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Tips to Network Your Way to Anything You Want

from a Collection of Experts

Sponsored by Connectworks Compiled and Published by

Tips Products International

Tips to Network Your Way to Anything You Want
from a Collection of Experts

Sponsored by Connectworks Compiled and Published by

Tips Products International

Whether you find networking easy or you struggle with it, have been in business for awhile or are just starting, you can never have too many tips for connecting better with people who want what you have. Much has been written about networking, yet there is no end to the possibilities you can create. This booklet brings you practical and immediately useable marketing insights in bite-size pieces from twelve entrepreneurial experts, each sharing tips from their own particular area of expertise. These welltested tools and techniques and are sure to get you thinking about what will work best for you, now. Test an idea at a time. See how it suits you. Contact the authors in this booklet. They remain successful by contributing to your success. Plus they are really terrific and interesting people, people youll want to know and have in your life. Interview these authors in your publication if you are a journalist. Multiple sources and bulleted content are all in one place right here for your article, radio or television interview, blog, or website. Ask for a price quote if you are shopping for what they provide. Purchase printed copies of this booklet as a customized promotional tool for marketing your own business or talk with us about licensing the downloadable version for other promotional applications. Like networking, the possibilities are truly endless. Published by: Paulette Ensign, CEO and Chief Visionary Tips Products International 13146 Kellam Court, Suite 133 San Diego, CA 92130 858-481-0890 Sponsored by: Kathie Nelson, Business Growth Strategist, Speaker & Author Connectworks PO Box 219, Beaverton, OR 97075-0219 503-641-4354 2009, TPI All Rights Reserved 2
60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Tips to Network Your Way to Anything You Want from a Collection of Experts


Table of Contents
Networking is Connecting
Gales Bates ..... 4

The Many Faces of Networking

Paulette Ensign ........ 5

Social and Emotional Intelligence

Carol Kelly ................. 6

Finding the Need

Bette James Laughrun .. 7

Think Outside the Box

Coni Meyers ....... 8

Speak Like a Pro

C.J. McPhail .................... 9

Networking Big Made Easy

Kathie Nelson .......... 10

Plan Your Networking

Tia Ribary ..................... 11

The Perfect Match

Susan Rich ................ 12

Be Proactive
Laura Solop .................................. 13

From the Crunch to the Ka-ching!

Shell Tain ...................... 14

Enjoy Yourself
Victoria H. Trabosh ..... 15

Tips to Promote Your Business with this Booklet .................................. 16

Tips Products International

Networking is Connecting!

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Maintain people power. Networking is

connecting and exchanging knowledge and resources with people and building relationships. You grow a strong net worth of business by developing a strong network of friendships through connecting with people.
Expand your approach and attitude.

Connect signals are vibrations showing you are open for business, open to meeting, open to receiving. The best signal is your attitude saying, Im ready to connect. Give welcoming and inviting signals.
Start the conversation. Take the lead, extend

your hand. Be prepared with conversation starters. I notice from your name tag youre with xyz company. What do you like most about your job? Armed with conversation starters, youll feel more comfortable making that initial connection.
Develop friendships. Build rapport by asking

questions. Learn more about them. You never know who will be the link to the key contact of the company you have longed to do business with. Find out what he or she is looking for and give helpful information or helpful referrals.
Follow up with a STAY IN TOUCH system.

80% of building relationships is staying in touch. Nurture a developing relationship with a phone call, email or social networking connection at least once a month.

Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection? Your eyes meet, you instantly find common ground, and youre interested in getting to know each other better? Its the connection, that sincere feeling you experience when you meet, that builds a relationship towards a lasting friendship. Networking is connecting and building relationships and friendships. Gale Bates Corporate Trainer & Mentor 206-902-8215

60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

The Many Faces of Networking

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Start with what is most comfortable for you.

That may be online or offline, small groups or large. Notice what appeals to you. You may prefer to gather a lot of information about a situation or a person before you participate at all. Or you could be comfortable in using the smallest seed of an idea to springboard into full-blown interaction.
Vary your networking approaches among writing, telephone, and face-to-face.

Each method has its own benefits and disadvantages, including keeping your interactions fresh, more interesting, and accommodates whatever schedule you have.
Be as aware as you can of what it is people you are connecting with are looking for.

That sometimes comes as almost a throwaway comment. Stay alert and the rewards will be yours.
Remember there is a networking mechanism available to you for you to connect with people no matter what your personality style, time availability, budget, and interest. Look until you discover what

works best for you.

Paulette Ensign has been networking and providing easy and effective tools for others to do the same for decades. Tips Products International teaches people, worldwide, to turn expertise into tips booklets and other info products for marketing and making money, tools that network for you.

Paulette Ensign Tips Products International 13146 Kellam Court, #133 San Diego, CA 92130 858-481-0890

Tips Products International

Social and Emotional Intelligence

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Join or create a supportive community and invest your energy in it. Nothing great was

ever accomplished by one person acting alone.

Develop self knowledge, the better to embrace inevitable unwelcome changes in circumstances. Be mindful that nearly all

pain is self inflicted.

Be impeccable. Remember that people respond primarily to the way we feel about

them. Trying to fake it is futile.

Try to find the most generous explanation for another persons behavior. Believe it. Apply the sword of discrimination to select what you will keep and what you will leave.

Trust your intuition even in the face of certain loss.

Carol Kelly, The Business Psychologist, combines more than 25 years of corporate and clinical experience in a psychotherapy practice specializing in workplace issues faced by small business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals. She is the Director of eWomenNetwork in Portland, a chapter of an international networking and marketing organization for women. She has been a corporate financial executive, a management professor, staff psychologist in a community agency serving severely emotional disabled children and their families, and is sought after as a keynote speaker.

Carol Kelly, Ph.D. The Business Psychologist 2898 SW Champlain Drive Portland, OR 97205 503-248-2163

60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Finding the Need

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Become a Need-finder. Successful people

seek needs and find ways to fill them. There are needs everywhere. The depth to which you understand your strengths and the value you add heightens your awareness of needs you best fill.
Enlarge your vision. Bring your team along.

Become a bigger solution. When looking for needs to fill, be intentional. Seek opportunities to solve with your services PLUS. Power partnering is an essential key in networking to big things.
Be focused. People are watching you. Find

ways to motivate yourself daily toward your goals. Set big goals and benchmark goals. The choices you make every day contribute to the end results. This is true in every situation, all the time.
Take your business seriously. Earning serious

income takes serious commitment. Those who are serious about making big things happen plan to make big things happen. Picture yourself as the premium provider of your solutions. Do what it takes to become that which you imagine.
Act now. Seek needs to fill. Find other

quality service providers to work with you that complement your offering. Focus and measure the activities leading to goal achievement. Pursue big things and commit to make them happen.

Internationally recognized business leader, and Millionaire Circle Achiever with Isagenix International, Bette James Laughrun knows what it takes to pursue and achieve goals. A testimonial to her products, at 72 years of age she continues to actively lead a thriving sales organization. Bette James Laughrun, Crystal Executive, Millionaire Circle Founder, Healthy Churches and Healthy Communities Program 704 E Harbor Circle Grand Junction, CO 81505 970-241-6796

Tips Products International

Speak Like a Pro

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Use speaking to your advantage. When you

speak you have the greatest opportunity to influence behavior, drive business, and help people.

Pursue every speaking opportunity you can find. If youre not out speaking about what

you do for a living, its literally costing you a fortune.

Take advantage of your most marketable skill speaking. The people that speak

are out in front, the leaders with the competitive edge, the companies everyone knows about.
Make your speech sound like a conversation. It makes you a more effective

communicator, connects you with your audience in a real and personal way, and catapults your message to a new level.
Choose to see the tough market as an opportunity. World Class leaders have

always known that If you speak business will chase you.

C.J. McPhail, CCS, is the Executive Vice President of the Bill Gove Speech Clubs and has been a Professional speaker for over 14 years. During the past seven years, C.J. has spoken to over a half million people, challenging them to recognize their unlimited potential and serve their communities. One of C.J.s greatest passions is sharing Bill Goves world-class principals with leaders and executives, knowing that it will be as transformational to their personal and business lives as it has been to his. Known as the Harvard of public speaking schools, the Bill Gove Speech Workshop has produced more million-dollar speakers than all of the other speaking schools, combined! C.J. McPhail Gove Siebold Group 920 Summit St Oregon City, OR 97045 503-724-1772

60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Think Outside the Box

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Take a look at who is in your network that supports your target market to see if there are other vendors or professionals that you have not included. Attend events where you

will have access to them.

Look for products or services that will improve the bottom line for your client or customer. A web site or software you can

provide them that is free or a nominal fee that will help them with some part of their business.
Use PR to make yourself more visible or to offset how the negative media is affecting your business. Write an article that your

clients can use to not only inform their clients but their clients can use to inform theirs. Use this network to provide information and education that will keep your clients connected to you.

Form your own online social network that provides products or services to your clients.

Go back to basics with a twist. Review the tools you started your career with and update them for todays time. See how

social networking, blogging may be useful when incorporating them into what you already know.

Coni has networked the 11 year old company into a national training organization. This is the second national company she has helped build from startup. She is working with experts and trainers around the country that want to offer professional courses through OnlineEd. By bringing these diverse experts together and developing a network of authors she has established OnlineEd as a premier educator. Coni K Meyers, Marketing Vice President OnlineEd 7405 SW Beveland St. Portland, OR 97223 503-805-6621

Tips Products International

Networking Big Made Easy

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Think big. Use big hairy goals to propel you to

new connections. Brainstorm key connections that move you toward your goal or create opportunities. i.e. Goal: National conference of independent sales representatives keynote engagement. Connections: Event planner, VP of sales/marketing, or target companies decision maker.
Learn everything about the targeted connections. What pains or frustrations

would you solve for their company? Who could introduce you to big connections?
Create your game plan and act. Go where

your target connections hang out and hang out with those who can connect you. Work your professional and social networks. Whether face to face or online, communicate clearly why you want the introduction.
Give before you get. Assist those who connect you along the way. Can you

facilitate an introduction for them? Can you connect them to opportunities? Networking your way to anything you want means helping others get what they want.
Take what you learn and keep moving forward. Ask for help when you run into a

wall. People are eager to help. Appreciate the relationships you build along the way.

Networking is an under-utilized business growth strategy. Doubling her business in one year using these powerful tips launched Kathie Nelson, CEO of Connectworks, and TM founder of Networking for Busy People and into speaking, consulting, and training. A serial entrepreneur, Kathie is known for her cut-to-the-chase deliverables that lead to increased profit and sales. See for tools, tips and tactics to make connections that pay off every day! Kathie Nelson, Business Growth Strategist, Speaker & Author Connectworks PO Box 219, Beaverton, OR 97075-0219 503-641-4354 10
60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Plan Your Networking

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Know what you need before attending a networking event. Are you seeking clients,

vendors, referral partners, or something else? Anticipating this allows you to focus your efforts on the connections you need the most.
Have a compelling introduction.

Communicate the end result you bring your clients, not the process used to get there. Formula: What I do + Who I do it for + The amazing result they get = a compelling introduction that attracts clients to you.
Identify your natural referral partners.

Expand your reach by identifying others that serve your market, who dont provide what you do. Educate them about your offerings, results, and ideal client so they can easily refer you.
Have the right mind set. Networking can

be a building block, creating relationships ultimately resulting in sales. Networking is not the place to be sales-y. Connect with others for mutual benefit. Show your desire to help. Provide connections that others wont find elsewhere and youll be remembered when its time to buy what you offer.
Follow up. You get minimal results without

follow up. Create a system to track who to call and why. Schedule calendar time for follow up after each event. You may need to contact a prospect numerous times before they buy. Persistence pays!

Ribary & Associates, LLC helps small business owners achieve their goals and enjoy a more thriving , smoothrunning office. Through consulting, office organization, office management, and support services weve helped numerous clients achieve greater success. Contact us about your specific needs. Tia Ribary, Principal Ribary & Associates, LLC 1210 NE 150th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684 503-810-3794

Tips Products International


The Perfect Match

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Believe. You will meet exactly the right

number of people at every networking event. Then, slow down! Act like every person you meet is the one you came to talk to. Youll be remembered as attentive and considerate, which leads to a network of people who either want to work with you...or know someone who does.
Think of networking events as the biggest buffet in town. When you get a taste of

something you like, go back for seconds. Frequent attendance builds relationships and makes you top-of-mind.

Target your industry. Birds of a feather do

flock together. If you like manufacturing or health care, go where those people gather. Attend their conferences, subscribe to their publications. Become an expert. People will notice your passion and remember you.
Say thank you. Hand-written notes cement

a new relationship, or acknowledge an ongoing one. These take time to write, so take the time to write one well. People appreciate the gesture: Ive gotten thank you notes about my thank you notes.

Use part-time jobs to jump-start networking.

I sold print ads. I made dozens of cold calls, then wrote the ads that got me clients. In less than a year I built a network I still leverage today.

RichWriting, Inc. provides strategic writing, editing, and consulting services to businesses in the manufacturing, home improvement, and health and fitness industry. Her word bites are perfect for print, online, radio/TV commercials, and speeches. Owner Susan Rich also teaches reluctant writers how to improve their corporate writing skills. Susan Rich RichWriting, Inc. Tell your story. Build your business. 503-341-6674


60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Be Proactive

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Facilitate networking events rather than just attend. Be a leader no matter how large

or small the event. Set up an online chat group, teleseminar, or a roundtable over coffee. Invite and introduce like minded people, and become top-of-mind in your area of expertise.
Become a web savvy social networker.

Calendar two 30 minute time slots every week to learn, grow, and connect. Online social networking can and has provided opportunities to connect with national media, top notch PR professionals, and career enhancing relationships.
Network with colleagues, not just prospects. Instead of viewing others as

competition, join groups that allow you to network with potential associates or form collaborative efforts. Potential: referrals, contacts, and joint ventures that stimulate your business growth.
Learn to be a succinct communicator, online and off. Its not what you do, but the benefits of your work that are memorable.

Learn to tell concise and compelling stories. A recent client received two major media placements after her article ran in the New York Times.
Ask when and how for follow up.

Email, social networks, text messages, and phone calls are all part of business communication. Keep notes that include not only dates but also preferred method of contact. Timely and receiver-friendly correspondence demonstrates respect which enhances every relationship!

Laura Solop, is a web savvy publicist and expert book marketing consultant. She is known for her high impact promotions that attract media placements, build audiences, and credibility for her clients in todays crowded marketplace. Laura Solop, a.k.a The Publicity Scout Opus Communications, LLC 360-281-3087

Tips Products International


From the Crunch to the Ka-ching!

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Create a relationship with your money. You

and money are going to be together for your whole life. Treat your money like a trusted friend, not a crazy relative. Be considerate, respectful, communicative and trusting of your money. Its there to serve you.
Change what you say about money. If

you say Im always going to work hard and never have any, youll be right. The words you speak are powerful messages to yourself. Make sure those messages are ones you truly want.
Start saving money NOW. The amount isnt

important. Its the action of saving that makes a difference. Create the habit of saving. Reinforce the belief that you can save. Be able to say Yes, I save money.

Know what you are spending as you spend it.

Credit cards make spending an unconscious act. Pay attention to the amount you spend. Know how each purchase reflects your needs, values and desires.
Talk about your money beliefs. Talk about

how you make everyday money decisions. Not talking about your money thinking keeps it hidden, even from you. Talking about money will bring it into the light, and allow you to decide which beliefs do and dont work for you.

The process of money coaching is an effective way to change your money beliefs and habits. Shell came to coaching from an accounting background, and she works with you and your money beliefs in a practical, easygoing manner to make this challenging subject more approachable. She does free sample sessions, contact her. Shell Tain $ensible Coaching 503-258-1630


60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

Enjoy the Process

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Be more interested than interesting. Find

out about them FIRST, and youll then be able to talk about what you do from their perspective.
Scan those business cards when you return to your office. Networking works well when

you do something with the cards youve earned. Scan into a program, add to your contact management system, and cross reference so you can find them easily again.
Talk with purpose rather than just work the room. Think about ways youll add

value for the person youre speaking with. Remember how you feel when youre talking and others truly listen youre impressed! They will be as well.
Enjoy yourself. It will show if you do (or dont). Be yourself and relax. Others will

benefit from what you offer. Share who you are, what you know and do it in a style that is comfortable and natural.
Know you have something to say and say it well. People dont remember what you

say; they remember how you make them feel. Be direct and to the point and have a conversation rather than a monologue. Ask questions that are not yes or no, but that give a conversation meaning. Listening thoughtfully with good follow up questions will make you memorable and lead to further discussions and business.

Executive Coach, Professional Speaker, Writer and Philanthropist, Vicky coaches not only a life of success but one of significance. Entrepreneur, business owner, corporate executive, team leader, team player, sales trainer, consultant, board member, and auditor all are titles she has held over the years, giving her valuable and varied experiences as a leader who is followed. Victoria H. Trabosh Victoria H. Trabosh Executive Coach and Speaker LLC, 27 El Greco Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-636-3692 Tips Products International 15

(It can even be customized for you.)

10 Tips to Promote YOUR Business with this Booklet!

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Send this booklet to clients at years end, thanking them for their business. Use this booklet as a thank you for a sales appointment. Mail this booklet to your prospects to stay in touch with them. Offer this booklet free with any purchase during a specific time, with a certain purchase amount, when opening a new account, or when visiting your website. Distribute this booklet to prospects at a trade show. Give this booklet as an incentive for completing a questionnaire or survey. Include this booklet as a thank you gift when mailing your invoices. Package this booklet as a value-added bonus with a product you sell. Deliver a copy of this booklet to the hands of the first X number of people who enter a drawing or come to your online or offline store. Provide copies of this booklet to people and organizations who can refer business to you.

What are you waiting for?



60 Tips to Network Your Way to Anything you Want

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