient) is only known from two localities near Lae in Papua New Guinea. It is in the Family Microhylidae, which comprises over half the frog species of the island of New Guinea, all of which breed by direct development, and many of which are very poorly known. Fred Kraus

Chapter 6. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm


Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Australasian Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes; maximum richness equals 11 species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Australasian Realm. Maximum richness equals ve species.



hence where ongoing habitat loss is most severe; and, secondly, the current distribution of the amphibian chytrid fungus excludes the north coast west of north-eastern Queensland. The chytrid fungus was rst detected near Brisbane on the east coast of Australia in 1978 (Speare and Berger 2005). Since then it has been found in the north and south, and it now appears to be established in coastal regions from Far North Queensland on the east coast, southwards through New South Wales and Victoria, and along the southern coast to Adelaide in South Australia. On the west coast it has been found in Perth and across most of the high rainfall zone in south-western Western Australia (Speare and Berger 2005). The spread of recorded occurrences of the disease is continuing with amphibians infected with chytrid being recorded in Tasmania for the rst time in late 2004 (Obendorf 2005). It is possible that, if chytrid spreads into areas where it is not already present, more species will become threatened. However, chytrid fungus has relatively limited climatic tolerances with respect to both humidity and temperature (Woodhams et al. 2003). It might be less likely to have major impacts in the wet dry-tropical eucalypt woodland/grassland communities across much of northern Australia where dry seasons are too extreme and summer temperature too high for persistence, or in south-western Australia for similar reasons: extreme summer drought and associated high temperatures. In New Zealand the map of amphibian species richness and threatened species richness are identical because all four native amphibians are threatened. In the Oceanic region, only one species is threatened, the Fijian Ground Frog Platymantis vitiana (EN), which is now found only on the small islands of Ovalau, Gau, Taveuni, and Viwa in Fiji (its tiny range is difcult to see in Figure 3a). The Papuan sub-region (see Essay 6.4) has very few threatened species, particularly when considering its high species richness. The documented distribution of threatened species is incomplete due to severe lack of knowledge, but may also partly reect a lack of certain threatening processes. For example, the chytrid fungus, which has had such a devastating impact on amphibians in Australia, has not been found in the region (though attempts to document this are limited to non-existent). There has also been relatively less habitat loss and degradation compared with Australia. However, widespread environmentally destructive logging throughout the Papuan sub-region (which is ongoing especially in parts of Papua New Guinea) may threaten numerous species in the future, particularly on smaller island archipelagos such as the Solomon Islands and the Admiralty and Bismarck Archipelagos. The distribution of Critically Endangered species is highly congruent with that of threatened species overall (Figure 3b). New Zealand and the east coast of Australia remain focal points, with particular concentrations of Critically Endangered species in the Wet Tropics region of far northern Queensland, and in the central mountains from Fraser Island to Sydney. Tasmania is no longer highlighted, possibly because the chytrid fungus has only very recently been conrmed on the island and its impact on local amphibian populations is not yet known. In the Papuan sub-region one Critically Endangered species, Albericus siegfriedi, is known6. It has been recorded from only one location, Mount Elimbari, in Papua New Guinea (barely visible in Figure 3b).

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Amphibian species richness in the Australasian Realm is greatest on the two largest land masses of Australia and New Guinea (see Figure 2). Only three native amphibians occur in the Oceanic region (0.05% of the global total), compared with 187 birds (2% of the global total) (BirdLife International 2004). The only two countries in the Oceanic region that have native amphibians are Fiji (Platymantis vitiana and P. vitiensis) and Palau (Platymantis

pelewensis). New Caledonia has one introduced species (Litoria aurea) as do the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Bonin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam and Tuvalu (Bufo marinus in each case). Papua New Guinea has the most native amphibians in the Australasian Realm (245 species) and this number is predicted to almost double as species descriptions continue. Australia is the second-most diverse country (214 species), although as species descriptions continue it is likely that Indonesian New Guinea (Papua) will eventually overtake Australias total in the region.7 The number of species in the Solomon Islands is relatively low (19 species) and there will be a moderate increase in the known fauna with future herpetofaunal surveys. Documentation of the New Zealand native frog fauna is almost certainly complete, although recent genetic work on isolated populations of Leiopelma hochstetteri (Gemmel et al. 2003) suggests that there might be more than six distinct cryptic species. New Zealand also has three species introduced from Australia, two of which are threatened in their native ranges. The only overview of the amphibians of the whole region is that of Tyler (1999a). There is an extensive overview literature, and guide books, on the amphibians of Australia (e.g., Barker et al. 1995; Glasby et al. 1993; Tyler 1999b; Cogger 2000), and recent assessments of amphibian declines throughout Australia include Hero and Shoo (2003), Hero and Morrison (2004), Hero et al. (2005) and Hero et al. (2006). Slatyer et al. (2007) made an assessment of endemism and species-richness patterns of Australian frogs. The most recent overview of the small frog fauna of New Zealand is by Gill and Whitaker (1996). Menzies (2006) provides the rst review of the amphibians of the Papuan sub-region. The percentage of species that are endemic to each country in the region varies from 100% to 5% (Figure 5). Three countries in the region New Zealand, Fiji and Palau have endemism of 100%, although all three of these countries have only very few species (four, two and one, respectively). Of the three countries with high species richness, Australia has the highest level of endemism at 93%, followed by Papua New Guinea with 67% and Indonesia with 59% (the lower levels of endemism in the latter two countries are due to the biogeographically arbitrary border between them, and the percentage of endemics on the island of New Guinea is over 95%). The Solomon Islands has the lowest level of endemism with only one of its nineteen native species, Discodeles malukuna (DD), being endemic. However, in a biogeographical context these levels of endemism are meaningless. Like the island of New Guinea, the level of endemism in the Solomon Islands Archipelago would be substantially greater if this natural and discrete biogeographic unit had not been split by political boundaries. All of the countries in the Australasian Realm that have native amphibians also have threatened species with the exception of Palau (see Figure 6). Australia contains almost three-quarters (71%) of the regions 66 threatened species and all but two of these species are endemic to the country. Predicting the impact generated by the possible spread of the pathogenic chytrid fungus throughout Australia is difcult as its spread into semi-arid and arid areas across much of southern and northern Australia might have less impact than expected, as described above. In contrast, the most diverse country, Papua New Guinea, has only 10 threatened species, of which eight are endemic. Indonesia and New Zealand, with 148 and four native species, respectively, amazingly have the same number of threatened species. As more survey work is completed in the Papuan sub-region, the number of threatened species in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands probably will increase. This increase is likely to come from documenting newly described species with severely constrained ranges and threatened habitats, as well as from improved data that will permit a more realistic assessment of species currently in the Data Decient category.

Figure 4. The number of amphibians present in and endemic to each Australasian country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Australasian Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Australasian country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Australasian Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 6. The number of threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Australasian country. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Australasian Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are threatened. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Australasian Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

Papua New Guinea Australia Indonesia* Solomon Islands New Zealand Fiji Palau 0 50 100 150 200 250

New Zealand Fiji Palau

Australia Papua New Guinea New Zealand

New Zealand Fiji Australia Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Indonesia* 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 100

Australia Indonesia* Papua New Guinea Indonesia* Solomon Islands 0 20 40 60 80 100 Solomon Islands Fiji 0

Number of species Endemics Figure 4 Non-endemics Figure 5

Percentage of endemic species Figure 6

Number of threatened species Endemics Non-endemics Figure 7

Percentage of species threatened


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Left: Litoria prora (Least Concern) is a hylid treefrog from New Guinea. It is an arboreal species and is found near small streams and forest pools in lowland and foothill rainforests. It breeds in pools and slow-owing portions of streams. Stephen Richards

Right: The Sunset Frog Spicospina ammocaerulea (Vulnerable) in the Family Myobatrachidae is known only from a small area of southwestern Australia, where it was discovered in 1994. It occurs only in a few isolated peat swamps. Ross Knowles

There is extreme variation in the percentage of species that are threatened in each country in the region (see Figure 7). With 100% of its native species threatened, New Zealand is top of the list, followed by Fiji with 50%, but these countries only have four and two native species, respectively. When considering countries with high species richness, Australia has by far the greatest percentage of threatened species, 22% of extant species, compared with only 4% in Papua New Guinea and 3% in Indonesia. These gures reect the impact that chytridiomycosis, habitat loss and other threatening processes have had in Australia compared with the relatively low impact of threats in New Guinea, and perhaps also reect the lack of data from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Australia, however, still has a signicantly lower percentage of its species threatened than the global average of 33%. Assessments of the conservation status of Australasian amphibians at national level have been carried out in Australia (Tyler 1997; Campbell 1999; Hero and Morrison 2004; Hero et al. 2006; Clayton et al. 2006; and see Essay 6.3), and in New Zealand (Newman 1996; Hitchmough 2002). There are only 16 Critically Endangered species in the Australasian Realm, but 14 of these occur in Australia (where the impacts of chytridiomycosis and habitat loss have been most severe) and one each in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All Species 255 288 0 1

Threatened or Extinct species 24 45 0 0

% Threatened or Extinct 9 16 0

Table 4. Australasian amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Most amphibians in the region are found in forests (73%), and in particular in tropical forest (68%) (Table 3; Figure 8). There are also large numbers of species in grassland (19%) and shrubland (13%). However, the percentage of species in each of these habitats that are threatened is notably different: 14% of forest-dwelling species are threatened, but only 6% of grassland species and 10% of shrubland species are threatened. Similar numbers of amphibians are associated with owing freshwater and still open freshwater; however, more than twice the total number of species associated with owing freshwater is threatened compared with species in still open freshwater. This reects a global trend for amphibians associated with forests and owing freshwater to be more likely to decline rapidly (Stuart et al. 2004). Hero and Morrison (2004), Hero et al. (2005) and Hero et al. (2006) previously noted that montane wetland and streamside species are the most likely ones to experience enigmatic declines in Australia. Signicantly more lowland tropical forest species below 1,000m (52%) than montane tropical forest species above 1,000m (33%) occur in the region, and a higher percentage of lowland species is threatened (16%) compared with montane species (11%). This is most likely because the mountain ranges in Australia, where most threatened species in the region are found, are relatively low in elevation, and because the higher elevation mountain ranges of New Guinea are very poorly surveyed (so that a large proportion of montane species in this region is considered Data Decient). No amphibians occurring in savannah are considered threatened and this is largely a reection of the wide ranges of these species. Interestingly, 25% of species in the region are found in secondary terrestrial habitats, and a signicant proportion (7%) of these species is threatened.

strategy of many species is inferred. When compared with global trends in reproductive mode, the Australasian Realm has a signicantly higher proportion of direct developers (30% of species globally are direct developers), and a signicantly lower proportion of larval developers (68% of species globally are larval developers). This is largely caused by nearly 200 species of the family Microhylidae occurring mainly in New Guinea, all of which are direct developers. The percentage of larval-developing species that are threatened is almost double that of direct developers (Table 4). This contradicts the global trend, where 45% of direct developers and 28% of larval developers are threatened. This apparent contradiction can be explained by considering the geographical distribution of species exhibiting different breeding strategies. In Australia, where 47 of the regions 66 threatened species are found, 188 of the 217 native species are larval developers. In Papua New Guinea, where only 10 species are threatened, 160 of the 244 native species are direct developers. The situation is similar in Indonesia, where only four species are threatened, and 83 of the 148 native species are direct developers. Australia is the only country in the region in which the proportion of larval developers is higher than that of direct developers. Compared with the other two megadiverse countries in the region, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, Australia is also the country most impacted by threats such as chytridiomycosis, introduced species, and habitat loss (Hero and Morrison 2004; Hero et al. 2005, 2006). Chytridiomycosis is more often implicated in declines of stream-associated, usually larval-developing, species (Lips et al. 2003), although some direct developers that are associated with streams have also been impacted by the disease. In New Zealand, contrary to the general pattern, the fully terrestrial Leioipelma archeyi (CR) has experienced a decline due to chytridiomycosiss (Bell et al. 2004), whereas no declines have been detected in the sympatric stream-dwelling frog (L. hochstetteri, VU). In Fiji and Palau, all of the native species are fully terrestrial direct developers.

The most signicant threat to species in the region is habitat loss, impacting three-quarters of threatened species (Table 5; Figure 9). This trend is global and habitat loss has been identied as a major threat for birds and mammals as well as amphibians (Baillie et al. 2004). Of particular interest is the second-most signicant threat, invasive species8 (primarily salmonids and Gambusia; Gillespie and Hero 1999), which are affecting two-thirds of all threatened species in the region, compared with only 11% of threatened species globally. This highlights the particularly severe impact that invasive species are having on native wildlife in Australia, New Zealand, and oceanic islands such as Fiji. Pollution is a signicant threat to almost half of the threatened species in the region, which is a higher proportion than the global gure of 29%. Disease is also having a major impact, and is believed to be affecting 24 threatened species in the region. The chytrid fungus has now been identied in wild populations of 48 native Australian frogs, and also

Breeding Strategies
The most common reproductive mode amongst Australasian amphibians involves a freeswimming larval stage or larval development (53%), followed closely by direct development (47%) in which embryonic and larval development is completed within the egg capsule (Table 4). There are no known live-bearing species in the region, but the reproductive

Habitat type

Number of % of all species in each species habitat occurring in the habitat 398 372 281 177 41 106 70 136 177 95 171 5 73 68 52 33 7 19 13 25 32 17 31 1

Threatened and Extinct species

% of species occurring in habitat that are Threatened or Extinct 14 13 16 11 0 6 10 7 20 15 9 0

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Table 3. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Australasian Realm. Figure 8. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Australasian Realm. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the righthand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.

Forest All tropical forest Lowland tropical forest Montane tropical forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

55 47 44 19 0 6 7 10 35 14 15 0

Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 100 200 300 400 0 5 10 15 20

Chapter 6. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm


Threat type Habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Fire

Threatened species % Threatened species 50 76 4 6 5 8 24 36 17 26 29 44 44 67 1 2 2 3 31 47 12 18 24 36 16 24 16 24

Purpose Food - human Food - animal Handicrafts, curios, etc. Pets, display animals Research

Subsistence 15 (0) 1 (0) 0 3 (2) 0

Sub-national/ National 1 (0) 0 1 (0) 6 (3) 2 (2*)

Regional/ International 0 0 0 11 (2) 0

Number of species 15 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 12 (3) 2 (2*)

Table 6. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Australasian Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species. The two species listed as being used in Research (Rheobatrachus silus and R. vitellinus) are now Extinct.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 53 286 2 200

% of extant species 10 53 0.4 37

Table 7. The population trends for all extant Australasian amphibians.

Table 5. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Australasian Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.
Family Number of Percentage Number of species in of species in species in rapid decline family in enigmatic rapid decline decline 13 1 7 2 9 1 2 8 25 14 1 13 2 100 10 1 3 0 7 0 2 Percentage of species in family in enigmatic decline 6 25 6 0 10 0 100

Table 8. The number of species in rapid decline and enigmatic decline in the Australasia Realm by Family.

All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

Hylidae Leiopelmatidae Limnodynastidae Microhylidae Myobatrachidae Ranidae Rheobatrachidae

Percentage of threatened species affected

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Australasian Realm.

in the introduced cane toad, Bufo marinus (Speare and Berger 2005). Captive populations of two additional species have been infected, although there is no evidence of infection within their wild populations (Speare and Berger 2005). Not all species infected have declined, and there are some species, for example Taudactylus eungellensis (CR), which have experienced declines in the past that might have been due to chytridiomycosis and are now showing signs of recovery. Why some species appear to be more resilient to the disease than others is still not known, although there is evidence that both innate immune defenses and environmental factors play a role (Woodhams and Alford 2005; Woodhams et al. 2006). A total of 30 species (three of which are threatened and two considered Extinct) are recorded as being utilized by humans. The most common reason for harvesting Australasian amphibians is for local human consumption, and this occurs only in the Papuan sub-region. Some amphibians are harvested for the international pet trade; the most common species being treefrogs of the genus Litoria, which originate from both Australia and the Papuan sub-region. Much of the harvesting of amphibians in the region is not considered to constitute a major threat to the species; of the 30 species being harvested, this activity is considered to be a threat to just six species.

not well understood, while the other 12 have experienced declines due to reduced habitat. Australia has the highest number of rapidly declining species in the region, with 31 species, followed by Papua New Guinea with three species, and New Zealand with one species. All three species in Papua New Guinea are declining as a result of reduced habitat, and the reason for the decline of the one New Zealand endemic species has been identied as most likely a result of chytridiomycosis (Bell et al. 2004). Most of the enigmatic declines in the region are concentrated in eastern Australia, where chytrid is widespread. Of the 544 species occurring in the region, 6% are considered rapidly declining which is slightly less than the global average of 8% of all amphibians. Considering that the region has a signicantly lower percentage of threatened species than the global average (12% compared with 33%), the number of rapidly declining species is relatively high. This highlights the severity of the threats impacting certain species in the region, and in particular how quickly these threats can push species to the brink of extinction. Of the 66 species that are currently considered threatened in the region, 29 are also rapidly declining. Consequently, although the region does not have a large proportion of threatened species, many species that are threatened, are also in serious decline. The rapidly declining species show a distinct taxonomic pattern (Table 8). Among the larger families, the Limnodynastidae and the Myobatrachidae show the highest percentages of species in serious decline, and in the Myobatrachidae almost 10% of species are in enigmatic decline. The largest number of species in serious decline is found in the Hylidae, but percentage wise this family appears to be less seriously affected than the Limnodynastidae and the Myobatrachidae. Some less speciose families have high percentages of species in serious decline and enigmatic decline, most notably the Rheobatrachidae and the Leiopelmatidae, the former family now being extinct (according to the traditional family-level amphibian classication).

The Silver-eyed Barred Frog Mixophyes balbus (Vulnerable) in the Family Limnodynastidae occurs mainly in eastern New South Wales, Australia. The species has declined and disappeared from a number of locations where it was once common. It is typically found in association with permanent streams in temperate and sub-tropical rainforest and in wet sclerophyll forest. Frank Lemckert

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

A summary of the inferred population trends of Australasian amphibians is presented in Table 7. For many species, particularly those in the Papuan sub-region, these trends are inferred from broad trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend. In Australia and New Zealand, where most of the declining species are found, many of the population trends are based on eld observations (for example, Campbell (1999) for Australia, and Bishop (2006) for New Zealand). Compared with global trends, the population trends in the Australasian Realm is quite different, with many more species considered to have stable, rather than decreasing, populations. More than half of the amphibians in the region are considered to have stable populations, compared with only 27% globally, and only 10% of species in the region are considered to be in decline (vs. 42% globally). This would suggest that although there have been dramatic declines, and in some cases extinctions, amongst some populations of species in Australia and New Zealand, amphibian populations overall are relatively stable. In Australia, this stability might be because the major effects of feral introductions, large-scale habitat clearance and chytridiomycosis have generally now played out. The main feral predators (cats and foxes) and habitat-changers (rabbits and domestic livestock) reached all parts of Australia some time ago. The large-scale clearance of important natural habitats was generally completed by 1950, and legislation to minimize such habitat clearance is now generally in place. The chytrid fungus had reached much of Australia by the late 1990s. As a result, there is some relative stability compared with the situation 20, 50 and 100 years ago. For a substantial proportion of species (37%), there is still insufcient information to determine a trend in population size.

Rapidly Declining Species

There are 35 rapidly declining species in the Australasian Realm, which is 7% of the global total of 470 species (a full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the realms). Twenty-three of these species are experiencing, or have experienced, enigmatic declines, in which the causal factors are


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The Fiji Treefrog Platymantis vitiensis (Near Threatened) is widespread in Fiji on the islands of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, Ovalau and Taveuni. It is naturally a forest species, living especially along streams in giant birds nest ferns, but occurs at much lower densities in secondary habitats. It is in the Family Ranidae and breeds by direct development, the eggs being laid in leaf axils. Paddy Ryan

A total of 544 species occur in the Australasian Realm, of which 66 are considered threatened and three are Extinct (13%). Five species are also considered Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct). Of the 544 species in the region, 99% are endemic; of 50 amphibian genera, 45 are endemic; and of the 7 families found in the region, four are endemic. Only one of the three Orders of amphibians, the anurans, occurs in the region. There are ve families that have percentages of threatened species higher than the regional average: Leiopelmatidae (100%), Rheobatrachidae (100%), Limnodynastidae (20%), Myobatrachidae (18%), and Hylidae (14%). Two families have lower than the regional average of threatened species: Ranidae (7%) and Microhylidae (6%). The vast majority of threatened species in the Australasian Realm are endemic to Australia, and are concentrated along the east and south-east coast. Papua New Guinea has the highest number of native species in the region, followed by Australia and Indonesia. Of these three countries, Australia has the highest percentage of endemic species with 93%. Australia has the largest number of threatened species (47), and New Zealand has the highest percentage of threatened species (100%) in the region. Most amphibians in the Australasian Realm are found in forests (73%), and in particular tropical forest (68%). There are more species occurring in lowland tropical forest below 1,000m asl (52%) than in montane tropical forest (33%), and a higher percentage of lowland species are threatened (16%) compared with montane species (11%). Habitat loss is the most common threat, affecting 76% of species, followed by invasive species (67%), pollution (47%), and disease (36%). There are 35 rapidly declining species occurring in the region, 31 of these species are endemic to Australia. Most of these species (66%) have experienced enigmatic declines, probably due to chytridiomycosis, while the remainder are suffering from reduced habitat. Chytridiomycosis has been linked to the enigmatic declines in the Wet tropics region of north Queensland, and is probably implicated elsewhere in eastern Australia. It has also been linked to declines in New Zealand.

Endnotes 1 P<0.01 (binomial test) 2 Frost et al.s (2006) taxonomic rearrangement results in eight families in the Australasian Realm, of which only two are endemic: Limnodynastidae and Myobatrachidae. Frost et al. include the Nearctic tailed frogs (Ascaphidae) within the New Zealand frogs (Leiopelmatidae), and so under this arrangement, the latter family is not endemic to the region. However, in this section we follow the former taxonomic arrangement of families based on Frost (2004). 3 Frost et al. (2006) present another arrangement, separating the genus Mixophyes (6 species), from the Limnodynastidae and placing it within the family Myobatrachidae, and also including the Rheobatrachidae within the family Myobatrachidae. 4 Savage (1973) recognized the Australo-Papuan hylids as a separate family, the Pelodyradidae. This has more recently been treated as a subfamily, Pelodryadinae (see discussion in Frost et al. 2006). 5 Frost et al. (2006) separate the ranids found in this region into three families. Those species within the genus Rana remain within the family Ranidae, while the genus Limnonectes becomes part of a new family Dicroglossidae, and the remaining genera (Batrachylodes, Ceratobatrachus, Discodeles, Palmatorappia and Platymantis) become part of the new family Ceratobatrachidae. 6 One species recently described for Biak Island in Indonesia (Litoria biakensis) appears to be seriously threatened (Gnther 2006b) and might be Critically Endangered. However, the species was described after the completion of data collection for this book, and is not included in this analysis. 7 The totals listed here for Indonesia only include species occurring on the islands within the Australasian Realm. For the overall country totals for Indonesia see Appendix V) 8 In this analysis, we have not considered the chytrid fungus Batrachytrium dendrobatidis to be an invasive, pending further information on its geographic origin.

Baillie, J.E.M., Hilton-Taylor, C. and Stuart, S.N. (eds) 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Barker, J., Grigg, G. and Tyler, M. 1995. A Field Guide to Australian Frogs. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia. Bell, B.D., Carver, S., Mitchell, N.J. and Pledger, S. 2004. The recent decline of a New Zealand endemic: how and why did populations of Archeys frog Leiopelma archeyi crash over 1996-2001? Biological Conservation 120:189-199. Berger, L., Speare, R. and Hyatt, A. 1999. In: A. Campbell (ed.), Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines: overview, implications and future directions. Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp. 23-33. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. BirdLife International. 2004. State of the worlds birds 2004; indicators of our changing world. Birdlife International, Cambridge, UK. Bishop, P. 2006. New Zealand Frog Survey. html. Accessed 16 May 2006. Campbell, A. (ed.) 1999. Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs . Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Clayton, M., Wombey, J.C., Mason, I.J., Chesser, R.T. and Wells, A. 2006. CSIRO List of Australian Vertebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. 2nd edition. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia. Cogger, H.G. 2000. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. 6th edition. Reed New Holland, Sydney, Australia. Czechura, G.V. and Ingram, G.J. 1990. Taudactylus diurnus and the case of the disappearing frogs. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 29:361-365. Davies, M.M. 2003a. Australian ground frogs (Limnodynastidae). In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Grzimeks animal life encyclopedia, 2nd edition, Volume 6. Amphibians, pp. 139-146. Gale Group, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Davies, M.M. 2003b. Australian toadlets and water frogs (Myobatrachidae). In: W.E. Duellman (ed.)

Grzimeks animal life encyclopedia, 2nd edition, Volume 6. Amphibians, pp. 147-154. Gale Group, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Gemmell, N.J., Bowsher, J.H. and Gomas, K.P. 2003. Genetic afnities of Hochstetters frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) populations in the Bay of Plenty. Department of Conservation Science Internal Series 141:5-19. Gill, B. and Whitaker, T. 1996. New Zealand Frogs and Reptiles. David Bateman, Auckland, New Zealand. Gillespie, G.R. and Hero, J.-M. 1999. Potential impacts of introduced sh and sh translocations on Australian amphibians. In: A. Campbell (ed.), Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp. 131-144. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Glasby, C.J., Ross, G.J.B. and Beesley, P.L. (eds.) 1993. Fauna of Australia Vol. 2A Amphibia and Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia. Gnther, R. 2006a. Derived reproductive modes in New Guinean anuran amphibians and description of a new species with paternal care in the genus Callulops (Microhylidae). Journal of Zoology, London 268:153-170. Gnther, R. 2006b. A new species of treefrog of the genus Litoria (Anura, Hylidae) from Biak Island off northwest New Guinea. Salamandra 42:117-128. Hero, J.-M. and Shoo, L. 2003. Conservation of amphibians in the Old World tropics: dening unique problems associated with regional fauna. In: R.D. Semlitsch (ed.), Amphibian Conservation, pp. 70-84. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA. Hero J.-M. and Morrison, C. 2004. Frog declines in Australia: global implications. Herpetological Journal 14:175-186. Hero, J.-M., Williams, S.E. and Magnusson, W.E. 2005. Ecological traits of declining amphibians in upland areas of eastern Australia. Journal of Zoology, London 267:221-232. Hero, J.-M., Morrison, C., Gillespie, G., Roberts, J.D., Newell, D., Meyer, E., McDonald, K., Lemckert, F., Mahony, M., Osborne, W., Hines, H., Richards, S., Hoskin, C., Clarke, J., Doak, N. and Shoo, L. 2006. Overview of the conservation status of Australian Frogs. Pacic Conservation Biology 12:313-320. Heyer, W.R. and Liem, D.S.S. 1976. Analysis of the intergeneric relationships of the Australian frog family Myobatrachidae. Smithsonian Contributions in Zoology 233:1-29. Hitchmough, R. (compiler) (2002). New Zealand Threat Classication System lists - 2002. Threatened species occasional publication 23, 210p. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. Ingram, G.J. and McDonald, K.R.1993. An update on the decline of Queenslands frogs. In: D. Lunney and D. Ayers (eds.), Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline, pp. 297-303. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Sydney, Australia Iskandar, D.T. and Colijn, E. 2000. Preliminary checklist of southeast Asian and New Guinean herpetofauna. Treubia 31:1-133. Kraus, F. and Allison, A.. 2004. New records of reptiles and amphibians from Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Herpetological Review 35:413-418. Kraus, F. and Shea, G. 2005. Additional reptile and amphibian range extensions for Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Herpetological Review 36:471-473. Laurent, R.F. 1980 1979. Esquisse dune phylogense des anoures. Bulletin de la Socit Zoologique de France. 104:397-422. Laurent, R.F. 1986. Sous classe des lisamphibiens (Lissamphibia). In: P. Grass and P. Delsol (eds.), Trait de zoologie. Anatomie, systematique, biologie, vol. 14. Batraciens, fasc, 1-B: 594-797. Masson, Paris, France. Lips, K.R., Reeve, J.D. and Witters, L.R. 2003. Ecological traits predicting amphibian population declines in Central America. Conservation Biology 17:1078-1088. McDonald, K.R. 1990. Rheobatrachus Liem and Taudactylus Straughan & Lee (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Eungella National Park, Queensland: distribution and decline. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 114(4):187-194. McDonald, K. and Alford, R.A. 1999. A review of declining frogs in northern Queensland. In: A. Campbell (ed.), Declines and disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp. 14-22. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Menzies, J.I. 2006. Frogs of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Pensoft Publishers. Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., Pilgrim, J., Fonseca, G., Konstant, W.R. and Brooks, T. 2002. Wilderness: Earths Last Wild Places. Cemex, Mexico City, Mexico. Newman, D.G. 1996. Native Frog (Leiopelma spp.) Recovery Plan. Threatened Species Recovery Plan. 18, Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. Newton, I. 2003. The speciation and biogeography of birds. Academic Press, London, UK. Obendorf, D.L. 2005. Application of eld and diagnostic methods for chytridiomycosis in Tasmanian frogs. Central North Field Naturalists Inc. Tasmania, Australia. Olson, D.M., Dinerstein, E., Wikramanayake, E.D., Burgess, N.D., Powell, G.V.N., Underwood, E.C., DAmico, J.A., Itoua, I., Strand, H.E., Morrison, J.C., Loucks, C.J., Allnutt, T.F., Ricketts, T.H., Kura, Y., Lamoreux, J.F., Wettengel, W.W., Hedao, P. & Kassem, K.R. 2001. Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: A new map of life on Earth. Bioscience 51:933-938. Richards, S.J., McDonald, K.R. and Alford, R.A. 1993. Declines in populations of Australias endemic tropical rainforest frogs. Pacic Conservation Biology 1:66-77. Savage, J.M. 1973. The geographic distribution of frogs: patterns and predictions. In: Vial, J.L. (ed.), Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans, pp 351-445. University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri, USA. Slatyer, C., Rosauer, D. and Lemckert, F. 2007. An assessment of endemism and species richness patterns in the Australian Anura. Journal of Biogeography 34:583-596. Speare, R. and Berger, L. 2005. Chytridiomycosis in amphibians in Australia. phtm/PHTM/frogs/chyspec.htm. 26 January 2005 Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Tyler M.J. 1997. Action Plan for Australian Frogs. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Tyler, M.J. 1999a. Distribution patterns of amphibians in the Australo-Papuan region. In: Duellman, W.E. (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians. A Global Perspective, pp. 541-556. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Tyler, M.J. 1999b. Australian Frogs. New edition. Reed New Holland, Sydney, Australia. Tyler, M.J. and Carter, D.B. 1982. Oral birth of the young of the gastric-brooding frog Rheobatrachus silus. Animal Behaviour 29:280-282. Tyler, M.J. and Davies, M. 1985. The gastric-brooding frog. In: G. Grigg, R. Shine & H. Ehmann (eds), Biology of Australasian Frogs and Reptiles, pp. 469-470. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Sydney, Australia. Woodhams, D.C. and Alford, R.A. 2005. Ecology of chytridiomycosis in rainforest stream frog assemblages of tropical Queensland. Conservation Biology 19:1449-1459. Woodhams, D.C., Alford, R.A. and Marantelli, G. 2003. Emerging disease of amphibians cured by elevated body temperature. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 55:65-67. Woodhams, D.C., Rollins-Smith, L.A., Carey, C., Reinert, L., Tyler, M.J. and Alford, R.A. 2006. Population trends associated with skin peptide defenses against chytridiomycosis in Australian frogs. Oecologia 146:531-540. Zug, G.R., Vitt, L.J. and Caldwell, J.P. 2001. Herpetology: an introductory biology of amphibians and reptiles. Academic Press, New York, USA.

Chapter 6. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm



The discovery in 1973 of a new species of frog, living in rainforest, near Brisbane in eastern Australia, did not at rst attract much attention. The person who discovered it, David Liem, erected a new genus, Rheobatrachus, for it and named the species Rheobatrachus silus (Liem 1973). Interest in the species initially hinged upon its position in the amphibian tree of life, but in the following year a female was observed to give birth to baby frogs through the mouth (Corben et al. 1974). This remarkable breeding biology led to it being anointed the common name of the Gastric-brooding Frog. Gastric brooding represents a unique form of parental care among amphibians (Corben et al. 1974). Following fertilization, the female ingests the eggs. The jelly surrounding the eggs contains a compound that switches off the cells in the lining of the stomach wall that secrete hydrochloric acid to aid digestion. The compound also paralyses the muscles in the stomach wall and increases the number of small blood vessels. In effect, collectively the changes convert the females stomach into a womb. The eggs change into cream-coloured tadpoles and nally metamorphose into young frogs after a period of six to seven weeks. The young are believed to live entirely upon their yolk for this period. Similarly, the mother does not actively feed during this time, living instead upon her body fat and glycogen from the liver. Young eventually emerge as fully formed froglets, and after four days the females digestive tract returns to normal and she recommences feeding (Tyler and Davies 1983). Since the stomachs of all frog species are extremely similar, much of the initial research focusing on stomach acid secretion in amphibians was done using an imported pest species, the Cane Toad Bufo marinus. In 1979, the Gastric-brooding Frog disappeared and, following numerous fruitless searches, is now regarded as Extinct. Because of the unique nature of its breeding habits, the species had attracted worldwide interest, and so attention was focussed upon the many potential causes for its sudden disappearance. The rst was habitat degradation due to timber harvesting, as although much of the habitat was pristine rainforest, other parts were greatly disturbed. Stream siltation could have played a signicant role, because it covered the large stones beneath which the frogs hid during the day. Excessive collecting was also suggested as a reason for the decline of the species, but this has since been disproved; a second species (the Mount Glorious Day Frog, Taudactylus diurnus) disappeared simultaneously from the same site, and is now also considered Extinct. In 1984, a second species of Rheobatrachus was found approximately 800km north of the range of Rheobatrachus silus, in vine forest near Mackay on the Queensland coast. It differed from its sibling species in its larger size and brilliant yellow markings on the ventral surfaces. The species was named the Northern or Eungella Gastric-brooding Frog R. vitellinus (Mahony et al. 1984) and evidence of gastric brooding and oral birth was reported later that year (McDonald and Tyler 1984). Compared with Rheobatrachus silus, which gives birth to 18-25 young measuring 13mm, the female Northern Gastric-brooding Frog gives birth to 22 young measuring up to 16mm in length. Oddly, upon examination, the stomach of a female carrying young did not exhibit any of the physical changes observed in R. silus. Instead, it retained a normal muscular structure and cells secreting hydrochloric acid. It is presumed that the mechanism employed by R. vitellinus to avoid digesting its young was the same as that used by all vertebrate animals to avoid digesting the stomach wall, namely by coating the young with mucus. Sadly, some 18 months after its discovery, the Eungella Gastric-brooding Frog disappeared without trace and has not been seen since. It had inhabited dense vegetation in the remote Eungella National Park and there were no signs of habitat disturbance or any event linked to the species disappearance. The causes for the disappearance of this species, and along with it a unique mode of reproduction among amphibians, is unknown. Flannery (2006) asserts that the demise of the Southern Gastric-brooding Frog is attributable to climate change, but the rate of loss was simply too fast for this to be the case. In any event, there was no drought and no detectable environmental change. However, there is some circumstantial evidence that an environmental factor must have been involved because a small colony remained alive in a laboratory in Adelaide for three years following their disappearance from the wild. At the Second World Congress of Herpetology held in Australia at the end of 1993, Australian researchers learned that their experience of disappearing frogs was mirrored by other species on other continents. The search for a common cause or causes has been ongoing ever since. Michael J. Tyler

Flannery, T. 2006. We are the weather makers . Text Publishing Co., Melbourne, Australia. Corben, C., Ingram, G.J. and Tyler, M.J. 1974. Gastric Brooding: unique form of parental care in an Australian frog. Science 186:946-947. Liem, D.S. 1973. A new genus of frog of the family Leptodactylidae from SE Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 16:459-470. Mahony, M., Tyler, M.J. and Davies, M. 1984. A new species of the genus Rheobatrachus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Queensland. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 108:155-162. McDonald, K.R. and Tyler, M.J. 1984. Evidence of gastric brooding in the Australian leptodactylid frog Rheobatrachus vitellinus. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 108:226. Tyler, M.J. 1994. Australian Frogs. A natural history. Reed, Chatswood, Australia. Tyler, M.J. and Davies, M. 1983. Larval development. In: M.J. Tyler (ed.), The Gastric Brooding Frog, pp. 44-57. Croom Helm, London, UK.

Birth of a gastric brooding frog Rheobatrachus silus. Michael J. Tyler

Prematurely born tadpole aged approximately two weeks. Michael J. Tyler

An x-ray of a female gastric-brooding frog that has given birth. The dark space in the abdomen is the stomach which held the young. Michael J. Tyler


The Leiopelmatidae represent a unique evolutionary lineage among amphibians, and are thought to be the most archaic frogs in the world. These frogs are found only in New Zealand, and all members belong to the genus Leiopelma. Three species are now extinct (L. auroraensis, L markhami and L.waitomoensis), and only four species are extant: L. archeyi, L. hamiltoni, L. hochstetetteri and L. pakeka.1 Members of the Leiopelmatidae exhibit a number of primitive traits that separate them from most other species, including: vestigial tail-wagging muscles, cartilaginous inscriptional ribs, the presence of amphicoelous vertebrae, and nine presachral vertebrae (most frogs have eight). Ascaphus truei, the tailed frog of the North-western United States, is the only other extant frog known to possess these features (Stephenson 1961). In addition, there is some evidence to suggest that Leiopelma evolved from an ancestor with normal tadpole development and the degree of cranial remodeling that occurs in Leiopelma larvae at metamorphosis is intermediate between salamanders and Ascaphus (Bell and Wassersug 2003). In addition to these primitive traits, Leiopelma differ from most other frogs because they lack external eardrums and produce only limited vocalizations. There are no mating calls and the only noises that any of the four species are known to make are chirps or yelps when harassed. It is currently thought that these frogs communicate more like salamanders than other frogs, using chemosignals to recoginize size and individuality of conspecics (Lee and Waldman 2002; Waldman and Bishop 2004). Although members of the genus Leiopelma have many similarities, each species varies in its physical characteristics, habitat preferences, distribution range, and threats faced. Hochstetters Frog Leiopelma hochstetteri (VU) is the more aquatic frog (albeit semi-aquatic) of the four extant species. It is widely distributed in at least 10 fragmented and isolated populations in the northern half of the North Island. They are nocturnal and shelter by day in wet crevices or under stones or logs close to the waters edge in shaded streams. Males of this species exhibit sexual dimorphism in the form of more muscular, robust forelimbs than females. This is another distinctive trait, as the other three Leiopelma species are not sexually dimorphic, apart from females reaching greater body size. One of the main threats to this species is the destruction and modication of its habitat, which is still occurring either directly (e.g. afforestation, gold mining, storm water discharge) or indirectly (e.g. feral goats and pigs causing erosion leading to stream siltation). The New Zealand Department of Conservation has purchased considerable amounts of suitable land to prevent further degradation of some of their habitat, and attempts are being made to better monitor their populations. Archeys Frog Leiopelma archeyi (CR) is the smallest of the indigenous species (<38mm). They are restricted to two regions on the North Island of New Zealand, occurring on the Coromandel Peninsula and the Whareorino Forest, west of Te Kuiti. In both of these areas, it occurs sympatrically with Leiopelma hochstetteri. They prefer to live at relatively high altitudes from 400-1000m in moist native forest; they are terrestrial and nocturnal, spending most of the day hidden under stones or logs away from streams or creeks. Leiopelma archeyi is a terrestrial breeder, laying a small clutch of eggs in a moist site under stones or logs. They exhibit parental care with the tailed froglets remaining on their fathers back for several weeks until metamorphosis is nearly complete. Populations of this species have crashed in recent years with monitored populations decreasing by 88% over the 1996-2001 period (Figure 1). Several factors, including the severity and rapidity of the population crash, the geographic spread of the decline (from south to north), and the discovery of frogs with chytridiomycosis (caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), all point to disease being the major cause of the decline. A breeding facility has recently been opened at Auckland Zoo with the intention of producing a self-sustaining captive population. A top priority of the New Zealand Native Frog Recovery Group is to investigate ways of preventing further declines of this species. Hamiltons Frog Leiopelma hamiltoni (EN) and the Maud Island Frog L. pakeka (VU) are the largest living indigenous frogs (<50mm) in New Zealand. These two species were once considered conspecic, but they have since been described as separate species based on allozyme variation (Bell et al. 1998). There is some debate as to whether there should be a distinction between the two, with further analysis using 12S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b gene sequences nding little variation (Holyoake et al. 2001). However, as both these species are limited to offshore islands with no chance for genetic exchange, they need to continue to be managed as separate evolutionary signicant units if not kept as separate species. Both L. hamiltoni and L. pakeka live amongst the boulders and moss covered rocks of the remnants of coastal forest. They are terrestrial and nocturnal, spending most of the day hidden under stones or logs away from streams or creeks. They are terrestrial breeders, laying a small clutch of eggs in a moist site under suitable substrates. The only naturally occurring L. hamilitoni population consists of less than 300 adult frogs on Stephens Island, and after ve years of intensive monitoring this population is thought to be stable. They are limited to a single rock-tumble (ca. 300 m2) that has been fenced off to stop the predation of these frogs by Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). New habitat was created for the frogs by the construction of a second rocky tumble on the same island and, in 1992, 12 adult frogs were transferred to the new site (Brown 1994). The results of the translocation were mixed, with three frogs remaining at the new site and two homing back to the original frog site (Brown 1994; Tocher and Brown 2004). In 2004, a fence was erected to join both of these sites thereby signicantly enlarging the amount of tuatara-free habitat. Also in 2004, a translocation of 40 individuals to Nukuwiata, another predator-free island in the Marlborough Sounds, took


Threatened Amphibians of the World

place. Initial reports are that this appears to have been a success with frogs remaining in good condition through the rst year. Leiopelma pakeka, like L. hamiltoni, was only found naturally on one small predator-free island, Maud Island, in the Marlborough Sounds. The population has been estimated at between 27,500 and 39,500 individuals found mainly in a 16-ha patch of native bush. One hundred of these frogs were translocated to restored forest habitat on the same island in 1984-1985 and, 20 years later, this new population appears to be thriving with new recruitment and higher adult weights than the source population (Bell et al. 2004b). Two inter-island translocations to predator-free islands have occurred since then in order to increase the distribution of L. pakeka and therefore lower their risk of extinction. The rst of these involved moving 300 frogs to Motuara Island in 1997 where the population survival has been high following a 3-month settling in period and evidence of breeding success has been recorded. A second inter-island translocation to Long Island occurred in 2005 and appears to be successful as all the recaptured frogs have gained weight and some appear to be gravid. The continued survival of these ancient species in New Zealand will largely depend upon conservation measures and research carried out by the Native Frog Recovery Group and the Department of Conservation. Phil J. Bishop, Jen M. Germano and Ben D. Bell



Population estimate (Nhat)






0 Aug-83 Jan-84 Feb-85 Feb-86 Dec-86 Feb-88 Feb-89 Feb-90 Jun-91 Jan-93 Feb-94 Dec-94 Dec-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02

Figure 1. Jolly-Seber population estimates of population size of Leiopelma archeyi (Critically Endangered) on the Tapu Ridge study plot, 1983-2002. Error bars = 1SE. (Source: Bell et al. 2004a).

Bell, B.D. and Wassersug, R.J. 2003. Anatomical Features of Leiopelma Embryos and Larvae: Implications for Anuran Evolution. Journal of Morphology 256:160-170. Bell, B.D., Daugherty, C.H. and Hay, J.M. 1998. Leiopelma pakeka, n. sp. (Anura: Leiopelmatidae), a cryptic species of frog from Maud Island, New Zealand, and a reassessment of the conservation status of L. hamiltoni from Stephens Island. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28:39-54. Bell, B.D., Carver, S., Mitchell, N.J. and Pledger, S. 2004a. The recent decline of a New Zealand endemic: how and why did populations of Archeys frog Leiopelma archeyi crash over 1996-2001. Biological Conservation 120:189-199. Bell, B.D., Pledger, S. and Dewhurst, P.L. 2004b. The fate of a population of the endemic frog Leiopelma pakeka (Anura: Leiopelmatidae) translocated to restored habitat on Maud Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31:123-131. Brown, D. 1994. Transfer of Hamiltons frog, Leiopelma hamiltoni, to a newly created habitat on Stephens Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 21:425-430. Holyoake, A., Waldman, B. and Gemmell, N.J. 2001. Determining the species status of one of the worlds rarest frogs: a conservation dilemma. Animal Conservation 4:29-35. Lee, J.S.F. and Waldman, B. 2003. Communication by fecal chemosignals in an archaic frog. Copeia 3:679-686. Stephenson, E.M. 1961. New Zealand native frogs. Tuatara 8:99-106. Tocher, M.D. and Brown, D. 2004. Leiopelma hamiltoni homing. Herpetological Review 35:259-261. Waldman, B. and Bishop, P.J. 2004. Chemical communication in an archaic anuran amphibian. Behavioral Ecology 15:88-93. 1 As noted in the Introductory chapter, Frost et al. (2006) include the Ascaphidae (Tailed Frogs) in this family, with the result that this primitive family is expanded to contain six species, and its distribution is in New Zealand and the Pacic Northwest of North America, with the New Zealand species breeding by direct development, and the American ones by larval development.


Concern about the status of Australian frogs rst arose in the 1980s with the disappearance of the famous gastric-brooding frogs: Rheobatrachus silus (described in 1973, and last seen in the wild in 1981), and R. vitellinus (described in 1984, and last seen in the wild in 1985) (Ingram and McDonald 1993; and see Essay 6.1). Intensive searches for both of these species were conducted in the late 1980s, with no individuals located then, or since, and they are both now listed as Extinct on the IUCN Red List. This represents the loss of an entire family, as well as a unique reproductive strategy. Around the same time that the gastric-brooding frogs disappeared, concern was raised over the status of another iconic myobatrachid the Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne corroboree (CR). Declines of the Corroboree Frog were rst reported in the late 1980s (Osborne 1989). Although these declines and disappearances raised concerns at the time, they were regarded as isolated events. However, increasing awareness that amphibian declines might be a global problem, and a review of the status of Australian frogs by Tyler (1991), revealed that the phenomenon of declines was more widespread. Tyler identied 23 species that were thought to have suffered recent population declines. The critical nature of the phenomenon was reinforced by Richards et al. (1993), whose survey of 47 sites in the Australian Wet Tropics showed that declines were occurring on a regional scale; six species had disappeared from almost all sites above 400m elevation. These species subsequently disappeared from the few higher-elevation sites at which they were present in the initial surveys (McDonald and Alford 1999). Fortunately, Australia has well-dened procedures in place at a national level for dealing with threats to biodiversity, and these procedures were quickly mobilized. In the early 1990s, regional species recovery teams were organized, and regional and national meetings and workshops were held. Each regional recovery team was responsible for developing and implementing a recovery plan for the species under its jurisdiction. These plans went through formal review processes at the State and Federal levels. Initially, most plans called primarily for additional research, since the nature and causes of the declines were not well understood. At a national level, the federal department of the environment sponsored the production of the rst version of the Action Plan for Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997). Knowledge of Australian frog populations and their status increased dramatically during the early to mid-1990s, largely as a result of the work carried out under the species recovery process. Of the 23 species identied as being of concern by Tyler (1991), sufcient data had been collected to show that the apparent decline of 12 species was instead just a manifestation of local uctuations. However, an additional 16 species were identied as suffering declines, such that there were now 27 species of concern. Observations conrmed that many of them were experiencing serious declines. In late 1997, a meeting was held to review the action plan and discuss what was known about the status of frogs across the country, and to attempt to devise some standard methods for investigating and mitigating the effects of frog declines. The outcomes of this meeting were published in the book Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs (Campbell 1999). At the time of the 1997 meeting, declines of nine species were linked to specic causes, including habitat loss and degradation, and the introduction of exotic predators. However, 18 species fell into a category since termed enigmatic declines by Stuart et al. (2004). Comparative analyses have shown that these species share a variety of characteristics; for example, McDonald and Alford (1999) found that species closely associated with stream habitats have a higher probability of declining, and many authors pointed out that declines at high elevations had occurred in protected areas. In 1998, the pathogenic chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, was described (Berger et al. 1998). Histological examination of dead and dying individuals collected at the time of some of the declines in Queensland conrmed that the affected frogs had been heavily infected with chytrid (Berger et al. 1999). It is now generally accepted that chytridiomycosis was the proximate cause of mortality in the widespread die-offs of frogs in the Australian Wet Tropics in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and was probably to blame for the earlier disappearances of the gastric-brooding frogs and day frogs (Taudactylus spp.) in southern Queensland. It also appears to be a factor in the decline of Corroboree Frogs in southern Australia, and may be the cause of local die-offs of many other species. Since its discovery, chytrid has been detected in 48 native frog species in the wild (Speare and Berger 2005), as well as in the introduced and now widespread Cane Toad, Bufo marinus. The nomadic behaviour of this introduced species means that it is one possible vector of the disease, at least on a local scale. The wide distribution of this disease and the serious threat that it constitutes to Australian amphibians, and indeed globally, was explored in detail at a conference in August 2000, attended by national and international experts (Speare et al. 2001).

Nyctimystes dayi (Endangered) and Litoria nannotis (Endangered) are rainforest specialists from Australias Wet Tropics; both species vanished from upland sites throughout the region, most likely due to the disease chytridiomycosis. Jodi Rowley

Chapter 6. Amphibians of the Australasian Realm


One of the outcomes of this conference was the formal nomination of chytridiomycosis, to the Australian federal Department of Environment and Heritage, as a threatening process. This nomination went through several drafts and commenting stages, and was formally adopted in June 2005. Even before its nal adoption, the threatening process nomination prompted state and federal governments to increase levels of funding of research and management aimed at reducing the threat. A threat abatement plan was prepared and accepted in 2006 (AGDEH 2006). Conservation actions targeting threatened amphibians in Australia have included habitat creation and modication, introduced species control, and captive breeding. These actions have had some success at individual sites. Several frog species that survived at low elevations in the Wet Tropics, when dramatic population declines associated with chytridiomycosis were taking place at high elevations, appear to be recolonizing some high-elevation sites without any management intervention. However, 47 species (more than 20%) of extant Australian amphibians are still listed as threatened in the Global Amphibian Assessment, and remain susceptible to chytrid (as it spreads to new areas), continued habitat modication and destruction, and introduced species. A great deal of work remains before the status of Australian frogs is fully understood and measures to preserve their remaining diversity can be implemented. Ross A. Alford and Jodi J.L. Rowley

Berger, L., Speare, R., Daszak, P., Green, D.E., Cunningham, A.A., Goggin, C.L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M.A., Hyatt, A.D., McDonald, K.R., Hines, H.B., Lips, K.R., Marantelli, G. and Parkes, H. 1998. Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian mortality associated with population declines in the rainforests of Australia and Central America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 95:9031-9036. Berger, L., Speare, R. and Hyatt, A. 1999. Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines: Overview, implications and future directions. Declines and disappearances of Australian Frogs. In: A. Campbell (ed.), pp. 23-33. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Campbell, A. 1999 Declines and disappearances of Australian Frogs. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Avaliable as pdf at threatened/publications/pubs/frogs.pdf Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage. 2006. Threat Abatement Plan: Infection of Amphibians with Chytrid Fungus Resulting in Chytridiomycosis. Department of the Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, Australia. Ingram, G.J. and McDonald, K.R. 1993. An update on the decline of Queenslands frogs. In Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline. In: D. Lunney and D. Ayers (eds.), pp.297-303. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Sydney, Australia. McDonald, K. and Alford, R.A. 1999. A review of declining frogs in northern Queensland. In Declines and disappearances of Australian Frogs. In: A. Campbell (ed.), pp. 14-22. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Osborne, W.S. 1989. Distribution, relative abundance and conservation status of Corroboree Frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree (Anura: Myobatrachidae). Australian Wildlife Research 16:537-547. Richards, S.J., McDonald, K.R. and Alford, R.A. 1993. Declines in populations of Australias endemic tropical rainforest frogs. Pacic Conservation Biology 1:66-77. Speare, R, and Berger, L. 2005. Chytridiomycosis in amphibians in Australia. http://www. Speare, R., Alford, R.A., Aplin, K., Berger, L., Bishop, P., Cullen, B., Cunningham, A., Daszak, P., Dovey, L., Halliday, T. Hines, H., Lynch, M., Marantelli, G., McDonald, K., Orchard, S. and Owens, L. 2001. Developing management strategies to control amphibian diseases: Decreasing risks due to communicable diseases. School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. Available as a pdf at Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and Trends of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions Worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Tyler, M. 1997. The action plan for Australian Frogs. Wildlife Australia, Canberra, Australia. Tyler, M.J. 1991. Declining amphibian populations a global phenomenon? An Australian perspective. Alytes 9:43-50.


The Papuan region extends from Indonesias Maluku Islands, in the west, to the Solomon Islands and Fiji, in the east. It is dominated by the worlds largest and highest tropical island, New Guinea, and includes thousands of islands, ranging from tiny coral atolls to forest-covered ranges that rise several kilometres above the ocean. The amphibian fauna here consists entirely of frogs; salamanders and caecilians do not extend east of Wallaces Line, which extends between Bali and Lombok, and Borneo and Sulawesi. The Papuan frog fauna has been poorly documented compared with most other regions of the globe, despite the fact that many new species are being discovered and described each year. More than 320 species are known from the region, although it has been estimated that the total will exceed 600 given the current rates of discovery (Gnther 2006). Three families dominate the frog fauna: Microhylidae, Hylidae, and Ranidae. The Microhylidae is the most species-rich group of frogs on New Guinea. They occupy a diverse range of environments, from sea level to around 4,000m asl, and can be found in semi-aquatic, terrestrial, subterranean, and arboreal (canopy) habitats. The New Guinea microhylids include some of the smallest frogs on earth (such as Oreophryne minuta, DD) that is adult at just 9-11.5mm; Richards and Iskandar 2000), but also include a number of very large species, including one of the few species (Asterophrys turpicola, LC) known to attack and bite as a means of self-defence (Richards et al. 1994). All New Guinean microhylids share the habit of laying their eggs out of water. Embryos develop directly into small froglets, by-passing a free-swimming tadpole stage. It appears that the father is always responsible for guarding the embryos and, in the case of the sharp-snouted frog Sphenophryne cornuta (LC), for carrying the freshly hatched youngsters around on their back (Bickford 2004). The Hylidae, or treefrogs, are generally found in bushes or trees. However, in the savannah habitats of southern New Guinea, there are two species (Litoria nasuta, LC, and L. nigrofrenata, LC) that live exclusively on the ground. Their long legs and slender build allow them to jump enormous distances to escape predators. Treefrogs reach their greatest diversity in the mountains and forests of New Guineas interior. Here, one can nd bizarre species, such as Litoria prora (LC), with its elongated nose spike, and its habit of hanging its eggs from leaves over small forest pools. New Guinea is dominated by a mountainous spine running across its centre, including the highest peaks between the Himalaya and Andes. These precipitous mountains are drained by a myriad of torrential streams, providing a challenging environment for frogs. Many New Guinean treefrogs in the genera Litoria and Nyctimystes have taken advantage of these extreme habitats, laying large eggs, glued under stones, in steep streams. The eggs hatch into tadpoles with enormous sucker-mouths that cling to rocks, in even the fastest of torrents (e.g., Gnther 2006). The Ranidae, or true-frogs, a family dominating much of the temperate northern hemisphere, is poorly represented on New Guinea. However, one group of ranid frogs, the platymantines, dominates the smaller archipelagos to the west, north, and north-east of New Guinea. Like the microhylids, these frogs have a direct-development reproductive strategy, and it has been suggested that this has assisted their colonization of far-ung islands in the South Pacic. Frogs of the genus Platymantis occur on nearly all of the smaller archipelagos north of New Guinea, and have occupied the wide range of habitats used by microhylids on mainland New Guinea. The platymantine radiation is most evident on the Solomon Islands, with Platymantis and several endemic genera (Batrachylodes, Ceratobatrachus and Palmatorrapia) dominating the fauna. Many platymantine species are endemic to single islands or small island groups, and so may be susceptible to the massive habitat destruction occurring on most archipelagos from major logging operations. Three other frog families are poorly represented in the Papuan region: Limnodynastidae, Myobatrachidae and Bufonidae. Limnodynastidae and Myobatrachidae dominate the nearby Australian fauna, but only seven species occur here and they all occur on New Guinea. Perhaps the most interesting of these are the three species of Lechriodus (Limnodynastidae) large, broad-headed frogs that construct oating foam nests into which they place their small eggs during reproduction. Bufonidae, or Toads, do not occur naturally in New Guinea and are represented by two exotic species, Bufo marinus and Bufo melanostictus. Bufo marinus, from the Neotropics, is widespread in eastern New Guinea and in many islands of Melanesia (Lever 2001). Bufo melanostictus is native to western Indonesia and has recently been introduced to Papua Province (New Guinea) (Iskandar and Colijn 2000; Menzies and Tapilatu 2000). The impacts of these species (if any) on native Papuan frogs are poorly understood, and require urgent assessment.

Albericus siegfriedi (Critically Endangered) is known only from high elevations on Mt Elimbari in Papua New Guinea. Stephen Richards

Globally, the Papuan region has the highest proportion of Data Decient frog species. Many species are known from only one or two localities, and rugged terrain and logistical and bureaucratic hurdles have hindered attempts to relocate and assess the conservation status of these frogs. Although few species appear to be at immediate risk of extinction, the severely restricted distributions of some species, coupled with increasing rates of forest destruction, have raised concerns that a number of species may be susceptible to extinction in the future. One such example is the small, shrub-dwelling microhylid Albericus siegfriedi (CR), which is found only at high elevations on Mt Elimbari in Papua New Guinea, where the only known population is isolated in a patch of forest that is being gradually consumed by an expanding local human population. Further research is required to better understand the distribution and conservation status of Data Decient frogs in this poorly documented region. Given a land-tenure system throughout the region that largely precludes the designation of protected areas by the central government, conservation of the regions unique frog fauna will depend on developing education programs for, and conservation initiatives with, local landowners. Fortunately, the Papuan region retains one of the largest blocks of tropical forest on earth, and appropriate action now will help to ensure the long-term survival of its spectacular frog fauna. Stephen Richards

Bickford, D.P. 2004. Male parenting of New Guinea froglets. Nature 418:601-602. Gnther, R. 2006. Derived reproductive modes in New Guinean anuran amphibians and description of a new species with paternal care in the genus Callulops (Microhylidae). Journal of Zoology 268:153-170. Iskandar, D.T. and Colijn, E. 2000. Preliminary Checklist of Southeast Asian and New Guinean Herpetofauna I. Amphibians. Treubia 31(Suppl.):1-134. Lever, C. 2001. The Cane Toad. The history and ecology of a successful colonist. Westbury Academic and Scientic, Yorkshire, UK. Menzies, J.I. and R.F. Tapilatu. 2000. The introduction of a second species of toad (Amphibia: Bufonidae) into New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 25:70-73. Richards, S.J. and Iskandar, D.T. 2000. A new minute Oreophryne (Anura: Microhylidae) from the mountains of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 48:257-262. Richards, S.J., Johnston, G.R. and Burton, T.C. 1994. A remarkable new asterophryine microhylid frog from the mountains of New Guinea. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 37:281-286.

Male Sphenophryne cornuta (Least Concern) are responsible for carrying the freshly hatched youngsters around on their back. Stephen Richards

Litoria prora (Least Concern) hangs its eggs from leaves over small forest pools. Stephen Richards


Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm. The percentage of species in each category is also given.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 20 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 32 Endangered (EN) 134 Vulnerable (VU) 143 Near Threatened (NT) 104 Least Concern (LC) 311 Data Decient (DD) 255 Total Number of Species 999
2% 3% 26% 13%

Raoul Bain, S.D. Biju, Rafe Brown, Indraneil Das, Arvin Diesmos, Sushil Dutta, David Gower, Robert Inger, Djoko Iskandar, Yoshio Kaneko, Michael Wai Neng Lau, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Annemarie Ohler, Theodore Papenfuss, Rohan Pethiyagoda, Bryan Stuart, Mark Wilkinson and Feng Xie


The Indomalayan Realm (sometimes termed the Oriental region) encompasses all of South and Southeast Asia, including the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos, and incorporating the major offshore islands of Sri Lanka, Hainan, and Taiwan, as well as Japans Ryukyu archipelago. The western and northern boundaries follow that of Olson et al. (2001), reaching Pakistan, the Himalaya, and southern subtropical China, although the boundary between the Palaearctic and Indomalayan Realm is somewhat unclear in south-east China. However, as here dened, the eastern boundary between Indomalaya and Australasia, which is usually taken as Wallaces line (an imaginary line named for Alfred Russell Wallace running between Borneo and Sulawesi, and between Bali and Lombok in Indonesia), is here taken to lie further to the east, such that the region includes all of Nusa Tenggara and a number of islands in Maluku (but excluding Seram, Amboin, Buru, Obi, Halmahera, Tanimbar and a few other smaller islands) (see Tyler 1999). The geological, evolutionary, and climatic history of this region is complex and is reected by the evolutionary history and diversity of its fauna. Peninsular India, which includes Sri Lanka, consists of a single tectonic plate (the Deccan or Indian Plate) that separated from Gondwanaland about 130 Ma and, after breaking away from Madagascar and the Seychelles around 90 Ma, rafted across the Tethys Sea eventually colliding with Eurasia at about 6540 Ma (Beck et al. 2005). This massive collision resulted in the uplift of the Himalaya and the Tibetan plateau, which caused dramatic climatic changes over vast expanses across South Asia. Although the climate of almost the whole of Peninsular India is monsoonal, the region is varied both in terms of topography and vegetation, including, for example, rainforests (e.g., in the Western Ghats, south-western Sri Lanka, and Myanmar), arid areas (such as the Thar Desert in north-western India), low-lying swamps and mangroves (in the Sundarbans), and island systems (Andamans and Nicobars). Peninsular India is relatively at, and is highest in the south-west, with the western ank of the plateau being formed by the Western Ghats. Similarly, the coming together of the Indian plate with the Asian continental landmass has inuenced much of the topography in mainland Southeast Asia, including the general north-south orientation of the mountains and main rivers. Much of this region (often referred to more generally as Indo-Burma) is characterized by distinct seasonal weather patterns (for example, in northern Vietnam and southern coastal China, the dominant weather pattern is the north or north-easterly monsoon during the northern winter and east or south-easterly monsoon in the summer). Originally, most of the region was dominated by broadleaf forests; the most diverse forests are the lowland mixed wet evergreen forests, which occur in climates with one to four dry months. Another geological highlight of the region is the islands forming part of the Malay Archipelago, comprising the Greater Sundas including Borneo and Sumatra (the third and sixth largest islands on earth, respectively), Java, and Sulawesi the Lesser Sundas, the Philippines, and several islands of the Moluccas). This is one of the most active seismic regions in the world, and the site of some of the most dramatic seismic events known, including the eruption of Krakatau in 1883 and the earthquake that caused a massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean, just off the coast of Aceh, Sumatra, on December 26th, 2004. The highest point in the region is Gunung Kinabalu in northern Borneo at 4,101m. The islands of the Sunda shelf were connected to mainland Southeast Asia through most, if not all, of the Tertiary, and were also periodically connected during episodes of northern glaciation during the Quaternary, which is why the fauna and ora of these two regions have much in common. At the same time, oscillations in sea levels caused periodic severing of these ephemeral land bridges, isolating nearby continental islands, and presumably allowing for the evolution and accumulation of endemic species. The climate is tropical, and the vegetation, at least up until a few decades ago, comprised mainly lowland evergreen rainforest.


Human population density is very high across this region (averaging 124 people per square kilometre across Southeast Asia), including, as it does, several of the most populous countries on earth, such as India (with an estimated 1.1 billion people) and Indonesia (220 million). Population density ranges from a whopping 336 people per square kilometre in India, to 277 per square kilometre in the Philippines, 117 people per square kilometre in Indonesia, to 25 people per square kilometre in Lao P.D.R. The percentage of the population concentrated in urban areas also varies, with nearly 20% of people in Cambodia concentrated in urban areas, 30% in India, around 48% in Indonesia, and nearly two-thirds of people in the Philippines and Malaysia. With the exception of Singapore (gross national income per capita of US$24,000), all countries have a GNI per capita of less than US$5,000. Given the high human population densities in the region, the impact of society on ecosystems has been severe. Mainland Southeast Asia was probably one of the rst regions where agriculture developed (Diamond 1997), and there has been a long history of shifting or permanent small-scale agriculture. More recently, though, the exploitation of Southeast Asias valuable timber for commercial trade, and the demand for land to grow cash-crops and trees, have led to widespread and rampant forest loss, particularly of lowland evergreen forest, dominated mainly by the giant dipterocarps. Several estimates of forest loss across the region are available; one recent study estimates that Kalimantans protected lowland forests declined by 56% between 1985 and 2001 primarily from logging (Curran et al. 2004), and that less than 33% of lowland forest and peat swamp remains across all of Indonesian Borneo (Whitten et al. 2005). Unfortunately, even where rainforest habitat remains relatively intact, the unmitigated harvest and trade of some of the larger species of animals has been so intensive that the term empty forest syndrome was coined (Redford 1992); this empty forest phenomenon is particular apparent in China, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.




A total of 329 (33%) of the amphibian species in the Indomalayan Realm are considered to be globally threatened or Extinct (Figure 1). This is very similar to the global average. The Indomalayan Realm contains 17% of all globally threatened amphibians. When looking at the Red List Categories, Indomalaya accounts for only 7% of the worlds CR species, but 17% of the EN species, and 21% of the VU species. Hence, on the basis of current knowledge, threatened Indomalayan amphibians are more likely to be in a lower category of threat, when compared with the global distribution of threatened species amongst categories. The percentage of DD species, 26% (255 species), is also similar to, though slightly higher than, the global average of 23%. This high percentage is not surprising, given that much of the region is still very poorly surveyed for amphibians. Twenty of the worlds 34 known amphibian extinctions (59%) have occurred in this region (Table 1), 19 of these in Sri Lanka and one in southern India. Eighteen of these species are frogs from the genus Philautus, and most of these probably had tiny ranges and died out as a result of extensive forest loss, perhaps as long ago as the late 1800s or early 1900s (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005). In addition, one Critically Endangered species in the Indomalayan Realm is considered to be possibly extinct, Philautus jacobsoni from central Java, Indonesia. It is suspected that the apparent concentration of extinctions in Sri Lanka, as opposed to other parts of the region, is a result of better knowledge of this country due to recent herpetological work (e.g., Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005; and see Essay 4.1), in which the extant fauna has been extensively surveyed and compared with the historical baseline provided by museum specimens.

Table 1. The Extinct amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm.

Species Adenomus kandianus Nannophrys guentheri Philautus adspersus Philautus dimbullae Philautus eximius Philautus extirpo Philautus halyi Philautus hypomelas Philautus leucorhinus Philautus malcolmsmithi Philautus nanus Philautus nasutus Philautus oxyrhynchus Philautus rugatus Philautus stellatus Philautus temporalis Philautus travancoricus1 Philautus variabilis Philautus zal Philautus zimmeri Country Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka India Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa
The 999 native amphibian species in the Indomalayan Realm represent 17% of the currently known global total of 5,915 species. Of these, 800 (or 80%) are endemic to the region (Table 2). All three amphibian orders, are represented in the Indomalayan Realm, but the frogs account for 92% of the species. Contrary to the situation in some other regions, endemism is much lower in the salamanders (46%) as compared with the frogs and toads (80%). This is because most of the Indomalayan salamanders occur in central China, on the poorly dened boundary (which is in fact a broad overlap zone) with the Palaearctic, thus occurring in both regions. Caecilian endemism is 100%. Although Indomalaya has the second highest number of species of any realm (though well behind the Neotropics), it has only 14 families, which is fewer than any realm except Australasia. Three of these families are endemic. Only 45 species (5% of the species in the region) are members of these endemic families, although the treefrog family Rhacophoridae occurs only marginally in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions and is predominantly Indomalayan. Under current climatic conditions, there is essentially no isolation between the Palaearctic and Indomalayan Realms, especially in China, and the boundary between these two faunas is somewhat arbitrary. The effect of this indistinct boundary is to reduce the level of endemism of both regions. Summaries of the amphibian fauna of the Indomalayan Realm are provided by Bourret (1942), Inger (1999), Iskandar and Colijn (2000), and Zhao (1999). There are 81 genera (18% of the global total) occurring in the region, of which 37 (46%) are also endemic. Endemism at the generic level is much lower among the salamanders (with no endemic genera) than it is among the frogs and toads (46%), contrary to the situation in the Palaearctic. Generic level endemism is 100% among the caecilians. The most speciose endemic genera in the region are Ichthyophis (34 species), Ansonia (22 species), Kalophrynus (15 species), Nyctibatrachus (12 species) and Micrixalus (11 species). At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are 11 monotypic genera endemic to the Indomalayan Realm, all of which are frogs. The 44 non-endemic genera in Indomalaya include 37 frog genera (13 genera from the Ranidae, eight from the Megophryidae, seven from the Rhacophoridae, ve from the Microhylidae, two from the Hylidae, and one each from Bombinatoridae and Bufonidae) and seven salamander genera (ve from the Salamandridae, and one each from the Cryptobranchidae and the Hynobiidae). These non-endemics include the widespread genera Bufo, Rana and Litoria. It should be noted that future taxonomic changes are likely to have a major impact on the patterns outlined above, with a tendency for the number of genera (including monotypic genera) to increase.

Theloderma gordoni (Least Concern) is an Asian treefrog in the family Rhacophoridae. This species is known from monsoon forests in Thailand and Vietnam, and is believed to breed in cavities in trees. Nikolai L. Orlov

Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm


As noted already, 29% (14/48) of the worlds amphibian families occur in the Indomalayan Realm, and three of these are endemic: Nasikabatrachidae, Ichthyophiidae, and Uraeotyphlidae.2 The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 1. Among the non-endemic families, the majority of Indomalayan species are in the Bufonidae (true toads), Megophryidae (Asian spadefoots), Microhylidae (narrow-mouthed toads), Ranidae (true frogs), Rhacophoridae (Asian treefrogs), and Salamandridae (newts and relatives). The Bufonidae occur widely in the Indomalayan Realm as far south and east as Sulawesi and the southern parts of the Philippines, with 84 species in eight genera.3 Most species in the region are endemic, but 12 species are shared with the Palaearctic. All Indomalayan species breed by larval development, and occur in many different habitats. There are 90 species across 10 genera in the Megophryidae in the Indomalayan Realm. This family is predominantly Indomalayan, with over 70% of its species occurring in the region, and 44% of them globally endemic (all other species occurring in the Palaearctic Region). Thirty-four species in China cross the Indomalayan-Palaearctic boundary. The family ranges from Nepal, Bangladesh, and north-eastern India, through central and southern China, and Southeast Asia as far as Java, Borneo and the Philippines. The Microhylidae range very widely through the region, with 88 species, 77 of which are endemic. They occur in a wide variety of habitats, and all Indomalayan species breed by larval development, except for eight species of the genus Oreophryne in the eastern parts of Indonesia and the Philippines which are direct developers. Most of the non-endemic species are shared with the Palaearctic. The Ranidae constitute the largest family in the Indomalayan Realm, accounting for over one-third of the total amphibian fauna of the region. One-third of the ranids are in the genus Rana4. The family is found throughout the region, occurring in most habitats, and all species breed by larval development, except in the genera Ingerana (5 species) and Platymantis (27 species).5 The Rhacophoridae are a predominantly Indomalayan family, with 263 species (and eight genera) occurring in the region, of which 230 are endemic. The family occurs widely through the region, east to the Philippines and Sulawesi. Many of the species are arboreal, and this family includes the ying frogs. The family is split approximately evenly between direct developers (many species in the genus Philautus) and larval developers (some of which use foam nests).6 The Salamandridae are predominantly a Palaearctic family, but 21 species occur in the Indomalayan Realm, 10 of which are endemic. Most of the Indomalayan species occur in southern China. All Indomalayan species breed by larval development. Among the smaller non-endemic families, the Bombinatoridae (re-bellied toads) have an unusual distribution. This family occurs mainly in the Palaearctic, but two species also occur in southern China (one extending into northern Vietnam), and another two (in the genus Barbourula) are highly isolated from the rest of the family in Kalimantan (southern Borneo) and in the Palawan island group (south-western Philippines). Some of these are highly aquatic species, with the genus Bombina breeding by larval development (the breeding remaining unknown in Barbourula). The Hylidae are absent from much of the region, but eight species in the genus Hyla occur in the northern parts of the region (mainly in China) and four species in the genus Litoria occur on islands in the extreme east of the region in Indonesia. The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae) are represented in the region by a single nonendemic species (the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus), which until recently occurred widely in southern China. These animals are aquatic and are associated with clear streams where they breed by larval development. The Asian salamanders (Hynobiidae) are mainly a Palaearctic family having their distribution centred on Japan and China, with six species occurring in the Indomalayan Realm. All species have larval development. The caecilian family Caeciliidae occurs predominantly in the Neotropics and Afrotropics, but 10 species occur in India, mainly in the Western Ghats in the south of the country, though one species is present in the north-east. All Indomalayan species are assumed to have terrestrial eggs and breed by direct development, although direct evidence is very scarce (only known for one species, Gegeneophis ramaswamii). There are high percentages of threatened and extinct species in most families in the Indomalayan Realm (Table 3). The three small families Bombinatoridae, Nasikabatrachidae, and Cryptobranchidae are entirely composed of threatened species, and all but one species of Hynobiidae is threatened. The threat level among the salamanders is much higher than that of the frogs, with over half of the species at risk. The salamander faunas of the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropics also face high threat levels. In the Indomalayan Realm, over-harvesting for medicine and food, coupled with habitat loss and/or restricted range, are probably the most signicant threats facing these species (see later). Conversely, threat levels among caecilians appear to be very low, but this is probably an artefact of over 85% of the species in the region being Data Decient (see Gower and Wilkinson 2005).


Native species (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 75 86 33 62 89 100 77 87 80 0 50 48 46 100 100 100 100 80 30 15 0.5 44 18 100 44 84 14 0 7 14 2 9 100 100 31 14

Native genera (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 50 88 0 20 64 100 46 13 46 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 46 50 21 0 20 13 100 28 11 9 0 0 0 0 8 100 100 15 8

Anura Bombinatoridae Bufonidae Hylidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Nasikabatrachidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

4 (3) 84 (72) 12 (4) 90 (56) 88 (77) 1 (1) 375 (290) 263 (230) 917 (733) 1 (0) 6 (3) 21 (10) 28 (13) 10 (10) 39 (39) 5 (5) 54 (54) 999 (800)

2 (1) 8 (7) 2 (0) 10 (2) 14 (9) 1 (1) 24 (11) 8 (1) 69 (32) 1 (0) 1 (0) 5 (0) 7 (0) 2 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 5 (5) 81 (37)

Table 2. The number of Indomalayan amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.

The Hole-in-the-Head Frog Huia cavitympanum (Least Concern) is in the Family Ranidae and is endemic to central and northern Borneo, where it inhabits rainforests in hilly terrain. The tadpoles cling to rocks in strong rapids in clear streams. Nikolai L. Orlov This close-up view of the head of Ichthyophis tricolor (Least Concern) shows the tentacle which is characteristic of caecilians. This subterranean species from the Western Ghats in India lives in soil in wet semi-evergreen tropical forest, but also occurs in farmland and rubber plantations. Like other members of the Family Ichthyophiidae, it has aquatic larvae in streams. Photo by John Measey, courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London

Table 3. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Indomalayan Realm. Introduced species are not included.
Family Anura Bombinatoridae Bufonidae Hylidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Nasikabatrachidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Ichthyophiidae Uraeotyphlidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS EX CR EN VU NT LC DD Total number Number threatened of species or Extinct 4 84 12 90 88 1 375 263 917 1 6 21 28 10 39 5 54 999 4 34 0 27 21 1 107 118 312 1 5 9 15 0 2 0 2 329 % Threatened or Extinct 100 40 0 30 24 100 29 45 34 100 83 43 54 0 5 0 4 33

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 18 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

0 3 0 1 1 0 8 17 30 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 32

1 17 0 6 8 1 43 50 126 0 3 5 8 0 0 0 0 134

3 13 0 20 12 0 55 33 136 0 2 3 5 0 2 0 2 143

0 11 0 10 11 0 43 25 100 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 104

0 27 9 34 31 0 141 57 298 0 0 6 6 1 5 0 6 310

0 12 3 19 25 0 84 63 206 0 1 2 3 9 32 5 46 255

Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 84 species.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 29 species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on four quantile classes; maximum richness equals eight species.



Figure 4. The number of extant amphibians present in and endemic to each Indomalayan country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Indomalayan Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Note that 102 described species are known from Sri Lanka, but because 19 of these are extinct, only 83 are included in this gure. Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Indomalayan country. Countries with no endemic species are not included. *denotes countries not entirely within the Indomalayan Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 6. The number of threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Indomalayan country. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Indomalayan Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are threatened. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Indomalayan Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.
India* China* Indonesia* Malaysia Viet Nam Thailand Philippines Sri Lanka Myanmar Lao P.D.R. Brunei Darussalam Nepal Cambodia
Taiwan, Province of China

In general, the largest families in the region house the highest number of threatened frog species: Rhacophoridae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, Megophryidae and Microhylidae (Table 3). The Rhacophoridae has a particularly high percentage (45%) of threatened species, much of this reecting high threat levels (54% of species) in the genus Philautus, in which many species have tiny ranges and can be seriously affected, even by the loss of small patches of habitat. In the Bufonidae, over 40% of the species are threatened, which is similar to confamilial levels in the Neotropics and Afrotropics (but not in the Palaearctic). Most threatened bufonid species (75%) are dependent on clear mountain streams in forests for breeding, a very threatened habitat (their larvae can be adversely affected by even modest levels of silt in the stream, which is a common affect of logging and other forms of forest clearance). The Megophryidae are dependent on the same habitats, are similarly impacted by siltation, and also face a high threat level (30%). The Indomalayan species of the family Ranidae are also facing extensive threats from both over-harvesting for human food and from habitat loss. The Microhylidae have the lowest level of threat among the larger frog families, but over 27% of the species are Data Decient, higher than any other frog family, so this may be an underestimate. There are no threatened Hylidae in the region. The great majority (90%) of the threatened amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm are either Endangered or Vulnerable. Furthermore, 17 of the 32 Critically Endangered species are rhacophorids, and 15 are in the genus Philautus (seven of these in India, seven in Sri Lanka, and one from Indonesia).

Laos, Cambodia, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi that remain undetected due to lower sampling effort. Not surprisingly, given the small number of species involved, there are few noteworthy concentrations of Critically Endangered species in the region (Figure 3b), the most important being in Sri Lanka and southern India around the Western Ghats (see Essay 7.2; Essay 1.2). Much of the apparent concentration in China reects the originally wide distribution of one species, the Chinese Giant Salamander.

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Amphibians occur naturally in 20 countries in the Indomalayan Realm (all except the Maldives). India has the largest number of species (236 extant) in the region (Figure 4), followed quite closely by China, Indonesia, and Malaysia (all have over 200 extant species). Vietnam and Thailand have over 100 extant species (Sri Lanka has 102 described species, but 19 are now considered extinct), but many countries have very low totals that almost certainly reect inadequate survey effort (most notably Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, Cambodia, and Bhutan). India has by far the largest number of endemics (151 species), and China, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia each have more than 50 endemics. The amphibian fauna of parts of the Indomalayan Realm has been summarized in numerous national-level publications, including: India (Tiwari 1992; Dutta 1997; Das 1999, 2002; Daniel 2002; Daniels 2005); Pakistan (Khan 2006); Sri Lanka (Dutta and Manamendra-Arachchi 1996); Nepal (Schleich and Kstle 2002); China (Ye et al. 1993; Zhao and Adler 1993; Fei et al. 1999, 2005; Zhao et al. 2000); Japan (Maeda and Matsui 1999; Uchiyama et al. 2002; Goris and Maeda 2004); Peninsular Malaysia (Berry 1975); Thailand (Nabhitabhata 1989; Chan-ard 2003); Vietnam (Bain and Nguyen 2004; Bourret 1942; Inger et al. 1999; Ohler et al. 2000; Orlov et al. 2001, 2002; Ziegler 2002); Laos (Bourret 1942; Stuart 1999, 2005; Teynie et al. 2004); Cambodia (Ohler et al. 2002; Stuart et al. 2006; Stuart and Emmett in press); Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia (Chan-ard et al. 1999); Singapore (Lim and Lim 2002); Borneo (Inger 1966; Inger and Stuebing 1997; Malkmus et al. 2002); Java and Bali (Iskandar 1998; McKay 2006); and Philippines (Alcala and Brown 1998). Although India has many more endemics than any other country in the region, Japanh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines (see Essay 7.3) have higher percentages of endemic species (all above or around 80%; Figure 5). Endemism is over 60% in India, over 50% in China, over 40% in Taiwan, and over 30% in Indonesia. The percentage endemism in a number of countries, such as Indonesia, can be expected to rise as the fauna becomes better known. India has more threatened species (63) than any other country in the Indomalayan Realm (Figure 6). Countries with over 40 threatened species are Sri Lanka, Philippines, Malaysia and China. Indonesia has 29 threatened species; this surprisingly small number is probably a reection of how poorly the amphibian fauna is known in this country (Essay 7.1). Vietnam has 15 threatened species, also probably a signicant under-estimate (30% of the species in this country are Data Decient). In much of mainland Southeast Asia, the numbers of threatened species are likely to be seriously under-estimated (partly because much of the amphibian fauna remains to be discovered, for example in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand; and see Essay 7.4). The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in island nations (Figure 7), notably Sri Lanka (63%), the Philippines (49%), and Japan (46%). All other Indomalayan

Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

A map of overall species richness of amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm (Figure 2) shows great variation across the region. However, more than perhaps any other major biogeographic region, this map is somewhat biased by sampling intensity, and probably represents a misleading picture of amphibian species richness in this part of the world. Some of the overall patterns are probably accurate; for example, the large areas of low species richness in the drier parts of northern, central and eastern India, and in the lower Mekong Delta, and the peaks of highest species richness in the Western Ghats, south-western Sri Lanka, the Malaysian Peninsula, and northern Borneo. The overall patterns of species richness in southern China are also likely to be reasonably accurate. Through most of mainland Southeast Asia (excluding Malaysia), north-eastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sumatra, Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Sulawesi, the Lesser Sunda Islands, and the Philippines, the patterns on Figure 2 are likely to reect sampling intensity. Areas that are particularly poorly surveyed, include Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodiag, Vietnam and most of Indonesia (the stark contrast in recorded species richness between Malaysian and Indonesian Borneo emphasizes this point) (see Essay 7.1). As the results of future surveys and taxonomic work are incorporated into the Global Amphibian Assessment, our understanding of the patterns of Indomalayan amphibian species richness will change considerably. The same caveats apply to the interpretation of the distribution of threatened species (Figure 3a) in the Indomalayan Realm. The concentrations of threatened species in the Western Ghats, Sri Lanka, southern China, northern Borneo, Java, and the Philippines probably reect reality because these areas have been relatively heavily surveyed. However, there are likely to be important concentrations in places such as Myanmar, Thailand,

Japan* Sri Lanka Philippines India* China*

Taiwan, Province of China

India* Sri Lanka Philippines Malaysia China*


Sri Lanka Philippines Japan*

Taiwan, Province of China


Indonesia* Malaysia Viet Nam Nepal Myanmar Bhutan Lao P.D.R. Thailand Cambodia Pakistan* Singapore Bangladesh 50 100 Endemics 150 200 250 300 Figure 5 0 20 40 60 80 100

Viet Nam Japan*

Taiwan, Province of China

China* Bhutan Indonesia* Viet Nam Cambodia Nepal Brunei Darussalam Lao P.D.R. Bangladesh Thailand 20 Endemics 40 60 Non-endemics 80 Figure 7 0 20 40 60 80

Lao P.D.R. Cambodia Nepal Brunei Darussalam Thailand Bhutan Bangladesh 0 Figure 6

Bangladesh Singapore Japan* Pakistan* Bhutan Timor-Leste 0 Figure 4

Number of species Non-endemics

Percentage of endemic species

Number of threatened species

Percentage of species threatened

Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm


countries have levels of threat that are much lower than global average of 33%, though as mentioned above, this is likely to be under-estimated in several countries. Assessments of the conservation status of Indomalayan amphibians have been carried out in only a few countries, for example: India (Molur and Walker 1998); Japan (Japan Agency of Environment 2000; Ota 2000); China (Zhao 1998; Xie and Wang 2004); and Philippines (Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines 1997). A regional overview of the threatened status of amphibians and reptiles in South Asia was published by Bamabaradeniya and Samarasekara (2001), and Pawar et al. (2007) carried out an assessment and prioritization of areas for amphibian conservation in north-eastern India. There are only 32 Critically Endangered Indomalayan species, but 13 of these occur in India and 11 in Sri Lanka. Outside these two countries, there are three Critically Endangered species each in China and Indonesia, and one each in Malaysia and the Philippines.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Most Indomalayan amphibians (82%) occur in forests, including 66% in lowland tropical forest, and 47% in montane tropical forest (Table 4). As in other regions, forest species are more threatened than those occurring in other terrestrial habitats, and montane forest species are more threatened than those in lowland forest. However, the level of threat to lowland tropical forest species in the Indomalayan Realm (33%) is higher than that in the Afrotropical Region (23%), though very similar to that in the Neotropical Region (30%). Among the aquatic habitats, the level of threat is highest in owing freshwater. So, as in other regions, forest-dwelling and stream-associated amphibians are more likely to be threatened than those occurring in any other habitats. This is the combination of habitat preferences that has been associated with rapid declines in amphibian populations worldwide (Stuart et al. 2004). Almost one-quarter of the fauna (23%) can survive in secondary terrestrial habitats (Table 4; Figure 8). This latter gure is higher than in either the Afrotropics or the Neotropics. Table 4 and Figure 8 show that amphibians occurring in savannahs, shrubland, and arid and semi-arid habitats are less likely to be threatened than those occurring in other habitats.

Reproductive modes
Larval development is by far the most common reproductive mode in the Indomalayan Realm (81% of species), compared with 18% for direct development (Table 5). There are no livebearing species in the region. These gures compare with the global picture of 68% larval development, 30% direct development, and 1% live-bearing. The presumed direct-developing Indomalayan amphibians are dominated by rhacophorid treefrogs in the genus Philautus, and also include the ranid frog genera Platymantis and Ingerana, and the microhylid genus Oreophryne, as well as perhaps the caecilian genera Gegeneophis and Indotyphlus. In the Indomalayan Realm, the percentage of globally threatened or Extinct direct-developing species is much higher than in the larval-developing species (Table 5), a pattern repeated in several other regions. A total of 143 species (26 of which are threatened) are recorded as being harvested by people in the region. The most common reasons for harvesting are for human consumption (112 species, mostly at local and national levels), pet trade (31 species, mostly at international and national levels), and medicine (27 species, mostly at local and national levels) (Table 7). Not all of the amphibian harvesting in the region is considered to constitute a major threat to these species. Of the 143 species being harvested, utilization is considered to be a threat for 87 (of which 26 are threatened species for which harvesting is believed to be contributing to a deterioration in their status). Twenty of these 26 species seriously threatened by overharvesting occur in China, where many species of amphibians are extensively harvested for human food and medicines. Examples include 16 species of ranid frog (eight in the genus Paa), and six species of salamander (including the Chinese Giant Salamander). Threatened species outside China that are heavily harvested include three species of ranid frog in the Philippines and two in Indonesia. This unidentied, and possibly undescribed, species of Leptobrachium from the Annamite Mountains in Cambodia is from the Asian spadefoot Family Megophryidae. Like most other members of the Family, it is associated with streams in hilly forested areas. David Emmett

As is the case in all other regions, habitat loss is overwhelmingly the major threat to amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm (Table 6; Figure 9), affecting nearly 90% of the threatened species. Pollution is the next most serious threat, impacting nearly one-third of threatened species. All other threats have much lower impacts, although utilization is implicated in the rapid decline of over 20 species (see below). Many of those species being utilized are listed as Near Threatened, so they do not show in this analysis. Chytridiomycosis has not been recorded in the region. The impacts of vegetation removal (mainly via logging) (affecting 64% of the threatened species) and expanding croplands (61%) are the most severe types of habitat loss impacting amphibians, followed by urbanization and industrial development (46%) and tree plantations (18%). Livestock constitutes a less important threat in most cases.

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

A summary of the inferred population trends of Indomalayan amphibians is presented in Table 8, inferred from trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend (though in some cases, population declines have been noted, especially for species that are being over-harvested). The overall population trends of Indomalayan amphibians are worse than the global trends (where 42% are decreasing and only 27% are stable). In both cases, the percentage of increasing species is very small.

Rapidly Declining Species

Habitat type Number of species in each habitat % of all species occurring in the habitat 82 80 66 47 2 10 12 23 51 11 30 0.4 Threatened or Extinct species % of species occurring in habitat that are Threatened or Extinct 36 36 33 41 0 22 12 22 31 17 18 0

Forest All tropical forest Lowland tropical forest Montane tropical forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

823 800 655 474 17 95 116 229 505 113 300 3

298 291 218 195 0 21 14 50 155 19 55 0

Of the 470 globally rapidly declining species, 58 (12%) occur within the Indomalayan Realm. Twenty of these 58 species are in decline due to over-exploitation, 37 due to reduced habitat, and one due to so-called enigmatic declines. Not surprisingly for this region, more declines are attributed to reduced habitat and over-exploitation than to enigmatic declines. The Indomalayan Realm accounts for 53% of the worlds rapid declines due to over-exploitation, but only 18% of the reduced habitat declines, and 0.4% of the enigmatic declines. Although one species in the region, Leptophryne cruentata (CR) from Java, has been recorded as undergoing an enigmatic decline, the causes of this decline are not known, and have not so far been linked to either chytridiomycosis or climate change (although these two threats have now been associated with many such declines that have taken place elsewhere in the

Number of species Forest Savannah

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Table 4. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm.

Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats

Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All Species 181 807 0 11

Threatened or Extinct species 121 204 0 4

% Threatened or Extinct 67 25 36

Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 200 400 600 800 0 10 20 30

Table 5. Indomalayan amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

Figure 8. The habitat preferences of Indomalayan amphibians. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the right-hand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Table 6. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.

Threat type Habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Fire

Threatened species % Threatened Species 272 88 188 61 57 18 15 5 198 64 142 46 10 3 26 8 10 3 100 32 25 8 1 0.3 18 6 17 6

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Indomalayan Realm.
All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

The Shanjing Emperor Newt Tylototriton shanjing (Near Threatened) from the Family Salamandridae is known only from Yunnan in southern China where it inhabits hill forests and secondary forest. It is subject to over-collection for traditional Chinese medicine, and small numbers are also exported for the international pet trade. Henk Wallays world (Lips et al. 2006; Pounds et al. 2006). A full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the realms. The rapidly declining species in the Indomalayan Realm show a distinct taxonomic pattern (Table 9), as over half of them, and 75% of over-exploited species are ranids. Among the larger families, the Bufonidae, Salamandridae, Ranidae and Microhylidae show a higher tendency to serious decline than the Megophryidae and Rhacophoridae. There are no Indomalayan species in serious decline in the Bombinatoridae, Hylidae, Nasikabatrachidae, Hynobiidae, Caeciliidae, Ichthyophiidae and Uraeotyphlidae (though these last three are very poorly known caecilian families in which most species are Data Decient). In one small family, Cryptobranchidae, the only species in the region is in rapid decline and over-exploited decline. Among the larger families, over-exploited declines are concentrated in the Ranidae and the Salamandridae. Species in rapid decline in the Indomalayan Realm show a clear geographic pattern as well, since the major concentration of declines is in Malaysia (32 species) and Indonesia (31 species), followed by China (15), Vietnam (seven), and Thailand and the Philippines (both with ve). For Malaysia and Indonesia, most of the declining species are on Borneo, where there has been very severe loss of lowland rainforest (see Essay 7.5). Of the over-exploited declines, 14 are in China, and seven in Vietnam.

Percentage of threatened species affected

Table 7. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Indomalayan Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species.


Subsistence Sub-national/ National Food human 109 (22) 32 (8) Food animal 1 (0) 0 Medicine human and veterinary 27 (2) 13 (2) Pets, display animals 5 (2) 21 (6) Research 1 (1) 6 (1) Specimen collecting 1 (1) 0

Regional/ International 8 (1) 0 3 (0) 30 (6) 1 (0) 0

Number of species 112 (22) 1 (0) 27 (2) 31 (7) 7 (1) 1 (1)

A total of 999 species are recorded from the Indomalayan Realm, of which 329 (33%) are considered threatened or Extinct. At the species level, 800 amphibians (80%) are endemic to the Indomalayan Realm; of the 14 families found in the region, three are endemic, and of 81 amphibian genera occurring, 37 are endemic. Endemism would be higher, were it not for the unclear and somewhat arbitrary boundary with the Palaearctic Region, especially in China. The percentage of threatened and/or extinct species is higher than in many other parts of the world, and highest in the families Bombinatoridae (100%), Nasikabatrachidae (100%), Cryptobranchidae (100%), Hynobiidae (83%), Rhacophoridae (45%), Salamandridae (43%), and Bufonidae (40%). Overall, the threat levels are much higher among salamander species (54%) than frogs (34%). Caecilians are very poorly known in the region, with over 85% of the species being Data Decient. Geographic concentrations of threatened species in the Indomalayan Realm occur in the Western Ghats (southern India), Sri Lanka, southern China, northern Borneo, Java and the Philippines; there are likely to be important concentrations in places such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi that remain undetected. India has the largest number of species (236) in the region, followed quite closely by China, Indonesia and Malaysia (all have over 200 species). Many countries have very low totals that almost certainly reect inadequate survey efforts. India has by far the largest number of endemics (151 species) within the region, and China, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia each have more than 50 endemics. India has more threatened species (63) than any other country in the Indomalayan Realm. Countries with over 40 threatened species are Sri Lanka, Philippines, China, and Malaysia. The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in island nations, notably Sri Lanka (63%), the Philippines (49%), and Japan (46%). Threatened species tend to show distinct habitat preferences, with forest-dwelling and stream-associated species being the most threatened (36% and 31%, respectively). This mirrors patterns seen elsewhere in the world. Habitat loss, primarily due to the impacts of vegetation removal (mainly logging), expanding croplands, and urbanization and industrial development is affecting nearly 90% of the threatened species in the region. Pollution impacts nearly one-third of the threatened species. Chytridiomycosis, the emerging amphibian fungal disease, has not been recorded as a signicant threat in the region so far. Of the 470 globally rapidly declining species, 12% occur within the region. Most of these rapid declines (69%) are caused by severe habitat loss, and 34% are due to overexploitation. Over-exploitation is a more serious threat in the Indomalayan Realm than in any other part of the world, except the Palaearctic. Twenty amphibian extinctions have been recorded from the Indomalayan Realm, 19 in Sri Lanka and one in India. One species (from Indonesia) is possibly extinct.

Table 8. The population trends for all extant Indomalayan amphibians.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 509 161 2 307

% of extant species 52 16 0.2 31

Table 9. The number of species in rapid decline and over exploited decline in the Indomalayan Realm by Family.


Number of Percentage Number of Percentage species in of species species in of species rapid decline in family in over-exploited in family in rapid decline decline over-exploited decline 8 2 6 30 9 1 2 10 2 7 8 3 100 10 0 0 2 15 0 1 2 0 0 2 4 0 100 10

Bufonidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Cryptobranchidae Salamandridae

Breeding and larval development in the microhylid frog Metaphrynella sundana (Least Concern) takes place in water-lled tree holes from where the males call. It lives in lowland primary rainforest, and is widely distributed in Borneo, with a single specimen having been collected from northern Sumatra. Bjrn Lardner

Alcala, A.C. and Brown, W.C. 1998. Philippine Amphibians: An Illustrated Field Guide. Bookmark Press, Makati City, Philippines. Bain, R.H. and Nguyen, Q.T. 2004. Herpetofaunal diversity of Ha Giang Province in northeastern Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species. American Museum Novitates 3453:1-42.

Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm


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LIPI Field Guide Series, Yayasan Hayati, Bogor, Indonesia. Iskandar, D.T. and Colijn, E. 2000. Preliminary Checklist of Southeast Asian and New Guinean Herpetofauna I. Amphibians. Treubia 31(3) supplement: 1-134. Research and Development Centre for Biology, LIPI, Bogor, Indonesia. Japan Agency of Environment 2000. Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book. 2nd ed. Reptilia/Amphibia (in Japanese with English summary). Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan. Khan, M.S. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA. Lim, K.P. and Lim, F.L.K. 1992. A Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre, Singapore. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:3165-3170. Maeda, N. and Matsui, M. 1999. Frogs and Toads of Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo, Shuppan, Japan. Malkmus, R., Manthey, U., Vogel, G., Hoffmann, P. and Kosuch, J. 2002. Amphibians and Reptiles of Mount Kinabalu (North Borneo). A.R.G. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft, Ruggell (Liechtenstein). Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 2005. The Sri Lankan shrub-frogs of the genus Philautus Laurent, 1943 (Ranidae, Rhacophorinae), with description of 27 new species. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 12:163-303. McKay, J.L. 2006. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Bali. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA. Molur, S. and Walker, S. 1998. Conservation assessment of the herpetofauna of India an overview. Hamadryad 23:169-178. Morrison, J.C., Olson, D.M., Loucks, C.J., Dinerstein, E., Allnutt, T.F., Wikramanayake, E.D., Ricketts, T.H., Burgess, N.D., Kura, Y., Powell, G.V.N., Lamoreux, J.F., Underwood, E.C., Wettengel, W.W., DAmico, J.A., Hedao, P., Itoua, I., Kassem, K.R. and Strand, H.E. 2001. Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: a new map of life on earth. BioScience 51:933-938 Nabhitabhata, J. 1989. Species diversity of Thai herpetofauna. In: S. Wongsiri and S. Laolohakarn (eds.), Biodiversity in Thailand, pp. 169-204, The Science Society of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Ohler, A., Marquis, O., Swan, S. and Grosjean, S. 2000. Amphibian biodiversity of Hoang Lien Nature Reserve (Lao Cai Province, northern Vietnam) with description of two new species. Herpetozoa 13:71-87. Ohler, A., Swan, S.R. and Daltry, J.C. 2002. A recent survey of the amphibian fauna of the Cardamom Mountains, southwest Cambodia with descriptions of three new species. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 50:465-481. Orlov, N.L., Ananjeva, N.B. and Ho, T.C. 2006. A new cascade frog (Amphibia: Ranidae) from Central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 13:155-163. Orlov, N.L., Murphy, R.W., Ananjeva, N.B., Ryabov, S.A. and Ho, C.T., 2002. Herpetofauna of Vietnam, a checklist. Part I. Amphibia. Russian Journal of Herpetology 9:81-104. Ota, H. 2000. Current status of the threatened amphibians and reptiles of Japan. Population Ecology 42:5-9. Pawar, S., Koo, M.S, Kelley, C., M. Ahmed, M.F., Chaudhuri, S., Sarkar, S. 2007. Conservation assessment and prioritization of areas in Northeast India: priorities for amphibians and reptiles. Biological Conservation 136:346-361. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., Snchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167.

The treefrog Polypedates feae (Least Concern) from the Family Rhacophoridae is widely, but sparsely, distributed in southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. It is generally associated with closed-canopy evergreen rainforest, and breeds in streams, ponds and paddy elds and holes in trees. Nikolai L. Orlov

Redford, K.H. 1992. The empty forest. BioScience 42:412-422. Schleich, H.H. and Kstle, W. (eds.). 2002. Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell. Stuart, B.L. 1999. Amphibians and reptiles. In: W. Duckworth, R. Salter and Khounboline (eds.), Wildlife in Lao PDR: 1999 Status Report, pp. 43-67. IUCN/WCS/CPAWM, Vientiane. Stuart, B.L. 2005. New frog records from Laos. Herpetological Review 36:473-479. Stuart, B.L. and Emmett, D.A. in press. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from the Cardamom Mountains, southwestern Cambodia. Fieldiana: Zoology. Stuart, B.L., Sok, K. and Neang, T. 2006. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from hilly Eastern Cambodia. Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 54:129-155. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Teynie, A., David, P., Ohler, A. and Luanglath, K. 2004. Notes on a collection of amphibians and reptiles from southern Laos, with a discussion of the occurrence of Indo-Malayan species. Hamadryad 29:33-62. Tiwari, S.K. 1991. Zoogeography of Indian Amphibians. Today and Tomorrows Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India. Tyler, M.J. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in the Australo-Papuan region. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians. A Global Perspective, pp. 541-556. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Uchiyama, R., Maeda, N., Numata, K. and Seki, S. 2002. A Photographic Guide: Amphibians and Reptiles in Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo, Japan. Whitten, T., van Dijk, P.P., Curran, L., Meijaard, E., Supriatna, J. and Ellis, S. 2005. Sundaland. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots Revisited: earths biologically richest and most threatened ecoregions, pp. 164-172. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines. 1997. Philippine Red Data Book. Bookmark, Manila, Philippines. 262 pp. Xie, Y. and Wang, S. 2004. China Species Red List, Vol. 1 Red List, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China. Ye, C.-Y, Fei, L. and Hu, S.Q. 1993. Rare and Economic Amphibians of China. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. Zhao, E.M. 1998. China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals Amphibia. Science Press, Beijing, China. Zhao, E.M. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in temperate East Asia In: W.E. Duellman, W.E., Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 421-443, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Zhao, E.M. and Adler, K. 1993. Herpetology of China. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Zhao, E.M., Chang, H.W., Zhao, H. and Adler, K. 2000. Revised checklist of Chinese Amphibia and Reptilia. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 19:196-207. Ziegler, T. 2002. Die Amphibien und Reptilien eines Tieandfeuchtwald-Schutzgebietes in Vietnam. NTV Wissenschaft, Mnster.

Endnotes 1 Note that at the time of writing, this species was rediscovered at the type locality by S.D. Biju (pers. comm.). 2 According to taxonomic changes proposed by Frost et al. (2006), there are 18, as opposed to 14, families in the Indomalayan Realm, three of which (Nyctibatrachidae, Micrixalidae and Ichthyophiidae) are endemic. 3 Frost et al. (2006) transfer many of the Indomalayan species of Bufo to other genera. 4 Frost et al. (2006) transfer many of these to other genera. 5 Under Frost et als. (2006) arrangement, the Ranidae are split into several families, resulting in the following changes in the Indomalayan Realm: a) 13 species in the genera Nyctibatrachus and Lankanectes are transferred to the family Nyctibatrachidae, which is endemic to southern India and Sri Lanka; b) 141 Indomalayan species in the genera Chaparana, Euphlyctis, Fejervarya, Hoplobatrachus, Limnonectes, Minervarya, Nannophrys, Nanorana, Occidozyga, Paa and Sphaerotheca are transferred to the predominantly Indomalayan family Dicroglossidae; c) 10 species from the genus Indirana from southern India are transferred to the predominantly Afrotropical family Petropedetidae; d) 11 species in the genus Micrixalus are transferred to the family Micrixalidae which is endemic to southern India; e) 32 species in the genera Ingerana and Platymantis are transferred to the predominantly Oceanian family Ceratobatrachidae; and f) 168 species in the genera Amolops, Huia, Meristogenys, Pseudoamolops, Pterorana, Rana and Staurois are retained in the Ranidae. 6 Frost et al. (2006) changes to the Ranidae result in the Rhacophoridae becoming the largest family in the Indomalayan Realm. 7 At the time of writing, Stuart et al. 2006 (Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 54:129) presented the description of two new species, and no fewer than 11 new country records for Cambodia alone from the hilly regions of eastern Cambodia. 8 Note that most of Japan is in the Palaearctic Region, but the Ryukyu Islands are in the Indomalayan Realm.

The ranid frog Nyctibatrachus hussaini (Endangered) is currently only known from Kudremukh National Park in the Western Ghats of India. It has been recorded from torrential hill streams in tropical evergreen forest, and its habitat is threatened by mining activities, and by the harvesting of wood and timber. Rohit S. Naniwadekar


Threatened Amphibians of the World


and several other new records and doubled the number of species hitherto known from the island. However, the low number of amphibian genera represented is an indication that this island may truly have an impoverished fauna. The Lesser Sunda Islands are essentially arid and consequently low in species diversity, as is the case for the Malukus. When a workshop on the Biodiversity of New Guinea was held in Biak1, a study revealed that the ratio of publications on Indonesian Papua compared with Papua New Guinea was roughly 1 to 14, suggesting that very few works have been done in the Indonesian part. This is also evident in the number of amphibian species in Indonesian Papua, which currently has at least 100 fewer described species than Papua New Guinea, even though Indonesia represents roughly half the land mass (see also Essay 6.4). Of the three greater regions, Sundaland is richest in terms of species, although amphibian composition differs greatly among the three main islands, particularly at the generic level. The island of Borneo, the largest and the most ecologically diverse of three, has an extremely high number of endemic species (see Essay 7.5), though bearing in mind that most Bornean species have been described from Sabah or Sarawak. By contrast, the Wallacean region is depauperate in species (especially in the Lesser Sundas), with a little over 30 species recorded. There is much variation in body-size among Indonesia amphibians, ranging from about 10mm in Oreophryne minuta (DD) from Papua (Richards and Iskandar 2000) one of the smallest amphibian species in the world to about 300mm in Limnonectes blythii (NT) of Sumatra, one of the largest frog species. Reproductive strategies include parental care (Inger 1966; Inger and Voris 1988; Brown and Iskandar 2002; Gnther 2006) to tadpole laying in an as yet unnamed Sulawesian species (Iskandar and Tjan 1994; and see Chapter 1). Most eggs are laid in a single gelatinous mass, but many Limnonectes and Platymantis and all the New Guinean microhylids have a derived mode of reproduction (parental care). Unfortunately, Indonesia is a country experiencing an exceptionally high rate of forest loss due to a combination of land conversion and forest res, and while only 10% of the countrys amphibians are listed as threatened, this probably will be shown to be considerably higher with further survey work. Most forest loss has occurred in the last three decades, a result of commercial logging and major agricultural projects (including oil palm plantations) in combination with government policies. In Sumatra, for example, illegal and unsustainable logging and non-timber forest product extraction are widespread, and fueled by high demand for hardwood timber from China, North America, Europe, and Japan. Fires have become a major threat in recent years, and may often be linked to logging operations that create ammable conditions by both leaving fuelwood on the forest oor, and through exposing the understory to drying (Whitten et al. 2004). It may be suspected that global climate change is resulting in the drying and dessication of a number of large aquatic areas, such as the Fly River Basin and lowland areas, but further detailed study is needed. In conclusion, our knowledge of Indonesias amphibians is scattered and largely based on what is known from faunistic surveys in a few areas only; no single area, even on Java, has reliable data on the ecology and distribution of amphibians. Survey work is hampered by the fact that many areas in the region are too remote or inaccessible for quick study and assessment, and the facilities and resources available for study are generally lacking. However, notwithstanding, there are several regions within Indonesia that represent urgent priorities for further survey work, particularly since they are likely to be characterized by high levels of endemism, including: Mounts Leuser and Kerinci in Sumatra, the Muller and Meratus ranges in Kalimantan, the Mengkoka Mountains in Sulawesi, and most parts of Indonesian Papua. Furthermore, we have virtually no amphibian records for small- to medium-sized islands such as Karimata in the west and most of the Malukus, especially as many of them have relatively unexplored high mountains. Djoko T. Iskandar

Oreophryne minuta (Data Decient) from the Derewo River Basin in the mountains of western Papua, Indonesia, at 2,000m asl. Djoko Iskandar

Straddling the tropics with more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia has the longest coastline of any country in the world, and also has among the highest mountains in the tropics. Indonesia consists of three bioregions, namely Sundaland, Wallacea, and the Papuan realm. Sundaland comprises the three large islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java, although politically Borneo is divided among three nations. Wallacea includes the large island of Sulawesi, and the smaller islands of two extensive archipelagos: the Malukus and the Lesser Sundas (Nusa Tenggara). The Papuan realm comprises Indonesia Papua (on New Guinea), plus a number of offshore islands. That Indonesia is ranked as the second richest country in terms of known biodiversity in the world (Mittermeier et al. 1997) is signicant when one considers that much of the region remains unexplored or poorly surveyed. Nonetheless, the remarkable diversity and endemism of its ora and fauna is underscored in the reports of numerous undescribed species discovered in practically every new expedition undertaken in the country. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, there are nearly 350 species of amphibians documented from Indonesia (ranking Indonesia as the sixth most important country for amphibian diversity), of which nearly half (46%) are endemic. However, as an indication of just how poorly known the fauna is, one-third of amphibian species in the country are classed as Data Decient on the IUCN Red List (signicantly higher than the global average). The amphibian fauna on Indonesia has been for the most part overlooked since the end of World War II. The islands of Sumatra and Sulawesi are particularly poorly known, and very few publications deal with these two large islands. The faunas of Kalimantan (Indonesia Borneo) and Indonesian Papua, on the other hand, are relatively better documented, but only as a direct result of the inuence of herpetological surveys undertaken in neighbouring Sabah and Sarawak (Malaysia) in Borneo, and Papua New Guinea in New Guinea. Whereas the number of described amphibians on Sumatra stood at 68 in 1923, the total now stands at around 100 species mainly due to new discoveries, although this number is likely to increase exponentially given our current knowledge of undescribed forms. There is a particular paucity of information on amphibian species in montane or even or at medium elevations on Sumatra (Inger and Voris 2001; Inger and Iskandar 2005). This is also the case for Borneo. For example, at the time of the publication of the rst edition of their guide to the frogs of Borneo, Inger and Stuebing (1997) recorded 15 Philautus species from Borneo, though not a single species was observed in the Indonesian part (Kalimantan) even though this area occupies roughly two-thirds of the land mass. More than 80% of the amphibian species of Borneo have been described from either Sabah or Sarawak. Sulawesi has very few species in common with other islands. At present, the island is considered to be species poor, although there are indications that numerous species await formal description, especially in the genera Limnonectes and Rhacophorus (Iskandar and Tjan 1994; Evans et al. 2002). Iskandar and Tjan (1994) reported at least 13 undescribed amphibian species

Brown, R.M. and Iskandar, D.T. 2000. Nest Site Selection, Larval Hatching and Advertisement Calls of Limnonectes arathooni from southwestern Sulawesi (Celebes) Island, Indonesia. Journal of Herpetology 34.3:404-413. Evans, B.J., Brown, R.M., McGuire, J.A., Supriatna, J., Andayani, N., Diesmos, A., Iskandar, D., Melnick, D.J., Canatella, D.C. 2003. Phylogenetics of Fanged Frogs: Testing Biogeographical Hypotheses at the Interface of the Asian and Australian Faunal Zone. Systemic Biology 52:794-819. Gnther, R. 2006. Derived reproductive modes in New Guinean anuran amphibians and description of a new species with paternal care in the genus Callulops (Microhylidae). Journal of Zoology 268:153-170 Inger, R.F. 1966. The systematics and zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo. Fieldiana Zoology 52:1-402. Inger, R.F. and Iskandar, D.T. 2005. A collection of Amphibians from West Sumatra, with description of a new species of Megophrys (amphibia: Anura) Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 53:133-142. Inger, R.F. and Voris, H.K. 1988. Taxonomic status and reproductive biology of Bornean tadpole-carrying frogs. Copeia 1988:1060-1062. Inger, R.F. and Voris, H.K. 2001. The biogeographical relations of the frogs and snakes of Sundaland. Journal of Biogeography 28:863-891. Inger, R.F. and Stuebing, R.B. A Field Guide to the Frogs of Borneo. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Borneo. Iskandar, D.T. and Tjan, K.N. 1996. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Sulawesi, with notes on the distribution and chromosomal number of frogs. In: D.J. Kitchener and A. Suyanto (eds.), Proc. of the First International Conference on Eastern Indonesian-Australian Vertebrates, pp.39-46. Western Australian Museum for Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Mittermeier, R.A., Gil, P.R. and Mittermeier, C.G. 1997. Megadiversity. Earths Biologically Wealthiest Nations. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Richards, S.R. and Iskandar, D.T. 2000. A new tiny species of frog of the genus Oreophryne (Anura, Microhylidae) from the mountains of Irian Jaya, Indonesia Rafes Bulletin of Zoology 48:257-262. Whitten, T., van Dijk, P.P., Curran, L., Meijaard, E., Wood, P., Supriatna, J. and Ellis, S. 2004. Sundaland. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots Revisited: Earths Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions, pp. 164-172. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. 1 The Irian Jaya Biodiversity Conservation Priority-Setting Workshop. Conservation International. Biak 7-11 January 1997.

Nyctixalus margaritifer (Vulnerable) occurs on the island of Java, Indonesia, at elevations above 700m asl. It was rediscovered in 1997 after a long period without any records. Djoko Iskandar

The Western Ghats are a chain of mountains in western India running parallel to the coast for over 1,600km. The mountains in the northern portion begin as low-lying hills close to the Tapti River in Gujarat, increase in height as they pass southwards through the States of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala, and end abruptly in the Mahendragiri Hills of Tamil Nadu State - the southernmost tip of Peninsular India. Along their entire length, there is only one major discontinuity, the biogeographically important Palghat Gap of Kerala, which is approximately 30km wide and has an elevation of less than 100m above sea level (Figure 2). Perhaps surprisingly for such a populous country as India, about one-third of the Western Ghats is still covered by natural vegetation, including about 20,000km2 of rapidly diminishing tropical moist forest (Collins 1990). Although these areas may constitute only around 5% of the total land area of India, they contain at least 30% of Indias native species (Rodgers and Panwar 1988). The results of the Global Amphibian Assessment indicated that 237 amphibian species are present within India1. This impressive diversity includes 212 species of frogs and toads in seven families and 37 genera, at least 25 species of caecilians, and a single species of salamander (Tylototriton verrucosus) that lives in the mountains of the north-east. The amphibian fauna of India as a whole has been discussed in a number of publications, including Inger and Dutta (1986), Inger et al. (1987), Daniels (1992), Dutta (1997), Pillai and Ravichandran (1999), and Das (2000)2. The amphibian diversity of the Western Ghats is distinctive both in its diversity and endemism (Biju 2001; Biju and Bossuyt 2003). These mountains currently hold 131 recognized amphibian species in 25 genera, with 114 of these species (87%) being entirely restricted to this biodiversity hotspot. Higher-taxonomic-level endemism clearly makes this region important in the Asiatic region (Roelants et al. 2004; Bossuyt et al. 2004), with two families (Nasikabatrachidae and Uraeotyphlidae), and eight genera (Indirana, Indotyphlus, Melanobatrachus, Micrixalus, Minervarya, Nasikabatrachus, Nyctibatrachus, Uraeotyphlus) being endemic3. According to the results of the GAA, 53 amphibian species of the Western Ghats, or 40% of the amphibian fauna, are threatened with extinction4 (Figure 1). In addition to the high number of threatened species, it is also worrying that many of the once locally common species (e.g., Nyctibatrachus aliciae, N. minor, Micrixalus fuscus, Rhacophorus lateralis and several of the more widespread Philautus species) appear to have visibly declined in recent years (S.D. Biju pers. obs.). Several species have not been recorded since their original descriptions (e.g., Philautus aviventris and P. chalazodes), and the possibility exists that they are extinct. It is very likely that the leading threat to the amphibian species of the Western Ghats is the continuing conversion or modication of natural habitats. This loss of habitat is largely driven by the continuing growth of the human population in this area, and the basic needs of these people for both agricultural and urban land. Signicant threats to the remaining natural forests also come from the ongoing expansion of plantations (including both non-native timber plantations and tea and coffee estates); commercial logging operations; the extensive extraction of forest products such as rewood; and, perhaps more localized, but nonetheless highly damaging, mining for metal ores and gemstones. While there are no records to date in the Western Ghats of the disease chytridiomycosis, which has been implicated in the consider-

Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm


Ansonia 2 species

Bufo 10 species

Pedostibes 1 species

Kaloula 1 species

Melanobatrachus 1 species

Microhyla 3 species

Ramanella 6 species

Uperodon 1 species

Nasikabatrachus 1 species

Euphlyctis 2 species

Fejervarya 10 species

Hoplobatrachus 2 species

Sphaerotheca 4 species

Minervarya 1 species

Rana 4 species

Indirana 10 species

Micrixalus 11 species

Nyctibatrachus 12 species

Philautus 21 species

Polypedates 2 species

Rhacophorus 5 species

Gegeneophis 7 species

Indotyphlus 2 species

Ichthyophis 7 species

Uraeotyphlus 5 species

able declines of amphibian communities in Latin America and Australia, there is a need for eld surveys to conrm the current absence of this pathogen. The primary means of protecting the amphibians of the Western Ghats is through the regions extensive system of protected areas. There are a total of nine National Parks and 45 Wildlife Sanctuaries in the mountain range (Kothari et al. 1989; recent updating), covering a total area of 16,935km2 or 11% of the Ghats (Collins 1990). Many of the threatened amphibian species have at least some part of their range within these parks and reserves, but it will be important to rapidly characterize how many Critically Endangered and Endangered species are not present within these protected areas. Urgent steps are needed to also protect the remaining habitat of these species to prevent imminent extinctions. One of the largest problems for conserving the amphibian fauna of the Western Ghats is the lack of detailed systematic and other biological information for much of the regions amphibian species. Some 41 species from the Western Ghats are categorized as Data Decient these are species for which insufcient details are available on the taxonomic identity, distribution, or threats to determine whether these animals are of global conservation concern. A number of the Data Decient species from the Western Ghats are

known only from the original, historical description, which can often be brief or incomplete in a contemporary context, and in many instances does not include enough specic details about the initial collection locality. Additionally, the type-series has sometimes been lost or misplaced, meaning that there is very little information available to guide contemporary workers. However, the greatest impediment to conservation and management of this rich amphibian fauna may be hidden in the vast number of species that remain to be described. Intense eldwork (Biju 2001) has revealed that many clearly morphologically distinct species have not yet been scientically documented. In addition, the intra-population structure of several of the currently well-recognized species remains very poorly known. It is becoming increasingly clearer that some of the taxa that are considered to be common and widespread in the Western Ghats may actually represent cryptic species complexes groups of similar looking taxa that form distinct evolutionary lineages (Bickford et al. 2007). In view of the ongoing threats to the remaining natural habitat of the Western Ghats, and considering that a number of species currently hidden within these complexes will have restricted ranges, these species may, in turn, be of signicant conservation concern. Molecular approaches, such as DNA barcoding (see Essay 11.11),


7.6% 20.6%

Number of species Extinct (EX) 1 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 10 Endangered (EN) 27 Vulnerable (VU) 16 Near Threatened (NT) 6 Least Concern (LC) 30 Data Decient (DD) 41 Total taxa 131

Red List Category


12.3% 22.9% 4.6%

Figure 1. Summary of the Red List status for amphibians in the Western Ghats, based on the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

will be extremely useful to rapidly map many aspects of amphibian diversity in the Western Ghats. Urgent work is now needed to describe, document, and protect these exceptional biota. To resolve the existing confusion, greater emphasis is needed on serious coordinated research activities for the Western Ghats amphibians. Perhaps most urgently, detailed collaborative studies by scientists working in different geographical areas of this long mountain chain are needed to nally determine the correct taxonomic identication of many of the regions amphibians. The conservation management of the exceptional amphibian fauna of the Western Ghats, and the biological diversity of this mountain range as a whole, can only benet from such an investment. S D Biju, Rachunliu G Kamei, Bhatta, G., Varad Giri, Neil Cox, Indraneil Das and Franky Bossuyt

Bhatta, G., Dinesh, K.P., Prashanth, P. and Kulkarni, N.U. 2007. A new species of Gegeneophis Peters (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) from Goa, India. Zootaxa 1409:51-59. Bickford, D., Lohman, D.J., Sodhi, N.S., Ng, P.K.L., Meier, R., Winker, K., Ingram, K. and Das, I. 2007. Cryptic species as a window on diversity and conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22(3):148-155. Biju, S.D. 2001. A Synopsis to the Frog Fauna of the Western Ghats, India. Occasional Papers of the Indian Society for Conservation Biology 1:1-24. Biju, S.D and Bossuyt, F. 2003. New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles. Nature 425:283-284. Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbara, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.J., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. 2004. Local endemism within the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot. Science 306:479-481. Collins, D. 1990. The Last Rain Forests. Mitchell Beazley and IUCN, London. Daniels, R.J. 1992. Geographical distribution patterns of amphibians in the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Biogeography 19:521-529. Das, I. 2000. Updates in amphibian systematics and nomenclature for the Indian region. Biodiversity India, ISCB Newsletter 8-12:3-5. Das, I. and Dutta, S.K. 2006. New species of Polypedates (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the Western Ghats, southwest India. Journal of Herpetology. 40(2):214-220. Dutta, S.K. 1997. Amphibians of India and Sri Lanka (Checklist and bibliography). Odessy Publishing House, Bhubaneswar. 342 pp. Frost, D.R. 2007. Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference. Version 5.0 (12

July 2007). Electronic Database accessible at amphibia/index.html. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Inger, R.F. and Dutta, S.K. 1986. An overview of the amphibian fauna of India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 83:135-146. Inger, R.F., Shaffer, H.B., Koshy, M. and Bakde, R. 1987. Ecological structure of a herpetological assemblage in South India. Amphibia-Reptilia 8:189-202. Kothari, A., Pratibha, P., Shekhar, S. and Dilnavaz, V. 1989. Management of National Parks and Sanctuaries in India: A Status Report. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Kerala, New Delhi. Pillai, R.S. and Ravichandran, M.S. 1999. Gymnophiona (Amphibia) of India, a taxonomic study. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 172. 117 pp. Rodgers, W.A. and Panwar, H.S. 1988. Planning a Wildlife Protected Area, Network India. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. Roelants, K., Jiang, J. and Bossuyt, F. 2004. Endemic ranid (Amphibia: Anura) genera in southern mountain ranges of the Indian subcontinent represent ancient frog lineages: evidence from molecular data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:730-740. Roelants, K., Gower, D.J., Wilkinson, M., Loader, S.P., Biju, S.D., Guillaume, K., Moriau, L. and Bossuyt, F. 2007. Global patterns of diversication in the history of modern amphibians. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 104:887-892. Van Bocxlaer, I., Roelants, K., Biju, S.D., Nagaraju, J. and Bossuyt, F. 2006. Late Cretaceous Vicariance in Gondwanan Amphibians. PLoS ONE 1(1):e74. 1 Frost (2007) currently recognizes 265 amphibian species present in India. This total includes a number of recently described species, such as the tree frog Polypedates occidentalis Das and Dutta (2006), not included in the 2005 results of the GAA. 2 Frost (2007) recognizes a diversity of 237 species of frogs and toads in 12 families (including the Western Ghats endemic Micrixalidae) and 50 genera, 27 species of caecilians, and a single species of salamander. Since this last version, a few additional new species of amphibian, such as the caecilian Gegeneophis goaensis (Bhatta et al. 2007), have been described from the Western Ghats. 3 Also, see Frost et al. (2006), Van Bocxlaer et al. (2006), Frost (2007) and Roelants et al. (2007), for emerging information on the high biological diversity of the Western Ghats. 4 In addition to the 52 threatened species (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), there are six Near Threatened species, and a single species regarded as Extinct.

Figure 2. Map of the Western Ghats showing a generalized boundary of the region, elevation, and protected areas in white.

The discovery and description of the diversity of Philippine amphibians began with early European and American professional naturalist collectors who made ancillary collections of amphibian specimens and returned these to museums in their native countries. Descriptions of these specimens were later prepared by early herpetologists such as Dumril, Bibron, Peters, Boettger, Boulenger, Gnther, Mertens, Wiegmann, and Stejneger, among others. The rst published descriptions of endemic Philippine species were soon followed by discoveries of strange and unique species that captured the attention and curiosity of biologists around the world. Looking back as students of the history of herpetology in the Philippines, it is convenient now for us to think of ve separate chapters in the study of Philippine herpetological diversity (Brown et al. 2002). These include the initial period of exploration described above, followed by the career of Edward Taylor (1913-1975). We think of Taylor as the father of Philippine herpetology because his work, involving multiple detailed monographs, resulted in descriptions of so many of the truly spectacular Philippine endemics and a rst true appreciation of the staggering magnitude of herpetological diversity in the archipelago. The third phase was marked by the work of Robert Inger and the publication of his monograph Systematics and zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia (Inger 1954). Ingers comprehensive review of Philippine amphibians marked a turning point in the history of herpetology in the country because of his systematic application of an explicitly stated species concept, statistical treatment of natural variation, and other advances. The fourth stage of Philippine herpetology includes the lengthy and productive collaboration of Angel Alcala and the late Walter Brown (1958-2000). This body of work included numerous comprehensive taxonomic reviews, new species descriptions, and a variety of the rst ecological and developmental studies in Philippine herpetology. Finally, we consider the present day, on-going effort to review the amphibians and reptiles of the Philippines a fth phase in the development of the study of the herpetofauna of the country. An examination of species accumulation over these years (Figure 1) provides us with an appreciation of the magnitude of taxonomic contributions from each of these ve distinct periods in Philippine herpetology. In 1993, the discovery of a new species of forest frog in the genus Platymantis from the mossy forests of Panay Island in central Philippines triggered a major reconsideration of species boundaries within this group. The new species (P. panayensis, EN) differed from an adjacent population (P. hazelae, EN) on nearby Negros Island by subtle differences in morphological proportions, slight differences in coloration, and by its distinct male advertisement call (Brown et al. 1997). The realization that closely related species may differ primarily by advertisement call unleashed a plethora of active eldwork and taxonomic studies, resulting in a doubling of the number of species of Platymantis from 12 to 24 species, between 1997 and 2001 (summarized in Alcala and Brown 1999). With the appreciation that advertisement calls may provide us with insight into truly biologically meaningful suite of characters, we undertook a comprehensive assessment of the acoustic diversity of Philippine forest frogs along with a thorough re-evaluation of the species diversity in the Philippine members of the genus Platymantis. The other major advance in improving our understanding of species diversity in the Philippines has been the application of molecular phylogenetic approaches (Brown and Guttman 2002; Evans et al. 2003; Brown 2004) to new collections of genetic samples of amphibian species from a robust geographic coverage throughout the major island groups of the country. The combination of these new tools have provided new insights into species boundaries and helped uncover the presence of numerous cryptic species that had gone unnoticed for so many decades. Initial results of this ongoing work fortied our understanding of the degree to which biodiversity in Philippine Amphibia has been grossly underestimated by traditional, primarily morphology-based taxonomic practices (Figure 1). The result is a new appreciation of diversity that provides a fuller, more balanced, and biologically meaningful appreciation of the complex interactions of characteristics that have surfaced as most meaningful for the process of lineage diversication in Philippine amphibians (Figure 2). Our current understanding of amphibian species diversity in the Philippines stands at 97 indigenous species (Brown et al. 2002; Diesmos et al. 2002). However, species descriptions of new frogs of the genus Platymantis currently in progress will soon increase that number to around 130 taxa. And, if work on other undescribed species of frogs of other genera that we are aware of were to be completed, the total number would eventually reach at least 165 species. If current trends in rates of species discoveries hold as biologists explore the still many biologically unexplored regions of the country, we expect a possible doubling of the richness of Philippine Amphibia within the next two decades. The irony of the astonishing rates of species discovery, even as so many species are declining (Hanken 1999; Stuart et al. 2004; Khler et al. 2005), coupled with the devastating loss of forested habitat in the Philippines, convinces us that no higher conservation urgency in the world exists than that of the megadiverse Philippine global biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000; Catibog-Sinha and Heaney 2006). With so few trained workers actively working to discover and describe new species of Philippine amphibians, we are left with doubt as to whether we can survey and characterize Philippine amphibian biodiversity within the timeframe of our own careers. Consequently, there can be no greater priority than training new students in amphibian eld studies and doing everything possible to overcome logistical and bureaucratic obstacles to eld work while at the same time investing in collections and related repositories. It is through the building of natural history collection resources (including digital photographic archives, sound libraries, and genetic collection resources) that will enable tomorrows generations of biologists the opportunity to re-assess our work in light of technological advances of the future. Coupled with constant and regular conservation status assessments, we are convinced that these efforts provide the best chances of preventing impending catastrophic amphibian extinctions that loom on the horizon if we fail to take action now (Lips et al. 2003; Sodhi et al. 2004; Stuart et al. 2004). Rafe Brown, Arvin Diesmos, and Angel Alcala

200 180 160 Cumulative Total 140 120 100 80 60

Linnaeus Gnther, Peters, Boulenger, Boettger, Stejneger, etc. Taylor Inger Brown and Alcala Anticipated in 4-5 years given current rate of descriptions and number of currently known new amphibian species Today

40 20 0 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Year of description

Figure 1. Species accumulation curve for Philippine amphibians, including endemic (circles) and non-endemic (squares) species. Estimates of numbers of new species awaiting description are based on a combination of morphological, behavioural, and ecological character differences, with species distinctiveness conrmed by bioacoustic and molecular data.

Chapter 7. Amphibians of the Indomalayan Realm


Alcala, A.C. and Brown, W.C. 1999. Philippine frogs of the genus Platymantis (Amphibia: Ranidae). Philippine Journal of Science 128:281-287. Brown, R.M. 2004. Evolution of ecomorphological variation and acoustic diversity in mate-recognition signals of Southeast Asian forest frogs (subfamily Platymantinae). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA. Brown, R.M., Diesmos, A.C. and Alcala, A.C. 2002 (2001). The state of Philippine herpetology and the challenges for the next decade. Silliman Journal 42:18-87. Brown, R.M. and Guttman, S.I. 2002. Phylogenetic systematic of the Rana signata complex of Philippine and Bornean stream frogs; reconsideration of Huxleys modication of Wallaces Line at the Oriental-Australian faunal zone interface. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76:393-461. Brown W.C., Brown, R.M. and Alcala, A.C. 1997. Species of the hazelae group of Platymantis (Amphibia: Ranidae) from the Philippines, with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 49:405-421. Catibog-Sinha, C.S. and Heaney, L.R. 2006. Philippine biodiversity: Principles and Practice. Haribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural Resources, Quezon City, Philippines. Diesmos, A.C., Brown, R.M., Alcala, A.C., Sison, R.V., Afuang, L.E. and Gee, G.V.A. 2002. Philippine amphibians and reptiles. In: P.S. Ong, L.E. Afuang and R.G. Rosell-Ambal (eds.), Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priorities: a Second Iteration of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, pp.26-44. Department of the Environment and Natural ResourcesProtected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Conservation International Philippines, Biodiversity Conservation ProgramUniversity of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Developmental Studies, and Foundation for the Philippine Environment. Quezon City, Philippines. Evans, B.J., Brown, R.M., McGuire, J.A., Supriatna, J., Andayani, N., Diesmos, A.C., Iskandar, D., Melnick, D.J. and Cannatella, D.C. 2003. Phylogenetics of fanged frogs: testing biogeographical hypotheses at the interface of the Asian and Australian faunal zones. Systematic Biology 52:794-819. Hanken, J. 1999. Why are there so many new amphibian species when amphibians are declining? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:7-8. Inger, R.F. 1954. Systematics and zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia. Fieldiana 33:181-531. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garca, F.H., Glaw, F. Skeinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Lips, K.R., Reeve, J. and Witters, L.R., 2003. Ecological factors predicting amphibian population declines in Central America. Conservation Biology 17:1078-1088.

Sodhi, N.S., Koh, L.P., Brook, B.W. and Ng, P.K.L. 2004. Southeast Asian biodiversity: an impending disaster. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:654-660.

Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786.

Figure 2. Representatives of the species complexes dened by Brown et al. (1997), in part corresponding to the ecomorph classes dened by Brown (2004): P. indeprensus of the Platymantis dorsalis Species Group (ground frogs; A); P. isarog of the Platymantis hazelae Species Group (shrub frogs; B); P. banahao of the Platymantis guentheri Species Group (treefrogs; C); and an example of an enigmatic intermediate: Platymantis insulata (a terrestrial species, nested within the treefrog clade; D). All photos Rafe Brown, 2006. Courtesy of HerpWatch Philippines






The global number of recognized amphibian species has risen dramatically over the past two decades (Hanken 1999; Khler et al. 2005), making amphibians one of the animal groups with the highest proportional rate of description of new species (Hanken 1999). This increase is primarily due to the discovery of truly novel forms by intensied scientic collecting in previously unexplored parts of the world. Molecular genetic and bioacoustic tools in systematic studies have also aided the discovery of cryptic species that were previously overlooked because they morphologically resemble other species. Mainland Southeast Asia (dened in Figure 1) is no exception to this global trend of rapid, recent discovery of new amphibian species. Beginning in 1834 with the description of Hoplobatrachus rugulosus from Hong Kong, a total of 299 currently recognized species of limbed amphibians (excluding caecilians) were discovered and described from the region (Figure 1). Most strikingly, the years 2005 and 2006 (through the time of writing in early November) each yielded 16 new amphibian species, the highest number of annual descriptions from the region since the advent of Linnean classication. The descriptions of 2005-2006 came from every country in the region, suggesting that the very recent boost is not explained by scientic collecting in a localized hotspot. Prior to the last few years, there have been three peaks of discovery in mainland Southeast Asia, with 10-11 currently recognized species described in each of the years 1937, 1962, and 1983 (Figure 1). Two of these peaks reect the signicant contributions of 11 new species from Vietnam by Bourret (1937) and seven new species from Guangxi Province, China, by Liu and Hu (1962), while the third peak is primarily a coincidence of species descriptions from southern China by a number of Chinese authors. Every amphibian species described to date from mainland Southeast Asia has been distinguished from its closest relatives on the basis of morphological differences. However, a number of studies have used bioacoustic data (e.g., Kuramoto and Wang 1987; Wogan et al. 2003) or molecular genetic data (e.g., Li et al. 2001; Bain et al. 2003) to either discover a new species, or corroborate the morphological distinctiveness of a new species. Every molecular genetic study to date that has broadly sampled populations across the range of a widespread frog species in mainland Southeast Asia has uncovered genetic diversity that has been interpreted as unrecognized species diversity (Stuart et al. 2006). These ndings suggest that species diversity in the region remains signicantly underestimated. Molecular genetic and bioacoustic tools are likely to play increasingly important roles in the process of discovering amphibian species diversity in the region. One of the most striking examples of recent Southeast Asian amphibian species discoveries is found in the cascade frogs of the genus Odorrana. Of the 30 species of Odorrana described from the region, 19 have been described since 2001. Many of these new Odorrana are morphologically very similar and have been confused with other species for over a century (Bain et al. 2003; Stuart et al. 2006). Molecular genetic tools have shown that several morphologically similar, but genetically distinct, lineages of Odorrana coexist in the same streams. The ecological and behavioural mechanisms that these coexisting species use to maintain their genetic distinctiveness are currently unknown. The sociological nature of species discovery and description in the range has changed over time. Historically, scientists working on amphibians in the region tended to work and publish alone or with very few colleagues. Today, the process of discovering and describing species in the region involves collaboration among scientists from within and outside of range countries. For example, the average number of authors on species descriptions increased over time in peak years, with 1.0 in 1937, 1.73 in 1962, 2.0 in 1983, 2.38 in 2005, and 2.94 in 2006. The 2005-2006 boom in species descriptions of amphibians from mainland Southeast Asia represented papers authored by (alphabetically) American, Burmese, Cambodian, Canadian, Chinese, French, German, Indian, Japanese, Russian, Thai, and Vietnamese authors. The exchange of expertise and division of labour inherent in these growing collaborations may partly explain the increasing productivity of amphibian taxonomists working in the region. Our current understanding of amphibian species diversity in the Philippines stands at 102 indigenous species and ve or six introduced species (Brown et al. 2002; Diesmos et al. 2002; Brown 2007). However, species descriptions of new frogs of the genus Platymantis currently in progress will soon increase that number to around 140 taxa. Novel ndings await discovery in the vast areas that are still under-surveyed. A number of geographically widespread, single species that are suspected to represent species complexes have not yet been studied with molecular genetic or bioacoustic tools. Some of these widespread species may be found to contain multiple, morphologically cryptic species, each having much smaller geographic ranges. Conversely, newly discovered species are often prematurely labeled as endemic to a limited geographic area only because scientists have just become aware of them. Although international cooperation among amphibian taxonomists is increasing, many studies have been restricted by political boundaries. As a result, some species have been described on opposite sides of borders under different names, and their known geographic distributions are limited by these sampling restrictions. These challenges indicate that much remains to be learned, and discovery efforts in the eld and laboratory promise to rapidly improve our understanding of amphibian species diversity in the region. Bryan L. Stuart and Raoul H. Bain

Bain, R.H., Lathrop, A., Murphy, R.W., Orlov, N.L. and Ho, C.T. 2003. Cryptic species of a cascade frog from Southeast Asia: taxonomic revisions and descriptions of six new species. American Museum Novitates 3417:1-60. Bourret, R. 1937. Notes herptologiques sur lIndochine franaise. XIV. Les batraciens de la collection du Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles de lUniversit. Descriptions de quinze espces ou varits nouvelles. Annexe au Bulletin Gnral de lInstruction Publique 4:5-56.

20 18 16 Number of species 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Year of description

Figure 1. Annual amphibian species descriptions (n = 299 descriptions) from mainland Southeast Asia, dened as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand (north of the Isthmus of Kra), Myanmar (north of the Isthmus of Kra), and southern China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Hong Kong and Taiwan). Data were obtained from Frost (2006) and subsequently published literature, except that Hoplobatrachus rugulosus was not treated as a junior synonym of H. chinensis. Other synonyms, species having the vague type locality of China, and caecilians (owing to poorly dened species boundaries) were not included.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Brown, R.M. 2007. Introduction, Robert F. Ingers Systematics and Zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia (Foreword to the 2007 reprint of Ingers 1954 monograph). In: Systematics and Zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia, pp. 1-17. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu. Frost, D.R. 2006. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 4 (17 August 2006). Electronic database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Hanken, J. 1999. Why are there so many new amphibian species when amphibians are

declining? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14:7-8. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garcia, F.H., Glaw, F., Steinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New Amphibians and Global Conservation: A Boost in Species Discoveries in a Highly Endangered Vertebrate Group. BioScience 55:693-696. Kuramoto, M. and Wang, C.-S. 1987. A new rhacophorid treefrog from Taiwan, with comparisons to Chirixalus eifngeri (Anura, Rhacophoridae). Copeia 1987:931-942. Li, C., Ye, C.-Y. and Fei, L. 2001. Taxonomic studies of Odorrana andersonii in China (Anura: Ranidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 26:234-238.

Liu, C.-C. and Hu, S.-Q. 1962. A herpetological report of Kwangsi. Acta Zoologica Sinica 14(Suppl.):73-104. Stuart, B.L., Inger, R.F. and Voris, H.K. 2006. High level of cryptic species diversity revealed by sympatric lineages of Southeast Asian forest frogs. Biology Letters 2:470-474. Wogan, G.O.U., Htun Win, Thin Thin, Kyi Soe Lwin, Awan Khwi Shein, Sai Wunna Kyi, and Hla Tun. 2003. A new species of Bufo (Anura: Bufonidae) from Myanmar (Burma), and redescription of the little-known species Bufo stuarti Smith 1929. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 54:141-153.


Borneo, the worlds third largest island, straddles the equator and until relatively recently was entirely covered in tropical forests. Given this favorable environment, it is not surprising that Borneo is one of the global hot spots for frogs. No fewer than 148 species are now known from Borneo (Inger and Stuebing 2005) and new species continue to be discovered. Most explorations of this rich fauna have concentrated on the Malaysian portions of the island, Sarawak and Sabah. Relatively little work has been carried out in Kalimantan, which occupies roughly two-thirds of the land mass. This rich fauna is diverse taxonomically and consists of species in six families, most of which are also very rich in species in the adjacent land masses of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. These frogs vary in size from the tiny Microhyla perparva (NT) at 15mm to the giant Bufo juxtasper (LC) at 215mm in body length. The fauna is also ecologically diverse, demonstrating almost all the modes of life that frogs are capable of, from species that burrow (e.g., Calluella smithi DD), to those that live mostly high in trees (e.g., Rhacophorus pardalis LC). The breeding habits of the Bornean species also cover almost the entire range of variation known for frogs (Inger and Tan 1996). Most species deposit their eggs in the water of ponds or streams, but a few lay their eggs in watercontaining tree holes (e.g., Metaphrynella sundana LC). Some even lay their eggs under leaf litter on the forest oor (e.g., Limnonectes palavanensis LC), where they are guarded by the male who later transports the small tadpoles on his back to a small rain pool on the forest oor. Tadpoles vary also in shape and size (Inger 2005). Those that develop in ponds, such as the tadpoles of Polypedates otilophus (LC), have fat, almost spherical bodies and are large (up to about 65mm), while those that develop in streams tend to have more slender bodies. The tadpoles of the Slender Litter Frogs (genus Leptolalax) have very lithe bodies and wriggle into the crevices between the rocks lining the bottoms of the swift streams in which they live. Some tadpoles, for example, those of the Torrent Frogs (genus Meristogenys), live in rapids and have a large sucker on the underside that enables them to cling to rocks in the strongest currents. There are also a few kinds of small tadpoles, like those of the Sticky Frogs (genus Kalophrynus) that do not feed, but subsist through their short developmental periods on the store of yolk in the eggs. These tadpoles are usually found in very small, shallow pools of rain water, sometimes those that form in rotting logs. There is also a group of species, the Bush Frogs (genus Philautus) that do not have free-swimming tadpoles. These frogs have very large (relative to their body size) eggs, rich in yolk, which are usually laid under the moist leaf litter of the forest oor. The embryo develops within the gelatinous envelope of the egg and hatches out as a tiny froglet. From many points of view this is a rich, very diverse frog fauna. But, because it is a tropical forest fauna, it is at risk because of forest conversion and clearing, primarily due to logging, agriculture and mining. The entire forest rapid decline in the populations of these two groups of species that breed in streams having clear water and gravel or rock bottoms. Opening of the forest exposes the leaf litter in which many frog species live to much higher temperatures and lower humidity. The Bush Frogs (Philautus) place their fertilized eggs under dead leaves, which in undisturbed forests, remain continually moist. As soon as the forest is opened, more sunlight reaches the oor raising the temperature and drying out the oor litter. Ten of the 16 Bornean species of Philautus are considered to be threatened. While there has been no direct study of the impact of high temperature and low humidity on litter-dwelling frogs, the failure to nd these species in open areas, such as surrounding agricultural elds, suggests a direct relation between forest clearance and disappearance of these species. Yet some species manage to survive in secondary forests, those forests from which some trees have been removed. Large areas cleared of forest in Borneo have been converted to non-native tree plantations, mostly oil palm, but also Acacia mangium. These tree plantations have some of the physical characteristics of natural forest, such as a closed canopy, reduction in sunlight reaching the oor, and high humidity. If these plantations are adjacent to forest, even secondary forest, it is possible that some rain forest frogs may move into and survive in these environments. In fact, an as yet incomplete survey of the frogs living in Acacia plantings in Sarawak has discovered species of frogs characteristic of rain forests in these exotic environments. At least one threatened oor-dwelling species, Kalophrynus intermedius (VU), has been recorded within an Acacia planting. These particular plantations are adjacent to secondary forests, and this secondary forest is probably the source of the Acacia-dwelling frogs. It may also be signicant that pesticides have not been broadcast in these plantings, and more investigation of the fauna of tree plantations is needed to determine what portion of the fauna can adjust to living in that kind of exotic environment, and for how long populations can persist. Until such study is completed, we may not know how grim the future is for this interesting, unique amphibian fauna. Robert F. Inger

A Bornean endemic, Ansonia spinulifer (Near Threatened), is a characteristic species reported from lowland localities throughout Borneo from 150-750 m asl. Djoko Iskandar

fauna depends on the very high humidities and moderate temperatures created by the closed canopy of the forest. Nearly one-third of the Bornean frog species (29%) all but one of them known only from Borneo are listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List, and all because of serious habitat modication. Although economic development poses a hazard to all of these rainforest frogs, it is clear that certain ecological or behavioral characteristics put some species at particular risk. The frog fauna of Borneo is roughly equally divided between those species that breed in streams (61 of 148 species) and those that breed in small bodies of standing water (64 species). However, when one considers only the threatened species, then those that breed in streams (19 of 42 species) outnumber those that that breed in standing water (10 species). The majority (14 species) of these threatened stream-breeding amphibians have tadpoles specialized for living in strong, clear currents. One of the immediate consequences of selective logging, which harvests only the largest trees, is stream siltation, which results in the accumulation of a ne layer of silt covering the stream bottom. Forest clearing results in an even deeper layer of silt. This silt clogs the bottom crevices in which some kinds of tadpoles live (e.g., tadpoles of the genus Leptolalax) and prevents the growth of rock-clinging algae on which other kinds of tadpoles feed (e.g., tadpoles of the Torrent Frogs, Meristogenys). The result is a sharp,

Inger, R.F. 2005. The systematics and zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu (reprint), Malaysia. Inger, R.F. and Stuebing, R.B. 2005. A eld guide to the frogs of Borneo. 2nd edn. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Inger, R.F. and Tan, F.-L. 1996. The natural history of amphibians and reptiles in Sabah. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

A calling male tree hole frog Metaphrynella sundana (Least Concern), with the vocal sac inated. Some tree holes may be as much as 10 metres or more above the ground () Bjrn Lardner

Limnonectes rhacoda (Near Threatened) is a lowland rainforest species currently known only from Indonesian Borneo. Djoko Iskandar


Don Church, David M. Green, Geoffrey Hammerson, Joseph Mitchell, Gabriela Parra Olea and Georgina Santos Barrera


The Nearctic Realm includes most of mainland North America, south to central Mexico (excluding the Caribbean coast of Mexico, and extreme southern Florida in the United States). North America currently has a land connection to South America that was formed relatively recently, beginning in the late Pliocene, some 3.5 Ma. Even earlier in the Permian to early Jurassic Periods, some 285-190 Ma, North America had land connections with Eurasia and Africa. Biogeographic relationships between these regions are seen today, for example, in the presence of giant salamanders in the Appalachians and in China and Japan. The Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States began to uplift some 680 Ma, when the European and African plates pressed against the east side of the North American plate, long before the time when the rst amphibians crawled or hopped. These mountains had eroded almost entirely by the Mesozoic Era, but further uplift during the Cenozoic Era and subsequent erosion by newly formed rivers and streams shaped the Appalachians as we know them today. The moist temperate forests that now cover these mountains grow on severely eroded remnants of a formerly towering cordillera that was putatively higher than the Himalaya. The western part of the region is much more mountainous and includes the Rocky Mountains, the Cascade Range, the Alaskan Range, and many others. The topographical and geological histories of this region are complex. Three major mountain-building episodes restructured the topography of the west during the period of about 170 to 40 Ma (Jurassic to Cenozoic Periods). Orogenous uplift continues today in the Cascades and other westernmost ranges as seen in modern eruptions of mountain peaks like Mount Saint Helens. The Rockies and the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico date from uplifts that occurred during the Laramide orogeny some 70-40 Ma in the Palaeocene and Eocene Epochs. The highest point in the Nearctic Realm is Mount McKinley in Alaska at 6,194m. During the more recent geological past, as in the Pleistocene, sea levels rose and fell during several glacial-interglacial episodes. The eastern coastline of North America during the last major glacial event (that ended about 10,000 years ago) was as far as 100km east of its current location and -130m to -180m below current sea level. The Coastal Plain terraces are the result of previous sea level rise and fall events. Glacial and interglacial episodes in the Pleistocene had dramatic effects on the ora and fauna in most of North America with major latitudinal and elevational shifts in ranges of entire communities and ecosystems (Flint 1971). Many of the current distributions of amphibians in the Nearctic are the result of these historical events. Many amphibians that now range northward to New York or nearly so, for example, expanded their ranges up the Coastal Plain following glacial retreat. Boreal coniferous forests dominate the northern part of the region through Alaska and Canada, although high-elevation mountains such as in the southern Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains also support such forests. The eastern part of the region was originally covered with mixed and broad-leaved forests after the Pleistocene glaciations, giving way to vast grasslands in the central part of the continent east of the Rockies. The south-eastern portion of the Nearctic Realm was dominated by pine forests after the last glaciation some 10,000 years ago. In keeping with the topography, habitats are much more complex in the west, ranging from hot deserts, to sagebrush, Mediterranean-type chaparral, montane coniferous forests, alpine tundra, and extremely wet temperate rainforests in the Pacic Northwest. The Mexican portion of the Nearctic Realm supports desert and desert grassland between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental. High mountains in these regions support xeric oak and pine vegetation. Descriptions of biotic communities, vegetation, and ecoregions in the Nearctic Realm are in Scott (1995), Brown et al. (1998), Ricketts et al. (1999), and Barbour and Billings (2000), among others. Compared with other parts of the world, the Nearctic Realm has a low human population density (approximately 15 people per square km in 2005), only 23% of which lives in rural areas, and a low population growth rate (1.2% per annum), which is gradually decreasing. The human population is distributed very unevenly, with high concentrations in southern Canada, on the Coastal Plain and Piedmont in the eastern and north-eastern United States, and in California and Florida. Gross income per capita in the United States and Canada was over US$38,000 in 2004, but the southern part of the region in northern Mexico is poorer, with a gross income per capita of less than US$10,000 in 2004. The high wealth of much of the region helps to explain why damage to natural ecosystems has been extensive in relation to the low human population density; due to large-scale agriculture, urbanization, roads, wetland loss. Economic growth rates in the region have been relatively high (3.5% in 2005), especially for a wealthy region. The human impact on Nearctic ecosystems varies greatly through the region. There have been high levels of anthropogenic disturbance over the last 300 years, with very extensive forest loss in the eastern and southern United States and conversion of the formerly extensive grasslands to commercial agriculture in the centre of the country. Over the last century, there has been some forest regeneration in parts of the east, although this regrowth has recently been targeted for much timber harvesting. Damage to ecosystems has been as severe in the drier west due to timbering and cattle grazing. The coniferous stands in the northern boreal zone were relatively untouched until recently. Urbanization and suburbanization are expanding rapidly in all cities and towns and contributes substantially to habitat loss. Pollution of rivers, streams and lakes is a problem in many areas of the Nearctic, and approximately 40% of these in the United States are classied by the United States Environmental Protection agency as polluted. Freshwater wetland loss has been high (Fretwell et al. 1996) because of land conversion to urbanization and agriculture. Overviews of threats to and losses of animals, habitats, and ecosytems in North America are in LaRoe et al. (1995) and Noss et al. (1995).

contains 4% of all globally threatened amphibians. It accounts for only 2% of CR species and 3% of the EN species, but 7% of the VU species. Hence, threatened Nearctic amphibians are more likely to be in a lower category of threat, when compared with the global distribution of threatened species amongst categories. The percentage of DD species, 7% (25 species), is also less than the global average of 23%. This result is not surprising for such a well-surveyed region. Two of the worlds 34 known amphibian extinctions have occurred in this region, namely the Vegas Valley Leopard Frog Rana sheri and the poorly known Catahoula Salamander Plethodon ainsworthi in Mississippi. In addition, the only amphibian in the world currently listed as Extinct in the Wild with only captive populations in existence, the Wyoming Toad Bufo baxteri, is also found here. Three Critically Endangered species in the Nearctic Realm are also considered possibly extinct: Tlalocs Leopard Frog Rana tlaloci from the Mexican Plateau, the Bigfoot Splayfoot Salamander Chiropterotriton magnipes2 from San Luis Potosi and Queretaro, Mexico, and the Cave Splayfoot Salamander Chiropterotriton mosaueri from northern Hidalgo, Mexico (the rst two of these also occur in the Neotropical Region). These taxa represent 2.3% of the 130 possibly extinct species in the world. There is little in the way of overall discernible pattern in Nearctic amphibian extinctions thus far.

Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Nearctic Realm. The percentage of species in each category is also given.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 2 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 1 Critically Endangered (CR) 10 Endangered (EN) 24 Vulnerable (VU) 46 Near Threatened (NT) 40 Least Concern (LC) 189 Data Decient (DD) 25 Total Number of Species 337
7% 1% 3% 7%

SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa
The 337 native amphibian species in the Nearctic Realm represent 6% of the currently known global total of 5,915 species. Of these 337 species, 230 (or 68%) are endemic to the Nearctic (Table 1). Both salamanders and frogs occur in the region, but no caecilians. Unlike the situations in all other major biogeographic realms, there are more species of salamanders (Caudata) than frogs and toads (Anura), the former accounting for 58% of the species in the Nearctic. Endemism is also much higher in the salamanders (89%), as compared with frogs and toads (39%). This presumably reects a more ne-grained pattern of isolation and speciation, and accordingly generally much smaller range sizes, among salamanders in the Appalachian Mountains in the east and Sierra Nevada Mountains in the west. Of the 17 families that are native to the region, only three of them are endemic (Table 1). Only 10 species (3%) are members of these endemic families, but this low percentage is a reection of the fact that several families occur only marginally in other regions. Under current climatic conditions, there is less isolation between the Nearctic and Neotropical Realms than there is between the Afrotropical and Palaearctic Realms, and there are points of contact between the two faunas along the Caribbean coast of Mexico and in Florida (although the transvolcanic belt in central Mexico does form a barrier to faunal dispersal). The result of this indistinct boundary is to reduce the level of endemism of both regions. The families Scaphiopodidae, Ambystomatidae, Amphiumidae, and Sirenidae are nearly endemic to the Nearctic, and Leptodactylidae and Rhinophrynidae are almost endemic to the Neotropics. Proteidae is also overwhelmingly Nearctic with just one species in the Palearctic. Duellman and Sweet (1999), Green (1997) and Lannoo (2005) provide summaries of the amphibian fauna of the Nearctic. Of the 51 genera (11% of the global total) that occur in the region, 22 (33%) are also endemic. Endemism at the generic level is much higher among the salamanders (67%) than it is among frogs and toads (4.2%), a pattern mirrored in the Palaearctic. The most speciose genera in the region are Plethodon (48 species), Rana (38 species), Bufo (28 species), Eurycea (24 species), and Ambystoma (21 species). At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are nine monotypic genera endemic to the Nearctic Realm, eight of which are salamanders and seven of which are in the family Plethodontidae. The 32 non-endemic genera in the Nearctic include 23 frog genera (13 genera in Hylidae, three in Leptodactylidae, two each in Microhylidae and Scaphiopodidae, and one each in Bufonidae, Ranidae and Rhinophrynidae) and nine salamander genera (four in Plethodontidae, two in Sirenidae, and one each in Ambystomatidae, Amphiumidae, and Salamandridae). These non-endemics include the widespread genera Bufo and Rana.


12% 56%

The Lesser Siren Siren intermedia (Least Concern) is one of the four species of siren in the family Sirenidae, a group of highly aquatic salamanders with small front legs and no back legs. It ranges from the south-eastern United States to north-eastern Mexico, and lives in shallow water with abundant vegetation (burrowing into the bottom mud if the water dries up). Michael Graziano

Table 1. The number of Nearctic amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.
Family Native species (endemics to region) Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 43 36 13 0 55 0 57 39 76 67 100 100 93 100 100 67 50 89 68 100 3 2 0.2 0 3 0 57 1 53 67 33 100 37 83 100 6 50 33 4 Native genera (endemics to region) Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 100 100 76 100 100 50 0 67 37 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 50 100 45 50 100 6 0 29 4


A total of 83 species (24%) of the 337 amphibian species in the Nearctic Realm is considered to be globally threatened or Extinct (Figure 1). This is signicantly less than the global average of 33%1, but very similar to the situation in the Palaearctic. The Nearctic Realm

Anura Ascaphidae Bufonidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhinophrynidae Scaphiopodidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Amphiumidae Cryptobranchidae Dicamptodontidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Rhyacotritonidae Salamandridae Sirenidae TOTAL CAUDATA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

2 (2) 28 (12) 39 (14) 23 (3) 4 (0) 38 (21) 1 (0) 7 (4) 142 (56) 21 (16) 3 (2) 1 (1) 4 (4) 147 (136) 5 (5) 4 (4) 6 (4) 4 (2) 195 (174) 337 (230)

1 (1) 1 (0) 13 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 2 (0) 24 (1) 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 17 (13) 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 2 (0) 27 (18) 51 (19)


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The Marbled Salamander Ambystoma opacum (Least Concern) occurs in the eastern United States in various wooded habitats, in the vicinity of swamps and vernal pools. For most of the year the adults are subterranean in rodent tunnels, but in the autumn they congregate, sometimes in large numbers as shown here, to lay eggs in forest depressions such as vernal pool basins. Don Church

The Wood Frog Rana sylvatica (Least Concern) ranges farther north than any other North American amphibian. It is abundant and widespread, and occurs in various kinds of forest and woodland habitats, and also willow thickets and grass/willow/aspen associations. The eggs are laid, and larvae develop, usually in small fish-free ponds in wooded or, sometimes, open areas. Don Church Table 2. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Nearctic Realm. Introduced species are not included.
Family Anura Ascaphidae Bufonidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhinophrynidae Scaphiopodidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Amphiumidae Cryptobranchidae Dicamptodontidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Rhyacotritonidae Salamandridae Sirenidae TOTAL CAUDATA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS EX EW CR

As noted already, 17 of the worlds 48 amphibian families (35%) occur in the Nearctic, with three endemic: Ascaphidae, Dicamptodontidae and Rhyacotritonidae3. The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 1. Among the non-endemic families, the majority of Nearctic species are in the Bufonidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Ranidae, Ambystomatidae and Plethodontidae. Of the Nearctic Bufonidae, all 28 species are in the widespread genus Bufo4. This family occurs through most of the region, and 16 species (57%) are shared with the Neotropics. All Nearctic species have free-living aquatic larvae. There are 39 species of Hylidae in the Nearctic currently placed in 13 genera (Faivovich et al. 2005). This family is also very widespread within the region; 25 species (64%) range into the Neotropics. Within this region, these species include treefrogs, chorus frogs and cricket frogs, and are associated with many different habitats. All Nearctic species have free-living aquatic larvae. Although the family Leptodactylidae is almost endemic to the Neotropics, 23 species occur in the Nearctic in Mexico, and some range into the southern United States. These include representatives of the genera Eleutherodactylus and Craugastor, which breed by direct development on land, and Leptodactylus, which have free-living aquatic larvae.5 All of the Nearctic Ranidae are in the genus Rana6, The family is very widespread in the region, occurring in most aquatic and wetland habitats, and all members in the region have free-living aquatic larvae. The mole salamanders (Ambystomatidae) are mainly a Nearctic family, with 21 species (70% of the global total) occurring in the region, 16 of which are endemic. The species are mainly subterranean as adults and juveniles, with aquatic larvae that develop mainly in temporary pools and occasionally in streams. The Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders) is by far the largest family in the Nearctic, with 147 species (40% of the global total), of which 136 are endemic. The family includes both direct-developing species, which breed terrestrially with no association with water (for example, Plethodon, Aneides, and Batrachoseps), and aquatic larval developing species, typically associated with streams (for example, Desmognathus and Eurycea). Although the family is widespread through much of the region (but avoiding highest latitudes), it reaches extraordinary diversity in the southern Appalachians (see Essay 8.1). Most species in this family are strongly tied to forest habitats (though some, especially in the genus Eurycea, live in caves). As home to four small salamander families that occur mainly in the eastern United States, the Nearctic contributes uniquely to global amphibian diversity. Both the Amphiumidae (amphiumas) and Sirenidae (sirens) occur largely on the Coastal Plain of the eastern and southern United States (ranging only marginally into the Neotropics). The Cryptobranchidae (giant salamanders) has one species in the Nearctic (the Hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis; NT); two others are in East Asia. The Proteidae (mudpuppies and waterdogs) has ve species in the Nearctic (all in the eastern United States), with one species in Europe.

Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Nearctic Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 52 species.

The members of all four families are mainly large salamanders that are completely aquatic as both larvae and adults. The Rhyacotritonidae (torrent salamanders) and Dicamptodontidae (Pacific giant salamanders) are wholly restricted to the Pacic north-west. Members of both families are inhabitants of coldwater mountain streams. The small frog family Scaphiopodidae (American spadefoots), with just seven species, occurs mainly in the Nearctic, but three of the species also range into the Neotropics. The remaining families include the Microhylidae (globally widespread, with just four species in the region, none of which are endemic), the primitive Rhinophrynidae (which marginally ranges into the region), and the Salamandridae (mainly a Palaearctic family, with six species in the region). The threatened and extinct species in the Nearctic are overwhelmingly in the Plethodontidae (46, 84% of the total in the region; Table 2). This is a reection of the many species with small ranges that occur in mountainous regions (especially in the Appalachians and in Mexico), where they are threatened in many places by forest loss. Nearly one-third (31%) of the lungless salamanders in the region are globally threatened or extinct. There is also a high percentage of threatened species (29%) among the mole salamanders (Ambystomatidae), which are also threatened mainly by habitat loss. Most threatened frog species occur in the larger families, namely Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae, and Ranidae (Table 2). The threatened toads (Bufonidae) occur mainly in the western United States, where they have been impacted by habitat degradation, and in some cases by introduced bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) and the disease chytridiomycosis. The eight threatened species of Leptodactylidae are all Mexican endemics threatened by habitat loss (and perhaps, in a few cases, by chytridiomycosis). The threatened Nearctic species in the Ranidae range widely in Mexico and the western and southern United States. As with the other families, they are impacted by habitat loss and chytridiomycosis, but invasive species and water pollution have also been detrimental. It is noteworthy that the percentage of threatened treefrogs (Hylidae) in the region is much lower than for the other large families. The great majority (88%) of the threatened amphibians in the Nearctic are in the Endangered and Vulnerable categories. The generally low number of Critically Endangered species masks some important family-level differences, with 14% of the Nearctic Ambystomatidae, and 11% of the Nearctic Ranidae falling into this category.

Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

Overall species richness of amphibians in the Nearctic Realm (Figure 2) is highest in the southeastern United States, especially on the Coastal Plain and in the Appalachian Mountains. Species richness is low in the drier parts of northern Mexico, through much of the central and western United States (although there are more species in moist areas along the northwest Pacic coast), and in Canada. The Nearctic Realm is well studied, and Figure 2 probably reects genuine patterns of amphibian species richness. Concentrations of threatened species (Figure 3a) in the Nearctic are less marked than in many tropical regions. Nevertheless, there are some notable concentrations in the southern Appalachians (centred on the Great Smoky Mountains), the mountains of northern Mexico, along the Edwards Plateau in Texas, and in the mountains of California. These geographic concentrations generally reect the topographically diverse montane parts of the region where amphibians have naturally small ranges and where habitat destruction is ongoing. The Texan concentration largely reects subterranean salamanders in the genus Eurycea and blind species in the genus Typhlomolge. Not surprisingly, given the small number of species involved, there are no noteworthy concentrations of Critically Endangered species in the region, with the exception perhaps of the California oristic region (see Essay 8.2) (Figure 3b).






Total number Number Threatened of species or Extinct 2 28 39 23 4 38 1 7 142 21 3 1 4 147 5 4 6 4 195 337 0 6 3 8 0 11 0 0 28 6 0 0 0 46 1 1 1 0 55 83

% Threatened or Extinct 0 21 8 35 0 29 0 0 20 29 0 0 0 31 20 25 17 0 28 24

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 10

0 4 2 2 0 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 12 1 0 1 0 15 24

0 1 1 5 0 5 0 0 12 2 0 0 0 31 0 1 0 0 34 46

0 2 2 1 0 5 0 1 11 1 1 1 1 21 1 2 1 0 29 40

2 20 34 9 4 20 1 6 96 13 2 0 3 63 3 1 4 4 93 189

0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 18 25

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Although Mexico as a whole has more amphibian species than the United States, within the Nearctic Realm the United States has more than double the number of species (261 species vs. 116) (Figure 4). Species richness in Canada is low, with just 45 species. The amphibian fauna in Mexico is less well known than that of either the United States or Canada, although the Nearctic parts of Mexico are probably better surveyed than the more diverse Neotropical areas to the south. The Mexican amphibian fauna is not well summarized in review literature other than in Flores-Villela (1993) and Flores-Villela et al. (1995). However, there are some recent regional publications from northern Mexico (Lemos-Espinal et al. 2004; Vazquez-Daz and Quintero-Daz 2005). The

Chapter 8. Amphibians of the Nearctic Realm


Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Nearctic Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Maximum richness equals four species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Nearctic Realm. Maximum richness equals one species.



United States of America*

United States of America*

United States of America*





United States of America*







150 Number of species





40 Percentage of endemic species














Number of threatened species

Percentage of species threatened

Figure 4



Figure 5

Figure 6



Figure 7

amphibians of the United States and Canada are amongst the best known in the world, with a very extensive review literature and many books, including Green (1997), Harding (1997), Conant and Collins (1998), Petranka (1998), Stebbins (2003), and Lannoo (1998, 2005). Summaries of the amphibian fauna of the Nearctic are provided by Duellman and Sweet (1999) and Lannoo (2005). There are numerous State and Province level summaries of the amphibian fauna, such as Stebbins (1972), Mount (1975), Martof et al. (1980), Nussbaum et al. (1983), Green and Pauley (1987), Dundee and Rossman (1989), Klemens (1993), Leonard et al. (1993), Russell and Bauer (1993), Degenhardt et al. (1996), Weller and Green (1997), Bartlett and Bartlett (1999), Hammerson (1999), Hunter et al. (1999), Dixon (2000), Johnson (2000), Hulse et al. (2001), Minton (2001), MacCulloch (2002), Dodd (2004), Trauth et al. (2004), Werner et al. (2004), Corkran and Thoms (2006) and Matsuda et al. (2006). The United States has far more endemic Nearctic species (182) than the other two countries in the Nearctic (Figure 4). Mexico has 68 endemic Nearctic species, but there are no endemic amphibians in Canada. In the United States, 70% of the Nearctic species are endemic, compared with 59% in Mexico (Figure 5). Only one globally threatened amphibian species occurs in Canada, compared with 31 in Mexico and 52 in the United States (Figure 6). The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in Mexico (27%) compared with the United States (20%) (Figure 7). In both cases, this level of threat is lower than the global average of 33%. Assessments of the conservation status of Nearctic amphibians at the national level have been carried out by NatureServe (e.g., Stein et al. 2000), since updated as part of the Global Amphibian Assessment (Young et al. 2004). There are also ofcial governmental threatened species listing processes in Canada ( and in the United States ( An ofcial Mexican red list of amphibians is in preparation (the draft is on The proportion of Critically Endangered Nearctic species is highest in Mexico (6%), being 1% in the United States, and zero in Canada. This reects the generally poor conservation situation for amphibians in Mexico (see Neotropical section). However, the only Extinct and Extinct in the Wild species in the region are in the United States, although, as mentioned above, two of the Critically Endangered species in Mexico are possibly extinct.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Most Nearctic amphibians (79%) occur in forests; only 17% of which can survive in secondary terrestrial habitats (Table 3; Figure 8). As in other regions, forest-dwelling and stream-associated amphibians are more likely to be threatened than are those occurring in any other habitats, with nearly 20% of species being globally threatened. This combination of habitat preferences is associated with rapid declines in amphibian populations worldwide (Stuart et al. 2004). Amphibians occurring in savannahs, marshes and swamps, arid and semi-arid habitats, and secondary terrestrial habitats are less likely to be threatened than those occurring in these other habitats (Table 3; Figure 8).

Figure 4. The number of amphibians present in and endemic to each Nearctic country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Nearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Nearctic country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Nearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 6. The number of threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Nearctic country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Nearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are threatened. *denotes countries not entirely within the Nearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

Reproductive Modes
Larval development is the most common reproductive mode in the Nearctic (65% of species), compared with 35% for direct development and no live-bearing species (Table 4; this compares with the global picture of 68% larval development, 30% direct development, and 1% live-bearing). The Nearctic amphibians clearly have a larger proportion of direct-developing species than the global average. Most of the direct-developing Nearctic amphibians are plethodontid salamanders, especially in the genera Plethodon (48 species), Batrachoseps (19), Chiropterotriton (10), and Pseudoeurycea and Aneides (both 6). The other concentration of direct-developing frogs in the region is among the leptodactylid frogs in the genus Eleutherodactylus (12 species) and Craugastor (9). In the Nearctic, the percentage of globally threatened or Extinct direct-developing amphibians is much higher than for larval-developing species (33% as apposed to 20%). As in other regions, this is probably because direct-developing species have smaller ranges on average, and are therefore more seriously affected by habitat loss.

As in other parts of the world, habitat loss is overwhelmingly the major threat to amphibians in the Nearctic Realm (Table 5; Figure 9), affecting nearly 80% of the threatened species.

Habitat type

Number of species in each habitat

% of all species occurring in the habitat 79 3 21 23 17 50 26 42 6

Threatened and Extinct species

% of species occurring in habitat that are Threatened or Extinct 19 0 14 10 9 19 9 11 10

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

266 10 70 77 56 169 87 141 21

51 0 10 8 5 32 8 16 2

Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 20

Table 3. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Nearctic Realm. Figure 8. The habitat preferences of Nearctic amphibians. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the right-hand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All species 118 219 0 0

Threatened or Extinct species 39 44 0 0

% Threatened or Extinct 35 65 -

Table 4. Nearctic amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

The Columbia Torrent Salamander Rhyacotriton kezeri (Near Threatened) is restricted to a small area in the Coastal Ranges of Oregon and Washington in the United States. It is one of only four torrent salamander species in the Family Rhyacotritonidae, which is endemic to the Pacic Northwest. All the species are strictly associated with streams in forest. Henk Wallays

Threat type All habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

Threatened species % Threatened species 63 79 23 29 12 15 11 14 39 49 31 39 17 21 6 8 6 8 1 1 27 34 9 11 14 18 12 15 1 1 13 16

Pollution is the next most serious threat, affecting one-third of the threatened species. Invasive and introduced species, disease, human disturbance, and re also have signicant impacts on certain species. Most other threats are of relatively minor importance. Although chytridiomycosis has been recorded widely in the region (e.g., Fellers et al. 2001; Bradley et al. 2002), and is associated with some serious declines, its overall impacts still seem to be less than in the Neotropics. However, there have been some reports of crashes in amphibian populations in North America (e.g., Kagarise Sherman and Morton 1993; Drost and Fellers 1996) that could well be attributable to chytridiomycosis. Ongoing research may show that this fungal disease is a greater threat than current documentation indicates. Of the types of habitat loss impacting amphibians in the Nearctic, the impacts of vegetation removal, mainly via logging (which affects nearly half of the threatened species), and urbanization and industrial development (nearly 40%) are the most severe, followed by expanding croplands (nearly 30%) (Table 5). Tree plantations and livestock are less important threats in most cases. A total of 31 species (only nine of which are threatened) are recorded as being used for some or other purpose in the region (Table 6). The most common reasons for harvesting Nearctic amphibians are for the pet trade and human consumption. Much of the harvesting of amphibians in the region is not considered to constitute a major threat to the species. Of the 31 species being harvested, utilization is considered to be a threat for just 14 (of which only six are threatened species for which harvesting is believed to be contributing to deterioration in their status, most prominently the Critically Endangered Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum).

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

Roughly half of Nearctic amphibian species are believed to have stable populations whereas nearly one-third are thought to be decreasing (Table 7). The population trend is unknown for a substantial percentage of species. For the majority of species, these trends are inferred from trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend (although in a few cases population declines and increases have been noted). Species with decreasing populations are typically forest-dependent species that can tolerate little disturbance to their habitats. Overall trends for Nearctic amphibians reect a healthier situation than is the case globally where 43% are decreasing and only 27% are stable. In both cases, however, the percentage of increasing species is very small.

Table 5. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Nearctic Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.

Rapidly Declining Species

All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance

Couchs Spadefoot Scaphiopus couchii (Least Concern) occurs in northern Mexico and the south-western United States in arid and semiarid shrublands, short grass plains, mesquite savannah, creosote bush desert and cultivated areas. It burrows underground or occupies rodent burrows when inactive, but emerges to breed explosively when temporary pools are formed by the rain. Twan Leenders

Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

Of the 470 globally rapidly declining species, only 24 (5%) occur within the Nearctic Realm (a full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the realms). One of these 24 species, Rana megapoda, is in decline due to over-exploitation, 14 due to reduced habitat, and nine due to so-called enigmatic declines (now generally attributed to the synergistic effects of chytridiomycosis and climate change (Lips et al. 2006; Pounds et al. 2006)). The rapidly declining species show a distinct taxonomic pattern (Table 8). Among the larger families, the Ranidae and Bufonidae show by far the highest percentages of species in serious decline and in enigmatic decline. There are no Nearctic species in serious decline in the Hylidae, and the percentages are also low in the Leptodactylidae and the Plethodontidae. Some small families have high percentages of species in serious decline, most notably the Proteidae, Salamandridae and Scaphiopodidae. The relatively small number of rapid declines in the Nearctic are widely scattered across the region without any clear geographic pattern.
Percentage of threatened species affected

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Nearctic Realm. A total of 337 species are recorded from the Nearctic Realm, of which 80 (24%) are considered threatened. The Nearctic is the only region of the world in which salamanders outnumber frogs (195 as opposed to 142 species). At the species level, 230 amphibians (68% of those present) are endemic to the Nearctic; of the 17 families found in the region, three are endemic, and of 51 amphibian genera occurring, 19 are endemic. Endemism is lower in the Nearctic than in some other regions, especially due to the unclear and somewhat arbitrary boundary with the Neotropics in several places. The percentage of threatened or Extinct species is lower than in many other parts of the world, but highest in the families Leptodactylidae (35%), Plethodontidae (31%), Ranidae (29%), Ambystomatidae (29%), Rhyacotritonidae (25%), Bufonidae (21%), and Salamandridae (17%). Geographic concentrations of threatened species in the Nearctic are less marked than in many tropical regions, but there are some notable concentrations in the southern Appalachians (centred on the Great Smoky Mountains), the mountains of northern Mexico, the Edwards Plateau in Texas, and the mountains of California. The United States has the largest number of species in the Nearctic Realm (261 species), and also has more endemics (182). Mexico has 68 species endemic to the Nearctic, whereas Canada has none. The United States has the largest number of threatened species (52), followed by Mexico (31). However, the percentage of threatened species is higher in Mexico (27% versus 20%). Threatened species tend to show distinct habitat preferences, with forest-dwelling and stream-associated species being the most threatened (19% and 19%, respectively). This pattern is mirrored elsewhere in the world. Habitat loss, primarily due to vegetation removal (mainly logging), urbanization/industrial development, and expanding croplands is affecting almost 80% of the threatened species in the region. Pollution impacts over one-third, and invasive species over 20%, of the threatened species. Disease (usually chytridiomycosis) is negatively affecting 18% of globally threatened species in the region, but is implicated in 38% of the rapid declines. Only 5% of the 470 globally rapidly declining species occur within the region. Most of these rapid declines (58%) are caused by severe habitat loss, but chytridiomycosis is a growing concern. Two amphibian extinctions have been recorded from the Nearctic, and one species is Extinct in the Wild, all of these being from the United States. A further two species are possibly extinct (both from Mexico).

Chapter 8. Amphibians of the Nearctic Realm


Abell, R.A., Olson, D.M., Dinerstein, E., Hurley, P.T., Diggs, J.T., Eichbaum, W., Walters, S., Wettengel, W., Allnutt, T., Jacobs, C.T. and Hedao, P.. 2000. Freshwater Ecosystems of North America, A Conservation Assessment. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA. Barbour, M.G. and Billings, W.D. (eds.). 2000. North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Bartlett, R.D. and Bartlett, P.P. 1999. A Field Guide to Florida Reptiles and Amphibians. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, USA. Bradley, G.A., Rosen, P.C., Sredl, M.J., Jones, T.R. and Longcore, J.E. 2002. Chytridiomycosis in native Arizona frogs. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 38:206-212. Brown, D.E., Reichenbacher, F. and Franson, S.E. 1998. A Classication of North American Biotic Communities. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Conant, R. and Collins, J.T. 1998. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles: Eastern and Central North America. Third edition, expanded. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Corkran, C.C. and Thoms, C. 2006. Amphibians of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Revised and updated edition. Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Degenhardt, W.G., Painter, C.W. and Price, A.H. 1996. Amphibians and Reptiles of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Dixon, J.R. 2000. Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas. Second edition. Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas, USA. Dodd, C.K., Jr. 2004. The Amphibians of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Drost, C.A. and Fellers, G.M. 1996. Collapse of a regional frog fauna in the Yosemite area of the California Sierra Nevada, USA. Conservation Biology 10:414-425. Duellman, W.E., and Sweet, S.S. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in the Nearctic region of North America. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 31-109, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Dundee, H.A. and Rossman, D.A. 1989. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Louisiana. Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. Faivovich, J., Haddad, C.F.B., Garcia, P.C.O., Frost, D.R., Campbell, J.A. and Wheeler, W.C. 2005. Systematic review of the frog family Hylidae, with special reference to Hylinae: phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 294:1-240. Fellers, G.M., Green, D.E. and Longcore, J.E. 2001. Oral chytridiomycosis in the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa). Copeia 2001:945-953. Flint, R.F. 1971. Glacial and Quaternary Geology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, USA. Flores-Villela, O. 1993. Herpetofauna Mexicana. Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Special Publications 17:1-73. Flores-Villela, O.A., Mendoza-Quijano, F. and Gonzalez-Porter, G. 1995. Recopilacion de claves para la determinacion de anbios y reptiles de Mexico. Publicaciones Especiales del Museo de Zoologia Universidad Nacional de Autonoma de Mexico 10:1-285. Fretwell, J.D., Williams, J.S. and Redman, P.J. (compilers). 1996. National Water Summary on Wetland Resources. United States Geological Survey. Water-Supply Paper 2425, Reston, Virginia, USA. Frost, D.R. 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 3.0 (22 August, 2004). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnelly, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Gibbs, J.P., Breisch, A.R., Ducey, A.R., Johnson, G., Behler, J.L. and Bothner, R.C. In press. Amphibians and Reptiles of New York State: Identication, Natural History, and Conservation. Oxford University Press, New York, New York, USA. Green, D.M. (ed.) 1997. Amphibians in Decline: Canadian Studies of a Global Problem. Herpetological Conservation, Number 1, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Green, N.B. and Pauley, T.K. 1987. Amphibians and Reptiles in West Virginia. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Hammerson, G.A. 1999. Amphibians and Reptiles in Colorado. Second edition. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Harding, J.H. 1997. Amphibian and Reptiles of the Great Lakes Region. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Hulse, A.C., McCoy, C.J. and Censky, E.J. 2001. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pennsylvania and the Northeast. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA. Hunter, M.L., Jr., Calhoun, A.J.K. and McCollough, M.1999. Maine Amphibians and Reptiles. University of Maine Press, Orono, Maine, USA. Johnson, T.R. 2000. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Missouri. Second edition. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, Missouri, USA. Kagarise Sherman, C. and Morton, M.L. 1993. Population declines of Yosemite toads in the eastern Sierra Nevada of California. Journal of Herpetology 27:186-198. Klemens, M.W. 1993. Amphibians and Reptiles of Connecticut and Adjacent Regions. State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin 112, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Lannoo, M. (ed.). 1998. Status and Conservation of Midwestern Amphibians. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. Lannoo, M. (ed.). 2005. Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, USA. LaRoe, W.T., Farris, G.S., Puckett, C.E., Doran, P.D. and Mac, M.J. (eds.). 1995. Our Living Resources: A Report to the Nation on the Distribution, Abundance, and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems. United States Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, D.C., USA. Lemos-Espinal, J., Smith, H.M. and Chiszar, D. 2004. Introduccin a los Anbios y Reptiles del Estado de Chihuahua. UNAM-CONABIO, Mxico, D.F. Leonard, W.P., Brown, H.A., Jones, L.L.C., McCallister, K.R. and Storm, R.M. 1993. Amphibians of Washington and Oregon. Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, Washington, USA. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:3165-3170. MacCulloch, R.D. 2002. The ROM Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum and McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. Martof, B.S., Palmer, W.M., Bailey, J.R. and Harrison III, J.R. 1980. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Matsuda, B., Green, D.M. and Gregory, P.T. 2006. The Amphibians and Reptiles of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, Canada. Minton, S.A. Jr. 2001. Amphibians and Reptiles of Indiana. Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Mount, R.H. 1975. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Alabama. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. Auburn, Alabama, USA.

The Two-toed Amphiuma Amphiuma means (Least Concern) is one of three species in the Amphiumidae, a Family of three eel-like salamanders from the south-eastern United States with vestigial limbs. It can be found in a variety of still-water habitats, and may leave water, especially on rainy nights. Suzanne L. Collins, CNAH

Purpose Food human Medicine human and veterinary Wearing apparel, accessories Handicrafts, curios, etc. Pets, display animals Research Specimen collecting

Subsistence 11 (5) 2 (1) 1 (0) 1 (0) 3 (1) 0 1 (1)

Sub-national/ National 5 (1) 0 0 1 (0) 7 (2) 2 (1) 8 (4)

Regional/ International 3 (0) 0 0 1 (0) 11 (2) 3 (1) 1 (1)

Number of species 13 (5) 2 (1) 1 (0) 1 (0) 14 (2) 4 (1) 8 (4)

Table 6. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Nearctic Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 103 162 2 68

% of species 31 48 0.6 20

Table 7. The population trends for all extant Nearctic amphibians.


Number of Percentage Number of species in of species species in rapid decline in family in enigmatic rapid decline decline 5 1 8 1 1 6 1 1 18 4 21 14 5 4 20 17 3 1 4 0 0 3 0 0

Percentage of species in family in enigmatic decline 11 4 11 0 0 2 0 0

Table 8. The number of species in rapid decline and enigmatic decline in the Nearctic Realm by Family.

Bufonidae Leptodactylidae Ranidae Scaphiopodidae Ambystomatidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Salamandridae

The Coastal Tailed Frog Ascaphus truei (Least Concern) ranges from southern British Columbia and northern California, and is one of only two species in the Family Ascaphidae. Both species are associated with clear, cold, swift-moving mountain streams in forests and lay eggs in long strings under stones in water. Suzanne L. Collins, CNAH

Noss, R.F., LaRoe, E.T., III and Scott, J.M. 1995. Endangered Ecosystems of the United States: A Preliminary Assessment of Loss and Degradation. United States Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, D.C., USA. Nussbaum, R.A., Brodie, E.D., Jr. and Storm, R.M. 1983. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacic Northwest. University Press of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA. Petranka, J.W. 1998. Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., USA. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., Snchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Olson, D.M., Loucks, C.J., Eichbaum, W., Dellasaia, D., Kavanagh, K., Hedao, P., Hurley, P.T., Carney, K.M., Abell, R. and Walters, S. 1999. Terrestrial Ecosystems of North America, A Conservation Assessment. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA. Russell, A.P. and Bauer. A.M. 1993. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, and University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, Alberta. Scott, G.A.J. 1995. Canadas Vegetation, A World Perspective. McGill-Queens University Press, Montreal and Kingston, Canada. Stebbins, R.C. 1972. California Amphibians and Reptiles. University of California Press. Berkeley, California, USA. Stebbins, R.C. 2003. A eld guide to western reptiles and amphibians. Third edition. Houghton Mifin Company, Boston, USA. Stein, B.A., Kutner, L.S. and Adams, J.S. (eds.). 2000. Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States. Oxford University Press, New York, New York, USA. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Trauth, S.E., Robinson, H.W. and Plummer, M.V. 2004. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Vazquez-Daz, J. and Quintero-Daz, G.E. 2005. Anbios y Reptiles de Aguascalientes. CONABIO-CIEMAInternacional de Relojes, Mxico. Weller, W.F. and Green, D.M. 1997. Checklist and current status of Canadian amphibians. Herpetological Conservation 1:309-328. Werner, J.K., Maxell, B.A., Hendricks, P. and Flath, D.L. 2004. Amphibians and Reptiles of Montana. Mountain Press Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana, USA. Young, B.E., Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A. and Boucher, T.M. 2004. Disappearing Jewels: The Status of New World Amphibians. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Endnotes 1 P<0.01 (binomial test). 2 At the time of writing, Chiropterotriton magnipes was discovered in two new localities, away from the type locality (G. Parra Olea pers. comm.). 3 By merging the Dicamptodontidae into the Ambystomatidae, Frost et al. (2006) reduce the number of families in the region to 16, and the number of endemic families to two. Frost et al. (2006) also merged Ascaphidae into Leiopelmatidae. However, in this section we follow the former taxonomic arrangement of families based on Frost (2004). 4 Frost et al. (2006) transfer these species to other genera. 5 Frost et al. (2006) transfer Eleutherodactylus and Craugastor to the family Brachycephalidae. 6 Frost et al. (2006) transfer most of these to the genus Lithobates


Threatened Amphibians of the World


(Fleming and Van Alstine 1999; Roble 1999) suggesting that this region of Appalachia may have provided Pleistocene refugia for entire communities. Future studies of these relict populations will reveal how species ranges have contracted and expanded and, hence, what the consequences may be from future climate change. Several of the endemic Appalachian plethodontid salamander species have extremely restricted distributions. These species are susceptible to habitat loss and climate change and are, therefore, important agship species for the region. The Shenandoah Salamander, Plethodon shenandoah (VU), for example, is restricted to talus slopes between 914 and 1,143m asl on the north and north-west slopes of Hawksbill Mountain, Stony Man Mountain, and The Pinnacles in the Blue Ridge of north-central Virginia (Petranka 1998; Mitchell and Reay 1999). The conservation status of this species is apparently secure for the immediate future given that its entire range lies within Shenandoah National Park. The Peaks of Otter Salamander, P. hubrichti (VU), is another small, entirely terrestrial species restricted to a 19-km high elevation length of the Blue Ridge Mountains in west-central Virginia. Although abundant within parts of its range, this salamander is susceptible to timbering and habitat fragmentation due to its very low dispersal rate and restricted distribution (Kramer et al. 1993). The Junaluska Salamander, Eurycea junaluska (VU), is another rare Appalachian salamander found patchily and in low abundance in the Cheoah River drainage of North Carolina and along Fighting Creek and Tellico River in Tennessee. This very rare species has a biphasic life history, with stream-dwelling larvae and adults that enter forests. Thus, the Junaluska Salamander is vulnerable to degradation of both stream and forest habitats. Although not endemic to Appalachia, the Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (NT), is another important agship amphibian for the region. This species is the sole representative of its genus, and one of only three surviving species within the family of giant salamanders, Cryptobranchidae. Hellbenders are bizarre animals with eshy folds of skin undulating along their sides and are capable of reaching 74 cm in total length. Living their entire lives in large, fast-owing streams, they have laterally compressed tails and are capable of swimming quickly underwater. Their large, dorsally attened heads support only diminutive eyes, but have huge mouths capable of engulng craysh and small sh, the mainstays of their diet. A mature male constructs a nesting cavity under a large at rock during the breeding season and aggressively guides gravid females to enter, whereupon he detains her until she oviposits her clutch of up to 750 eggs. The male then fertilizes the eggs, evicts the mother, and subsequently guards the nest from intruders for a period of the incubation (Bishop 1943; Dodd 2004). Hellbenders were traditionally eaten by Native Americans, who probably skinned them rst as their slimy skin secretions are toxic to many predators (McCoy 1982). The majority of the Hellbenders range occurs within the Appalachian region, where it was undoubtedly abundant in streams prior to European colonization (Petranka 1998). Populations have since declined drastically across much of their range and have gone locally extinct due to their susceptibility to stream impoundment, siltation from timber harvest operations and development, and pollution from industry (Bury et al. 1980; Mitchell et al. 1999). Although many river systems within the Hellbenders range are protected, this species, like many amphibians, is highly susceptible to anthropogenic activities outside the primary habitat. Despite the high species richness and abundance of the salamanders in the Appalachian Mountains of North America, many of them are threatened. Population extinction and range contraction is occurring for several of these unique vertebrates. None appears to be in imminent danger of complete extinction, but urban sprawl, pollution, climate change, and some types of agriculture and timber harvesting are causing declines in many areas. Fortunately, large parts of the Appalachian Mountain chain, especially in the southern Appalachians, are in U.S. National Park and National Forest Service ownership. Conservation and management of these spectacular amphibians is ongoing at many levels, such as with the Habitat Management Guidelines produced by Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (Bailey et al. 2006; Mitchell et al. 2006). Don R. Church, Thomas S.B. Akre, and Joseph C. Mitchell
Brame, A.H., Jr. 1967. A list of the worlds recent and fossil salamanders. Herpeton 2:1-26. Buhlmann, K.A. and Hoffman, R.L. 1990. Geographic distribution: Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum. Herpetological Review 21:36. Burton, T.M. and Likens, G.E. 1975. Salamander populations and biomass in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Copeia 1975:541-546. Bury, R.B., Dodd, C.K., Jr., and Fellers, G.M. 1980. Conservation of the amphibia of the United States: a review. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Resource Publication 134:1-34. Church, S.A., Kraus, J.M., Mitchell, J.C., Church, D.R., and Taylor, D.R. 2002. Phylogeography of the eastern tiger salamander: Effects of the Pleistocene glaciation on current genetic relationships. Evolution 57:372-383. Conant, R., and Collins, J.T. 1998. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians, Eastern and Central North America. Third, expanded edition. Houghton Mifin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Dodd, C.K., Jr. 2004. The Amphibians of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee. USA. Dunn, E.R. 1926. The Salamanders of the Family Plethodontidae. Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Fleming, G.P. and Van Alstine, N.F. 1999. Plant communities and oristic features of sinkhole ponds and seepage wetlands in southeastern Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 13:67-94. Frost, D. 2000. Species, descriptive efciency, and progress in systematics. In: R.C. Bruce, R.G. Jaeger and L.D. Houck (eds.), The Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders, pp. 7-29. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, USA. Kramer, P., Reichenbach, N., Hayslett, M. and Sattler, P. 1993. Population dynamics and conservation of the Peaks of Otter salamander, Plethodon hubrichti. Journal of Herpetology 27:431-435. McCoy, C.J. 1982. Amphibians and reptiles in Pennsylvania. Special Publications of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 6:1-91. Mitchell, J.C., Breisch, A.R. and Buhlmann, K.A. 2006. Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Northeastern United States, pp. 106. Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Technical Publication HMG-3, Montgomery, Alabama, USA. Mitchell, J.C. and Buhlmann, K.A. 1999. Amphibians and reptiles of the Shenandoah Valley Sinkhole Pond System in Virginia. Banisteria 13:129-142. Mitchell, J.C., Pauley, T.K., Withers, D.I., Cupp, P.V., Braswell, A.L., Miller, B., Roble, S.M. and Hobson, C.S. 1999. Conservation status of the southern Appalachian herpetofauna. Virginia Journal of Science 50:13-36. Mitchell, J.C. and Reay, K.K. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Virginia. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Special Publication Number 1, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Petranka, J.W. 1998. Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., USA. Roble, S.R. 1999. Dragonies and damselies (Odonata) of the Shenandoah Valley Sinkhole Pond System and vicinity, Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 13:101-127.

Although widely distributed throughout much of the United States, southern Canada south to northern Mexico in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum (Least Concern) is absent from most of the Appalachian Mountains and occurs only in the Shenandoah Valley at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains in west-central Virginia. Don Church

The Appalachian Mountains lie in a 2,414km north-east to south-west stretch of eastern North America from Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada to north-central Alabama in the United States (with their foothills in north-eastern Mississippi). The topographic system is divided into a series of ranges, with the highest of the group being Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina (2,040m). This summit is also the highest point on the continent east of the Mississippi River. Because North America and Africa were once connected, the Appalachians were once part of the same mountain chain as the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Many oristic and some animal species (e.g., giant salamanders) are also related to those in the mountains of western China based on ancient continental connections. The Appalachian region supports a startling diversity of amphibians, all the more so since more than one-third of the species (37 of the 98 present) are endemic. Salamander genetic diversity in the Appalachians is the highest in the world, although Central America supports a higher species richness (see Essay 9.3). In total, 72 salamander species inhabit the region, with 60 representatives of the family Plethodontidae (the lungless salamanders). All of the regions endemic amphibians are plethodontids. Although the areas salamander fauna has been intensively studied for over 150 years, new species are still being discovered. Several species with restricted distributions remained hidden to herpetologists among mountains and caves until the middle of the 20th century. Dunn (1926) recognized 22 species in his seminal revision of the Plethodontidae. By 1967, the plethodontid count was at 26 species (Brame 1967). However, the advent of molecular genetic techniques in the mid-1960s sparked another scientic inquisition into the regions salamander fauna. The number of described plethodontid species more than doubled by the beginning of the 21st century. For example, Conant and Collins (1998) recognized 56 Appalachian species in their eld guide. Genetic analyses continue to discover cryptic species that are difcult to resolve with only morphological differences. Colour, pattern, and morphological variation abound geographically and among species in the Appalachians. Green Salamanders, Aneides aeneus (NT), have, for example, a bright green moss-like pattern, splayed limbs, and large feet used for climbing and living in rock crevices. Seepage and streamside salamanders include the bright yellow, sleek Two-lined Salamanders, members of the genus Eurycea, the robust, brilliant Red Salamander, Pseudotriton ruber (LC), and the large Spring Salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (LC), a predator of all of the rest. The many streamside salamanders in the genus Desmognathus have dull brown to black colours and varying dull reticulate and spot patterns, but are amazingly abundant in mountain streams. Some species are fully aquatic, like the Shovel-nosed Salamander, Desmognathus marmoratus (LC), whereas others spend as much time on land as in the water, like the Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus (LC). The many species in the completely terrestrial salamander group, genus Plethodon, lay eggs in moist microhabitats in forests where all embryonic development occurs within the egg capsule. Hatchlings are adult forms and fully terrestrial. The Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus (LC), may be the most abundant vertebrate in the Appalachians. Their biomass per square meter can be higher than all the mammals and equal to that of all the birds in the area (Burton and Likens 1975). The lungless salamanders within the Appalachian region have been very valuable to our understanding of speciation and other evolutionary processes (Frost 2000). The diversity of the Appalachian amphibian fauna is enhanced by a few species from other families that have small relict populations. For example, the Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum (LC) is found patchily along the Coastal Plain, but is also known to occur in only a single location within the Appalachian region. This disjunct population is dependent upon a unique complex of ancient sinkhole ponds in the Shenandoah Valley at the base of the Big Levels massif of the Blue Ridge Mountain chain in west-central Virginia (Buhlmann and Hoffman 1990; Mitchell and Buhlmann 1999). Although the next nearest Tiger Salamander population occurs on Virginias Coastal Plain, mitochondrial DNA evidence reveals that this relict mountain population is most closely related to a population in west-central South Carolina, but became isolated 100,000-300,000 years ago (Church et al. 2002). Genetic and fossil data strongly suggest that the Tiger Salamander once had a more continuous distribution throughout the Appalachian region but became isolated in the Big Levels area before or during the last Pleistocene glaciation event. Interestingly, these Shenandoah Valley sinkhole ponds also support disjunct populations of plant, dragony, and damsely species

The Blue Ridge Red Salamander Pseudotriton ruber (Least Concern) ranges from the Hudson River in New York southwestward to Indiana and southward to Louisiana and the Gulf Coast; adults are both aquatic and terrestrial. Don Church

Bailey, M.A., Holmes, J.N., Buhlmann, K.A. and Mitchell, J.C. 2006. Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Southeastern United States, pp. 88. Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Technical Publication HMG2, Montgomery, Alabama, USA. Bishop, S.C. 1943. Handbook of Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.

Chapter 8. Amphibians of the Nearctic Realm



California, along with Central America and Australia, has been a focal area for the study of amphibian population declines, because of the severe declines of many of its species. The region is recognized as one of the worlds biodiversity hotspots (the California Floristic Province) and contains a heterogeneous landscape that sustains a wide variety of ecosystems, such as Sonoran deserts, marshes and wetlands, oak woodlands, high-elevation alpine systems, temperate rain forests, and many others. The amphibian fauna is diverse and, at the time of writing, includes 64 recognized native species (Figure 1a), including 40 species of salamanders from ve families and nine genera, and 24 species of frogs and toads from ve families and six genera (plus two introduced species; AmphibiaWeb 2006). Amphibians in California can be found in nearly all habitat types ranging from near Mount Whitney (at 3,657 m, the highest peak in the contiguous United States) to Death Valley (85 m below sea level). Despite the fact that California contains some of the largest contiguous protected habitats in the continental United States, nearly one-quarter of amphibians in California are threatened (Figure 1b). Many potential causes for the widespread declines of amphibians have been proposed. In general these can be grouped into two major categories: 1) factors general to the overall biodiversity crisis, including habitat destruction, alteration and fragmentation, introduced species and over-exploitation, and 2) factors associated with amphibians that might account for declines in relatively undisturbed habitats. The rst category includes relatively well understood direct ecological phenomena, whereas the second includes complex and elusive mechanisms, such as climate change, increased ultraviolet (UV-B) radiation, chemical contaminants, infectious diseases, and the causes of deformities (or malformations). The underlying mechanisms behind these factors are complex and may be working synergistically with more evident factors, such as habitat destruction and introduced species, to exacerbate declines. Many biologists believe that there are some dominant causes, such as new infectious diseases, whereas others are not convinced that there is a single overarching cause for global declines, but that many factors are threatening amphibian populations to a greater or lesser extent. In California, amphibian declines are associated with many of the various hypotheses. Habitat destruction, alteration, and fragmentation have affected a large number of species including the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog R. boylii (NT), the Arroyo Toad Bufo californicus (EN), and the California Tiger Salamander Ambystoma californiense (VU), to name a few (Lannoo 2005). Some amphibians suffered declines long ago. In the 19th century, the California Gold Rush brought waves of new settlers who quickly over-exploited some frog species for food. They also altered the environment in ways that have had much more substantial effects on amphibians. Cities were built, rivers dammed and diverted, forests were cleared, and the waterways of Great Central Valley were completely altered for agriculture and to provide water for cities and industrial growth. The effect on Californias ecosystems has been profound. As elsewhere, habitat conservation has become a central theme in efforts to preserve the regions biodiversity. However, recent amphibian declines in California have occurred in remote habitats well protected from development. Beginning in the 1980s, scientists began to document alarming amphibian disappearances in protected habitats in California, Central America, and Australia. Some of the best documented examples of declines can be found in the Sierra Nevada, which not only contains large sections of roadless, undisturbed habitat, but also has a rich history of biological surveys going back to the turn of the 20th century (Grinnell and Storer 1924). These data are useful for comparisons with present day distributions of amphibians. For example, historical surveys noted abundant amphibians throughout the Sierra Nevada, and at higher elevations (>1500 m) the Mountain Yellowlegged Frog Rana muscosa (CR) (Figure 2) was termed the most abundant of all vertebrates! But, in the last three decades, nearly the entire amphibian fauna of the Sierra Nevada has collapsed. Air pollution, increases in harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV-B), introduced predators, and emerging diseases have all been proposed as key factors that may explain the enigmatic declines in this protected landscape. The rst reports of amphibian collapse in the Sierra Nevada came from Yosemite Toads Bufo canorus (EN) (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Hundreds of animals were found dead and dying, and many populations simply disappeared. A similar pattern was found with Mountain Yellow-legged Frogs (Stebbins and Cohen 1995), while Western Toads Bufo boreas (NT), Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs, and even Long-toed Salamanders Ambystoma macrodactylum (LC) also suddenly declined throughout their ranges. On the other hand, Pacic Chorus Frogs Pseudacris regilla (LC) remained abundant (Stebbins and Cohen 1995). The Sierra Nevada became a testing ground for hypotheses that could account for disappearances in remote, seemingly pristine, habitats. One example is the UV-B hypothesis, which states that human-induced climate modication results in increased levels of harmful UV-B that can kill amphibian eggs exposed to direct sunlight. A correlational analysis showed that there was no negative pattern between expected high UV-B dose and disappearance of frogs, but did reveal that frog populations occurring closer to pesticide and fertilizer sources were more likely to have gone extinct than populations in more remote areas (Davidson et al. 2001). Disease, in particular chytridiomycosis, is also a factor and responsible for the collapse of amphibian populations in Central and South America (Berger et al. 1998; Lips et al. 2006), and Australia (Berger et al. 1998). This disease was found in collapsing populations of Mountain Yellow-legged Frogs in the Sierra Nevada (Rachowicz et al. 2006), although it also appears to be endemic in other amphibian species that have stable populations. Amphibian declines may be the window into the future of what we can expect as humans continue to alter their environment on a global scale. As we learn more about the mechanisms responsible for declines, we may be able to reverse some of them, though there remain few examples. In the Sierra Nevada, one study has shown that, in the absence of disease, population recovery of threatened frogs is possible (Vredenburg 2004). Trout have been extensively introduced throughout the Sierra Nevada for sport shing, and more than 90% of the naturally shless lakes now contain non-native trout. The Mountain Yellow-legged Frog, which is adapted to living in environments without any sh, has declined dramatically (more than 93% of historical populations are now extinct; Vredenburg et. al. 2007), and while there are several potential causes, removal of introduced trout from entire lakes leads to recovery of local frog populations. Vance T. Vredenburg, Michelle S. Koo, and David B. Wake

AmphibiaWeb. 2006. AmphibiWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation [web application]. in. Available:, Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. (Accessed 2006). Berger, L., Speare, L., Daszak, P., Green, D.E., Cunningham, A.A., Goggin, C.L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M.A., Hyatt, M.A., McDonald, K.R., Hines, H.B., Lips, K.R., Marantelli, G., and Parkes, H. 1998. Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian mortality associated with population declines in the rain forests of Australia and Central America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95:9031-9036. Davidson, C., Shaffer, H.B. and Jennings, M.R. 2001. Declines of the California red-legged frog: Climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypotheses. Ecological Applications 11:464-479. Gastner, M.T. and Newman, M.E.J. 2004. Diffusion-based method for producing density-equalizing maps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101:7499-7504. Grinnell, J. and Storer, T. 1924. Animal life in the Yosemite. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. Lannoo, M.J. (eds.). 2005. Amphibian declines: the conservation status of the United States species. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P.,and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103:3165-3170. Rachowicz, L.J., Knapp, R.A., Morgan, J.A.T., Stice, M.J., Vredenburg, V.T., Parker, J.M. and Briggs, C.J. 2006. Emerging infectious disease as a proximate cause of amphibian mass mortality in Rana muscosa populations. Ecology 87:1671-1683. Stebbins, R.C. and Cohen, N.W. 1995. Declining Amphibians. A Natural History of Amphibians. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. Stuart, S., J.S. Chanson, N.A. Cox, B.E. Young, A.S.L. Rodrigues, D.L. Fishman, and R.W. Waller. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Vredenburg, V.T. 2004. Reversing introduced species effects: Experimental removal of introduced sh leads to rapid recovery of a declining frog. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101:7646-7650. Vredenburg, V.T., Bingham, R., Knapp, R., Morgan, J.A.T., Moritz, C. and Wake, D. 2007. Concordant molecular and phenotypic data delineate new taxonomy and conservation priorities for the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog (Ranidae: Rana muscosa). Journal of Zoology, London 271:361-374.

The Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Rana muscosa (Critically Endangered) from California and Nevada, USA, has declined by the loss of over 93% of historic populations. This frog is extinct in the state of Nevada, but scattered populations remain in the Sierra Nevada along eastern California and in three mountain tops surrounding Los Angeles (fewer than 200 individuals survive in only eight populations in the southern mountains). Major threats to remaining populations include air pollution, disease and introduced predators (trout). Vance Vredenburg

Figure 1. Amphibian species diversity by U.S. state (A), and percent of threatened amphibian species by state (b) visualized using density equalizing cartograms (technique after Gastner and Newman 2004). State size and shape are purposefully distorted in proportion to (in A) the total number of amphibian species, and (B) the percentage of threatened species by state (data sources; A: AmphibiaWeb 2006; B: Stuart et al. 2004).


Cochranella vozmedianoi (Data Decient) is a poorly known species endemic to Cerro El Humo, in the Pennsula de Paria, in northern Venezuela. It is a glass frog from the Family Centrolenidae that inhabits tropical humid forests, along streams. It lays its eggs on the upper side of leaves overhanging streams. The larvae fall into the stream below after hatching. Juan Manuel Guayasamin

Federico Bolaos, Fernando Castro, Claudia Cortez, Ignacio De la Riva, Taran Grant, Blair Hedges, Ronald Heyer, Roberto Ibez, Enrique La Marca, Esteban Lavilla, Debora Leite Silvano, Stefan Ltters, Gabriela Parra Olea, Steffen Reichle, Robert Reynolds, Lily Rodrguez, Georgina Santos Barrera, Norman Scott, Carmen Ubeda, Alberto Veloso, Mark Wilkinson and Bruce Young


The Neotropical Realm includes all of mainland South America, much of Mesoamerica (except parts of northern Mexico), all of the Caribbean islands, and extreme southern Texas and Florida in the United States. South America has a long history of geographic isolation that began when this continent separated from other Southern Hemisphere land masses 40-30 Ma. The Andes, one of the largest mountain ranges on earth and reaching 6,962m at Acongagua in Argentina, began to uplift 80-65Ma as South America drifted west from Africa. The other prominent mountainous areas on the continent are the Tepuis of the Guianan Shield, and the highlands of southeastern Brazil. The complex patterns of wet and dry habitats on the continent are the result of an array of factors, including the climatic effects of cold ocean currents interacting with these mountain ranges, orographic barriers to winds carrying humidity within the continent, and the constant shifting of the intertropical convergence zone, among others. The geological history of Mesoamerica is very complex and still not completely understood. The land north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico is historically part of the North American continent, with the highest point at Pico de Orizaba at 5,610m asl. The land south of the Isthmus to the southern Nicaragua lowlands is a mosaic of plates that have rearranged themselves and alternately been submerged and exposed by the sea several times during the last 65 million years. The region encompassed by Panama, Costa Rica, and southern Nicaragua formed over the last three to ten million years through a combination of volcanic activity and uplift. The result is a jumble of mountain ranges interrupted by valleys and lowlands, with the highest point being Volcn Tajumulco at 4,220m asl in Guatemala. The closing of these different blocks of land in present-day Nicaragua during the Pliocene (5.3 - 1.8 Ma) has had a marked impact on the distribution of amphibians today. The geological history of the Caribbean also remains under intense study, but most geologists now agree that the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico) are geological cousins of the plates that make up northern Central America. Some 100 Ma, these islands were lined up more or less between North and South America in approximately the location of present day Central America. Over the last 70 million years, these islands have drifted east to their current positions. The trailing edge of this parade of islands has fused to North America and now makes up northern Central America. Some of the Greater Antilles may have had temporary land connections with North and/or South America as they drifted eastward. The Lesser Antilles formed in a completely different manner. As the Caribbean Plate carrying the Greater Antilles moved eastward, the America Plate subducted beneath it, creating an island arc known today as the Lesser Antilles. The region is enormously varied ecologically. Equatorial South America is dominated by the lowland rainforest of the Amazon Basin. South of this the habitats become progressively drier and less suitable for amphibians, with the exception of the now extensively cleared Atlantic Forest of southern and eastern Brazil, eastern Paraguay, and north-eastern Argentina, and the temperate forests of Chile. There are important wetland areas in the Llanos of Venezuela and Colombia, and the Pantanal of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. The topographically varied Andean region includes all varieties of habitats, from some of the wettest lowland rainforest in the Pacic lowlands of Colombia to the Atacama Desert in northern Chile (the driest place on earth), and from cold temperate habitats in the extreme south of the continent to high mountain paramos in the tropics. In Mesoamerica there is a very complex patchwork of natural habitats, with humid mountain slopes rising above both dry (generally on the Pacic side) and wet (Caribbean side) lowland habitats. The Caribbean islands are also a complex mosaic of habitats, with low-lying islands tending to be semi-arid, and wetter environments occurring where trade winds encounter the higher Caribbean mountains giving rise to a variety of moist tropical forest types. On average, the Neotropics have a relatively low human population density (approximately 27 people per square kilometre in 2005), only 22% of which lives in rural areas, and a population growth rate (1.4% per annum) that is decreasing. However, some Caribbean islands are among the most densely populated places on Earth. Historically, South America has been subject to relatively low levels of anthropogenic disturbance, but human impact has been higher in northern Mesoamerica and on the Caribbean islands. The low impact in much of the region is related to low human population densities. The gross income per capita was around US$3,500 in the region in 2004. However, 33% of the regions Gross Domestic Product is concentrated in Mexico and a further 30% in Brazil, where the human impacts on natural ecosystems and biodiversity have been much more severe. Economic growth rates in the region have been modest (2.7% in 2003). The human impact on ecosystems is very variable through the region. Natural habitats have been particularly severely damaged on many of the Caribbean islands (and especially in Haiti), and in the northern part of Mesoamerica (from central Mexico, south to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador). There has also been extensive habitat loss through much of the Andes, and especially in the Atlantic Forests and Cerrado of central, southern and eastern Brazil, and in the native southern temperate forests of Chile. The forests of the Amazon Basin and Guianan Shield are still largely intact, although there is much clearance currently taking place along the southern edge of the forest zone in Brazil. Habitat loss in the region has been driven largely by expanding subsistence agriculture to support growing human populations, and also by commercial agriculture and logging.

Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Neotropical Realm.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 7 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 358 Endangered (EN) 456 Vulnerable (VU) 324 Near Threatened (NT) 140 Least Concern (LC) 956 Data Decient (DD) 675 Total Number of Species 2,916
0.2% 12% 23% 16%

11% 33% 5%


Table 1. The Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) amphibian species in the Neotropical Realm (*denotes species that also occur in the Nearctic Region). A full list of CR(PE) species can be found in Appendix IX. A total of 2,916 amphibian species (49% of the worlds total) are recorded from the Neotropical Realm, of which 1,145 (39%) are considered to be globally threatened (Figure 1). This is signicantly more than the global average of 33%1. As is the case globally, the percentage of threatened species is expected to increase as the status of DD species is claried, as new species (some of which are likely to be rare, and/or have small ranges) are discovered, and as the taxonomic status of many species complexes is resolved.

ANURA Bufonidae Andinophryne colomai Atelopus arthuri Atelopus balios Atelopus carbonerensis Atelopus chiriquiensis Atelopus chrysocorallus Atelopus coynei Atelopus famelicus Atelopus guanujo Atelopus halihelos Atelopus lozanoi Atelopus lynchi Atelopus mindoensis Atelopus muisca Atelopus nanay Atelopus oxyrhynchus Atelopus pachydermus Atelopus peruensis Atelopus pinangoi Atelopus planispina Atelopus sorianoi Atelopus senex Atelopus sernai Bufo fastidiosus Bufo uviaticus Bufo holdridgei Melanophryniscus macrogranulosus2 Rhamphophryne rostrata Centrolenidae Centrolene ballux Centrolene heloderma Hyalinobatrachium crybetes Dendrobatidae Aromobates nocturnes Colostethus dunni Colostethus edwardsi Colostethus jacobuspetersi Colostethus ruizi Colostethus vertebralis Dendrobates abditus Mannophryne neblina Hylidae Aplastodiscus umineus Bromeliohyla dendroscarta Bokermannohyla claresignata Bokermannohyla izecksohni Charadrahyla altipotens Charadrahyla trux Ecnomiohyla echinata Hyla bocourti Hyla chlorostea Hypsiboas cymbalum Isthmohyla calypsa Isthmohyla debilis Isthmohyla graceae Isthmohyla rivularis Isthmohyla tica Megastomatohyla pellita Plectrohyla calvicollina Plectrohyla celata Plectrohyla cembra Plectrohyla cyanomma Plectrohyla ephemera

Plectrohyla hazelae Plectrohyla siopela Plectrohyla thorectes Scinax heyeri Leptodactylidae Craugastor anciano Craugastor andi Craugastor angelicus Craugastor coffeus Craugastor cruzi Craugastor escoces Craugastor fecundus Craugastor eischmanni Craugastor guerreroensis Craugastor merendonensis Craugastor omoaensis Craugastor polymniae Craugastor saltuarius Craugastor stadelmani Craugastor trachydermus Crossodactylus trachystomus Cryptobatrachus nicefori Cycloramphus ohausi Eleutherodactylus bernali Eleutherodactylus emleni Eleutherodactylus eneidae Eleutherodactylus glanduliferoides Eleutherodactylus jasperi Eleutherodactylus karlschmidti Eleutherodactylus olanchano Eleutherodactylus orcutti Eleutherodactylus schmidti Eleutherodactylus semipalmatus Eleutherodactylus zongoensis Gastrotheca lauzuricae Holoaden bradei Odontophrynus moratoi Paratelmatobius lutzii Paratelmatobius mantiqueira Phrynopus spectabilis Telmatobius cirrhacelis Telmatobius niger Telmatobius vellardi Ranidae Rana omiltemana Rana pueblae Rana tlaloci* Rhinodermatidae Rhinoderma rufum CAUDATA Plethodontidae Bolitoglossa jacksoni Bradytriton silus Chiropterotriton magnipes* Ixalotriton parva Oedipina paucidentata Pseudoeurycea aquatica Pseudoeurycea naucampatepetl Pseudoeurycea nigromaculata Pseudoeurycea praecellens Thorius infernalis Thorius magnipes Thorius narismagnus Thorius narisovalis

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


The Neotropical Realm contains 60% (1,145) of all globally threatened amphibians. The region accounts for a massive 79% of CR species, 59% of the EN species, and 48% of the VU species in the world. In other words, unlike the case elsewhere, threatened Neotropical amphibians are more likely to be in a higher category of threat (CR or EN), when compared with the global distribution of threatened species amongst categories. This tendency for threatened species to be in CR and EN is probably explained in part by the effects of habitat loss on species with very small ranges, in particular in the Andes, Mesoamerica, and the Caribbean islands, and also the very severe impact of enigmatic declines that are probably due to the synergistic effects of the pathogenic chytrid fungus and climate change, especially through the higher elevations of the region. There have been seven recorded recent extinctions of amphibians in the Neotropical Realm (21% of the global total): Atelopus ignescens (the Jambato Toad from Ecuador); Atelopus longirostris (Ecuador); Atelopus vogli (Venezuela); Bufo periglenes (the famous Golden Toad from Monteverde, Costa Rica); Phrynomedusa mbriata (southern Brazil); Craugastor chrysozetetes (Honduras); and Craugastor milesi (Honduras). With the exception of the Golden Toad, all of these were stream-associated species that occurred at middle to high elevations (above 700m asl) the typical ecological prole of species that have experienced rapid declines (Lips et al. 2003; Ron et al. 2003; Burrowes et al. 2004; Stuart et al. 2004; La Marca et al. 2005). Some additional undescribed species are possibly extinct, especially in the genus Atelopus (see Pounds et al. [2006] for details). In addition, 121 Critically Endangered species in the Neotropics are considered possibly extinct. This represents 93% of the 130 possibly extinct species in the world, thus dramatically highlighting the extinction crisis that has unfolded with the Neotropical amphibians. Most of the Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) species (listed in Table 1) share the same ecological characteristics as those that have gone extinct. Of the 121 possibly extinct species, 22 are harlequin toads in the genus Atelopus (representing 29% of the described species in the genus), which have experienced catastrophic declines, especially in southern Mesoamerica, and in the Andes south at least to Peru (La Marca et al. 2005; Pounds et al. 2006; and see Essay 9.1). Four genera concentrated in Mesoamerica also have large proportions of possibly extinct species: Isthmohyla (36%), Plectrohyla (20%), Craugastor (14%) and Thorius (17%) (see, for example, Lips et al. [2004, 2006] and Mendelson et al. [2004]). In each of these cases, further work is likely to show that the percentage of possibly extinct species has been underestimated. Another genus for which the percentage of possibly extinct species might have been underestimated is Cycloramphus from southern Brazil (see Eterovick et al. [2005] and Heyer et al. [1988] for more details). The genus Telmatobius, which occurs in the Andes from Ecuador southwards, is also subject to extensive disappearances, but much of this information is only just now becoming available, and for the most part is not yet included in these results (De la Riva 2005; and see Essay 9.2). Possibly extinct species range very widely in the Neotropics, generally in mountainous regions from southern Mexico (for example, Plectrohyla cyanomma) south to Chile (for example, Rhinoderma rufum). A number of recent declines and possible extinctions in Colombia have come to light since the GAA data were collected (F. Castro pers. obs.). The percentage of DD species is very similar to the global average of 23%. As mentioned above, many of these DD species are likely to be threatened, but many others could be LC, especially those that occur in poorly surveyed low-lying areas, such as in parts of the Amazon basin, and the Cerrado of Brazil.

The Strawberry Poison Frog Dendrobates pumilio (Least Concern) is a poison frog from the Family Dendrobatidae, a Family famous for the stunning coloration of its species. This species lives on the oor of lowland rainforest in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. The females lay egg clutches on the forest oor, and carry the larvae, after hatching, to waterlled bromeliads, where they complete their development. Piotr Naskrecki

The Burrowing Toad Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Least Concern) is the only member of the Family Rhinophrynidae. It is a lowland species ranging from southern Texas to Costa Rica. It can be found in forest, thorn scrub, savannah, and cultivated areas with friable soils. It is usually subterranean, except after heavy rains, when it emerges to breed explosively in temporary pools. Paddy Ryan

SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa
Of the 2,916 native amphibian species in the Neotropical Realm, 2,808 (or 96%) are endemic to the Neotropics (Table 2). All three orders of amphibians are represented in the Neotropical Realm. The overwhelming majority of Neotropical amphibians (89%) are frogs and toads (Anura), 97% of which are endemic. All species of Neotropical caecilians (Gymnophiona), and 91% of Neotropical salamanders (Caudata), are endemic. Only 392 species (13%) are members of families that are endemic to the region, but this low percentage is really a reection of the fact that the very large family Leptodactylidae (accounting for 42% of Neotropical amphibian species) marginally occurs in the Nearctic Region.

Under current climatic conditions, there is less isolation between the Neotropical and Nearctic Regions than there is between the Afrotropical and Palaearctic Regions, and there are points of contact between the two faunas along the Caribbean coast of Mexico, and Florida (although the transvolcanic belt in central Mexico does form a barrier to faunal dispersal). The result of this indistinct boundary is to reduce the level of endemism of each region. The families Leptodactylidae and Rhinophrynidae are nearly endemic to the Neotropics, and Scaphiopodidae, Ambystomatidae, Amphiumidae and Sirenidae are almost endemic to the Nearctic. Salamandridae is also a northern element that is only marginally present in the Neotropics. Of the 20 families that are native to the region, six are endemic. Amphibian family-level diversity is higher than in any other biogeographic realm, but endemism is lower than in the Afrotropics (where there are nine endemic families) because of the relative lack of isolation. From the perspective of amphibian biogeography, the region is almost dened by the distribution of the Neotropical frogs (family Leptodactylidae), which are present through nearly all of Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean islands. Summaries of the amphibian fauna of the Neotropics are provided by Campbell (1999a), Duellman (1999) and Hedges (1999). There are 189 genera occurring in the region (41% of the global total), of which 157 are also endemic. These endemic genera represent over one-third (34%) of the 460 amphibian genera worldwide. The Neotropics, therefore, account for a larger proportion of the overall diversity of amphibians at the species level than at the generic level. The most species-rich genus in the region is Eleutherodactylus (607 species, and 715 if the genus Craugastor is included within it, contra Crawford and Smith [2005]). At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are 46 monotypic genera endemic to the Neotropical Realm, which equates to just over one-third (33%) of the 126 monotypic genera of amphibians worldwide. Interestingly, nine of these monotypic genera are in the family Microhylidae, which is not particularly diverse in the region. The 32 non-endemic genera in the Neotropics include 13 genera from Hylidae, four from Plethodontidae, three from Leptodactylidae, two each from Microhylidae, Scaphiopodidae and Sirenidae, and one each from Bufonidae, Ranidae, Rhinophrynidae, Ambystomatidae, Amphiumidae and Salamandridae. These non-endemics include the widespread genera Bufo and Rana. Of the 20 amphibian families that occur in the Neotropics (42% of the global total), six are endemic to the region: Allophrynidae, Brachycephalidae, Centrolenidae, Dendrobatidae, Rhinodermatidae, and Rhinatrematidae.3 The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 1. Among the non-endemic families, the majority of Neotropical species are in Bufonidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae. Of the Neotropical Bufonidae, 121 species (47% of those occurring in the region) are within the widespread genus Bufo. There are 77

Table 2. The number of Neotropical amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.
Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 100 92 100 100 72 95 89 100 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 71 0 0 53 100 100 100 83 100 100 35 100 100 67 95 25 14 0 100 0 0 36 0 0 34 0 0 16 58 100 52 34


Native species (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 100 100 94 100 100 96 98 93 100 50 100 0 0 97 60 0 95 0 0 91 100 100 100 96 100 100 50 100 100 73 98 12 23 3 100 0 0 48 30 0 58 0 0 41 72 100 52 47

Native genera (endemics to region)

Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Neotropical Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 144 species.

Anura Allophrynidae Brachycephalidae Bufonidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Microhylidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhinodermatidae Rhinophrynidae Scaphiopodidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Amphiumidae Plethodontidae Salamandridae Sirenidae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Rhinatrematidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

1 (1) 8 (8) 256 (240) 138 (138) 234 (234) 610 (585) 1,235 (1,215) 56 (52) 7 (7) 34 (17) 2 (2) 1 (0) 3 (0) 2,585 (2,499) 15 (9) 1 (0) 221 (210) 2 (0) 2 (0) 241 (219) 81 (81) 9 (9) 90 (90) 2,916 (2,808)

1 (1) 1 (1) 13 (12) 3 (3) 9 (9) 46 (33) 55 (52) 19 (17) 1 (1) 1 (0) 1 (1) 1 (0) 2 (0) 153 (130) 1 (0) 1 (0) 14 (10) 1 (0) 2 (0) 19 (10) 15 (15) 2 (2) 17 (17) 189 (157)


Threatened Amphibians of the World









Total number of species

Number Threatened or Extinct 0 1 136 51 65 159 565 7 1 14 2 0 0 1,001 10 0 133 1 0 144 0 0 0 1,145

% Threatened or Extinct

Anura Allophrynidae Brachycephalidae Bufonidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Microhylidae Pipidae Ranidae Rhinodermatidae Rhinophrynidae Scaphiopodidae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Ambystomatidae Amphiumidae Plethodontidae Salamandridae Sirenidae TOTAL CAUDATA Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Rhinatrematidae TOTAL GYMNOPHIONA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

0 0 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7

0 0 73 6 20 65 145 0 0 5 1 0 0 315 8 0 35 0 0 43 0 0 0 358

0 0 29 16 29 58 246 2 1 2 0 0 0 383 2 0 70 1 0 73 0 0 0 456

0 1 30 29 16 35 172 5 0 7 1 0 0 296 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 324

0 1 10 10 14 24 61 2 0 4 0 0 0 126 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 140

1 1 77 28 58 312 350 37 6 14 0 1 3 888 3 1 28 1 2 35 29 4 33 956

0 5 33 49 97 115 259 10 0 2 0 0 0 570 2 0 46 0 0 48 52 5 57 675

1 8 256 138 234 610 1,235 56 7 34 2 1 3 2,585 15 1 221 2 2 240 81 9 90 2,915

0 13 53 37 28 26 46 13 14 41 100 0 0 39 67 0 60 50 0 60 0 0 0 39

Table 3. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Neotropical Realm. Introduced species are not included.


species in Atelopus, 19 in Melanophryniscus, and 10 in Rhamphopryne, but the remaining nine genera have small numbers of species. Most of the Neotropical species breed by larval development, but breeding (where it is known) is by direct development in Metaphryniscus, Oreophrynella and Osornophryne and unknown in Andinophryne, Crepidophryne, Rhamphopryne and Truebella. The family is widely distributed through most of the Neotropics, with highest species richness in the equatorial regions. Hylidae is overwhelmingly a Neotropical family, the main radiation outside the region occurring in Australia and New Guinea. At the species level, 73% of the family (585 species) is endemic to the Neotropics, where it occurs widely through most of the region (excluding Chile), with especially high species richness in Brazil (over 300 species, with very high diversity in the Atlantic Forest). There are over 160 species in Mesoamerica. Two subfamilies, Phyllomedusinae and Hylinae, occur in the Neotropics (and see Essay 1.5). The genera have recently been extensively revised (Faivovich et al. 2005), and under this new arrangement, the genera Dendropsophus, Scinax, Hypsiboas, Plectrohyla, Hyloscirtus, Phyllomedusa, Hyla and Bokermannohyla all have more than 20 species. The Neotropical hylids are associated with many different habitats, but species richness is highest in forests, and all known breeding is by larval development. The family Leptodactylidae, which is almost endemic to the Neotropics, is by far the largest family of amphibians worldwide. It ranges widely throughout the region, with the highest species richness in the tropical Andes from Venezuela and Colombia south to Bolivia (over 550 species), with signicant diversity in Brazil (nearly 300 species), Mesoamerica (c. 160 species), the Caribbean islands (c. 160 species) and the Southern Cone (c. 130 species). The family includes the largest genus of vertebrates, Eleutherodactylus (607 species) with the following genera including more than 20 species: Craugastor, Leptodactylus, Gastrotheca, Telmatobius, Physalaemus, Phrynopus, Cycloramphus, and Hylodes. The family includes species that breed by direct development and larval development. Although these frogs occur in many habitats, species richness is highest in forests.4 The Neotropical Microhylidae species are widely distributed within the region, from Mexico south to central Argentina, but not on the Caribbean islands (except Trinidad). With the exception of Chiasmocleis (19 species), all genera are small. Most species occur at low elevations, with highest species richness in the equatorial regions. In the Neotropics, all species breed by larval development, and many are subterranean when not breeding. The Neotropical Ranidae species (all of which are in the widespread genus Rana) are all larval developers, and occur predominantly in Mesoamerica, with three species reaching South America, and none on the Caribbean islands (except Trinidad). Of the remaining families, the highly aquatic Pipidae, with a single genus in the region, Pipa, ranges from Panama south to Bolivia. Scaphiopodidae, Amphiumidae, Salamandridae and Sirenidae are Nearctic taxa that only marginally occur in the northern Neotropics. Ambystomatidae (mole salamanders) is also a Nearctic element, but there is an important radiation of species in central Mexico, including the famous Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum (CR). Ambystomatidae breed by larval development, and some retain their aquatic larval features throughout their life cycles. Most Neotropical salamanders are in the large family Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders). This family has its highest species richness in the Nearctic, but there are c. 110 species in Mexico, c. 40 in Guatemala, c. 25 in Honduras, c. 40 in Costa Rica, c. 25 in Panama, but only 28 in the whole of South America (12 of these being endemic to Colombia). The largest Neotropical genus is Bolitoglossa (91 species), with Pseudoeurycea, Oedipina and Thorius each having more than 20 species. Lungless salamanders occur as far south as Bolivia. With the possible (but even then unlikely) exception of a single species (Pseudoeurycea aquatica), all Neotropical species breed by direct development, and almost all are associated with forest habitats (and see Essay 9.3). The caecilian family Caeciliidae is very poorly known in the Neotropics, as in other parts of the world. A total of 81 species (in 15 genera) is recorded from the region, comprising 72% of the family at the species level. Species richness is highest in the Amazon Basin, with only 16 species in Mesoamerica (as far north as southern Mexico), and four species reaching northern Argentina. The species exhibit a wide variety of reproductive modes, from larval and direct development, to live-bearing. The majority are subterranean species in the forest oor, but certain species (in the genera Atretochoana, Potomotyphlus and Typhlonectes) are aquatic, sometimes referred to as rubber eels. Not surprisingly, the larger families Bufonidae, Centrolenidae, Dendrobatidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae and Plethodontidae have the largest absolute numbers of globally threatened species (Table 3). The percentage of threatened species ranges greatly between the families, from zero for the Allophrynidae, Rhinophrynidae, Scaphiopodidae, Amphiumidae, Sirenidae, Caeciliidae, and Rhinatrematidae, to 100% for the endemic Rhinodermatidae of Chile and Argentina. The zero percentages of threatened species in the caecilian families is probably because these species are so poorly known (with >50% of species Data Decient in both the Caeciliidae and Rhinatrematidae). The percentages of threatened species are also very high in the salamander families Ambystomatidae (67% - reecting the serious conservation problems on the Mexican plateau) and Plethodontidae (60% - reecting the poor state of forest conservation in the pine-oak regions of Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras). The percentage levels of threat are also high (>30%) in the Bufonidae (53% - reecting, in part, the devastating declines in the genus Atelopus), Leptodactylidae (46% - with several genera, including Craugastor, Eleutherodactylus and Telmatobius showing high levels of threat), Ranidae (41%), and Centrolenidae (37%). Some of the larger families have more species in the Endangered category than in Critically Endangered or Vulnerable (e.g., Dendrobatidae, Leptodactylidae, Plethodontidae). However, Centrolenidae show a similar pattern to birds and mammals (Baillie et al. 2004), with least in Critically Endangered and most in Vulnerable. Conversely, Bufonidae and Hylidae have most in Critically Endangered and least in Vulnerable, showing how severely impacted these families have been by recent dramatic declines (indeed, 55% of threatened Neotropical Bufonidae are Critically Endangered). Among the smaller families, there is also a high percentage of Critically Endangered species in Rhinodermatidae and Ambystomatidae.

Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Neotropical Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 42 species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Neotropical Realm. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes; maximum richness equals 18 species. A map of overall species richness of amphibians in the Neotropical Realm (Figure 2), shows that species richness is highest in the tropical regions, notably Costa Rica and Panama, the Pacic lowlands of western Colombia and north-western Ecuador, the Guianan Shield, the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil, and in particular in the Amazon Basin (especially in the west). Species richness is lowest in more temperate regions (Mexico, Argentina and Chile), on the Caribbean islands, and especially in arid regions, such as northern Mexico and northern Chile (there being no amphibians at all in most of the Atacama Desert region). The higher taxon diversity is particularly low in the Caribbean islands, where there are just four families and ve genera (compared with 15 families and 67 genera in Mesoamerica). The vast majority (88%) of the Caribbeans amphibian species belong to just one genus, Eleutherodactylus. No salamanders or caecilians occur on these islands.


Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


Brazil Colombia Ecuador Peru Mexico* Venezuela Bolivia Panama Costa Rica Argentina Guatemala Guyana Honduras French Guiana Suriname Paraguay Nicaragua Cuba Chile Haiti
United States of America*

Jamaica Cuba Puerto Rico Mexico* Chile Brazil Venezuela Haiti Guadeloupe Colombia Peru
United States of America*

Uruguay Belize
Dominican Republic

Ecuador Honduras Dominican Republic Grenada Martinique

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Trinidad and Tobago El Salvador Jamaica Puerto Rico

Virgin Islands (British)

Dominica Guadeloupe Virgin Islands (US) Grenada Martinique

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Argentina Guatemala Bolivia Dominica Virgin Islands (US) Costa Rica

Virgin Islands (British)

Antigua and Barbuda

Bahamas Cayman Islands Montserrat Anguilla Barbados

Netherlands Antilles

St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia 0 200 400 Number of species Endemics Figure 4 Non-endemics 600 800

Trinidad and Tobago Panama Guyana Suriname French Guiana Uruguay Nicaragua Paraguay Belize 0 20 40 60 80 100

Colombia Mexico* Ecuador Brazil Peru Guatemala Venezuela Costa Rica Honduras Panama Cuba Haiti Dominican Republic Argentina Bolivia Chile Jamaica Puerto Rico Nicaragua El Salvador Trinidad and Tobago Belize Guyana Uruguay French Guiana Dominica Guadeloupe Suriname
United States of America*

Haiti Dominican Republic Jamaica Cuba Puerto Rico Mexico* Guatemala Dominica Guadeloupe Montserrat Honduras
Virgin Islands (British)

Ecuador Chile Costa Rica Grenada Martinique

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Virgin Islands (British)

Grenada Martinique Montserrat

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Colombia Panama El Salvador Trinidad and Tobago Virgin Islands (US) Venezuela Peru Argentina Belize Brazil Nicaragua Bolivia Uruguay Guyana
United States of America*

Virgin Islands (US) 0 50 100 150 200 250

French Guiana Suriname 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of endemic species Figure 5 Figure 6

Number of threatened species Endemics Non-endemics Figure 7

Percentage of species threatened

As with other parts of the tropics, Figure 2 probably does not reect genuine patterns of amphibian species richness everywhere in the region, due to uneven survey effort. In particular, species richness is probably under-sampled in the Guianan Shield, in the Venezuelan, Colombian and Bolivian Amazon, in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, and in the Cerrado of Brazil. However, sampling appears to be less uneven than in the Old World tropics (similar maps for the Afrotropical, Indomalayan and Australasian Realms make much less overall biogeographic sense). New species continue to be discovered at a rapid rate almost everywhere in the Neotropics, but nevertheless the overall patterns of species richness are probably reasonably clear. Over 85% of the threatened amphibian species in the Neotropics occur in the region from southern Mexico to Ecuador and northern Venezuela, and on the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico) (see Figure 3a). This region represents by far the greatest concentration of threatened amphibian species anywhere in the world. Within this region there are peaks of threatened species in montane areas in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, western Panama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Outside this region, the largest concentration of threatened amphibian species in the Neotropics is in the Atlantic Forests of southern Brazil. There are lesser concentrations in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, and in the austral forest zone of Chile. It is possible that, due to the poor state of knowledge, the levels of threat have been under-estimated in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes; further, with very recently recorded declines in Telmatobius species (De la Riva 2005), and probably in other species too, not yet included in our data, it is likely that a new concentration of threatened species will soon be identied in the Andes running from Peru south to Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. These concentrations of threatened species correlate with those for other taxa (Baillie et al. 2004). These geographic concentrations reect the topographically diverse (usually montane) parts of the region where amphibians have naturally small ranges, and where habitat destruction is ongoing (and in central and southern Peru is in part a reection of the over-harvesting of some frogs (e.g., in the genus Telmatobius) for human consumption). However, these are also the places where rapid population declines and disappearances have been noted due to chytridiomycosis and climate change (Heyer et al. 1988; La Marca and Reinthaler 1991; Young et al. 2001; Lips et al. 2003, 2004, 2006; Ron et al. 2003; Burrowes et al. 2004; Mendelson et al. 2004; De la Riva 2005; Eterovick et al. 2005; La Marca et al. 2005; Pounds et al. 2006). The concentrations of Critically Endangered species (Figure 3b) broadly match those of threatened species as a whole. The greatest concentrations of these most severely threatened species are in southern Mexico (in particular Veracruz and Oaxaca), Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, western Panama, the Ecuadorian Andes, and Haiti (especially the Massif de la Hotte and Massif de la Selle). Lesser concentrations of Critically Endangered species are found in the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, southern Brazil, central Chile, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and eastern Cuba (although recent data from the Colombian Andes suggest that the next update of the GAA might reveal this region to be a major concentration of Critically Endangered species (F. Castro pers. obs.).

Mexico (Flores-Villela 1993; Flores-Villela et al. 1995; Calderon Mandujano et al. 2005); Yucatn (Campbell 1999b; Lee 1996, 2000); Guatemala (Lee 2000, Campbell 1999b, 2001); Belize (Campbell 1999b, Lee 2000); Honduras (McCranie and Wilson 2002; McCranie et al. 2006); El Salvador (Khler et al. 2005); Nicaragua (Khler 2001); Costa Rica (Savage 2002; Guyer and Donnelly 2005); Panama (Ibez et al. 1999, 2000); Colombia (Ruiz-Carranza et al. 1996); Venezuela (La Marca 1992, 1997; Barrio Amors 2004); Ecuador (Coloma 2005); Peru (Lehr 2002); Bolivia (De la Riva et al. 2000, Khler 2000); Argentina (Cei 1980, 1987; Lavilla et al. 2000; Lavilla and Cei 2001); Chile (Veloso and Navarro 1988; Formas 1995); Brazil (Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia 2004); the Guianas (Hoogmoed 1979); the Guianas (Searis and MacCulloch 2005); French Guiana (Lescure and Marty 2000); the Caribbean islands (Crother 1999; Schwartz and Henderson 1988; Powell and Henderson 1999); the Lesser Antilles (Malhotra and Thorpe 1999); Guadeloupe (Breuil 2002); Netherlands Antilles (Powell et al. 2005; van Buurt 2005); and Trinidad and Tobago (Murphy 1997). There have also been some important reviews of particular taxonomic groups, for example on the Hylidae of Mesoamerica (Duellman 2001), on the western Ecuadorian Eleutherodactylus (Lynch and Duellman 1997), and Neotropical plethodontid salamanders (Wake and Lynch 1976; Wake 2003). Brazil has more endemic species (489) than any other country in the Neotropics (Figure 4), or in the world, followed by Colombia (337), Mexico (234), Peru (181), Ecuador (159), and Venezuela (155). More than 50 endemic species are also known from Cuba and Bolivia. In terms of percentage of the fauna being endemic, the highest endemism is on the Greater Antilles (Figure 5), with Jamaica at 100%, Cuba at 97% and Puerto Rico at 78%. Although the percentage endemism in Haiti and the Dominican Republic is lower, for the island of Hispaniola as a whole it is 100%. On the mainland the highest percentage endemism is found in Mexico (70%), Chile (69%), and Brazil (65%), with levels over 40% in Venezuela, Haiti, Guadeloupe, Colombia, and Peru (Figure 5). Threatened species occur in 35 of the 44 countries in which there are native amphibians (Figure 6). In fact, threatened species are concentrated in relatively few countries. Colombia has more threatened amphibian species than any other country in the Neotropics (209), followed by Mexico (190), Ecuador (163) and Brazil (110). A further 12 countries have 20 or more threatened species: Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in the Greater Antilles (Figure 7), with Haiti at a staggering 92%, the Dominican Republic at 86%, Jamaica at 81%, Cuba at 80% and Puerto Rico at 72%. Overall, the percentage threat levels for amphibians on the Caribbean islands are worse than anywhere else in the world, and is a reection of the very poor state of habitat conservation, coupled with chytridiomycosis in some places (see Essay 9.6) (of course, in these relatively species-poor countries, even a limited number of threatened species can result in a high percentage of species at risk of extinction). The highest percentage of threatened species on the mainland is in Mexico (57%), closely followed by Guatemala (55%), with a further 12 countries having levels greater than 30%: Guadeloupe, Dominica,

Figure 4. The number of amphibians present in and endemic to each Neotropical country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Neotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Neotropical country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Neotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 6. The number of threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Neotropical country. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Neotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are threatened. Countries with no threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Neotropical Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Amphibians occur naturally in every mainland country in Mesoamerica and South America, and on all but the smallest Caribbean islands (Figure 4). However, only one extant species occurs naturally in St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, the Netherlands Antilles, Barbados and Anguilla, and only two on Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Montserrat. There are no indigenous amphibians on the Galapagos Islands. The two countries with the largest number of species in the Neotropical Realm are Brazil (751 species; and see Essay 9.4) and Colombia (697 species; see Essay 9.5). There is also very high species richness in Ecuador (447 species), Peru (411), Mexico (336), Venezuela (298) and Bolivia (209). Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico are the top ve countries in the world in terms of amphibian species richness. Another eight Neotropical countries have more than 100 species (Panama 195, Costa Rica 179, Argentina 157, Guatemala 138, Guyana 118, Honduras 116, French Guiana 104, Suriname 103). These gures are, of course, a reection of current knowledge, and as mentioned earlier, certain regions and countries have been better studied than others. In certain places, the existing knowledge has been well summarized in review literature, and in books, including:

Rhinatrema bivittatum (Least Concern) is a caecilian from the small Family Rhinatrematidae, occurring in Brazil, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. It is a subterranean species in lowland rainforest, and is presumed to breed in streams by larval development, like other members of its Family. Peter Stafford


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Habitat type

Number of species in each habitat

% of all species occurring in the habitat 85 83 48 51 7 15 12 21 39 6 26 1

Threatened or Extinct species

% of species occurring in habitat that are Threatened or Extinct 42 42 30 52 3 28 21 18 45 14 16 21

Forest All tropical forest Lowland tropical forest Montane tropical forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

2,478 2,407 1,405 1,494 200 429 343 621 1,133 168 746 25

1,029 1,007 427 773 6 120 73 110 505 23 116 5

Table 4. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Neotropical Realm.

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp

% of species in habitat that are threatened

The Upland Coqui Eleutherodactylus portoricensis (Endangered) is one of more than 600 species in the genus Eleutherodactylus in the Family Leptodactylidae. It occurs in mesic, upland broadleaf forests, and calls from bushes and tree trunks, and has not been recorded outside forest habitat. The eggs are laid in bromeliads, and these develop directly without a free-living larval stage. Alejandro Sanchez

Montserrat, Honduras, British Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Martinique, Grenada, and Colombia (Figure 7). Overall, percentage threat levels are high in the Neotropics compared with the rest of the world, but the overall levels of threat do appear to be lower in the Guianan Shield and Amazonian Brazil. Assessments of the conservation status of Neotropical amphibians at national level are still at an early stage, but there have been assessments in El Salvador (Greenbaum and Komar 2005), Panama (Young et al. 1999), Venezuela (Rodrguez and Rojas-Surez 1995), Brazil (Ministrio do Meio Ambiente 2003), Argentina (Lavilla et al. 2000), Chile (Glade 1993) and Bolivia (Reichle 2006). An ofcial Mexican red list of amphibians is in preparation (the draft is on anas%20vigentes/NOM-ECOL-059-2001.pdf. Hedges (2006) provided an overview of the conservation of Caribbean amphibians. Some countries have particularly high proportions of Critically Endangered species. The most extreme example is Haiti, where 31 species are CR, 10 are EN and ve are VU (out of a total amphibian fauna of 50 species). In the neighbouring Dominican Republic, the situation is marginally less severe (10 CR, 16 EN, 5 VU out of 36 species), though still very serious. Puerto Rico has 7 CR, 5 EN and 1 VU out of a fauna of 18 species. On the mainland, things are particularly bad in Honduras (30 CR, 24 EN, 19 VU out of 116 species), and also very disturbing in Chile (9 CR, 4 EN, 7 VU out of 55), Mexico (69 CR, 80 EN, 41 VU out of 335), Guatemala (27 CR, 30 EN, 19 VU out of 140), and Costa Rica (19 CR, 22 EN, 20 VU out of 179). In general, the levels of threat are worse in Mesoamerica than South America, because habitat loss has in general been more severe in the former, and also chytridiomycosis has been especially severe in this region (and see Essay 9.7). The situation is also serious and deteriorating in the Andean countries, where there is also signicant habitat loss, and chytridiomycosis is currently spreading (De la Riva 2005; La Marca et al. 2005). However, because most of the Andean countries also have large, intact Amazonian amphibian faunas, the percentage of threatened species is not usually as high as in some of the Mesoamerican countries. The percentage of threatened species in Peru and Bolivia is almost certainly underestimated due to paucity in knowledge.

Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 800 1,600 2,400 0 15 30 45

Figure 8. The habitat preferences of Neotropical amphibians. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the right-hand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.

Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All species 1,105 1,719 24 68

Threatened or Extinct species 584 555 1 5

% Threatened or Extinct 53 32 4 7

Table 5. Neotropical amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Most Neotropical amphibians (85%) occur in forests, and only just over 20% can survive in secondary terrestrial habitats (Table 4; Figure 8). Compared with Afrotropical species, for example, Neotropical amphibians appear to be less able to survive in disturbed areas. They also appear to make more use of owing water habitats than still, open freshwater habitats, or marshes and swamps. This is presumably a reection of the great diversity of stream-associated species in the Andes and Mesoamerica. Forest-dwelling amphibians are more likely to be threatened than those occurring in any other terrestrial habitats, with over 40% of them being globally threatened. A similar percentage of amphibians associated with owing water (generally streams) is threatened. Forest-associated amphibians that live along streams are particularly likely to be threatened, a combination that has also been associated with rapid declines worldwide (Stuart et al. 2004). The percentage of threatened species varies considerably between different types of forest. In montane tropical forest, over 50% of known species are threatened, compared with just over 30% in lowland tropical forest. These gures probably reect smaller range sizes of montane species, the lack of effective habitat conservation measures in many mountainous parts of the region, and the high incidence of chytridiomycosis in montane areas (Lips et al. 2003; Burrowes et al. 2004). Amphibians occurring in savannahs, marshes and swamps, still open freshwater habitats, and secondary terrestrial habitats are much less likely to be threatened than those occurring in other habitats (Table 4; Figure 8).

amphibians clearly have a larger proportion of direct-developing species than the global average, and this is largely because of the enormous genus Eleutherodactylus (607 species), all but one of which (the possibly extinct Eleutherodactylus jasperi from Puerto Rico) are believed to be direct developers, but also because of other large genera such as Craugastor and Phrynopus. In addition, all but one of the 221 Neotropical plethodontid salamanders are believed to be direct developers. Although live-bearing is uncommon, the Neotropics account for 39% of the worlds known live-bearing amphibians (all but one of these live-bearing species are caecilians, with the exception of the aforementioned E. jasperi). In the Neotropics, the percentage of globally threatened direct-developing amphibians is much higher than for larval-developing species. This is probably because direct-developing species have smaller ranges on average, and are therefore more seriously impacted by habitat loss. This result is interesting because chytridiomycosis appears to have its greatest impact on stream-associated, usually larval-developing species (Lips et al. 2003) (though it should be noted that some stream-associated species, such as the species in the Craugastor rugulosus group, are direct-developers, and have been severely impacted by chytridiomycosis). The low percentage of threatened live-bearing species in the Neotropics could be a reection of the high number of Data Decient caecilians.

Habitat loss is overwhelmingly the major threat to amphibians in the Neotropics (Table 6; Figure 9), affecting nearly 90% of the threatened species. The two other most commonly recorded threats are pollution and disease (both affecting nearly 30% of threatened species). With the exception of re (17%), all other threats are of minor importance. Over-utilization appears to be a minor threat in the region as a whole (at least, based on current knowledge), but it can have a serious impact on some species (e.g., on the genus Telmatobius in Peru, and probably elsewhere). In terms of the types of habitat loss that are impacting amphibians in the Neotropics, the impacts of expanding croplands (affecting just over 70% of threatened species) and vegetation removal (mainly logging) (64%) are the most severe, but urbanization / industrial development and livestock grazing are each affecting more than 40% of threatened species. However, the importance of different types of habitat loss varies within the region. For example, removal of vegetation for charcoal production is a major mechanism of habitat loss in the Greater Antilles, especially in Haiti (Hedges 2006). The distribution of chytridiomycosis in the Neotropics is only gradually becoming clear. Ron (2005) documented conrmed records of the disease widely in Mesoamerica (southern Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama), the Caribbean (Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico), and north-western South America (Ecuador, Venezuela). More recently the

Reproductive Modes
Of those species where reproduction is known or reasonably inferred, larval development is the most common reproductive mode in the Neotropics (59% of species), compared with 38% for direct development and 1% live-bearing (this compares with the global picture of 68% larval development, 30% direct development, and 1% live-bearing) (Table 5). The Neotropical

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


Threat type Habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native species dynamics (excluding disease) Fire

Threatened species % Threatened Species 1,007 89 806 71 143 13 478 42 728 64 538 47 81 7 34 3 3 0.3 336 29 73 6 324 28 101 9 1 0.1 197 17

Table 6. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Neotropical Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.

All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of threatened species affected

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 1313 725 15 856

% of species 45 25 0.5 29

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Neotropical Realm.

Table 8. The population trends for all extant Neotropical amphibians.

The Titicaca Water Frog Telmatobius culeus (Critically Endangered) in the Family Leptodactylidae is endemic to Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. It is a wholly aquatic species, breeding in shallow waters close to the shoreline. It was previously common, but has declined massively due to the over-harvesting of adults, the presumed predation of larvae by introduced trout, water extraction from the lake, and domestic and agricultural water pollution. Mikael Lundberg

Purpose Food human Food animal Medicine human and veterinary Poisons Wearing apparel, accessories Handicrafts, curios, etc. Pets, display animals Research Specimen collecting

Subsistence 41 (20) 1 (0) 15 (12*) 5 (0) 1 (0) 2 (0) 10 (2) 0 0

Sub-national/ National 16 (7) 1 (1) 5 (2) 0 0 1 (0) 29 (8) 6 (1) 0

Regional/ International 5 (1) 0 4 (1) 2 (0) 0 1 (0) 125 (38*) 6 (1) 1 (1)

Number of species 44 (21) 2 (1) 19 (13*) 7 (0) 1 (0) 2 (0) 132 (38*) 11 (1) 1 (1)


Number of Percentage Number of species in of species species in rapid decline in family in enigmatic rapid decline decline 89 4 17 53 110 6 1 5 20 35 3 7 9 9 18 50 36 9 76 4 11 39 53 4 1 0 6

Percentage of species in family in enigmatic decline 30 3 5 6 4 12 50 0 3

Bufonidae Centrolenidae Dendrobatidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Ranidae Rhinodermatidae Ambystomatidae Plethodontidae

Table 7. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Neotropical Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species. *One of the species in the brackets is actually now listed as Extinct.

Table 9. The number of species in rapid decline and enigmatic decline in the Neotropical Realm by Family.

Rapidly declining species

disease has been recorded more widely in the continent, for example in southern Peru (Seimon et al. 2005), southern Brazil (Carnaval et al. 2005) and the Pampas region of Argentina (Herrera et al. 2005). The earliest records of the fungus in the region date from the early 1980s, and coincide roughly with the onset of amphibian declines (Carnaval et al. 2006; Lips et al. 2006). A total of 181 species are recorded as being used for some or other purpose in the region (61 of which are threatened (though not necessarily by use) and one now considered Extinct). The most common reason for harvesting Neotropical amphibians is for the international pet trade, followed by local human consumption (Table 7). Well-known examples of utilization in the region include the pet trade in colourful, poisonous frogs in the genera Dendrobates, Epipedobates and Phyllobates, and the horned frogs (in the genus Ceratophrys), and harvesting Telmatobius frogs for local human consumption in parts of the Andes. Much of the harvesting of amphibians in the region is not considered to constitute a major threat to the species, but there are exceptions (for example, in the case of several species of Telmatobius). Of the 180 extant species being harvested, utilization is considered to be a major threat for 71 (of which only 34 are threatened species for which harvesting is believed to be contributing to deterioration in their status). The Neotropics are home not only to nearly 50% of the worlds amphibian species, but to nearly two-thirds (65%; 305 species) of the worlds rapidly declining species (Stuart et al. 2004) (a full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the regions). The Neotropics are the global epicentre for amphibians in catastrophic decline. Twelve of these 305 species are in decline due to overexploitation, 99 due to reduced habitat, and 194 due to so-called enigmatic declines, which are currently attributed to chytridiomycosis and climate change (Lips et al. 2006; Pounds et al. 2006). The rapidly declining species show a distinct taxonomic pattern (Table 9). Among the larger families, Bufonidae show by far the highest percentage of species in serious decline, and in particular in enigmatic decline. Most of this very serious situation can be accounted for by the genus Atelopus (73 species in rapid decline, 72 in enigmatic decline). There are many species in serious decline in Hylidae and Leptodactylidae, but percentage wise these families are much less seriously affected than Bufonidae. However, some genera seem to be particularly affected, notably Isthmohyla (6 out of 14 species in serious decline), Plectrohyla (21 out of 41), Craugastor (22 out of 108), Telmatobius (14 out of 52), and Thoropa (3 out of 6). The 43 species of Eleutherodactylus (especially from the Caribbean islands) in rapid decline should be seen in the context of a genus of 610 species. Some small families have high percentages of species in serious decline, most notably Rhinodermatidae and Ambystomatidae. The two species in the Rhinodermatidae, in particular, require comment. One of them, Darwins Frog Rhinoderma darwinii (VU) is currently in enigmatic decline. The other, Rhinoderma rufum (CR), also has declined enigmatically and was last seen in 1978; however, it is not recorded as a rapidly declining species, as its population crashed prior to 1980, the year from which rapid declines have been measured (Stuart et al. 2004). The rapid declines in the Neotropics are concentrated in particular regions, most especially in Mesoamerica (from central Mexico south to Panama, as typied by the genera Isthmohyla, Plectrohyla and Craugastor) and the Andes (as typied by Atelopus and

Flectonotus pygmaeus (Least Concern), in the Family Leptodactylidae, occurs in Venezuela and Colombia. It is a species of pre-montane humid forests, and is particularly associated with bromeliads. The eggs are carried on the back of the female in a pouch, and the larvae are deposited in bromeliad axils. Francisco Jos Lpez-Lpez

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

A summary of the inferred population trends of Neotropical amphibians is presented in Table 8. In the absence of more rigorous population monitoring studies, these trends are largely inferred from trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend (though in some cases, dramatic population declines have been noted). Species with decreasing populations are typically forest-dependent species that can tolerate little disturbance to their habitats. The overall trends of Neotropical amphibians are very similar to the global results.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Bolitoglossa pesrubra (Endangered) is a lungless salamander from the Family Plethodonitidae, and is restricted to the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica. It still occurs in many places within its range, but has drastically declined in some sites where it was formerly abundant, while appearing to be stable in others. Twan Leenders

Telmatobius). There have also been many declines in the Greater Antilles, for the most part in the genus Eleutherodactylus. In addition, there are some smaller foci of rapid declines in Chile (especially in Alsodes and Rhinoderma) and the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (where declines are still poorly documented, but involve several genera, including Cycloramphus and Thoropa (Heyer et al. 1988; Eterovick et al. 2005). The growing evidence suggests that the Neotropics is in the process of losing most of its montane, stream-associated amphibian fauna in the space of just a few decades.

A total of 2,916 species are recorded from the Neotropical Realm, of which 1,145 (39%) are considered threatened. At the species level, 2,808 amphibians (96% of those present) are endemic to the Neotropics - roughly half of all recognized amphibians worldwide; of the 20 families found in the region, six are endemic, and of 189 amphibian genera occurring, 157 are endemic. The percentage of threatened species is very high in the families Rhinodermatidae (100%), Ambystomatidae (67%), Plethodontidae (60%), Bufonidae (53%), Salamandridae (50%), Leptodactylidae (46%) and Ranidae (41%), reecting both habitat loss and declines most likely related to chytridiomycosis and climate change. Geographic concentrations of threatened species occur in the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico); Mesoamerica (Central America south to Panama); the tropical Andes (especially in Colombia and Ecuador, but also increasingly in Peru and Bolivia); the Venezuelan highlands; central Chile; and the Atlantic Forests of southern Brazil. Brazil has the largest number of species in the Neotropical Realm (751 species), and has more endemics than any other country (489). Thirteen other countries have more than 100 species (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica, Argentina, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, French Guiana, and Suriname), with the rst ve of these countries having more than 50 endemics. Colombia has the largest number of threatened species (209), followed by Mexico (190), Ecuador (163), and Brazil (110). Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile each have 20 or more globally threatened species. Among species occurring in tropical forests, 52% of species in montane tropical forest are threatened, compared with 30% in lowland tropical forest, probably reflecting smaller range sizes of montane species, the lack of effective habitat conservation in many montane regions, higher human population densities in mountainous areas, the widespread incidence of chytridiomycosis, and the increased vulnerability of montane species to the impacts of climate change. Further, 45% of Neotropical amphibians associated with flowing water (most of which are montane) are threatened. Habitat loss, primarily due to expanding croplands, vegetation removal (mainly logging), urbanization/industrial development, and livestock grazing, is affecting almost 90% of the threatened species in the region. Disease (usually chytridiomycosis) and pollution are both impacting nearly 30% of globally threatened species. A massive 65% of the 470 globally rapidly declining species occur within the region; these are concentrated in Mesoamerica, the Andes and the Greater Antilles where habitat loss and chytridiomycosis have been especially severe. A total of 63% of the rapid declines in the Neotropics are classied as enigmatic declines (probably due to chytridiomycosis and climate change). Seven amphibian extinctions have been recorded from the Neotropics, and a further 121 species are possibly extinct (again concentrated in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and the Greater Antilles).

Baillie, J.M., Stuart, S.N. and Hilton-Taylor, C. (eds). 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Barrio Amors, C.L. 2004. Amphibians of Venezuela: systematic list, distribution and references. An update. La Revista De Ecologa Latinoamericana 9(3):1-48.

Breuil, M. 2002. Histoire Naturelle des Amphibiens et Reptiles Terrestres de lArchipel Guadeloupen: Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthlemy. Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L. and Green, D.E. 2004. Potential causes for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico. Herpetologica 60:141-154. Calderon Mandujano, R., Bahena Basave, H. and Calm, S. 2005. Anbios y Reptiles de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Kaan y Zonas Aledaas. COMPACT-ECOSUR-CONABIO, Mxico. Campbell, J.A. 1999a. Distribution patterns of amphibians in Middle America. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 111-210. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Campbell, J.A. 1999b. Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern Guatemala, Yucatan and Belize. University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma, USA. Campbell, J.A. 2001. Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Guatemala. Web published: http://www. University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, USA. Carnaval, A.C.O.Q., Puschendorf, R., Peixoto, O.L., Verdade, V.K. and Rodrigues M.T. 2006. Amphibian chytrid fungus broadly distributed in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. EcoHealth 3:41-48. Cei, J.M. 1980. Amphibians of Argentina. Monitore Zoologico Italiano N.S. Monograa 2:1-609. Cei, J.M. 1987. Additional notes to Amphibians of Argentina: an update, 1980-1986. Monitore Zoologico Italiano (N.S.) 21:209-272. Coloma, L.A. 2005. AmphibiaWeb Ecuador. Ponticia Universidad Catlica del Ecuador, Quito. Crawford, A.J. and Smith, E.N. 2005. Cenozoic biogeography and evolution in direct-developing frogs of Central America (Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus) as inferred from a phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35:536-555. Crother, B.I. ed. 1999. Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles. Academic Press, London, UK and New York, USA. De la Riva, I. 2005. Bolivian frogs of the genus Telmatobius (Anura: Leptodactylidae): synopsis, taxonomic comments, and description of a new species. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean Frogs of the Genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus, pp. 65-101. Asociacin Herpetolgica Espaola, Monografas de Herpetologa 7, Valencia, Spain. De la Riva, I., Khler, J., Ltters, S. and Reichle, S. 2000. Ten years of research on Bolivian amphibians: updated checklist, distribution, taxonomic problems, literature and iconography. Revista Espanola de Herpetologia 14:19-164. Duellman, W.E. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in South America. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 255-328, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Duellman, W.E. 2001. The Hylid Frogs of Middle America. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA. 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Phylogenetic systematics of dart-poison frogs and their relatives (Amphibia: Athesphatanura: Dendrobatidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 299:1-262. Greenbaum, E. and Komar, O. 2005. Threat assessment and conservation prioritization of the herpetofauna of El Salvador. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:2377-2395. Guyer, C. and Donnelly, M.A. 2005. Amphibians and Reptiles of La Selva, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean Slope. California University Press, Berkeley, California, USA. Hedges, S.B. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in the West Indies. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 211-254. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Hedges, S.B. 2006. An overview of the evolution and conservation of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Applied Herpetology 3: 281-292. Herrera, R.A., Steciow, M.M. and Natale G.S. 2005. Chytrid fungus parasitizing the wild amphibian Leptodactylus ocellatus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Argentina. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 64:247-252. Heyer, W.R., Rand, A.S., Cruz, C.A.G. and Peixoto, O.L. 1988. Decimations, extinctions, and colonizations of frog populations in southeast Brazil and their evolutionary implications. Biotropica 20:230-235. Hoogmoed, M.S. 1979. The herpetofauna of the Guianan region. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), The South American herpetofauna: its origin, evolution, and dispersal. Monograph of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas 7: 241-279. Ibez, R., Rand, A.S. and Jaramillo, C.A. 1999. The Amphibians of Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Soberana National Park and Adjacent Areas. Editorial Mizrachi Pujol, Panama. Ibez, R., Sols, F., Jaramillo, C. and Rand, S. 2000. An overview of the herpetology of Panama. In: J.D. Johnson, R.G. Webb and O.A. 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La Marca, E., Lips, K.R., Ltters, S., Puschendorf, R., Ibez, R., Rueda-Almonacid, J.V., Schulte, R., Marty, C., Castro, F., Manzanilla-Puppo, J., Garcia-Perez, J.E., Toral, E., Bolaos, F., Chaves, G., Pounds, J.A. and Young, B. 2005. Catastrophic population declines and extinctions in Neotropical harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus). Biotropica 37:190-201.

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


The Suriname Toad Pipa pipa (Least Concern) occurs widely in the Amazon Basin and the Guianan Shield, and is an aquatic species that lives in slow-owing watercourses and pools in tropical rainforest. The fertilized eggs are placed by the male on the females back, where they become embedded in the skin, and develop directly without a free-living larval stage. Manfred Beier

La Marca, E. and Reinthaler, H.P. 1991. Population changes in Atelopus species of the Cordillera de Mrida, Venezuela. Herpetological Review 22:125-128. Lavilla, E.O. and Cei, J.M. 2001. Amphibians of Argentina. A second update, 1987-2000. Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali, Torino 28:1-177. Lavilla, E.O., Ponssa, M.L., Baldo, D., Basso, N., Bosso, A., Cespedez, J., Chebez, J.C., Faivovich, J., Ferrari, L., Lajmanovich, R., Langone, J.A., Peltzer, P., Ubeda, C., Vaira, M. and Vera Candioti, F. 2000. Categorizacin de los Anbios de Argentina. In: E.O. Lavilla, E. Richard and G.J. Scrocchi (eds.), Categorizacin de los Anbios y Reptiles de la Repblica Argentina, pp. 11-34. Asociacin Herpetolgica Argentina, Tucumn, Argentina. Lee, J.C. 1996. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Yucatn Peninsula. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA. Lee, J.C. 2000. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maya World. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA. Lehr, E. 2002. Amphibien und Reptilien in Peru. Natur und Tier - Verlag GmbH, Mnster, Germany. Lescure, J. and Marty, C. 2000. Atlas des Amphibiens de Guyane. Patrimoines Naturels, Paris, France. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:3165-3170. Lips, K.R., Mendelson III, J.R., Muoz-Alonso, A., Canseco-Marquez, L. and Mulcahy, D.G. 2004. Amphibian population declines in montane southern Mexico: resurveys of historical localities. Biological Conservation 19:555-564. Lips, K.R., Reeve, J.D. and Witters, L.R. 2003. Ecological traits predicting amphibian population declines in Central America. Conservation Biology 17:1078-1088. Lynch, J.D. and Duellman, W.E. 1997. Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus in western Ecuador. Systematics, ecology, and biogeography. University of Kansas, Natural History Museum, Special Publication 23:1-236. Malhotra, A. and Thorpe, R.S. 1999. Reptiles and Amphibians of the Eastern Caribbean. Macmillan, London, UK. McCranie, J.R., Townsend, J. H., and Wilson, L. D. 2006. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Honduran Mosquitia. Krieger Publishing, Melbourne, Florida, USA. McCranie, J.R. and Wilson, L.D. 2002. The Amphibians of Honduras. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA. Mendelson III, J.R., Brodie Jr., E.D., Malone, J.H., Acevedo, M.E., Baker, M.A., Smatresk, N.J. and Campbell, J.A. 2004. Factors associated with the catastropic decline of a cloudforest frog fauna in Guatemala. International Journal of Tropical Biology 54:991-1000. Ministrio do Meio Ambiente, Brasil. 2003. Dirio Ocial da Unio (101): 88. Brasilia, Brazil. Murphy, J.C. 1997. Amphibians and Reptiles of Trinidad and Tobago. Krieger Publishing, Melbourne, Florida, USA. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., Snchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Powell, R. and Henderson, R.W. 1999. Addenda to the checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 30:137-139. Powell, R., Henderson, R.W. and Parmerlee, J.S. 2005. The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Dutch Caribbean. St Eustatius, Saba, and St Maarten. St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation, St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles. Reichle, S. 2006. Distribution, diversity and conservation status of Bolivian amphibians. PhD Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet, Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhem Universitaet Bonn, Germany. Rodrguez, J.P. and Rojas-Surez, F. 1995. Libro Rojo de la Fauna Venezolana. Provita, Fundacin Polar, Caracas, Venezuela. Ron, S.R. 2005. Predicting the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the New World. Biotropica 37:209-221. Ron, S.R., Duellman, W.E., Coloma, L.A. and Bustamante, M.R. 2003. Population decline of the Jambato Toad Atelopus ignescens (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Andes of Ecuador. Journal of Herpetology 37: 116-126.

Ruiz-Carranza, P.M., Ardila-Robayo, M.C. and Lynch, J.D. 1996. Lista actualizada de la fauna de Amphibia de Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 20(77):365-415. Savage, J.M. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna between two Continents, between two Seas. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA. Schwartz, A. and Henderson, R.W. 1988. West Indian amphibians and reptiles: a check-list. Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 74:1-264. Seimon, T., Hoernig, G., Sowell, P., Halloy, S. and Seimon, A. 2005. Identication of chytridiomycosis in Telmatobius marmoratus at 4450m in the Cordillera Vilcanota of southern Peru. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Estudios sobre las ranas andinas de los gneros Telmatobius y Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 273-281. Asociacin Herpetolgica Espaola, Monografas de Herpetologa, 7. Valencia, Spain. Searis, J.C., and MacCulloch, R. 2005. Amphibians. In: T. Hollowell and R.P. Reynolds (eds.), Checklist of the Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Guiana Shield, pp. 9-25. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, no. 13. Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia 2004. Lista de espcies de anfbios do Brasil. Web published at: Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Van Buurt, G. 2005. Reptiles and Amphibians of Aruba, Curaao and Bonaire. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Veloso, A. and Navarro, J. 1988. Lista sistemtica y distribucin geogrca de anbios y reptiles de Chile. Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino 6:481-539. Wake, D.B. 2003. Adaptive radiation of salamanders in Middle American cloud forests. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 74:242-264. Wake, D.B. and Lynch, J.F. 1976. The distribution, ecology, and evolutionary history of plethodontid salamanders in tropical America. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Bulletin 25:1-65. Young, B.E., Lips, K.R., Reaser, J.K., Ibez, R., Salas, A.W., Cedeo, J.R., Coloma, L.A., Ron, S., La Marca, E., Meyer, J.R., Muoz, A., Bolaos, F., Chaves, G. and Romo, D. 2001. Population declines and priorities for amphibian conservation in Latin America. Conservation Biology 15:1213-1223. Young, B.E., Sedaghatkish, G., Roca, E. and Fuenmayor, Q. 1999. El Estatus de la Conservacin de la Herpetofauna de Panam: Resumen del Primer Taller Internacional sobre la Herpetofauna de Panam. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

The Pumpkin Toadlet Brachycephalus ephippium (Least Concern) is a member of the small Family Brachycephalidae from the Atlantic Forests of southern and eastern Brazil. It is a common species in leaf-litter on the oor of primary and secondary forest. The egg clutches are deposited on the forest oor, and these develop directly without a free-living larval stage. Juarez Silva

Endnotes 1 P<0.01 (binomial test) 2 This species was assessed as Vulnerable at the GAA workshop in Brazil and this is the ofcial category as listed on the Red List website. It is listed here as Critically Endangered which is the category determined by the GAA coordinating team. 3 Frost et al.s (2006) and Grant et al.s (2006) proposed taxonomic changes result in 26 families in the Neotropics, of which 13 are endemic: Amphignathodontidae; Aromobatidae; Batrachophrynidae; Brachycephalidae; Centrolenidae; Ceratophryidae; Cryptobatrachidae; Cycloramphidae; Dendrobatidae; Hemiphractidae; Hylodidae; Leiuperidae; and Rhinatrematidae. However, in this section we follow the former taxonomic arrangement of families based on Frost (2004). 4 Frost et al. (2006) and Grant et al. (2006) split the Leptodactylidae into nine families (also comprising the current Brachycephalidae and Rhinodermatidae). Three small genera (collectively comprising just six species), Batrachophrynus, Caudiverbera and Telmatobufo, from southern Chile and north into southern Andean Peru and Bolivia are separated to form a new family Batrachophrynidae. The genus Hemiphractus (six species) from Panama to the upper Amazon Basin forms a new family Hemiphractidae. The genera Adelophryne, Atopophrynus, Barycholos, Dischidodactylus, Craugastor, Eleutherodactylus, Euparkerella, Geobatrachus, Holoaden, Ischnocnema, Phrynopus, Phyllonastes and Phyzelaphryne are transferred to the existing family Brachycephalidae, creating a new grouping of nearly 800 species covering almost the same geographic range as the former Leptodactylidae. The genera Cryptobatrachus and Stefania are transferred to the new family Cryptobatrachidae (21 species) endemic to northern South America. The genera Flectonotus and Gastrotheca are transferred to the new family Amphignathodontidae (nearly 60 species), ranging from Costa Rica south to Argentina. The genera Atelognathus, Batrachyla, Ceratophrys, Insuetophrynus, Lepidobatrachus, and Telmatobius are transferred to the new family Ceratophryidae (c. 80 species) ranging from Colombia south to Chile and Argentina. The genera Alsodes, Crossodactylodes, Crossodactylus, Cycloramphus, Eupsophus, Hylodes, Hylorina, Limnomedusa, Macrogenioglottus, Megaelosia, Odontophrynus, Proceratophrys, Thoropa, and Zachaenus are transferred to the new family Cycloramphidae (together with Rhinoderma from Rhinodermatidae), with c. 130 species, in southern tropical and temperate South America. The genera Edalorhina, Engystomops, Eupemphix, Physalaemus, Pleurodema, Pseudopaludicola, and Sumuncuria are transferred to Leiuperidae (75 species) ranging from southern Mexico throughout Central and South America south to central Chile and central Argentina. With these changes, the family Leptodactylidae is reduced to including the genera Hydrolaetare, Leptodactylus (including the subgenus Lithodytes for the former genera Adenomera and Lithodytes), Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys, comprising c. 90 species through much of the Neotropics and southern Nearctic, including on some Caribbean islands.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

trend, estimated at about 0.18C per decade, has been to the benet of the fungal pathogen. The rise in temperatures has most probably increased the amount of evaporation in the tropical montane environments inhabited by harlequin frogs, which in turn has been translated into increased cloud formation. Increased cloud cover in turn leads to a decrease in incoming solar radiation, thus reducing daytime temperatures, and by night may result in a green-house effect that impedes natural heat loss from the ground, with resulting warmer night-time temperatures. These cooler days and warmer nights brings the pathogenic fungus to near optimum thermal conditions, believed to be between17 and 25C, thereby encouraging its growth, reproduction and propagation. The theory gains support since most of the species have disappeared in the altitudinal band between 1,000 and 2,400m elevation, while recent re-appearances have occurred either in low-elevation (humid lowland forests) or high-elevation (paramo) habitats (Ltters et al. 2005). Both extremes in temperature conditions for the fungal pathogen may act as thermal refuges for the few surviving Atelopus populations. Unfortunately, the problem of declines and extinctions in Atelopus is not likely to diminish in the foreseeable future. Under a scenario of double CO2 concentrations within the next century (Malcolm et al. 2006), the rate of amphibian extinctions is expected to increase in many regions, including the Tropical Andes, where most harlequin frogs are known to occur. Atelopus may actually be a good indicator of what is happening to other less conspicuous species that could experience similar declines. The loss of these important links in the trophic web has unforeseeable consequences (Ranvestel et al. 2004). Furthermore, the resulting impoverished biodiversity may also represent a loss in potential advances in biomedicine and biotechnology (Mendelson et al. 2006). Currently, there is no known effective protection against Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the wild. Therefore, one of the most tempting alternatives to cope with the Atelopus declines is to initiate captive-breeding programmes (see Essay 11.5). The success with the Panamanian Golden Frog, Atelopus zeteki (Zippel 2002), which is now available in breeding colonies in numerous zoos, is promising in this regard. Nevertheless, comprehensive captive-breeding programs for all Atelopus species threatened with extinction appear to be impossible due to the many species involved.

Atelopus sorianoi (Critically Endangered) has the most restricted geographic range of any Venezuelan Atelopus species, being known from a single stream in an isolated cloud forest in the Cordillera de Mrida. The last record of the species was in 1990. Pascual Soriani

Figure 1. Richness map of species in the genus Atelopus, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Maximum richness equals four species.

The harlequin frogs (genus Atelopus) are small, colourful jewels distributed in the humid forests and paramos of Central and South America. The genus is the largest in the family Bufonidae, with about 80 described species distributed from Costa Rica south to Bolivia and eastward through the Amazon basin into the Guianas (Figure 1). Despite interest by scientists in these species, their conservative morphology and variable coloration have often obscured their taxonomy. Many species have highly variable colour patterns, and different species frequently have similar colour patterns. Recent genetic studies reveal both unappreciated genetic diversity among populations, but also great variation within a given taxon. More than 30 previously unrecognized species are currently in the process of being described or being elevated to the species level. Most Atelopus species are associated with streams, although many occur part time of the year in terrestrial habitats (Ltters 1996). They range from sea level to approximately 4,800m elevation, but the majority live in highlands at 1,500-3,000m. Some species, such as A. varius (CR), A. chiriquiensis (CR), A. carbonerensis (CR), and the now Extinct A. ignescens and A. vogli, have been characterized as locally abundant, with hundreds of animals seen in a few hundred meters, often during annual breeding events (La Marca and Reinthaler 1991; Manzanilla and La Marca 2004; Pounds and Crump 1994; Ron et al. 2003). Local endemism is common in the genus, making species particularly vulnerable to extinction. At least 26 species are known from only one site (per Ricketts et al. 2005). Sadly, these beautiful and once common diurnal amphibians are now vanishing. A recent study based on 113 Atelopus species (i.e., including also undescribed forms and a few just recently named), revealed that 37% of these species have undergone signicant declines, and only 10 species have what are believed to be stable populations (La Marca et al. 2005). The majority of the declining species have disappeared in the last two decades only, and many, such as Atelopus sorianoi (CR) are feared extinct; at least 30 species have been missing from all known localities for at least eight years. All species restricted to elevations of above 1000m have declined and 75 percent have disappeared. At least three Atelopus species are considered as Extinct according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, namely Atelopus ignescens and A. longirostris from Ecuador, and A. vogli from Venezuela (Ltters et al. 2004). To put things in perspective, harlequin frogs represent about 15% of the 442 Critically Endangered (CR) amphibian species on the IUCN Red List. The rst red ag that something was amiss came many years ago (La Marca and Reinthaler 1991). Several potential causes were then discussed trying to explain the observed declines, but today the most commonly cited cause is the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which strikes even in undisturbed montane habitats. Habitat loss may explain a few of the disappearances. However, it is not considered to be a major cause in the case of the Atelopus species, since almost 20% of the harlequin frogs have disappeared from protected areas. Other potential causes of declines, such as introduced species, trade, and pollution may partly explain a few cases, too, but are unlikely to have affected the majority of the species. Synergistic combinations of factors are expected to affect some harlequin frogs, as illustrated by the case of Atelopus zeteki (CR), believed to be nearly extinct in the wild due to the combined effects of habitat change, illegal collecting, and fungal disease (Mendelson et al. 2006). A recent nding suggests that large-scale warming of our planet is correlated with mass extinction in Atelopus (Pounds et al. 2006). The warming


Enrique La Marca and Stefan Ltters

La Marca, E. and Reinthaler, H.P. 1991. Population changes in Atelopus species of the Cordillera de Mrida, Venezuela. Herpetological Review 22:125-128. La Marca, E., Lips, K.R., Ltters, S., Puschendorf, R., Ibez, R., Rueda-Almonacid, J.V., Schulte, R., Marty, C., Castro, F., Manzanilla-Puppo, J., Garca-Prez, J.E., Bolaos, F., Chaves, G., Pounds, J.A., Toral, E. and Young, B.E. 2005. Catastrophic population declines and extinctions in neotropical harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus). Biotropica 37:190-201. Ltters, S. 1996. The Neotropical toad genus Atelopus. Checklistbiologydistribution. M. Vences and F. Glaw, Verlags GbR, Cologne, Germany. Ltters, S., La Marca, E., Stuart, S., Gagliardo, R. and Veith, M. 2004. A new dimension of current biodiversity loss? Herpetotropicos 1:29-31. Ltters, S., La Marca, E., Gagliardo, R.W., Searis, C.J. and Veith, M. 2005. Harlequin frogs back? Some thoughts and speculations. Froglog 70:1-3. Malcolm, J.R., Canran, L., Neilson, R.P., Hansen, L. and Hannah, L. 2006. Global warming and extinctions of endemic species from biodiversity hotpots. Conservation Biology 20:358-548. Manzanilla, J. and La Marca, E. 2004. Population status of the Rancho Grande harlequin frog (Atelopus cruciger Lichtenstein and Martens 1856), a proposed critically endangered species from the Venezuelan Coastal Range. Memoria de la Fundacin La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Caracas, 62(157):5-29. Mendelson III, J.R., Lips, K.R., Gagliardo, R.W., Rabb, G.B., Collins, J.P., Diffendorfer, J.E., Daszak, P., Ibez, R., Zippel, K.C., Lawson, D.P., Wright, K.M., Stuart, S.N., Gascon, C., da Silva, H.R., Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L., La Marca, E., Ltters, S., du Preez, L.H., Weldon, C., Hyatt, A., Rodriguez-Mahecha, J.V., Hunt, S., Robertson, H., Lock, B., Raxworthy, C.J., Frost, D.R., Lacy, R.C., Alford, R.A., Campbell, J.A., Parra-Olea, G., Bolaos, F., Calvo Domingo, J.J., Halliday, T., Murphy, J.B., Wake, M.H., Coloma, L.A., Kuzmin, S.L., Stanley Price, M., Howell, K.M., Lau, M., Pethiyagoda, R., Boone, M., Lannoo, M.J., Blaustein, A.R., Dobson, A., Grifths, R.A., Crump, M.L., Wake, D.B. and Brodie, E.D., Jr. 2006. Confronting Amphibian Declines and Extinctions. Science 313:48. Pounds, J.A. and Crump, M.L. 1994. Amphibian declines and climate disturbance: The case of the golden toad and the harlequin frog. Conservation Biology 8:72-85. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., SanchezAzofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Ranvestel, T.W., Lips, K.R., Pringle, C.M., Whiles, M.R. and Bixby, R.J. 2004. Neotropical tadpoles inuence stream benthos: evidence for ecological consequences of amphibian declines. Freshwater Biology 49:274-285. Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Boucher, T., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J.F., Morrison, J., Parr, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Sechrest, W., Wallace, G.E., Berlin, K., Bielby, J., Burgess, N.D., Church, D.R., Cox, N., Knox, D., Loucks, C., Luck, G.W., Master, L.L., Moore, R., Naidoo, R., Ridgely, R., Schatz, G.E., Shire, G., Strand, H., Wettengel, W. and Wikramanayake, E. 2005. Pinpointing and preventing imminent extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102:18497-18501. Ron, S.R., Duellman, W.E., Coloma, L.A. and Bustamante, M.R. 2003. Population decline of the jambato toad Atelopus ignescens (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Andes of Ecuador. Journal of Herpetology 37:116-126. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Zippel, K. 2002. Conserving the Panamanian golden frog: Proyecto Rana Dorada. Herpetological Review 33:11-12.

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


The frogs of the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus constitute a remarkable group of endemic Andean anurans that occur from central Ecuador in the north, to northern Chile and Argentina in the south (Figure 1). The most recent classication of Telmatobius (Lavilla 2005) includes 56 species, with Peru harbouring the highest diversity (23 species), followed by Bolivia (15 species), Argentina (14 species), Chile (9 species; the description of an additional species was in press at the time of writing this report) and Ecuador (3 species). Batrachophrynus includes two species (endemic to central Peru), and while we treat it as distinct in the current essay, recent studies have indicated that Batrachophynus is not a valid genus and should rather be included in Telmatobius (Aguilar and Pacheco 2005; Crdova and Descailleaux 2005; Sinsch et al. 2005). The genus Telmatobius is mostly aquatic, occupying a wide, albeit montane, altitudinal range (1,300-5,000m asl), and inhabiting habitats as diverse as cloud forests to humid paramos and dry puna. Many species have co-existed with humans for centuries, and, undoubtedly, habitat destruction, mining, agricultural practices and livestock (especially camelids) have inuenced the distribution and local abundance of some taxa (De la Riva 2005). Several species are captured either for food or because of certain putative medicinal or magical properties; other potential threats include water pollution and the introduction of trout for shing. Particularly concerning is the case of the giant Lake Titicaca Frog (Telmatobius culeus, CR) and the even larger Lake Junin Frog (B. macrostomus, EN), both of which have been affected by over-shing and other problems. Although some protection measures have been implemented (such as captive breeding), they have proved to be mostly unsuccessful (Prez 2005). Since Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus frogs inhabit montane areas and are stream- or lake-breeders, their biology and ecology render them particularly susceptible to chytrid infection. Indeed, there is growing evidence that chytridiomycosis is having a direct impact on populations of these frogs. Reports of serious population declines in Telmatobius rst came from Ecuador, and a recent summary of the conservation status of Ecuadorian Telmatobius yields conclusive evidence of a catastrophic decline of the three species endemic to that country (Merino-Viteri et al. 2005). Specimens found in the 1980s and 1990s had malformations and symptoms of diseases, including chytridiomycosis. Despite intensive surveys for living animals in recent years (including 2005), the last living Telmatobius specimen seen in Ecuador was a tadpole of T. niger (CR) with severe epidermal damages, collected on 1 December 1994; T. vellardi (CR) was last seen in 1987, and T. cirrhacelis (CR) in 1981. The three Ecuadorian Telmatobius are now likely extinct. While the situation in Ecuador has been thoroughly investigated, there is almost no published information for other range countries. In Per, Lehr (2005) stated that these frogs are threatened due to agricultural practices, water pollution, and commercial utilization. Seimon et al. (2005) reported a case of chytridiomycosis affecting T. marmoratus (VU), collected in July 2002 in the department of Cusco, although without reference to population declines. This species has the broadest distribution of any Telmatobius, and occurs in the Altiplano and Puna highlands above the tree line. Healthy specimens were found in the department of Puno in southern Peru during recent eldwork (February 2006; De la Riva, unpubl.), and although it is plausible that some populations of this widespread species are extinct or have declined due to chytridiomycosis, the presence of larvae and adults in many sites indicates that, overall, the species is not severely threatened. However, this situation could change in the future if climate change facilitates a shift to favorable conditions for chytrid in previously unsuitable zones. Unfortunately, more alarming data, albeit preliminary, concern species from the humid paramos and upper cloud forest regions of Peru. In 1999-2001, Telmatobius were largely extirpated from the department of Cajamarca, where farmers frequently encountered dead animals (R. Schulte, in. litt.). Recent eldwork (February 2006) by a team of ve herpetologists surveying nine Andean valleys in the department of Puno and southern Cusco did not yield a single specimen of Telmatobius, despite thorough searches in appropriate sites. In several places, local people explained that all kaylas frogs (=Telmatobius) vanished two years ago. In Bolivia, the situation seems to be similar. De la Riva (2005) documented a severe decline of a newly described upper cloud forest species, T. espadai. Tadpoles of this species were extremely abundant in Ro Apaza (Cochabamba) in 1990, but no tadpoles were found in 1994 and 1999, and only a single one in 1998. A recent examination of the oral structures of this individual showed an almost complete destruction of keratinized structures, which is consistent with chytridiomycosis. Another paramo/upper cloud forest species, T. sanborni, occurred at least between Pelechuco (La Paz, Bolivia), where it was abundant at least in 2001, and Ollachea (Puno, Peru) (De la Riva 2005). No trace of this species was found during the recent surveys in Peru in February 2006, although it has yet to be searched for in Bolivia. The last records of two other threatened species, T. sibiricus (EN) and T. verrucosus (VU), are from 2004 (De la Riva 2005). Chilean species of Telmatobius occur in mostly desertic conditions and dry puna, and are subject to the same general threats as other highland species (Formas et al. 2005). At present, there is no direct or indirect evidence of chytrid infection in Chilean Telmatobius. The available information in Argentina is not promising (Lavilla and Barrionuevo 2005). Early in 2006, S. Barrionuevo (pers. comm.) found evidence of chytrid fungus in individuals of Telmatobius atacamensis (CR; a species already threatened by mining activities) in the environs of San Antonio de los Cobres (Salta) and in a population of Telmatobius pisanoi (EN) near El Pichao (Tucumn). Another species, T. laticeps (EN), fairly common in the past in the area of Taf del Valle (Tucumn) disappeared from its range in the last few years due to unknown causes; the same might have happened with the forest-dwelling T. ceiorum (EN; S. Barrionuevo and M.L. Ponssa, pers. comm.). In summary, frogs of the genera Telmatobius (and Batrachophynus) are severely threatened, and at a scale comparable only to the bufonid genus Atelopus (see Essay 9.1). In Telmatobius, as with Atelopus, many species are still to be named, many of those already described are known only from the type locality or nearby, and several extinctions have already taken place. However, there is one important difference: Telmatobius has no lowland species, and thus the entire genus faces the very real danger of extinction in the very near future. Unfortunately, the case of Telmatobius frogs seems to strongly support Lips et al.s (2006) statement: it is no longer correct to speak of global amphibian declines but, more appropriately, of global amphibian extinctions. Ignacio De la Riva and Esteban O. Lavilla

Aguilar, C. and Pacheco, V. 2005. Contribucin de la morfologa bucofarngea larval a la logenia de Batrachophrynus y Telmatobius. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 219-238. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Crdova, J.H. and Descailleaux, J. 2005. El anlisis cladstico preliminar de los cariotipos de cinco especies de Telmatobius y dos de Batrachophrynus no apoya su separacin genrica. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 187-217. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. De la Riva, I. 2005. Bolivian frogs of the genus Telmatobius: synopsis, taxonomic comments, and description of a new species. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 65-101. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Formas, J.R., Veloso, A. and Ortiz, J.C. 2005. Sinopsis de los Telmatobius de Chile. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 103-114. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Lavilla, E.O. 2005. Lista sistematica y bibligrca comentada sobre el gnero Telmatobius. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 283-349. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Lavilla, E.O. and Barrionuevo, J.S. 2005. El gnero Telmatobius en la Repblica Argentina: una sntesis. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 115-165. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Lehr, E. 2005. The Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus species of Peru. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 39-64. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103:3165-3170. Merino-Viteri, A., Coloma, L.A. and Almendriz, A. 2005. Los Telmatobius de los Andes de Ecuador y su disminucin poblacional. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 9-37. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Prez Bjar, M.E. 2005. Crianza en cautividad y uso sostenible de la rana gigante del lago Titicaca (Telmatobius culeus). In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the generaTelmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 261-271. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Seimon, T.A., Hoernig, G., Sowell, P., Halloy, S. and Seimon, A. 2005. Identication of chytridiomycosis in Telmatobius marmoratus at 4450 m in the Cordillera Vilcanota of southern Peru. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 273-284. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain. Sinsch, U., Hein, K. and Glump, B. 2005. Reassessment of central Peruvian Telmatobiinae (genera Batrachophrynus and Telmatobius): osteology, palmar morphology and skin histology. In: E.O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva (eds.), Studies on the Andean frogs of the genera, Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae), pp. 239-260. Monog. Herpetol. 7, AHE, Valencia, Spain.

Telmatobius marmoratus (Vulnerable) has the widest range of any species in the genus, being known from the Andean region of southern Peru, northern and central Bolivia, and northern Chile. Ignacio de la Riva

Figure 1. Richness map of species in the genera Telmatobius and Batrachophrynus, with dark red colours corresponding to areas of higher richness. Maximum richness equals four species.


Threatened Amphibians of the World


Living salamanders comprise about 550 species, representing approximately one-tenth of living amphibians. The order Caudata hosts the largest amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus, CR), in which adults measure 180cm from nose to tip of tail (and see Essay 4.7), as well as one of the smallest, Thorius arboreus (EN), one of several species of the genus that achieve sexual maturity at about 15mm in length. Although the number of salamander species is small compared with that of frogs, the diversity of species and life histories, coupled with late 20th century declines and disappearances worldwide, make salamanders an important model for understanding the causes of global change (i.e., climate change, pollution, habitat loss, etc) and their effect on biodiversity. Salamanders are more commonly representatives of the northern temperate regions. Only a few groups have colonized tropical regions: the Salamandridae in south-eastern Asia and the Plethodontidae in tropical America. The magnitude and extent of these tropical invasions differs greatly. While tropical Asia has been colonized by only a few species, the Neotropics have been the stage for a large-scale radiation encompassing almost 40% of all salamander species. The main Neotropical salamander radiation is restricted to a single clade, the supergenus Bolitoglossa (Parra-Olea et al. 2004), which is represented by more than 180 species and 12 genera, and ranges from northern Mxico to Brazil (Figure 1). Bolitoglossine salamanders share fully terrestrial life histories, internal fertilization, direct development within encapsulated eggs, and a highly specialized feeding mechanism. These derived traits have played a major role in the success of bolitoglossines in the tropics (Wake 1987). A second radiation in the Neotropics can be found in the genus Ambystoma in the Transvolcanic Axis of central Mexico. Although this radiation has produced relatively few species, it includes several independently evolved paedomorphic lineages. A prime example is the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum, CR), which is widely used to illustrate paedomorphosis in vertebrate evolution. Cryptic speciation is common in salamanders. Their morphological evolution is conservative, and different populations often share traits that have arisen through convergence or that have evolved in parallel. Genetic studies are thus often necessary to identify new species. Such studies, coupled with eldwork, have shown that salamanders in the tropics often exhibit a pattern of local isolation, with extreme genetic differentiation occurring over short distances (tropicality syndrome) (Garcia-Paris et al. 2000). Units that have been previously treated as single species often comprise multiple and genetically distinct lineages. Accordingly, the total number of salamander species remains unknown, and new forms are steadily being described. In Mexico, for example, the number of recognized species has risen from 93 to 128 in the past 10 years a 39% increase (Flores-Villela and Canseco 2004). Amphibian populations are declining worldwide and Neotropical salamanders are no exception. In several localities where salamanders were seen or collected by the hundreds in the 1970s and 1980s, it is now difcult to nd a single individual. Some declines have occurred in seemingly pristine areas, such as Cerro San Felipe in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Reserva de Monte Verde in Costa Rica (Parra-Olea et al. 1999). The results of the Global Amphibian Assessment found that out of a total of 226 species in the Neotropics, 36 are Critically Endangered, 74 Endangered, and 28 Vulnerable. An additional 42 were listed as Data Decient. Habitat loss and water pollution is the major threat to most species of salamanders, and, for some species, over-collecting (e.g., for food), the introduction of exotic species, and urban development are signicant threats. Other factors such as climate change, increased UV-B radiation, chemical contamination, and emerging infectious disease are currently being evaluated. To date, the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been found in four species of plethodontid salamanders (Lips et al. 2006) and in four ambystomatid species (G. Parra-Olea, unpubl.), but massive die offs of salamanders have, as yet, not been linked to this pathogen. Climate change and forest fragmentation could have important impacts on salamanders, especially considering the limited dispersal abilities of these animals. Bioclimatic envelope modelling suggests that the terrestrial salamander Pseudoeurycea leprosa (VU) in Mexico could lose almost 75% of its range area over the next 50 years because of climate change (Parra-Olea et al. 2005). This will be true for all terrestrial salamanders that inhabit pine and/or pine-oak forests, and will be exacerbated for the majority of species with small distributional ranges. Traditionally, aquatic salamanders of the genus Ambystoma, such as the Axolotl and the Achoque, A. mexicanum, have played an important role in local communities. The Aztecs considered the Axolotl as the transguration of the deity Xolotl, and both species are exploited by local communities as a food source and as a remedy for respiratory infections (see Essay 2.3). The main threats to most Ambystoma species include contamination and drying out of their aquatic habitats, the introduction of exotic species, and over-exploitation. For example, the local conditions of Lake Ptzcuaro, to which the Achoque is endemic, have changed following an increase in water temperature, a decrease in the mean depth of the lake, and the introduction of exotic sh (Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae and Cyclidae) and their accompanying parasites (i.e. Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) (Garca et al. 1993). Furthermore, between 1987 and 2000 the harvest of the Achoque was approximately 27,592 kg (Huacuz 2002). A management plan has been proposed for the Achoque and a captive-breeding program was started by a group of nuns from the Ptzcuaro convent, with the main objective of sustainably harvesting the species from the wild for the production of cough syrup for the community. However, we still know little about the size of the population, its genetic structure, or its dynamics, so evaluating its chances of survival is difcult. Given the alarming declines and disappearances that have been witnessed among Neotropical salamanders, examining the various potential threats is urgent, particularly where these threats act in synergy (Pounds et al. 2006). Most importantly, we cannot begin to propose adequate management plans for species, unless we know and understand the taxonomic and phylogenetic identity of the species of concern. Resolving taxonomic uncertainties is thus fundamentally important. Studies involving the use of phylogenetics for uncovering cryptic species diversity will help reveal the true diversity of the group, and in turn also help identify unique lineages and hot spots of diversity. Finally, they will identify the afnities of individual populations, thus facilitating appropriate decisions about the translocation or reintroduction of salamanders. Gabriela Parra-Olea

Figure 1. Richness map of Neotropical salamander species (n=242) in the genera Batrachoseps, Bolitoglossa, Chiropterotriton, Cryptotriton, Dendrotriton, Ixalotriton, Nototriton, Nyctanolis, Oedipina, Parvimolge, Pseudoeurycea and Thorius. Dark red colours correspond to higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 17 species.

Flores-Villela, O. and Canseco-Marquez, L. 2004. Nuevas especies y cambios taxonomicos para la herpetofauna de Mxico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 2:115-144. Huacuz, E.D. 2002. Programa de Conservacin y Manejo de Ambystoma dumerili. El Achoque del Lago de Patzcuaro. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacin de la Natraleza, A. C. y Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Reccursos Naturales. Michoacn, Mxico. Garca, A.I., Prez-Ponce de Len, G. and Garca, P.L. 1993. Contribucin al conocimiento de

las comunidades de helmintos de dos especies de anbios endmicos del Lago de Ptzcuaro, Michoacn: Rana dunni y Ambystoma dumerilii. Cuad. Mex. Zool. 1:73-80. Garca-Paris, M., Good, D.A., Parra-Olea, G. and Wake D.B. 2000. Biodiversity of Costa Rican salamanders: Implications of high levels of genetic differentiation and phylogeographic structure for species formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 97:1640-1647. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P.,and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:3165-3170. Parra-Olea, G., Garca-Paris, M., and Wake, D.B. 1999. Status of some populations of Mexican salamanders (Amphibia: Plethodontidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical 47:217-223. Parra-Olea, G., Garca-Paris, M. and Wake, D.B. 2004. Molecular diversication of the genus Bolitoglossa and its evolutionary and biogeographic consequences for the invasion of American tropics. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 81:325-346. Parra-Olea, G., Martnez-Meyer, E. and Prez Ponce de Len, G. 2005 Forecasting climate change effects on salamander distribution in the highlands of Central Mexico. Biotropica 37:202-208. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fodgen, M.P., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., SanchezAzofeifa, A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:160-167. Wake, D.B. 1987. Adaptive radiation of salamanders in Middle American cloud forests. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 74:242-264.


More than 8.5 million km2 in size, Brazil is the fth largest country in the world and the largest among those in the tropics. It has the largest continental biota on Earth, and inspired the concept of Megadiversity countries (Mittermeier et al. 1997). Conservative estimates indicate that Brazil is home to 13% of global biodiversity, and has the richest ora with more than 56,000 species. Not surprisingly, then, Brazil is also the world leader in amphibian diversity and endemism. The Global Amphibian Assessment records 751 native species, of which around 65% are endemic. However, the rate of description of new species is very high, and according to an updated list of the Brazilian Society of Herpetology (SBH) there are now 794 amphibian species in Brazil. Only Colombia can come close to rivaling Brazil in terms of absolute numbers of amphibians present (see Essay 9.5). Further, even the current number of recognized amphibians is an underestimate, as evidenced by the number of species that have been discovered and described just in recent years. Several areas have never been inventoried and likely would reveal many new species waiting to be described, including large areas in the Cerrado and Amazon, such as southern Par and Maranho states, western Bahia state, northern Mato Grosso, and almost all of Tocantins state. Amphibian diversity is not evenly distributed across the country, and there is a noticeable concentration of species in some regions, for example in the Atlantic Forest (Figure 1). Unfortunately, the Atlantic Forest is also the center of origin for reports of amphibian declines in Brazil (Eterovick et al. 2005) (Figure 2). The Atlantic Forest (or Mata Atlntica) stretches along Brazils Atlantic coast from the northern state of Rio Grande do Norte south to Rio Grande do Sul, extending from 4 to 32S. Long isolated from other major rainforest blocks in South America, the Atlantic Forest has an extremely diverse and unique mix of vegetation and forest types, with elevation varying from the sea level to about 2,900m. Unfortunately, this biome has been largely destroyed, and only about 7% of its original native forest cover remains intact, and it is regarded as a recognized global biodiversity hotspot (Mittermeier et al. 2004). In a recent review of amphibian declines in Brazil, Eterovick et al. (2005) found that most species experiencing declines in the Atlantic Forest are recorded at elevations up to 1,000m, some of them associated with streams (Colostethus olfersioides VU, Bokermannohyla langei DD, Crossodactylus dispar DD, C. gaudichaudii LC, Hylodes babax DD, Cycloramphus boraceiensis LC, C. mirandaribeiroi DD, C. semipalmatus NT, Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum LC), others with cliffs dripping with water for tadpole development (Cycloramphus duseni DD, Thoropa lutzi EN, T. petropolitana VU). The species are either direct developers (Adelophryne baturitensis VU), or their mode of reproduction is unknown (Colostethus carioca DD, Cycloramphus eleutherodactylus DD). A few species are recorded only above 1,500m (Eleutherodactylus paranaensis DD, Cycloramphus granulosus DD, Paratelmatobius lutzii DD). But declines are not only reported from the Atlantic Forest. The Brazilian Cerrado, another global biodiversity hotspot, makes up one-fth of the country, and is the most extensive woodland-savannah in South America. The Cerrado receives abundant rainfall between October and April, while the rest of the year is characterized by a pronounced dry season. The Cerrado also contains a rich montane meadow vegetation found at higher portions of some of the mountain ranges in south-eastern Brazil, such as the Serra do Espinhao. Eterovick et al. (2005) reported the rst declines of amphibians in the Cerrado, among the species Crossodactylus bokermanni (DD) and Epipedobates avopictus (LC). They recorded only a few adult individuals of Crossodactylus bokermanni, from the Serra do Cip in 2001 in the Parque Nacional da Serra do Cip, and yet the species was known to be common in the same study area in 1971-1974. The main cause for declines in amphibians in Brazil is undoubtedly habitat destruction, largely as a consequence of deforestation, agricultural expansion, mining, re, and infrastructure development and urbanization. However, other factors, such as severe winters, pollution and acid rain, and extended dry periods, are all possible causative factors (Eterovick et al. 2005). Furthermore, disease may also play an important role. Carnaval et al. (2006) conducted histological screenings of 96 preserved specimens of anurans collected at 10 sites in the Atlantic Forest and found chytrid fungus to be widely distributed, having recorded the disease in specimens of Colostethus olfersioides, Bokermannohyla gouveai DD and Hypsiboas freicanecae DD, as well as Thoropa miliaris LC and Crossodactylus caramaschii LC. More concerningly, the altitudinal range is broad, spanning from less than 100m to about 2,400m (in the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia). The widespread occurrence of chytrid in the Atlantic Forest adds to the challenge of conserving an already threatened biome. More recently, Toledo et al. (2006) extended the distribution of the fungus in Brazil ca. 630km southward from the previous southernmost record of Carnaval et al. (2006), reaching So Francisco de Paula in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (the southernmost limits of the Atlantic rainforest), and speculated on its distribution in the Cerrado and Pantanal (and see Ron 2005). The Brazilian politics of conservation include important legal instruments, such as lists of threatened species and the selection of priority areas for conservation in all Brazilian biomes. On the other hand, the country still has much to do to improve its protected areas network, particularly given the noticeable gaps in coverage in the Atlantic Forest. The Cerrado biome deserves special attention because of the scarce knowledge about amphibians and its high rate of habitat loss due to the rapid advance of the agricultural frontier. Brazilian herpetologists have clearly made dramatic strides forward in the last two decades in improving our knowledge on natural history, ecology, and basic life-history of many species, but a great deal remains to be done to better understand the causes of the declines being witnessed among the countrys amphibians, and the most appropriate means to mitigate these threats. Dbora Leite Silvano

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


Carnaval, A.C.O.Q.C., Puschendorf, R., Peixoto, O.L., Verdade, V.K., and Rodrigues, M.T. 2006. Amphibian Chytrid Fungus Broadly Distributed in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. EcoHealth 3:41-48. Eterovick, P.C., Carnaval, A.C.O.Q.C., Borges-Nojosa, D.M., Silvano, D.L., Segalla, M.V. and Sazima, I. 2005. Amphibian Declines in Brazil: An Overview. Biotropica 37:166-179. Mittermeier, R.A., Robles Gil, P. and Mittermeier, C.G. (eds.). 1997. Megadiversity: Earths Biologically Wealthiest Nations. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Mittermeier, R.A., Robles-Gil, P., Hoffmann, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Brooks, T.M., Mittermeier, C.G., Lamoreux, J.L. and Fonseca, G. 2004. Hotspots Revisited: Earths Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Ecoregions. Second Edition. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Ron, S.R. 2005. Predicting the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the New World. Biotropica 37(2):209-221. Toledo, L.F., Britto, F.B., Araujo, O.G.S., Giasson, L.M.O. and Haddad, C.F.B. The occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Brazil and the inclusion of 17 new cases of infection. South American Journal of Herpetology 1(3):185-191.

Figure 1. Richness map of all amphibian species in Brazil, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 139 species.

Figure 2. Richness map of all threatened amphibian species in Brazil, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 24 species.


The amphibian fauna of Colombia is among the largest and most diverse on the planet. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, nearly 700 recognized species of amphibians are known from, or expected to occur in, Colombia, and our current estimate stands at 732. The diversity of amphibians in Colombia is, to a certain degree, the fortuitous consequence of human politics it is as if Colombias borders were drawn with the specic intent of maximizing its amphibian diversity. That is, Colombias amphibian diversity is a function not only of the area of this tropical country, but also its specic location. For example, the two countries with the greatest number of amphibian species are Brazil and Colombia (Ecuador is a distant third, with only 449 species). With 752 recognized species listed in the GAA, Brazil has a slightly larger amphibian fauna, but its area is over eight times greater than that of Colombia. Consequently, Brazil has 8.8X10-5 species per km2, whereas Colombia has 6.1X10-4 species per km2 a full order of magnitude more. In occupying the north-western-most portion of South America, Colombia includes the rich amphibian fauna of the rain-soaked Pacic lowlands and adjacent Andean foothills, and this is augmented by capturing many species (e.g., the dendrobatid Colostethus panamensis, LC) and lineages (e.g., the brachycephalid genus Craugastor) that extend into Colombia from Central America. The eastern borders reach far into Amazonia, and further north the Llanos secure fauna associated with the Orinoco river drainage. Predominantly Venezuelan lineages, such as the aromobatid Aromobates, extend into Colombia in the Serrana de Perij, and the isolated Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta harbors an endemic fauna that includes such enigmatic species as the brachycephalid Geobatrachus walkeri (EN). Nevertheless, although Colombias regional span contributes greatly to the diversity of amphibians, it is the Andean backbone that is most signicant (Lynch et al. 1997). Whereas to the south and north-east the Andes form comparatively simple systems, in Colombia they divide into three isolated ranges that radiate from the Nudo de Pasto, and these ranges harbor about two-thirds of Colombian amphibians. Among the Andean species, most occur in the cool, moist cloud forests between 1,200 and 2,500m asl, and many are conned to extremely small areas. Although experimental data are lacking, it is assumed that this isolation is due to the adaptation of species to specic environments and their inability to survive under even mildly different conditions. For example, although two adjacent mountains may share identical environmental conditions, the different environment (e.g., higher temperature and lower precipitation) of the intervening valley would serve as a barrier to dispersion and gene ow (Lynch and Duellman 1997). The limited geographic distribution of most Colombian amphibians makes them extremely susceptible to habitat alteration and destruction. This poses a special challenge for Colombian policy makers because humans have targeted precisely the same elevations of the Andes for their development activities. For many Andean species, the removal of a single remaining patch of forest may mean the extinction of the species. For example, Atopophrynus syntomopus (CR) is the only species of its genus and is known from a single locality in the Cordillera Central of Antioquia in an area that has been subjected to extreme deforestation. In addition to the habitat alteration that accompanies human development, other actual or potential threats to Colombian amphibians include the introduction of exotic species (including the illicit introduction of the North American Bull frog, Lithobates catesbeiana, for commercial purposes), global climate change and increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and infectious disease especially chytridiomycosis, caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Rueda-Almonacid et al. 2004). According to the IUCN Red List, just less than half (47%) of all Colombian amphibian species are classied as Least Concern. Of the remainder, 18% are Endangered or Critically Endangered, and another 18% are Near threatened or Vulnerable. Quantitative data derived from rigorous monitoring studies are lacking for all of those species, but data are so scant for an additional 17% of Colombian species that not even a rough estimate of their status could be made, and they are designated as Data Decient. Given the state of knowledge of Colombian amphibians, two areas of research are in urgent need of increased attention. First, taxonomic research including the exploration of under-sampled areas and the production of revisionary, monographic studies of groups and regions must be expanded to complete the identication of Colombian amphibians. Although few localities can be considered thoroughly sampled, Acosta-Galvis (2000) highlighted a number of high-priority regions, including mid- to high-elevations of the central

Geobatrachus walkeri (Endangered) is a frog known only from the northwestern and western slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia. Taran Grant

Figure 1. Priority regions for further inventory and survey work in Colombia.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

and northern Cordillera Central and Cordillera Occidental, higher elevations along the length of the Serrana de Perij, the pramos of the Cordillera Oriental in southern Cundinamarca and Tolima departments, the Serrana del Darin along the Colombo-Panamanian border, the southern Cordillera Occidental and adjacent lowlands in Cauca and Nario departments, and the Cordillera Oriental and rainforests of Putumayo, Amazonas, Caquet, Guaviare, Vaups, and Gauina departments (Figure 1). The discovery and identication of previously unknown species in all major groups of Colombian amphibians shows no sign of slowing in the foreseeable future. Indeed, as the expansion of institutional (e.g., natural history collections, molecular laboratories, GIS databases, parallel computing facilities) and human resources (e.g., active scientists and hyperactive students trained in amphibian systematics) continues, we anticipate that the current rate of discovery will continue or increase in the coming years. For example, although it once seemed that the Amazonian fauna was spatially quite uniform (albeit highly diverse), denser sampling, exploration of previously unstudied localities, and analysis of non-traditional data especially

DNA sequences are revealing much greater complexity, and what were believed to be widespread species are frequently found to involve numerous, even distantly related species of more modest distributions. As our appreciation of the diversity of Colombian species increases, so too does our understanding of their basic biology so crucial to implementing effective conservation strategies to ensure their survival. A second critical area of research in need of attention is the establishment of long-term, reliably funded studies that monitor natural populations at key localities in both pristine and fragmented, or otherwise developing, areas. Such monitoring programs would allow researchers to track the spread of infectious diseases, understand the response of individual species to differing pressures, and distinguish natural and normal population uctuations from extreme and abnormal declines, all of which is necessary to design and implement an efcient conservation strategy to ensure the survival of one of the worlds most diverse and fascinating amphibian faunas. Taran Grant, Andrs R. Acosta-Galvis and John D. Lynch

Acosta-Galvis, A.R. 2000. Ranas, salamandras y caecilias (Tetrapoda: Amphibia) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 1:289-319. Lynch, J.D. and Duellman, W.E. 1997. Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus in western Ecuador. Systematics, ecology, and biogeography. Special Publication. Natural History Museum, University of Kansas 23:1-236. Lynch, J.D., Ruiz-Carranza, P.M. and Ardila-Robayo, M.C. 1997. Biogoegraphic patterns of Colombian frogs and toads. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 21:237-248. Rueda-Almonacid, J.V., Lynch, J.D. and Amzquita, A. 2004. Libro Rojo de Anbios de Colombia. Conservacin Internacional Colombia, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Bogot, Colombia.


Antilles were once connected, as a geological unit, with North and South America in the late Cretaceous (~60-70 million years ago), it has been suggested that the present fauna arose by vicariance in other words, traveled with the islands as they broke away from the continents. But fossil and genetic research has failed to identify more than a few West Indian groups that t this model, if any. Most, or all, groups probably arrived to the West Indies by ying, swimming, or oating on otsam (mats of vegetation). The east to west direction of ocean currents means that the source for almost all otsam in the West Indies is South America (or, more rarely, Africa), and this agrees with the evolutionary afnities of much of the non-ying land fauna (Hedges 2001, 2006). With its 172 native species, the amphibian fauna of the West Indies is remarkably diverse for such a small land area. Yet it is also peculiar in that all the native amphibians are frogs there are no salamanders or caecilians and most (147 species) belong to a single genus of direct-developing leptodactylid frogs, Eleutherodactylus (Schwartz and Henderson 1991; Hedges 1999). West Indian amphibians range in adult size, from the smallest frog in the world, Eleutherodactylus iberia of eastern Cuba, at 10mm, to the giant ditch frog Leptodactylus fallax (the Mountain Chicken) of the Lesser Antilles, reaching 210mm. Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus (see Essay 1.4) lay their eggs on land, bypassing the aquatic tadpole stage, which eventually hatch into miniatures of the adults. One species of Eleutherodactylus in Puerto Rico even gives birth to living froglets. Parental care is common among the species, and many guard their eggs during development. The sex of the egg-guarder follows evolutionary lines, with the father having this job in the Puerto Rican group of species, whereas in Jamaica the mother is usually the guarder (Townsend 1996). Individual species are adapted to a great many terrestrial niches, including underground burrows, rock caves, cliffs, salt marshes, waterfalls, bromeliads, tree holes, leaf litter, and vegetation of all types. The term ecomorph has been used with West Indian Eleutherodactylus to recognize the morphological and ecological convergence in species from different islands and their adaptations to these niches. Other native amphibians include a modest radiation of toads (11 species, family Bufonidae) and an assortment of treefrogs (nine species, family Hylidae). With eight species, Cuba is the center of diversity for toads, whereas Jamaica and Hispaniola are hot spots of hylid frog diversity, with four species each. There are several species of aquatic ditch frogs (Leptodactylus) as well, including the Mountain Chicken that occurs on Montserrat and Dominica. A single species of dendrobatid frog occurs on Martinique. All but a few species of West Indian amphibians are endemic to a single island. Many species occur in the lowlands, but a peak in species density occurs between 550 and 1,150m elevation, usually corresponding to cloud forest habitat. On average, species body size decreases by about one mm per 100m of increasing elevation, so a lowland species is typically twice as long (~56mm) as one on a mountaintop at 2,500m (Hedges 1999). The number of sympatric (co-occurring) species varies among and within islands, with the highest number recorded being 24 species near the Haitian village of Castillon, in the Massif de la Hotte of Hispaniola. From a conservation standpoint, the West Indies is one of the hottest biodiversity hotspots (Smith et al. 2005). On average humans have destroyed more than 90% of the original native habitat in the West Indies and it is no surprise that these forest-dwelling species have been decimated. Clearing of land is often for subsistence farming, but trees are also sold for building materials or made into charcoal for cooking fuel. Charcoaling is practiced in Jamaica, Cuba, and Hispaniola and is one of the major sources of income in Haiti where the human population has soared to over eight million and where essentially no original forests remain (Hedges and Woods 1993; Young et al. 2004). A recent assessment of the status of West Indian amphibians found that 84% of the species are threatened (Young et al. 2004), with 37% listed as Critically Endangered, 36% as Endangered, and 11% as Vulnerable. There is no other region of the world that has such a high proportion of threatened species. Among those 63 species listed as Critically Endangered, eight are considered to be possibly extinct because they have not been seen in many years (Hedges 1993, 1999; Young et al. 2004). These include the livebearing species Eleutherodactylus jasperi of Puerto Rico, as well as several stream-dwelling species. Besides the major threat from deforestation, a few species have disappeared from forested areas and the reason for this is unclear. Certainly, no forests in the West Indies are pristine because of introduced ora and fauna that impact the native biota. For example, Old World rats and mongooses can be encountered throughout forested areas high on mountains in the Greater Antilles and these species are known to prey on amphibians. Still, it remains to be established whether introduced predators, climate change, a chytrid fungus, another threat, or rather a combination of these factors is the primary cause for the presumed extinctions of these amphibians (Burrowes et al. 2004). Most countries have made some efforts to control deforestation, such as the designation of national parks and protected areas. These efforts are to be applauded, but unfortunately most have had limited or no success in slowing the destruction of habitat. This is especially true in the countries such as Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where clear-cutting and charcoaling continue within protected areas, mostly because budgets allocated to environmental protection are insufcient. Essentially no original forests remain in Haiti (Hedges and Woods 1993), and therefore many endemic species including those not found in the Dominican Republic will likely become extinct in the near future unless something is done soon. Species in other countries may not be far behind. It is imperative that international agencies, both conservation-based and

Eleutherodactylus orientalis (Critically Endangered) from a small at top mountain in eastern Cuba called El Yunque de Baracoa. The very small range and declining quality of habitat in the region are causes for concern. Adults are only 11mm long, only one millimetre longer than the smallest frog in the world, E. iberia, which also occurs in eastern Cuba. S. Blair Hedges, Penn State

The West Indies is a complex assortment of islands and countries located between North and South America. In total land area (224,000km) it is similar in size to Great Britain and includes three major island groups: a chain of four large and old islands (the Greater Antilles), a relatively at limestone bank to the north (Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands), and a classical volcanic island-arc in the east (the Lesser Antilles). The Greater and Lesser Antilles are located within, or at the border of the Caribbean Sea, but the Bahamas Bank is within the Atlantic Ocean. From the standpoint of biodiversity, the West Indies sometimes called the Caribbean Islands includes the Cayman and Swan Islands, but usually excludes islands neighboring Central and South America (e.g., Aruba, Curaao, Trinidad and Tobago, etc.), which have faunas that more closely resemble those on the continents (Figure 1). The origin of the West Indian fauna has been debated for more than a century, and continues to be an area of active research. Because the Greater

Figure 1. Map of the West Indies (Caribbean Islands).

Eleutherodactylus glanduliferoides (Critically Endangered) from the Massif de La Selle of Haiti. This species is only known from a few places on the northern slope of these mountains, just above the densely populated capital city of Port-auPrince. The region is completely deforested and this species is possibly extinct. S. Blair Hedges, Penn State

Chapter 9. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm


otherwise, step in to help protect the environment in Haiti and elsewhere in the West Indies before it disappears. Salaries for park guards and logistical support (e.g., vehicles, communication equipment, and supplies) for existing parks would provide the most immediate benet. An accurate knowledge of the amphibian fauna is also a pre-requisite for conservation efforts, as is basic systematic work, which needs to be supported through increased training of local scientists, better education of government ofcials charged with protecting the environment (e.g., scientists do not pose a threat!), and greater facilitation of work by foreign scientists. Together with prompt and vigorous support directed towards existing protected areas, the real threats facing the amphibian fauna of the West Indies may be reduced if we are lucky. S. Blair Hedges

Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L., and Green, D.E. 2004. Potential causes for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico. Herpetologica 60:141-154. Hedges, S.B. 1993. Global amphibian declines: a perspective from the Caribbean. Biodiversity and Conservation 2:290-303. Hedges, S.B. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in the West Indies. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of distribution of amphibians: A global perspective, pp. 211-254. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Hedges, S.B. 2001. Caribbean biogeography: an outline. In: C.A. Woods and F.E. Sergile (eds.), Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives, pp. 15-33. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Hedges, S.B. 2006. Paleogeography of the Antilles and the origin of West Indian terrestrial vertebrates. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93:231-244.

Hedges, S.B. and Woods, C.A. 1993. Caribbean hot spot. Nature 364:375. Schwartz, A. and Henderson, R.W. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies: descriptions, distributions, and natural history. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Smith, M.L., Hedges, S.B., Buck, W., Hemphill, A., Inchaustegui, S., Ivie, M., Martina, D., Maunder, M., and Ortega, J.F. 2005. Caribbean islands. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. RoblesGil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots revisited: Earths biologically richest and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions, pp. 112-118. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Townsend, D.S. 1996. Patterns of parental care in frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus. Contributions to West Indian herpetology: a tribute to Albert Schwartz. R. Powell and R. W. Henderson. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA. Young, B.E., Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., and Boucher, T.M. 2004. Disappearing jewels: the status of New World amphibians. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia, USA.


In 2005-2006, the world watched as avian u spread across Asia and into Europe. As we write this, Americans are expecting the disease to cross the Atlantic and infect birds in the United States. Fortunately, at least in the case of bird u, we have an example of a global monitoring system that can track the spread of disease across geopolitical boundaries, as well as a network of health-care providers that are prepared to treat patients infected by the virus. Although many people will be saved, many will still suffer from this emerging infectious disease despite the benet of advanced warning systems, treatment facilities, and trained personnel. But let us consider a different hypothetical situation. What would happen if: Entire populations of humans were dying from an unknown disease in remote regions of the world? Few scientists or doctors were aware of the situation? Nobody contacted the news media or policy makers? We realized that this was an epidemic, but we had no monitoring network or treatment facilities? The few personnel trained to detect and potentially treat the disease were distantly located and had neither nancial resources nor sufcient infrastructure to offer any help? We could prevent deaths in hospitals, but nowhere else? Where and how could we even begin to offer help? With few data, no dedicated sources of funding, and no infrastructure, the situation would seem impossible. Yet, to do nothing would clearly be unacceptable. In all respects, this is the situation for Latin American amphibians, as population after population succumbs to the frog-killing fungal disease, chytridiomycosis. The current crisis of global amphibian extinctions is the result of multiple causal factors (Collins and Storfer 2003), but none is more insidious than chytridiomycosis. Considered an emerging infectious disease (Daszak et al. 2000), caused by a recently discovered fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), chytridiomycosis has been found infecting more than 80 species of amphibians in Latin America and over 150 species worldwide, and more areas and species are predicted to be affected in the future (Ron 2005). The disease has been directly implicated in numerous population declines and extinctions, and is acknowledged to have caused many other such catastrophes that were not observed. Yet, we still lack a complete understanding of Bds basic biology, pathology, epidemiology, and taxonomic/geographic distribution. A case study from El Cop, Panama (Lips et al. 2006) illustrates the devastation that Bd can inict upon diverse tropical amphibian communities that are typical of upland areas in Central and South America. Following a period of eight years of monitoring both amphibian abundance and disease prevalence, eld crews obtained the rst Bd-positive sample on 23 September 2004 (Figure 1). Within one week, several dead frogs had been found, and shortly thereafter as many as 19 dead frogs were found in a single day. After four months, researchers had found 350 dead frogs, representing 40 species among eight families of anurans and salamanders, all of which were heavily infected with Bd. This report was the rst denitive link between catastrophic population declines of amphibians and the sudden appearance of Bd at a site. Within six months, amphibian abundance had been reduced by more than 75%, with 50% of species missing and almost all species affected to some degree. Nocturnal surveys prior to October 2004 often produced as many as 170 captures, representing as many as 23 species, but those same transects now produce no more than ve or six frogs, representing only two or three species. Within a remarkably short space of time, the amphibian community of El Cop has been devastated by this disease, and is not anticipated to recover, because populations have been greatly reduced and because Bd persists at this site. Although many diseases can impact host populations by causing temporary or permanent declines in abundance, only recently has disease been considered a major cause of species extinctions (de Castro and Bolker 2005). Theoretical work on disease ecology predicts that, as an epidemic infectious disease reduces the abundance of its hosts, there is an increase in the relative abundance of immune individuals; thus, disease transmission is reduced to zero, such that the pathogen becomes extinct before the host. Bd is unusual in that it affects a broad taxonomic array of species, and is highly virulent killing most infected individuals. These are classic traits of invasive or novel pathogens, and the arrival of Bd in the Neotropics, and its subsequent extermination of the native fauna, is similar to the effect smallpox had when it was introduced from Europe to the Americas by Christopher Columbus and his crew. A large number of amphibian species have already been identied as hosts of Bd, and it is likely that both the environment and the frogs are potential disease reservoirs (Lips et al. 2006). When populations begin to decline, they can be wiped out in a short period of time with little chance of recovery or replenishment from other populations. It is this lethal combination of an exotic virulent pathogen (with a broad host range) invading a highly endemic amphibian fauna with small geographic distributions that produces high levels of species extinction in very short periods of time. In conclusion, we can expect to see many more losses of amphibian species from the Neotropics, as this disease continues to expand its range. Worse yet, bioclimatic modeling (e.g., Ron 2005; and see Essay 11.4) suggests that Bd can survive in many other parts of the globe, and is likely to infect hundreds, if not thousands, of additional species in Africa and Asia. Many questions remain regarding how the relationships among Bd, amphibian hosts, and environmental conditions produce such a wide range of amphibian population responses. We are beginning to appreciate the complex challenges involved in mitigating or even reversing impacts of emerging infectious diseases. We also know that traditional conservation efforts that are tied to habitat protection are inadequate by themselves in such instances, so effective solutions remain elusive. Trade and transport of amphibians and other wildlife may spread Bd (Hanselmann et al. 2004), but the actual frequency and impact of these factors is not known. Regional and local climatic conditions may inuence the growth and survival of Bd (Pounds et al. 2006), but until a mechanism is identied that can link global or regional climate changes to individual mortality or reduced population growth, we cannot hope to design effective conservation measures that would mitigate these impacts. At this time, while we can effectively treat animals in captivity (Nichols et al. 2001), we cannot control the spread of Bd in the wild, or treat animals or ecosystems in situ. Another problem is that Bd is difcult to detect because it is microscopic and may persist in ecosystems for undetermined periods of time. Chytridiomycosis is an alarming model system for disease-driven extinctions of an entire fauna. For one emerging infectious disease to appear so suddenly and have such uncontrollable effects on global biodiversity, demands an immediate response. We are facing the synchronous extinction of a signicant proportion of an entire group of vertebrates, and we propose that it is no longer correct to speak of global amphibian declines but, more appropriately, of global amphibian extinctions. Karen R. Lips and Joseph R. Mendelson III

Collins, J.P. and Storfer, A. 2003. Global amphibian declines: sorting the hypotheses. Diversity and Distributions 9:89-98. Daszak, P, Cunningham, A.A, Hyatt, A.D. 2000. Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife threats to human health and biodiversity. Science 287:443-449. de Castro, F. and Bolker, B. 2005. Mechanisms of disease-induced extinction. Ecol Letters 8:117-126. Hanselmann, R., Rodriguez, A., Lampo, M., Fajardo-Ramos, L., Aguirre, A.A, Kilpatrick, A.M., Rodriguez, J.P. and Daszak, P. 2004. Presence of an emerging pathogen of amphibians in introduced bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana in Venezuela. Biological Conservation 120:115-119. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., and Collins, J.P. 2006. Infectious disease and global biodiversity loss: pathogens and enigmatic amphibian extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:3165-3170. Nichols, D.K., Lamirande, E.W., Pessier, A.P. and Longcore, J.E. 2001. Experimental transmission of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in dendrobatid frogs. J. Wildl. Dis. 37:1-11. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M., Coloma, L., Consuegra, J., Fogden, M., Foster, P., LaMarca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, L.A, Puschendorf, R., Ron, S., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G., Still, C., and Young, B. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Ron, S. 2005. Predicting the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the New World. Biotropica 37:209-221.

Figure 1. Timelines of sequential catastrophic declines of amphibians, as a result of chytridiomycosis, in Costa Rica and Panama. Modied from Lips et al. (2006).

An undescribed species of Eleutherodactylus found dead floating in a stream during a die off near El Cope, Panama in 2004. Forrest Brem & Roberto Brenes


Figure 1. Summary of Red List categories for amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm. The percentage of species in each category is also given.
Red List Category Number of species Extinct (EX) 2 Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0 Critically Endangered (CR) 13 Endangered (EN) 40 Vulnerable (VU) 58 Near Threatened (NT) 48 Least Concern (LC) 245 Data Decient (DD) 62 Total Number of Species 468
13% 0.4% 3% 9%

Brandon Anthony, J.W. Arntzen, Sherif Baha El Din, Wolfgang Bhme, Dan Coglniceanu, Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailovic, Pierre-Andr Crochet, Claudia Corti, Richard Grifths, Yoshio Kaneko, Sergei Kuzmin, Michael Wai Neng Lau, Pipeng Li, Petros Lymberakis, Rafael Marquez, Theodore Papenfuss, Juan Manuel Pleguezuelos, Nasrullah Rastegar, Benedikt Schmidt, Tahar Slimani, Max Sparreboom, smail Uurta, Yehudah Werner and Feng Xie


The Palaearctic Realm includes northern Africa, all of Europe, and much of Asia, excluding the southern extremities of the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian Subcontinent (south of the crest of the Himalaya), Southeast Asia, and the southern parts of China. It is by far the largest of the six biogeographic realms. ThePalaearctic Realm isdominated bytheEurasian tectonic plate, which comprises allofEurope and most of Asia. Over the past 60 million years, the African, Arabian and Indian plates have collided with and compressed the Eurasian plate, forming an extensive array of mountain ranges, generally running in an east-west direction. These ranges include: the Pyrenees; the Alps; the Carpathians; the Balkan mountains; the Caucasus; the mountains of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and central Asia; and the Himalaya. The northern part of the African Plate and most of the Arabian plate are now dominated by a Palaearctic fauna, whereas the fauna on the Indian Plate is overwhelmingly Indomalayan (as is the fauna on the south-eastern part of the Eurasian Plate). Although the Palaearctic has an extensive land connection with the Afrotropical Region, there is relatively little mixing of the faunas, due to the barrier to dispersal formed by the Sahara and Arabian Deserts, particularly for organisms such as amphibians. However, there is much more overlap with the Indomalayan fauna, and the boundary between the two regions is hard to delineate in China. For the reasons given above, the southern part of the region is much more mountainous than the northern part, and includes the highest mountains in the world, peaking at Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) at 8,850m. All of the worlds mountains higher than 8,000m occur in the Himalayan and Karakorum ranges. Boreal coniferous forests dominate the northern part of the region, through Scandinavia and Russia. Further to the south, both the western and eastern parts of the region were originally covered in mixed and broad-leaved temperate forests, giving way to steppe lands in the central part of the region. However, very little remains of the original temperate forest habitat through most of the region. In keeping with the topography, habitat diversity is greater in the southern part of the region, ranging from deserts, to grassland, to Mediterranean-type scrubland, and to coniferous forests. The Palaearctic Realm has a very uneven human population density (approximately 32 people per square kilometre in Europe in 2005, compared with 137 in China, 339 in Japan, but only 8 in Russia and 11 in Saudi Arabia). The percentage of the population living in rural areas also varies greatly, ranging from 11.5% in Saudi Arabia, to 26.7% in Europe and Russia, 34.3% in Japan, and 59.5% in China. In general, most of the people in the region are concentrated in eastern Asia and western Europe. The gross income per capita also varies hugely across the region, from US$1,740 in China in 2005, to US$4,460 in Russia, US$11,770 in Saudi Arabia, US$27,900 in western Europe, and US$38,390 in Japan. Economic growth rates are very high in China (reaching 10% annually), and now averaging 6% in eastern Europe, Russia, and central Asia, but much lower (<3%) in western Europe and Japan. The high economic growth rate in China, and high overall wealth in Europe, as well as high human population densities, explain why damage to natural ecosystems has been so extensive in the eastern and western parts of the region. In China, but in Europe and the Middle East to an even greater extent, humans modied extensive areas of natural habitat over 1,000 years ago. High levels of habitat modication are still ongoing in China and many other parts of the region. Conversely, in the central and northern parts of the region, many ecosystems are still largely intact.

Palaearctic Realm contains 6% of all globally threatened amphibians. The Palaearctic accounts for only 3% of CR species and 5% of the EN species, but 9% of the VU species. Hence, on the basis of current knowledge, threatened Palaearctic amphibians are more likely to be in a lower category of threat, when compared with the global distribution of threatened species amongst categories. The percentage of DD species, 13% (62 species), is also much less than the global average of 23%, which is not surprising given that parts of the region have been well surveyed. Nevertheless, the percentage of DD species is much higher than in the Nearctic. Two of the worlds 34 documented amphibian extinctions have occurred in this region: the Hula Painted Frog Discoglossus nigriventer from Israel and the Yunnan Lake Newt Cynops wolterstorf from around Kunming Lake in Yunnan Province, China. In addition, one Critically Endangered species in the Palaearctic Realm is considered possibly extinct, Scutiger maculatus from central China. This represents 1% of the 130 possibly extinct species in the world. Clearly, as with the Nearctic, there is little in the way of overall discernible pattern so far in Palaearctic amphibian extinctions. Despite a lower overall threat to the amphibian fauna in the Palaearctic compared with some other regions, many widespread Least Concern species are seriously threatened in many parts of their ranges. Many countries in Europe, report high levels of threat to their amphibian faunas. For example, Switzerland lists 70% of its species as nationally threatened (Schmidt and Zumbach 2005), even though only one of these species is globally threatened.


SPECIES RICHNESS AND ENDEMISM Species Richness and Endemism Across Taxa
The 468 native amphibian species in the Palaearctic Realm represent 8% of the currently known global total of 5,915 species. Of these 468 species, 260 (or 56%) are endemic to the Palaearctic (Table 1). Salamanders, newts, frogs and toads are present in the region, but there are no caecilians. Anurans account for over three-quarters (77%) of the species. Endemism is much higher in the salamanders and newts (86%) compared with the frogs and toads (47%). This is presumably a reection of the generally much smaller range sizes among salamanders, and that the families Salamandridae and Hynobiidae radiated mainly in the Palaearctic (see, for example, Weisrock et al. 2006). Of the 15 amphibian families that are native to the region, only three are endemic (Table 1). Only 19 species (4% of the species in the region) are members of these endemic families, although the salamander family Hynobiidae occurs only marginally in the Indomalayan Region and is predominantly Palaearctic. Under current climatic conditions, there is essentially no isolation between the Palaearctic and Indomalayan Regions, especially in China, and the boundary between these two faunas is somewhat arbitrary. The effect of this indistinct boundary is to reduce the level of endemism of both regions. Summaries of the amphibian fauna of the Palaearctic are provided by Borkin (1999) and Zhao (1999). There are 66 genera (14% of the global total) occurring in the region, of which 22 (33%) are also endemic. Endemism at the generic level is much higher among the salamanders and newts (72%) than it is among the frogs and toads (10%), a pattern mirrored in the Nearctic. The most speciose genera in the region are Rana2 (83 species), Bufo2 (39 species), Paa (24 species), Hynobius (24 species), Xenophrys (23 species) and Amolops (20 species). There are eight monotypic genera endemic to the Palaearctic Realm, all of which are salamanders. The 44 non-endemic genera in the Palaearctic include 37 frog genera (14 genera from the Ranidae, nine from the Megophryidae, seven from the Rhacophoridae, four from the Microhylidae, and one each from the Bombinatoridae, Bufonidae and Hylidae) and seven salamander genera (ve from the Salamandridae, and one each from the Cryptobranchidae and the Hynobiidae). As noted, 15 of the worlds 48 amphibian families (31%) occur in the Palaearctic, of which three are endemic: Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, and Pelodytidae. The characteristics of these families are provided in Chapter 1. Among the non-endemic families, the majority of Palaearctic species are in the Bufonidae, Megophryidae, Ranidae, Rhacophoridae, Hynobiidae and Salamandridae. Of the Palaearctic Bufonidae, all 39 species are in the widespread genus Bufo3. This family occurs through most of the region, and 20 species (51%) are shared with other regions (mainly Indomalayan, but also Afrotropical). All Palaearctic bufonids breed by larval development, and some of these occur in a wide variety of different habitats. There are 72 species of Megophryidae in the Palaearctic in nine genera. This family is predominantly Indomalayan, but 30% of the species are endemic to the Palaearctic, occurring mainly in central China. They occur especially in mountainous regions, and the genus Scutiger occurs as high as 4,000m in eastern Tibet. The Ranidae (true frogs) constitute the largest family in the Palaearctic, accounting for just over one-third of the total amphibian fauna of the region. Just over half of the species are in the genus Rana4. The family is found in almost all parts of the region, occurring in most habitats, and breeds by larval development (except the genus Ingerana (four species in the Palaearctic) which are believed to breed by direct development).5 The Rhacophoridae (Asian treefrogs) is another predominantly Indomalayan family, with 39 species occurring in the Palaearctic, only six of which are endemic. All the Palaearctic species are in the east of the region (mainly in China). In this region, most of the species breed by larval development, some using foam nests, but a few in the genus Philautus are probably direct developers. The Asian salamanders (Hynobiidae) are mainly a Palaearctic family centred on Japan and China, with a few species ranging further west as far as Iran, Afghanistan, ex-Soviet Central Asia and north of European Russia. There are 43 species (87% of the global total for the family) in the region, 40 of which are endemic (and see Essay 10.1). The Salamandridae are more diverse in the Palaearctic than elsewhere, with 61% of the species occurring in the region. The family also occurs in the northern part of the Indomalayan region, and there are also six species in the Nearctic. They are widespread in the region, but are especially diverse in Europe and China. Most species lay eggs and have free-living aquatic larvae, but 12 species (in the genera Salamandra and Lyciasalamandra) are live-bearers that do not lay eggs. In some of these species, the young are nourished inside the mother from the embryos of their siblings that die before birth, a unique process in amphibians. The Palaearctic is also important for three other smaller families. The re-bellied toads (Bombinatoridae), 60% of which occur in the Palaearctic, are widespread in the region,



Pachyhynobius shangchengensis (Vulnerable) is a member of the Asian salamander Family Hynobiidae. It is known only from the Dabieshan area in central China, and it lives in slow-owing hill streams in forested areas, where its larvae also develop. Over-harvesting for human consumption is a major threat to this species. Arnaud Jamin


A total of 113 species (24%) of amphibian in the Palaearctic Realm is considered to be globally threatened or Extinct (see Figure 1). This is signicantly less than the global average of 33%1. The

Table 1. The number of Palaearctic amphibians in each taxonomic Family present in the region.
Family Native species (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of species in region species in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 86 49 100 46 53 15 100 100 45 15 47 50 93 100 100 80 86 56 60 4 100 14 30 0.5 100 100 11 2 3 33 87 2 17 61 17 4

Native genera (endemics to region)

Percentage of Percentage of genera in region genera in family that are endemic that are endemic to region 0 0 100 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 10 0 86 100 100 64 72 33 0 0 100 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 1 0 86 7 50 56 29 5

Anura Bombinatoridae Bufonidae Discoglossidae Hylidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Pelobatidae Pelodytidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS

7 (6) 39 (19) 12 (12) 13 (6) 72 (38) 13 (2) 4 (4) 3 (3) 158 (71) 39 (6) 360 (168) 2 (1) 43 (40) 8 (8) 1 (1) 54 (43) 108 (93) 468 (260)

1 (0) 1 (0) 2 (2) 1 (0) 9 (0) 4 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 14 (0) 7 (0) 41 (4) 1 (0) 7 (6) 2 (2) 1 (1) 14 (9) 25 (18) 66 (22)

Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic Realm


and also extend into Indomalaya. Two of the three species of Cryptobranchidae (giant salamanders) occur in the Palaearctic, one in China, the other in Japan. These are the largest amphibians in the world, and are associated with clear streams where they breed by larval development. Finally, one of the six species of Proteidae occurs in the Palaearctic (the other ve being in the Nearctic). The Palaearctic species is the Olm Proteus anguinus (VU) which occurs in underground streams in karstic landscapes, in north-eastern Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and a few locations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It lays eggs, and the adults retain their larval form. The remaining families include the Hylidae (treefrogs: a large family occurring mainly in the Americas, New Guinea and Australia, with just 13 species in the region, all in the genus Hyla), Microhylidae (narrow-mouthed frogs: globally widespread, with just 13 species in the region, none of which are endemic), and the Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders: a large mainly Nearctic and Neotropical family, with just eight species in the region, seven centred on Italy and one in Korea). The threatened and extinct species in the Palaearctic show very distinct taxonomic patterns (Table 2). Salamanders, which account for less than one-quarter of the species in the region, constitute 45% of the threatened or extinct species, with high levels of threat in all families. Among the larger salamander families, 56% of the Hynobiidae are threatened, and over 40% of the Salamandridae. In both cases, habitat loss and the impact of excessive utilization are the most common threats. This tendency for salamanders to show very high levels of threat is found also in the Indomalayan, Nearctic and the Neotropical Realms. The high level of threat in the Hynobiidae is probably related to the small geographic ranges of many of the species, and their narrow ecological niches in mountainous regions Most of the threatened frog species occur in the larger families, Megophryidae and Ranidae (Table 2). The Megophryidae (Asian spadefoots) has a high percentage (one-third) of threatened species, largely due to habitat loss in China, and often very small geographic ranges. These species are usually dependent on clear mountain streams for breeding, a very threatened habitat. The threatened Palaearctic Ranidae (which account for half of the threatened frogs in the region) are overwhelmingly concentrated in China, where they are generally threatened both by over-harvesting for human food, and by habitat loss. Remarkably, the toads (Bufonidae), which in most other regions show high levels of threat, have no threatened species at all in the Palaearctic. In this region, the family is dominated by widespread, generally adaptable species. There are also low levels of threat in the Rhacophoridae. There are no globally threatened Palaearctic species in the Hylidae and the Microhylidae. Among the small endemic families, threat levels are 25% in the Discoglossidae (painted frogs and midwife toads) and Pelobatidae (European spadefoots), but, at least on the basis of current knowledge, negligible in the Pelodytidae (parsley frogs). It is perhaps noteworthy that 31% of Palaearctic species in the primitive suborder Archaeobatrachia (Bombinatoridae, Discoglossidae, Megophryidae, Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae) are globally threatened, compared with an average of 17% for anurans as a whole in the Palaearctic. The great majority (87%) of the threatened amphibians in the Palaearctic are in the Endangered and Vulnerable categories. Again, the generally low number of Critically Endangered species masks some important family-level differences, with 12% of the Palaearctic Hynobiidae, and 50% of the Palaearctic Cryptobranchidae falling into this category. Salamanders account for 69% of the Critically Endangered species in the region.

Figure 2. The species richness of amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes; maximum richness equals 40 species.

The Alpine Newt Triturus alpestris (Least Concern), in the Family Salamandridae, is widely distributed in Europe, occurring in both alpine and lowland habitats including forests, meadows and pastureland. The species breeds, and the larvae develop, in stagnant waters, including shallow ponds, temporary pools, lakes, ditches, drinking troughs, ruts and sometimes slow-moving streams. Henk Wallays


Geographic Patterns of Species Richness and Endemism

A map of overall species richness of amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm (Figure 2) shows that species richness is low through most of the region, especially in most of Russia and central Asia. In dry areas, such as in much of the Arabian Peninsula and on the Tibetan Plateau, and in very cold areas such as the northernmost belt of the region, there are no amphibians at all. Species richness is highest in China, and moderate in parts of Europe, Japan, and Korea. The high richness in China is partly a reection of certain species of Indomalayan origin occurring there, as well as the absence of glaciations in much of central and southern China during the Pleistocene ice ages. The Palaearctic Realm is generally well studied, and Figure 2 probably reects genuine overall patterns of amphibian species richness, though more species are still being discovered regularly, especially in the eastern parts of the region, and sometimes even in western Europe. Threatened species (Figure 3a) in the Palaearctic are overwhelmingly concentrated in central China (especially in Sichuan and northern Yunnan). Elsewhere, there is little discernible pattern, but with some threatened species in Mediterranean Europe, north-west Africa, Asia Minor, central Asia, and Japan. Not surprisingly, given the small number of species involved, there are no noteworthy concentrations of Critically Endangered species in the region (Figure 3b) (much of the apparent concentration in China reects the wide distribution of one species, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus, which is subject to over-exploitation as a food source).


Figure 3. a) The richness of threatened amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm, with darker colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes; maximum richness equals 11 species. b) The richness of CR amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm. Maximum richness equals one species.

Species Richness and Endemism within Countries

Amphibians are native in 81 countries and territories in the Palaearctic Realm (Figure 4). China has by far the largest number of species and of endemics in the region (265 species, of which 137 are endemic). More than half (57%) of Palaearctic species occur in China, and 29% are endemic to this country (see Essay 10.2). India, although second on the list, extends only marginally into the Palaearctic, and consequently has no endemics in the region. Only four other countries (Japan, Italy, France and Spain) have more than 30 species; remarkably, the Russian Federation, despite its huge size, has only 28 species and no endemics, due to the severe continental climate over a large part of its territory. The low number of species and the low level of endemism in most countries are caused in part by low overall species richness, but also by the small size of many of the countries in the region. After China, only Japan and

Table 2. The number of species within each IUCN Red List Category in each Family and Order in the Palaearctic Realm. Introduced species are not included.
% Threatened or Extinct 29 0 25 0 33 0 25 0 20 3 17 50 56 38 100 41 47 24

The Oriental Fire-bellied Toad Bombina orientalis (Least Concern) is one of ten species in the Family Bombinatoridae. It is widespread in the Korean peninsula, north-eastern China, and parts of the Russian Far East. Although generally common, there is concern about the level of harvest for traditional Chinese medicine, and for the international pet trade. Twan Leenders

Family Anura Bombinatoridae Bufonidae Discoglossidae Hylidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Pelobatidae Pelodytidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae TOTAL ANURA Caudata Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Proteidae Salamandridae TOTAL CAUDATA TOTAL ALL AMPHIBIANS








Total number Number Threatened of species or Extinct 7 39 12 13 72 13 4 3 158 39 360 2 43 8 1 54 108 468 2 0 3 0 24 0 1 0 31 1 62 1 24 3 1 22 51 113

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 5 0 0 3 9 13

0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 11 0 23 0 8 1 0 8 17 40

2 0 2 0 11 0 0 0 18 1 34 0 11 2 1 10 24 58

0 3 4 0 5 0 1 0 14 5 32 1 2 4 0 9 16 48

5 31 5 12 27 13 2 3 89 23 210 0 11 1 0 23 35 245

0 5 0 1 16 0 0 0 24 10 56 0 6 0 0 0 6 62


Threatened Amphibians of the World

China* India* Italy Japan* France Spain Russian Federation Turkey Greece Czech Republic Germany
Serbia and Montenegro

Japan* China* Tajkistan Iran Italy Turkey Korea, Republic Afghanistan Morocco Greece Egypt Sudan* Spain France Algeria Pakistan* 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 20 40 60

China* Turkey Japan* Italy Greece Spain Iran Algeria India* Albania Croatia France Morocco Slovenia Afghanistan
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Turkey Algeria China* Greece Japan* Iran Italy Afghanistan Iraq Morocco Spain Tunisia Albania Croatia Slovenia Kazakhstan Georgia Korea, D.P.R. Korea, Republic France
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Austria Croatia Iran Slovenia Portugal Romania Slovakia Ukraine

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hungary Switzerland Bulgaria Pakistan* Korea, Republic Poland Albania Belgium Netherlands Denmark Korea, D.P.R. Luxemburg Macedonia, F.Y.R. Belarus Algeria Georgia Latvia Moldova Morocco Sweden Kazakhstan Lithuania Azerbaijan Liechtenstein 0

Georgia Iraq Kazakhastan Korea, D.P.R. Korea, Republic Portugal

Serbia and Montenegro

India* Switzerland Portugal

Serbia and Montenegro

Switzerland Tunisia 0 20 40 60 80





Number of species Endemics Figure 4 Non-endemics Figure 5

Percentage of endemic species Figure 6

Number of threatened species Endemics Non-endemics Figure 7

Percentage of species threatened

Figure 4. The number of amphibians present in and endemic to each Palaearctic country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Palaearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Only countries with at least 10 native species are included.

Figure 5. Percentage of species endemic to each Palaearctic country. *denotes countries not entirely within the Palaearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included. Only countries with at least one endemic species are included.

Figure 6. The number of globally threatened amphibians present in and endemic to each Palaearctic country. Countries with no globally threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Palaearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

Figure 7. Percentage of native species that are globally threatened. Countries with no globally threatened species are not included in the diagram. *denotes countries not entirely within the Palaearctic Realm, hence only the species whose ranges fall within the region are included.

Italy have more than 10 endemic species (25 and 11, respectively). Thirty-six countries in the region have fewer than 10 native amphibian species (not shown on Figure 4), and only four of these (Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan and Tajikistan) have endemics (one each). The amphibian fauna of the Palaearctic has been well summarized in extensive review literature. Important regional works include: Ananjeva and Borkin (1981), Arnold (2002, 2003), Balletto et al. (1985), Borkin (1984, 1999), Cog lniceanu et al. (2000), Corti et al. (1999), Duguet and Melki (2003), Gasc et al. (1997), Grifths (1996), Grossenbacher and Thiesmeier (1999, 2003, 2004), Kuzmin (1996, 1999), Kuzmin and Semenov (2006), Leviton et al. (1992), Nllert and Nllert (1992), Pleguezuelos (1997), Salvador (1996), Schleich et al. (1996), Tarkhnishvili and Gokhelashvili (1999), Thorn (1968), Thorn and Raffalli (2001) and Zhao (1999). There are numerous national-level publications, including, but by no means limited to: Arnold (1995), Baran and Atatr (1998), Bauwens and Claus (1996), Bons and Geniez (1996), Cabela and Tiedemann (1985), Castanet and Guyetant (1989), Crespo and Oliveira (1989), Disi (2002), Fei et al. (1999, 2005), Garca-Pars (1985), Garca-Pars et al. (2004), Geniez et al. (2005), Goris and Maeda (2004), Groenveld (1997), Grossenbacher (1988), Khan (2006), Kuzmin et al. (1998), Llorente et al. 1995, Maeda and Matsui (1999), Malkmus (2004), Moravec (1994), Parent (1979), Pleguezuelos et al. (2002), Puky et al. (2003), Saleh (1997), Salvador and Garca-Paris (2001), Schleich and Kstle (2002), Scoccianti (2002), Sindaco et al. (2006), Societas Herpetologica Italica (1996), Uchiyama et al. (2002), Werner (1988), Ye et al. (1993), Zhao and Adler (1993), and Zhao et al. (2000). Although China has many more endemics than any other country in the region, Japan has the highest percentage of endemic species at almost 70% (Figure 5), because of the insular nature of the country. In the Palaearctic part of China, over 50% of the amphibians are endemic. In addition to species-poor Tajikistan (already mentioned), high levels of endemism (>20%) also exist in Iran, Italy, and Turkey. In both Japan and China, the levels of endemism are high in frogs and salamanders. In Iran, Italy and Turkey, the endemics are mainly salamanders. China has many more threatened species (64) than any other country in the Palaearctic (Figure 6). Well over half of the threatened species in the region (57%) occur in China, and 50% are endemic to China. Endemic species in China are much more threatened (45%) than non-endemics (2%). The number of globally threatened species is less than 10 in all other countries in the region (Figure 6). The percentage of threatened amphibian species is highest in Turkey (35%), and is greater than 20% in Algeria, China, Greece, Japan, and Iran (Figure 7). With the exception of Turkey, in all Palaearctic countries, the level of threat is much lower than the global average of 33%. The high percentage of threatened species in Turkey is a reection of the presence of nine species of salamanders with small ranges, all threatened by habitat loss. These gures all relate to the number of globally threatened amphibian species in each country. Many countries, especially in Europe, list many globally Least Concern species as nationally threatened. Assessments of the conservation status of Palaearctic amphibians have been carried out in several countries, including, for example: Switzerland (Grossen-

bacher 1994; Schmidt and Zumbach 2005); Japan (Japan Agency of Environment 2000; Ota 2000); Spain (Pleguezuelos et al. 2002); and China (Zhao 1998; Xie and Wang, 2004). Corbett (1989) published an overview of amphibian conservation in Europe, while Cox et al. (2006) presented a review of the status and distributions in the Meditteranean (and see Essay 10.3). Xie et al. (2007) proposed a conservation plan for the amphibians of China. There are only 13 Critically Endangered Palaearctic species, but seven of these occur in China, two each in Iran and Japan, and one each in Afghanistan and Turkey. Outside China, all Critically Endangered species in the Palaearctic are salamanders.

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY Habitat Preferences

Most Palaearctic amphibians (78%) occur in forests, but almost one-third of the fauna (31%) can survive in secondary terrestrial habitats (Table 3; Figure 8). This latter gure is almost double that of the Nearctic Realm, perhaps suggesting a higher percentage of adaptable species in the Palaearctic. As natural habitats have been completely lost in many parts of the Palaearctic, some amphibian species are now dependent of articial habitats. As in other regions, forest-dwelling and stream-associated amphibians are more likely to be threatened than those occurring in any other habitats, with over 20% of these species being globally threatened. This is the combination of habitat preferences that has been associated with rapid declines in amphibian populations worldwide (Stuart et al. 2004). Amphibians occurring in savannahs, arid and semi-arid habitats, and secondary terrestrial habitats are less likely to be threatened than those occurring in other habitats (Table 3; Figure 8). At least one highly threatened species, Ranodon sibiricus (EN), is mainly associated with forests, but is surviving at much reduced densities in secondary habitats due to the loss of forest cover (Kuzmin and Thiesmeier 2001).

Reproductive Modes
Larval development is by far the most common reproductive mode in the Palaearctic (94% of species), compared with 3% for direct development and 3% live-bearing (Table 4; this compares with the global picture of 68% larval development, 30% direct development, and 1% live-bearing). The Palaearctic has a smaller proportion of direct-developing species than in any other region of the world. The direct-developing Palaearctic amphibians include plethodontid salamanders in the genera Speleomantes and Karsenia, and frogs in the genera Philautus and perhaps Ingerana. The live-bearing species are all salamandrid salamanders in the genera Salamandra and Lyciasalamandra. All of the live-bearing salamanders of the world are found only in the Palaearctic Realm.

Habitat type

Number of species in each habitat

% of all species occurring in the habitat

Globally Threatened and Extinct species

% of all species in habitat that are globally Threatened or Extinct 22 0 15 15 10 25 13 14 0

Number of species Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats 0 100 200 300

% of species in habitat that are threatened

Table 3. The habitat preferences of amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm.

Figure 8. The habitat preferences of Palaearctic amphibians. The plot on the left-hand side shows the number of species in the region in each habitat type. On the right-hand side, the percentage of these species which are threatened is given.

Forest Savannah Grassland Shrubland Secondary terrestrial habitats Flowing freshwater Marsh/swamp Still open freshwater Arid and semi-arid habitats

365 16 114 150 143 346 127 254 26

78 3 24 32 31 74 27 54 6

81 0 17 23 15 87 17 36 0



Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic Realm


The Marsh Frog Rana ridibunda (Least Concern) occurs widely from western Europe to western China, with invasive populations spreading in several places in the Palaearctic outside its natural range. It is a highly opportunistic semi-aquatic ranid frog, living in most habitats, especially in open, well-warmed areas with abundant herbaceous vegetation. It may also be found in slightly saline water. Miroslav Samardi

Reproductive mode Direct development Larval development Live-bearing Not known

All Species 14 439 13 2

Threatened or Extinct species 3 101 9 0

% Threatened or Extinct 21 23 69 0

In the Palaearctic, the percentage of globally threatened or Extinct live-bearing amphibians is much higher than in direct-developing and larval-developing species (Table 4), though, in view of the small number of species involved, the signicance of this nding is not clear.

Habitat loss is overwhelmingly the major threat to amphibians in the Palaearctic (Table 5; Figure 9), affecting over 80% of the threatened species. Pollution and utilization are the next most serious threats, each impacting over one-third of the threatened species. Invasive species, disease, human disturbance and natural disasters also have signicant impacts on certain species. Most other threats are of relatively minor importance. Chytridiomycosis has been recorded in many parts of Europe, with records from seven countries and 20 out of 28 species examined (Garner et al. 2005, 2006). It has been associated with some serious declines in Spain, but so far only of non-threatened species (Bosch et al. 2001). However, it does not seem to kill amphibians in most areas where it has been recorded in Europe, and so its overall impact currently seems to be less severe than in some other regions. In terms of the types of habitat loss that are impacting amphibians in the Palaearctic, the impacts of urbanization and industrial development (affecting over half of the threatened species), vegetation removal (mainly logging in Asia) (>40%) and expanding croplands and agricultural intensication (over one-third) are the most severe. Tree plantations and livestock are less important threats in most cases. The heavy impact of urbanization and industrialization reects the high human population density in China, Japan, and Europe in the areas where amphibian species richness is highest. These factors, as well as the extensive development of agriculture, are also important threats in some parts of the former Soviet Union. The coding of major threats used in the Global Amphibian Assessment does not sufciently depict habitat loss resulting from the over-exploitation of water resources, which is increasingly affecting amphibians in the south-western part of the Palaearctic (especially in the Iberian Peninsula, Greece and northern Africa), resulting in the widespread loss of breeding sites.

Table 4. Palaearctic amphibians categorized by reproductive mode.

Threat type All habitat loss Agriculture Crops Agriculture Tree plantations Agriculture Livestock Timber and other vegetation removal Urbanization and industrial development Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Fire

Threatened species % Threatened species 90 81 41 37 4 4 16 14 48 43 59 53 9 8 41 37 5 4 41 37 11 10 2 2 11 10 5 4

Table 5. The major threats to globally threatened amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm. Only present threats to species are tallied.

All habitat loss Invasive species Utilization Accidental mortality Persecution Pollution Natural disasters Disease Human disturbance Changes in native sp. dynamics Fire 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of threatened species affected

Figure 9. The major threats impacting threatened amphibians in the Palaearctic Realm.

The Green Toad Bufo viridis (Least Concern) from the Family Bufonidae has an extremely wide range in North Africa, Europe, and West and Central Asia. It is one of the most adaptable amphibians of the Palaearctic, living in forests, steppes, dry grasslands, alpine areas, arid habitats (usually close to oases), and urban areas. Maik Dobiey


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The Common Spadefoot Pelobates fuscus (Least Concern), one of four species in the Family Pelobatidae, ranges from western Europe to central Asia. It occurs mostly in open areas, and burrows in loose soil when not breeding. It breeds in small still water bodies, including ditches, ponds and lakes. Miroslav Samardi

riorating, given the high percentage of decreasing species. One reason for the large number of decreasing species is that the majority of the regions amphibians occur in China, where habitat loss and over-harvesting are both serious threats. Many species in Europe are also in decline, especially due to agricultural intensication.

Rapidly Declining Species

Only 42 (9%) of the 470 globally rapidly declining species occur within the Palaearctic Realm (a full list of all rapidly declining species is provided in Appendix IV and includes their occurrence within each of the realms). Eighteen of these species are in decline due to over-exploitation, 23 due to reduced habitat, and one due to so-called enigmatic declines. Not surprisingly for this region, more declines are attributed to reduced habitat and over-exploitation than to enigmatic declines. The Palaearctic accounts for 47% of the worlds rapid declines due to over-exploitation, but only 11% of the reduced habitat declines, and 0.4% of the enigmatic declines. One species in the region, Nanorana pleskei (NT) from Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan Provinces in China, has been recorded as undergoing an enigmatic decline, the causes of this decline are not known, and have not so far been linked to either chytridiomycosis or climate change (although these two threats have now been associated with many such declines that have taken place elsewhere in the world (Lips et al. 2006; Pounds et al. 2006)). The rapidly declining species show a distinct taxonomic pattern (Table 8). Among the larger families, the Ranidae and Salamandridae show a higher tendency to serious decline than the Bufonidae, Megophryidae and Hynobiidae. There are no Palaearctic species in rapid decline in the two treefrog families, Hylidae and Rhacophoridae, nor in the Microhylidae. Some small families have high percentages of species in serious decline, most notably the Discoglossidae and Pelobatidae (both families with large tadpoles) and Cryptobranchidae. Among the larger families, over-exploited declines are concentrated in the Ranidae and the Salamandridae. The rapid declines in the Palaearctic also show a clear geographic pattern. The major concentration of declines is in China (23 species), followed by Iberia (8), north-western Africa (three), and Iran (two). Of the over-exploited declines, 16 are in China, and two in Iran (Neurergus newts in the pet trade). The rapid declines in Iberia and north-western Africa have been linked to loss of habitat due to a long-term drying trend in the climate (see Pleguezuelos et al. 2002), linked with the over-exploitation of water resources, which results in the widespread loss of breeding sites.

Table 6. The purposes for which amphibians are used in the Palaearctic Realm. The numbers in brackets are the number of species within the total that are threatened species.

Purpose Food human Food animal Medicine human and veterinary Pets, display animals Research Specimen collecting

Subsistence 83 (23) 3 (0) 42 (10) 7 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1)

Sub-national/ National 33 (9) 0 24 (4) 39 (9) 8 (1) 7 (7)

Regional/ International 10 (1) 0 7 (0) 47 (9) 3 (0) 8 (8)

Number of species 88 (24) 3 (0) 45 (10) 54 (15) 8 (1) 9 (9)

Table 7. The population trends for all extant Palaearctic amphibians.

Population Trend Decreasing Stable Increasing Unknown

Number of species 246 126 5 89

% of extant species 53 27 1 19

A total of 468 species are recorded from the Palaearctic Realm, of which 113 (24%) are considered globally threatened or Extinct. At the species level, 260 amphibians (56% of those present) are endemic to the Palaearctic; of the 15 families found in the region, three are endemic, and of 66 amphibian genera occurring, 22 are endemic. Endemism is lower in the Palaearctic than some other regions, especially due to the unclear and somewhat arbitrary boundary with the Indomalayan Region, especially in China. The percentage of threatened or Extinct species is lower than in many other parts of the world, but highest in the families Proteidae (100%), Hynobiidae (56%), Cryptobranchidae (50%), Salamandridae (41%), Plethodontidae (38%), Megophryidae (33%), Bombinatoridae (29%), Discoglossidae (25%) and Pelobatidae (25%). Overall, the threat levels are much higher among salamanders and newts (47%) than frogs and toads (17%). Geographic concentrations of threatened species in the Palaearctic are overwhelmingly centred on China; elsewhere there is little discernible pattern, though there are small concentrations in Mediterranean Europe, north-west Africa, Asia Minor, Central Asia and Japan. China has the largest number of species in the Palaearctic Realm (265 species), and also has more endemics (137). Another ve countries (India, Japan, Italy, France, and Spain) have more than 30 species, but only two of these (Japan and Italy) have more than 10 endemics. China also has by far the largest number of threatened species (64), all other countries having fewer than 10 threatened species. However, the percentage of threatened species is higher in Turkey (35% cf. 24% in China). Threatened species tend to show distinct habitat preferences, with forest-dwelling and stream-associated species being the most frequently threatened (22% and 25%, respectively). This mirrors patterns seen elsewhere in the world. Habitat loss, primarily due to the impacts of urbanization and industrial development, vegetation removal (mainly logging), expanding croplands and agricultural intensication, is affecting over 80% of the threatened species in the region. Over-harvesting and pollution each impact over one-third of the threatened species. Disease has not been recorded as a signicant threat in the region so far, although chytridiomycosis is spreading in Europe. The overall trends of Palaearctic amphibians are worse than the global situation, with 53% of the species in decline. Of the 470 globally rapidly declining species, 9% occur within the region. Most of these rapid declines (55%) are caused by severe habitat loss, and 43% are due to overexploitation. Over-exploitation is a much more serious threat, especially in China, than in any other part of the world. Two amphibian extinctions have been recorded from the Palaearctic, one in China, the other in Israel. A third species (from China) is possibly extinct.

Table 8. The number of species in rapid decline and over exploited decline in the Palaearctic Realm by Family.


Number of Percentage Number of Percentage species in of species species in of species rapid decline in family in over-exploited in family in rapid decline decline over-exploited decline 1 3 2 2 20 1 2 1 10 3 25 3 50 13 50 5 13 19 0 0 0 0 12 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 8 50 2 0 7

Bufonidae Discoglossidae Megophryidae Pelobatidae Ranidae Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Salamandridae

A total of 153 species (50 of which are threatened) are recorded as being used in the region (Table 6). The most common reasons for harvesting Palaearctic amphibians are for food (88 species, mostly at local and national levels), pet trade (54 species, mostly at national and international levels), and medicinal use (45 species, mostly at local and national levels). Not all of the harvesting of amphibians in the region is considered to constitute a major threat to the species. Of the 153 species being harvested, utilization is considered to be a threat for 96 (of which 46 are threatened species for which harvesting is believed to be contributing to a deterioration in their status). Over 60% of these species seriously threatened by overharvesting occur in China, where many species of amphibians are extensively harvested for human food and medicines. Examples include the Chinese Giant Salamander (which has undergone catastrophic declines), 12 species of ranid frogs (eight in the genus Paa), and six species of hynobiid salamanders. Threatened species outside China that are harvested include six species of hynobiid salamanders (in the genus Hynobius) in Japan (mainly pet trade), nine species of salamandrid salamanders (in the genera Lyciasalamandra and Neurergus) in Iran and Turkey (pet trade), and the hynobiid Ranodon sibiricus in Kazakhstan (mainly medicinal use). A much higher percentage of Palaearctic threatened species is negatively impacted by utilization (37%) than in any other region (Indomalaya is the next highest at 8%). Harvesting of non-threatened amphibians in Russia as food and medicine exports to China (mainly Rana dybowskii, but also R. amurensis, R. asiatica, R. nigromaculata, Bufo gargarizans, Hyla japonica and Bombina orientalis) has resulted in signicant population declines at regional levels in eastern Russia (Maslova and Lyapustin 2005).

Ananjeva, N.B. and Borkin, L.J. 1981. The fauna and ecology of amphibians and reptiles of the Palaearctic Asia. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Proceedings of the Zoological Institute 101:1-126. Arnold, H.R. 1995. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Britain. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Research Publication 10:1-80. Arnold, E.N. 2002. Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. Collins, London, UK. Arnold, E.N. 2003. Reptiles and Amphibians of Europe. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Balletto, E., Cherchi, M.A. and Gasperetti, J. 1985. Amphibians of the Arabian Peninsula. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 7:318-392. Baran, I. and Atatr, M.K. 1998. Turkish herpetofauna (Amphibians and Reptiles). Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment, Ankara, Turkey. Bauwens, D. and Claus, K. 1996. Verspreiding van Ambien en Retielen in Vlaanderen. Die Wielewaal, Turnhout, Belgium.

POPULATION STATUS AND TRENDS Estimates of Population Trends

A summary of the inferred population trends of Palaearctic amphibians is presented in Table 7. For the majority of the species, these trends are inferred from trends in the state of the habitats on which the species depend (though in some cases, actual population declines have been noted, especially for species that are being over-harvested). The overall trends of Palaearctic amphibians reect a worse situation than the global trend (where 42% are decreasing and only 27% are stable). In both cases, the percentage of increasing species is very small. These results suggest that, although the Palaearctic currently has a lower percentage of threatened species than the global average, the situation is probably dete-

Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic Realm


Bons, J. and Geniez, P. 1996. Amphibiens et Reptiles du Maroc (Sahara Occidental compris): Atlas Biogographique. Asociacin Herpetolgica Espaola, Barcelona, Spain. Borkin, L.J. 1984. Ecology and faunistics of amphibians and reptiles of the USSR and adjacent countries. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute 124:1-150. Borkin, L. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in North Africa, Europe, Western Asia, and the Former Soviet Union In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 329-420, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Bosch, J., Martnez-Solano, I. and Garca-Pars, M. 2001. Evidence of a chytrid fungus infection involved in the decline of the common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) in protected areas of central Spain. Biological Conservation 97:331-337. Cabela, A. and F. Tiedemann, F. 1985. Atlas der Amphibien und Reptilien sterreiches. Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Shne, Vienna, Austria. Castanet, J. and Guyetant, R. 1989. Atlas de Repartition des Amphibiens et Reptiles de France. Socit Herptologique de France, Paris, France. Coglniceanu, D., Aioanei, F. and Bogdan, M. 2000. Ambienii din Romnia Determinator. Editura Ars Docendi, Bucharest, Hungary. Corbett, K. (ed.) 1989. Conservation of European Reptiles and Amphibians. Christopher Helm, London, UK. Corti, C., Masseti, M., Delno, M. and Prez-Mellado, V. 1999. Man and herpetofauna of the Mediterranean island. Revista Espaola de Herpetologa 13:83-100. Cox, N., Chanson, J. and Stuart, S. (Compilers) 2006. The Status and Distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians of the Mediterranean Basin. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. v + 42 pp. Crespo, E.G., and Oliveira, M.E. 1989. Atlas da Distribuio dos Anfbios e Rpteis de Portugal Continental. Servio Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Conservao da Natureza, Lisboa, Portugal. Disi, A.M. 2002. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity: The Herpetofauna of Jordan. The General Corporation for the Environmental Protection, Amman, Jordan. Duguet, R. and Melki, F. (eds.). 2003. Les Amphibiens de France, Belgique et Luxembourg. Collection Parthnope, Editions Biotope, Mze, France. Fei, L., Ye, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-A. and Liu, M.-Y. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians of China. Henan Science and Technical Press, Zhengzhou, China Fei L., Ye, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-A. and Xie, F. 2005. An illustrated Key to Chinese Amphibians. Sichuan Publishing Group - Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. Frost, D.R., Grant, T., Faivovich, J.N., Bain, R.H., Haas, A., Haddad, C.F.B., de S, R.O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S.C., Raxworthy, C.J., Campbell, J.A., Blotto, B.L., Moler, P., Drewes, R.C., Nussbaum, R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. and Wheeler, W.C. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297:1-370. Garca-Pars, M. 1985. 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Societas Europea Herpetologica and Museum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Geniez, P., Mateo, J.A., Geniez, M. and Pether, J. 2004. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Western Sahara. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Goris, R.C. and Maeda, N. 2004. Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Japan. Krieger, Malabar, Florida, USA. Grifths, R.A. 1996. Newts and Salamanders of Europe. Poyser Natural History. London, UK. Groenveld, A. 1997. Handleiding voor het Monitoren van Ampbieen in Nederland. Stichting Reptielen Ambieen Vissen Onderzoek Nederland, Werkgroep Monitoring Central Bureau voor de Statistiek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Grossenbacher, K. 1988. Atlas de distribution des amphibiens de Suisse. Documenta faunistica helvetiae 7:1-207. Grossenbacher, K. 1994. Rote Liste der gefhrdeten Amphibien der Schweiz. Rote Liste der gefhrdeten Tierarten in der Schweiz. Pp. 33-34. BUWAL (Bundesamt fr Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft), Bern, Germany. Grossenbacher, K. and Thiesmeier, B. (eds.) 1999. Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Volume 4: Schwanzlurche (Urodela) I. Aula-Verlag. Wiesbaden, Germany. Grossenbacher, K. and Thiesmeier, B. (eds.) 2003. Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Volume 4: Schwanzlurche (Urodela) IIa. Aula-Verlag. Wiesbaden, Germany. Grossenbacher, K. and Thiesmeier, B. (eds.) 2004. Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Volume 4: Schwanzlurche (Urodela) IIb. Aula-Verlag. Wiesbaden, Germany. Japan Agency of Environment. 2000. Threatened Wildlife of Japan Red Data Book. 2nd ed. Reptilia/Amphibia (in Japanese with English summary). Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan. Khan, M.S. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA. Kuzmin, S.L. 1996 Threatened amphibians in the former Soviet Union: the current situation and the main threats. Oryx 30:24-30. Kuzmin, S.L. 1999. The Amphibians of the Former Soviet Union. Pensoft, Soa and Moscow, Russia. Kuzmin, S.L., Borkin, L.J., Vorobyeva, E.I., Darevsky, I.S., Munkhbayar, Kh. and Semenov, D.V. 1998. Amphibians and Reptiles of Mongolian Peoples Republic: General Problems. Amphibians. Nauka, Moscow, Russia. Kuzmin, S.L. and Thiesmeier, B. 2001. Mountain Salamanders of the Genus Ranodon. Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, volume 6. Pensoft Publishers, Soa-Moscow. Kuzmin, S.L. and Semenov, D.V. 2006. Conspect of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles of Russia. KMK, Moscow, Russia. Leviton, A.E., Anderson, S.C., Adler, K. and Minton, S.A. 1992. Handbook to Middle East Amphibians and Reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C., Livo, L., Pessier, A.P. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:3165-3170. Llorente, G. A., Montori, A., Santos, X. and Carretero, M. A. 1995. Atlas dels Ambis I Rptils de Catalunya i Andorra. Edicions El Brau, Figueres, Spain. Maeda, N. and Matsui, M. 1999. Frogs and Toads of Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo, Shuppan, Japan. Malkmus, R. 2004. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal, Madeira and the Azores-Archipelago. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. Ruggel, Germany. Maslova, L.V. and Lyapustin, S.N. 2005. Illegal export of amphibians and reptiles from the Russian Far East to countries of the Asian region: the situation in 2003. In: N.B. Anayeva and O. Tsinenko (eds.), Herpetologia Petropolitana, pp. 191-192, Societas Europaea Herpetologica, St. Petersburg, Russia. Moravec, J. (ed.) 1994. Atlas Rozi eni Obojivlniku v esk Republice. Nrodn Museum, Prague, Czech Republic. Nllert, A. and Nllert, C. 1992. Die Amphibien Europas. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & coco, Stuttgart, Germany.

Ota, H. 2000. Current status of the threatened amphibians and reptiles of Japan. Population Ecology 42:5-9. Parent, G.H. 1979. Atlas Comment de lHerptofaune de la Belgique et du Grand-Duch de Luxembourg. Les Naturalistes Belges, Bruxelles, Belgium. Pleguezuelos, J.M. 1997. Distribucion y Biogeograa de los Anbios y Reptiles en Espaa y Portugal. Asociacin Herpetolgica Espaola. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. Pleguezuelos, J.M., Mrquez, R. and Lizana, M. 2002. Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Anbios y Reptiles de Espaa. Direccin General de la Conservacin de la Naturaleza -Asociacin Herpetolgica Espaola, Madrid, Spain. Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., Snchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Puky, M., Schd, P., Szvnyi, G., Fodor, A., Sallai, Z. and Rvsz, A. 2003. Preliminary Herpetological Atlas of Hungary. Varangy Akcicsoport Egyeslet, IUCN SSC DAPTF Hungary, Budapest. Saleh, M.A. 1997. Amphibians and Reptiles of Egypt. Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Cairo, Egypt. Salvador, A. 1996. Amphibians of northwest Africa. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 109:1-43. Salvador, A. and Garca-Pars, M. 2001. Anbios Espaoles. Ed. Canseco. Talavera de la Reina, Spain. Schleich, H.H. and Kstle, W. (eds). 2002. Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell, Germany. Schleich, H.H., Kstle, W. and Kabisch, K. 1996. Amphibians and Reptiles of North Africa. Koeltz Scientic Books, Koenigstein. Schmidt, B.R. and Zumbach, S. 2005. Rote Liste der Gefhrdeten Amphibien der Schweiz. BUWAL-Reihe Vollzug Umwelt, 48 S. Scoccianti, C. 2002. Amphibia: Aspeti di Ecologia della Conservazione. Guido Persichino Graca, Firenze, Italy. Sindaco, R., Doria, G., Razzetti, E. and Bernini, F. (eds.) 2006. Atlas of Italian Amphibians and Reptiles / Atlante Degli Anbi E Dei Rettili DItalia. Polistampa. Societas Herpetologica Italica 1996. Atlante provvisorio degli Anbi e Rettili Italiani. Estratto dagli Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale G. Doria, Genova 91:95-178. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Tarkhnishvili, D.N. and Gokhelashvili, R.K. 1999. The Amphibians of the Caucasus. Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, 4. Pensoft, Soa, Moscow, Russia. Thorn, R. 1968. Les Salamandres dEurope, dAsia, et dAfrique du Nord. ditions Paul Lechevalier, Paris, France. Thorn, R. and Raffalli, J. 2001. Les Salamanders de LAncien Monde. Societ Nouvelle des Editions Boube, Paris, France. Uchiyama, R., Maeda, N., Numata, K. and Seki, S. 2002. A Photographic Guide: Amphibians and Reptiles in Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo, Japan. Weisrock, D.W., Papenfuss, T.J., Macey, J.R., Litvinchuk, S.N., Polumeni, R., Uurta, I.H., Zhao, E., Jowkar, H. and Larson, A. 2006. A molecular assessment of phylogenetic relationships and lineage accumulation rates within the family Salamandridae (Amphibia, Caudata). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 18:434-448. Werner, Y.L. 1988. Herpetofaunal survey of Israel (1950-85), with comments on Sinai and Jordan and on zoogeographical heterogeneity. In: Y. Yom-Tov and E. Tchernov, (eds.), Zoogeography of Israel, pp. 355-388. Monographiae Biologicae 62, W. Junk, Dordrecht, The Nerthlands. Xie, F., Lau, M.W.N., Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J., Cox, N.A. and Fischman, D.L. 2007. Conservation needs of amphibians in China: A review. Science in China, Series C, Life Sciences 50:265-276. Xie, Y. and Wang, S. 2004. China Species Red List, Vol. 1 Red List, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China. Ye, C.-Y, Fei, L. and Hu, S.Q. 1993. Rare and Economic Amphibians of China. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. Zhao, E.M. 1998. China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals Amphibia and Reptilia. Science Press, Beijing, China. Zhao, E.M. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in temperate East Asia. In: Duellman, W.E. (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 421-443, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Zhao, E.M. and Adler, K. 1993. Herpetology of China. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Zhao, E.M., Chang, H.W., Zhao, H. and Adler, K. 2000. Revised checklist of Chinese Amphibia and Reptilia. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 19:196-207.

The Parsley Frog Pelodytes punctatus (Least Concern) occurs mainly in France, Spain and Portugal. It is one of just three species in the Family Pelodytidae. It lives in stony and sandy habitats, often in calcareous areas, and can occur in cultivated land. It breeds in shallow, sunny, open waters, including small pools, ditches and slow, small streams. Jelger Herder

Endnotes 1 P<0.001 (binomial test) 2 Frost et al. (2006) transfer many of the species to other genera. 3 Frost et al. (2006) transfer many of these species to other genera. 4 Frost et al. (2006) transfer many of these species to other genera. 5 Under Frost et al s. (2006) arrangement, the Palaearctic species in the genera Chaparana, Euphlyctis, Fejervarya, Hoplobatrachus, Limnonectes, Nanorana, Occidozyga, Paa, and Sphaerotheca are transferred to the predominantly Indomalayan family Dicroglossidae. Most of these species are in China, but others occur further west in western Asian and even north-western Africa. Some other Palaearctic ranids are transferred to other families under Frost et al.s proposed classication: one species to the Afrotropical family Pyxicephalidae (Tomopterna cryptotis); four species in the genus Ingerana to the Oceanian and Indomalayan Ceratobatrachidae; and two species in the genus Ptychadena to the Afrotropical Ptychadenidae. Even with these changes, the Ranidae have just over 100 species in the Palaearctic, and remain easily the largest family in the region.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

The Japanese archipelago includes more than 3,000 islands. In addition to the four main islands Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu the archipelago includes smaller island groups, such as the Ogasawara-shoto (the Bonin Islands and Iwo or Volcano Islands), and the Nansei-shoto (Ryukyu and Satsunan Islands) (Figure 1). The amphibian fauna of Japan is represented by 56 species. Endemism is marked, with around 45 species found nowhere else. One-third of the endemic species belong to the genus Hynobius, a diverse group of 27 small salamander species in the family Hynobiidae, with its only other representatives in mainland China (six species), the island of Taiwan (three), and the Korean Peninsula (three). Most species in the genus have allopatric distributions (for example, the Hokkaido or Ezo Salamander H. retardatus is the only species found on Hokkaido, the most northerly of the Japanese islands) and very small ranges. For example, the Critically Endangered Oki Salamander Hynobius okiensis is conned entirely to the island of Dogo in the Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture, while the Tsushima Salamander H. tsuensis (LC) is found only on the island of Tsushima (Figure 1). Sixteen species of the genus are recorded from Japan, all of which are endemic. As a result of studies involving the use of molecular techniques, three new species have been described since 1984, including Hynobius katoi (DD) described only in 2004 from montane regions of the Chubu District in south-central Japan (Matsui et al. 2004). More recent studies are also revealing the presence of large genetic variation in wide-ranging species, and the number of species is likely to increase. For example, among the stream-breeding, montane species, the Odaigahara Salamander H. boulengeri (VU) has been shown to comprise at least three species, each occurring on different islands of Japan (Nishikawa et al. 2001). The Blotched Salamander Hynobius naevius (LC) is also known to contain two lineages that are partially syntopic and surely represent different species (Tominaga et al. 2003). Similarly, the Hida Salamander H. kimurae (LC) is genetically split into two distinct lineages that are morphologically quite different as well (Matsui et al. 2000). Likewise, still-water (lentic) breeding, lowland species are known to exhibit a great deal of intraspecic variation. It is certain, for example, that H. nebulosus (LC) from western Japan contains more than two species, although delimiting the geographic boundaries between the two is not easy due to their complex variation patterns (Matsui et al. 2006). Finally, Tohoku Salamander Hynobius lichenatus (LC) from eastern Japan is also split into several distinct genetic lineages that may warrant recognition at the species level (Aoki and Matsui unpubl.). Hynobiid salamanders are highly aquatic, occurring in streams and pools, and breed by means of external fertilization, with the eggs laid in two distinctive egg-sacs that are attached to rocks or submerged vegetation. The male remains in the vicinity of the egg sacs, possibly for parental care, in some species. The larvae typically hatch and metamorphose in the same year as the eggs are laid, but in most species (e.g., Abes Salamander Hynobius abei; CR), a few larvae may overwinter and only metamorphose the following year. In fact, in the Odaigahara Salamander, the large overwintering larvae sometimes prey on the next years batch of new larvae (Nishikawa and Matsui unpubl.). Currently, around one-third (20 species) of Japans amphibian species are considered threatened, eight of which are from the genus Hynobius. However, the impending taxonomic division of several wide-ranging species discussed above will almost certainly result in an increase in the number of species listed as threatened in the near future. Abes Salamander, currently categorized as Critically Endangered (which together with the Oki Salamander are the only two Critically Endangered amphibians in Japan), has recently been found from several new localities, although these discoveries were made prior to ongoing land development in the area. Today, H. abei is specially protected by the Japan Environment Ministry, and the capture of individuals and the modication of its habitats are strictly regulated. For many years, the ranges of still-water breeding lowland species have been much impacted by increasing land development, including road construction and changes in cultivation practices. In an attempt to increase rice production, cultivation of rice paddies was halted for a season or seasons, and then bulldozed at and reconstructed into large rectangles with the original fertile substrate mud bulldozed back into the paddies. The result of such development was large-scale devastation of the amphibian fauna, exacerbated by the fact that bulldozing usually took place in autumn and winter, when populations were hibernating (Matsui 2002). Besides lowland species, stream-breeding (lotic) montane species are now also subject to increasing habitat degradation as a result of the construction of montane roads and dams, as well as ongoing deforestation at higher elevations. Over-harvesting of animals for the national pet trade is also an important threat for species such as Tokyo Salamander H. tokyoensis (VU) and the Oita Salamander H. dunni (EN). As a result of these threats, many local governments are trying to implement legislation to restrict the collection of animals and to prevent land development projects that are detrimental to the salamanders survival. Habitat restoration and captive-breeding programmes have been attempted for a number of species, but both efforts are currently hampered by an often limited knowledge of species-specic life histories. Masafumi Matsui

Matsui, M. 2002. Frogs our riparian neighbors. Chuo-Koron-Shinsha Company, Tokyo. 194 pp. Matsui, M., Kokuryo, Y., Misawa, Y. and Nishikawa, K. 2004. A new species of salamander of the genus Hynobius from central Honshu, Japan (Amphibia, Urodela). Zoological Science 21:661-669. Matsui, M., Misawa, Y., Nishikawa, K. and Tanabe, S. 2005. Allozymic variation of Hynobius kimurae Dunn (Amphibia, Caudata). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 125:115-125. Matsui, M., Nishikawa, K., Utusunomiya, T. and Tanabe, S. 2006. Geographic variation in the clouded salamander, Hynobius nebulosus (Amphibia: Urodela). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89:311-330. Nishikawa, K., Matsui, M., Tanabe, S. and Sato, S. 2001. Geographic enzyme variation in a Japanese Salamander Hynobius boulengeri Thompson (Amphibia: Caudata). Herpetologica 57:281-294. Tominaga, A., Matsui, M., Nishikawa, K. and Sato, S. 2003. Occurrence of two types of Hynobius naevius in northern Kyushu, Japan (Amphibia: Urodela). Zoological Science 20:1467-1476.


Figure 1. Map of Japan showing the main islands and island chains, and the distribution of the genus Hynobius in the Japanese Archipelago.


n Ho


Tsushima Shikoku Kyushu

Bonin Islands Volcano Islands

Hynobiid salamanders are highly aquatic, and breed by means of external fertilization. Females deposit a pair of distinctive egg sacs (here Hynobius tokyoensis), including a full clutch of unfertilized eggs, and males focus on these egg sacs during breeding, rather than on the female. Henk Wallays


China is one of the most geographically varied countries in the world. Its landscapes include the highest mountains and plateaus, vast river basins, deserts and wetlands, the most extensive karstic region on earth, and both temperate and tropical forests. China spans the Indomalayan and Palaearctic Realms, and much of the country is considered to be a transition area between them (Zhao 1999). As a result, the country is particularly rich in biodiversity, with many endemic species, especially in the southern and south-western parts of the country that were never affected by glaciations. There are 346 extant native amphibians in China1 comprising 299 species of frog, 46 salamanders and one caecilian, plus two extinct species: Cynops wolterstorf (globally Extinct) (He 1998) and Echinotriton andersoni (extinct on Taiwan, still present in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan). Chinas amphibian diversity is greater than in any other country in the Old World, and is the fth highest in the world. Further, China has the third highest salamander diversity in the world after the USA and Mexico. Diversity is highest in the centre and south of the country, and lowest in the north. Three of the regions with the highest diversity are Hengduan, Wuyi, and Nanling Mountains, where the faunas comprise Indomalayan and Palaearctic elements. Two other regions of high diversity are in the southern tropical regions of Xishuangbanna and Hainan. China is also important in terms of endemic species, with 198 species occurring nowhere else, putting the country in sixth position globally. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, 98 amphibian species in China (28% of the total) are Extinct or globally threatened and 66 species (19%) are categorized as Data Decient, most of which are likely to prove to be highly threatened. Threatened species are concentrated mostly in the central and southern parts of the country, Hainan Island being the place with the highest concentration of threatened species. Unfortunately, the current protected area network in China (Xie 2003) does not provide adequate coverage for Chinese amphibians (Rodrigues et al. 2004). Most of the large nature reserves are in areas with few or no amphibians (especially in the north and west of the country), while many of the most important sites in the central and southern parts of the country are not properly protected. With the exception of the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (CR) (and see Essay 4.7), very few nature reserves have been established for amphibians in China and managed appropriately, and those that do exist are usually protected only at the county level. The eight Critically Endangered species are of very high conservation priority, and occur in scattered locations across central and southern China. Seven of these species (two salamanders: Echinotriton chinhaiensis and Hynobius amjiensis; and ve frogs: Oreolalax liangbeiensis, Rana chevronta, R. minima, R. wuchuanensis and Scutiger maculatus) have very small distributions, and these can readily be protected in a small number of reserves. Of these, E. chinhaiensis, O. liangbeiensis, R. minima and R. wuchuanensis are not present in any nature reserve, and their sites need urgent protection if they are to be saved from extinction. Unlike the other Critically Endangered species, the Chinese Giant Salamander still occurs very widely, but is now extremely rare throughout its range and has disappeared from many areas (Zhang et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2004). Some other very threatened species that are very high priorities for conservation attention in China, but that also occur in other countries, include Leptolalax ventripunctatus, Rana psaltes and Ranodon sibiricus. Salamanders (with 59% of species threatened or Extinct) are much more threatened than frogs (24%), and 63% of the salamander species are used in some way by humans. At the family level widely divergent patterns are seen. Over 60% of the threatened species occur in the two largest families, Ranidae and Megophryidae, both of which also have high percentages of threatened species (26% and 34%, respectively). However, several smaller families show a higher propensity to become seriously threatened, especially Bombinatoridae (60% of species threatened), Cryptobranchidae (100%), Hynobiidae (74%) and Salamandridae (40%). In China, most conservation is implemented at the provincial level. It is, therefore, important to indicate the relative importance of the different provinces for amphibian conservation. Sichuan has easily the largest number of seriously threatened species, followed by Yunnan, and other provinces in central and southern parts of the country are also important. However, the percentage of threatened species shows a somewhat different pattern, with the Provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Ningxia and Taiwan scoring the highest, followed by Hainan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan. Sichuan scores more highly in terms of both numbers and percentages of threatened species, reecting its high level of endemism, with many severely threatened species with very restricted ranges. Over 80% of the threatened species are associated with forests, and over 80% occur in or around owing water, usually streams. Streamside species appear to be particularly at risk, and in China these species are threatened by alien invasive species, pollution, dams, over-harvesting, siltation, and general habitat degradation. Forest species are especially threatened because they tend not to be very adaptable, and timber harvests in China have increased 18-fold in the past 50 years, while the area of natural forest has declined by 30% (Li and Wilcove 2005). Habitat loss is by far the most pervasive threat, affecting 94% of threatened species, compared with utilization (34%) and pollution (23%). However, when utilization is operational, it often drives species to threatened status more rapidly than is the case with the other threats. A total of 78 species of amphibian in China is negatively impacted by utilization (Table 1), of which 16 are rapidly declining (as dened by Stuart et al. 2004), out of a total of 22 rapidly declining species in China. More signicantly, utilization is a major factor in 28 out of a total of 34 category deteriorations in China (category deteriorations are

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Chapter 10. Amphibians of the Palaearctic Realm



Number of Number of rapidly Number of species adversely declining species category impacted by threatened by deteriorations for utilization utilization utilized species 2 4 2 8 0 33 3 1 12 13 0 78* 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 1 1 2 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 3 2 2 0 28

Bombinatoridae Bufonidae Hylidae Megophryidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Cryptobranchidae Hynobiidae Salamandridae Ichthyophiidae Grand Total

dened in the footnote to Table 1). In short, although utilization impacts many fewer species than habitat loss, it is the major threat driving species into rapid decline in China. Ranid species in particular are threatened by over-harvesting for food, most notably the genus Paa, which has seven rapidly declining species (accounting for 14 category deteriorations), all as a result of utilization. Paa are large, economically valuable frogs, and according to Ye et al. (1993), 75% of the species in China are used as human food at the sub-national or national level. The Chinese Giant Salamander is probably the species that has declined most seriously as a result of over-harvesting. Xie et al. (2007) have provided the basic outline of a conservation strategy for Chinas amphibians. The key elements are: 1) conservation of important sites and habitats for amphibians; 2) managing for sustainable harvests; 3) scientic research (on taxonomy, threatening processes, and basic species biology); 4) planning for chytridiomycosis (not yet recorded from China); and 5) rationalizing governmental responsibility for amphibians (at present, responsibility for frogs falls under the State Forestry Administration, whereas that for salamanders is under the Ministry of Agriculture, thus making a coherent approach to amphibian conservation difcult). It is now a high priority for China to develop and implement a nationwide strategy to save its remarkable amphibian fauna. Feng Xie and Michael Wai Neng Lau

Table 1. The impact of utilization on Chinas amphibians. Rapidly declining species are those that have deteriorated in Red List category since 1980. One category deterioration is a movement of a species by one Red List category since 1980. For example, a movement of one species from Least Concern to Near Threatened is one category deterioration. A movement of two species from Least Concern to Near Threatened is two category deteriorations. A movement of one species from Near Threatened to Critically Endangered (as is the case with Andrias davidianus) is three category deteriorations. * If the disputed area with India is included, 84 species in China are adversely impacted by utilization.

He, X.-R. 1988. Cynops wolterstof, an analysis of the factors caused its extinction. Sichuan Zoological Journal 17:58-60. Li, Y. and Wilcove, D.S. 2005. Threats to vertebrate species in China and the United States. BioScience 55:147-153. Rodrigues, A.S.L., Andelman, S.J., Bakarr, M.I., Boitani, L., Brooks, T.M., Cowling, R.M., Fishpool, L.D.C., Fonseca, G.A.B., Gaston, K.J., Hoffmann, M., Long, J.S., Marquet,

P.A., Pilgrim, J.D., Pressey, R.L., Schipper, J., Sechrest, W., Stuart, S.N., Underhill, L.G., Waller, R.W., Watts, M.E.J. and Yan, X. 2004. Effectiveness of the global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature 428:640-643. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306(5702):1783-1786. Wang, X.-M., Zhang, K.-J., Wang, Z.-H., et al. 2004. The decline of the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus and implications for its conservation. Oryx 38:197-202. Xie, Y. 2003. Problems in the Protected Area Management in China. 2003 World Park Congress Report. Xie, F., Lau, M.W.N., Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J., Cox, N.A. and Fischman, D.L. 2007. Conservation needs of amphibians in China: A review. Science in China, Series C, Life Sciences 50:265-276. Ye, C.-Y., Fei, L. and Hu, S.-Q. 1993. Rare and Economic Amphibians of China. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. Zhang, K.-J., Wang, X.-M., Wu, W., et al. 2002. Advances in conservation biology of Chinese giant salamander. Biodiversity Science 10:291-297. [In Chinese, with English abstract] Zhao, E.-M. 1999. Distribution patterns of amphibians in temperate Eastern Asia. Pages 421-443. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians A Global Perspective, pp. 421-443. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA. Zhao, E.-M. 1998. China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals. Amphibia and Reptilia. Science Press, Beijing, China.

1 Since the completion of data collection for the analysis in this book, eleven new amphibian species have been described from China, making a total of 357 species in the country. However, if the disputed area controlled by India is included, then there are 365 species in China, rising to 376 with the new species descriptions. Note that for the purposes of this essay, Taiwan, Province of China, is included, although statistics for this island are presented separately elsewhere in the book.

The Mediterranean Basin, Eurasia and Africa lies at the meeting point of two major landmasses. During the mid-Tertiary, a collision between these two continental plates the northward moving African-Arabian continent and the stationary Eurasian plate produced an unusual geographical and topographical diversity, with high mountain ranges (more than 4,500m in elevation), peninsulas, and one of the largest island archipelagos in the world, with almost 5,000 islands and islets. Biogeographically, the Mediterranean Basin is usually taken as that portion of land around the Mediterranean Sea that has a Mediterranean climate, but for the purposes of this essay we take a relatively loose denition of the Mediterranean Basin, combining a geographic focus on states with a pragmatic cut-off point to the north and west in Europe and Turkey, and in the Sahara Desert to the south. Despite this broader denition, the region is still characterized rst and foremost by its climate, where mild wet winters alternate with long hot dry summers. In some parts of the Mediterranean (such as the coastal areas of Libya and Egypt), annual rainfall can be as low as 50mm per year, whereas in the wetter regions, such as the Adriatic coast of the Balkan countries, annual rainfall can exceed 1,000mm. As with other Mediterranean-type landscapes across the world, including for instance the Cape Fynbos region of South Africa and south-western Australia, the dening characteristic of the region, at least in terms of biodiversity, is the richness of plant species. The ora of the Mediterranean Basin is estimated to include around 25,000 species of vascular plants, 13,000 of which are endemic (Mdail and Myers 2004). This remarkable oristic diversity, combined with a concomitant high level of threat, has led to the region being designated as a global biodiversity hotspot. However, as with other Mediterranean-climate regions, diversity and endemism among vertebrates are much lower than that for plants, particularly for birds and mammals. The mammal fauna is largely derived from Eurasian and African elements (even the North African mammal fauna has closer afnities with tropical Africa than with the Mediterranean Basin), whereas the avifauna is dominated by Eurasian elements. Diversity among vertebrates is highest among reptiles, with approximately 355 species present in the region, of which 170 are endemic (Cox et al. 2006). Amphibian diversity in the Mediterranean Basin is much lower than reptile diversity, this being largely a reection of the extent to which arid and semi-arid habitats predominate within the region. However, at 64%, regional endemism among the Mediterranean amphibian species is relatively very high. The family Discoglossidae (painted frogs and midwife toads) is almost endemic to the Mediterranean region, and two of the three species of Pelodytidae (parsley frogs) are fully endemic. All four members of the Pelobatidae (Eurasian spadefoots) occur in the region, two of them being wholly restricted to the Mediterranean. Among the newts and salamanders, 49% of the worlds 70 Salamandridae species occur in the region, with ve endemic genera (Chioglossa, Euproctus, Lyciasalamandra, Pleurodeles and Salamandrina1). The region is also noteworthy for its seven endemic cave salamander species of the genus Speleomantes (family Plethodontidae). Until the recent discovery of a species in Korea (Min et al. 2005), these were thought to be the only Old World members of a family that has around 350 species in the Americas. The single Old World member of the Proteidae, the Olm Proteus anguinus, is found only in a small part of north-eastern Italy and otherwise Slovenia, Croatia and a few localities in Bosnia-Herzegovina; the other ve members of the family occur in eastern North America. The richness of amphibian species in the Mediterranean basin is highest in Europe (Figure 1), especially in areas of higher rainfall. Diversity is much lower in the eastern and southern parts of the region. Amphibians clearly avoid arid areas, and are absent from most of the arid Sahara. According to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, 25.5% of the Mediterranean amphibian species are considered to be threatened, with 1% Critically Endangered, 12% Endangered and 12% Vulnerable. The most notable concentration of threatened species is Sardinia (Italy), with four threatened species present on this island (Figure 2). One species is listed as Extinct, the painted frog from Israel, Discoglossus nigriventer. Recent surveys conducted in Lebanon following reports that the species may survive in the Aammiq marsh in south-east Lebanon unfortunately failed to nd any individuals of this species (Tron 2005). The human population of the Mediterranean-rim countries currently is around 400 million people, with most people concentrated along the coast. A steady historical and continuing migration towards coastal areas, and specically in the south and east of the Mediterranean, has resulted in growing pressure on the coastal environment and, more importantly, on its biodiversity. After several millennia of human impact, most of the regions deciduous forests have been converted to agricultural lands, evergreen woodlands, and maquis, many wetlands have been lost through drainage and diversion often to irrigate crops, and increasing aridity combined with unsustainable farming and range management practices have led to continuing desertication and land degradation in many areas. Interestingly, amphibian families that have a higher percentage of threatened species are also those considered to be more primitive phylogenetically, and coincidentally those that have large tadpoles making them more dependent on the temporal availability of water, as well as on the presence of available resources in this water to grow to reach maturity. More recently, tourism has had a serious impact on the environment, particularly in western and southern Turkey, and in Cyprus, Tunisia, and Morocco, as well as the Mediterranean islands of the Balearics (Spain), Sardinia and Sicily (Italy), and the Cyclades Archipelago and Crete (Greece). Not surprisingly, then, habitat loss and degradation, mainly due to agriculture and infrastructure development, has had the largest impact on the regions amphibian fauna, currently affecting 19 of the 27 threatened species. However, pollution also has been a major threat, followed by invasive alien species (e.g., Ficetola et al. 2007) not to mention predation by domestic and commensal mammal species. Finally, there is also the risk that the fungal amphibian disease chytridiomycosis could become a more serious threat to amphibians in the Mediterranean basin in the future. Chytridiomycosis was rst recorded in the Mediterranean Basin in Spain in 1997, and has since been implicated in declines of the Mediterranean populations of the common midwife toad Alytes obstetricans (Bosch et al. 2001) as well as the re salamander Salamandra salamandra and common toad Bufo bufo (Bosch and Martnez-Solano 2006). If this fungal disease starts to become as pathogenic to Mediterranean amphibians as it has done to species elsewhere in the world, then it could rapidly become a much more serious threat in the region. In particular, other species of midwife toad (i.e., Alytes cisternasii, A. dickhilleni, A. maurus and A. muletensis) may be susceptible to the disease. If this is the case, species infected with the disease, and especially those with small insular ranges, could quickly move into a higher category of threat. Sherif Baha el Din, Wolfgang Bhme, Claudia Corti, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Rafael Marquez, Claude Miaud, Tahar Slimani, smail Uurta, and Yehudah L. Werner

Bosch, J., Martnez-Solano, I. and Garca-Pars, M. 2001. Evidence of a chytrid fungus infection involved in the decline of the common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) in protected areas of central Spain. Biological Conservation 97:331-337. Bosch, J. and Martnez-Solano, I. 2006. Chytrid fungus infection related to unusual mortalities of Salamandra salamandra and Bufo bufo in the Pealara Natural Park (Central Spain). Oryx 40:84-89. Carranza, S. and Amat, F. 2006. Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of Euproctus (Amphibia: Salamandriadae), with the resurrection of the genus Calotriton and the description of a new endemic species from the Iberian peninsula. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145:555-582. Cox, N., Chanson, J. and Stuart, S. (Compilers) 2006. The Status and Distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians of the Mediterranean Basin, pp. v+42. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Ficetola, G.F., Coc, C., Detaint, M., Berroneau, M., Lorvelec, O. and Miaud, C. 2007. Pattern of distribution of the American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana in Europe. Biological Invasions 9:762-772. Mdail, F. and Myers, N. 2004. Mediterranean Basin. In: R.A. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J.D. Pilgrim, T.M. Brooks, C.G. Mittermeier, J.L. Lamoreux and G. Fonseca (eds.), Hotspots: Revisited: Earths Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions, pp. 144-147. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Min, M.S., Yang, S.Y., Bonett, R.M., Vieites, D.R., Brandon, R.A. and Wake, D.B. 2005. Discovery of the rst Asian plethodontid salamander. Nature 435:78-90. Myers, N. Mittermeier, R.A, Mittermeier, C.G., Fonseca, G.A.B. de and Kent, J. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403:853-858. Tron, F. 2005. Second Discoglossus nigriventer rediscovery expedition in the central Bekaa Valley, Lebanon: 17-28 April 2005 Expedition Report. A Rocha International.

Figure 1. Richness map of all amphibians in the Mediterranean basin, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on 10 quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 18 species.

Figure 2. Richness map of all threatened amphibians in the Mediterranean basin, with dark red colours corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 3 species.

1 At the time of writing, the genus Calotriton, represented by two species, had been removed from the synonymy of Euproctus (Carranza and Amat 2006).


Michael Hoffmann, Don Church, James P. Collins, Neil Cox, Claude Gascon, Joseph H. Mendelson III, Robin D. Moore, Simon N. Stuart and Kevin C. Zippel

Modern amphibians have been on this planet for well over 100 million years; they are survivors, and their decline is puzzling. Scientic study of amphibians holds promise for a deeper understanding of the resilience as well as the limits of environments. This is an era of increased concern about issues in biodiversity and its maintenance in the face of environmental changes that many believe arise directly from human activities. Amphibians may serve usefully as bioindicators, organisms that convey information on the state of health of environments. How to read the message, and what to do about it, are timely challenges to scientists and to the public. David Wake, 1991

tion. Nor is it a detailed review of amphibian conservation efforts, a topic covered in detail elsewhere (e.g., Semlitsch 2003, Heatwole and Wilkinson in press). Rather, this chapter is intended to summarize the key action items of the ACAP, measured against our knowledge of threats to amphibians and biodiversity more broadly accompanied by conservation recommendations for immediate uptake by governments, corporations, civil society, biodiversity conservation organizations, and the scientic community.

In the preceding pages, we have already established that for nine out of every 10 amphibian species classied as threatened, habitat loss and degradation is a major threat. In such cases, area- or site-based action, which usually takes the form of the establishing protected areas, is the most effective conservation response for safeguarding biodiversity in the long term (Bruner et al. 2001). The Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) states that protected areas are essential components in national and global biodiversity conservation strategies. However, habitat protection is not necessarily sufcient to ensure long-term viability in the face of threats such as emerging infectious disease (Lips et al. 2006) or climate change (Pounds et al. 2006), and often needs to be complemented by other actions, such as environmental education and targeted ex-situ interventions (see later), as well as by actions at the landscape scale that aim to respond to threats operating at a broader scale (Boyd et al. 2008). Unfortunately, although protected areas cover 11.5% of the worlds land surface, the existing network of protected areas is incomplete and does not adequately capture global biodiversity. Indeed, assessments conducted at differing scales (e.g., Rodrigues et al. 2004a; Rondinini et al. 2005), consistently reveal large gaps in the network, this being particularly evident in the tropics (Brooks et al. 2004), leaving many threatened species unprotected. According to the Global Amphibian Assessment, around 40% of all threatened amphibians are not represented in any protected area. An evaluation of the protection afforded to threatened amphibians through the current protected areas network suggests that amphibians are markedly less well covered than other taxa (mammals, threatened birds, and turtles and tortoises; Rodrigues et al. 2004a,b; Essay 11.2). Many of the amphibians that do not occur within a protected area are also found only at a single site thereby increasing the risk of extinction above that of generally more widespread bird and mammal species (Ricketts et al. 2005). Furthermore, protected areas vary in legal status and management type, resulting in variable levels of effectiveness, and enforcing area protection and related laws is often logistically difcult in many countries. The last two decades saw an explosion of literature on the subject of systematic conservation planning, a eld of conservation biology that aims to identify comprehensive networks of sites or protected areas that together will contribute to the overall goal of minimizing biodiversity loss (Pressey et al. 1993; Margules and Pressey 2000). This is necessary because, as is evident from Chapter 4, neither biodiversity nor threats to it are distributed evenly, with the result that investments must be made in some places with greater urgency than others. The signicant advances made in the eld of systematic conservation planning (Kirkpatrick 1983; Margules and Pressey 2000) have seen the science move beyond theory to on-theground application (e.g., Cowling et al. 2003; BirdLife International 2004). Strategic decision-making of this order requires information on both the spatial and temporal options available for inclusion in the conservation planning framework. These two variables are commonly referred to as irreplaceability and vulnerability, respectively, in the conservation planning literature (Pressey and Taffs 2001). Irreplaceability estimates the degree to which spatial options available for conservation of unique biodiversity features are lost if a particular site is lost. At its most extreme, for example, a site with the entire population of a species is wholly irreplaceable there are no other sites available (i.e., spatial options) for conserving the species (Pressey et al. 1994). Vulnerability is a measure of our temporal options available. Just as threatened species are more likely to be lost before nonthreatened species, our options for conserving those sites facing high levels of vulnerability or threat are more limited in time, with places of higher threat likely to lose their biodiversity value sooner (Rodrigues et al. 2004b). Vulnerability and irreplaceability interact in complex ways to dene conservation priorities. For example, sites of simultaneously high threat and high irreplaceability are the highest-order priorities as they correspond to places where the loss of unique biodiversity is imminent. By contrast, conservation in low irreplaceability regions can afford to be opportunity-driven, as there are plenty of spatial options. Based on these two concepts, Rodrigues et al. (2004b) expanded their earlier analysis and provided a rst-ever attempt at a global framework for the next step of strategically expanding the global protected area network to ensure appropriate coverage of mammals, amphibians, freshwater turtles and tortoises, and globally threatened birds. They identied several urgent priorities for expanding the network (Figure 1), which fall overwhelmingly in the tropics, especially in tropical and subtropical moist forests. Not surprisingly, the results of this study, in terms of geography, show remarkable congruence with areas already known to represent consensus priorities for reactive conservation action (Brooks et al. 2006). However, just as any broad-based global priority setting exercise (see Brooks et al. 2006 for review of these) is useful for guiding the allocation of resources on a broad scale, the regions identied as urgent priorities for the expansion of the global network by Rodrigues et al. (2004b) are not useful for determining the location of the boundaries of new protected areas. Consequently, given the coarse scale of their analysis, the key recommendation from their study is that the highlighted areas become urgent priorities for ner-scale assessments to identify manageable units of global conservation signicance. The Amphibian Conservation Action Plan adopted the Key Biodiversity Areas approach (KBAs; Eken et al. 2004; Langhammer et al. 2007) as a tool for identifying globally important sites for amphibian conservation. Key Biodiversity Areas, which hinge on the concepts of threat and irreplaceability, build on nearly a quarter century of work by BirdLife International in relying on a set of criteria for identifying globally signicant sites for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas; see, for example, Fishpool and Evans 2001), but extend this concept to create a taxon-neutral umbrella to incorporate all taxa (see Essay 11.3). The focus of KBAs is on species most vulnerable to extinction: globally threatened species and geographically

Colostethus ruthveni (Critically Endangered) is one of seven species of Critically Endangered or Endangered amphibians that are known to be conned entirely to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta massif in northern Colombia. The area is partly protected by the Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the recently proclaimed El Dorado Nature Reserve. Fundacin ProAves /

A foray through the scientic literature of the late 1980s and early 1990s reveals a sense of alarm, and controversy, about amphibian population declines (e.g., Barinaga 1990; Blaustein and Wake 1990; Pechmann et al. 1991; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). Reports of decreasing amphibian populations, particularly in seemingly undisturbed environments, made it clear that the cause was not just habitat loss (Pounds and Crump 1994). Care was also called for in reporting declines, because many observations may reect only short-term natural uctuations (Pechmann et al. 1991; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). The issue was nonetheless of sufcient concern that IUCNs Species Survival Commission established a Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) in 1991, to determine the reality, nature, extent and causes of declines of amphibians throughout the world (Heyer and Murphy 2005; and see Essay 11.1). A little over a decade later, controversy has given way to the widely held conclusion that the worlds amphibians are indeed declining and a resulting plea for a unied front to save them (Mendelson et al. 2006; Gascon et al. 2007). Much of the evidence presented both in the preceding pages and those that follow indicates that global amphibian declines are not only real, but driven by agents familiar and understood (habitat loss, commercial use, exotic species) as well as novel and insidious (disease, climate change, toxins, and the synergistic effects thereof). The remaining controversy is how best to arrest an extinction episode that is already in progress. In September of 2005, less than a year after the initial release of the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, more than 80 of the worlds leading herpetologists and conservationists convened at a three-day Amphibian Conservation Summit in Washington, D.C., to write a consolidated action plan to halt further global losses of amphibian populations. The assumption was that it is irresponsible to document amphibian declines and extinctions without also designing and promoting an appropriate response. The resulting Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP; see Gascon et al. 2007) outlines the need for four types of intervention to conserve amphibians: 1) Expanded understanding of the causes of declines and extinctions; 2) Ongoing documentation of amphibian diversity, and how it is changing; 3) Development and implementation of long-term conservation programmes; and 4) Emergency responses to immediate crises (see Appendix VI). An initial ve-year budget to implement this Action Plan requires at least US$400 million. Given the existence of a consensus conservation framework among those present at the Amphibian Conservation Summit, this chapter is not a new vision for conservation ac-

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


Figure 1. Global distribution of priority sites for the expansion of the global protected-area network, based on data for all mammals, amphibians, turtles, and threatened birds. Adapted from Rodrigues et al. (2004b).

concentrated species. KBA identication for amphibians is already advanced in several regions of the world, thanks to data collated through the Global Amphibian Assessment (Langhammer et al. 2007), and will provide a ready basis for directing valuable conservation resources to sites of known global biodiversity importance. However, while all KBAs represent global priorities for site-scale conservation, there will be a subset of sites where conservation action is most urgent. The Amphibian Conservation Action Plan itself calls for the identication and safeguarding of the 120 KBAs where unique amphibian biodiversity is most at risk. Fortunately, there has already been considerable effort aimed at locating such places through the work of the Alliance for Zero Extinction1, a joint initiative of more than 65 biodiversity conservation organizations around the world that aims to prevent imminent extinctions by pinpointing and safeguarding sites that represent the last refuges of highly threatened species. Such sites, termed Alliance for Zero Extinction (or AZE) sites, are discrete areas containing ~95% or more of the global population of one or more species listed as Critically Endangered or Endangered on the IUCN Red List (Ricketts et al. 2005)2. The Alliance has identied 546 sites holding 758 Critically Endangered (CR) or Endangered (EN) species of amphibians, reptiles (crocodiles, iguanas, and turtles and tortoises), mammals, birds, and conifers. At least half of these sites (263) have been identied for 381 amphibians (Figure 2). Of the sites identied so far, 125 have no formal protection and 27 only partial protection3, yet again emphasizing that a large proportion of the worlds most threatened biodiversity is not adequately represented in protected areas. All AZE sites/species are important and top priorities in the sense that they represent known places where conservation action is needed now. However, establishing protected areas may not be the most appropriate response in all cases, but will depend on the nature of the threat. Indeed, in the context of site-scale conservation, one set of immediate priorities will be sites for which the overwhelming threat driving species declines is loss or degradation of natural habitat and for which the most obvious conservation action involves habitat protection, maintenance, or restoration. This will be particularly urgent for sites with no formal protection, or at least only partial protection. For example, the Massif de la Hotte in Haiti is the only known site for 13 Critically Endangered or Endangered amphibians, and the overwhelming threat at this site is habitat loss and degradation. Even though part of the site is protected as the Parc Natural Macaya, there is little active protection of the area and habitat loss continues even within park boundaries. Such sites (i.e., those where site-based threat and habitat loss are high) are priorities for safeguarding, and indeed several, such as the Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Colombian Andes, have beneted from collaborative efforts to safeguard remaining habitat4. At the time of going to press, efforts were underway to transform a priority cloud forest site in Sri Lanka, Morningside5, into a Biodiversity Reserve managed by the Forest Department of Sri Lanka in collaboration with local civil society organizations. Establishing protected areas is not normally a simple process. There are usually many competing demands for using particular parcels of land, whatever their size. For a protected area to be long-lasting, the interests of multiple stakeholders must be considered. A number of possibilities exist for building support from local stakeholders for protected areas, including: a) enabling local communities to benet from nature reserves (such as allowing sustainable harvest of relevant products, and demonstrating the benets of securing water catchments); b) providing local employment (for example in ecotourism, and in reserve protection, management and monitoring; and c) developing alternative livelihoods in the vicinity of reserves that enable people to enhance their standards of living in ways that are compatible with securing a sustainable future for the reserve in question. Most of the new protected areas that need to be established to conserve amphibians are in mountainous areas of the humid tropics, where both human population densities and poverty levels tend to be high. The success of these plans to establish new protected areas depends on forging alliances with development assistance agencies and community-based organizations to achieve the twin goals of biodiversity conservation and sustainable economic development. Further, establishment of protected areas is not the only way to secure areas for biodiversity, and other means that complement protected areas, including land purchase, land ownership/stewardship, and land concessions and negotiations with private landowners, may be options. Establishing protected areas that remain resilient to the increasing threat of climate variability is another major challenge. Climate change, driven by human activity forces species to track preferred habitat conditions, but this movement may be difcult or impossible in fragmented landscapes. Further, the rate and magnitude of current climate change is such that many species may be unable to disperse quickly enough. For instance, species that inhabit high-elevation montane regions often have nowhere to disperse to as temperatures rise and other climatic conditions change. Thus, protecting species where they currently exist is only the beginning protection is needed where species will be in the future, as well as connections in the landscape between the two. Biologists are now able to create

computer models of species range shifts that can be used to plan corridors, comprising additional parks, or multiple-use areas such as forest reserves, to limit the damage of climate change. Landscape conservation of this sort requires a large percentage of remaining natural habitats to be successful. Proactive investment in these areas will help prevent accelerating extinctions in the near future due to the double whammy of climate change in a fragmented landscape. For example, numerous threatened frog species in Sri Lanka are hanging on within small fragments of the countrys 5% of remaining rainforest. These species may already be affected by decreasing precipitation and warmer temperatures conditions that increasingly wring small forest fragments dry. In these cases, restored forests around existing patches will provide water retentive buffers locally, as well as corridors to forest remnants that respond differently to a changing climate. It is necessary to emphasize that while there is little doubt that habitat protection must remain the cornerstone of any conservation action, the ecological requirements of some species means that conservation action is required at scales larger than that of protected areas. Among mammals and birds, for example, this is particularly the case for area-demanding species that have very low population densities or are migratory. Further, the nature of many threats to biodiversity is such that habitat protection alone, or other site-based interventions, is not necessarily sufcient to preserve the integrity of the broadscale ecological and evolutionary processes necessary to ensure the persistence of species within individual sites (Lens et al. 2002). A recent study provides a unique perspective on the appropriate scale for conservation action for threatened amphibians, using data collated to support IUCN Red List assessments. Boyd et al. (2008) found that while most species can be conserved through individual sites, or networks of sites, more than one-fth (21%, or 353 species) of globally threatened amphibians cannot be conserved at the site scale alone in the medium-term (cf. 13% for mammals and 19% for birds). For amphibians, this is entirely due to alterations in hydrological processes, such as changes in ow regimes (including various aspects of seasonality and ow rate), which is deemed necessary for 115 species, and water quality (e.g., temperature, pH, and sediment loads), which is considered an issue for 278 species (Boyd et al. 2008) (Appendix VIIa and VIIb)6. Several initiatives and organizations are incorporating broad-scale ecological processes into conservation planning (e.g., Pressey et al. 2003). However, the task remains challenging due to problems with setting priorities for ecological processes, and developing targets for their conservation (Boyd et al. 2008). Encouragingly, the recovery plans for several threatened species, including the California Red-legged frog Rana aurora7, Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne corroboree8 and stream-dwelling rainforest frogs of the Wet Tropics region in North-east Queensland9 incorporate components relating specically to the development and implementation of guidelines for maintaining adequate water ow regimes. For example, the recovery plan for the California Red-legged Frog, the only species in the United States for which a recovery plan has been developed, includes allocating water budgets to county planners and water districts, particularly those in the San Simeon Creek and Santa Rosa Creek in San Luis Obispo County, and managing dams and reservoirs that affect populations of the species. Another example is the recovery efforts for the Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis, which included the construction of a gravity-fed articial spray system to create a ne spray in an attempt to maintain the spray-zone microhabitat in the Kihansi Gorge, following the construction of a dam upstream on the Kihansi River (Lee et al. 2006; Krajick et al. 2006).


While immediate habitat protection must be considered an emergency measure for several amphibians (see above), even with timely and effective protection from direct anthropogenic threats, such as habitat destruction and over-collection, there are some species for which we cannot readily safeguard wild populations from uncontrollable indirect threats, such as climate change, and direct threats, such as emerging infectious diseases. Reference is often made to the Golden Toad Bufo periglenes as the model case of an amphibian that disappeared in pristine and well-protected habitat (Pounds and Crump 1994), but in the current era it is one of many species that have declined under similar circumstances. In cases involving threats of such a nature, conservation action in situ must be complemented by immediate interventions that may be invasive, but unavoidable. Indeed, with the realization that in the absence of any clear understanding on how to combat the spread of the chytrid pathogen, the current lack of any management technique to prevent wild populations succumbing to the disease, and no real understanding on the


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Figure 2. Map of Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (n=263) triggered by the presence of a Critically Endangered or Endangered amphibian (381 species). Yellow sites are either fully or partially contained within declared protected areas (n=122), and red sites are completely unprotected or have unknown protection status (n=141). In areas of overlap, unprotected (red) sites are mapped above protected (green) sites to highlight the more urgent conservation priorities. Modied from Ricketts et al. (2005); AZE data version 2.1.

The Massif de la Hotte in Haiti is home to the last remaining populations of 13 Critically Endangered and Endangered amphibians, more than any other single AZE site. Robin D. Moore

diseases origins or mechanisms of spread, one strategy is establishing emergency ex-situ survival-assurance colonies where infected animals can be treated10, and as yet unaffected but susceptible species may be safeguarded. Indeed, this may well be one of the most important roles for the ex-situ conservation community at this time, as through extensive eld research and predictive modelling, we can, in some cases, anticipate when and where certain species will be impacted (see Essay 11.4; and Essay 9.7), thereby creating a narrow window of opportunity for proactive intervention. Ex-situ survival-assurance colonies may provide the only option for the eventual return of some species or populations to safeguarded natural habitat. Now, more than ever, there is a need for the ex-situ conservation community to play an active role in averting species extinctions, not just in terms of providing the much-needed facilities and husbandry expertise, but in supporting disease-related research, education and conservation efforts on the ground. Ex-situ programmes cannot replace in-situ conservation activities, but they have the potential to provide the means for species survival while complementary research and conservation programmes proceed. The role of ex-situ management as a conservation measure is controversial for several reasons: 1) gaps in our knowledge of the biology and breeding behaviour of most species; 2) the removal of individuals with potentially higher tness from populations perhaps already severely decimated; 3) uncertainty regarding the number of individuals required to maintain a viable population; 4) absence of resources for long-term maintenance of captive populations; 5) the low success rates of several previous ex-situ conservation efforts (see later); 6) the number of species for which such survivalassurance colonies may be needed, and 7) the degree to which such efforts may avert or misdirect funding from active conservation on the ground. Various authors have discussed the candidacy of amphibians for ex-situ management programmes (Wiese and Hutchins 1994; Bloxam and Tonge 1995) and the role of ex-situ management in amphibian conservation has been detailed in several works (e.g., Zippel 2005; Grifths and Kuzmin 2006; Mendelson and Rabb 2006). The valuable role of ex-situ management, particularly as part of a coordinated recovery programme (see Essay 11.5) has been recognized as a useful conservation tool by IUCN, which states that it should be initiated to help support the conservation of a threatened taxon, its genetic diversity, and its habitat, while noting that Ex situ programmes should give added value to other complementary programmes for conservation.11 Consequently, just as others have made previous calls for ex-situ conservation action as part of a broader set of conservation priorities in declining amphibian communities (e.g., Young et al. 2001), the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan has incorporated ex-situ management as an explicit component of the overall

strategy, with the proviso that dedicated infrastructure of staff members and facilities will require long-term commitments of reliable nancial support. However, in the face of estimates that the global ex-situ conservation community can currently manage viable populations of only approximately 50 amphibian species (see Essay 11.5), we need a reference point for assessing the magnitude of task. In Appendix VIII, we list 247 species for which ex-situ survival-assurance colonies are proposed as an urgent conservation measure to ensure the persistence of species in the face of the threat of chytridiomycosis (either because the chytrid fungus has already been documented in the species, or because the species has undergone declines and chytridiomycosis is deemed likely to be the cause12). Mapping the distributions of these species (Figure 3), we see that most of the species for which this is deemed necessary are concentrated in the Neotropics, mainly due to the susceptibility of montane, stream-dwelling species in the genera Atelopus, Craugastor, Telmatobius, and Colostethus to chytridiomycosis, although there are also concentrations in the Eastern Arc Mountains and in Australia. An important caveat is that these gures exclude species agged as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct), since such species represent the most urgent priorities for immediate survey work to determine whether they persist in the wild (see later). In such cases, any surviving individuals may need to form the basis for the establishment of an ex-situ survival-assurance colony, although this depends on the nature of any threat to the species. In addition, there are other cases where ex-situ survival-assurance colonies are needed because of the impact of invasive species (for example, Cape Platanna Xenopus gilli, EN), or to mitigate against severe overexploitation (e.g., several Ambystoma species), or because habitat loss has been so severe that ex-situ management is deemed necessary pending the initiation of habitat restoration efforts (for example, Puerto Rican Toad Bufo lemur). Such a list of priority species is not complete, but serves as a useful starting point for the global conservation community to initiate targeted management programmes. While we draw attention to the need for any ex-situ management programme to adhere to the best available husbandry techniques, we also stress several important considerations. First, while funding opportunities are more likely to be available for such programmes in developed countries, there is often reluctance on behalf of developing countries to surrender their biodiversity to foreign institutions. This reaction is based on historical and commercial/ trade precedents14. One solution involves transferring technology and capacity to developing nations by means of establishing ex-situ management facilities with sustainable funding sources, and backed by appropriate guidance in husbandry techniques for the species in question. One example of such a programme in development (it is neither complete in construction nor does it have sustainable funding), is the El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center (EVACC) at the El Nispero Zoo in Panama, an effort spear-headed by the Houston Zoo in collaboration with several zoo and non-governmental organizations. This project aims to serve as a biological repository for threatened Panamanian amphibian species and to use these populations as a possible source for reintroductions, but has a second objective which is to foster appreciation and raise awareness of amphibians among the public, through programs of education and research. Indeed, half of the allotted 220-m space at EVACC is dedicated to public exhibits and the rest to behind-the-scenes space for managing survival-assurance populations and research projects. It had been hoped that EVACC would be operational before the arrival of chytrid in the region, but in April 2006 the rst amphibian deaths due to chytridiomycosis were reported from frogs inhabiting waters of the Rio de Jess (collected a few months before). Consequently, the emergency collection of amphibians was initiated in advance of the facility being completely constructed, and a temporary quarantine and treatment area was established in a nearby hotel. As of end July 2006, collecting teams of 50 volunteers representing 26 institutions had collected 10 of the 12 priority species15. The goal is for current project leaders to leave the programmes and turn over responsibility for conservation initiatives to Panamanian colleagues. Another possibility involves negotiating ownership rights such that source countries may retain ownership over frogs and their genetic material sent to foreign zoos to form the basis for ex-situ survival-assurance colonies. This has already been achieved for the Kihansi Spray Toad Nectophrynoides asperginis, which is being bred in the Toledo and Bronx Zoos. These toads are being managed under an agreement with the Government of Tanzania, which retains ownership of the animals (see Lee et al. 2006; Krajick 2006). Second, any ex-situ programme must be accompanied by appropriate actions directed at the long-term conservation of the species in situ. This could include, but may not be limited to, habitat protection, public education and awareness, research (e.g., breeding biology), population monitoring, targeted species-specic actions (such as control of invasives), and so forth. Since the over-riding conservation role for ex-situ management programmes is the eventual reintroduction/translocation of species back into the wild, it is worth noting that

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


Figure 3. The global distribution of Critically Endangered and Endangered amphibians (n=247) requiring ex-situ intervention (in combination with complementary in-situ and research-based actions).13 No fewer than 59 of these species have their entire distributions conned to single sites (i.e., AZE species; see Figure 2).

achieving the rst has usually proved much easier than the latter, with much consequent debate surrounding the value of these techniques (Dodd and Seigel 1991; Seigel and Dodd 2002; Trenham and Marsh 2002; Dodd 2005). Indeed, even considering conservation success stories, such as the Mallorcan Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis (see Essay 11.6), a number of long-running projects have yet to demonstrate similar success, even in developed countries such as the United States. For example, Wyoming Toads Bufo baxteri, now Extinct in the Wild, have been part of an active breeding programme since 1993 and yet despite repeated introductions of toadlets and tadpoles to Mortenson Lake, the population is still not self-sustaining (Dreitz 2006; and see Essay 11.7). The causes for the failure of successful reintroduction are not always clear, although disease and other factors are often implicated. In any case, there are several examples of species that would be extinct at this time if they had not been included in captive programmes (such as the Wyoming Toad). In such cases, extinction has been deferred, giving researchers time to solve the in-situ problems. Fortunately, other long-running conservation breeding programmes are nally showing some signs of success, such as that for the Puerto Rican Toad Bufo lemur. This species was believed extinct until its rediscovery in 1967, when a small breeding population of toads was found in north-west Puerto Rico (near Quebradillas) and subsequently in the Guanica Forest Preserve in the south-west of the island. No toads have been seen at the north-western site since 1992, and the Guanica Forest Preserve has become the last locality known to hold a wild population of this species. An ex-situ programme for the Puerto Rican Toad began in 1980 at the Mayaguez Zoo, with offspring from this programme later sent to zoos in North America, including Buffalo Zoo in New York and the Toronto Zoo in Canada. A Species Survival Plan (SSP)16 was formed in 1983, with the goal of assisting the recovery of this species. To date, the Puerto Rican Crested Toad SSP programme includes some 23 zoos and aquaria; its efforts include education and habitat restoration, and the SSP members are supporting high school students who look for toads and study ponds in the northern part of Puerto Rico and have a special biology club with the toad as their logo. The SSP members (the zoos and aquaria in the SSP, along with Puerto Rican partners, including teachers, students, the Guanica Forest Manager, the Puerto Rican DNR and USFWS) construct new ponds for toads; install gates and signs to protect the breeding beach; print conservation booklets, bumper stickers and decals for students and interpretive centres; work with the local Juan Rivero Zoo in Mayaguez to help in their conservation programmes for Puerto Rican wildlife, including the toad; and support research on toad habitats and diseases by Puerto Rican graduate students and veterinarians. In zoos, the toads are managed genetically to ensure a diverse assurance population in the event of the unexpected loss of the small Guanica population. Tadpoles produced in the ex-situ programme have been sent back to Puerto Rico for release into the wild, and two articial release ponds have been constructed to receive the tadpoles. Releases began in 1983 with 75 toadlets, and about 100,000 tadpoles have been released over the last 10 years. Eventually, in 2003, the rst adult toads released as tadpoles returned to breed in the constructed ponds, evidence of the rst signs of success (Zippel 2005). While it is not possible to identify here a specic unbiased set of species for which reintroduction may be an appropriate conservation tool, it is essential that species are carefully appraised for their suitability for reintroduction, as they should also be appraised for their suitability for captive breeding, and in accordance with the IUCN/SSC Guidelines for Reintroductions17. Priorities for reintroduction clearly should focus on globally threatened species, and since the most successful animal reintroductions have usually involved those species that have reversible threats (Grifth et al. 1989; Wilson and Stanley Price 1994), it may well be necessary to give preference to those species for which actions are already underway to mitigate threats such as direct persecution, pollution, and introductions of sh or other predators. Reintroducing Axolotls Ambystoma mexicanum to Lake Xochimilco, for example, is complicated by the fact that existing threats need to be neutralized and potential disease and genetic risks addressed before animals from ex-situ populations are reintroduced into the wild (and see Essay 11.8). This also seems the most appropriate place to mention the occasional need for translocation of threatened species to new sites as a result of impending habitat loss. An example is Chirixalus romeri, an endemic to Hong Kong that lost part of it natural habitat when the new Hong Kong International Airport was constructed. With funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the University of Hong Kong undertook a study of the ecology and population genetics of this species to identify suitable sites for relocation of this threatened population. More than 200 individuals were rescued from Chek Lap Kok in 1992 before full-scale construction took place. A collaborative partnership was also formed with Melbourne Zoo to breed this species ex-situ, which was successful and over 2,800 frogs and tadpoles were released into eight sites in Hong Kong Island and the New Territories where they have been monitored every year. Breeding populations have established in seven of them.

Finally, ex-situ rearing of animals can also form part of an important conservation strategy aimed at promoting reasonable and sustainable use of wildlife, although only if the supply from farmed animals is such that it replaces that from the wild (see Essay 11.9). In Mexico, for example, despite the wide availability of Axolotls produced in ex-situ populations, wild animals are still captured and sold illegally in local markets (McKay 2003; and see Essay 2.3), while in China, even the existence of more than 100 apparently legal Chinese Giant Salamander farms to supply the ever-growing food market is insufcient to meet market demands (Essay 4.7). Furthermore, an important complication of some of these commercial enterprises is that they often farm non-native species, such as the American Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana, which escape and become invasive (see Essay 4.8). This could have serious implications for conservation, because the rearing of bullfrogs is a growing industry in parts of the world such as China and South America, particularly Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, and this species may carry chytridiomycosis (see Mazzoni et al. 2003). Nonetheless, sustainable community-operated farms and commercial breeding farms can have benets, but it is recommended that they use local species instead of exotic ones to reduce the risk of disease spread and establishment of exotic species. It is also necessary to monitor commercial breeding farms for highly valuable species to prevent wild-caught individuals from entering into the trade. Finally, a percentage of the prots generated from such breeding farms should be channelled back to amphibian conservation whenever possible (Carpenter et al. 2007). In conclusion, while there is disagreement about the interplay between in-situ and ex-situ conservation action, it is preferable not to have one undermining the other. In practice, if we are to prevent amphibian extinctions, there can be no doubt of the importance of stemming rampant environmental degradation (Pounds et al. 2006). Other amphibian-specic conservation actions, such as those ex-situ, should continue, but their effectiveness will likely be reduced or compromised in the face of growing environmental deterioration. Yet, the two are compatible, complementary actions, insofar as their relative contributions and limitations are understood, accepted, and explicitly stated: ex-situ action is vital for a nite set of highly threatened species (but clearly not urgent for all), yet requires parallel in-situ efforts. Our ability to respond depends largely on the priorities of the global ex-situ conservation community.


Habitat protection and the establishment of ex-situ survival-assurance colonies represent the two most urgent in-situ and ex-situ conservation actions required, respectively, if we are to have any immediate impact on amphibian declines globally. But, as already discussed above, even though they complement one another, they will not sufce on their own. Indeed, even Ricketts et al. (2005) note that in the case of sites identied using their methodology to pinpoint species having their last remaining populations conned to single sites, measures

The El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center (EVACC) at the El Nispero Zoo in Panama is an effort spear-headed by the Houston Zoo in collaboration with several zoo and non-governmental organizations. Half of the allotted 220-m space at EVACC is dedicated to public exhibits and the rest to behind-the-scenes space for managing survival-assurance populations and research projects. Sara Riger


Threatened Amphibians of the World

of habitat protection will need to be complemented by other actions, such as the control of invasive alien predators/competitors or disease.

Invasive species
The Amphibian Conservation Action Plan does not deal specically with the issue of the impact of invasive species, which could have detrimental effects on populations as competitors, predators, and interbreeding to create hybrids. Studies show that alien predators, particularly introduced sh species (e.g., Trout Oncorhynchus spp., Salmo spp., centrarchids like bass and sunsh, and Mosquitosh Gambusia spp.), American Bullfrogs, and craysh (Procambrus clarkia) have contributed to amphibian population declines (see Kats and Ferrer 2003). Some of these studies documented declines among amphibian communities within protected areas (e.g., Knapp and Matthews 2000). Although introduced predators may be ubiquitous in watersheds within the range of the threatened species, areas of high concentrations should be identied and the numbers of non-native predators reduced, particularly within protected areas. For example, the recovery plan for the California Red-legged Frog Rana aurora draytonii identies a number of sites as areas that may benet from non-native predator removal, including Yosemite National Park.18 While the most important conservation measure is prevention by means of more effective quarantine measures and enforced legislation (see Policy below), more aggressive action invariably is required for combating alien predators (e.g., Knapp and Matthews 1998)19. Control and removal of invasive predators is not always feasible or possible in those cases, where, for example, these species have commercial or recreational value (e.g., alien game sh), or where the species exhibit particular traits that characterize successful invaders (e.g. high reproductive rate), thereby making removal difcult. Control methods generally involve pond drainage, physical removal, poisoning (e.g., rotenone20), and eliminating breeding habitat of non-native predators. On the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea, for example, considerable effort was expended to control introduced snakes (Natrix maura), but these labour-intensive efforts mostly involved removing snakes by hand from breeding sites (Guicking et al. 2006). Although relatively large numbers of snakes were removed from breeding sites, there have been no studies to assess the effectiveness of this technique in controlling snake numbers. Most importantly, toads continue to survive and breed in these pools. One recent study found that large-scale removal of introduced non-native sh could result in at least partial reversal of the decline of Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Rana muscosa (CR), once a common inhabitant of the Sierra Nevada (California, USA). At three lakes where sh were removed, amphibian population densities increased signicantly following removal of predaceous sh. Following these population increases, frogs dispersed to adjacent suitable (but unoccupied) sites, moving between 200 and 900m along streams or across dry land (Knapp et al. 2007). On the other hand, the afore-mentioned California Red-legged Frog recovery plan notes that lling in stock ponds known to have non-native species may be more cost effective and productive over the long-term than removing individuals. In Venezuela, the transportation of Rana catesbeiana to other regions outside of Mrida has been legally prohibited, and recommendations for its control and removal were passed (Resolution #64 of 15 July 2002). Furthermore, the national government, via its National Ofce for Biological Diversity, Ministry of the Environment, and the State Environmental Authority of Mrida, actively engage in collection and removal of individuals of all stages of the species (e.g., collection of eggs, use of dragnets, nets, air ries and traps). New studies involving age-structured population models provide interesting insights into the control and management of invasive species for the benet of threatened amphibians. Doubledee et al. (2003), in discussing the impacts of American Bullfrogs on the California Red-legged Frog, assessed the effectiveness of different management strategies used to control bullfrog populations (such as shooting of adults and pond draining). Their results found that efforts taken to eradicate bullfrog populations by increasing adult mortality through shooting are likely to be ineffective in promoting coexistence, rst because a large amount of effort equivalent to a mortality of 65% or greater every two years is required to make shooting adults benecial for Red-legged Frog persistence, and second because such effort can create uctuations in bullfrog population dynamics, which in turn may cause large uctuations in the Red-legged Frog population. Their results suggest that a combination of shooting adults and draining livestock grazing ponds is the most successful bullfrog management strategy. Even low shooting efforts signicantly decreased adult bullfrog densities by 80% when coupled with pond draining. The recent emergence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the chytrid fungus that causes chytridiomycosis, may itself be the result of unintentional introductions of a pathogen as an invasive alien species. One suggestion is that the spread of the pathogen started with the export of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis from Africa for use in pregnancy testing during the 1930s onwards. But more research is needed to test this hypothesis. Regardless of the origin of the chytrid fungus, however, bullfrogs carry it and so establishment of feral populations of this species in countries is one means by which the pathogen can gain access to other hosts (Weldon et al. 2004; and see Essay 4.8).

TAP was adopted in 2006 and one goal was to prevent amphibian populations or regions that are currently chytridiomycosis-free from becoming infected by blocking further spread of the amphibian chytrid within Australia.

Water quality
Earlier we discussed evidence that changes in water quality and water ow regimes are often a signicant threat to amphibian species globally. Changes in water quality may include changes in sediment load as a result of upstream logging, but often are also due to the inuence of environmental contaminants or pollutants (including pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals). In much of the Neotropics, for example, lowland agricultural regions are subject to extensive agricultural spraying (e.g., Castillo et al. 1997). Furthermore, abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, pH, and ultraviolet-B radiation) may also pose a threat when normal values are exceeded and can, in turn, inuence the toxicity of other contaminants. Most work to date has focused on the detrimental effects of contaminants on the aquatic life-stage of amphibians, although recent studies have also demonstrated that contaminants can have negative effects in the terrestrial environment (e.g., Hayes et al. 2002). As already discussed, actions targeted at contending with changes in hydrological processes are already incorporated into the recovery plans of several species, and generally involve actions that may not be directed explicitly at actual sites where declines of amphibians are occurring (such as protected areas). However, there are instances in which such intervention may be required. Boone et al. (2007) propose that sites where amphibian declines are taking place should be evaluated for environmental contamination that may be present, either as a result of direct application or movement through air or water, based on which emergency clean-up action may be necessary. Here again, the recovery plan for the California Red-legged Frog Rana aurora draytonii22 exemplies a management plan that identies several contaminated areas (e.g., Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County) where the species may be exposed to toxins, and proposes that contaminants should be removed and other measures that decrease exposure of the frog should be undertaken at these sites. In such cases, animals should be removed from the site while clean up occurs and either relocated or allowed to disperse back into ponds once water quality is improved.

A mascot, highlighting the unique characteristics of the endemic Puerto Rican Crested Toad Bufo lemur (Critically Endangered), contributes to island-wide conservation programmes at schools, estas, and zoo education and outreach events. Toronto Zoo

Finally, species-targeted responses may be necessary to deal with the threat of over-harvesting, either for species in use for medicinal or food purposes (e.g., Telmatobius spp. or Ambystoma spp.; and see Essay 11.8) or for the pet trade (e.g., dendrobatid frogs, Mantella spp., salamanders, and newts of the genera Tylototriton, Paramesotriton, and Cynops). The collecting of animals and plants usually is not permitted within protected areas, or at least not within particular zones. However, the resources available to ensure collecting only in assigned areas and management are often inadequate, and illegal collecting often takes place even within nature reserves (as in the case of the Chinese Giant Salamander; see Wang et al. 2004; Essay 4.7). In-situ sustainable harvesting has real potential as a management option providing that the biological requirements of the species concerned are understood and proper management is in place (see Essay 11.9). Determining sustainable harvest quotas is complex and demands information on the abundance, behaviour, and life-history characteristics of the species in question, as well as an understanding of a host of socio-economic factors. In a recent survey of levels of exploitation of species in the genus Mantella in Madagascar, Rabemananjara et al. (in press) note that because of the apparent high density of many populations, and their restricted and patchy distributions, these frogs may be well suited for a controlled system of sustainable harvesting. Most Mantella species are characterized by a rather high reproductive output, with up to 150 eggs per clutch, and the capacity to produce several clutches per season. Despite the high to very high numbers of several Mantella species that have been continuously exported from Madagascar over the past 15 years, most species appear not to have been directly impacted as a result of over-harvesting. Rabemananjara et al. (in press) visited populations of Mantella aurantiaca and M. milotympanum that local collectors claimed to have heavily exploited during past years (e.g., Vieites et al. 2005), and found Mantella to be very common at these sites. Rabemananjara et al. (in press) propose transferring the focus of the trade regulation more to the sites of collection that are usually in non-protected areas threatened by habitat destruction. Even where the capture of wild specimens does not yet constitute a threat to a species, the development of in-situ harvesting practices could provide an incentive motivating local land owners and entire communities to protect native habitat instead of clearing it, with resultant conservation benets. A local, sustainable, production programme for species of relatively high worth (e.g. Mantella frogs or dendrobatid frogs) could also have the additional benet of playing a signicant role in poverty reduction strategies in some of the poorest parts of the world. For example, the Global Environment Facility contributed nancial support to a project in Peru aiming to promote sustainable cultivation of poison dart frogs of the genera Epipedobates and Dendrobates23 for export. These frogs fetch US$40-120 in hobbyist markets in the United States, Europe and Japan. The Peru project established a business that exports the frogs to hobbyists in these countries. This business with expected annual revenues of about US$300,000 in Year 3 in turn provides supplemental livelihoods to more than 250 farmers, an incentive for preserving over 15,000ha of tropical forest, and the sustainable breeding methods conserve the populations of more than 60 species of frogs.24

To date, there have been few direct intervention efforts to prevent the spread of disease in wild populations of animals. Relatively successful examples include African Wild Dogs Lycaon pictus in Tanzanias Serengeti National Park for rabies (Woodroffe 2001) and Ethiopian Wolves Canis simensis in the Bale Mountains National Park of Ethiopia (Haydon et al. 2006). There is still no vaccine for chytridiomycosis, and development would, in any event, probably take many years. Furthermore, direct treatment of amphibians in the wild with anti-fungal agents is not without problems: release of anti-fungal agents in a way that would target the frog population signicantly enough to deal with infections would have unknown effects on the fungal component of the ecosystem (Daszak et al. 2008). Therefore, population management strategies involving capture of wild individuals and ex situ treatment, combined with selection for resistant individuals that could ultimately form the basis of lineages that could be released back into the wild, are the only viable options at present (see earlier). It may be possible to collect animals for survival-assurance colonies by making use of predictive modelling and thereby move ahead of the planned spread of the disease, as was conducted by Project Golden Frog (PGF) (see Essay 11.5) and attempted with EVACC. Other preventative measures in the interim include the disinfection of vehicles and footwear with 10% chlorine bleach solution to reduce the risk of pathogen dispersal21, and distributing signs to make people aware of the disease, the risk of spread, and means to sterilize potentially affected items. The best way to prevent unwanted diseases is to block their entry to a region. Australia affords an example of such a strategy. In July 2002, the Australian Government Minister for the Environment and Heritage decided that a threat abatement plan (TAP) was a feasible, effective and efcient way to abate the infection process, and directed a nationally coordinated threat abatement plan be prepared to guide management of the impact of the amphibian chytrid fungus on Australian amphibians. A


Policy-based actions are essential for providing the institutional support, human and nancial resources, and legal framework to ensure effective biodiversity conservation. Frequently, such actions occur by developing and implementing legislation at the national or sub-national levels, or through international agreements (e.g., Table 1). Legislation is typically regarded as being directed at the protection of particular species, such as by regulating the harvesting of individuals (e.g., Convention for the Regulation of Whaling25), their trade (e.g., Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; CITES26), or alterations in their habitat (e.g., the Ramsar Convention27). In the United States, for example, species listed under the United States Endangered Species Act (1973)28 are protected from exploitation and disturbance, and their habitats are subject to legal protection. As of October 2006, more than 30 amphibian species were listed on the ESA (Table 2) with a few additional species proposed as candidates for listing (such as Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Rana muscosa, CR) including several species not native to the US29. Legislation can also promote habitat protection, with perhaps the most well known being the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, better known as the World Heritage Convention (1972)30. Legislation also has the potential to protect habitat

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


by regulating land use patterns at a broader scale (e.g., Brazils Forestry Law). Finally, legislation can also regulate anthropogenic activities that are frequently the most pervasive causes of species declines (e.g., pollution generated by industry, transport leading to the introduction of invasive species, consumption of fossil fuels leading to climate change). There are now more than 500 international treaties that concern the environment31, and most countries have ratied key international treaties, although several remain unratied by key governments; for example, several countries in Asia and the Middle East, where signicant commercial trade in species occurs, have yet to join CITES. Such international treaties give conservation agencies a stronger mandate domestically (Steiner et al. 2003), which is important given that most conservation action takes place at the national level. Of course, any legislation is only useful if it is adequately implemented, and such implementation is lacking in many cases.


National legislation United States Endangered Species Act (1973): the species listed are protected from exploitation and disturbance, and their habitats are subject to legal protection.

Sites and habitats

Species-targeted legislation
In terms of international legislation specically targeting species, the most relevant for amphibians is CITES, instituted in 1975 (and see Table 3). Effectively, CITES is an agreement between governments designed to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Currently, CITES attempts to regulate the trade of some 30,000 different species around the world, both plants (25,000) and animals (5,000), whether dead or alive, whole animals, parts or products (e.g., carved ivory). Membership to the Convention is voluntary, and member countries, known as Parties, act jointly by agreeing to restrict international trade in a particular species that might be threatened with extinction. In effect, CITES restricts and regulates trade in wildlife species. All forms of import and export are regulated by means of appendices, which have varying degrees of exibility according to the required protection. Appendix I includes species threatened with extinction, and trade in specimens of these species is permitted only if the purpose of the import is non-commercial (e.g., scientic study). Appendix II includes species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled to avoid levels of use that would be incompatible with their survival. All trade in Appendix I and Appendix II species is supposed to be on the basis of a non-detriment nding indicating that the trade in question will not harm the conservation status of the species. Appendix III contains species that are protected in at least one country, and which has then asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. At the request of any Party, a species can be included on Appendix III. The Secretariat and Parties to the Convention meet every two years to revise the Appendices, and species may be downgraded or upgraded depending on their status (for an amendment to be made, there must be a two-thirds majority of Parties present), and to debate the benets of opening trade. For this reason, every Party to the Convention designates a Scientic Authority for advice on the benets or detriments of trade, and as to the current status of species. Parties are also required to submit annual reports detailing exports and imports of CITES-listed species (although some countries have never submitted a single report). A Party that does not agree with a species listing may enter a reservation32 and is then considered a non-Party with respect to the species in question, until the reservation is withdrawn. Since its inception, CITES has proved to be a successful agreement, and remains one of the largest of its kind in the world. International bans implemented by means of the CITES Appendices have done much to slow the trade in wildlife products across borders, and it is perhaps a measure of CITES success, that since its inception, no species listed on one of its Appendices has been declared formally Extinct because of international trade. Nonetheless, several species known to be threatened by international trade are not currently listed on any CITES Appendix. According to the Global Amphibian Assessment, 47 amphibian species that are listed as threatened are adversely impacted by exploitation for the international trade; currently, only 20 of these species are listed on Appendix I or II of CITES, leaving several species as priorities for inclusion on a CITES Appendix (Table 4). CITES has some drawbacks, largely because of which trade has been able to continue in many parts of the globe unchecked. First, as already noted, not all countries are Parties to the convention (currently, there are 169 signatories). Since membership is voluntary, any country not Party to the convention need not report to CITES, and so trade between these countries goes largely undocumented. These countries are, in effect, loopholes through which species can be illegally traded. Secondly, CITES, while legally binding, is an international body, and as such governs only international trade. The Convention does not replace domestic legislation, and its effectiveness is hamstrung by the degree to which countries implement and enforce their own domestic wildlife trade policies. In China, for example, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus, several Tylototriton spp. and Hoplobatrachus rugulosa are listed as Class II State Key Protected Animals whose collection, transport, cultivation, and sale requires permission from provincial authorities. Regardless, law enforcement is inadequate and illegal collecting is widespread (Wang et al. 2004). Further, while some Parties to CITES have domestic legislation with trade controls stricter than those required by the Convention, the effectiveness with which CITES is implemented varies between countries. At the time of writing, an Amphibian Identication Guide from Environment Canada containing all CITES protected species, is in the nal stages of preparation. The guide is designed specically for customs ofcers, to aid in the identication of protected species. It includes a colour key and a descriptive page for each species with full colour illustrations. Texts are in three languages: English, French and Spanish. Also, while CITES is intended to protect species threatened by international trade, it can sometimes hinder conservation, for example, blocking or delaying international movement of entire animals for ex-situ management programmes or parts thereof (material for genetic analysis).


International agreements Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES; 1975; global): regulates international trade of the species listed on its appendices. The Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (1979; regional): ensures the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats via cooperation between member States. EC Habitats Directive (EC Council Directive on the Conservation Brazils Forestry Law (1965): establishes that each rural property in of Natural Habitats of Wild Fauna and Flora; 1992; regional): the Amazonian basin must preserve at least 80% of its forest cover. the natural habitat listed must be maintained at a favourable Thailands Wild Animals Reservation and Protection Act (1960) and National Park Act (1961): legal basis for the creation of conservation status, particularly by creating a network of protected sites areas or protected areas, including national parks (144 sites), wildlife (Natura 2000 network). Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1975; global): provides the sanctuaries (53 sites), forest parks (42 sites), wildlife nonhunting areas (52 sites), biosphere reserves (1 sites), World Heritage Natural framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources, sites (1 sites), watershed class 1 and conservation of mangroves. in particular through the designation of sites under the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. World Heritage Convention (1972; global): encourages the identication, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage (including habitats of threatened species) around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. Countries submit places for designation under the World Heritage List. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Chinas Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (2003): requires (1994) and Kyoto Protocol (adopted in 1997, not yet into that governmental and non-governmental planning on land use, urban engineering, communication, and natural resource exploration force; global): caps greenhouse gas emissions in participating industrialized nations from 2008 to 2012 and establishes an goes through the process of an environmental impact assessment. international market in emissions credits that will allow these Australian quarantine regulations: strict control measures aimed at preventing the introduction of pests and diseases (mainly established nations to seek out the most cost-effective means to reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. to protect the agricultural sector, but also human health and the native ora and fauna). The Federal Constitution of the United States of Mexico (Constitucin Federal de Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos) Article 27: states that all natural resources are property of the nation, therefore all species of ora and fauna are protected. To use, collect, kill, transport or trade any amphibians, either living specimens or their parts, requires a collection permit, issued by the Mexican environmental authority (SEMARNAT).

Scientic Name Eleutherodactylus jasperi Rana aurora draytonii Rana chiricahuensis Conraua goliath Discoglossus nigriventer Rana capito sevosa

Where Listed Listing Status IUCN Category entire T CR subspecies range claried T NT entire T VU entire T EN entire E EX Wherever found west of Mobile E CR1 and Tombigbee Rivers in AL, MS, and LA southern California DPS entire entire entire entire U.S.A. (CA - Santa Barbara County) U.S.A. (CA - Sonoma County) Central CA DPS entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire entire E E E T E E E T T E E T E T T E E E E E E E E T E E CR CR2 EN EN VU VU VU VU NT CR

Rana muscosa Atelopus varius zeteki Leiopelma hamiltoni Eleutherodactylus cooki Eurycea sosorum Ambystoma californiense Ambystoma californiense Ambystoma californiense Plethodon nettingi Andrias davidianus (=davidianus d.) Batrachoseps aridus Ambystoma cingulatum Andrias japonicus (=davidianus j.) Phaeognathus hubrichti Eurycea nana Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum Plethodon shenandoah Ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi Typhlomolge rathbuni Bufo californicus (=microscaphus) Bufo superciliaris Bufo houstonensis Bufo periglenes Peltophryne lemur Bufo baxteri (=hemiophrys) Nectophrynoides spp.

Table 1. Examples of national legislation and international agreements relevant to amphibian conservation, for the conservation of particular species, for the protection of sites or habitats, and for the regulation of activities that can pose threats to biodiversity. Dates correspond to when the agreement entered into force. For international agreements, there is an indication of whether their scope is global (any country can ratify it) or regional. Note: many of these laws/agreements could be listed under two or more categories (e.g., the EC Habitats Directive simultaneously provides for the protection of species and sites/habitats, and for the regulation of activities). Many national biodiversity acts, such as South Africas Biodiversity Act of 2004, also fall in multiple categories. Adapted, with permission, from Baillie et al. (2004).


Habitat-based legislation
Several international treaties are concerned with site or habitat protection, including the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands that has designated 1,429 Wetlands of International Importance for conservation and wise use and the World Heritage Convention that has designated 830 properties as part of its World Heritage List. However, the most powerful convention related to protected areas is the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)33, signed by 150 government leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, and dedicated to: a) conserving biological diversity; b) sustainable use of its components; and c) fair and equitable sharing of the benets arising from the use of genetic resources. The CBD is currently focused on the 2010 Biodiversity Target: to achieve by 2010 a signicant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benet of all life on earth. To achieve this ambitious target, the CBD has employed a number of strategies, including the development and implementation of national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs), thematic programmes (e.g., on forests, inland waters, mountains, etc), and cross-cutting issues (e.g., on plants, taxonomy, invasive alien species, and protected areas). Protected areas are a central part of the CBD since the Parties themselves have consistently identied efforts to develop and maintain their national protected area systems

Table 2. Amphibians listed on the United States Endangered Species Act as of October 2006. E = Endangered; T = Threatened. Endangered species are those in danger of extinction throughout all or a signicant portion of their range; Threatened species are those that are likely to become Endangered in the foreseeable future. Note that these categories are independent of the IUCN Categories of Threat (nal column), but species appearing on the US Endangered Species list are an under-representation of species known to be threatened with extinction. 1considered a distinct species; 2considered a distinct species; 3considered a subspecies of Batrachoseps major (LC); 4included in the genus Eurycea ; 5as Bufo lemur; 611 species recognized (8 threatened, 2 DD, 1 LC).

as the central element of their strategy to implement the Convention. Since the 1960s, the IUCN World Congress in National Parks and Protected Areas has fundamentally inuenced the protected areas agenda. The Congress, which meets every 10 years, provides a forum for discussion on all ecological, social, economic, political, and practical matters related to protected areas. The establishment of a 10% target for protected areas stemmed from the Fourth World Parks Congress in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1992, where it was recommended that protected areas cover at least 10 percent of each biome by the year 2000 (IUCN 1993). Subsequently, the 10% target for protected areas became deeply entrenched in the thinking of many conservationists and incorporated into the national legislation of many countries for establishing protected areas. It was, and still is, generalized to apply


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Table 3. Amphibians listed on CITES Appendices I and II. No amphibians are listed on Appendix III. Many of the amphibians listed are traded internationally as pets (e.g., Phyllobates , Dendrobates , Epipedobates , Mantella , Dyscophus antongilii , Scaphiophryne gottlebei, Ambystoma). Euphlyctis hexadactylus and Hoplobatrachus tigerinus are in the frog-leg trade. Andrias davidianus is exploited for food, but is not generally in international trade. Other CITES-listed species (e.g., some of the African toad genera such as Nectophrynoides) have never been the subject of international trade, and so the utility of their listing is doubtful. The genus Rheobatrachus is Extinct, but not because of international trade.

Appendix I ANURA Bufonidae Toads Altiphrynoides spp. Atelopus zeteki Bufo periglenes Bufo superciliaris Nectophrynoides spp. Nimbaphrynoides spp. Spinophrynoides spp. Dendrobatidae Poison frogs

Appendix II

Appendix III

Order Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Anura Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata Caudata

Family Bufonidae Bufonidae Bufonidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Dendrobatidae Hylidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Mantellidae Microhylidae Microhylidae Microhylidae Microhylidae Ranidae Ranidae Ranidae Hynobiidae Hynobiidae Plethodontidae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae Salamandridae

Allobates femoralis Allobates zaparo Dendrobates spp. Epipedobates spp. Phyllobates spp. Mantellidae Mantellas Mantella spp. Microhylidae Red rain frog, tomato frog Dyscophus antongilii Scaphiophryne gottlebei Myobatrachidae Gastric-brooding frogs Rheobatrachus spp. Ranidae Frogs Euphlyctis hexadactylus Hoplobatrachus tigerinus CAUDATA Ambystomidae Axolotls Ambystoma dumerilii Ambystoma mexicanum Cryptobranchidae Giant salamanders Andrias spp.

Table 4. Species threatened by international trade according to the results of the Global Amphibian Assessment, indicating those species already listed on a CITES Appendix, and those for which legislation is required.

to individual countries and to the entire planet, despite its proven shortcomings (Soul and Sanjayan 1998; Rodrigues et al. 2004a). At the Fifth Congress held in South Africa in 2003, a workshop on Building Comprehensive Protected Area Systems demonstrated that despite substantial gains, global protected area systems are still far from comprehensive, and reiterated that percentage-based targets are not sufcient for protecting our biodiversity. Results from the Global Amphibian Assessment were key to building the case (see Essay 11.2). The Congress report to the CBD stated that the global system of protected areas needs to safeguard all globally and nationally important areas for biodiversity, and in the Durban Accord asked the global community for a commitment to expand and strengthen worldwide systems of protected areas, prioritized on the basis of imminent threat to biodiversity. Several countries responded immediately, with the President of Madagascar and the Governors of the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Amap announcing at the Congress itself that they would signicantly expand their protected area systems. Building on these commitments, the Seventh Conference of the Parties (the governing body of the CBD) adopted a Programme of Work on Protected Areas (Decision VII/2834) with the objective of the establishment and maintenance by 2010 for terrestrial and by 2012 for marine areas of comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas. This Programme of Work has four elements (implementation, governance and equity, enabling activities, and monitoring) each with several goals. The rst goal of the rst element to establish and strengthen national and regional systems of protected areas integrated into a global network as a contribution to globally agreed goals, bears mentioning since it requires the identication of sites of global biodiversity signicance in each country to determine which sites are currently not represented in protected area systems, and sets priorities for new actions among these sites (and therefore links directly back to the need to identify sites requiring urgent habitat protection). In 2002, the CBD adopted the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, which includes 16 targets under ve general headings: a) understanding and documenting plant diversity; b) conserving plant diversity; c) using plant diversity sustainably; d) promoting education and awareness about plant diversity; and e) building capacity for the conservation of plant diversity. In view of the amphibian crisis documented in this book, a multifaceted CBD global strategy on amphibians, building on the ACAP, should now be considered, and at the time of going to press, discussions were ongoing regarding the incorporation of a global strategy on amphibians into the CBD.

Name Appendix I Appendix II Not listed Atelopus cruciger y Atelopus zeteki y Melanophryniscus y cambaraensis Dendrobates altobueyensis y Dendrobates bombetes y Dendrobates granuliferus y Dendrobates lehmanni y Dendrobates opisthomelas y Dendrobates speciosus y Dendrobates steyermarki y Dendrobates virolensis y Phyllobates terribilis y Agalychnis annae y Phyllodytes auratus y Caudiverbera caudiverbera y Mantella aurantiaca y Mantella bernhardi y Mantella cowanii y Mantella crocea y Mantella expectata y Mantella madagascariensis y Mantella milotympanum y Mantella pulchra y Mantella viridis y Platypelis milloti y Scaphiophryne boribory y Scaphiophryne gottlebei y Scaphiophryne marmorata y Conraua goliath y Limnonectes macrodon y Rana shqiperica y Hynobius tokyoensis y Ranodon sibiricus y Plethodon petraeus y Cynops ensicauda y Echinotriton andersoni y Lyciasalamandra antalyana y Lyciasalamandra ati y Lyciasalamandra billae y Lyciasalamandra fazilae y Lyciasalamandra avimembris y Lyciasalamandra luschani y Neurergus kaiseri y Neurergus microspilotus y Paramesotriton fuzhongensis y Salamandra algira y Tylototriton kweichowensis y

Emissions Trading: the option to buy and sell emissions credits among developed countries. If one country exceeds its emissions target for one year, while anothers falls below its targets, the rst is permitted to purchase the second countrys unused emission credits to meet its emission target. Joint Implementation: a country can receive emissions credits for a specic project undertaken in another country. Clean Development Mechanism: developed countries can receive emissions credit for nancing projects that reduce emissions in developing countries CO2 emissions from deforestation are another type of emission that can be protably reduced if allowed into a market. At present, avoided deforestation (AD) carbon trading is restricted to particular voluntary markets in the US. The much larger Kyoto Protocol-based European markets do not currently trade in avoided deforestation, largely due to political concerns of the past. Developing countries took the position that developed countries should take the rst step toward tackling climate change. Now that a European carbon market is in place, developing countries see a nancial opportunity to sell emissions reductions from AD. Credits for AD would be related only to the amount of deforestation avoided, not the total amount of forest. This would be true for either a project-level or country-level scheme. Imagine a country that has one million hectares of forest, and an annual forest loss baseline of ten thousand hectares per year39. If this loss is reduced to 5,000ha per year, the country would be credited for a 5,000ha/year reduction, not their entire million hectare carbon stock. A proposal to bring AD into the Kyoto Protocol was introduced in November 2005 by the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CRN), a group of tropical developing countries led by Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica. This concept was originally proposed by Santilli et al. (2005) under the name compensated reduction. The CRN proposal has been endorsed to date by the African Union, European Union, Pacic Island Forum, British Commonwealth, Association of Small Island States, and most recently, Indonesia. Several years of international negotiations will need to take place before an agreement can be nalized. In the absence of an international treaty specically designed to reduce greenhouse gases, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change40 estimates that global mean temperatures will rise by between 1.4C and 5.8C, with resulting catastrophic consequences for weather patterns, biodiversity, and sea levels. However, limiting climate change requires major changes beyond simply signing the Kyoto Protocol; it involves the evolution of a society that becomes carbon neutral on a global scale in this century (Lovejoy and Hannah 2005).

Environment Canada have produced an Amphibian Identification Guide containing all CITES listed species, specically to aid customs officers in the identification of protected species. Image courtesy of Tamara Maliepaard.

Legislation aimed at regulation of activities

Among international legislative agreements regulating activities that can pose threats to biodiversity, arguably the most important is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change35 and the Kyoto Protocol. The UNFCCC, which entered into force in 1994, is an international treaty that sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate change. The Convention has near universal membership, with the ratication of 189 countries36. Recently, a number of nations have approved an addition to the treaty: the Kyoto Protocol37, an international and legally binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions world wide, which came into effect on 16 February 2005. The Kyoto Protocol signicantly strengthens the Convention by committing Annex I Parties to individual, legally binding targets to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. However, only Parties to the Convention that have also become Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (i.e., by ratifying, accepting, approving, or acceding to it) are bound by the Protocols commitments. 165 countries have ratied the Protocol to date, with the most notable exceptions being the United States and Australia. Under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries (termed Annex 1 countries) have committed themselves to reducing their collective emissions of six key greenhouse gases by at least 5.2%, with a reduced emissions target of 2008-2012 (calculated as an average over the ve years)38. Although these caps are national-level commitments, most countries will devolve their emissions targets to individual industrial entities. The complicating factor is that actual emission reductions will need to be much larger than 5%, because for some wealthy industrialized countries reduction targets will need to be as much as 15% lower than their expected emissions in 2008. To provide countries with the exibility to meet their emission targets, the Kyoto Protocol has established three market-based mechanisms:


Conservation action is more effective when supported by knowledge, not just on species themselves, but on the threats affecting species and the most effective measures needed for addressing those threats. Furthermore, research that is integrated with the implementation of conservation can allow for adaptive management of projects, thereby building on successes and learning from failures in a manner that best serves the species at risk. The results of

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


Figure 4. Richness map of Data Decient amphibian species, with darker reds corresponding to regions of higher richness. Colour scale based on ve quantile classes. Maximum richness equals 18 species. Note: this map is only an approximation, since for most Data Decient species the extent of occurrence is poorly known.

the Global Amphibian Assessment provided a much-needed context for the well-publicized phenomenon of amphibian declines, but they also provide us with directions and priorities for research needs, not only on a taxon basis, but also on a thematic basis. Among the species that emerge as priorities for research are those agged as Data Decient. The Red List category Data Decient is assigned to species for which there is inadequate information available to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction based on distribution or population status. As we have already seen, nearly onequarter of all amphibians are classied as Data Decient for one of three reasons: unknown provenance; taxonomic uncertainty; and/or inadequate data. Data Decient species tend to be concentrated in regions with high biodiversity, but are poorly surveyed (Figure 4). There are also noticeable concentrations in regions where recent taxonomic investigations are revealing unexpected complexities in terms of species limits, such as in the Western Ghats of India (see Essay 7.2). It is necessary to preface a discussion of research priorities and needs with a note that classication in the Data Decient category does not imply lack of threat. Indeed, IUCNs (2006) user guidelines explicitly note it may be appropriate to give them the same degree of attention as threatened taxa until their status can be assessed. The pessimistic listing of actual Data Decient species as threatened during the Red Listing process can lead to a muddling of conservation priorities with research priorities. This stems from concerns that species listed as Data Decient are seldom beneciaries of conservation investment, because they are not listed as threatened (e.g. see Garnett et al. 2003). However, Data Decient species should not be the immediate targets for conservation action per se: by denition, they are priorities for research action, be it in the form of taxonomic investigation or eld-based survey work, which in turn may reveal the need to conserve these species.41

provide very detailed information on the locality and habitat where the new species occurs, turning a scientic article into a treasure map for commercial collectors (Stuart et al. 2006b). The latter authors cite the example of the salamander Paramesotriton laoensis from northern Laos, which was not known in the international pet trade prior to its recent description as a new species (Stuart and Papenfuss 2002). Over the past year, Japanese and German collectors used the published description to nd these salamanders, and they are now being sold to hobbyists in those countries for US$170 to US$250 each. In the face of recognition that withholding such locality information hampers conservation and science as much as it does those seeking to prot from it, Stuart et al. (2006b) propose that taxonomists should work closely with relevant governmental agencies to coordinate publication of the description with legislation or management plans that thwart overexploitation of the new species and that while this might lengthen publication time, alternative solutions that allow taxonomists to continue their work without contributing to species decline are wanting.

Surveys and Monitoring

Clear descriptions of species by taxonomists go hand in hand with survey work. Several large regions, such as Indonesian Papua, Indonesian Borneo, central Africa and the Albertine Rift, and parts of the Andean countries, remain very poorly surveyed, and further surveys very likely will reveal impressive levels of diversity. To cite just one recent study, Stuart et al. (2006c) undertook the rst ever collection of amphibians in hilly eastern Cambodia since Henri Mouhouts work in 1859. Their collection comprised 30 species of amphibians, including two new species Leptobrachium mouhoti and Ophryophryne synoria, not to mention 11 new country records for Cambodia! While such herpetological collections have great value in terms of improving knowledge on a countrys national biodiversity assets, and in turn have immediate implications for national conservation strategies, there is also a need for targeted species surveys. Among those species urgently in need of survey work indeed, representing the top priorities for eld-based survey work are species considered Critically Endangered, and agged as Possibly Extinct (PE). This marker was designed specically to avoid the Romeo Error (Collar 1998) scenarios in which we might give up on a species as being extinct before it truly disappears (Butchart et al. 2006a). The term was rst applied to the case of a bird, the Cebu Flowerpecker Dicaeum quadricolor from the Philippines, which was rediscovered in 1992 after 86 years without a record (Dutson et al. 1993), having been written off as extinct at least 40 years earlier on the presumption that no forest remained on the island of Cebu (Magsalay et al. 1995). Such remarkable rediscoveries are by no means unique, with several species having been rediscovered, sometimes as long as a century after their date of last record. Among amphibians, recent rediscoveries include a surviving population of Atelopus cruciger in Venezuela, and the rediscovery of Atelopus nahumae and A. laetissimus, both believed to have gone extinct in the Colombian Andes. On the other hand, survey work conducted in Lebanon to search for Hula Painted Frog Discoglossus nigriventer, a species known only from the eastern shore of Lake Huleh in Israel and last recorded in 1955, failed to record the species following tantalizing reports that it might survive in the Aammiq marsh in south-east Lebanon (although the surveys did result in a new country record for Pelobates syriacus) (Tron 2005). Among those amphibians agged here as CR(PE) (Appendix IX), one recent interesting rediscovery published at the time of writing is that of Conraua derooi, which has not only been rediscovered in the Togo Hills (Leach et al. 2006), but has since been found outside its former range in the Atewa mountains (M.-O. Rdel, pers. comm.). Habitat loss and degradation is the major threat to this species (including increased sedimentation in breeding streams), with the result that the most immediate conservation action required is effective maintenance of natural habitat within the species limited range. Besides survey work, population monitoring is a required conservation action for most threatened species, especially for those where chytridiomycosis is believed to be a potential threat but has not yet resulted in population declines. Another set of species for which monitoring is important are those categorized as Vulnerable under the D2 criterion (Appendix X). These species usually have stable populations, but typically have very small distributions. As such, they are especially prone to the effects of human activities or stochastic events that could result in the species becoming Critically Endangered or even Extinct in a very short time period.

Although it is not yet possible to provide a reliable gure on which species are in need of further taxonomic investigation (i.e., those Data Decient species so categorized because of taxonomic uncertainty), there are particular taxa that repeatedly emerge as in need of taxonomic work, including confused genera such as Arthroleptis (14 of 34 species Data Decient), Caecilia (23 of 35), and Ichthyophis (27 of 34). The taxonomic impediment is by no means restricted to those known species categorized as Data Decient based on issues surrounding their actual taxonomic status. Just as species description rates continue to increase (Khler et al. 2005), new studies that use complementary diagnostic characters, such as genetic sequences and acoustic features, are revealing unexpected and cryptic diversity within wide-ranging taxa, with the implication that single, widespread species may actually represent multiple species having smaller geographic ranges, and, consequently, greater vulnerability to extinction (Stuart et al. 2006a). In the last mentioned study, the authors found that torrent frogs that have been identied to date on the basis of morphology as Rana livida and Rana chalconota represent at least 14 different species. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly apparent that morphology alone will not sufce for the purposes of biodiversity inventory work, and that new and complementary techniques are required to help identify species that warrant recognition and protection (see Essay 11.10 and Essay 11.11). In this regard, there is clearly a need to expedite the application of these techniques to known or suspected species complexes (e.g., Angulo et al. 2003; Fu et al. 2005). The implications of such taxonomic investigations for conservation planners are as yet to be fully revealed, but may be far-reaching. It is to be expected that many Data Decient species will really emerge as threatened species in their own right. Likewise, unravelling the complexities of current wide-ranging species complexes will likely result in a marked increase in the numbers of species currently considered threatened, and probably will see many species move from a lower category of threat to a higher category of threat. This is as a result of the inuence of splitting formerly wide-ranging species on overall population size and geographic range size, which are key factors in the IUCN Red List criteria (Collar 1996). In turn, a surge in threatened species will have implications for those initiatives incorporating threatened species listings, of which the Red List is the most commonly used, into priority setting exercises. For example, studies that have investigated how the inuence of differing species concepts will affect the identication of important areas for conservation have shown conicting results (e.g., Peterson and Navarro-Sigenza 1999; Dillon and Fjelds 2005). One possible side-effect of the windfall of species descriptions is that in the race to describe new species in the face of a biodiversity crisis, the publication of new descriptions of rare species might inadvertently facilitate their extinctions if the species in question turn out to have commercial value (Courchamp et al. 2006). Most modern species descriptions

As we have already seen, while many declines are due to habitat loss and over-harvesting, other factors are also operating, some of which are rapidly driving species to extinction.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Some salamander species, such as Neurergus kaiseri (Critically Endangered) from the southern Zagros Mountains of Iran, are increasingly threatened by the growing international pet trade, but have yet to be ofcially proposed for listing on a CITES appendix. Twan Leenders

Many of the reasons for amphibian declines have been acknowledged for decades (see Collins and Storfer 2003); others are only now beginning to be better understood (Beebee and Grifths 2005). Stuart et al. (2004) coined the term enigmatic decline species for those species that have shown dramatic declines (see Chapter 4), even where suitable habitat remains, for reasons that are not fully explained. We now know that one of the primary reasons for these enigmatic declines is likely the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis (spread by its causal agent, the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) (Lips et al. 2006), perhaps acting in deadly synergy with other factors, particularly climate change (Pounds et al. 2006). The most important research needs in terms of threats, include better understanding of the impacts of climate change, the role of environmental contaminants in declines, the spread and treatment of disease (specically chytridiomycosis, but other emerging infectious diseases, too), and, perhaps most important of all, the context-dependency of these and other factors (Blaustein and Kiesecker 2002), particularly when compounded with land use change. In the past decade, a great deal has been learned about the ecology, biology and impact of the chytrid pathogen (see Essay 4.5). This knowledge has included the development of advanced molecular diagnostic tests (Annis et al. 2004; Boyle et al. 2004); analysis of biochemical defences of amphibians against the pathogen (Rollins-Smith et al. 2002; and see Essay 2.2); and the use of ecological niche modelling to predict the spread of the disease (Ron 2005; and see Essay 11.4) and phylogenetic-based predictive models (Lips et al. 2006). Nonetheless, there remain several unanswered questions concerning this disease, and these offer important and urgent opportunities for targeted research (Daszak et al. 2007): Studies on the ecology of B. dendrobatidis, including basic and critical aspects of its natural history, such as how and where it survives, and how long it can persist in the environment. Initial studies suggest it can survive for up to 8 weeks as a saprobe, an organism that derives its nutrition from the dead remains of other organisms, in sterile pond water (Johnson and Speare 2003). Understanding how amphibians respond to infection. Do any amphibians become immune when rst infected? We know, for example, that a number of species become susceptible again even after they have cleared an initial infection. Do amphibians respond to infection by changing behaviour, e.g., basking, to eliminate infections? How does the chytrid fungus spread? And is there any relationship between its spread and trade in amphibians? Despite the availability of advanced modelling techniques to predict the spread of disease, one of the highest priorities is to determine the means by which B. dendrobatidis moves among sites, species, and individuals over varying scales. Why does B. dendrobatidis cause declines in some amphibian populations, while others are unaffected (e.g., Retallick et al. 2004; Lips et al. 2006). Studies are needed of how immune responses, antimicrobial peptide responses (Woodhams et al. 2006; Harris et al. 2006), or the genetics of species (or populations) that appear to be tolerant of the disease (e.g., American Bullfrogs), or completely resistant to infection, differ from susceptible species. How does chytridiomycosis cause death? Does it affect the ability of frogs to respire or osmoregulate through their skin, or does the pathogen release toxins that ultimately cause death? What caused the emergence of B. dendrobatidis? This includes surveying museum collections (e.g., Puschendorf et al. 2006) and conducting molecular phylogenetic studies to determine when and where chytrid rst emerged, or whether it has always been widespread and local environmental conditions cause emergence and spread (Rachowicz et al. 2005).

Can lineages resistant to chytridiomycosis be selected for in captivity and reintroduced to native habitats? Research needs on the effects of environmental contaminants on amphibians are presented by Boone et al. (2007), who emphasize again that there is a primary need to examine the interactive effects of either multiple contaminants or contaminants with other threats (such as disease, pathogens, climate change, and habitat alteration), to help plan mitigation measures to thwart declines. Other important directions for research into the threats posed by contaminants include: Improved understanding of the impact of contaminants on both aquatic and terrestrial life stages (currently, there are limited data focusing on the terrestrial life-stage or interactions between aquatic and terrestrial stages); Studies to investigate how contaminants affect populations over long time periods (e.g., Semlitsch et al. 1996), and how adaptation to a chemical stressor may inuence population persistence or make individuals vulnerable to other factors (e.g. Semlitsch et al. 2000). Investigating the effects of other common pollutants on amphibians (recent studies have focused heavily on carbaryl, atrazine, and coal combustion wastes), particularly herbicides and insecticides. For example, the herbicide atrazine disrupts the endocrine system (e.g., Hayes et al. 2002), and herbicides can reduce the food base of the community (Diana et al. 2000; Boone and James 2003). Other groups of contamination resulting from industry by-products, mining activities and oil and gas prospecting leakages, as well as human and other animal waste products (pharmaceuticals, sewage by-products), also pose potential threats that require study (Brooks et al. 2003). The types of contaminants and combinations of contaminants that amphibians are exposed to in nature. Finally, research related to climate change is needed. Recent climate change is causing some species to breed earlier (e.g., Beebee 1995; Gibbs and Breisch 2001; Corn 2003), and recent warming episodes may play some causal role in declines in some areas (Pounds et al. 1999, 2006). However, there remains a need for further research to understand how climate change affects amphibians, and given the loss of amphibians from pristine habitat, the possible synergies between disease dynamics and climate change.


Amphibian declines were open to debate only 15 years ago, but increasing evidence reveals that many amphibians are undergoing cataclysmic declines, some to extinction, and that a suite of causes is responsible. How we respond, and in what way, will depend on whether the conservation community at large can focus attention on known priorities and use the tools and knowledge available to act. Some have argued that hope is already lost, the resources do not exist, and that the best conservation scientists can do is act as scribes documenting the declines of a once diverse fauna. We contend that to do so, in the face of explicit existing conservation options, would be not unlike the re trucks standing by while the Sistine Chapel burns. History has shown that targeted conservation efforts can help the recovery of even the most threatened species, including species that have declined to low numbers, such as the Rodrigues Fody Foudia avicans (Impey et al. 2002), Black Robin Petroica traverse (Aikman et al. 2001), Mallorcan mid-wife toad Alytes muletensis (Essay 11.6), Antiguan Racer Alsophis antiguae (Daltry et al. 2001), and Black-footed Ferret Mustela nigripes (Dobson and Lyles 2000). In a recent study investigating how many bird extinctions conservationists have prevented, Butchart et al. (2006b) used data on population sizes, population trends, threatening pro-

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


cesses, and conservation actions, to identify at least 26 bird species surviving in the wild that would have very probably gone extinct without conservation programmes. Of course, many still require sustained conservation efforts, and a major increase in global conservation resources is necessary to extend such efforts to thousands of threatened species. Nonetheless, such case studies prove that action directed at priority species can be a path to future recovery (Rodrigues 2006). We have demonstrated that we have the information at hand to at the very least identify which species require what type of conservation action, and which species require that action rst. This, in the end, is what denes our ability to mitigate biodiversity loss our ability to set priorities for where we should invest resources. The resources are limited, but the constraints can act as a lens that concentrates options and resources on the most urgent. We cannot expect to ensure habitat protection for the 90% of species for which habitat loss is a threat, but there are is a nite set of species for which our failure to secure the last remaining tracts of habitat now means, almost certainly, the loss of a countrys, even the Earths, unique biodiversity assets. So, as we set out to put a face on the amphibian crisis in the pages that follow, we end with a challenge. A proposed action plan has been developed with many ambitious components, including some not discussed above, such as establishing national networks in priority countries to monitor trade in amphibians. These actions should form part of a unied and coordinated conservation response that must address the top priorities. To coordinate and facilitate such targeted conservation programmes for amphibians, Mendelson et al. (2006) called for the formation of an Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) under the umbrella of the Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN (see Essay 11.12). The ASA is envisioned as a partnership-based alliance, consisting of a large and diverse set of stakeholders, and representing a global vehicle for mobilizing and coordinating stakeholders to examine, deliberate, and act on advancing the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan. Our research designed to understand the causes and consequences of amphibian declines will require inspired thinking, and must lead to explicit practical recommendations for actions. Our actions, in turn, will need to be methodical and exacting. Our failures will need to motivate us, while our successes will need to be promoted. The hope is that, in the end, we can succeed in even the most difcult of cases.

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Endnotes 1 2 The cornerstones of AZE site identication, as with that for KBAs, are the IUCN Red List categories assigned to taxa that trigger the identication of a site in the rst place. Thus, it is crucial that the Red Listing process is rigorous, transparent, objective and repeatable, and appropriately supported by the relevant supporting documentation, given the utility and value of these in conservation planning (see also Rodrigues et al. 2006). 3 Protection status is not known for 16 sites. 4 In this instance, three conservation NGOs - Fundacin ProAves Colombia, Conservation International, and American Bird Conservancy - joined by the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, teamed up to protect a 1,600-acre site (the El Dorado Nature Reserve) on the north-west slope of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta massif, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The site provides what is believed to be a critical last refuge for several highly threatened amphibian species (including Atelopus laetissimus, A. nahumae, Colostethus ruthveni, and Cryptobatrachus boulengeri) as well as for several threatened bird species (Pyrrhura viridicata, Myiotheretes pernix, and Campylopterus phainopeplus). 5 Morningside is a 1,000-ha area just to the east of the Sinharaja World heritage Site, and the only known site for ve highly threatened amphibians: Microhyla karunaratnei (CR), Polypedates fastigo (CR), Philautus simba (CR), Philautus procax (CR), and Philautus decoris (EN). 6 Although disease is a major threat factor, the current priority conservation response is research and probably captive breeding. At this stage, its not clear what conservation action can be taken at either the site or landscape scale to reduce the threat of disease. 7 020528.pdf 8 publications/recovery/corroboree-frog/index.html 9 publications/recovery/rainforest-frogs/index.html 10 Treatment is usually via antifungal drugs (Parker et al. 2002) or heat (Woodhams et al. 2003). 11 policy/exsituen.htm 12 In some cases, it is reasonable to predict that chytrid could be the cause of such declines where a species shares particular biological traits or habitat preferences that would render it susceptible to infection. 13 We identied any CR or EN species for which a) chytrid was already identied as a known threat (i.e., known to be a major threat resulting in declines, whether in tandem with other threats such as habitat loss or not), or b) chytrid was believed very likely to be the cause of observed declines given that the species shared certain biological traits or habitat preferences (e.g., montane, stream-breeding, congeneric) with other affected species such that it was very likely to be affected by chytrid, as those species for which the establishment of ex-situ assurance colonies is absolutely necessary. 14 property.html 15 Atelopus zeteki, Anotheca spinosa, Gastrotheca cornuta, Hemiphractus fasciatus, Eleutherodactylus punctariolus, Eleutherodactylus bufoniformis, Eleutherodactylus museosus, Hylomantis [Phyllomedusa] lemur, Ecnomiohyla [Hyla] mbiimembra, and Hyloscirtus [Hyla] palmeri. Two priority species Dendrobates vicentei and Hyloscirtus [Hyla] colymba are yet to be collected. 16 The Species Survival Plan programme began in 1981 as a cooperative population management and conservation program for selected species in zoos and aquariums in North America. Each SSP manages the breeding of a species in order to maintain a healthy and self-sustaining population that is both genetically diverse and demographically stable. Beyond this, SSPs participate in a variety of other cooperative conservation activities, such as research, public education, reintroduction and eld projects. Currently, 107 SSPs covering 161 individual species are administered by the Association of Zoos and Aquarium, whose membership includes accredited zoos and aquariums throughout North America. Besides the Puerto Rican Toad, the only other amphibian species for which an SSP exists is the Wyoming Toad. See http://www.aza. org/ConScience/ConScienceSSPFact/ for more information.


Threatened Amphibians of the World

17 policy/reinte.htm 18 020528.pdf 19 Comprehensive reviews of options for invasive species control and prevention are provided in McNeely et al. (2001), Wittenberg and Cock (2001), and Veitch and Clout (2002). IUCN has also prepared a set of guidelines to help countries, conservation agencies and concerned individuals to reduce the threats posed by invasive alien species to global biodiversity ( 20 Rotenone is a piscicide that has been used to remove unwanted sh stocks from a variety of aquatic habitats, although not without negative impacts on other aquatic fauna and amphibians. The impacts of rotenone-containing piscicides on amphibians have been reviewed by Fontenot et al. (1994) and McCoid and Bettoli (1996). 21 mailing.html 22 020528.pdf 23 These species are listed on Appendix II of CITES (see later), which means that international trade in these species is permissible if sustainably managed. CITES ofcials have been supportive of this project because it will alleviate pressure on poison dart frog populations. 24 cfm?projID=1485 25 htm 26 27 28 29 The ESA implements US participation in CITES, and these were rolled together in the legislation when the ESA was implemented in 1973 (the same year as CITES was formed). Consequently, there is a link between ESA and CITES and some species threatened by trade have also been listed. In the late 1970s, FWS had a long list of candidate species (about 200 species), including many foreign species (many of which were unrelated to CITES issues). A Fund for Animals lawsuit pushed for the listing of most or all of the candidates, and the resultant mass listing resulted in the listing of many foreign species. As such, most of the foreign listings occurred in the rst decade of the ESA and there have been very few since. FWS currently has little interest in listing new foreign species. Provisions on take do not apply in foreign jurisdictions and are unenforceable. Further, FWS has a stated policy that foreign listed species are the lowest in priority among listed species, and there are no recovery plans for listed species and no funding. 30 31 32 A Party may enter a Reservation only at the time that it joins the Convention, or within 90 days of a change being made in the listing of a species on the Appendices. 33 34 35 36 Iraq, Somalia and Timor-Leste are among those yet to ratify 37 38 Cuts in the three most important gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20) will be measured against a base year of 1990. Cuts in three long-lived industrial gases hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexauoride (SF6) can be measured against either a 1990 or 1995 baseline. 39 To know how much deforestation has been reduced, it is necessary to know how much deforestation would occurred otherwise. This reference level is referred to as a baseline. While there are a number of ways this baseline could be selected (e.g. modeled projections, present deforestation rate), the best baseline for a variety of reasons is an average deforestation rate over a recent historical time period. 40 41 Conversely, listing species that are known to be genuinely threatened with extinction as Data Deficient, either because assessors demand substantial evidence that a species is threatened before making such a classication, or to side-step well intentioned but misguided government policies that restrict eld research on threatened species, could result in species not receiving conservation attention before it is too late (see Pimenta et al. 2005; Stuart et al. 2005 for discussion).

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Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


The global amphibian community rst became aware of the amphibian decline phenomenon at the rst World Congress of Herpetology in Canterbury, UK, in 1989. Conversation outside the formal sessions was dominated by anecdotal reports, from all over the world, of once-common species that had disappeared. In the following year, a workshop set up by the US National Academy of Sciences lead to the formation of the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) in 1991, under the aegis of IUCNs Species Survival Commission. From the start, the DAPTF was formerly linked to the World Congress of Herpetology (WCH). The rst DAPTF Ofce was established at Oregon State University, Corvallis, under the direction of James L. Vial, assisted by Lorelei Saylor. In 1994, the DAPTF Ofce moved to the Open University, UK, with Tim Halliday as International Director and John Baker as International Coordinator; it remained there until the closure of the DAPTF in June, 2006. During its existence, the DAPTF has had ve Chairs: David B. Wake, Robert Johnson, W. Ronald Heyer, James Hanken, and James P. Collins. It has had three International Coordinators: John Baker, John Wilkinson, and Jeanne McKay. At a meeting in 1992, the DAPTF set itself the following goals (Heyer and Murphy 2005): 1. Catalyse, catalogue and coordinate efforts to gain an understanding of amphibian population declines. 2. Identify those target populations, species and regions that merit immediate attention. 3. Gather and critically examine evidence concerning causal factors contributing to amphibian declines and identify remedial action. 4. Promote data collection on amphibian populations on a long-term basis. 5. Enlist the support of appropriate scientic disciplines needed to address the issues. 6. Disseminate information on amphibian declines to the scientic community and promote public awareness. 7. Advise the IUCN, other conservation organizations, and appropriate governmental bodies on necessary and immediate action. An important product of the DAPTF has been its regular, free newsletter, Froglog. This has been used as a means by which the DAPTF Ofce can communicate with the herpetological community, and as a medium through which herpetologists can report the results of their work and air their views on amphibian declines. As the DAPTF has developed and grown, Froglog has increased in size and frequency of publication; in 1997, it went from a quarterly to bi-monthly publication. As of June 2006, 75 issues of Froglog had been published. Since 2004, Froglog has been published electronically. The membership of the DAPTF was informal and it is impossible to say how many people around the world considered themselves to be members. The circulation of Froglog reached 3,000 when it was produced only in hard copy, but many of these copies went to groups rather than individuals. The membership was organized into 90 Regional Working Groups, covering specic regions (e.g., Southeast Asia), specic countries, or specic regions within countries. The work of some of these working groups contributed to the production of major regional reports on amphibians, such as those for the Lesser Antilles (Kaiser and Henderson 1994), the former Soviet Union (Kuzmin et al. 1995), Canada (Green 1997), Australia (Campbell 1999), southern Africa (Minter et al. 2004), and the USA (Lannoo 2005). From the beginning, the DAPTF recognized the importance of developing protocols for monitoring amphibian populations and for disseminating best practice in population monitoring among its members. An issue-based DAPTF working group addressed this issue and produced an important book on the subject (Heyer et al. 1994). Since its inception, the DAPTF has allocated a substantial proportion of its budget to an annual programme of Seed Grants. These are small awards (typically $500 to $2000) given to support projects that further the DAPTFs mission, with the intention that they will not only yield results that further our scientic understanding of the amphibian decline phenomenon, but will also lead to recipients setting up new lines of research that will attract further, more substantial funding from conventional sources (Halliday 2002). While the greatest number of proposals has been received from the USA, the DAPTF steadily increased its global outreach year by year. Up until June 2006, proposals had been received from over 80 different countries, and the DAPTF had funded projects in 49 countries. While most projects have been for research, some Seed Grants were awarded to particular Regional Working Groups to fund workshops and meetings. In the last few years, the budget for Seed Grants was augmented by large donations from other organizations: an anonymous donor (AD), Conservation International (CI), the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), and the Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring Initiative (ARMI). These donors specied the areas in which their funding can be used: climate change (AD), specic biodiversity hotspots (CI and CEPF), and activities within the USA (ARMI). The decline in the number of applications for DAPTF Seed Grants from 2004 onwards (Table 1) is probably a reection of the fact that the amphibian decline phenomenon has achieved much higher status in the wider academic community since the DAPTF was established. This has enabled amphibian researchers in many parts of the world to obtain substantial grants from conventional grant-giving bodies. The changing pattern of applications for DAPTF Seed Grants reects the DAPTFs most important achievement: it stimulated and sustained interest in amphibian declines until such time as the academic community as a whole came to recognize its full importance. The DAPTF Seed Grant program was very successful in achieving its aim of enabling researchers to initiate innovative lines of research into amphibian declines and their causes. As of June 2006, the number of papers in refereed journals that acknowledged the DAPTF as a source of funding exceeded 100. In addition to its Seed Grant programme, the DAPTF maintained a small Rapid Response Fund, recognizing that some aspects of amphibian declines, notably mass mortality events, require more immediate action than can be provided by an annual grant program. Between 1998 and 2006, the DAPTF received 17 bids to this fund, and funded eight of them. The development of the DAPTF coincided with the development of the internet, enormously facilitating the capacity of organizations like the DAPTF to communicate and disseminate information globally. The DAPTF launched its own web site in 2004 and is now linked to numerous web sites, such as AmphibiaWeb (, which cover various aspects of amphibian biology, status and conservation. In June 2006, the DAPTF was disbanded as an independent organization, with many of its activities being incorporated into the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) (see Essay 11.12). Tim Halliday

Campbell, A. (ed.). 1999. Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia. Green, D.M. (ed.). 1997. Amphibians in Decline: Canadian Studies of a Global Problem. SSAR, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Halliday, T. 2002. Getting started with seed grants the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force. Species 38:18. Heyer, W.R. and Murphy, J.B. 2005. Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force. In: M. Lannoo (ed.), Amphibian Declines. The Conservation Status of United States Species, pp. 17-21. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA. Kaizer, H. and Henderson, R.W. 1994. The Conservation Status of Lesser Antillean Frogs. Herpetological Natural History 2:41-56. Kuzmin, S.L., Dodd, C.K. and Pikulik, M.M. (eds.). 1995. Amphibian Populations in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Current Status and Declines. Pensoft Publications, Moscow, Russia. Lannoo, M. (ed.). 2005. Amphibian Declines. The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA. Minter, L.R., Burger, M., Harrison, J.A., Braack, H.H., Bishop, P.J. and Kloepfer, D. (eds.). 2004. Atlas and Red Data Book of the Frogs of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C, USA.

Table 1. DAPTF Seed Grants submitted and awarded by year.

Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000/1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Totals No. Submitted 2 31 1 38 3 49 53 45 47 57 63 65 48 32 534 No. Awarded 1 5 0 9 2 11 15 14 21 37 19 23 14 12 183 Value ($$) 1,000 4,975 0 15,517 3,000 22,921 27,550 23,828 40,283 58,217 32,537 43,123 25,450 23,133 $321,534

The in-situ conservation of viable populations in natural ecosystems is widely recognized as a fundamental requirement for the maintenance of biodiversity (e.g., Convention on Biological Diversity). Indeed, the practical value of protected areas in shielding areas of land from destructive use has been clearly demonstrated (e.g. Bruner et al. 2001). Protected areas have therefore received wide recognition as core components of conservation strategies, and their designation is a requirement of several multilateral environmental agreements (e.g., the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands), as well as national and international legislation (e.g., European Union Birds and Habitats Directives). In 1992, the Fourth Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (Caracas, Venezuela) called for protection of at least 10% of each major biome by the Year 2000 (IUCN 1993), an ambitious target at a time when only an estimated 3% of the planets land area was under protection. In 2003, the Fifth World Parks Congress (Durban, South Africa) witnessed the announcement that 11.5% of the Earths land surface is now under some form of protection (Chape et al. 2003). Most Governments have invested in the creation of protected areas systems, with more than 100,000 being recognized by the 2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas (Chape et al. 2003). This extraordinary expansion of the global network of protected areas should be celebrated as a major conservation achievement, as they are no doubt contributing very signicantly for the protection of the worlds biodiversity. However, this global network is still largely incomplete. A recent global gap analysis found that at least 12% of the species of birds, mammals, amphibians and turtles analysed were not covered by any protected area in any part of their ranges (Rodrigues et al. 2004). Amphibians had the highest proportion of gap species. Here, we update the results of this 2004 global gap analysis for amphibians, drawing on improved species and protected area data. A precise evaluation of how effective the worlds protected areas are in safeguarding amphibians is not possible with current knowledge. On the one hand, our data on species distributions are very coarse: all we have are generalized maps of extent of occurrence that for most species are likely to include vast expanses of unsuitable habitat. On the other hand, our data on protected areas are very limited: the database is likely to be incomplete, but also likely to include many areas in which amphibian species are poorly protected, or not protected at all. It is therefore impossible to know exactly which species are adequately conserved in which protected areas. We used a diversity of approaches to obtain a range of estimate of the degree to which amphibian species are covered by the global network of protected areas. The rst three approaches employed (Table 1) investigated the spatial overlap between the amphibian distribution maps compiled through the Global Amphibian Assessment and the 2006 World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA 2006). The WDPA includes about 57,500 protected areas mapped as polygons and about 118,000 protected areas mapped as points. Amongst the latter, the 80,500 for which area information was available were converted to circles, while the remaining protected areas were simply mapped as points. In the most simple of the gap analysis approaches (Gap 1), we looked for species whose ranges do not overlap any of the protected areas in the WDPA. This approach considers a species to be covered if any part of its mapped range overlaps any protected area; otherwise, it is a gap species. Given the data limitations explained above, this is very likely to be a crude overestimate of the overall species coverage. Trying to focus on protected areas more likely to effectively protect species, in our second approach (Gap 2) we narrowed down the denition of protected area to include only those classied by IUCN as strictly protected, that is, under categories I to VI (IUCN 1994). The third approach (Gap 3) considered only protected areas larger than 1,000 ha (thus excluding also all of those mapped as points) which are classied under categories I to IV (Table 1). The fourth and nal approach (Gap 4) did not use the WDPA data. Instead, it used information provided by the Global Amphibian Assessment experts on whether or not a species was known to occur in protected areas. A species was considered covered if protected areas were considered to be a conservation measure in place, and a gap species otherwise. The fraction of species identied as gap species varied between 14.1% and 28.8% of all amphibians, and between 19.7% and 35.1% of threatened species (Table 1). The strong bias towards threatened species is again evident from Figure 1, which also demonstrates that species of higher levels of threat (Critically Endangered) are particularly likely to be gap species. Data Decient species are the dominant Red List category amongst gap species (Figure 1). Less-known species tend to have poorly known distributions, so many of these species may be subsequently found to occur in protected areas. However, lack of knowledge is often associated with rarity, and thus many of these species are likely to have truly small populations and to be highly threatened. Previous studies found that levels of coverage for amphibians are substantially lower than for other vertebrate taxa (Rodrigues et al. 2004). This is likely a reection of their much smaller range sizes, as widespread species tend to be covered in protected areas even if by chance alone. Other explanations include habitat preference amphibians tend to be associated with freshwater habitats, which are not particularly well addressed by the terrestrial network of protected areas and taxonomic bias few protected areas were created with any consideration of amphibian distributions. By mapping the gap species found according to each approach it is possible to obtain a map of the regions where the global protected area network is most incomplete in representing amphibian species (Figure 2). Overall, the areas identied as having higher concentrations of gap species

Gap analysis approach Gap 1 (All protected areas in the WDPA) Gap 2 (IUCN categories I to IV) Gap 3 (IUCN categories I to IV AND >1,000 ha) Gap 4 (GAA experts) Total number of species

All species 815 (14.1%) 1,390 (24.0%) 1,473 (25.4%) 1,669 (28.8%) 5,794

Threatened species 356 (19.7%) 599 (33.1%) 635 (35.1%) 618 (34.1%) 1,810

Table 1. Number and percentage of gap species under each approach, for all species and for threatened species. The total number of species refers to those for which distribution maps were compiled in the Global Amphibian Assessment (i.e., it excludes 124 species of unknown distributions).


Threatened Amphibians of the World

fall overwhelmingly in the tropics, especially in tropical and subtropical moist forests. They are also disproportionately located on islands, and on regions of high topographic complexity (tropical mountains). In the Western Hemisphere, the highest concentrations of gap species are found in the tropical Andes and in the Sierra Madre mountains in Central America. The Atlantic Forest and the Caribbean are also highlighted. Although the Guayana Shield and the Amazon are noted centres of endemism (see Chapter 4), the general lack of gaps there reects their extensive networks of protected areas and the relatively wide ranges of most of their species. For Africa, gap species tend to concentrate almost exclusively in the mountains, including the Cameroonian highlands, the Eastern Arc Mountains, the Albertine rift, the Ethiopian Highlands, and eastern Madagascar. Most gap species found in these regions of high endemism (see Chapter 4) have very restricted ranges. Concentrations of gap species in Somalia, on the other

hand, reect this regions extremely poor protected area coverage. In Asia, the main concentrations of gap species are found in the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka, but also in Himalayan slopes, southern China, and Japan, particularly the Nansei-Shoto (or Ryukyu) Islands. Further east, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands emerge as major priorities for the establishment of new protected areas. All of these are areas of very high endemism for amphibians (see Chapter 4). Nearly all of the regions identied here as having major gaps in protected area coverage of amphibian species are located in low-income countries in the tropics those that can least afford the costs of establishing and enforcing protected areas (James et al. 1999). This is the case even if the signicant local benets of protected areas are factored in (Balmford et al. 2003), because much of the benet of the establishment of protected areas is realized at a global scale (Kremen et al. 2000). Thus, our recommendation for the rapid Figure 1. Distribution of Red List categories amongst all species of amphibians and amongst those identied as gap species. Red List categories: CR Critically Endangered; EN Endangered; VU Vulnerable; NT Near Threatened; LC Least Concern; DD Data Decient; EW Extinct in the Wild.

establishment of protected areas in these regions goes hand-in-hand with a recommendation that the costs of this conservation are largely borne by the global community. Donor country governments, through bilateral and multilateral institutions, as well as NGOs, foundations, and private corporations and individuals all have an important role to play in nancing conservation (Balmford and Whitten 2003). Ana S.L. Rodrigues

Balmford, A. and Whitten, T. 2003. Who should pay for tropical conservation, and how could the costs be met? Oryx 37:238-250. Balmford, A., Gaston, K.J., Blyth, S., James, A. and Kapos, V. 2003. Global variation in terrestrial conservation costs, conservation benets, and unmet conservation needs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100:1046-1050. Bruner, A.G., Gullison, R.E., Rice, R.E. and Fonseca, G.A.B. 2001. Effectiveness of parks in protecting tropical biodiversity. Science 291:125-128. Chape, S., Blyth, S., Fish, L., Fox, P. and Spalding, M. 2003. 2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas. IUCN and UNEP/WCMC, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. IUCN 1993. Parks for Life: Report of the IVth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. IUCN and WCMC, 1994. Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories. IUCN and WCMC, Gland, Switzerland. James, A.N., Gaston, K.J. and Balmford, A. 1999. Balancing the Earths accounts. Nature 401:323-324. Kremen, C., Niles, J.O., Dalton, M.G., Daily, G.C., Ehrlich, P.R., Fay, J.P., Grewal, D. and Guillery, R.P. 2000. Economic incentives for rain forest conservation across scales. Science 288:1828-1832. Rodrigues, A.S.L., Andelman, S.J., Bakarr, M.I., Boitani, L., Brooks, T.M., Cowling, R.M., Fishpool, L.D.C., Fonseca, G.A.B., Gaston, K.J., Hoffmann, M., Long, J.S., Marquet, P.A., Pilgrim, J.D., Pressey, R.L., Schipper, J., Sechrest, W., Stuart, S.N., Underhill, L.G., Waller, R.W., Watts, M.E.J. and Yan, X. 2004. Effectiveness of the global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature 428:640-643. WDPA Consortium. 2006. 2006 World Database on Protected Areas. IUCN-WCPA and UNEP-WCMC, Washington D.C., USA.


% of species in each Red List Category





0 All species Gap 1 Gap 2 Gap 3 Gap 4








Figure 2. Number of amphibian gap species per equal-area (3,113km2) hexagon, averaged across the results of the four approaches to gap analysis employed. Darker cells have, on average, a larger number of gap species; colour scale based on seven quantile classes.

The overwhelming threat to biodiversity worldwide is the loss of native habitat (Baillie et al. 2004). Nearly 90% of globally threatened amphibians are being negatively impacted by habitat loss. Thus, conserving habitat is critical for the survival of amphibian species. One of the most effective means of targeting habitat conservation efforts is through the identication of globally signicant sites for biodiversity conservation, termed Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs; Eken et al. 2004). KBAs are identied using a set of globally standard criteria and thresholds derived from those developed by BirdLife International for the identication of Important Bird Areas (IBAs; e.g., Fishpool and Evans 2001). The KBA criteria align with the two principal measures of systematic conservation

Figure 1. Key Biodiversity Areas identied for amphibian species in the Philippines, indicating the single Alliance for Zero Extinction site (South Gigante Island. Numbers on the map correspond as follows: 1 - Southwestern Negros; 2 - Northern Negros Natural Park; 3 - Bataan Natural Park and Subic Bay Forest Reserve; 4 - Buguey Wetlands; 5 - Kalbario-Patapat National Park; 6 - Pagbilao and Tayabas Bay; 7 - Timpoong and Hibok-hibok Natural Monument; 8 - Dumaran-Araceli; 9 - Balabac Island; 10 - Puerto Galera; 11 - Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve; 12 - Balbalasang-Balbalan National Park; 13 - Apayao Lowland Forest; 14 - North Central Sierra Madre Mountains; 15 - Angat Watershed Forest Reserve; 16 - Mts. Irid-Angilo and Binuang; 17 - Mt. Kulasi; 18 - Malpalon; 19 - Busuanga Island; 20 - Ban-ban; 21 - Biliran and Maripipi Island; 22 - Anonang-Lobi Range; 23 - Mt. Nacolod; 24 - Mt. Diwata Range; 25 - Bislig; 26 - Mt. Agtuuganon and Mt. Pasian; 27 - Mt. Kampalili-Puting Bato; 28 - Mt. Kaluayan-Mt. Kinabalian Complex; 29 - Mt. Tago Range; 30 - Siburan; 31 - Balogo Watershed; 32 - Mt. Mantalingajan; 33 - South and North Gigante Island; 34 - Mt. Capayas; 35 - Mt. Dajo National Park; 36 - Victoria and Anepahan Ranges; 37 - Mt. Dingalan; 38 - Aurora Memorial National Park; 39 - Zambales Mountains; 40 - Mt. Bandila-an; 41 - Mt. Dapiak-Mt. Paraya; 42 - Mt. Busa-Kiamba; 43 - Mt. Sinaka; 44 - Mt. Hilong-hilong; 45 - Mt. Kambinlio and Mt. Redondo; 46 - Polillo Island; 47 - Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary; 48 - Central Cebu Protected Landscape; 49 - Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape; 50 - San Vicente-Taytay-Roxas Forests; 51 - Central Panay Mountains; 52 - Mt. Halcon; 53 - Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park; 54 - Mt. Canlaon Natural Park; 55 - Pasonanca Natural Park; 56 - Basilan Natural Biotic Area; 57 - Mt. Malindang Natural Park; 58 - Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park; 59 - Mt. Matutum Protected Landscape; 60 - Malampaya Sound Protected Landscape and Seascape; 61 - El Nido Managed Resource Protected Area; 62 - Mt. Guiting-guiting Natural Park; 63 - Mt. Calavite Wildlife Sanctuary; 64 - Quirino Protected Landscape; 65 - Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park; 66 - Mt. Isarog Natural Park; 67 - Casecnan Protected Landscape; 68 - Mt. Apo Natural Park; 69 - Cuernos de Negros; 70 - Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary; 71 - Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected Landscape; 72 - Samar Island Natural Park; 73 - Mt. Pulag National Park; 74 - North Eastern Cagayan Protected Landscape and Seascape; 75 - Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park; 76 - Penablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape; 77 - Calauit Island; 78 - Culion Island; 79 - Romblon Island

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


planning, vulnerability and irreplaceability (Margules and Pressey 2000), and can be applied to all taxonomic groups. Sites that hold one or more globally threatened species or that have globally signicant populations of a geographically concentrated species qualify. Geographically concentrated species include those that have a limited global range size (provisionally set at 50,000km), termed restricted-range species, as well as globally signicant congregations of species. Boundaries for KBAs are drawn to yield sites that can be managed for conservation, using data on management units, species ecological requirements, the extent of remaining habitat, topographical features, and human settlement patterns. In identifying and delineating KBAs for amphibians, information from the Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA), including range polygons, population estimates, and information on threats, conservation measures, and habitat requirements of species, can be used in combination with more specic locality data to help identify globally important sites. The identication of the set of KBAs within a region is typically driven from the national level. A good example of a country where this process is far advanced is the Philippines. With more than 20,000 endemic species, the Philippines is one of the worlds 17 megadiversity countries (Mittermeier et al. 1997), but with less than 7% of its original forest cover remaining intact, it is also one of 34 global biodiversity hotspots (Mittermeier et al. 2004). As such, accurately targeting scarce conservation resources is particularly important. Several priority-setting processes have contributed to this goal, including the identication of 117 IBAs by BirdLife International and the Haribon Foundation in 2001 and of 206 conservation priority areas by the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-setting Program (PBCPP) in 2002. In 2004, Conservation International-Philippines, in collaboration with the Haribon Foundation and the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, built on this earlier work to identify KBAs for multiple taxonomic groups, using a systematic, data-driven process. A number of other partner NGOs, government agencies, research institutions, and individual experts were involved in contributing data and peer review. A total of 128 KBAs were identied for threatened and endemic amphibians, mammals, birds, reptiles, and freshwater sh, with 79 sites triggered by 49 amphibian species (Figure 1). This total includes one Alliance for Zero

Extinction site (see main text) identied for an amphibian species (the Endangered island forest frog, Platymantis insulata, which is entirely restricted to the tiny island of South Gigante). The KBA process sometimes focuses on a regional level and involves multi-country cooperation. For example, in 2002, Nature Kenya and the Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, with the support of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), collaborated to identify globally important sites for conservation within the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya biodiversity hotspot (sensu Myers et al. 2000). Building upon the successful identication of IBAs in the region, a total of 160 KBAs were identied across ve taxonomic groups (plants, gastropods, birds, mammals, and amphibians). A total of 20 KBAs were identied for 44 amphibian species. Although KBAs continue to be rened as additional species and habitat data are obtained, the process of communicating these conservation targets to partners is well underway. In East Africa, in addition to providing a geographically explicit strategy for US$7 million of CEPF investment in the hotspot, these sites have also been adopted by a number of conservation partners in Tanzania and Kenya. Most importantly, they serve as the basis for priority sites in the $62.2 million Eastern Arc Mountains Endowment Fund, supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The identication of KBAs, therefore, clearly serves as a vital tool in focusing and leveraging funding for conservation. Once identied, safeguarding KBAs can take many forms, ranging from formal governmental protection and management, to strengthened management at existing sites, to implementing community-based conservation, to strengthening and monitoring the success of existing projects on the ground. One recent example from Colombia concerns the proclamation of the El Dorado Nature Reserve, contiguous with the Parque Nacional Natural Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which is the only known site for seven threatened amphibians, including the Critically Endangered Santa Marta Harlequin Frog Atelopus laetissimus and San Lorenzo Harlequin Frog Atelopus nahumae. Upon learning of the impending sale of plots from the site for the construction of vacation homes, three conservation organizations, Fundacin ProAves, the American Bird Conservancy, and Conservation International, stepped in to protect this 1,600-acre site on the north-west slope of the Sierra Nevada

de Santa Marta massif. In summary, site conservation is clearly critical in ensuring the long-term persistence of amphibian species, and in many cases complements and enhances the effectiveness of other important conservation techniques, such as disease mitigation, invasive species eradication, and captive breeding. However, effective conservation action is only possible if we know where such sites are and the KBA approach provides the tools necessary to highlight sites of global conservation signicance for amphibians. Naamal De Silva, Ruth Grace Ambal, Melizar V. Duya, Matt Foster, Kim Howell, David Knox, Penny Langhammer, Robinson Mugo and Alex Ngari

Baillie, J.E.M., Hilton-Taylor, C. and Stuart, S.N. 2004. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Eken, G., Bennun, L., Brooks, T.M., Darwell, W., Fishpool, L.D.C., Foster, M., Knox, D., Langhammer, P., Matiku, P., Radford, E., Salaman, P., Sechrest, W., Smith, M.L., Spector, S. and Tordoff, A. 2004. Key Biodiversity Areas as Site Conservation Targets. Bioscience 54:110-118. Fishpool, L.D.C. and Evans, M.I. 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands: Priority sites for conservation. Pisces Publications and BirdLife International, Newbury and Cambridge, UK. Margules, C.R. and Pressey, R.L. 2000. Systematic conservation planning. Nature 405:243-253. Mittermeier, R.A., Robles Gil, P. and Mittermeier, C.G. (eds.). 1997. Megadiversity. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Mittermeier, R.A., Robles-Gil, P., Hoffmann, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Brooks, T.M., Mittermeier, C.G., Lamoreux, J.L. and Fonseca, G. (eds.). 2004. Hotspots Revisited: Earths Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Ecoregions. Second Edition. CEMEX, Mexico City, Mexico. Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., Fonseca, da G.A.B. and Kent, J. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403:853-858.


Knowledge of the distribution of species is essential in order to conserve biodiversity. Conventional methods for inferring and monitoring changes in species distributions require labour- and time-intensive efforts and are realistically practical only for selected taxa and small geographic regions. Nevertheless, as human-induced pressures on biological diversity and extinctions increase worldwide, accurate predictions of species distributions are in increasingly urgent demand by both scientic and conservation communities. Modelling ecological niches to predict the geographic distribution of species has become an indispensable tool and has been used to study a wide variety of processes in ecology, evolution, and conservation (Graham et al. 2004). This suite of modelling techniques use complex mathematical algorithms to quantify the environmental space, or envelope, of species by determining the association between occurrence records and a series of environmental or biotic niche dimensions (e.g., temperature, precipitation, vegetation; see Figure 1). This relationship is then used to estimate the probability of occurrence of the target species in regions where it has not yet been recorded, and to estimate the geographic extent of suitable habitat. These areas are analogous ecologically to areas where the species has been reported to occur. As such, they are a function of the species ecological niche or environmental requirements, at least along the niche dimensions considered (Sobern and Peterson 2005). More recently, ecological niche modelling has been used in epidemiological studies to predict the distributions of pathogens, pests and diseases. For example, areas of Chagas disease, Ebola haemorrhagic fever, and Sudden Oak Death outbreaks have been successfully predicted (Peterson et al. 2002, 2004; Guo et al. 2005). These studies also yielded a detailed understanding of disease occurrence and risk areas, parasite-host distributional relationships, and ecological factors contributing to outbreaks. These and other examples reveal the applicability of ecological niche modelling to better inform programmes aimed at managing wildlife infectious diseases, particularly in regions where species survival has been compromised by the arrival of emerging diseases. Nevertheless, the application of ecological niche modelling on studies of amphibians pathogens has been surprisingly limited. Emerging infectious diseases have been increasingly identied across the globe as a threat to wildlife and human welfare (Daszak et al. 2000). An emerging disease generally has two characteristics: (1) its geographical range or host range is expanding, or its prevalence has been increasing in recent years, and (2) these changes are frequently driven by some form of largescale anthropogenic environmental change, such as climate anomalies or deforestation (Daszak et al. 2004). Given the link between disease occurrence and environmental conditions, ecological niche modelling should prove to be a valuable tool for examining the dynamics of emerging diseases. Studies have shown that habitat degradation and climate change can affect the life cycle of pathogens and can, therefore, inuence the patterns of disease outbreak and transmission. As a consequence, modelling the distribution of pathogens under different scenarios of future climate change, habitat loss, and fragmentation can be an important predictive tool to facilitate disease control. Identifying areas where disease is likely to spread as a result of climate change and habitat degradation should allow prioritization of monitoring efforts into high risk and presently uninfected areas. Predictions of both current and future distributions should also be useful for management of both pathogens and infected species. Amphibians may provide a dramatic example of the devastating impact of emerging diseases on wildlife. Over the past few years, a number of studies have implicated fungal, viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases in population declines, and even extinctions, of amphibians (Daszak et al. 2003). Of particular relevance is chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by a pathogenic fungus that may be related to mass deaths and severe declines in amphibian populations around the Earth (Longcore et al. 1999; Daszak et al. 2003). Figure 1. Ecological niche modeling (ENM). Predictions of niche occurrence are based on: (1) Species geographic distribution in the form of primary point occurrence data, and (2) Environmental variables. Modeling (3) consists on nding the association between species occurrence records and environmental or ecological variables. The associations nd resemblances on the environmental layers between occurrence records and other regions of the map. The output is a prediction of the distribution of regions suitable for the occurrence of the target species (4). The prediction represents the ecological niche projected back onto geography. Most of the modeling methods yield maps showing varying probabilities of the presence of suitable conditions across the region.

Niche modelling and disease in amphibians: an illustrative example

The rst application of niche modelling as a tool to characterize the environmental envelope and potential distribution of an amphibian pathogen was


1. Species occurrence records

2. Ecological variables

Annual Mean Temperature Vegetation Annual Precipitation Minimum Temperature of Coldest Period Elevation

OUTPUT ENM 3. Niche model in ecological dimensions 4. Distributional prediction

Annual Precipitation

Geographic projection



tio n

Annual Mean Temperature

20-40 40-60 20-40 40-60


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Figure 2. Predicted distribution of the fundamental niche of (A) the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, and (B) the Jambato toad, Atelopus ignescens, in Ecuador, South America. Darker yellow and red tones indicate a higher probability of occurrence. (C) shows areas of overlap between both species (gray areas). Red and yellow tones show areas of no overlap. Models were built from nine chytrid and 76 A. ignescens localities of known occurrence using MAXENT (Phillips et al. 2004). A 0.5 threshold was used to transform the probability data to presence/absence data for the chytrid fungus model. The predicted areas for the pathogen and the host overlap widely.

A. Chytrid distribution model

C. Overlap of distribution areas

published by Ron (2005). Niche modelling was used to predict the distribution of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in the New World. The predictions indicate that the regions of highest suitability for the chytrid are also the areas with the most diverse amphibian faunas worldwide. This study makes recommendations for management based on the fact that regions suitable for the establishment of the pathogen are widespread and that the pathogen has been regularly found in the pet trade. Specically, Ron (2005) suggests the implementation of severe trade regulations for live amphibians to avoid anthropogenic spread of the pathogen. The predicted occurrence of the chytrid fungus under a wide variety of environmental regimes and habitat types contrasts with the fact that most records for the chytrid fungus in the West Indies, Central, and South America are restricted to a somewhat limited portion of the predicted environmental niche (e.g., from montane forests and paramos). This asymmetry probably results from the inclusion of North American records in the process of model building, and highlights potential biases in the application of environmental niche modelling when the underlying locality data is not a representative sample of the pathogens environmental niche. Ideally, the input of the model should consist of positive localities found from uniform sampling throughout the distribution range. In reality, the distribution of positive records is biased by accessibility to eld sites, availability of museum collections and economic resources, and even by scientists idiosyncrasies (e.g., a priori perceptions of where the pathogen should occur). Other sources of model error are false positive localities and the exclusion of niche dimensions that are relevant to limit the pathogen niche. Comprehensible reviews of these sources of error are provided by Guisan and Zimmerman (2000) and Guisan and Thuiller (2005).

0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

B. Atelopus ignescens distribution model

0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

Predicting pathogen and host overlap

To exemplify the applicability of ecological niche modelling in the study of amphibian declines, we modelled the distribution of both the chytrid fungus and the Jambato Toad, Atelopus ignescens (CR), in Ecuador. The Jambato Toad was once widespread and common in the northern Andes and represents a well-documented case of the disappearance of an amphibian in the Neotropics during the late 1980s. According to our predictions, the geographic distribution of chytrid in Ecuador overlaps widely with that of the Jambato Toad (Figure 2). The environmental envelope analysis shows that both have very similar environmental requirements (i.e., low temperatures during the coldest and driest seasons; Figure 3). These results suggest an ecological and geographical association between both species that is consistent with hypotheses implicating the chytrid fungus in the extinction of the Jambato Toad and other Andean amphibians (Ron et al. 2003; Pounds et al. 2006). More detailed studies to explore the overlap between the niche space of threatened species and the chytrid fungus would be valuable to help clarify the role of this pathogen in widespread amphibian population declines.

and spread would also help to develop and test hypotheses on disease dynamics that will improve our capacity to design effective conservation programmes for amphibians. Pablo A. Menndez-Guerrero, Santiago R. Ron and Catherine H. Graham

of the Jambato Toad Atelopus ignescens (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Andes of Ecuador. Journal of Herpetology 37:116-126. Sobern, J. and Peterson, A.T. 2005. Interpretation of models of fundamental ecological niches and species distributional areas. Biodiversity Informatics 2:1-10.

Daszak, P., Cunningham, A.A. and Hyatt, A.D. 2000. Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife - threats to biodiversity and human health. Science 287:443-449. Daszak, P., Cunningham, A.A. and Hyatt, A.D. 2003. Infectious disease and amphibian population declines. Diversity and Distributions 9:141-150. Daszak, P., Tabor, G.M., Kilpatrick, A.M., Epstein, J. and Plowright, R. 2004. Conservation Medicine and a new agenda for emerging diseases. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1026:1-11. Guisan, A. and Thuiller, W. 2005. Predicting species distribution: offering more than simple habitat models. Ecology Letters 8:993-1009. Guisan, A. and Zimmermann, N.E. 2000. Predictive habitat distribution models in ecology. Ecological Modelling 135:147-186. Graham, C.H., Ferrier, S., Huettman, F., Moritz, C. and Peterson, A.T. 2004. New developments in museum-based informatics and application in biodiversity analysis. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:497-503. Guo, Q., Kelly, M. and Graham, C.H. 2005. Support vector machines for predicting distribution of Sudden Oak Death in California. Ecological Modeling 182:75-90. Longcore, J.E., Pessier, A.P. and Nichols, D.K. 1999. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis gen. et sp. nov., a chytrid pathogenic to amphibians. Mycologia 91:219-227. Phillips, S.J. Dudk, M., and Schapire R. E. 2004. A maximum entropy approach to species distribution modeling. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 655-662. Pounds, A.J., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster, P.N., La Marca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R., SanchezAzofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J. and Young, B.E. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Peterson, A.T., Bauer, J.T. and Mills, J.N. 2004. Ecologic and geographic distribution of lovirus disease. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10:40-47. Peterson, A.T., Sanchez-Cordero, V., Beard, C.B. and Ramsey, J.M. 2002. Ecologic niche modelling and potential reservoirs for Chagas disease, Mexico. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8:662-667. Ron, S.R. 2005. Predicting the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the New World. Biotropica 37:209-221. Ron, S.R., Duellman, W.E., Coloma, L.A. and Bustamante, M.R. 2003. Population decline
Primarily mean diurnal temperature range low high PC II

Taxa Chytrid model Ecuadorian amphibian records Chytrid records Jambato toad records



Newly available information

Several new types of information should be used to improve our understanding of the geographic and ecological distribution of the chytrid fungus and other pathogens of amphibians, as well as to predict how these distributions will change as a result of anthropogenic activities. The past several years have witnessed a tremendous increase in the availability of information that includes extensive databases on species occurrence (hosts and pathogens), high-resolution spatial data from remote-sensing platforms, comprehensive treatments of species phylogenies, and new insights on pathogen environmental physiology. Species occurrence records can be used to evaluate the spatial overlap of amphibian species and pathogens to assess extinction risks in the context of their respective evolutionary histories. Fine-grained remotely sensed information and faster computer processors should allow us to build more precise and rened predictions of amphibian disease outbreaks using ecological niche modelling. At present, the temporal resolution of climate maps is 30 years, which is too gross to predict disease driven by demographic processes. Finally, manipulative experimentation has resulted in new information about the physiology of chytrid fungus that can also be used to rene distribution models. We expect that the combination of these diverse sources of information in the framework of ecological niche modelling will contribute signicantly to understand disease epidemiology. New insights on disease distribution





PC I low high Primarily temperatures during coldest and driest seasons

Figure 3. Axes I and II from principal components analysis based on 19 environmental variables in Ecuador. Gray circles: 2000 random locations within the Chytrid fungus predicted niche distribution; green circles: 296 localities of known occurrence of Ecuadorian endemic species of amphibians in the genera Colostethus and Atelopus; blue squares: 9 localities of known occurrence of Chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis; red circles: 74 localities of known occurrence of Jambato Toad Atelopus ignescens. So far, all examined specimens of A. ignescens for chytridiomycosis have tested negative (Ron et al. 2003). However, the overlap between chytrid fungus model and Jambato toads occurrences in the environmental space is evident. Locality data is from specimens deposited in Field Museum of Natural History, Museo de Zoologa Ponticia Universidad Catlica del Ecuador, Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcs, Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University, Museum of Zoology University of Michigan, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California, Natural History Museum University of Kansas, and Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.


The best place to conserve wildlife is in the wild. However, in-situ threats sometimes cannot be mitigated quickly enough to prevent the extinction of a species in the immediate future, with the result that ex-situ intervention then becomes the only option available. However, given the magnitude of the problem versus the currently limited resources of the global ex-situ community, there simply is no room for most species in need of ex-situ management. For example, we estimate that the global zoo community can currently manage viable populations of ~50 amphibian species, which amounts to perhaps 10% of those requiring ex-situ intervention. Much ex-situ space exists in the private sector, but very little is currently utilized for conservation, with a few notable exceptions. Other limitations of ex-situ programmes are expense and risk of disease transmission, inbreeding and articial selection. Ex-situ programmes must be placed in the broader context of integrated recovery efforts: they are one component of the global conservation response, one that cannot stand alone, and one whose success still ultimately relies upon mitigation of the in-situ threats. We see ve conservation roles for ex-situ populations, balancing their potential contributions with their inherent limitations, all of which directly or indirectly benet wild populations: management for release to augment or restore wild populations conservation research

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


conservation education commercial production to relieve in-situ collecting pressure fund-raising to support any of the rst four activities and/or directly support in-situ conservation These roles are not mutually exclusive, and with careful planning, most ex-situ populations can serve and benet from multiple roles. Although these roles have been dealt with in larger monographs (e.g., Grifths and Kuzmin 2006, Marantelli et al. unpubl.), management for release is a task unique to the ex-situ community and will therefore be the focus of this essay. Here, we submit case studies in which programmes implemented by the ex-situ community have helped prevent the extinction of a threatened species. We present these case studies as models show-casing a range of options for future action.

have perished, without the cost or risk of a captive-breeding programme. A number of projects have used head-starting to some effect (Sredl et al. 2002; Gibson and Freeman 1997; Sredl and Healy 1999; Krofta 2003).

Translocations/reintroductions where ex-situ management is required until in-situ threats can be mitigated
Often threats are not immediately controllable or even identied and, in such cases, species may require ex-situ management across generations. In cases where threats are known to be temporally limited or able to be quickly mitigated, the ex-situ programme may be short or comprise only a generation or two. It is always desirable to reduce ex-situ time to minimize risks and maximize the value of the limited available resources. Captive breeding and reintroduction of frogs have been used to relocate and re-establish populations of Romers Treefrog (Chirixalus romeri, EN) following the loss of their habitat to development (Banks 1996; Dudgeon and Lau 1999). Over 100,000 zoo-produced tadpoles of the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Bufo lemur, CR) have been released, over the past decade, to augment small wild populations and restore extirpated populations in areas where breeding habitat has been restored (Johnson 1999). In some cases the duration of ex-situ management is indeterminate. Such programmes are resource-intensive and face additional risks, including genetic loss, articial selection, and the prospect that the species may never be repatriated. For the Kihansi Spray Toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis, CR), the ex-situ population has circumvented complete extinction, but there is currently no way to mitigate the in-situ threats (Krajick 2006). Project Golden Frog (PGF; Zippel 2002) and a collaborative multi-species effort in Panama by the Atlanta Botanical Garden and Zoo Atlanta (Mendelson and Rabb 2006) are other examples where the ex-situ component of the programme will be of indeterminate duration. PGF focused its efforts for the Panamanian Golden Frog (Atelopus zeteki, CR) along three main objectives: population and habitat assessments, an intensively managed ex-situ breeding programme, and range-country education initiatives. Through the breeding programme, hundreds of offspring have been produced and distributed among dozens of AZA-accredited zoos. In the US, the frog became a symbol of the impacts of emerging diseases), with an immediate response from educators and funding from granting agencies. The Atlanta-based initiative attempted a pre-emptive extraction of other Panamanian species at an ecosystem scale. Based on data made available by Lips et al. (2006), the team worked ahead of and behind the frontline of the progressing chytrid fungus. They demonstrated that it is possible to collect animals from infected areas, treat

Translocations with time in ex-situ programme limited to that required for transport
In circumstances where threats have been identied and mitigated or are spatially limited, and where populations still exist that are demographically robust enough to sustain harvesting, the simple translocation of animals to threat-free locations may lead to the re-establishment of populations previously lost. Such programmes can be achieved cheaply and with minimum risk. Successful re-establishment of populations has been achieved by this method for the Natterjack Toad Bufo calamita (LC; Denton et al. 1997). Translocation of tadpoles from one wild site to another has established new populations of the Mallorcan Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis (VU; Buley and Gonzalez 2000; and see Essay 11.6) where previously more risky and expensive ex-situ breeding programmes were employed.

Translocations/reintroductions with time in ex-situ programme limited to that required for head-starting
Where threats are mitigated, but extant populations cannot sustain the harvesting levels required to establish new populations through translocation, or where reduction of mortality can help achieve a positive rate of population increase, head-starting programmes can be an effective and economical solution. Such projects utilize naturally produced individuals usually eggs and protectively rear them through periods of otherwise naturally high mortality. This usually results in the production of large numbers of individuals that would otherwise

them for chytrid infection regardless of their level of infection, and establish them in ex-situ populations. In conclusion, although species persistence must ultimately be achieved in the wild, it can be facilitated by effective ex-situ conservation programmes. However, there are several important elements that dene a successful ex-situ programme. Firstly, where ex-situ intervention is warranted to avoid uncontrollable threats, it is best done in the range country due to disease risks, political considerations, limited out-of-range capacity, and expense. Ex-situ facilities worldwide that have adequate resources should partner with zoos or other institutions in the range country. If capacity does not exist there, it must be built. Prioritizing efforts within range countries provides renewed focus, both on capacity building to facilitate in-country accountability and on government support, for an international response to preserve national (and global) biodiversity. Secondly, it is essential that animals removed from the wild and intended for eventual release be kept in strict isolation (Marantelli et al. in prep) to prevent exposing them to novel pathogens and parasites. The risk is signicantly increased as animals cross more or greater biogeographic barriers from their natural range. Moreover, specimens must undergo rigorous health screening prior to return or release to test that isolation has successfully excluded known organisms. If the ex-situ community is to be responsible, for amphibians or any organisms they move, they should not gamble on biosecurity issues and risk becoming the vector for a new disease outbreak in the wildby transfer of foreign pathogens to the range or host country. Third, regardless of where the population is maintained, a programme has a better chance of success if the time spent ex-situ is minimized (thus reducing the potential for disease exposure, inbreeding, and articial selection). And, nally, conservation research, education, and fundraising should be simultaneous priorities for ex-situ populations. All of these activities must be linked to, and for the benet of, an in-situ conservation programme aimed at reversing the threats and thereby making the ex-situ programme unnecessary. Kevin Zippel, Kevin Buley, Richard Gibson, Graeme R. Gillespie, Robert Johnson, Robert C. Lacy, Gerry Marantelli, and Joseph R. Mendelson III

Banks, C.B. 1996. A conservation program for the threatened Romers tree frog (Philautus romeri). In: P.D. Strimple (ed.), Advances in Herpetoculture, pp. 1-5. International Herpetological Symposium, Inc, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Buley, K.R. and Gonzalez, C. 2000. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Mallorcan Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis - into the 21st century. Herpetological Bulletin 72:17-20. Denton, J.S., Hitchings, S.P., Beebee, T.J. and Gent, A. 1997. A recovery program for the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Britain. Conservation Biology 11:1329-1338. Dudgeon, D. and Lau, M.W.N. 1999. Romers Frog reintroduction into a degraded tropical landscape, Hong Kong, P.R. China. Re-introduction News 17:10-11. Gibson, R.C. and Freeman, M. 1997. Conservation at home: recovery programme for the agile frog Rana dalmatina in Jersey. Dodo 33:91-104. Grifths, R.A. and Kuzmin, S.L. 2007. Captive breeding of amphibians for conservation. In: H.H. Heatwole and J.W. Wilkinson (eds.), Conservation and Decline of Amphibians, Amphibian Biology, Volume 8A. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia. Johnson, B. 1999. Recovery of the Puerto Rican crested toad. Endangered Species Bulletin 24:8-9. Krajick, K. 2006. The lost world of the Kihansi toad. Science 311:1230-1232. Krofta, D.M. 2003. California red-legged frog: jumping to survival. Endangered Species Bulletin 28:18-20. Lips, K.R., Brem, F., Brenes, R., Reeve, J.D., Alford, R.A., Voyles, J., Carey, C. and Collins, J.P. 2006. Infectious disease and global biodiversity loss: pathogens and enigmatic amphibian extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:3165-3170. Mendelson, J.R., III and G.B. Rabb. 2006. Global amphibian extinctions and the role of living-collections institutions. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Proceedings WAZA Conferences: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting, New York City, USA, 2-6 October 2005: 179-181. Sredl M.J., Field, K.J. and Peterson, A.M. 2002. Mitigating threats and managing the Ramsey Canyon leopard frog in Arizona. Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Technical Report 207. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Sredl, M.S. and Healy, B.L. 1999. Conservation and Management Zones: Evaluating an approach to conserving Arizona populations of the Chiricahua leopard frog (Rana chiricahuensis). Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Technical Report 149. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Zippel, K.C. 2002. Conserving the Panamanian Golden Frog: Proyecto Rana Dorada. Herpetological Review 33:11-12.

Educational graphics forming part of Panamanian Golden Frog Atelopus zeteki mixed-species exhibit at the Buffalo Zoo. In addition to A. zeteki, the exhibit currently houses two other Panamanian species, namely Hylomantis lemur (Endangered) and Colostethus pratti (Least Concern). John Kast

Michael Lau returning to Hong Kong with the rst batch of Romers Treefrog Chirixalus romeri (Endangered) bred at Melbourne Zoo. Chris Banks

The midwife toad of the Balearic island of Mallorca, Alytes muletensis, gains its name from the unusual behaviour of the males, which carry fertilized eggs around their back legs until they hatch; upon hatching the emerging tadpoles are released into a pool of water to complete their development. The local Catalan name of ferreret means little iron-worker because their chinking call sounds like iron being hit with a hammer. Until the late 1970s, the Mallorcan Midwife Toad was known only from fossil evidence and was thought to be extinct. However, re-examination of a specimen originally collected in 1978 revealed that this was not, as rst thought, an introduced common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans), but an example of the Mallorcan Midwife Toad (Mayol and Alcover 1981). Subsequent surveys revealed the global distribution of the toad to consist of about 13 populations, all contained within the Serra de Tramuntana. Within these mountains, torrents of water ow through steep-sided karstic gorges during the winter, carving out semi-permanent plunge pools that provide breeding grounds for the toad in the spring and summer months when the rest of the torrent dries up. Although the toad remains restricted to the mountains, fossil evidence indicates that the species was once widespread across Mallorca and also inhabited lowland areas (A. Alcover pers. comm.). The increasingly reduced and fragmented distribution of the species prompted its listing as Critically Endangered in the 1996 IUCN Red List (Baillie and Groombridge 1996). A number of theories have been proposed to explain the decline of the Mallorcan Midwife Toad. Changes in water demand and population pressure have resulted in increasingly limited availability of breeding sites for the species and this may have restricted its range to areas where suitable breeding pools persist. However, most researchers attribute the principal cause of decline to predation and competition from introduced species such

Tadpoles from a snake-free pool (upper) and a pool subject to predation from snakes (lower) showing the strikingly different morphologies. Robin D. Moore


Threatened Amphibians of the World

Male Mallorcan Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis (Endangered) carrying fertilized eggs on its back legs. Gerardo Garcia

as green frogs, Rana perezi, and, more signicantly, the viperine snake, Natrix maura, a semi-aquatic serpent that preys upon both tadpoles and adult toads. Archeological and, more recently, molecular evidence (Guicking et al. 2006) supports the idea that the viperine snake appeared in Mallorca around 2000 years ago following the arrival of the Romans. Being an island species that evolved with few natural vertebrate predators, the Mallorcan Midwife Toad was undoubtedly susceptible to the impacts of predation and competition from introduced species. The snake may have eliminated the toad from much of the island, and recent research indicates that predation from snakes continues to negatively impact some extant populations. In response to intense predation pressure, tadpoles have evolved a number of behavioural and morphological anti-predator responses. Upon detecting chemical cues from snakes in the water, tadpoles reduce activity levels and, over a matter of weeks, change shape - becoming more streamlined with a larger tail muscle - to facilitate their escape if they are detected (Moore et al. 2004). Such defences may have allowed the toad to cling onto survival in the face of intense predation pressure and may have facilitated its co-existence with the snake in some areas today. In 1985, at the invitation of the Mallorcan government, the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust (JWPT), now known as the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT), initiated a species recovery program for the toad. A captive population was initially founded at Jersey Zoo, UK, using 20 individuals collected from one site, and the species was bred in captivity for the rst time in 1988. Captive populations stemming from this founder colony are now held in a number of institutions in both Spain and the UK and these have been augmented with several more bloodlines that are maintained separately to

ensure genetic integrity. One of the main aims of the captive-breeding program has been to provide toads for reintroduction into their natural habitat. The rst reintroduction of 76 captive toads from JWPT occurred in 1989, at the request of the Mallorcan government, into two sites chosen by the Conselleria dAgricultura Pesca (CDAP). Since then, releases of young toads and tadpoles have been made into numerous unoccupied sites within the known historical range of the species. Such sites have been identied after a careful assessment of potential threats, with appropriate habitat and predator management carried out in order to maximize the chances of success. Natural populations are also known to use livestock watering troughs, or cisterns, and construction of such articial breeding sites in the traditional style has also proved successful in re-establishing populations in areas where water is otherwise in short supply. The success of the reintroduction programme is illustrated by the fact that about 25% of the current wild population stems from captive-bred stock and that 12 new breeding sites have been established since 1989 through reintroductions (Buley and Gonzalez-Villavicencio 2000). At a recovery group meeting in Jersey in November 2002, a decision was made to suspend reintroductions from ex-situ breeding colonies as a precaution against the transmission of diseases, such as the chytrid fungus. It was suggested that conservation efforts rather focus on translocating individuals from existing populations into new, unoccupied sites and head-starting tadpoles to increase the chances of success for such translocations. The recovery program has proven extremely successful in reversing the decline of the toad. Nineteen breeding populations now exist within the Serra de Tramuntana and six of these have been established from successful reintroductions of captive individuals. As a result, the species was downlisted by two categories to Vulnerable during the course of the Global Amphibian Assessment. The success of this program can be attributed to a number of factors. Firstly, there has been effective collaboration among international governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and zoos. This collaboration has meant that captive breeding and reintroduction has been just one component of a wider recovery program involving threat mitigation and habitat management, health screening of wild and captive toads, ongoing monitoring of all the toad populations, and raising awareness among visitors and stakeholders. Secondly, these activities have been underpinned by targeted research on reproductive biology, survey methodologies, the impact of threats, and population genetics. Recent research, for instance, has shown that relatively high levels of heterozygosity and important tness attributes can be retained for a few generations of captive breeding in this species, but that both may start to deteriorate in the long-term (Kraaijeveld-Smit et al. 2006); such ndings have important implications for this, and other, recovery programmes. Extant populations continue to be monitored and captive populations maintained as a safety net and for conservation research in order to ensure the continued recovery of the Mallorcan Midwife Toad. This represents a rare conservation success story and has the potential to serve as a model for other amphibian recovery programmes throughout the world. Robin D. Moore and Richard A. Grifths

Buley, K.R. and Gonzalez-Villavicencio, C. 2000. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Mallorcan midwife toad, Alytes muletensis into the 21st century. Herpetological Bulletin 72:17-20. Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (compilers and editors) 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Guicking, D., Grifths, R.A., Moore, R.D., Joger, U. and Wink, M. 2006. Introduced alien or persecuted native? Resolving the origin of the viperine snake on Mallorca. Biodiversity and Conservation 15:3045-3054. Kraaijeveld-Smit, F.J.L., Grifths, R.A., Moore, R.D. and Beebee, T.J.C. 2006. Captive breeding and the tness of reintroduced species: a test of the responses to predators in a threatened amphibian. Journal of Applied Ecology 43:360-365. Mayol, J. and Alcover, J.A. 1981. Survival of Baleaphryne Sanchiz and Adrover, 1979 (Amphibia: Anura: Discoglossidae) on Mallorca. Amphibia-Reptilia 3/4:343-345. Moore, R.D., Grifths, R.A., OBrien, C.M., Murphy, A. and Jay, D. 2004. Induced defences in an endangered amphibian in response to an introduced snake predator. Oecologia 141:139-147.

The Sierra Tramuntana of northern Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain home to the Mallorcan Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis (Endangered). Robin D. Moore

During the last Ice Age, vast glaciers occupied most of North Americas far northern latitudes, and the ranges of many northern, cold-climate plants and animals extended well to the south of their present distributions. With glacial recession and subsequent warming, the distributions of these species withdrew northward. One of these, the Canadian Toad Bufo hemiophrys, disappeared from most of the southern part of its range in the prairie region of the north-central United States. Until the 1940s, herpetologists believed that the Canadian Toad lived only as far south as the northern fringe of the United States, including northern Minnesota and northern North Dakota. But, in 1946, George Baxter, newly arrived at the University of Wyoming, discovered an isolated population in the Laramie Basin in south-eastern Wyoming, about 500 miles away from the nearest known population in eastern South Dakota. Since then, biologists have scoured the region, but all known occurrences of this population have been found only within about 50km of the town of Laramie, within an area of about 2,330km, at elevations between 2,300 and 2,500m asl. The toads habitat in Wyoming consists of wet meadows, marshy wetlands, and the moist low-gradient edges of open bodies of water. Baxters initial discoveries were along the oodplains of the Big and Little Laramie rivers, but recent observations indicate that toads responded to changing irrigation practices in the basin by switching from oodplain pools and pooled irrigation water to more isolated ponds and seepage lakes. Toads survive the Laramie Basins long, cold winters by burrowing into the deep sandy soils of old, vegetated dunes near the breeding areas, or by moving into rodent burrows. At the time of its discovery, the toad that Baxter discovered in the Laramie Basin was regarded as a population of the Canadian Toad. In 1968, Kenneth Porter of the University of Denver carefully compared the characteristics of the Wyoming population with those of Canadian Toads in Canada and determined that the Wyoming toads warranted recognition as a new subspecies, which he named Bufo hemiophrys baxteri, in recognition of Baxters discovery. It was later considered a distinct species (Smith et al. 1998), and the Laramie Basin population is now generally known as the Wyoming Toad (Bufo baxteri). Baxters eld observations over many years indicated that the Wyoming Toad was relatively common in the 1950s and 1960s, but then underwent a substantial decline in distribution and abundance in the 1970s. In fact, by the mid-1980s, the Wyoming population appeared to be extinct. At the time, there was concern that pesticide applications for mosquito control in the Laramie Basin might be a major factor in the decline. Concerted survey efforts in the 1980s fortunately revealed tiny remnant populations but, by 1987, the known range included only a single site. Wild Wyoming Toads have since been found only at this site, initially protected by The Nature Conservancy and now included in the Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge.

A wild Wyoming Toad Bufo baxteri (Extinct in the Wild) from Mortensen Lake, Albany Country, Wyoming. A single population of Wyoming toads was discovered at Mortenson Lake in 1987. This location was purchased by The Nature Conservancy, and the Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1993. Douglas A. Keinath

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Mortenson Lake population persisted with an adult population in the low 100s, and then declined to just a few adults by 1993. Breeding output dropped from a few egg masses per year to zero. Fearing that the toad might disappear completely from Wyoming, biologists collected the few remaining individuals in 1993 and 1994 and began attempts to breed them in captivity. This effort, now involving several zoos and other facilities, generated good numbers of offspring for release into the wild. An effort in the early 1990s to establish additional populations through releases of captive-raised toads at Lake George and Rush Lake on the Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge was unsuccessful. At Mortenson Lake, releases of many thousands of toadlets and tadpoles beginning in the mid-1990s resulted in at least modest toad survival and even a renewal of reproduction in the wild in 1998-2000, generating hopes for population recovery. However, subsequent declines, poor reproduction, and observations of diseased and dead toads in the early 2000s, put the toad back into an extremely precarious status. The free-ranging population surely would be completely gone without annual releases of thousands of captive-reared toadlets. Accordingly, the species remains functionally extinct in the wild. Several factors may have contributed to the toads decline and current poor condition. As with most threatened species, the toad has experienced habitat loss and degradation. Irrigation practices in river oodplains, now used for hay production, probably made streamside areas less suitable for successful toad reproduction. For example, de-watering prior to hay-cutting may kill toad larvae before they metamorphose into toadlets capable of living on land. Also, some potential breeding sites have dried up as a result of prolonged drought, while drought-related increases in evaporation have made Mortenson Lake more saline and perhaps less suitable for toads. However, recent evidence suggests that the primary threat to the Wyoming

Toad is not habitat degradation, but rather the pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), now associated with amphibian declines around the world. The fungus has been discovered at Mortenson Lake and in the captive population. Retrospective analyses indicate that the chytrid fungus has been present at Mortenson Lake since 1989. Continued survival of the Wyoming toad depends on intensive management. An important immediate concern is maintenance of the toads genetic diversity through careful management of the captive breeding stock. Excessive inbreeding and associated loss of genetic variation potentially could compromise the toads reproductive performance and hinder the populations ability to respond to environmental variations. Even if the Mortenson Lake population were in better condition, the toads long-term survival and recovery would still depend on the identication of additional reintroduction sites and the establishment of several wild populations. This is a basic conservation precaution that minimizes the probability that localized events do not eliminate the entire species. Happily, private landowners have begun to step forward and allow toads to be released into suitable habitat on their property. A recent initiative that may play an important role in facilitating this effort is known as the Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA). According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a SHA encourages landowners to conduct voluntary conservation activities and assures them that they will not be subjected to increased restrictions should their benecial stewardship efforts result in increased endangered species populations. As long as enrolled landowners allow the agreed upon habitat improvements to be completed on their property and maintain their responsibilities, they may make use of the property during the permit term, even if such use results in the take of individual Wyoming toads or harm to their habitat. This approach may be critical in establishing additional sites

into which captive-reared toadlets might be released with improved chances of survival and eventual reproduction. Recently, a SHA was involved in the release of captive-raised toads on a private ranch near Mortenson Lake. Well-managed cattle grazing which is compatible with and may even facilitate toad recovery is being continued on the ranch. Only time will tell if the toads can avoid or overcome the fungal threat and establish a viable population on this and other potential reintroduction sites. Meanwhile, the Wyoming Toad remains one of the worlds most threatened species. Geoffrey A. Hammerson

Anonymous. 2005. Statewide programmatic biological assessment for the Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri). Final report submitted to BLM Wyoming State Ofce, 5353 Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-1828. Odum, R.A. and Corn, P.S. 2005. Bufo baxteri Porter, 1968. Wyoming toad. In: M. Lannoo (ed.), Amphibian declines: the conservation status of United States species, pp. 390392. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA. Smith, H.M., Chiszar, D., Collins, J.T. and van Breukelen, F. 1998. The taxonomic status of the Wyoming toad, Bufo baxteri Porter. Contemporary Herpetology 1998(1):http//alpha. Taylor, S.K., Williams, E.S., Thorne, E.T., Mills, K.W., Withers, D.I. and Pier, A.C. 1999. Causes of mortality of the Wyoming toad. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 35:49-57. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Wyoming toad recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado, USA.

The Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is one of Latin Americas most threatened amphibians. The vast wetland upon which Mexico City was founded and which once provided a rich and productive habitat for the Axolotl and other endemic fauna is now reduced to a handful of small, isolated patches surrounded by development. Of these, Lake Xochimilco is the largest, covering just over 2km but it is certainly no longer a lake. The development of the chinampas raised elds of mud and vegetation reclaimed from the lake has been going on for centuries and has reduced the system to a series of canals running between islands of development. Today, the landscape is often referred to as the oating gardens (a misnomer, as the chinampas are not oating at all). Habitat loss, introduced predators, pollution, and illegal collection for food and medicines have all taken their toll on the Axolotl. Consequently, the threats facing this species are complex and not easily reversible. However, its prominent position within Aztec mythology (see Essay 2.3) and the ancient lacustrine economy of the region means that the Axolotl is well known although poorly understood among local people. Some 2000 remeros (local boatmen) earn a living by punting visitors along the lakes canal system in gaily decorated trajineras (pleasure boats), while the chinamperos (local farmers) cultivate the adjacent land, in much the same way as their ancestors have done for centuries. Fishing is also important to the local economy, and although non-native carp and Tilapia may have replaced the Axolotl as the main catch, researchers have yet to improve upon the highly skilled traditional netting method used by the shermen for nding Axolotls. Over the last ve years, a conservation programme on the Axolotl has been initiated and fostered by a partnership of British and Mexican organizations (Grifths et al. 2004). This project was the brainchild of the late Dr Virginia Graue of the Universita Autonoma Metropolitana at Xochimilco (UAM-X), who contacted the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) in 1999 for assistance with the development of the project. As it was clear that addressing the many threats that the Axolotl faced would be impossible without the co-operation of local stakeholders, the project focused on embracing local people within the conservation planning process. This was done by promoting the Axolotl as a agship species for nature tourism and conservation education within the region. Using a eld station (run by UAM-X) on the shores of the lake as a base, and with funding from the IUCN/ SSC Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF), as well as the British Governments Darwin Initiative programme, the project partnership held training workshops on amphibian biology and conservation for local students and conservation organizations, nature guiding for local boatmen, and souvenir production for unemployed artisans. In addition, the project has been actively engaged in ongoing studies focusing on the population status of, and threats to, the Axolotl. Despite its precarious status in the wild, the Axolotl is one of the most familiar amphibians in laboratories and aquaria throughout the world. Animals were originally collected in 1863 for the Natural History Museum in Paris, and many of todays captive animals probably stem from these founders (Smith 1989). As a result of its well-known reproductive biology, and the availability of captive populations, there is considerable interest in reintroducing Axolotls to Lake Xochimilco. However, there are several problems associated with such releases. At the very least, threats need to be neutralized and potential disease and genetic problems need to be addressed before captive animals are put back into the wild (Grifths et al. 2004). Despite the wide availability of captive-bred Axolotls, wild animals are still captured and sold illegally in local markets (McKay 2003). A proposal to upgrade Ambystoma mexicanum from CITES Appendix II (controlled international trade) to Appendix I (species threatened with extinction and international trade permitted only in exceptional circumstances) is currently under discussion by the Mexican authorities. As a result of a conservation workshop, held at UAM-X in December 2004, the goals for the conservation of the Axolotl and its habitat were nally distilled into eight categories: (1) biology of the species; (2) legislation; (3) social actions; (4) political actions; (5) ecological interactions; (6) local environment; (7) education; and (8) resource use and harvesting. These goals provided the framework for the Species and Habitat Action plan for the Axolotl and the Xochimilco system that was published in 2005 (DICE, UAM-X, 2005). Following the workshop, the Senate of the Congress of the Mexican government passed a motion requesting the President to instruct the Secretariat of the Commission for the Environment, Natural Resources and Fishing to initiate an urgent governmental programme to avoid the extinction of the Axolotl in Lake Xochimilco. What this decision will mean, in practice, remains to be seen, but it will certainly inuence governmental actions that impact the Axolotl and Xochimilco conservation. The decision, in itself, is an indication of the leverage that such projects can achieve. One of the most important products to emerge from the projects rst phase is the partnership of diverse organizations that all have an interest in the future of the Axolotl and its habitat: the Grupo por la Investigacione del la Ajolote y Xochimilco (GIAX), which is co-ordinated by Dr Luis Zambrano of the Institute of Biology, UNAM. Despite the obvious benets accruing as a result of raising awareness and building local capacity, initial data from this rst phase of the project indicate that the status of the Axolotl has deteriorated to such an extent that the species now warrants classication as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN Red List categories and criteria. This reclassication has provided a sharper focus for the implementation of the action plan. The new partnerships forged within GIAX will be instrumental in taking the plan forward during the second phase of the Darwin Initiative project. The training of remeros as nature guides has resulted in a signicant increase in their income from visitors to Lake Xochimilco. Some of the remeros are currently being trained as nature guide trainers, with a view to the training package eventually being handed over to, and managed by, the guild of remeros. By the end of the second phase of the project, it is hoped that nature tourism will be contributing signicantly to the sustainable development of the Xochimilco system, and will be independent of external funding. In parallel, research is

A typical Xochimilco canal scene beyond the busy urban area, showing a trajinera (pleasure boat) in the foreground. The boats in the distance are selling ornamental plants grown on the chinampas. Ian G. Bride

The Critically Endangered Mexican Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is endemic to the canals of Lake Xochimilco in central Mexico, on the southern edge of Mexico City. Ian G. Bride


Threatened Amphibians of the World

being carried out on the productivity of the Xochimilco system, with a view to balancing the needs of the local shermen with ameliorating the threats associated with introduced species and poor water quality. Ultimately, the future of the Axolotl will depend upon how successfully local stakeholders and their livelihoods engage with the protection of this unique wetland. Richard A. Grifths, Ian G. Bride, and Jeanne E. McKay

DICE, UAM-X, 2005. The Conservation of the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) in Xochimilco, Mexico City-A Species/Habitat Action Plan. Grifths, R.A., Graue, V., Bride, I.G., and McKay, J.E. 2004. Conservation of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) at Lake Xochimilco, Mexico. Herpetological Bulletin 89:4-11. McKay, J.E. 2003. An evaluation of captive breeding and sustainable use of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). MSc dissertation, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Smith, H.B. 1989. Discovery of the axolotl and its early history in biological research. In Developmental Biology of the Axolotl, pp. 3-12. In: J.B. Armstrong and G.M. Malacinski (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, USA.

Some of the 50-plus participants who attended the Axolotl Species/ Habitat Action Plan Workshop, held at the Universita Autonoma Metropolitana at Xochimilco in December 2004. Participants are holding up the name plate of the trajinera that the Darwin Initiative project bought for CIBAC. Ian G. Bride


To many cultures, amphibians are an important and commonly available source of protein. In some places, even tadpoles can be made into a local dish. The water-holding frogs in Australia store a reservoir of water in the bladder to last through the extended dry season and are used by the aborigines when no other source of water is available (Tyler 1976). Certain amphibians are also commonly used in traditional medicine. For example, in China, nine species of amphibians are listed in The Great Pharmacopoeia published over four hundred years ago. Up to 32 species are now recognized to be of medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine (Ye et al. 1993). Some amphibians are also exploited to provide useful materials, like the poison from the various Poison Dart frogs for hunting and the skin of the Marine Toad for the leather industry in the Americas. Many exotic frogs, such as the colourful Mantellas (genus Mantella) from Madagascar, and a number of salamander species, are also collected to supply the pet trade. There is also quite a demand for frogs for use in the laboratory. And, in some countries such as Mexico, certain amphibians are used in witch craft and art crafts. Amphibians also play a role in shaping the local culture. For example, the Mexican Axolotl Ambystomma mexicanum, which has various mythological connections the ancient Mexicans considered it the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl has played an important role in the local communities around lakes in the Basin of Mexico (see Essay 2.3). There is even a frog festival in a branch of the Zhuang Minority in southern China. These species survived centuries of traditional use and the edible frogs remained common and widespread until commercial trade set in leading to a much larger level of exploitation that is often unsustainable. As early as the 1930s, Bourret (1942) noted the mass commercial trade of large edible frogs from Viet Nam into China. The collapse of populations of favourite frog legs species in Asia shows that even in common, fast-growing and fecund species, such levels of exploitation are not without limit. Once depleted, the ecological functions carried out by these frogs are also hampered, which contributes to the outbreak of insect pests in rice paddies. The demand for amphibians is unlikely to diminish in the near future due to continual growth in human population and the increased purchasing power that accompanies growing economies. The resulting high collecting pressure often acts together with habitat destruction and degradation and poses a substantial threat to many amphibians. In China, for example, utilization adversely affects 84 species, some 30% of the amphibian fauna (Baillie et al. 2004). The species hardest hit by over-exploitation are those that are rare, restricted or highly valuable. In recent years, a number of frogs and salamanders such as the Lao Salamander Paramesotriton laoensis (DD) and Kaisers Spotted Newt Neurergus kaiseri (CR) have been subjected to commercial collection for pet trade at levels that are believed to have removed the majority of individuals from the wild (Stuart et al. 2006; Leahy 2006). Another example of a species hard hit by commercial exploitation, but for food, is the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (see Essay 4.7). This species, the largest amphibian in the world (adults can weigh more than 40kg) ranges widely in central and southern China and large populations once existed in many places. However, it is regarded as a delicacy and fetches a very high price. The species is particularly susceptible to over-harvesting because it is nearly fully aquatic and utilizes specic hiding places in clear mountain streams. Juveniles are also of marketable size and are collected as well as adults. Highly destructive methods, such as liming or the use of poison, are sometimes used to collect all the individuals in the stream. Individuals are also being collected as breeding stock in commercial farms. All these factors together with the long life-cycle make the Chinese Giant Salamander especially vulnerable to over-exploitation, and this Critically Endangered species has now disappeared from many areas, and a conservation action plan is urgently needed to reverse its decline. Frog farming has gained momentum in many places and commercial feed is now available to feed the frogs and their tadpoles. These farms can make a positive contribution towards conservation if the supply from breeding farms substitutes for that from the wild, or if part of the income generated is directed back into biodiversity conservation. However, there remain challenges, including disease control within farms and the economic cost/benet of farming efforts as a business activity (Kusrini and Alford 2006). One negative consequence of amphibian farming is that the American Bullfrog is one of the favourite species in many parts of the world. These animals often escape and become invasive, affecting the local ecosystem and biodiversity. In Mexico, for example, this species has been introduced into 16 of the countrys 32 states. Most places actually have their own edible frogs that are more suited to the local environment and are much better candidates for farming than exotic species. However, regardless of species, frog farming still runs the risk of transmitting diseases from captive frogs to those in the wild anywhere from the farm surroundings and transport routes to destination markets. An alternative to farming and its associated problems is to explore options for sustainable use of local wild populations. The short life-cycle, high fecundity and high population size of many large frogs actually renders them quite resilient to certain levels of harvesting. If the requirements of the species concerned are known, and proper management is in place, these frogs can be harvested without affecting their population. There are examples in northern China where harvest of the Chinese Brown Frog Rana chensinensis (LC), a species used in traditional Chinese medicine, can be increased by providing breeding ponds and raising the tadpoles (Ye et al. 1993). Another example of sustainable use of amphibians is the harvesting of the grass frog Rana forreri (LC), which is a popular laboratory animal. These animals are harvested according to an annual quota and then exported to the United States. In Thailand and Indonesia, frogs (mainly Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, Fejervarya cancrivora and Fejervarya limnocharis) living and breeding in rice paddies, not only feed on crop pests but also are harvested for local consumption and export (Kusrini and Alford 2006). When combined with sustainable land-use practices, such as organic farming, this increases the economic gains, reduces or eliminates the need for and use of chemicals, and can bring additional conservation benets to many other amphibians and wildlife. It might also provide an additional incentive to conserve their natural habitats in the case of non-commensal species. To prevent unrestricted exploitation and possible extirpation of populations and species, several countries have implemented legislation that specically regulates or prohibits the exploitation of particular amphibian species. Legislation usually also exists to protect particular natural areas as parks or sanctuaries, and amphibian populations inside such areas may be partly or completely protected by the regulations in force for the area. For species threatened by international trade, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is quite effective in regulating levels of trade and even in banning the commercial trade in highly threatened species (see Chapter 11). Adequate local legislations and enforcement is also needed as many amphibians are consumed locally. Wildlife trade is dynamic, and monitoring and reporting are important to provide an early warning system. Michael Lau, Peter Paul van Dijk and Gracia P. Syed

Baillie, J.E.M., Bennun, L.A., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Chanson, J.S., Cokeliss, Z., Hilton-Taylor, C., Hoffmann, M., Mace, G.M., Mainka, S.A., Pollock, C.M., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Statterseld, A.J. and Stuart, S.N. 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. A Global Species Assessment. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Bourret, R. 1942. Les Batraciens de lIndochine. Institut Ocanographique de lIndochine, Hanoi. 547 pp. Kusrini, M.D. and R.A. Alford. 2006. Indonesias exports of frogs legs. TRAFFIC Bulletin 21(1):13-24. Leahy, S. 2006. Biodiversity: The insatiable in pursuit of the inedible. http://www.ipsnews. net/print.asp?idnews=35633 Stuart, B.L., Rhodin, A.G.J., Grismer, L.L. and Hansel, T. 2006. Scientic description can imperil species. Science 312:1137. Tyler, M.J. 1976. Frogs. Collins, Sydney, Australia. Ye, C., Fei, L. and Hu, S. 1993. Rare and Economic Amphibians of China. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. [In Chinese]

A farmed, market-bought Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Least Concern), the most common species used in the frog-leg trade in Asia, showing obvious signs of farm rearing, including bulbous toe-tips and transport damage behind the nostrils. Peter Paul van Dijk, 1994-2000

An assortment of local language frog-farming manuals for the rearing of Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (in Chinese and Thai), Rana catesbeiana (Thai), Paa spp. (Chinese) and local ranids (Chinese). CI/Peter Paul van Dijk, 2007

Chapter 11. Amphibian Conservation Responding to the Global Decline of Amphibians


Less than 10% of species on the planet have been discovered and fewer than 1% are known beyond brief anatomical descriptions (Wilson 2005). Without a doubt, our alarmingly inadequate knowledge of the Earths diversity is one of the most signicant challenges to effectively protect threatened species, all the more urgent as biologically rich regions are destroyed at unprecedented rates. An excellent example of the signicance of this problem is provided by extinction risk assessments, such as those integral to the Global Amphibian Assessment. However, Red Lists of threatened species only evaluate formally described species. Although undescribed species may well have a high risk of extinction, they are ignored by conservation initiatives that rely on information contained within the IUCN Red List. Therefore, lling this taxonomic void should be a priority for the implementation of effective conservation programmes. Among terrestrial vertebrates, sampling of amphibians appears to be particularly incomplete. This is indicated by the large number of species described during recent decades (for example, see Figure 1) at a rate of discovery that exceeds that of every other vertebrate group (Cannatella and Hillis 2004). During the period 1992-2003, the number of species of amphibians increased by 25% with most of the additions being new discoveries rather than subspecies elevated to the species rank (Kohler et al. 2005; and see Essay 1.1). Recent estimates indicate that the number of amphibians awaiting formal description in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics should be well above 1,000 (see below). These gures suggest that, at a global scale, the taxonomic decit could be a serious obstacle for the success of any comprehensive programme to protect amphibians. Thus, intensive efforts in taxonomy and systematics are indispensable to secure adequate conservation measures. Fortunately, the increasing use of genetic markers in systematics could increase the rate at which amphibian species are discovered. These tools quantify genetic variation within and among populations, which can expose genetic clusters that correspond to separate species. These data are usually complemented with geographic distribution, and morphological, or behavioural data to corroborate species identities. The use of genetic markers allows the identication of previously unsampled species and enables us to detect cryptic species that have previously been hiding under a single morphologically identied species. The available techniques include allozymes, AFLPs, microstatellites, and, most prominently, DNA sequencing (including DNA bar-coding; see Essay 11.11). Genetic markers have been used recently to estimate the number of species of amphibians that remain to be discovered. In a review of species-level molecular phylogenies of Neotropical amphibians, Ron et al. (2006) found that phylogenetic studies have lead to a 28% increase in the number of known species. The increase was higher (39%) for studies where taxon sampling has been more intensive (i.e., studies that included more than 50% of the described species). This indicates that a signicant number of species have either been overlooked by morphology-based taxonomic reviews or have not been sampled at all. Given that there are approximately 2,800 described species of amphibians in the Neotropics and assuming, conservatively, that the proportion of undescribed amphibians lies between 0.28 and 0.39, then the number of Neotropical species awaiting description should lie between 784 and 1,092. This estimate is considered conservative because the proportion of species discovered should increase with taxon sampling, which until now has been exhaustive only in a few Neotropical clades. Phylogenies with non-exhaustive sampling often include predominantly species of easy access, available in the pet trade (e.g., poison-arrow frogs of the genus Dendrobates) and/or distributed in habitats that, because of their relative accessibility and conspicuousness, are already described. Applying the same logic and approach to another amphibian species-rich faunal region (Indo-China, and the island archipelagos of the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia), we can provide estimates of the magnitude of the problem of underestimated biodiversity using the recent phylogenetic studies of Evans et al. (2003), Brown (2004), and Stuart et al. (2006). Our estimate of undetected species in this region lies between 271 and 364 undescribed forms. We can further examine the trends in one small oceanic island archipelago country (the Philippines) that has been the subject of recent intensive diversity assessment (see and ground truth these estimates with rst hand knowledge of new species awaiting description. The estimated numbers for the Philippines lie somewhere between 32 and 43 undescribed species (see Essay 7.3). We also have personal knowledge of approximately 55 undescribed species awaiting description in the genera Platymantis and Limnonectes from the Philippines and Sulawesi (R. Brown, A. Diesmos, and A. Alcala, unpubl.), suggesting again that the estimation process is conservative. Advertisement calls provide a cost-effective tool for species discovery and identication. Male Trachycephalus venulosus (Least Concern) call by inflating large lateral vocal sacs. They occur in dry forests in western Ecuador. Santiago R. Ron

A potential caveat with molecular techniques is that some genetic markers are inadequate to dene species boundaries because they either have evolved too slowly or to fast. In addition, the use of genetic markers is still limited in developing countries, precisely in the regions where the taxonomic void is more extensive. Thus, species identication in many circumstances will continue to rely primarily in morphological or behavioural traits. An alternative to discover morphologically cryptic species is through analysis of advertisement calls. In anurans, males produce advertisement calls which function to attract females, defend territories, or confront competing males. Because advertisement calls also have a function in species recognition and discrimination (Gerhardt and Huber 2002), they can be excellent indicators of species boundaries, in some cases as reliable as genetic markers. In one increasingly well-studied group, the Ceratobatrachine frogs of Southeast Asia and the South-West Pacic (Alcala and Brown 1999), advertisement calls have provided a small group of modestly-funded researchers with a powerful means of species delimitation. Combined with analysis of mitochondrial gene sequences, advertisement calls have served as the primary set of characters for the recognition of more than 45 undescribed species over the past 10 years. Of approximately 60 species for which sequence data and call data are both available (Brown 2004, unpubl.), only two cases exist where sequence data and call data lead to differing conclusions with regards to the distinctiveness of a species. Both are cases in which populations of frogs possess very distinctive advertisement calls, but are genetically indistinct from sympatric congeners, and both are suspected cases of hybridization and introgression. The overwhelming trend that results from this work is the general conclusion that genetic and call data are both very illustrative tools for identication of cryptic independent evolutionary lineages, particularly when used in complimentary fashion by eld workers. Santiago Ron and Rafe M. Brown

Alcala, A.C. and Brown, W.C. 1999. Philippine frogs of the genus Platymantis (Amphibia: Ranidae). Philippine Journal of Science 128:281-287. Brown, R.M. 2004. Evolution of ecomorphological variation and acoustic diversity in mate-recognition signals of Southeast Asian forest frogs (subfamily Platymantinae). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA. Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. 2004. Amphibians: living a life of slime. In: J. Cracraft and M.J. Donoghue (eds.), Assembling the tree of life, pp. 430-450. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Evans, B.J., Brown, R.M., McGuire, J.A., Supriatna, J., Andayani, N., Diesmos, A.C., Iskandar, D., Melnick, D.J. and Cannatella, D.C. 2003. Phylogenetics of fanged frogs: testing biogeographical hypotheses at the interface of the Asian and Australian faunal zones. Systematic Biology 52:794-819. Gerhardt, H.C. and Huber, F. 2002. Acoustic communication in insects and anurans. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garca, F.H., Glaw, F. Skeinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Ron, S.R., Santos, J.C. and Cannatella, D.C. 2006. Phylogeny of the tngara frog genus Engystomops (= Physalaemus pustulosus species group; Anura; Leptodactylidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39:392-403. Stuart, B.L., Inger, R.F. and Voris, H.K. 2006. High level of cryptic species diversity revealed by sympatric lineages of Southeast Asian forest frogs. Biology Letters 2:470-474. Wilson, E.O. 2005. Systematics and the future of Biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102:6520-6521.

Figure 1. An example of the large number of amphibians that remain to be described is given by the accumulated number of formally described species of amphibians in Ecuador (period 1758-2006). The number of species has almost doubled since 1970 and additions continue at a fast rate, especially from montane habitats.
450 400 350 Number of species 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1755 1772 1792 1812 1832 1852 1872 Year Total (all regions) Montane forests Paramo Amazon rainforest 1892 1912 1932 1952 1972 1992


Effective conservation requires that conservation practitioners are armed with the appropriate knowledge, specically about what to conserve and where to conserve it. For this reason, conservation efforts on the ground rely heavily on comprehensive assessments in the eld (i.e. species inventories) supported by appropriate taxonomic studies. Unfortunately, for the majority of living organisms worldwide, both have been inadequately addressed. Among amphibians, for example, we know that many tropical regions are still far from being well sampled (cf. Duellman 1999) and the recent observed increase in species numbers (over 25 per cent in 11 years; Khler et al. 2005; and see Essay 1.1) is largely due to the intensied exploration of tropical areas and the application of modern techniques such as bioacoustics and molecular genetics. A major problem in both eld surveys and inventory work, as well as in taxonomy, is that species are often difcult to identify. In amphibians, this is particularly problematic in species-rich genera, such as Afrotropical tree frogs (e.g., Hyperolius) or the Neotropical harlequin toads (Atelopus), which generally display little inter-specic morphological variation. The amphibian fauna of the Kakamega Forest in western Kenya represents a case in point. This small forest fragment (240km), long recognized as a site of global conservation importance (e.g., Fishpool and Evans 2001), is under increasing pressure, in particular due to rewood gathering and agricultural expansion. Despite the fact that it is one of the best sampled regions in Kenya, ve frog species were recorded only recently (Ltters et al. 2006) resulting in a total of 25 species from this site. However, the taxonomic status of several species from the Kakamega Forest still remains difcult to determine due to their cryptic nature. For example, through extensive and meticulous detective work, we found that there are, in fact, two species of the genus Phrynobatrachus in the Kakamega Forest which are morphologically indistinguishable (Ltters et al. 2006), and at least three scientic names may be applicable to them (P. mababiensis from Namibia, P. minutus from Ethiopia and P. scheferi from Kenya). An exciting new tool to help speed the identication of known species and the discovery of new ones, is termed DNA barcoding, in which a short standardized fragment of DNA is sequenced and compared with reference data (e.g. Herbert et al. 2003). The method is easy to perform and also allows for more objectivity in species diagnosis, and only small tissue samples are required from study animals, thereby reducing time and costs. DNA barcoding is similar to the universal barcodes of products in the retail industry, and it was with the idea of making the barcode of every species on Earth available, i.e. writing the encyclopedia of life, that the Consortium for the Barcode


Threatened Amphibians of the World

of Life was initiated in 2004 ( Although still science ction, we may be well on our way to one day using handheld tricoders to identify any life-form directly in the eld, just as Mr. Spock did in the famous 1960s space drama Star Trek. Apart from the obvious advantages for conservation-related initiatives, barcodings benets include the ability to identify fragmentary specimens, and different life-stages (e.g., amphibian larvae) to the level of species (review in Savolainen et al. 2005). There has been a lot of discussion about the barcoding movement, including the anxiety that classical taxonomy will be replaced by a code-based, rather than organism-focused, discipline that deals with black box species (i.e., information without knowledge), far removed from actual species and hence from conservation (e.g. Ebach and Holdrege 2005). DNA barcoding can only be a supplement to classical taxonomy and consequently conservation (cf. Gregory 2005). Furthermore, the accuracy of DNA barcoding is not quite 100 per cent. In some cases, although genetic variation is low, data other than genetic information (such as advertisement calls) can also suggest species status (e.g. Ltters et al. 2005). The idea of using a single universal genetic marker for all groups of organisms has been critically discussed. In contrast to a fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) (Herbert et al. 2003), which has been widely used in, for example, sh and birds, Vences et al. (2005) advocated that in amphibians the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fullls the requirements better then COI due to stronger constancy of priming sites. Currently, a debate has arisen about the use of mitochondrial versus nuclear DNA, or both combined, for barcoding (Rubinoff 2006). But how relevant and useful is DNA barcoding for the purposes of amphibian conservation? Can we just undertake a rapid assessment into an unexplored region, collect amphibian samples, barcode them, and immediately obtain results? Certainly, some databases already exist with catalogued DNA barcode details, such as NCBI/GenBank in the USA, Europes EBI/EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database, and the DNA Database of Japan (DDBJ) all inter-linked. However, the data are unevenly distributed with respect to taxon and geography. For example, a search of GenBank1, the largest and most widely used of the databases, for 16S gene sequences of the Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae), a family of frogs attractive to scientists for different reasons, reveals that these are well represented (665 sequences versus ~ 240 described species). In contrast, the abovementioned Afrotropical frog genus Phrynobatrachus is represented by not more than 67 16S gene sequences, and 17 putative taxa out of about 69 known species. Apart from problems due to missing sequence data for many species, other criticisms include the need to rely entirely on the taxonomic identication of original voucher specimens against which sequence data is checked, the genetic purity of the sequence itself, and the possible overlap of inter- and intra-specic variation (Meyer and Paulay 2005).

In summary, DNA barcoding certainly provides new perspectives to amphibian conservation. However, at the current stage, its applicability is still limited due to lack of reference data for most species and because the taxonomy of many species (complexes) is not at the stage that allows samples from the eld to be quickly sequenced and then denitively allocated to species. Nonetheless, coupled with traditional taxonomic tools, it could have important uses for disclosing hidden diversity. Stefan Ltters and Susanne Schick

Duellman, W.E. 1999. Patterns of distribution of amphibians: a global perspective. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Ebach, M.C. and Holdrege, C. 2005. DNA barcoding is no substitute to taxonomy. Nature 434:697. Fishpool, L.D.C. and Evans, M.I. (eds.). 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands: priority sites for conservation. Pisces Publications and BirdLife International, Newbury and Cambridge, UK. Gregory, T.R. 2005. DNA barcoding does not compete with taxonomy. Nature 434:1067. Herbert, P.D.N., Cywinska, A., Ball, S.L. and de Waard, J.R. 2003. Biological identications through DNA barcodes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 270:313-321. Khler, J., Vieites, D.R., Bonett, R.M., Garcia, F.H., Glaw, F., Steinke, D. and Vences, M. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: a boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55:693-696. Ltters, S., Schmitz, A. and Reichle, S. 2005. A new cryptic species of poison frog from the Bolivian Yungas (Dendrobatidae: Epipedobates). Herpetozoa 18:115-124. Ltters, S., Rotich, D., Koester, T.E., Kosuch, J., Muchai, V., Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Teege, P., Wasonga, D.V. and Veith, M. 2006. What do we know about the amphibians of the Kenyan central and western highlands? A faunistic and taxonomic review. Salamandra 42:165-179. Meyer C.P. and Paulay, G. 2005. DNA barcoding: Error rates based on comprehensive sampling. PLoS Biology 3:e422. Rubinoff, D. 2006. Utility of mitochondrial DNA barcodes in species conservation. Conservation Biology 20:1026-1033. Savolainen, V., Cowan, R.S., Vogler, A.P., Roderick, G.K. and Lane, R. 2005. Towards writing the encyclopedia of life: an introduction to DNA barcoding. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 360:1805-1811. Vences, M., Thomas, M., van der Meijden, A., Chiari, Y. and Vieites, D.R. 2005. Comparative performance of the 16S rRNA gene in DNA barcoding of amphibians. Frontiers in Zoology 2:5.

Afrixalus osorioi (Least Concern), a banana frog only recently recorded from the Kakamega Forest, may represent a species complex. However, the DNA barcode for specimens from the type locality in Angola is not available. Stefan Ltters

1, accessed 1 May 2006

DNA barcoding is a powerful tool for linking different life stages, e.g. frog tadpoles to adults. In this case, the photograph shows a typical Xenopus larva collected at Kakamega Forest from where only one Xenopus species is known. Stefan Ltters

The Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA) sharpened the scientic communitys focus on both the global nature and extent of amphibian declines and extinctions (Stuart et al. 2004). The results of the GAA demonstrated that the amphibian crisis is complex in nature and requires a comprehensive set of solutions. While traditional approaches to conservation will continue to form the core of a global strategy, novel approaches will also be required to address threats such as emerging infectious diseases and global climate change. Under the auspices of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and Conservation International (CI), an International Amphibian Summit was convened in September 2005 in Washington, DC, to devise a strategic global plan of action for amphibian conservation in the form of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP). Prior to the Summit, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (IUCN/SSC) focused on promoting amphibian conservation through the Global Amphibian Specialist Group (GASG), on decline-related research through the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF; see Essay 11.1), and on monitoring and assessments through an informal network of researchers contributing data to the GAA. These programmes have accomplish a great deal, but the magnitude of the current crisis requires a coordinated, unied approach to amphibian conservation, research and assessment that is beyond the scope of any of these individual initiatives (Mendelson et al. 2006). Recognizing this, a decision was made to merge the GASG, DAPTF and the GAA to form a single body committed to implementing a global strategy for amphibian conservation: the Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG). The ASG is a network of conservation professionals working under the IUCN/SSC framework with the mission of enabling amphibian research and conservation worldwide. The ASG envisions taking IUCNs Specialist Group model to the next level of effectiveness by establishing a Secretariat that will coordinate regional working groups and a global web of stakeholders to leverage their intellectual, institutional, and nancial capacity. The Secretariat has two Co-Chairs (currently Claude Gascon and James Collins), an Executive Ofcer, and Conservation, Research, Assessment, Development and Communications Divisions, each headed by a director. The Conservation Division promotes and supports the conservation of threatened amphibian species globally. By strengthening partnerships among institutions in developed and developing countries, and by forging links with groups such as other IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups, the ASG builds regional capacity to ensure that amphibians are incorporated into conservation plans. Through a collaborative partnership with Arizona State University, amphibian conservation and research projects in priority regions are supported by grants through the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF), based at Conservation International. Additionally, the ASG also supports conservation and research through the allocation of Seed Grants, building upon the successful model established by DAPTF. An Amphibian Conservation Award will be presented annually to recognize an individual who has made signicant contributions to amphibian conservation worldwide. The Research Division works closely with research partners from the global network of national and regional working groups to apply a strategic and coordinated approach to research on the causes of global amphibian declines and to disseminating the results. Many amphibian declines and extinctions are caused by complex interactions of factors such as disease and climate change, and understanding these processes is vital for effective conservation action. The Research division works to narrow knowledge gaps through targeted research agendas for poorly known regions and groups, and strives to apply scientic research results to conservation. A central on-line storehouse of publications and current research results is being developed to facilitate information exchange amongst researchers and conservation practitioners. Information will also be presented in multiple languages to facilitate knowledge-sharing. The ASG will support targeted eld research in poorly known regions of the world and link global expertise with local expertise in developing countries by conducting training courses for eld practitioners and students. These actions will strengthen regional and country-based capacity to improve knowledge of the taxonomy, distribution, abundance, and causes of amphibian declines. The Assessment Division which fullls the ASGs Red List Authority responsibilities will regularly assesses the conservation status of every amphibian species in the world through the GAA. The ASG aims to make the GAA a more proactive process based on a bottom up ow of data to ensure the most up-to-date and accurate information on every amphibian species. The Assessment Division will undertake periodic analysis of the database and communicate the ndings to the global network and beyond. Findings will be distributed on CDs to those regions where internet access is poor or unavailable. Information will be disseminated in paper where appropriate via working groups through workshops and meetings. The Assessment division will regularly assess the conservation status of every amphibian species and feed this information into on-the-ground identication of conservation targets and priorities. In coordination with the directors of the Conservation, Research and Assessment divisions, regional working group heads will initiate projects in their respective regions. To aid in the outreach and fundraising aspects of the ASG network, an Advisory Board has been established comprising key stakeholders and advisor-advocates representing policymakers, the media, business, academia, conservation organizations, and government agencies. ASG communications will include a new and expanded bi-monthly newsletter (Froglog) that will be available free of charge on the ASG website (www. The ASG will ensure long-term sustainability of amphibian research and conservation by building on DAPTFs worldwide network of expert working groups and integrating them into IUCNs global network of Specialist Groups. The ASG will support the development and dissemination of new tools and best practices for adoption and application by a network of local, national, and regional working groups. By mainstreaming amphibian conservation best practices into the global web of international conservation programmes, national planning processes, and local practice, the ASG will ensure the sustainability of amphibian research and conservation. Robin D. Moore, Claude Gascon and James P. Collins

Mendelson, J.R., III, Lips, K.R., Gagliardo, R.W., Rabb, G.B., Collins, J.P., Diffendorfer, J.E., Daszak, P., Ibanez D, R., Zippel, K.C., Lawson, D.P., Wright, K.M., Stuart, S.N., Gascon, C., da Silva, H.R., Burrowes, P.A., Joglar, R.L., La Marca, E., Lotters, S., du Preez, L.H., Weldon, C., Hyatt, A., Rodriguez-Mahecha, J.V., Hunt, S., Robertson, H., Lock, B., Raxworthy, C.J., Frost, D.R., Lacy, R.C., Alford, R.A., Campbell, J.A., Parra-Olea, G., Bolanos, F., Domingo, J.J.C., Halliday, T., Murphy, J.B., Wake, M.H., Coloma, L.A., Kuzmin, S.L., Price, M.S., Howell, K.M., Lau, M., Pethiyagoda, R., Boone, M., Lannoo, M.J., Blaustein, A.R., Dobson, A., Grifths, R.A., Crump, M.L., Wake, D.B. and Brodie, E.D., Jr. 2006. Biodiversity: Confronting Amphibian Declines and Extinctions. Science 313:48. Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Young, B.E., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Fischman, D.L. and Waller, R.W. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786.

The logo of the Amphibian Specialist Group

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