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Bluevoda 10.0 - More Than 50 New Features!: Bug Fixes

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that BlueVoda 10.0 introduced over 50 new features including new events, image effects, and style updates.

New features added in BlueVoda 10.0 include more event options, improved image output quality, application of image effects to image maps, and an Office 2007 style interface on Vista.

Improvements to existing features include fixes to various bugs, improved table and text editing, addition of a context menu for text formatting, and preview options for image selection.

BlueVoda 10.0 More than 50 new features!

This document gives a quick overview of some of the new features in BlueVoda 10.0. Bug Fixes Verify links tool removed style class from text links. Table cell splitting only partially worked. Text Menu items did not support &, >, < and " characters. Color Eyedropper didn't work for text colors. Minor error in generated java script for events. Text object could not be hidden using events. Navigation bar centered instead of left aligned. Mouse scroll wheel now also works in text edit mode. Many other minor improvements. New features Added more events (OnKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, OnReset, OnMouseMove etc) Bluevoda now outputs jpg instead of png if possible (if no alpha channel information is needed). This results in smaller/faster pages. Most image effects can now also be applied to Image Maps. BlueVoda now has the (blue) Office 2007 style on Vista!

Added 'Target' property to PayPal object, so the Paypal page will open in a separate window.

Added support for additional currencies to PayPal object.

Country, Tax and Sandbox options to PayPal eCommerce tools

Added option to display Web safe fonts only Websafe (or "web safe", "safe for the web") fonts are fonts that are common among all versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux. We recommend using websafe fonts if you want your web pages to look the same on all computers. You can enable the option 'Tools->Options->General >Display websafe fonts only', so BlueVoda will only display websafe fonts in the font selection controls. Of course this font limitation is only for text based objects. So you can use other fonts for navigationbar buttons, banners and other image based objects. Note that BlueVoda's text object also has an option to publish the text as an image.

Context menu with formatting tools when in text edit mode. This enables you to quickly change the style of the text or insert a link by right clicking the text.

Added preview option to all image selection windows.

Backup feature. Bluevoda can now automatically make backups of your projects, before overwriting a previous version of the project. Backup folder specifies the folder where the backup will be stored. Total number of site backups. Specifies the number of backup to keep before overwriting them with newer versions. Enter 0 is you do not want BlueVoda to create backups. BlueVoda will name the backups like this: myproject_01.bvp myproject_02.bvp myproject_03.bvp The highest numbered file will always be the latest backup. If the maximum number of backups is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted and all other backups will be renamed.

Added option to disable Internet Explorer's toolbar (Page Properties). Normally Internet Explorer will place an Image Toolbar above images on a webpage that allows the user to save or print the image. To stop the Image Toolbar from appearing on the images of your site, enable this option.

Added the ability to enable/disable the '' feature.

This option enables the PNG fix for Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6 on Windows. The fix allows IE to properly render PNG alpha transparency. Why only versions 5.5 & 6? Because Windows IE versions prior to 5.5 do not support the filter which fixes the PNG problem, and version 7 finally supports transparency for PNGs. Note: Many of the BlueVoda objects (like shapes, images, navigationbars) generate transparent PNG files so if you want your website to be compliant with IE 5.5 and 6 you should enable this option.

Added the ability to configure names of dynamically generated images. Some objects such as shapes, navigation bar buttons will be published as (dynamically generated) images. These images do have a unique name within the website (eg bv0001.gif, bv0002.gif). With this option you can control how the images will be named. For example if you specify wbimage as prefix, the images will be named 'bvimage0001.gif' or 'bvimage0002.png' It is also possible to make the name of the page part of the filename by enabling the option Use page name for image prefix, this makes it easier to keep track of which images belong to a specific page.

Favorites icon property for pages. You can use favorites icons (also known as shortcut icons) to display your logo or some other small graphic on the Favorites menu, address or page tabs of your browser. They are a great way to add brand recognition to your Web site. A shortcut icon must be square in size, and at least 16 x 16 pixels. Consider creating both a 16 x 16-pixel icon as well as a 32 x 32-pixel icon (and larger, bandwidth permitting), since on high-DPI displays, the browser may stretch the icon to fit the available space. To create the icon, use an icon editor, such as Axialis IconWorkshop, IcoFX or Microangelo Toolset and save the icon in the .ico file format.

Added <body> events (Page Properties).

Added the ability resize/stretch navigation bar buttons horizontally.

Added many new image effects: Blur Colorize Cylinder Grayscale Edge Linear Edge Non Linear Emboss Erode Fish Eye Inner bevel frame Jitter Gold/Ice/Metallic effect Median Mosaic/Pixellate Negative Noise Pinch, Punch and Twirl Sepia Sharpen Soften Soft Edges/Feather Splash

Things you should know about effects: 1. You can apply multiple effects to an image. 2. Effects are non-destructive, which means they will not be applied to the original image. A copy of the original image will be published to your website using a unique name (.png format). 3. Effects are applied to the image 'on-the-fly' when the images are loading into workspace and in the order you've added them. 4. So for example if you apply Brightness 3 times, the images will be processed 3 times the next time you load your page. 5. Plan your effects! Do not add to many effects to images. This will slow down loading times of the image in BlueVoda. 6. Before applying effects test which impact the effect has on the image, if you do not like it use undo the restore the original image. 7. Do not apply effects to very large images! The bigger the image, the longer it will take before the effect has been processed (just like in any other image editor!) 8. Resample can be used to decrease the size of the published image and therefore can increase the loading speed of your website. Of course re sampling will also reduce the quality of the image.

Added the ability to crop images. By cropping an image, you can remove areas of the image that you don't want to use. While in crop mode drag the handles of the cropping box to resize and include the part of the image that you want to keep. Click Crop again to remove the area outside of the cropping box

Added the ability to add reflection to images

Added the ability to add shadows to images.

Added the ability to set opacity of images and shapes.

Added the ability to set Hue/Saturation of images

Added the ability to set stencils for images

Stencils are a cool way to change the appearance of your images. Stencils can convert your images into any shape! Basically stencils replace the alpha channel information (transparency) of the the image with the one from the stencil. You can create your own stencils and place the stencils in the BlueVoda sub folder \stencils of the program.

RSS feed object (add a RSS Feed to your website in only a few mouse clicks) What does RSS mean? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is used to describe the technology used in creating feeds. What is a feed (RSS)? Feeds, also known as RSS feeds, XML feeds, syndicated content, or web feeds, contain frequently updated content published by a website. They are usually used for news and blog websites, but are also used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio files, or video. At its most basic, RSS generates a list of links, to various resources on your site with a description of the content for each link. The contents of a RSS feed can be read in different ways. A variety of tools, both fee based and free, to read RSS feeds are available on the Internet. The latest browsers (Internet Explorer 7.0, Safari, FireFox 2.0 and Opera) also have build-in RSS feed support. The RSS Feed object lets you define a RSS channel with a set of headlines. When you publish the web page, which includes the RSS extension, a RSS (XML) file will be generated in the same folder as the HTML page. A small RSS icon will be displayed on your web page with a link to this file. Some browsers will display a special icon in the toolbar, which lets the users easily subscribe to your RSS channel.

Added the ability to manually navigate images by using events for Ad Banner rotate. If you set the number of seconds value to 0 (zero), the images will not rotate automatically, but instead you can use Events to display the next or previous image. This means you can use shapes, images or any other object which supports events to walk through the images, so you can create a slideshow! There are two new Event actions defined for this purpose: SlideShow Next and SlideShow Previous.

We have completely redesigned the Shape object! Anti-aliased shapes! Shadows effects for shapes (linear blur and gradient path) Pattern fill effect for shapes (anti-alias only) Vista-like Glass effect in Shapes (anti-alias only) Added border styles for Shapes.

New Star Shape with customizable point count and inner radius.

Added support for formatted text inside Shape object, so you can create professional banners, logos etc. The text will be formatted inside the shape, depending on the selected shape type.

Added the ability to publish only changed files. Select this option if you want to publish the files that were changed since the last time you've published your web site. What exactly will be published depends on the changes you've made. For example, if you've only changed the position of an object, then only the HTML file was changed, but if you've changed the size of a shape, then the shape image needs to be regenerated and therefore the HTML and the image file will be published.

Added Popup window support for links (with optional position, size, toolbar, statusbar, scrollbars etc.)

Click 'Settings' to specify the properties of the popup window: Left, Specifies the left position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. Top, Specifies the top position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. Height, Sets the height of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 150 for Internet Explorer! Width, Sets the width of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 250 for Internet Explorer! Status Bar, Enable the status bar at the bottom of the window. Tool Bar, Enable the standard browser toolbar, with buttons such as Back and Forward. Location Bar, Enable the Location entry field where you enter the URL. Menu Bar, Enable the menu bar of the window. Resizable, Allow/Disallow the user to resize the window. Scrollbars, Enable the scrollbars if the document is bigger than the window

Added support for file links, files will be automatically published!.

Set the Link Type option to File. Browse for the file you wish to create a link for. BlueVoda will automatically upload the local file to your website, when you publish your page. Note: When linking to large files, it may take a while before the file is transferred to your website! Marquee now supports formatted text (including links!).

Ruler guides. Ruler guides are placed on the page by dragging them from the rulers or by specifying precise positions using the new 'Format Ruler Guides' dialog box.

Horizontal and vertical ruler guides are used to align objects on the page. Typically ruler guides are placed on the page by dragging them from the horizontal and vertical rulers or by specifying precise positions using the 'Format Ruler Guides' dialog box. Alternatively you can use the menu option 'Add Horizontal Ruler Guide' or 'Add Vertical Ruler Guide' to insert a new guide. To move the ruler guide, position the mouse pointer over the guide, until you see the vertical or horizontal Adjust pointer and then drag the guide to its new position. You can remove a single ruler guide or all ruler guides from a page Position the mouse pointer over the ruler guide you want to delete until you see the adjust pointer and then drag it back to the ruler. Or you can use the 'Format ruler guide' dialog box to delete the ruler. To remove all ruler guides in a page, select the Layout menu, point to Ruler Guides, and then click Clear All Ruler Guides. Objects which are placed close to a guide "snap to" the guide for easy alignment.

Page weight tool to determine the estimated size and download time of a page. The Page weight tool helps you determine the estimated size and download time of a page. The tool will list all files which are part of page and their sizes. By selecting the connection speed you can get an idea how long it will take to download the complete page.

Microsoft, Yahoo and Google compatible sitemap generator.

The sitemap tool creates an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google and other search engines to help them crawl your website better. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL: when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is in relation to other URLs in the site. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently. Website URL It's important that you specify the full URL to your website, for example This URL must begin with the protocol (such as http) and end with a trailing slash, if your web server requires it. You can specify the change frequency and priority for each page in your website.

Change frequency How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the page. Valid values are: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change each time they are accessed. The value "never" should be used to describe archived URLs. Please note that the value of this tag is considered a hint and not a command. Even though search engine crawlers consider this information when making decisions, they may crawl pages marked "hourly" less frequently than that, and they may crawl pages marked "yearly" more frequently than that. It is also likely that crawlers will periodically crawl pages marked "never" so that they can handle unexpected changes to those pages. Priority The priority of this page relative to other pages on your site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. This value has no effect on your pages compared to pages on other sites, and only lets the search engines know which of your pages you deem most important so they can order the crawl of your pages in the way you would most like. The default priority of a page is 0.5. Please note that the priority you assign to a page has no influence on the position of your pages in a search engine's result pages. Search engines use this information when selecting between pages on the same site, so you can use this tag to increase the likelihood that your more important pages are present in a search index. Also, please note that assigning a high priority to all of the pages on your site will not help you. Since the priority is relative, it is only used to select between pages on your site; the priority of your pages will not be compared to the priority of pages on other sites. How to create a sitemap? 1. Upload all pages to your website. Make sure they are properly linked to each other. 2. Enter the URL of your website in the URL field and click Start Crawler. This command will start analyzing your website and return all links within your domain in the list. Note that this will overwrite your existing configuration, so if you have added one or more pages, we recommend adding them manually instead of generating the sitemap from scratch. 3. If the crawler has finished, you can select each page and specify the change frequency and priority. 4. Now you can publish the sitemap to your website. The filename will be sitemap.xml and it will be uploaded to the root of the site. For example: 5. Submit the sitemap to the search engines

Added Tab Menu navigation object

The Tab Menu is yet another way to implement your website navigation. The biggest difference between the navigation bar and the tab menu (besides its appearance) is that a tab menu item has 3 states: Normal Idle state Hover Mouse over or Roll over state Activate The selected item is the current page. Another difference is that the tab menu uses CSS style sheets and a limited number of images for navigation bar buttons (only 2 images for each style). Added Slide Menu navigation object Yet another cool way to add navigation to your web pages;) A slide menu can be configured to have multiple folders with links. You can select if you want to initially hide a folder, so the user has to click the folder name to expand the links.

Added Form Wizard Creating forms has never been so easy! Create complete forms in just a few steps. One of the many ways in which you can interact with people who visit your website is to get feedback from them through forms. Creating a form from scratch can be a rather difficult, so we've implemented the Form Wizard to make this task a little easier.

Added Captcha feature to the guest book

The Captcha option adds image verification to the guestbook to verify Human user submission and block (automated) spam. Captcha codes prevent Robots signing your guestbook by requiring a randomly generated string of characters be correctly typed in to the form before it can be processed. Note that the captcha function will not be a 100% protection from receiving spam. But it will make automated spam distribution more difficult. However it will not stop spam entered by humans. Important Note When the Captcha option is enabled there may appear an error message on your website and the captcha image is not generated. The message is will look something like this: Warning: imagepng(): Unable to open './captcha.png' for writing in /../../guestbook.php on line 199 This problem may occur when the guestbook is placed in a folder on the website. The solution is to change the properties of that folder after publishing. The correct properties are 757 or 777.

Added email notification to guestbook.

Specifies whether you want to receive an email when someone has signed your guestbook. Note: the E-mail address must be valid and the server (eg. the PHP mail feature) must be properly configured! Contact your webhost for more information. Integrated Spell checker! The Spell Checker adds spell-checker capability to BlueVoda. The spell checkers user interface is based on the spell checker of Microsoft Office products, so if you are familiar with these products you will find your way around its options very easily. Important: The spell check will be disabled if you enable UNICODE mode. The spell checker does not support languages which require unicode encoding. Key Features: Quickly check the spelling of the current text block using F7. Microsoft Office like user interface and options. Supports the Text Object, Marquee and Shape Text. As-you-type spell checking. Suggestions are sorted by the degree of closeness with the misspelled word. Ability to open multiple dictionaries at the same time. Real-time underlining of misspelled words. Auto-correction of common mistakes as you type with ability to add your own corrections. Correcting two initial caps. Capitalizing the first letter in the sentence. User defined exceptions for capitalizing of the first letter in the sentence. Correcting accidental use of CAPS LOCK key.

Added Glass button

The Glass Button object gives BlueVoda users an easy way to add trendy glass buttons to their website. The Glass Button has two states: normal and rollover to which you can assign different colors.

BlueVoda has been redesigned to support Unicode characters (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish etc etc). You can enable support for Unicode in the BlueVoda options.

Notes: 1. Enabling UNICODE support will disable the spell checker. 2. Make sure you select the right Character set in Page Properties! Usually you should select UTF-8 if UNICODE is enabled, but this may depend on your language. 3. Your computer must support UNICODE fonts. For example: you cant write Chinese text, if your computer does not support it.

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