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What is a clause? A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. 1.

A clause tells us that someone or something (subject) is or was or does or did something (predicate). A subject is usually a noun or pronoun. A predicate always contains a verb. A predicate may also contain other things (adverb, object, complement,), but a predicate always contains a verb. 2. A clause may be a sentence: Mary sings. 3. A clause may be a part of a sentence: Mary sings and Bill plays the guitar. 4. Some examples of clauses: SUBJECT PREDICATE Someone/Something is/was/does/did something. George is a boy. He loves to eat. What he loves to eat is pizza. George and his friends might have pizza for lunch. Pizza is not served at George's house. What is a dependent clause? A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and predicate. A dependent clause usually begins with a subordinator. Subordinators include relative pronouns (see Adjective Clauses), subordinating conjunctions (see Adverb Clauses), and noun clause markers (see Noun Clauses). Dependent clauses are also called subordinate clauses. 1. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence by itself. A dependent clause that is not part of a sentence is a fragment. That is, a dependent clause which begins with a capital letter and ends with a period is a fragment. Dont write fragments. 2. A dependent clause can only be part of a sentence. Every sentence must have at least one independent clause. 3. There are three basic types of dependent clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. Some dependent clauses look like this:

SUBORDINATOR + SUBJECT + PREDICATE that his bike is beautiful which he got for Christmas because his bike had a flat tire
Other dependent clauses look like this :

SUBORDINATOR + PREDICATE who loves his bike whatever is on his plate which is painted red and blue
The subordinator is also the subject in these clauses. 4. Subordinators can sometimes be omitted, so dependent clauses sometimes look like independent clauses (Subject + Predicate). Object relative pronouns (see Adjective Clauses) can usually be omitted.

The bike which he got for Christmas is beautiful. The bike he got for Christmas is beautiful.
The noun clause marker (see Noun Clauses) that can be omitted if it is not the first word in a sentence.

He knows that his bike is beautiful. He knows his bike is beautiful.

5. Below are some examples of sentences with one independent clause and one dependent clause. The dependent clauses are underlined.

George is a boy who loves his bike. Georges bike, which is painted red and blue, is new. Because his bike had a flat tire, George walked to school. George eats whatever is on his plate.

Noun Clauses
See The Sentence for definitions of sentence, clause, and dependent clause. A sentence which contains just one clause is called a simple sentence. A sentence which contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence. (Dependent clauses are also called subordinate clauses.) There are three basic types of dependent clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. (Adjective clauses are also called relative clauses.) This page contains information about noun clauses. Also see Adjective Clauses and Adverb Clauses. A. Noun clauses perform the same functions in sentences that nouns do:

A noun clause can be a subject of a verb: What Billy did shocked his friends. A noun clause can be an object of a verb: Billys friends didnt know that he couldnt swim. A noun clause can be a subject complement: Billys mistake was that he refused to take lessons. A noun clause can be an object of a preposition: Mary is not responsible for what Billy did. A noun clause (but not a noun) can be an adjective complement: Everybody is sad that Billy drowned. B. You can combine two independent clauses by changing one to a noun clause and using it in one of the ways listed above. The choice of the noun clause marker (see below) depends on the type of clause you are changing to a noun clause: To change a statement to a noun clause use that: I know + Billy made a mistake = I know that Billy made a mistake. To change a yes/no question to a noun clause, use if or whether: George wonders + Does Fred know how to cook? = George wonders if Fred knows how to cook. To change a wh-question to a noun clause, use the wh-word: I dont know + Where is George? = I dont know where George is. C. The subordinators in noun clauses are called noun clause markers. Here is a list of the noun clause markers: that if, whether Wh-words: how, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why Wh-ever words: however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, whomever D. Except for that, noun clause markers cannot be omitted. Only that can be omitted, but it can be omitted only if it is not the first word in a sentence: correct: Billys friends didnt know that he couldnt swim. correct: Billys friends didnt know he couldnt swim. correct: Billys mistake was that he refused to take lessons. correct: Billys mistake was he refused to take lessons. correct: That Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone. not correct: * Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone. E. Statement word order is always used in a noun clause, even if the main clause is a question: not correct: * Do you know what time is it? (Question word order: is it) correct: Do you know what time it is? (Statement word order: it is) not correct: * Everybody wondered where did Billy go. (Question word order: did Billy go) correct: Everybody wondered where Billy went. (Statement word order: Billy went) F. Sequence of tenses in sentences containing noun clauses: When the main verb (the verb in the independent clause) is present, the verb in the noun clause is: future if its action/state is later He thinks that the exam next week will be hard. He thinks that the exam next week is going to be hard. present if its action/state is at the same time He thinks that Mary is taking the exam right now. past if its action/state is earlier He thinks that George took the exam yesterday. When the main verb (the verb in the independent clause) is past, the verb in the noun clause is:

was/were going to or would + BASE if its action/state is later He thought that the exam the following week was going to be hard. He thought that the exam the following week would be hard. past if its action/state is at the same time He thought that Mary was taking the exam then. past perfect if its action/state is earlier He thought that George had taken the exam the day before. If the action/state of the noun clause is still in the future (that is, after the writer has written the sentence), then afuture verb can be used even if the main verb is past. The astronaut said that people will live on other planets someday. If the action/state of the noun clause continues in the present (that is, at the time the writer is writing the sentence) or if the noun clause expresses a general truth or fact, the simple present tense can be used even if the main verb is past. We learned that English is not easy. The boys knew that the sun rises in the east. G. Here are some examples of sentences which contain one noun clause (underlined) and one independent clause: Noun clauses as subjects of verbs: That George learned how to swim is a miracle. Whether Fred can get a better job is not certain. What Mary said confused her parents. However you learn to spell is OK with me. Noun clauses as objects of verbs: We didnt know that Billy would jump. We didnt know Billy would jump. Can you tell me if Fred is here? I dont know where he is. George eats whatever is on his plate. Noun clauses as subject complements: The truth is that Billy was not very smart. The truth is Billy was not very smart. The question is whether other boys will try the same thing. The winner will be whoever runs fastest. Noun clauses as objects of prepositions: Billy didnt listen to what Mary said. He wants to learn about whatever is interesting. Noun clauses as adjective complements: He is happy that he is learning English. We are all afraid that the final exam will be difficult.

Adjective Clauses
See The Sentence for definitions of sentence, clause, and dependent clause. A sentence which contains just one clause is called a simple sentence. A sentence which contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence. (Dependent clauses are also called subordinate clauses.) There are three basic types of dependent clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. (Adjective clauses are also called relative clauses.) This page contains information about adjective clauses. Also see Adverb Clauses and Noun Clauses.

A. Adjective clauses perform the same function in sentences that adjectives do: they modify nouns. The teacher has a car. (Car is a noun.) Its a new car. (New is an adjective which modifies car.) The car that she is driving is not hers. (That she is driving is an adjective clause which modifies car. Its a clause because it has a subject (she) and a predicate (is driving); its an adjective clause because it modifies a noun.) Note that adjectives usually precede the nouns they modify; adjective clauses always follow the nouns they modify. B. A sentence which contains one adjective clause and one independent clause is the result of combining two clauses which contain a repeated noun. You can combine two independent clauses to make one sentence containing an adjective clause by following these steps: 1. You must have two clauses which contain a repeated noun (or pronoun, or noun and pronoun which refer to the same thing). Here are two examples: The book is on the table. + I like the book. The man is here. + The man wants the book. 2. Delete the repeated noun and replace it with a relative pronoun in the clause you want to make dependent. SeeC. below for information on relative pronouns.

The book is on the table. + I like which The man is here. + who wants the book 3. Move the relative pronoun to the beginning of its clause (if it is not already there). The clause is now an adjective clause. The book is on the table. + which I like The man is here. + who wants the book 4. Put the adjective clause immediately after the noun phrase it modifies (the repeated noun): The book which I like is on the table. The man who wants the book is here.

C. The subordinators in adjective clauses are called relative pronouns. 1. These are the most important relative pronouns: who, whom, that, which. These relative pronouns can be omitted when they are objects of verbs. When they are objects of prepositions, they can be omitted when they do not follow the preposition. WHO replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. In informal writing (but not in academic writing), it can be used as the object of a verb. WHOM replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the object of a verb or preposition. It cannot be the subject of a verb. WHICH replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition. THAT replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people, animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition (but that cannot follow a preposition; whom, which, and whose are the only relative pronouns that can follow a preposition). 2. The following words can also be used as relative pronouns: whose, when, where. WHOSE replaces possessive forms of nouns and pronouns (see WF11 and pro in Correction Symbols Two). It can refer to people, animals or things. It can be part of a subject or part of an object of a verb or preposition, but it cannot be a complete subject or object. Whose cannot be omitted. Here are examples with whose: The man is happy. + I found the mans wallet. = The man whose wallet I found is happy. The girl is excited. + Her mother won the lottery. = The girl whose mother won the lottery is excited. WHEN replaces a time (in + year, in + month, on + day,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted. Here is an example with when: I will never forget the day. + I graduated on that day.= I will never forget the day when I graduated. The same meaning can be expressed in other ways: I will never forget the day on which I graduated. I will never forget the day that I graduated. I will never forget the day I graduated. WHERE replaces a place (in + country, in + city, at + school,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted but apreposition (at, in, to) usually must be added. Here is an example with where: The building is new. + He works in the building. = The building where he works is new. The same meaning can be expressed in other ways: The building in which he works is new. The building which he works in is new. The building that he works in is new. The building he works in is new. D. Adjective clauses can be restrictive or nonrestrictive. 1. A restrictive adjective clause contains information that is necessary to identify the noun it modifies. If a restrictive adjective clause is removed from a sentence, the meaning of the main clause changes. A restrictive adjective clause is not separated from the main clause by a comma or commas. Most adjective clauses are restrictive; all of the examples of adjective clauses above are restrictive. Here is another example: People who cant swim should not jump into the ocean. 2. A nonrestrictive adjective clause gives additional information about the noun it modifies but is not necessary to identify that noun. If a nonrestrictive adjective clause is removed from a sentence, the meaning of the main clause does not change. A nonrestrictive adjective clause is separated from the main clause by a comma orcommas. The relative pronoun that cannot be used in nonrestrictive adjective clauses. The relative pronoun cannot be omitted from a nonrestrictive clause. Here is an example: Billy, who couldnt swim, should not have jumped into the ocean.

E. Adjective clauses can often be reduced to phrases. The relative pronoun (RP) must be the subject of the verb in the adjective clause. Adjective clauses can be reduced to phrases in two different ways depending on the verb in the adjective clause. 1. RP + BE = 0 People who are living in glass houses should not throw stones. (clause) People living in glass houses should not throw stones. (phrase) Mary applied for a job that was advertised in the paper. (clause) Mary applied for a job advertised in the paper. (phrase) 2. RP + OTHER VERB (not BE) = OTHER VERB + ing People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.(clause) People living in glass houses should not throw stones. (phrase) Students who sit in the front row usually participate more. (clause) Students sitting in the front row usually participate more. (phrase)

Adjective clauses: Quiz 1 1. William C. Buckhoff,_____________________ , lives in North Dakota. A. who is my father B. is my father C. that is my father D. which is my father
Answ er

2. The car was not running,__________________________ . A. that surprised the mechanic B. which surprised the mechanic C. who surprised the mechanic D. surprised the mechanic
Answ er

3. ________________________________who visited our class last week. A. Tomohiro talked to the woman B. Tomohiro who talked to the woman C. Tomohiro talking to the woman D. Tomohiro that talked to the woman
Answ er

4. The movie ________________________ was intriguing. A. who we saw last month B. that we saw last month C. that saw last month D. that we seeing last month
Answ er

5. The Mariah Carey CD ____________________________. A. which we listened was good B. which to we listened was good C. to which we listened was good D. that we listened was good
Answ er

6. _______________________whom I told Saleh about. A. Is this the woman B. This is woman C. This are the woman D. This is the woman
Answ er

7. It is important to read books_________________________. A. that have good plots B. having good plots

C. have good plots D. which has good plots

Answ er

8. We affirm the students= right to their own patterns and varieties of language B the dialects of their nurture or whatever dialects ______________________________. A. which they find their own identity and style B. in that they find their own identity and style C. which they find their in own identity and style D. in which they find their own identity and style
Answ er

9. ______________________________whom we spoke to at the English Club party. A. Dr. Rong Chen is the professor B. Dr. Rong Chen is professor C. Dr. Rong Chen the professor D. Dr. Rong Chen the professor is
Answ er

10.The keys__________________________. A. who are on the floor belong to Rie B. that is on the floor belong to Rie C. that are on the floor belong to Rie D. which is on the floor belong to Rie
Answ er

11. Is Pupat the type of person __________________________? A. who is extroverted around people B. whose is extroverted around people C. who are extroverted around people D. whom extroverted around people
Answ er

12. _____________________________ that have been used to classify the many different kinds of rocks in the San Bernardino mountains. A. I would like to give you the scientific name B. I would like give you the scientific names C. I would like to give you the scientific names D. I would likes to give you the scientific names
Answ er

13. Professor Higgins is the type of professor _____________________________. A. to whom others wouldn't consider exactly exciting B. whose others wouldn't consider exactly exciting C. which others wouldn't consider exactly exciting D. whom others wouldn't consider exactly exciting
Answ er

14. We all know that we often have times when many of us feel happy_______________________ . A. and other times when we feel sad B. and other times where we feel sad C. and other times why we feel sad D. and other times whenever we feel sad
Answ er


A. B. C. D.

Emi feels shy ______________________________where she doesn't know many people. when she go to a party she goes to a party she going to a party when she goes to a party

Answ er

16. ___________________________, Lake Arrowhead is a setting which can be quite adventurous to the tourist.

A. B. C. D.

Located in the San Bernardino Mountains Locating in the San Bernardino Mountains It is located in the San Bernardino Mountains To locate in the San Bernardino Mountains

Answ er

17. _____________________________ in which there is a nonthreatening and relaxing atmosphere. A. Some ESL students learns better in situations B. Some ESL student learn better in situations C. Some ESL students learn better in situations D. Some ESL students better learn in situations
Answ er

18. The Higashi's are the couple ________________________________. A. with whom the real estate agent is negotiating B. whom the real estate agent is negotiating to C. whom the real estate agent is negotiating D. with which the real estate agent is negotiating
Answ er

19. Unyarat likes to talk to people__________________________. A. which she feels comfortable with B. she feel comfortable with C. she feels comfortable with D. she feels comfortable
Answ er

20. The woman I saw at the theater ____________________________. A. is my English teacher last year B. who was my English teacher last year C. my English teacher last year D. was my English teacher last year
Answ er

Back to Top Adjective Clauses: Quiz 2 1. A person_____________________ is a compassionate person. A. who helps the needy B. who help the needy C. helps the needy D. which helps the needy
Answ er

2. Ai Shiibi,________________________, is a very giving person. A. helps her fellow students with their homework assignments B. that helps her fellow students with their homework assignments C. who helps her fellow students with their homework assignments D. whose helps her fellow students with their homework assignments
Answ er

3. The lady ___________________________ will be the new transcripts evaluator of the university. A. stopped by the admissions office B. that stopped by the admissions office C. she stopped by the admissions office D. who she stopped by the admissions office
Answ er

4. The house____________________________ is for sale. A. which is on the other side of the lake

B. is on the other side of the lake C. it is on the other side of the lake D. that on the other side of the lake
Answ er

5. Vancouver, ______________________________, is a province of British Columbia, Canada. A. was the location of the Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages in March 2000 B. who was the location of the Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages in March 2000 C. it was the location of the Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages in March 2000 D. which was the location of the Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages in March 2000
Answ er

6. The swimmers _______________________ are from Los Angeles. A. which we saw at Laguna Beach B. whom we saw at Laguna Beach C. whom saw at Laguna Beach D. saw at Laguna Beach
Answ er

7. It is important to date someone you feel comfortable with, ______________________________. A. this fact will help you in choosing your future marriage partner B. that will help you in choosing your future marriage partner C. a fact which will help you in choosing your future marriage partner D. a fact will help you in choosing your future marriage partner
Answ er

8. The family ______________________________ will have to pay a substantial fine. A. of which his dog escaped and ate the two cats next door B. their dog escaped and ate the two cats next door C. who's dog escaped and ate the two cats next door D. whose dog escaped and ate the two cats next door
Answ er

9. I found out ________________________, which surprises me. A. what she is actually a very quiet person B. that she is actually a very quiet person C. who is actually a very quiet person D. which she is actually a very quiet person
Answ er

10. I've discovered that Mansour is not an extrovert, ________________. A. that surprises me B. which surprise me C. which surprises me D. the idea surprises me
Answ er


A. B. C. D.

I've been surprised to discover ____________________________. who Mansour is not an extrovert that Mansour not is an extrovert that Mansour is not extrovert that Mansour is not an extrovert

Answ er

12. Moviegoers, _________________________, are fond of the Titantic. A. many of whom love romance and drama B. many of them love romance and drama C. many of which love romance and drama D. many love romance and drama

Answ er

13. Independent films, ______________________________, are now becoming more popular. A. most of which were once unfamiliar to many audiences B. most of them were once unfamiliar to many audiences C. most were once unfamiliar to many audiences D. most of whom were once unfamiliar to many audiences
Answ er

14. __________________________, in which case you might want to attend a more local one. A. You will have to pay a lot of money to go to a major U.S. amusement park B. You will have to pay a lot of money to go to a U.S. amusement park major C. You will have to pay a lot of money to go a major U.S. amusement park D. You will have pay a lot of money to go to a major U.S. amusement park
Answ er

15. California amusement parks, ______________________________, continue to be frequented by Californians and tourists alike. A. examples of some parks are Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain B. some examples are Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain C. which examples are Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain D. examples of which are Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain
Answ er

16. Citizen Kane, ___________________________, is based on the life of William Randolph Hearst. A. is said to be the greatest movie of all time B. who is said to be the greatest movie of all time C. that is said to be the greatest movie of all time D. which is said to be the greatest movie of all time
Answ er

17. The movie Titantic asks some important questions, ______________________? A. which is this: could this terrible tragedy have been prevented B. which is this: this terrible tragedy could have been prevented C. among which is this: could this terrible tragedy have been prevented D. which is among this: could this terrible tragedy have been prevented
Answ er

18. A. B. C. D.

Dennis Oliver,________________________ , has a great sense of humor. is the co-creator of Dave's ESL Cafe that is the co-creator of Dave's ESL Cafe who is the co-creator of Dave's ESL Cafe who the co-creator is of Dave's ESL Cafe

Answ er

19. Michael Buckhoff, ____________________________, doesn't have do his own taxes. A. who's brother is a forensic accountant and professor B. his brother is a forensic accountant and professor C. whose brother is a forensic accountant and professor D. who brother is a forensic accountant and professor
Answ er

20. AIDS,_____________________________ , is prevalent in San Francisco among gay and bisexual men. A. is a non-curable disease affecting the immune system B. that is a non-curable disease affecting the immune system C. it is a non-curable disease affecting the immune system D. which is a non-curable disease affecting the immune system
Answ er

Back to Top Reduced adjective clauses: Quiz 3 1. The perpetrators ________________________have not been apprehended. A. responsible for the vandalism at the high school B. are responsible for the vandalism at the high school C. who responsible for the vandalism at the high school D. been responsible for the vandalism at the high school
Answ er

2. Star Wars,___________________, is considered one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made. A. directing by George Lucas B. directed by George Lucas C. was directed by George Lucas D. which directed by George Lucas
Answ er

3. ____________________, Star Wars is considered one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made. A. Directing by George Lucas B. The film was directed by George Lucas C. Directed by George Lucas D. Is directed by George Lucas
Answ er

4. John Grisham has written many novels, _______________________. A. included The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and The Brethren B. it includes The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and The Brethren C. which was included The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and The Brethren D. including The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and The Brethren
Answ er

5. ______________________, Martha is going to advance her already existing dental skills in an endeavor to increase her earning potential. A. A student studying the U.S. B. A student studies the U.S. C. A student is studying the U.S. D. She studies the U.S.
Answ er

6. A. B. C. D.

Professor Hyun, _____________________, has been a great help to many students at CSUSB. always well prepared for her class lectures who always well prepared for her class lectures always is well prepared for her class lectures always well preparing for her class lectures

Answ er

7. The student __________________ is a friend of Tomo. A. studying in the library B. is studying in the library C. studied in the library D. that studying in the library
Answ er

8._________________________, the eager students were finally able to purchase the tickets to the concert. A. Have stood in line for over three hours B. Having been stood in line for over three hours C. Having stood in line for over three hours

D. They have stood in line for over three hours

Answ er

9. The professors ______________________ will need to finish their work by 5:30 PM. A. conducted research in the Biology Building B. are conducting research in the Biology Building C. who conducting research in the Biology Building D. conducting research in the Biology Building
Answ er

10. ________________, Ronald Reagan is said to have been a very influential politician during the 1980s. A. He is a prudent man B. A prudent man is C. A prudent man who is D. A prudent man
Answ er

11. Jimmy Carter,________________, became president of the U.S. in 1976. A. which is a farmer who grew peanuts in Georgia B. a farmer who grew peanuts in Georgia C. a farmer which grew peanuts in Georgia D. who a farmer grew peanuts in Georgia
Answ er

12. ___________________, the Mississippi River is America's most important fresh water source. A. It flows southward from Minnesota to Louisiana B. Flowed southward from Minnesota to Louisiana C. Flowing southward from Minnesota to Louisiana D. Flows southward from Minnesota to Louisiana
Answ er

13. The levees ___________________________ are designed to prevent it from overflowing its banks during heavy periods of rain. A. constructing along the Mississippi River B. were constructed along the Mississippi River C. which constructed along the Mississippi River D. constructed along the Mississippi River
Answ er

14. __________________________, Indonesia is the world's fifth most populated country. A. It is a country with a population of more than 200 million people B. which a country is with a population of more than 200 million people C. A country with a population of more than 200 million people D. A country with a population of more than 200 million people which is
Answ er

15. China, ____________________, has more than 1.5 billion people. A. is the world's most populated country B. the world's most populated country C. which the world's is most populated country D. the world's most populated country that
Answ er

16. ___________________________, the Siberian Husky has a great deal of endurance. A. Enjoys sled racing in subzero temperatures B. Enjoyed sled racing in subzero temperatures C. Enjoying sled racing in subzero temperatures D. which enjoying sled racing in subzero temperatures
Answ er

17. The Christmas tree__________________ was purchased at Sam's Club in San Bernardino. A. decorating with many ornaments B. decorated with many ornaments C. is decorated with many ornaments D. decorated with many ornaments which
Answ er

18. _____________________, Ronnie Millsaps has forty number one hits. A. He is a country singer from North Carolina B. A country singer from North Carolina who is C. A country singer from North Carolina D. A country singer who from North Carolina
Answ er

19. Elvis Presley,____________________________, Mississippi, had a great impact on the rock and roll music genre. A. was a singer who was reared in Tupelo B. a singer who was reared in Tupelo C. who a singer is who was reared in Tupelo D. a singer who reared in Tupelo
Answ er

20. ______________________, Elvis Presley had a great impact on the rock and roll music genre. A. Rearing in Tupelo, Mississippi B. Reared in Tupelo, Mississippi C. He was reared in Tupelo, Mississippi D. Reared in Tupelo, Mississippi he was
Answ er

Back to Top Reduced adjective clauses: Quiz 4 1. __________________________, Celine Dion has recorded many successful hits. A. Often singing about love B. Often sings about love C. Often she is singing about love D. Often singing about love, she
Answ er

2. The music _________________________has proven to be very popular among fans of all ages. A. recorded by Celine Dion B. recording by Celine Dion C. is recorded by Celine Dion D. which were recorded by Celine Dion
Answ er

3. ______________________________, Mami Higashi's successful learning strategies are helping her to master the English language. A. A student from Japan B. A student is from Japan C. A student from Japan who is D. A student from Japan, she
Answ er

4. The popular TOEFL book___________________________ was written by Jolene Gear. A. was read by many ESL/EFL students B. read by many ESL/EFL students C. reading by many ESL/EFL students D. who was read by many ESL/EFL students
Answ er

5. ___________________________, Jolene's Gear TOEFL book is aimed at helping advanced English learners pass the TOEFL. A. It was read by many ESL/EFL students B. Read by many ESL/EFL students C. Reading by many ESL/EFL students D. Her book was read by many ESL/EFL students
Answ er

6. Hossam Hassan, ________________________________, has been in the U.S. for almost 18 months. A. an Egyptian student he is completing a Master's degree in Computer Science B. an Egyptian student who is completing a Master's degree in Computer Science C. an Egyptian student is completing a Master's degree in Computer Science D. an Egyptian student completed a Master's degree in Computer Science
Answ er

7. ______________________________, the pyramids of Egypt are truly one of the seven wonders of the world. A. Constructing more than 2,000 years ago B. It was constructed more than 2,000 years ago C Constructed than 2,000 years ago. D. Constructed more than 2,000 years ago
Answ er

8. The Colorado River ____________________________ has cut deep into the rock, a geological wonder which attracts tourists from all over the world. A. runs through the Grand Canyon B. it runs through the Grand Canyon C. is running through the Grand Canyon D. running through the Grand Canyon
Answ er

9. ___________________________________, the General Sherman Redwood Tree is the largest living thing on earth. A. A Redwood tree that almost 350 feet tall B. A Redwood tree is almost 350 feet tall C. A Redwood tree that is almost 350 tall feet D. A Redwood tree that is almost 350 feet tall
Answ er

10. The General Sherman Redwood tree, an incredibly huge tree found in Central California, ______________________________________ . A. which has been alive since before the birth of Jesus Christ B. it has been alive since before the birth of Jesus Christ C. that has been alive since before the birth of Jesus Christ D. has been alive since before the birth of Jesus Christ
Answ er

11. _____________________________, the General Sherman Redwood tree is the largest living thing on earth. A. Towered above the rest of the trees in the forest B. It towers above the rest of the trees in the forest C. Towers above the rest of the trees in the forest D. Towering above the rest of the trees in the forest
Answ er

12. ___________________________ ,Jim Carrey's screen characters often have less than average intelligence. A. Loud spoken and always obnoxious, he B. He is Loud spoken and always obnoxious

C. Loud spoken and always obnoxious D. Loud spoken and always is obnoxious
Answ er

13. Tupelo High School, ________________________, has been rebuilt to withstand winds in excess of 350 miles per hour. A. it was damaged by the Tornado B. damaged by the Tornado C. damaging by the Tornado D. damaged by the Tornado it
Answ er

14. _____________________________, Scotia D. Buckhoff has been the strength to keep her family together. A. A woman of courage and determination she is B. She is a woman of courage and determination C. A woman of courage and determination who is D. A woman of courage and determination
Answ er

15. Scotia D. Buckhoff, _____________________________, was voted employee of the month at her job. A. a poet, a mother, a wife, and a businesswoman B. is a poet, a mother, a wife, and a businesswoman C. she is a poet, a mother, a wife, and a businesswoman D. a poet, a mother, a wife, and the businesswoman
Answ er

16. ______________________________, California State University, San Bernardino is a tax supported institution that serves more than 12,000 students. A. Located at the base of the San Bernardino mountains B. Locating at the base of the San Bernardino mountains C. The school is located at the base of the San Bernardino mountains D. Located at the base of the San Bernardino mountains
Answ er

17. The students_____________________________, San Bernardino often work during the day while studying at night. A. study at California State University B. studied at California State University C. they study at California State University D. studying at California State University
Answ er

18. _________________________, Mel Gibson became an acclaimed actor after doing Braveheart. A. He is an actor from Australia B. An actor is from Australia C. An actor from Australia D. An actor from Australia he is
Answ er

19. Tom Buckhoff, _______________________________, completed his doctoral studies at the University of Kentucky. A. is a professor at North Dakota State University B. a professor at North Dakota State University C. a professor at North Dakota State University he has D. a professor at North Dakota State University who has
Answ er

20. ______________________________, Kunie Kaminaka has proven to be one of the best students ever to come from her country of Japan. A. Succeeding in her ESL and university studies B. Succeeds in her ESL and university studies C. Succeeded in her ESL and university studies D. She has succeeded in her ESL and university studies
Answ er


An adverb clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a verb, adjective, or adverb in the main clause. Every adverb clause is introduced by a subordinating conjunction. An adverb clause tells when, where, why, how, to what extent, or how much about the word it modifies. Adverb Clause Modifying Verbs We left the bicycle where we had found it. (where) When the rain began, we were six miles from home. (when) I could hardly hold my head up because I was so sleepy. (why) Adverb Clause Modifying Adjectives Bob is taller than any other boy I know. (to what extent) The public library is bigger than it used to be. (how much) Adverb Clauses Modifying an Adverb Ferguson ran faster than the other track stars did. (how much) Identifying Adverb Clauses. Underline the adverb clause in each sentence. Circle the word it modifies. Example: As we approached the intersection, we saw the Nelsons' car. 1. When I delivered the newspaper, I saw Mrs. Sampson at the window. 2 Because that clerk was so helpful, I praised her to the store manager. 3. You may play outside until it's dark. 4. Vince becomes nervous when he speaks in public. 5. Please visit us whenever you are in the Chicago area. 6. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. 7. You may have piano lessons if you will practice an hour a day. 8. If the jacket is too big for you, I can alter it. 9. Mother took a nap while Amy and I went bicycling. 10. Phone us when you arrive in town. 11. Take a walk until dinner is ready. 12. The movie was just beginning as we bought our tickets. 13. When we arrived in Seattle, we took a taxi to our hotel. 14 Since I'll be late for dinner, I will get a sandwich downtown. 15. Whenever you make a promise, you must keep it. 16. She can swim better than Bob can. 17. Although I'd never been in the Martins' house before, I felt at home there. 18. Since they left Cleveland, the Smiths have lived in three other cities. 19. When you listen to music on the radio, do you hum along with it? 20. You may have the job if you will work hard at it. 1. When I delivered the newspaper, I saw Mrs. Simpson at the window. 2. Because that clerk was so helpful, I praised her to the store manager. 3. You may play outside until it's dark. 4. Vince becomes nervous when he speaks in public. 5. Please visit us whenever you are in the Chicago area. 6. Nero fiddled while Rome burned . M:\9-TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Clause Adverb.doc 7. You may have piano lessons if you will practice an hour a day. 8. If the jacket is too big for you, I can alter it. 9. Mother took a nap while Amy and I went bicycling. 10. Phone us when you arrive in town. 11. Take a walk until dinner is ready. 12. The movie was just beginning as we bought our tickets. 13. When we arrived in Seattle, we took a taxi to our hotel. 14. Since I'll be late for dinner, I will get a sandwich downtown.

15. Whenever you make a promise, you must keep it. 16. She can swim better than Bob can. 17. Although I'd never been in the Martins' house before, I felt at home there. 18. Since they left Cleveland, the Smiths have lived in three other cites. 19. When you listen to music on the radio, do you hum along with it? 20. You may have the job if you will work hard at it.

Instructions: Find the adjective clause in the following sentences and tell which word it modifies. 1. I like a leader who listens to his men. 2. The dog which I loved dearly was hit by a truck last night. 3. Rulon is a person who takes responsibility well. 4. All individuals who purchased tickets will be admitted. 5. The shirt that you bought me doesn't fit well. 6. The woman who baked the winning pie is my wife. 7. You called at a time when I was unable to answer. 8. Gayle is the one for whom you are looking. 9. Those who are willing to serve others will be rewarded. 10. One to whom much is given is expected to give much in return.

Identifying Noun Clauses Worksheet

Part 1: Identify and underline the noun clauses in each sentence. 1. That they would challenge store regulations in order to get a better discount on a sale item is on most shoppers minds. ________________________ 2. The director of the non-profit agency is anticipating that 2009 will reveal lower incomes and higher unemployment than in 2008. ________________________ 3. How much the economy will shrink was included in the results of a study conducted by a leading organization. ________________________ 4. The chain department store is more interested in who they market to for its bestsellers. ________________________ 5. The company that tracks consumer spending via credit card sales said their reports indicate retail sales have dropped up to 8 percent this quarter compared to the 4th quarter last year. * ________________________ 6. How people respond to the economic crisis will determine whether the government will follow their lead or vice verse. ________________________ 7. The analysts reports on what the best selling items were this season will be available in the first quarter. ________________________ 8. This data suggest that consumers intentions to save money will be justified as more shoppers tighten their purse strings. ________________________ 9. One positive aspect of the programs used to help people during the economic downturn is that consumers are beginning to take a closer look at how they spend their money. ________________________ 10. When people will begin to realize the status of their economic futures is beyond me. ________________________ Part 2: Identify whether the noun clauses above function as the subject or object of the main clause or as an object of a preposition.
*This sentence contains 2 noun clauses.

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