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Muskets Bayonets For Maryland - CoMH

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Frederick C. Gaede J.

Richard Marsden
Presented 21 April 2012 for the Company of Military Historians

Dick displaying at a recent SABC annual meeting, and in his collection room. Part of his collection of 650 different socket bayonets with American associations is in the background.

John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870)

Thomas Ruckle was a sign and house painter with no formal training. However, he fought at North Point and his paintings of the events he witnessed are among the best records of the battle of Baltimore. His 1814 receipt for arms is one of the few known copies of his signature.

The Battle of North Point, Lithograph based on the original painting by Thomas Ruckle, ca. 1814

Assembling of the Troops, Thomas Ruckle, ca. 1814 or 1815

Annapolis, Capital of Maryland, on the Western Shore. The smaller star represents the temporary sub-depot in Baltimore.

Familiar to Marylanders, the capitol building towers over the 1670 armory in the background and Old Treasury Building at right.

The Frederick Barracks, the other armory on the Western Shore. Barracks, the

Sketch by Corporal Henry Bacon, Co. D, 13th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia

The unnamed officer reported they at first appeared serviceable guns, highly burnished; but upon personal inspection and trial, I find them very indifferent. A double charge I am convinced would burst half of them. The bayonets, the only and last resort after snapping [the locks], are made of old, indifferent iron, rather blunt, and badly fixed on the musket[s]. Such sir, are the arms with which we are to defend our country.

The armory at Easton was the only one on the Eastern Shore.

A rare view of the armory as the municipal firehouse a few years before being demolished in 1904. The sloped roof at right was the cannon shed, added in 1823.

NPS Henry Musket with state name branded on fore stock.

Another MARYLAND branded on a fore stock, this time on an Evans.

Smaller MARYLAND stamped on flat opposite lock, seen on several of the Bartlett and Ghriskey muskets.

The large MARYLAND brand can be found in other locations, like under the stock on this Brooke-made musket. Also, Federally-made arms were branded, as on this 1800-dated, Springfield Armory made musket, again on the fore stock.

Two 27th Regiment brands are on this Harpers Ferry -made musket.

A 39th regimental brand is shown on a Barlett-made musket. Both regimental numbers were assigned to Baltimore City in 1792.

This 6th Regiment, Maryland Militia , brand is on a Maryland-marked musket used by a Baltimore City company.

James Haslett of Baltimore City repaired this surplus Revolutionary War French musket for the state before the War of 1812.

Two Henry-made cavalry swords with the Maryland M on blades.


Above: M with Contract Insp Marks. Left: NPS Henry with Sunken P and M. Below: Bayonets with Maryland Ms.


The HMS Leopard stopped and boarded the USS Chesapeake, removing four deserters from the Royal Navy. The British citizen among them was later hanged. Interestingly, the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812, never mentioned impressment.

Lock with US surcharge.

Stock with Post-Revolutionary Marks of Joseph Perkins (IP) and John Nicholson (IN), both of whom were paid frequently for cleaning, repairing and Stamping muskets, as well as bayonets. This particular receipt for their work is dated 28 May 1784.

Large Maryland brand on fore stock.

Another M1763 Charleville-style musket, made at the St. Etienne armory.

Maryland brand on opposite fore stock.

Alteration to percussion, ca. 1860.

Markings indicating Continental ownership.

Several muskets made at Harpers Ferry Armory with Maryland markings are known. This one is dated 1810.

The 27th Regiment was assigned in 1792 to Baltimore City.

The Henry family of Boulton, Pennsylvania, was involved in the manufacture of firearms for a century and a half. William Henry and his son, William Henry II, worked for the colonies during the Revolution. William Henry IIs oldest son was John Joseph Henry. By 1807 the son was experienced enough in the gun trade to open his own shop in Philadelphia. He delivered a variety of weapons, swords, pistols and, of course, muskets to the Ordnance Department , the U.S. Navy and several states. While he no doubt manufactured some of his own weapons, his business acumen helped him organize deliveries from other gun makers (the socalled consortium) so all could benefit from the 1813 contract with Maryland.

Single X-marked bayonet fits the bottom stud barrel on this Henry perfectly.

The lock on this Bartlett musket has full Federal markings, even though on a musket diverted to Henry and one of the 917 delivered to the state of Maryland.

Besides the Maryland M, note the four markings comprising the barrel proof required by the state of Massachusetts for any barrel made in the state not intended for the Federal Government. These markings confirm this musket went directly to Maryland and was not intended to be delivered to the Government.

The only known surviving Brookemade musket with Maryland markings, this is one of the 183 delivered to Henry and subsequently to the state. Note the unusual placement of the brand on the bottom of the stock, rather than on either side of the fore stock.

With both the large MARYLAND brand and an M on the barrel, this is the only known example from among the 433 muskets delivered to Henry for the state.

The same single X-marked bayonet fits this Evans perfectly as well.

Although not a recognized member of Henrys contract consortium, Ghriskey was well known in the arms community and likely used subcontractors to make the parts for these muskets, which he assembled. The total number delivered to Henry remains unknown. The two muskets examined were nearly identical, with an M on the barrel and small MARYLAND stamped opposite the lock.

Both of the known Maryland Milesmarked muskets were made by John Kerlin, who placed a distinctive Miles ribbon mark on the locks. No bayonets are known similarly marked, suggesting that K-marked bayonets accompanied the 25 known muskets Kerlin delivered to Henry.

Above: Kerlin-made bayonet for the Federal Government, K and US-marked. Right: Kerlin-made bayonet for Henry and the state of Maryland, with only a K.

One, at left below, made for a top stud barrel.

On the bottom stud barrel of a Ghriskey-marked musket.

Small H on shank, or neck, with an XX-marked blade, for a bottom stud barrel. Large H on face of blade.

Most of the ~10,000 muskets purchased from the Government would have been accompanied by bayonets, and those made at the National armories or under contract would have had bayonets with US letters on them. Subsequently a number had the Maryland M applied, using one of the Henry supplied stamps. Here are two, with the one at upper right recovered from the battlefield of Gettysburg. What a story it could tell about how it got there!

Preprinted discharge of Pvt. John Pocock from Lt. Col. Kennedy Longs 27th Regiment, M.M., 18 November 1814

To indicate some accoutrements were also marked for state ownership, this wooden hooped canteen dates from the era of the War of 1812. The Maryland mark was stamped into the wood before final assembly and, being somewhat larger, is not the same as seen branded on the stocks of state owned muskets. From 1784 through 1824 the archival record indicates a total of only 1,900 canteens were procured by the state. That would indicate most volunteer companies and enrolled militiamen were expected to furnish their own containers for carrying any refreshments of choice.

With 8,534 muskets and an unstated number of bayonets remaining uncollected after the war, Maryland subsequently conducted an active bounty program to recover state-owned arms, paying 50 cents per musket. Benjamin Pindell was among the most active, with a total of 1,696 recovered muskets between 1817 and 1819. In addition he recovered 1,103 bayonets and other types of military arms and equipment, as summarized above. How appropriate that his last delivery to the state armory in Annapolis was exactly five years after the battle of Baltimore, on the 14th of September 1819.

BG John Stricker, 3rd Div. General Sam Smith LTC George Armistead Commodore Joshua Barney (1758-1825) (1752-1839) (1780-1818) (1759-1818) Portraits by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860), Defenders of Baltimore, Commissioned by the City of Baltimore, 1817, MHS

The Bombardment of Fort McHenry, 1814

Alfred Jacob Miller (1810-1874), 1829

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