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Manual of Martial Might v1.01 Backup

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Manual of Martial Might

n a world of ferocious dragons which breathe the
elements, world-bending liches that defy death, and
dimension-conquering psionic aberrations, it is easy
to forget about the heroes who would combat them
with weapon and raw physical power alone. However,
as any practitioner of martial combat knows, with the
right amounts of talent, time, training, planning, and
luck, even a humble farmer could topple an entire kingdom.

What To Expect
In this book, you will find options that help make the
Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, and Rogue classes--the martial
classes of fist, armor, and blade--even more interesting, fill a
greater variety of roles, and, optionally, come a bit closer to
competing with spellcasters in complexity and flavor.
This book includes:
7 New Fighter Fighting Styles
22 new Battle Master Maneuvers
8 New Martial Weapons
4 New Shields
Over 150 Ideas for Reflavoring Classes
Over 100 Ideas for Reflavoring Weapons
Over 40 Ideas for Reflavoring Shields
Rules for increasing the variety and complexity of
characters in a martial-based campaign.
Rules for making critical hits more interactive
Suggestions for improving existing features and

Introduction 2 Part 4: Reskinning 11
What To Expect ..............................................................2 Weapon Reskins ........................................................... 11
Simple Weapons ..................................................................... 11
Part 1: Class Options 3 Martial Weapons ..................................................................... 12
New Fighting Styles .................................................3 Shield Reskins ...........................................................14
New Battle Master Maneuvers .................... 3 Class Reskins and Inspiration ................15
Part 2: New Weapons and Shields 5 Barbarian ..................................................................................15
Fighter .......................................................................................15
New Martial Weapons .............................................5 Monk ..........................................................................................16
New Shields ........................................................................6 Rogue .........................................................................................16
7 Credits and Legal Info 17
Part 3: Optional Rules
Martial Empowerment Rules ..........................7
Empowerment By Level Table ................................................8
Alternate Critical Hit Rules ...........................9
Class Improvements ................................................10

2 PART 1 | Introduction and Contents

New Fighter Class Options

he fighter is one of the simplest classes in the New Battle Master Maneuvers
game which representing a wide variety of
different martial characters and themes. With A Fighter with the Battle Master Archetype can choose to
the following options, it becomes even easier select from the following list of maneuvers, in addition to
to play certain archetypes of martial those normally granted to their class. The options listed
characters, and fills in some of the gaps in under Magical Maneuvers may not be fitting for all
power among archetypes. campaigns, as they make the Battle Master more
There are also suggestions for improvements on existing supernatural.
fighting styles on page 10 "Class Improvement". Battle Inspiration. When either you or a friendly creature
you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, you
New Fighting Styles use your reaction and expend a superiority die to roll the die
and add half the result to that attack roll. You can do this
In addition to the normal options for a fighting style, a fighter before or after the attack roll is made, but before you know
can choose one of the following options instead. whether or not it was a hit. If choosing another creature, that
creature must be able to either see or hear you to benefit.
Arbalist Blinding Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon
You ignore the loading property all crossbows, and gain a +1 attack, you can expend one superiority die to strike a
bonus to damage rolls made with those weapons. particularly sensitive area or throw something into its eyes.
You add your superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and
Gish the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with melee failure, the creature is blinded until the end of the current
weapons and with spells. Starting at 9th level, your bonus to turn.
damage with spells increases to an amount equal to your Bloodletting Strike. When you hit with a weapon attack,
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). you can expend a superiority die to attempt bleeding the
target dry. The creature must make a Constitution saving
Overwatch throw. On a failure, the creature begins to take damage equal
You gain a +1 bonus to weapon attack rolls made as part of a to your superiority die at the end of each of its turns. This
reaction. If you have the Extra Attack feature, when you take effect automatically ends if the creature regains any of its hit
the Ready action to make an attack you can choose to make points, or if it or a creature within 5 feet of it uses its action to
two weapon attacks instead of one. stop the bleeding. Undead, elementals, and constructs are
immune to this effect.
Panache Bowling Attack. When you hit a corporeal creature with a
While you are not wearing armor or using a shield, you can weapon attack, you can expend a superiority die to knock the
calculate your Armor Class as 10 + your Dexterity modifier + opponent around. All creatures of your choice within 5 feet of
your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (your choice), and you the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure,
can take the Use an Item action as a bonus action on each of that creature is pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice
your turns. and takes bludgeoning damage equal to your superiority die.
Commander’s Eye. At the start of your turn during
Savagery combat, you can expend a superiority die to quickly take in
You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made with unarmed your surroundings. You can make either an Intelligence
strikes, and your unarmed strikes are considered light (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check to notice or
weapons which can be used to perform two-weapon fighting. identify something within your range of vision, and you add
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes also count as your superiority die to the result.
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and Deny Death. When you or a friendly creature you can see
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. makes a death saving throw, you can expend one superiority
die to invoke the fighting spirit. Add your superiority die to
Switch Hitter the saving throw’s result, and if the save succeeds (and was
You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with weapon not a 20), the creature automatically stabilizes. You must use
attacks. When you stow a weapon, you can immediately draw your reaction when performing this maneuver on another
a different weapon or doff a shield as part of the same action. creature.
Displacing Strike. When you hit a creature with an attack,
Throwing you can expend a superiority die to spur the target to move
You gain a +2 bonus to damage roll made with weapons with out of position. You add your superiority die to the attack’s
the thrown property. After each time you make a weapon damage roll, and the target must make an Intelligence saving
attack, you can immediately draw a weapon with the thrown throw. On a failed save, the target moves up to 10 feet in a
property for free. direction of your choice without provoking opportunity


    Disorienting Blow. When you hit a creature with a Leader's Bravado. When you select this maneuver, pick any
weapon attack, you can expend a superiority die to strike the 3 tool or skill proficiencies except Athletics, Perception, or
creature with a disorienting blow that makes it unable to Stealth. When you or a creature you can see makes an ability
discern friend from foe. You add the superiority die to the check which applies proficiency with the chosen skill or tool,
attack’s damage roll, and the creature must make a Wisdom you can expend a superiority die as a reaction. Roll the
saving throw. On a failed save, it is charmed by you until the superiority die and add the result to the check. A creature
end of your next turn. must be able to see or hear you to benefit.
Disrupting Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon On Guard. When you miss an attack made as an
attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to opportunity attack using your reaction, you can expend one
disrupt the creature’s concentration. You add the superiority superiority die to immediately regain use of your reaction for
die to the attack’s damage roll, and the creature has the round. You cannot use this reaction to respond to the
disadvantage on any Constitution saving throw it must make same action which triggered your initial opportunity attack.
to maintain concentration as a result of the attack. Pinning Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon
Distant Attack. - When you make an attack with a ranged attack, you can expend a superiority die and add it to the
or thrown weapon, you can expend a superiority die to double damage of the roll. In addition, that creature must make a
the normal range of the weapon, and increase the maximum Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature is effectively
range by the same number of feet added, for the remainder of pinned in place, reducing its speed to 0 until the end of your
your turn. If your initial attack hits, add your superiority die to next turn. The creature or another, adjacent creature can use
the attack’s damage roll. its action to free it from this effect. Creatures with the ability
Grabbing Attack. When you hit with a weapon attack, you to move through small cracks or objects are immune to this
can expend a superiority die to attempt to grab the target. effect.
Add your superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, then you Prepare For Battle. When a friendly creature within 30
can attempt a grapple against the hit creature as a free feet of you is surprised but you are not, you can immediately
action, dropping or sheathing a different held item if expend one superiority die to spur the creature into action
necessary to gain a free hand. and allow them to act on their initiative count. However, that
Hesitating Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon creature cannot take bonus actions, make more than a single
attack, you can expend a superiority die to cause the target to weapon attack, or cast a spell except a cantrip during that
hesitate. Add your superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, turn. A creature must be able to see or hear you to benefit
and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed from this maneuver.
save, the target cannot use its reaction until the end of your Shake It Off. When either you or a friendly creature within
next turn. 30 feet of you that can see or hear you makes a saving throw
Hobbling Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon to end an effect on themselves, you can expend one
attack, you can expend one superiority die to strike a superiority die as a reaction. Roll your superiority die and add
crippling blow, temporarily hindering the target’s mobility. it to that saving throw.
You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and
the creature must expend an additional foot of movement for Magical Maneuvers
each foot of its movement it uses until the end of your next Maneuvers with a more magical flavor which may not be
turn. considered fitting for the Archetype in some campaigns.
Hurricane Strike. As an action, you can expend a Elemental Infusion. When you select this maneuver,
superiority die to make a spinning attack, striking all nearby select a damage type from the following list: acid, cold, fire,
foes. Each creature within 5 feet of you must make a poison, thunder, lightning, and necrotic. When you deal
Strength saving throw. On a failure, a creature is pushed 5 additional damage with a superiority die on one of your
feet away from you and takes bludgeoning damage equal to attacks when using a maneuver, you can choose for that
your superiority die. damage to be of the selected type.
Strip Defenses. When you hit a creature with an attack,
you can expend a superiority die to temporarily shed away
the creature’s special defenses. The next time that creature
takes damage or makes a saving throw that it would apply its
resistance to (but not immunity or legendary resistance)
before the end of your next turn, the damage or effect ignores
that resistance instead.
Tracing Attack. When you hit with a weapon attack, you
can expend one superiority die to injure the target in such a
way to make them easier to track. Add your superiority die to
the attack’s damage roll. In addition, the creature must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it becomes more
difficult for the creature to hide. For the next 8 hours,
creatures have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and
Wisdom (Survival) checks made to spot or track the creature.


New Martial Weapons
While there is a decent variety of weapons already available, certain weapons or fighting styles simply aren't represented. What
follows are some suggested weapons.

Name      Cost       Damage Weight      Properties
Martial Melee Weapons
    Battle Shield 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 3 lb. Light, special
    Estoc 20 gp 1d12 piercing 4 lb. Heavy, two-handed
    Fire Lance 100 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Two-handed, special
    Goedendag 10 gp 1d10 bludgeoning or 10 lb. Two-handed
    Meteor Hammer 2 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 3 lb. Reach, two-handed
    Multi-Polearm 10 gp 2d4 piercing or slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
    Ramming Shield 50 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 15 lb. Heavy, two-handed, special
Martial Ranged Weapons
    Repeating Crossbow 100 gp 1d10 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 50/200), heavy, two-
handed, special

Multi-Polearm. A name used to describe a great number

Weapon Description and Properties of polearms designed to bring harm to your enemies in a
A brief description of the new weapons and their special variety of ways. Most commonly, these weapons will include
properties, where applicable. an axe edge, a blade, and/or a spiked tip.
Battle Shield. A smaller, more lightweight shield Ramming Shield. A heavy, torso-sized shield designed to
specifically designed to be used as a weapon. Some are be held in both hands and slammed head-first into enemies
round, while others have a lip which can be sharpened, or a during a charge.
prominent spike sticking from the top or near the fingers.      Special Property. A ramming shield can be crafted to
      Special Property. A battle shield can be crafted to deal deal one of either bludgeoning or piercing damage. You can
one of either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You only use the rattle shield as a weapon if you have profi-ciency
can only use the battle shield as a weapon if you have in both martial weapons and with shields, and provides its
proficiency in both martial weapons and with shields, and shield AC bonus while doing so.
provides its shield AC bonus while doing so. Repeating Crossbow. This weapon is a modified heavy
Estoc. A long, thin blade with a large handle designed to crossbow which is fed bolts through a cartridge. As such, it
pierce through armor with two-handed thrusts. doesn't require loading the same way as a normal crossbow.
Fire Lance. A specially-modified spear with a cylinder      Special Property. This crossbow is fitted with a
attached near its tip for depositing and igniting blackpowder, crossbow cartridge that can hold up to five specially crafted
resulting in a painful shower of sparks. crossbow bolts. It automatically reloads after firing until the
     Special Property. As a bonus action, you can expend a cartridge runs out of ammunition. Reloading the cartridge
blackpowder charge, which burns for 1 minute or until you takes an action.
either ignite it again, the weapon is submerged in water, or
the weapon enters an area otherwise without oxygen. While
burning, the weapon sheds light like a torch and deals an
additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Ammunition
Goedendag. This weapon is a mix between a short spear Item Cost Weight
and a club, with a thick shaft designed for bashing, and
ending in a spiked cap for stabbing with.     Blackpowder charge 50 gp 1 lb.
Meteor Hammer. A long rope or chain with a circular     Crossbow cartridge 5 sp 1 lb.
weight at one or both ends, which can be thrown and
retracted, or swung at high speeds.


New Shields
While the single shield option can be applied to many shields, there are a large variety of shields, which range in size, weight, and
function. To help better represent these outliers, you may choose to use of these shield options instead.
The Battle Shield and Ramming Shield both can also be used as weapons, and their weapon stats are listed above.

Armor      Cost       Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
    Battle Shield 5 gp +1 — — 3 lb.
    Buckler 3 gp +1 — — 2 lb.
    Ramming Shield 50 gp +3 Str 13 Disadvantage 15 lb.
    Tower Shield 20 gp See Description Str 15 Disadvantage 20 lb.

Shield Description and Properties

Below are the physical descriptions and special properties of
these new shields. They function in all other ways as a shield.
Battle Shield. A buckler-sized shield designed for dual use
as a weapon. Either reinforced for bashing, covered
in/protroding spikes for stabbing, or with a sharp edge for
chopping and slashing.
     Properties. A battle shield provides a +1 bonus to AC. If
you are proficient with a battle shield as a weapon, you can
also use it to make weapon attacks, as detailed in "New
Martial Weapons". Additionally, if you wield a battle shield
and are using a battle shield or buckler in the other hand, you
gain the highest AC bonus of the two shields +1.
Buckler. A small shield which can be held by a small strap
or worn on the forearm.
     Properties. A buckler provides a +1 bonus to AC. You
can don or doff a buckler using your free item interaction,
rather than an action. In addition, you can hold an item in the
same hand used to hold a buckler, but cannot wield a weapon
or use another shield in that hand.
Ramming Shield. A buckler provides a +1 bonus to AC. A
large shield requiring two hands to use effectively, designed
for charging into enemies.
     Properties. Requires two hands to use. If you are
proficient with a ramming shield as a weapon, you can also
use it to make weapon attacks, as detailed in "New Martial
Tower Shield. This shield is built especially tall and wide,
providing additional protection to the user and those who
take up positions behind them.
     Properties. If you are proficient with shields, you can
use a bonus action to either raise or lower a tower shield you
are using. While lowered, the shield provides you with a +1
bonus to AC. While raised, the tower shield instead provides
you with half cover (+2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving
throws) and provide creatures you would normally provide
half cover to with three-quarters cover (+5 bonus to AC and
Dexterity saving throws), but your speed is also halved.


Optional Rules

ring utility and options into the hands of the less Intelligence or Charisma (your choice) are your ability
magically inclined. Using the following optional modifier for your maneuver saving throws, and their
rules, players are able to play in a martial-based effects which appliy one of the your ability score
game of D&D 5e where they aren't necessarily modifiers. Characters with levels in the Monk class may
relegated to the same tired options, turn after choose to use Wisdom instead.
turn of "We all use the Attack action to hit that Precise Attack cannot be chosen as a maneuver.
one enemy", and characters which are strikingly
similar or flat on paper, while still keeping the 5e ruleset. Cavalier Changes
The following Martial Empowerment System and Critical To encourage use by different characters and the use of
Hit rules are optional miniature rule systems which can be additional ability scores, your Unwavering Mark feature is
added to increase the combat options of martial-based determined by your Wisdom modifier instead of Strength.
Empowering Features
Martial Empowerment The following features are added to characters at the
System Rules appropriate character level in addition to all other features
they gain from their background, class, and race.
The following rules are intended to increase the turn-by-turn
options for characters in campaigns focusing around martial Fighter Archetype
classes, rather than spellcasters. Before applying these rules, At 1st level, choose a Fighter Archetype of either Arcane
there are a few things to consider. Archer, Battle Master, or Cavalier. You gain the level 3
features of the chosen Archetype, though some features have
Power Level Increase been altered as noted earlier. If you choose the Cavalier
While it will vary depending on the type of campaign, the option, you cannot gain additional uses of its features from
power level of the party overall will have a slight increase due another source.
to these abilities. However, there will be certain challenges Alternatively, you can choose the Bard College of
the party cannot overcome as easily as with a more Glamour’s Mantle of Inspiration feature or College of
conventional 5e party, their ability to heal will be greatly Swords’ Blade Flourish feature. You also gain the Bardic
hampered in comparison, and they will have to manage more Inspiration feature, regaining all expended uses on a short or
of their ability scores on average. long rest.
Your features improve at 5th level, and again at 10th, 15th,
and 20th level.
Class and Feat Options
While it is certainly possible to use these rules without Improved Hit Dice
including the following, the major conceit behind its current Starting at 2nd level, you regain all of your Hit Dice instead of
iteration begins with the following restrictions on characters: half when you finish a long rest.
In addition, whenever you take the Dodge action in combat,
Players can only play the Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, or you can spend one Hit Die to heal yourself. Roll the die, add
Rogue class. Players cannot choose classes with full or your Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points
1/2 spell slot progression. equal to the total (minimum of 1).
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, players MUST take Starting at 10th level, you can send up to two Hit Dice
a feat instead of an Ability Score Increase. Fighter and whenever you use this feature, and when you reach 15th level
Rogue levels that grant an Ability Score Increase at you can spend up to 3 Hit Dice instead.
different levels grant the choice of either a feat or a +1
bonus to two different ability scores. Ability Score Boost
Further, DMs may choose to bar the Arcane Archer, Arcane At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level,
Trickster, Echo Knight, Eldritch Knight, Four Elements and increase one Ability Score of your choice by 1, to a maximum
Sun Soul subclasses. While they are not imbalanced, they are of 20. If you gain a feat that grants an ability score increase
often antithematic to campaigns using these rules. this level, you cannot choose to increase the same ability
Battle Master Changes Level 7 Fighter Archetype Feature
To make the Battle Master's less utilized features more At 5th level, you gain the level 7 features of your chosen
appealing, and to reward characters for branching out their Fighter Archetype. If you chose a Bardic college, your
ability scores instead of pumping them all into physical ability Inspiration die increase to a d8s instead.
scores, the following changes will be made to the Battle
Master. Level 10 Fighter Archetype Feature
You gain the level 10 feature of your chosen Fighter
Archetype. If you chose a Bardic college, your Inspiration die
increase to a d10 instead.
+1 to All Ability Scores
At 11th level, increase all of your Ability Scores by 1, to a
Martial Empowerment Features maximum of 20.
Shots Superiority Manuvers Inspiration Level 15 Fighter Archetype feature
Level Features Known Dice Known Die When you reach 15th level, you gain the level 15 feature of
1st Fighter 2 4d8 3 d6 your chosen Fighter Archetype. If you chose a Bardic college,
Archetype your Bardic Inspiration die increase to a d12, and if you roll
2nd Improved 2 4d8 3 d6 initiative and have no uses left, you immediately gain one use
Hit Dice of that feature.
3rd ─ 2 4d8 3 d6 Level 18 Fighter Archetype feature
4th Ability 2 4d8 3 d6 When you reach 20th level, you gain the level 18 feature of
Score your chosen Fighter Archetype. If you chose a Bardic college,
Boost you you can add half your proficiency bonus to any skill check
5th Level 7 3 5d8 4 d8 you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
6th ─ 3 5d8 4 d8
7th ─ 3 5d8 4 d8
8th Ability 3 5d8 4 d8
9th ─ 3 5d8 4 d8
10th Level 10 4 5d10 5 d10
Hit Dice
11th +1 to All 4 5d10 5 d10
12th Ability 4 5d10 5 d10
13th ─ 4 5d10 5 d10
14th ─ 4 5d10 5 d10
15th Level 15 5 6d10 6 d12
Hit Dice
16th Ability 5 6d10 6 d12
17th ─ 5 6d10 6 d12
18th ─ 5 6d10 6 d12
19th Ability 5 6d10 6 d12
20th Level 18 6 6d12 6 d12


Heavy Ranged. Javelin, Heavy Crossbows, Longbows,
Alternate Rule for Repeating Crossbow
Critical Hits (Pin) If the target is next to a solid surface, they become
pinned in place by the weapon/ammunition. Their speed
Some may find the normal rules for critical hits is reduced to 0 until it or an adjacent creature uses an
unpredictable, instantly ending certain encounters, action to free them or it is destroyed (AC 10, 5HP, immune
occasionally unsatisfying, and greatly incentivizes players to to psychic and poison damage). This is considered a
hold back on certain features for only when they score a grapple effect.
critical hit. Instead of using those rules, you may choose to (Penetrate) Make a free attack using the same weapon
apply the following instead. against another creature adjacent to the target, even if it
When you score a critical hit against a creature, instead of would normally be up to 5 feet out of your reach.
rolling extra damage dice, your attack deals maximum (Shove) The target is pushed up to 10 feet.
damage. Then, if the attack was made with a weapon,
unarmed strike, or improvised weapon and you have not Light Blades. Dagger, Sickle, Rapier, Scimitar,
already applied a critical hit effect this turn, you can apply Shortsword
one of the critical hit effects below. Your options are
determined by the attack's group, as noted below. (Bleed) The target gains a temporary level of exhaustion,
Extra damage dice added by the Barbarian’s Brutal Critical which is removed the next time it regains hit points.
or other effects which add damage dice only on a critical hit (Hamstring) The target's speeds are reduced to 5ft until
are still rolled and added. the end of your next turn.
Unarmed. Unarmed strikes, improvised weapons (Maneuver) The target is pushed or pulled 5 feet into an
unoccupied space in a direction of your choice.
(Deafen) The target is both deafened and cannot speak
until the end of your next turn. Light Ranged. Dart, Handaxe, Hand Crossbow, Light
(Dizzy) The target cannot take reactions until the end of Crossbow, Shortbow
your next turn. (Bleed) The target gains a temporary level of exhaustion,
(Grab) Make a free grapple or escape attempt against the which is removed the next time it regains hit points.
target. (Pin) If the target is next to a solid surface, they become
    Axes. Handaxe, Battleaxe, Greataxe, Halberd pinned in place by the weapon/ammunition. Their speed
is reduced to 0 until it or an adjacent creature uses an
(Cleave) Make a free attack using the same weapon action to free them or it is destroyed (AC 10, 5HP, immune
against another creature within your reach. to psychic and poison damage). This is considered a
(Maneuver) The target is pushed or pulled 5 feet into an grapple effect.
unoccupied space in a direction of your choice. (Ricochet) Make a free attack using the same weapon
(Unshield) The target loses the benefit of a shield it is against another creature within 10 feet of the original
using until the end of your next turn. target.
Blowguns. Blowgun Net. Net
(Acupuncture) The target automatically misses the next (Followup) Make a free weapon attack against the target.
attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn. (Secure) The escape DC and AC of the net are both
(Deafen) The target is both deafened and cannot speak increased by 5 while the creature is restrained.
until the end of your next turn. (Topple) Make a free shove attempt against the target
(Poison) The target has disadvantage on its saving throw using the weapon.
against the ammunition's poison until the end of your next
turn. Spears. Spear, Lance, Pike, Trident, War Pick, Fire Lance,
Estoc, Multi-Polearm
Blunt. Club, Greatclub, Mace, Quarterstaff, Flail, Maul,
Morningstar, Warhammer, Light Hammer, Sling, Battle (Impale) The target is grappled by your weapon as long as
Shield, Goedendag, Meteor Hammer, Ramming Shield you wield the weapon and do not attack with it or move.
The target may attempt to escape the grapple as normal.
(Disorient) The target has disadvantage on its next attack (Bleed) The target gains a temporary level of exhaustion,
roll or saving throw made before the end of your next turn. which is removed the next time it regains hit points.
(Shove) The target is pushed up to 10 feet. (Penetrate) Make a free attack using the same weapon
(Topple) Make a free shove attempt against the target against another creature adjacent to the target, even if it
using the weapon. would normally be out of your reach.
Heavy Blades. Glaive, Greatsword, Longsword Whip. Whip
(Cleave) Make a free attack using the same weapon (Bleed) The target gains a temporary level of exhaustion,
against another creature within your reach. which is removed the next time it regains hit points.
(Shove) The target is pushed up to 10 feet. (Intimidate) The target becomes frightened of you until
(Unsteady) The next attack roll made against the target after the next attack it makes against you or the end of
before the end of your next turn has advantage. your next turn, whichever comes first.
(Topple) Make a free shove attempt against the target
using the weapon.
Purple Dragon Knight
Class Improvements You can use your Rallying Cry feature as a bonus action, or at
Certain features or subclasses for classes can feel the same time you use your Second Wind feature. Any
underwhelming or unnecessarily restricting when you creature healed by this effect can immediately expend a Hit
compare them to others. DMs may choose to apply the Die, rolling the die and adding their Constitution modifier to
following changes to features. the roll to regain that amount of additional HP. You can use
Unless otherwise noted, the changes mentioned are in this feature the same number of times you can use your
addition to all other abilities granted by that feature. Second Wind feature.
You can use your Inspiring Surge feature as a bonus action,
Barbarian or at the same time that you use your Action Surge feature.
You can use this feature the same number of times you can
Rage use your Action Surge feature.
While you are raging, you also gain your rage damage bonus
to damage rolls made with thrown weapons. Monk
Fighter Unarmoed Defense
Using the Unarmored Defense feature, you may choose to
Fighting Styles use the following calculation for AC: 10 + your Strength
The Defense and Two-Weapon Fighting fighting styles are modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
improved in the following ways, with the Defense and
Protection styles being merged into one. Ki
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 When you spend 1 or more ki points as an action on your
bonus to AC. While you are wielding a shield, when a creature turn, you can then immediately use a bonus action to make
you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 an unarmed strike.
feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage Starting at 9th level, when you spend a ki point as a bonus
on the attack roll. action to use the Patient Defense or Step of the Wind feature,
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon you can also make a single unarmed strike as part of that
fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of action.
the second attack. Starting at 9th level after you take the
Attack action and you spend a bonus action to perform any Rogue
action, you can also make one free attack with a light weapon
in a different hand. This includes if you use that bonus action Arcane Trickster
to perform two-weapon fighting (making two attacks total). You may choose any two schools of magic when you choose
this archetype, instead of being limited to Enchantment and
Arcane Archer Illusion.
If you have the Arbalist fighting style (See “New Fighting Spells you cast which require spell attack rolls and would
Styles” pg 3), you can use crossbows with these features. otherwise qualify for sneak damage deal an additional
If you have the Throwing fighting style (See “New Fighting amount of damage equal to half of your sneak attack damage
Styles”), you can use thrown weapons with these features. dice (rounded down) on a hit.
Battle Master Scout
The Battle Master's abilities are altered in the following ways. At 3rd level, Skirmisher also grants you 10 feet of movement
which does not provoke when you use your reaction any
When you finish a long rest, you can replace a maneuver other reason (Such as an opportunity attack or the Uncanny
you know with another maneuver. Dodge feature).
You can expend a superiority die to use the Know Your At 9th level, Superior Mobility grants you a climb speed
Enemy ability as an action, instead of one minute. and swim speed both equal to half your normal movement
Evasive Footwork also allows you to move through hostile speed +10 if you do not have one.
creatures’ spaces (but not end your turn in them) while
using it, and you also gain a climb speed and swim speed Thief
equal to your normal movement speed. At 3rd level, Second Story Work grants a climb speed equal
Sweeping Attack allows you to choose up to two to your movement speed. In addition, you gain the Improviser
additional creatures for its effect, instead of just one. feature below.
Parry can also be used on a hit against another creature Improviser. You also gain proficiency with improvised
within your reach. weapons, and they are treated as having the finesse property
Lunging Attack applies its reach to all attacks you make while you wield them. In addition, add half of your proficiency
during that turn. modifier (rounded up) to the DC of any item you use which is
neither a weapon or which casts spells (ball bearings,
Eldritch Knight cantrops, hunter’s traps, poisons).
You may choose any two schools of magic when you choose
this archetype, instead of being limited to Abjuration and



ftentimes, rather than a rule dictating the fun Kunai (Japanese)
and flavor of a game, greater enjoyment can be Scissors
garnered by simply change the way something Senbon / Needle (Japanese)
is described. Herein are ideas for what players Tanto (Japanese)
or DMs might use to describe different
weapons, shields, or classes without changing GREATCLUB
the mechanical function.     Animal Leg / Fossil
While you should always ask your DM before reskinning Bag of Hammers
something, suggestions in italics especially might not fit into Barrel
an individual campaign and should be considered carefully. Bokken / Wood Practice Sword (Japanese)
Giant Mallet
Weapon Reskins Kanabo (Japanese)
To aid with fitting the weapon selection to certain campaign Otsuchi (Japanese)
settings, the real-world origin or namesake of the weapon is Shillelagh (Irish)
included, where able. Stool
Table Leg
Materials HANDAXE
    Bamboo and Rattan     Chakram (Indian)
Bone Cleaver / Butcher Knife
Bronze Francisca (Frankish)
Clay / Earthenware Fuma Shuriken (Japanese)
Crystal Kukri (Indian)
Damascus Steel Mambele (African)
Hardened Glass Saw (Tool)
Ivory Tomahawk (American)
Wood     Aklys (Roman)
Atlatl / Spear-Thrower
Simple Weapons Giant Skewer or Needle
CLUB Pilum (Roman)
    Bat (Sports) Sharpened Stick
Baton (Weapon or Conducting) Sign/Signpost
Brass Knuckles / Knuckle Dusters Verutum (Roman)
Buckler (Shield)
Crowbar     Boomerang (Australian)
Chair Leg Heavy Object in a Sack
Flute Skulls and Bones
Hammer (tool) Throwing Stone
Jitte (Japanese)
Kiseru / Battle Pipe (Japanese) MACE
Mallet See “Club”.
Meat (Bone-in Ham or Drumstick) QUARTERSTAFF
Nicely Weighted Rock
Shillelagh (Irish)     Bo Staff (Asian)
Shishpar (Indian) Chang Xiao Bang (Chinese)
Shoe Chigiriki (Japanese)
Skull or Thigh Bone Giant Bone
Tessen / War Fan (Japanese) Log
Tonfa (Asian) Shillelagh Walking Stick (Irish)
DAGGER Vaulting Pole
    Butterfly Knife
Cinquedea / Five Finger Dagger (Italian)
Knuckle Guard Knife
Kris Knife (Indonesian)

    Billhook (Tool)     Ahlspiess / Awl Pike (German)
Bladed War Fan Drill
Broken Scissors
Kama (Japanese) FLAIL
Karambit (Indonesian)     Bag of Hammers
Razor Chain Tonfa (Asian)
Saw Chang Xiao Bang (Chinese)
Scissor Knife Chigiriki (Japanese)
Sword Catcher / Parrying Dagger GLAIVE
SPEARS     Bardiche (European)
    Bident Bill / Billhook (European)
Boar Spear Fauchard (European)
Brandistock (Italian) Great Scythe
Dory (Greek) Guandao (Chinese)
Giant Skewer / Needle / Nail Ji (Chinese)
Harpoon Naginata (Japanese)
Hasta (Roman) Poleaxe (European)
Partisan (European) Kusarigama / Sickle and Chain(Japanese)
Pitchfork (Tool) Sovnya (Russian)
Ranseur (European) Spiked Chain
Trishula (Indian) Tree Trimmer (Tool)
Qiang / Tasseled Spear (Chinese) Urumi / Ribbon Sword (Indian)
Spetum (European) War Scythe
Sharpened Stick Woldo (Korean)
Spontoon / Half-Pike (European) Zanbato (Japanese)
Hand Cannon     Brandistock (Italian)
    Bo Shuriken (Japanese)     Bardiche (European)
Kestros (Greek) GREATSWORD
Kunai (Japanese)
Senbon / Needle (Japanese)     Claymore (Scottish)
Swiss Arrow Flambard (German)
Syringes Giant Cleaver
Throwing Knives Giant Scissors
Nodachi (Japanese)
SHORTBOW Two-Pronged Sword
    Composite Bow Zanbato (Japanese)
Hankyu Yumi (Japanese) Zweihander (German)
    Handheld Catapult See “Glaive”.
Slingstaff LANCE
Throwing Stone
    Barcha (Asian)
Martial Weapons Gichang / Flag Spear (Korean)
Kontos (Greek)
BATTLEAXE Xyston (Greek)
    Bladed Mace LONGSWORD
Khopesh (Egyptian)
Labrys (Greek)     Bastard Sword (European)
Sharpened Thigh Bone / Shoulder Blade Broadsword
Dadao (Chinese)
BATTLE SHIELD Flamberge (German)
    Buckler-Axe Jian (Chinese)
Cestus (Roman) Katana (Japanese)
Gauntlet Khopesh (Egyptian)
Scissor (Roman) Kriegsmesser (German)
Spiked Shield Miaodao (Chinese)
Sword Catcher / Parrying Dagger Seven-Branched Sword (Japanese)

    Giant Mallet     Arming Sword (European)
Giant Fan Back Blade
Kanabo (Japanese) Basket-Hilted Sword
Pillar Bladed War Fan
Sledgehammer Broadsword
Tree Trunk Cane Sword
Chokuto (Japanese)
METEOR HAMMER Ciqueadea / Five Finger Shortsword (Italian)
    Chang Xiao Bang (China) Claw Blades
Chigiriki (Japanese) Gladius (Roman)
Two-Handed Flail Katar (India)
Katzbalger (The Holy Roman Empire)
Khyber Knife (Indo-Persian)
    Bagh Nakh (Indian) Kopis (Greek)
Claw Blades Mortuary Sword (European)
Crowbar Schiavona (Italian)
Estoc (European) Side Sword (Italian)
Lang Ya Bang (Chinese) Sinclair (German)
Macuahuitl (Mexican) Small Sword (French)
Mattock (Weapon) Wakizashi (Japanese)
Spiked Hammer Walloon Sword (German)
Spiked Bat Xiphos (Greek)
    Bec de Corbin (French) See “Spear”.
Bohemian Earspoon (European) WAR PICK
Gichang / Flag Spear (Korean) See “Morningstar”.
Giant Spiked Hammer
Kama-Yari (Japanese) WARHAMMER
Longspear     Bokken / Wood Practice Sword (Japanese)
Lucerne Hammer (Swiss) Flanged Mace
Military Fork (European) Reverse Blade Sword
Rope Dagger (Asian) Shishpar (Indian)
Sarissa (Greek)
RAPIER     Chain Dagger / Knife
    Chokuto (Japanese) Kusarigama / Sickle and Chain (Japanese)
Colichemarde (European) Spiked Chain
Side Sword (Italian) Urumi / Ribbon Sword (Indian)
    Basket-Hilt Sword (European)     Miniature Crossbow
Claw Blades
Cutlass (European) CROSSBOW, HAND
Dadao (Chinese)     Hand Cannon
Falchion (European) CROSSBOW, HEAVY
Kopis (Greek)
Kukri (Indian)     Gastraphetes
Lange Messer (German) Miniature Scorpion
Makhaira (Greek)     Daikyu Yumi (Japanese)
Sabre (European) Recurve Bow
Scissor (Roman)
Shamshir (Persian/Iranian) NET
Shashka (Russian)     Bolas
Xiphos (Greek) Lasso

Shield Reskins SHIELD
Shields are an item often overlooked or written off, with     Adarga. Heart-shaped shield made of hard leather.
some even believing shields all look relatively the same. Aspis / Hoplon. Wooden shield with copper coating
However, throughout history and the world, there have been a designed to rest over the shoulder. Sometimes has a curtain
great many different types of shield. Below are just some draped over it to catch stray arrows.
examples. Many of the material suggestions could also be Bouche. A slit cut into the corner or side for lances or
used for flavoring armor. other weapons. Can be present on different shields.
Eye Hole. A type of shield with a slot or eye holes built in
Shield Materials to see through while it is raised.
    Bamboo and Rattan Fencing Cape. This article of clothing serves a similar
Wicker function. Draped over one shoulder and often wrapped
Bone around an arm, it was used to misdirect strikes.
Bronze Figure Eight. Tapered middle, appearing like an 8.
Earthenware Glagwa. Bell-shaped shield made with the hide of a cow,
Copper buffalo, or elephant.
Padded Cloth Heater. Shorter shield for use on horseback.
Leather Kite. Long and narrow kite-shaped shield.
Elephant or Rhino Nguni. A tall shield made from raw cattle or ox hide
Ivory supported by a wooden frame which sticks out each end.
Crocodile Round. Simple circular shield.
Snakeskin Scutum. Rectangular, cylinder-like shield.
Stone Targe. Round shield like a large buckler, typically with
Chitin studded nails in a decorative fashion. Sometimes wave-like.
Amber Viking. Round shield made of planks glued together and
Crab Shell reinforced with bands of iron.
Snail Shell Yetholm. Circular shield with embossed rings, typically
Giant Skull used to show one's status.
Hardened Glass BATTLE SHIELD
Humanoid Skin
Hydra Hide     Cestus. Padded gauntlet that runs from knuckle to elbow.
Mushroom Grimoire. A locked, metal plated book with a chain or
strap keeping it attached to the arm.
Horned. These varieties of shields have animal horns or
horn-like protrusions designed for stabbing foes.
Jitte. Pronged club designed for capturing weapons.
Qauata. Parrying shield with a leaf-like head with a central
ridge. Often depicts anthropomorphic creatures.
Roromaraugi. This parrying shield is shaped like a sickle
or cane with a horned protrusion in the back.
Sword Catcher / Parrying Dagger. A single-edge dagger
with notches cut into one side, designed for use in the off-
hand to block or halt incoming attacks.
    Fencing Cape. This article of clothing serves a similar
function. Draped over one shoulder and often wrapped
around an arm, it was used to misdirect strikes.
Grimoire. A locked, metal plated book with a chain or
strap keeping it attached to the arm.
Muleta. A matador's cape, which consists of a red cloth
draped over a stick.
    Horned. These varieties of shields have animal horns or
horn-like protrusions designed for stabbing foes.
Renntartsche. Large, cape-like shield with a slot in one
corner, designed to protect the whole body.
    Pavise Shield. Wall shield used mainly by archers.
Renntartsche. Large, cape-like shield with a slot in one
corner, designed to protect the whole body.

Totem Warrior (Any)
Class Reskins and     Druid
Inspiration Medium who channels animal spirits
While it can still be fun to follow the character and power Shapeshifter
archetypes that are laid out in the base game, some DMs and
players like to break the mold and change the flavor of their Totem Warrior - Eagle
class abilities. What follows are suggestions and ideas for     Scout
ways to play your character's class without following the Wind Elementalist
usual formula.
As with all reskinning, you may need to speak with your Totem Warrior - Elk
DM first before using these concepts for your character!     Horse Whisperer
Barbarian (Any)
    Amnesiac hero who temporarily remembers his training Totem Warrior - Wolf
Blood Magic User     Dirty Fighter
Cocky fighter who normally holds back Gang Leader
Constant drunk who flies into rages Tribe Elder
Experimental Scientist Zealot
Gathers their energy to release all at once     Cleric
Growth Magic User Demigod
Herbalist who eats empowering plants Demon Slayer
Luck Manipulator Holy Assassin
Lycanthrope Paladin of a Sun God
Magic / Science Experiment Shaman
Paladin or Priest of a War or Rage God Summoner of Celestials
Possessed by Spirit or Demon Undead Slayer
Potion User
Pressure point master who bypasses their limit Fighter
Spirit Medium
Time Manipulator     Cleric or Paladin seeking redemption
Warrior who enters a calm, focusing trance Time Manipulator
Ancestral Guardian
    Abjurer Arcane Archer
Cleric     Hex / Curse User
God-Chosen Ranged Paladin
Haunted Summoner
Keeper of a Swarm Trick Shot Marksman
Psychic Unconventionally Trained Wizard
Shaman Witch
Shield Magic User
Spirit Channeler Battle Master
Summoner of Celestials     Demigod Patron
Grizzled Veteran
Battlerager Psionicist
    Extreme Sadist Spellcaster
Paladin or Priest of a Blood God Spirit Medium who imbues attacks
Pugilist Warlord
Berserker     Abjurer
    Old Veteran who usually has to hold back Horse Whisperer
Transmuter Knight
Zealot Nomad
Royal Guard
Storm Herald
    Druid Champion
Evocationist     Assassin
Medium who channels elementals Gladiator
Psionicist Paladin

Eldritch Knight Sun Soul
    Cleric or Paladin of a Knowledge God     Dragon / Phoenix Summoner
Elementalist Evocationist
Magus Future Tech User
Psionicist Pyromancer
Witch Shaman
Purple Dragon Knight
    Bard Rogue
Cleric     Acrobat
Paladin Animalistic Predator Instinct
Warlord Dim Mak Practitioner
Samurai Fencer
See "Barbarian" Field Researcher
Holy Assassin
Monk Hunter
    Boxer / Pugilist Lucky Fool
Cleric Merchant
Dance Fighter Old Veteran
Paladin Sneak attack represents sudden bursts of rage
Priest Protected by their God Surgeon
Drunken Master Arcane Trickster
    Dirty Fighter     Fey-Touched
Fey-Touched Prankster Magus
Four Elements Spirit Caller
    Djinn or Dragon Summoner Witch
Druid Yokai Patron
Future Tech User
Imbues items with ki for magical effect Inquisitive
Sorcerer     Assassin
Warlock Diviner
Enhanced / X-ray Vision
Kensei Guard Captain
    Hexblade Warlock Inquisitor
Paladin Message Runner
Sohei Scout
Tsukumogami Master
Long Death     Actor
    Cleric of Death Animal Tamer who uses animals to distract enemies
Half-Demon Bard
Half-Spirit Distracting Fool / Clown
Medium Doppelganger
Multiple souls inhabiting a body Gang Leader
Necromancer Illusionist
Soul Collector Scout
Vampire / Jiangshi     Druid
Warlock Illusionist
Yurei Message Runner
Opeb Hand Shapeshifter
See "Drunken Master" Speedster
Wind Elementalist
    Demonologist Thief
Half-Demon     Climber
Vampire Trap Maker
Warlock Fey Trickster

Supreme_Slayer / Necromancy4kids
DMs Guild Creator Resources (Various)
Don Parrish
Inspirations and Resources
Tome of Battle (D&D 3.5e)
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
AdAstra and Ruslan from the Giantitp Forums
Mark P.
Allan G.
Natural Crit Homebrewery
Dedicated To
My father, Todd, battling with cancer.
Thank You
Thank you for purchasing this product! If you liked it, please
consider checking out my previous creations, though some of
them have since become outdated.
The elements were conceived separately over a number of
years, then compiled finally together after additional research
and motivation. My hope is that even if this product does not
meet certain people's standards, it will at least create a
jumping off point for them to create their own rules that
make their games more enjoyable for themselves.
I've always had a drive to create new things in Dungeons &
Dragons, since I first read a 3.5 Monster Manual and began
to play the game. My imagination would run wild with
creatures, and the kinds of heroes and villains which could
exist. Unfortunately, I usually lacked the drive and know-how
to turn my creations into a reality.
I did my best to resarch and create this product, though as
I am not a professional in any field, some mistakes may have
been made. If you find any, please feel free to point them out
in a kind fashion so that I may fix it!
Legal Info
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by
supreme_slayer / necromancy4kids and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


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