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CCVT and CC Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual

Bulletin 20 95 05 Revision 03 02 / 2012


Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers Coupling Capacitors


Page Introduction 3 Construction and Types 4 Capacitor Voltage Transformers 4 Coupling Capacitors 4 Heaters 4 Inspection 4 Shielding Ring 4 Storage & Transportation 4 Installation 4 Erection 4 Capacitor Assembly Instructions 4 Connections 6 Commissioning and Routine Maintenance 6 Electrical Tests 7 Capacitance Bridge Testing 7 Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Measurements 7 Precautions for High Voltage Testing 8 Connection of a Non-Linear (Magnetic) Burden 9 CVT Principle of Operation 9 Main Components 9 Auxiliary Components 9 For after sales assistance 22

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Sectioned Perspective View of a Typical Capacitor Voltage Transformer Capacitor units assembly and connection Low Voltage Terminal Box for CVT Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Temperature Correction Curves for Paper-Film/PXE Capacitor Schematic Diagram of a typical CVT Capacitor Voltage Transformer with One Capacitor Section (Test 1 to 2) Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Two Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 3) Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Three Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 4) Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Four Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 5)

Page 5 5 6

8 10 11 12 13 15

Table I Troubleshooting Table II Types: TCVT , TECF, TECP, TEVF, TEMF, TEVP, TERP, TEMP & TETP Table III Types: TCVT , TEICF, TEIRF and TEIMF Table IV Types: TEHCF, TEHCP, TEHMF, and TEHMP Table V Electrical Performance Page 18 19 20 20 21

Trench Limited manufactures a comprehensive range of capacitor voltage transformers (CVTs) and coupling capacitors (CCs). All basebox types utilize the same design principles and manufacturing techniques, the information detailed in this manual is applicable in general, except where noted. The circuit diagrams, drawings and other data in this manual may vary in minor details, from the equipment supplied. In all cases the diagrams supplied by the factory and identified with the equipment will be correct in all details. The contents of this manual are designed to cover most situations, which may occur in practice. If any additional information is required, please contact Trench Limited.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Construction and Types

Fig. 1 shows detailed cross sectional views of a typical capacitor voltage transformer. All Trench Instrument Transformer Products contain oil, which has less than 2-PPM PCB considered as non-detectable amount.

Storage & Transportation

Units may be safely stored upright only on level ground, outdoors for a reasonable period of time. Multiple capacitor units are shipped with the upper capacitor units removed and bolted to the skid alongside the basebox. The top ends of the capacitors exposed by the removal of the upper units are protected from the weather by temporary plastic bag covers, which should be examined when equipment is placed in storage, and adjusted if found to be damaged or loosened. Units must be only transported in the upright position preferably with their original packaging.

Capacitor Voltage Transformers

Types TCVT, TEVF, TEMF, TEVP, TEMP, TETP, TERP, TEIRF, TEIMF, TEHMF and TEHMP are capacitor voltage transformers (CVTs) for use with PLC coupling schemes, protective relaying and metering applications. They comprise of an assembly of one or more capacitor units mounted on oil filled aluminum basebox or electromagnetic unit (EMU), which contains the intermediate transformer, series reactor and auxiliary components. A low voltage terminal box houses the secondary terminals and auxiliary components.

CCs or CVTs with more than one capacitor unit are shipped with the units disassembled. They are crated in sets with all components required to assemble one CVT unit in one crate. Capacitor units must not be interchanged with capacitors from different CVTs. Assembling of CVTs can be performed with assistance of a lifting crane. The use of rope slings with a chokertype hitch arranged to bear on the upper metal flange is an effective way of lifting the capacitor units. Assembling can be carried out as follows: Mount the basebox and bottom capacitor assembly on its pedestal and prepared foundation and assemble subsequent capacitor units on top in accordance with the instructions detailed below.

Coupling Capacitors
Types TECF, TECP, TEICF, TEHCF and TEHCP are coupling capacitors (CCs) for use in power line carrier (PLC) coupling schemes. They consist of an assembly of one or more capacitor units of a flat base design with no carrier accessories or mounted on an air-filled aluminum basebox complete with carrier accessories. The film/paper/PXE fluid insulation system represents a premium system of a low dielectric loss design and outstanding stability performance.

Note that Trench oil filled EMUs do not require heaters. In the low voltage terminal box, heaters may be installed to prevent condensation during long storage periods in very humid environments. Power rating of heaters could be up to 15 watts and dual voltages 120/240V or 240/480V. Once the CVT is in service it is not recommended to keep the heater on especially when ambient temperature exceeds 40C.

Capacitor Assembling Instructions

Electrical connection between capacitor sections is done by direct mounting of the upper capacitor section onto the lower capacitor section. The capacitors are secured by axial bolts around the capacitor flange that must be tightened to 20 ft. lb. (27 Nm). For easy reference, the individual nameplates should be aligned with each other during assembling. Fig.2 shows details of the assembly and connection procedure. For high seismic areas, the use of damping pads may be required. Please refer to the contract drawings supplied with the equipment. Caution: It is essential that the capacitor unit serial numbers shown on the main nameplate of the CVT match the actual serial numbers of the capacitor units installed on the device. Note: Accuracy performance may be severely affected if capacitor units are interchanged between CVTs.

All shipments should be inspected upon arrival for chipped or damaged porcelains, metallic parts and oil leaks. The LV terminal box should be opened and examined for loose components or broken wiring. If transit damage has been found, file a claim with the Transit Company and notify Trench Limited immediately.

Shielding Ring
When a shielding ring is supplied, refer to the outline drawing regarding the way the shielding ring should be mounted on the unit. Check the shielding ring for any scratches or sharp points, which may have been caused during transit and file smooth before installation.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Fig. 1 Sectioned Perspective View of a Typical Capacitor Voltage Transformer

Fig. 2 Capacitor units assembly and connection

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

The basebox should be solidly grounded by means of a grounding cable connected to the aluminum ground pad located on the side of the basebox. All low voltage and carrier terminals are in the air-filled low voltage terminal box located on the front side of the basebox (Fig. 3). Low voltage secondary terminals are provided in the oil/air seal plate assembly (Fig. 3). Secondary wiring entrance to the low voltage box is by 4 x 5 (102 x 127 mm) gland plate with provision for 1 (32 mm) knock out conduit entry by bosses. Carrier entrance to the low voltage box is by 5/8 (16mm) internal diameter entrance bushing, with customer connection directly on the carrier terminal stud. Caution (refer to Fig. 3)  The ground connection for the surge protective device (P2 terminal) must never be removed during normal service conditions. This provides the ground for the magnetic unit.  The carrier terminal must always be connected to ground, either directly, if no carrier is required, or via the drain coil.

Fig. 3 Low Voltage Terminal Box for CVT

HAZARD AND BODILY INJURY OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE  Only qualified maintenance personnel should operate, service or maintain this equipment. This document should not be viewed as sufficient for those who are not otherwise qualified to operate, service, or maintain the equipment discussed. This bulletin is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information only. Trench Limited assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising out of the use of this bulletin.  The successful operation of this equipment depends upon proper handling and installation. Neglecting fundamental installation requirements can lead to personal injury as well as damage to electrical equipment or other property.  Before servicing equipment, disconnect all sources of electrical power. Assume that all circuits are live until they have been completely de-energized, tested, grounded, and tagged. Pay particular attention to the design of the power system. Consider all sources of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.  Carefully inspect the area around the transformer for tools and objects left near the unit.  For safety, at least two qualified individuals must be present during installation. Failure to observe these precautions may result in equipment damage, severe personal injury, or death!

Commissioning and Routine Maintenance

During a regular maintenance program, perform a regular visual inspection of the following: Chipped porcelain Abnormal pollution accumulation Oil leaks  Check oil level of the basebox by means of the oil gauge.

It is recommended to check the protective gap annually. The life of this device depends on the frequency and duration of system switching. Unless specified otherwise in the connection diagram of the CVT, the protective device across P1 and P2 is a Siemens gas-filled surge protector type SI-A 350 with a.c. sparkover voltage of 250 volts rms and a tolerance of +/-20%. If the sparkover voltage of the device is outside this range, it needs a replacement. When this protective device is installed, it is important to make sure the metallic ends make good contact in the holder.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

If a preventive maintenance program calls for regular electrical tests, the following procedures may serve as a guide for tests on a routine basis as governed by your usual practice. If it is the practice of your utility to conduct a check at the time of commissioning, then these same procedures may be followed at this time. If the CVT is utilized for PLC only, the potential ground switch must remain in the open position.

 With ground switch still closed, measure C2. Remove ground connection at CAR terminal and measure between this terminal and basebox. Compare to C2 value marked on main nameplate or previous measurements.  Measure C total, from HV terminal to CAR terminal with ground switch open and grounding links removed from P2 and CAR terminals. Depending on the type of bridge used, there may be difficulties in obtaining a balance for DF as leakage currents through the insulation of the transformer windings will cause apparent DF readings below the true value or even to be negative, although capacitance value obtained will be correct. A change of measurement C total from one routine test to another would be an indicator that additional investigation is required. Note that, on the bottom capacitor unit, the lower end plate is isolated from the capacitor electrodes and cannot be used as a connection point.

Electrical Tests
See precautions for HV testing on page 8 before doing the tests. Measure capacitance and dissipation factor of each capacitor unit. It is important to use equipment with a capacitance measurement error of less than 0.5% in order to detect a capacitor element failure. This can be achieved by the use of Low Voltage Capacitance Bridge. All measurements taken should be corrected to 20C using Fig. 4. As there will always be differences between the calibrations of various capacitance measuring equipment, the initial capacitance readings on installation should be recorded and used as a basis for comparison with subsequent measurements made with the same test equipment. M  easure the transformation ratio of the unit (CVTs only). The purpose of this test is to verify the continuity of the CVT circuit only. The use of Doble Test equipment as a power supply to the HV terminal and measurement of secondary voltage is a convenient method of doing this measurement.

Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Measurements

The procedures outlined below are operating instructions for the use with Doble M4000 equipment. The power factor reading from the capacitance and dissipation factor (DF) test corresponds to the DF shown on the nameplate of each capacitor unit. The DF reading depends upon good solid test connections being established and care must therefore be taken to obtain valid test results. The capacitance data obtained at commissioning stage may differ from the nameplate values and therefore the capacitance measurement done at commissioning should be used as a reference for future comparison. A capacitor element failure will result in an increase in the total capacitance in proportion to the original number of elements and those remaining in operating condition. Generally, an increase of 1% in capacitance from the reference data obtained during commissioning would be significant. The capacitance of the capacitor unit should be preferably measured with the same equipment and compared to the commissioning data to ensure good working condition of the capacitor assembly. Capacitance and dissipation factor test can be carried out on all ratings of Trench Limited coupling capacitors and capacitor voltage transformers. For coupling capacitors, the carrier bushing is accessible and tests can be done by energizing either top or bottom end of the capacitor as required. For capacitor voltage transformers, the HV terminal must be disconnected from the HV bus for accurate measurements.

Capacitance Bridge Testing

It is possible, but not likely, for a damaged capacitor element to recover after de-energisation and the unit capacitance appear to be normal when measured at a low voltage, using a low voltage capacitance bridge. Factory measurements are made at normal operating voltage. Measure upper units by attaching the test leads directly to the joining bolts. For CVTs, the presence of the intermediate transformer connected to the tapping point on the bottom unit requires special consideration. Refer to the connection diagram and low voltage terminal box and follow the procedure described below: C  lose voltage tap ground switch and measure C1, (HV terminal to basebox with ground switch closed). Compare to value marked on main nameplate or measurements taken in previous tests.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

If solidly bolted bus connections are to be used, it is recommended that suitable insulating supports be installed to isolate the CVT for test purposes. Shorting links normally used across these insulating supports may then be easily removed during tests and replaced afterwards. The test methods for assemblies which have 1, 2, 3 or 4 capacitor units, are detailed below and from page 11 to 17. R  emove carrier ground connection for the duration of the capacitance and dissipation factor test G  round the basebox solidly to the test set C  lose the voltage tap ground switch I MPORTANT: Replace carrier connection immediately after test, before energizing. NOTE: It is not unusual for dissipation factor (DF) measurements made at 10kV or below to exceed factory values, which are measured at operating voltage. If DF exceeds 0.4 %, consult Trench Limited. Example for use of Fig. 4 1. Make measurement at field temperature. Example: Temperature = -10C Capacitance = 10050 pF Dissipation Factor = 0.065% 2. Find our factory values from test report. Example: Capacitance = 10 000 pF Dissipation Factor = 0.055% 3. Calculate predicted values at field temperature. Example: Capacitance at -10C = 100.25% of factory value = 10025 pF 4. Dissipation Factor at -10C = 113% of factory value = 0.062% Compare values from 1 and 4. Fig. 4 Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Temperature Correction Curves for Paper-Film/PXE Capacitor

Note: Measurement is done at normal operating voltage. Significant error on dissipation factor may result if measurement performed at low voltage (1-10kV).

Precautions for High Voltage Testing

If HV testing methods are employed on complete CVTs, the following precautions should be taken:  Do not energize the HV terminal above the normal rated line-to-ground voltage of the unit. The terminals P2 and P1 are connected to the high voltage side of the electromagnetic unit of the CVT which is subsequently connected to the tap capacitance C2. If P2 is not properly grounded and the CVT is energized with the potential ground switch in open position, a voltage of 5 to 11 kV will appear at P2 and P1 terminals (Refer to Fig. 5).  The normal operating voltage of the tapping point is approximately 5 kV (TEVF), 11 kV (TEMF, TEMP and TEHMF), 5 to 11 kV (TCVT). It is recommended that capacitance measurements be taken at voltages below the normal rated voltage of the unit, so that the voltage appearing on P1 and P2 terminals during the measurement will be proportionately reduced.  Extreme care must be taken to ensure that connections to the CAR terminal are completely away from the P1 and P2 terminals, because of the high voltage which will appear at these terminals.  Qualified personnel only, who fully understand the circuit involved, should make measurements.  Maximum test voltage to P1 and P2 and CAR terminals with respect to grounds should not exceed 2 kV.

HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. During storage, ensure that all capacitor insulator assemblies are shorted. Failure to observe these precautions can result in personal injury or product damage.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Connection of a Non-Linear (Magnetic) Burden

Caution must be used when using non-linear (or magnetic) burdens with CVTs. Non-linear burdens connected to the CVT may cause harmonics in the output voltage and current within the electromagnetic components of the CVT, which, in turn, may cause variation in ratio and phase angle errors as well as increasing the voltage across the protective gaps. During momentary overvoltage conditions, the effects of a nonlinear burden may cause P1 - P2 flashover and, thereby, interfere with the operation of the relaying systems. Most relays, synchroscopes, voltmeters and other generally used instruments are essentially linear burdens up to twice the normal voltage. Burdens with closed magnetic circuits such as auxiliary potential transformers may not have linear characteristics over the entire voltage range. If such devices are used in the secondary circuits, these should be selected so that the iron core is operating at not more than one-half the flux density required to reach the knee of the magnetization curve. For example, it is desirable to use a 230-230 volt auxiliary potential transformer in the 115-volt circuit instead of one having a 115-115 volt rating. The same precaution should be taken for relay coils.

Auxiliary Components
All items referred to are identified on the connection diagram. The choke coil assembly prevents the grounding of the carrier signal when the voltage tap ground switch is closed. The harmonic suppression filter prevents sustained ferroresonance oscillations. It consists of a resistor in series with a saturable reactor and a parallel resistor. The reactor is designed to saturate above the highest over-voltage rating to form a loading circuit, which will dampen sub-harmonic ferroresonant oscillations. The protective gap (item 4 Fig. 5) is a voltage sensitive device wired in series with a loading resistor on a secondary winding of the series reactor. The protective gap is normally open circuit, but goes in short circuit mode when the intermediate voltage exceeds the overvoltage factor of the CVT, or when the secondary current causes the thermal burden rating (shown in Table V) to be exceeded. This has the effect of de-tuning the CVT and limiting the secondary current available during overvoltage and external short circuit conditions. The protective gap also serves to further limit ferroresonance oscillations. If the fault condition persists for more than about thirty seconds, the protective gap will not reset from the short circuit mode and must be replaced. Its location inside the low voltage terminal box facilitates replacement. The drain coil, gap and carrier ground switch are supplied if the CVT is to function as a coupling capacitor for power line carrier.

CVT Principle of Operation

Main Components
The main components are the capacitor divider, the intermediate step-down transformer and the series reactor, as shown in Fig. 5. The step-down transformer and series reactors are connected to the intermediate voltage tap between C1 & C2. The series reactor is manufactured so its impedance cancels the impedance of the capacitor; therefore, the full intermediate voltage is delivered to the terminals of the step-down transformer, in phase with the primary line voltage. The series reactor and primary winding of the step-down transformer are manufactured with taps to enable ratio and phase angle adjustment. These are factory preset and do not require alteration after delivery unless a capacitor unit is changed.

CAUTION on operation of potential ground switch: The potential ground switch position (see Fig. 5, item 7) is provided for maintenance purposes only. It is not meant to be closed on permanent basis, due to increased stress of C1 capacitor elements. Closing the potential ground switch for more than 8 hours is not recommended.

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Fig. 5

Schematic Diagram of a typical CVT

Base box type




With carrier accessories

Without carrier accessories

1 2 3 4

Series Reactors Intermediate Voltage Transformer Harmonic Suppression Filter Sealed Protective Gap

5 6 7 8

Secondary Terminal Board Faraday Field Potential Ground Switch Choke Coil & Gap Assembly

 rain Coil, Gap & Carrier Ground D Switch Assembly

Note: connection between internal terminals L1L8 and A, DO are made at the factory as required for each unit.
10 Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Fig. 6 Capacitor Voltage Transformer with One Capacitor Section (Test 1 to 2) Test 1 - one capacitor section

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1 10kV GST-GROUND A Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Test 2 - one capacitor section

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: F: C2 2kV GND-RB F Disconnected (carrier lead) S1 Switch: Grounded S2 Switch: Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


Fig. 7 Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Two Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 3) Test 1 - two capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-1 10kV GAR-R B A Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Test 2 - two capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-2 10kV UST-R B A Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil


Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Test 3 - two capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: F: C2 2kV GND-RB F Disconnected (carrier lead) S1 Switch: Grounded S2 Switch: Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Fig. 8 Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Three Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 4) Test 1 - three capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-1 10kV GAR-R C B Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


Test 2 - three capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-2 10kV UST-R B C Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Test 3 - three capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-3 10kV GAR-R B C Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil


Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Test 4 - three capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A: F: C2 2kV GND-RB F Grounded Disconnected (carrier lead) S1 Switch: Grounded S2 Switch: Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Fig. 9 Capacitor Voltage Transformer with Four Capacitor Sections (Test 1 to 5) Test 1 - four capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-1 10kV GAR-R D C Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


Test 2 - four capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-2 10kV UST-R C D Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Test 3 - four capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-3 10kV UST-R B C Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil


Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Test 4 - four capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A, F: S1 Switch: S2 Switch: C1-4 10kV GAR-R B C Grounded Grounded Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Test 5 - four capacitor sections

Test Procedures Measure: Test Voltage: Circ. Desc.: HV Lead: LV Lead: A: F: C2 2kV GND-RB F Grounded Disconnected (carrier lead) S1 Switch: Grounded S2 Switch: Grounded

Note: S1: Carrier ground switch S2: Voltage tap ground switch L1: Drain coil L2: Choke coil

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


18 Possible Cause
Volt tap ground switch closed Remove external wiring and measure output voltage at terminals. If there is still no voltage, then proceed as follows: 1. Megger X and Y windings to tank should read 50 meg ohms or more. 2. Remove P2 ground link. 3. Open ground switch. 4. Megger P2 to tank should read 50 meg ohms or more. Remove P2 connection. Close volt tap ground switch. 1. Measure resistance from P2 connection to tank, should read less than 1000 ohms. Remove carrier ground connection and close volt tap ground switch. 2. Measure capacitance between CAR connection and basebox. This gives C2 value. 3. Measure capacitance from top of capacitor to basebox. This gives C1 value. Either of above tests will confirm integrity of tap lead from lower capacitor unit. 4. Measure P1 - P2, should read less than 75 ohms Confirm as per test 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. As per test 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. If no continuity, confirm that connections between capacitor units are made. If still no continuity, change capacitor unit. Check all connections. Check C2 value as per test 1.3.2. Remove external wiring to substation and re-check secondary output at terminals. Remove unit from service immediately for evaluation. Check C1 per 1.3.3 Replace capacitor unit if capacitance is more than 1% high. Check all connections. Remove unit from service immediately. Replace capacitor unit. As above (5) Check measurement equipment. Check harmonic suppression filter wiring and components, replace as necessary. See further section Connection of saturable (non-linear) burden. Replace surge protector. As above (8.1). In no case should oil be more than 10 mm (3/8) above mark. Check expansion chamber on top of lower capacitor unit. Consult factory immediately. In no case should oil level be more than 10 mm (3/8) below mark. Top up if necessary. Check for leaks around tank and report to factory if necessary. Replace expansion chamber. Inspect expansion chamber. If punctured, remove unit from service immediately. Consult factory. Open volt tap ground switch (up position)



Zero Secondary Output


Table I Troubleshooting

1.2 Short circuit on secondary connections

1.3 Open circuit on intermediate transformer No connection between units


1.5 Broken connection inside capacitor unit Poor secondary connection Failure of a C2 capacitor element Extreme load on secondary

Low Secondary Output




High Secondary Output 3 Failure of one or more C1 capacitor elements Loose intermediate or secondary connections Oil contamination due to capacitor element arcing/failure Capacitor element failure Possible measurement error Malfunction of harmonic suppression filter Use of non linear (saturable) burden P1 - P2 surge protector shorted Faulty harmonic suppression filter Extremely high ambient temperature Oil leak in lower capacitor unit tap or carrier bushing Extremely low ambient temperature Basebox leaking oil Oil leak of expansion chamber Capacitor failure causing expansion chamber to puncture

Fluctuating Secondary Output

High Dissipation Factor in Capacitor Unit(s)

High Capacitance Values 6

Low Capacitance Values

Waveform Distortion



The following is a list of possible problems and their solutions. If difficulty is encountered at any stage, please contact Trench Limited.

Low Secondary Output and Phase Angle Error



High Oil Level in Basebox



Low Oil Level in Basebox



Sign of Oil on Porcelains



Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


PARAMETER Maximum System Voltage UNIT 72.5 kV 72.5 115 & 67.08 350- 600:1 10,000 20,800 165 140 350 123 123 115 & 69 600- 1,000:1 6,000 12,500 265 230 550 145 145 115 & 67.08 700- 1,200:1 5,000 10,400 320 275 650 170 170 115 & 65.7 800- 1,400:1 4,300 8,300 370 325 750 245 245 300 300 362 362 115 & 69 1,800- 3,000:1 2,150 4,100 785 680 1,550 420 420 115 & 63.9 2,000- 3,600:1 1,650 3,500 785 680 1,550 550 550 (1) 115 & 69 (1) 115 & 63.9 (1) 2,700-4,500:1 (1) 2,500-4,500:1 1,430 2,800 900 780 1,800

*Rated Secondary Voltage V *Transformation ratio Total capacitance TECF, TCVT, TEVF, TEMF pF

115 & 69 69 1,200- 2,500:1 2,000:1 3,000 6,200 525 460 1,050 2,500 5,200 640 570 1,300

TECP, TCVT, TEVP, pF TEMP, TETP Power frequency withstand (Hipot) - dry 1 min. kV - wet 10 sec. Full wave withstand (BIL) 1.2 x 50 microsecond kV

Dimensions TCVT, TECF, TEVF & TEMF (with Low Profile Base Tank)
Number of capacitor units Overall Height in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm 1 54 5/8 1388 40 1/4 1022 71.7 1820 27 3/4 705 410 185 1394 6.2 No 1 66 7/16 1688 52 1/16 1322 124.0 3150 39 9/16 1005 450 203 1057 4.7 No 1 74 5/16 1888 59 15/16 1522 147.6 3750 47 7/16 1205 475 215 899 4.0 No 1 82 5/8 2098 68 1/4 1734 180.4 4583 55 11/16 1415 505 229 787 3.5 No 1 2 2 147 5/16 3741 132 15/16 3376 360.9 9166 111 7/16 2830 730 331 360 1.6 Yes (1) 3 188 3/8 4784 174 4420 442.9 11250 142 5/16 3615 855 387 259 1.15 No 2 193 3/4 4921 179 3/8 4556 496.1 12600 157 7/8 4010 895 406 247 1.1 Yes 105 11/16 130 3/4 2684 3321 91 5/16 2319 248.0 6300 78 15/16 2005 590 267 562 2.5 Yes 116 3/8 2956 295.3 7500 94 7/8 2410 670 303 427 1.9 No

Total Section Height Creepage Distance Strike Distance

lb. *Weight kg Max. Horizontal terminal pull in 80 mph (130 km/h) wind lb. kN referring to capacitor porcelain strength Shielding ring

Dimensions TCVT, TECP, TEVP, TERP, TETP (with Low Profile Base Tank) & TEMP (with Universal Base Tank)
Number of capacitor units Overall Height (Add 5 in./130 mm for TEMP) Total Section Height Creepage Distance Strike Distance in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm 1 55 3/8 1406 41 1041 71.7 1820 27 3/4 705 490 223 1641 7.3 No 1 67 3/16 1706 52 13/16 1341 124.0 3150 39 9/16 1005 550 249 1236 5.5 No 1 75 1906 60 5/8 1540 147.6 3750 47 7/16 1205 585 266 1079 4.8 No 1 83 5/16 2116 68 15/16 1751 180.4 4583 55 11/16 1415 620 281 922 4.1 No 1 106 9/16 2706 92 3/16 2342 248.0 6300 78 15/16 2005 720 326 764 3.4 Yes 2 132 3/8 3363 118 2997 295.3 7500 94 7/8 2410 815 369 495 2.2 No 2 3 2 195 3/8 4963 181 4597 496.1 12600 157 7/8 4010 1080 490 292 1.3 Yes 148 15/16 189 3/4 3783 4820 134 9/16 3418 360.9 9166 111 7/16 2830 880 399 427 1.9 Yes (1) 175 3/8 4455 442.9 11250 142 5/16 3615 1040 472 292 1.3 No

*Weight lb. (add 69 kg/150lbs. for TEMP) kg Max. Horizontal terminal pull in 80 mph (130 km/h) wind lb. kN referring to capacitor porcelain strength Shielding ring

1. 345 kV, 1300 kV BIL designs available without shielding rings

* Not applicable to TECF, TECP

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors



PARAMETER Maximum System Voltage UNIT 123 kV 121 115 & 69 600- 1,000:1 20,000 265 230 550 1 76 1/4 1936 56 3/4 1441 124.0 3150 39 9/16 1005 840 382 1861 8.3 No 145 145 115 & 67.08 700- 1,200:1 16,500 320 275 650 1 84 1/8 2136 64 5/8 1641 147.6 3750 47 7/16 1205 915 416 1637 7.3 No 170 170 115 & 65.7 800- 1,400:1 15,000 370 325 750 1 92 3/8 2346 72 7/8 1851 180.4 4583 245 170 115 & 69 1,200- 2,000:1 10,000 525 460 1,050 1 115 9/16 2936 96 1/16 2440 248.0 6300 362 362 115 & 69 1,800- 3,000:1 7,500 785 680 1,550 2 162 1/16 4116 142 9/16 3621 360.9 9166 111 7/16 2830 1450 657 695 3.1 Yes 420 420 115 & 63.9 2,000- 3,600:1 5,500 785 680 1,550 3 206 3/4 5251 187 1/4 4756 442.9 11250 550 550 (1) 115 & 69 (1) 115 & 63.9 (1) 2,700-4,500:1 (1) 2,500-4,500:1 5,000 900 780 1,800 2 208 3/8 5293 188 7/8 4797 496.1 12600 765 / 800 800 115 & 69 3,750-6,250:1 4,000 1,200 1,050 2,425 3 301 3/16 7650 281 11/16 7155 744 18900 236 13/16 6015 2365 1075 247 1.1 Yes

*Rated Secondary Voltage V *Transformation ratio Total capacitance pF Power frequency withstand (Hipot) - dry 1 min. kV - wet 10 sec. Full wave withstand (BIL) kV 1.2 x 50 microsecond Number of capacitor units in. **Overall Height mm Total Section Height Creepage Distance Strike Distance *Weight in. mm in. mm in. mm lb. kg

55 11/16 78 15/16 1415 2005 985 446 1435 6.4 No 1135 515 1083 4.83 No

142 5/16 157 7/8 3615 4010 1715 778 493 2.2 No 1755 795 493 2.2 No

Max. Horizontal terminal pull in 80 mph (130 km/h) wind referring lb. kN to capacitor porcelain strength Shielding ring

* Not applicable to TEICF ** Not applicable to TEICF with flat base


PARAMETER Maximum System Voltage UNIT 115 kV 121 115 & 69 600- 1,000:1 20,000 47,500 265 230 550 1 71 1/4 1810 53 1346 112 2850 37 940 1100 499 4750 21.13 No 138 145 115 & 67.08 700- 1,200:1 16,500 38,100 320 275 650 1 79 3/4 2026 61 1/2 1562 139 3530 46 1160 1175 533 4250 18.9 No 161 170 115 & 65.7 800- 1,400:1 15,000 30,500 370 325 750 1 88 1/4 2242 70 1778 165 4190 54 1370 1300 590 3850 17.12 No 230 245 115 & 69 1,200- 2,000:1 10,000 22,800 525 460 1,050 2 121 3/4 3092 103 1/2 2629 224 5700 74 1880 1650 748 2750 12.23 No 345 362 115 & 69 1,800- 3,000:1 7,500 15,200 785 680 1,550 2 155 1/2 3950 137 1/4 3486 330 8380 108 2740 1975 896 2100 9.34 Yes 400 420 115 & 63.9 2,000- 3,600:1 5,500 12,700 785 680 1,550 3 197 3/4 5023 179 1/4 4553 417 10590 138 3480 2350 1066 1600 7.12 No 500 550 (1) 115 & 69 (1) 115 & 63.9 (1) 2,700-4,500:1 (1) 2,500-4,500:1 5,000 10,100 900 780 1,800 3 223 5664 204 1/2 5194 495 12570 162 4110 2700 1225 1375 6.12 No 765 / 800 800 115 & 69 3,7506,250:1 4,000 6,200 1,200 1,050 2,425 4 290.1/2 7379 271 3/4 6902 660 16760 216 5480 3425 1554 900 4.00 Yes

*Rated Secondary Voltage V *Transformation ratio Total capacitance TEHMF, TEHCF pF Total capacitance TEHMP, TEHCP pF Power frequency withstand (Hipot) - dry 1 min. kV - wet 10 sec. Full wave withstand (BIL) kV 1.2 x 50 microsecond Number of capacitor units in. **Overall Height mm Total Section Height Creepage Distance Strike Distance *Weight in. mm in. mm in. mm lb. kg

Max. Horizontal terminal pull in 80 mph (130 km/h) wind referring lb. kN to capacitor porcelain strength Shielding ring

* Not applicable to TEHCF, TEHCP ** Not applicable to TEHCF with flat base


Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Table V Electrical Performance

CHARACTERISTICS TEVF/TEVP/TCVT TEMF/TCVT TETP/TCVT TEIRF/TCVT TEMP/TCVT TCVT, TEHMF, TEHMP, TEIMF Accuracy class(1) ANSI 200VA (0.6class) 200VA (0.3class) 200VA (0.6class) 200VA (0.3class) 400VA (0.3class) 400VA (0.3class), 400VA (0.15) 200VA (0.15class) 200VA (0.15class) Each main winding (2) 0.6 MWXYZ 0.3 MWXYZ 0.6 MWXYZ 0.3 MWXYZ 0.3 MWXYZ, ZZ, 1.2Z, ZZ 0.15 MWXYZ Auxiliary Winding 1.2Y 1.2Y 1.2Y 1.2Y 1.2Y IEC(2) Each main winding cl 0.1, 50 Hz cl 0.2, 50 Hz cl 0.2, 60 Hz cl 0.5, 50 Hz 150VA 250VA 150VA 350VA cl 0.5, 60 Hz 200VA 300VA 200VA 400VA cl 1.0, 50 Hz 300VA 500VA 300VA 600VA cl 1.0, 60 Hz 400VA 600VA 400VA 700VA Auxiliary Winding Class 3P, 50 VA Class 3P, 50 VA Class 3P, 50 VA Class 3P, 50 VA Transient response Less than % (of crest) residual voltage in 1 cycle @ burden: ZT (200 VA) ZT (200 VA) ZT (200 VA) ZT (200 VA) 10% Thermal rating Notes: 1000 VA 10% 1000 VA 6% 1000 VA 5% 1500 VA 0.3 MWXYZ, ZZ 0.15 MWXYZ 0.15 MWXYZ and ZZ (3) 1.2Y

100VA 225VA 250VA 500VA 550VA 700VA 700VA Class 3P, 50 VA ZZT (400 VA) 10% 1000 VA

100VA 250VA 300VA 600VA 700VA 1000VA 1000VA Class 3P, 50 VA ZZT (400 VA) 5% 1500 VA

Ferroresonance suppression Less than 10 % (of crest) in 200 milliseconds at 120% of rated voltage

(1) Two main windings are supplied as standard, with a third auxiliary winding available as an optional extra. (2) The accuracy class for total simultaneous loading is equal to the values given for each main winding. (3) On special demand

Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors


For after sales assistance:

Please contact Trench Limited and provide the following information for the unit in question: Type of unit Serial number Trench shop order number

Note all this information is available from the main nameplate. Please supply the information regarding the problems or questions you may have.


Instruction Manual for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers & Coupling Capacitors

Trench Austria GmbH Paschinger Strasse 49 Postfach 13 AT-4060 Linz-Leonding Austria Phone: 43-732-6793-0 Fax: 43-732-671341 Trench China MWB (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 3658, Jiancheng Road Minhang, Shanghai Peoples Republic of China 200245 Phone: 86-21-54720088 Fax: 86-21-54723118 Trench Shenyang Trench High Voltage Products Ltd., Shenyang No. 2 Zhengliang Er Rd., Jing Shen Xi San Str. Dao Yi Economic Development Zone Shenyang 110135 Peoples Republic of China Phone: 86-24-89722688 Fax: 86-24-89737200 Trench Limited Bushing Division 432 Monarch Avenue Ajax, Ontario Canada L1S 2G7 Phone: 905-426-2665 Fax: 905-426-2671 Trench Limited Coil Product Division 71 Maybrook Drive Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1V 4B6 Phone: 416-298-8108 Fax: 416-298-2209

Trench Limited Instrument Transformer Division 390 Midwest Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1P 3B5 Phone: 416-751-8570 Fax: 416-751-6952 Trench Limited Power Line Carrier Division 330 Finchdene Square Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1X 1A5 Phone: 416-847-5400 Fax: 416-291-5581 Trench France S.A. 16, Rue du Gnral Cassagnou B.P. 80070 FR-68302 St. Louis, Cedex, France Phone: 33-3 89-70-2323 Fax: 33-3 89-67-2663 Trench Germany GmbH Nrnberger Strasse 199 D-96050 Bamberg, Germany Phone: 49-951-1803-0 Fax: 49-951-1803-224 Trench Switzerland AG Lehenmattstrasse 353 CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland Phone: 41-61-315-51-11 Fax: 41-61-315-59-00 Trench Italia S.r.l. Strada Curagnata, 37 IT-17014 Bragno Cairo, Montenotte (SV) Italy Phone: 39-019-5161-111 Fax: 39-019-5161-401

Global Trench Facilities


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