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English1 Aptech

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Time: 45 minutes

Direction: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions
about it.
For question 1 – 30, you are to choose the one best answer, (a), (b), (c) or (d), to each question. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and put a cross on the letter that corresponds
to the answer you have chosen

Question 1 – 6
Reliable, knowledge of early civilizations of the Americas is limited to archeological records,
Xác nhận,kiến thức về giai đoạn nền văn minh của châu Mỹ có những hạn chế đa được ghi lại,
since so much of the original culture was destroyed by early conquerors. Nevertheless, evidence
từ rất nhiều các nền văn hóa đã bị phá hủy bởi giai đoạn chiến tranh.Tuy nhiên,những bằng chứng
of impressive achievements in monumental architecture as well as in the art of healing,
là những thành tựu ấn tượng trong những công trình liên quan tới kiến trúc cũng nhưng trong nghệ
thuật sửa chữa.
astronomy, mathematics, and engineering has been uncovered that commands respect as well as
Thiên văn học,toán học, và kỹ thuật đã không được che lại những mệnh lệnh cũng như
regret for the loss of this knowledge. In the field of agriculture, these civilizations left a heritage
rất tiếc cho những thiệt hại của hiểu biết này.Trong lĩnh vực nông nghiệp,những nền văn minh này đã
thừa kế tài sản.
that has greatly enriched the food of today's planet. White potatoes, corn, beans, tomatoes,
squash, chocolate, tapioca, vanilla, and turkey are just some of the foods that were originally
developed by Indian civilizations. Lost, however, are the secrets of the Mayan astronomers and the
Inca builders as well as many medicinal practices. Perhaps the greatest casualty, however, has been
the Indian attitude toward life and the universe. Indians in these civilizations seldom warred with
nature; instead, they adapted to it. Our present concern with ecology causes us to respect the people
of these civilizations even more for this attitude.

1. The author's main point is that

a. we have lost respect for the Indian attitude toward life and nature
b. we have discovered new information about the early Indian civilizations
c. archeology has given us reliable records of the great achievements of early American
civilizations. is unfortunate that we have lost so much of the early American culture and knowledge

2. Which of the following has probably benefited the most from the discoveries of the early American
a. Research in astronomy
b. The building industry
c. Environmental groups

3. Which of the following can NOT be traced back to these civilizations?

a. Tapioca pudding
b. A vanilla bean
c. A chocolate bar
d. A strawberry

4. According to the author, the biggest loss has been

a. an attitude toward nature
b. knowledge of early astronomy
c. techniques of early building
d. early agricultural practices

5. Which can you infer that the people of these civilizations would be least likely to do?
a. Build a monument
b. Cook a turkey
c. Cut down trees
d. Use medicine

6. From the passage, you can infer that

a. astronomers kept their art a secret
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b. builders built great structures
c. conquerors kept early records
d. doctors had little knowledge of medicine

Question 7 – 12
The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physics, physiology, or
medicine, literature, and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that
purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred Bernhard Nobel.
The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969,
a prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes
must be nominated in writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged
by Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The
awards are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an
appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each prize includes a gold medal, a
diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars.

7. What does this passage mainly discuss?

a. Alfred Bernhard Nobel b. The Nobel prizes
c. Great contributions to mankind d. Swedish philanthropy

8. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?

a. Five times a year b. Once a year
c. Twice a year d. Once every two years

9. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to

a. an author who wrote a novel
b. a doctor who discovered a vaccine
c. a composer who wrote a symphony
d. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement

10. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?
a. He left his money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes
b. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy
c. He is now living in Sweden
d. He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes

11. Which individual or organization serves as administrator for the trust?

a. The King of Sweden
b. The Nobel Foundation
c. The Central Bank of Sweden
d. Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes

12. Why are the awards presented on December 10?

a. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden
b. Because Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day
c. Because that date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will
d. Because the Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust.

Question 13 – 19
Are the 80s and 90s the era of color? According to some people, they are. Now you can buy
radios and electric fans in lavender and pink. Restaurants have an emphasis on flowers and colorful
plates. Cars are coming out in pink and aqua. Even bathroom fixtures are being made in “honeydew”
and “blond”. Part of the importance of the color of an object is that the color affects the way one feels
about it. You want a vacuum cleaner to look light and easy, which is why it may be colored in pastels
and light colors. But gardening equipment and athletic equipment you want to look powerful. You
would never find a lawn mower in pink, but red would be fine. Not very long ago, sheets were always
white, and refrigerators commonly came in colors like “Old Gold”, “Avocado Green”, and “Coppertone”.
Now those are thought of as old-fashioned. Popular colors change, because fashion influences
everything. In fact, new colors often spring from the fashion industry. It’s a lot cheaper to make a
blouse or skirt than a sofa. After people get used to seeing new colors on clothing or towels, they are
ready to accept those colors in carpeting, refrigerators, or cars. Color-analysis consultants have been
very successful in recent years. People want to choose the most flattering color for makeup and
clothing. Some car designers are even saying that people may begin buying cars of the color that goes
with their skin coloring. This sounds too extreme. It’s hard to believe that people are that
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13. The best title for this passage is
a) Popular Colors b) Color Consultants
c) The Success of Color d) Flattering Colors

14. According to the passage, which of the following is not popular now?
a) “Coppertone” b) Pastels c) Colorful cars d) Color consultants

15. According to the passage, why would red be a good color for a lawn mower?
a) Because it’s strong b) Because it’s cheap
c) Because it’s light d) Because it’s pastel

16. How does the author probably feel about the topic of this passage?
a) Excited b) Envious c) Skeptical d) Bored

17. In this passage, which of the following are NOT used as names for colors?
a) Hair color b) Fruits c) Minerals d) Drinks

18. Why does the author says, “It’s cheaper to make a skirt than a sofa”?
a) As an illustration b) As a reason
c) As a summary d) As a definition

19. According to this passage, before people will buy expensive things in new colors, they must
a) be sure that the colors are popular
b) see if the color matches their skin color
c) talk to a color-analyst consultant
d) become familiar with the color on cheaper items

Question 20 – 24
Sound travels in waves through the air like waves through the water; the higher the waves, the
greater its power. The waves are alternative rings of compressed and rarefied air moving away from a
central source at a constant speed. As each wave of first compression and then rarefication
encounters an object, it exerts a force- a push and then a pull- on the object. That is why sound can
break a glass or cause a screen to vibrate.
The greater the number of waves a sound has, the greater its frequency is. The strength or
intensity of sound, sound level, is measured in decibels (db). The decibel unit is named after
Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone and an important researcher into the nature of
sound. Because hearing varies widely, what may seem loud to one person may not to another.
Although loudness is a personal judgement, precise measurement of sound is made possible by use
of the decibel scale. This scale of Sound Levels and Human Response measures sound pressure or
energy according to international standards.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a sound measured at 100 decibels is louder than
a. any other sound ever measured b. a sound measured at 110 decibels
c. a sound measured at 80 decibels d. the machine measuring it

21. It can be concluded from the passage that

a. sound waves can be measured scientifically
b. sound has no physical effect on any object
c. everyone judges loudness the same way
d. the decibel scale is a purely subjective device

22. Sound waves move outward from a central point at

a. varying speeds b. a speed of 1,181 kilometers per hour
c. greater and greater speeds d. a steady, continuous speed

23. During a loud thunderstorm, a window may rattle because

a. lightening strikes the glass with force
b. the sound of the rain is heard through the glass
c. the air is colder on one side of the glass than on the other
d. the claps of thunder create powerful sound waves that exert pressure on the glass

24. The term decibel comes from

a. the intensity of twelve bells b. the inventor of the telephone
c. the inventor of the hearing aid d. a term for rarefied air

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Question 25 – 30
Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of
communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every
known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it
attracts attention, as, for example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to
speech, the potential for communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words,
signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign or a barber pole conveys meaning
quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of
their intricate relationship with the receiver’s cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a
theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and
handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages.
Although signals, signs, symbol, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage.
They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver.
As a result, means of communication intended to be used for long distances and extended periods are
based upon speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few.

35. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
a. Signs, Signals, and Symbols b. Gestures
c. Communication d. Speech

36. What does the author say about speech?

a. That it is the only true form of communication
b. That it is dependent upon the advances made by inventors
c. That it is necessary for communication to occur
d. That it is the most advanced form of communication

37. According to the passage, what is a signal?

a. The most difficult form of communication to describe
b. A form of communication which may be used across long distances
c. A form of communication that interrupts the environment
d. The form of communication most related to cultural perceptions

38. Applauding was cited as an example of

a. signal b. a sign
c. a symbol d. a gesture

39. Why were the telephone, radio, and TV invented?

a. Because people were unable to understand signs, symbols, and signals
b. Because people wanted to communicate across long distances
c. Because people believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete
d. Because people wanted new forms of entertainment

40. It may be concluded from this passage that

a. signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are forms of communication
b. symbols are very easy to define and interpret
c. only some cultures have signals, signs, and symbols
d. waving and handshaking are not related to culture

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Bảng trả lời câu hỏi Đề số :

Phần thi Tiếng Anh ...................

Họ và tên : .................................................................................................................
Địa chỉ : .................................................................................................................
Điện thoại : .................................................................................................................
Ngày sinh : .................................................................................................................
Ngáy thi : .................................................................................................................
Hướng dẫn:

Bạn hãy đánh dâu ( √ ) vào ô vuông cạnh câu trả lời đúng (A/B/C/D)), Mỗi câu chỉ được chọn một
(Trước khi làm bài, đề nghị ghi rõ số đề)

1. A B C D 16.. A B C D
2. A B C D 17.. A B C D
3. A B C D 18. A B C D
4. A B C D 19. A B C D
5. A B C D 20. A B C D
6. A B C D 21. A B C D
7. A B C D 22. A B C D
8. A B C D 23. A B C D
9. A B C D 24. A B C D
10 A B C D 25. A B C D
11 A B C D 26. A B C D
12 A B C D 27. A B C D
13 A B C D 28. A B C D
14 A B C D 29. A B C D
15 A B C D 30. A B C D

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