A Study On Customer Satisfaction in Muthoot Finance, Venkatagiri
A Study On Customer Satisfaction in Muthoot Finance, Venkatagiri
A Study On Customer Satisfaction in Muthoot Finance, Venkatagiri
&Sciences: Tirupati.
&Sciences: Tirupati.
My study report gives a brief on Customer Satisfaction and the techniques of achieving Customer Satisfaction. It
focuses on customer's perceptions. Many firms are interested in understanding what their customers thought about
their shopping or purchase experience, because finding new cus tomers is generally more costly and difficult than
servicing existing or repeat customers. Such researches provide a wider scope to the firms in the terms of high
customer satisfaction. "Within organizations, the collect ion, analysis and dissemination of t hese data send a message
about the importance of tending to customers and ensuring that they have a positive experience with the company's
goods and services."
Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in market ing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by
a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as “the number of customers, or
percentage of total customers , whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds
specified satisfaction goals.” In the survey of nearly senior market ing managers, 71 percent responded that they
found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses.
The authors also wrote that "customer satisfaction data are among the most frequently collected indicators of market
perceptions. Their principal use is twofold:"
"Although sales or market share can indicate how well a firm is performing currently, satisfaction is perhaps the best
indicator of how likely it is that the firm’s customers will make further purchases in the future. Much research has
focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and retention. Studies indicate that the ramifications of
satisfaction are most strongly realized at the extremes."
Customer satisfaction plays a vital role in the co mpany’s growth. If customers are satisfied with the product
or service, the co mpany can expand otherwise it has to focus the areas where customers are not satisfied,
for this, we need to study the Customer satisfaction of the co mpany. The present study focuses on customer
satisfaction of Muthoot Finance in Venkatagiri.
The survey is purely based on the Venkatagiri and has focused on customers. The study covers the information
about the mind set of customers may varies fro m situation & where the respondents may not be able to give required
and accurate information.
YES 60 60
NO 40 40
1 2
From the above chart shows that 60% of the respondents are satisfied and 40% of the respondence are not
satisfied with Muthoot finance.
S .no Options Respondents Percentage
1 Highly Satisfied 40 40
2 Satisfied 26 26
3 Dissatisfied 22 22
4 Dissatisfied 12 12
No. of Responents
1 2 3 4 Total
Options No. Respondents Percentage
Fro m the above chart shows that 40% of the respondents are highly satisfied ,26% o f the respondence are satisfied,
22% of the respondence are dissatisfied and 12% of the respondence are highly dissatisfied with Muthoot finance
No of
S.no options respondents Percentage
2 Advertisements 15 15
3 Dealers 30 30
4 Others 15 15
Interpretation: Fro m the above chart shows that 40% of the respondents are aware of through friends and
relatives, 15% of the respondents are aware of through advertisements, .30% of respondents are through
dealers of Muthoot finance.
Muthoot Finance Clear That 66% Of the Respondents Are Satisfied with Service.
70% of the respondents are satisfied by Quality services while purchasing Muthoot Finance gold loans.
70% Of the Respondents Are Satisfied with Price of Muthoot Finance When Co mpared with Other Brand
Muthoot Finance is inferred that 40% of the respondents are aware of Muthoot finance through friends and
I would like to sugges t that Muthoot Finance invest or expense their money into advertisement and they
have to cover more customer because in gold loan market there are many banks wh ich are giv ing tough
competition to the Muthoot Finance.
There are Malappuram bank, IIFL gold loan, Muthoot Fincorp are the co mpetitors of the Muthoot Finance
and they have to give fight to these banks.
Fro m my research I can conclude that there are more middle-class families who get benefit of Muthoot Finance’s
services. There is mostly s mall-scale Businesses, are take visit o f Muthoot Finance’s. Most of respondents are
satisfied fro m the services which are provided by home loans, and personal loans. Lo w-income earner people take
more loan as compare to high income earner.
1. Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, 2006, Marketing Management, Pearson publishers, New