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Final Term Exam For 5th Year Student (Internal Vet. Med. Part II.

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Assiut University Final term examination Time allowed: 3 hrs

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Course: Internal Veterinary Medicine Date: 18.6.09

Animal Medicine Department part II (5th year)

First part: All questions to be answered.

I- Write briefly on the following:

1. An adult Friesian cow, expressing signs of weakness, exhaustion and dehydration. The
cow lay down on a deep sleep and complete muscular relaxation just after parturition.
What is the disease(s) you suspect and how to approach a definite diagnosis?
(3 Marks)
2. Metabolic causes of Downer Cow Syndrome. (1.5 Marks)
3. Differential diagnosis of postparturient hemoglobinuria (1.5 Marks).
4. Principals treatment of equine paralytic myoglobinuria (2 Marks).

II- Write briefly on:

1. Negative energy balance and periparturient stress contribute to a many serious diseases
for high lactating cows, mention such diseases and write shortly on diagnosis,
differential diagnosis and treatment of one of them? (4 Marks)
2. Late stage of pregnancy toxemia in ewes is prognostically unfavorable, explain why?
(2 Marks)
III-Write short notes on:
1. Diagnosis of rickets in calves. (2 Marks)
2. Causes and treatment of Goiter in foals. (3 Marks)
3. Pathogenesis of copper deficiency in growing lamb (2.5 marks)
4. Diagnosis and treatment of Nutritional parakeratosis in buffaloes. (2.5 marks)

IV- Write shortly on the following:

2. General manifestations of cardiac disorders. (2.5 Marks)
3. Clinical diagnostic procedures of Heart diseases in equine clinic. (2.5 Marks)
4. Conservative treatment of CHF in a cow. (2.5 Marks)
5. Causes and treatment of venous thrombosis. (2.5 Marks)

V- Shortly write on:

1. Illustrate how would you localize the site of spinal cord injury based on signs
suggestive of both upper and lower motor neuron injuries in a dog? (3 Marks)
2. Treatment of feline lower urinary tract obstructive disease. (2 Marks)

VI- Write briefly on the following:

3. Role of tocopherol, selenium and methionine in body defense. (2 Marks)
4. Diagnosis and treatment of subacute form of Vit. E deficiency (1.5 Marks)
5. Diagnosis of CCN in claves (1.5 Marks)

‫تابع السئلة في ظهر الورقة‬

Second part ‫أجب في كراسة الجابة بكتابة رقم السؤال والختيار المناسب أمامه والتعليق عليه اذا لزم المر‬
VII- Choose the correct answer(es) 2.5 marks
1-Overdose of propyle glycol should be avoided in treatment of Pregnancy Toxemia because it
may cause:
a- CNS depression b- Hyperglycemia c- Hepatotoxicity

2-Lipomobilization is a condition usually met with:

a- Bovine ketosis. b- Pregnancy toxemia c- Fat cow syndrome. d- All of the above.

3- Most cases of milk fever occur in high lactating cows.

a- During the first 72 hours postpartum b- During 1st week of lactation
c- At Late stage of pregnancy d- At peak of lactation

4-High lact. cows raised on pastures rich in K & Nitrogen fertilizers are highly susceptible to:
a-Grass staggers b- Postparturient Hemoglobinburia d- Ketosis

5- Whole milk tetany of calves occurs as a result of:

a- Feeding on milk from dams deficient in Ca. b-Feeding on food deficient in P.
c-Suckling from dams deficient in Mg at peak of lactation .

VIII- Mark False or true among the following and correct the False ones. (3.5 Marks)
1. Hyopmagnesemia affect dry cows at last stage of pregnancy.

2. Postparturient hypophosphatemia may affect buff. cows before or after parturition

3. Bovine Ketosis occurring at first 1-2 weeks after calving is more refractory to therapy
than those occurring nearer to peak lactation.

4. Insulin suppresses both adipose mobilization and ketogenesis associating bovine


5. Stiff lamb diseases are treated with copper sulfate injection.

6. Complete milking of cows has been advised to reduce the incidence of Milk fever.

7. Creeper cows are those showing prolonged recumbency after parturition and doesn’t
respond to adequate Ca therapy

‫مع أطيب تحياتنا وأمنياتنا بالتوفيق والنجاح‬


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