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Age Regression 3 Elman-Turner-5 Step

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The Elman-Turner Hypnosis Induction Technique -A 5-step Method Maureen Finnerty Turner, RN-BC, LCMHC, LCSW To the Clinician:

The Elman-Turner Hypnosis Induction A Philosophy and a Methodology The Elman-Turner Hypnosis Induction Technique is a 5-step Method: First Appointment Discuss hypnosis and begin history-taking Second Appointment Continue history with focus on Pre-6 yr old events Third Appointment If appropriate, begin Elman-Turner Induction Method: Step 1. Pre-talk: Describe 6-Trance Levels phenomena, and the Induction Step 2. Induce hypnosis trance state and deepen the trance state levels Step 3. Anchor four Hypnotic Trance State Levels and proceed to Treatment Next Appointment: Step 4. Teach the Patient/Client to Pull the Anchors of the Hypnotic States that were set in Step 3. as an Induction for Treatment & Self-Hypnosis Step 5. Clinician induces Patient/Client to Level 5 Somnambulism Level to be used for Age Regression using Turner Somatic-Affect Bridge Technique (Steps 2&3 are done seamlessly as the First Hypnotic Induction ( 20 min}in next appointment: Step 4 & 5 become the Standard Turner Induction (+/- 5 min.) from then on). Discussion The Elman - Turner Technique is power-sharing, respectful, and empowering. The individual is a partner in this process and is educated on hypnosis and the fact that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. No one puts you in a trance. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In efforts to have a metaphor of non-perfection expectancy and re-enforce that this is a learning process, Turner affectionately calls this initial teaching of the Elman-Turner method - Hypnosis 101. The initial Elman-Turner Technique including the induction, deepening and anchoring takes about 20 - 30 minutes. So does the popular but much less reliable induction used by most hypnotherapists Progressive Relaxation, which has no benchmarks to guide the first time individual (nor the new hypnotherapist), nor does it include a Self-Hypnosis training component. The Elman-Turner Technique takes a lot of the guess work out of trance deepening. Rationale: Need: Good mental health means that one is able to effectively self-manage and selfcorrect ones mind states on an on-going basis, optimally achieving homeostasis or simpler said, it is being able to right ones own ship. This is a skill that, ideally, is taught or reenforced from birth. It appears to be a learned skill and can still be taught to individuals of all ages. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to help people to right their own ship. The Elman-Turner Technique is designed to teach self-management skills and partner with the individual who is the patient/client from the beginning. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Unlocking that secret for individuals wanting to learn better self-managing skills is a wonderful gift. Turner teaches patients/clients to use self-hypnosis to enhance selfmanagement skills in a reliable and simple way from the start of treatment. She developed a five - step process in setting up the self-hypnosis teaching. The first three steps are done at the First Hypnotic Sessions:

1. A quick and reliable Induction adapted from the esteemed Dave Elman Induction. It was designed not only to hypnotize the individual to a deep level of hypnosis but it has a built in depth-testing for the clinician. Turner extends that knowledge to the patient/client from the beginning so that they are aware of the depth-testing too. 2. An Anchor Setting Hypnosis Depth Level Technique using skills learned from Turners training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), the technique enables the individual to first identify their own feelings in four different states of relaxation (ie. hypnosis) and then set anchors which is to label and instruct their Unconscious Mind on the protocols of accessing these states or pulling up their own anchored mind states for their own self-management. The patient/client is then asked for permission by the clinician to use these set anchors of hypnotic states for their Standard Induction which will include pulling up these anchored states to induce hypnosis for following sessions. This partnering of patient/client and clinician further anchors and role-models the Hypnosis Depth Levels access for the individual, hence, self-management skills. The first two steps do not need to be repeated. The Standard Turner Induction of Pulling Up Anchors is used as the technique to induce hypnosis. It is a co-operative process between the patient/client and the clinician. Step 3: TURNER STANDARD PULLING THE ANCHORS INDUCTION Discussion: This is used for Induction and Deepening following the one-time Elman Turner Induction where Self-Hypnosis has been taught and hypnotic anchors have been set by the therapist and patient/client for their own self- hypnosis use and to induce and deepen hypnosis in the clinicians office safely, easily, effortlessly. Typically it takes less than 5 minutes to establish a deep therapeutic trance state by Pulling Anchors! Turner has been using this technique for since 1997 with no known complication or adverse effect. Rationale: The simplicity of this induction is just reward to the therapist who has mastered the Step 2. and 3. Elman-Turner Induction for the First Induction (it does take some practice but when done at a quick pace from start to finish Step 2. & 3 take an average of 20 minutes). You can continue to harvest that first induction teachings every time you use Step 4. Pulling the Anchors induction, Step 4. Pulling the Anchors induction (average time is less than 5 minutes). Turner has had patients return for another problem for treatment 7 years later and are still anchored and do not need to start anew with the Initial Elman Turner Induction.

Most important, you are role-modeling and teaching and re-teaching the patient/client to pull up their own anchors every time you use this simple quick induction and deepening technique. It also serves as a reminder that the individual can pull up positive mind states of their choice. Step 5. Clinician Deepening Patient/Client to Level 5 - Somnambulism The clinician will then further deepen, with permission, to the deeper state of Somnambulism in order to prepare for Age Regression Techniques (this levl is not anchored for Self-Hypnosis use) Turners experience with depth-level recognition has taught her that Depth does make a difference! Maureen Turner describes the reliability of this five-prong approach of the Elman-Turner Technique jto being as close to being able to get to the reliability of Never Fail Frosting - a recipe that has been passed down in the Turner family from generation to generation. This is the first presentation of this technique to the Clinical Hypnosis clinician community for teaching purposes. Up until now, only Turners patients and students have been taught and experienced these phenomena. Important to note, prior to focusing on the hypnosis process , Turner spends one to two sessions taking a very detailed history, since most of her patients/clients come to her for hypnoanalysis using age regression. Protocols for Age Regression treatment will be addressed in another publication. Applicability The Elman-Turner Induction and Depth Anchoring Technique is very reliable, quick and safe. It has been developed and utilized by Maureen Turner for the past 15 years with over 2500 individuals. The technique is applicable to a wide and very diverse male and female population to date, in age, from children 9 years old to 95 year old adults; in socio-economic background, from homeless to bank and college Presidents; and in ethnic cultural heritage, with individuals from 24 different countries, where English was not the native language. She has treated a broad spectrum of problems and diagnoses which she will be publishing in the near future.

Elman-Turner Induction/DeepeningTechnique Script Maureen Finnerty Turner, RN-BC, LCMHC, LCSW Step 1. Pre-talk: Describe 6-Trance Levels phenomena, and the Induction Step 2 Induction and Deepening Now allow yourself to close your eyes. Now please focus on your breathing. Allow each breath to be your signal to become more and more relaxed. Let each breath breathe in relaxation and exhale out tension. Breathing in relaxation and exhaling out tension. Let each breath double your relaxation. As if, you are twice as relaxed as you are now. Let each sound be your signal to go deeper and deeper in relaxation. As if, each sound was your signal to go deeper and deeper in relaxation. Deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper. All the sounds - the sound of my voice, the music, the inside noises, the white noise machine and the outside noises, the traffic, and even the ticking of the clock. Let each sound take you deeper and deeper in relaxation. Deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper. *Now let me suggest that you focus on your eyelids. Let all the muscles of your eyelids relax like soggy spaghetti. Loose and limp, loose and limp like soggy spaghetti. Let those little muscles relax so much so that you would have to tense up your muscles in order to open your eyes. Loose and limp, loose and limp, like soggy spaghetti. When your eyelid muscles are that relaxed that you would have to tense up your muscles in order to open your eyes - then hold the relaxation and spread the relaxation from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes. Warm, soothing, relaxation. From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Just let it happen. When you have done so raise your finger so Ill know you have done so. ( If they do not raise their finger inside of about 10 seconds, repeat from the * slowly, and add, just do the best you can right now, just do the best you can right now. If still no raised finger after about 10 seconds, just, matter of factly, continue. If person is a highly hypnotizable they may not be connecting with the details of raising a finger and if, the person is a low or resistant hypnotizable you can best usher them on to the next step, without making this a sticking point. Remember that they gave you permission to help them to deeply relax and there are a lot of ways to do so. Continue to be confident, and relaxed yourself as you lead them to hypnosis, speak slowly and warmly.) Good. Now as we discussed, in a moment, I am going to ask you to Open your eyes and Close your eyes, 3 different times. The first time I will ask you to use that as your signal to increase your relaxation by 10 so that you are ten times more relaxed than you are right

now. Ten times. Open your eyes. Good. Now close your eyes, and go 10 times deeper in relaxation, as if, you are ten times deeper than you are right now. Now allow yourself to imagine a relaxing place somewhere outside and that it is a beautiful day with the sun shining. It is usually helpful to think of a particular place that is relaxing. Allow yourself to vividly be there. As if you were there right now. Notice what you would see if you were there right now. Notice the colors, see what you would see if you were there right now. Hear the sounds that you would hear if you were there right now. Notice how it feels in your body to be there and to feel so relaxed. Smell any smells that you associate with being there. Notice any taste that reminds you of being there. Imagine that the sun is gently shining down upon you. Now allow yourself to imagine that mixed with the sunlight rays, are rays of gentle soothing relaxation. Imagine that the rays of sunlight intertwined with rays of relaxation are gently showering you washing away any resistance and any problems that may be causing you to feel unrelaxed in any way. Just imagine, if you wish, that the rays of sunlight intertwined with rays of relaxation are gently showering you washing away any resistance and any problems that may be causing you to feel unrelaxed in any way. Good . . . good. In a moment I am going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again, and allow that to be your signal to allow you to be ten times more relaxed than you are right now. Ten times. Open your eyes. Good. Now close your eyes, and go 10 times deeper in relaxation, as if, you are ten times deeper than you are right now. Now let me suggest . . .that you imagine that you can wrap yourself with a warm, soothing blanket - - of relaxation. Allow your self to feel loose and limp, loose and limp like a ragdoll. Loose and limp, loose and limp. Good. Good. In a moment, as we discussed, I am going to ask you to open your eyes and close your eyes again. This time I would like to suggest that you use this as your signal to double your relaxation. As if, you are twice as deep as you are right now. Open your eyes. Close your eyes. Two times as deep. Deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper. Twice as deep as you are right now. Good. Good. Allowing yourself to be two times as deeply relaxed as you are right now. Allow yourself to imagine that you can relax every cell in your body. Let relaxation come to each cell, every muscle in your body. Good. Good. Now, please hold that relaxation. And, in a moment, as we discussed, I will test your relaxation. And, if you have followed my directions - I will be able to pick up your wrist and let it go on the arm of the chair and it will just flop like a rag doll. No helping me. Limp and loose. Limp and loose. Like a rag doll. Good. Good. You have relaxed your body. Now I would like to help you relax your mind even more.

As we discussed, in a moment, I will be asking you to begin reciting the alphabet backwards slooowly. And, let each letter be your signal to double your relaxation. As if youre twice as relaxed as you are right now. And at some point, it may be W, it may be Y, it may be V or sooner, the letters will disappear let them go, you dont need them right now. You can do it. I cant do it for you. And, when the letters are gone raise your finger so Ill know they are gone and that you are now deeply relaxed. Deeply relaxed. Begin to say the letters of the alphabet backwards now and with each letter you say double your minds relaxation. (With each letter, hypnotherapist, says: Double your minds relaxation with each letter you say, alternating with Let the letters go, let them just fade. And, raise your finger when they are gone. Raise your finger when they are gone. You can do it, I cant do it for you. You can do it. Let the letters fade and disappear. When they raise their finger, you can say something positive and very soothing like good, good. Then, if you wish and I do recommend it you can ask them to go to a calm place in their mind and begin the Anchoring Process to anchor 4 levels of Hypnosis then and there so that you can just pull the anchors from then on and not need to go through this protocol again. Instead of taking an average of 20-30 minutes to induce hypnosis each time (ex. Gradual Relaxation Response), a person who has had the Turner Method of Anchoring 4 Hypnotic Levels following the Elman-Turner Induction, will take an average of 3-5 minutes to induce this deep level of trance. The anchoring process is also self-hypnosis so that with the instructions for each level they can use Level 1 and 2 for waking states and 3 and 4 for sleep and going back to sleep. Step 3. Anchoring 4 levels of Hypnosis with the Elman-Turner Induction Maureen Finnerty Turner, RN-BC, LCMHC, LCSW Utilizing 4 out of 6 Levels of Hypnosis (/Arons) (Anchoring Level 1 A Calm State of Mind) Allow yourself to go to a calm state of mind, a place where you feel relaxed, best you can. It is often helpful to think of a place where you have actually been anywhere and anytime in your life. A place you would like to return. When you are there, please raise your finger, so I will know you are there. Allow yourself to Vividly be there see the colors, hear the sounds and feel what your body and mind feel like when you are there. When it is just as you wish and you are feeling as calm as youd like. Give your unconscious mind the instructions, that as long as it is safe to do so, whenever you would like to come back to this state of mind easily, effortlessly, safely, all you need to do is to say to yourself is: Relax I Calm and give yourself a Thumbs Up! as your signal to come back here, safely, easily, effortlessly, you can do so. Anchor it if you wish, and raise your finger to let me know when to move on. Now allow yourself to go to a Carefree State, if you wish. Carefree like a good vacation kind of feeling - that happy, Zippidy-doo-da kind of feeling! Just allow yourself to go

there safely, easily, effortlessly. It is usually helpful to think of a particular place or time that you felt carefree the way you wish to feel now. Care free, feeling so carefree, that happy kind of feeling. Just let yourself go there and please raise your finger to let me know you are there. (Anchoring Relax 2 Carefree) Good, good. Now, same basic instructions as for Relax I this time, just instruct your Unconscious Mind that whenever it is safe to do so, and you would like to come here for a moment or longer, depending on the situation all you need to do is to say to yourself Relax 2 and give yourself the Thumbs Up! signal with the intention of coming here, safely, easily, effortlessly as long as it is safe to do so. Anchor it now if you wish with those instructions and raise your finger when you are ready to move on so Ill know. (Anchoring Relax 3 Very, very Relaxed) Now, when you are ready, if you wish, allow yourself to relax your muscles. All the muscles in your head and body. Easily and effortlessly. As you continue to relax and relax your muscles, you may notice that your arms are feeling heavier, and heavier. And, your legs are feeling heavier, and heavier. Easily, and effortlessly. Just let it happen. Arms feeling heavier, and heavier. Legs feeling heavier, and heavier. Easily and effortlessly. Just let it happen. And, when you feel your arms and legs feeling heavier, raise your finger, so I will know. Good. Good. If you would like to anchor this state of mind, to help you go to sleep or go back to sleep, or to use anytime it is safe to do so, just instruct your Unconscious Mind to do so. Obviously not while driving a car, truck or bus. Not while piloting a plane, train, or boat. Not while riding a bike, a horse, a motorcycle. Or skiing, snowboarding, or skateboarding. Or at any time that you need your attention sharp and focused. But to go to sleep or go back to sleep all you need to do is to have the intent to come here and have it safe to do so and say to yourself, Relax 3 and give yourself a Thumbs Up! and it is yours to use safely, easily, effortlessly anytime it is safe to do so. (Anchoring Relax 4 Light and Floaty) Good. Good. Now allow yourself to continuing to relax in the chair and allow your body to just rest there and if you wish, let your mind and body take flight become air-borne safely, easily, effortlessly, if you wish. You can imagine you are flying like Peter Pan and Wendy, or that you are on the back of a bird or on a magic carpet ride, or that a cloud arm-chair has arrived for you shaped perfectly for you to back into and feel safe and relaxed and Light and Floaty Light and Floaty, Light and Floaty ! Feeling free, very free! Raise your finger when you are feeling free and light and floaty or the best you can right now. If you would like to anchor this state of mind the instructions are basically the same as for Relax 3 Obviously not while driving a car, truck or bus. Not while piloting a plane, train, or boat. Not while riding a bike, a horse, a motorcycle. Or skiing, snowboarding, or skateboarding.

Or at any time that you need your attention sharp and focused. But to go to sleep or go back to sleep Relax 4 Light and Floaty can help you get there, safely, easily, and effortlessly anytime it is safe to do so. Clinician Now you can proceed to patient/clients first Clinical Hypnosis Treatment Experience (Do not use Age Regression yet Next Time: Step 4. Pulling the Anchors and Step 5 Induce Level 5 Somnambulism next time to establish Depth Level appropriate for Age Regression treatment.) Step 4. TURNER STANDARD PULLING THE ANCHORS INDUCTION with DEEPENING TECHNIQUE (Relax 1-4) In a moment I am going to put on some music to signal the start of the hypnosis experience. You can recline your chair if you wish, just be sure you are comfortable. Allow yourself to close your eyes when you are ready, so Ill know. Good. Now in this office, allow yourself to focus on your breath. And, if you wish, allow every breath to breathe in relaxation and breathe out tension and stress -with every breath. Nice deep, deep belly breathing. Good. Good. Now, if you wish, allow each sound, while you are in this office, to be your signal to become more and more relaxed. With each sound, more and more relaxed the sound of my voice, the music, the inside noises, the outside noises, the traffic, the ticking of the clock, the white noise machine outside the door all the noises and sounds, let them be your signals to become more and more relaxed. (if there are any distinctive noises that are likely to be repetitive while inducing trance add them in, whether it be a jackhammer going in the street, sirens, steel drum bands, telephones or someone with a talk radio station (Rush Limbaugh!) outside your door all actual and successfully used to deepen the trance state.) Now, allow yourself to go to a calm state in your mind a calm state Relax I a calm state just allow yourself to feel calm, if you wish. As you continue to feel more and more relaxed, with every breath, and with every sound, every noise inside the office and outside the office, allow yourself to become more and more carefree, if you wish. That good vacation, kind of feeling, that kickback, whatever! kind of feeling Relax 2 Carefree. Feeling carefree, allow yourself to become more and more carefree. Now,

when you are ready, if you wish, allow yourself to relax your muscles, more and more relaxed. And, as you continue to relax your muscles and body, you will begin to notice that your arms and legs are becoming more and more heavy feeling. Relax 3 feeling very, very relaxed. Heavy, heavy in your arms, heavy, heavy in your legs. As if, they are made of concrete you know you can move them, but you feel so relaxed you would rather just let your body relax. *When you feel your arms or legs getting heavy, please raise your finger, so Ill know. Easily, effortlessly, safely becoming more and more relaxed and arms and legs feeling heavy, you know you can move them but dont need to right now. (Repeat 1 more time if they have not raised their finger then just continue most often,
they are already deeper and have lost the focus on the details like raising their finger. If they are not feeling heavy yet, often they will catch up with the Relax 4 prompts. Waiting for a finger to raise in deepening and repeating the instructions to do so can lighten the trance by frustrating the individual. People seem to seek their own comfort level. The hypnotherapist needs to consider themselves as a good guide but not in charge of the map.)

Now, if you wish, allow yourself to imagine that you are letting your body rest in the chair, and that your mind and your spirit can take flight imagine that you can fly, safely, effortlessly, easily in anyway that you wish to lift off and feel light and floaty and free Relax 4 light and floaty and feeling Free! It may be that you wish to imagine that you are light as a feather, can fly like a bird, or like Peter Pan and Wendy, or call for a magic carpet, or . . . a magic cloud arm chair shaped perfectly so you can sit back and feel safe, and light and floaty and free. Allow yourself to feel playful if you wish drifty, and light and floaty. And, when you are ready to move on just raise your finger or nod your head so, Ill know.

Step 5: The therapist then facilitates Deepening to Somnambulism - Level 5 (ideal depth level prior to beginning any Age Regression Techniques such as: Turner Somatic Affect Bridge and Turner Rescue Mission for Trauma-Release/Integration and Positive Affect Re-attachment Techniques).

Now allow yourself to connect with nature all around trees, clouds, sky, and imagine that you can connect with the Universe feeling at one with yourself and with nature and the Universe. At One. You may notice that you are less and less aware of your body and more and more aware of your mind feeling peaceful, very peaceful. Feeling loved, unconditionally loved, just as you are no longer needing to do or stop doing anything. Just feeling at One and Peaceful. Nod your head or raise your finger when you are ready to move on. (Clinician has just established Somnambulism Hypnotic State Level 5 Then proceed to Age Regression Techniques/Treatment Phase of Hypnosis

Reference: Elman, D., Hypnotherapy, California, Westwood Publishing Co., 1964.


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