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Moslem Sons

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Who Are The Moslem Sons? ...

Part 1, 2 & 3

" I IMPLORE YOU TO, STUDY THIS SERIES ON "MOSLEM SONS" SO YOU WON'T BE GUILTY OF ASKING A SIMILAR "FOOLISH" QUESTION AS, THIS "FARRAKHANITE"!........" So a Muslim son is still the devil?"" Solomon AbdulRahman { Brother Solomon Abdul-Rahman did the editing of the following .} Who Are The Moslem Sons ? By Minister Ahmed K. El-Shabazz { Mr. J . Edgar Hoover , 33rd Degree Freemason Shriner , and Head Of the F.B.I.} Question: How many Moslem sons are there in North America? Answer: Approximately three million. Taken from Master W. Fard Muhammads(THE GREAT MAHDI) English Lesson No. C-1. The above quote comes from the lesson given to the Lost Found Nation Of Islam by the Great Mahdi or ALLAH in Person known as Master W. Fard Muhammad, to Whom All Holy Praise is due forever. Here we have the Mahdi Muhammad calling the Freemasons of the 33rd degree Moslem-Sons or Muslim-Sons, known as Shriner-Moslems or Shriners . He (Master Fard Muhammad) asked us how many of these men lived in North America, to which He gives us the answer of 3 million. Why was this important? Who are these men? Why do these men ,who are not Muslim, wear the Fez? Why did Master Fard Muhammad call them Muslim or Moslem -Sons? Dr. Herbert M Poteat the Paste Imperial Potentate of the Shriners stated little boys play cops and robbers, Shriners play Muslims and infidels. Lets start answering these questions by looking at Dr. Poteats statement, Shriners play Muslims and infidels. This statement tells you that the Freemason who acts out this play, is actually recounting an event that took place 6,696 years ago when the newly MADE white or Caucasian people were kicked out of the Holy Lands of the East by the Original Black Nation. According to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad(pbuh), the King at that time, ordered the white race removed from the Muslim lands, due to the white foreigners(THE JINN) coming to the Near East to undermine and cause trouble. Arguments , discord and civil war broke out between the Black Nation, something that had NEVER happened before the coming of Yakubs grafted white race to that area. When the King informed the people who these white people were and why they had come to their land, they cast out the troublemakers into the worst and poorest part of our plant earth, EU-ROPE!!
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WHY THE APRON? The King, according to history, gave his people instructions, Gather every one of the devils up and strip them of our costume. PUT AN APRON ON THEM TO HIDE THEIR NAKEDNESS. Take all literature from them and TAKE THEM BY WAY OF THE DESERT The King further stated, Dont allow one of them to turn back; if they are lucky enough to get across the Arabian Desert, let them go into the HILLS OF WEST ASIA. Europe, at that time, was called West Asia, and this is were the so-called white race was placed , in the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS. This is also where they, the white race, got the name CAUCASIANS, which means weak boned and pale skin dwellers of the Caucasus Mountains. It was in these Mountains, hills and caves that the white race spent 2,000 years without ANY proper guidance to start a civilization of their own making, until the Black Nation sent the Kemetic (Egyptian) High Priest named Ozar Sef or Musa, who is known as Moses. Musa/Moses, Dr. Ozar Sef was the civilizer of the White race, known by the Egyptians as the TYPHONIANS OR DEVILS. Mr. Hendrik Willem Van Loon gave credit to Moses/Musa leaving Africa to go up to Europe, leading the white race out of the Caves. Mr Van Loons account of this event can be found in his book , THE STORY OF MANKIND, page 17. {Note: Mr Van Loons book is The Story of Mankind , not The Story of Man. He clearly states that this is the story of the White man(man-kind) and not that of MAN(the Black Man) . So, we see where the Shriner Mason gets this re-enactment from, they are replaying the white race being remove from the Holy Land and placed into the Caves of Europe. The mock crossing of the burning sands, the cable toe, the question, were you walking or riding all points to this event of the Muslim Black Nation of the East removing the Devils(White-race) from among them. Hence, Dr. Poteat was right, Shriners do indeed, play Muslims and Infidels. What do the Shriners learn at 33rd degree? Well, they learn SOME of the history of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) of Arabia. They will also learn the history of the battles between the Prophet Muhammad and the enemies of Islam, such as the Battle Of Badr, Uhud, etc., etc. The Shriners Ritual book states that this Order is as ancient as the cornerstone of Muhammads Temple at Mecca, as secret as the Moslem vow that bound the tribe of Arabia to ALLAH or THEIR GOD. The Cornerstone of the Kaaba is a sign of the Original Black Nation and the Last Messenger of ALLAH, As it is written the stone that the BUILDERS refused, the same has become the head cornerstone. It is not so much that this order is as old as the Kaaba, but that Islam is as old, since Mecca is the Mother City and Egypt is where the Black Nation picked to build our civilization, due to this being the best part of OUR Earth! Shriners are also taught some of ALLAHs attributes and take on Muslim names for themselves and their Temples. Example: The Shriners Temple in the Chicago area is called MEDINAH, in Detroit their Temple is called MOSLEM, and in Cleveland, Ohio you have the Shriners AL KORAN
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MOSQUE. Shriners open their meetings by reading the AL-Fatiha , which is the 1st Chapter of the Holy Quran. This Chapter has 7 verses and is the whole or the very essence of the Quran, this is why the Holy Quran is the REAL BOOK OF THE 7 SEALS!! The Messenger of ALLAH-The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that the white men of this Order had to study 35-50 years before they could wear the FEZ(the Fez symbolizes the SUN, and stand for FREEDOM) of the Muslim-Son, today the 3rd degree Mason or Master Mason if he has the money, can become a Shriner.The Black Man can wear a FEZ 365 days a year, but the Mason can only come out ONCE A YEAR with his FEZ. Because it is not his, he has time in it, but he is not by nature of it!!! Understand, that many Black and White so-called leaders are of this Order, and they have a working knowledge of Islam. The difference being, when the Shriner says ALLAH he is calling on their god(Lucifer), not the ALLAH OF ISLAM, the Lord of ALL the Worlds!!! Master W. Fard Muhammad wanted the Black Nation of America to know the true knowledge of ourselves. So He went to the ROOT of the Civilization of this MadeWhite-man, to show us their history. There was no race of white people before 4,004 B.C., this is why they are called the Muslim or Moslem Sons. ALL they know came from the FATHER or ALLAH( THE ORIGINAL BLACK MAN OF ASIA). The white race copied EVERYTHING he found among the Original Nations of Earth. He took this knowledge of OURS and buildt a civilization according to HIS NATURE, which is one of evil, according to the history of them being on OUR Earth. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) stated to the Masons of the Shrine Order that after learning of this they SHOULD BECOME A MUSLIM and submit to ALLAH and His Messenger, but , most of them, donot. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated, There is Christians who also use As-Salaam-Alaikum, but they are using the word AS A PASS WORD or greeting in a secret society, known as the Moslem Shriners. Moslem Shriners use the same greeting because they represent themselves as being Moslems, as we are. And they study the Holy Quran and they profess to believe in the religion the we call Islam, The Religion Of Peace. But, they COMMERCIALIZE on that religion. Black Brothers, who call yourself a Shriner , you are not the Son, you are the Father. So stop letting the Child sell you what is yours by nature and birthright. You are a Muslim BY NATURE,according to the Holy Quran 30:30, and have no need to buy a watered down, bastardized Islam from this race of devils who make mockery of you and your GOD and Religion, a religion our Father give us for our Earthly Salvation! So Brother accept your own and be yourself, which is a Muslim. the White race, known by the Egyptians as the TYPHONIANS OR DEVILS. research I did YEARS AGO which, backs Brother Ahmed up... The issue is whether the devil was originally used as a name for white people. In chapter 6 we saw how the Shah-Nama, the Zend Avesta and other sources referred to the whites who had been compelled to live in the hills of West Asia as either "devils", "Dev" or "Demons". Countless other examples could be given, such as the
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writings of Zarathrustra, who wrote extensively about what he perceived as the need to fight against the Caucasian invaders who he too referred to as devils. But some of the earliest evidence available to the student of history appears in the records of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians referred to the devil or Satan under various names. The three most common of those names were: Seth, Typohn and Apopis. It is also a fact that throughout the writings of ancient Egypt the Caucasian people are referred to as the "Typhonians" or the People of Seth." When Diodorus spoke of a group of foreigners" who had been driven out of Egypt, he described them as "men the color of Typhon". Similar language can be found in the writings of Manetho, the Egyptian priest, who on many occasions referred to the whites as "Typhonians". In English, such names mean "the devils". So, the earliest evidence suggests that the ancient Egyptians viewed the Caucasian people as devils. What are some of the examples in which the"thphonians" were mentioned? Do such writings also show the Typhonians (devils) to have been white people? In his book The Sky-Religion in Egypt, G.A. Wainwright, talks about the discovery of fragments from an ancient Egyptian text in which the Typhonians or Followers of Seth are alluded to. On page 33 of his book, Wainwright comments in the regard: "A remarkable and hitherto unparalleled text has just been published by Gardiner, and though terribly fragmentary a good deal may be gleaned from it. Among other things it shows that as late as the Nineteenth Dynasty a section of the Egyptians were known to be 'Follower of Seth', Typhonians, by certain marks and characteristics. Of such it is said: 'The God in him is Seth' Another badly damaged sentence mentions a 'red man' and his hair." What did the writer mean by the words "a red man and his hair"? What were the characteristics by which the Typhonians were known? The "marks and characteristics" that set apart the Typhonians or devils from the original people of Egypt were their hair and the pinkish or red color of their complexion. This much at least is admitted to by Wainwright who talks about one Typhonian in particular, whom he calls Nitocris, when the comments on her pale complexion. That the "red men" or Typhonians in Egypt were white people, Wainwright notes: "in having a fair complexion Nitocris were clearly one of the red Typhonians who were sacrificed by fire for the good of the people." The above quote shows two things: first, that the people known as the Typhonians had pale or ruddy complexions; and secondly, that those
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pale-skilled people were, from time to time, rounded up and killed "for the good of the people." What other evidence is there to support this claim? Throughout the history of ancient Egypt, many campaigns were waged against the Caucasians who, as history shows repeatedly attacked Egypt and subjected the original people to the most reprehensible atrocities. Often the people of Egypt found it necessary to fight back against the aggressors. Thus, many of the ancient texts speak of times when the original people would gather up all of the white people (Typhonians) that they could find and either cut off their heads or burn them alive. So it was with good reason that in Section 73 of De Iside et Osiride, Plutarch acknowledged the following: "For truly, as Manetho has recorded, they used to burn living men too ashes in Eileithyiapolis, calling them Typhonians, and they used to scatter and dispose of their ashes by winnowing." Regarding this same matter, Diodorus wrote: "anciently men who were similarly colored to Typhon were sacrificed by the kings." The rounding up and killing of the Caucasians by the kings of ancient Egypt is exactly what Wainwright was describing when he wrote: "Though in the New Kingdom at the Festivals of Hoeing the Earth the Seth-sacrifices clearly had their heads cut off, it is equally clear that on other occasions the sacrifice had been by fire." In as much as the evidence from Egypt clearly shows that the term "devil" was once just another name for white people, and since that fact tends to substantiate what Elijah Muhammad has stated, then anyone objecting to Muhammad's use of that term, on strictly historical grounds, should be able to offer some kind of historical evidence capable of out-weighing the above facts. If that evidence cannot be produced then their objection must be viewed as reasonable.

Who Are The Moslem-Sons ? Part 2 .And whoever sets up a partner with ALLAH , he indeed goes far astray. Besides HIM they call on nothing but FEMALE DIVINITIES and they call on nothing but A REBELLIOUS DEVIL. -Holy Quran 4 : 116-117 Here we have ALLAH condemning the Pagan Arabs ( Jews ) of Arabia for the worship of idolatry , setting up partners with ALLAH ( GOD). In the case of the Arabs , each tribe had their own untha or female idol. In Mecca , before the return of Islam, the pagans had also set up female idols around the Kaaba, whose names were Lat , Uzza and Manat , who the Arabs called the Daughters of ALLAH . This was a grave sin, because ALLAH asked the Arabs in the Holy Quran, as to why they would assign to HIM that which they hated, which was the birth of a daughter. As history shows, the Arabs, before the return of Islam to Arabia , looked upon the birth of a girl child as a bad luck, and
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the Arabs would throw the girl babies down wells ! Lets look a little deeper into this.

[ Above : Al-Uzza , the warrior goddess , one of the pagan goddesses worshiped by the " Arabs " ( Jews) before the return of Islam by The Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh) to Arabia. She was one of 3 so-called " daughters of Allah", worshiped by the Arabs. She was the White Arab's version of "Venus" , as her symbol was the " Morning and Evening Star".] There is a connection to the pagan Arabs and Western Freemasonry. Many have confused Islam with Arab Culture. These are two very different things, as Islam has no birth record, and did not begin with the Arab Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but was the teachings of ALL the Prophets and Messengers of ALLAH from the beginning of TIME. The Black Nations ONLY TRUE religion has been and will always be ISLAM, which was here before there were ANY such thing as an White Arab , Jew or so-called Christian, Islam was here with the Black Nation when the Earth was populated by BLACK PEOPLE ONLY ! Now , it is time to show and prove ! Look at the following: The Shriners Recognition Test According to a Lauterer manuscript, this is how two Shriners recognize each other: Q: Then I presume you are a Noble? A: I am so accepted by all men of noble birth. Q: Have you traveled any? A: I have. Q: From where to what place have you traveled? A: Traveled east over the hot burning sands of the desert. Q: Where were you stopped at? A: At the devils pass. Q: What were you requested to do? A: I was requested to contribute a few drops of urine. Q: Why were you requested to do this? A: As a token of my renouncing the wiles and evils of the world and granted permission to worship at the Shrine. Q: At what Shrine did you worship? A: At the Shrine of Islam. Q: Did you ride? A: Yes, I rode a camel until I paused to dismount. Q: Then what did you do with your camel?
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A: I tied him. Q: Where did you tie him? A: I tied him to a date tree, where all True Shriners should do so. BOTH: Yes, I pulled the Cord, rode the hump, I have traversed the hot arid sands of the desert to find Peace and rest in the quiet shades of the Oasis. What ? ! The Shrine Of Islam ? ! Who are these men ? And why do they claim one religion in public , and honor another behind the closed doors of their Order ? Why do these men honor Islam, yet many of them , past and present have worked against the religion of Islam ? What is the origin of this Order ? What are their aims ? In the book ONE WHITE RACE by Joseph Sheban, we find the chapter entitled The Arabs. Now, we must remember that Arabia ORIGINALLY was the home of the Original Black Nation. In fact, the Mother City called Mecca, Arabia was designed by one of the Aboriginal Black scientist named Luqman ( pbuh) , a Prophet Of ALLAH , Chapter 31 of the Holy Quran is named after Him. When we say Arab today , we are speaking about the White or 1/2 Black so-called Semitic tribes. Mr. Sheban states in his book , In determining the origin of the Arabs , George Zaidan wrote a book called The Arabs before Islam in which he concluded that the Arabs were of AMORITE AND HYKOS ORIGIN ; that the migration was from BABYLON INTO THE ARABIAN PENINSULA. The name was decriptive; for Westerners ( those west of the Euphrates) , the word was GARBI or ARBI which reached us as Arabia and Arabian. Even today in the near East, the people of Europe are called the Garbi or Westerners. The best way to track the movements of a Nation of People is to study their culture , their belief system , and no matter what they may call themselves today , you will know them by their history.

As the above picture of Al-Uzza the Arab Venus shows, we find her also here in White Masonic America under the name COLUMBIA . This was just one example of how the so-called White race hid themselves behind the cultures they had invaded, they would take on some of the original culture of the Black, Brown and Red nations, while keeping their own gods and goddesses , mixing both together. We find this also in what is called the Masonic or Moslem-Sons or Shriners. The White man has taken on the Symbols of Islam , while at the same time keeping his pagan belief system. This is done to make mockery of ALLAH, His people (the Aboriginal Black Man) , and Islam.

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Now let us go over the above Shriners Test, and the symbolism of it. But, before we do that, let us look at the beginnings of the so-called Shriners. The organized Modern Shriners came about in 1872 with Dr. Walter Flemming and William Florence in New York where they started a club open only to 32 degree Masons. They called this Order the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystics Shrine (Shriners) their Temple is called MECCA. They claim to have been given this rite by an Arab who claimed decent from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). [ Dr. Walter Flemming, M.D. and actor, William Florence , founders of the Shriners in America] New York is the financial Mecca of America, and Chicago which is called the 2nd City , because it too is a seat of finance, and has a Shriners Temple in that area called the Medina which was founded in 1910. Mecca and Medina are both Holy Cities in Islam they are spiritual . Where the Muslims have Mecca and Medina as religious sites, the White man set up his own Mecca and Medina based not on the spiritual , but cities that are based upon the material , which the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) stated is the nature of the White race , who The Prophet Muhammad called the Dijjal , or the Anti-Christ nations of the West. ( Think over the above) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) , the Messenger Of ALLAH stated that these men of the white race who are Masons of the 32nd and 33rd degrees are Moslem-Sons, as that are taught at this level Islam, yet they are , as the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) put it, Moslems Shriners used the same greetings ( As-Salaam-Alaikum ) because they represent themselves as being Moslems , as we are. And they study the Holy Quran and they profess to believe in the religion that we call Islam The religion of peace. BUT THEY COMMERCIALIZE ON THAT RELIGION. The Western Freemasons brought back with them from the East during the Crusades a form of Islam mixed with Arab and Persian Mystic occult beliefs. It was the Knights Templars who came back to Europe with this, as they had waged war on the Muslims in Jerusalem with the aid of the Arab and Persian Mystics known as the Sufis and others cults, who were also working against the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and the Muslims. Sir Richard Burton, the Freemason, Sufi and British spy confirmed, Sufism is the eastern parent of Masonry ( from the book the Sufis by Idres Shah ) Looking at the above Shirners test, we see a clear mockery of Islam, the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) stated that these men , once they are exposed to the Holy Quran are suppose to be a Muslim, yet we see that , in most cases, they dont accept Islam in its pure form, but make mockery of Islam. In fact , the Holy Quran condemns freemasonry , in all its forms, from cover to cover ! In part 1 of Who Are The Moslem-Sons, there is a quote from a top Shriner of his day who admitted, little boys play cops and robbers, Shriners play Moslems and Infidels . The are mocking Islam, yet they are also re-playing the event of the white race ( the Infidels) being kicked-out of the East into the caves of Europe, as they were marched
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across the burning sands of Arabia, some 6,000 years ago. So, if the white race is the Infidels then who are the REAL Muslims. The answer is the Aboriginal Black Nation of Asia who IS ALLAH. Truth be told, no Black person should have anything to do with this order. This is for the White-race, because from the time of Musa ( Moses) up to Muhammad, the white race was given Islam by stages, Their nature is against Islam, so it had to be given to them in stages , ending with Muhammad (pbuh) of 1,400 years ago. And even with that , they still refused to accept Islam in its pure form. Those whites ( Arabs, and westerners) who are Muslims are so BY FAITH, NOT BY NATURE. We, the Black Nation are BY NATURE Muslims, from the very beginning of Creation, as the Holy Quran 15 : 26 states, And surely WE CREATED Man of sounding clay , OF BLACK MUD fashioned into shape. The white race was MADE not CREATED, they were made FROM the weak part of the Original Man. This is known by the scientist of them today, they donot try and refute this, it is the un-learned of the Black , White and others who try to refute the truth. Yet many of them are blind followers and have not studied .

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