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Deviate - Rules & Regulations

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Rules and Regulations /Terms and Conditions DEVIa.t.e.


1. This is an all-styles Hip Hop dance contest. There are 3 sections: (i) freestyle battle format (ii) break crew battle (iii) group choreography / routine format. Each section has a different set of rules & criteria. This is strictly a non-smoking, drug and alcohol free event. There will be no discrimination at this event. No racism, homophobia or sexism. Flash photography or filming for resale is prohibited unless approved by the organizers.

2. 3.


Cost: Cost to register to enter the DEVIa.t.e dance contest is $10 plus full access to the Australian Teenage Expo . This must be paid for upon entry to Deviate.


All Contestants must register before the event. Registrations for DEVIa.t.e. 2013 closes on August 31st. Failure to complete all the necessary information & paper work required for registration may result in the inability to compete. Registration forms can be acquired from Each dancer may not compete more than once in each section. Either a parent or guardian must give consent to all performers under the age of 18 on the day of the competition. Consent forms are included in the registration forms. The contact name on the registration form must be over 18 years old and are responsible for all communications between DEVIa.t.e. management and the registered performers. This contact does not to be a performer, but can be a legal guardian, teacher, choreographer, coach, mentor, guide etc of the registered performers. Only one contact person must be listed. Current email addresses and phone numbers are very important for communication purposes. We will not be held responsible for any information not received. For group entries, substitutions may be allowed in circumstances beyond control. 75% of the dancers registered per group need to be in the final line up. All substitutes need to complete and submit all necessary registration requirements on the day of competition otherwise they are unable to compete. There will be no allocated time for stage rehearsals. However, there will be space at the venue for dancers to practice in the open. In fact, we encourage this.


Judges will be selected by DEVIa.t.e. directors. Judges in each section / category has an outlined criteria to follow. A judging criteria for each section is specified. DEVIa.t.e. directors will determine by random order the performance schedule and will be announced on the day of competition. Winners will be announced on the day of the event.



10. Prize money and awards will be determined solely by the DEVI.a.t.e directors. All prizes are subject to availability and the directors reserve the right to withdraw or alter conditions as they see fit. Awards or prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemable for cash. 11. DEVIa.t.e. directors reserves the right to make any final changes. 12. DEVIa.t.e. management contact details: CONTACT NAME: Sonya Karras PHONE: 1300 080 330 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Battle Judging Format

Preliminaries There will be a total of 2 judges. 1 crowd judging the preliminaries If the judges decide on a tie for any battle during the preliminaries, the winner will be decided by the crowd using the coloured card voting system.

Top 8/Finals After the Preliminaries the top 4 crews will be judged by a panel consisting of 2 judges and 1 crowd. There will be 1 Cypher.


(i) Dance styles in the FREESTYLE category may include ANY Hiphop Style or any parent dances pertaining to Hiphop (i.e: Party dances: African, Street Jazz Tap, Rock, Funk, Salsa, Mambo, Samba etc, Disco, Locking, Rocking (Uprock), Boogaloo (Popping), Strutting, Whacking, House, Lofting etc) including but NOT LIMITED TO: Breaking, Freestyle Hiphop (and derivatives of Old School, Middle School, New School & Urban Styles and/or interpretations of this) of and recent and future Hiphop styles such as: Krump, Jerk, Dougie, Juke, Footworking etc. Dance styles must be able to maintain a consistent 4/4 rhythm and allowances for lyrical, legato-type sounds using different intonations in the dance style are given. Usage of broken rhythms, stops, pauses, as well as sustained movements are considered into the overall Throwdown provided there is a good balance and demonstration of both a consistent 4/4 rhythm and controlled/deliberate movement to particular accents and musical cues. Dance styles and not derivatives of the outer techniques of prior/current dances must be DANCED. For example: a) Styles derived from Popping such as King Tut, Digits, Animation etc, may be used in accordance with any dance style providing there is a balanced display of both. A prolonged display of visual/physical tricks without any groove or body movement will result in the marking down of scores. b) Any technique considered a trick must be combined or be part of a sequence of dance movement culminating or beginning (or in-between) with the trick. Spin Moves, Power moves, tumbles, flips, Air Freezes etc, should flow in, out or throughout of the Throwdown and not standout as a random independent movement.




Dancers can be as creative as they want with their attires however street wear is highly encouraged since it is a street dance competition. Attires need to reflect individuality, style and character. Dance crews will need to wear, similar if not same themed, same style attire similar to a uniformed-look for judges to easily identify them. There will be no crude or offensive dance moves such as sexual gesturing. Vulgar language and on-stage bullying will not be tolerated. Deductions will be made.



(i) One designated general MUST be assigned as the head representative of the crew to lead squad into battle Crews must be a minimum of 5 members. Crews with less than 5 are prohibited to enter. Maximum of 8 members.



Dancers can be as creative as they want with their attires however street wear is highly encouraged since it is a street dance competition. Attires need to reflect individuality, style and character. Dance crews will need to wear, similar if not same themed, same style attire similar to a uniformed-look for judges to easily identify them. If 16 crews enter, a 2 hour Break-out will be allocated for preliminary time. There will be 4 designated cyphers in the venue where crews will gather to battle. 10 minutes x 12 blocks will be allocated to each battle. The first battles will be chosen at random by the organizers and will be announced on the day. Organizers highly encourage routines but it is not compulsory to use them in battle. There will be a limit of 2 Routines per Battle. Crew routines inclusive of commandos, pairs, triples etc. must be within 2 bars of 8 counts minimum or 4 bars of 8 counts maximum. Additional routines will result in penalized scores. There will be no crude or offensive dance moves such as sexual gesturing. Vulgar language and on-stage bullying will not be tolerated. Moves such as burns must be applied in tradition of gestural actions found in the parent dance Rocking or Uprock Dance. NON-METHODS WILL RESULT IN UNFAVORABLE JUDGMENTS AND/OR DEDUCTIONS PASSED BY THE JUDICIARY.





(i) (ii) Entrants must have a minimum of 2 & maximum of 15 dancers in their competing group. Music. Minimum of 2 minutes & 30 seconds. Maximum of 3 minutes. Anything under or over the time limit will incur a deduction. Music is to be submitted by in this format. Mp3 with the crew name as the filename. eg. JigsawSneakers.mp3 Email the mix to before the day of the event. Props are not allowed. However, parts of clothing as props may be allowed as long as it is atached to their attire as they first enter the performance space ie. bandanas, hats, jackets, etc. Competitors are allowed to remove pieces of clothing during their routines as long as it doesnt seem inappropriate especially in terms of exposure of certain areas of the body & the safety of all audience and dancers are considered. ie. Do not throw anything to the audience or on stage that may cause possible accidents or injuries. It is best to check with DEVIa.t.e. directors if any questions regarding this. You can enter in and out of the dance space within your routine as long as it is safe for the public and all the competitors.




Groups can be as creative as they want with their attires however street wear is highly encouraged since it is a street dance competition. Attires need to reflect individuality, style and character. There will be no crude or offensive dance moves, vulgar language and onstage bullying will not be tolerated. These will incur deductions.


Stage Dimensions 10x10m


Choreography (25%) This is the composition, originality, creativity and musicality of the dance routine. This includes how well each group uses the music to create movements individually and with the entire group ie. formations & level changes. Skill (25%) This is how well the dancers individually and as a group executes their movement. This includes synchronization as a team and the complete execution of each movement with the intended groove of the dance style performed (ie. an arm swing in krumping is different from arm points in locking, etc.) Performance (25%) This is how well each individual and the entire group performs their routines with full intensity, projection, and showmanship. This also includes the proper representation of street dance styles, character and attires. Entertainment (25%) This is how much the group as a whole connects to the audience and evoke an emotional response. This does not necessarily mean how much audience applause you get during or after your performance. Deductions: (Deductions will be subtracted from the final average score from all the judges combined over 100%) Music outside 2:30-3:00 minute limit 5 points per 10 seconds out of range. Music with inappropriate language 5 points per word / phrase. Inappropriate movement / choreography 5 points per occurrence. Unsafe costumes 5 points per occurrence. Anything that any of the competitors do that the judges think is inappropriate or unsafe during the competition will be deducted accordingly to their discretion and depending on the grievance of the offence may also result to disqualification.

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