Our Culture Lesson
Our Culture Lesson
Our Culture Lesson
Access Point #:
Identify how history transmits culture and heritage.
Essential Question Why is it important for us to learn about the different stories and
traditions of the past to understand our own culture and heritage?
WIDA Standards (visit https://www.wida.us/get.aspx?id=540; then see Page 3) Select all that apply
✘ WS1: For Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting.
WS2: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
WS3: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.
WS4: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
✘ WS5: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.
Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do. Align outcomes with the standards identified above.)
The students will be able to:
Social Studies
Identify how history transmits culture and heritage.
Instructional Materials and Technology (List everything needed in order to implement this lesson.)
Pamphlet Activity
Student Laptops (Experiential Learning)
Implementation: Modified Gradual Release
Entry Event (Describe your opening activity that will activate prior knowledge and engage students.)
You do it alone.
1. My Culture (Prior Knowledge): 5 min.
My opening activity will be a Review of students’ Cultures. The purpose of this activity is
to tackle the students understanding of the material that we have been going over. In this
short activity, I will ask the following questions:
-What is Culture?
-What are some cultural celebrations/traditions that are done in your family?
-Can you describe what the clothing in your culture/heritage looked like?
-What are some foods that come from your country/culture?
For this short entry activity, students will be maintained in a whole group setting. That will
allow room for discussion between all peers. Students will be encouraged to participate to
the best of their ability. At the end of the discussion, I will introduce the activity for the
lesson, which will take place in small groups, 2 groups of 3 students and 1 of 2 students.
Each group will be accompanied by an educator that will provide help along the activity.
Direct Instruction (Describe how will you present the concept/skill to students.)
Guided & Focused Instruction: 20 min.
We do it.
1. Research and Analyze:
After discussing our entry event, students will be divided into small groups and will be
provided with a laptop. Students will then receive an activity worksheet that consists of
an empty pamphlet. They will be asked to research the country they were provided
(Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti) and write down information that they have found. The
purpose of the activity is to have them “persuade” someone to go and visit the country
they are writing about.
I do it alone.
2. Direct Instruction – Explain Content
After discussing our entry event, I will give students a rundown of what our activity for the
day will be. After going over what our activity will be I will then place students into their
small groups with they're accompanied educator. I will then assign a country to each group;
in their groups they will be asked to use the laptops as guide to research the country they
have been given.
You do it alone.
3. Let’s Persuade:
The whole idea of the activity is to have the students persuade a random person into
visiting the country they were given. They will talk about the country's food, language,
traditions, and many others. The educator will guide them along with the technology and
will ensure that it is used accordingly. A timer will be projected in the white board to ensure
they are engaged in work.
We do it.
4. Read the Essential Question
Towards the end of the lesson, students will be asked the question “Why is it important for
us to learn about the different stories and traditions of the past to understand our own
culture and heritage?” They will use all the knowledge they have gained throughout the
lesson to answer the question to the best of their ability.
Experiential Learning (Describe the activities the students will complete with teacher support and/or peer collaboration to
reinforce concepts presented during direct instruction.)
Collaboration 10 min.
You do it together.
Students will complete a pamphlet activity in Small Group settings to persuade a random
person looking to travel somewhere new.
1. Students will be assigned to their small group; all learning levels will be present in
each group.
2. Students will receive a copy of an empty pamphlet.
3. A team leader will be announced, they will have the role of researching on the
student laptop with guidance from a teacher.
4. They will research and fill in the pamphlet, some of them depending on their present
level of performance will be asked to color and/or draw.
As the students work on the activity, I will monitor their progress, ask questions to activate
their thinking skills as well as guide them through their research in order to ensure that it is
done correctly.
Closure (Describe the reflection methods and reinforcement strategies you will use to conclude the lesson.)
Closure: 5 min.
To conclude the lesson, I will:
Revisit Essential Question and have students share out.
I will have the team leader give a small description of their pamphlet and why the
person should travel to their country.
Evaluation and Monitoring
Accommodations and/or Modifications (Describe how you will accommodate students with special needs.)
To accommodate my students with special needs, I have reviewed their IEPs and noted
that they required similar accommodations for the lesson to be differentiated and
implemented with fidelity. For these students, I will:
Repeat, clarify, and/or summarize my directions.
Provide extra time.
Give verbal encouragement.
Provide work that has been differentiated based to meet their learning strengths.
ELL Strategies (List specific strategies you will use to support ELLs.)
There are no ELL students in the SVE classroom.
Differentiated Instruction (Describe how you will tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.)
For the below level students: They will be given an empty pamphlet that can meet their
learning needs, they will also be paired with students who are either On or Above level.
Instead of writing down the information they will be asked to circle, underline, draw and
On level students: They will receive an empty that also meets their learning needs, on
their pamphlet they be will asked to write the names of things (i.e. clothing, food, dance,
Above level students: They will receive an empty that also meets their learning needs, on
their pamphlet they be will asked to write the names of things (i.e. clothing, food, dance,
etc.). At the end of theirs, they will be asked to add an additional interesting fact about their
Critical Thinking is evident Students will collaborate in their Students will create a pamphlet After the pamphlet is done, the
during the whole lesson. It is small groups during the that will be filled with students who was chosen to be
needed in the Entry Event as Experiential learning, they will information about the country the team leader will provide the
well as when they are work as a team to create their they were assigned. They class with a small description of
answering the Essential pamphlet. write, draw and color. their country and why the
Question. person must travel there.
Integration of Literacy (Describe how you will integrate reading, writing, and oral language skills in the lesson.)
Reading: Writing: Oral Language:
Throughout the activity students will be Each student will have their own pamphlet, Students will be asked to provide a small
using their reading skills to research on the that meets their learning needs, with the presentation of the country their groups
computer the questions being asked on the help of the educator in their group and the learned about and why the person should
pamphlet. usage of the laptop, they will fill in the visit their country.
Assessment (Describe how you will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives.)
I will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives by the work done in their
pamphlet. As well as the discussion of the Essential Question.
Formative: Summative:
I informally assess students as they are collaborating within Students will be formally assessed on mastery of standard by creating
their groups, making mental notes on which students are their pamphlet, each pamphlet will be made to meet their learning
answering with little to no struggle and students who are needs.
showing struggle in understanding the material.
Extension (Describe how you will re-teach, remediate, and enrich after lesson implementation.)
Re-Teach: Remediate: Enrichment:
I will use Reteaching for Understanding To teach this lesson to students who do For students who have demonstrated an
Activity by going over key terms. I will not understand, I will start by asking understanding of the lesson, I will assign them
also have students describe what a day them where they are the most confused. to a laptop and have them research a country of
in their life might look like. I will also provide them with videos that their choosing.
go into detail about the meaning heritage
and culture.
Reflection (Evaluate student learning outcomes and reflect upon your experiences. How would you modify this lesson?)