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Curriculum Vitae

Name Specialisation Nationality DateofBirth Education Membership Languages Countryexperience

June 2008

Public Sector Reform, Decentralisation, Organisational / Institutional Development, CapacityDevelopment,FinancialManagement Danish 1959(0406) MA Public Administration, SocioEconomics and Planning 1989, Roskilde University Centre DanishassociationofEconomists(DJF) Danish,English,(French,Dutch&Germanreading/spoken) Afghanistan, Belgium, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Turk menistan,Uganda,Ukraine,Venezuela,ZanzibarandZimbabwe. SeniorPartner,DEGEConsult,EastAfrica/Europe DecentralisationAdviser,PORALG,HSPSIII,Tanzania IndependentConsultant(Netherlands19982001,Tanzania20012003) COWIConsultingEngineersandPlannersAS UNDP,DevelopmentProgrammePakistan,LocalConsultant UNDP,DevelopmentProgrammePakistan,ProgrammeOfficer Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Assistant Officer, ProcurementandContracts C/OMin.BuitenlandseZaken Postbus20061 2500EBDenHaag TheNetherlands Mobil:Belgium:+32478371411Tanzania+255756779646 Mr Hans Olsen is a public sector reform and governance specialist with over 20 years of professional experience and over 15 years experience planning, imple menting, monitoring and evaluating donorfinanced development projects over seas. As a provider of expert advice to public administrations and organisations throughout Africa and Asia, he has taken particular interest in public sector reform especially decentralisation and good governance. Mr Olsen has provided consul tancyservicestoprojectsandprogrammesfundedbythefullrangeofinternational donors and have an intimate knowledge of the political economy and development policy, donor policyandaidmodalities,andthewiderdevelopmentcontextinEast ernEurope,Asia,andAfrica;especiallyintheEastAfricanregion. Mr Olsen has specialist expertise in outputtopurpose reviews, M&E and strategic evaluation, programme design and strategic planning, institutional analysis and ca pacity building. He also has significant experience providing advice to and assessing democratisationandhumanrightsinterventions.

Employmentrecord: 2005 20032005 19982003 19931998 19921993 19891992 19851989 ContactDetails



Curriculum Vitae
Local Governance / Decentralisation

June 2008

Joint Assessment of Local Governance and Community Development Programme: The Joint Assessment reviewed the proposed Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP), presented by Ministry of Local Development, and made recommendations with regard to: (i) Further improvements of the Pro gram Document; (ii) How best the international partners can support the LGCDP; (iii) Institutional arrangements for program management, including the strengthen ing required of MLD and subnational levels of Government to startup and imple ment the program; (iv) The Way ForwardintermsofPriorityActionsduringtheAp proach Period (May to July 2008) and during the Inception Period, which is pro posed to be the first six months after the launching of the Programme in January 2009; and (v) How best the proposed programme will yield results for children, young people, women and disadvantaged in terms of fulfilment of their rights. Ne palforJointDonorGrouponDecentralisation/LocalGovernance,AprilMay2008. Team Leader Formulation Mission for Local Service Delivery and Governance Pro gramme (LSDGP): The present Danida support (totalling app. DKK 600 million) ex pires for all three activities by the end of 2008. Instead of continuing the Danish support in three individual programmes it has been decided, in close collaboration with the Ghanaian authorities Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment (MLGRDE); Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing (MWRWH); MinistryofTransportation(MoT);OfficeoftheHeadoftheCivilService (OHCS); Department of Feeder Roads (DFR); Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), and the Water Resource Commission (WRC) to merge the activi ties into a LSDGP totalling DKK 600 million over five years from 20092013. The in tention is to regard the District Development Fund (DDF) as the pivotal instrument for providing Danish funding for service delivery and capacity building. The objec tives oftheformulationmissionaretoprepareaProgrammeDocumentwithCom ponent Descriptions integrated therein for the LSDGP according to the present Danida Aid management Guidelines through a consultative proc ess.GhanaforDanidaJanuaryJune2008. Team Leader Preformulation mission for assistance and advice to the Embassy of DenmarkinAccraforformulationoftheLSDGP:(i)TheProgrammemustbeformu lated in view of the Paris Declaration and thus focus on ownership, alignment and aideffectivenessoftheProgramme;(ii)Theprogrammemustfocusonthepossibili ties of close collaboration with other Development Partners (DPs); (iii) The Pro gramme must be focused and work with a limited number of key agents of change focusing on accountability, transparency, oversight and the rule of law; (iv) Issues pertaining to cross cutting issues, M&E and strategic planning will require specific attention, including a comprehensive risk assessment. Ghana for Danida Decem ber/January2007/08. Team Leader for the Final Evaluation of the LICP: project started in 2002 and com pleted by end of 2007. The Local Infrastructure and CapacityBuilding Project (LICP) support investment in locallevel physical infrastructure in order to improve local government services and budget support to municipalities. It also aims at strength eninggoodgovernanceandlocalgovernmentsplanningandfinancialmanagement capacity and the capacity of councils to plan, budget and implement local develop ment initiatives. Improved governance and participation in planning and budgeting procedures and transparency in the financial management are key features of the

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

support to the local government units. Palestine for BTC, November/December 2007. MidTerm Evaluation of Local Government Support Programme (LGSP), which has as objectives (i) to strengthen fiscal decentralization, improve accountability in the use of local government resources, and improve management of the intergovern mental transfer system; and (ii) to increase access to infrastructure and services in unplanned areas of Dar es Salaam and to improve their operations and mainte nance. The project comprises three components: Component 1: Support for the local government capital development grant (LGCDG) system; Component 2: Dar es Salaam Upgrading and Institutional Strengthening; and Component 3: Support to PMORALG. M&E and Planning Expert. For the World Bank, October/December 2007. Prepare Concept Paper on Decentralisation and Local Governance for SDC, Swit zerland: (i) Base for a common understanding about decentralisation and local governancewithinSDC(fieldandHQ),(ii)documentofreferencewhichexplainsthe link between decentralisation and other concepts used by the Governance division and by the operational SDCstaff, (iii) Basic elements for capacitybuilding activities in decentralisation, (iv) The document should clarify concepts with a clear opera tionalorientation.ForSDCAugust/September2007. Team leader for Formulation of a fiveyear Good Governance Programme includ ing the Decentralisation Component: The general objective of the Burkinab gov ernments efforts with respect to local governance according to the National Policy for Good Governance is to implement the principle of responsibility and participa tion at the base. As for the operationalisation of this objective, the Ministry for Decentralisation has formulated a strategic plan (20062015) along with a triennial action plan. The Team assisted Danida in formulating a programme which fits into this framework. Also responsible for completing the overall Programme of Good Governance including component on Human Rights and one on Gender Issues as well as the Decentralisation Component. For Danida Burkina Faso May/December 2007. Team Leader for UNCDF MidTerm Evaluation of Local Development Project, Amhara Region, Ethiopia: (i) To assist the recipient Government, beneficiaries, and the concerned cofinancing partners, to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, relevanceandimpactoftheprogramme;(ii)Toprovideanexternal,objectiveview on project status and feedback to all parties to improve the policy, planning, pro gramme formulation, appraisal and implementation phases; and (iii) To ensure accountability for results to programme financial backers, stakeholders and bene ficiaries.ForUNCDFEthiopiaApril/May2007. TeammemberforAlignmentstrategiesinthefieldofDecentralisationandLocal Governance:thegeneralobjectiveofthisstudyistoproposecommongoodprac tices/guidelinesforDPsupporttodecentralisationandlocalgovernancethatwill enhanceaideffectiveness.Thespecificobjectivesofthestudyare:(i)Toanalysethe institutionalarrangementsforthemanagementofthedecentralisationreform processandhowtheyinterrelatewiththearrangementsforthemanagementofa broaderpublicadministrationreform;(ii)Toassesstheeffectivenessandperform anceofDPcoordinationmechanismsinthefieldofdecentralisation,payingalso attentiontocoordinationmechanismsinalimitednumberofsectorprogrammes wheredecentralisationofservicedeliveryisconcerned(,health);(iii) ToassesshowDPssupportinterrelateswiththecountrystrategiesanddecentrali

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

sationreformsandhowdifferentcountrystrategiesfacilitateorrestrainDPhar monisationandalignment;(iv)ToassesshowtheuseofvariousentrypointsbyDP intheirsupporttodecentralisationandlocalgovernancereinforceorweakencoun trydecentralisationreforms.ForInformalDonorWorkingGrouponLocalGovern anceandDecentralisation,fundedbyKfWandDanidaMarch/September2007. Team Member for Survey on Local Governance and Decentralisation: Following the Paris Declaration on Donor Harmonisation and Alignment the group of Donors, Danida, GTZ, KfW, BMZ, BTC, DEZA/SDC, DGIS, AFD, EC/EuropeAid etc., only few efforts have been taken to pursue better harmonised and better aligned program matic support. The survey focuses on (i) Stocktaking of operations, strategies and approaches including a brief overview of portfolios; (ii) Decentralisation as compre hensive state reform process and the political dimension of the decentralisation process; (iii) Monitoring decentralisation/appropriate indicators; and (iv) Aid deliv ery/sectorapproach.ForInformalDonorWorkingGrouponLocalGovernanceand Decentralisation(OECD)August/December2006. Team leader to assist UNDP Turkmenistan Country Office in formulation of the local governance/local development programme, and preparation of project con cept (ideas) papers that outline potential entry points within: (i) Analysis of existing legal and institutional framework governing the system of local governments and functions of central and local government institutions, (ii) to identify areas of op portunity and challenge for the promotion of improved local governance and local public services delivery, (iii) identification of potentialpartners(withingovernment, civil society, and within the donor community) in this process; (iv) Analysis of cur rent donor initiatives (including the project proposal received from national coun terpart) in light of this framework; (v) development of a programmatic framework. ForUNDPTurkmenistanSeptember/October2006. Local Level Service Delivery, Decentralisation and Governance: The specific objectivesofthestudyare:(i)Provideabasiccomparativeanalysisoftheformsand processes of decentralisation reforms in the three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, (ii) Analyse the specific modalities in the three countries for localservicedeliveryplanningandprovisionwithinthe3sectorsofbasiceducation, primary health care and agricultural extension, (iii) Explore the impact of the spe cificformsofdecentralisationandlocallevelservicedeliveryarrangementsinterms of efficiency, accountability (transparency) and democratic process (participation); thiswillincludeanalysisofvariouspracticesfordirectuserparticipationinplanning and delivery of services (forms of collective action etc). For JICA East Africa July/January2006/2007. Team Leader to Assist Ministry of Local Government to finalise a Local Government Sector Investment Plan (LGSIP): The assignment includes: Prepare a Common Result Matrix, i.e. a robust M&E system with strong indicators based on the objectives of the Decentralisation Policy and the JARD 2004 analysis, and re flectingthecontributionoftheLGSIPoutputsandoutcomestotherealisationofthe PEAP goals, and costing a threeyear rolling plan and a detailed 1year activity plan. MayandJune2006,forMOLGandDecentralisationDonorPartnerGroup,Uganda. Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP) World Bank Appraisal Mission (14th February 1st March 2006) ; A joint GovernmentDevelopment Part ner Team appraised the Governments ASDP document whichdefinesinterventions to be supported through a development partner basket fund, the Technical aspects of design: (i) Finalize technical design; (ii) Institutional arrangements; (iii) Financial

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

management and procurement; (iv) integration with Government systems; (v) Costs and Economic Analysis; (vi) environmental and social; and (vii) letter of Sec toral Policy. Team Leader for Subgroup on Local Government component and streamlining of agricultural investment into the Local Government Capital Devel opment Grant system. February 2006, Danida for the World Bank/Government of Tanzania. TeamLeaderforreviewofDanidasupportprogramme(phaseIII)forDecentralisa tion support to the Ministry of Local Government Uganda. A review of the pro gramme performance and all inputs in terms of outputtopurpose and in terms of proposingreallocationoffundsforthelastyearoftheprogrammelifespan.Uganda forDanida2006. Team Leader for Review DRP III (Local Government and Decentralisation Programme), technical assessment of specific elements of the Programme and re late findings to the key efforts in decentralisation reform process in Uganda. The exercise shall focus on the following key areas: Technical assessment of the pro gramme implementation & management, partner relations and activity progress visvis programme objectives and the 2005 review recommendations. With point of departure intheJARDplanandbenchmarks,adviseonthefuturefocusandstra tegicprioritiesoftheprogramme,UgandaforDanida2005. Team Leader of UNCDF MidTerm Evaluation of Decentralisation Support Pro gramme (DSP). Objectives: i) Assist the recipient Government, beneficiaries, UNCDF,UNDPand,asappropriate,theconcernedcofinancingpartners,toimprove the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and impact of the project; ii) Provide feed back to all parties to improve the policy, planning, project formulation, appraisal and implementation phases; and iii) Ensure accountability for results to the pro jectsfinancialbackers,stakeholdersandbeneficiaries,BhutanforUNCDF2005. Decentralisation adviser, Presidents Office Regional Administration and Local Government(PORALG):(i)AssistPORALGindeveloping,addressingandpromoting structural issues (devolution of staff, fiscal decentralisation, legal harmonisation) pertaining to how to work with sectors in the context of LGR; (ii) Assist and advice the outcome manager on Reform coordination; (iii) Assist PORALG in identifying andaddressingthecapacityneedsrelatedtoreformcoordination.Tanzania,Danida (20042005). TeamleaderforReviewofSupporttoRakaiDistrictDevelopmentProgramme(III): Key areas considered were: Linkages to LGDP II; UNCDF/DDP IIs revenue enhance ment initiatives for LGs; coordination of donor support to the district etc. Mr Olsen finalised the report presenting the detailed assessments and recommendations of theAnnualReviewMission.Uganda,DanidaFebruary/March2004. EvaluationoftheDistrictRuralDevelopmentProgramme(DRDP),EvaluateDRDPs overall achievements in the current programme phase (19972003), with particular attention for the modalities and achievements of the financial assistance and tech nical assistance provided since 1999, and the lessons to be learned from this for future Netherlands support as well as the process of decentralisation and LGR in Tanzania in general. Quality assurance and overall assessment ofM&E,institutional development.Tanzania,RoyalDutchEmbassy/DGIS,JuneDecember2003. Output to Purpose Review (OPR) for the DFID supported Urban Authorities Part nership Programme (UAPP), propose future support focus especially level of finan

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

cial assistance, community participation mechanisms, outputs and OVIs, and man agementandhumanresourcesneeded.Tanzania,DFID2003. Review Mission for Decentralisation Reform, Human Rights and Good Govern ance: asses the inception and progress of the programme in relation to the activi ties outlined in the Programme and Component Documents, and the project im plementation plans for each component and make recommendations for the fund ing of support during the financial year 20012002. Responsible for finalising the report.Nepal,Danida2002. MainformulationmissiontoaproposedProgrammeforDanidasupporttodecen tralisation reform in Uganda for a third fiveyear phase, 20022007. The pro gramme includes capacity building and institutional support aimed at local govern ments and MOLG, investment funding through the LGDP modality, the Local Gov ernment Associations (continued from Phase II), the Local Government Finance Commission (continued from Phase II), continued operation of crucial Decentralisa tion Secretariat functions (for a limited period through nonbudget). Uganda, Danida2001. Review Mission for Decentralisation Reform, Human Rights and Good Govern ance. (Same outline as mentioned above for the 2002 mission). Mr Olsen was re sponsibleforfinalisingthereport.Nepal,Danida2001. ReviewMissionfortheDecentralisationReform.Theobjectivesofthereviewwere to: assess the progress since the inception of the 2nd phase of the programme in relation to the activities outlined in the project document and project implementa tion plans for each component and make recommendations for the funding of the supportduringthefinancialyear2000/2001.Uganda,Danida2000. Review Mission for the Decentralisation Reform. The objectives of the review are to: assess the progress since the inception of the 2nd phase of the programme in relation to the activities outlined in the project document and project implementa tionplansforeachcomponent;identifypossibleproblemsintheimplementationof the programme components; recommend any revision in the programme setup in ordertoimproveontheimpactoftheactivities.Uganda,Danida1999. AppraisalmissiontoUgandatoappraiseacomprehensivesupportprogrammefor phase II of the Danish support to the decentralisation reform process in Uganda. Support to Ministry of Local Government, Local Authorities association, Auditor General and the Local Government Finance Commission. A. o. looks into the possi bilities of support to a pilot project with an urban authority and to a Capital Devel opmentFund.Uganda,Danida1997. Preparation of Final Review of the Support to the Decentralisation Reform in Uganda.Wasresponsibleforfinancialmanagement,accountabilityandinstitutional aspects of the review. The mission is to identify areas of future Danish support to thedecentralisationreform.Uganda,Danida,1996. Appraisal Mission for Phase II of the Rakai District Development Programme (RDDP) in Uganda looked into the general economic situation of the district; espe ciallyinagriculture,education,andthehealthsectors;theoverallgenderaspectsof the various programme components were reviewed. Future cooperation possibili ties were identified with the various NGOs operating in Rakai District. Uganda, Danida1995.

Curriculum Vitae
Institutional and Or ganisational Devel opment

June 2008

Appraisal of the Good Governance Programme in Mali (20092013): the Mission was focusing on (i) ensuring the quality of the process and the documents pro duced; (ii) make recommendations for finalising the documents; (iii) conformity to Danidaprioritiessuchas:(a)evaluatetheprocessregardinginternationalobjectives withinharmonizationandalignment,(b)evaluatethedocumentinrelationtoother key policies and documents such as Danida Aid Management Guidelines (,Gender,HumanRights etc,(c)clearlyspecifyiftherisksassociatedwiththeProgrammeandmitigatingfac torshavebeenstated.Mali,forDanidaJuneJuly2008. Human Rights and Good Governance Programme in Nepal: Formulation of the Lo cal Governance Component of the Third Phase. The work of the mission is part of the preparation of Phase III of the HRGGP, in particular Component 3. With refer ence to the Concept Paper for the third phase, the objectives of the formulation mission are: (i) To examine the two or more approaches to local governance devel opment, which are being proposed, and see how they best can be combined, or whichoneofthemmayhaveagreaterprospectofsuccessinthecurrentcontextof Nepal; (ii) To assess, together with other experts and representatives of donor agencies, the national programme, proposed by MLD Local Governance and Com munity Development Support Programme and make recommendations regarding Danidasupporttotheprogramme;(iii)Toexamineinparticular(a)thebestwaysto strengthen the role of civil society in governance monitoring and advocacy for bet terpublicservicesatthelocallevel;(b)themostappropriatewaystochannelfunds fromcentraltolocallevels.NepalforDanida,AprilJune2008. Identification Mission and Formulation Mission for Danida Support to Public Sec tor Management in Uganda 2007 2010; the aim is to identify an appropriate and strategically focused and flexible four year programme for support to the Public Sector Management. The missionlookedintoPublicServiceReformandDecentrali sation Reform and General Budget Support based the work on the priorities of the PEAP, the UJAS and the Danida Country Strategy. Uganda, Danida March/August 2006. Team Leader for preparing a strategic plan for the College of Health Sciences (CHS), Zanzibar; the preparation of a draft Plan of Action for the period 2005 2009, taking into account the limited availability of resources through HSPS; and deciding on the design and contents of a national meeting to discuss the draft POA withallstakeholders.Zanzibar,DanidaHealthSectorProgrammeSupport2005. Team Leader for the Appraisal Mission for Final Appraisal of the Danida Anti Corruption Programme in Uganda. The redesigned Programme focuses on three main components: (i) Support to Implement the Leadership Code Act, (ii) Support to Impart Good Governance in Key Government Institutions handling public procure ment and tax collection, and (iii) Support to Civil Society Organisations and the Me dia.Uganda,DanidaOctober2003. Review to propose an enabling governance framework for the full and effective participation of all stakeholders in environmental and natural resource manage ment in Uganda. Propose an institutional arrangement that facilitates and empow ers all key stakeholders to effectively participate in the management of the envi ronmentandnaturalresources.UgandaforDFID,JanuaryJune2003. Appraisal Mission to assess the Governments of Tanzania and Denmark initiated Ereto Ngorongoro Pastoralists Project. Danish development assistance, including

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

poverty reduction, considerations of crosscutting issues with special attention to mainstreaming of gender and HIV/AIDS issues and sufficient consideration of the environmentimpactoftheproject.TanzaniaforDanidaApril/May2003. Appraisal of the Gender and Poverty Programme. Five components (Health, Women Land Rights, Child Rights, Rural Credit and Gender Budgeting Fund) were appraised, and a comprehensive programme document with extensive logical frameworkwascompleted.TanzaniaforDanida2002. ReviewoftheHumanRightsandDemocratisationProgrammeinUganda,withthe establishment of HRDP managed basket funds for the Uganda Human Rights Com mission(Danida,EUandSida)andforsupporttocivilsocietyorganisations(Danida, EU) and an office sharing arrangement with the EUs Human Rights and Govern ance.UgandaDanida,March2002. Shortterm Senior Technical Advisor to the Commission for Human Rights and GoodGovernance,Tanzania.Tanzania,JanuarytoApril2002. Team Leader to Prepare project Document for Phase II support to the Danida funded cooperation project between Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and the StatisticsDenmark.Uganda,forDanida2000. Team Leader for Technical Assistance to the Ugandan Human Rights Commission (UHRC) to provide TA for preparation of a Corporate Plan for the Commission. The major focuses of the plan are: decentralisation of operations; cooperation with viable stakeholders for shared objectives; cooperation with civil society organisa tions such as NGOs and youth, women, religious and cultural groups. Uganda for Danida,1999and2000. Evaluation mission to prepare the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for the Kenya Protected Areas and Wildlife Project (PAWS). The areas of focus were: i) management, research, planning and organisation structure; ii) evaluating the appropriateness, effectiveness and impact of the training activities financed under theprojectiii)assessedtheadequacyoftheinstitutionalarrangementsforensuring properfinancialmanagement,andefficacyofthedecisionmakingstructureatboth thecentralandlocallevels.Kenya,WorldBank,1999. Mission preparing an Environmental Sector Programme for Egypt with focus on pollution protection, abatement and prevention within an industrial pollution com ponent, waste and hazardous waste disposal component and support to the local administrations at governorate level as well as NGOs component. Egypt, Danida 1997/98. Participated as Danida representative in the World Bank Mission within the road sector, in order to strengthen the coordination among donors and client in the identification and needs assessment of possible road projects. Zimbabwe, Danida, 1997. Assessment of UNDP carried out by senior consultants from Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, and India. The study looked at reasonable links between needs and demands on UNDP and its capabilities and potentials. The assessment covers UNDP resources and technical services, human, financial, and administrative capac ity, and lead to a recommendation to an effective, concentrated role to UNDP in termsofprofile,tasks,andresourcesneededtosupportitscomparativeadvantage. Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden,Denmark,UnitedKingdom,andIndiaandforUNDP,1995/96.

Curriculum Vitae

June 2008

EvaluationoftheFinancialMechanismoftheMontrealProtocolforthephaseout ofozonedepletingsubstances.Participatedasmemberoftheevaluationteamand through field visits to Burkina Faso and Venezuela. Venezuela, Burkina Faso (Global),fortheMultilateralFund/UNEP1994/95. Preparation of Road Maintenance Financing Study Nicaragua arriving at a priority listofprojectproposals.Nicaragua,Danida1994. Port of Esbjerg; Prepared organisational models for cooperation between the commercial users and the port authorities. This study was a followup on a major strategic study prepared by COWIconsult for the port authorities ofEsbjergandthe DanishMinistryofTransport,1994/95. Evaluation of the framework agreements that Danida has with the 4 largest Dan ish NGOs in regard of their development assistance programmes/projects. Nepal, Mozambique,Nicaragua,UgandaforDanida1994/95. Case study of UNDP's role in aid management and aid coordination at country level. UNDP's country programme and its new forms of cooperation as a frame work for national aid management. Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka, UNDP, New York 1993/94. Quantitative data collection for UNDP, Afghanistan for two development co operation reports for 1991 and 1992. Due to dislocation of UNDP office from Kabul toIslamabadtheconsultancywascarriedoutinPakistan.Theassignmentconsisted among other things in visiting Afghan NGOs for financial data regarding develop mentactivitiesinsideAfghanistan.Pakistan,1993. Identification of project for the expansion and improvement of the linkage be tween the R&D institutes and their users in the private and public sectors. The project aimed at developing methodologies and carrying out pilot studies, that would assist in defining needs for R&D in selected public sector agencies, in se lected industries, and to orient, through reorganisation, the larger public sector researchinstitutionstowardstheseneeds.Pakistan,1992. Identification, planning, and implementation of a project to assist the Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation in human resources development in connection withplanstoreorganiseandpartlyprivatisetheCorporation.Pakistan,1991/92. Identification and planning of a project for improved road construction and main tenance in the northern areas of Pakistan. The main objective was to establish a more effective organisational setup and to improve the capacity of the Public Works Department, through better training programmes and onthejob training. Pakistan,1991/92. Study of organisational changes in the Danish public sector. The main aim of the study was to establish if this organisational structure was suitable to institutions in the social sector, already characterised by a high degree of autonomy and delega tion.Denmark,1989. PublicFinancing Preparation of macroeconomic country profiles for Uganda and Kenya, (PERs, CAS,PFPs,PovertyReports,CGpapersetc.)aswellasdonorpublicationsandmate rialofrelevance.DeskstudyforDanida,1997/98. Prepared an assessment of proposedpreinvestmentactivitiesfor199798forthe PHARE MultiCountry Transport Programme (PMCTP), PHARE partner countries, EU,1997/98.

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June 2008


ReviewMissiontotheSmallandMicroIndustrialEnterprises(SMIE)Development in the Aswan Governorate, Egypt. The project consists of five overall components, among which is the introduction of marketing strategies including a credit line in a bankforSMIEs.Egypt,forDanida,1996/97. Evaluationofthe"growthfund"undertheMinistryofCommerce.FortheMinistry ofCommerce,Denmark1996. Research programme for the municipality of Aalborg, with the aim of proposing measures to limit the amount of truck traffic distributing goods in the city centre. Was responsible for suggesting relevant organisational models and regulatory frameworkforintroducingcitylogistics.FortheDanishTransportCouncil,199596. Conducted a marketing analysis for Post Danmark by preparing 12 case studies. ForPostDanmark,1995. Institutional Expert for ODS project preparation in Belarus and Ukraine. Belarus andUkraine,forTheWorldBankandtheDanishMinistryoftheEnvironment.1995. Ex Post Evaluation of an Industrial Programme for Promotion of Business Co operation between Denmark and Eastern European Countries. (Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus). Cli ent:RegionalDanishAgencyforDevelopmentofTradeandIndustry,1994/95.

_______________________________ HansBjrnOlsen

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