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City of The Ancients (Final)

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The introduction provides an overview of the adventure's setting within the City of the Ancients, which is a dangerous location featuring a mixture of genres including swords & sorcery, post-apocalyptic, science-fiction, and fantasy elements.

The two factions that control opposing sides of the City of the Ancients are the Space Aliens and the Irrationalists, a faction of Space Aliens that broke away after beginning secret studies into sorcery and highly disordered energies.

The origins of the City of the Ancients are mysterious, as it was originally constructed by an ancient tribe on the planet Carcosa, but was later discovered abandoned by Space Alien factions, who were unable to return it to its origin after experimenting with it and disturbing unknown forces, transporting it through time and space to its current location.


Welcome to City of the Ancients, an adventure that is part of The Darkness Beneath series. The defining characteristic of the City is a tumultuous mixture of genres swords & sorcery, post-apocalyptic, science-fiction, and fantasy that is inspired by Geoffrey McKinney's outstanding booklet Supplement V: CARCOSA (available here: Although this adventure can be easily run with any of the original roleplaying games or their retro-clones alone, it is best played with that revelatory booklet in hand as well. Within the City and its environs, a wide range of challenges await, from both the environment itself and the inhabitants within. The dangers here can be extreme, and players will soon learn that discretion is the better part of valor... particularly if their PCs are robbed of their most potent magical powers and items. Accordingly, lower level PCs should they somehow make their way to the City are not at an insurmountable disadvantage... but they will certainly have a harder time of it than a more experienced party. But the bottom-line is, this adventure is going to be deadly for any who wade in heedlessly looking for a fight. Although designed for use as part of The Darkness Beneath, City of the Ancients is suitable for use in any game inspired by the collision of Old School mechanics with gonzo aesthetics.

open. The two sides battled one another ferociously, eventually barricading themselves into opposite sides of the City in an uneasy stalemate. For over two hundred years, they have remained as such, launching endless patrols and excursions, sniping at one another's flanks, but incapable of dealing a substantive blow to upset the balance of power. Occasionally, interlopers wander in from the lower levels of 'The Darkness Beneath,' but they never survive long neither the Space Aliens nor the Irrationalists desire interference from the unclean things of this unknown world... although those attitudes may be changing.


There are two entrances to Level 14 one from 'The Hall of Mirrors' (see Fight On! #8), and another from 'The Blasphemous Shrine of the Tentacled God' (see Fight On! #9): 1. The Way of The Guardian. The floor hatch in 'The Hall of Mirrors' opens to a sturdy metal ladder that descends straight down through a narrow tunnel into the depths of the underground. Including stops to rest, it takes five hours to safely descend the two-mile length of the ladder. The bottom of the ladder deposits climbers into a chilly, 15' wide x 10' high x 300' long passage with a metal catwalk floor, and walls & ceiling of softly glowing icy white crystal. Visibility is no more than 30', due to frigid vapors that rise from a river of liquid nitrogen beneath the catwalk (inaccessible unless the catwalk is destroyed). 50' in, further passage is blocked by a man dressed in heavy fur robes and carrying a silver scepter. He doesn't look that tough... The Guardian responds to any attempts to proceed by firing emerald beams from his scepter at the PCs. The exertion of combat will cause The Guardian to gradually shed flesh and robes, revealing a construct of metal and technology beneath. It will defend the entrance to the City of the Ancients to the death.

The origins of the City of the Ancients are shrouded in mystery. It was founded upon the dread planet CARCOSA, that cursed world torn between technology and sorcery, apocalypse and oblivion. It is a citadel erected by the hand of some ancient tribe of Man, although no men upon that blasted world today could achieve a fraction of its like. Today, the City of the Ancients is... here. The Space Alien factions who contest the City had discovered it, abandoned, upon CARCOSA. They probed... experimented... contemplated... tinkered... and eventually disturbed something beyond the powers of their vast technology to rationalize. The City was propelled through time & space to its current location at the root of 'The Darkness Beneath.' For a time, the Space Aliens worked to reverse whatever effect had thrust them amok. Years became decades... and then centuries... and yet, their technology and toil offered no insights. Certain of the greatest minds among them began to doubt the capacity of logic to provide a solution this faction dubbed themselves the 'Irrationalists,' and they commenced secret studies into sorcery and related highly disordered energies. The schism between the 'true' Space Aliens and the Irrationalists was impossible to bridge. Mutual mistrust soon evolved into open hostility, and the Irrationalists were banished from positions of prominence; they responded with ever more irresponsible excursions into forbidden knowledge & techniques. Their travesties became impossible to ignore, and internecine warfare flared into the

The Guardian DC 4, SPD 90' (30'), HD 10 [45hp], ATT gamma radiation beam scepter [3 dice] or crushing grip [2 dice], SD damage from fire, cold, & electricity attacks; charm/sleep immunity; full suite of special detection systems, SV D10, ML 12, AL L.

At the end of this passage is a ladder up and metal hatch that opens into the UnderJungle. 2. The Exposed Balcony. The broad stone staircase leading from 'The Blasphemous Shrine of the Tentacled God' narrows quickly into an increasingly steep stair that seems to plummet endlessly, deep into the underground. The descent is two miles of torturous switchbacks and spiraling steps that takes four hours (including rest stops) to navigate safely.

At the bottom, the passage lets out into an exposed natural balcony that juts out from the side of the uneven cavern wall 75' above the floor of the UnderJungle. A thief will be able to climb down without much trouble, and there are ample crevices to secure a grappling hook & rope to allow others to rappel down. On the underside of the balcony are several Piercers, who will attack anyone who attempts to descend the cavern wall. There are several treasures amidst the heaped bones and stony debris at the foot of the wall: 94cp, 231sp, 72gp, a Ring of Water Walking, a Wand of Cold [2 charges], a battle axe, 21 arrows, and several worthless scraps of rusting chainmail.

MAGIC & SORCERY The Space Aliens control the use of magic in the City of the Ancients with their Order Generator, a hi-tech artifact that emits energy on a highly-structured wavelength disruptive to magical & sorcerous emanations. Within their citadel, the machine is infallible, and all magic is canceled out; with distance, the effects of the machine are diminished, and magical energies may or may not be allowed. Localized effects of the Order Generator: The UnderJungle The effects of the Order Generator do not extend beyond the City, and the UnderJungle is slightly magical in nature itself. Magic & sorcery function as normal here. Dead City The effect of the machine is greater here, but not overwhelming. Artifacts function normally. The 'pluses' of magical weapons & armor also function normally. Lesser magical items, special magical powers of weapons & armor, and magical abilities of monsters and the like may malfunction if used (roll per use): 50% they function normally, 40% they are rendered inert for 1d12 hours, after which time they function normally, 10% they are permanently de-magicked. Spells & rituals may malfunction. The caster will sense resistance and may voluntarily halt casting to ensure safety. If casting continues, caster level x5% is the chance that the casting is successful. Failed casting of a spell means the spell is lost and the caster is dazed for 1d2 turns. Rituals fail 50% of the time, although even in failure the caster still unnaturally ages as if casting was successful. Sanctum of the Irrationalists Over the centuries, the Irrationalists have devised makeshift solutions to the problem of the Order Generator: they have imbued their lair with persistent magical energies, and developed substances from certain rare elemental materials that reflect the energies the machine emits. The base effects are as in the Dead City, but magic items, monsters, and spellcasters within the Sanctum roll twice when determining any effects of the Order Machine, keeping the result of their choice. Rituals may be cast as normal, without the additional chance of failure. Citadel of the Space Aliens The power of the Order Generator is insurmountable here. Magical artifacts will teleport themselves away through time and/or space to a safe location the level of the owning PC is the % chance that its new location is known (getting there to recover it is another question). Lesser magical items will be destroyed instantly: they may glow red-hot and explode, vaporize in a spray of raw magic, or simply be rendered inert,

9 Piercers DC 3, SPD 10' (3'), HD 3, ATT death drop [3 dice], SV F3, ML 10, AL N [unintelligent].

LAYOUT The cavern is a five mile diameter rough half-sphere, partly natural and partly expanded and engineered by succeeding generations of Space Alien technicians. The ceiling of the cavern is over a mile above the floor at its highest point. Water trickles down from above in generous quantities: drips fall like rain, trickles & splashes tumble down the walls, and roiling vapors frequently erupt from thermal vents in the floor. Dense mists and drifting fog sometimes obscure sight, though never for long. The one mile diameter City is visible from most points within the cavern, and many points within the jungle finding it is never a challenge. Five towers are readily discernible, each in varying states of visible decrepitude. Strange lights, whooshing Space Alien Anti-Grav Sleds, and solitary explosions can be witnessed at odd intervals, if anyone watches long enough. VISIBILITY In the first years of their confinement in this new place, the Space Aliens created a small artificial sun to bring light to the vast cavern. In the center of the ceiling, a mile above the cavern floor, they installed various machineries that generate and sustain a white hole, which spews filtered photonic radiation in abundant quantities. This radiation provides prodigious light & heat, but is free of more dangerous radiations. The Space Aliens designed the artificial sun to mimic conditions on their native world. A 'day' in the cavern lasts 24 hours: 18 hours of bright daylight is followed by 6 hours of relatively dim light equivalent to a clear night with a full moon. Temperatures never stray from a balmy range that is generally tolerable. There is a very abrupt event horizon surrounding the white hole anything that approaches closer than 100' will be overwhelmed by radiant energy and destroyed.

GM's choice. Monsters with innate magical abilities will be de-magicked, and must save vs. spells or suffer an immediate reaction of utmost terror. Monsters of surpassing power (Titans, ancient Dragons, unique Demons and Devils, etc.) will instantly depart for greener pastures, in the manner of an artifact. Spells & rituals will malfunction violently. Caster must save vs. spells success means magical feedback provides a warning and casting of the spell/ritual may be halted safely, failure means there is no warning, the spell/ritual automatically fails, and the caster takes 1 dice damage per spell level, or 6 dice damage for a ritual. Caster is also rendered comatose for 1d6 days. These rules are brief and cannot cover every situation, and the GM is encouraged to use common sense and best judgment when ruling on unique cases.

4 indicating they have fallen in. Victims will sink & suffocate in 3d4 rounds (heavily encumbered victims sink twice as fast), unless they are helped out by someone outside the pool, or can devise some other means of escape. 79-80 Giant Jungle Ant Column. A rapacious column of Giant Jungle Ants surges through the jungle. If left undisturbed, they will not attack; if interlopers approach within 30', they will attack with gusto. Their path can be easily tracked back to the Giant Jungle Ant Colony (see UNDERJUNGLE KEYED DESCRIPTIONS).

1d10x100 Giant Jungle Ants DC 6, SPD 150' (50'), HD 1, ATT bite [2 dice, save vs. poison for damage], SV F1, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

Decades ago, the Irrationalists engaged in a sorcerous ritual that ran wild. They had intended to transport the City to a new location in time & space, a magic-laden jungle world that had appeared to them amidst fevered dreams born of narcotic fumes. Instead, a portion of that world was brought to the Darkness Beneath, and the UnderJungle was born. In the years since, the jungle has thrived under the nourishing radiation of the 'sun' built by the Space Aliens, and it is now as much a part of Level 14 as is the City itself. Movement in the UnderJungle is as normal for dense jungle, i.e. at the normal rate. The chance of losing direction is diminished to 10%, due to the unique nature of the cavern. Water occasionally collects in the UnderJungle. There are minor streams, smalls pools, and areas of swampy terrain. Most of this water, however, is fouled by various slimes and fungi that make it unpalatable to drink. Water collected before it strikes the ground is safe to consume. UNDERJUNGLE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Roll 1d100 once every six hours, or if the PCs engage in behavior that is likely to draw attention (fighting, arguing, lighting a campfire, etc.) and consult the following table: 01-70 No Encounter. 71-75 Dinner. The UnderJungle is home to only a few species of what might be considered game animals: capybaras, hobtoads, slugfish, and olive jellies. The PCs stumble across 1d6 of a randomlydetermined species if they hunt quickly and skillfully, they may keep what they kill. 76-78 Slime Pool. A riot of tangled vines and mosses conceals a deep pool of mucous-y slime. If the party is moving cautiously, only the lead PC will fall in on a roll of 1-3 on 1d6. If they are moving carelessly, each PC must roll1d6, with a result of 1-

81-90 Implacable Hunter. Years ago, a humanoid combat droid achieved sentience and escaped from its Space Alien masters. Now it fancies itself the protector of the Jungle, and it stalks and slays any creature that trespasses its domain. The droid relishes the thrill of the hunt it will snipe at enemies for 2d6 rounds, close for a single melee attack, and then disappear again into the leafy depths, leaving its victims to wonder what the hell just hit them. It collects trophies from kills and displays them in its lair (see UNDERJUNGLE KEYED DESCRIPTIONS).

Droid XXA-936/H.7 DC 3, SPD 150' (50'), HD 10 [45hp], ATT x-ray pulse rifle [2 dice]; vibro-shortsword [2 dice, ignores armor], SD invisibility; infrared+longdistance vision; self-destruct [10 dice to any within 300'], SV D10, ML 12, AL L.

91-92 Fungus-Men Watchers. The glint of reflective eyes betrays the presence of several Fungus-Men among the surrounding foliage... just watching. Their motives and methods are inscrutable the Fungus-Men flee into the jungle if pursued, and defy all attempts at capture or violence. 93-94 Gross Beast. Trolls that make their home in the UnderJungle become a part of it, so completely covered in bizarre growths, drooping vines, shaggy mold, and rotting slime that they are virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding flora. If one hits with its bite attack, it will vomit green slime onto the victim.

Mutant Troll DC 4, SPD 120' (40'), HD 6+3, ATT 2 claws + bite [1 dice each / 2 dice], SA green slime vomit; surprise on 15, SD regeneration, SV F6, ML 10, AL C.

95-96 Rotting Plant Monster. Sounds like it's in the right place...

Shambling Mound DC 0, SPD 60' (20'), HD 11, ATT 2 bashes [2 dice each], SA smother, SD damage from weapons; electrical growth; damage immunities, SV

F11, ML 12, AL N. 97-98 Confused War Party. A war herd of Minotaurs wanders the jungle, transported here randomly by an enemy wizard in the heat of battle. They wear a hodge-podge of chain and plate armor, and wield heavy chopping blades. The Minotaurs' usual savagery has only been increased by the confusion of their current circumstances, and they fight with an additional +2 on all to hit rolls, and an additional +2 damage. Each Minotaur possesses gems and crude jewelry worth 1d100gp.

which no attacks or spell-casting is permitted), save vs. petrify to escape; failure means stuck back in the nest and must begin again, or face and fight the beetles. A refuse pile contains treasures: 92sp, 34gp, 10 lumps of unfinished sardonyx worth 35gp each, and a leather headband with platinum bangles worth 95gp. The beetles will not leave their nest to pursue enemies.

9 Boring Beetles DC 3, SPD 60' (20'), HD 5, ATT bite [2 dice], SV F5, ML 7, AL N [unintelligent].

8 Minotaurs DC 4, SPD 90' (30'), HD 6, ATT chopper [2 dice+4] or gore + bite [1 dice+2 / 1 dice+2], SV F6, ML 12, AL C.

99-00 Search Party. Several Irrationalist Space Aliens are diligently searching for the Totem of the Putrescent Blooms, the existence of which was recently delivered in a fever-dream. They will barter for information regarding its whereabouts, but will inevitably seek to capture any humans, demi-humans, or humanoids they encounter (with special attention paid to any Purple Men among them). There is an 80% chance that one will be armed with a Mutation Inducer. Each Irrationalist carries 5d10gp in jewelry and trinkets.

5. Lost Flying Machine. At the center of a particularly dense tangle of giant spiny palms, curtained mosses, and dripping slime molds (requires 3d6 turns to hack through) rests a Space Alien Anti-Grav Sled. Though abandoned for decades and slightly battered, it is still in working order. It will require a further 6d6 turns of effort to free the vehicle so that it may fly. If the machine is activated, it will broadcast a locating signal that will attract a substantial Space Alien patrol in 2d12 hours, consisting of several sleds and a cohort of combat droids. 6. Giant Jungle Ant Colony. A 40' high, 80' wide irregular mound of mud and debris marks the site of a large colony of Giant Jungle Ants (see UNDERJUNGLE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS). Extensive tunnels exist beneath the surface. Ants will emerge at the rate of 1d10 per round from each of five different openings to deal with intruders, who will be attacked savagely, but not pursued more than 100' from the nest. If a substantial threat to the colony materializes, the Giant Jungle Ant Queen will attack psionically from deep beneath the earth. Divided between several rooms within the colony are numerous treasures amounting to Horde Classes X, XII & XIII.

4d4 Irrationalist Space Aliens DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C.

UNDERJUNGLE KEYED ENCOUNTERS 3. Corrupted Treefolk. Long ago, several Treants arrived in the jungle, from parts unknown. Being stranded, they did their best to survive, and that struggle has twisted and scarred them. They have descended into savagery, and will attack lesser beings with ferocious enthusiasm. This tribe lairs within a dense portion of the jungle they are of hardwood stock, and the GM may allow keen-eyed PCs a chance to notice them among the tropical flora. Their leader is particularly powerful & reckless, and wields a laser weapon taken from a vanquished Space Alien. The group venerates a makeshift altar that is topped by a huge spur of unfinished jade, worth 8500gp.

1d100x100 Giant Jungle Ants DC 6, SPD 150' (50'), HD 1, ATT bite [2 dice, save vs. poison damage], SV F1, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

Boss Mistreant DC 0, SPD 60' (20'), HD 10, ATT ulfire laser beam bazooka [3 dice, 6 charges remaining] or 2 crushing blows [2 dice each], SA surprise on 1-3; animate trees, SV F10, ML 12, AL C. 7 Mistreants DC 2, SPD 60' (20'), HD 8, ATT 2 crushing blows [2 dice each], SA surprise on 1-3; animate trees, SV F8, ML 9, AL C.

7. Predator's Lair. The jungle thins slightly around a small rise that is crowned with several tumbled boulders and slabs of natural granite. This is the lair of the robotic hunter (see UNDERJUNGLE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS), as might be evident from the profusion of skulls that are carefully maintained here. Some dangle from tall trees, some are heaped in tidy pyramids, and others are arranged in geometric patterns on the litter-strewn floor. There are several dozen Space Alien skulls, half as many human ones, and a mixture of other skulls that are identifiable Dwarf, Minotaur, Mind Flayer, Orc and many that are not. There is a 30% chance that the robotic hunter is encountered here, and it will defend its lair to the death. It has assembled further trophies and a small cache of treasure in a cubby beneath a granite slab: an elaborate bronze helmet with silver accents worth 250gp, a platinum medallion with a skull motif worth 450gp, 2 exquisite rubies worth 1200gp each, a Periapt of Wound Closure, a mithril belt buckle worth 300gp, a Naga-skin headband featuring 4 large opals worth 2250gp, a pink & green Ioun Stone, 7 titanium torcs of Space Alien design worth 1300gp each, and a gold and emerald pendant of obscene design worth

4. Hidden Nest. Without warning, the ground beneath the PCs collapses into a large, musty, fungus & mold-filled chamber (no damage from soft landing). This is the nest of a pack of Boring Beetles, who attack ferociously in defense of their home. PCs may attempt to scramble up the pile of dirt & debris and out of the nest. After two rounds (during

950gp. 8. Suicide Pool. Moisture is everywhere in the UnderJungle, but it collects into clean pools in very few places. This attractive watering hole is quite large and inviting, however incautious drinkers will be ambushed by the Aquatic Hydra that has made its home here. Treasures have collected in the muck at the (35' deep) bottom of the pool: 13cp, 44sp, 9ep, 139gp, 10pp, an Ogre-sized ornamental club of bronze and carnelian worth 410gp, a tarnished +1 buckler, a Helm of Teleportation, and 3 large black pearls worth 250gp each.

and the foliage clears to reveal the City of the Ancients. It will be plain to observers that the City is largely in ruins: the wall is battered and crumbling, rubble is piled high, and the few remaining towers are visibly in disrepair an air of decay and dissolution permeates the area. The City is divided into three zones: The Citadel of the Space Aliens is where these visitors from another world have pledged to make their last stand, protected (for now) only by the potency of their technology. Their three towers are partially restored, some rubble has been cleared, and the area is festooned with detection devices and automated defenses. The Sanctum of the Irrationalists is a shattered tower that has been occupied and excavated by those deranged Space Aliens who have turned their backs on logic, reason, and science, in favor of sorcery, emotionalism, and unrestrained savagery. The approaches to their fastness are guarded by fell beasts and stealthy watchers. The Dead City is the ruined remainder of the metropolis across its rubble strewn boulevards and crumbled splendor, the Space Aliens do battle with the Irrationalists, while interlopers from the levels above and mutated beasts from within the City gnaw away at both and each other. One mighty tower remains intact, but its obsidian walls are dark and forbidding. Another tower, of a cloudy ruby-colored crystal, shows obvious battle-damage, and a foul effluent erupts from its upper reaches at irregular intervals it leans noticeably to one side, and how it remains standing is anyone's guess. The City of the Ancients is not huge by any means, but traversing its length takes quite some time, as movement is constrained by the dangerous terrain streets are clogged with rubble, unstable buildings threaten constant collapse, and hazards abound. In order to avoid these dangers, PCs must move with extra caution. Safe movement occurs at 1/3 rd the normal rate. This does not completely guarantee safety, and movement at this rate requires each PC to save vs. breath attack once every six hours, with failure requiring a roll on the CITY MOVEMENT HAZARD TABLE below. There is no chance of losing direction, as the remaining towers are obvious landmarks. If PCs insist on moving faster (either by impatience or the need to flee more immediate dangers), each must save vs. breath attack once per turn, or roll on the CITY MOVEMENT HAZARD TABLE. The perimeter areas around the Citadel and the Sanctum are somewhat clear of rubble and less dangerous normal movement rules should be used, and there is no need for saving throws. CITY MOVEMENT HAZARD TABLE Roll 1d12 and consult the following table:

Aquatic Hydra DC 5, SPD 120' (40') [swim], HD 9, ATT 9 bites [2 dice each], SV F9, ML 9, AL N [unintelligent].

9. Detestable Bog. After thickening notably, the UnderJungle clears a bit here, and a gentle rise marks the lip of a broad bowl of shallow, slime-befouled water. Several twisted, tentacular fungi of remarkable size emerge from the muck; though harmless, they can be observed to writhe and squirm with subtle malignity. At the center of this bowl, the fallen shaft of a massive tree sits partially submerged. Known to sorcerers as the Totem of the Putrescent Blooms, despite the soggy conditions it shows no signs of decay; weird glyphs, sinister runes, and obscene pictographs are carved upon its entire length. Sprouting from the underside of this trunk are the six types of fungi required for the ritual Conjuration of the Foul Putrescence. If any of these blooms are removed, a Fungal Obscenity will bubble up from the mire and attack. Treasure amounting to Horde Class XXII is scattered in the muck.

Fungal Obscenity DC 7, SPD 60' (20'), HD 9, ATT 3 bashing extrusions [1 dice each, if victim is hit with all three in a round save vs. petrify or unconscious for 1d10 rounds], SA spew Yellow Mold spore cloud 3x per day, SD charm/sleep immunity, SV F9, ML 12, AL C.

10. Rude Camp. Several beds of heaped muck and damp moss mark the campsite of a group of Deep Ones. They were brought to the City of the Ancients via the Irrationalists' sorcery, and are now negotiating the performance of various uncouth deeds on their behalf, but prefer the comfort of the bog for their accommodations. The group totals eighteen members if a lesser number are encountered here, the remainder are off conspiring with their confederates, and will flee back into the Sanctum in great haste if they return to discover their campsite has been destroyed. A sealed ceramic urn contains mixed coins and small gems of 230gp total value.

3d6 Deep Ones DC 5, SPD 90' (30') or 240' (80') [swim], HD 1+1, ATT coral clubs [1 dice+3],SA +3 STR bonus to hit, SV D1, ML 10, AL C.


Near the center of the UnderJungle, the ground rises gently

1-3 Road Rash. Minor bumps, bruises, and scrapes add up to 1d2 damage. 4-6 Twisted Ankle. 1d4 damage, movement reduced by , all attack rolls and saving throws suffer a -1 penalty until healing is received. 7-8 Broken Leg. 1 dice damage, no movement, attack rolls and saving throws are at -4 until lost hp are healed. 9-10 Cracked Skull. A nasty spill ends in a headfirst landing. 1 dice damage, knocked unconscious for 1d6 rounds, and thereafter attack rolls and saving throws are at -4 until lost hp are healed. If the victim is wearing a helmet, all effects are halved. 11 Trapped. The ground collapses and the PC drops into a narrow crevasse. 1 dice damage, and they're gonna need some help getting out. 12 Collapsing Building. An unstable ruin turns into an ad hoc deadfall trap, take 4 dice damage (save vs. dragon breath for damage). Award the PCs one free roll on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE. AFFECTING THE BALANCE OF POWER PCs are under no obligation to become involved in the larger struggle gripping the City. They can attack both sides, try to ignore each, skulk among the ruins and plunder & raid as opportunities allow, or depart as quickly as possible. The City is a (tremendously dangerous) playground, and PCs should be free to conduct themselves as they see fit. However, after two centuries of stalemate, each side is now open to assistance from like-minded outsiders. Should the PCs attempt to make contact with one faction or the other, and display motives and an outlook seemingly in line with their own (Law for the Space Aliens, and Chaos for the Irrationalists), an alliance may be formed. Of course, each faction will be ruthlessly true to their own goals once their nemeses are destroyed, the PCs will be disposed of as quickly as is convenient. The Space Aliens and the Irrationalists know how to destroy one another, they simply lack the means. PCs can tip the balance by accomplishing any of the following: Helping the Space Aliens Recover the Ytterbium Coil The Order Generator is only operating at a fraction of its potential. Recovering the Ytterbium Coil, stolen long ago by the Irrationalists, will allow the effects of the Order Generator to envelop the entire level. Without their sorcery, the Irrationalists would quickly fall. Infiltrate a Nuke The Space Aliens have diligently scraped together enough fissionable material to cobble together a small nuclear bomb.

Detonating the bomb outside the Sanctum will not destroy it they need someone they can trust to get it inside the complex and set it off. Helping the Irrationalists Destroy the Order Generator The Order Generator is the most potent tool the Space Aliens have to hold off the Irrationalists; with magic & sorcery free to run wild, they could be quickly overwhelmed. Destroy the Clone Bank No more clone bank would mean the Space Aliens could no longer replace their losses in personnel. At worst, victory for the Irrationalists would simply be a matter of waiting their enemy out. Recruit an Army The Irrationalists have tried recruiting allies from among the few humanoids that wander down to the City, but have had no luck in finding help. Powerful PCs might be able to raise an army to cast down the walls of the Space Aliens. GMs are encouraged to devise additional plots to effect a change in the status quo, particularly if these play to the strengths or motivations of their players' characters.


The Dead City is choked by piled rubble, mostly shattered concrete. In a few places, more exotic debris marks former buildings fractured obsidian blocks, rusted steel girders, and twisted sheets of unidentifiable metal. There are numerous small pools and damp areas, but these are visibly contaminated with poisonous effluents of every color and consistency. Smoke billows in places from fires that rage deep beneath the rubble. A scattering of buildings still stand, after a fashion. Most are missing at least one wall or the roof, and they are all unstable and prone to collapse using one for shelter increases the chance of misfortune. Ancient treasures and forgotten technologies still exist amidst this destruction, but uncovering them is hazardous work. Two towers remain standing in the Dead City, but both the Irrationalists and the Space Aliens give them wide berth. DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE The Dead City has been warred over for generations, and in that time the ruins have been blasted and picked clean repeatedly. However, much of value remains undisturbed beneath the rubble, and enterprising PCs who do not mind attracting attention to themselves can profit handsomely from excavating the debris. PCs may dig down into the rubble wherever they please. This labor is quite noisy for each hour spent digging, roll once on the DEAD CITY RANDOM ENCOUNTERS table. Two cumulative hours of excavating the same location allows the PCs to roll 1d100 on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE.

The GM is free to adjust the amount of digging allowed to match the expectations of the campaign. If you want the PCs to have access to more loot, simply allow more digging to limit loot, reduce the allowance for excavation. A good benchmark: allow digging in one spot every 500'. Some encounters reward the PCs with free rolls on this table in these cases, no additional random encounter rolls need be made, simply roll the dice for scavenging and apply the results: 1-75 Nothing found. 76 A melted lump of solid gold worth 1250gp. 77 Snake-Men artifacts: ancient decorative tiles, metal containers, and mundane personal items worth 1500gp to a sophisticated collector. 78 A jale laser pulse pistol (works fine, but the power cell is drained). 79 Set of twelve nested titanium beakers, worth 1000gp to an alchemist. 80 Peculiar and lovely small metallic object d'art of unknown manufacture, has powers that are nonmagical but identical to a Periapt of Health. 81 Solar power cell charger, can recharge energy weapons at a rate of one charge per hour during daylight (white hole illumination counts). Weighs 5 lbs. 82 Spool of 1000' of very fine silver wire, worth 750gp. 83 Crude soapstone idol of Nyarlathotep, utterly foul for non-Chaotics to behold. Once per month it can cast Charm Person, and will direct victims to commit evil acts. Weighs 20 lbs., worth 10,000gp to the wrong type of person. 84 Hi-tech sack of an unknown, incorruptible material: waterproof, does not burn, impervious to acid, extremely resistant to tearing & puncturing, can hold volume equivalent to a large sack, though much more weight. 85 Small wooden chest containing 294 gold coins thickness and purity of coins means each is worth 10gp. 86 Skeleton of a long-dead Gnoll hero. Personal effects include a sword +1, flame tongue (command word is Zooost!), leather armor +3, an engraved pearl charm bracelet worth 800gp, and 3x potion of healing (made more potent with age, if drinking one takes imbiber's hp beyond normal maximum, the extra point(s) are gained permanently). 87 A vaguely pistol-shaped magical EMP device. If aimed at a spell-caster and activated, a burst of magical energy engulfs the target, causing all

currently memorized spells to be wiped away. Only works against memorized spells, not spell-like abilities or innate magical powers. Small dial on grip indicates 6 charges remain. 88 Ornate and heavy (17 lbs.) necklace of gold plates and tiger's eye stones. When casting a ritual, the wearer may make a second save vs. spells to avoid unnatural aging, if the first was failed. Worth 1800gp to the uninitiated, but beyond calculable value to a Chaotic spellcaster, and the owner will be subject to constant scrutiny and plotting from jealous sorcerers. 89 Small dagger carved from a single emerald, worth 8000gp. 90 Barrel-like torso of a deceased Primordial One. Holster contains a curious raygun. Can be fired once per day (recharges by itself), odd grip makes it -4 to hit, victim must save vs. spells or be affected identically to the Magic-User spell Antipathy. 91 Loose gemstones of various types in a rotting satchel: 1d100 gems worth 1d10x10gp each. 92 Holocrystal of Space Alien manufacture. When activated, displays a map that shows a secret entrance into Sub-Level 1 of Beta Retreat. 93 Non-magical circlet that functions identically to a Necklace of Adaptation. 94 Space Alien locator beacon when activated, a strong patrol of several sleds and a cohort of combat droids will arrive 2d12 hours later. 95 1d12 miniaturized Irrationalists, encased in amber. Worth 300gp each to a sophisticated buyer. If exposed to a significant electrical charge, the amber will shatter and the Irrationalist inside will return to life at normal size. 96 A very large corpse is entombed in a thick layer of ulfire mold. The mold is harmless, the body is of an Ogre Mage a thick book chained to its belt contains pages with the Magic-User spells Fly, Hold Person, Ice Storm, Magic Jar, Control Weather, and Vanish. 97 A heavy (50 lbs.) metal cannister that contains one gallon of a thick, lustrous gold liquid. This is, in fact, a bizarre type of pure gold that remains liquid at room temperature. Virtually any price can be asked of an alchemist for this fabled substance of sublime potency. 98 Strange tools of obscure, though recognizably human, design. They are worth 2500gp to a collector. 99 3d12 tablets in a small metal vial, these are preserved foodstuffs of hi-tech manufacture. Each one of these small tablets provides complete nourishment for a single humanoid for three days.

00 Roll twice, ignoring results less than 76. DEAD CITY RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Roll 1d100 once every six hours, or if the PCs engage in behavior that is likely to draw attention (fighting, arguing, excavating rubble, etc.) and consult the following table: 1-85 No Encounter. 86-88 Ravenous Mynocts. A flight of Mynocts is on the prowl, looking for something to eat. If surprised, they are found picking at the remains of ancient machinery; otherwise they swoop in to attack.

came from. Mutated zoo escapee? Creation of the Irrationalists run wild? Some dark demon from parts of the Darkness Beneath unknown? It preys upon all that it comes across, and Irrationalists and Space Aliens alike know to flee its savage wrath.

Dead City Devil DC 3, SPD 150' (50'), HD 13, ATT 2 slashing claws + gore [2 dice each / 3 dice] or trample [4 dice], SA surprise on 1-4; can turn invisible 3x per day, SV F13, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

DEAD CITY KEYED ENCOUNTERS 11. Rusty Lake. A sunken plaza filled with rust-colored water that smells strongly of metallic decay. The water is highly corrosive to metal: immersion causes instant disintegration of anything short of an artifact, a splash requires metal items to save vs. breath attack (magic items get their 'plus' as a bonus) to avoid destruction. Drinking the water requires a save vs. poison to avoid death. Water removed from the lake loses its destructive properties after 24 hours, but remains poisonous indefinitely.

2-16 Mynocts DC 6, SPD 180' (60') [fly] and 30' (10') [crawl], HD 3, ATT bite [1 dice x ], SA electric discharge, SV F3, ML 7, AL N [unintelligent].

89-91 Prowling Beast. Sometimes, the monsters created by the Irrationalists escape... and sometimes they are simply turned loose.

??? Spawn of Shub-Niggurath generate randomly per rules.

92-95 Recon Patrol. A Space Alien patrol, ready for trouble. If they meet up with a serious threat, they will retreat to the Citadel, and a much more powerful strike force will be assembled & unleashed.

12. Ambush Stairs. What looks at first like a deep pit is actually a very steep set of stairs leading down into the ground. After 40', the stairs end in an impenetrable clot of rubble, the lair of a Giant Wolf Spider. Buried in the debris is an uncut sapphire worth 900gp, a dozen normal arrows, a tarnished silver pitcher worth 125gp, an Elder Sign, and the results of one free roll on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE.

Space Alien on Anti-Grav Sled DC 0, SPD 600' (200'), HD 8 [36hp], ATT cosmic radiation pulse rifle [4 dice], SV D10, ML 7, AL L. This Space Alien wears a titanium torc worth 1300gp. 1d4+2 Space Aliens in Battle Armor DC 2, SPD 180' (60'), HD 1-1, ATT microwave pulse pistol [1 dice] or stun baton [1 dice + save vs. wands or stunned 1d6 rounds], SD 20hp force field; communicator; telescopic+nightvision sights, SV D10, ML 7, AL L.

Giant Wolf Spider DC 6, SPD 60' (20'), HD 5 [33hp], ATT bite [1 dice], SA paralytic poison, SV F5, ML 10, AL N [unintelligent].

96-99 Hunting Party. The Irrationalists often infiltrate the Dead City in order to spy on the Space Aliens, probe for weaknesses, and disable detection devices & defenses. They will flee if they meet with more than they can handle. Each Irrationalist carries 5d10gp in jewelry and trinkets.

13. Cunning Trap. A dozen dead Space Aliens litter the perimeter of a gently smoking crater; their weaponry and abundant hi-tech supplies are scattered around them, completely intact. This is actually a holographic image projected by a small transmitter at the center of the illusion. If any non-Space Alien entity approaches within 50', a proximity-fused explosive detonates doing 5 dice damage to all within 100' (save v. breath attacks for damage). Hitech sensory devices or equivalent magicks may reveal the nature of the deception (GM discretion). 14. Belligerent Droid. A dwarf-sized service droid stumbles among a field a charred and broken plascrete pylons. It has suffered modest physical damage and extensive program corruption, and acts erratically. It will hurl a stream of obscenities (in Space Alien) at any who come within 100', and will attack those who approach closer than 10'. Knowledgeable scavengers can harvest this unit for several useful spare parts.

Tough Irrationalist DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 2+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice], SV MU2, ML 10, AL C. Implanted with a Command Crystal. 3d4 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or dart [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 10, AL C. 50% chance that one wields a Mutation Inducer.

Droid FTC398.ALPHA DC 4, SPD 30' (10'), HD 2 [9hp], ATT two pincers [1 dice x each], SV D10, ML 12, AL L.

00 Unique Brute. No one knows where this beast

15. Kaboom! A lone Kobold sits quietly on a rusted beam. If it sees the PCs, it will approach slowly in a nonthreatening manner. This is an early prototype of a Space Alien cyborg weapon if it is allowed to approach within 10' of any humanoid, or if it is killed, an explosive charge in its head will detonate for 3 dice damage to all within 50'. The explosion will disturb the rubble enough to allow one free roll on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE.

into a plain 20'x30' concrete vault. If care is taken to replace the debris and camouflage the entrance, this provides a sanctuary of sorts within the Dead City no random encounter checks need be made while the party is completely within this room. Additionally, valuable items from ages past have been safeguarded here the PCs are allowed three free rolls on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE when they first find this room. 18. Sleeping Giant. The PCs clumsy movement awakens a dormant warmachine. A 30' tall arachnid-form robot bursts from beneath the rubble and attacks. Its movement is hampered by three damaged legs, and it only has power for a limited number of shots from its primary weaponry, but it will attack all non-Space Alien targets relentlessly.

Weaponized Kobold DC 7, SPD 30' (10'), HD (2hp), ATT explosive charge [3 dice], SV 0 level Human, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

16. Tower Eternal. This looming, obsidian needle rises to a height not far short of the cavern ceiling. An open balcony about where the thirteenth level should be is the only apparent entrance. Through a low arched doorway is a small room with yellow plaster walls, no more than 10'x10'. Every available surface of this room is covered in bizarre scrawls, nauseating pictographs, and sanity-shaking runic script. Anyone who attempts to decipher any of this, by means magical or mundane, must roll 1d4 on the following table (no save): 1 Minions. Several B'yakhee coalesce outside the tower and attack the trespassers.

Droid A11101010..X DC 5, SPD 60' (20'), HD 20 [90hp], ATT cosmic radiation beam bazooka + blue laser Gatling rifle + flechette cannister gun [5 dice, 5 shots remaining / 6 dice, 3 shots remaining / 4 dice to all within a 30' wide, 100' long cone, 2 shots remaining] or 2 scything leg sweeps [3 dice each], SA surprise on 1-4, SV D10, ML 12, AL L.

3d4 B'yakhee DC 9, SPD 240' (80') [fly]; 90' (30') [land], HD 4, ATT claw swipe [1 dice], SA psionics [1d3+1 powers up to 4 times per day], SD teleportation, SV F4, ML 9, AL C.

Any battle with this machine guarantees that both the Space Aliens and the Irrationalists will send patrols to investigate. If defeated, the machine will prove to be a treasure trove of spare parts for technological items. Additionally, the rubble kicked up by this monster allows three free rolls on the DEAD CITY SCAVENGING TABLE. 19. Sneaky Pudding. A small pool beneath an exposed water main looks inviting, but a Black Pudding will burst out from the pipe to engulf any who investigate.

2 Madness. The reader must save vs. spells failure means drooling, slack-mouthed incoherence for 2d12 hours. Upon recovery, the victim's WIS score is halved permanently, and he suffers terror when confronted with the emblems of Hastur. 3 Monster. The reader is transformed into an Avatar of Hastur and attacks all in sight. After 5 rounds, the victim recovers with no memory of what just happened.

Black Pudding DC 6, SPD 60' (20'), HD 10, ATT acidic smother [3 dice], SA dissolve, SD harmed only by fire; split into smaller puddings, SV F5, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

Avatar of Hastur DC 2, SPD 240' (80') [fly]; 90' (30') [land], HD 15, ATT 6 throttling tentacles [2 dice each], SA electrical burst [1 dice damage to all within 30']; psionics [all powers once per day], SD immune to charm/sleep, heat, cold & electricity, SV F15, ML 12, AL C.

20. Ruby Tower. Reeking effluent spews occasionally from the upper reaches of this decrepit, crystalline tower, forming a large pool nearly 10' deep in places that surrounds the base of the spire. There are no doors or windows, but gaping holes in several places high in the tower allow entry. Within are narrow corridors comprised of ruby walls that seem to shift and change, and create weird reflections that easily confound trespassers. Any who enter must save vs. spells for each round they walk the corridors. Three failed saves in a row means the victim is lost forever, doomed to wander the endless maze for eternity; three successful saves in a row means a fractured panel of pure ruby is found, worth 1d6x10,000gp. The top of the tower, and source of the effluent, confounds investigation.

4 Mold. The walls of the room eject a burst of Yellow Mold spores all within must save vs. poison or die of suffocation in 6 rounds. A secret panel in the north wall of this room slides open to reveal a small shelf that holds a ceremonial dagger (worth 500gp to a Chaotic buyer), a large chrysoberyl (470gp), a neat stack of 20sp, and a diary that includes the Magic-User spells Duo-Dimension, Incendiary Cloud, and Maze. 17. Safe House. Beneath some light debris is a spiral staircase that descends into the ground. The passage is very narrow and menacing, but after winding for 50' opens


Formerly a soaring, slender tower of sublime beauty, this edifice has been hideously altered by battle and the sorcery

of the Irrationalists. Now only a stumpen scab of outer wall remains above ground. This wall is bulbous and misshapen, clad in a chitinous sheath of irregular, jagged, giant dolm scales. These scales are impervious to all types of energy weapons and radiant emissions; old scales are regularly shed and replaced with new growth... the outer wall is alive in some uncouth fashion. Below the ground, the Irrationalists have excavated a substantial basement level, wherein they conduct their most obscene rituals and outr sorcerous explorations. They are active gathering prisoners, planning raids into the City, conducting sorcerous experiments and intruders will be hard-pressed remaining undiscovered. They will mount a vigorous and intelligent defense of their base, using every opportunity to overcome intruders with guile and strength of numbers. There are 125 Irrationalists in the Sanctum. The entry to the perimeter of the Sanctum is a subtle transition, and most visitors will not realize they are entering an inhabited area until they come under attack. The approaches to the Sanctum are guarded by teams of Irrationalist dart-throwers, as well as bizarre creatures spawned within the complex. The Irrationalists have recently been active in trying to recruit allies to rid the City of the Space Aliens once and for all. Attempts to parley will be greeted enthusiastically; vanquished enemies will be captured and enticed to join the Irrationalists by more direct means. Generally, individual Irrationalists carry 5d10gp in jewelry and trinkets as treasure. SANCTUM PERIMETER RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Roll 1d10 once per turn. Results may overlap, i.e. the PCs may come under attack by dart-throwers for a turn, then an envoy will appear. 1-4 No Encounter. 5 Envoy. A representative of the Irrationalists emerges, to parley and determine if the PCs would make suitable allies, or simply fodder for experimentation. Total the levels of the PCs in the party that is the percentage chance that they will be invited in and asked to join in the destruction of the Space Aliens. Those that do not make the cut or refuse the alliance will be captured, likely to suffer a fate worse than death.

Irrationalists' monster factory has caught scent of the PCs and moves in to attack.

??? Spawn of Shub-Niggurath generate randomly per rules.

SANCTUM RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Roll 1d100 once every six turns, or if the PCs engage in behavior that is likely to draw attention (fighting, arguing, reckless movement, etc.) and consult the following table: 1-80 No Encounter. 81-90 Busy Bodies. Several Irrationalists on a mundane errand. They are not expecting trouble, and are likely to flee any threat to gather reinforcements.

2d4 Irrationalists DC 8, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 5, AL C.

91-92 Prisoner Transfer. A group of prisoners is being escorted to the pens in the lower level. If their captors are slain, roll 1d100 for each surviving prisoner: 1-50) terror-stricken, flee in random direction, 51-00) maniacally vengeful, will fight with reckless abandon against Irrationalists and Space Aliens.

4 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. There is a 75% chance that one is implanted with an Insanity Crystal. 3d6 Human Prisoners DC 9, SPD 120' (40'), HD 0 [1d4hp], ATT fists [1d3], SV 0 level Human, ML 6, AL N. Generate race randomly from list of CARCOSA types.

93-96 Outgoing Patrol. Several Irrationalists, headed out into the City and looking for trouble.

Tough Irrationalist DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 2+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or net [entangle], SV MU2, ML 10, AL C. Also implanted with an Insanity Crystal (50% chance) or a Command Crystal (50%). 3d4 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or dart [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 10, AL C.

Tough Irrationalist DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 2+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or net [entangle], SV MU2, ML 10, AL C. Also implanted with an Insanity Crystal (50% chance) or a Command Crystal (50%).

97-98 Routine Inspection. The second in command and several guards make the rounds. If attacked, one will gather reinforcements and the rest will fight.

6-8 Dart Patrol. Several Irrationalists attack from cover.

Call of the Void see Excretory Room for stats. 4 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. There is a 75% chance that one is implanted with an Insanity Crystal.

1d4+1 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or dart [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 10, AL C. Guardian. A product of the



99-00 Special Inspection. The guy in charge is checking things out. If attacked, one will gather

reinforcements and the rest will fight.

Incommeasurable Appeal see Boss Room for stats. 8 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. One is implanted with an Insanity Crystal and two others have Command Crystals.

some powerful magic could compel them to emerge. c. Bone Pen 1 Bone Man cowers in the corner. If the guards are killed, he can be goaded from the pen, as an animal might, and will follow very simple orders. At the most inopportune time, the fog of dementia will lift and be replaced with murderous rage he will attack the nearest PC savagely, rolling to hit as a 10HD monster, and fight to the death. d. Brown Pen Empty. f. Dolm Pen 14 Dolm Men of martial bent, led by The Private Desire a neutral 5th level Fighter, are confined here. They bear a grudge against the occupants of the Red Pen, who are notorious slavers. If freed, these men will immediately attempt to slay the Red Men if allowed, they will remain to fight the Irrationalists, otherwise they will turn on any who attempt to restrain them. g. Green Pen 6 Green Men pace this pen. If freed, these men will flee immediately, causing a great ruckus in the process. h. Jale Pen A single Jale Woman slumps in this pen. She has been experimented upon cruelly, and bears four hideous mutations: her legs have fused into a worm-like lower body, eyes are bulging and unblinking, tongue is a tentacle, and she has long, venomous talons. If freed, she will remain to fight the Irrationalists, but kill herself after 2d6 days. i. Orange Pen There a single Orange Girl here. She is catatonic, and powerful magics are required to restore her. j. Purple Pen Empty. k. Red Pen 11 Red Men, led by Dawn's Darkest Dream a chaotic 3rd level Fighter, plot within this pen. They have burrowed a narrow, concealed tunnel that links with the Ulfire Pen, and together they await an opportunity to strike at their captors. They know the danger posed by the Dolm Men, and will not hesitate to slay them if given the opportunity. Beyond that, they are only interested in escape. l. Ulfire Pen The 4 Ulfire Men await word from the Red Men to attempt an escape. If freed, they will flee immediately. m. White Pen Empty. n. Yellow Pen. An aged Yellow Woman squats here, cackling to herself enthusiastically. She will accompany those who free her, and help with noncombat tasks as she can. Although now feeble and insane, she retains some of the powers of the witch she once was with one hour of uninterrupted ministering to a wounded person, she can heal them for an extra 1d6hp per day. If she is ever led

SANCTUM LOWER LEVEL KEYED DESCRIPTIONS The lower level is generally well-lit by torches, and the Irrationalists are attentive: missing personnel, signs of battle, and disrupted operations will be noticed, and the Sanctum will be alert to the presence of intruders. 21. Hall of Blasphemers. Crude statues of lacquered offal leer at visitors, who may recognize depictions of the Great Old Ones, various uncouth entities, Astarot, Geryon, and others less notable, if equally repellent. The Irrationalists here are on guard for any trouble. Assorted decorative items (jugs, platters, and the like) are scattered about this hall, worth 100gp total.

1d4+1 Tough Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 2+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice], SV MU2, ML 10, AL C. Also implanted with an Insanity Crystal (50% chance) or a Command Crystal (50%). 3d6 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT hand weapon [1 dice] or dart [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 10, AL C.

22. Humming Room. A deep bass hum that can be felt from up to 100' away emanates from this room. The source of the hum is a jagged block of obsidian in the center of the floor. The block is circumscribed by a thick ring of coarse salt. Breaking the ring of salt, or removing the block, will cause the hum to cease; if the ring is restored or the block returned, the hum will resume. The block, salt, and room are magical, though no other effects are noteworthy. The obsidian block weighs 700lbs., and is worth 6000gp. The salt is tasty on prepared meats and vegetables. 23. Prisoner Pens. There are thirteen pens here, one for each race of CARCOSA the Irrationalists are diligent in separating one race from the next. If attacked, one of the guards will always try to flee to gather reinforcements. a. Black Pen 1 Black Man occupies this pen, The Capacity of Precision a lawful 4th level Sorcerer. He knows two rituals: Measureless Chimes of the Uttermost Rim and Impediment of the Iridescent Fume. He is reckless, and will plumb the depths of the Sanctum for hidden knowledge if freed. b. Blue Pen 4 Blue Men and 9 Blue Women huddle here. They are terrified and superstitious, and cannot be convinced to leave their pen only

at night into a bog or a swamp, 10d10 Amphibious Ones will erupt from the stagnant water and attempt to drag her back to their watery realm.

intruders to gather reinforcements.

2d6 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. One is implanted with an Insanity Crystal, and another wields a Mutation Inducer. Prisoners Generate stats as normal for type, but reduce hit points by 50% owing to torture and deprivation.

1d3 Irrationalists DC 9, SPD 120' (40'), HD 1+1, ATT fists [1d2], SV MU1, ML 2, AL C. Prisoners Generate stats as normal for type, but reduce to 1hp owing to torture and deprivation.

28. Ant Room. This portion of the complex has been long abandoned, so the recent incursion of Giant Jungle Ants here has not yet been noticed. The ants are currently working to expand the tunnels, and they will aggressively attack any intruders. Cagey PCs will be able to lure the ants into conflict with the Irrationalists.

24. Fortified Prison. Each of the three doors to this room are particularly stout, double-locked and barred. Within is a captive Ettin the Irrationalists have been trying to convince it to join with them, but have met with little success. It is covered with numerous heavy manacles, chains, and bindings while restrained in this fashion, the Ettin cannot attack, can be hit freely, and can only move at SPD 10' (3'). If freed, it will fight enthusiastically against its captors. The Ettin wears silver bracers with elaborate antique scrollwork, worth 300gp each.

1d4x10 Giant Jungle Ants DC 6, SPD 150' (50'), HD 1, ATT bite [2 dice, save vs. poison damage], SV F1, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

Ettin DC 3, SPD 120' (40'), HD 10 [currently at hp], ATT 2 pummeling fists [1 dice+2 & 2 dice+2], SD surprised on 1, SV F10, ML 9, AL C.

25. Storage Room. Some of the lesser possessions of captives and the conquered are stored here: 2 very large clubs, a set of horse barding, 3 backpacks (one contains 3 bricks of Incense of Meditation), a 10' pole, a lightlydamaged canoe, a large rock bearing a crude pictograph of a Troll (worth 500gp to a Troll), a set of cooking pans and utensils, a tattered cloth standard (actually a Flying Carpet, command word: Make it so!), and a shovel. 26. Jelly Farm. The floor here is spongy, moist, and rank. A dozen or more gently palpitating tumor-like growths hang from the ceiling via slender, hairy vines a yellow translucent jelly bubbles obscenely from the bottom of each into a metal container. A mutated Irrationalist of abnormal strength tends these disgusting blossoms, with the help of a curdled Spawn that typically clings to the ceiling they will both battle intruders to the death. There are 3 containers filled with Primal Yellow Jelly on a low bench. Treasure is secreted in dirty rags, beneath some soil in a corner: a gold medallion with sunburst motif (600gp), a Leprechaun-sized Shield +1, and an uncut emerald (350gp).

29. Dismal Arena. The sunken portion of the floor is filled with 1' of stinking, slimy water (if you use disease/infection rules, anyone that goes down there is gonna get sick). A wooden ramp to access the pit is propped against the east wall. Newly-created Spawn are brought here to fight one another, with the victors being kept and groomed for service. Three untrained Spawn currently occupy the pens the attendants will unleash them upon intruders, and then join the attack. If wounded, the Spawn will frenzy and attack a random opponent each round (including other Spawn and Irrationalists).

1d4+2 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice] or net [entangle], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. Spawn of Shub-Niggurath DC 5, SPD 90' (30'), HD 7, ATT 2 claws [1 dice each], SV F7, ML 10, AL C: yellow-feathered insectoid with one eye and a tiny suckered mouth. Spawn of Shub-Niggurath DC 6, SPD 180' (60') [fly], HD 4, ATT savage bite [2 dice], SA touch causes paralysis, SV F4, ML 7, AL C: ulfiresuckered octopoid with four eyes and a beaked feeding appendage. Spawn of Shub-Niggurath DC 2, SPD 60' (20'), HD 7, ATT crushing pincer [3 dice], SD regenerate 1HD every 1d3 rounds, SV F7, ML 8, AL C: blackscaled crustacean with no eyes or mouth.

Mutant Irrationalist DC 8, SPD 120' (40'), HD 3+1, ATT pickax [1 dice+2], SV MU3, ML 12, AL C. Spawn of Shub-Niggurath DC 9, SPD 60' (20'), HD 4, ATT acidic excretion [1 dice], SD harmed only by fire, SV F4, ML 12, AL C: purple ooze with thousands of eyes on tiny stalks and no mouth.

30. Lotus Garden. A low-ceilinged grow operation, delicate green and blue lotus plants stretch as far as the eye can see. Ornate braziers along the walls burn weird coals that emit an ultraviolet glow for illumination, as well as a dense, smoky fume that nurses the plants. The Irrationalists have bred a minor species of Spawn of Shub-Niggurath to tend and harvest the crop. These monsters are built low to the ground, and have an increased chance at surprise due to the obscuring smoke they will attack anyone that is not escorted by an Irrationalist. The weird light is not meant for human eyes, and may complicate harvesting. Anyone without ultravision (or UV technology) that harvests this lotus has a 10% chance of

27. Nightmare Factory. Captives are brought to the three restraint-studded tables here and force-fed Primal Yellow Jelly in order to create new monsters. 30% chance that 1d3 prisoners and an equal number of attendants are here in the midst of transformative ceremonies Irrationalists will flee

contaminating the batch with deadly black lotus fragments. The braziers are made of bronze (100lbs. each) and are worth 250gp apiece. Near the door are several aluminum urns: eight are empty, nine are filled with raw blue lotus flowers, and three are filled with raw green lotus flowers. Raw lotus flowers are worth quite a bit, exact value depending upon prevailing market prices.

Call of the Void DC 4, SPD 90' (30'), HD 4+4, ATT bastard sword [1 dice+2], SV MU4, ML 12, AL C. It has a Command Crystal, a single Javelin of Lightning, and a Potion of Invisibility. It wears ornate bronze bracers (125gp) and a necklace of gold and obsidian (450gp). 1d4+1 Irrationalists DC 6, SPD 90' (30'), HD 1+1, ATT spear [1 dice], SV MU1, ML 9, AL C. There is a 75% chance that one is implanted with an Insanity Crystal.

11 Spawn of Shub-Niggurath DC 5, SPD 210' (70'), HD 3, ATT 2 scything appendages [1 dice each], SA surprise on 1-4; spew green lotus 3x day [save vs. breath attacks or unconscious 1d4+8 hours, feeble additional 1d4 days], SD immune to poison, SV F4, ML 8, AL N [unintelligent]: jalefurred myriapods with three eyes and a circular gaping maw.

33. Cistern Room. Fresh water is gathered and stored here. If a random encounter is rolled in this room or nearby, there is a 50% chance that it is 1d3 Spawn from the Lotus Garden, arriving to siphon water for the plants. 34. Rest Area. Each cubby contains 1d3 Irrationalists, as well as their personal effects. Occupants are meditating, conversing quietly, etc.; loud noise in one cubby will attract the attention of the occupants of nearby cubbies. A handful of new Irrationalists arrive periodically, and rested ones depart.

31. Lotus Eaters' Den. A whorl of pungent fumes clouds this chamber, some acrid and bitter, others fragrant and voluptuous. A dozen or more Irrationalists recline here on heaped, ratty cushions, in various states of lotus intoxication most are deeply unconscious, while a handful are awake but incapacitated. The smoke here is thick and heady, and anyone who remains more than one round will automatically suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls due to a contact high the effects wear off one turn after leaving. The attendants wear filtering mouthpieces that protect them as they care for the lotus eaters. They will flee intruders to gather reinforcements. 4 doses of Blue Lotus Powder and 26 doses of Green Lotus Powder can be found in this room, along with 2d4 precious snuff boxes worth 2d10gp each.

??? Irrationalists DC 9, SPD 120' (40'), HD 1+1, ATT fists [1d2], SV MU1, ML 6, AL C.

35. Second Banana's Crib. These are the private chambers of the Call of the Void, second in command of the Irrationalists. There is a 25% chance it will be found in here alone; if PCs camp, roll each hour to check if it arrives, accompanied by 1d4 spear-wielding Irrationalists. The furniture is sparse: a plain cot, a chest containing the loose clothing favored by this race, and a rack containing several ornate examples of common hand weapons (each worth 10x normal value). The chest has a false bottom that is trapped with a small explosive charge (-50% to disarm chance unless from a tech-savvy background, 2 dice damage): within are 35 thin platinum sheets worth 100gp each. 36. Boss Room. This door is strong, and double-locked. These are the private chambers of the Incommeasurable Appeal, leader of this coven of Irrationalists. There is a 50% chance it will be found in here alone; if PCs camp, roll each hour to check if it arrives, accompanied by 1d4 spearwielding Irrationalists. Within is a meditation couch, a brazier filled with the same coals as in the Lotus Garden, a wardrobe filled with simple robes and loose garments, and a hidden chest (under a loose flagstone beneath the heavy couch) that contains 500pp, a Potion of Gaseous Form, 6 doses of Green Lotus Powder, and 3x Potion of Healing.

3 Irrationalists DC 9, SPD 120' (40'), HD 1+1, ATT fists [1d2], SD filter, SV MU1, ML 2, AL C. Their mouthpiece filters may be used by any race and offer outstanding protection against inhalants.

32. Excretory Room. The acute stench of death in this room is insufferable, and a stack of partially-masticated corpses is heaped near the entrance. The only other notable feature is a bloated, sticky, membranous entrail that quivers nauseatingly from the ceiling blood and digestive fluids pool sickeningly beneath it. All of the Irrationalists' prisoners from CARCOSA originate from this room. On that doomed planet, a beast known as the Flapping Maw preys upon villages near the Bottomless Lochs, devouring men insatiably. Through some bizarre sorcery its digestive tract spans time & space, and the unfortunates it swallows emerge here. Most are dead on arrival, but those unlucky few that were swallowed whole are seized by the Irrationalists, and quickly learn that there are fates worse than death. If the entrail is destroyed, it will grow back in 4d4 days. Guards are on duty here at all times, and the Call of the Void, second in command, supervises their activities. To determine what emerges, roll 1d6 for each six hours spent in this room: 1-3) nothing, 4-5) dead victim, 6) living victim (generate race randomly from list of CARCOSA types).

The Incommeasurable Appeal DC 8, SPD 120' (40'), HD 5+5, ATT scimitar +2 [1 dice+2] or Insanity Crystal, SV MU5, ML 12, AL C. This villain is an Irrationalist sorcerer of sublime talents. In addition to possessing psionic abilities (1d6

powers, 1d6 times per day), it knows all of the rituals associated with the Lurker Amidst the Obsidian Ruins, the Manifestation of the Putrescent Stench, the Lurker of the Putrescent Pits, the God of the Primal Void, the Suckered Abomination, and the Amphibious Ones, and ceaselessly directs its minions to seize the components to enact those foul sorceries. It always carries on its person an Elder Sign, a Necklace of Strangulation (used for executions), 3 large rubies of uncommon beauty (1600gp, 1950gp, and 2800gp), and a technologyderived Cube of Force (identical to the magic item). 37. Dark Library. The Incommeasurable Appeal has penned many volumes of sorcerous knowledge, and gathered many more from lands known, and some unknown. His own works comprise seven volumes, front and center on an elaborate wooden desk they are written in the incomprehensible notation of the Space Aliens (GM discretion whether they can be deciphered, but it should take something more profound than a Read Languages spell), and contain a full description of each ritual the Incommeasurable Appeal knows. Atop one volume is a Deck of Many Things in a velveteen bag (the current focus of much study). Other volumes (over 100 in all) are in shelves carved from the rock walls, and include a Manual of Quickness of Action, a spellbook of 9 first level and 4 second level Magic-User spells (determine randomly, written in Gnoll-ish), a tome that describes how to create a Stone Golem, a scroll that includes three different recipes to create a Potion of Healing, a chart that details the star system containing the planet Yuggoth, 5 scrolls of Cleric spells (determine randomly), and a primer describing the innate vulnerabilities of avioid-type Spawn of Shub-Niggurath. 38. Empty Room. Seriously... there's nothing in here. 39. Obscene Fane. This temple is dedicated to the Suckered Abomination, and a loathsome idol to this demon, life-size and composed of lacquered offal, dominates the room. A pile of manacles is in one corner, and the floor is caked in dried grime, blood, and waste. This room is very disquieting, and those who do not worship the Suckered Abomination suffer a minor curse for trampling its domain: -1 to all rolls until a bath is taken in fresh, fragrant water along with application of Remove Curse magic. The Ytterbium Coil of the Space Aliens is hidden in the base of the idol the idol must be destroyed to recover it. The Incommeasurable Appeal will be instantly psychically aware of anyone who touches the idol, or if the idol is tampered with, and will direct his forces to plan an ambush of intruders. 40. Armory. Several dozen suits of the bizarre bone & carapace armor that the Irrationalists wear are stored here. Also here are a number of spare weapons: 92 darts

14 nets 12 short swords 1 battle axe 6 scimitars 21 spears 3 daggers 8 clubs Guards arrive fairly regularly to don or remove armor and exchange weapons. 41. Pit of Doom. A magical gloom that cannot be dispelled pervades this room all light sources (including magical) emit only 1/10th their normal light. A 2' wide pathway of crushed coal (easy to miss against the dark floor) leads around the western perimeter of the room, linking each doorway. Anyone in this room who strays from the coal pathway will be immediately attacked by a swarm of grasping, rending, bashing tentacles that erupt from the depths of the pit. Tentacles attack each target each round in one of three ways: Grab No damage on a successful hit, but victim is lifted up and toward the pit. Victim must roll under STR each round in order to attack or use an item. 20hp of accrued damage are required to free the victim (attackers must state they are targeting the tentacles holding the victim). Any victim held for three consecutive rounds is dragged into the pit, never to be seen again. Slice Razor-sharp talons cause extra bleeding. On a successful hit, victim takes 2 dice damage and loses additional 2hp/round until receiving some form of healing. Bleeding damage stacks, i.e. on a second slicing hit 4hp/round are lost, third hit 6hp/round lost, etc. Throw On a successful hit, the victim is picked up and tossed against the wall (roll 1d12 to determine direction); 2 dice damage, plus save vs. petrify or knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds (helmet grants a +4 bonus to save). Once the tentacles sustain 80hp of damage, they will retreat back into the pit and not emerge again for 4d4 days.

Deadly Tentacles DC 7, SPD 0, HD 12 [80hp], ATT grab or slice or throw [special], SD charm/sleep/hold/poison immunity, SV F12, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

42. Chamber of Secrets. This room radiates palpable evil, and non-Irrationalists who enter must save vs. spells: success means an effect identical to the Cleric spell Curse takes hold, failure means the subject is affected as by the Cleric spell Cause Fear. This is the scene of many of Incommeasurable Appeals' sorcerous rituals, and obscenely powerful and hateful entities have emerged into existence with the sacrifice of countless lives in this room. The ceiling is over 40' high, and a raised altar sits against the western wall. Manacles and restraints are piled about the floor, which is caked with blood and viscera, and empty

braziers line the walls. Rituals occur irregularly, as the Irrationalists only have such sacrifices as are provided by the Excretory Room. Additionally, certain entities have become unruly, having been summoned and then felt the wrath of the Space Aliens technology they are often more trouble than they are worth. More often, Incommeasurable Appeal comes here with several attendants and a like number of prisoners to conduct sorcerous experiments. The GM may wish to schedule rituals or experiments that coincide with a visit by the PCs, either as participants or of a mind to thwart such disturbing proceedings. 4-7 Mechassassins. Several insectile attack droids deploy from the roof of one of the towers. They will attack and pursue fleeing enemies until one or the other is dead.

1d4+1 Droid LTC093/V.8 DC 3, SPD 240' (80') [fly], HD 5 [23hp], ATT microwave beam pistol [1 dice], SD telescopic+nightvision sights, SV D10, ML 12, AL L.

8-9 Sniper. An automated sentry system opens fire on the PCs. It is located 1d10x100 yards away (determine direction randomly).


The rubble in this quarter of the city is partially cleared, and the area surrounding the three intact towers here is relatively tidy. Entering the perimeter of the Citadel can be quite deadly the area is festooned with surveillance devices and automated defenses. The Space Aliens know the difference between Irrationalists and visitors from the upper levels, but they usually follow a 'shoot first, ask questions later' philosophy. Only five true Space Aliens remain: all of the other Space Aliens here are clones of these five. These Space Aliens know that they face a clock that ticks toward extinction. Their lives have been extended far beyond the usual for their species via the advanced medical technology at their disposal. But even their technology has limits, and decrepitude is setting in. Additionally, the viability of their clones is rapidly declining, as the quality of their own genetic material is diminished by age. PCs may make a concerted effort to contact the Space Aliens. Expressions of non-hostility include not destroying automated defenses and surveillance equipment, repeatedly signaling the desire to communicate, and walking in the open in a non-threatening manner. Attempting to return Space Aliens or Space Alien equipment is guaranteed to create a favorable impression. Non-threatening PCs will not have to roll on the CITADEL PERIMETER RANDOM ENCOUNTERS table, and will be invited into Spire Exponential for parley. CITADEL PERIMETER RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Until the PCs are deemed non-threatening, roll 1d10 once every turn. Results may overlap, i.e. combat versus defense droids may last for a turn, at which point the PCs may also begin to receive automated sniper fire: 1 No Encounter. 2-3 Nerve Gas. A mortar shell detonates 1d100 feet from the PCs, ejecting a cloud of dense, toxic gas. The initial burst creates a cloud 20' in diameter this cloud expands by 20' each round, to a maximum size of 500' in diameter. The gas is otherwise identical in all respects to a Cloudkill spell.

Autogun Sentry DC 4, SPD 0, HD 4 [18hp], ATT x-ray pulse bazooka [3 dice], SV D10, ML 12, AL N [unintelligent].

0 Recon Patrol. A Space Alien patrol, ready for trouble. If they meet up with a serious threat, they will signal the Citadel for reinforcements.

Space Alien on Anti-Grav Sled DC 0, SPD 600' (200'), HD 8 [36hp], ATT cosmic radiation pulse rifle [4 dice], SV D10, ML 7, AL L. This Space Alien wears a titanium torc worth 1300gp. 1d4+2 Space Aliens in Battle Armor DC 2, SPD 180' (60'), HD 1-1, ATT microwave pulse pistol [1 dice] or stun baton [1 dice + save vs. wands or stunned 1d6 rounds], SD 20hp force field; communicator; telescopic+nightvision sights, SV D10, ML 7, AL L.

CITADEL LAYOUT & ADVENTURE SEEDS Entry into the three towers that comprise the Citadel of the Space Aliens is either by invitation or conquest the monitoring devices of the Space Aliens are omnipresent and nigh-infallible, and the Order Generator prevents the use of magic that might otherwise allow a stealthy incursion. Accordingly, encounters within the Citadel are abstracted. If the PCs make a good impression and are invited to assist the Space Aliens, use the adventure seeds to generate scenarios. If the PCs attack the Citadel, use the layout information to construct the battle. Spire Exponential Levels: 75 (40 active) Space Aliens: Essential Singularity + 89 clones, Irrotational Plane + 71 clones, Holonom Gamma + 73 clones. Portfolio: Command This soaring titanium tower is the command center for the Space Aliens, housing critical facilities including the Order Generator, the clone banks, and the Space Alien surveillance hub. Outsiders who demonstrate a capacity to assist the Space Aliens in eradicating the Irrationalists will be invited into the lower levels of Spire Exponential to parley. Should an alliance be forged, the newcomers will be invited

to stay in the tower, and will be provided with food, water, and a limited amount of hi-tech weaponry & equipment to help in the fight. Essential Singularity runs a tight ship, enforcing a rigorous protocol that ensures emotion and illogical thought have no place among the Space Aliens. There is tension within the group, and Elliptic Perspective was recently banished to another tower as punishment for entertaining disordered thoughts. Order Generator (Sub-Level 3): The Order Generator is housed deep beneath Spire Exponential, and is only accessible via a teleporter located in the surveillance hub. Robot Factory (Levels 3-9): As scavenged materials and scare elements become available, new droids are cranked out to serve in a variety of roles, including security and research. Essential Singularity favors the use of droids over the fanciful creations of Elliptic Perspective, while Terminal Metric resents the intrusion of either into matters of defense. Surveillance Hub (Levels 10-11 & 15): The entirety of the City is monitored from these floors, on banks of videoscreens, holo-displays, and analytic devices. The personal quarters of Essential Singularity, Irrotational Plane, and Holonom Gamma are also located here, as well as large supply rooms that hold items and treasures accumulated from vanquished foes. Clone Banks (Levels 27-39, 42-44 & 48-58): Essential Singularity enforces command over the other Space Aliens by controlling the clone banks. Hundreds of clones of all five original Space Aliens are housed here, in various states of development. These areas are more securely monitored and guarded than any other. Medical Center (Levels 59 & 60): The life-extension technology developed by the Space Aliens is housed here. Clones are rarely treated, as it is more resource-effective to simply active a new clone than heal a damaged one. In extraordinary circumstances, allies of the Space Aliens may be offered healing here. Beta Retreat Levels: 65 (17 active) Space Aliens: Terminal Metric + 97 clones Portfolio: Defense This sullen tower is composed of a dull, unreflective dolm metal that is impervious to damage. Beta Retreat is the headquarters of the defense infrastructure of the Space Aliens, and is overseen by Terminal Metric, who dwells in seclusion, attended only by a select few of its clones. Terminal Metric is extremely cautious and distrustful of outsiders, and entry to the tower is forbidden under all circumstances. Space Alien Hover Tank (Sub-Level 1): The Space Aliens' most feared weapon platform is housed in a vault beneath Beta Retreat. The Hover Tank will only be deployed under extreme conditions: imminent or ongoing catastrophic attack, in response to an active god/entity of surpassing

power, or to destroy other outsiders who demonstrate surpassing magical power. Armory (Levels 1-7, 9-11 & 16): Most of the Space Aliens' weaponry and battle armor is stored here. Here also is the machinery used to create new weapons only shortages of specific elements prevent the Space Aliens from cranking out an endless profusion of hi-tech weaponry. A number of potent magical weapons, claimed from vanquished foes, are held here for examination. A tactical nuclear device is also secreted here, a weapon of last resort. Surveillance Sub-Command (Levels 41 & 42): Unknown to the other Space Aliens, Terminal Metric has access to all cameras, detectors, and sensor feeds throughout the City. Aerie (Levels 63-65): Terminal Metric's personal chambers these levels have been seen by his eyes alone, and it is rumored it has accumulated substantial treasures to indulge an obscure fancy. The Lodge of Fractal Persistence Levels: 42 (9 active) Space Aliens: Elliptic Perspective + 43 clones Portfolio: Research/Experimentation This plain, hardened-concrete tower was only recently reoccupied, and is now the residence of the Elliptic Perspective and its clones Elliptic Perspective was invited to leave Spire Exponential when the other Space Aliens decided that his cyborg experiments were growing increasingly dangerous, if not borderline unsound. Elliptic Perspective is under increased scrutiny from his associates: his thought patterns are straying into Irrationalist territory, and his clones have demonstrated a marked propensity for defecting to the enemy. Changing Rooms (Levels 33-39): Elliptic Perspective is obsessed with creating cyborg defense systems from available resources, and several specimens are imprisoned here, in various states of completion. Soon, they will be ready to be unleashed upon the Irrationalists: Kobolds Over a dozen of these little savages have had their craniums hollowed out and their brains replaced with rudimentary guidance electronics and 5lbs. of high explosives. Once the kinks are worked out, these will be used as walking bombs. Marilith This captured demoness' six arms have been amputated, and the snake-like lower body has been replaced with a single, wide tank tread. Deployment will proceed once new arms have been fashioned and attached; Elliptic Perspective has several interesting concepts, including two chainsaw arms, a laser Gatling cannon, and a plasma lance. Most of its brain has been lobotomized, but the Marilith is feigning docility if freed, it will lash out animalistically at the Space Aliens.

Purple Worm The rear half of this beast remains intact, while the fore portion has been completely replaced with an articulated titanium carapace and whirring diamond-coated oral shears for optimized burrowing. In the head is a cramped cockpit, from which this monstrosity is piloted. Elliptic Perspective's clones are in the final stages of fitting the cybernetic relays that will bond pilot to warmachine. Personal Quarters (Levels 41 & 42): Elliptic Perspective keeps these two floors for itself, and with good reason if the other Space Aliens could see the bizarre, engineered creatures it dotes on as pets, they would realize that a decent into irrationality is well underway. Adventure Seeds Pick adventures as needed, create new ones, or roll 1d6 to generate randomly: 1 Hunting Party. Ten of Elliptic Perspective's clones have fled the Citadel, intending to defect to the Irrationalists this is an increasingly frequent problem, and the Space Aliens are spread thin. Essential Singularity asks the PCs to find and eliminate the clones before they can reach their goal. It is suspected that they are accompanied by several outr biomechanical creations. 2 Scavengers. Holonom Gamma is in charge of securing resources to operate the robot factory, and the PCs are offered the chance to help out. The wreck of an ancient warmachine has been located the PCs will be given directions where to excavate, and porter droids to haul what can be recovered. 3 Guinea Pigs. The Order Generator requires periodic calibration, and Essential Singularity requests that the PCs help with the testing. They are escorted into the Dead City by a team of a dozen Irrotational Plane-clones (monitors) and a handful of Terminal Metric-clones (guards) and asked to cast several spells, activate magic items, etc. They confiscate any items that are rendered inert. This commotion is certain to attract attention, and the Space Aliens are likely to leave their allies behind if the going gets tough. 4 Bug Hunt. Essential Singularity has taken offense to one of Elliptic Perspective's weirder creations, and demands it be exterminated. It is currently loose in the Dead City. Elliptic Perspective's clones will not be cooperative. 5 Intruder Alert. A mob of humanoids has entered the City from the levels above, and the Space Aliens are concerned that they will become allies of the Irrationalists. The PCs are ordered to exterminate them or drive them away. 6. Bug Hunt II. The PCs are dispatched to the UnderJungle, with instructions to capture three

specimens of Spawn alive. They will be given appropriate hi-tech weaponry, and surveillance clones will guide the party to their quarry.


B'yakhee (CARCOSA, p.43) One of the stable species spawned by Shub-Niggurath, these massive bat-like creatures are over 18' tall and have the power to teleport anywhere in the universe. They are dedicated servants of Hastur. Irrationalists (CARCOSA, p.84) Space Aliens who have rejected logic and technology, and embrace disorder and sorcery. They wear bone/hide armor cobbled from Spawn parts, and favor primitive weaponry and bizarre, sorcelogical devices. Mynoct These loathsome scavengers are a rare nuisance in large subterranean areas. The basic physique is that of an octopus, though the eight tentacles are notably stubby and thick. Broad, leathery wings spanning 4-6' allow for short bursts of flight and long glides. They typically feed on carrion with their short, suckered feeding tubes, but will attack anything that looks meal-worthy. Curiously, they also feed on electricity, which they are able to store within their bodies. If wounded, a Mynoct will respond with an electrical discharge: its next hit will deal 2 dice damage to the victim, who must also save vs. petrify or be dazed for 1d4 rounds. A Mynoct can only generate one such shock attack per day. Mynocts can often be found attached to power conduits and electrical cables in underground hi-tech cities. Space Aliens (CARCOSA, p.54) Visitors from another world, these fragile, grey humanoids toil at inscrutable agendas. Though enemies of the Great Old Ones and their ilk, these beings are no friends of humans or demi-humans. Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (CARCOSA, p.37) Twisted, vile creatures spawned from the quivering, viscid bulk of a pestilential god. They exist in an endless profusion of forms, all of them intent on wanton rapine. Spider, Giant Wolf Giant Wolf Spiders do not spin webs. They are burrowers, and will dig tunnels from which to strike at passing prey. They prefer soil with a screen of light vegetation, but will also make themselves at home in loose rubble, man-made tunnels, the warrens of humanoids, and the like. Their paralyzing venom is not immediately deadly, although victims will need to be rescued quickly to avoid being eaten. Loose treasure often collects at the bottom of a Giant Wolf Spider's burrow.

Elder Sign (CARCOSA, p.67) Flourishing an Elder Sign at any Deep Ones will cause the fiends to immediately flee (no saving throw).

Lotus Powder, Black (CARCOSA, p.56) Nature's most lethal toxin, save vs. poison at -6 or die in agony. Lotus Powder, Blue (CARCOSA, p.56) Causes the imbiber to fall into a deep stasis, in which years pass as mere hours for the nightmare-haunted sleeper. Lotus Powder, Green (CARCOSA, p.56) Inflicts a trancelike stupor upon the imbiber, and a sickly weakness upon awaking. Mutation Inducer (CARCOSA, p.68) A spiked and bulky contraption, vaguely rifle-shaped, it emits a beam that requires victims to save vs. poison at -5, or undergo a random mutation. Primal Yellow Jelly Any humanoids that consume this disgusting, phlegmy substance must save vs. poison failure means painful transformation into a randomized Spawn of Shub-Niggurath over the course of two weeks (roll a new characteristic each day). This transformation can only be interrupted and reversed via powerful healing/cleansing magic (Heal plus Cure Disease or Neutralize Poison or similar), or similarly potent medical technology. Psychic Crystals These are jagged shards of magical, colored crystal that are stabbed into the base of the brain, with an inch or two left to jut grotesquely from the back of the neck. Once per hour, the wielder can focus on any other sentient within sight and cause them to save vs. wands, or suffer an effect based on the crystal type. These crystals work for any sentient being, but the implanting process is a closely-guarded Irrationalist secret uninformed attempts will likely result in permanent mental disability or immediate death. Novice attempts at removing crystals are equally prone to disaster. Command Crystal A deep ruby red in color, and flashes garishly while implanted. A failed save means a single command may be given and will be obeyed, i.e. shoot yourself, stab your companion, jump out the window, etc. The command must be very precise, and able to be accomplished instantly. Lack of common language is not a barrier to using this power. Insanity Crystal These crystals are light purple in color, and strobe softly once implanted. Failed save means gibbering insanity for 1d6 hours. Space Alien Anti-Grav Sled DC 0, SPD 600' (200'), HD 8 [36hp], ATT cosmic radiation pulse rifle [4 dice], SD 20hp force field; communicator; telescopic+nightvision sights, SV D10. Anti-Grav Sleds are always -2 to hit due to their speed and agility, and a further -2 to hit if moving faster than 300' (100'). Sled controls are easy for anyone to learn to operate, but the extreme high speed and maneuverability of these vehicles often leads novice pilots to disaster. Any hit to a sled or pilot that does 10hp+ damage (after force field penetration), or reduces either to 0 or fewer hp,

requires a roll on the Space Alien Anti-Grav Sled Critical Fail Table. Note that reducing the sled to 0 or fewer hp does not automatically destroy it only critical results can disable or destroy the sled. Additionally, acceleration/deceleration of more than 210' (70') in a round, or a turn greater than ninety degrees while moving faster than 210' (70') by a novice rider requires a save vs. petrify to be made failure results in an immediate roll on the Space Alien Anti-Grav Sled Critical Fail Table. Space Alien Anti-Grav Sled Critical Fail Table (roll 1d8) 1 Hands slip from the yoke; sled decelerates by 90' (30') and next opportunity to fire weapons is lost, but rider may operate as normal next round. 2-3 Temporary loss of control. Roll 1d12 to determine new heading, roll 1d3 to determine steep climb, level, or steep descent, roll 1d6x100 to determine new speed. 4-5 Controlled crash landing. Roll 1d12 to determine direction of impact site, 1d10x100 reveals distance in feet from last location. Rider suffers 3 dice damage (save vs. breath attacks for ); sled requires substantial repair work to fly again. 6-7 Sled bucks wildly, ejecting the rider in a steep, pinwheeling arc. Unless local terrain includes a large pile of feathers, rider suffers 1 dice damage for each 60' (20') of speed AND each 10' of altitude prior to fail; sled is destroyed. 8 Cratering strike. Rider is killed instantly (90% chance), or rendered unconscious for 1d6 turns and left with only 1hp (10%); sled is reduced to confetti. Space Alien Hover Tank DC 2, SPD 240' (80'), HD 40 [180hp], ATT plasma tank gun [4 dice + save vs. breath attacks or immolated]; 2 phosphorus pulse bazookas [3 dice, x2 damage to Blue Men & Brown Men each]; 360 stun emitter; insanity beam; SD 50hp force field; telescopic+nightvision sights; communicator; full suite of special detection systems; room for 3 crew (driver, gunner, commander) and 10 passengers, SV D10. The Space Alien Hover Tank is -4 to hit due to its sturdy armor, and is immune to non-hi-tech weaponry. Certain very powerful magical non-hi-tech weapons may do normal damage: +5 or better weapons, items or combos that provide Cloud Giant strength or greater, etc. It only suffers damage from fire, cold, and electricity attacks. The main gun is turreted, has a range of 10 miles, can fire every other round, and has ammo for 25 shots. The pulse bazookas cover 180 right and left side arcs, have a range of 3000', can fire every round, and have unlimited ammo. The stunner has a range of 150', can fire every round, and can be fired an unlimited number of times. The insanity beam is turreted, has a range of 1000', can fire every round, and has unlimited ammo.

The tank can be used as a ram to kill people and destroy other vehicles, smaller buildings, etc. GM discretion determines exact effects. The hover tank's controls are relatively intuitive to use for individuals accustomed to magic, technology, and otherwise weird stuff. GM discretion determines learning curve for rookie operators. Any hit to the tank that does 60hp+ damage (after force field penetration), or any hit that reduces the tank to 0 or fewer hp, requires a roll on the Space Alien Hover Tank Critical Fail Table. Note that reducing the tank to 0 or fewer hp does not automatically destroy it only critical results can disable or destroy the tank. Space Alien Hover Tank Critical Fail Table (roll 1d8) 1 No movement or weapons fire for 1d6 rounds due to main computer reboot. 2-3 Tank spins uncontrollably for 3d4 rounds. Firing weapons while out of control results in friendly fire worst-case-scenario of GM's choice. Tank is otherwise fine once control is regained. 4-5 Ruptured anti-grav nacelle. Movement is normal, and tank must save vs. spells each turn: failure means complete propulsive breakdown. Call a tow truck. 6-7 Plasma round detonates in main gun barrel. All occupants suffer 6 dice damage (save vs. breath attacks for ). Main gun and insanity beam are damaged and cannot be fired again until substantial repairs are performed. 8 That tingling sensation lets you know the core breach is working! A fluorescent green inferno eradicates all organic lifeforms within 100 yards, and destroys everything else. For a further 500 yards, structures and machinery are heavily damaged and all organisms must save vs. poison: success means hit points are reduced to and roll twice on Mutation Table (results take effect in 1d6 days), failure means hit points are reduced to and death occurs in 1d6 days.

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