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Chinese Medicines

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Chinese Medicines Tablet - depository of century-old sacred knowledge, experiences, events, ideas.

In this edition was made an attempt to collect together particles of invaluable experiences of Ancient Chinese medicine in the field of treatment and prophylax is of some diseases and also to open century-old secrets reservation of beauty, youth and health. FIRE TREE EARTH SUMMER SPRING END OF SUMMER HEAT WIND DAMPNESS DEVELOPMENT BIRTH CHANGE RED COLOUR GREEN COLOUR YELLOW COLOUR BITTER TASTE SOUR TASTE SWEET TASTE JOY ANGER MEDITATION SMALL INTESTINE GALL-BLADDER STOMACH HEART LIVER SPLEEN WATER METAL WINTER AUTUMN

COLD DRYNESS DISAPPEARANCE WASTING AWAY BLACK COLOUR WHITE COLOUR SALT TASTE PUNGENT TASTE FEAR MELANCHOLY KIDNEY LUNGS URINARY BLADDER LARGE INTESTINE In this edition by the description of every preparation is represented sign system of "five elements" and monad in which this "element" (main influence upo n what this preparation realizes) is shown by color. Yin -preparation Yang-preparation YinYang-preparation Yang-preparations influence acute processes. It occurs quick tonic effect u pon immune and nervous system. Effect of treatment is reached fast, but it is le ss prolonging as by Yin-preparations. Yin-preparations influence chronic processes, harmonizes organism, positive influencing immune sys-tem. Preparations have stable effect, but effect develop s slowly. Yin-Yang-preparations influence mild both chronic and acute processes. Stab le treaty effect is reached quickly. Why modern people lose their presence of mind when they begin to learn, it would seem, easy and un-derstandable laws of mutual relations between human and surrounding world - the Earth, the Heavens, ani-mals, plants, stars of Solar sys tem? In the basis of western thought underlies the simplified model of interpret ation of natural phenomenon and human health. It exists an opinion that the worl d like a mechanism can be taken to pieces and then as-sembled. This analytic way of argumentation that prevails from the time of Renascence, has separated soul from the body, human from surroundings. According canons of traditional Chinese medicine human organism is part and parcel of Cosmos. Hu-man life and changeableness always are subjects of surroun dings influence. Nature - united joint system with polar and complementary aspec ts of Yin and Yang that always are in movement realizing processes of trans-form ation. If elements of nature are balanced, life prospers in harmony. If the bala nce of polar powers is dis-turbed, catastrophe occurs. During thousands of years Chinese doctors and scientists have observed and studied nature and have tried to understand secrets of interaction with them. In an ancient classic book of tr

a-ditional Chinese medicine "NEI JING", that was written in II century B.C. is s aid: "Preservation of order but not correction of disorder is a main principle o f wisdom. To treat illness after it has occurred, is equal to dig out well if on e wants to drink or to forge weapon if the war was begun". Representing Cosmos i n miniature, we move under the action of the same forces that Cosmos. Incapacity to adapt to some conditions, common dis-turbance of balance and wholeness turns into pathogen indication (illness). Chinese medicine learns us to perceive the way of world's functioning and to find harmony in context of the whole. Some peo ple reject tradi-tional Chinese medicine because it doesn't keep within limits o f modern model, they consider it as eccentric charlatanry, other people see in i t something mysteriously, because methods of investigations and treatment develo ped by doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, are surrounded with myths and le gends. Medicine of ancient China has stand tests of the time and deserved attent ion not only because it brings considerable result but also why it is an incarna tion of logical philosophy that includes many aspects of human life. Value and growing popularity of traditional Chinese medicine consists that human realizes afresh wholeness that initially was in ancient culture where it w asn't clear limits: between peace and moving, time and space, consciousness and substance, illness and health. Western medicine even slowly but aspires to the understanding of this whole ness. Of course the future in the problem solving of health isn't in the choice "either or", but it is in the combination and cooperation be-tween both medicines. In Western countries Chinese methods of treatment have stroke root: acupunc ture, cauterization, mas-sage, etc. By the growing interest to the alternative m ethods of therapy - it is one of the circumstances that show the necessity of le arning of century-old Chinese experiences. With the increase in the availability of Chinese medicine strong sites of b oth medicine methods can be united, their weak sites can be reduced to nothing. Laojun decoction - life prolonging elixir Decoction "Laojun" is a gift of nature. The receipt of this product exists about 1000 years. It consists of 20 wild plants growing in northern areas of Chi na. Gathering of them occurs in a strict conformity to space po-sition of the Su n, the Moon and constellations. Decoction "Laojun" incorporates energy of space, transfers it into information structure of the person, bearing in itself the pr ogram of longevity. Thus, decoction "Laojun" has the following basic prophylactic properties: 1. Immunoregulatory, immunostimulant (on the appointed doze) action. 2. Anti-inflammatory action. 3. Antimicrobial and antiviral action. It is successfully applied for the prophy laxis of catarrhal diseases and of exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory pathol ogy. 4. Suppresses pathogenic microflora of intestines, eliminates or compensates dys bacteriosis. 5. Restores energetic processes of internal organs, as dense - heart, lungs, liv er, spleen, kidneys, and hollow - intestines, stomach, bladder, gall-bladder. 6. Improves activity of cardiovascular system. It is successfully used at functi onal disorder of a heart rate, pathological processes in the cardiac muscle. 7. Normalizes a tone of nervous system, improving a feed of a brain, raises inte llectual and physical efficiency, it is successfully used in the regenerative pe riod after heavy craniocereberal traumas, insults; in complex treat-ment of a ch ildren's cerebral paralysis, disseminated sclerosis. 8. Laojun raises tolerance to stressful situations, normalizes sleep, spirits, a nd allows quick adaptation to negative conditions of an environment. It is used at chronic lassitude, neurosis. 9. Takes part at regulation of endocrine functions, it is shown in complex treat ment of diabetes, hypo-and hy-perthyrosis, primary sterility, a climacteric synd rome, disorder of menstrual cycle. 10. It is recommended for harmonization of vital functions' processes of woman a nd fetus during pregnancy; for restoration of woman's organism in the postnatal period, and also for improvement of lactation.

11. Is means of nonspecific prophylaxis of oncological diseases. Raises quality of life of oncological patients, considerably reduces toxic action of chemo-and radiotherapy on healthy tissues. 12. Slows down processes of ageing in an organism, may cause darkening of gray h air, improves sight. 13. Improves growth of muscular weight, raises endurance at physical loadings, a llows sportsmen to improve sports parameters (dopes are absent). Researches according to influence of decoction on basic systems of an organ ism were carried out by a number of the research centers and institutes - the Ch inese Society of Biological Ageing, Medical research University of Shanghai (Chi na), Institute of clinical immunology (Russia). It was discovered, that decoctio n "Laojun" is means of universal action, evenly and softly activating all basic systems of organism. As a result of reception of decoction "Laojun" become norma l activity of the main regulators of vital activity of an organism, neuroendocri ne and immune system what provides equilibration of all exchange processes there fore activity of various organs gets right. Decoction "Laojun", certainly, is the basic product of tonic and preventive plan of "Greenspring"- program. Method of use: decoction "Laojun" is intended for external and internal use . Dozes are individual and vary from 1 drop up to 10 ml. Course - 12 days. The form - bottles 10 ml, 12 bottles in packing. There is a deposit, before the use to shake up. Pearl powder "Huanhe" This preparation is made of natural river pearls. On a chemical compound re presents a harmonious complex of calcium of carbonate, 18 amino acids and 18 mic roelements. The Pearls as a medical product is used by the Chinese traditional medicine in treatment of many dis-eases. There is no branch of medicine where there woul d be no justified a prescription of the preparations made on the basis of pearls . As against synthesized preparations containing calcium the pearl powder is created by the nature and carries in itself energo-informative beginning. Harmon y of amino acids and microelements making pearls al-lows forming in gastroenteri c tract well soluble, easily soaked up calcic complexes. Comprehensibility of th e calcium contained in the pearl powder, makes 60 %. Doctors of the Chinese traditional medicine consider the medicines created on the basis of natural pearls, first of all as the preventive means directed on rejuvenation of cells, delay of processes of pathological ageing. Calcium has high biological activity. It is the basic structural component of bony, teeth, nails. The pearl powder is successfully used as auxiliary means by the treatment of osteoporosis, bony rarefication, fractures, rickets, non-obl iteration of fontanel at children; at caries, parodontosis, delayed eruption, di sorder of bite. Calcium supervises a number of enzymatic processes connected to formation o f energy. It is capable to remove free radicals to improve a metabolism, having thus powerful rejuvenating effect, and is effective both at internal, and at ext ernal use. Calcium takes part at blood's coagulation, in this connection a pearl pow-der is successfully used at various bleedings. The ionized calcium adjusts mechanisms of phagocytosis of cancer cells, hen ce is means of nonspe-cific prophylaxis of oncological diseases. Coordinating production of biological active substances and reducing at tha t diaphragm penetrability, a pearl powder "Huanhe" renders prophylactic anti-inf lammatory, antiedematic and antiallergenic action. It is used at inflammatory di seases of any localization, and also at atopic dermatitis, difficult heeling wou nds and other affections of skin. The preparation influence sedative nervous system, at the same time makes a ctive intellectual activity and mental abilities. Adjusts processes of transfer of a nervous pulse on a nervous fiber, suppresses neuro-muscular transmission. I t is used for improvement of work of cerebral cortex, restores efficiency, and i mproves memory. It is effective auxiliary mean at neurasthenia, syndrome of chro

nic lassitude. It is successfully used in complex therapy of convulsive syndrome of epilepsy, a multiple sclerosis, paralyses and paresis of various ori-gins. The powder of pearls has tonic effect on a myocardium, adjusts a vascular t one. It is shown as addi-tional mean at cordial insufficiency, tachycardia, and arterial hypertension. Correcting contracting activity of smooth muscles, pearl powder expands bro nchial tubes at broncho-spastic syndrome, normalizes motility of alimentary cana l, and is used at complex therapy of atony of intes-tines, dyskinesia, refluxes and other disorders of digestive system. The powder of pearls strengthens protective forces of an organism, raises t olerance to external nega-tive factors, including infections. The preparation improves visual acuity, helps to eliminate keratoleukoma. It is used as auxiliary mean at treatment of disorders of menstrual cycle, an impotence, and frigidity. It is recommended to pregnant women for harmonious development of a fetus, its immune and nervous system, mental abilities of the future child. Working on energo-information level, the pearl powder brings in organism th e program of rejuvenation, preventions of presenilation. Especially it concerns to energy system of a female organism. Method of use: pearl powder is used per oral, and external. Inside - washin g down with water. Dozes from 1/6 up to 1 amphora on reception, 1-2 times per da y. External - as powder on wound surfaces of a skin or mucous then bandaging by a sterile gauze napkin is necessary. At atopic dermatitis, and also for improvement skin's turgor it is recommen ded to add the powder in any indifferent cream (for example "children's"). Contra-indications not observed The form: 100 % powder of pearls, 300 mg in 1 amphora, 24 amphorae in packi ng. NU BAO "Female jewelry" Composition: herb Paris (Paris polyphylla Fr), ginseng, locoweed (Astragalu s Huantony Franch), polymorphous angelica (Angelica polymorpha Maxim), antlers, and gelatin from donkey leather. The preparation is highly effective prophylactic means intended for a female org anism. Has common strengthening, tonic, and rejuvenating action. Beneficially infl uences exterior and mental-ity. Restores healthy complexion, reduces dryness and fragility of hair, promotes normalization psychoemo-tional conditions and hormo nal background. It is used at " hundred indispositions ", peculiar to a female organism at emaciation of vital energy, it is recommended at disorder of menstrual cycle, cl imacteric syndrome, and neurasthenia. From the point of view of east medicine "Female jewelry " warms up Yang, makes s trong body, re-stores Qi, brings up blood, increases wisdom and is used at emaci ation of Qi by female organism. Contra-indications are not present The form: the gelatinous capsules containing 0,3 g of preparation, 20 capsu les in packing. NAN BAO "Man's jewelry" Composition: a ginseng, Chinese angelica, elm-leaved pineapple-flower, cinn amon Loureira, antlers, hippocampus. "Man's jewelry " - highly effective preventive means, is used at emaciation of vital energy in man's or-ganism as a result of long physical and mental over loads, heavy illnesses. Has common strengthening, tonic, and rejuvenating action . It is applied as auxiliary mean at common indisposition, disorders of sleep , appetite, a neurotic syn-drome, impotence, unhealthy complexion, dryness and f ragility of hair. Contra-indications are not present The form: gelatinous capsules on 0,3 g, in packing 20 capsules.

Pills The first Chinese book about medical herbs is written in 2600 B.C. Well-kno wn doctor of 16 century Li Shizhen (1522-1596) in book "Basis of pharmacology" h as given the detailed characteristic more than 1500 means from herbs. In the boo k also are given descriptions of pills at various diseases and symptoms. For a basis of offered pills are taken recipes of ancient Chinese doctors. Pills are made on the modern process equipment where proportions of the basic me dicinal substances, used in Ancient Chinese medicine, are strictly observed. In therapy the Chinese physicians give the big place to ginseng, Chinese ma gnolia vine, milk vetch, meat of a black hen. For example, Chinese magnolia vine was used in the Chinese medicine of 150 more years from B.C. Pills are practical in use; do not demand additional modes of storage (a pe riod of storage of pill is of 5 years, and decoction - 2 years). Pills "White phoenix" a tonic preparation for women Composition: meat of the black hen, ginseng, root of foxglove, round cypres s-grass, Ural licorice, honey, and milk-flower peony. Action: raises immunity, normalizes structure of blood, adjusts a motility of digestive tract, and normal-izes a level of sexual hormones, microflora of va gina. It is used as auxiliary mean at asthenia of organism, excessive sweating, w eakness, disorders of diges-tion, hormonal disorders, and also at nonspecific ba cterial vaginitis. Method of use and doze: 1 pill 2 times per day to wash down with boiled wat er. Contra-indications: " crude, cold food ", irritability, a nervous overstrai n. The form: a pill 9 g, 10 pills in packing. Tonic and restoring forces pills " Great restoration " Composition: fibrous codonopsis, white-flowered peony, macrocephalic distaf f thistle, processed sticky rehmania, milk vetch, cinnamon Loureira. Indications and action: the preparation of adaptogen group raises protectiv e forces of an organism, vitality, and efficiency. It is used at "deficiency of blood's Qi" - as additional mean by the treatm ent of asthenic syndrome, neu-rasthenia, syndrome of chronic lassitude, at rehab ilitation of patients after long heavy illnesses, surgical opera-tions, in the p ostnatal period. At such manifestations, as heightened fatigability, unhealthy c omplexion, irritabil-ity, dizziness, sweating, disorders of menstrual cycle on a background of overfatige etc. Method of use and doze: 3 times per day on 1 pill, washing down with warm b oiled water, 40 minutes prior to meal or in 2 hours after meal. Contra-indications: not observed The form: a pill 9 g, 10 pills in packing Pills for a stomach bringing up Qi Composition: Chinese hare's-ear, angelica, white-flowered peony, milk vetch huang qi, skunk bug-bane, fibrous codonopsis. Action: restores vital functions of an organism and " brings up Qi ", " rai ses level Qi ", it is used at dis-orders of functioning of stomach and spleen, a t "reduction of Qi quantity", as prophylactic mean by the com-mon collapse, anor exia, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus. Method of use and dosage: take per oral 1 pill 3 times per day. Contra-indications: not observed. The form: a pill 9 g, 10 pills in packing. Pills "Silver feather " Composition: Japanese honeysuckle, etc. Action and indications for use: prophylactic anti-inflammatory, disintoxic,

febrifuge. It is used at ARVI, influenza, and acute conditions of chronic patho logy of any localization. Method of use and doze: 1 pill 3 times per day, washing down with boiled wa ter. Contra-indications: not observed. The form: a pill 9 g, 10 pills in packing. Pills for liver "Dragon's gall" Composition: gentian, hare's-ear, Baical scullcap, gardenia, Chinese angeli ca, plantain, and seeds of plantain Asian. Action and indications for use: has prophylactic cholagogic, detoxic, antiinflammatory action. It is used as auxiliary mean at functional disorders of liv er, dyskinesia of gall-removing ways, hepatitis of various origins. Contra-indications: not observed. Method of use and doze: per oral 1 pill 3 times per day to wash down with b oiled water. The form: a pill 10 g, 10 pills in packing. XINAN KOUFUYE Composition: salvia multirhizome (Radix Salviae Miltioorrhizae), woody aloe (Ligni Dalbergiae Odorif-erae) etc. Indications for use: it is recommended for prophylaxis of heart diseases. R aises coronary blood flow, reducing consumption of oxygen by cardiac muscle. Imp roves microcirculation of all internal organs and com-mon condition of cardiovas cular system. Xin An improves stabilizing of rheological characteristics of bloo d (normalizes coagulation), reducing level of cholesterol in blood, interfering with formation of atherosclerotic plaque on vessels' walls. Has prophylactic ant iarrhythmic action. In this connection it is highly effective in complex therapy of ischemia, stenocardia, myocardial infarction, some kinds of arrhythmia; mioc ardiodystro-phy, functional diseases of cardiovascular system. Contra-indications: pregnancy Method of use and doze: per oral - on an empty stomach 40 minutes prior to meal, or in 2 hours after meal. Dozes vary from drops up to 5 ml 2 times pe r day and depending from a condition of the patient. The deposit is possible, be fore the use to stir up Terms of storage: 2 years The form: 10 ml in a bottle, 10 bottles in packing. NAO XIN SHU ORAL LIQUID Composition: " honey mushrooms ", Royal jelly, honey. Elixir Naoxinshu renders positive influence on exchange processes and blood circulation of a brain. Helps to raise stability of tissues of a brain to hypox ia and toxic influences. Promotes concentration of atten-tion, consolidation of memory, facilitates process of training. Elixir Nao Xin Shu optimizes microcirculation of a whole organism. Has comm on strengthening, tonic, at the same time calming action. Indications: As auxiliary mean in a complex therapy: - It is recommended by the pupil at the raised intellectual loadings, espec ial during preparation for ex-aminations; - It is successfully used at chronic cerebral-vascular insufficiency (a cer ebral atherosclerosis etc.) which is shown by disorders of memory, speeches, att ention, and also at dizziness, headache etc. - It is highly effective at disorders of brain blood circulation; - at posttraumatic encephalopathy, accompanying with disorders of activity of cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, tachycardia etc.); - It is used for strengthening coronary blood flow; - At the diseases of nervous system accompanying with intellectual insuffic iency; - At neurasthenia, depressive neurosis;

- At syndrome of intracranial hypertension. Method of use: per oral 40 minutes prior to meal or in 2 hours after meal o n 1-5 ml 2 times per day. Course of treatment lasts from 5 about 30 days. The form: 10 ml in a bottle, 10 bottles in packing. Extract XIAO SHUAN Composition: a root of milk vetch, a root of Chinese angelica, and a root o f peony red, earthen worms. Action and indications for use: Extract Xiao Shuan improves microcirculatio n of all internal organs. Helps to raise volume of brain blood circulation due t o expansion of blood vessels at level of precapillaries. Improves local blood ci rculation in ischemic sites of a brain. The Extract Xiao Shuan optimizes exchange and power processes that result i n stability of tissues of a brain to hypoxia and toxic influence. Helps to resto re and stabilize the broken functions of a brain - attention, memory, speech. Has prophylactic antisclerotic action, promotes lowering a level of cholest erol in blood, interfering its deposit on vascular walls. Improves rheological characteristics of blood, warning formation of thrombi , at long use promotes reso-lution of thrombi. The Extract Xiao Shuan is used as prophylactic mean at various diseases of nervous system con-nected to vascular changes and disorders of exchange processe s. It is successfully used as auxiliary mean at disorders of brain blood circu lation of various origin; the general atherosclerosis, posttraumatic cerebrasthe nia, at chronic cerebral-vascular insufficiency accompany-ing with disorders of memory, attention, speech, dizziness, noise in a head, disorders of sight. Extract Xiao Shuan is used at disorders of blood circulation of lower extre mities. It is used in complex treatment of varicosity of lower extremities, at hemo rrhoids. Method of use and doze: to take per oral on an empty stomach 40 minutes pri or to meal or in 2 hours after meal. Dozes vary from 5 drops up to 5,0 ml 2 time s per day. In gerontological practice the extract Xiao Shuan is used only drop w ise. There is a deposit, before the use to shake up. Contra-indications: at hemorrhagic insult to start treatment in 14 days fro m the beginning of disease. The form: 10 ml in a bottle, 10 bottles in packing. JI GU CAO- auxiliary mean by the treatment of hepatitis Composition: Ji Gu Cao, Hypericum japonicum thunb, rhodomyrtus tomentosa, z anthoxylum avicen-nae, artemisia capillakitaib, artemisia iactiflora wall. Action and indications for use: has prophylactic anti-inflammatory, hepatop rotective (restoring struc-ture and functions of liver cells) effect. Ji Gu Cao is used as auxiliary mean in the therapy by acute infectious hepatitis in icteri c and non-icteric period. From the point of traditional Chinese medicine - remov es dampness, calms liver. Method of use: cover 1 bag with hot boiled water, take 2-3 times per day. Contraindications: not observed. Form: quick soluble granulose dry extract 10 g in a bag. There are 20 bags in a package. ELIXIR SHUANG HUANG LIAN Composition: Japanese honeysuckle, weeping forsythia, Baical skullcap, etc. This product has prophylactic antiviral activity and raises immunity of org anism, warns viral pneumonia, sharp tonsillitis, bronchitis, influenza and parai nfluenza. Shuang Huang Lian has preventive antibacterial activity on golden staphyloc occus, white staphylococ-cus, a streptococcus, pneumonic bacillus, diplococcal p neumonia, diphtheritic bacillus, colon bacillus, Salmo-nella, Proteus, defo rmation bacillus, a positive stick of nitrate, dysenteric bacillus, an aerogenic

stick, blue pas bacillus, a stick of Flexner's citric acid. Preventive antivira l action of the preparation Shuang Huang Lian ap-plies to the virus of parotitis , tick-borne encephalitis, herpetic infections, and also to the group of virus t hat cause acute respiratory viral infections, including all types of grippes. Ve ry interesting feature of Shuang Huang Lian is its selective action according pa thogen microorganisms; it increases sensibility of pathogen mi-croflora to synth etic antibiotics. The taking of preparation doesn't disturb mobile equilibrium o f microflora of intestines, don't cause dysbacteriosis. Indications for use: as auxiliary mean by inflammatory diseases, caused by sensitive to them patho-genic organisms. Shuang Huang Lian is nontoxic, has no s ide effects and age requirements, and that's why is active used for the prophyla xis of various pathological conditions - ARVI, grippe, in the incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis and other infectious diseases. After the course of Sh uang Huang Lian it is not observed asthenic syndrome that is characterized for r econvalescents. Method of use and dosage: to take per oral on an empty stomach 40 minutes p rior to meal or in 2 hours after meal. Dozes for adults vary from 10 ml up to 60 ml according the severity of condition. Multiplicity of taking - 3-6 times per day. For the children dosage vary according the weight. Shuang Huang Lian is use d local by purulent skin diseases, infectious wounds, conjunctivitis, and rhinit is. The form: 10ml\ bottle FU FANG MAN SHAN HONG Composition: rhododendron (Folium Rhododendri Daurici) etc. Tincture from cough Fu Fang Man Shan Hong- is made under the ancient recipe , is known from times of dynasty Tang. Its structure includes pure herbal raw ma terials. In China it is called "King of the medicine against cough". Fu Fang Man Shan Hong has prophylactic antitussive effect. It is high effec tive auxiliary mean by tick-les in throat, dry, reflex cough. At that the activi ty of respiratory center is not suppressed, that is very important for small chi ldren. By viscous, difficult separating phlegm Fu Fang Man Shan Hong promotes it s diluting and lightening its removing. If there is hypersecretion of phlegm, it 's building reduces. Fu Fang Man Shan Hong has also broncholytic action (extends bronchi by its spasm). It has anti-inflammatory effect. Indications for use: as auxiliary mean by pharyngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumo nia, bronchiectatic disease, bronchial asthma, bronchospastic syndrome, by a lon g speech activity - "lectors illness", whooping cough. It is successfully used d rop wise intranasal by rhinitis and sinusitis. Method of use and dosage: 2,5 -10 ml take per oral 3 times per day before t he meal. For children dosage should be reduced according age. Local intranasal 2 -3 drops. Before use the product should be shaken up (there is a sediment). To w ash down with warm boiled water. Form: 10 ml\6 bottles QING RE JIE DU LIQUID Decoction "against heat and poison" Composition: honeysuckle, weeping forsythia, Baical skullcap, woad, raw gyp sum, etc. Action: Qing Re Jie Du has high sorption activity. It makes more active sec retory function of the organ-ism. By internal use has common prophylactic detoxi c effect - promotes removing from organism toxins, slags, radionuclids, and immu nocomplexes. It has additional diaphoretic effect. As washing out of toxins it s lowly lowers body's temperature, not wounding center of thermoregulation. Beside this it is high effective prophylac-tic antibacterial mean with a wide spectrum of action. Qing Re Jie Du has preventive antibacterial activity on golden staph ylococcus, white staphylococcus, a streptococcus, pneumonic bacillus, diplococca l pneumonia, diphtheritic bacillus, intestinal bacillus, deformation bacillus, a positive stick of nitrate, dysenteric bacillus, an aerogenic stick, a stick of Flexner's citric acid.

Qing Re Jie Du is used as auxiliary means by the treatment of cold, influen za, acute respiratory dis-eases, various fevers, and all kinds of grippe, herpes , parotitis, and tick-borne encephalitis. Preparation acti-vates immune system, allowing them to fight with infection with help of internal protective energy of organism. In connection with this asthenic syndrome is not observed after cours e of decoction "against heat and poison". Indications for use: As auxiliary mean by: - Infectious diseases including ARVI, grippe; - Acute conditions of chronic inflammatory pathology every localization, ac companying with common in-toxication; - Food, chemical, pharmacological poisoning; - Syndrome of alcoholic abstinence; - Abstinent syndrome by narcomania; - For the lowering of toxic influence by chemo-and radiotherapy, by medicam ents treatment; - Intoxications by malignant neoplasm Method of use and dosage: take per oral 10-30 ml three times per day, for t he children the dosage should be reduced. Contraindications: not observed. The form: 10ml\ bottle Xiao Ying Pian - auxiliary preparation by psoriasis Composition: Sophora flavescent, earth fu shen, shell of cicada grub. Action and indication for use: preventive anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic, dis intoxic mean. It is used as auxiliary mean by the treatment of psoriasis, neurod ermatitis, and hives. Method of use: three times per day 7 tablets, course - 1 month. Contraindications: pregnant women should take this preparation carefully; i t is not compatible with raw food. Form: 100 tablets. Conditions of storage: keep in a dry cool place. GINSENG ROYAL JELLY Composition: Radix Ginseng, fresh royal jelly, Chinese magnolia vine, honey , etc. Indications for use: high qualitative tonic preparation. It strengthens org anism, increases its immunity, improves substances exchange, softens consequence s of radiation treatment, has preventive antitumoral ef-fect, and prevents from degeneration of cells into cancerous. Royal jelly contains great quantity of fer ments, vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is used as auxiliary mean. It is r ecommended as adaptogen in post-natal period, for the people after surgical oper ations, by senile weakness. It is used as auxiliary means by in-somnia, neurasth enia, dystrophy, anemia, stomach ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, and syn-drome of chronic overfatigue, impotence. Ginseng Royal Jelly strengthens kidney, spleen, and liver. It opti-mizes activity of hypophysis, and as a conse quence is used in a complex treatment of all endocrine diseases, including diabe tes. Method of use and dosage: to take per oral 1-2 times per day on an empty st omach 40 minutes prior to meal or in 2 hours after meal. Dozes for adults vary f rom 2,5 ml up to 5 ml. It is not recommended to take Ginseng Royal Jelly during the second half of the day. For the children - 2-5 drops on the year of life or ac-cording the prescription of the doctor. Contraindications: not observed. Form: 10 ml\bottle. Vitamin's king Composition: Fructus rosa davurici, honey, etc. This product is made by using high technology from Fructus rosa davurici th at grows on wild planta-tions of northeast China. It is vitamin-rich, contains m

any necessary amino acids, non-saturated fat acids and the microelements necessa ry for biological activity of an organism. In opinion of experts this product is one of the best foodstuffs and protection of health. Indications for use: this product represents new tonic strengthening mixtur e, contains vitamins C, E, B, has preventive anticarcinogenic and antiradiation action, strengthens immunity and resistibility of organism, improves blood circu lation, raises sexual function. It is an effective mean at overfatigue. Vitamin' s king raises appetite, improves sleep, strengthens functions of a brain and lun gs, and reduces cholesterol. Helps by the treatment of an atherosclerosis and co ronary insufficiency. Method of use: to take 5-10 ml per oral 1-2 times per day on an empty stoma ch 40 minutes prior to meal or in 2 hours after meal. Contraindications: not observed. Form: 10 ml\10 bottles Karvipar - biological active food addition Composition: wheat bran, caraway seeds and fruits of fennel, refined accord ing original special tech-nology. It contains plant fiber, essential oils, tanni ng agents, and high-smelling compounds: limonene, cavon, carvacrol, and bitterne ss. Action: improves quality of liver activity, gall-removing ways and alimenta ry canal; effectively protects liver and intestines from the influence of variou s toxic products that contain in parasites (lamblias, opistorchi), alcohol and o ther unhealthy compounds; lowering surface tension of gall, it reduces gall's vi scosity, promoting its better outflow; prevents from stone' building; lowers lev el of bilirubin; helps to liquidate condition of bitter-ness in mouth, pains in liver and intestines region, heartburn, constipations, allergic skin diseases. Indications for use: as auxiliary mean by the treatment of opisthorchiasis, lambliasis and its conse-quences; chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis, dyskin esia of gall-removing ways; deformation of gall-bladder; conditions after the re moving of gall-bladder; chronic hepatitis and fat hepatose; bilirubinemia; vario us intoxica-tions and conditions after the use of preparations with toxic effect , such as: macmirror, biltricidi, tiberal, etc.; spastic and atonic colitis, all ergic conditions and dysbacteriosis. Contraindications: not observed. Dosage: 1 teaspoon 3 times per day before meal. Drink after with 100-200 ml of water. BIANBITONG Laxative tea Composition: Alexandrine senna, Chinese angelica, Herba Cisianches, etc. Indications for use: natural high effective laxative tea. Is applied as mea ns of auxiliary therapy by various constipations, caused by spine fracture, para lysis, long-time lying; also by meteorism, surfeit. Helps to normalize peristalt ic of intestines, not increasing penetrability of intestinal walls, and not hind ering water-salt balance. In small dozes laxative tea is used for the normalizat ion of energy processes in intestines and for the cleaning of mucous membrane of intestines from slags. Method of use and dosage: is taken as tea. To make 1 bag in 200 ml boiled w ater of 10 minutes ac-cording individual sensitivity. To take at night. If withi n 10 hours effect is not observed to drink one more bag. Collateral actions: by overdose (more than 3 packages) may appear nausea an d vomiting. After the stopping of use the condition will normalize. Contra-indications: it is impossible to take by pregnant women and people w ith disorders of function of spleen and stomach. To stop reception of a preparat ion it is recommended right after stool normalization Form: bags -2 g, 6 bags in a package. HU GAN PILLS Made from natural high-quality raw materials. The product promotes the norm

alization of gall-removing functions, strengths immune functions, restores liver functions and normalizes biochemical indexes. Composition: Chinese magnolia vine, gall powder, woad, hare's ear, etc. Indications for use: Hu Gan improves exchange processes in liver cells, protects liver from toxic influ-ence of chemical compounds, pharmacological substances. It normalizes biochemical indexes of blood. Pills extend prophylactic anti-infla mmatory and immunomodulatory effect. Hu Gan removes heat from a blood, moistens dryness, and has detoxic effect. It is used as means of auxiliary therapy by chr onic hepatitis, infec-tious liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, disturbance of func tion of gall-bladder (acute phase of chronic cholecysti-tis), poisoning by tetra chloride carbon. Method of use: to take per oral on an empty stomach 40 minutes prior to mea l or in 2 hours after meal. Dosage varies from 1\12 to 1\3 2-3 times per day in according of health condition. For children dosage should be reduced to 1\32 - 1 \6 in according to age, weight, and health condition. Contraindications: not observed. Form: pill\3 g, 15 pills in a package. HAI MA SENSHEN PILLS Pill for improvement of kidneys' function Composition: ginseng, antlers, gecko, hippocampus and other biological - ac tive products of an ani-mal origin. Indications for use: the effect of Hai Ma can be cleared only from the poin t of eastern medicine. Hai Ma tones and strengthens Yang of kidneys; in this con nection is realized control over lower part of body. Strengthening effect o f Hai Ma Pills spreads on kidney and urinary-removing ways, genitals, and vessel s of lower extremities. It is high effective prophylactic means by impotence, fr igidity, premature ejaculation, sper-matorrhea, disorders of menstrual cycle, di shormone uterine bleedings, by initial sterility. Pills Hai Ma optimize activity of kidneys by insufficiency their functions; it is successfully used as mean of auxiliary therapy at kidney insufficiency every stage, at disorders of urinatio n including enuresis. It extends positive influence on vessels of lower extremit ies. It promotes normalization of exchange in bone tissue. Hai Ma helps to elimi nate such symptoms as weakness in waist, sacrum, knee-joints, feeling of cold in body and legs. Preparation strength-ens intellectual and physical efficiency, e liminates nervous overfatigue. Method of use and dosage: to take per oral on an empty stomach 40 minutes p rior to meal or in 2 hours after meal, drink after with saltish water. It is not recommended to eat during taking of this preparation raw and cool food. Dosage varies from 1\32 to 1\3 2-3 times per day in according of health condition and h eaviness of pathological process. Contraindications: not observed. The form: 6 pills / 10 g. SHEN SHI TONG JI - mean for prophylaxis of stones' building in urinary-removing ways. Extract Shen Shi Tong Ji - it is new high effective mean for the prophylaxi s of stones' building in uri-nary-removing ways, is made from natural Chinese he rbs on the basis of modern progressive technology. Composition: cultivated cowherb, British elecampane, internal membrane of c hicken stomach, etc. Indications: As auxiliary mean by the treatment of: 1. Stones in kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra; 2. Inflammatory process of urine-removing ways (pyelonephritis, cystitis, u rethritis); 3. Conditions after surgical operations on kidney and urine-removing ways; 4. Conditions after microwave crushing of stones in kidney; 5. Prophylaxis of urine-stone illness. Action of preparation: extract Shen Shi Tong Ji helps to dissolve stones in

kidney and urine-removing ways and promotes its painless eliminating. Preparati on has diuretic effect, at the same time it extends pro-phylactic antibacterial action, reduces edema of mucous membrane, helps to eliminate inflammatory proces s of urine-removing ways. It has antispasmodic effect, promotes elimination of p ain syndrome. From the standpoint of Chinese medicine extract Shen Shi Tong Ji eliminates heat, revives blood. Ef-fectiveness of extract depends on process localization. So, if there is a stone in kidney effectiveness is 88,7 %, in urethra - 92,5 %. Method of use: to dissolve content of 1 bag in a warm boiled water, take 1 bag 2 times per day. By heavy conditions it is possible to use following schema - morning - 2 bags in 500 ml of warm boiled water, in noon, after dinner, and in evening 1 bag dissolve in 500 ml of a warm boiled water. By dysuric disorders (painful urination) and nephritic colic, caused by uri ne-stone illness, it is possible to take extract every 10 minutes - 1 bag dissol ved in 250 ml of a warm boiled water till full eliminating of pain. Course - 15 days, it is usually necessary 1-2 courses. Contraindications: not observed. Notes: this preparation should be taken with caution by patients with diabe tes. Form: bags 15 g with brawn granules, taste is sweet, slightly astringent; t here are 10 bags in a pack-age. "Heavenly pearl" - quick dissolved dry extract stimulating lactation. Composition: Baical milk vetch, angelica multiform, Jiazhu, Tetrapanax papi rifena Koch, Taiwanese sweet gum, cultivated cowherb, etc. This product is made from natural herbs using modern scientific technology. Quick dissolved dry extract - is high effective prophylactic preparation, i ntended for recovery of woman's health in postnatal period. Loss of blood and co lossal hormone rebuilding that occur in woman's or-ganism by birth and during po stnatal period, psychological adaptation, demand of great number costs of vital energy and often they are cause of deficient lactation and stagnant effects in m ammary glands. "Heavenly pearl" has haemostatic effect. Preparation prevents pos tnatal exhaustion and rapidly fills up Qi. Extract helps to restore and increase lactation by women recently confined, improves quality of milk, prevents stagnant effects in mammary glands, positive influences permeability of ducts of mammary glands, promotes fast contraction o f uterus in postnatal period and restoration its functions. Extract is also effe ctive as auxiliary mean by disorders of menstrual cycle, by abundant leucorrhea. "Heavenly pearl " reduces risk of tu-more processes in mammary glands and ovari es. Method of use: put out 1 bag with warm boiled water. To take 2-3 times per day, course 10 days. Contraindications: not observed. Form: quick-dissolved granular extract, 20 bags in package. RUPIXIAO - preparation for the prophylaxis of mastopathy. Composition: antlers, common dandelion, Japan sea tangle, Millettia reticul atum, Gynura pinnatifida, figwort, Laminaria, Saussurea, weeping forsythia. Indications for use: this preparation is made according effective receipt t hat was developed by fa-mous doctors of traditional Chinese medicine on the basi s of long-term clinical experiences, using modern technology and progressive equ ipment of pharmaceutical production. 360 examples of clinical observations bring to conclusion, that the effectiveness of the preparation is 96,7%. Traditional Chinese medicine considers that mammary glands are associated with stomach, nipp le - with liver. They directly have an influence one on other. That's why diseas es of mammary glands including non-malignant neoplasm are usually caused by full or partial blockade of meridians Chun and Ren. It is shown in complex therapy b y disorders of menstrual cycle, pain in a lower part of abdomen, pain in waist a nd by sterility. There are 15 components of natural raw materials of animal and plant origin

in the preparation. The ac-tion of the preparation is due to capacity for impro vement of meridians' permeability. As result prophylactic an-esthetic, disintoxi c, antitumoral effect is observed, hormone background normalizes. It is used as auxiliary mean at initial stage of acute mastitis, non-malignant neoplasm of mam mary glands. Dosage: per oral, three times per day 5-6 tablets. Contraindications: it is forbidden to take by pregnant women. Package: 0,32 g\ 100 tablets. RU YAN PING - prophylactic ointment for mammary glands. Ointment was developed during long-term investigations of Tianjin Company o f production of products of health "Usung". This is a preparation of third gener ation, action of ointment is based on the principle "through external influence treat internal diseases". Ointment is good absorbed by skin, improves tissue cha nge and local blood circulation, stimulates vital functions of cells of mammary glands, renders prophylactic anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antitumoral effec t. Ointment helps to eliminate pathologic colostrums, serous, bloody secretion s from nipples. Usage of ointment "Ru Yan Ping" can help women effectively to practice with prophylaxis of oncological diseases. In a complex therapy it can help to dissol ve diffuse and knot indurations caused by mastopathy. Indication for use: as auxiliary mean by the treatment of mastitis, furuncu losis of mammary glands, mastopathy, fibro adenoma, and fibromatosis. Notes: it is necessary to be under observation of oncologist, gynaecologist . Method of use: deposit a small quantity of ointment on affected part of mam mary glands, carefully massage during 10 minutes before full absorption. To use ointment 2-3 times per day. Course - 6 day, by the necessity course can be repea ted. Form: tube -40 g. MIRACULOUS LIQUID- means that helps to remove nicotine dependence. Composition: salvia multirhizome, Sophora flavescent, olibanum, and borneol . Principle of action is based on theory of meridians of traditional Chinese medicine. Method of use: preparation deposit on acupuncture point "Tianmei" and shoul d be massaged. As a result is a change of taste receptors to tobacco. Initially it seems bitter, then tasteless and to the end develops disgust to tobacco. The more often the preparation is deposited and massage is taken, the faster the res ult will be observed and the more the result is stable. Optimal regime of using this mean - every 1-2 hours using 5-minutes massage . If the remedy is deposited before sleep, effect will last till morning. For the course one package is nec-essary. In especial cases course can be repeated. Contraindications: not observed. Form: bottle 20 ml. ZI MEI SHU - prophylactic pads. Pads Zi Mei Shu are prophylactic and hygienic mean of traditional Chinese m edicine. Basic prophylactic characteristics of pads "ZI MEI SHU": 1. Normalization of functions of organs of pelvis and perineum 2. Antibacterial and antiviral action 3. Anti-inflammatory action 4. Restore and nourish Qi of blood 5. Promote normalization of local tissue immunity of organs of pelvis and p erineum. 6. Make healthy microflora of external genitals.

7. Have reparative action Soaked with extracts of 49 herbs, pads bring in themselves natural energy a nd information. Volatile phytoncids, influencing on the points of energetic meri dians that are in the area of per-ineum, secure multifunction of this mean. Pads ZI MEI SHU have proved as auxiliary mean by the treatment of especiall y men's dis-eases such as acute and chronic prostatitis, orchiepididymitis. By u sing of pads ZI MEI SHU the treatment of acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal knots occurs faster, during some hours it helps to eliminate the pain syndrome, to red uce edema, to eliminate inflammatory, to resolve thrombi. Pads ZI MEI SHU are very good harmonious mean that allows using them succes sfully by the treatment of various dishormone disorders of women genitals. Pads ZI MEI SHU are very good test mean. They are able to "wake" stagnant i nfectious processes in organs of pelvis and perineum, considerably increase sens ibility of pathogen microor-ganisms to the action of antibacterial preparations. Indications for use: As auxiliary mean by the treatment of: 1. Inflammatory diseases of organs of pelvis. 2. Viral affections of genitals and organs of pelvis. 3. Disorders of menstrual cycle (primary and secondary amenorrhea, algodysmenorrhea, oligo- and polymenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome and etc). 4. Primary and secondary sterility. 5. Itch of external genitals (including hydrocyanic, diabetic). 6. Commissural processes in the cavity of small pelvis. 7. Endometriosis 8. Erosion and pseudoerosion of cervix of the uterus 9. Postoperative period after surgical operation of abortion 10. Complex therapy of mastopathy 11. Hemorrhoids. 12. Anal fissure 13. Acute and chronic prostatitis Method of use: to fasten with sticking surface to the underclothes in that way that active surface of the pad was located for the most part on the center o f effect. Medicinal effect of the pad remains during 24 hours. Course of the tre atment - 20 days. Notes: there can during first 3-6 hours unpleasant feelings at the area of contact between pad and body (feeling of burning or on the contrary cold). These symptoms will be over during 6-12 hours and don't demand of additionally interf erence. Contraindications: pregnancy Form: 10 pads in a package. FU TSE LING - complex for women. Composition: Peucedanum Japonicum, borneol. Action: this preparation has prophylactic anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, an esthetic action on the mucous membrane of external genitals and vagina, normaliz es microflora, increases protective characteristics, promotes regeneration of ti ssue, positive influences the whole women' sexual sphere. Indications for use: As auxiliary mean by the treatment of: - Vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis every origin; - Bartholinitis; - Itch of vulva every origin; - Endocervicitis, erosion of cervix of the uterus, its cystous changes; - Acute and chronic inflammations of organs of pelvis; - Urethritis; - Consequences of operative treatment of cervix of uterus - Painful irregular menstruations; - Inflammations of hemorrhoidal knots; - Sanitation of generic ways during postnatal period; - Frigidity;

- Normalizes tone of vagina muscles. Method of use: at evening to wash genitals with warm boiled water, open dis posable syringe, in-troduce into vagina its content at a depth of 5 cm, to take out syringe. At morning to syringe vagina with salt solution. Then to wash external geni tals. To fasten hygienic pad to the clean underclothes, wear during 1-2 days. Co urse of treatment 10 days. Special indication: rectal introduction is not allowed! Form: there are 10 disposable syringes and 5 pads. Contraindications: pregnancy XIAO FEI - prophylactic pads for the women Composition: are made from natural materials and dozens of herbs (borneol, codonopsis, Peuce-danum Japonicum) Action: pads have prophylactic antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on t he mucous membrane of genitals and skin of perineum; help to eliminate heat and itch; deliver from secretion and clean mucous membrane; prevent from beginnings of stagnant effects in organs of pelvis; helps to do away pubic para-sites. Pads have protective effect that's why they can be used for the prophylaxis of vener eal diseases di-rect after sexual intercourse. Indications: As auxiliary mean by the treatment of: - Vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis every origin including fungous. - Erosions of cervix of the uterus; - Itch and dryness of external genitals; - Flabbiness of muscles and dryness of mucous membrane of vagina; - Inflammatory diseases of uterus and appendages; - Condylomatosis; - Painful and irregular menstruations, premenstrual syndrome; - Hemorrhoids; - Abundant secretions from genitals. Contraindications: menstrual period and pregnancy. Method of use and quantity: to fasten with sticking surface to the underclo thes. To use once. To change every day one pad, two packages are necessary for o ne course (course is 20 days). Conditions of storage: to keep in a dark cool dry place. JIE ER JIN - everyday hygienic pads. Composition and quantity: 10 pads made from nonwoven material, layer with h erbs Jie Er Jin (Peucedanum Japonicum, large-toothed angelica, etc.) that can be straw or yellow- brown, and from mild surface perforated layer that has very go od penetrability. These pads are used as hygienic and prophylac-tic mean. Action: create feeling of cleanness, freshness and comfort during the whole day, simultaneously positive influence on the mucous membrane of genitals. Pads have preventive bactericidal characteristics, eliminate inflammation and itch, are used for the prophylaxis of gynecological diseases, and also as auxil-iary m ean for the treatment of colpitis, vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis, itch of exter nal genitals, disorders of menstrual cycle. Method of use: to fasten with sticking surface to the underclothes, to use once. JIE ER JIN -hygienic pads for menstrual cycle. Composition and quantity: 5 super thin pads made from nonwoven material, la yer of herbs and perforated layer, the funnel-shaped openings of them pass moist ure inside and hinder its leakage outside. The color of herbal layer may be from yellow to brown. Action: pads are very good hygienic mean that guarantee protection for the women during men-strual cycle. At the same time they have prophylactic bacterici dal and anti-inflammatory effect on the mu-cous membrane of genitals, hinder dev elopment of pathogen flora, providing by such way prophylactic ef-fect by variou s inflammatory diseases of women sexual sphere.

Method of use: to fasten with sticking surface to the underclothes, to use once. JIE ER JIN -antiseptic mean. Antiseptic mean made from natural components. It has strong prophylactic anti-in flammatory effect, helps to eliminate edema of mild tissues, itch. Has light ane sthetic action. It is active as auxiliary mean by the eliminating of virus, bact eria, fungus, and protozoa. Indications for use: As auxiliary mean by the treatment of: 1. Skin diseases caused by bacterial infection, virus, and fungous flora. 2. Contagious mollusk. 3. Viral warts. 4. Fungous affections of feet, nail plates. 5. Herpes every localization 6. Erysipelas 7. Cleansing of infectious wounds 8. Inflammatory processes of urogenital system. Method of use: antiseptic mean Jie Er Yin is used only as external mean in the form of lotions, ap-pliqu?' work and also for the syringing. In a non-dilute form can be used only on nail plates. For the skin surface and wound surface with big quantity of purulent- necrotic mass it is necessary p reviously to dilute lotion in ratio 1:5, 1:6. For the treatment of mucous membra ne of genitals to dilute preparation in ratio 1:10. Warning: not allow the preparation to get on conjunctiva of eyes. Not allow gargle with this prepa-ration, installation into nasal duct and into external a coustic duct. Preparation is non-toxic, but has hot effect. Contraindication: not observed. Form: bottle 120 ml. Lingrui Plaster. Composition: Chinese angelica, ??????, sulfurwort, borneol, camphor tree. Action: promotes microcirculation and local exchange of substances, has pro phylactic anesthetic effect. From the point of Chinese medicine - eliminates col d, stimulates channels and permeates into bones, stopping pain. Indications for use: as auxiliary mean by the pain syndrome every localizat ion, caused by osteo-hondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, neuralgia, miositis, perim etritis and also intervertebral hernia of disc (caused by cold and dampness). Dosage: apply to affected part, change every day. Every plaster acts during 12-14 hours, course of therapy lasts 15-20 days. Form: 7* 10 cm, 9*12,8 cm. Pain-Eliminating Plaster Pain-eliminating plaster is made from natural herbs of Tibetan plateau of C hina using modern tech-nology. Plaster contents active components that redu ce pain, strengthen sinews and bones, and help to eliminate rheumatic pains. Action: improves microcirculation and local exchange of substances, "revive s blood", helps to dis-solve bruises, has prophylactic antiedema and anesthetic effect; it is effective during 24 hours. Indications for use: plaster is used as auxiliary mean for local anesthesia by various traumas - bruises, dislocation, contusion of mild tissues, sprain of bundle organs of joints. It is used by arthrosis, ar-thritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, etc. Method of use: to wash clean affected part, take away the film from the sur face of plaster, uni-formly take the content of small bag (thinning agent) on su rface of lotion at the middle of plaster, stick to af-fected part or on the corr esponding point, carefully press sides of plaster, wear 24 hours. For the help i n eliminating of acute symptoms it is enough to use 1 plaster. For the full reco very - 5 plasters.

Sizes: 90*120 mm. Form: plaster with lotion. Dispeller plaster - plaster with cosmetic effect. Composition: root of white-flower peony, Pistacia lentiscus and borneol. Action: promotes penetrability of meridians and collaterals, disseminates c old, revives blood, nour-ishes Qi, and regulates processes of internal secretion . Indications: plaster is used by various skin problems. It is effective by b lackheads, pigmentary spots, freckles, also by itch, herpes, psoriasis, horny an d rough skin, etc. Method of use: take away protecting film from plaster, stick on the area of navel. Every plate can be used during 3-5 days. Caution: to use carefully by pregnancy, susceptibility to allergy. It is co ntraindicated during men-strual period. Package: 1 plate of plaster. Golden tortoise magical incense Aromatic candles There is big quantity of mechanisms in the world that are able to influence positive our condition on physical and more delicate levels. One of these mecha nisms is aroma, smell, and science that study influence of aromas on the human c ondition is called aromatherapy. Treatment with aroma counts in traditional Chinese medicine more than 5000 years. "Aromas work cleaning and restoring, strengthening energy and fill though ts with peace and pacification", - wrote Chinese philosopher Wang Wei. In t he Koran it is written: "Aroma is a food that wakes up spirit " Aromas - bearer of information. They pass to organism definite biological p ositive oscillations that in-stantly draw body, intellect and soul. Organs of sm ell have more faster reaction then all other: through limb system aromatic subst ances reach direct cerebrum and affect them. Possibilities of the treatment with aromas are various but it exists one co mmon rule: they always are di-rected on achievement of full harmony and health. Candles for protecting of liver function and nourishing spleen Mechanism of action: promote action of intestinal tract, help by listless d igestion, strengthens secre-tion of gall, release liver bile duct from stagnant gall, stimulate liver activity, help to eliminate constipations, re-duce consequ ences of intestines dysbacteriosis. Candles are used as auxiliary mean by diseas es of pancreas and spleen. Candles are effective by various diseases of liver an d alimentary tract. Contraindications: not observed. Method of use and dosage: to burn before the meal from 1 to 3 candles accor ding the condition. For the children dosage should be reduced to ?. As prophylac tic mean to burn for meal from ? to 1 candle 2 times per day (morning, evening). Candles for prophylaxis of influenza Mechanism of action: during epidemic: increase local immunity, strengthen i nfection control, hinder penetration of virus through vessel wall and its quick division. During illness: promote reducing abundant burning secretion from nose, help s to eliminate itch and "tickling" at the area of back wall of throat, hinder fu rther expansion of infection to upper respiratory tract. Can-dles promote loweri ng of temperature at ARVI, influenza. They increase protective characteristics o f organism; hinder expansion of epidemic inside of room. Are used for the prophy laxis of complications after ARVI, influ-enza. Contraindications: not observed. Method of use and dosage: to burn before meal or sleep from 1 to 3 candles according the heaviness of disease. For children dosage should be reduced to ?.

For the prophylaxis to burn before the meal from ? to 1 candle 2 times per day ( morning, evening). Candles for smoothing cough and asthma. Mechanism of action: help to eliminate bronchospasms, promote secretion of rich viscous phlegm, reduce spasmodic cough, help to eliminate feeling of tickli ng on the back wall of throat. Candles promote cleaning of bronchial tree. Contraindications: not observed. Method of use and dosage: in the room without draught to burn for the meal or sleep from 1 to 3 can-dles according heaviness of disease. For the children d osage should be reduced to ?. For the prophylaxis to burn from ? to 1 candle 2 t imes per day (morning, evening). Candles that help to reduce blood pressure. Mechanism of action: improve tone of vessel walls; in this connection are r educed cholesterol plates on the walls of vessels, helps to restore bloodstream in small capillaries of kidney, liver. Reduces the risk of thrombi building and such acute conditions as myocardial infarction, insult (acute disorder of cerebr al circula-tion), reduce head aches, reduce feeling of weakness in the body, tin nitus. Arterial blood pressure normalizes. Contraindications: not observed. Method of use and dosage: in the room without draught to burn for the meal or sl eep from 1 to 3 can-dles according heaviness of disease. For the children dosage should be reduced to ?. For the prophylaxis to burn from ? to 1 candle 2 times per day (morning, evening). Candles calming nerves Mechanism of action: help to eliminate the condition of stress, psychosomat ic disorders, restore peace of mind, harmony with surroundings. Candles normaliz e sleep. Candles positive influence nervous, cardiovascular system, it has clearly shown sedative effect. Candles help to eliminate nightmare, unpleasant dreams, promote quick sleep. Reg ular use of candles (1 candle over night) makes the organism more resistant to s tress situations. Contraindications: not observed. Method of use and dosage: in the room without draught to burn before sleep 1 candles. In the case of small deficiency to repeat during an hour. Candles improving sexual feelings Mechanism of action: increase erotic feelings, stimulate erection, and give feelings of great sexual happiness. Contraindication: not observed. Method of use and dosage: to burn from 1 to 3 candles

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