2.2, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure <18 mmHg, mean arterial pressure >60 mmHg, and systemic vascular resistance <800 dynes·sec·cm−5. 3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation lasts less than 7 days, persistent lasts 7 days to 1 year, and permanent lasts over 1 year.">2.2, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure <18 mmHg, mean arterial pressure >60 mmHg, and systemic vascular resistance <800 dynes·sec·cm−5. 3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation lasts less than 7 days, persistent lasts 7 days to 1 year, and permanent lasts over 1 year.">
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Cardiology Flash Cards

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STEMI Mortality Scores TIMI Score and GRACE Score

Heart failure goals (CI, PCWP, MAP, CI >2.2, PCWP <18, MAP >60, SVR <800
Difference between interval and Intervals have waves, segments don’t
AFib suppression Amiodarone
AFib prophylaxis after CABG Amiodaron
VTach characteristics Regular rhythm, wide QRS
Time needed with triple anticoagulation It is only recommended for one month: 2 antiplatelets + oral anticoagulants
after PCI
Difference between paroxysmal, Paroxysmal <7 days, Persistent 7 days – 1 year, Permanent >1 year
persistent and permanent AFib
Echo “BART” Blue – Away, Red – Towards
Bubble study interpretation <4 beats: shunt, 4-7: indeterminant, >7: pulmonary shunt
Indication to lower apixaban dose to 2.5 >80 yo, Cr >1.5, Weight: <60 kg
mg BID instead of 5 mg BID
Sever Aortic Stenosis Criteria Mean Gradient: 40, Vmax: 400 cm, Area: < 1 cm
Wall abnormalities in Takatsubo There is hypokinesis at the point of the ventricle and hyperkinesia at the base.
cardiomyopathy Reverse Takatsubo: other way around
Echo characteristic of mitral valve in Posterior leaflet is fixed. Looks like a “hockey stick”
rheumatic disease
Indication to increase furosemide dose If in the morning you weigh >3 lbs more than the previous day. Take 20 additional
at home mgs.
Prophylaxis for Bicuspid Aortic Valve Not indicated
Digoxin effectivity during exercise Digoxin only works with HR at rest, will not improve function during periods of
New HTN Classification Elevated BP: 120-129/80, Stage 1 HTN: 130-139/80-89, Stage 2 HTN: >140/>90
BP Goal for PX with CV Risk >10 and 130/90 (plus TX for risk factors)
COPD most common arrhythmia Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Most common SVT AVNRT
ST changes in pericarditis ST elevations WITHOUT reciprocal ST depressions
Definition of Low Voltage in EKG <5 mV in limb leads; <10 mV in precordial leads
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy EKG Dager Q waver (v5-v6) + high voltaje
Q differences in infarction vs Infarction Q >40 ms; hypertrophy Q <40 ms
Contrainidicated medications in WPW NO ß-blockers; would inhibit AV node that controls rate = arrhythmia
TX for WPW Procainamide
Effects on afterload or preload of Handgrip increases afterload, Valsalva decreases preload, squatting increases
handgrip, Valsalva, squatting preload and afterload
Defect in left-right dynein results in… Dextrocardia (Kartagener SX)
>QT interval increases risk for… Torsades de Pointes
Congenital >QT interval causes Romano Ward (AD) and Jowell and Lange-Nielsen (AR, deafness)
SCN5A mutacion Brugada syndrome
Bundle of Kent Accessory conduction of WPW Sx
Recombination form of BNP Nesiritide
Drugs used in pharmacological stress Dipyridamole, regadenoson
Culture (-) endocarditis HACEK (Haemophilus, aggregaticobacter, cardiobacterium, eikenella, kingella),
bartonella, Coxiella
Hemodynamic parameter to use in HF MAP (normal 65-75), NOT BP
PWP in pulmonary edema >20 mmHg
Normal pressure ranges in Central venos 3-8, RV 15-30/3-8, PA 15-30/4-12, PV (wedge) 2-15, LV (100-140/3-
cardiovascular system 12)
CHA2DS2 Vasc CHF, Htn, Age (65-74 1 pt, >75 2 pts), diabetes, previous stroke, vascular disease,
female. >1 consider anticoagulation, ≥ 2 mandatory
WPW predisposes to .. AVRT
Selective pulmonary vasodialtors (NOT Prostaciclins (epoprostenol, iloprost, treprostinil), nitric oxide, PDE-5 inhibitores,
for left HF) endotelin antagonists (bosentan, dorusentan)
Cause of redunces BNP Obesity
Levosimendan Calcium sensitizer for management of acutely decompensated HF
Indications for cardiac EF <35%, NHYA III-IV, maxium medical TX, QRS >120 ms (LBBB)
resynchronization therapy
ß-blockers used in HF Bisoprolol, metoprolol, carvedilol (alpha + beta); PX has to be euvolemic
PX population for eplerenone use Diabetics or post-MI
TX for pulmonar edema O2, morphine, diurectics, when systolic BP >90-100 give vasodilators
(nitroglycerine, nitroprussiate), inotropic meds, aortic balloon, ß-blockers/calcium
antagonists  cardioversion
EKG criteria ventricular Hypertrophy Tall Rs in V5-V6, deep Ss in V1-V2 (Sokolow index >35 mm, Lewis index >17 mm)
Drugs contraindicated before stress ß blockers, non-DHP calcium channel blockers, amiodarone, sotalol, digoxin,
tests: nitrates
Meds contraindicated in vasospastic Aspirin, non-selective ß blockers, sumatriptan
If used, Ca channel blockers in HF must ACE-inhibitors; they tend to be avoided in HF. DHF for aortic insufficiency,
be used with .. verapamil/diltiazem for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Verapamil increases toxicity for… Digoxin
Trunetazidine use Protect cells from free radicals after isquemia
Echo criteria for diastolic dysfunction Small E wave; EA ration ≤0.8 (normal is 0.8-2)
Advantages of milrinone vs dobutamine Milrinone can be used in the presence of ß blockers but dobutamine is easier to
EKG if tachycardia does not come from Wide QRS
SA node
Meds that decrease mortality post-MI ß blockers
Pericarditis EKG Global ST segmental elevation (sensitive), PR depression (specific), pericardial
effusion (low voltage + electrical alternans)
TX of symptomatic antidromic AVRT Procainamide IV (definitive: radiocatheter ablation)
TX of symptomatic orthodromic AVRT Vagal maneuvers – AV nodal blocking agents (adenosine > verapamil). If
hemodynamically unstable = cardioversion.
Medication CI in WPW due to increased Digoxin
risk of V fib
Dopamine doses and effects Low: 0.5-2 µg/kg/min (renal + splenic vasodilation), Medium: 2-6 µg/kg/min
(inotropic + cronotropic), High >10 µg/kg/min (vasoconstriction)
Changes in PR interval with increased Shorter PR interval (atrial T wave can be seen after QRS altering J point = do not
HR confuse with ST depression)
Formulas to correct QT interval Bazetts and Hodges formulas.
QRS Axis Normal: positive I and II / leftward: positive in I, negative II / rightward: negative I,
positive aVF / extreme: negative I and aVF
Right deviation EKG causes RV hypertrophy, RBBB left posterior fascicular block, WPW, lateral wall SX
Left deviation EKG causes LV hypertrophy, LBBB, left anterior fascicular block, hyperpotasemia, inferior wal
Possible normal negative P waves Always in aVR, sometimes III, V1
Normal QT interval <0.45 in men, <0.46 women
Causes of T wave inversion Isquemia, Brugada SX, arrythmogenic, right ventricular cardiomyopathy
EKG aneurysm Persisten ST elevation post MI (>3 weeks); can also be result of dyskinetic wall
Causes of short QT Hypercalemia, hypercalcemia, digitalis use
Tall T waves causes Hyperkalemia (>10 mm in precordial, >5 mm in limbs), early MI, LBB, LVH
Prominent U waves Hypocalemia, bradycardia, intracranial hemorrhage, class 1A and 3 antiarrythmics
EKF left anterior fasciscular block Left axis deviation, QRS negative II, III and aVF (r, deep S), aVL: small q, tall R
AFib prophylaxis after CABG Amiodarone; it can also be used to suppress the arrhythmia
TX to reduce degree of chronic cardiac Colchicine
Triple anticoagulation therapy indication Only recommended for 1 month post-stent placement; then you drop aspirin and
continue for a year
Reverse agent dabigatran Idarucizumab
EKG Mi Criteria ST elevation at J point in two contiguous leads of ≥0.1 mV in leads, EXCEPT: 1)
V2-V3 ≥0.2 mV in men ≥40 years or ≥0.25 mV in <40 years or ≥0.15 in women / 2)
posterior STEMI V1-V3 depression (posterior EKG would show elevation in V7-V9)
KDIGO Acute Kidney Injury Criteria Increase of Cr ≥0.3 mg/dl within 48 hrs, increase CR to ≥1.5 x baseline within 7
days, urine volume <0.5 ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
Shones SX Supravalvular mitral membrane (parachute mitral valve, inserted to only 1 papillary
muscle) + subaortic stenosis + coarctation of the aorta
Williams SX Intellectual disability / learning problmes (visual-spacial) + facial abnormalities +
cardiovascular abdormalities (supravalvular aortic stenosis)
Spironolactone in HF recommendation NYHA clasee II – IV + EF <35% OR PX post-STEMI with therapeutic doses of ACE
inhibitors and ARBA + LVEF <40% + symptomatic HF or DM
Labs contraindications for K >5.0 mEq or GFR <30
TIMI Scores % of mortality risk at 14 days post-MI
GRACE Score Estimates admission and 6 month mortality for PX w/ acute coronary syndrome
Killip Class Stratify mortality post-MI first 30 days. I – no signs (6%), II – rales on crackels, S3,
increased JV pressure (17%), III – acute pulmonary edema (38%), IV – cardiogenic
shock or hypotension + peripheral vasoconstriction (81%)
Scarbossa criteria SX MI in PX with LBBB; concordant ST elevation >1 mm in leads with positive QRS
complex (5 pts) / concordant ST depression >1 mm in V1-V3 (3 pts), excessively
discordant ST elevation >5 mm (25%) in leads aVR QRS complex

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