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DWDM Dense Wavelength

Division Multiplexing

DWDM Primer

May 21, 2004

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DWDM Primer Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Course Description Lesson 4: Optical Networks

Course Description ...................................................................1-2 Purpose.................................................................................... 4-3
Name....................................................................................1-2 Objectives ............................................................................ 4-3
Purpose ................................................................................1-2 Optical Network........................................................................ 4-5
Prerequisite ..........................................................................1-2 Tunable Laser...................................................................... 4-7
Objectives.............................................................................1-2 Lasers as the Signal Source................................................ 4-9
Scope........................................................................................1-3 Safety Concerns.............................................................. 4-9
Reference Documents..........................................................1-3 Modulator ........................................................................ 4-9
Support Organizations ..............................................................1-5 Amplifiers and Regeneration ............................................. 4-11
FOCIS.......................................................................................1-7 Network Routes and Regeneration.................................... 4-13
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Model................................. 4-15
Lesson 2: DWDM Primer Overview The EDFA Amplifier ........................................................... 4-17
Purpose ....................................................................................2-3 Fiber Bands ....................................................................... 4-19
Objectives.............................................................................2-3 Amplifier Requirements ..................................................... 4-19
Reference Documents..........................................................2-3 Raman Amplifiers .............................................................. 4-21
Why DWDM? ............................................................................2-5 Distributed Raman......................................................... 4-21
DWDM Definition..................................................................2-5
Discrete Transport Channels vs. DWDM Transport .............2-5 Lesson 5: Optical Network Considerations
Service Provider Advantages ...............................................2-7 Purpose.................................................................................... 5-3
What is a Wavelength? ........................................................2-9 Objectives ............................................................................ 5-3
Optical Network Considerations............................................... 5-5
Lesson 3: Wave Division Multiplexing Signal Bandwidth and Filtering ............................................ 5-7
Purpose ....................................................................................3-3 ITU-T Grid............................................................................ 5-7
Objectives.............................................................................3-3 Impairments to DWDM Transmission ...................................... 5-9
Types of Multiplexing ................................................................3-5 Bit Error Rate ....................................................................... 5-9
Time Division Multiplexing....................................................3-5 Eye Pattern...................................................................... 5-9
Wavelength Division Multiplexing.........................................3-7 Forward Error Correction—Solution to BER ...................... 5-13
Varieties of WDM .................................................................3-7 Types of FEC ................................................................ 5-13
WDM ................................................................................3-7 In-Band FEC.................................................................. 5-13
CWDM .............................................................................3-7 Out-of-Band FEC........................................................... 5-15
.........................................................................................3-7 Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio............................................. 5-17
DWDM .............................................................................3-7 Fiber Attenuation ............................................................... 5-19
Optical Multiplexing Technology ...............................................3-9 Attenuation Loss in S-Band, C-Band, and L-Band ........ 5-21
Optical Multiplexing Filters ...................................................3-9 Attenuation of Optical Signal ......................................... 5-23
Signal Amplification ....................................................... 5-23

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only i

Table of Contents DWDM Primer

Cross Talk in DWDM Systems ...........................................5-25 FLASHWAVE 7500 Solution.............................................. 6-13

Compensating for Cross Talk in DWDM Systems .........5-25
Fiber Dispersion .................................................................5-25 Lesson 7: DWDM Acronyms
Chromatic Dispersion.....................................................5-27
Dispersion Compensators..............................................5-29 Lesson 8: DWDM Terms
Chirp ..............................................................................5-31
Lesson 9: End of Course Evaluation
Polarization Mode Dispersion ........................................5-33
................................................................................................. 9-2
PMD Effect .....................................................................5-33
End of Course Evaluation ........................................................ 9-3
Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation ................5-35
DWDM Self-Evaluation ........................................................ 9-3
Effective Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation .5-35
Self-Evaluation Sheet (Electronic) ....................................... 9-6
Lesson 6: DWDM Network Solutions
Purpose ....................................................................................6-3
Reference Documents..........................................................6-3
FLASHWAVE 7420: The Ideal Metro Access WDM Transport 6-5
System Description ..............................................................6-5
System Objectives................................................................6-5
Protection .............................................................................6-5
Applications ..........................................................................6-7
FLASHWAVE 7500: The Metro Core Solution .........................6-9
System Description ..............................................................6-9
Multiservice Operations ..........................................................6-11
Video ..................................................................................6-11
Broadcast TV Programming...........................................6-11
Video on Demand ..........................................................6-11
Near Video on Demand .................................................6-11
Subscription Video on Demand .....................................6-11
Voice ..................................................................................6-13
Switched Telephony.......................................................6-13
Voice Over IP Services ..................................................6-13
Other Services....................................................................6-13

ii FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Support Organizations........................................... 1-4 Figure 6-1: FLASHWAVE 7420 .............................................. 6-4
Figure 1-2: FOCIS ................................................................... 1-6 Figure 6-2: FLASHWAVE 7420 Ring ...................................... 6-6
Figure 2-1: Discrete Channels ................................................. 2-4 Figure 6-3: FLASHWAVE 7500 .............................................. 6-8
Figure 2-2: DWDM Transport .................................................. 2-6 Figure 6-4: Multiservice Operations Applications.................. 6-10
Figure 2-3: Wavelength ........................................................... 2-8 Figure 6-5: MSO Network Solution ....................................... 6-12
Figure 3-1: Time Division Multiplexing..................................... 3-4
Figure 3-2: Wavelength Division Multiplexing.......................... 3-6
Figure 3-3: WDM Filters........................................................... 3-8
Figure 4-1: Optical Network Drawing....................................... 4-4
Figure 4-2: Tunable Laser ....................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-3: Laser Signal Sources ............................................ 4-8
Figure 4-4: Regeneration....................................................... 4-10
Figure 4-5: Network Regeneration......................................... 4-12
Figure 4-6: EDFA Model ........................................................ 4-14
Figure 4-7: Erbuim-Doped Fiber Amplifier ............................. 4-16
Figure 4-8: Fiber Bands and Amplifiers ................................. 4-18
Figure 4-9: Distributed Raman Amplifiers.............................. 4-20
Figure 5-1: Optical Network Spectrum..................................... 5-4
Figure 5-2: Signal Bandwidth................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-3: Eye Pattern vs. Data Stream................................. 5-8
Figure 5-4: Eye Pattern Display............................................. 5-10
Figure 5-5: Forward Error Correction..................................... 5-12
Figure 5-6: OOB-FEC Example ............................................ 5-14
Figure 5-7: OSNR .................................................................. 5-16
Figure 5-8: Fiber Attenuation ................................................. 5-18
Figure 5-9: Fiber Signal Loss in S-Band, C-Band, and L-Band . 5-
Figure 5-10: Power Levels..................................................... 5-22
Figure 5-11: Dispersion and WDM ........................................ 5-24
Figure 5-12: Chromatic Dispersion ........................................ 5-26
Figure 5-13: Compensation Modules..................................... 5-28
Figure 5-14: Chirp.................................................................. 5-30
Figure 5-15: Polarization Mode Dispersion............................ 5-32
Figure 5-16: PMD Compensation .......................................... 5-34

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only iii
List of Tables DWDM Primer

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms ...................................................... 7-2

Table 1: DWDM Terms ............................................................ 8-2
Table 1: Answers ..................................................................... 9-6

iv FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004

Lesson 1

Course Description
Course Description DWDM Primer

Course Description
Name Objectives
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Primer After completing this course, the student should be able to:
• Identify DWDM optical network elements
• Describe DWDM characteristics
The purpose of the DWDM Primer course is to provide an
introduction to dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). • Identify DWDM optical network considerations
Additionally, this course will discuss why DWDM is an important
• Identify Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. (FNC)
innovation in optical networks and the benefits it can provide.
products that offer network solutions
While there are no formal prerequisites for this course, the
following make the course more meaningful, as an in-depth
analysis of these subjects is beyond the scope of DWDM Primer
• SONET knowledge and experience
• Ethernet knowledge and experience

1-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Course Description

The DWDM Primer course is intended for network planners, and Reference Documents
engineers who would like to familiarize themselves with DWDM
technology. In addition, other personnel who wish to gain a The following documents were used to develop this course:
general understanding of DWDM are encouraged to attend. • FNC-742-0031-120, System Description and
This student guide is intended as a tool for classroom use only. Engineering (FLASHWAVE 7420)

Students interested in training on other aspects of FNC • FNC-591-0013-120, System Description and
Engineering (FLASHWAVE 7500)
equipment and capabilities should investigate other courses
offered by FNC, such as applicable turn-up & testing, • TRN-7500-TM-013, FLASHWAVE 7500 Turn-Up and
maintenance, and engineering courses. Test
• TRN-7420-TM-031, FLASHWAVE 7420 Turn-Up and
• PMB-03-031 FLASHWAVE 7500 Product Management
Bulletin (Release 1.3 Announcement)
• PMB-03-004 FLASHWAVE 7420 Product Management
Bulletin (New Product Announcement)

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 1-3
Course Description DWDM Primer

Figure 1-1: Support Organizations

Educational Services
Richardson, Texas
Register for class
800-777-3278 ext. 4961
fax: 972-479-7117

Technical Assistance Center (TAC)

Richardson, Texas

Repair and Return

Richardson, Texas

Richardson, Texas/Regional Offices

Technical Publications
Richardson, Texas

1-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Course Description

Support Organizations
FNC support organizations (see Figure 1-1) include: • Sales (Richardson, Texas and regional offices)—
Provides sales assistance for all FNC products.
• Educational Services—Provides training on all FNC
products. Classes are conducted at Richardson, Texas
Call 800-777-FAST (800-777-3278) for information
as well as at customers’ locations.
• Technical Assistance (Richardson, Texas)—Answers
- Upgrades
questions regarding FNC products. Service is provided
via telephone. - Replacement Parts
- Ordering Information
Call 800-USE-FTAC (800-873-3822) for questions
regarding: - Local Sales Offices
- Technical Performance - Product Descriptions
- Equipment Specifications - Documentation
Note: FTAC stands for Fujitsu Technical Assistance Note: FAST stands for Fujitsu Assistance.
Center. • Technical Publications (Richardson, Texas)
• Repair and Return (Richardson, Texas)—Provides
Additional information regarding FNC and any of the support
repair services for all FNC products.
organizations can be located at our Web site:
Call 800-525-0303
Note: Online documentation is available to FNC
Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
customers on the FNC Web site by accessing
2791 Telecom Parkway
Partners and FOCIS:
Richardson, Texas 75082-9983

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 1-5
Course Description DWDM Primer

Figure 1-2: FOCIS

1-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Course Description

FOCIS is a Web based, customer accessible repository of Fujitsu
technical documentation such as:
• Product change notices
• Information bulletins
• Manufacturer discontinued notices
• Manuals
• Software downloads and links
• Training information
• Document downloads
In addition, FOCIS has information on Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) contacts, links to technical training courses and
FLEXR registration.
• Access the FNC Web site at
• Select Logon to FOCIS
Note: If you know your user name and password, log
on. If not, go to the registration link and request
a logon. Wait one business day for verification
of access.
• The Partners page is displayed (see Figure 1-2).
• Select FOCIS.
• Select Services—Various FNC services are listed for
Reference Documentation: Not applicable

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 1-7
Course Description DWDM Primer

1-8 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 2

DWDM Primer Overview

DWDM Primer Overview DWDM Primer

2-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Primer Overview

This lesson provides an overview of dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM).

Upon completion of this lesson, the student should be able to:
• Define DWDM
• Recognize the advantage that DWDM has over time
division multiplexing (TDM)
• Define a wavelength

Reference Documents
The following documents were used in the development of this
• TRN-7500-TM-013, FLASHWAVE 7500 Turn-Up and
• TRN-7420-TM-031, FLASHWAVE 7420 Turn-Up and
• PMB-03-031 FLASHWAVE 7500 Product Management
Bulletin (Release 1.3 Announcement)
• PMB-03-004 FLASHWAVE 7420 Product Management
Bulletin (New Product Announcement)

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 2-3
DWDM Primer Overview DWDM Primer

Figure 2-1: Discrete Channels


9X 9X

2-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Primer Overview

Dense wavelength division multiplexing permits rapid network
deployment and significant network cost reduction. Use of
DWDM allows deployment of less fiber and hardware with more
bandwidth being available relative to standard SONET networks.

DWDM Definition
Dense wavelength division multiplexing is a fiber optic
transmission technique that employs light wavelengths to
transmit data (refer to “What is a Wavelength?” on page 9).

Discrete Transport Channels vs. DWDM Transport

Traditional SONET, TCP/IP, ATM, and voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP)1 are transmitted over discrete channels, each
requiring a fiber pair between the end points. Figure 2-1 shows
nine channels, each at 10 Gb/s, using nine discrete fiber pairs.
This traditional SONET method requires 3 regenerators to
condition the signals across each fiber path between each of the
nine nodes, a total of 27 regenerators.

1. VoIP is a method of digitizing voice to allow it to occupy less band-

width and therefore allow more voice channels over a given band-

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 2-5
DWDM Primer Overview DWDM Primer

Figure 2-2: DWDM Transport


9X 9X


2-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Primer Overview

Dense wavelength division multiplexing systems allow many Multiservice traffic of all types can now be carried over the
discrete transport channels to be carried over a single fiber pair. DWDM infrastructure shown in Figure 2-2. Thereby enabling
Nine discrete channels share the fiber pair with an aggregate faster speed to market of multiservice traffic offerings at a lower
bandwidth of 90 Gb/s in Figure 2-2. cost for new services to be transported over the DWDM system.

Service Provider Advantages

The service provider uses an existing installed fiber plant more
effectively by incorporating DWDM systems. Comparing Figure
2-2 to Figure 2-1, the service provider recovers eight fiber pairs
to expand its network for its investment in two 9-channel
(wavelength) DWDM terminals and three in-line amplifiers (ILAs),
as described below.
Multiplexing reduces the cost per bit sent and received over the
network. In Figure 2-1, the distances require three regenerator
sites for traditional SONET traffic. In Figure 2-2, these 27
regenerators are removed and replaced by three ILAs. The cost
of an ILA is typically 50 percent of the cost of a SONET
regenerator and the single ILA carries all nine wavelengths.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 2-7
DWDM Primer Overview DWDM Primer

Figure 2-3: Wavelength

2-8 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Primer Overview

What is a Wavelength?
A wavelength is the distance between the crests of a wave (Figure
2-3). The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 2-9
DWDM Primer Overview DWDM Primer

2-10 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 3

Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM Primer

3-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Wavelength Division Multiplexing

This lesson provides an overview of wavelength division
multiplexing (WDM). Since DWDM systems are derived from
wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, WDM will be
discussed and the relationship between WDM and DWDM
systems will be examined.

Upon completion of this lesson, the student should be able to:
• Understand basic WDM theory and operational
• Describe the different WDM types

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 3-3
Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM Primer

Figure 3-1: Time Division Multiplexing

3-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Types of Multiplexing
Multiplexing is sending multiple signals or streams of information
through a circuit at the same time in the form of a single, complex
signal and then recovering the separate signals at the receiving
end. Basic types of multiplexing include frequency division
multiplexing (FDM), time division multiplexing (TDM), and
wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), with TDM and WDM
being widely utilized by telephone and data service providers
over optical circuits.

Time Division Multiplexing

TDM, as represented in Figure 3-1, is a method of combining
multiple independent data streams into a single data stream by
merging the signals according to a defined sequence. Each
independent data stream is reassembled at the receiving end
based on the sequence and timing.
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM) and Internet Protocol (IP) utilize TDM techniques. In
modern telecommunications networks, TDM signals are
converted from electrical to optical signals by the SONET
network element, for transport over optical fiber.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 3-5
Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM Primer

Figure 3-2: Wavelength Division Multiplexing

3-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM

WDM increases the carrying capacity of fiber by assigning As with CWDM, the difference between WDM and DWDM is
incoming optical signals to specific frequencies of light fundamentally one of degree. DWDM spaces the wavelengths
(wavelengths, or lambdas) within a certain frequency band. This more closely than does WDM. Therefore, DWDM has a greater
method allows for the combining of multiple optical TDM data overall capacity. DWDM common spacing may be 200, 100, 50,
streams onto one fiber through the use of multiple wavelengths or 25 GHz with a channel count reaching up to 128 or more
of light (Figure 3-2). Each individual TDM data stream is sent channels at distances of several thousand kilometers, with
over an individual laser transmitting a unique wavelength of light. amplification and regeneration along such a route.

Varieties of WDM
Early WDM systems transported two or four wavelengths that
were widely spaced. WDM and the follow-on technologies of
coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) have evolved well
beyond this early limitation.
Traditional, passive WDM systems are wide-spread with 2, 4, 8,
12, and 16 channel counts being the normal deployments. This
technique usually has a distance limitation of under 100
Today, CWDM typically uses 20-nm spacing (3000 GHz) of up to
18 channels. The CWDM Recommendation ITU-T G.694.2
provides a grid of wavelengths for target distances up to about
50 kilometers on single mode fibers as specified in ITU-T
Recommendations G.652, G.653 and G.655. The CWDM grid is
made up of 18 wavelengths defined within the range 1270 nm to
1610 nm spaced by 20 nm.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 3-7
Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM Primer

Figure 3-3: WDM Filters

3-8 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Optical Multiplexing Technology

Optical multiplexing technologies, such as DWDM and WDM
systems, have revolutionized the use of optical fiber networks.
Different colors of light, called wavelengths, are combined into
one optical signal and sent over a fiber-optic cable to a far-end
optical multiplexing system.

Optical Multiplexing Filters

Figure 3-3 illustrates that a filter is a physical device that
combines each wavelength with other wavelengths. Many
technologies are used in multiplexing, including:
• Thin-film filters
• Bragg gratings
• Arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs)
• Interleavers, periodic filters, and frequency slicers)

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 3-9
Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWDM Primer

3-10 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 4

Optical Networks
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

4-2 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

This lesson provides an overview of optical networks and the
components that make up an optical network.

Upon completion of this lesson, the student should be able to:
• Identify the components of an optical network
• Describe functions of the major components that make
up an optical network

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-3
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-1: Optical Network Drawing

4-4 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Optical Network
Figure 4-1 shows the five main components of a DWDM optical 5. Receiver (receive transponder):
network. The components of a DWDM optical network are: - Changes optical pulses back to electrical bits
1. Transmitter (transmit transponder): - Uses wideband laser to provide the optical pulse
- Changes electrical bits to optical pulses
- Is frequency specific
- Uses a narrowband laser to generate the optical
2. Multiplexer/demultiplexer:
- Combines/separates discrete wavelengths
3. Amplifier:
- Preamplifier boosts signal pulses at the receive
- Postamplifier boosts signal pulses at the transmit
side (postamplifier) and on the receive side
- In line amplifiers (ILA) are placed at different
distances from the source to provide recovery of
the signal before it is degraded by loss.
4. Optical fiber (media):
- Transmission media to carry optical pulses
- Many different kinds of fiber are used
- Often deployed in sheaths of 144–256 fibers

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-5
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-2: Tunable Laser

O/4-Shift DFB
Laser Array


4-6 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Tunable Laser
Figure 4-2 shows one method of transmission, the tunable laser.
Multiple individual lasers, eight in this example, are built into one
piece of silicon. One selected laser is turned on and temperature
tuned to the exact desired wavelength. A waveguide feeds the
signal combiner that sums the input 1310 nm wavelength with
the desired laser wavelength and then routes the signal from the
laser to the silicon optical amplifier (SOA) that boosts the signal
output. Configuration is controlled by the operating system
software in use for the DWDM system.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-7
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-3: Laser Signal Sources

Signals High Speed


4-8 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Lasers as the Signal Source

Transmitters use lasers as the signal source shown in Figure 4-3.
Optical fiber transmission is in the infrared band. Wavelengths in
use in this band are longer than visible light. As a result, you
cannot see the light used in fiber-optic transmission. The
transmitter must be very tightly controlled to generate the correct
Usually the manufacturer carefully adjusts the transmitter module
at the factory and then the frequency is set to specific
wavelengths for each transmitter that the customer needs. There
are environmental parameters that the laser transmitter expects
for proper on-wavelength operation as well as regulated sources
of electrical power.
Safety Concerns
There is the risk of damage to the technician’s eyes by laser
energy. DWDM lasers are usually Class I lasers and that means
that enough light power is present to cause eye damage or
blindness if the person exposed looks directly into a fiber end.
The modulator changes the laser signal by either pulsing it off
and on or by changing the phase of the signal so that it carries
information. DWDM systems typically use phase modulation.
Each variation represents a 1 or a 0.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-9
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-4: Regeneration

Original Signal

Attenuated, Noisy Signal

1R, Amplification

2R, Best Guess Pulse


3R, Retiming To Get Back

Original Pulse Edges (Very

4-10 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Amplifiers and Regeneration

Amplifiers are defined as type 1R, 2R, or 3R, which are
described as follows:
• 1R—Reamplify
• 2R—Reamplify and reshape
• 3R—Reamplify, reshape, and retime
Figure 4-4 illustrates the effect on a degraded optical signal after
it has been 1R, 2R, or 3R regenerated.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-11
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-5: Network Regeneration

Transponder, 3R Electrical Regenerator

(All Transponders Expect Asynchronous) 3R Electrical

Asynchronous Transponder
2R Electrical
No Timing So Not Bit Rate Optical Amplifier
Dependant 1R Optical

4-12 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Network Routes and Regeneration

Figure 4-5 shows that optical networks can have 1R, 2R, and 3R
The 1R device only amplifies the signal received. A 2R device
provides amplification and reshaping of the waveform to provide
some data recovery. The 3R device provides amplification and
reshaping and requires a time source so that it can provide
retiming for the transponder.
Asynchronous input transponders do not depend on timing and
cannot be retimed. Such transponders commonly support non-
SONET rates and have a SONET output that is internally clocked
by the transponder.
By observation, you see that 3R devices include 1R and 2R as
well as 3R functions.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-13
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-6: EDFA Model

WDM Optical Isolater

Input Coupler Output

Pump Laser Diode

4-14 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Model

Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) provide the gain
mechanism for DWDM amplification, depicted in Figure 4-6.
DWDM systems use erbium amplifiers because they work well
and are very efficient as amplifiers in the 1500 nm range. Only a
few parts per billion of erbium are needed.
Light is pumped in at around 1400 nm (pump laser diode) to
excite the erbium ions, and then the incoming 1500-nm light
signal from the source system is amplified.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-15
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-7: Erbuim-Doped Fiber Amplifier

1480 nm
Laser Optical Cable
OC-48 Mixer
1551 nm OC-48
1551 nm

Fiber Amplifier
Network (EDFA)

EDFA Amplifier

4-16 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

The EDFA Amplifier

Figure 4-7 shows an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and is
the last active component in the DWDM system on the transmit
side (postamplifier). On the receive side, the preamplifier (a
receive EDFA) is the first active component.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-17
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-8: Fiber Bands and Amplifiers

4-18 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Fiber Bands
Three optical frequency bands are used today for fiber-optic
DWDM networks. Figure 4-8 highlights C-band and L-band,
which are considered the most useful. The bands are:
• C-band (conventional) has a range from 1530 nm to
1570 nm (most commonly used band in DWDM).
• L-band (long wavelength) has a range from 1570 to
1625 nm.
• S-band (short wavelength) has a range from 1450 to
1500 nm.

Amplifier Requirements
Different C-band and L-band amplifiers are required because
EDFA must be optimized for either C-band or L-band
amplification. The following applies:
• High pump power with short EDFA fiber is used for
C-band amplifiers.
• Medium pump power with long EDFA fiber is used for
L-band amplifiers.
• Thulium-doped fluoride-based fiber amplifier (TDFA)
for 1450–1490 nm S-band is used in conjunction with
Raman fiber amplifiers (RFA). The S-band has only
recently come into DWDM system design.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-19
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

Figure 4-9: Distributed Raman Amplifiers

Pump Laser Diodes

(1.43 through 1.50 Xm)
Raman Amplification

Distributed Amplification In
Transmission Fibers

Reduced Effective Span Loss

Channel 1

Channel 32


Linear Loss OSNR Improvement

4-20 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

DWDM Primer Optical Networks

Raman Amplifiers
Raman amplifiers (fiber amplifiers) are devices that amplifies an
optical signal directly, without first converting the signal to an
electrical signal, amplifying the signal electronically, and then
reconverting it to an optical signal. Characteristics of Raman
amplification include:
• Silicon fiber used as the gain mechanism
• Not as efficient as erbium; however, the lower
efficiency is compensated for by the higher linear
density of silicon in the fiber
• Amplifies over C-band, L-band, and S-band
Distributed Raman
Raman amplifiers, as shown in Figure 4-9, are coming into
general use to accomplish operation over longer spans with
fewer regeneration sites.
Raman amplification allows the transmission fiber to be used as
an amplifier, resulting in the following benefits:
• Reduced effective span loss
• OSNR improvement

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 4-21
Optical Networks DWDM Primer

4-22 Preliminary Draft Copy May 21, 2004

Lesson 5

Optical Network Considerations

Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

5-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

This lesson provides an overview of considerations that must be
taken into account when designing an optical network.

Upon completion of this lesson, the student should be able to:
• Identify the bandwidth range used in DWDM
• Identify common impairments to DWDM transmissions
• Describe how forward error correction (FEC) is a
solution for bit error rate (BER)
• Identify the types of dispersion

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-3
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-1: Optical Network Spectrum



Fiber Optic Transmission Window

5-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Optical Network Considerations

Optical fiber transmission using DWDM typically occurs at
1500 nm wavelengths. The DWDM system transmission shown
in Figure 5-1 operates in the 1500 nm range due to performance
effect, component cost, and the availability of optical amplifiers.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-5
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-2: Signal Bandwidth

Filter Width

5-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Signal Bandwidth and Filtering

Figure 5-2 shows how signal bandwidth requirements change
with data rate. Figure 5-2 indicates that a significant amount of
bandwidth is normally consumed by the optical signal. The
general rules of physics say that for each GHz of signal, 2 GHz
are required for the signal. Typically an additional 10 percent for
guard band is used.

ITU-T Grid
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) established a
set of standards for telecommunications that drives all optical
DWDM systems today.
Systems are based on an absolute reference to 193.10 THz that
corresponds to a wavelength 1552.52 nm with individual
wavelengths spaced in steps of 50 GHz or a wavelength step of
0.41 nm from the reference. All land-based DWDM systems
follow this standard.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-7
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-3: Eye Pattern vs. Data Stream

Eye Pattern

5-8 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Impairments to DWDM Transmission

There are different kinds of impairments to error-free
transmission over DWDM. Some techniques of detection and
correction are discussed below.

Bit Error Rate

The bit error rate (BER) is a ratio of error bits to total transmitted
bits. Typical values are 10–12 BER for SONET and 10–15 for next
generation long-haul transport equipment. The value 10–15 is
one error bit in 1015 bits, which equates to one error in 11.6 days
for a 10-Gb/s signal.
Eye Pattern
The eye pattern in Figure 5-3 is a visual depiction of the
waveform being transmitted to look for impairments. It consists of
the waveform for each wavelength overlaid on one screen.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-9
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-4: Eye Pattern Display

Valid Range
1s Are Above Threshold

Decision Threshold

Valid Range
0s Are Below Threshold

5-10 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

The eye pattern display in Figure 5-4 allows quick verification of

signals that meet performance specifications. In the display, the
1 signals are above the center point and the 0 signals are below
the center point. An eye pattern is an oscilloscope display in
which a pseudorandom optical data signal from a optical receiver
is repetitively sampled and applied to the vertical input, while the
optical signalling rate is used to trigger the horizontal sweep.
System performance information can be derived by analyzing the
display. An open eye pattern corresponds to minimal signal
distortion. A closure of the eye pattern is a result of distortion of
the signal waveform due to inter-symbol interference.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-11
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-5: Forward Error Correction

Original Lossy Find + Correct Errors Original
Signal Transmission Signal
Media Errors

5-12 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Forward Error Correction—Solution to BER

Forward error correction (FEC) is used to support higher capacity
and longer transmission distances by improving the bit error rate
(BER). FEC makes the system more robust in respect to errors
(Figure 5-5). The FEC code bytes are used at the end of a
transmitted frame by the receiving system to find and correct
Types of FEC
The two main kinds of FEC used in optical transmission are in-
band and out-of-band. In-band is sometimes called simple FEC.
In-Band FEC
In-band forward error correction (FEC) is the most common
method used in SONET Network Elements. FEC bytes are
carried as part of the SONET overhead. The simple FEC shown
in Figure 5-5 is representative of in-band FEC.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-13
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-6: OOB-FEC Example

Byte Bytes Bytes

5-14 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Out-of-Band FEC
Out-of-band forward error correction (OOB-FEC) is the type used
for DWDM systems. FEC bytes are added on top of the signal to
be carried (Figure 5-6). For example, adding OOB-FEC changes
the signal from 9.958 Gb/s to 10.7 Gb/s for 10 Gb/s SONET
transport, resulting in 6 percent overhead added outside the
normal signal envelope. The effect of approximately 6-dB optical
system gain, depending on OSNR and other impairments on the
DWDM route, can be achieved. The 6-dB gain is not an actual
power gain, but an improvement in the OSNR. It permits greater
distance between ILA sites on the optical span.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-15
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-7: OSNR

5-16 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Figure 5-7, optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR), shows the ratio
of power in the signal to the noise that is with the signal. Better
OSNR is indicated by high numbers. In most cases, a OSNR of
10 dB or better is needed for error-free operation. Pn is the power
level of the noise and Ps is the power level of the signal (OSNR =

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-17
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-8: Fiber Attenuation

5-18 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Fiber Attenuation
All transmission fiber suffers from the losses brought about by
attenuation, as shown in Figure 5-8. The characteristics of the
common fibers have the following in common:
• The 1550-nm window has the lowest attenuation.
• The large spike is due to absorption by water
molecules. This problem has been greatly reduced on
fibers manufactured today, allowing almost optimum
minimum attenuation.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-19
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-9: Fiber Signal Loss in S-Band, C-Band, and L-Band

0 .3 0
Loss (dB/km) 0 .2 8
0 .2 6
0 .2 4
0 .2 2 1550nm

0 .2 0
0 .1 8
1450 1500 1550 1600
W a v e le n g th (n m )

5-20 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Attenuation Loss in S-Band, C-Band, and L-Band

The S-band has the greatest attenuation, and is seldom used in
DWDM design. The C-band and L-band have the most even
rates of loss, as shown in Figure 5-9, and this is the portion of
optical fiber that is most useful.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-21
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-10: Power Levels

Fiber Power Limit


Photon Limit

Noise Accumulation And Dispersion Compensation Limit

5-22 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Attenuation of Optical Signal Signal Amplification

Amplification is needed in an optical network because photons An optical power budget is maintained throughout the network.
leak out or are absorbed by the fiber. Distributed amplification overcomes the power limits of
transmission over fiber as shown in Figure 5-10. Additional
Fiber nonlinearity limits the allowable launch power into a fiber.
amplification considerations are:
These include a variety of effects, such as self-phase modulation
(SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM), stimulated Raman • Amplifiers amplify noise to the desired signal as well as
scattering (SRS), stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), and four- amplification.
wave mixing (FWM).
• The number of amplifications that are possible before a
Light is limited to power increments of photons, so there is a signal must be terminated is limited by the effects of
lower limit to the amount of power/number of photons a receiver noise.
needs to correctly detect 1s and 0s.
• Some amplifier cross talk and inter-symbol
interference restricts the transmission distance.
Note: In a digital transmission system, distortion of the
received signal, which distortion is manifested
in the temporal spreading and consequent
overlap of individual pulses to the degree that
the receiver cannot reliably distinguish between
changes of state, that is, between individual
signal elements. At a certain threshold, inter-
symbol interference will compromise the
integrity of the received data. Inter-symbol
interference attributable to the statistical nature
of quantum mechanisms sets the fundamental
limit to receiver sensitivity. Inter-symbol
interference may be measured by eye patterns.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-23
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-11: Dispersion and WDM


Dispersion (ps/nm/km)



1300 1350 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650

Wavelength (nm)

5-24 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Cross Talk in DWDM Systems

Compensating for Cross Talk in DWDM Systems
Some dispersion is required in WDM networks, as shown in
Figure 5-11, because it keeps down cross talk by minimizing
stimulated Brillouin scattering.
Some early fibers (DSF) sought to eliminate dispersion but had
the following disadvantages:
• Not very good for WDM; too much cross talk
• Limited power levels in the system; greatly reduced
span budgets
Newer fibers have just enough dispersion to eliminate cross talk;
however, they do not present enough dispersion to make
dispersion compensation difficult.

Fiber Dispersion
There are two kinds of dispersion, the most common is called
chromatic dispersion and is routinely compensated for by DWDM
systems for proper operation. The effects of polarization mode
dispersion (PMD) are much more insidious and difficult to make
compensation for in deployed networks.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-25
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-12: Chromatic Dispersion

Dispersion Values

Dispersion (psec/nm/km)
Erbium Window






1275 1325 1375 1325 1525 1575 1625

Wavelength (nm)
Conventional SMF

5-26 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Chromatic Dispersion
Chromatic dispersion is a measure of fiber delay for different
wavelengths. Different wavelengths travel at different velocities
through fiber. The difference in velocity is called delay or
chromatic dispersion of the signal. Figure 5-12 illustrates the
common fiber type delay profiles. The erbium window represents
the minimum slope of chromatic dispersion.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-27
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-13: Compensation Modules

5-28 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

The DWDM system must compensate for dispersion to support

10-Gb/s transmission using methods like those shown in
Figure 5-13.
Dispersion Compensators
A compensator is a device that has the opposite chromatic
dispersion effect as the transmission fiber. Various technologies
are available that can compensate for all wavelengths in a band
or for each wavelength. Compensating for all wavelengths
greatly reduces the cost of compensation. Per-band
compensation is used in some DWDM products. The various
methods include:
• Dispersion compensation module (DCM)
- A type of single-mode fiber
- Used extensively in FNC products
• Fiber Bragg gratings
• High order mode devices
• Virtual image phase array (VIPA), a free-space
dispersion device

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-29
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-14: Chirp

Falling Edge Is Rising Edge Is

Shorter Wavelength Longer Wavelength

An Example Of Negative Chirp

5-30 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Chirp is an abrupt change of the center wavelength of a laser,
caused by laser instability. When the modulator pulses the laser,
a difference in the refractive index of the laser output occurs that
can cause chirp in a DWDM system. Chirp is the phenomenon of
the rising edge of a pulse having a slightly different frequency
than the falling edge (shown in Figure 5-14). It is a common
effect in devices that generate optical pulses (optical
modulators). Additionally, chirp interacts with fiber dispersion
potentially providing more or less dispersion tolerance.
Chirp usually occurs with a value of +1 GHz to –1 GHz. Each
laser transmits coherent light at a different center frequency for
each λ . Chirp can be provisioned to match the system input
requirements on many DWDM systems. On systems that allow
changes, the technician may adjust the chirp value to support the
network requirement, commonly the technician can only report
the presence and degree of chirp.
Chromatic dispersion near the tolerance limit for DWDM
receivers may be worse due to the chirp effect, and may require
dispersion compensation or closer spacing of ILA systems.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-31
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-15: Polarization Mode Dispersion

5-32 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Polarization Mode Dispersion Polarization mode dispersion became an issue in the early
1980s. Manufacturing methods were improved and now fibers
Polarization is used to describe the orientation of a lightwave
can be manufactured that have low PMD. The PMD standard,
around its axis of propagation (Figure 5-15).
Standard Reference Materials (SRM) 2518, published by the
Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) describes the variation in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), states 0.5
velocity of light waves as a result of traveling different ps of PMD per the square root of the fiber length in kilometers as
polarization paths. the proven PMD management interface, that is:
As light is refracted within the fiber, slight changes in the 0.5 ps/km–1/2
polarization of the light may occur. Light which takes different
The new fiber types have less than 0.5 PMD. For example,
paths within the fiber will have polarization differences resulting
10-Gb/s signals with 10 ps of PMD tolerance, derived from the
in dispersion.
formula above, would exhibit a range of about 400 kilometers; 40
Gb/s with 2.5 ps tolerance has an effective range of 25
kilometers (PMD compensation required). Research is underway
PMD Effect
to make even lower PMD fibers. New LEAF fiber, with 0.1 ps/
Although known, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) was not kilometers, allows distances of up to 10,000 kilometers of 10 Gb/
considered in early fiber manufacturing because of the limited s or 625 kilometers of 40 Gb/s.
impairments that PMD represented at the lower data rates
prevalent at that time. Later, as faster data transmission rates
became practical, various manufacturers began to provide fibers
that helped manage the PMD effects, for example:
• Low PMD fibers produced by outside vapor deposition
method (Corning).
• High PMD fibers produced by inside vapor deposition
method (Lucent).

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-33
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

Figure 5-16: PMD Compensation



At 10 Bb/s
Tolerance: 12 ps Average
Dispersion Compensator: 33 ps Average

5-34 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer Optical Network Considerations

Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation

A PMD compensator (PMDC) compensates for polarization
mode dispersion. The PMDC device has tunable PMD
(Figure 5-16) and is new to optical networking.
The compensator applies the opposite amount of PMD as that
produced by the physical attributes of the fiber network itself.
Current technology compensates for PMD at the receiver. This
requires a PMDC for each wavelength.
Effective Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation
Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensators (PMDC) must
consider the following conditions in their dynamic PMDC
• Signal rate
• Noise accumulation limit of amplifiers
• Chromatic dispersion compensation limit
• PMD compensation limit

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 5-35
Optical Network Considerations DWDM Primer

5-36 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 6

DWDM Network Solutions

DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

6-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

This lesson provides an introductory overview of two Fujitsu
products that provide DWDM solutions for Metro congestion and
fiber strain.

Reference Documents
The following documents were used in the development of this
• TRN-7500-TM-013, FLASHWAVE 7500 Turn-Up and
• TRN-7420-TM-031, FLASHWAVE 7420 Turn-Up and
• PMB-03-031 FLASHWAVE 7500 Product Management
Bulletin (Release 1.3 Announcement)
• PMB-03-004 FLASHWAVE 7420 Product Management
Bulletin (New Product Announcement)

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-3
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

Figure 6-1: FLASHWAVE 7420

6-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

FLASHWAVE 7420: The Ideal Metro System Objectives

Access WDM Transport The FLASHWAVE 7420 is an optical add/drop multiplexer
(OADM) designed to provide two basic connections/links:
The FLASHWAVE 7420 DWDM transport system (Figure 6-1) is
designed for use in enterprise and metropolitan networks. The • Protected and monitored connections between nodes
FLASHWAVE 7420 DWDM can be configured as an optical of an optical metropolitan network
terminal multiplexer, or add-drop multiplexer. The FLASHWAVE • Unprotected or protected links between customer
7420 supports various topologies, such as two and four fiber premises equipment and the optical metropolitan
point-to-point, and linear add-drop, as well as two-fiber rings. network of the carrier

System Description Topologies

Signal transport is available in three different topologies:
The FLASHWAVE 7420, shown in Figure 6-1, is a DWDM
networking system for transporting optical signals in multiple • Point-to-point
channels on a single fiber pair. The FLASHWAVE 7420 has been
• Linear add/drop
designed for use in metropolitan networks for both carrier and
enterprise access. The system provides a high level of flexibility • Ring
through protocol-transparent interfaces. It can interface easily
with all types of fiber and transmission equipment, such as: Protection
• SONET (OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, The FLASHWAVE 7420 system can be configured to provide
and OC-192/STM-64) both line protection and path protection, thus providing full
channel protection. The NEs provide a range of protection
• Fast Ethernet (100Base-TX) abilities against individual component and other failures.
• Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-SX) (GigE)
• 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GigE) at 10.3 Gb/s
The FLASHWAVE 7420 uses DWDM technology with 32
• Fibre Connection (FICON) (1062 Mb/s) channels conforming to ITU-T G.692 (200-GHz channel spacing)
• Fibre Channel (FC) (1062 Mb/s) for signal transport. An optical supervisory channel (OSC)
enables supervisory information exchange between all NEs. The
• ATM (OC-3, OC-12, and OC-48) OSC allows managing the complete network from a single point
• Enterprise network connection (ESCON) (200 Mb/s) by access to any one of the nodes of a FLASHWAVE 7420

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-5
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

Figure 6-2: FLASHWAVE 7420 Ring

6-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

While the FLASHWAVE 7420 is ideally suited as an access
transport for metro core equipment because of its application
driven interface types, it is versatile enough to serve as a metro
core in small cities. An example of its versatility is illustrated in
Figure 6-2.

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-7
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

Figure 6-3: FLASHWAVE 7500



6-8 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

FLASHWAVE 7500: The Metro Core The FLASHWAVE 7500 is a reconfigurable OADM that at every
site customers can add and drop any traffic as needed to meet
Solution current or future bandwidth requirements, leaving no stranded
The all-optical FLASHWAVE 7500 DWDM system (Figure 6-3)
provides a Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer The system consists of an Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (OADM)
(ROADM) core for use in metropolitan and Inter-Office Facility or core shelf, which houses the management units of the system,
(IOF) networks. This next-generation ROADM platform is and the Optical Line Card (OLC) or tributary shelves for service
optimized for high capacity and evolving metro core networks. A offering units. Each OLC shelf can support up to a maximum of
variety of network configurations and traffic patterns are sixteen Low Speed OLC units or eight High Speed OLC units or
supported, including point-to-point, ring, and mesh network a mixture of both. Up to ten OLC shelves can be managed with
architectures. The FLASHWAVE 7500 offers 400 Gb/s of one OADM shelf. An optional Lambda Access Shelf (LAS) is
bandwidth that is scalable per wavelength. available for ease of fiber management between switch fabric
and OLC units.
System Description
The FLASHWAVE 7500 platform is a next-generation wavelength
system that significantly drives down the cost of delivering Signal transport is available in the following topologies:
wavelength services. The FLASHWAVE 7500 platform supports • Point-to-point
all metro applications with up to 10 nodes in a 400-km ring. The
FLASHWAVE 7500 network only needs to be engineered once. • Linear add/drop (open ring)
Any wavelength can be added/dropped between any two nodes • OUPSR
without manual attenuation adjustments, banding restrictions or
reengineering. All traffic patterns hubbed, distributed and • Mesh network architectures
meshed are supported without stranding bandwidth in pre-
planned bands.
Multi-rate line cards provide bit rate and protocol independence
and deliver full interoperability with:
• Next generation MSPP
• Gigabit Ethernet (100 megabit to 10 gigabit)
• Fiber Channel services

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-9
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

Figure 6-4: Multiservice Operations Applications

Satellite Feeds

Local Feeds


Headend HUB
Master Headend


VOD Servers
Data Secondary Secondary
Voice Hub Hub


HDT TR-303

Digital Digital Video
Video DVB-ASI, DV6000, GbE

Cable Modem
CMTS Termination System
100Base-T, GbE

Residential Area

6-10 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

Multiservice Operations • The user has to ability to select and control (fast
forward, pause, and start) content. Content examples
Multiservice Operations (MSO), shown in Figure 6-4, provide are movies or other special programs.
varied services to residential customers. These services include:
• Bandwidth (BW) requirements are bursty, since BW is
• Video only required when a user requests content.
• Voice Near Video on Demand
• Data Near Video on Demand (NVOD) is a for-fee delivery service that
• Other Services is provided at intervals and cannot be controlled after delivery
begins by the residential subscriber:
Video • The operator will broadcast popular movies in close
Their networks provide many kinds of broadcast video delivery intervals on multiple channels. The user has no control
systems. The transport of video is very important to MSO over the pausing or reviewing of the movie. Since the
operators and is the priority business of the network. The most movies are broadcast on different channels in 30
common digital video transport techniques are: minute intervals the user will only have to wait 30
minutes before they can begin viewing.
• DVB-ASI Compressed Video at 270 Mb/s
• Bandwidth requirements will be consistent since all
• Digital Video (SMPTE 259M) at 270 Mb/s movies are broadcast at the same time.
• Video over GbE at 1.250 Gb/s Subscription Video on Demand
• DV6000® at 2.380 Gb/s Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) programs are selected in
MSO Video applications are described in the following advance by the residential subscriber, on an event basis.
paragraphs. Typically SVOD is:

Broadcast TV Programming • Similar to VOD, the user selects specialty

programming to view, for example, concerts, sporting
A combination of off-the-air broadcasts and satellite delivered events, or other special interest programs.
broadcasts that are assembled at the MSO head-end facility and
then transported to nodes for delivery to residences. • Bandwidth requirements will be bursty, because BW is
only required when a user requests content.
Video on Demand
Video on Demand (VOD) is a for-fee service that allows a wide
selection of features that are chosen by the residential

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-11
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

Figure 6-5: MSO Network Solution

Satellite Feeds

Local Feeds

7500 7500

4500 7500 7500

Master Headend


VOD Servers
Data 4500 4500


HDT TR-303

Digital Digital Video
Video DVB-ASI, DV6000, GbE

Cable Modem
CMTS Termination System
100Base-T, GbE

Residential Area

6-12 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Network Solutions

Voice headend over FLASHWAVE 7500 and/or FLASHWAVE 4500

The MSO seeks to deliver voice services to the residential
subscriber in competition with the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC). Other Services
The two techniques in use are described in the following
paragraphs. In addition to residential subscribers, many MSO operators have
facilities that pass by businesses. This feature makes the MSO
Switched Telephony an ideal solution for reduced cost communications facilities for
Sometimes called Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), switched business customers. Some typical applications include:
telephony is the traditional copper-based public switched • Voice—Provision of services at a lower cost than the
telephone network (PSTN). Devices are employed that convert RBOC, especially for circuits that go to a second
the DS0 voice signals to data and transport these signals as business facility on the MSO network
conventional PSTN signals to the LEC for transport throughout
the PSTN. • Video Conference—Services for transport of
conference-style video for employee training
Voice Over IP Services
• Data—All data services may be provided by the MSO
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) provides economical delivery
of many voice channels over SONET devices, such as the FLASHWAVE 7500 Solution
FLASHWAVE 4500 as subtending network devices at each
residential node, with the FLASHWAVE 7500 providing transport The network layout for the MSO network solution shown in
of the FLASHWAVE 4500 network links to conserve fiber Figure 6-5, provides a sample application that utilizes the
bandwidth requirements. At the MSO head end the operator FLASHWAVE 7500 and FLASHWAVE 4500 in the MSO
provides interface equipment that converts the VoIP signals back environment.
to switched telephony for delivery to the LEC for PSTN transport.
In some cases, the VoIP can be used to bypass the LEC for long-
distance dial (LDD) services, providing a cost-savings to the
residential subscriber that optimizes the value-add to that
subscriber for using MSO services.

Internet services have become a significant business for the
MSO. Transport of residential subscriber Internet and other
public communications data requirements is provided by use of
routers placed in the subscriber nodes, that communicate to the

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 6-13
DWDM Network Solutions DWDM Primer

6-14 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 7

DWDM Acronyms
DWDM Acronyms DWDM Primer

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms

Acronym Description/Explanation
1R regenerator that reamplifies optical signal
2R regenerator that reamplify and reshape
3R regenerator that reamplify, reshape, and retime
4WM four-wave mixing (also called FWM) (impairment)
APD avalanche photodiodes
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AWG arrayed waveguide
BER bit error rate
BG Bragg grating
C-band optical band from 1530 to 1570 nanometers long
CS-RZ carrier suppressed-return to zero
CWDM course wavelength division multiplex/multiplexing
dB decibel (a unit for expressing the ratio of two amounts of electric or
acoustic signal power equal to 10 times the common logarithm of this
dBm decibel per milliwatt (power ratio referenced to 1 milliwatt)
DCF dispersion compensation fiber
DCM dispersion compensation module (lumped dispersion)
DCN data communications network
DS dispersion shifted

7-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Acronyms

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms (Continued)

Acronym Description/Explanation
DSF dispersion-shifted fiber
DWDM dense wavelength division multiplex/multiplexing
EDFA erbium-doped fiber amplifier
EDTFA tellurite-based EDFA (Tellurium is the source rare-earth ele-
ELEAF Corning Expanded Large Effective Area Fiber (NZ-DSF)
ESD electrostatic discharge
FEC forward error correction
FNC Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
FWM four-wave mixing (also called 4WM) (impairment)
Gb/s gigabits per second
GHz gigahertz
GW symbol for gigawatt (one billion watts)
GS-EDFA gain-shifted erbium-doped fiber amplifier
GUI graphical user interface
ILA intermediate line amplifier
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Organization of Standards
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication
Standardization Sector
LAN local area network

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 7-3
DWDM Acronyms DWDM Primer

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms (Continued)

Acronym Description/Explanation
L-band Optical band from 1570 to 1625 nanometers long
LEAF Corning Large Effective Area Fiber (NZ-DSF)
LS Corning NZ-DSF
MAC media access control
MB/s megabits per second
MMF multimode fiber
mW symbol for milliwatt power measurement
NDSF non–dispersion-sifted fiber
NE network element
NF noise figure
nm nanometer (unit of wavelength)
NRZ non–return to zero coding
NVM nonvolatile memory
NZ-DSF non–zero dispersion-shifted fiber (offset from zero point)
OADM optical add/drop multiplexer
OC optical channel
OOB-FEC out-of-band forward error control
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (standard set of protocols)
OSNR optical signal-to-noise ratio
OXC optical cross-connect
PIN simple photodiode

7-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer DWDM Acronyms

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms (Continued)

Acronym Description/Explanation
PMD polarization mode dispersion
PMDC polarization mode dispersion compensator
ps picosecond(s)
ps/nm picosecond(s) per nanometer
Q-factor measure of noise in a pulse
RAM random access memory
RFA Raman fiber amplifier
ROM read-only memory
RZ return-to-zero (coding)
S-band optical band from 1450 to 1500 nanometers
SBS Stimulated Brillouin scattering (impairment)
SDCC section data communications channel
SMF single-mode fiber
SMF-28 Corning SMF
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SOA silicon optical amplifier
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SPM self-phase modulation (impairment)
SRS stimulated Raman scattering (impairment)
SSMF standard SMF
Tb/s terabits per second

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 7-5
DWDM Acronyms DWDM Primer

Table 1: DWDM Acronyms (Continued)

Acronym Description/Explanation
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TDFA thallium-doped fluoride-based amplifier
TDM time-division multiplex/multiplexing/multiplexer
TeraLight Alcatel NZ-DSF
TFF thin-film filter
TIB Technical Information Bulletin
TrueWave Classic Lucent non–zero dispersion-shifted fiber with offset
TrueWave Plus Lucent non–zero dispersion-shifted fiber with offset
TrueWave RS Lucent non–zero dispersion-shifted fiber with reduced slope
VIPA virtual IP address (routers)
VIPA virtual image phase array (compensator for dispersion)
VoIP Voice-over-Internet Protocol
W watt (symbol for watt power measurement)
WDM wavelength division multiplex/multiplexing/multiplexer
XPM cross-phase/modulation (impairment)

7-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 8

DWDM Terms
DWDM Terms DWDM Primer

Table 1: DWDM Terms

Term Description/Explanation
chirp Range of +1GHz to –1GHz that a laser frequency/wavelength when
keyed or the rise/fall time delta of the laser pulse shifts
duobinary Method of coding with three states
electron Negatively charged sub-atomic particle
in-band FEC Forward error correction carried in SONET overhead bits
lambda Symbol for wavelength of optical signal
photon Massless particle of light
power budget Power needed to travel a specified distance
preemphasis Technique to compensate for fiber or transmission impairments
Raman Optical scattering that occurs in silicon atoms
Raman amp Amplifier that capitalizes on Raman scattering to gain distance
velocity factor The propagation delay in an optical fiber is based on the velocity
factor of 67% of the speed of light.

8-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
Lesson 9

End of Course Evaluation

End of Course Evaluation DWDM Primer

9-2 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer End of Course Evaluation

End of Course Evaluation 3. The terms retime, reamplify, and reshape describe ____
If you complete the DWDM Self Evaluation and get fewer than 12
answers are correct, you should review and retake the Self- (A) 1R
Evaluation until you do reach 12 or more right answers. The (B) 2R
answers to the Self-Evaluation follow the questions, and contain
links to the material in your self-study Tutorial. (C) 3R
(D) None of the above
DWDM Self-Evaluation
Circle the letter of your choice and then compare your answers
on the “Self-Evaluation Sheet (Electronic)” on page 41.
1. Which statement is true?
(A) DWDM systems cost more than installing more fibers.
(B) DWDM systems cannot carry multiservice traffic.
(C) DWDM systems are not used in SONET environments.
(D) DWDM systems cost a fraction of added fibers.
2. The five components of a DWDM network include transmitter,
receiver, optical amplifier, ___________________.
(A) multiplexer/demultiplexer and optical fiber
(B) SONET, voice-over-Internet Protocol, and dispersion
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 9-3
End of Course Evaluation DWDM Primer

4. You ________ see the light used in fiber-optic transmission. 8. OSNR stands for optical ________.
(A) can always (A) signal–no return
(B) cannot (B) signal-to-noise ratio
(C) look through 3-D glasses to (C) system–network ready
(D) none of the above (D) signal–network ready
5. Signal bandwidth for 10-Gb/s signals is _____ gigahertz
(A) 20
(B) 40
(C) 10
(D) 5
6. ____ FEC provides approximately _________ system gain.
(A) In-band, 9 dB
(B) Out-of-band, 6 dB
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above
7. Laser chirp is ________________________________.
(A) not allowed in FNC equipment
(B) typically occurs between –1 GHz and +1 GHz
(C) offered by different companies
(D) none of the above

9-4 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004
DWDM Primer End of Course Evaluation

9 Conventional DWDM usually uses the ____.

(A) C-band
(B) X-band
(C) L-band
(D) S-band
10 RAMAN amplifiers are ________________ than EDFA.
(A) more efficient
(B) less efficient
(C) more expensive
(D) less expensive
11 ____________ dispersion causes _____________.
(A) Polarization mode, signal failure
(B) Chromatic, flattening and widening of the signal
(C) Chromatic, polarization mode
(D) None of the above
12 ______________ is caused by looking at the invisible laser
light coming out of a fiber.
(A) Eye damage
(B) Blindness
(C) Impotence/infertility
(D) All of the above

May 21, 2004 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only 9-5
End of Course Evaluation DWDM Primer

Self-Evaluation Sheet (Electronic)

If you get fewer than 8 correct, FNC recommends that you review
using the hyperlinks in the Lookup Answer column. If you are
using this tutorial on paper, go to the Lookup Answer page to find
the information.

Table 1: Answers

Question Correct Look Up Answer

1 D See “Service Provider Advantages” on
page 7.
2 A See “Optical Network” on page 5.
3 C See “Amplifiers and Regeneration” on
page 11.
4 B See “” on page 2.
5 A See “Signal Bandwidth and Filtering”
on page 7.
6 B See “Out-of-Band FEC” on page 15.
7 B See “Chirp” on page 30.
8 B See “Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio” on
page 17.
9 A See “Fiber Bands” on page 19.
10 B See “Raman Amplifiers” on page 21.
11 D See “Fiber Dispersion” on page 25.
12 A See “Lasers as the Signal Source” on
page 9.

9-6 FNC and FNC Customer Use Only May 21, 2004

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