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WHS Futures Fair Oct 2022

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FAIR 2022
12 OCTOBER 6.30 - 8.00 pm

FAIR 2022

12 OCTOBER 6.30 - 8.00 pm

Having the opportunity to meet with

successful professionals working
Welcome from the Director of in a wide range of career areas is
Higher Education and careers an invaluable part of the process.
Experience tells us that even the
Very frustratingly the Covid briefest of chats can have a major
restrictions of the last three years impact on the future choices of our
meant the cancellation of so many young people.
of our in person Futures events.
Although Microsoft Teams and other Of course, an event like this
platforms has enabled us to continue inevitably involves a huge amount
to connect students, virtually, with of organisation and for that reason
professional for a broad range of my thanks go to the Estates, ICT,
career areas, there is really nothing marketing and catering teams
that can replace the benefits of for all their contribution to the
meeting and chatting IRL. I am smooth running of the evening. I
therefore delighted that this evening, am also indebted to all the staff
after many months of work behind at Wimbledon High School for
the scenes, we are able to welcome their support in helping to source
so many of you to the flagship event delegates and engage the students.
in our Futures programme. Finally none of this would have
been possible without the efforts
I would like to extend a warm of my colleague in the HE and
welcome to you all, especially the Careers Department, David Ryde.
many parents, alumnae and friends He has been working tirelessly and
of the school that are giving so with dedication to bring together a
generously of their time to inspire fabulously diverse range of people
and inform our students. and organisations.

Making decisions about your future, I hope you all leave feeling inspired
at any stage, can be a daunting and excited about the future.
and often overwhelming process.
FAIR 2022

12 OCTOBER 6.30 - 8.00 pm

Skills for the Future

A welcome session for parents 6.30pm
in the Rutherford Centre

Karen Kimura, GDST Learning and

Development Manager and Nicole Godetz,
Workplace Consultant and Coach,
discuss the jobs and skills of the future.

InvestIN Education
We also welcome Willow Herold through to more up and coming
from InvestIN. InvestIN Education careers like Video Game Design.
are an organisation dedicated to Their programmes are all run by
bridging the gap between school top professionals in their fields and
and industry through their immersive offer an invaluable insight into each
career experiences for students. career, through interactive activities,
They provide opportunities for exclusive site visits, industry-specific
students aged 12-18 at weekends career coaching and so much more
and during the school holidays
in 19 of the world’s most popular Visit InvestIN
industries, from Medicine and Law, to find out more.
How to make the most
of this evening

1 Be friendly, inquisitive and

ask lots of questions. 4 Be open-minded, engaged
and purposeful.

2 Read the biographies - and

read between the lines. 5 Set yourself the objective of
finding at least one specific
You might be interested in: take away, or action point,
career sectors, companies and from the evening.
organisations, universities,
postgraduate study.

3 Challenge yourself to talk

to people whose job role
or career sector you are
unfamiliar with.

If you have any follow-up questions

or ideas that you want to discuss,
please contact

Celia Bacon Undergraduate Degree

Senior Architect Architecture
PDP London Nottingham
Postgraduate Study
See also for Construction, Design Master of Architecture, Westminster
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Post Graduate Diploma (Part 3), ARB

Adam Draper Undergraduate Degree

Architect Architecture (BArch / MArch)
Draper Studio Nottingham
Postgraduate Study
See also for Construction, Design UCL
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
ARB (Architects Registration Board)

Garri Jones Undergraduate Degree
Managing Director Manufacturing Engineering
Lazard Cambridge
Postgraduate Study
See also for Entrepreneurship, International Relations (MPhil)
Venture Capital, Management

Hester White Undergraduate Degree

Head of Client Relationship French & Italian
Management & member of Bristol
Management Committee Professional qualifications and
Peel Hunt PLC membership of professional bodies
FCA registered
See also for ESG, Management

David Tait Undergraduate Degree

Head of Cash Equity Trading Mathematics
Barclays Cambridge

See also Management

Vathany Chrishan Undergraduate Degree

Banker Law
Deutsche Bank Oxford
Professional qualifications and
See also for Management membership of professional bodies
Solicitor, FCA registered

Mimi Rushton Undergraduate Degree

Co-head Global Fx Distribution Manufacturing Engineering
Barclays Cambridge

See also for Management

Yuanping Cook( Han) Undergraduate Degree

Director/ Head of China Equity English Literature
Distribution & Market Access, Shenzhen University
Europe HSBC Postgraduate Study
Master in Business
See also for Management Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Luke Jones Undergraduate Degree

Partner Physics
MML Capital Partners Nottingham
Professional qualifications and
See also for Management membership of professional bodies
Chartered Accountant (ACA)
Civil Service
Morwenna Carrington
Deputy Director,
UK Health Security Undergraduate Degree
Department of Health Biological Sciences
and Social Care Nottingham
Postgraduate Study
See also for Health Management, PhD Molecular Virology, Dundee
PhD study

Undergraduate Degree
Lorna Simmonds Economics
Head of Economics Europe York
and Ukraine Postgraduate Study
Foreign, Commonwealth and Economics and Public Policy MSc,
Development Office Bath University

See also for Economics, Management

Chloe McCallum
Head of International Net Zero Undergraduate Degree
Briefing Hub Biochemistry
Department for Business, Oxford
Energy & Industrial Strategy

See also for Climate Change,


Georgina Knights Undergraduate Degree

Head of Adequacy Assessments English Literature
Department of Digital, Culture, Bristol
Media and Sport Postgraduate Study
Law Conversion Course
See also for Management, Law Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Qualified Solicitor
Clinical Academia

Jennifer Quint Undergraduate Degree

Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Epidemiology UCL
Imperial College Postgraduate Study
Epidemiology, Phd UCL and MSc
See also for Medicine, PhD study LSHTM
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Suzanne Seyghal Undergraduate Degree

PR & Communications Consultant French & Spanish
Freelance (travel / hospitality/ Exeter
charity industries) Postgraduate Study
Law Conversion Course
See also for Media, Marketing,

Tahira Mathur Undergraduate Degree

Manager Environment and Development
Man Group London School of Economics

See also for Finance

Annabelle Wills Undergraduate Degree

Senior Account Executive Sociology
Yellow Jersey PR/IR Bristol

See also for PR, Investor Relations,


Helen Collie Undergraduate Degree
Team Principal, Civil Engineering
Forensic Structural Engineer UCL
HKA Postgraduate Study
Construction Law MSc,
See also Engineering, Management Kings College London
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Chartered Engineer (member of ICE
and IStructE), Member of Academy
of Experts
Criminal Justice

Neia Hepburn Glynn Undergraduate Degree

Offending Behaviour Therapist Psychology
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation Hull
Postgraduate Study
See also Psychology, Counselling Forensic Psychology
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
British Psychological Society
Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity

Hannah Stewart Undergraduate Degree

Independent Sexual Violence Psychology with proficiency in German
Advocate Sussex
The Havens (King’s College Professional qualifications and
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) membership of professional bodies
Advocacy in working with survivors of
See also Psychology, Counselling sexual violence - ISVA services
VAWG (RCEW); Certificate in Counselling Skills


Boyan Todorov Undergraduate Degree

Lead UX/UI Designer User Experience Design and
Accenture Industrial Design
College for Creative Studies, Detroit MI,
See also Professional Services USA and General Assembly
Design, Engineering and Consultancy
Paul Dennett Undergraduate Degree
Managing Director - Civil Engineering
Highways & Aviation Curtin University (Western Australia)
Arcadis Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
See also for Management, Transport Chartered Engineer (CEng)

Education Technology

Victoria Mallinson Undergraduate Degree

COO Economics
SchoolOnline Boston University

See also for Management

Emma Harrison Undergraduate Degree
Systems and Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering
Babcock International Leicester

See also for Marine Defence

Emily Tan Undergraduate Degree
Ethical Denim Designer/ Fashion Design
University Lecturer Westminster
1800 Gallons/Kingston University

See also for Education, Academia

Priti Verma Undergraduate Degree
Chief Risk Officer Chemical Engineering
Brooks Macdonald Asset Imperial College

See also for Risk Management

Sarah Brown Undergraduate Degree

Product Manager Law
Bloomberg Nottingham

See also for Marketing

Eva Sarma Undergraduate Degree

Investment Director Engineering
Bridges Fund Management Cambridge

See also for Management

Lyons O’Keeffe Undergraduate Degree

Funding and ESG Law
Legal & General University College Dublin
Postgraduate Study
See also for ESG, Management Law - Kings Inns, Dublin -
Barrister at Law Degree
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Certificate in ESG Investing

Tanya Richards Undergraduate Degree

Group Financial Controller Law
Sky Nottingham
Postgraduate Study
See also for Media, Management Legal Practice Course (Nottingham Law
School), Executive MBA in International
Business (Bristol University and Ecole
Nationale Paris)
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Chartered Tax Adviser

Marguerite Landells
Head of ERM (Enterprise Risk Undergraduate Degree
Management) European Business Management
Pool Reinsurance Newcastle
Postgraduate Study
See also for Insurance, Market Area Search
Risk Management Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Stephen Rees Undergraduate Degree

Executive VP - Estate Management
Head of Family Office Sales Portsmouth
Apex Group Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
See also for Management RICS, AFFI
Fine Art
Holly Braine Undergraduate Degree
Auctioneer Classics
Sotheby’s Cambridge
Postgraduate Study
See also for Management, Sales Latin Literature, Cambridge, MPhil

Karen Robertson Undergraduate Degree
Previously Chief Pharmacist, Pharmacy
Chelsea and Westminster Bradford
Hospital and Divisional Director Postgraduate Study
of Operations Open University Diploma in NHS
NHS Leadership
Professional qualifications and
See also for Pharmacy, membership of professional bodies
Health Management Royal Pharmaceutical Society of GB

Sarah Golby Undergraduate Degree

Antenatal Educator, Biochemistry
Breastfeeding Counsellor, Imperial College
ESOL Teacher Postgraduate Study
NCT PhD Immunology, Kings College London
(medical school)
See also for Education, Counselling, Professional qualifications and
PhD study membership of professional bodies
DipHE Antenatal Education (University
of Bedfordshire), Level 4 certificate in
1:1 Perinatal Support, CELTA (postgrad
English language teaching qualification)
Landscape Architecture
Freya Willetts Undergraduate Degree
Landscape Architect Modern Languages - French & Spanish
Harris Bugg Studio Oxford
Postgraduate Study
See also for Garden Design Masters in Spanish-Oxford University
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Diploma in Garden Design-The London
College of Garden Design;
Pre-registered member of the Society
of Garden Designers

Emma Wright Undergraduate Degree
Solicitor, Head of Legal Law
IBM UK Southampton
Postgraduate Study
See also for Technology, PhD Molecular Virology
Management Postgraduate Study
College of Law, Chester (Legal Practice
Course): Diploma of Law
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Qualified Solicitor (Solicitor
Regulatory Authority)

Janet Wood Undergraduate Degree

Managing Director and Associate Law
General Counsel Cambridge
Bank of America Postgraduate Study
Masters in Finance, London Business
See also for Finance, School
Management Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Law Society Finals Exams,
Qualified Solicitor
Elizabeth Smaller Undergraduate Degree
Circuit Judge, Crown Court History
Criminal Justice System Nottingham
Postgraduate Study
Common Professional Entrance
See also for Management Examination-City University;
The Bar Vocational Qualification
(aka Bar School). Inns of Court School
of Law, London.
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Formerly a member of the Criminal
Bar Association.

Undergraduate Degree
Ania Grudzinska Law and French
Barrister Oxford Brookes
Great James Street Chambers Postgraduate Study
Law, University of Edinburgh, LLM
Professional qualifications and
See also for Criminal Law, Extradition membership of professional bodies
Bar Vocational Course

Juliet Stevens Undergraduate Degree

Barrister Medicine
Crown Office Chambers Oxford
Postgraduate Study
Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), City
See also for Medical, University; Bar Professional Training
Product Liability Law Course (BPTC), City University.
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Registered with the General Medical
Council (GMC). Member of Middle
Helen Wen Undergraduate Degree
Senior Legal Counsel Law
IMG Manchester
Postgraduate Study
See also for International Business Law
Data privacy, Management Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
English Solicitor, a member of the
Law Society of English and Wales;
Qualified Chinese Lawyer

Alice de Coverley Undergraduate Degree

Barrister Theology
3PB Chambers Durham
Postgraduate Study
See also for Education, Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and
Human Rights Law the Bar Professional Training Course
(the Bar); City Law School
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Catherine Howells Undergraduate Degree

Senior Legal Counsel Law
Google Warwick
Postgraduate Study
See also for Technology, Management Legal Practice Course (LPC),
Nottingham Law School
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Solicitor, England & Wales
(admitted 2005)
Robyn Keith Undergraduate Degree
Trainee Solicitor English
Allen & Overy LLP York
Postgraduate Study
See also for Law Conversion Graduate Diploma in Law, LLM, BPP
University of Law
Management / Management consulting
Liz Buckley Undergraduate Degree
Non Executive Director and Actuarial Studies
Advisor Various - Tesco Bank, Institute of Actuaries
Hymans Robertson, start up life Postgraduate Study
assurance company in Dublin Masters in Business Administration,
University College Dublin
See also for Finance Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of

Emily Turner Undergraduate Degree

Partner English Literature and Hispanic Studies
Capco Glasgow

See also for Professional Services,


Charlotte de Grouchy Undergraduate Degree

Project Manager Geology
Alfa Financial Software Edinburgh
Management Consultancy Postgraduate Study
Petroleum Engineering MSc, Imperial
See also for Finance, PhD study College London. PhD in Physics,
University of Edinburgh

Munna Rafique Choudhury Undergraduate Degree

Consulting Client Partner for GSK Natural Sciences
Wipro Cambridge
Postgraduate Study
See also for Pharmaceuticals, PhD in Artificial Knee Joint Prostheses,
PhD study University of Cambridge
Postgraduate Study
Various academic papers on topics in
Manufacturing - Food
Rebecca Collis Undergraduate Degree
Health, Safety & Environmental Civil Engineering with Sustainability
Manager Brunel
Tate & Lyle Sugars Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
See also for Engineering, NEBOSH Diploma in Occupational
Risk Management Health & Safety

Alice Poorta Undergraduate Degree
Strategy Manager Physics and Philosophy
YouTube Bristol

See also for Technology, Management

Victoria Murphy Undergraduate Degree
Ophthalmologist Medicine
NHS Cambridge and UCL
Postgraduate Study
See also for Eye Health MA (Cantab), Genomic Medicine
(PG Cert), Imperial College
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
FRCOphth, MRCS (Eng)

Lola Loewenthal Undergraduate Degree

Doctor (Respiratory Medicine) Medicine (intercalating in
Imperial College London/ Royal International Health)
Brompton Hospital UCL
Postgraduate Study
See also for Clinial Education, Clinical Education, Institiute of
PhD study Education/UCL-Masters (MA ClinEd),
Immunology of Severe Asthma-Imperial
College, PhD (current student)
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Member of the Royal College of
Physicians; Member of the Faculty of
Medical Leadership and Management;
Fellow of Higher Education Academy;
Chair of British Thoracic Society
Specialist Trainee Group

Isabella Spence Undergraduate Degree

Paediatric Doctor (ST1) Medicine
NHS Barts and The London, School of
See also for Paediatrics Postgraduate Study
Global Public Health, iBSc,
Queen Mary University
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
GMC Registered
Dr Pallavi Waikar Undergraduate Degree -
Consultant Anaesthetist Medicine
St George’s Hospital, London Nagpur University, India
Postgraduate Study
FRCA, Fellow of Royal College
See also for Anaesthetics of Anaesthetists RCoA, London.
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
DA, FRCA. Membership of GMC, RCoA

Charlotte Butler Undergraduate Degree
Founder and Managing Director Biological Sciences
Altogether Different Exeter University
Postgraduate Study
See also for Diversity & Inclusion Henley Management College

Nicole Jones Undergraduate Degree

Talent Director, Languages
Portfolio Support Group Queen’s University
Advent International Postgraduate Study
MBA, International Finance, Schulich
See also for Finance School of Business

Antoinette Wilks Undergraduate Degree

Global Human Resources Civil Engineering with European
Director for Corporate Studies Bristol (and 1 year at Institute
Development National des Sciences Applique (INSA)
Subsea 7 in Toulouse)
Professional qualifications and
See also for Energy, Engineering membership of professional bodies
Chartered Member of the Institution
of Civil Engineers
Aemilia Lovatt Undergraduate Degree
Consultant Business Studies and French
Odgers Berndtson Keele

See also for Recruitment,

Finance, Health

Tamsin Crook Undergraduate Degree

Career Counsellor Geography
Making Careers Work Newcastle
Postgraduate Study
See also for Careers, Counselling MSc Career Management & Coaching,
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Registered Career Development
Professional with Career Development
Institute (CDI)

Performing Arts
Martha Seignior Undergraduate Degree
Freelance Actor Professional Acting
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
See also for Theatre, Hospitality Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Stage Combat qualified; member of
NYT, Equity, and Spotlight
Maya Hanspal Undergraduate Degree
Senior Scientist (Cellular Biology) Medical Neuroscience
MSD Sussex
Postgraduate Study
See also for Science Neuroscience, University of
Cambridge, Ph.D


Hattie Day Undergraduate Degree

Commercial Photographer for Photograpby
the Pet Industry Falmouth

See also for Marketing, Advertising

Professional Services

Ming Yang Undergraduate Degree

Senior Software Engineer/Tech Biology/Bioinformatics
Lead Southern Medical University, China
Capgemini Postgraduate Study
MRes in Genomics; PhD in Biology;
See also for Software, Technology University of York
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
Professional Services
Natalie Mierswa Undergraduate Degree
Data Analytics Associate International Management
PwC Warwick

See also for Technology

Giulia Bollen Gandolfo Undergraduate Degree

Consultant Human, Social and Political Sciences
EY-Parthenon Cambridge

See also for Finance

Becky Tobin Undergraduate Degree

ESG Tax & Legal Manager Economics
KPMG Boston University
Professional qualifications and
See also for Finance membership of professional bodies

Psychological Health
Anna Kingsley Undergraduate Degree
Psychotherapist English
Self-employed Sussex
Postgraduate Study
See also for Psychology, Counselling Post Graduate Diploma in Couple
Psychotherapy, MSc Psychosexual
Therapy-University of East London,
MSc in Addiction Psychology and
Counselling-London SouthBank
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Member of the BACP (British
Association of Counselling
Lexi Bickell Undergraduate Degree
Marketing Manager Zoology
HarperCollins Publishers Manchester
Undergraduate Degree
See also for Marketing Economics
Boston University
Postgraduate Study
MA, Creative Writing, Manchester
Metropolitan University
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Member of the Book Marketing Society

Megan Newhouse Undergraduate Degree

Senior Editor (Competition Law) French Language & Literature,
Thomson Reuters Political Science
McGill University (Montreal)
See also for Law, Management Postgraduate Study
LLM (University of Edinburgh
(European law)), Law Conversion
Course (College of Law), LPC (BPP)
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Solicitor, Law Society

Real Estate

Victoria Ogilvie Hodge Undergraduate Degree

Senior Surveyor Modern Languages & European Studies
JLL - French & Italian (ab initio)
See also for Property, Surveying Postgraduate Study
University College of Estates
Management, Masters in Real Estate (MSc)
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Member of the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Responsible Business

Kate Hilton Undergraduate Degree

Head of Membership Combined Honours in Social Sciences
Business in the Community (Economics and History)
See also for Sustainability, ESG,
Corporate Responsibility

Romina Dowsett Undergraduate Degree
Anti Money Laundering Business Management & Marketing
Verifications Manager Winchester

See also for Technology, Management

Rina Kadokura Undergraduate Degree
Technical Architect Physics
Accenture UCL
Postgraduate Study
See also for Professional Services, PhD Physics UCL
PhD study Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Iain McDougall Undergraduate Degree

Chief Commercial Officer Computer Science
Yapily University of Technology, Sydney
Postgraduate Study
See also for Management, Finance MBA, University of Sydney - Australian
Graduate School of Management
Savas Nicolaides Undergraduate Degree
Principal Technologist Mechanical Engineering
Pure Storage Imperial College
Undergraduate Degree
See also for Computing Computer Science, Imperial, MSc
Postgraduate Study
MA, Creative Writing, Manchester
Metropolitan University
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
Member of the Book Marketing Society

Maja Summers Undergraduate Degree

Telecomms Engineer Electronic Engineering
Vodafone University of Belgrade, Serbia
Postgraduate Study
See also for Engineering, PhD, Engineering, London South Bank
Telecomms, PhD study University
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Justine Shaw Undergraduate Degree

Account Executive Spanish & Russian
Yext Bristol

See also for Technology, Sales

Genevieve Vincent Undergraduate Degree

Cyber Security Consultant Chemistry, with a year in industry
KPMG Bristol

See also for Cyber Security,

Professional Services
Flor Paniagua Undergraduate Degree
Senior Transport Specialist Civil Engineering
IFC - World Bank Group Politecnic University of Madrid
Postgraduate Study
See also for Finance, Engineering MBA, London Business School
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Tom Holcroft Undergraduate Degree

Associate, Transport Planner Civil Engineering
WSP Bristol
Postgraduate Study
See also for Sustainability, Civil Engineering,
Active Travel, Engineering University of Bristol, MEng
Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies

Tally Garner Undergraduate Degree
Exec Producer for TV Drama English Literature
Mam Tor Productions Newcastle and McGill
Professional qualifications and
See also for Media, Management membership of professional bodies
BAFTA member

Veterinary Medicine

Jacqui Gold Undergraduate Degree

Senior Veterinary Surgeon Veterinary Medicine
Goddard Veterinary Group Cambridge
Postgraduate Study
See also for Animals Professional qualifications and
membership of professional bodies
FAIR 2022
12 OCTOBER 6.30 - 8.00 pm


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