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Case Study Vithoulkas

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Case group 4 level 10 Eric van Woensel 1.1 Cholangiocarcinoma ..............................................................................................................................3 1.1.1 First consultation ............................................................................................................................3 1.1.

2 Prognosis of the first consultation...................................................................................................3 Depth of disturbance .................................................................................................................................3 Personal medical history of the patient......................................................................................................4 Familiar medical history and hereditory predisposition..............................................................................4 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................4 1.1.3 Selection of Symptoms of the first consultation ..............................................................................4 Peculiar symptoms ....................................................................................................................................4 Intense symptoms .....................................................................................................................................4 1.1.4 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the first consultation .......................................................5 Repertorisation with filter Vithoulkas view 2006.......................................................................................5 Differentiation of the remedies...................................................................................................................6 1.1.5 Choice of potency of the first consultation ......................................................................................6 1.1.6 Second consultation (three months after the first consultation)......................................................6 1.1.7 Evaluation of the second consultation ............................................................................................7 1.1.8 Third consultation (four months after the second consultation) ......................................................7 1.1.9 Evaluation of the third consultation.................................................................................................7 1.1.10 Fourth consultation (two weeks after the third consultation)...........................................................7 1.1.11 Evaluation of the fourth consultation...............................................................................................7 1.1.12 Fifth consultation (three and a half week after the fourth consultation) ..........................................7 1.1.13 Evaluation and prognosis of the fifth consultation ..........................................................................7 1.1.14 Selection of Symptoms of the fifth consultation ..............................................................................8 Peculiar symptoms ....................................................................................................................................8 Intense symptoms .....................................................................................................................................8 1.1.15 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the fifth consultation .......................................................8 Repertorisation with filter Vithoulkas view 2006.......................................................................................9 Differentiation of the remedies...................................................................................................................9 1.1.16 Choice of potency of the fifth consultation ....................................................................................10 1.1.17 Sixth consultation (two weeks after the fifth consultation) ............................................................10 1.1.18 Evaluation of the sixth consultation ..............................................................................................10 1.1.19 Selection of symptoms of the sixth consultation ...........................................................................10 1.1.20 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the sixth consultation....................................................10 1.1.21 Seventh consultation (one week after the sixth consultation).......................................................10 1.1.22 Evaluation of the seventh consultation .........................................................................................10 1.1.23 Eigth consultation (two weeks after the seventh consultation) .....................................................11 1.1.24 Evaluation of the eigth consultation ..............................................................................................11 1.1.25 Selection of symptoms of the eighth consultation.........................................................................11 1.1.26 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the eighth consultation .................................................11 1.1.27 Ninth consultation (two days after the eighth consultation) ..........................................................11 1.1.28 Evaluation of the ninth consultation ..............................................................................................12 1.1.29 Selection of symptoms of the ninth consultation...........................................................................12 1.1.30 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the ninth consultation ...................................................12 1.1.31 Choice of potency of the ninth consultation ..................................................................................12 1.1.32 Tenth consultation (two weeks after the ninth consultation) .........................................................12 1.1.33 Evaluation of the tenth consultation..............................................................................................12

1.1 Cholangiocarcinoma
1.1.1 First consultation A 69-year-old woman suffers from an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with strong dilatation of the intrahepatic gall ducts, especially of the left side [3]. There is metastasis to the right lung and to the peritoneum, which makes operation impossible. The tumour blocks the left vena porta. Nine months ago she started having pain in the right hypochondrium. This pain is still present. It extends to the back [3], is aggravated by lying on the right side [2], after eating [2] and especially after fat food [3], after exertion or stress [1] and which improves by rest [2]. She was given chemotherapy without good result and is now suggested to do experimental chemotherapy, but her energy is so low that this is postponed. As a child she had jaundice. For thirty years she has asthmatic bronchitis with dyspnoea in foggy weather [2] and from exertion [2]. Fourteen years ago she was operated on a prolaps of the bladder. Ten years ago she had a cholecystectomy because of gallstones. Three years ago she was given protheses of both knees. Since about 20 years she has pains in the joints of fingers and thumbs and pain in the lower back due to arthrosis [2]. When necessary she takes Diclofenac for these pains. She has hypertension for which she uses Metoprololtartraat. She has warts in the forepart of the neck and on the upper part of the chest [1], which have been treated frequently but keep coming back. It has been many years since she has had an acute disease. She cannot remember the last time. Her appetite has always been good and she used to eat anything. She suffers from obesity [2/3]. Thirst is normal. There are no gastro-intestinal complaints. She sleeps well and prefers the right side to lie on [2/3], which is difficult now because of the pain. Since the menopause she has become warmer and she perspires more easily [1]. She did not have problems with her menstruation, pregnancies or climacterium. Her energy used to be good until she became ill. Since then she lacks energy [2/3]. She has always been good-tempered. She used to work in and around the house and is a practical person with no fears. Her mother had bronchitis and her brother emphysema. The patients sister died of lung cancer. Her brothers also died of cancer; one of them had metastasis all over his body. 1.1.2 Prognosis of the first consultation Depth of disturbance The centre of gravity of the disturbance is in this case on the physical body. Although the organism of this patient is able to keep the disturbance on the physical level and the mental and emotional level are not affected by the disturbance, the nature of the physical disease is such that the prognosis is not good at all. In cases like these it might even be better that the disturbance is spread over the three levels, creating minor complaints like some concentration problems and some irritability, because now all the force of the disease is put on the physical level thus creating a life threatening situation. Cancer is an end stage of a long-existing disturbance that is not easy to correct. Especially in cases with metastasis the situation is not hopeful. There are cases reported of cured cancer, but we must always take into consideration that not every patient has the same vitality and that the prognosis of any disease varies according to the level of health of the individual to be treated. So in this case the prognosis is not good seen from the nature of the disease and from the fact that the cancer is in an advanced stage. The disturbance seems to be widely spread in the physical level because apart from the cancer we see other organ systems being affected, like the respiratory tract and the heart and circulation. Positive is the occurrence of peripheral complaints like joint complaints and warts. The joint complaints, however, also seem to have a quite destructive tendency as both knees had to be replaced. The fact that the warts resist allopathic treatment is actually the only fortunate aspect in this case. It is hopeful that an organism with this kind of disturbance is able to persist in such a complaint because it shows that in some way it has enough vitality to try to find a way out for the disturbance it is suffering from.

Personal medical history of the patient What is striking in the medical history of this patient is that there have been complaints of the liver or gall from childhood on. First there was jaundice, later gallstones and then cancer of the gall ducts. Step by step, there has been a deepening of the disturbance of the liver. In between another organ system gets affected, the respiratory tract. Then the organism is able to shift the disturbance to the skeleton, producing joint complaints. But probably due to the suppressive allopathic medication for the asthmatic bronchitis and the joint pains the organism cannot protect itself well enough and liver complaints arise again. The next complaint after this is again a physically deeper one, belonging to the heart and circulation. Finally the organism cannot control the situation anymore and cancer of the gall duct with metastasis to the lung develops. It is unfortunate that the patient did not have acute diseases for years. This proves that her vitality has dropped years ago and that she became prone to develop a deep chronic disease. As said before, a positive sign in all this are the appearance of warts that resist allopathic treatment. Familiar medical history and hereditary predisposition Cancer can be a product of any miasmatic influence, but as always the less miasmatic activity there is the better is the prognosis. The destructiveness of the joint complaints points to the miasm syphilis, the hypertension and the warts to sycosis. The respiratory complaints can be found in the mother, whose bronchitis was still a mild affection, compared to the emphysema and lung cancer we find in other members of the family. The patients brothers also died of cancer, one of them having metastasis all over his body, which tells out a strong hereditary tendency to cancer not promoting the prognosis. Conclusion We are dealing with a patient with a serious pathological condition in an end stage who is not susceptible to acute diseases. This means that the patient belongs to group four. The fact that there are recurrent warts is a positive sign and might point out that the level of health is still in the upper part of group four at level ten. The treatment of such a patient will not be easy and will need many remedies. Acute diseases that may appear will be severe and will be needing treatment. If this patient is able to produce an acute disease then she belongs to level nine of group three. 1.1.3 Selection of Symptoms of the first consultation There are hardly any symptoms apart from the pathogenic ones. This is not a good sign and shows that the organism is weak and misses vitality to produce a clear symptom pattern. As it might be possible that we have to adapt the strategy of the analysis to this situation, it is good to already put the pathogenic information under the Intense symptoms. Peculiar symptoms Cancer of the gall ducts, especially the left one Warts in the forepart of the neck and on the upper part of the chest Desire to sleep on the right side Intense symptoms Pain from the right hypochondrium to the back, worse when lying on the right side and after eating Asthmatic bronchitis with dyspnoea in foggy weather and from exertion Pains in the joints of fingers and thumbs and pain in the lower back Obesity As it is not explainable why the left gall duct is affected more, the main complaint is put under Peculiar symptoms.

1.1.4 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the first consultation To get an idea of the remedies that have a specific action upon the left part of the liver, some rubrics are combined. As the external throat and the chest are situated near to each other and the complaint is the same in both locations, I combine the rubrics to avoid repetition of the remedies. Pain in the liver is often described in the provings as pain in the right hypochondrium therefore both localisations are looked up. The extension of the pain from the liver or the right hypochondrium has no modalities, therefore these modalities are taken separately. The rubric Abdomen - Pain - Hypochondria - right - lying - side; on - right - agg. only has remedies of the pain description sore with this filter. The aggravation from fat is not present under these localisations. It is a too normal symptom to look it up as generality. Several rubrics that are very similar are combined in order not to overvalue remedies that are in both rubrics. Repertorisation with filter Vithoulkas view 2006 When selecting the symptoms we already concluded that there are hardly any symptoms apart from the pathogenic ones. This is often seen in organisms that are in the situation where the vitality has lowered to such an extent that deep pathology has been able to develop. Usually it is not possible to prescribe a remedy on the constitutional symptoms and we have to adapt the strategy of the analysis to this situation. In this case we have a peculiar symptom in the pathology itself, namely the affection of the left gall duct, which we can use as an eliminating symptom. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1 ABDOMEN - CANCER - Gall ducts 1a ABDOMEN - ENLARGED - Liver - left lobe (&Elimination) 1a ABDOMEN - PAIN - Liver - Lobe - left (&Elimination) 1a ABDOMEN - SWELLING - Liver - left lobe (&Elimination) 1 EXTERNAL THROAT - WARTS 1 CHEST - WARTS 1 SLEEP - POSITION - side; on - right side; on 1b ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right extending to - Back 1b ABDOMEN - PAIN - Liver - extending to - Back 1c ABDOMEN - PAIN - Liver - eating - after - agg. 1c ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - eating - agg. 1d ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - lying side; on - right - agg. sore 1d ABDOMEN - PAIN - Liver - lying - side; on - right - agg. 1 RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC 1e RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - weather - foggy 1e RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - weather - wet - agg. 1e RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - weather - wet - agg. 1f RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - exertion; from slight 1f RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - exertion - after - agg. 1g EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Fingers - Joints 1g EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Thumbs - Joints 1 BACK - PAIN - Sacral region 1 GENERALS - OBESITY 6 2 2 1 4 2 19 11 11 10 1 3 15 306 2 17 12 10 81 49 19 191 127

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

mag-m. carbn-s. card-m. mag-c. 15 8 7 7 1 2 2 1 2 -

chelo. 2 1 -

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

3 3 1 2 3 1 -

1 1 1 -

1 -

1 1

Differentiation of the remedies Magnesia muriatica has a strong effect on the liver, which is part of its essence. What contradicts its keynotes is the desire of this patient to sleep on the right side. Carboneum sulphuratum is not similar with the pathogenic developments in this case, as it primarily affects the nervous system. It is therefore mostly used in cases with advanced neurological disorders. Carduus marianus on the other hand does have a great effect on the liver and gall. Interesting is that it has as keynote the affection of the left side of the liver. Magnesia carbonica has a similar action as Magnesia carbonica. There are no other keynotes to confirm it. Chelone glabra also produces pain and soreness in the left lobe of the liver as we see in Carduus marianus. J.C. Burnett has reported interesting cases of this remedy in his book Diseases of the Liver 1 Carduus marianus and Chelone glabra are the two remedies that fit the peculiarity of the pathology in this case. To make a choice we have to study the remedies some more. In the literature we find that Carduus marianus has asthmatic respiration in italics in Boericke 2 . In Herings Guiding Symptoms we find - Sensitiveness of dorsal and cervical vertebrae. and rheumatic pain in shoulder, fingers and lower limbs. 3 Chelone glabra on the other hand gives a sensation of Soreness of external parts, as if skin were off 4 and is used for varicose conditions1. From this study we find that Carduus marianus suits better the totality. It has, like the patient, complaints of the left side of the liver together with asthma and rheumatic pains. The remedy is found by using the keynote in the pathogenic symptomatology as elimination in the repertorisation and is confirmed by analysis on combination of pathologies. 1.1.5 Choice of potency of the first consultation Cases from this level of health are given a low potency to start with, meaning not higher then 200 C (K). Often we have to repeat the remedy frequently until there is a reaction. This patient was given Carduus marianus 30K in solution as daily dose. 1.1.6 Second consultation (three months after the first consultation) She has taken Carduus marianus 30K in solution daily for some time. Her energy rose very soon when starting the remedy and she felt so well after a while that she was advised to do the experimental chemotherapy

1 2

Burnett J.C., The Diseases of the Liver, 1895, Philadelphia, Boericke and Tafel. Boericke W., Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica 3 Hering C., Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica, 4 Clarke J. H., Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica,

anyway. This treatment was stopped two weeks ago. The tumour has been reduced with 0,5 cm and the dot on the lung x-ray has gone. Her appetite is good. She sleeps well. She has no complaints at the moment. 1.1.7 Evaluation of the second consultation The remedy had a definite effect on the patient. Her energy was very low during the first consultation and rose soon after starting the remedy. Unfortunately this positive result of the homeopathic remedy led to the start of the experimental chemotherapy. It happens very often that this kind of treatment is postponed because of the general bad condition of the patient and that once the energy rises due to the action of the homeopathic remedy the allopathic treatment is started. This is a very unfortunate situation because the organism needs this energy to heal itself and to find a new balance which brings fort new symptoms pointing to the next remedy. In order, however, for the organism to cope with the chemotherapy all this energy will be necessary and none will be left for the process of revitalisation. As there are no complaints at the moment, I decided not to prescribe a remedy. 1.1.8 Third consultation (four months after the second consultation) Since one week the patient is not doing well anymore and lies in the hospital. The cancer is now therapy resistant and no help can be offered anymore. She is jaundiced because there is an overproduction of bilirubine which count is 700 mol/L. 1.1.9 Evaluation of the third consultation As could be expected the chemotherapy did not cure the case. Now the organism is even more weakened due it and the effect of Carduus marianus is gone. As there are no new symptoms and the present complaints are specific for this remedy, it is best to try first if the organism is still sensitive to it. Carduus marianus, this time in 200K, was prescribed to be taken daily in solution. 1.1.10 Fourth consultation (two weeks after the third consultation) After Carduus marianus 200K the jaundice reduced to a count of 100 mol/L. As she improved very much, she was send home. 1.1.11 Evaluation of the fourth consultation The reaction to Carduus marianus was clear again. This proves that the remedy has a positive effect on her organism and that the general amelioration we saw after the first prescription was not a placebo effect. As there are no new symptoms she continued Carduus marianus 200K. 1.1.12 Fifth consultation (three and a half week after the fourth consultation) Two weeks ago she developed pneumonia of the left lung [3]. Suddenly at night she had shortness of breath with 39 degrees fever. She was given prednison and antibiotics. In the mean while she continued taking Carduus marianus 200K. When she was 18 years old she had a severe pneumonia that was treated with antibiotics. The left lung is not affected by the cancer. She has no complaints now apart from tiredness [3] and loss of taste [3]. The only thing she likes to eat is buttermilk [3]. Since she has jaundice she has an aversion to meat [2] and fish [2]. Her mouth is often dry [2]. She sleeps well and preferably on the right side [2/3]. She easily feels cold [2]. Her mood is good. 1.1.13 Evaluation and prognosis of the fifth consultation The fact that she develops an acute condition with high fever is very favourable. It confirms the idea mentioned in the first prognosis that the organism still could have retained its vitality in some way, which is seen in the fact that the warts are therapy resistant. This evolution of the case that we see now improves the prognosis and points out that the organism most probably belongs to level nine of group three. It is, however, important in this kind of cases to check whether the pneumonia is the result of a tumour in the lung, because then it would be explainable pathology wise and less favourable from a homeopathic point of view. But as we read that the left lung is not affected by the cancer, we know that this is not the issue and a good sign.

Unfortunately the effort of the organism to revitalise, expressed through the pneumonia was suppressed by prednison and antibiotics. Because allopathic doctors have no idea what is happening and do not know the importance of these symptoms, they will do anything to stop these vital reactions and prescribe heavy medication to stop the action of the defence mechanism. This is exactly the opposite of what homeopathy tries to achieve, because with the homeopathic treatment we try to strengthen the defence mechanism in such a way that it can overcome the pneumonia itself instead of suppressing it. So this is a missed chance and the problem with organisms of this level of vitality is that they do not have the energy to make this kind of effort frequently. Sometimes they only have one last chance and if this is spoiled the patient dies. Luckily in this case the patient is still more vital and the suppression only led to a general lack of energy. What we can try as homeopaths is to see whether we can stimulate the organism in such a way that it can develop an acute reaction once again. Then we must try to treat this acute condition homeopathically in order to bring the patient to a higher level of health through which we might save her life. The treatment of this acute condition might take several remedies. It must be brought to attention that she had pneumonia when she was eighteen years old. The fact that she now develops a complaint that she had at that age means that her organism makes an effort to go back to that level of vitality. This is again very favourable. Also favourable is the fact that her mental and emotional level is not affected. It shows that the organism is strong enough to protect the deeper regions, but as written in the prognosis of the first consultation, it also means that all the force of the disease is directed on the physical level making it very persistent. What we are going to do now is try to find out which homeopathic remedy can be prescribed, whether it will the former one or a new one. 1.1.14 Selection of Symptoms of the fifth consultation The homeopath should notice that the symptom pattern at this time is constructed in a totally different way then during the first consultation, where we were faced with a one-sided case 5 that showed little characteristics in a general way. At this moment useful symptoms from a homeopathic point of view appear in local and general regions. This proves the raise in vitality we talked about in the evaluation of this consultation. But as the local complaint does not show peculiarities like for instance modalities, we have to include the general symptoms as well to be able to differentiate the remedies. Peculiar symptoms Pneumonia of the left lung Only likes to eat buttermilk Aversion to meat and fish since having jaundice Prefers to sleep on the right side Easily feels cold Intense symptoms Tiredness Loss of taste Dryness of mouth The dryness of the mouth and the loss of taste can be a result of chemotherapy but because it was not mentioned before and because it is very intense it is included in the repertorisation. 1.1.15 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the fifth consultation The desire for buttermilk is found in two rubrics that are combined. Some rubrics are very large but they are included anyway for the sake of completeness.

Hahnemann S., Organon of Medicine, sixth edition, paragraph 173.

Repertorisation with filter Vithoulkas view 2006 1 1234 1 CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - left 2 1234 1a GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - buttermilk desire 3 1234 1a GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS milk - desire - sour 4 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - meat - aversion 5 1234 1 GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - fish - aversion 6 1234 1 SLEEP - POSITION - side; on - right side; on 7 1234 1 GENERALS - HEAT - lack of vital heat 8 1234 1 GENERALS - WEAKNESS 9 1234 1 MOUTH - TASTE - wanting, loss of taste 10 1234 1 MOUTH - DRYNESS phos. 28 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 sulph. 25 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 nat-s. 24 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 calc. 21 2 3 3 3 2 2 kali-c. 21 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 nat-m. 20 2 1 2 3 3 3 sil. 20 3 3 3 3 3 ars. 19 2 2 2 3 1 3 chin. 19 3 1 2 3 1 3

12 7 3 118 16 18 220 682 115 243 graph. 19 3 3 3 3 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Differentiation of the remedies Phosphorus is one of the main remedies for left-sided pneumonia as can be seen in the rubric Chest - pain lungs left. The aversion to fish and the position of sleep on the right side are keynotes of the remedy. Sulphur on the other hand has the opposite keynote, namely sleeping on the left side. Although it is also mentioned for left-sided pneumonia, this symptom must withhold us from giving the remedy now. Aversion to fish is a keynote of the remedy, but desire for buttermilk on the other hand goes against Sulphur as it has an aversion to sour things as keynote. So this again refrains us from giving it. Natrium sulphuricum is one of the important remedies for left-sided pneumonia. It has as keynote a desire for yoghurt, as this is in fact a sour dairy product just like buttermilk, we can use this as confirmation for this symptom. We know that this line of thinking is correct, because Natrium sulphuricum is also in the rubric Generals - food and drinks - milk - desire sour. Calcarea carbonica has no keynotes in this case and is opposed by its keynote sleeping on the left side. Kali carbonicum can be confirmed via the position of sleep on the right side, which it has as keynote. It is an important remedy for pneumonia, either on the left or right side. Natrium muriaticum can be confirmed by the aversion to fish, but the sleeping position on the right side contradicts its keynotes. Silicea terra has lack of strength as part of its essence and easily feeling cold is a keynote of it. It has, however, no relation with the current complaint. Arsenicum album is a remedy that easily feels cold and that sleeps on the right side, but it also is not connected with the case at this moment. China officinalis has no relation with the current situation, although is one of the main remedies for affections of the gall and liver. Graphites has an aversion to fish as keynote, but has no similarity with the current problem. From these remedies Phosphorus, Natrium sulphuricum and Kali carbonicum are similar with the case as it lies before us. To be able to further differentiate them we have to compare them with the underlying symptoms in the case. Phosphorus is known to have an effect on the liver, especially concerning fatty degeneration. But for Natrium sulphuricum the action on the liver and gall is one of the main issues and a keynote. Apart from this it is one of the main remedies for asthma that aggravates from wet weather and it is also known for

arthrosis, especially of the hips. When looking upon the case in this manner it is clear that Natrium sulphuricum is the next remedy needed. It is chosen upon a pathology-orientated analysis of the acute condition and the chronic condition, upon keynotes and combination of pathologies. 1.1.16 Choice of potency of the fifth consultation This case still belongs to the levels of health that are given a low potency to start with, meaning not higher then 200 C (K). 1.1.17 Sixth consultation (two weeks after the fifth consultation) She took one dose of Natrium sulphuricum 200K and four days later she again developed 39 degrees fever again with cold shivers and a lot of thirst. She was prescribed for Aconitum napellus 1MK and within two hours the fever was gone. She slept well the next night and had no more cough the day afterwards. After a few days, however, the fever reappeared and did so every evening around 18.00 to 19.00 o clock. There was no response anymore to Aconitum napellus. She had no cough and no jaundice anymore. 1.1.18 Evaluation of the sixth consultation The reappearance of the fever is a good sign that shows that Natrium sulphuricum was able to stimulate the organism properly. Aconitum napellus was given because of the quick raise of the fever with thirst and because it is known for the treatment of left-sided pneumonia. Its action was prompt and seemed to be good as the patient later on slept well and the cough disappeared. However, it could not stop the process and the fever returned. This is a situation often seen because the underlying remedy that is similar to a broader set of symptoms is needed to stop the recurrence of the acute condition and to maintain the balance. 1.1.19 Selection of symptoms of the sixth consultation What is remarkable now is the fact that the fever returns every day around 18.00 to 19.00 o clock. The first thing we have to do is to check if this fits the remedy we know to have a broader action on this case, which is Natrium sulphuricum. 1.1.20 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the sixth consultation In the rubrics Fever - evening - 18 h, Fever - evening - 18 h - 18-19 h or Fever - evening - 19 h this remedy is not found, not even in the super rubric Fever evening. The only thing we can do then is to find out whether the remedy has this aggravation in general and indeed the remedy is found in the rubric Generals evening - 19 h. This is very fortunate. If the organism is able to produce during the acute phases a new symptom of the remedy that fits the general pattern and shows that the organism is reorganising itself and is regaining its natural order. Therefore Natrium sulphuricum 200K is repeated. 1.1.21 Seventh consultation (one week after the sixth consultation) The fever did not reappear but now she has a gastro-enteritis with diarrhoea. 1.1.22 Evaluation of the seventh consultation Again the reaction to Natrium sulphuricum 200K was favourable. The keynote of the fever that was covered by the remedy disappeared. It must be clear, although, that the patient is not cured and therefore the organism still tries to produce acute symptoms. It is very fortunate that the acute disease it produces now is on a system that is lower in hierarchy, namely the intestines instead of the lungs. The practitioner, of course, has to check whether the patient does not dehydrate, but this gastro-enteritis is less life threatening than the pneumonia she had before. It is also very interesting that Natrium sulphuricum is one of the main remedies for gastro-enteritis with diarrhoea. This is in favour for the prognosis, as it means that the organism is able to keep the same pattern and that we do not have to change the remedy. Natrium sulphuricum 200K is repeated.

1.1.23 Eight consultation (two weeks after the seventh consultation) One week after Natrium sulphuricum 200K she was taken to hospital because she had pains in the bones of the arms and of the back. She was given allopathic medication again and was checked to see whether she had metastases of the cancer to the bones. This was not so, neither were there any problems with the lungs. She was send home again after one week and was in a bad general condition. At the moment she cannot sleep well because she cannot lie on her side due to tension in the abdomen. She has ascites [3]. She has no thirst or appetite. All her other complaints are gone. 1.1.24 Evaluation of the eight consultation Again a very unfortunate event has taken place. After the gastro-enteritis the organism produced pains in the bones. This is a very good development from a homeopathic point of view because the skeleton and muscles are again of a lower hierarchy then the intestines. It is, of course, wise to check if the new symptoms are not signs of a deepening of the pathology, but the administration of new allopathic medication is unfortunate because it disturbs the equilibrium the organism is seeking. The effect of this can be seen in the general aggravation of the patient, the disappearance of all the peripheral symptoms and the increase of the pathological condition. She now again has a one-sided disease with ascites. An organism in this situation can make one or just a few efforts to raise the vitality and produce acute symptoms. When this effort is suppressed then the organism will fall back in the lower level of vitality and the chronic condition will get the overhand again. This is the situation we are facing now. What is noteworthy is that the bone pains can be a sign that the organism had reached another miasmatic layer. In the first consultation we saw that the patient had recurrent warts, miasmatically this fits a sycotic predisposition for which Natrium sulphuricum is one of the main remedies. The bone pains that appeared after Natrium sulphuricum, however, fit the syphilitic miasm. This can be of major importance for the prognosis. These kinds of cases are often multi-miasmatic and in this way it is very important if keynotes of a nosode or another miasm than the one that is on the upper layer appear. Once a new miasmatic predisposition comes to the fore the organism can become more vulnerable for some time because the process of revitalisation has to start again to counteract this new surfacing miasm. That can be the reason why the allopathic medication has a bigger impact then when she had the pneumonia. It is a situation comparable to when a sprout has just developed from a seed. If it is not protected from strong negative influences then it will not survive. 1.1.25 Selection of symptoms of the eighth consultation If we go by the symptoms we have now then we can only use the ascites and the underlying pathology. All the other symptoms are gone because of the loss of vitality. To be able to differentiate these remedies we can use the last symptoms the organism produced. These are the bone pains and the generals of fifth consultation 1.1.26 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the eighth consultation The easiest way is to look whether Natrium sulphuricum has the current symptoms and to see if the organism still reacts to this stimulus. Natrium sulphuricum is in second degree in Generals - pain Bones. It is not in Abdomen - dropsy - ascites but it is in first degree in Generals - dropsy - internal dropsy. As we know that her organism was sensitive to Natrium sulphuricum and this remedy fits the current symptoms, the best thing to do is to repeat this remedy first. Natrium sulphuricum 1MK was given. The potency was raised because the 200K had not worked. 1.1.27 Ninth consultation (two days after the eighth consultation) There has been no reaction to Natrium sulphuricum 1MK. The ascites is the same. She has pain in her sides because of it. She now also has oedema of the legs. She is not ameliorated in general and feels chilly [2]. In the hospital they diagnosed that her kidneys and liver are breaking down and that the tumour in the liver is growing. The oncologist said that he could offer no more treatment.

1.1.28 Evaluation of the ninth consultation The remedy she reacted to beautifully in the past months is not acting anymore. This means that she has changed level of health again, which is confirmed by the diagnosis of the hospital. She has dropped one or more levels of health and is now again in group four where we can only palliate the patient. 1.1.29 Selection of symptoms of the ninth consultation As the remedy that fits the general pattern of symptoms is not working anymore and we only have pathogenic symptoms, we have to do a pathology-orientated analysis. The main problem now is the ascites. 1.1.30 Repertorisation and remedy selection of the ninth consultation The main remedies in the rubric Abdomen - dropsy ascites are Apis mellifica, Apocynum cannabinum, Arsenicum album, Conium maculatum, Lycopodium clavatum and Terebinthinae oleum. Of these remedies, Apis mellifica and Apocynum cannabinum have the appearance of oedema as keynote and as part of the essence. The best way to differentiate them is through the modality that Apis mellifica is ameliorated by cold and that Apocynum cannabinum is aggravated by cold. So in this case the latter suits best. Lycopodium clavatum is also a remedy that has to be taken into consideration as it has a strong effect on pathology concerning the liver. It does not have the main problem of this moment as keynote or essence. Apocynum cannabinum is chosen on pathology-oriented analysis, confirmed by essence and keynote. 1.1.31 Choice of potency of the ninth consultation This case belongs to the lowest levels of health, therefore a low potency has to be given to start with, meaning not higher then 200 C (K). 1.1.32 Tenth consultation (two weeks after the ninth consultation) Apocynum cannabinum 200K was given once a day with little effect. After three days the potency was raised to Apocynum cannabinum 1MK. This potency was taken twice a day. The report after three days was that her condition had stabilised. She could urinate more and the ascites had lessened in such a way that she felt comfortable again. She developed a skin eruption on the feet, which was athletes foot according to the general practitioner. Eleven days after she started with Apocynum cannabinum 1MK she suddenly died while she was having breakfast with her husband. She was eating pap made with buttermilk and just kind of fell asleep while sitting and died peacefully at home. 1.1.33 Evaluation of the tenth consultation These last two weeks show a typical evolution of a case of group four where all the homeopath can do is to palliate the patient so that he/she has as little discomfort as possible of the disease he/she is suffering from during this last stage of life. Under homeopathic treatment we will see that people can die in a peaceful way with total awareness and in good contact with their beloved ones. That is all one can hope for as a last contribution to ones life. From a homeopathic point of view it is important to notice that even in this last period the organism made an effort to shift the disturbance to the periphery by creating a skin eruption on the feet. Even if the general practitioner diagnosis it as athletes foot it is still a reaction on the skin. Also important is that she was eating pap made of buttermilk, which shows that apparently the organism was creating symptoms belonging to the pattern of Natrium sulphuricum again. Both these things are very remarkable and show that basically this woman must have had a good constitution, which was weakened by the suppressive therapies and interventions she had during her life. Unfortunately it was too late for the organism to make this super effort to be rejuvenated and finally it collapsed.

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