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Arrhythmias: o o o o

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Definition: Deviation from regular sinus rhythm of 60-100bpm. May be one or more of: irregular, faster (tachyarrhythmias), slower (bradyarrhythmias), or not generated from SA node (ectopic). Conduction system SA Node: o Junction of RA & SVC. Linked to AV node by atrial internodal pathways o Supplied by RCA in 55-60%, otherwise L circumflex o Innervated by symp & parasymp. o Native discharge rate is 90-100bpm ( by parasymp tone to ~70-80bpm) AV Node o RA myocardium nr septal leaflet of TV in otherwise non-conducting annular fibrosis o Supplied by RCA in 90%, 10% by LC circumflex o Slower conduction 0.05m/s to allow for atrial contraction Remainder of conduction system o Bundle of His runs in membranous septum o Splits into right & left bundles. The latter splits into ant. & post. Fascicles. o Right bundle & L ant. Fascicle supplied by AV nodal art. in 50% & LAD in rest. o Left post. fasc supplied by AV nodal only in 50% & by both AV nodal & LAD in rest. o Bundles/fascicles are composed of fast conducting Purkinje fibres. o Embryonic myocardium remnants around the AV node can accessory pathways. Arrhythmia Mechanisms Tachyarrhythmias o Re-entry circuits unidirectional, can be micro (AF, VF) or macro (PSVT) o Enhanced automaticity ectopic foci o After polarizations oscillations of mem pot another depolarization. E.g. TdP Bradyarrhythmias o Depression of SA node o Conduction system block Causes IHD most common of serious acute arrhythmias CHD valvular, myocardial defects, HOCM, prolonged QT syndromes Structural cardiomyopathies, acq. Valve defects, HT Electrolyte disturbance high or low K+, low Mg2+ or Ca2+ Metabolic hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis, hypothermia, hyperthyroidism, phaeo. Drugs antiarrhythmics, cocaine, amphetamines, TCA, Na+ or K+ channel blockers Trauma commotio cordis VF from blunt chest trauma. Principles of management Triaged to an area where they can be monitored and sequelae of arrhythmia managed. Resuscitate/ABCs - ?arrest, shock, APO, GCS. If unstable, cardioversion/pacing likely. IVC + bloods for UEC, CMP, FBC cardiac biomarkers TFTs drug levels (e.g. digoxin) ECG (classify & diagnose arrhythmia) CXR Rx aimed at restoring adequate cerebral perfusion, a reg. rhythm & treat precip conds.

Management Options No Rx: o If no resus required. o May be approp: sinus arrhythmia, atrial ectopics, non R-on-T ventricular ectopics, accel idioventricular rhythm, AF in assoc with hypothermia, Mobitz type I 2 block. Non-Pharmacological o Vagal manoeuvres Valsalva, carotid sinus massage, diving reflex. Avoid ocular massage, PR. o Precordial thump immediate response to monitored VF/pulseless VT Pharmacological o Electrolyte correction o Usual first line if haemodynamically stable and arrhythmia needs treatment. Electrical Adult o Cardioversion Haemodynamically unstable or drug-resistant tachyarrhythmias. o Pacing Paed Transcutaneous, transvenous, overdrive Drug-resistant brady & tachyarrhythmias. Vaughan-Williams Classification of antiarrhythmics limited usefulness Class I (Fast Na+ channel blockers) o Class Ia (slow conduction, QRS & QT) Procainamide: IV 17mg/kg (12mg/kg if APO) load then 2.8mg/kg/hr (halve if APO). SE: BP, HR, lupus-like syndrome Disopyramide: PO. Slow Abs. 1/3 Metab liver. Renal excr. Neg. ionotrope. Quinidine: Rare in Aus. 200-400mg q2h PO to max 1g or 600-800mg PO stat. SE: cinchonism (tinnitus, vis.dist., headache, vertigo, confusion) o Class Ib (prolong refractory period) Lignocaine: 1.5mg/kg+bol. max 3mg/kg. Maint 2mg/min IV. SE: BP,CNS tox Phenytoin o Class Ic (depress conductivity, QRS, PR, AV block) Flecainide: 2mg/kg over 20min. SE: proarrhythmic in structural/IHD Class II (-blockers) e.g. atenolol, metoprolol, esmolol, sotalol Class III (prolong repol. by K+ efflux, QRS, PR & QT) o Sotalol: 0.5-1.5mg/kg IV/PO. CI: COAD, DM, PVD, LVF, hypoK+, bradycardic o Amiodarone (also class I, II & IV): 2-5mg/kg over 5min (resus) to 1hr in 5%Dex. (via CVC if poss.) Maint: 15mg/kg in 500ml 5%dex over 24h. Ok in LVF. Long T. SE: Proarrhythmic. Long term (vis.dist, photosens, grey skin, abn. LFT/TFT, pulm fibrosis, tremors), unpred effect with warfarin, dig,phenytoin,theophylline levels Class IV (calcium channel blockers, prolong AV node cond, PR) e.g. verapamil Brugada Syndrome (See ECG Article for more details) Cause of sudden cardiac death & 60% of idiopathic VF. Aut.Dom defect in Na+ channel. More common in Asian males. Ave. age at Dx=30y. ECG features (may be transient) partial RBBB, downsloping ST elevation & orT in V1-3. In addition syndrome reqs also one of: syncope, VF, polymorphic VT, FamHx of sudden death<45y, or ST elevation in current family members.

Definitions Strictly: <60bpm in adults, age dependent in children Relative: too slow for haemodynamic state of patient (may be >60bpm) Features: If symptoms, may include light-headedness, palpitations, syncope Types Sinus bradycardia o Causes: High resting vagal tone e.g. athletes, young adults Patients on negative chronotropes blockers, CCB, digoxin, amiodarone, theophylline, clonidine Hypothyroidism Hypothermia Cushing reflex (ICP) Bezold-Jarish reflex - parasympathetic stimulation in early inferior MI Pericardial tamponade Adrenal insufficiency Dive reflex in young children (vagal) Severe jaundice Pleural/peritoneal stimulation Rarely carotid hypersensitivity (tight shirt collar) or infection (e.g. typhoid relative bradycardia) o Management: Rule out and treat above causes or myocardial ischaemia If symptomatic (often not until HR<40) treat as below Ectopic atrial rhythm or wandering atrial pacemaker o Ectopic atrial foci, if >3 foci = wandering atrial pacemaker o Different P wave morphologies PR duration variations o Not normally clinically significant Sinoatrial (SA) block, sinus exit block or sinus arrest o SA node fails to produce an impulse or not conducted to atria o ECG typically shows absent P waves with escape rhythm Junctional - narrow complexes @ 40-60bpm, may be accelerated to 60-100 (Idio)Ventricular - wide complexes @ 30-40bpm o Usual causes: Ischaemia, hyperK+, vagal tone, negative chronotopes (see above) o Treat if symptomatic Sick sinus syndrome aka tachy-brady syndrome o Causes: SA/AV nodal fibrosis, ischaemia, CHD, tumours, surgery, cardiomyopathy o ECG may intermittently show SA block, sinus bradycardia or arrest with bursts of atrial tachycardia (usually AF, but also junctional tachycardia, SVT, atrial flutter) o Management: Treat any symptomatic acute arrhythmia Most require permanent pacemaker for the bradycardia component & an antiarrhythmic (e.g. digoxin or verapamil) to suppress tachycardias.

AV blocks o First degree Slow AV node conduction ECG: PR>200ms All atrial impulses conducted to ventricles Benign, but may be assoc with vagal tone, inf MI, digoxin tox, myocarditis o Second degree Some atrial impulses are not conducted to ventricles Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) AV node conduction defect ECG: Repeated lengthening of PR until a P is not followed by a QRS Usually asymptomatic and treatment not required Treat if symptomatic or in context of inferior MI Mobitz Type II Conduction defect generally below AV node Degenerative Lev or Lenegre disease ECG: constant PR with intermittent QRS absence Risk of progression to third degree block Atropine often ineffective as block usually below AV node Permanent pacing is usually required 2:1 block 2 P waves per QRS complex. Types I & II indistinguishable on ECG. May occur in digoxin toxicity or ischaemia Needs further electrophysiological tests to determine treatment o Third degree AV dissociation Atrial impulses not conducted to ventricles ECG: Both P waves & QRS junctional/escape complexes occur independently Treat as below - though atropine is unlikely to be effective(unless a nodal block) and a permanent pacemaker will be needed Myocardial fibrosis is commonest cause Associations: Inferior AMI Sick sinus syndrome Mobitz type II Second degree block plus new bundle branch or fascicular block o With all AV blocks additionally rule out Negative chronotropes (as for sinus bradycardia) Lyme disease Myocarditis/endocarditis SLE Chagas disease Myxoedema, Amyloid Cardiac surgery/tumours

General Management ABC, O2 IV access Bloods: UEC, CMP, Troponin/CK, FBC, TFT or digoxin level as appropriate ECG Treat any underlying cause (cease negative chronotrope, correct electrolytes, etc.) o Treat bradycardia only if HR<50 and hypoperfusion (syncope, sysBP <90mmHg, HF) Drugs: o Atropine: 0.5-1.0mg (0.02mg/kg, minimum of 0.1mg in child) repeated up to 2-3mg Only useful if increase vagal tone i.e. problem at/above AV node. o Isoprenaline (isoproterenol): bolus 20-40mcg IV, infusion 0.5mcg/min of 2mg/100ml N.Saline Caution: As a pure beta agonist can cause beta2 vasodilatation in muscle beds leading to hypotension o Adrenaline: infusion 2-10mcg/min Useful if hypotension an issue. Ideally needs a central line. o Others: Dopamine: 5-20mcg/kg/min through central line. Aminophylline Glucagon (beta blocker/calcium channel OD) Digoxin Fab (digoxin toxicity) Pacing: o Temporary if drug therapy fails (likely with Mobitz II 2nd & 3rd degree AV blocks) Transcutaneous Via fist (!) or defibrillator pacing function Will normally require analgesia/sedation Temporising measure before: Transvenous wires inserted o Permanent pacemaker Disposition Admit to monitored bed if: o Symptomatic o Sick sinus o Mobitz II second degree block o Third degree block

Common symptoms: rapid palpitations, chest discomfort, dyspnoea. Types Narrow complex (QRS 120ms, origin atrial or nodal) o Regular

Sinus tachycardia
Rates 100 to ~180. HR variability is maintained unlike SVT. Causes: o physiological - exercise, anxiety o pharmacological - stimulant use, anticholinergics, -agonists o pathological - T, Hb, PE, hypoxia, hypovolaemia, myocarditis Supraventricular tachycardia see separate article Atrial flutter rare in absence of heart disease Atrial rate ~300, 2:1 or more AV block. Sawtooth waves: Inf+V1. Causes: IHD (2% of MI), CCF, PE, myocarditis, chest trauma, dig toxic Rx underlying cond. If unstable DC 25-50J or atrial overdrive pacing (>400bpm). Rate control as for AF. Reversion (amiodarone, flecainide) Atrial (ectopic) tachycardia <10% of SVT. Dig tox. Rx as for AF. Junctional tachycardia causes e.g. dig toxic, inf MI, RhF o Irregular Atrial fibrillation see separate article

Atrial flutter with variable block Multifocal atrial tachycardia

3+ atrial foci (diff p wave shapes), HR>100, variable PP, PR, RR ints Causes: Sev COAD, dig/theophylline tox, large PE, O2, DM, sepsis Mx: Rx underlying cond, electrolytes, Mg2+, metoprolol (?CI in COAD) Broad complex tachycardias (QRS>120ms, ventricular origin or atrial+aberrant cond.) o Regular Ventricular tachycardia see separate article Antidromic AVRT see SVT article

Narrow complex tachycardia (ST, SVT, A. flutter) with aberrant conduction

o Irregular

Torsade de pointes see VT article AF with aberrant conduction WPW + AF see SVT article VF
Others o Accelerated junctional tachycardia Regular narrow complex AV nodal escape rhythm @ 60-100bpm. o Accelerated idioventricular tachycardia Regular broad complex ectopic rhythm @ 40-110bpm. Highly specific for myocardial disease e.g. AMI Only rarely causes haem. instability. Occ atropine used to increase sinus rate & suppress ectopy.

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