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Chapter 18

Testing, commissioning and management of protection

by E.C.Smith, revised by D.Hay



This chapter deals with protective gear throughout its life, from its being specified on a scheme, through the testing and commissioning stages into routine maintenance and fault investigation. The management of protective gear covers all those aspects and more; for example, keeping records, assessing performance, and the avoidance of mistakes in testing. The chapter does not attempt to describe in detail how to commission any specific type of protection, but seeks to establish principles which apply to all schemes. Similarly the recommendations relate to the tests which need to be done, without specifying who shall do them.


Contractual obligations

There is little doubt that, where it is economically possible, it is better for the user of the equipment to commission it himself; by so doing he has a keen interest in the equipment right from the start and has the opportunity to get thoroughly familiar with it before it goes into commission. This knowledge will stand him in good stead during subsequent maintenance, and especially during fault investigation. However, for various reasons it is customary to specify that the equipment shall be 'put to work' by the contractor. This immediately introduces such difficulties as 'marrying' extensions to existing schemes, and connecting d.c. and a.c. supplies to new equipment. Such difficulties can arise even when one contractor is entirely responsible for all the new equipment; but the difficulties are worsened when several contractors are involved. For example, there may be different manufacturers for the h.v. switchgear, the 1.v. switchgear, the transformers and the multicore cables. Each contractor is required to prove his own equipment, but he cannot always do so because of its interdependence with other equipment. During the commissioning


Testing, commissioning and management of protection

tests something may fail to function; the cause of failure may not lie with that contractor's equipment but may be due to crossed multicores or wiring on associated equipment supplied on another contract. It is here that some co.ordinating influence is necessary. This co-ordination can best be done by the user or the consulting engineers. Very often, in the interests of expediency, the user will investigate the trouble himself, but this is contractually wrong. If a contractor is responsible for setting his equipment to work, the user should refrain from sorting out his troubles for him. He should, as far as possible, require each contractor to prove his own equipment. When several contractors are involved on a project it is advisable to have a group discussion beforehand to outline the tests which have to be done and to consider the effect of those tests on the equipment as a whole. Although many tests may have to be done to prove a comprehensive scheme, some are usually more vital than others. The user may not be able to be represented at all the tests; he will have to decide which he must do himself, which he will participate in or closely supervise, which he will let the contractor do to a previously drawn-up programme (inspecting the test results afterwards), and which, if any, he will accept verbal assurance from the contractor as having been done by him. Whether there is close participation or whether there is almost casual supervision, the user must remember one thing very clearly: he, and he alone, is responsible for ensuring that the new equipment has been correctly installed and that it can safely be connected to the system. The contractor must satisfy the user of this. It is common practice, particularly for major installations, for the Board's specifications to call for 'testing and setting to work'; the specifications also require a 12-month maintenance period, during which any faults caused by poor design or bad workmanship are put right free of charge by the manufacturer.


The mental approach to commissioning tests

A fundamental thought should be kept in mind when approaching any commissioning test: the test is being done to prove the equipment is correctly installed. It may not be. Throughout the tests, critical attention should be paid to all the aspects of the work; nothing should be 'glossed over' without a full explanation being sought. It is only by paying minute attention to detail that a high standard of performance can be achieved.

18.4 18.4.1

Commissioning tests Reasons for commissioning tests

Commissioning tests are done to prove:

Testing, commissioning and management of protection



(b) (c)

That equipment has not been damaged in transit and that it can be safely and confidently connected to the system. That the specified equipment has been correctly installed. To prove characteristics of the protection which are based on calculations, for example the primary settings of high impedance protection systems. To obtain a set of test figures for future reference if and when necessary.

Commissioning tests, as well as covering protective gear, control and alarm circuits, also cover much of the primary plant with which such equipment is associated. Since, however, this book deals with power system protection, nothing more will be said of primary plant commissioning except that, on any primary circuit being commissioned, it is a good plan to consider it as being built of units such as busbars, busbar protection, circuit breakers, transformers, cables, disconnectors, protective gear, intertripping, and so on. Each such unit should be proved before attempting conjunctive tests on the complete circuit.
18.4.2 Planning of commissioning tests

It is desirable to plan commissioning tests in a logical order, ensuring that no equipment is overlooked and, once tested, is not unnecessarily disturbed, thus requiring a re.test. A commissioning programme should be planned as follows:
Study of Diagrams

(a) Block diagrams: It is helpful to have (or to prepare if none is available)a block diagram of a substation tO show the lines, transformers and busbars and the c.t. and v.t. positions. The various types of protective gear may be indicated in block outline with thin solid lines between them and the c.t.s, and dotted lines between the relays and the circuit b~eakers they trip. A block diagram of this kind (Fig. 18.4.2A) presents a very clear picture of the protection and control layout arrangements of a substation. Circuit diagrams: The manufacturers will often supply circuit diagrams, but if not they should be extracted from the main wiring diagrams. Separate circuit diagrams can be prepared for d.c. tripping, closing, alarm and indication circuits; and a.c. diagrams for various types of protection, voltage and synchronising circuits. Each class of circuit can be shown on a separate diagram so that each can be studied and tested without confusion. A typical circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 18.4.2B. Two warnings are necessary with regard to the use of circuit diagrams; both warnings involve completeness of the diagram. If an engineer is extracting his own circuit diagram, he would be wise to make quite sure that he has included the whole of the circuits connected, say, between any given fuse and link; by doing a full diagram he can be confident that no possible 'sneak' circuits are overlooked. If using a manufacturer's diagram, he should satisfy himself that it is complete and (b)


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Po..Open ~ __ _.. --A---"


2 sec

_.disconn. H.V.
aux. sw.


-1 I

|I aux. sw.

Carriage sw.

,=~-- - ~ aux. L.V. sw. breaker


~l .11


' - - - " ~"~ ~ .~ J

soo,, E

Stage 1

Main II



~. . . .


90 MVA 132133 kV


~- - II I-~ __1

earthing I I trans.
i .... TI

Area Board . BIB ....
Metering =

l,_~/I II E
Stage 2 Stage I

/,.. ,~._


'3 E---~
: d

E ,, ~ t


E ~~'

iii f
f:' t ~cl

~ iI
II "


c,,n,pensati~;n-' C - - - <


~ooo/, = -

:" - E

is 14


Fig. 18.4.2A

33 kV

Typicalblock diagram

Testing, commissioning and management of protection

Circuit protn,


Tripping relay

~ Trip coil supervision II'A"




38.~0. ~2

l 'Trip coil C.B.

aux. s~.




'1) + '

Sw'. gr. ON(."


Sw} Igr. I

: ~'Remote

o oh,, o - - o
Cl, Ip I


Trip coil



I10 V d . c .
LSC close

i I








Clll~ie- ,

..... ,ol-lt-'t

~,o.~ / r ' - -

, ,


S ~ I Iigr. I

close +'




close +'



Ii Ii~l 0
S w . gr.

S ~ . gr. 110 Vd.c.


BBPTR - Busbar protection tripping relay

" - c l o s e L'C - c l o s i n g C C C - closing coil contactor

limited selective control

N - normal O - open

t'P - control panel

L -

R - remote


S - standby

Fig. 18.4.2B

Typical circuit breaker control diagram

that it shows every hazard in the circuit. For example, at one time o.c.b, rack-in plug and socket connections were not always shown on tripping and closing circuit diagrams. If circuit diagrams are being drawn by the user, he should make them as simple as possible, ignoring the physical layout of the equipment and making his diagram a pure electrical diagram, avoiding unnecessary crossovers and ensuring a smooth flow of the eye from side to side or top to bottom without any unnecessary 'to and fro' motion. Circuit diagrams of a semiphysical type, which are drawn so that the number of multicores necessary between two points can be readily assessed, are almost as difficult to follow as a wiring diagram, through various contacts and coils, until the circuit from positive to negative is complete, by which time (unless the engineer has an unusually retentive memory) a state of partial confusion will result. Good circuit diagrams are invaluable during commissioning tests and fault investigations in that they permit the details of the circuit to be assimilated quickly.


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

From a circuit diagram it is often possible to diagnose the reason tbr a circuit fault before doing any confirmatory testing.
Planning the programme

(a) Overall review: The equipment to be commissioned may vary from a single additional circuit connected to a low voltage busbar, to a complete 400 kV doublebusbar substation with transformers, generators and lines. In either case the method of approach should be the same. First of all, a list should be prepared itemising all the tests it is necessary to do; for example, insulation resistance, secondary injection, primary injection, control, indication, interlocks, alarms, tripping, end-to-end, auto-reclose, synchronising, on-load tests etc. In some cases it may be helpful to have sheets available headed, for example, 'disconnectors' or 'circuit breakers' or 'transformers', and on these sheets have a list of items that have to be inspected or tested before that particular piece of equipment can be said to have been checked. Fig. 18.4.2C gives the schedules in rough outline of some of the tests usually done on different pieces of equipment. The schedule may be elaborated as necessary for a particular circuit configuration.
Fig. 18.4.2C
Typical schedule of protection commissionirJg tests

Inspection prior to detailed testing Terminal tightness Check of ferrule numbers Insulation resistance tests Examination of auxiliary switches O'rcuit breakers Timing tests Check of c.t. positions Disconnectors Operating mechanism Control circuits Pro tec tio n Secondary injection Primary injection On-load tests

Voltage transformers Ratio Back-energising Phasing Transformers Phasing at 415 v Winding temperature indicators Buchholz device Current transformers Magnetic curves Polarity Ratio

Tripping tests Trip circuit supervision

Protection gear to tripping relay Trip interlocks Tripping relays to breakers Intertripping Acceleration Autoreclose

Alarm scheme Shorting of initiating contacts Proving from all initiating devices

Whenever possible there should be a pattern in the approach to commissioning tests; for example, the a.c. circuits may be considered as feeding into the protective

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


gear and the d.c. circuits as feeding out from the protective gear to the tripping relays and circuit breakers they trip. This method of working breaks the job up into easily manageable sections at an early stage and enables faults to be quickly cleared without the risk of losing track if a complete sequence of tests has been attempted altogether. Having proved each section individually, tests to check the overall functioning can be done fairly quickly. The cause of any failure to operate satisfactorily can easily be pin-pointed, as the failure must be in the unproved connections between the already proved sections.

(b) The commissioning log: A commissioning programme can be carried through more efficiently and effectively if proper records are kept. One convenient way is to make up a folder, sometimes called the commissioning log, containing stencilled sheets for recording"
the programme of tests brief diary of day-to-day progress the various test results temporary conditions outstanding items. The commissioning log should also include copies of the circuit diagrams to be used during the tests, and any other sheets thought necessary. Such a commissioning log enables a comprehensive record to be kept of the whole job, which will be of value not only during the testing programme but for any future fault investigation.

Programming: Tests need to be carefully programmed, not only to ensure that equipment is ready on time, but as regards plant outages, permits, allocation of staff, etc. The tests should also be programmed to take place in a logical and efficient order so that nothing already tested is disturbed during subsequent tests. In preparing an overall programme of manufacturing time, delivery, erection, inspection, testing and commissioning, adequate time must be included for the last three items. Engineers engaged on the final commissioning tests are doing their part of the job after most of the other people have finished theirs; there is often impatience to get the new equipment into commission, and the commissioning engineers are liable (usually unjustifiably) to receive criticism for any delays in making alive, and are sometimes urged to cut short their tests. Commissioning tests may reveal several defects which need correcting, and a reasonable amount of time for such rectification should be included in the overall planned time.
18.4.3 Inspection prior to testing


The inspection tests can be itemised as follows"


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

(a) Checking for tightness all connections in relay panels, control panels, marshalling kiosks, c.t. terminal boxes, etc. (b) Checking that fuses and links are properly wired. In the case of rewirable fuses, the wire should be tinned copper - n o t a soft lead compound which can deform and either blow at a current less than its rating or become loose after several weeks. The fuse wire should not be taut, as it is liable to break when the fuse is being inserted in its holder. Cartridge-type fuses should be inspected to ensure that the correct rating is used for the circuit. If the links are of the type which are wired with stiff wire they should be inspected to ensure that the wire stiffness is not distorting the jaws and thus preventing adequate contact pressure. (c) Clearances should be checked between relay studs and the edges of the holes in the steel panel, making suitable allowance for possible dust accumulation over the years. (d) Ensure that all the secondary equipment in outdoor substations is weatherproof, but that there is provision for ventilation and heating (if required) to prevent condensation, in accordance with the Board's specification. (e) Particular attention should be paid to auxiliary switches. These appear in almost every circuit - for example, tripping, closing, indication, alarm, synchronising, autoreclose, electrical bolt interlocks, busbar protection, and occasionally in c.t. circuits other than busbar protection. Points to look for are silver plating where specified, contact pressure, cleanliness, adequate 'wipe' and follow through. The drive should be examined to ensure that it is positive, not liable to jam or become disconnected from the main mechanism, and that its action corresponds with the main switch. On auxiliary switches used for busbar protection c.t. selection, it is essential that they are duplicated, and that the auxiliary switches make before and break after the associated primary contacts, so as to ensure that the secondary circuits are complete before any primary unbalance can occur due to pre-contact arcing or a high resistance in one part of the primary circuit. Tests should be devised to prove that the auxiliary switches meet this requirement. The importance of correct operation of auxiliary switches cannot be overemphasised, as failure of an auxiliary switch can defeat the best designed schemes. (.I") Before energising new secondary wiring it should be checked as far as reasonably practicable that there are no bare, dangling, uncompleted leads anywhere on site which will be made alive at the same time as the equipment under test. Any such leads should be terminated, disconnected or (as an absolute minimum) well taped up.

Testing, commissioning and management of protection

18.4.4 The tests


We can assume that the tests to be done have already been scheduled, primary circuit by primary circuit, probably with target dates. Before beginning testing it should be confirmed that the particular part of the circuit under test is complete and that no one is likely to interfere with it. The tests to be done should be listed in chronological order together with any special precautions to be taken. The tests will fall under four broad headings:

(a) (b) (c) (a)

Tests before making secondary equipment alive. Tests before making primary equipment alive. Synchronising tests where the new equipment is alive, but not yet in parallel with existing equipment. On-load tests.

Schedules for recording test results should be compiled in advance, when preparations can be made at a time free from testing stress. The initial and comprehensive advance planning is a big help in making the tests run smoothly. Below are listed some of the more usual tests, with comments.

(a) Insulation resistance tests: These tests should be done with a 500 V Megger, care being taken that telephone type pilots are not included. To ensure that this voltage does not appear across rectifiers in the event of a wiring error, or across capacitors and solid state equipment, they should be shortened out until Megger tests are complete. Each circuit should be tested in turn whilst all the others are earthed to ensure that there is no connection between two supposedly separate circuits. This point is particularly important and needs stressing. It is difficult to advise what value of insulation resistance should be obtained. On panel and other indoor wiring one would expect a figure in excess of 100 Mf~. On outdoor wiring in a medium-sized substation, 10 M~ would be a fair figure; and on a very large substation, where wiring loops in to many auxiliary switches and junction boxes, 1 Mf~ would not be unreasonable. The weather can also affect the results; a warm humid day tends to lower the value, whereas a cold dry day gives high values. Often the Megger pointer will swing towards zero when meggering begins on a circuit. This is because the connected wiring has capacitance; the pointer will climb towards infinity as the wiring builds up its charge. It is advisable not to touch such wiring immediately after stopping winding! (b) Secondary injection tests: These tests consist of a.c. injection into the relay coils to prove that the relay calibration is correct. Even if the relays have been thoroughly tested in a laboratory or in the manufacturer's works, some kind of check should be made when they are mounted on the panel to ensure they have not been damaged in transit or by handling.


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

In general, high-accuracy secondary injection tests on site are not necessary. Laboratory standards are not being sought. What is needed is a set of figures, reproducible later from time to time on routine tests, which bear a known relationship to accurate figures previously obtained in a laboratory. If, however, the protective gear contains tuned circuits which have to be calibrated by secondary injection on commissioning, due regard should be paid to the frequency and wave shape of the test supply to ensure there are no harmonics present. There are several types of relays, and these are discussed briefly under their appropriate headings.

General: Whatever type of relay is being tested, if it is fitted with a plug bridge the tests should be done on the lowest tap so that the whole of the coil is included. Calibration checks may be done on other taps if desired, but this should not be necessary. It is, however, wise to check the continuity of each coil tap. This can be done by moving the setting plug from tap to tap and checking that current flows when the test supply is switched on. The plug bridge shorting contact should be proved when the setting plug is withdrawn. This should be done with the test current switched on, and it should be observed that withdrawal of the plug does not open-circuit the relay coil. Although the tests mentioned are of an electrical nature, due regard should be paid to the mechanical condition of the relay. Dust and other foreign bodies should be removed with a feather, or by a blower; not by the breath because this contains many droplets of moisture. The relay movement should be checked for clearance of gaps, contact alignment, and freedom of operation. If the relay is fitted with a mechanical flag, the flag should operate as, or just before, the contacts make, and the flag mechanism should not interfere with the operation of the relay. Instantaneous relays: These will be actuated by current or voltage and will usually be of the attracted-armature type. The current should be increased slowly until operation occurs. The current value immediately prior to operation should be noted because of the change in reluctance of the magnetic path of the relay (see Chapter 6). The current or voltage should then be decreased slowly, and the value recorded at which the relay resets. Inverse definite minimum time (i.d.m.t.) relays: It should be checked that the contact just makes on zero time multiplier (t.m.). Also the resetting time at t.m. 1-0 should be measured at zero current. For record purposes, the maximum current which will allow the relay to reset fully should be ascertained. It should not be necessary to prove the relay curve, but at least two points should be checked on it; one to find the minimum current, with t.m. = 1 43, at which the relay will just operate (usually referred to as the creep value), and the other to check the timing at, say, four times current or voltage setting, and t.m. --- 1.0. (iii) (ii)


Testing, commissioning and management of protection


(iv) Biased relays: Such relays have at least two coils; one tends t o cause operation whilst the other(s) restrains. The method of test will vary with the relay type and application, but it is usual to check the bias curve by measuring the current needed in the operating coil to cause operation when different values of separately injected current are passed through the bias coil. Care should be taken not to overheat the relay by the fairly large operating current necessary to overcome a strong bias current. Only three or four points on the curve need be checked.
With some types of end-to-end protection, it may be necessary to carry out simultaneous injection tests at both ends to check, for example, the bias characteristics of a teed feeder pilot protection scheme. Several warnings should be issued hero: If the (dead) overhead line itself is used as part of the secondary injection equipment, the greatest care should be exercised with the equipment because of induced voltage from other lines on the same towers or in the vicinity. Such voltages can be dangerously high, and the protective equipment and 'live' parts of the secondary injection test equipment should not be touched unless temporarily earthed. Such work should only be carried out with the authority of a sanction-fortest card. End-to-end tests using the primary line as an interconnector are deprecated because of the danger, but are mentioned here for the record. If simultaneous secondary injection tests are to be done at the two ends using two sets of test equipment and separate supplies at each end, it is essential that the two supplies are in phase or in anti-phase, depending on the type of protection. If the phasing is known, well and good. If not, it will have to be established. Be careful not to rely too much on telecommunication company pilots as a means of phasing out test supplies (which should, of course, be transformed to a safe voltage before applying them to the pilots), because the inductance and capacitance of the pilots can introduce appreciable phase-shift. In one case, 30 V supplies at each end were phased out over a pair of telecommunication company pilots by engineers who had not appreciated the possibility of phase-shift. Their results, when plotted out, indicated approximately 30 difference in phase between the supplies at the two ends. To compensate for this 'difference' the tests were done phase-to-neutral at one end and phase-to-phase at the other, when the two supplies were in fact in phase. Needless to say, most interesting results were obtained! This problem of phase-shift in pilots can be overcome once it is known, but it is safer to phase out test supplies against a known voltage reference at each end. With end-to.end injection there is wide scope for errors, and it is only too easy to overlook a 180 shift through a transformer. End-to-end tests by secondary injection should not be relied on entirely for establishing protective gear polarity. At best, they are only a guide and the results should always be confirmed later by on-load tests. If a biased relay is used for the overall protection of a power transformer it may have a harmonic.bias coil on it in addition to the load-bias coil. The harmonic-bias


Testing, commissioning and management of protection

coil stabilises the relay against unwanted operation on magnetising inrush currents at the instant the power transformer is switched on to the system. The calibration of the tuned circuit associated with this coil should be proved, and here the frequency of the test supply should be confirmed as 50 Hz, otherwise inaccuracies may be present.

(v) Distance protection relays: Certain distance relays are of the d.c. permanent magnet moving coil type, in which the coil moves axially or radially. Sometimes the relay has only one coil fed from the d.c. bridge which compares the magnitudes of the current and voltage and so is a measure of the impedance to the fault. On another type the relay possesses two coils on the one former; one coil is fed from the rectified current and tends to cause operation, whilst the other coil is fed from the rectified voltage, thus tending to restrain. In secondary injection tests on these relays, current and voltage of varying magnitude (to simulate different values of fault impedance) are fed into the protective gear to prove that the equipment is in calibration. (vi) Directional relays: Directional relays are frequently of the induction type, where the disc or cup is acted upon by a current coil and a voltage coil. Depending on the phase angle between voltage and current, the relay will either operate to close its contact or remain with its contacts open. Directional relays usually act in conjunction with other relays. For example, in a directional overcurrent relay the sensitive directional element controls the operation of a low-set overcurrent element. In many types of distance protection the directional relay acts as a starting relay and controls the operation of many auxiliary relays associated with the measuring elements. In testing directional relays it is usual to prove that they will not operate or even creep in the presence of either actuating quantity alone. It is also necessary to find the phase angle between the current and applied voltage to give zero torque - that is, the point at which the relay changes direction. If the applied volts are then moved 90 from that position, maximum torque should be obtained. In that position figures may be taken of the minimum current required to cause operation at rated volts, and of the minimum voltage required to cause operation at rated current. In the case of directional earth-fault relays, consider what happens when an earth fault occurs on a solidly earthed system. This condition is depicted vectorially in (a) of Fig. 18.4.4A in which a red phase-to-earth fault is assumed. The relay is fed with residual current and with a voltage derived from transformers: this is shown by VOD in (b) and the fault current is shown by IREs. The relays for this application are designed to operate with maximum torque when the applied current and voltage are in phase, and it is, therefore, necessary to move one vector or the other to achieve this in-phase condition under fault conditions. The voltage vector is the one most conveniently moved, and (c) and (d) show how the requisite amount of compensation is achieved. The angle of compensation is usually of the

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


order of 60 to 70 . Measurement of the compensation angle may be made by single-phase injection on, say, the red primary winding of the auxiliary v.t.s and by then measuring the open delta (FOB), capacitor (I/c), and relay coil (I/REL) voltages. The secondary injection tests on directional earth-fault relays should be carried out in a similar manner to the injection tests on directional overcurrent relays, due allowance being made for the difference in maximum torque angle and sensitivity.

i,., f





(a) Voltage and current phasors

for Red phase earth fault on solidly-earthed system

(b) Open-delta voltage and residual current in relay

VOD ~ ~ 7 vC

, 1__31





(c) Auxiliary v.t.'s, open-delta and

voltage compensation circuit


(d) I'has~rs showing angle of

- I B at unity power factor load = IRE S 0 I J -V R = VOD (e) Red voltage fuse removed and limb shorted. Blue c.t. shorted and disconnected. Note similarity to (b)

Fig. 18.4.4A

Proving of earth-fault directional relays

(c) Preliminary tests on current transformers: Many things should be checked before the stage of heavy-current injection is reached. These are"

(i) Overlap of c.t.s: Where the c.t.s are arranged to overlap the circuit breaker so that a fault within the breaker is covered by both adjacent zones of protection, it should be proved conclusively that the c.t.s do overlap, otherwise a fault within


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Post-type c.t.'s
A ! v

I I z

) I I I

Test transf()rmer Heavy test current is possible

240 V supply Test current severely limited by impedance of t r a n s f o r m e r

Fig. 18.4.4B

Effect o f c.t. position on magnitude o f test current

the breaker could not be cleared by either set of protection. The proving may be done by visual inspection, thought being given to the ever present possibility of crossed ferrule numbers. If visual inspection is impossible or difficult, then a Megger of continuity indicator may be applied between the appropriate relay(s) and earth at the relay panels, whilst a roving earth is 'dabbed' on and off the secondary terminals at the c.t.s to prove they are on the correct side of the breaker.

(ii) The correct c.t.s: Often there are several sets of c.t.s in the one bushing and it is vital to prove that these are respectively connected to the correct protection. Sometimes all the c.t.s will be of the same ratio but will have very different characteristics. At other times the c.t. ratio will be different but close enough to cause confusion unless great care is taken. With post-type c.t.s or c.t.s in an o.c.b, bushing the proving of the correct c.t, ratio causes little difficulty because heavy test current can be passed through them; but where such c.t.s are in the bushings of a power transformer, the position is much more difficult because only small test currents can be passed. The two cases are indicated in Fig. 18.4.4B. (iii) Magnetisation current tests: These tests are done:
to prove there are no shorted turns in the c.t., to establish the knee point voltage (k.p.v.) of the c.t. (the knee point voltage

(a) (b)

Testing, commissioning and management o f pro tection



is that point on the magnetisation curve where a 10% increase in applied voltage will result in a 50% increase in magnetising current), to establish the capability of the c.t.s. (This is allied to the point (c) (ii), page 412 and is a way of proving that the different types of c.t.s can be distinguished from each other.) Magnetisation curves are obtained by applying a sinusoidal voltage to the secondary winding of a c.t. and measuring the magnetising current flowing for different values of applied voltage. A typical curve is shown in Fig. 18.4.4C. There is no need to continue the test beyond the knee point. These tests must be made with the primary of the c.t. open-circuited. When carrying out magnetisation tests on c.t.s, it is most important that the applied voltage is progressively reduced to zero before interrupting the supply; otherwise the very high rate of change of flux may induce a voltage sufficient to damage the secondary insulation.


Knee p o i n t voltage is t h a t voltage at w h i c h a 10% increase in voltage results in a 50% increase in c u r r e n t

I 0%, 400




I K n e e p o i n t voltage 4 2 0 V
] c.t. ratio 5 0 0 / i

> ~, 300



0 50 i00

150 200

Current (mA) Fig. 18.4.4C

A typical c.t. magnetisation curve

(iv) Flick tests: Much preliminary checking can be done with the aid of a 1.5 V battery and a voltmeter. All the c.t.s in a group can be checked in turn to prove that they are connected to the protection in the same polarity. A voltmeter, on a


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

sensitive d.c. range, should be clipped across (and left across during the tests) the relay or c.t. secondary whilst the 1.5 V battery is touched across the bar primary of each c.t. in turn. Great care should be taken to ensure that the battery leads and voltmeter are applied in the same way each time. Fig. 18.4.4D shows the arrangement. It is important to note that the deflection of the voltmeter is the same each time the battery is connected, and each time it is disconnected. A flick test can be done profitably with c.t.s in a transformer bushing, because the d.c. current can traverse the transformer windings with little opposition. It is even possible to do rough operation and stability tests by excluding or including the balancing neutral c.t. within the path of the battery current.
V o l t m e t e r left clipped across relay during test
IV2V cell "-


-T h i s lead f l i c k e d on a n d o f f
Fig. 1 8 . 4 . 4 D

I . o r w a r d k i c k on a p p l i c a t i o n o f test l e a d . B a c k w a r d k i c k o n r e m o v a l o f test lead.

Arrangements for flick tests

Primary in/ection tests: Primary injection tests are required to prove that c.t.s are correctly connected to relays. These tests will usually include a check of the polarity of the three c.t.s in a group, and often the comparison of the group with another. The sensitivity of the protection, in terms of primary amps, may also be determined. At this stage a simple diagram should be drawn (to form part of the commissioning log) showing c.t. locations, the testing transformer and the position of the test leads in the circuit for each test of operation, and stability, phase-to-phase, phase-to-earth, etc. Typical diagrams are shown in Figs. 18.4.4E, F, and G, but will be referred to again later. Primary injection tests can be a prolific source of error. The following facts should be borne in mind:
(i) The primary equipment must be dead. The engineer conducting the tests, although possibly not in charge of the safety aspects of the test, would be well advised to satisfy himself that all equipment to be worked on has been isolated and locked off from all live equipment. (ii) The work will probably have to be done under a sanction-for-test car. (iii) Safety earths may have to be removed.



Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Connection applied to each phase in turn
. . . . . . . . . 0 L 240 V supply

Amm~ / / / / H e r e for operation

/f~:O /


I Here for &stability

Fig. 18.4.4F

Proving of c.t.s in transformer bushing by injection from 240V a.c. supply

(iv) Test connections will have to be applied, and must make good contact in view of the low voltages and heavy currents which are used. (v) The test current will sometimes flow through c.t.s other than the ones in which one is specifically interested at the time. Precautions will, therefore, be needed to prevent the tripping of adjacent circuits and the remote ends of circuits. (vi) It is possible to produce what is thought to be an operating condition, whereas, in fact, the condition may be of one stability. This can occur by accidentally passing current in the wrong direction through the c.t.; the sketch of the c.t. positions and the test connections will help to prevent this. (vii) Earth.fault relay coils, stabilising resistors, non-linear resistors and the like are often short.time rated and so may be damaged unless suitable precautions are taken. (viii) Multipurpose instruments may be damaged unless they are on the correct range for the conditions being applied. Before switching on the test supply, think about the whole job and make sure that the necessary precautions have been taken. The precautions taken should be listed so that when the tests are complete everything can be restored to normal without the risk of anything being forgotten. It is advisable to switch on at a low value of current and increase it slowly in case there are any c.t.s open-circuit or incorrectly connected. If the test results differ appreciably from those expected, reduce the current and switch off while the matter is investigated.

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


w . . . ~

I Temporary earth applied I to each phase l in turn


4 1 5 V 3 phase test supply applied here

Fig. 18.4.4G

Proving of polarity of c.t.s, in transformer bushings by injection of 415V threephase supply on L v. side of power transformer

A word of warning about the burdens of test instruments when connected in circuit on the miUiamp range. On this range the instrument will have quite a high impedance, and this may affect the distribution of currents in the secondary circuit under test. This can be even more confusing if only one instrument is available and it has to be transferred from phase-to-phase. It is wise to prove operation first - that is, prove that the protection will operate from at least one set of c.t.s. If the c.t.s are connected to form a circulating-current scheme, stability can be proved by going through the two sets of c.t.s in series. There should be no, or little, current in the relay. Fig. 18.4.4H(a) shows some typical primary injection test equipment. The test current will usually be between 100 and 400 A. For the sake of clarity on the c.t. diagrams showing the different types of test, the injection equipment has not been drawn again, but the two heavy.current leads labelled (1)and (2)are temporarily connected to the c.t.s being tested. Fig. 18.4.4H(b) shows three c.t.s residually connected to a relay. The ratio of the c.t.s must be proved, also the correct connections of the c.t.s in the group. If there is more than one group of c.t.s connected to a relay, as in busbar protection (Fig. 18.4.4H(c)), then not only must each group be proved as a group but each group must be balanced against the others. Fig. 18.4.4H(d) shows how a ratio test is done. The test current is passed through one c.t. (say Red) and primary and secondary currents are measured. If the c.t. is correctly matched to the protection, the relationship between the two should confirm the c.t. ratio.


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Measuring c.t. and a m m e t e r


w , ~ ,



Varia: ~

testing transformer



(a) Primary injection testing equipment

(b) Group of c.t.s c o n n e c t e d to a relay B


Several groups o f c.t.s c o n n e c t e d to a relay

R~Y ~B
/ f


Zero (d)
Ratio test


Balance test

R to Y C




v v _

(f) Balance test group against group

Fig. 18.4.4H Connections for primary injection tests

To prove the e.t.s in the group, inject into the Red c.t. and out of the Yellow as shown in Fig. 18.4.4H(e). There should be little or no reading even though the same test current is flowing as before. If these conditions are satisfactorily achieved, current should be injected into Yellow and out of Blue, when similar results should be obtained. The correct balance of the e.t.s in the group has now been proved, as has also the ratio of all three. Fig. 18.4.4H(f) shows several groups of e.t.s in parallel on a relay. One group must be proved for ratio and balance as already described, and the three c.t.s in each of all the groups must be balanced against each other. It is now only necessary to prove group against group. This can be done in several ways and one is described: test current is injected into (say) the Red c.t. of group A and out of the Red c.t. of group B. If the polarities and ratios are correct there should be little or no spill current in the ammeter. It has now been established that the ratio of the c.t.s in

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


group B is the same as in group A; and since it has already been proved that the three c.t.s in each group balance, group A must balance group B. In a similar way group A (or group B) may be balanced against group C, etc. Where the relay is of the high impedance type, the test ammeter (A) in Figs. 18.4.4H(d), (e), and (f) should be connected in parallel with the relay instead of in series. Reverting to c.t.s in transformer bushings where it is impossible to inject substantial test current, a test can be done by applying a 240 V a.c. lead to each h.v. bushing in turn whilst the l.v. side of the transformer has a three-phase short-circuit across it. If desired a 415 V three-phase supply can be applied to the three bushings but this will not prove the neutral c.t. as no current will flow through it. The use of the single-phase supply enables the neutral c.t. to be included in the test if desired as indicated in Fig. 18.4.4F. It will be appreciated that the primary currents flowing will be small so the secondary currents will only be of the order of milliamps. However, such a test can prove correct connections. It is possible to obtain a larger test current by applying the three-phase 415 V supply to the l.v. side of the power transformer. This is shown in Fig. 18.4.4G, which also shows how a temporary short on the h.v. side can be applied in different positions to prove stability on each phase. Relay spill currents must be checked later when the transformer is on load. Many transformers are protected by overall biased differential protection schemes incorporating h.v. and l.v. restricted earth-fault relays. Although heavycurrent primary injection tests can be made from c.t.s to relays, it is difficult to prove the h.v.c.t.s against the l.v.c.t.s because of the phase shift through the transformer. Such balance can be proved when the transformer has gone on load, but a word of warning is necessary; if the transformer is fitted with a fault throwing switch, temporarily remove the tripping from the overall biased differential protection until the protection has been proved correct. A case is on record where the polarities were wrong, so the protection interpreted load current as an internal fault; the protection operated and closed the fault throwing switch on to the live 132 kV line. On generator protection the zone of protection may include both the generator and its step-up transformer. The connections from all the c.t.s to the relays must be proved by primary injection, but the balance of the h.v.c.t.s with the l.v.c.t.s has to be proved when current is flowing through the generator and transformer. This is achieved by using the machine itself as a source of test current. Three-phase, phase-to-phase, and phase-to-earth temporary connections are applied in turn to the h.v. side of the transformer, and the machine is run on low excitation whilst correct behaviour of the protection is checked. These tests, in conjunction with the primary injection tests already done, prove the machine protection. Because the generator transformer is fitted with tap changing gear, some spill current may appear in the overall protection when the machine is run on the external three-phase short-circuit. This test should, therefore, be done initially on the nominal-ratio tap of the transformer, and repeated on the two extreme tap positions. Because the primary currents are balanced in the three phases, there is


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

no need for this part of the test to be hurried. Unbalanced currents in a machine cause rotor heating, so care must be taken to ensure that this is not excessive. Before the unbalanced current is applied it is necessary to know the amount of unbalance, in order to determine for how long the unbalance can be tolerated, and what reading these conditions will give on the machine ammeters. As an example, consider the case of a 60 MW, 0.8 p.f., 11-8 kV generator connected to the 132 kV system through a 75 MVA delta/star transformer. On full load c.m.r, the 11.8 kV and 132 kV currents will be 3660 A and 327 A, respectively, and the currents in the delta windings of the transformer will be 2120 A. This is shown in Fig. 18.4.4I(a).
Generator 60 MW
o . , kV 11.8

IR 3660

R 1









75 MVA

B 3660


1 1 . 8 / 1 3 2 kV
(a) 3-phase full load .--'


B 2120~. ~ B
Z (b) Phase-to-earth fault --" 327

B ..~ ,
327 ---



2120 2120


F ig. 18.4.4 I

(c) Phase-to-phase fault

If it is decided to pass the full load current of 327 A through to phase-toearth 'short' on the 132 kV side of the transformer, the currents flowing in the three phases of the generator will be 2120 A, 0 A, and 2120 A as shown in Fig. 18.4.4I(b).

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


If the same current of 327 A is now passed through a phase-to-phase 'short' on the 132 kV side of the transformer, the currents flowing in the three phases of the generator will be 4240 A, 2120 A, and 2120 A as shown in Fig. 18.4.4I(c). To assess the effect of these unbalanced currents on the generator, reference should first be made to the sequence components shown in Fig. 18.4.4J. From this it will be seen that a phase-to-earth 'short' imposes a negative phase sequence condition of 57.7 per cent of c.m.r. 1R

II B Positive
I Iy


12 R

i l B ~ y

!2 y

I2 B

12 ,,~'- J L - - .~ 12 B I I
Addition of positive and negative





2120 : 5"/.7% CMR

Sequence components for phase-to-phase fault

I1 R




12y ~



12 R

",, ,,"-/1,-",<
Positive Negative

Addition of positive and negative

12 = I.RR= 2120 = 1220 = 33.3% CMR R ~ 7~

For phase-to-earth fault
Fig. 18.4.4J Sequence components of generator currents for faults on h.v.. side o f generator

Fig. 18.4.4K gives the n.p.s, withstand figures in percentage of c.m.r, rating for 2 2 machines of various 12 t values. A machine with an 12 t value of 15 could withstand the earth-fault condition for 130s and the phase-fault condition for 47s, whereas 2 a machine with an 12 t value of 7 could only withstand these conditons for 60s and 2 Is, respectively. Reverting to the phase-to-phase fault condition which imposes currents of 4240 A, 2120 A, and 2120 A on the machine, the manufacturer may be unwilling to permit this slight overload on one phase (the c xn.r. rating is 3660A). If so, the test current would have to be kept lower, which would give a longer time for


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Curve 122t 200

A 20

B 15

C 13

D 12

E 10


G 3

H 2.5













NPS as a p e r c e n t a g e o f C M R

Fig. 18.4.4K

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


the readings to be taken. Whatever current value is taken and whatever the type of machine, reference to the appropriate curve will show for how long the condition can be withstood. It is then advisable to allow a factor of safety by halving these times.


Tests on commissioning of carrier protection (Refer also to Section 18.4.4(gj:

The band of frequencies at present employed in the UK for power-line-carrier signalling is 70-700 kHz, although certain parts of this band are not available for continuous carrier signalling. This restriction is necessary to avoid causing interference with radio service including those used for aeronautical and marine nagivation purposes. However, with the exception of a band designed to protect the international distress frequency, normally quiescent power-line-carrier systems may be used anywhere in the remaining available frequency range provided that test transmissions do not exceed two seconds and that there is an interval of at least two minutes between successive test transmissions. Carrier protection consists of the starting networks, the electronic equipment, the line coupling equipment and line traps, and the power supply unit and power packs. Tests are made to prove each of these items. The starting networks can be checked by secondary injection. Before starting work on the electronic equipment the power supplies should be checked. These are usually provided by d.c./d.c, convertors which invert a battery supply to provide an a.c. supply which is then rectified and stabilised to provide the appropriate voltage level(s) required by the equipment. Arrangements vary with the type of equipment and the manufacturer's commissioning instructions should be consulted for detail, particular attention being paid to fuse ratings, polarity of supplies and voltage values. Certain special test equipment is necessary for use on the electronic equipment and on the line coupling equipment. This test equipment comprises a cathode ray oscilloscope, a valve voltmeter, an oscillator and amplifier covering the range 70 to 700 kHz. The protection equipment consists of a transmitter and receiver at each end of the feeder, and tests have to be done on these to adjust the outputs and sensitivities and to check the performance of filters. Line-coupling equipment provides a means of injecting h.f. carrier signals on to an h.v. power line and it prevents these signals being dissipated in the substation. A typical set of line-coupling equipment is shown in Fig. 18.4.4L. The equipment comprises a line trap and an h.v. capacitance stack, stack tuning coil ('series arm') and shunt arm associated with each of the two phases used for the transmission of carrier frequencies. The 'shunt arms' are connected across the earthy end of the series arms to provide a low impedance to earth for 50 Hz. The shunt and series arms constitute a bandpass filter. A number of standard bands are available, typical ones being shown in the table below. On commissioning, the tuning of the line traps, the series arms and the shunt arm has to be adjusted or checked. The series and shunt arms should tune to the midband frequency, adjustment being provided on the series arm coils. The shunt arm should have been supplied already tuned to the midband frequency.


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Frequency range kHz 70- 81 80- 95 90-110 100-125 110-140 120-158 130-175 150~14 180~80 250500 350G00 Midband (geometric mean) frequency kHz 75 87 99.5 112 125 138 151 179.5 225 354 495

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The tuning of the line traps is achieved by suitable choice of shunt capacitor. One British manufacturer recommends tuning them to the carrier frequency, whereas another manufacturer recommends that they be tuned to the midband frequency. The method of tuning will be the same in both cases and is described below. For these tests the oscillator, amplifier and valve voltmeter are used. Signal levels in excess of the maximum output normally given by test oscillators are required to mask possible interference, thus the amplifier should have an open-circuit output of about 50-100 V. For all tests the earthy side of the amplifier output and valve voltmeter should be connected to the station earth. When checking the tuning of the various resonant circuits in the line coupling equipment, great care must be taken to see that electrical connections between units do not introduce capacitance in parallel with the unit under test. Stray capacitance should also be reduced to a minimum. With these points in view it is recommended that isolation of the line traps should be achieved by earthing the line traps on the line side with portable earths and disconnecting the copper connectors on the station side, the disconnection being made at the line trap end of the connectors. Reference should be made to Fig. 18.4.4M which shows the test connections required to tune the line traps, the series arms and the shunt arms.
Line traps: Because the line trap is a parallel-connected wide band resonant circuit with high impedance at resonance, the valve voltmeter reading will be a maximum over the bandwidth at resonance. To obtain good selectivity a high impedance source is required. This is achieved by connecting the live side of the amplifier output via a high resistance (a half-watt 30 k~2 carbon resistor is suitable) to the station side of the line trap. The valve voltmeter is connected with its live side to the line-trap side of the resistor. Series arm: The series arm is a circuit with low impedance at resonance, and the valve voltmeter reading will be a minimum at the resonant frequency of the series arm.

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


Line traps



Coupling capacitors



Series tuning unit





t"ilter cubicles

Shunt tuning
unit -"2" Coaxial cable to indoor e q u i p m e n t

Fig. 18.4.4L

Linecoupling equipment

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


The lower end of the series arm should be isolated as it enters the capacitor v.t. h.v. chamber. On a combined coupling capacitor/capacitor v.t. assembly, the capacitor v.t. must be included in the circuit. To obtain good selectivity a low impedance source is required and an amplifier output impedance of 75 S2 is satisfactory. The live side of the amplifier and valve voltmeter are connected to the lower end of the series arm. S h u n t arm: The shunt arm is a parallel-connected resonant circuit. It should tune to the midband frequency of the coupling filter. All connections should be removed from the unit and the live side of the amplifier should be connected to the unearthed side of the unit via a 30 k ~ resistor. The valve voltmeter reading will be a maximum at the resonant frequency of the shunt arm. Since attenuation of the carrier signal occurs along the primary line an end-toend measurement of this attentuation must be made. Again use is made of the oscillator and amplifier, which are connected to the h.f. cable at one end of the line whilst the received signal level is measured at the other. It is usual to make this test over a range of frequencies on either side of the intended working frequency. If possible three sets of tests should be done: one with the line dead and earthed on the station side of the line traps, one with the line unearthed, and one, later, after the line has been made alive and is carrying load. A curve of some typical results is illustrated in Fig. 18.4.4N. Precommissioning tests of modern phase-comparison carrier protection should include tests on transmitter levels, receiver sensitivities and trip angle settings. These are best achieved by following the manufacturer's recommended commis32 30 28 26 -~ 24


20 18 16 14 12 10 I00 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

280 300 320


Note" C u r v e d r a w n t h r o u g h mean of points obtained

I'requency (kHz)

Fig. 18.4.4N

On-load attenuation figures for 275 k V line; designed carrier frequency 132 kHz


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

sioning instructions for the particular equipment, care being taken to ensure that adequate margin exists between alarm and trip level sensitivities. The built-in testing facilities which, by comparison of the injected currents at the two ends, permit routine stability and tripping tests to be carried out, should also be checked over and phased out. The latest designs of normally quiescent power-line-carrier protection have had their built-in test facilities modified to comply with the permitted limits of carrier transmission time and are therefore capable of application throughout the band. However, during commissioning tests whenever carrier transmission to line is required care must be taken to comply with these conditions if operating at frequencies within the restricted bands. Individual manufacturer's commissioning instructions provide detailed information on this aspect specifically for their equipment. To assist in checking the trip angle and sensitivity of the protection, facilities are provided for disconnecting the output to line and inserting a dummy load so that the equipment is terminated in 7512, thereby enabling these tests to be carried out without transmission of carrier to line. When all these tests have been done satisfactorily the line may be put on load (see Sections 18.4.5 and 6) after which an end-to-end polarity test must be made. This can be done by the temporary disconnection and shorting of the same phase c.t.s at the two ends of the line to obtain an output. Operation of relays must be simulated if load current is below the setting of the equipment, and the phase of the carrier signals checked on the cathode ray oscilloscope. Fig. 18.4.40 shows the trip and stability zones of a typical phase-comparison equipment.
End A End B

End B current as in conditi,~n (h; Uondition (a) Definite tripping Find B leading end A as in conditi,~n (c)

End A current

End A leading end B Stability

End A

End B

....,Jldllllllllll llillllilll lllllllllilillr'"'"""'i

t ' o n d i t i o n (b) Definite stability F 30 gaps " 7

Tripping zont~

Fig. 1 8 . 4 . 4 0

gllllillllil.. Iggllll(ll ,,...,. l



t.'ondition (c)

Marginal tripping/stability

I'hasor representation of tripping and stability zones

Typical pictures from .r.o

Testing, commissioning and management of protection


(f) Trip angle test unit: One make of equipment has built-in facilities for checking the trip angle setting, but for another an external trip angle test unit is required. The fundamental requirement is to modulate the carrier frequency signal in order to produce variable gaps and so determine the trip angle setting. This device produces pulses of variable duration which are used to modulate a constant carrier signal from the local oscillator in order to establish the shortest gap which will cause tripping. D.C. pulses, adjustable in magnitude over the range 50 mV to 30 V and in duration from 20 to 75 electrical degrees are produced. Fixed duration pulses of 180 electrical degrees are also available by switch selection. Reference should be made to the manufacturer's instructions for suitable test points for connection of the test unit output. Fig. 18.4.4P shows the circuit diagram of a trip angle test unit consisting of the following main parts:

(/) Power pack: ~)

This is a simple full wave push-pull rectifier circuit producing approximately 30V across C1. Phase shifter: This is composed of a power transformer Trl, resistors R1, VR1 and capacitor C2. Resistance R2 is high compared with R1 or VRI: consequently R1, VR1 and C2 can be considered to pass a common current and the voltage across R1 and VR1 will be 90 degrees in advance of that across C2. The vector relationship of these voltages is shown in Fig. 18.4.4Q from which it can be seen that the locus of the voltage at point D is equal in magnitude to one half of the secondary voltage of Trl while it advances in phase relative to that voltage as VR1 is reduced.
Locus of point D

Fig. 18.4.4Q

Common Secondary voltage of Trl

Voltage phasor relationship

(iiO Phase comparator: This is a logical NAND circuit, where the collectors of
transistors T1 and T2 are both shorted to common if a positive voltage is present on either base. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 18.4.4R a pulse is produced on this common collector once per cycle, its duration being determined by the phase difference between the voltages at B and D (i.e. dependent upon the setting of VR1). Current amplifier: This is an emitter follower circuit, the output of which


Testing, commissioning and management of protection


is fed to the preset potentiometer VR2 which provides adjustment of the output voltage level. (v) Output switch: In some cases it is necessary to have 180 degree pulses and these are obtained by removing the action of transistor T1 from the comparator circuit by shorting D3 via an output selector switch. The components can be conveniently built into a small metal box with the potentiometer control and switches located on top for easy operation.

Voltage at @

I t I

iX I ~




Voltage at ( ' ~

x,_) i

Voltage on T I base

I I I : I I I




"1 I

Voltage on T2 base


/I 1 L L

Voltage on T l collector

Voltage at output
Fig. 18.4.4 R


(g) Tripping and closing tests: It is not possible to prove the trip and close wiring of a new circuit until the fuse and link have been inserted; yet if there is anything wrong with the wiring the battery may be short-circuited when this is done. As


Testing,commissioning and management of protection

Next Page

a precaution against anything untoward happening, it is wise to check with a voltmeter across the top and bottom jaws of the holder before the fuse is inserted, and again for the link. A zero reading on the meter proves that the fuse or link can confidently be inserted. A reading on the voltmeter is an indication that there is a path from positive to negative through the voltmeter and some part of the circuit. Such a voltage may be quite healthy - for example, there may be a path through some circuit supervision equipment or indicating lamp; but the reason for that path should be established before inserting the fuse or link. As mentioned earlier, a copy of all extracted diagrams should be included in the commissioning log and as each contact, fuse, link, changeover switch etc., is proved, it should be ticked off on the appropriate diagram. If the same diagram is used for several circuits, differently coloured ticks may be used for the different circuits. If a relay has two separate contacts, one tripping a circuit breaker direct and the other tripping a tripping relay which then trips the circuit breaker, each should be checked separately. Most present-day relays are fitted with mechanical flags, and it should be carefully checked that these are not likely to interfere with the operation of the relay element. If series electrical flags are employed it should be proved that two of them operate if their associated contacts are both closed in parallel. Under this condition the flag current will be roughly halved, and it is desirable to check that there is an adequate margin for operation. Tripping tests should be proved at 100% and at least one lower value e.g. 60% battery volts. The latter is not an entirely theoretical test because if a circuit breaker is closed onto a fault requiring the breaker's immediate tripping, the volts available from the battery will be reduced by the drain of the closing solenoid. However, it should be noted that a requirement of British Standard Specification 5311 and 3659 is for the full fault breaking capability of circuit breakers to be available when the voltage at the trip coil is within the range 80-120% of nominal, and care should be taken in the design stage to ensure that 80% battery voltage is available at the trip coil under the most onerous conditions of operation. Trip circuit supervision relays should be proved, and it should be checked that the alarm supply is not fed from the battery being supervised, otherwise no alarm could be given if the supervised supply failed. Trip-healthy lamps and resistors should be proved and the lamps should be shorted-out to prove that the series resistance is adequate to prevent tripping. In doing this test, it is advisable to shortout the lamp several times in quick succession whilst somebody listens adjacent to the switchgear to make sure that the associated trip coil plunger is not moving. A case has been experienced where the current passed by the resistor was sufficient to lift the plunger and move the tripping mechanism slightly but not enough to trip the breaker. After several operations, however, the tripping mechanism had 'inched' so far that tripping occurred. If, during any of these tests, it has been necessary to disconnect the drives to banks of auxiliary switches to operate them in both positions, the drives must be reconnected after the tests and any split pins, circlips, etc., replaced.

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