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100G Coherent Field Trial

Roger Payne BT Transport Optical Networks Innovation

Talk Agenda
Drivers for 40 & 100G Is the technology ready? Does it cost in? What are we doing in BT? Aims Key technologies Trial infrastructure and designs Location/system configuration Evaluation areas Results and findings

BT 100G field trial

Summary Acknowledgements Questions

British Telecommunications plc

Drivers for 40 & 100 Gbit/s

Growth in higher bandwidth services
e.g. Netflix now accounts for 29% of peak time downstream traffic in the US

Requirement for Transport platforms to support high bit-rate (40/100GigE) client ports
IEEE 802.3 BA standards were ratified June 2010 Appropriate support for transparent transport of 40GbE and 100GbE over standard OTN rates Leading router/switch vendors now support 40/100 GigE interfaces and need transport

Network Capacity Growth

Typically DWDM systems support up to ~80 10Gbit/s ls i.e. ~800Gbit/s per fibre 100Gbit/s wavelengths gives us up to 8Tbit/s per fibre!

British Telecommunications plc

Drivers for 40 & 100 Gbit/s

Providing higher capacity on existing DWDM systems
If we are starting to run out of lambdas on existing 10G DWDM, 40/100G will delay new build and defer spend Fibre plant cost advantage i.e. no need to dig new fibre links (expensive)

Network operational advantage

1 x 100G l is simpler to manage than 10 x 10G l Potential space and power savings 1 x 100G transponder more efficient footprint over 10 x 10G transponders

Cheaper interface costs (per bit)

If it is cheaper to multiplex clients (e.g. 10G) onto 40G or 100G rather than use 10G wavelengths.
British Telecommunications plc

Is The Technology Ready ?

10G is the standard technology in existing metro and core networks including BT 21C network Technology for higher speeds has developed quickly
40G technology mature and being deployed in networks 100G technology emerging rapidly Moved beyond prototype to early products and first deployment

100GE and 40GE client standards ratified June 2010

Leading router/switch vendors support 40/100 GigE Transport interfaces now available

Carrier laboratory evaluations and field trials

British Telecommunications plc

Does 40G cost in yet?

10G v 40G transponder prices

British Telecommunications plc

What are we doing in BT?

Verifying the capability of our existing WDM systems to support 40 and 100G wavelengths
PMD and Dispersion Compensation are key factors

We have been trialling and evaluating 100G technology to understand its performance in BTs networks
BT Strategic vendors

British Telecommunications plc

Aims of BT 100G Trials

Prove operation of 100G Transport over BTs 21CN network designed for 10G operation Understand and evaluate the potential and limitations of 100G transport technologies over BT field-installed fibres and WDM system investigating key performance aspects for 100G transport and services
e.g. Coherent and non-coherent options

Understand strategic vendor capabilities and influence their product development and specification Demonstrate and develop BTs technical capability in high speed network technology
British Telecommunications plc

Technology choices: Coherent vs. Non-Coherent

Coherent Reach Capacity Long haul High High Non-Coherent Medium haul

CD tolerance
PMD tolerance Nonlinearity Cost Power consumption

Very High
Very High Medium High High

Medium (with TDCM)

Low/Medium Medium Medium Medium

Latest 100G technology exploits coherent detection together with powerful digital processing High Chromatic Dispersion and PMD tolerance Essential for long haul and fibres with high PMD Coherent performance will likely come with a higher cost

British Telecommunications plc

Further Implications of Coherent Approach

Conventional DWDM network uses in-line Dispersion Compensating Modules (DCMs)
Supports all signal rates (10/40/100G) Support both coherent and non-coherent technologies

DCM-less network operation is now possible since dispersion compensation is performed within the transponders
Simplified node design with lower loss (better OSNR) Simplified fibre planning (no need to deploy DCMs) Lower latency link How to support standard 10G (non-coherent) and alien wavelengths ?

British Telecommunications plc

BT Field Fibre Trial Infrastructure


83km 77km Newmarket Cambridge 24km 68km 50.7km

36.1 km


13.1km Adastral park

Bishops 57.08km Wood green 14.7km 53.6km BT Tower 58.1km 87.2km Basildon Colchester

All fibres are G.652 fibres typical of BTs optical fibre network infrastructure
All fibres are characterised (length, loss and PMD) some have very high PMD All nodes can accommodate optical amplifiers if required
British Telecommunications plc

e.g. Field Fibre Route for 100G Coherent Trial


83km 77km Newmarket Cambridge 24km 68km 50.7km

36.1 km

terminal here


13.1km Adastral park

Bishops 57.08km Wood green 14.7km 53.6km BT Tower 58.1km 87.2km Basildon Colchester


loopback here

Trial fibre route from Adastral Park to BT Tower 410km (round-trip) WDM terminal at Adastral Park, intermediate amplifier (and DCM) sites at Colchester, Basildon and BT Tower
British Telecommunications plc

Field Fibre Characterisation

Fibre routes are selected for the demonstration and evaluation of the 100G transmission performance
Note measurements above are for coherent link (high PMD) Other links low PMD

British Telecommunications plc

Field trial system Adastral park to BT Tower

12.16dB 49.23km
22.9dB 87.2km 22dB 68.34km

100G WDM terminal


11.7dB 49.23km
Adastral park Colchester

22.3dB 87.2km Basildon

22.15dB 68.34km BT Tower

Adastral park to BT Tower loop back total 410km

In-line amplifiers located at Colchester, Basildon and BT Tower High PMD fibres from Adastral Park to Colchester, Colchester to Basildon, with a total route PMD of 14ps (average DGD)
British Telecommunications plc

optical amplifier

DCM (dispersion compensation module)

Performance Evaluation Areas

Optical Transmission at 10/40/100G OSNR measurements
Using a variable noise source to assess BER pre/post FEC BERs

Chromatic Dispersion tolerance

Use of TDCM Removal of in-line DCMs (only for coherent)

PMD tolerance
Using PMD emulator to add DGD

Multi-line Rate operation - co-existence of 10G/40G/100G signals Ethernet Transport Latency, throughput and jitter Application demonstration of HDTV/IPTV

British Telecommunications plc

Single channel optical performance in field trial over 410km from Adastral park to BT Tower (with DCM in link)

Coherent 40G performance comparable to conventional 10G

British Telecommunications plc

100Gb/s Performance vs. PMD

Total DGD value includes PMD from field fibre system and additional PMD generated from PMD emulator Coherent 100G has very high PMD tolerance with error free performance for DGD ~100ps

British Telecommunications plc

Field trial system reconfiguration into DCM-less DWDM operation

DCM removed at Colchester, Basildon and BT Tower

British Telecommunications plc

Optical performance in DCM-less DWDM system with

Coherent 100G and 40G have error free performance in DCM-less DWDM system
British Telecommunications plc

DCM-less Ethernet Latency Advantage

10G Client Ports (4 x 10GigE or 10 x 10GigE)

Tx Rx

Round-trip Latency From Tester Via BT Tower with DCMs


Tx Rx

Via BT Tower without DCMs

Tx Rx

Tx Rx

To Tester

British Telecommunications plc

We have successfully demonstrated operation of ??????G over BT 21CN infrastructure designed for 10G
Mixing technologies Stable long term operation

Coherent is powerful and the choice for ultimate performance and reach
High PMD tolerance means that poor fibre links can be utilised, optimising asset usage
Enables new DCM-less network operation with simpler planning and design, enhanced OSNR performance

But support for conventional 10G and alien waves needs to be considered

British Telecommunications plc

BT Team: Yu-Rong Zhou, Kevin Smith, Mark Wilkinson, Paul Wright

British Telecommunications plc

Thank You - Q&A

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