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Keynotes of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica by DR Adolph Von Lippe

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Keynotes of The

Homoeopathic Materia

Dr. Adolph VON LIPPE

Count Adolph von zur LIPPE
Sketch of the Life of von Lippe.
One hundred years and more have now come and gone since the author of these
posthumous manuscripts first saw the light of day, on the family estate of "See" of
his noble forbears in Germany. A blood relation of the reigning House, he was
descended from a long line of distinguished ancestors. He was the eldest son of the
late Count Ludwig and Countess Augusta zur Lippe and was destined by them for
the profession of law. He, therefore, finished his academical preparations and was
graduated from the University of Berlin. While prosecuting legal studies there,
however, taste and opportunity attracted him to the more congenial pursuits of
medicine, and at the close of a year, he devoted himself thereto.
Emigrating to the United States in 1839 he presented himself to the sole school of
the homeopathic practice in this country - the old Allentown Academy of the
Homoeopathic Healing Art. After assiduous application he was granted his diploma
from Dr. Constantine Hering, as President of the institution, on July 27, 1841.
Removing to Pottsville, Dr. von Lippe practiced with success and growing ability
until called to a larger field, at Carlisle. Here the prevalent epidemics of the
Cumberland Valley gave him a new distinction, by means of which he was, six years
later, induced to settle in Philadelphia. Here he speedily attained a marked distinction
in the most fashionable practice of his day. Aside, however, from his strictly
professional labors, Dr. von Lippe had been a regular contributor to homoeopathic
literature and an active correspondent with his confreres in foreign parts, and more
especially with Wilson in London and Rocco Rubini in Naples. The correspondence,
now turned yellow with the lapse of years, is both interesting and instructive and
quite fully attests the warm friendship of many admirers. Rubini's original pamphlet
in Italian, introducing the cactus grandiflorus, is particularly valuable.
Dr. von Lippe filled the chair of materia medica in the Homoeopathic College of
Pennsylvania from 1863 to 1868 and with distinguished success. He also translated
valuable Italian, German, and French Homoeopathic essays and treatises, that are
now standard. He augmented and improved the homeopathic materia medica, and by
his clinical reports has shown how this may be rendered practically available and
utilized in the application of homoeopathic knowledge and principles. Adopting
homoeopathy after careful examination, when qualified to institute and conduct it;
believing it to be progressive rather than stagnant, and having devoted the best years
of a prosperous life to establishing its claims in this country, he absolutely rejected
all claims and solicitations that would have recalled him to Germany.

Just now when the thought of the entire medical profession the world over is veering
away from polypharmacy and courting the single agent, when men like von Behring
and Wright and Roux are tempering the actual etiological factor in degree for the
acquisition of a beneficent immunity, when the size of dose as exemplified by
preparations of tuberculin are reduced to one millionth of a milligram, when the
physicians of all schools unite in admitting the need of testing the action of drugs on
humans themselves and when in a state of health, it may surely be of interest to read
and pursue the works of this great German nobleman who was in point of fact the
indomitable Ajax of the homoeopathic practice of his day. Standing at the very door
of the citadel of truth he kept the sacred fires of healing science alit by the broad-axe
of truth itself.
Like the sire of Hahnemann himself he lived the motto of that man's belief "To
act and to be, not merely to seem."

William B. Griggs.
by Dr Donald MACFARLAN

One of the distinguishing features of homoeopathy is that the cure is accomplished

by administering a medicine, the characteristic symptoms of which correspond with
the characteristic symptoms of the patient. Within its distinctive sphere it is quite
unfailing and immutable. Homeopathic medicines, following the analogy of nature,
are all specific - definite agent with a definite purpose with power only for the
fulfillment of its attainable object. Quite apart, however, from this viewpoint
treatment is traditional theory and traditional practice which may be truly termed
anti-pathic in application. The modus operandi may best be exemplified by example
- a patient has pain, its opposite, opium is given. The malady is not cured, but stifled
by stupor, only to awake with renewed violence with the wearing away of the effect
of the drug and demanding augmented dosage for fugacious assuagement at each
successive return. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, chooses a remedy capable of
producing the same pain. It is directed solely to the part affected in minimal dose.
From this action a cure results, for two similar diseases cannot exist in the same body
at the same time.
The effects of medicine can only be ascertained by provings on the healthy
human and the symptoms which these medicines have produced constitute the bulk
of the Homoepathic Materia Medica. In order to effectively cure, it is first necessary
to ascertain the characteristic symptoms of the patient, as Hahnemann teaches in the
"Organon," and next, to find the medicine which corresponds in the characteristics
with those of the patient, which is done by means of the Homeopathic Materia
Characteristics symptoms show the peculiarities and differences of medicines, and
have been ascertained by repeated verifications of symptoms obtained by provings
on the healthy and cures on the sick. In one case the locality may be characteristic,
as, for instance, under the apis mellifica, the right ovary, and under lachesis, the left
ovary; in any case the sort of pain may be characterized as the burning-stinging pain
of apis mellifica, or the burning-like-coal-of-fire pain under arsenicum album, or a
gnawing pain under ruta. In another instance the conditions may be characteristic, as
the ameliorations by heat under arsenicum, and the amelioration by cold under iodine
and vice-versa; or conditionally the time of day, as under nux vomica, in the
morning, lycopodium 4 P. M., arsenicum from 11 P. M. till 2 A. M., or in another
instance the concomitant symptoms as cough with stitches in the small of the back
(or rectum) under nitric acid, or cough with paleness of the face under cina. In some
instances the mental symptoms may be characteristic, as convulsive and maniacal
deliriousness with biting rage under belladonna, extreme mental excitability in
association with pronounced sleeplessness under coffea cruda, or aggravated mental
apathy with comatose states under arnica. Again the cause may be quite
characteristic, as the effects from getting wet while in a perspiration, which comes
under the pathogenesy of the rhus toxicodendron
From a casual observance of these views it will be at once seen that the fundamental
doctrine in homoeopathic theraputics is the doctrine of individualization. Man
becomes affected primarily in his internals, and by this is solely meant his affectional
and intellectual spheres of consciousness, which in point of face, make up the man
himself, for it is the will and understanding which form the real individual. Sickness
it its essence is a derangement proceeding from the innermost which spreads towards
the outermost and it is a realization of this fact which has made homeopathy a
distinct science of theraputic law. Consequently the homoeopathic physician views
pathological tissues as results or ultimates and tries to perceive how the entire man
has been changed from first to last, from mind to external tissue. Each person
qualifies illness, as it were, by his or her distinctive personality and that coined
aberration, as it were, has its simillimum in the pathogenesy of some homoeopathic
medicine. From this it will be seen how a sickened individual is congnate to a sick-
making substance - a thoroughly proven drug of our Materia Medica. The sickened
one stamps his or her individuality upon a case of sickness, making it quite different
from every other case, whilst the latter also behaves in a similar manner, for while it
affects man in health through and through - from the mind to the hair and nails - it
has a strange and peculiar way of doing it, quite different from any other drug in the
entire materia medica. What is it but the inner nature of the drug, almost resembling
the will and understanding of man, that has made it quite a distinct entity?
As regards potency, it may be stated that the suitable dynamization is best
arrived at by practical experience. There is really no law of potency in one sense.
Nevertheless all causes are in the simple substance which exists only in degrees of
fineness, for a quantity can barely be predicated of it and as the innermost of the
patient has similarly the series in degrees, the remedy to correspond to this must also
be administered in potencies of various grades or degrees.

When Hahnemann refers to the "spirit-like" vital force and power liberated by the
casting off of the coarser envelopes of material particles of the drug, which liberates
those finer and intramolecular forces that are vibrating and pulsating with a rapidity
which enters into correspondence with the invisible, unweighable, imponderable
essence of life itself?
The requisites for homeopathic prescribing are: (1) The law of cure, (2) The single
remedy, (3) The minimum dose. All of these items must enter into every correct
prescription. It is interesting also to recall that the order in which the above
requirements are enumerated are exactly that followed in their development.
Hahnemann developed, to its most marked extent, the law of similars. His
experiments to obtain the pathogeneses or sick-making powers of drugs naturally led
him to apply them singly in diseases, that he might approach as closely as possible
the correct correspondence. Finally the adoption and recommendation of the
minimum dose was the result of the oft-verified observation, that in order to avoid
exacerbation and, at the same time, to expedite cure in a direct, rapid and permanent
manner the drug must be adminstered in the smallest possible amount, duly
commensurate with its power of exciting similar symptoms in the healthy. In this
connection, the drug, if properly chosen, exhibits the power of exerting a
correspondingly strong reaction of the vital forces in the direction of health. Such a
system of theraputics, embracing, as it does, the most careful individualization of the
case at hand, as to its origin in hygenic, psychic or medicinal (abuse of drugs)
causes, cannot be any other than the broadest, most truly scientific, and all-inclusive
system of healing known to the health seeker of the future.

For valuable considerations given me in the compilation of this little work I wish to
thank Dr. Wm. H Yaeger and Dr. Wm B. Griggs for proof-reading and suggestions
germane to the form of presentation of the notes themselves and to Dr. E. P. Anshutz
and John A. Borneman, Ph. D., for valuable suggestions. To my friend, Dr. G.
Harlan Wells, I wish to extend many thanks for his kindness in publishing many of
these characteristics in our state organ The Hahnemannian Monthly.
Donald Macfarlan.
1805 Chestnut St.

 Aconitum Napellus.
 Agaricus Muscarius.
 Agnus Castus.
 Allium Cepa.
 Aloe.
 Alumina.
 Ambra Grisea.
 Ammonium Carbonicum.
 Ammonium Muriaticum.
 Anacardium.
 Angustura.
 Antimonium Crudum.
 Antimonium Tartaricum
 Apis Mellifica.
 Argentum Metallicum.
 Arnica Montana.
 Arsenic Album.
 Arsenic Metallicum.
 Asafoetida.
 Asarum Europaeum.
 Aurum Metallicum.
 Baryta Carbonica.
 Belladonna.
 Bismuth.
 Borax.
 Bovista.
 Bromium.
 Bryonia Alba.
 Caladium Seguinum.
 Calcarea Ostrearum.
 Camphora.
 Cannabis Sativa.
 Cantharides.
 Capsicum.
 Carbo Animalis.
 Carbo Vegetablis.
 Cascarilla.
 Castoreum.
 Causticum.
 Chamomilla.
 Chelidonium Majus.
 Cicuta Virosa.
 China.
 Cina.
 Cinnamonum.
 Cinnabaris.
 Clematis Erecta.
 Cocculus.
 Coffee Cruda.
 Colchicum.
 Colocynthis.
 Conium Maculatum.
 Corallium Rubrum.
 Crocus Sativus.
 Croton Tiglium.
 Cuprum Metallicum.
 Cyclamen.
 Daphne Mezereum.
 Digitalis Purpurea.
 Drosera.
 Dulcamara.
 Euphorbia.
 Euphrasia.
 Ferrum Metallicum.
 Graphites.
 Guajacum.
 Helleborus Niger.
 Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum.
 Hyoscyamus Niger.
 Ignatia Amara.
 Iodum.
 Ipecacuanha.
 Kali Carbonicum.
 Kali Nitrium.
 Laurocerasus.
 Ledum Palustre.
 Lycopodium Clavatum.
 Magnesia Carbonica.
 Manganum.
 Menyanthes.
 Mercurius Sublimatus.
 Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni.
 Mezereum Daphne.
 Moschus.
 Muraticum Acidum.
 Natrum Carbonicum.
 Natrum Muriaticum.
 Nitric Acidum.
 Nux Moschata.
 Oleander.
 Opium.
 Paris Quadrifolia.
 Phosphoric acid.
 Phosphorus.
 Platina.
 Plumbum.
 Ranunculus Bulbosus.
 Ranunculus Scleratus.
 Rheum.
 Rhododendron.
 Rhus Toxicodendron.
 Secale Cornutum.
 Selenium.
 Senega.
 Sepia.
 Silicea.
 Spigelia Marilandica.
 Spongia Tosta.
 Stannum Metallicum.
 Staphisagria.
 Stramonium.
 Strontiana.
 Sulphur.
 Sulphuric acid.
 Taraxacum.
 Teucrium Marum Verum.
 Thuja Occidentalis.
 Valeriana.
 Veratrum.
 Verbascum Thapsus.
 Viola Odorata.
 Zincum Metallicum.
Aconitum Napellus.
(Acon. - Monkshood.)

Sensation of soreness of the body, and of heaviness in inner parts.

Tearing in outer parts.

Tingling in the fingers, oesophagus and back.

Painfulness of the whole body to contact (he does not wish to be touched).

Pulsating pain in the head and teeth.

Inflammation of inner parts (mucous membranes).

Stitches in internal organs.

Tightness of the muscles (acute rheumatism).

The pain is insupportable, driving to despair.

Sudden and great sinking of strength.

Restlessness and inconsolable anxiety.

The patient is full of fears and tosses about as if in agony.

Dry, burning skin.

Heat, with inclination to uncover oneself.

Miliaria like eruption of measles.

Pulse full and hard, or imperceptible.

Bad effects from catching cold, from anger, or from fright, especially with
females during menstruation.

When rising paleness of the face.

Aggravation in the night.

Amelioration in the open air.

Most symptoms disappear while sitting quietly, but at night and in bed it is

The most valuable febrifuge in the entire range of theraputic agents.

Produces and cures drenching sweats.

Agaricus Muscarius.
(Agar. - Bug Agaric).

Itching with burning and redness, as if frost-bitten, of the nose, ears, fingers
and toes.

Great sensitiveness of the body to pressure and cold air.

Great debility and heaviness in the limbs.

Boring or dull pains.

Sensation of soreness in the nose and mouth.

Tearing pains in the limbs, which are continuous while at rest, but
disappearing on moving about.

Twitching of the eye-lids.

Clonic spasms.

Rage with great efforts of strength.

The patient is excessively fanciful and full of ecstasy.

The symptoms frequently appear diagonally, as in the right arm and left


There is an aggravation after motion, and an amelioration when moving

about slowly.
Bearing-down pains of a violent character at once benefited by the action of
this medicine.

Agnus Castus.
(Agn. - The Chaste Tree.)

Melancholic and hypochondriacal mood.

Absent mindedness.

Rumbling of flatulence during sleep.

Corrosive itching of the perineum and difficulty of passing soft motions.

When pressing at stool there is discharge of prostatic fluid.

Thirstlessness and aversion to all drink.

Nausea first in the pit of the stomach, later in the stomach, with the sensation
as if all the intestines were pressing downward.

Diminution of sexual powers, the penis is small and flaccid and the testicles
are cold. Itching on the genital organs with yellow discharges from the

The sexual desire is suppressed.

Drawing along the spermatic cords.

In the female, there is suppressing of the menses, with drawing pain in the
abdomen and lack of sexual desire.

There is deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women.

Allium Cepa.
(All-c. - Red Onion.)

Pulse full and accelerated.

Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza and thirst.

Soreness of the lower extremities.

Breathing oppressed from pressure in the middle of the chest, worse in the

Cough when inhaling cold air.

Pressure and other pains in the region of the bladder.

Sensation of weakness in the bladder and urethra.

Increased secretion of urine, with coryza.

Urine red, with much pressure and burning in the urethra.

(Aloe. - Socotrine Aloes.)

Mental dissatisfaction and bad humor about himself, and more especially
during the state of costiveness or when he suffers from pain.

Giddiness on moving.

Great weakness and weak pulse after vomiting.

Aloe is frequently called for in correcting the bad effects from sedentary life
and habits and is especially suitable to persons of a lymphatic and
hypochondriacal constitution.

The taste is bitter and sour and tasteless eructations are present, with portal
congestion and a sense of abdominal fullness, heaviness and heat.

Bloated abdomen, more on left side, or along the colon and worse after

Pain around the navel, worse from pressure.

A discharge of much flatulency, burning and swelling offensively, which
relieves the pain in the abdomen.

(Alum. - Hydroxide of Alumina.)

Unpleasant want of animal heat.

He feels as if some parts of the body were enlarged.

Great debility from exercise, as in walking.

There is present tearing pain in the limbs and a sensation of constriction of

the internal organs (oesophagus).

Involuntary motions (jerking of the head and other parts are associated in
this condition).

Weakness of the memory and inability to think coherently.

Chapped skin and bulbous eruptions.

The aggravations are in the afternoon, occur periodically and are present
during the act of micturition.

The amelioration is effected during moderate exercise, in the open air, in the
evening and on alternate days.

Very efficient in the cure of intractable costiveness in women of an extremely

sedentary habit.

Ambra Grisea.

Tearing in the muscles of the joints, often one-sided.

Itching from the small of the back through the right leg and burning,
especially where the skin turns into mucous membranes.
External numbness of the whole body in the morning.

Weakness in the morning and at night when awakening.

Ebullitions and pulsations in the whole body after walking in the open air.

One-sided complaints (perspiration, tearing, numbness and sensation of

coldness in the abdomen).

Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts.

Ambra is especially suitable for lean or aged persons.

Asthma of children or old people.

Itching and burning in the skin.

Suppressed cutaneous eruptions.

Many complaints appear while sleeping and disappear after rising.

There is an aggravation in the evening, while lying in a warm place and on


Many complaints, however, are relieved by slow motion in the open air, or
while lying on the painful part.

Ammonium Carbonicum.
(Am-c. - Carbonate of Ammonia.)

Tearing in the joints, relieved by the heat of the bed.

Stinging and tearing pains.

Drawing and tension as from the shortening of the muscles.

Inclination to stretch the limbs.

Pain as of dislocation in the joints.

Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration.

Debility which only permits to lie down.

Disinclination to walk in the open air, and from it aggravation of many


Restlessness of the body in the evening.

The right side of the body is mostly affected.

Dry cough, as from dust in the throat.

Cough only at night or only in day-time.

Exanthemata of a scarlet color.

Itching eruptions - desquamations of the skin.

Great sensitiveness to the cold.

Talking and hearing others talk affects him greatly.

Reappearance and aggravtion of some symptoms from washing (bleeding of

the nose, swelling of the veins of the hands, and blue hands).

There is an evening aggravation and an aggravation during wet weather.

Ammonium Muriaticum.
(Am-m. - Sal Ammoniac.)

Sensation of soreness in different parts of the body.

Burning, stinging and throbbing, as from a boil.

Tension in the joints, as from shortening of the muscles.

Ebullition with anxiety and weakness.

Blisters on the tongue.

Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough.

In the morning hours she feels stiff, but is relieved by walking in the open

Aggravation of the head and chest symptoms in the morning, of the

abdominal symptoms in the afternoon, of the skin and fever symptoms in the

Amelioration in the open air.

(Anac. - Marking Nut.)



Loss of memory.

Crampish pains in the muscles.

Contraction of the joints.

Sensation of a band or hoop around the parts.

Pain in different parts, as if a plug and entered.

Trembling debility and paralytic weakness.

Diminution of the senses (smell, sight and hearing).

Liability to catch cold, and sensitiveness to the draft of air.

Periodicity of the symptoms.

Itching of the skin, worse from scratching.

Many symptoms appear after eating, while more of them appear during

Aggravation when lying on the side, from rubbing, and from taking hold of

(Ang. - Bark of the Galipea Gusparia.)

Tetanic spasms, caused by contact, noise and the drinking of luke-warm


Cheeks and lips become blue.

The breathing is heavy and during the spasms there is groaning and closing
of the eyes.

Twitching and jerking along the back like electric shocks.

Spasmodic twitching.

He bends himself backward.

Stiffness and stretching of the limbs.

Cracking of the joints.

Weakness of the whole body, as if the marrow of the bones was stiff.


Very painful ulcers, which affect the bone and extend into the marrow of it.

Aggravations from touching the affected part.

Antimonium Crudum.
(Ant-c. - Black Sulphide of Anitmony.)
He is much concerned about his fate.

Disposition to grow fat.

Inflammation of the muscles.

Aversion to be looked at, and to be touched.

Horn-like excrescences and disposition to abnormal organizations of the


Gastric symptoms, worse in the afternoon and at night.

When the symptoms reappear they change their locality, or go from one side
of the body to the other.

Aggravation from drinking sour wine, in the heat of the sun, after eating
(pork), at night or after bathing.

Amelioration during rest and in the open air.

Antimonium Tartaricum
(Ant-t. - Tart. Emetic.)

Great debility and weakness.

Attacks of fainting and syncope.

Internal trembling.

The child wants to be carried and does not wish to be touched.

One-sided complaints (rheumatic pains in the left chest), pulsation in one

side of the forehead and one-sided headache.

Nausea with frequent vomiting of bitter, sour substances a marked


Inflammed lids with catarrhal conjunctivitis.

Soreness all over the chest.

Long lasting dyspeptic symptoms, with loss of appetite.

Constant and distressing cough, disposed to be loose with much


A remedy of great utility in cases of pneumonia.

When of service there is rattling of mucus in the chest, catarrhal ophthalmia,

and marked gastro-enteric disturbance.

In lycopodium there is greater and more distressing dyspnoea, many mucous

rales present, stitching and stabbing pleuritic pain a tendency to abdominal

In lycopodium there is a present marked weakness, but there is great

struggling on the part of the patient to get his breath, with a flying of the alae

Apis Mellifica.
(Apis. - The Honey-Bee.)

Burning and stinging pains.

Great debility, as if he had worked hard, he must lie down on the ground.

Great sensitiveness to the touch and to external pressure, especially on the


Sensation of soreness, as if bruised.

Tension (over the eyes, behind the ears, in the neck, and a tension involving
the head of the left side).

Heaviness and pressure in the head, especially when rising from a

recumbent position or from a seat, worse in a warm room, and relieved by
pressing the head with the hands.

Eruptions like hives.

Dropsical swellings without thirst.

Inflammation of the eyes with intense photophobia and increased secretions.

Pale red erysipelatous inflammations.

Aggravation in a warm room.

Argentum Metallicum.
(Arg-m. - The Metal Silver.)

Sensation of soreness in the joints.

Tearing in the joints of the hands and feet, through the fingers and toes.

Boring in the joints.

Pricking from within outwards.

Sensation of numbness, and as if asleep in the limbs.

Pressing, tearing pain, mostly in the head.

Sensation of soreness and rawness in internal organs.

The effects from onanism.

Strong effects upon the secretions of the mucous membranes.

Discharge of urine too frequent and too copious.

Heat of the whole body except the head without thirst.

The symptoms are renewed towards noon.

Arnica Montana.
(Arn. - Leopard's Bane.)

Pain, as if beaten or bruised in outer parts.

Pressing in inner parts.

Pricking from without inwards.

Pain, as if sprained in outer parts and the joints.

Tingling in outer parts.

Tearing and drawing in outer parts.

Oversensitiveness of the whole body.

Twitching of the muscles.

Ebullitions with burning of the upper part of the body by coldness of the
lower part.

Bad effects from mechanical injuries (falls, bruises and contusions).

Bleeding of external and internal parts (vomiting of blood).


Aggravation in the evening and through the night, from contact, motion and

Arsenic Album.
(Ars. - Arsenious Acid.)

Anxiety and restlessness very highly marked.

Burning pains of an excruciating character.

Tearing pains in the limbs, worse during the night and while at rest, after
previous powerful exertion, and only relieved by walking about and by
external heat.

Periodical pains, with coldness, chills, debility and anxious despair.

(Fear, fright and worry more marked than in any remedy known. - D. M.)
Sudden sinking of strength highly prominent in the sphere of drug's curative

Bloatedness or emaciation.

Twitching of single parts of the body when going to sleep.

Vomiting of what has been eaten or drunken or of black matter with it.

Watery and offensive diarrhoea.

Ulcers, turning black, burning, with high edges.



Aggravation, periodically at night, on entering a cold place, from cold food,

from rapid walking, from the use of milk.

There is an amelioration from external heat and when moving about.

Arsenic Metallicum.
(Ars-m. - The Metal Arsenic.)

Low-spiritedness and weakness of memory.

Desire to be alone - the patient is annoyed by visions, which cause her to


Sensation of fullness in the head, as if the head were too large.

Left-sided headache up to the eyes and into the ear.

Headache aggravated when stooping and when lying down.

Oedematious swelling of forehead and face with itching, which can only be
allayed by pinching.

The face is red, itching, burning and bloated.

Eyes swelled and watery (with coryza).

Eyes burn with coryza.

The eyes are weak - day and gas-light are very unpleasant.

(Asaf. - Gum of the Stinkasand.)

Twitching and jerking in the muscles.

Pricking, stinging, and darting pain, which is periodic from within

outwards, by touch relieved or changed.

Sense of rigor.

Body heavy and bloated.

Pains on the inside of the joints of the limbs.

Dark, red, and hot swellings.

Hysterical attacks.

St. Vitus's dance.

Swelling of the glands.

Painful inflammation of the bones.

Caries, with thin offensive pus (tibia).

Many symptoms appear while sitting, and are relieved in open air.

Asarum Europaeum.
(Asar. - European Snake-Root.)
Oversensitiveness of the nerves; the scratching on linen or silk is

Sensation of lightness in the limbs; when she walks, she thinks she is gliding
through the air.

Vomiting with violent retching and anxiety.

Many symptoms disappear from washing the face in cold water, from
wetting the affected part.

Aggravation - evening - in cold and dry weather.

Aurum Metallicum.
(Aur-m. - The Metal Gold.)


Fear, even to suicide.

Paralytic drawing in the limbs in the morning, when awakening and on

getting cold.

Pain in the bones at night.

Great ebullition and palpitation of the heart.

Oversensitiveness to all pain and to the cold air.

Desire for the open air.

Hysterical spasms, with laughing and crying alternately.

Desire for the open air.

Hysterical spasms, with laughing and crying alternately.

Inflammation of the bones - caries of the palate and nasal bones.

Offensive breath.
Aggravation in the morning on getting cold, while reposing.

Amelioration from moving, while walking and on getting warm.

Baryta Carbonica.
(Bar-c. - The Carbonate of Barium.)


Want of self-confidence, and aversion to strangers.

Tension and shortening of the muscles.

Heaviness of the body.

Pains in the joints and bones.

Tearing in the limbs with chilliness.

Swelled and indurated glands.

Emaciation with bloated face, swelled abdomen and difficult learning in


Great liability to catch cold (sore throat, stiffness of the neck, and diarrhoea).

Great weakness of the mind and body of old men.

Paralysis and palsy of aged persons.

Aggravation while sitting or lying on the painful side.

(Bell. - The Deadly Nightshade.)

Loss of consciousness.

Fantastic illusions and biting rage.

Oversensitiveness of all the senses.


Burning in inner parts.

Sensation, as if inner organs were distended or as if they would burst.

Tearing in inner parts (from below upwards).

Congestion of the head.

Bleeding of the inner parts.

Swelling of and pulsation in the blood vessels.

Pricking on the muscles or bones.

Pressing and tearing rheumatic pains which wander from one place to the

Sensation as if a mouse was running in the muscles.

Contortion of the limbs.

Spasms of single limbs or of the whole body.

Loss of sensation and motion of one side of the body.

Inflammation of inner parts (mucous membranes) with a tendency to

suppuration or with nervous symptoms.

Induration after inflammations.

Nervous fevers with loss of consciousness or delirium.

Swelling and induration of the glands.

Pupils dilated.
Aversion to light.

Loss of sight.

Color of the face is bluish-red.

Alternate redness and paleness of the skin.

Inflammation of the brain.

Liability to take cold with great sensitiveness to draft of air.

Bad effects of fear and chagrin.

Exanthemata of scarlet color.

Sleeplessness with drowsiness or sleep which is stupor-like.

Pulse full and hard.

Aggravation in the afternoon and at night, from touching the parts affected
even softly, and while swallowing liquids.

Amelioration while reposing, while standing, or while leaning the head

against something.

(Bism. - The precipitated Sub-Nitrate.)

Sensation of heaviness in inner parts.

Screwing pains.

Pressing-tearing in the bones of the hands and of the feet.

Pressing pain in the eyes, head, abdomen and testicles.

Vomiting of all fluids (children).

Most symptoms disappear during motion.

(Bor. - Borate of Sodium.)

Stinging, or drawing, stinging pains.

Weakness in the joints.

Nausea and giddiness from exertions of the mind.

Aphthae of the mouth and tongue, which bleed easily.

Parts which are usually red, turn white.

Unhealthy, easily suppurating skin.

Aggravation from descending (fear of falling in children when they are

carried downstairs) - from laughing, or after menstruation.

(Bov. - Puff-Ball.)

Great weakness in the joints.

Ebullitions with much thirst.

Chilliness predominating during the pain.

Dull instruments produce deep impressions on the flesh, for instance, the
Scissors on the fingers in using them.

Pale swelling of the upper lip.

Moist tetter.

(Brom. - Bromine.)
Faucial angina and very sore throat.

General trembling.

A sensation of something being alive in the skin, principally in the arms and

Great watchfulness in the evening.

He has much trouble in getting to sleep at night.

Anguish in sleep, and sleep full of dreams.

Constant dreaming in sleep.

Jerking and starting whilst in sleep.

When getting awake at night trembling and sensation as if she could not rise
for weakness.

Fantasy and illusions when asleep.

He perspires freely when exercising a little.

Excellent for patients in very bad humor.


Dizziness when lying down, with headache, especially in the evening.

Dizziness when going over a running water.

The majority of the symptoms are more felt when at rest and lying than
when moving about.

Complaints on the left side of the body.

Aggravation of the symptoms in the evening and before mid-night.

He cannot sleep enough in the morning.

He feels unrefreshed in the morning.

Bryonia Alba.
(Bry. - Wild Hops.)

An irritable mood and inclined to be angry.

Rheumatic pains in the limbs with tension, aggravated by motion and


Stiffness in the joints.

Swelling and stiffness of the affected parts.

Oversensitiveness of the senses to external impressions.

Pricking, darting and stinging in the joints, muscles and inner parts.

Inflammations of the inner parts (lungs and liver).

Pain in the bones, as if the flesh had been beaten off.

Color of the face bluish-red.

Vomiting of bitter substance (bile).

The taste is bitter and the tongue is dry and has a yellowish coat.

Thirst - he drinks not often, but much at a time.

Constipation from induration of the stools or because the feces are too large
in size.

Respiration oppressed and deep.

The pulse is hard and hurried.

Repercussions of eruptions.

Aggravated at 9 P. M. and by motion, moving the affected parts, during

inspiration, while lying on the painless side.
Amelioration while exhaling, while lying on the painful side, and by tightly
bandaging the affected parts.

Caladium Seguinum.
(Calad. - Poisonous American Arum.)

Inclination to rest, and aversion to move.

Burning in the stomach and skin.

Perspiration, which is very much attracts the flied.

After a short sleep and after perspiring many symptoms are relieved.

Calcarea Ostrearum.
(Calc. - Calcic Carbonate.)

Apprehension of some future misfortune.

She fears she will lose her understanding and that persons will observe her
confusion of mind.

Low-spirited and melancholy.

Nervous excitement, with debility and loss of strength.

Inclination to become fat (in children and young persons).

Bloatedness of the body and face, with swollen abdomen in children.


Flaccidity of the skin.

Great emaciation and swollen abdomen, the appetite being good.

Sensitiveness to cold and damp air, and inclination to catch cold.

Aversion to the open air.

Full habit and ebullitions.

Sensation of coldness in inner parts.

Cutting pains.

Prickling in outer parts and in the bones.

Sensation of dryness or of trembling in inner parts.

Tearing in the muscles.

Arthiritic tearing and artificial nodosities.

Cramps in single parts, which draw the limbs crookedly, especially in the
toes and fingers.

Painful swelling of the glands.

Bones swollen with softening.


Pupils dilated.

Often suitable during dentition of children.

Bleeding from inner parts.

Vomiting of sour substances.

Catamenia too early and too profuse.

Aggravation in the morning on awakening, from exertion of the mind, after

eating, in cold air and wet weather, from fasting, and in the evening and after

Amelioration form rubbing, from drawing the limbs up, whilst lying on the
back, in the dark and in dry weather.
(Camph. - Camphor.)

Dimished circulation of the blood to parts most distant from the heart
(coldness of the external body).

Color of the face bluish.

Sudden sinking of strength.

Pains, as if bruised in inner parts.

Great sensitiveness to cold and cold air.

Loss of sensation.

Cracking of the the joints.

Rheumatic stitches in the muscles.

Most symptoms appear during motion and at night, are aggravated by

contact, cold air and when thinking of them.

Amelioration from warmth.

Asiatic cholera.

Cannabis Sativa.
(Cann-s. - Hemp or Gallows Grass.)

Fatigue after bodily exercise.

Great weakness after dinner and when moving.

Tetanic spasms, espeically of the upper extremities.

Rheumatic tearing, as if in the periosteum, especially while moving.

Sensation as from pinching with the fingers.

Deep tearing stitches.

Paralytic tearing pain.

Painful discharge of mucus from the urethra.

The discharge of urine is very painful and only by drops.

It is bloody and burns.

Stinging, burning and smarting during and after micturition.

Sensation of soreness in the renal area.

There is an aggravation in the forenoon and during the act of micturition.

(Canth. - Spanish Fly.)

Violent burning with soreness in all parts of the body, especially in the

Sensation of cutting in inner parts.

Sensation of dryness in the joints.

Tearing and stinging from without to within.

Tetanic spasms compelling to bend forward or backward often aggravated

by the sight of water.

Debility bordering on paralysis.

Voice low.

Pricking in inner parts.


Aggravation from coffee, during and after micturition.

(Caps. - Cayenne Pepper.)

Home-sickness with redness of cheeks and sleeplessness.

Phlegmatic temperament and laxness of the muscles.

Tendency to get fat.

Stiffness and painfulness of the joints when beginning to move.

Crackling of joints.

Cough with pain far from the chest.

Tearing drawing from above downward.

Stools of bloody mucus with tenesmus, burning of the anus, worse at night.

Aggravation in the evening, after eating and drinking, when beginning to


Amelioration after having moved about for some time.

Carbo Animalis.
(Carb-an. - Animal Charcoal.)

Sensation of numbness, as if, in fact, the part had gone to sleep in many
parts, especially the head.

Rheumatic stiffness of the joints.

Pressing pain in the joints and muscles of the limbs.

Pain in the hip joints at night.

Burning pains.
Weakness and easy dislocation of the joints.

Great sensitiveness to open, cold, dry air.

Tension and contraction of the parts.

Great weakness of digestion (a very valuable remedy for a host of digestive


Great production of flatulency.

Painful induration of the glands, of the mammae.

Copper colored exanthemata.

Spongy ulcers and excrescences.

Aggravation while eating and when lying on the side.

Carbo Vegetablis.
(Carb-v. - Vegetable Charcoal.)

Burning pain in exterior parts, in ulcers and in bones.

Pressing sensation in inner parts.

Paralytic tearing in the limbs with flatulency and difficulty of breathing.

In the morning, when rising from the bed, the limbs feel as though broken.

Bad effects from the loss of fluids.

Great debility much worse from the smallest exertion of body or mind,
worse towards noon.

Pricking from above downwards.

Pain and anxiety, heat, despairing hopelessness, and debility after pain.

Pulsations here and there in the body.

Trembling and twitching of the limbs through the day.

Bad effects from wine-intoxication the day previous.

Bad effects from cold drinking whilst overheated.

Intermittent fevers, with thirst only during the cold stage.

Flatulency - very putrid smell - flatulent colic.

Hoarseness in the evening.

Indicated where the patient is troubled with occasional spells of long

coughing attacks.

Menstruation too early and too profuse.

Humidity of the skin (moist exanthemata).

Aggravation in the morning, at night before falling asleep, from the abuse of
quinine (Lippe had it Peruvian Bark in the posthumous manuscript) and
mercury, on rising from the bed, and while walking in the open air.

Amelioration from eructations.

(Casc. - Sweet Bark.)

Heat, with thirst for warm drinks.

Gnawing, pressing pains.

Pain in the stomach, as from a shock.

Pressing colic.

Stools difficult and hard.

Discharge of blood from the rectum.

(Cast. - The Beaver.)

Predominant chilliness.

Restless sleep with frightful dreams and starting.

Attacks of chilliness with ice-coldness in the back.

(Caust. - Causticum Hahnemanni.)

Rheumatic and gouty tearing in the limbs, relieved by warmth, especially by

the heat of the bed.

Tension in the limbs with paralysis, especially of the extensor muscles.

Paralytic trembling, debility of the limbs when out of bed.

Numbness of the single parts or of the right side of the body.

In children, soreness, swelling abdomen, easy falling, and late learning to


In the evening and while sitting, insupportable restlessness through the

whole body and anxiety about the heart.

Morning hoarseness.

Cough, being obliged to swallow what has been raised.

Burning in exterior parts (ulcers).

Warts of eye-brows and nose.

Fistula in ano, and fistula dentalis.

Aggravation in the evening, and in the open air, after drinking coffee and
while perspiring.

Amelioration from warmth (this modality is of great value as the prover of

this drug constantly complains of shivering coldness - D. M.).

(Cham. - Common Chamomile.)

Unceasing crying and yelling.

Cross and peevish, angry disposition.

Anxious restlessness in mind and body with tossing about.

The child wants to be carried, and is then more quiet.

Oversensitiveness to pain, and of the organs of sense to fresh air and wind.

Twitchings and convulsions of children during dentition.

Pulsating pain, as from concealed suppuration.

Heat and redness of one cheek.

Pains accompanied by thirst and heat.

Perspiration of the head, especially the borders of the hair.

Drowsiness with moaning and staring.

Bad effects from wrath, from coffee and narcotic palliatives.

Aggravation in the night, after breakfast, after suppressed perspiration, on

getting warm in bed.

Chelidonium Majus.
(Chel. - Celandine.)
Paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts.

Disinclination to move, which he does very reluctantly.

Sleepiness and desire to lie down, without being able to sleep.

Chilliness predominating.

In the morning when awakening and after eating, great debility and great


Catamenia too late and too profuse.

(Chin. - Cinchona Officinalis.)

Oversensitiveness, low-spirited with aversion to all noise.

Debility from loss of fluids (an excellent indication is debilitating


Attacks of pain, caused by the slightest touch of the body and then
increasing gradually and becoming very severe.

The parts on which one lies go to sleep.

Restlessness of the affected parts.

Intermittent fever without thirst or thirst only between the cold and hot

Aggravation at night, from the least draught of air, after milk drinking.

Cicuta Virosa.
(Cic. - Water-Hemlock.)

Twitching, especially in the extremities.

Convulsions in children from worms.

Shocks of the brain, as from electricity through the head, arms and legs.

Pains as from contusions or blows on many parts of the body.

Burning pains and burning, moist eruptions with yellow crusts.

Chilliness and desire for heat.

Contortions of the limbs, "bluish face, interrupted breathing, foaming at the

mouth, followed by insensibility.

(Cina. - Worm-Seed.)

Twitches and contortions of the limbs.

Violent screaming attacks at night, the patient afficted lying on the back and
striking and kicking with the hands and feet.

There is grinding of the teeth and the child bores with his fingers into the

The child does not want to be touched.

At night sleeplessness, with restlessness and tossing about.

Worm complaints in children.

Face pale (cold, with cold perspiration).

Involuntary discharged (urine and whitish diarrhoeic stool).

Whooping cough with stiffness of the child before it and with great paleness
of the face.

Canine hunger, during or before the intermittent fever.

(Cinnam. - Cinnamon.)

Metorrhagia after delivery.

The blood is thin and pale.

Sexual desire is increased.

(Cinnb. - Mercuric Sulphide.)

Coldness of the joints.

Very sleepless during the night, but when he awakens in the morning he
feels as if he needed no sleep.

Congestions of blood to the head.

Face purple red.

Syphilitic ulcers.

Clematis Erecta.
(Clem. - Virgin's Bower.)

Muscles relaxed

Great emaciation.

Twitching of the muscles.

After eating, weakness in all the limbs and pulsation in the arteries.

Painful swelling and induration of the glands.

Painful tettery skin, not itching, however, over the whole body.
Constiction of the urethra.

(Cocc. - Indian Cockle.)

One-sided paralysis with numbness of the limbs.

Paralysis from the small of the back downward (bladder, rectum and legs).

Disposition to tremble.

Stiffness and crackling of the joints.

Sensation in inner organs of emptiness or constriction.

From little exercise be becomes very much fatigued, even to fainting.

Bones feel as if they were broken.

Tearing and gnawing in the bones.

Hard, cold swelling of the glands with stinging pains.

Intermittent fever with lameness in the small of the back and colic.

Swimming and giddiness with nausea.

Of approved valuation in sea sickness.

Aversion to the open air (warm and cold).

Bad effects from anger or from chamomilla.

Aggravation from loss of sleep, talking, riding in a carriage and smoking


Coffee Cruda.
(Coff. - Unroasted Coffee.)
Excited and over-sensitive.

Great sensitiveness to pain, driving to despair with weeping.

Great movability of the muscles.

Excessive activity of the vital powers.

Twitching of the limbs.

Sleeplessness on account of excessive excitability of the mind and of the


Aversion to the open air and from it aggravation of the symptoms.

Bad effects from over-joy with exaltation, from drinking too much wind and
from cold.

(Colch. - The Meadow Saffron.)

Tearing in the limbs during warm weather and stinging during cold weather.

Tingling in many parts of the body, as if frost-bitten whenever the weather


Shocks as from electricity through one-half of the body, with sensation of


Sensitiveness of the whole body, especially the affected parts, to contact and
to motion.

Weakness and debility from night study and from loss of sleep.

Frequent startings.

Tingling in the points of the fingers and toes.

Dropsical swelling and dropsy of the skin.

Scanty discharge of dark red urine with tenesmus.

Nausea from the odor of fat meat or eggs.

Dysentery with gastric symptoms and discharge of white mucus with much

Bad effects from suppressed perspiration.

Aggravation in the evening, during an expiration.

Amelioration while stooping.

(Coloc. - The Bitter Cucumber.)

Inclination to become angry and indignant.

Constrictions and contraction of internal and external parts.

All the limbs are drawn together.

Shortening of the muscles.

Twitching of the muscles.

Stiffness of the joints.

Tearing pains longitudinally.

Colicky pains in the abdomen compelling one to bend double with great
anguish and restless constriction in the bowels or pain as if cutting with
knives, or pain as though the bowel was pressed between two stones.

Pain in the hip and when walking a sensation as if the psoas muscle was too

Bad effects, either from mortification caused by an offense, or else from

anger with indignation.
Conium Maculatum.
(Con. - Poison Hemlock.)

Ailments and weakness of old men (ecchymosis).

Obscuration of the cornea.

Swelling and induration of the glands, with stinging and tingling, after
bruises and contusions.

Hysterical and hypochondriacal attacks after excessive sexual indulgence or

after entire abstinenece.

Great sensation of debility in the morning in bed.

Induration after contusions and bruises.

Paralysis and apoplexy of old persons.

Convulsive twitching of the limbs.

Aggravation in the night, while eating, from the light, from milk drinking
and in snow air.

Amelioration, while fasting, in the dark, from letting the limbs hang down,
from motion (walking), and from pressure.

Corallium Rubrum.
(Cor-r. - The Red Coral.)

Congestions of blood to the face and head (after dinner).

Reddish ulcers on the penis, very sensitive to contact.

Profuse secretions of mucus through the posterior nares, obliging one to

hawk frequently.
Crocus Sativus.
(Croc. - Saffron.)

Very changeable temperament.

Sensation of hopping and jumping, as from something alive in the abdomen

and in in the chest.

Bleeding from various organs of the body, the blood is black and tough.

Tingling in various parts of the body.

St. Vitus' dance.

These attacks are of a a recurrent nature, are evening attacks and associated
with singing, laughing and dancing spells.

Skin scarlet-red.

In the open air the patient feels better than in the room, even moderately
warm; amelioration, therefore, in the open air. Aggravation is present in the
morning, from fasting, and in a warm room.

Croton Tiglium.
(Crot-t. - The Seed of Croton Oil.)

Pressing headache in the forehad, especially the orbits.

Burning in the oesophagus.

Red-scarlet skin.


Cuprum Metallicum.
(Cupr. - Copper.)

Mania in attacks followed by perspiration.

Violent convulsions with piercing cries.

Twitching at night.

Icy coldness of the whole body.

Vomiting, which is flaky, with colic and spasms.

Flaky diarrhoea.


The pulse is slow and scarcely perceptible.

Painful, spasmodic contractions of the chest.

Severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen with convulsions.

What he drinks descends with a gurgling noise.

Giddiness accompanying almost all ailments, the head falling forward and
on the chest.

Contact renews and aggravates the ailment.

(Cycl. - Sow Bread.)

Pressing, drawing and tearing pain, principally in the periosteum.

Chilblains of the feet.

As long as he walks about he feels well with the exception of languor, but as
soon as he sits down, especially in the evening, he suffers various


Catamenia too profuse.

Bad effects from eating much fat food (pork).

Aggravation in the evening and while at rest.

Amelioration whilst walking.

Daphne Mezereum.
(Daph-mez. - Daphne Mezereum.)

Swelling of the bone and caries of the same.

Semi-lateral complaints.

Ailments accompanied by chilliness.

Spreading soreness and burning pain in the mucous membranes.

Stooped walk in aged persons.

Emaciation, bloodedness of the face and swelled abdomen in children.


Inflammations on the verge of suppuration.

Violently itching eruption, worse from scratching, and when becoming

warm in bed.

Burning in the skin.

Decayed teeth.

Confluence of water in the mouth.

Flaky urine.

Stomach-ache in children.

Chilliness with violent thirst, without desire to be warmed.

Prolapsus ani with constriction.

Contact and motion aggravates the condition.

There is an evening aggravation until midnight.

Aggravation from warm food like Bryonia and Pulsatilla.

Digitalis Purpurea.
(Dig. - Foxglove.)

Stinging pain in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Faintish debility with perspiration.

Attacks of excessive debility, especially after breakfast and dinner.

Feeling of weakness; emptiness or goneness in the abdomen.

Dropsy of external and internal parts.

The urinary discharge is too scanty.


Nausea and vomiting.

Urinary secretion increased.

Violent and audible palpitation of the heart.

Pulse slow (an excellent indication).

Blue tongue.

Frequent desire to urinate with small discharges.

Blue lips.

The stools are gray, ash-colored or white.

(Dros. - The Sundow.)

Gnawing, stinging pain in the joints.

The limbs on which he lies feels sore, as if the bed was too hard.

Severe bronchitis.

Twitching attacks in the limbs, and after the attacks becomes drowsy and

Aggravation towards morning, from heat and during rest.

Gnawing, stinging pains through all the long bones, worse during rest.

Intermittent fever with angina and nausea.

Aversion to and bad effects from acids.

Whooping cough, with bleeding from nose and mouth with nightly

(Dulc. - Bitter-Sweet.)

Great emaciation.

Dropsical swellings.

Tearing in the limbs and other disorders from catching cold.

One-sided spasms with speechlessness.

Paralysis of single parts.

Aggravation at night and during rest.

Amelioration from motion.

Swelling and induration of the glands.

A rooting-up and digging painfulness.

Excessive secretions of the mucous membranes.

Tinea capitis.

Cursta lactea.

Twitching of the eyes in the cold air.

Eruptions before and during the catamenia.

Suppressed menses.

Tettery eruptions.

Mucous diarrhoea in the summer during the cool days.

Perspiration of the palms of the hand.

Dryness of the skin and itching blotches.

Exanthemata like nettle-rash.

There is a nightly aggravation and one also from cold air and wet weather,
or whilst reposing or sitting.

There is amelioration when moving the affected part, when walking, from
warmth in general and in dry weather

(Euph. - Gopher-Plant.)

Rheumatic pains of a tearing, pressing, and stinging character, but only

during rest.

Paralytic weakness in the joints and mostly when beginning to move.

Burning pain in internal parts.

Vesicualr erysipelatous eruption upon the face.

Diseases of the mucous membranes.

Aggravation during rest, especially while sitting, and from contact with the
affected part.

Stinging exanthemata.

Yellowish exanthemata.

Stinging in the skin.

Amelioration during motion and continued moving when walking.

(Euphr. - Eyebright.)

Pains, as from cramp.

Like arnica montana, is of approved valuation in nullifying the bad effects of

contusions and other mechanical injuries subsequent to trauma.

During the whole night wandering itching stitches, here and there, with great

Inflammations of the eye of paramount importance (acute and burning

lachrymation most in evidence).

Fluent coryza.

Cornea bluish.

Sycotic excrescences in association with the costive state.

Aversion to light.
Aggravation in the evening and during the night, whilst lying down, and
from the glare of the day-light and the sun.

Amelioration in the dark.

Ferrum Metallicum.
(Ferr. - The Metal Iron.)

Great emaciation.

Weakness amounting to paralysis.

Restlessness in the affected limbs.

Cracking in the joints.

Disposition to languor and rest on account of internal weakness.

During the day-time, sudden spasms of the limbs are complained of.

Rheumatic complaints.

Contortion of the limbs.



Congestions (not limited to any part of the body, but useful throughout).

Metorrhagia with red face and swelled veins.


Catamenia - too early and too profuse.

Aversion to fat food and vomiting of what has been eaten.

Walking in the open air greatly affects him.

Bad effects from the abuse of tea - and from the abuse of quinine.

Color of the face yellow or else earthy.

Circumscribed red area on the cheeks.

Aggravation at night and towards morning.

Also whilst at rest and when sitting quietly.

Amelioration by slow motion.

(Graph. - Black Lead.)

Twitching and contortions of the limbs.

Disposition to catch cold and aggravation from getting cold.

Drawing through the whole body with disposition to stretch the limbs.

Stiffness of the limbs.

Sensation of trembling in the whole body with twitches in all the limbs.

The limbs go to sleep.

Pulsation in all the arteries from every motion.

Great debility without pain which induces to sigh.

Contraction of the muscles.

Pains which are felt during sleep.

Pain during change of weather.

Varices, with stinging tension and itching.

Weakness of the sexual powers.


Urinary discharge too scanty.

Humming in the ears.

Incarcerated flatulency.

Swelling and induration of the glands.

Hard swelling with stinging.

Rheumatic tearing, especially in such limbs as are affected with ulcers.


The stool has a sour odor.

Urine has also a sour smell.

Sour eructations.

Offensive perspiration.

Catamenia is too scant and too pale.


Eczematous affections markedly benefited.

Soreness of the nipples.


Dryness of the skin, with crippled nails.

Sexual desire very strong.

When walking in the open air many pains cease.

(Gua. - Resin of the Lignum Vitae.)

Tearing and stinging pain in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities,
with heat of the parts.

Stiffness of the contracted parts.

The limbs go to sleep.

Great weakness and debility in the legs with disinclination to move.

Uncomfortable feeling in the body.

The affected parts are very sensitive to contact.

Swelling and softening of the bones.


One-sided complaints.


There is an aggravation in the evening.

Most symptoms appear in the morning, while sitting, and in the afternoon.

Helleborus Niger.
(Hell. - Snow-Rose.)

When inattentive, the muscles refuse their office - in a word, whilst

inattentively walking, there is staggering in evidence.

Dullness of the internal senses.

Boring, stinging pains in such parts as cover the bones.

Worse in the cold air.

Convulsive twitching of the muscles, especially during sleep.

The pains, of a stinging, pressing or tearing character, often run across the
affected parts.

Stinging pain in the joints.

Vesicular eruption between the fingers and toes.

Desquamation of the skin.

A falling off of both nails and hair.

Chilliness and coldness predominating when the remedy cures.

Dropsy after scarlatina.



Small, slow pulse.

Suppressed sexual desire.

Evening aggravation.

In the open air, he feels better, but has the sensation of having been ill for a
long time.

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum.

(Hep. - Hahnemann's Calcium Sulphide.)

Drawing pains in the limbs.

Stitches in the joints.

Fainting in the evening from trifling pains.

Great sensitiveness of the affected parts to touch.

Rheumatic swelling with heat and redness and a sensation as if sprained.


When handling the involved areas pain is felt as from subcutaneous


Inflammation ending in suppuration.

Bad effects from the abuse of mercury.

Whooping cough.


Night aggravation, especially during the nightly chill.

Hyoscyamus Niger.
(Hyos - Henbane.)

Great sinking of strength.

Interanl inflammatory states with nervous symptoms.

Bad effects from catching cold and cold air.

Spasms and convulsions.

Spasms during pregnancy, during parturition, when trying to swallow fluids,

and from worms.

Epileptic attacks, ending in sleep and snoring.

St. Vitus's dance.

Cold and trembling limbs which go to sleep.

Insensibility of the body.

Involuntary motions and poor bladder control of micturition.

Incipient amaurosis and a perversion of the visual sense.

Bad effects from jealousy a mental modality.

A useful remedy in mania and inflammation of the brain.

The symptoms aggravated in the evening, and after eating and drinking and
especially during rest.

Ignatia Amara.
(Ign. - St. Ignatius Bean.)

Bad effects from fright and sorrow, offenses and unfortunate love affairs.


Pain, as from the pressing of a pointed hard body from the inside to the

Pressing asunder or constriction in internal organs.

Spasmodic and hysterical complaints.

Convulsive twitches.

Spasmodic yawning.

Convulsions with oppression of breathing during dentition.

Pain, as if dislocation in the joints.

Tingling and sensation, as if the limbs had gone to sleep.

Cutting and stinging, as from a sharp knife.

Intermittent fever with thirst during the chill only.

External heat with internal shuddering.

Prolapsus ani.
Aggravation in the evening, after lying down and in the morning after

Aggravation after eating, after the use of tobacco and coffee.

Amelioration from change of position.

(Iod. - Iodine.)

Violent trembling of the limbs.

Twitching of the muscles.

Emaciation to a skeleton.

Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration.

Great excitability of the whole nervous system.

Violent tearing in the joints.

Chronic rheumatism of the joints, with nightly pains without swelling.

Swelling and induration of the glands are of major importance when the
remedy is indicated.

Haemorrhages from various organs.


Hunger and thirst increased.

Inflammations of the larynx and trachea.


White swelling of the knee.

Nightly pain in the bones.

Softening of the bones.

Aggravation from heat.

(Ip. - Ipecac-Root.)

Nausea accompanies most complaints.

Relieves the exhaustion following bleeding from the orifices of the body.

Tetanic spasms.

Intermittent fever with slight chills and much heat, which is accompanied
with much heat, gastric symptoms, and oppression of the chest in all cases.

In the joints a sensation as if they had gone to sleep, with tingling of the

Bad effects from intemperance and cold.

Also, from effects of pork eating.

Miliary eruptions, when they come out with difficulty, or when they appear
on females during the period of utero-gestation.

Tearing in the limbs when going to sleep.

Diarrhoea of a dysenteric nature.


Spasmodic oppression of the chest after taking cold.

Often used in the secondary stages of cholera, when marked nausea and
persistent vomiting is present.

Whooping cough.

Bad effects from the abuse of opium, arsenic and quinine.

Motion aggravates.

Amelioration in the open air.

Kali Carbonicum.
(Kali-c. - The Carbonate of Potassium.)

Stinging pain in the muscles and in internal parts.

Tearing pain in the limbs, with swelling and aggravation during rest.

Great liability to catch cold after having been heated, and aversion to open
air and air drafts.

After exertion like exercise in walking attacks of faintness and trembling

come on.

Painful sensitiveness of the limbs on pressure.

Twitching of the muscles.

In the open air she appears to be better than in the room, only the fever is
higher in the open air.

Swelling and induration of the glands (after contusions).

Sensation of hollowness in the whole body.

Dryness of the skin.



When he shuts his eyes painful sensation from light penetrating into the

Aggravation in the morning.

Kali Nitrium.
(Kali-n. - Nitrate of Potash.)

In the morning, sensation of debility with sensation of heat in the face and
hot forehead.

Greater debility when sitting than when moderately exercising.

Tearing and stinging in the limbs and joints.

Bad effects from veal.

Inflammation of internal organs.

Useful in bronchitis.

Abundant pale urine.

Of very great value in sudden dropsical swellings over the whole body.

Cough aggravates.

Catamenia too early and too profuse with black blood.

Aggravation towards morning.

One of the very best remedies, generally in cases of asthma.

Also very valuable in cardiac asthma.

(Laur. - Cherry-Laurel.)

Stinging and tearing in the limbs.

Want of reaction and vital powers are low.

Lack of power, as regards the action of the sphincters.

Want of vital heat.

Tetanic spasms.

Convulsions, with foam before the closed mouth.

Painlessness accompanies the symptoms.

Aggravation in the evening.

At night and in the open air he feels better.

Acute suppuration of the the lungs.

A slow weak pulse.


Catamenia too early and too profuse.

Catamenia with thin blood.

Ledum Palustre.
(Led. - Marsh-Tea.)

Painful knots on the joints.

The heat of the bed is insupportable, on account of the heat in the limbs.

In the evening heat in the hands and feet.

Rheumatic tearing from the heat of the bed; mostly in the evening until mid-

Hot swelling of the painful joints.

Dropsical swelling of single parts or in internal organs or of the whole skin.

Emaciation of the affected parts.

Bad effects from the abuse of spiritous liquors.

Perspiration in the palms of the hand.


The pains in the joints are aggravated by motion.

Boils, especially on the extremities.


Lycopodium Clavatum.
(Lyc. - Club Moss.)

Drawing and tearing in the limbs, especially while at rest or at night.

Numbness of the limbs.

Great emaciation.

Contraction of the limbs.

Twitching through the body.

Great debility - lower jaw hanging down, eyes half open and slow breathing
through the mouth.

Limbs go to sleep.

Involuntary spasmodic contraction and stretching of the limbs.

Twitching and jerking during sleep.

While at rest he feels the debility most, but is disinclined to move.

Many symptoms are relieved by motion.

Ebullition in the evening, with trembling and restlessness.

Debility in the morning when awakening.

A sensation as if the circulation had ceased.

Oversensitiveness of the organs of sense.

Swelling, inflammation and suppuration of the glands.

Inflammation of the bones with nightly pains.

Softening of the bones.




Amelioration of many symptoms in the heat of the bed.

Sandy sediment of urine.

Soreness in children.

Aggravation in the afternoon.

There is nightly aggravation as well.

There is inclination to lie about the real aversion to movement.

Impotence or sexual desire too strong.

Very often of great service in pneumonia with great dyspnoea, flaying of the
alae nasae, and the presence of the mucous rattle.

Catamenia too profuse.

Magnesia Carbonica.
(Mag-c. - Carbonate of Magnesia.)

Painless twitching here and there.

Great sensation of fatigue whilst sitting.

Sudden falling down with consciousness.

In the evening after sitting restlessness in the limbs which compels one to
walk about.

Swelling of the glands.

Catamenia retarded.

Before the catamenia there is toothache.

In the evening and at night, while standing, and during rest, most symptoms

Toothache of a bothersome nature often calls for exhibition of the remedy.

(Mang. - Manganese.)

Violent tearing and drawing in the extremities.

Violent, nightly, digging pains in the joints.

After catching cold a red, shining swelling of the joints.

Rheumatism in the joints, with stinging and digging, worse at night, often
one-sided, or oblique, in association with which there is a glistening red
swelling of the joints.

The whole body feels sore to contact.

Insupportable nightly digging in the bones and periosteum.

Inflammation of the bones and periosteum.

Rhagades in the joints.

Toothaches, with suddenly shifting painfulness to other parts of the body.

Many ailments change with the weather.

(Meny. - Buck-Bean.)

Visible, but painless twitching of the muscles.

Pinching and stinging in the limbs and joints.

Rheumatic pains in the extremities.

Great debility often accompanied by chilliness.

Inclination to shed tears.

Intermittent fever with coldness in the abdomen.

Heat in the face, with cold hands and feet.

Heat without thirst.

Aggravation by rest, towards evening and an amelioration by motion.

Mercurius Sublimatus.
(Merc-c. - Corrosive Sublimate.)

Tearing in the periosteum, as from intermittent fever with sensation of heat

about the head.

Chilliness from the least motion with cutting in the abdomen and tenesmus.

Swelling of the upper lip.

Salivation of salty taste a very valuable indication for the sublimatus.

Dysentery is more favorably effected by the sublimatus than any other

homoeopathic preparation as yet used.
Bloody frequent motions of dysentery at once benefitted - that state if
diarrhoeal disease termed "the bloody flux" in the late American Civil War.

Also green motions consisting of mucus like scrapings of the intestines with
continued cutting in the abdomen, tenesmus and clotted blood.

Syphillis in all its various manifestations.

In painful and acute swelling of the mammary glands and the nipples.

Swelling of the testicles after suppressed gonorrhoeal disease.

Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni.

(Merc. - Hahnemann's Black Oxide of Mercury.)

Nightly tearing pains with perspiration.

Stringing pain in the limbs.

Rheumatism of the joints with swelling and sensation of coldness.

Icteric complaints very beneficially affected.

Weakness and debility from exertion.

Congestion of blood to chest, head and abdomen, with pulsation in the


Rheumatic shining red swellings.

A very valuable remedy for the cure of dysentery.

Dry itch, which bleeds after scratching.

Of great service in the treatment of all forms of syphilitic disorders (all

stages and varying conditions of luetic disease).

All parts of the body go to sleep while sitting.

Perspiration which do not relieve.

Cold perspiration of the forehead.

Salivation very marked.

Amelioration in the morning and whilst lying down.

Inflammatory states going on even to suppuration of the parts.

Bleeding of the nose.

Mezereum Daphne.
(Mez. - Spurge Olive.)

Paralytic tension in the limbs and twitching of the muscles.

Burning in internal parts and quivering in external parts.

External chilliness is associated with the internal burning.

Heaviness in the limbs.

Sensitiveness to cold air is a strong indication for its use.

(Mosch. - Musk.)

Trembling and quaking through the whole body.

Tingling with heaviness in the limbs.

Debility, which is more felt during rest than during motion.

Fainting followed by headache.

Spasm of the chest.

The parts on which he lies pain as if dislocated and broken.

The symptoms, especially those pertaining to the respiration, are aggravated
by becoming cold.

The open air appears to him sensitively cold.

Hypochondriacal and hysterical complaints originating from the genital


Hypochondriacal anxiety with palpitation of the heart.

Sexual desire excited.

Muraticum Acidum.
(Mur-ac. - Hydrochloric Acid.)

Drawing and tearing in the extremities during rest and relieved by motion.

All the joints feel as if bruised.

Great debility - as soon as he sits down his eyes close.

Sliding down in the bed because of bodily inertia.

Great sensitivity to moist air.

The periosteum pains in intermittent fever.

Want of good sphincter control and trembling loss of power involving the

A sensation of emptiness in the stomach and abdemen.

Increased urinary secretion with prolapsus ani.

While urinating, involuntary discharge of stool.


Catamenia too early and too profuse.

Natrum Carbonicum.
(Nat-c. - Carbonate of Sodium.)

Involuntary twitching of the muscles and limbs.

Instability of the whole body.

Great weakness in the limbs, especially in the morning.

Cramp-like tearing in the arms and legs.

After a short walk the patient is very weak.

Dry skin or violent perspiration after the latest exertion.

Aversion to the open air.

Dry cough when he comes from the open air into a warm room.

In the morning great restlessness in the body when not mentally occupied.

With the pain, anxiety, trembling and cold sweat.

Very weak digestion is complained of within the curative sphere.

Great flatulency.

Hypochondrical humor in evidence.

Affections of the mind with misanthropy.

Most symptoms appear whilst sitting and disappear during motion, pressing
and rubbing.

It has aggravation during a thunder storm.

Natrum Muriaticum.
(Nat-m. - Chloride of Sodium.)

Great weakness and debility of mind and body after exertion.

Every movement accelerates the circulation.

Great emaciation.

Bad effects from anger and illness induced from much talking.

Twitching in the muscles and limbs.

Shortening of the muscles.

Hysterical conditions bettered.

The nightly pains cause shortness of breath and a kind of one-sided loss of

The most weakness is felt in the morning in bed.

Gastric complaints often beneficially affected by use of the remedy.

Bad effects of acids and bread.

Congestion of blood to the head, chest, and stomach with coldness of the

Great coldness of the body, with disposition to put on more clothing a very
marked indication when the remedy is of curative influence.

Splitting headache.

Of value in bringing up power of vision after debilitating illness.

Pressing in the stomach with nausea and sudden sinking of strength.

Continued chilliness and want of animal heat very marked.

Often of great benefit in the treatment of malarial diseases and intermitting

Chronic hepatitis.

Palms of the hands hot and perspiring.

Pulse intermitting.


Intermittent fever with splitting headache.

Aggravation in the morning and at night.

Nitric Acidum.
(Nit-ac. - Nitric acid.)

Great debility and trembling, especially in the morning.

Ailments from the change of weather.

Tearing in the limbs after catching cold.

Cracking in the joints.

Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of the glands.

Painfulness and inflammation of the bones.

Softening of the bones.


Fistula lachrymalis.

Ulcers in the mouth and throat.

Desire for earth, chalk and lime.

Milk does not agree.

Syphillitic ulcers.
Bad effects from catching cold.

Tearing and cutting in the abdomen.

Cough, coryza, and pain in the back.


Nightly pains, especially to the touch, as from splinters.

Aggravation in the evening and at night.

The pains are felt duing sleep.

The remedy is very often of curative value in angry, deep-seated ulcers of a

perforating character.

Nux Moschata.
(Nux-m. - The Nutmeg.)

Inclination to faintness and great debility, especially in the small of the back
and in the knees, with sleepiness.

Hysterical attacks.

Of use in the spasms of children.

Great sensitivity of the body and pain of the part on which one lies.

Wandering and pressing pains which always only occupy a small spot, last
only a short time, but soon returns.

Drawing in the limbs, especially after catching cold, worse while at rest.

Pains in the limbs caused by wet, cold weather.

Wet cold weather aggravates.

External heat alleviates.

Emaciation of scrofulous individuals.

Cold from sudden cooling off, after having perspired with pain in the neck
and in all the bones.

Great restlessness in the muscular system.

Cold, dry skin.

Intermittent fever with sleepiness during the heat.

Thirstlessness, with dryness in the mouth and throat.

Especially suitable for women and children.

Nux Vomica.
(From Key Notes and Red-Line symptoms of Lippe)

Nausea and vomiting every morning with depression of spirits.

Nausea and vomiting after eating.

Constant nausea.

Pressure in the stomach an hour or two after eating.

Pressure as from a stone in the stomach.

Sleepy after dinner.

Flatulent distension after eating or drinking.

Cannot use the mind and pain in the stomach for two or three hours after a


Sour or bitter eructations.

Rising of water and bitter fluid from the stomach.

Vertigo from excessive use of coffee or liquor.

Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness.

Vertigo with tendency to fall sideways.

Mouth and fauces full of fetid ulcers.

Mouth dry and sore, with bloody saliva.

Sour taste in the mouth.

Offensive odour from the mouth.

Tongue coated thick white.

Gums scorbutic.

Throat raw, sore, rough, as if scraped.

Stitches in the ear when swallowing.


Enlargement of the liver from alcoholic excesses.

Sticking pains and soreness in the liver.

Gall-stones colic.

Colic with pressure upwards towards the thorax.

Flatulent colic with desire to stool.

Sensation as if the intestines were squeezed between stones.

Constipation, due to irregularity of the peristaltic actions.

Constant innefectual urging to stool.

Frequent, small, slimy or bloody stool, with pain low down in the back and
urging or tenesmus, relieved immediately after the stool.
Incomplete and unsatisfactory motions.

Sensation as if a part of stool remained behind.

Itching haemorrhoidss, which keep the patient awake.

Bleeding piles, with ineffectual urging to stool.

Alternate constipation and diarrhea.


Strangulated hernia.

Painful, ineffectual efforts to pass urine, with scanty discharge and burning.


Dribbling of urine in old people from enlarged prostate.

Painful urging for urine with urging to stool.

Renal colic.

Urine passes in drops, with burning and tearing in the urethra and neck of
the bladder.

Cannot keep awake in the evening; falls asleep long before bed-time, and
awakes a 3 or 4 AM.

Tendency to faint from odours, after eating, in the morning, and after every

Weakness and paralisis. Left-sided paralysis. Paralysis after apoplexy and

with coldness of the paralyzed part.

Convulsions with consciousness.

Spasms with tetanic rigidity of nearly all muscles, with interruptions of a

few minutes during which muscles are relaxed.

Convulsions brought on by the slightest touch, or draught of air.

Opisthotonus, with inability to move, but wants to be held.

Jaws snap shut, stiff.

Trismus or lock-jaw.

Tired, worn out feeling in the morning on waking.

Cannot tolerate noise, music, talking, strong odours, or bright light.

Violent (suicidal) impulses.

Angry and impatient, can't stand pain.

Ailments after continual mental labour.


Finds fault and scolds.

Gives surly answer.

Easily offended.


Disinclination to do or say anything.

Spiteful, malicious disposition.

Quarrelsome even to violence.

Disinclination to do or say anything.

Even the least ailment affects her greatly.

Cannot bear to be opposed.

Irritable and irrascible.

Great disinclination to mental work.

Catarrah, from sitting in cold places, or stone steps.

Catarrah, worse in a wawrm room, and better in the cold air.

Headache: Worse in the morning, from mental exertion, exercising in the

open air, after eating, or from wine or coffee; better in the warm room and
from sitting quietly, or lying down.

Sick headache, commences in the morning, increases through the day,

growing milder in the evening; with dimness of vision and sour or bitter

Sensation as if head were immensely larger than his body; as large as


Nose running through the day, at night stopped up.

Snuffles of infants.

Dry coryza; worse at night: nose completely filled up.

Dry, hard cough, with great soreness of the abdomen.

Dry, racking cough.

Photophobia, much worse in the morning.

Cough brings on bursting headache.

Spasmodic asthma; muscles of the chest become rigid; great anxiety and

Dyspnea, while coughing, after eating, on lying down and from walking; and
relieved by eructations.

Palpitation after eating, or on lying down after dinner.

Pressure towards the genital organs early in the morning, in bed, or during a
walk, with a sensation of contraction of the abdomen.

Every pai during labour produces a desire to defaecate, or to urinate,

particularly the former.
Much pain in the lumbar region.

Painless injection of the whites of the eye.

Bloot-shot eyes.

Much pain in the small of back, which is made worse by turning in bed.

Backache, must sit up to turn over in bed.

Easily excited; sexual desire.

Nocturnal emissions.

Troublesome erections.

Erections wanting (impotency).


Gonorrhoea with thin and greenish-yellow discharge.

Soft sore or chancroid.

Smegma increased.

Bad effects of sexual excesses.

Menstruation very irregular.

Menses too early and too profuse, with weak, faint spells.

Catamenia before the time, and rather too copious, or keeping on too long,
with complaints at the onset and remaining after it is over.

Fetid leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow, with pain in the uterus, as if

Morning sickness during pregnancy.

Threatened abortion.
Pain in the extremities during fever.

Repugnance to cold or to cold air.

Chill at 10 or 11 AM.

Chilly, on least movement, from being uncorered.

Must be covered in every stage of fever.

Great chilliness and coldness, with blue nails, decreased by warmth stove,
nor by`covering; mostly in AM.

Anticipating type of fever.

Great heat, whole body burning hot, yet must be covered, as the least
uncovering or motion makes him chilly.

The face becomes red and hot during fever.

Sweat after midnight and in the morning.

Sour perspiration, only on one side of the body.

(Olnd. - Rose-Laurel.)

Dull pressing in the limbs.

Painless stiffness and paralysis of the limbs.

Great pressing, as from spasms in many places.

Want of sensation in the whole body.

Tension through the whole body.

Want of animal heat in the limbs.

Faintish debility.
When standing, trembling of the limbs; when writing, trembling of the

Great sensitiveness of the skin to rubbing, it becomes red and sore.

Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen and chest.

Diarrhoea of a watery, painless and undigested character.

Morning diarrhoea.

(Op. - Poppy.)

Trembling of the whole body with external coldness and startings of the

Trembling of the limbs after fright.

Want of sensation of the whole body.

Increased sensitiveness and activity of the muscles subject to the will and
dimunitions of it in the muscles not subject to the will.

Painlessness with most all ailments.

Want of sensitiveness to external impressions and medicines with a want of

reaction of the vital power.

Renewal and aggravation of the symptoms from getting heated.

Lead poisoning very favorably affected by its use.

Fecal vomiting.


Of marked usefulness in states of stupor.

Full and slow pulse.

Acute and serious affects from colicadynia.

Sensation of labor pains, with snoring, stupor and twitchings.

Paralysis of the lungs.

Sexual desire is increased.

A remedy very often indicated in states of diarrhoea, especially where the

patient is suffering greatly with abdominal cramp and sharp, shooting and
twisting pains in the whole body area.

Paris Quadrifolia.
(Par. - One-Berry.)

Stinging pain in the body and limbs.

When moving, a sensation as if the joints were broken, swelled or


Heaviness through the whole body.

Continued internal coldness with trembling.

Hard mouth swellings favorably influenced.

Talkative mania.

Disease of the bronchi.


One-sided coldness of the body with heat of the other side.

Sensation as if a weight were lying on the neck.

Phosphoric acid.
(Pho-ac. - Acidum Phosphoricum.)
Sorenss in the limbs, as from growing, especially in the morning.


Burning of the lower half of the body, the limbs feeling cold.

Debility from loss of fluids, without pain, or only with burning.

Eyes like glass, without lustre.

He lies down stupid.

Bad effects from sorrow.

The pains are only severe during rest, relieved by motion and the nightly
pains from pressure.

Pains, as from a knife, scraping the periosteum.

Inflammation of the bones with burning at night.

Swelling of the bones.

Offensive caries of the osseous structures.

Disinclination to talk, with moroseness and low-spiritedness.

Great debility with perspiration during the day (not so marked as aconite

Ulceration of the soft palate.

Useful in typhus fever.

At night he bites his tongue involuntarily.

Soft stools.

(Pho. - Phosphorus.)

Easy catching cold and from tearing and stinging in the limbs.

Trembling of the limbs from slight exertions.

Burning in the body and limbs.

Violent ebullitions and congestions.

Haemorrhages from various organs.

Great debility of the nervous system.

Morning weakness in the limbs in bed.

Sensitivenss to cold weather and open air.

Aggravation from change of weather and during a thunder storm.

Most symptoms appear in the morning and evening, while in bed, as well as
after eating.

Many symptoms appear while eating and cease after eating.

Glandular swellings, especially after contusions.

Swelling and curious affections of the bones very prominent.


Weakness of the joints, especially the knees.

Great sensitiveness of the senses and giddiness.

The vital, which have been scarcely swallowed, come up again in the mouth.

Amelioration from drinking cold water.

Strong effect on the respiratory organs and the capillary vessels with
inflammation of the lung on the left side.
Small wounds bleed much.

Stools are soft.

Catameina too early, too profuse and of too long duration.

(Plat. - The Metal.)

Dull stinging pains which press inwardly, as from a plug.

Tension in the limbs, as if they were tightly bandaged.

Numbness and sensation of stiffness of many parts mostly accompanied by

sensations of coldness.

Debility and tired feeling of the limbs, especially while at rest.

Pains like constrictions in character.

Bad effects from fright, insults or anger.

The pain begin slowly, increase gradually, and disappear just as slowly.

Pains, as from contusions.

Hysterical spasms with full consciousness.

Most symptoms are aggravated in the evening and whilst at rest, some are
aggravated in the open air and disappear in the room.

Alternating symptoms of mind and body.

Lead poisonings (opium).

Objects appear smaller than they are.

Anxiety with fear of the approaching death.

Low-spiritedness with shedding of tears.

He thinks himself very great (grandoise ideas).

He also thinks little of anything outside of himself (profound conceit).

Pride with over-estimation of one's self.

Costive states benefited by the drug.


Catamenia too early and too profuse.


(Plb. - Lead.)

Stinging and tearing in the limbs.

Twitching of the limbs with paralysis of the same.

Sensation of constriction in the internal organs.

Useful in granular kidney.

The pains in the limbs are aggravated at night and are relieved by rubbing.

A sensation of tingling on the bones themselves.

Convulsions followed by paralysis.

Burning in many parts.

Fecal vomiting aided by its use.

Colic during the costive state a highly prominent indication for its use.
Pulsatilla Nigricans.
(From Key Notes and Red-Line symptoms of Lippe)

Especially adapted to females, with blue eyes, very affectionate, easily

excited to tears and and of a very yielding disposition.

The forms of her symptoms are very changeable; she is very well one hour,
and very miserable the next.

She is timid and fearful, extremely mild and gentle, and sometimes silent
and melancholic.

Weeps very easily: can hardly give her symptoms without weeping.

Very tearful: she weeps at everything, whether it is juyful or sorrowful.

Easily moved to laugher or tears.

Throbbing, pressive headache, relieved by external pressure or by tying up


Violent pain in the ear, as of something forcing outward.

Affections of ears, as sequelae of measles.

Is specially called for women who are inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and
protrated menstruation.

Secretions from all the mucous membranes are thick, bland and yellowish

Sick headache, from suppression of the menses, or from some menstrual or

gastric disorder.

Semilateral headache.

Dizzy, when rising from a chair.

Obstruction in the nose, especially in the evening.

Foul discharge or bad odour from the nose.

Coryza, much worse every evening.

Cough very loose, with vomiting of mucus.

Hard, racking cough that makes the stomach sore; and water escapes the
bladder, during every cough.

Loose cough through the day, but dry at night, worse towards evening, and
in the recumbent position.

Asthma, from deranged menstruation or suppressed urticaria.

Cloudiness of vision, with a kind of flashing fire, as if she had received a

slap in the face.

Profuse lachrymation in the wind or open air.

Catarrhal ophtalmiam with profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus.

Styes, especially on upper-eyelid.

Agglutination of the lids in the morning.

Rheumatism: Pains shift rapidly from one part to another, unattended with
any great swelling or redness; chronic cases, with weakness, rigidity,
coldness and weight in the diseased tissues.

Urticaria worse at night, caused by fat, rich food.

Chlorosis from abuse of iron.

Chronic otorrhoea.

Much pain in the ears, with deafness; the meatus is red and swollen.

Mumps with metastasis to the mammae or to the testicle.

Bad taste in the mouth, every morning on awaking; she has to wash it out
soon; it is so bad she cannot bear it.

Nothing tastes good to her.

Tongue thickly-coated, white or yellow.

Great dryness of the mouth (in the morning), without thirst.

Licks the lips, but does not drink.

Toothache relieved by holding cold water in the mouth; worse from warm
things and heat of the room.

Toothache on one side fo the face; always ceases on going into the open air,
but returns in a warm room, and gets worse: the pains are throbbing or
shooting, accompanied with much swelling; worse evenings; in mild, tearful

Sensation as if the food were lodged undigested above the stomach.

Loathing nausea and retchings after greasy food.

Morning sickness, with vomiting of mucus.

Absence of thirst or thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.

Pulsations in the pit of the stomach.

Repugnance to food.

Gastric disturbances from rich or fat food.

The sight or even the thought of pork causes disgust.

All-gone sensation in the stomach, in tea drinkers espacially.

Distension of the stomach after eating.

Rumbling and gurgling especially in the evening.

Incarcerated flatus in the abdomen, pressing here and there.

Pressure in the abdomen and small of back, as from a stone.

Colicky pains in the abdomen.

She cannot sit long at a time; must a walk about to relieve her pains.

Drawing, cutting pains around the navel.

Diarrhoea only or usually at night; watery, greenish-yellow, very

changeable; as soon as one eats; from fruits, cold food or drinks, or ice-

Constipation attended with ineffectual desire for stool.

Discharge of blood and mucus during stool.

After urinating, spasmodic pain in the neck of the bladder, extending to the
pelvis and thighs.

Frequent and almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with cutting pain.

Retention of urine, with redness, heat and soreness of the vesical region

Involuntary emissions of urine when sitting, coughing or walking.

Constant pressure on the bladder without desire to urinate.

Scanty and high coloured-urine.

Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the vulva, particularly after the menses.

Thick, white, albuminous leucorrhoea.

Menses: suppressed from getting the feet wet; too late, scanty, slimy,
painful; irregular, intermittent flow, with evening chilliness; with intense
pain and great restlessness and tossing about; flow more during the day.

Delayed first menstruation.

Morning sickness.

Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with increased force;
pains spasmodic, excite suffocation and fainting; must have fresh air.
Labour: the pains excite palpitations; suffocating and fainting spells, unless
the doors and windows are open; feels as though she must have them open.

Acute inflammation of testicles.

Orchitis caused from cold or suppressed gonorrhea.

The testicles and spermatic cord swollen and painful.

Hemorrhage from the urethra after suppressed gonorrhea, or after urination.

Gonorrhea discharge greenish-yellow or yellow-looking.


Hydrocele, especially of the boys.

Sexual passion increased.

Stricture; pain and tenesmus in urinating, worse lying on back.

Acute prostatitis.

Very useful in intermittent fevers, where chilliness predominates.

Fever just at sunset.

There is little heat and no thirst.

Chilliness even in the summer, when warmly clad, with vertigo, throbbing
headache, pressure in the stomach, etc.

Chilly, yet averse to heat.

Irregular types of malarial fever.

Anxious heat as if dashed with hot water.

Intolerable, dry, burning heat, evening or night; with distended veinsand

burning hands that seek out cool places; without thirst.

Moaning during heat.

Unable to breathe well, or is chilly in a warm room.

Craves fresh, cool air.

Very sluggish circulation, manifested by constant chilliness, coldness and

paleness of the skin.

Symtoms ever-changing.

Pains on first motion.

Pains: drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting from one part to another; are
accompanied with constant chilliness; the more severe pain, the more severe
chilll appear suddenly, leave gradually, or tension much increases until very
acute and then lets up with a snap.

Cannot sleep in the early part of the night, but sleeps late in the morning.

Awakes languid, unrefreshed.

Ranunculus Bulbosus.
(Ran-b. - Buttercup.)

Shocks through the whole body.

The whole body feels as if beaten.

Trembling of the limbs after anger.

Burning and stinging pains.

Burning and itching vesicular eruptions.

There is an aggravation morning and evening.

Aggravation from change of temperature, from motion and from stretching.

Ranunculus Scleratus.
(Ran-s. - Marsh Buttercup.)

Gnawing and screwing pains in the evenings and before mid-night.

Twitches in the limbs.

Fainting from pain.

The pains are aggravated in the evening and diminish toward mid-night and
are followed then by sleeplessness.

Periodical complaints.

Sensation of enlargement of the head.

(Rheum. - Rhubarb.)

All joints are painful when moving.

Bubbling sensation as from bubbles in the muscles and joints.

The limbs on which one lies go to sleep.

Debility and heaviness in the whole body as if he was awakened from a

heavy sleep.

Especially suitable for children, during lactation and dentition.

Cool perspirations (around the mouth and the chin and palms of the hand).

Nightly sleeplessness with loping (sic) about and crying.

Stools are sour and there is tenesmus.

(Rhod. - Snow-Rose.)
Violent rheumatic tearing in the limbs as if in the periosteum.

Sensation of formication in the limbs.

During rest weakness and loss of power in the limbs.

Inferior and superior dental neuralgia of an agonizing character with a

marked tendency to retraction of the gums in all cases.

Very curative in severe neuralgic pains of an alarming character.

Drawing pain in the joints as if they were dislocated with gouty nodosities
and swelling.

The pains are caused and are aggravated by wet cold weather and during a
thunder storm.

During rest the pains are most violent.

Pressing in the stomach from drinking cold water.

Stitches in the spleen from fast walking.

Diarrhoea from eating fruit and from wet cold weather.

Rhus Toxicodendron.
(Rhus-t. - Poison-Ivy.)

Rheumatic drawing and tearing pains in the limbs worse during rest,
relieved by continued motion.

Tension as from shortening of the muscles.

Stiffness of the joints, worse when rising from rest.

Tingling in the feet and other places of the body.

Serious consequences from over-lifting in sprains and contusions.

Nervous inflammations - a wide range in this respect.

Red shiny swellings and vesicular erysipelas.

Eczematous eruptions with great burning and itching, with a tendency to

form scales.


Typhus fever.


Aggravation during rest, whilst rising from a seat, when entering the room
from the open air, from getting wet, especially while perspiring and during
the winter season and during the night.

Amelioration from motion and walking, from change of position

Secale Cornutum.
(Sec-c. - Ergot.)

Limbs feel as if beaten.

Spasms after fright.

Drawing and tearing in the limbs with tingling.

Burning in all the parts as from sparks falling on them.

Numbness of the limbs.

Great debility.

Convulsive twitching of the limbs mostly at night.

Spasmodic tension in the limbs relieved by violent stretching of them.

Asiatic cholera.


Varicose ulcers wonderfully cured by the action of this medicine.

Insufficient labor pains.


(Sel. - The Element.)

Great emaciation, especially hands, face and thighs.

Great aversion to air draughts and from the same easily catching cold
(tearing in the limbs).

After sleep, especially on warm days when he is most inclined to it, an

aggravation of the symptoms.

Pruritus of the hands, with violent itching in the palms.


Impotence with voluptuousness.

Sediment in the urine of red sand.

China aggravates the symptoms greatly - makes them insupportable.

Secondary gonorrhoea.

Giddiness with nausea and vomiting and faintness, worse when moving.

Stitches over the left eye.

(Seneg. - Snakewort.)

Great bodily and mental debility, with stretching of the limbs and
accompanied with heaviness and dullness of the head.

Great weakness, which seems to come from and of the chest.

Diseases of the mucous membranes.

Many symptoms, especially those of the chest, are aggravated during rest
and are relieved by walking in the open air.

Fainting while walking in the open air.

Wounds from the bites of poisonous animals.

Aggravation in the evening.

Angina mucosa.


Inflammation of the lungs.

The urinary secretions are diminished.

Menses come on too soon.

Gnawing pain in the left side at the waist.

Nausea continuously.

Dry, scraping sensation in the pharynx.


(Sep. - Inky Juice of the Cuttlefish.)

Stiffness of the joints (hands, feet and knees).

Stinging pain in the limbs.

Painful sensitiveness of all parts of the body.

Great sensitiveness to cold air.

After getting wet, afterwards fainting spells and finally coryza.

Coryza of a profuse character.

At night palpitation of the heart and pulsation through the whole body.

Restlessness and pulsation in all the limbs.

Want of animal heat.

Bad effects from anger.

The symptoms are relieved from violent exertions, but reappear most
violently when sitting quietly in the forenoon and evenings.

Aggravation during and right after eating.

Amelioration from external heat.

Tension in the limbs, as if too short.

Twitching and jerking of the limbs night and day.

Twitching in the muscles.

Restlessness in all the limbs with anxiety which does not permit him to
remain quiet anywhere.

Sensation of emptyness and debility in the stomach and abdomen.

Pulsation in the pit of the stomach, pot-belliedness of mothers, and ailments

during pregnancy.

Suppressed menstruation.

Left ovarian soreness and bearing-down sensation in the uterus.

Coldness of the legs and feet.

Intermittent fever with thirst during the chill only.

Dullness and want of interest, especially in the family.

Also lack of interest in his occupation.

(Sil. - Silica. Pure Flint.)

He catches cold easily, especially when he uncovers his feet and head.

Stitches in all the joints at night.

Many complaints in those of the scrofulous habit favorably affected.

Lameness in the limbs in the evening.

Weakness with associated sleepiness.

Congestion and thirst after drinking but little wine.

Restlessness consequnt upon physical inactivity.

Great weakness of the nerves and states of emaciation.

Painless swelling of the glands with troublesome itching.

Suppuration of the glands and suppuration of all kinds, especially in the

membraneous parts.

Of marked usefulness in running ears and fistula lachrymalis.

Psoas abscess.


Inflammation and swelling of the bones and caries in any part.

Daily headache beginning in the neck.

Enlargement of the head with open fontanelles.

Non-tuberculosis curvation of the spine.

Colic from worms and from constipation.

Little perspiration, illy smelling of the head and malodorous foot-sweats.

Intermittent fever with heat predominating.


Stools very offensive.

Catamenia insufficient.

Spigelia Marilandica.
(Spig-m. - The Pinkroot.)

Spasmodic pains in the limbs, especially the joints.

Heaviness and soreness of the whole body.

Painful sensitiveness of the whole body to contact, with shivering of those

parts that have been touched, or with formication through the whole body.

Marked aggravation of the symptoms after sexual excitability.

Stinging, tearing pains in association with twitchings of the affected areas.

Tearing near the joints, as from the scraping of a knife.

Masked intermittents, appearing as periodical face and headaches.

Aggravation when stooping and moving.

Heart disease, when the same are characteristized by violent and visible and
audible palpitations.

Working, twitching or spasmodic movements of the eye-lids very marked

when the remedy is indicated.

Disposition to squint.
Stitch or darting-like pain in the heart.

Spongia Tosta.
(Spong. - Roasted Sponge.)

Stiffness in the extremities - arms and legs feel as if they were broken.

Sensation of numbness of the lower half of the body.

Many symptoms (with the exception of those of the respiratory organs) are
relieved by rest.

Swelling and induration of the glands.

Swelling of the testicles.


Itching in the swollen glands.

Bronchitis and inflammation of the larynx.

Watering of eyes; latterly gummy or mucous discharge, with obscured


Clearing of throat constantly.

Catamenia too early and too profuse.

Palpitation of the heart before catamenia.


Of great value in hoarseness.

Stannum Metallicum.
(Stann. - Tin.)
Weakness in the extremities.

Pressing, drawing and burning heat in the limbs.

Marked weakness with trembling which is felt more when moving slowly.

Continued use of the voice proves enervating.

Emaciation with a gone feeling at the epigastrium.

Hysterical and hypochondrical spasms with pain in the abdomen and in the
region of the diaphragm.

Rest aggravates, whilst motion relieves, only the debility is felt more while

The pains become slowly worse and diminish slowly.

Anxious sensation of heat from the least motion.

Fainty sensation because of goneness in the epigastric region.

A feeling of hunger, but cannot eat.

Distressing cough of a constant nature.

Colic with sensation of hunger, bitter eructations, and diarrhoea.

Diseases of the mucous membranes.

Diarrhoea consisting of mucus.

Worm fevers.


Want of desire to urinate.

Sexual desire increased.

Burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Sensation of gastric emptiness.

(Staph. - Stavesacre.)

Painfulness of the muscles to contact and of the joints when moving.

One-sided paralysis from anger.

In the morning great debility and stiffness of all the joints (mostly in the
shoulder, small of back, hip).

Nightly twitchings.

Drawing and tearing in the muscles.

Deep, penetrating sharp stitches.

Gouty nodosities in the joints and swelling of the bones or periosteum with

Bad effects from the abuse of mercury.

Injuries form sharp instruments.

Itching and burning tettery eruptions quickly helped.

Tinea capitis.

Excrescences on the gums and sycosis excrescences behind the glans penis.

Coxalgia with pulsating pain, as from suppuration.

Great inclination to perspire, even whilst sitting.

Intermittent fever consisting only of chilliness (before and after it hunger).

Great desire for tobacco and brandy.

Bad effects from thinking and brooding on sexual subjects, from anger, from


Dysentery, with pains worse after drinking water.

(Stram. - Thorn-Apple.)

Trembling of the limbs (in drunkards).

Increased and easy movability of the muscles subservient to the will

(voluntary musculature) and slowness of the muscles not subject to the will
(involuntary musclature).

Suppression of all secretions and excretions.

Twitching in the limbs.

Sensation as if the limbs were separated from the body.

Spasm from fright.

Of use in certain forms of epilepsy.

St. Vitus's dance.

Tingling in the limbs.

The convulsions are induced by contact, after each motion, from light and
from glistening objects.

Stiff immovability of the body with consciousness.

Painlessness with most of the ailments.

Faintings with snoring.

Violent perspiration.
Effects from suppressed eruptions and violent congestions of blood to the

Visions in delirium.

Desire for light and company.

Violent range.

Mania with continuous phantastical illusions.

Mania, especially of drunkards.

Pain in loins.

Urine turbid, brown and thick, which is very scanty.

No force to the flow of the stream.

Catamenia too profuse, the blood is clotted.

Secretion of milk increased.

(Stront. - Carbonate of Strontian.)

Tearing pains in the joints especially in the evening and at night.

Most pains seem to be in the long bones and marrow.

Great restlessness at night because of smothering actually preventing access

of breath to lungs.

Uncomforatable fullness and swelling of the abdomen.

Constant, slight showing of the menses.

Great evening aggravation.

Diarrhoea of a very violent and persistent kind.

Pain in urinating.

Violent perspiration at night.

Distress about or around the heart, as if pressed upon.

The symptoms gradually become worse and decrease at the same rate.

(Sul. - Sulphur.)

Peevishness and fantastic illusions.

Frontal headache in the morning.

Contracted pupils.

Of great utility in the cure of idiopathic epilepsy and convulsions of both


Great weakness, sallow, pale and yellow face with marked anaemia.

Canine hunger very marked.

Seminal emissions and irritability.

Eructations, with aversion to meat, qualmishness and nausea.

Pustular eczema of any part.

Scurfy lids, purulent otorrhoea, and loss of vital strength very prominent
symptoms when the drug is of curative influence.

When other remedies fail to act is of inestimable need in rallying the vital

Yeasty urine.

Amblyopia in youthful girls with great loss of vigor, anorexia and the costive
Useful in haemorrhoids when the bowels prove inactive.

Paraplegia of the lower limbs and paralysis of other parts.

Sulphuric acid.
(Sul-ac. - Sulphuricum Acidum.)

Drawing and tearing in the body, even in the face.

Stitches in the joints.

Aggravation, then sudden relaxation of the pains.

Weakness of the whole body, with sensation as if from trembling.

In the open air he feels worse.

The left side is more affected.

The pains are felt during sleep.

Small bluish spots as from suggilation, or red itching spots.

After eating, eructations.

The ingesta rise up again.

After eating warm food cold perspiration.

Perspiration from every motion.



Small, weak pulse.

Catamenia too early and too profuse.

Tight, dry cough with slight hacking.

Very effective in curing bronchitis in children with short teasing cough.

(Tarax. - Dandelion.)

The limbs are movable, but it seems to him as if the moving power is

Painfulness of all the limbs by touch and a like condition when in an

improper position.

Sensation of great heat on top of head.

Sterno-mastoid muscle very painful to the touch.

Crampy pains in different parts of the body.

Cramp in the left sterno-mastoid muscle.

The food tastes sour.

Sensation of weakness through the whole body with a desire to lie around.

More symptoms appear while sitting or standing and disappear when


In the evening when going to sleep perspiration.

Sour blood from decayed teeth during toothache.

Secretion of urine increased.

Hawking up of sour mucus.

Collection of water in the mouth.

Bubbly sensation in the abdomen.

Teucrium Marum Verum.

(Teucr. - Cat-Thyme.)
Tearing in the limbs, especially in the bones and joints.

The limbs go to sleep.

Nervous, trembling, irritable sensation in the whole body.

About noon general sensation of debility.

Desire for the open air which does not fatigue him but improves the

Staggering when walking.

Tingling in the nose.

Suppurating grooves in the nails.

Useful in worms.

Thuja Occidentalis.
(Thu. - Arbor-Vitae.)

Twitching, especially in the upper part of the body.

Stinging in the limbs and joints.

The limbs go to sleep.

Aversion to motion.

One-sided complaints (left side).

The heat of the bed aggravates many symptoms.

An evening aggravation.

Amelioration by rest.

Moistening and suppurating sycotic excrescences.

Perspiration of the uncovered parts and dryness of the covered parts.

Fistula in ano benefitted.

Useful in removing many of the symptoms of gonorrhoea (inferior to


Painful swelling and redness of the points of the fingers.

Ranula (bluish).

Of great usefulness in the cure of warts in any part of the body.

Curative in frequent, small, painful bowel movements.

Long lasting gleet after gonorrhoea (but inferior to medorrhinum).

Troublesome, slight, long-lasting cough.

Loose bowels.


Rheumatic tearing in the libs, worse during rest after motion, better during

Twitching, suddenly appearing pains, relieved by change of position.

Violent tearing up and down in the muscles of the extremities.

Oversensitiveness and overexcitability very favorably influenced (in this

respect very similar to viburnum and scutellaria).

Of great value in hysteria (viburnum, scutellaria, and coffe cruda).

Of great utility in general nervousness, obsessions, night terrors, extreme

impressionability and bad effects from impurity of life.

Sleeplessness (scutellaria and coffea).

The symptoms are aggravated toward noon, in the first hours of the
afternoon, as well as towards evening until mid-night.

Some symptoms appear periodically, every two to three months.

The opposite symptoms of the mind appear alternately.

Increase of the urinary secretion, which is limpid like water.

Suddenly appearing and disappearing perspiration of the face and forehead.

Sensation of light before the eyes in the dark.

Suppressed catamenia (like viburnum).

Illusions of sight, hearing, smell and taste.

Nervousness, especially at the climaxis or at the time of institution of the

menstrual epochs.

Acts very beneficially in soothing nervous irritability in the neurotic.

(Verat. - Hellebore.)

Sudden sinking of strength.

Continued great debility and trembling.

Numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Violent tonic spasms - the soles of the feet and palms of the hand are

Stiffness of the limbs, especially in the forenoon and after walking.

Attacks of pain which produce delirium and mania for a short time.

Rheumatism aggravated by the heat of the bed and cold, damp weather -
relieved from rising and walking.
The symptoms of debility are especially aggravated by motion.

Generalized weakness and sudden loss of power.

Sporadic and Asiatic cholera (the vibrio of the disease unknown when these
notes were written).

In the first stages of the disease camphor is undoubtedly the remedy of

choice and the same is to be used as Hahnemann first suggested (in material
doses and frequently repeated).

Cold bluish skin.

Dry itch.

The pulse is thread-like and scarcely perceptible.

Cold sweat, principally on the forehead.

Intermittent fever with external coldness and much thirst.

Taste in the mouth is like peppermint.

Some symptoms are accompanied by hunger, thirst, flow of urine, delirium,

salivation and oppression of the chest.


Dangerous diarrhoea.

Chronic diarrhoea.

Catamenia too early and too profuse or suppressed.

Cough with vomiting.

Anxiety, fear of death, and rage - mania with desire to tear or cut everything.

Verbascum Thapsus.
(Verb. - Mullein.)
Stinging pains in the limbs and neuralgic pain in the left ankle.

The pains are generally accompanied by a benumbing sensation.

The symptoms are caused and aggravated by a change of temperature,

especially when entering from the open air into the room and vice versa.

Very violent diarrhoea with griping.

A great deal of belly pain, as if pierced with a lance.

Cramps around the navel; seems as if pain was caused by the bowels
becoming twisted.

General lassitude and sleepiness in the morning after rising.

Tearing from above downwards.

One-sided shudderings.

Faceache aggravated by change of temperature and pressure.

Burning urination with frequency - increase of urine with pressure in the


Severe soreness in the pharynx, felt in swallowing and cough during sleep,
especially in children.

Sensation of heat in the epigastrium, as if from dyspepsia.

Great stiffness in left ankle joint and more or less soreness and stiffness in
the joints of the lower extremities.

Viola Odorata.
(Viol-o. - Violet.)

Flying, burning pains, now here and then there, as if it was contracting and
burning, as from a small flame.

Trembling of the limbs.

Relexation of all the muscles.

Great excitability and nervous debility.

Hysterical and hypochondriacal complaints.

Frequent shedding of tears.

Great weakness of the memory.

Predominance of intellect - judgement over impulses.

Oppression of the chest (waking her at night).


Zincum Metallicum.
(Zinc. - Zinc.)

Deathly sickness at the stomach with marked nausea.

Pallor of the body surface, with low fevers, inclining to coma.

Variableness of the symptoms.

Twitching of the members.

Keynotes Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica
by Dr. Adolph VON LIPPE

Remedies and their abbreviations

A Acon. Aconitum Napellus.

Agar. Agaricus Muscarius.

Agn. Agnus Castus.
All-c. Allium Cepa.
Aloe. Aloe.
Alum. Alumina.
Ambr. Ambra Grisea.
Am-c. Ammonium Carbonicum.
Am-m. Ammonium Muriaticum.
Anac. Anacardium.
Ang. Angustura.
Ant-c. Antimonium Crudum.
Ant-t. Antimonium Tartaricum
Apis. Apis Mellifica.
Arg-m. Argentum Metallicum.
Arn. Arnica Montana.
Ars. Arsenic Album.
Ars-m. Arsenic Metallicum.
Asaf. Asafoetida.
Asar. Asarum Europaeum.
Aur-m. Aurum Metallicum.

B Bar-c. Baryta Carbonica.

Bell. Belladonna.
Bism. Bismuth.
Bor. Borax.
Bov. Bovista.
Brom. Bromium.
Bry. Bryonia Alba.
C Calad. Caladium Seguinum.
Calc. Calcarea Ostrearum.
Camph. Camphora.
Cann-s. Cannabis Sativa.
Canth. Cantharides.
Caps. Capsicum.
Carb-an. Carbo Animalis.
Carb-v. Carbo Vegetablis.
Casc. Cascarilla.
Cast. Castoreum.
Caust. Causticum.
Cham. Chamomilla.
Chel. Chelidonium Majus.
Cic. Cicuta Virosa.
Chin. China.
Cina. Cina.
Cinnam. Cinnamonum.
Cinnb. Cinnabaris.
Clem. Clematis Erecta.
Cocc. Cocculus.
Coff. Coffee Cruda.
Colch. Colchicum.
Coloc. Colocynthis.
Con. Conium Maculatum.
Cor-r. Corallium Rubrum.
Croc. Crocus Sativus.
Crot-t. Croton Tiglium.
Cupr. Cuprum Metallicum.
Cycl. Cyclamen.
D Daph-mez. Daphne Mezereum.
Dig. Digitalis Purpurea.
Dros. Drosera.
Dulc. Dulcamara.
E Euph. Euphorbia.
Euphr. Euphrasia.
F Ferr. Ferrum Metallicum.
G Graph. Graphites.
Gua. Guajacum.
H Hell. Helleborus Niger.
Hep. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum.
Hyos. Hyoscyamus Niger.
I Ign. Ignatia Amara.
Iod. Iodum.
Ip. Ipecacuanha.
K Kali-c. Kali Carbonicum.
Kali-n. Kali Nitrium.
L Laur. Laurocerasus.
Led. Ledum Palustre.
Lyc. Lycopodium Clavatum.
M Mag-c. Magnesia Carbonica.
Mang. Manganum.
Meny. Menyanthes.
Merc-c. Mercurius Sublimatus.
Merc. Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni.
Mez. Mezereum Daphne.
Mosch. Moschus.
Mur-ac. Muraticum Acidum.
N Nat-c. Natrum Carbonicum.
Nat-m. Natrum Muriaticum.
Nit-ac. Nitric Acidum.
Nux-m. Nux Moschata.
O Olnd. Oleander.
Op. Opium.
P Par. Paris Quadrifolia.
Pho-ac. Phosphoric acid.
Pho. Phosphorus.
Plat. Platina.
Plb. Plumbum.
R Ran-b. Ranunculus Bulbosus.
Ran-s. Ranunculus Scleratus.
Rheum. Rheum.
Rhod. Rhododendron.
Rhus-t. Rhus Toxicodendron.
S Sec-c. Secale Cornutum.

Sel. Selenium.
Seneg. Senega.
Sep. Sepia.
Sil. Silicea.
Spig-m. Spigelia Marilandica.
Spong. Spongia Tosta.
Stann. Stannum Metallicum.
Staph. Staphisagria.
Stram. Stramonium.
Stront. Strontiana.
Sul. Sulphur.
Sul-ac. Sulphuric acid.
T Tarax. Taraxacum.

Teucr. Teucrium Marum Verum.

Thu. Thuja Occidentalis.
V Valer. Valeriana.
Verat. Veratrum.
Verb. Verbascum Thapsus.
Viol-o. Viola Odorata.
Z Zinc. Zincum Metallicum.

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