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1-The Following Table Shows The Sex of The Respondents Sex Respondents Percentage

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1- The following table shows the Sex of the respondents Sex Male Female Chart - 1

70 60 50 40 Male 30 20 10 0 Respondents Percentage Female


Percentage 65 65% 35 35%

Interpretation The chart 68% of the respondents are male and 35% of the respondents are female

2- The following table shows the qualification of the respondents

Qualification Qualification Post Graduate Graduate Under graduate others

Respondents 22 31 28 19

Percentage 22% 31% 28% 19%

Chart -2

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Post Graduate Graduate Under graduate others Respondents Percentage

Interpretation 22% of the respondents qualification are post graduate, 31% of the respondents are graduate, 28% are Under graduate and remaining 19%

3. This table shows the occupation of the respondents Occupation Service Business self employment others Respondents 18 26 32 24 Percentage 18% 26% 32% 24%

Chart 3

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Service Business self employment others Resondents Percentage

Interpretation 18% of the respondents occupation are from Service , 26% percentage o f the respondents are doing business, 32% percentage are self employed, 24% percentage are from others.

4. this table follows the age group of the respondents Age Group Age Group 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-above

Respondents 15 27 35 23

Percentage 15% 27% 35% 23%

Chart 4
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-above Responedents Percentage

Interpretation Th e age group of the respondents shows that 15% are from the age group between 20-30 , 27% percentage are from 31 to 40, 35% of the respondents are from the 41 to 50 group . and 235 are from 51 and above aged group

5. this table shows the gross monthly income of the respondents.

Gross monthly income below 15000 15001 to 25000 25001 to 35000 above 35000

Respondents 39 27 18 18

percentage 39% 27% 18% 18%

Chart 5

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 below 15000 15001 to 25000 25001 to 35000 above 35000 Respondents percentage

Interpretation The chart shows that the gross income of the respondents below 15000 are 39%, 15001 to 25000 of the respondents are 27%, 18% of the respondents are from 25001 to 35000, and 18% respondents gross income is above 35000 .

6. According to you, what are the safety levels of each of the following avenues for investment purpose According to you, what are the safety levels of each of the following avenues for investment purpose Fixed / other Deposits Insurance Plans Mutual funds Equity investments Government bonds others

Respondents 35 34 4 7 9 14

Percentage 35% 34% 4% 7% 9% 14%

Chart 6

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Percentage According to you, what are the safety levels of each of the following avenues for investment purpose Respondents

Interpretation This shows that the respondents safety levels for investment purpose towards Fixed / other Deposits 35%, Post office deposits 34%, Mutual funds 4%,Equity investments 7%, Insurance 9%, Government bonds 14%.

7. Do you have a car? a) Yes 80% b) No 20%

Chart Title
180% 160% 140% 120% Axis Title 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Sales Sales Yes 80% 80% No 20% 20%

Interception: 80% respondent have a car 20 % do not have. Inference: Most of the people have car.

8. Are you aware of Products & services provided by MAHINDRA FINANCE?. a) Yes 70% b) NO 30%

No. of People


Yes 70% No

Interception: 70% people are aware about the product & services by MAHINDRA FINANCE 30% are unknown to it. Inference: Most of the people are known to product & services by MAHINDRA FINANCE.

9. If yes are you aware of the advance products (Loan segments) of MAHINDRA FINANCE.? a) b) YES 68% NO 32%


32% YES NO 68%

Interception: 68% people are aware of the advance product of MAHINDRA FINANCE. 32% are unaware to it. Inference: Most of the people are aware of advance products of MAHINDRA FINANCE.

10. Which bank/financial institution you prefer for taking loans? a) MAHINDRA FINANCE 51% b) SBI 35% c) ICICI Bank 3% d) HDFC Bank 2% e) Other Banks 9%

Mahindra Finance ICICI HDFC SBI OTHER BANKS 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% % OF PEOPLE

Interception: According to my sample size 51% of people prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE. for loan product, but some people prefer SBI, ICICI, HDFC & Other banks for loan because they are working with the bank & it is easier for them to pay the interest because it is less as compared to other bank because they are the employees of that bank. Inference: Most of the people prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE. For loan.

11. If you prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE for taking loan than what influence you to take loan from MAHINDRA FINANCE.? a) Transparency b) Lowest EMI c) Lowest interest rate d) Simple & fast processing

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Lowest interest rate transparency lowest EMI Simple & Fast processing % OF PEOPLE

Interception: 60% of people prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE because of lowest interest rate 20% for transparency 12% for lowest EMI 8% for simple & fat services Inference: Most of the people said that they prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE. for taking loan because of the

lowest interest rate & transparency for any kind of loan product and it is easy to get loan from MAHINDRA FINANCE. as compared to other banks/financial institution because less paper work is required & simple & fast processing is required.

12. Which loan product of MAHINDRA FINANCE. you have used? a) Home Loan (16) b) Education Loan (14) c) Car Loan (32) d) Personal Loan (7) e) Other Loans (6) TOTAL NO. OF PEOPLE 75


Interception: From the sample size 75% of people are using the MAHINDRA FINANCE. loan product. From the 75 people 43% of people took car loan from MAHINDRA FINANCE..

19% of people took education loan for their children, 21% of people took home loan from Tata Capita Ltd. 9% of people took personal loan.

Inference: Most of the people prefer MAHINDRA FINANCE for Car loan.

13. What do you feel about the services providing by MAHINDRA FINANCE. in advance product? a) b) c) d) Bad 0% Satisfactory 25% Good 55% Excellent 20%


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% GOOD SATISFACTORY EXCELLENT BAD 25% 20% % OF PEOPLE 55%

Interpretation: From this it is clear that the service provide by MAHINDRA FINANCE. in its advance product is good in between the customer. All of them satisfy with the product provide by MAHINDRA FINANCE. 55% of people said that the service provide by MAHINDRA FINANCE. is good & 20% said it is excellent & 25% of people said that it is satisfactory.

14. Which features you like most in loan segment of MAHINDRA FINANCE.? a) Less paper work b) Attractive interest rate c) Transparency d) Simple & fast processing e) Longer repayment period

Longer repayment period

Simple & fast processing

Less paper work



Attractive rate of interest 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Interpretation: 40% people like MAHINDRA FINANCE. Due to attractive interest rate,

35% due to transparency 15% due to longer repayment period 5 % for fast & simple service 5 % for less paper work Inference: Most of the people like the attractive interest rate & transparency. Its easier of people to repay the whole loan amount with low interest rates & longer repayment period.

15. Table representing the promotion of the products of Mahindra Finance.

Promotions Paper insertion Telemarketing Display stalls Participating in exhibition Direct mail Presentations Showrooms Total

No. of Respondents 7 10 10 3 30

Percentage 24 33 33 10 100

24% of the respondents are of the opinion that paper insertions are used as promotion of the product. 33% of the respondents opine that telemarketing is the means of promotion of the products. 33% of the respondents feel that participating in exhibition has promoted the product. 10% of the respondents are of the opinion that showrooms are used as promotion of the product.

The company adopts a variety of promotional methods such as paper insertion, telemarketing, display stalls, participating in exhibition, direct mail, presentations and showrooms.

Methods of promoting the products


10 Paper insertion 8 Telemarketing Display stalls 6 Participating in exhibition Direct mails 4 Presentation Showrooms 2

0 No. of Respondents

16. Table

representing the target consumers

Target Upper class Middle class Lower class Total

No. of Respondents 27 3 30

Percentage 90 10 100%


90% the target customers are from upper class. 10% of the target customers are from middle class.


The target consumers are the upper class and the middle class.

The target consumers



20 Upper class 15 Middle class Lower class 10

0 No. of Respondents


Table representing the kind of incentives received by the employee

Kind of incentives Commission Schemes Free gifts Recognition Nothing at present Total

No. of Respondents 24 38 10 17 11 100

Percentage 38 10 17 11 100

The study shows that the 24% of the respondents get commission , through schemes 38% , free gifts 10%, Recognition 17%, Nothing at present 11%

Kind of incentives received by the marketing personnel

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 No. of Respondents Commission Schemes Free gifts Recognition Nothing at present


MAHINDRA FINANCE. is applying aggressive marketing strategy for car loan. MAHINDRA FINANCE. is having Tie up with various Automobile companies eg. (Tata
Motors, Maruti, Hyundai Motors)

MAHINDRA FINANCE. is trying to Tie-up with some other Automobile Companies. MAHINDRA FINANCE. is offering various facilities to customers for taking loan. MAHINDRA FINANCE. is trying to find better relationship with local dealers to increase
to the customer database.

MAHINDRA FINANCE. is using proper market channel to aware customer about car

MAHINDRA FINANCE. is advertising their car loan by using print media also.

There are various type of car loans are being provided by MAHINDRA FINANCE. ranging from short term to long- term to packing and like. But as studies throughout the project, lending process is not so simple. It involve a long series of steps and planning as suited to and decided by the company itself, of course, abiding by the rules and regulations of MAHINDRA


It Provide easy car loan access if all required documents are prepared. It charge minimum processing fees moreover processing charges are waived for
senior citizens, staff members & retired employees of the company.

It fulfills the dreams of the people having a car. Somewhere it Contribute in Indian economy by releasing the liquidity in terms of

Better and timely quality of services and product diversification. Highest loan amount in comparison of other banks/financial institutions. It provide car loan at lowest rate of interest in comparison to other banks/financial
institution. Negative Points: The company take long processing time, during the time customer may dilute his plan of taking loan. Communication gap to approach right kind of people No long term customer relationship. List of defaulters MAHINDRA FINANCE. is not providing services like refinance & overdraft


Try to maintain very good relationship with car dealers. MAHINDRA FINANCE. is having a large number of existing customers so they should
convert their strength in opportunity.

Try to aware customer about car loan availability & procedure that how to apply for

More promotional schemes should be followed, for example if a customer is paying

his EMI regularly, he can be given some gift or some concession in interest rate that would be an incentive for others also to pay regularly.

By making randomly surveys it should identify prospective buyers. By declaring special loan scheme on festive seasons i.e. loan mela. Facility to access loan from anywhere i.e. nearest to your resident, office, working

Properly and timely solution of customer complaints. MAHINDRA FINANCE. should also provide extra facilities like Refinance & Overdraft
facilities which help in making new & retain existing customers & win the trust of the people.

APPENDICSES:Q. Who can avail car loan? A. Individuals and Business Concerns. Q. Whether finance is also available for used cars? A. Finance is also available for purchase of Used Cars not older than 3 years. Q. How much loan can be availed under the scheme?

A. For individuals, loan amount shall be 24 times the net monthly Salary/Income, subject to maximum of 70% of the cost of the vehicle whichever is less. In case of business concerns, loan amount can be up to Rs100lakh or Rs1crore. Q. Whether the income of the spouse is also taken into account for determining the amount of loan? A. Yes, income of the spouse can also be taken into account for determining the amount of loan. In such cases, the spouse shall stand as a guarantor. Q. What will be the repayment period? A. Amount of loan together with interest shall be repayable in 72 equal monthly installments. However, for old car, loan together with interest is to Repaid maximum in 36 equal monthly Installment. Q. How much loan can be availed for Indian Make & Foreign Make Vehicle? A. MAHINDRA FINANCE Provide car loan for Indian Vehicle as well as for Foreign Make Vehicle. The company Provide maximum amount of Rs25lakh for Indian make vehicle & Rs75lakh for Foreign Make Vehicle. Q. Whether interest applicable is flat rate or at reducing balance? A. Interest is charged on reducing balance. Q. What formalities are to be completed for availing the facility?

A. The following documents are required to be submitted: 1. Performa Invoice of Car to be purchased 2. Proof of residence 3. Proof of Income 4. Detail of Guarantor

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study report consists of few limitations:

The report has been conducted within a limited time frame. Only selected Branches and Banks have been considered for the study. Samples were selected conveniently. For the convenient of study non probability samples have been used. Amateur use of MS-Excel software for Data Analysis.

The sample size does not represent the total population. Most of the time people give appointment but they are not available at that time. Awareness level of the company is low. Market was too volatile during the period of research .

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