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My favorite day of the work

I live with my grandmother in Bentong, whereas my parents live and work in Kuala Lumpur. They usually come home to see us once or twice a month. If they manage to get away, it will be on the weekend, usually arriving very late on Friday night. So, Saturday is my favorite day of the week for that is the day I get to see my parents. It is a joyful feeling just to know that my parents are in the house and sleeping in their room. I know that my father will be very tired, after driving all the way home after a demanding day at work. So, I keep very quiet, allowing them to get all the rest they need. My mother usually wakes up first. "Where is my big girl?" is her usual greeting, followed by warm hugs and kisses. I will make her a cup of black coffee, just the way she likes it, and we will sit on the balcony, sharing our experiences since we last met. This is my favorite part of the day, pouring out my heart to my Mum, my closest confidante. When my father finally wakes up, we go out for breakfast. It is usually dim sum, my father's favorite breakfast food. This is a jolly family time. My father's jokes never fail to make us roar with laughter. Sometimes, my grandmother will tell my parents the news concerning our other relatives, including their illnesses or the bad behavior. My father will comfort her and try to encourage her to be patient and happy. When my grandmother gets into this mood, I cringe inside because I wonder whether she will mention my misdeeds. Fortunately, my parents are both understanding, and try to keep our breakfast a light-hearted occasion. My father has two sisters in Bentong, and we usually go to his elder sister's house after breakfast. His younger sister's family will also drop over, if they are free. While the older folk chat in the living room, we usually go out to the orchard and relax under the trees. My aunt and grandmother will cook up a storm in the kitchen. They are excellent cooks, and, somehow, we always find space in our stomachs for the delicious food. In the afternoon, we often go to the supermarket to buy the household necessities. Then, sometimes, we go for a movie. We usually have dinner at the stalls. Sometimes, our relatives will come along for dinner or the movies, adding to the fun. Later, my father will look at my schoolwork. He will praise me for my achievements, and correct me gently when he feels I have slacked. Sometimes, when I face difficulties in my studies, such as Additional Mathematics, or Physics, my father will explain the concepts to me. I look forward to this time with him, as I want to do well for my own sake, as well as to

make my parents proud of me. When, we have finished, we just chat or watch television. Actually, nothing very exciting happens on the Saturdays when my parents come home. We do very ordinary things - eating, chatting, grocery - shopping, and revising schoolwork. However, it is not the activities I look forward to but the people I am doing them with. This is the time that I feel most secure and loved. I know my parents will have to leave the next day. So, I treasure the time we have together.

Ways of Curbing Inflation

The price of goods and services seems to be increasing year by year. Nevertheless, there is much that we consumers can do to fight this seemingly unending inflation. How do we go about it ? First and foremost, we can start at our very home. Eat more often at home and cut down on eating out. After all, own cooked food is tastier, cleaner, and healthier with less oil and additives. If hawkers have fewer customers, they are sure to think twice when they want to increase the price of food. They may even reduce the price to attract customers. Next, encourage school-going children to bring home-cooked food to school. In doing so, children will avoid eating junk food or unwholesome food sold in school canteens. It is good for their health. Working adults can also bring own food to work although this may not be a popular practice. Now let's tackle your shopping spree. Buy in bulk at a lower price. If possible, share with the others when buying in bulk. It would be a good idea to set up cooperatives to cater to consumers' needs. Members have a lot to gain in terms of cheaper and quality goods and services. Of course, consumers should avoid compulsive spending, especially when the hypermarkets offer cheap sales and contests. Before you go shopping, it would be advisable to prepare a shopping list so that you will not buy unnecessary items. In fact we should spend less in times of inflation. It would be a good idea to grow own vegetables at our backyard. After all, it is a good pastime and you will enjoy the very vegetables that you grow, knowing that they are fresh and free of pesticide or herbicide. Plants like chillies, brinjals, okra Mid others are easy to grow. When coming to fruits, preference should be given to our local fruits. Perhaps you can even grow your own fruit trees, like guava, papaya. and mango. Eating more local fruits

instead of imported ones will help in foreign exchange. Last but not least, we should not waste. This is especially ii) when we organise parties or even wedding dinners. We often loud that there is plenty of food left and all this will go to waste. I lit% c, ills for a better planning and budgeting. If we are serious in fighting inflation, and meticulously carry out some of the ways suggested above, we will certainly help stabilise the price of goods and services.

My immediate neighbors
I live in the new Woodlands housing estate. The neighborhood is clean and safe and the people living there are friendly. My immediate neighbors, the Richards, are a Eurasian family. They are a very friendly and social people. The Richards have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy, Henry, is fifteen years old and his sister, Jasmine is a year younger than he. Mr. Richards is a tall man with dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. He is in his late thirties and runs a computer shop that retails personal computes that carries his personal brand and he also provides technical support for his customers. Mrs. Richards is a few years younger than her husband. She is a very pretty woman with long blonde hair that flows down her back in thick curls. She works with her husband at his shop and is somewhat an expert herself on the computer. Henry is a good-looking lad who is very keen in sports. He is very athletic and likes to play soccer and basketball. He has taken part in many track and field competitions at school and is proud of the many trophies he has won. He also plays soccer with his school team. Henry is also a very good student. He studies hard and gets good grades in examinations. Jasmine is a pretty girl who takes after her brother. She also loves sports, albeit as a spectator rather than a participant. She is also studious and does well in her studies. My neighbors often drop in at our house on Sundays and we enjoy their company and friendship. As you can see, we have very good neighbors who are friendly and trustworthy. I would not want to swap neighbors for anything !

A Rainy Day
I woke up at the usual time for school that Tuesday morning. When I looked our the window, the day looked cheerful and the sky was bright and sunny. I grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom. When I emerged from the bathroom some twenty minutes later, I saw that the day had transformed and dark clouds looked ominously up in the sky. Mother advised me to bring an umbrella, but I declined saying that the school was only a short walking distance away and that I would be in class before it began to rain. I ate the two slices of buttered toast Mother had made fro me and drank a glass of chocolate milk. Then, I gathered my school bag and walked briskly in the direction of my school. Just as I reached the school gates, hard drops of rainfall pelted my head and body. I dashed inside the school building just in time to escape the downpour that had begun. In class, we had to shut all the windows and switch on the lights for the day had grown very dark. There was also a constant strong wind that threw the raindrops onto the closed windows causing a continual patter. I though that the rain would cease by the time school dismissed. I was wrong. The rain was still pouring relentlessly when it was time to go home and it looked as if it would carry on throughout the day and night. I decided to walk in the rain. When I reached home. I was soaked to the bone. Mother made me take off my wet clothes and take a warm shower. Then, we ate a nice hot dish of fish and prawns for lunch. The rain had somewhat subsided to a slight drizzle by the time Father returned home. We had dinner together and then I did some homework given to me at school. I went to bed early that night. The rain had brought down the temperature by a few degrees Celsius and I was grateful for the cool and cozy atmosphere after so many warm and sweaty nights.

The Person I Admire Most

The person I admire most is my father. My father is a man of medium built and height.

He runs a small textile shop on Arab Street which provides the family with a good and steady income. But, my father actually came from a very humble background. My father was born to a poor family in Malacca. My grandparents could not even afford to send my father for higher education. After completing hsi studies in his village, he helped my grandfather in the padi fields. At the age of eighteen, father decided to leave the village and head to the city in search of work. He found work as a peon in a small textile company. He was very hard-working and his superiors were pleased with him. They advised my father to continue his studies by taking part-time classes. He took their advice and enrolled himself in evening classes. He learnt English and other subjects n these classes. After a few years, he got himself a diploma from his studies. Very soon afterwards, he was promoted and sent to manage the Singapore branch. My father was never a spendthrift and he never drank or smoked. He met my mother when he came to Singapore and they were married the following year. My eldest brother was born a year later. My father had only worked for that one company. He constantly improved himself and grew with the company until he was appointed as one of the company's directors. When the old patriarch who founded the company had passed away, his two sons decided to sell the Singapore branch to my father. And so, my father finally became the boss of the very firm for which he had worked for. My father is truly my role model. He has given the family everything it needs. He sets himself as an example for us to follow. He is never angry without a good cause and is always cheerful, kind and helpful and I hope that, by his example, I would grow up to be like him, too.

An Interesting Person
I met Mr. Vijay when we moved into our new house. He was our next door neighbor. Mr. Vijay was an elderly man who lived alone. He had a part-time domestic servant who came daily to cook and wash for him. Mr. Vijay was a very sociable and amiable man. He was in his mid-seventies when I first came to know him. He was of slight built and was slightly hunchbacked. His eyesight was bad and he was almost blind without the aid of his thick glasses. I became fast friends with this old man. For one thing, Mr. Vijay was a bookworm. He

loved reading and spent most of his time poring over books, magazines and newspapers. He was a truly erudite person. He was inquisitive by nature and he would read on just about any topic. This made him a great conversationalist as he could speak on just about any subject under the sun. Mr. Vijay had bought the house next to ours when he retired a few years previously. It was rumored that Mr. Vijay was very wealthy but he was never spending money unnecessarily and his wants were frugal. Indeed, it seemed that Mr. Vijay spent most of his money o books and other printed matters. I enjoyed chatting with Mr. Vijay and we would often discuss on various interesting topics. I was a bookworm as well ( and I still am ) and we had similar inclinations towards the subjects we read. We would spend hours talking about history, science, politics and other subjects of mutual interest. Three years ago, Mr. Vijay died at the age of seventy-nine. He bequeathed all the books which he had in his personal library to me. Believe it or not, Mr. Vijay had more than six thousand books in his library ! My father converted one of our rooms into a library to house all the books Mr. Vijay left me. I feel sad that Mr. Vijay is no longer around. I have yet to find someone with whom I can converse as I had with that learned old man.

Needed Inventions
Since young I have been fascinated by works of science fiction. I have read all the novels and stories of famous science fiction writers such as Arthur C. Clarke and Jules Verne. My favorite television programs have been the likes of "Star Trek", "Space 1999" and "Battlestar Gallactica". Since the beginning of time, man had used his inventive faculties to create machines to make life easier. We now have machines that would have been thought to be children's fantasies at one time. We now have jet planes that can transport people from one corner of the globe to the other in a matter of hours where our forefathers could have to spend months or even years to cover the same distance. with the advent of the computer and Internet, information can be sent and received by millions of people all over the world. In deed, the last fifty years had seen such a rapid progress in science like never before in the entire history of mankind. So, it is not a mere fantasy of mine to see certain inventions coming into being

in the future. I have many in mind but the following three are what I consider to be of utmost importance. First, I would like to see improved household appliances. There are already mixers, grinders and cookers. But I would like to see the integration of these machines into one. I imagine a machine where all the ingredients are placed into different compartments. The front of the machine would have a menu with selection buttons. All the user would need to do is to press the button for the meal she wants and the machine who do the rest. The machine would perhaps be a model based on the one featured in the futuristic cartoon show "The Jetsons". Then, I would like to see the transportation systems portrayed in "Star Trek" become a reality One would only need to stand in a 'transporter' and be sent to the place he wants to be. Roads would become a thing of the past and the precious land could be made full use in building residential and recreational facilities. Finally, home based education. We have already seen the changes in the past twenty years since the introduction of the personal computers and the widespread use of the Internet. A further refinement on this technology and there would not be a need for schools. Pupils can study at home through computer-based teaching systems or they may study through the use of virtual reality. they would just have to put on their virtual reality headsets and they would find themselves in a virtual classroom where they can study the subjects of their choice. These are the inventions that I would like to see in the future. They may seem far-fetched or even impossible today, but then, so did the possibility of flight a mere century ago.

My Plans for the Holidays

The final examinations for the year are over and everyone is waiting impatiently for the start of the six-week school holidays. Now that the pressure of the examinations are over and the periods of intense study are behind me, I plan for the well-deserved break till the end of the year. First, I would like to read all the latest best-sellers that have been released. Busy with my studies, here have been quite a number of new books that I have not read. Novels from Sidney Sheldon and Lawrence Block, two of my favorite authors, have been released recently. Then, there are also some issues of National Geographic and Readers' Digest magazines that I have bought in recent months which I have not had the time to read.

Then, I would have to watch the numerous television programs that I have recorded on video cassettes. I have missed out many episodes of "E.R." and "X-Files", not to mention the critically acclaimed "Desperate Housewives". Television programs are not the only ones that I have missed out. There have also been a few good movies which I have not yet watched. I would have to rent DVDS to watch those as well. Finally, I plan to organize some fun activities with my classmates. I intend to go fishing by the stream and go trekking through the nearby woods with them. And if there is keen interest, we might even go camping for a week. We would, of course, have to bring the necessary camping items like tents, sleeping bags, insect repellents, cooking utensils and sufficient food. I look forward in earnest to the activities I have planned for the holidays. I am sure that the coming holidays will be a time of cheery rest and cheerful recreation.

The word `tuition' refers to remedial teaching in small groups. In the past, students who are weak in their studies engage the services of a tutor, one who was an expert in his field of study. Today, it is a different scenario altogether. Tuition has become a major money spinner for many teachers. Almost every student who can afford it go for tuition and parents are willing to fork out huge sums of money just to ensure that their children are not left behind in the rat race or paper chase. The rationale for sending students for tuition is to provide opportunities for students who are weak in certain subjects to catch up. In schools, teachers have limited time to teach students. For example, there are only five lessons per week for subjects like Mathematics and English. The time allotted is certainly insufficient for weak students to understand a particular subject. Moreover, with increasing paper work and a load of other duties, teaching time may actually be further reduced. Teachers may rush through the syllabus leaving weaker students in the lurch. These students who have difficulty assimilating what is taught may then resort to tuition. Nowadays, due to work commitments, parents stay away from home for the greater part of the day. Parents would then prefer to send their children to tuition classes just to keep them from getting involved in undesirable activities or just to prevent them from idling their time away. Some educated parents may be too busy to help their children with their studies. On the other hand, there are parents who are unable to help their children because they do not have a sufficient level of education. For these groups of parents, tuition is helpful. Tuition classes, nowadays are no longer confined to small groups of students. Many

tuition centers have a large enrolment. It is not uncommon to find tuition classes which have bigger enrolments than classes in schools. In such instances, students cannot get personalized attention from tutors and this defeats the whole purpose of tuition. The authorities should come down hard on such tuition centers which are out to fleece students. Otherwise, such centers will be churning out teachers who give their wholehearted attention and devotion to tuition and slacken in school.

The Interview
Mat leaned back against the sofa he shared with two other persons. He could see other sofas seated with young people of about his age. Without exception, each person held either a large envelope or a paper file in his or her hand. Everyone was nervous and expectant though each tried to look nonchalant and relaxed. The room that Mat and the others were sitting in was air-conditioned. A pretty young girl sat in front of a telephone switchboard and was busy handling calls. The room was tastefully furnished and decorated. Mat thought: so this is the place I might get to work in; not bad, not bad at all. He checked the contents of his envelope - certificates, reference letters, identity card, resume, etc. Yes, everything seemed to be in order. This was the first interview he was going to attend after applying for various jobs advertised in the newspapers. He wondered how he would face up to the interviewers when his turn came. Being a recent school-leaver, he had absolutely no experience in being interviewed. He had consulted some older working friends about the correct way to present oneself at an interview, but they gave him contradicting advice that left him no wiser. The door marked "Conference Room" opened and a young girl, presumably one of the secretaries, stepped out. Everybody turned their eyes on her. She held a piece of paper in her hand and from it she called out a name. Mat held his breath, heart pounding. Maybe this was his turn. An unfamiliar name broke the tense silence and the young man next to him stood up, adjusted his tie and followed the girl into the room. Mat and the rest settled back on their seats. Ten minutes later, the young man emerged. Another name was called. Still it was not Mat's turn.

After an hour of waiting and watching others getting into the room, Mat was feeling edgy. When would his turn come? He fidgeted about, fiddling his tie and rolling up the corners of his envelope. He must have started to day-dream because when he heard his name being called, the young girl was standing right in front of him. "Ahmad Nordin, are you Ahmad Nordin?" She asked Mat, raising her voice. "Er, Yes, Yes!" Mat muttered. "It's your turn now, come." Ahmad jumped up and and followed her into the conference room. Inside the room, three men with ties were seated together behind a large long table. They looked as though they meant business. In front of them was a chair on which Mat was indicated to sit. Mat managed to say "good morning" and "thank you" before he sat down. "Ahmad Nordin?" boomed the man in the middle. "You wish to be a sales representative?" "Yes," Mat replied. "I want to give it a try." "What experience do you have?" "None, sir. But I am a fast learner." "Maybe, maybe" the same man commented. After this opening exchanges, Mat felt himself answering their questions confidently and spontaneously. He did not feel uneasy at all. In fact he was beginning to enjoy the interview. Soon he was talking cheerfully as though he had known these men for years. Then suddenly the man in the middle gestured to him to stop. "Okay, Encik Ahmad, that's all. We shall inform you as to whether we want you or not. You may go now and thank you." Mat stood up, wishing that he could stay longer. There were other things he wanted to say. Nevertheless he had to leave. So he uttered "thank you" and shuffled out of the room. When he stepped into the busy street outside, the sun was shining brightly. He squinted his eyes to get used to the glare. The day was hot but the sky was a beautiful blue. Mat felt happy and relieved. He had just attended an interview which he

reckoned to have done quite well. He had just cleared a fearful hurdle and he came out unscathed. With a smile on his face he half-walked and half-skipped down the road.

A Natural Disaster
Describe what happened when a natural disaster struck unexpectedly. It was December 26th, 2004. People were in a holiday mood for a number of reasons. It was the day after Christmas, a Sunday. In Malaysia, schoolchildren were also enjoying their end-of-year holidays. On Penang island, the hotels were fully-booked and people thronged the beaches. Besides Malaysians, holiday-makers came from all over the world to the resort hotels in Ferringhi Beach and Tanjung Bunga. The Dillon family had come all the way from Europe to escape from the coldness of winter. They had arrived the night before but were up early to swim in the sea and eat a late breakfast in the Crystal Restaurant on Fisherman's Pier. While enjoying their Asian breakfast in a cosy private room facing the water, they saw a strange sight through the glass windows. People were gathering on the beach and pointing at the sea which was receding quickly into the horizon. Some people were excitedly picking up shell and even fish that had been exposed. Then Mr Dillon heard the Japanese man at the table next to theirs shouting `Tsunami! Tsunami!'. The Japanese man and his family jumped from their seats, gesticulating wildly to everyone, and dashed for the exit. Although no one understood Japanese, Mr and Mrs Dillon sensed that their lives were in danger. All of a sudden a gigantic wall of water came crashing through the restaurant windows, knocking over every person and object. Mr Dillon and his wife grabbed their two children's hands. However, Tom Dillon's little hand slipped from his mother's grip and he was tossed by the waves. By some miracle, somebody saw his head bobbing above the water and snatched him up in time. Just as forcefully, the waves pulled back, tugging along whatever it could. Fortunately, the Dillons and everyone else in the restaurant had escaped onto drier ground. They dashed out to the street, shaken and bruised by he onslaught of the tsunami. The children, overcome by shock at first, burst into tears. Everyone literally trembled with fear. The survivors tried to go as far inland as they could. They had to trudge in thick mud all the way. Seeking refuge in a hill-top hotel, some even tried to check in there instead of

returning to their beachfront accommodations. The devastating tsunami of 26th December 2004 killed more than 60 people in Malaysia. Its seismic force was most destructive in Aceh in northern Sumatra, the western part of Thailand, parts of Sri Lanka, and India. There were also casualties in Somalia, the Maldives and Myanmar. Altogether, about a quarter of a million people were killed, thousands went missing, and more than half a million lost their homes. Never has a natural disaster traumatized so many nations.

My first day at school

My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. Other parents accompanied their children as well. We all waited in front of the school office. Soon a teacher came and led us to some classrooms. There we were put into four separate classes. This was when some children began to cry as the parents were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to kindergarten before. Actually my mother went home soon after for she knew I would be all right. It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know my new classmates. The teacher was very busy writing down our particulars so we had plenty of time to ourselves. Meantime some children continued to sob while their parents looked in anxiously through the windows. Soon recess came. Some of us headed for the tuck-shop while the rest headed for their parents. I bought a drink with the money my mother gave me. Getting to know my new friends had made me thirsty. After recess we went back to out classroom and my new friends and I managed to coax two boys to stop crying. In fact, soon we were laughing and playing together. Once in a while the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as we were making too much noise. Still some parents looked in anxiously through the windows. Finally the bell rang for us to go home. Some of us were very relieved to be reunited with our parents. I too was glad to see my mother waiting for me at the school gate. I had made many friends. It had been a wonderful first day at school.

sob tuck-shop coax

to cry noisily A shop where candy and other sweets are sold to persuade someone gently to do something

Road safety
Everyday many people are involved in road accidents. Some are killed. Many more are injured or maimed. So it is important for us to learn to use the roads properly and safely. No sane person would like to be involved in an accident. As the roads are very busy nowadays, we should be very careful when crossing one. It is safer to use a pedestrian crossing or an overhead bridge whenever one is available. Never cross a road by dashing across it. That is inviting trouble. If there are no crossings, then we must look carefully right and left and cross only when it is safe to do so. Some of us take the bus to school. It is important that we do not try to get on or off a bus while it is still moving. I tried to get on a moving bus once. It dragged me a short distance and nearly ran over me. I was lucky to escape with only some scratches on my legs. Also we must not fool around while in the bus. A suddenly lurch can send us knocking our heads against something hard. Using a bicycle can be dangerous too. We must pay attention on the road and never cycle too far out to the middle of the road. We must obey all traffic rules. Also we must make sure our bicycles are in good condition with working brakes, lights etc. These are some things we can do to avoid accidents. However there is no guarantee that we will never be involved in one. The important thing is to stay alert at all times while using the roads. We must know what is happening around us. In that way we can take necessary action to avoid danger whenever we see one. Road safety is very much up to how we use the roads. Use them carefully and we may be able to use them for a long time. Use them carelessly and we may never be able to use them again. maim dash to injure a person so severely that a part of their body will no longer work as it should move quickly


to move in an irregular way, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side

An unforgettable experience
Carrying a passenger on a bicycle is an offence punishable by law. Everyone knows that but still some of us do it. I had done it many times before until something happened to teach me never to do it again. It was not the police. Rather it was an unforgettable, and unpleasant, experience. It happened one evening when my friend Segaran and I wanted to go and visit another friend who lived some distance away. I had a bicycle. Segaran did not. So, as usual, he sat side-saddle on the horizontal bar of the bicycle while I pedalled. We had done it many times before, so it should not be any problem. Near my friend's house, we got onto a gravel path made slippery by the recent rain. Still we managed to wobble along, thoroughly enjoying the rough ride. As we passed by a stream, I made the mistake of going too near the bank. The rain had softened the soil and it could not hold our combined weight. One moment we were going along merrily, the next we were tumbling head over heels into the stream as the bank gave way beneath us. Splash! Splash! Splash! We plunged into the river bicycle first, followed by Segaran, then me. Normally the stream is only a few centimetres deep with clear water. When we fell in, it was a metre deep with foul black water. The water prevented us from getting badly injured but we also had to pay the price of gulping some of it. It tasted horrible. Segaran got the worst of it for being sandwiched between the bicycle and me, but it was not too bad. We had only a few cuts and bruises. Our pride was far more hurt. We retrieved ourselves and the bicycle from the stream. We were both dirty and soaking wet. Obviously we were in no condition to visit anyone. So we decided to go home. We walked all the way home. I had to push the bicycle because its front wheel was bent out of shape. From that moment I vowed never to carry anyone on a bicycle again. Never again do I want to be dirty and wet with cuts and bruises all over my body. Once was enough.

gravel wobble tumble

small rounded stones, often mixed with sand shake or move from side to side in a way that shows a lack of balance to fall quickly without control

My Classmates
We are a noisy lot, that is what our teachers say about us. This is largely due to Ah Keong. He is the noisiest of us all. His voice is like that of a bull frog but volumes louder. It seems that he cannot talk softly. Actually he does not talk, he shouts. Perhaps his living with his family of ten children has something to do with it. In this noisy bunch lives a boy who hardly ever opens his mouth. This is Padma, the boy who sits next to me. He is such a gentle and soft creature that one would think that he is a sissy. This is not so. No one dares call him one for he is a member of the school's Karate Club. Then there is Doris, our class monitor. She sits right in front of the teacher's table. She is such a model student that all the teachers love her. We all love her for she does not boss us around. She has given up doing that long ago. All she does is to make sure that the teachers have sufficient chalk and that the classroom is clean. Right at the back of the class sits our class sleepy-head. Mat seems to need more sleep than others. He catches cat-naps in between lessons. The astounding thing is that he can fall asleep almost instantly. The moment the teacher leaves after a lesson, Mat's snores start up and we know he is at it again. Remarkably he wakes up when the next teacher arrives. Every class has a clown. Our class has Jack, otherwise known as "Jacko The Clown". He is always up to some prank or other, putting tails on the boys' pants, frogs in the girls' desks and powdered chalk on the teacher's chair. So when we hear a girl scream or see men-teachers strolling around with chalk on the seat of their pants, we know that Jacko has struck again. The other classmates too have their own unique personalities. Each contributes his or her part to our class. All in all we are a group of young children who perhaps are a bit noisy at times, but on the whole are well-behaved and pleasant to be with.


a boy who other boys dislike and laugh at because they think he is weak or interested in activities girls usually like, or a person who is weak and cowardly Tell someone what to do, give orders very surprising

boss around astounding

My neighbours
Many of us live in housing estates. I live in one myself. The one thing about living in a housing estate is that we have many neighbours. Next to my house on the right lives a family whose parents seem to be always scolding the children. I do not know them very well because they always appear angry. Never a day passes without hearing the children crying and the parents shouting at the top of their voices. On the other side of my house, however, lives a very quiet and polite family. Mr. Verghese is a quiet man who seems to manage his family very well. Though he has four children, which is one more than the other family, I never hear him scold his children. So his children never cry. What a wonderful family they are. Further down the road is a family whose radio is switched on most of the time, except late at night. His immediate neighbours must have a tough time putting up with the noise of the radio. Then there is a family whose members seem to live in a world of their own. Many times we have met along the road and not once has any of them even nod his or her head in acknowledgement. They are not blind or deaf. Yet they can walk straight past as if I am not there at all. I would not say that they are unfriendly. I guess they are simply not interested in knowing their neighbours. On the opposite side of the road live Mr. Lim and his family. Mr. Lim is a bird-collector. So everyday a dozen or more birds sing melodious tunes right beneath his front porch. It is preferable to the blare of the other neighbour's radio. However the bird droppings can give off an awful stench. These are some of the neighbours living near me. There are others that I have yet to meet.

However I am careful not to intrude on their privacy. The friendly ones smile or raise their hands. The not-so-friendly ones look away. I have to live among them, friendly or not. put up with stench intrude to accept an unpleasant situation or experience a strong unpleasant smell to go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be

My favourite time of the day

My favourite time of the day is between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. This is the time when the sun is setting and the air is cooling down. At this time I either go for a stroll, play some games or sit quietly watching the activities around me. Sitting quietly doing nothing in particular is what I like most. The compound surrounding my house is a fairly large one. So my father has planted many trees in it. Birds of all sorts come to the trees in the evening to sing their sweet songs. I just sit under my favourite rambutan tree and listen to these lovely songs. However I cannot just sit quietly all the time. My parents sometimes ask me to mow the lawn or help them in some gardening tasks. These I do gladly for the air is nice and cool. Working under a hot sun is one thing I do not like. In the evening the sun is soft and gentle. It is pleasant to potter around the garden then. Other times I might go out for a stroll or play games with my friends. Again it is pleasant to stroll around or play games when the sun is not hot in the evening. In fact many people come out of their houses to breathe in the cool evening air and to relax a bit, unless it is raining. This is the time of the day when the playing fields, parks and other recreational areas are filled with people. I guess it is not only my favourite time of the day. It is many people's favourite time as well.

mow potter stroll

to cut plants to move about without hurrying and in a relaxed and pleasant way to walk in a slow relaxed manner

My Hobby
My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that I find interesting. This hobby got started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually. So as soon as I could, I learned to read. I started with simple ABC books. Soon I could read simple fairy tales and other stories. Now I read just about anything that is available. Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I would otherwise not know. I learned about how people lived in bygone days of magic and mystery. I learned about the wonders of the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world. The wonderful thing about reading is that I do not have to learn things the hard way. For example, I do not have to catch a disease to know that it can kill me. I know the danger so I can avoid it. Also I do not have to go deep into the jungle to learn about the tiger. I can read all about it in a book. Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. They have certainly helped me in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope with living. Otherwise I would go about ignorantly learning things the hard way. So I continue to read. Besides being more informed about the world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed a good hobby.

bygone cope with informed

happening in a past time to deal successfully with a difficult situation having a lot of knowledge

A birthday party
Fiona is my neighbor. She turned twelve recently and her parents held a birthday party for her. I was one of those invited. The party began at about three in the afternoon. There were about twenty of us children gathered in Fiona's house. We were all dressed in our best clothes. Everyone, especially Fiona, wore a happy smile. We gave our presents to Fiona and she happily opened them. It must really be exciting to receive all those presents. After that Fiona's mother served us soft drinks and delicious tidbits. We then played some games like "Musical Chairs" and "Treasure Hunt". The winners were given prizes. At about four-thirty Fiona's mother brought out the birthday cake. It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing. Twelve colorful candles sat in the middle of the cake. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Fiona after which she blew out the candles and cut the cake. We clapped out hands eagerly. We helped ourselves to slices of the delicious cake. Then we continued our games. Finally at about six in the evening the party came to an end. We were all tired but happy. The parents of the other children came to collect them. I helped Fiona and her mother clean up the mess we made. After that I walked home which was only two doors away. dressed titbit / tidbit clean up wearing clothing of a particular type small item of pleasant-tasting food to make a person or place clean and tidy

Things I like to do
I like playing the guitar. Though I am not very good at it and am still learning, I can play some tunes. I spend quite a lot of time playing the guitar so much so I get scolded sometimes by my mother. I suppose I do tend to spend a bit too much time with it. Anyhow, playing the guitar is very enjoyable. I also like taking evening walks around my neighborhood. In the evening the air is cool and refreshing. The children are busy playing and the neighbors are friendlier. So I take leisurely strolls, sometimes stopping to play with other children and sometimes stopping to chat with the neighbors. Another thing that I like doing is getting up late in the morning. During weekdays I have to get up early or I will not get to school on time. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, it is so pleasurable to just lie in bed in the morning without having to get up and hurry to school. Again I tend to lie too long in bed and my mother has to come and tell me to get up. Listening to the radio and watching television are also things I like to do. Of course I do not listen and watch everything. I only tune in to my favorite programmes and enjoy myself while seated on my favorite chair. There are other things that I enjoy doing too but there seems to be not enough time to do them all. So I generally just stick to doing those I mentioned plus any others that I have time for. stroll stick to to walk in a slow, relaxed manner to limit yourself to doing one particular thing

My favorite subject in school

My favorite subject in school is Mathematics. It is my favorite because I never have difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests. I suppose I am lucky to be born with a clear-thinking brain. So ever since young, manipulating numbers and figures came easy to me.

The wonderful thing about Mathematics is that, besides some formulae, there is nothing else to remember. Every step in solving a problem is done logically. Other subjects like History and Geography require a lot of memory work. Remembering dates and other facts is hard work compared with the ease and simplicity of mathematical reasoning. While Mathematics is simple to me, some of my friends have great difficulty with it. I do not really understand why. They get stuck with simple problems and often give up. So I help them out when I can. The one advantage I have in being good in Mathematics is that I do not have to spend a lot of time on it. Homework and tests are a breeze. So I have plenty of time left over to study other subjects. Sometimes I feel sorry for my less fortunate classmates who get scolded in class for not completing their Mathematics homework. Anyhow I have come to realize that human beings can be so different in their abilities while they look similar otherwise. Some of us are lucky to be good in some things. Others may not be so lucky. manipulate reasoning breeze to control or influence skillfully the process of thinking about something in order to make a decision something which is easy to achieve

An autobiography of a motocycle
I was made in a factory in Penang. I was one of a number of 100 c.c. motorcycles that was sent down to Kuala Lumpur to be sold. So I found myself waiting patiently in a shop for someone to buy me. A few weeks later, a man came and bought me for his son. The boy was barely seventeen but his father was rich and could afford to buy me. I was chosen mainly because of my beautiful red colour and that I could go quite fast. My young owner was a reckless rider. He rode me carelessly all over town, putting me in grew danger. Many times I thought for sure that it was the end but somehow he managed to escape.

However, he tried one stunt too many. On that fateful day my owner took me out on a reckless ride. His object was to overtake every vehicle in front of him. After a few near misses he finally made a mistake and he slammed head-first into the back of a lorry. I slid uncontrollably under the lorry. That was the end of him. I was salvaged from under the lorry, repaired and sold again to a middle-aged man who delivered newspapers for a living. So for the next five years I was made to run thousands of kilometres carrying loads of newspapers. The hard work took its toll on me, and despite several repairs, my owner decided that it was time to retire me. I was too worn-out to be of any use anymore. So I was sold to a motorcycle shop where the owner stripped me of my parts. Today I am nothing but a bare frame without any wheels. I await the day when I will be sold for scrap. That would be the end of me. reckless take its toll scrap doing something dangerous and not caring about the risks and the possible results If something takes its toll, it causes suffering, deaths or damage old cars and machines or pieces of metal

The importance of physical exercise

Each of us has a physical body made of muscles, blood, bones and various other living tissue. When any of these are injured or not working properly then we get ill. Nobody likes to be ill. So it is important that we keep our body healthy. Exercising the body is one way of keeping it healthy. If we do not exercise then our muscles become weaker and we are less able to do things properly. Also the bones can become weaker and thus break easily. There are many types of exercises that we may participate in. We may play badminton, football, netball or whatever games that we prefer. We may also jog, walk, swim or climb a mountain. Older folks prefer less strenuous exercises like Tai Chi, Yoga or a leisurely stroll in the park. For the really fit young people, there are rock-climbing, gymnastics

and other physically demanding activities. We exercise to keep the body healthy. However there are some who overdo things and end up injuring themselves. It is fine to jog for a few kilometres. It is madness to jog until we are exhausted. Also they are people who become addicted to their exercises. They become unhappy when they are unable to exercise or when they lose to someone in a competition. Exercise is important. No exercise may result in a weak body. Too much exercise may result in injury. Neither extremes are good. It is up to us to be sensible in exercising. strenuous stroll sensible using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy to walk in a slow relaxed manner having an awareness or understanding of a situation

Power failure
One evening just as I was getting ready to watch a cartoon show on television, there was a power failure. The television set just went blank, the lights went off and the fan slowed down and stopped. As it was getting dark, I hoped that the power would be restored soon but it was not to be so. Soon darkness enveloped the neighborhood. We hastily lit candles so that we could find our way around the house. As we had only three candles, my mother sent me to the sundry shop nearby to buy more. "Sorry, no more candles", was what the shopkeeper told me. The neighbors had bought up all the candles. At home my father managed to dig out two kerosene lamps. We lit these too and kept the darkness out. Without the fan running, it was oppressively warm. Furthermore there was nothing to do but wait for the power to come on again. All of us sat quietly in the living- room. We had grown so dependent on electricity. Without it we felt so uncomfortable. I used a book to fan myself. Finally it was time for bed and still there was no power. Nevertheless I groped my way to

my room, changed and lay quietly in the darkness. It felt so strange without the familiar lights around me. Anyhow I fell asleep after a while. The power came back on only at dawn. By then we did not need it anymore. go off restore oppressively stop running to return something to earlier good condition causing anxiety

Places I like to visit

First of all, I would like to visit the moon. By the time ordinary people can visit the moon, I will probably be very old or dead. Anyhow it would be quite an experience to walk on the moon. It is said that there is no air or water there and our weight is many times less. I certainly would like to see how high I can jump and how fast I can run on the moon. These are all wishful thinking, of course. To be realistic I can only visit places on earth. There are the Seven, and other, Wonders of the Earth and I like to visit them all, if possible. After hearing about the marvels of The Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, The Taj Mahal, The Leaning Tower Of Pisa, The Colosseum Of Rome, Stonehenge in England and others, it would be great to actually be there and experience these things first-hand. However, before all these places, I would like to visit Disneyland first. Which kid would not like to? There are so many things to see and do. It would be great fun. Right now I cannot visit any of these places. The first reason is the lack of money. The second is I am too young to go on my own and I do not know anyone rich enough to take me there. So they remain places I like to visit. Who knows, I might get to visit some or all of them in future, or not at all. Only time will tell. wishful thinking the imagining or discussion of a very unlikely future event or situation as if it were possible and might one day happen

Teachers' Day
One day every year, we celebrate Teachers' Day in honour of the teachers who spend so much time teaching us so many things. This year, Teachers' Day began with a school assembly in the hall where the headmaster delivered a speech. After that we adjourned to our classes, not to have lessons, but to enjoy ourselves. My classmates gave a small party for the teachers who taught us. Each of us contributed a small sum of money to buy cakes, drinks and other titbits. On that day we arranged the chairs and desks so that they surrounded an empty space in the middle of the classroom. So began a round of eating, drinking and playing games with the teachers. Most of the teachers were very sporting and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was so different from having lessons. The other classes gave parties too. So the teachers had to move from class to class and participate in the fun. I would think that this was quite tiring on the part of the teachers but they managed it. After all it was their day to enjoy and have fun. One class even gave a short play for their teachers. I did not get to watch it as I was busy tidying up the classroom after the party. All in all it was a great day. The whole school was immersed in an atmosphere of gaiety. So when the school bell rang for dismissal I felt a little sad that it should end, but end it must. The day was over and we went home tired but happy. adjourn to somewhere titbit/tidbit immerse to finish doing something and go somewhere, usually for a drink and some food a small piece of interesting information, or a small item of pleasant-tasting food to become completely involved in something

Road Safety
Why think of road safety at all? It is because of the accidents that occur everyday on the road, in which all sorts of vehicles and human beings and even animal are involved. These accidents mean loss of life and loss of property and more often than not obstruction to traffic. In this age of speed and fast moving vehicles and with the congestion on roads, these accidents have became almost an everyday affair. So unless everybody is educated on the importance of road safety, the loss and the sorry spectacles cannot be avoided. Prevention is better than cure. This holds good even in the matter of road accidents. Accidents are due to many causes and may occur under different circumstances. The simplest but at the same time dangerous perhaps is people slipping down on the road caused by an orange or a banana peel. Without meaning any harm, quite innocently a person may throw away the orange peel or the banana skin on the road or the sidewalk. When a person, walking briskly, steps on, it he or she will slip down ending in fracture of bones and sometimes even more dangerous than that. So people must take care they do not throw the pealings on the road but should deposit them in a dust-bin. In some countries the offenders are severely punished. The second cause of accident is due to careless crossing in busy roads. While crossing one must look to the right and left for moving vehicles and then cross. Where there are Zebra crossings on the road for the pedestrians to cross, one should cross along them. One should keep to the margin of the road while walking and the vehicles must keep to their lanes in busy streets. In the case of accidents involving vehicles there are many causes. One is trying to overtake and very often taking risk. Another is wrong judgment in crossing. Sometimes it may be not caring for the signals. In crowded streets accidents may take place in a snap second because one does not care for the signal. "Stop, look and go" is the best precept; it will save vehicles from accidents. But where one takes a foolish step, the result is the inevitable accident. Jay riding may be another cause. Riding two or three abreast is always dangerous. Especially one must be aware of this. Scooter riders become victims of road accidents. But if they just wear the helmet as required by law they could easily avoid fracture and hence death. Very often the cause of accidents is the failure of the brake system which means the owner of the vehicle does not bother to keep the machine in good condition. By attending to the vehicle regularly a lot of miseries could be avoided. Road safety is a matter of education in which the school can play a significant role. Through scouting, Red Cross and social education classes, children can be taught the importance of observing the rules of the road. Children must be taught their limbs and lives are very valuable and they must not take risk, especially when leaving the school.

As soon as the bell goes children rush out and accidents do happen. Under the circumstances the teachers must feel it their duty to regulate the traffic near the school. The police can cooperate with the school in this respect. To make the people road conscious, the mass media can play a useful role. The newspaper, the wall poster and the cinema and now the TV come in handy. Shots in the cinema or TV emphasizing the importance of road safety can be highlighted. There may be speeches over the radio by the police officials. During peak hours in crowded areas, the police may direct the traffic and ask people to keep to their lanes.

Computer and their uses

Perhaps the single greatest invention of the century is the computer. The computer is essentially a machine that enables humans to complete tasks that may be time consuming or very repetitive in nature. This it achieves by imitating human thought processes. In much the same way that humans think using pathways in their brains that conduct minute electrical currents, computers too use tiny electrical circuits which tell it what to do. The difference being that computers do this at incredible speeds. In this modern age man has grown to be heavily dependent on computers to carry out all kinds of jobs that were done manually before. In banking for example computers allow for millions of transactions to be carried out involving large sums of money which would otherwise require thousands of bank tellers. Computers do the job in a much shorter time and practically free of any errors. Computers are responsible for air traffic control and the running of trains to ensure that travel is made as smooth as possible. In factories nowadays computers operate mechanical devices that produce goods we require for everyday living, in such quantities that would be otherwise impossible to achieve if these factories were run by humans alone. Perhaps the greatest advancements have been made in the field of communications. All of us are by now familiar with the 'Internet'. The internet is a collection of computer systems and individual terminals linked up worldwide through telephone lines and other channels. It offers a cheaper alternative to communicating with people within a country and internationally through computers. It has also been described as an immense pool of knowledge just waiting for applications it has given rise to a new means for countries to carry on trade with each other through 'E-Commerce'. It must however be kept in mind that as useful as computers are. They are not capable of

independent thought and still require human input. In recent times scientists have developed' Artificial Intelligence' in computers that may enable them to function independently of man in the future.

The pleasures of reading

Animals may have moments of pleasure but only man has got a lot to do with it. It is through our sense organs that we enjoy pleasure. The sense of smell, sight, hearing, touch and taste each brings pleasure. Even the baby as soon as it is born feels the pleasure of sucking and the comfort of being cuddled in the wads of cloth in the mother's lap. But for the pleasing smell we will not be able to enjoy our food. We are thrilled by the sight of ice capped mountains or the roaring water falls of the Niagara. So they are the senses that help us to get pleasure. There is no end to the sources of pleasure. But reading for pleasure belongs to a higher order and stands as a category by itself. While external things bring pleasure to the sense organs, reading brings pleasure to the mind. Greater the mind is cultured, greater will be the derived from reading for reading makes a full man. Reading is the end product of writing. Unless there is something written one cannot read. So good writing is a concomitant of reading. Man alone can write, in other words put his ideas in black and white. In fact even before printing came into being man was writing and it is as old as modern civilization. Man can preserve his thoughts and ideas through writing. Thus the whole world of literature is there far one to read. Now reading material is available for all tastes. A scholar may go through serious writing for the sake of enriching his knowledge. Another may read a magazine or a picture book for whiling away the time. One chooses the reading material according to his moods, his literary background, the time at his disposal and the purpose if any. A teenager may like stories of romance and an old man may prefer books on philosophy and religion. Some gifted with imagination and the faculty to reflect may read poetry. One who takes pleasure in reading always tries to build his library. Very often a good library may serve the purpose. The greatest advantage in reading is when one comes across great minds. Whether you agree with what is there to read or do not agree there will not be any quarrel. You may

pronounce your judgement on the writer. There will be no harm if your judgment is silent and not published. Given the proper atmosphere like a good silent place, soft light and comfortable seat, one can read and read and enjoy it. There are great masters of writing in all great languages of the world. English Language abounds in such great authors. Again it may be poetry, novel, fiction, drama, travelogue, and letters. Biographies and autobiographies, form a sizable part. In these days of rush good magazines supply the material for reading. For example, one may cite the Reader's Digest. In order to enjoy reading, one must cultivate that habit. Reading is not the 'be all' and `end all' of life. Yet, it can be ennobling. There is dignity in reading habit.

My favorite outdoor game

Soccer is my favorite game. Ever since I joined the school, I have been playing soccer. The luscious grass field is very much suited to run, to roll over and kick. The game is played between two teams of eleven players each though sometimes lesser number like six or seven may be there in a team. Among the players of a team, some may be forwards, others mid-fielders and defenders, and one goal keeper. Unlike the other players the goal keeper can handle the ball as the situation calls for. As it is a team game, all must cooperate. The forwards must be fast, able to take the ball through the legs of the opponent. The midfielders help not only in defense but also help the forwards in clearing and supplying the ball. Defenders must offer strong defense. The goal keeper must be agile, quick to see, correct in anticipation and should kick the ball high and far. There are well established rules and foul play will be penalized. The referee's job is tough and there have been instances when the poor referee has been man handled by the onlookers. It is the bane of the game that the audience turn partisan. Among the great soccer nations Argentina, Brazil, England, Russia and Germany are a few. The name of Pelee, the great footballer of all times has become a household word

among the soccer fans. Football is a manly game so I like it. Whenever I find time in the evening, I never fail to play for an hour or so. I take the forward position because I feel there is more fun in pursuing and heading the ball. Those who do not know much about the game say it is a rough game. Of course there are cases of broken heads, muscle twisting and sometimes even fractures. But these are caused when one does not play according to the rules. Of course they are inevitable in a game like soccer. Nowadays people protect themselves with guards. But for the risks the game is all right. If it is all soft then there won't be any game at all.

How to make your life successful

What we call life is a very complex affair. It is not simply eating, reproducing and finally dying. Every creature does these. But in the case of man he has to lead a highly complicated life. It is like going through a maze and coming out. He is an economic being and a social animal. He has to earn, make a home, look after his people, attend to his obligations to the society and the Government. So in order to be successful, in all these, he has to develop certain qualities. What do we mean by saying a man is successful? If in his occupation he can do satisfactorily both for himself and others then he is successful. He must be able to look after his people and bring up good children. If he becomes a professional man like an engineer, doctor or lawyer, making money should not be the only criterion; he must also be able to satisfy his clients and be honest at it. In order to be successful one should develop certain qualities. At first he must realize his purpose; in other words what he would like to be. This is the crux of the problem, for the choice does not come to him. Parents decide it very often for them. Let us suppose he decides to be somebody in his life. Once having decided he must work for attaining certain standard in that line. Only hard work would make him fit for the job. It is rightly said that it is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. One must deserve before desiring. One must remember one's education does not stop with the school or college. it is a life long process. Professional people must keep themselves up to date. Then one must get on with others. In the chess board of life one may find himself in any position; it may be the all powerful queen or simply a pawn. It must be remembered that given the chance, even a pawn can destroy a queen. This means in a complex society,

everyone finds oneself in a particular position; there may be some above and some below. One need not be favoring and flattering those above and be arrogant with those below. "What can I do for you' is the correct attitude and having done it go about your duty. In getting on with others sweet temperament is really an asset; then only others will like to transact with one. One must not be easily irritable nor give irritants to others. Then one must be reliable. One may be clever but if he is not reliable, he cannot achieve success in a great measure because others will have very little to do with him. Another important quality that would make up for success is doing things then and there. Procrastination is the thief of time. Postponement of doing things means swelling of work for the next day. A small chink may be easily closed today but tomorrow it may be late. If we analyze the life of successful people we could easily see they have been through and never postponed doing things. Still another quality is not to argue. The other may be really wrong. By pointing out that he has been wrong you are not going to improve matters, on the other hand you can help him correct. Arguing not only takes away precious time but also causes irritations. Especially one's superior may not like situation something like this. 'You may be right, sir', or 'This is all right', but 'what about our alternative' and so on. One must be capable of learning from experience. One must be able to learn from the mistakes of others. Only when nations and individuals fail to learn from the past mistakes, they are ruined. History is replete with examples.

Precious water
Water is one of the things we need most besides air, and thank god water is plenty generally speaking, because three fourths or so of earth's surface is covered with water. This is only a general fact and not all places on earth are having enough water and healthy potable water is a rare commodity. Rivers may bring water and lakes may be having it. From the health point, they may not be fit for drinking. Most of these waters are contaminated and may contain mineral as well as organic impurities, and sometimes epidemic spreading bacteria like those causing cholera and typhoid. Nowadays the chances of contamination of water sources are quite common with industries coming up and sending out their effluents indiscriminately. So to make these waters potable they must be treated before being supplied to a population. Treating water and supplying it to a town or city means cost. The water has to be filtered for suspended impurities and then chlorinated and then pumped to a storage tank from

where the water is distributed through pipes. So one must remember that when one draws water from the tap, one is actually buying or paying for water. This has become inevitable with the growth of cities and towns. Once we bear in mind we will be careful in using water. There are many ways in which water is wasted. The tap may be leaky whereby water may be spilled. That means some periodic attention must be paid to the plumbing and leaky taps. The tap may be open and the water running out and nobody would care to stop it. Unless there is need, the tap must be kept closed. This must be particularly remembered when one leaves home on holiday, otherwise throughout their absence water may be flowing out. Just as we see if the electric mains are off when we are away for some time so too is the water tap. Major part of the water is used for bathing, washing, and cleaning. In all these needs water must be prudently used, Take bathing for instance; when one is scrubbing or applying soap to one's body the shower need not be running. Water economy must be remembered in the use of bath tubs. One need not be a Rhino to be in one's bath for hours on end. This prudence in the use of water may be practised in washing and cleaning. Since these consume a lot of water, the municipal corporation, if it is affluent and water is in plenty, can have a separate system supplying water for washing and cleaning alone. The industrial houses must not be allowed to draw from public water system for their industrial use except perhaps for drinking water. One must bear in mind when one wastes water one is depriving another of his share of water. Good water may get scarcer in days to come. With the advent of rapid industrialization contamination of water sources poses a threat. So the industrial people must feel it their duty not to add to water pollution. In areas of acute water scarcity steps may be taken for recycling water. Remember one of the casualties of the so called modernization is that we have to pay for nature's goods of which water is one.

Keeping fit
A sick man is a nuisance for himself and a nuisance for others about him. A sick person cannot go about his duties efficiently. He will not be able to work hard and he may not be mentally alert also. If he is regularly sick others will suffer in many ways. Indirectly it is

a strain on the government because it will have to run more hospitals for the sick. Economically a nation whose people are often sick cannot be strong because the hours of work will suffer. Look at the Europeans and the Japanese. They are hardy and are capable of longer hours of work, which means more wealth to the nation. That is why even after being beaten in a devastating war Germany and Japan have become rich nations once again within a period of thirty years. Of course climate may be one reason why certain people are not keeping fit. It may be due to hot moist climate, or mosquitoes and other pests. But where man cannot improve upon natural causes he can try to keep himself fit by trying overcome them. For instance by eradicating malaria, one can be healthy in such areas where malaria was once prevalent. Let us now look into the ways of keeping fit. First and foremost is the diet. Unless one takes a proper, balanced and nutritious diet one cannot be healthy. It is said that a large part of the population in the third world suffers from malnutrition which means wrong diet as well as insufficient diet. While this may sound a social problem, it is also an individual problem. One must take care what he eats and how he eats. One must plan to diet in such a way that it is well balanced, meaning it should contain the necessary quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and so on. He must keep his surroundings clean and neat, which is called environmental sanitation. He must be regular in his personal habits like answering calls of nature, bathing and so on. Even one's clothing contributes to keeping fit. Keep fit also means how a man lives, his hours of work, his sleep, rest and relaxation. While everyone has to work to deserve his food, it should not be all work. There must be hours of relaxation. It may be some reading, playing with children, taking a stroll or taking up a healthy hobby. Hobbies play a major role in keeping one fit. The mental attitude also is greatly responsible for keeping fit. One must take to work like a fish to the water. One must be swinging like a wheel in his work. Work can be play and play can be work. So if one were to take to his work cheerfully then no worry about his keeping fit. Laziness, envy and jealously are some of the reasons which make one hate his work, and in the long run he becomes unfit. To keep fit some physical exercise is necessary. This may be according to the age of the person. Some out-door exercises like running, jumping, swimming or climbing are for the hardy youth. Walking and jogging are good for the old. Some fruitful occupation like gardening may give the required physical exercise but also contributes to the mental satisfaction. Above all, to keep fit depends on one's attitude towards life. If one can accept success and defeat equally then one is said to be a fit person. Even choosing company may contribute to keeping fit. Finally it means to avoid bad habits like smoking, drinking, doping and so on. One must

be warned against these as they make holes in one's pocket as well ruin one's health.

The career I would like to choose

I believe that in this day and age when competition is rife among young people to get ahead in life, it is important to get an early start. One should know what one wishes to do with one's life. To this end it is wise to seek advice from one's elders as well as to research the areas of work you might have an interest in, inclination or aptitude for. The idea is to be exposed to as many views as possible. Professional counselling or 'Career Days' may be helpful in this regard. I am fortunate I suppose in that I am reasonably certain what I want to do with my life. I wish to. be a lawyer for I believe it to be a noble and dignified profession. It affords one the opportunity to be of help to others. To a large extent my uncle, who is a lawyer, is responsible for my choice of careers. My uncle has been practising law for the last twenty years and I find him to be knowledgeable in a great many things. My uncle is always fond of saying that a lawyer's trade always involves him having to know about what other people do as well. To put it another way my uncle may be described as a 'Jack of all trades'. Acting on his advice and that of my parents I have decided to work very hard in school so ultimately I will obtain results that are good enough for me to enter the National University. I will have to work hard as places for this course are limited and also much sought after. At the moment however in Singapore there are a rather large number of lawyers and not everyone has a chance to work in the area he or she has trained for. This does not discourage me although it is a source for some concern for my parents. I am planning to take subjects in school that will be suited for my intended course of study in university. Although some may say that it is still much too early for me to narrow my choices or options in this way, I am committed to my goal.

I am proud to be a citizen of my country

In his poem of patriotism Scott says if a man is not proud of his country, he will be buried without honor. When a man returns after a travel to his country he must be bubbling with

enthusiasm and his heart must be pulsating with joy to land on his native soil. We have heard of great martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their country. So it is only proper and fair that one should love one's country. There are many things why one must be proud of one's country. It may be due to the climate, natural regions, its people and the government, its tradition and culture and manufactures. The relation which the country has with other countries is also a point to be considered. Considering the above norms let me say why I am proud of my country. My country has an equable climate. We are having bright sunshine throughout the year and plenty of rain. There are virgin evergreen forests. There are some good rivers, and hills and valleys make the country beautiful. The sea coast is not straight but has bays so there are some good harbors. Our people are quiet, hard-working and peace loving. They know their land gives them plenty in the form of grains and fruits and so one need not be hungry. The forests have natural wealth and the plantations are rich producing money spinning rubber. Our mines produce valuable tin making the country rich. We are a developing nation and a lot of good things will have to be done. We have a good government which is democratic in set up. We have had a succession of enlightened rulers who have taken measures for improvement. The upheavals we see in some countries are practically absent in our country and the people are law abiding. Our country has had a long history of several centuries. Several cultures have flowed in here and so there we see a mixed culture. This is reflected in the way people dress and eat; the buildings show the effect of these overriding cultures. Our country has very friendly relation with the neighboring countries and we are held in high esteem. Considering all these I am proud of my country. equable overriding high esteem having no change or variation central, most important pride in oneself, self-respect

English : Why it is important to study the language

One may ask why is it important that we learn how to speak English in our schools? After all we live in a region of non-English speaking countries. Would it not be better perhaps

to learn the languages more commonly spoken in our part of the world? In fact the most populous country in the world is China which accounts for more than fifty per cent of the world's population. the Chinese people don't speak English but rather Mandarin or their individual dialects. The answer would be that traditionally the cultures of the world have come to be. broadly classified into two groups the Western and the Eastern cultures. English has come to represent the means of communication in the West. With more and more gateways being opened to Asia it is imperative that one language be adopted to suit our needs. As the people of Asia speak a diverse variety of languages it would appear that English would be the logical choice. In Singapore, English is the National Language in a country with a mixture of races. Singapore is also a focal point for trade with the West in this part of the world. English is taught as a language in our schools to reflect it's importance in our society. If this were not so, there is a good likelihood that in time the strong influence of individual cultures here would result in people only being well versed in their mother tongues. However Singapore being a former British Colony and the present education policy have seen to it that most Singaporeans are bi-lingual, that is able to speak English as well as their mother tongues. Another factor which has promoted the use of English as a medium of communication here in Singapore is the rather significant expatriate community here. The process of globalization is not restricted to trade alone but also covers all aspects of our life. The important thing to remember however is that we should not sacrifice or compromise on our unique cultural identity in order to keep up with the pace of globalization. diverse compromise varied or different To arrive at a settlement by making concessions

Animals which help man

Man is not only denizen of this wonderful world of ours. He says he has inherited this earth; so too are other animals of the earth. It is sheer arrogance not to admit our dependence on other animals. They contribute not a little to our welfare. Even the socalled wild animals have some part to play in our lives on earth. Now let us see how

some animals help man. The first and foremost is the cow. Who can deny that one does not enjoy a cup of milk? Next to the mother's milk, the cow's milk is the best for all, especially for children and the sick. From milk, butter, cheese, ghee etc. are made. Skimmed milk is also nutritive. Further, milk goes into the manufacture of sweets. The male of the cow, that is the ox has been used as draught animal from time immemorial. So the farmer uses it for ploughing his field, and for pulling his cart.. Milk is so valuable and in great demand that dairy farming has come to be one of the major industries. The animals are slaughtered for their meat. Some countries like Australia, Argentine and the United States have vast cattle ranches which supply world's meat. Next to the cow is the horse. Man's civilization has a lot to do with the horse. Till recent times, the horse was used for riding, ploughing and pulling carts. In olden days, armies were proud of their cavalries, that is horse troops. Even today horse races are very popular and perhaps a costly pastime. The race horses are worth thousands of dollars. The horse is a very noble animal and very sensitive too. The Arabian horses are famous even today. Then we may mention the sheep. In the matter of number and use, the sheep stands foremost. The sheep supplies man with wool for his clothing and meat for his table. In cold countries the sheep thrives very well and the wool is found very useful in the manufacture of warm clothing. The lamb is a symbol of innocence. The list will not be complete without the mention of the dog. The dog was as wild as the wolf. How it came to be domesticated, is a matter of speculation. But one thing is certain, from the dawn of civilization, the man and the dog were friends. They have found each other's company useful. No other animal is so faithful and sincere as the dog. There are very many kinds of dogs. Some are good at hunting; some are vigilant and housekeepers. Some are beautiful and so kept as pets. The dog's sense of smell is so highly developed that it is used by the police in tracing criminals. denizen from time immemorial domesticate an animal, plant or person that lives in or is often in a particular place for a very long time to bring animals or plants under human control in order to provide food, power or companionship

My school library
Our school library is one of the assets to our school. It is the treasure house of knowledge, past and present. It is so because the world's mighty brains are represented there through their works. Just a glance would show that the names of great writers of the world are found side by side in the shelves of our library. Our library is a quiet spot in our school. It is housed in one of the wings of our school building. Gilded volumes decorate the glass chests. There are different shelves for different languages. Thus one finds books on English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil and so on. For each language, books are classified under different heads. Thus there are books on drama, prose, poetry, etc. There is also a number of reference books. The walls of the library are decorated with portraits of great writers. The library is very well equipped for comfortable reading. Cushion seats are provided for students to use during the day. One can take any book from the shelves, sit there and read undisturbed by anybody. So one can find a number of boys and girls there in the evenings reading books. Another attraction of our library is the reference room. A number of dailies, and magazines are regularly received. The illustrated magazines are the attractions for us, students. The library service is very efficient. There is an able librarian, who is also well read. One can have a free access to the shelves and pick up any book one likes. There are two index cabinets, one according to subjects and the other according to the authors. So one never finds it difficult to choose the right book. The library is very well utilized both by the students and the members of the staff. The students are well trained in silent reading. The library is a very useful place for self study. When assignments are given by teachers, students make full use of the library to their advantage. Thus our library is a place for intellectual work in our school. gilded covered with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold

My best teacher

During my school life, I have come across several teachers. None has impressed me so much as our English Teacher. Courtesy requires that I don't give his real name here. For convenience, I shall call him Mr. Leo. Mr. Leo has been teaching me English for the last two years. He is a very lovable person, soft spoken and good mannered. He is not a giant in his stature but it is very well made up by his intellectual attainments. He used to come, neatly dressed. There may not be anything gorgeous about it but he always dresses in an elegant way. He used to move about quietly, though he always bears an assured look of a scholar. Naturally therefore, everyone respects him. It is a pleasure to listen to him when he teaches English whether it be prose or poetry and he would leave his mark on it. There, is nothing bombastic in his use of words, because he always uses very simple ones, so that even an average student could follow him. He has always been very methodical in his approach. He would never proceed further unless he has made everyone understand the passage. When he finds somebody has difficulty he would spare no pains to make the student understand. His teaching of poetry has been marvelous. He would simply get into the spirit of the poet. Gifted with some histrionic talent, he would carry the whole class with him in the enjoyment of the poem. Whether it be "Oh! Captain, My Captain!" "The Solitary Reaper" or "Patriotism", he would impress the class, with his dramatic teaching. For all these things, he has been a very good coach so far as the examination is concerned. But he used to say, that examination is not everything. During his leisure hours, he can be found in the school library browsing among literary magazines. One can approach him easily and have doubts cleared. By his knowledge, character, and day to day life he leaves a profound influence on the intellectual and moral character of his pupils. He leaves the permanent stamp of his personality on their moral character. One great quality in him is that he never bears malice towards anybody. He is a model for all teachers. May his tribe increase! bombastic histrionic malice using long and difficult words, usually to make people think you know more than you do very emotional and energetic the wish to harm or upset other people

My favorite subject in school

In school a student has to study many subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Geography among others, in order to prepare himself for an examination. Not everyone likes the subjects he or she studies in school. Students have their favorite subjects and they tend to pay special attention to them in class. They are willing to go that extra mile, so to speak, where these subjects are concerned. More often than not they also perform better in these subjects during the exams. For me my favorite subject is Biology, a branch of Science. This is because it teaches me about the human body, animal life and about plants. I like to learn and understand these subjects more than others. I learn with great interest the different parts of my body and their functions. It is important to know how human beings respire and how food digests in our bodies. We also learn about the bones, muscles and ligaments which make up our very form and aid us in our movement. How we come to experience pain and other sensations through a network of fine channels called nerves which conduct very small electrical currents. We then begin to realize the true complexity of the human body. The study of animals also fascinates me. I came to know about the various breeds of mammals, birds and reptiles. Both big and small mammals that live side by side in the forest and grasslands. I am curious to know how they survive in the wild. Wild animals like lions and tigers prey on weaker animals like deer and zebra yet they co-exist in such lands. There are relationships between animals that are even beneficial to both parties and are called symbiotic. My desire to know more has compelled me to watch documentary films on animal life. Science also teaches us about the plant, life. It allows me to differentiate between species of plants. It explains how they produce their own food and react to external stimuli. Our class experiments have shown us the extraordinary ways plants adapt themselves to survive under different conditions. The practical nature of the experiments allows us to see first hand the science of Biology in action. I consider Biology as one of the most useful subjects for a student as it teaches him or her about the basic facts of nature. However this is not to say that one should neglect other subjects. so to speak symbiotic as if it were really so Describes a close relationship between two species in which at least one benefits

Television and its influence on viewers

Television is a very powerful visual medium. Practically every household has one. Unlike radio the messages and ideas that are conveyed to the viewer are further reinforced by visual images that accompany these messages and ideas. It is a fast and inexpensive medium by which to communicate with the masses. Satellite dishes and all kinds of other receiving devices enables us to not only to receive news and programs from within the country but also transmissions from abroad. In some countries viewers may have access to a hundred or more channels through their televisions. It is however important to note that communication in this setting is one way and not interactive. Considering that hardly a day passes without watching TV, it indeed has the potential of having a strong effect on us. For the discerning viewer being able to differentiate between which programs have useful content and which do not, this may not be a problem. However when we are dealing with impressionable young minds it may be difficult for them to separate reality from make believe. Responsible censorship by the authorities and careful monitoring by parents is necessary to ensure that young people are not adversely affected by watching this medium. The phrase 'couch potato' has been coined to describe viewers who are constantly in front of their television sets. Their senses are continuously only subjected to the images they see sometimes for the better part of the day. Violence is a common feature in most entertainment programs to the extent that films have to be rated accordingly as most scenes are too horrific for younger viewers. Television is not all bad as there are positive aspects to it. Educational programs nowadays incorporate all kinds of ways to entertain as well as to educate. Programs such as 'Sesame Street' have a large following among children. Documentary films are informative and instructional. The expression that 'too much of anything is bad' applies here. The idea is for viewers to have a healthy balance of the different kinds of programs available. discerning impressionable showing good judgment, especially about style and quality someone, usually a young person, who is very easily influenced by the people around them and by what they are told, and who sometimes copies other people's behavior

My pet
Rosy, is a dog which I have been keeping for the past four years. It was sheer accident that Rosy came into my hands. Our neighbor Mr. Jones was a dog fancier. He had a good kennel in his house where he reared different breeds of dogs. Suddenly, he got transferred from the town and he wanted to dispose of some of the dogs. He was talking about it to my father. Then I told my father that we could have one of the puppies; though reluctantly, my father agreed. Thus, Rosy came into my possession. Why it was named Rosy, I can't say. It is an Alsatian. She is of medium height. She is grey colored with dark spots near her belly. The dog has a bushy tail and glistening eyes which has grown wonderfully well and can easily be the envy of many. Rosy, can be seen about our house when she is not engaged in playing or when she is not sleeping. She takes pleasure in sneaking about the corners when she has nothing particularly to do. She is as docile as a dog in our presence. When we are not there she will be in her mettle. None can easily come near our gate. Though she doesn't bite, she will bounce on the person and paralyze him. Since the postman regularly comes, she recognizes in him a friend and so does not do him any harm She will try to catch the sparrow and it will be a splendid sight to see. I give her a Spartan food. She takes some biscuits and milk in the morning and meat mixed with rice in the afternoon. Usually she is not given any food in the night. When we are at our table, Rosy keeps company with me but she shows no eagerness to touch even a crumb unless offered. So my father likes it. Rosy cries in a peculiar way. It is between barking and howling. Sometimes, she raises a cry like moaning. That means she wants to go out to relieve herself. Whenever I go out in the evening, she accompanies me. My friends are afraid of her because she doesn't like silly mischief of boys. She shows her displeasure by a big bark and that is enough to unnerve the boys. My father says, Rosy would soon become a mother. Then I will have a litter of nice puppies. glistening docile mettle to shine by reflecting light from a wet, oily or smooth surface quiet and easy to influence Inherent quality of character and temperament

Wild animals
Some people believe that wild animals should not be killed or disturbed. Others say, when development takes place rapidly, wild animals cannot be protected. But the truth of the matter is, there is some urgency in protecting wild life. Let us see what it is. What we call wild life, is it so wild? Man in his selfishness, or may be out of fear, looks upon some of these animals, as wild. As a rule, no animal attacks a person, deliberately. If one intrudes into the haunts of the wild animals, they attack and kill him. Simply because some of the animals live on other animals they should not be considered wild. If that were to be the standard, man who slaughters tens and thousands of animals for his food, must be wild indeed. Everything in nature has its part to play. Taken a broad view of things, nothing is superfluous and nothing is wasteful in nature. There should be a balance by their own right. If the tiger does not prey on the deer, the number of deer in the forest will grow out of proportion and will prove a menace to the plant life. The hare may be innocent but in large numbers it is also bad. The balance is set by the wolves and the wild dogs. Thus there seems to be a natural controlling mechanism in which the wild animals play a significant role. The danger from them apart, most of the wild animals are very beautiful. What a beautiful thing is the tiger! How majestic is the lion! Even the sluggish hippo has got some power. Wild animals should include rare birds. There is a complaint that they are being destroyed indiscriminately. Even the snakes have a part to play. Where they have destroyed snakes, the rats are proving a menace. As the snakes live on the rats, the rat population is controlled. Man in all his selfishness tampers with nature's ways and ultimately he will be the loser. The wild animals have got a definite place in the economy of nature. They must not be destroyed but preserved. superfluous out of proportion live on sth more than is needed or wanted Not in proper relation to other things to only eat a particular type of food

My best friend

I have a number of close friends both at school and outside of it. Although I am close to all of them I like and respect a particular one above the others. He is Peter my best friend. Peter and I go to the same school and live quite near each other. It is therefore no surprise that we may often be found in each others company. Peter's house is like a second home to me and vice versa. Peter's parents are also close family friends of ours. As both Peter's parents work, Peter is often entrusted to my mother to watch over when they are away at work. My mother doesn't mind as she considers Peter one of her own. Peter is my best friend for a number of reasons. I can always come to him for advice on any difficulties I may be experiencing and I value his advice as it is sensible and very practical. Everyone who knows Peter says that he is very mature for his age. It astounds me how much Peter knows on a variety of subjects. He is well read and never ceases to try and instill the reading habit in me. Needless to say it is Peter who helps me with my school homework when I encounter problems. I remember the time that I foolishly joined a few friends from school and experimented with cigarettes, Peter as a school prefect found us out and was duty bound to report the matter to the disciplinary teacher. All of my friends who were involved in the incident thought that Peter was simply being a tattle-tale but. I knew that Peter took his responsibilities seriously and only had my well being in mind. I often wind up in difficulties through my own doing and Peter is always around to bail me out without expecting any gratitude or explanation, his friendship is unconditional. Our teachers and friends at school have taken to calling us the 'Two Musketeers' as we do everything together. It seems that some of my interests have rubbed off on Peter as we are both in the school debate team. I quite enjoy public speaking but Peter dreads addressing crowds as by nature he is a very reserved person. I suspect he finally gave in to my constant cajoling and agreed to join the team. What Peter really enjoys is sports. He excels at football and track and field events. He has won numerous trophies for the school at inter-school sports meets. Peter is admirable as a friend and a person and is well spoken of by everyone who knows him. I am glad that I have his friendship and feel that I have grown wiser as a result of it.

Life threatening disease : Aids

Aids or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a sexually transmitted disease that is lethal. People with Aids acquire it through contact with the body fluids of an infected

person. This may occur in several different ways, through sexual intercourse, blood transfusions and the sharing of syringes as is the practice among drug addicts. Some people are merely carriers and do not suffer from any of the symptoms associated with Aids. In others the Aids virus lies dormant in their bodies for a period of several months before there are any outward signs of it's presence. In both cases the disease is capable of spreading rapidly due to non-awareness. Aids is particularly lethal because the virus breaks down the natural immune defenses that the body has against other diseases which may be common or otherwise. An Aids sufferer with a case of the common flu may have it develop into something more serious and life threatening due to the absence of these defenses or anti-bodies. Such a person must be extra vigilant against any form of bacterial or viral infection. Our environment is saturated with these microscopic organisms and it would be practically impossible to avoid contact with them. Perhaps what is more painful to these people is the way they are treated by ill-informed members of the public even their family and friends. Contrary to popular belief the disease does not spread by casual physical contact as the Aids virus cannot survive for long outside of a human host. The fear of contracting or even being close to the infected person causes people to generally shun these unfortunate sufferers. The government aware of the very real threat the disease poses especially among young people, has embarked on various programs to educate the people. The best cure is prevention, casual sex with unfamiliar partners is to be discouraged. Regular tests to be taken for sexually active people to detect the disease at an early stage. To this end all government clinics are equipped with this facility. People have to cooperate if we are to eradicate the scourge of this incurable disease.

How I spend my holiday

Holidays are always welcome. Who can deny that? After a term of school-work, one eagerly looks forward to the holidays and yearns for them. But when the holidays come, many find it boring. After the first flush is over, many find it hard to spend time. It is all

because they don't plan for a holiday. It may be quite useful to plan for a holiday. But how one is going to spend them depends on one's facilities. As for me I cannot afford to spend money on long trips visiting places and seeing things. Still I plan always for the holidays. The following is one such plan. I will attend to some arrears of school work like copying of notes, getting the records up to-date and so on. Exercises which were not done in the class will be completed. I will go to the library regularly, both in the morning and evening and do some useful supplementary reading. After all one cannot always be reading. For a change I attend to some garden work. I am keen on gardening. It may be preparing the soil for a new plant or weeding out grass; it may be pruning the fence. The plants require regular watering, that I shall do myself. Now I have made up my mind to learn chess. I have already bought chessmen and a board for that. I will try to answer the problems on chess given in the newspapers. It is not always work for me. When I feel I must have a change, I mingle with my friends and enjoy some time in fun and frolic. This time I want to learn some trade. I have made up my mind to learn watch repairing. So, I shall go and sit in the watch maker's shop. My father has promised to introduce me to one. I think it will take a good part of my time and it will fit me up to be a watch maker and repairer. Not that I want to take it as a profession but it is worth knowing such a trade. I have drawn up a very big plan but it remains to be seen how far I can fulfil it.

The importance of sports in school

There cannot be two opinions whether sports should be compulsory in schools. Of course there are some who still feel that sports in schools is a waste. They feel also that the sports has a corrupting influence. They may be correct because they might have seen in the morning papers ugly scenes taking place on the field. True, there are riots sometimes over the decision of a referee in a soccer tournament. Or again, it may be that a favorite team has lost. But these must not be taken as the criteria to decide whether sports should be compulsory in schools or not. The aim of sports in school is not to create champions but to train the body and the mind of the youngsters. The sports events must be looked upon as a compliment to the class work. If the class teaching can develop the intellectual skills; the sports is sure to develop the physical skills. Many things which children cannot learn in the classrooms can be

learnt on the field. The spirit of play is there in children and they like to take part is sports and games. A child who would not play has something wrong about him. Taking part in sports improves the nerves and muscles. It improves the physical skill, and general health. Moral qualities are developed by playing games. The child learns to play its part and thus to play the game. It is always the team spirit and not obeying orders. This will be really useful later in life. Leadership qualities are developed. Healthy rivalry is always an advantage to participants. It is argued that, for the sake of its advantages, sports should be made compulsory in schools. True but man as he is has some inertia and unless there is some sort of compulsion, he doesn't take to even to good things. In order to let children benefit by the sports, they must be compelled to participate in team. By taking part in games, children keep themselves away from undesirable things. So, sports must be made compulsory in Schools.

The importance of good diet

In addition to regular exercise, a healthy well balanced diet is essential for good health. Life or rather the quality of life you have is dependent on having good health. A well balanced diet would contain the three main groups of food as well as important vitamins and minerals. The first group of carbohydrates are found in foods such as bread, potatoes and rice. They are essentially energy giving foods which power the muscles and other tissues in our body. The next class of food is the proteins which form the solid part in all living cells. They are commonly found in milk, met and fish, and are necessary for the body to build new cells and repair old damaged ones. For this very reason growing children require a greater intake of the different kinds of proteins as compared to adults. Lastly we have fats which are also energy-living foods but do not give it up as quickly as carbohydrates because their molecular structure is designed to render them ideal as storage foods. As children are much more active than adults they use up more energy for their size and therefore require more energy giving foods such as carbohydrates. To this end fats are unsuitable. Moreover too much of a fatty food intake at an early age may lead to a problem with obesity in later life. In adults fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessels in the form of cholesterol may lead to all kinds of heart ailments. In addition to the foods above the body also needs small quantities of protective

substances called vitamins and minerals. They are normally present in a sensible diet. For example vitamins A and D are found in some fatty foods. Vitamin D is important along with the mineral calcium, found in milk, for the formation of bones. Vitamin B is found in the husks of wheat or rice ad vitamin C in fresh fruits such as oranges and lemons. Important minerals such as potassium, zinc and iron are present in traces n most foods too. Therefore it is obvious that a well balanced diet would include all the necessary ingredients necessary for growth and good health.

Education should be compulsory up to the age of 16. Comment

The aims of education are many. To be able to live successfully every youngster must have education. To educate means, to make one intellectually clever, physically strong and alert and happened in human history from the dawn of civilizations. Education not only helps them to evolve themselves in such a way that they can fit themselves into useful life. Education is, in short, provides for the future of the child. So education is being looked upon as essential. Since education is very important for every individual, governments are trying to make it compulsory. Modern governments, generally speaking, work on democratic lines. In order to run the government efficiently, the citizens must be educated enough. Not only should the representatives of the people be educated but the electors also should be educated. Only then they can make the wise choice. The life's needs are many and to get at them requires education. Thus education brings to the student the knowledge of men and things. They must be able to interpret the written and the spoken words. World's knowledge is found between the covers of great books. In order to get to those treasure houses, children must be educated. The law of the land must be known by the citizens. How the government is being run must be known by any average citizen. For all these education is necessary. People do not send their children to school, merely for the sake of knowledge. Unless

children are educated in their formative periods, they cannot learn later on in life. So, where the parents fail, the governments must interfere. So every civilized government has made education compulsory. In spite of it, if people are not sending children to augment the family's income. So while children may be expected to help their parents, they are compulsorily put to school. Illiteracy is a bane on any society and it must be done away with; the sooner the better.

Tradition : useful or harmful

Every generation is the torch bearer of culture and tradition and it must pass onto the next generation. This is a sacred duty, and for the continuity of culture, this becomes essential. Cultures depend on various traditions. Some of them are well founded on reason while others are meaningless. Some of the latter block the progress of a community or even a nation. Let us see in what ways some of traditions prove an obstacle to progress. Look at the purdah system. How it started, history alone can say. But today it is meaningless. Is it out of jealousy or suspicion that mean keeps his women under purdah ? They are denied the benefit of sunlight and fresh air. So among purdah women there are some who suffer from skin diseases and even pulmonary diseases. It is high time people revise their notions about purdah. Untouchability is prevailing in some form or other in many countries. It is a pity that some of our own brethren should be considered untouchables. There was a time when their proximity was supposed to pollute water and vitiate the air. If it was because of certain habits of theirs that they were considered untouchable; it is a great pity indeed. Some jobs are nasty but, for that matter, people engaged in such jobs should not be considered untouchables. Look at the color bar being practiced in certain countries. It is sheer accident that some are born fair skinned and others dark. Again it is sheer accident of history that some people became slaves and others masters. To base one's judgment on such a tradition and to deny the colored one his legitimate rights is something unfair. There are many more things like this which stand as an obstacle to progress.

Mother tongue : How important it is in your life

In today's fast-paced society, our traditional cultural values and identity are at risk. We have to make a conscious effort to ensure that we do not lose touch with our cultural heritage. One of the important features of a cultural identity is the ability to speak one's mother tongue. One's mother tongue would be the language spoken by members of the same race. As examples among the Chinese there are several dialect groups such as Cantonese, Teochew and Hokkien. Cantonese and Hokkien being by far the common dialects spoken. However the Chinese people also have the common language of Mandarin. The Indians too have their separate dialect groups such as Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi among others. The Malay language is the same for all Malays except that pronunciation may vary depending on where they are from. There may be some who may argue that it would be better if everyone spoke the same language so as to promote communication and closer ties between the different peoples of the world. However I feel that although this i a desired ideal, it may be achieved in other ways that do not involve abandoning the art of a language that may have taken centuries to evolve into it's present day form that represents the identity of a people or a community. A mother tongue spoken helps to bind a people together and promote the positive values of a culture. If we are well grounded and know where we come from and what kinds of behavior are deemed and acceptable in our community we would be equipped to resist external negative influences that may otherwise sway us. Also having a cultural identity of our own would help us to understand better how other people value their own language and traditions. We would not be so quick to fear what is unfamiliar to us but instead try to understand it. In this changing world which is drawing closer together through technology in communication, English is generally the language adopted for ease of communication in sectors such as trade and education. However this does not mean that we should neglect our own mother tongue.

The uses and abuses of television

Gone are the days of 'old fashioned' entertainment. Television is an important invention of this century. Its great effect upon society is remarkable. It is to be found in any large city in the world. Television contributes a lot for the benefit of mankind. It is one of the great educators. Ordinary people, would have known little about foreign countries, engineering feats, science and medicine without television. In some countries apart from the program for the general public, 'school' television program has been introduced. Television provides good entertainment. We can see musical shows, movies and news events about the world on a small screen. It provides great excitement and creates an interest in various arts. A piano recital, an orchestra, a grand ball and a clandestine love affair are some items to provide occasional merriment. To the old people and the sick, television is a companion. The no longer feel loneliness; television entertains them and makes them happy. Space men today are making enormous strides in the space race. Television has its use in this field also. Photographs of space flights can now be relayed to the earth by satellite and to the television screen. Unfortunately, there is harmful effect if people spend too much time in 'viewing'. Children are likely to neglect their studies. If television has too strong a hold, even elderly people are likely to neglect some of their important work. When too much time is given on programs of vice and crime there is a disastrous effect in the young. But if this medium is used properly it can become an advantage and no a disadvantage to mankind. Then only it will gain the wide appreciation it deserves.

Space travel
Ever since the Russians put the first manned spacecraft in orbit round the Earth and the Americans made their historical landing on the surface of the Moon, the technologically advanced countries of the world have been engaged in attempts to penetrate the vast expanse of outer space.

Scientists and engineers working together are constantly designing new and better space vehicles. The target destinations for these vehicles are the neighboring planets in our own Solar System such as Mars and Mercury. So far the main obstacles to space travel remain the great distances between these planets and Earth. The millions of miles of cold and empty space would take a very long time to traverse and this would raise the question of how to support life on board these space crafts as space is a vacuum devoid of life giving oxygen. To date scientists have only been able to send unmanned crafts to these planets. The sole purpose of these missions is the gathering of information through aerial photographs and the testing of surface materials which are transmitted back to earth via radio waves. Another obstacle to space travel is the prohibitive cost of such undertakings. The advent of the space shuttle has lowered the cost factor by allowing the same vehicle to be used over and over again. The Shuttle is able to carry passengers and cargo and after completing its mission in space it lands back on earth much like a conventional aircraft. It is often launched into space on the back of a rocket or a large jet plane. Many experts believe that Mother Earth has been so ravaged by man, that she may not recover. The damage caused to the environment by pollution, the changing climates on earth, the depletion of the ozone layer as well as the phenomenon of global warming due to atmospheric carbon dioxide increasing are all brought about in one way or another by man. Experts feel that it may be time that we start looking to space for some of the solutions to our problems.

The value of discipline

What has gone into making a parade a grand success ? What has gone into making life a real success ? What has gone into attaining greatness to great nations of the world ? Discipline. Discipline means the training of the mind so as to make it accept willingly the control rules or orders. In many ways it is the most valuable lesson to learn.

It is only through discipline that living becomes smooth and peaceful. Law of a country is nothing more than community discipline. People who keep to the law accept the discipline of the state. For one's moral life, discipline is necessary. Self indulgence is a natural temptation. Our senses crave for easy satisfaction. Don't give way to this craving. we must keep our passions under control. Discipline features in every stage of a child's development. A child is taught discipline from its birth so that it will not turn into a savage. At school we must submit to the discipline of the teacher. A school boy is given instructions in various subjects. He is trained in different ways to make him fit for adult life. To his repeated annoyance, he is subject to constant control. Discipline is equally necessary in our intellectual life. It is also necessary in our spiritual life. Life will have its trials and disappointments and it is discipline which will enable a person to remain cool and sensible amidst the stresses of life. Should a person fall, it is discipline which will set him on his feet again. Remember, discipline is not slavery. It has a higher object in view. True discipline lies in a conscious subordination of self to the achievement of some higher purpose. when we are inclined to rebel against discipline, we should remember, "He alone can command who knows how to obey".

Advertisement : True or Misleading

Advertisement is one of the human institutions highly developed nowadays. To some extent nature itself advertises her ware; for instance, he color and smell of flowers is nothing but advertisement to attract the attention of insects and birds and the promise of honey is the gift. Advertisement is one of the media to draw the attention of the public and to inform them regarding a particular product. This may be called the psychology of persuasion and a

way of converting people to a way of life or thinking. For example, a new drink may be introduced. It is not enough if the product is good but the public must be made to realize its existence. So the manufacturer adopts subtle ways of advertising. There must be appeal to visual and aural senses. Since advertisement has become very important and its methods are many, it has been professionalized and it is a trade today. In fact advertising agencies do good business. Since they employ specialists like artists and script writers, the advertiser can have expert service at a price. There are hundreds of ways of advertising. Generally they may have visual, audio and audiovisual appeal. Leaflets and brochures are produced colorfully describing a product. Free samples are lavishly given. Even for established products they give free samples now and then so that new customers may be found for the product. Calendars are quite common and from very plain ones to pictorials are there. Some of the calendars are really so fine that they are being preserved. So calendar manufacturing during the season is a big business and there are people who hunt after calendars. Perhaps one of the most popular media of advertisement is the newspaper. Since newspaper reaches a very wider public, advertisement in the paper is a common feature. Some products are being advertised throughout the year and advertisements are the major source of income for the newspaper. Here the pictures and the script play a very important part. Nowadays small gifts like key chains, purses, table ware and so on are used to advertise various products. An advertisement cannot be useless. After it ahs achieved its purpose the general public may think it is useless. when an advertiser uses a lot of paper for printing his advertisement, the common man may question the wisdom behind it. If you go on throwing some mud on the wall, some is sure to stick; so too with the advertisement. the advertisement acts as a middleman in the trade bringing the prospective buyer and the product man nearer. with the complexity of the market and with dozens of products competing, advertisement is one of the ways of winning the market. Of course there are advertisements which are really misleading. Some medicines that are advertised claim to be panacea for all bodily ills. But very few could claim that honor. Some of the consumer products are not of that quality as claimed by the advertisement. take for instance, some tooth pastes. They claim to give all protection to the teeth but they prove the other way. In America this subtle way of persuading the public has been questioned when a number of products advertised could not stand the test of proof. We can conclude in spite of its limitations, advertisement is an institution that has come to stay.

A sincere friend
He had a humble beginning. His parents were ordinary people and his father was looking after the family lands. Of course once in a way he used to lend money. But he was very careful to whom he lent and was very strict in getting back the money. Those were the days when there were no banks, and cooperation was an unheard of word in that area. So the father with prudence and hard work built up sizable funds which the son inherited in the natural course. Unlike the father, the son was far more shrewd and enterprising. With the money he entered the cotton market and became a cotton broker to a mill owned by an European. This relationship of the broker and the mill owner continued for long and after some years the European felt that he could not continue for long in an alien country. There was national consciousness emerging. Workers became antagonistic and the day to day management was in peril and the European's life was in danger. So he felt it was wise to dispose of the mill and go away. The time was propitious for it because the mill was a going concern and nobody questioned about its profitability. The European mill owner thought of his friend, the cotton broker as a prospective buyer. For one thing he had money and secondly he was a shrewd business man. So, when the mill owner broached the subject to his cotton man, the later wanted time to decide. But the mill owner had already made up his mind to sell the mills and so he was willing make concessions. The cotton broker shrewd as he was bargained for a good price and got the mill by paying only half the price, but promised to pay the other half in small installments. The broker turned mill owner and put his heart and soul into the business and built it up. Everything was going on very well; he opened many more mills. The more he earned the more ambitious he became. He began to play with his accounts and he became a suspect in the eyes of the authorities. They were only waiting to catch him and the snare spread widely. So one evening the learnt that the authorities were going to raid his office. He was sure that he could be caught red handed and knew he would be put behind the bars. There was only one way. His friend in a village could save him. So he took some important books with him and left for his friends' village. On the way he stopped his car and sent it back. He kept the bundle of accounts with him. Then he traveled by a bus to his friend's village. the friend was very much surprised but when he heard the story of his mill magnate to bury the books in a garden and the mill owner was given the shelter needed. Of course the mill was raided by the authorities. Nothing incriminating could be found.

The enquiry did not help them to know where the mill owner had gone. In the meantime the friend used to go to the mills and through some confidential servants saw that the mill functioned properly. After a few weeks the case was withdrawn. the mill owner made his appearance again. As luck would have it there was a boom in the yarn market and the miller earned enormous amount of money. In his turn, he did not forget his friend who gave him shelter so he continued to help him faithfully till his last days. So a help done in time is greater than the word, as the saying goes.

The role of a teacher in moulding the character of pupils

Teaching has been described as a noble profession. In the modern context a teacher's role has now taken on a more challenging and demanding aspect. They are now more than ever entrusted with the task of moulding their charges into productive members of society. To a large extent this involves the very character of the student. School going children, in the early stages are still in the process of physical and mental development. Teachers represent role models for them to follow especially given today's hectic pace of life. It is not unusual to find that working parents of children have limited contact with their children through the week. It is often the teacher who fills this vacuum as the authority figure, friend and advisor. Children spend the better half o the day at school during normal lessons as well as being engaged in extra-curricular activities on other projects after classes. Often tuition or school sports and activities also occupy their weekends. Owing to the great deal of time spent by the child in the school environment, the level of inter-personal relationship between the pupil and teacher is improved. The pupil will come to expect more from his or her teacher in terms of involvement and commitment. The teacher would be in a unique position to influence and guide his student. If the teacher performs his role well the student will come to realize the importance of the positive traits and values being imparted to him. Learning by example is one of the most effective forms of learning. To meet the new challenges posed by the role of teachers, the individual must be dedicated and committed to teaching as a profession. Teachers must also be trained not only on methods or techniques of how to impart knowledge but also on how to deal with students on a more personal level. Teachers who are also counselors in their schools are also formally trained in this aspect of student relations and play an important part in

ensuring that the school becomes a conducive environment for the intellectual as well as the psychological development of the child.

Stammering : My biggest problem

Everyone is having one problem or another. It may be the need of this or that or the lack of certain things. These problems may be natural or created by circumstances. If a person suffers from paralytic limb, it is natural. On the other hand, if one has lost a purse during a travel it is because of circumstances. In my case stammering is the biggest problem. I don't know how it has occurred but it is there and I have to grow with that. I am growing more and more conscious of it as I grow in age. Because I stammer I am not able to mingle freely with others of my own age. They react differently, most of them mock at me and very few have sympathy. While the ideas roll, words do not flow at the same speed. So very often I blink, which means I am taken for a muff. because of stammering I can't retort and my contribution in a company will be very little so I have to be very often an idle spectator. not that I can't give my ideas but I am unable to speak that fast. So it has developed in me an inferiority complex and nowadays I shun company. How to overcome is the problem. I have heard of a great Greek Orator, Demosthenes who was a stammer as a child, was able to overcome it with some sort of exercise. It was told that he put pebbles in his mouth and standing on the seashore, used to cry aloud. Thus he overcame his stammering. But in my case I have not tried that. But what I do nowadays is to gather ideas and slowly put them without repeating a word. I am successful to some extent and I cannot say that I have overcome it completely. One thing is certain; this stammering of mine has blocked certain employment opportunities for me; for instance, I cannot become a lawyer or a platform speaker. though i like music and enjoy it, I will never become a singer. A pity, isn't it ? I have come to the wise conclusion that one must put up with that which one cannot improve.

Drug addiction : The evils of the habit

Our forefathers had spoken of five cardinal sins which must be avoided by all means though they may appear to bring profit or pleasure for the time being. The evils are gambling, stealing, murder, unchastity and rugs. The history of humanity is full of examples where people have been ruined by following the path of one or other of them. A whole nation was brought to disgrace because of opium. Why then man takes to drugs ? Some think it adds to pleasure; some others think that it takes away physical weariness. Still others take it to forget their worries, while others take it in order to please the company. In cold countries they take it to keep oneself warm. While in very small dose, drugs may and do act as medicine, they can never bring pleasure. True they have the doping effect and hence at the spur of the moment the person may act more vigorously but only to find himself weaker later. taking harmful drugs in large quantities in time and out of time is addiction. From time immemorial man has known to make drugs. Today, various kinds of drinks like wine, brandy and whisky are common in the market. But consuming these drinks in moderate quantity is not harmful. Whereas opium in various forms are all drugs. These drugs affect the nervous system especially small brains which control the voluntary action. So a man under the influence of a drug is unable to walk and he staggers. Since it deadens the senses, the man under the influence of drug does not know what he does or speaks. Very often under the influence of a drug he does shameful acts. Continued addiction upsets the digestive system, especially the liver, leading even to death. A drug does not at all add to mental alertness; far from it. The mental faculties will be benumbed. In order to forget worries people take drugs because of their soporific effect but exactly the drug is not the answer to one's worry. Certainly the drug addiction brings moral degradation. The addict himself knows it and so he consumes them only in secret and , no addict openly will come forward to say he is an addict. It is against all religious sanctions. It leads to immoral and evil activities. Socially also an addict is looked down upon and people would try to avoid a drug addict. He would be a nuisance wherever he is, at home or in company. He would bring untold misery to his people and those around him. except in the company of addicts, he would be looked upon as a leper. His family also will share the disgrace because people will point the accusing finger at the family. Financially it ruins the addict. The money would go down the drains as it could be spent for the betterment of him or the benefit of the family. So to act wisely, one should by all means avoid drugs.

The value of forest

Forests with a quite repose, an air of placid calm and a pleasing natural scenery, since time immemorial, played an important part in the life of mankind. What do we learn about the African huts of the primitive days ? Wood has been the basic material used by them. Let us go as far back to the Merrie England' of the sixteenth century. Its beautiful black and white houses depended on wooden structures. Even in the modern age when steel plays an important part in the formation of the sky-scrapers, wood still forms an intrinsic part of the smaller modern buildings. Soft woods and hard woods are used for various purposes. Frames and doors are usually made of soft woods. Hard woods are used for furniture. Furthermore, wood has played large part in transport. The primitive man used wood for making wheels for horse carts which enabled him to move from place to place,; others were dependent on wood for making boats. We can also see how great is the need of timber in the making of paper. The logs of soft wood are first turned into wood pulp. This undergoes certain chemical processes. Paper is the end project. Nor are the uses of them in other fields less pleasing. Some forests provide useful oils, turpentine from the pine, palm oil from the palm and olive oil from the olive tree. Forests play an important part in the prevention of soil erosion. Addition of huming and vegetable matter by forests, preserves the soil from degeneration. They also attract rain clouds. Forests shelter wild animals and small insects. Climbing shrubs and creepers are protected by them. They provide men with beautiful scenery. One's eyes are charmed with the soothing luxury of colors, with the soft appeal of endless greenery.

The joys of gardening

I enjoy gardening as a hobby and a leisure activity. Most of my friends think it odd for a young person such as myself to have such a hobby. They would rather be out playing football. I have tried explaining to them the great joy I derive from seeing something I have planted grow and thrive while being carefully nurtured. They believe that most things grow on their own naturally without any effort having to be put in. I suppose that to a large extent I owe my interest in gardening to my parents who are themselves avid gardeners. On most evenings, it is not unusually to see both my parents and I pottering about in the garden. As we live in a house with a rather large compound there is always plenty to do. During the months when rain is sparse all the plants have to be watered daily and during those months with heavy rainfall we have to take care that precious nutrients in the soil are not washed away. Healthy and nutrient rich soil is important as our garden is full of all sorts of trees and plants. In a constrained area this will lead to a depletion of nutrients which have to be replenished from time to time. Our neighbors often remark that our house is the most beautiful and resplendent one in the neighborhood. This is due to the fact that the variety of flowering plants we have are kept well pruned so as to promote flowering all year round. In spite of the fact that practically every square foot of garden area is taken up by some plant or the other, careful management of the available area has given our house an uncluttered look. Fruit trees are a favorite for my father. we have rambutan, mango and banana trees in our compound which my father has managed to grow to a certain height so as not to pose a problem to my immediate neighbors. As some people do not appreciate a garden all strewn with dead leaves. All in all I find gardening to be a most satisfying and fulfilling pastime which can contribute to a greener Maldives.

My perfect home
At first when I though of a house, I conceived that it must be neither too far nor too near a town. If it is too far, one may feel lonely and then there is the question of transport to and from a place I choose. It is an elevated land enabling easy drainage and the soil is hard enough. The site is spacious allowing ground for the house and a decent garden. even from the beginning I wanted that my house must have an elegant and chaste look. The house is a four -- room mansion with a well furnished kitchen and, of course with modern bathroom facilities. The living rooms are planned with comfortable seating in view. The furniture has been chosen with great car. The walls have been painted with soft colors to match the curtains. Each room is fitted with a loudspeaker so that one can enjoy the radio program from bed. The drawing room is elegantly furnished with sofas and chairs and a table in the center. The wall shelves are used to stack books. There is a niche for the television and the room is spacious for a small group to watch the programmers comfortably. All the rooms are air conditioned. The kitchen is a beauty by itself. It is fitted with electric grills and things could be stacked neatly in specially designed cabinets. it is provided with modern gadgets for grinding or cutting. In front of the house is an artificial pool with a fountain singing all the time for the sun, stars and the moon. One or two fish troughs kept in the portico add to the beauty of the place. There is a garage on one side of the house. In the backyard there are a few fruit bearing trees. Near the boundary fence of the house there are some coconut trees. In front of the house are certain bushes of crotons and flower plants. The well kept lawn with luscious green grass is very pleasing to the eye. There is also a small playground for children with a swing and a see-saw. Purposely I avoided putting up high storeys because in my case space was not a problem.

A trade fair
There was an industrial exhibition in our town organized by the local chamber of commerce. Industries from many countries were well represented. Many of the industries were in tune with the spirit of the times. There were electrical and electronic products, transport vehicles, agricultural implements, watches and clocks, household appliances and others on display. The building was very attractively decorated and separate halls were allotted for different industries. the booths were cheerfully arranged and colorfully illuminated. In each booth there were guides who explained the working of various exhibits. Illustrated booklets were freely available. To avoid jamming in any particular booth at a particular time, route was very well marked. At the entrance there was an information room. During the hours when the exhibition was on there was soft music played. there was also a restaurant serving snacks and soft drinks. In the mechanical engineering section many types of machines related to different industries were exhibited. What interested me was a working bench for carpentry. It was power operated and many things could be made in a very short time. The electronic section was the most popular. Many latest gadgets were there, from the simple calculator to electronic kitchen control. With the help of the electronic gadgets the housewife can be freed of many of her chores and cares. The watches and clocks section was very attractive. Here is an area where the Japanese genius is evident. Many types of watches in solid gold real glittering diamonds were displayed. There were funny clocks working in ingenious ways. The agricultural section was highly representative from tractors, bull dozers and harvesters to various farming implements. The humble buffalo and the plough will become obsolete in a few years. Dairying was well represented. One could see how one gets his bottle of milk almost straight from the cow's udder. Food processing, preserving and refrigeration were shown on a sophisticated scale. In short the exhibition very well showed the triumph of science and technology. I felt that I had gained a lot of knowledge after visiting the exhibition. A second visit would be really worthwhile.

Animals are God's Creatures Too

I want to let you know about an event that changed my life many years ago. It is a memory that periodically comes and goes, but it is one of the most precious memories that I and my wife share. I am thankful that we can remember it together. It's a reminder that things are not what they seem and that angels come in many packages. We live in College Station, Texas and we were on our way home from Houston, Texas around the Weston Lakes area one Saturday or Sunday morning. And when I say morning, I'm talking 1:00 to 2:00 in the morning. We were on our way home and decided to stop at a local gas station to get coffee and something to snack on since it was a good hour and a half before we'd reach home. When we were done, we got back into our car and before I started it, we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building. You could tell that he was a homeless man. His clothes were tattered and worn and it looked like he had gone in and gotten him some coffee or something warm to drink since it was cold this time of the year. He must have not had enough money to get something to eat. That is not something I remember too well, because that is not what "moved" me. The next thing I remember is a dog that walked up to the front of the building. Being a dog lover, I noticed that she was part wolf and probably part German shepherd. I could tell it was a she, because you could tell that she had been feeding puppies. She was terribly in need of something to eat and I felt so bad for her. I knew if she didn't eat soon, she and her puppies would not make it. My wife and I sat there and looked at her. We noticed that people walked by and didn't even pet her, like most people do when they walk by an animal in front of a store. She might not have been as pretty and clean as most, but she still deserved better. But we still did not do anything. But someone did. The homeless man, who I thought did not buy himself anything to eat, went back into the store. And what he did brought tears to my wife and me. He had gone into the store and with what money he may have had, bought a can of dog food and fed that dog. I know that this story isn't as inspirational as most stories, but it plays a great part in our lives. You see, that was Mother's Day weekend. And a lot of people forget that some animals are parents too. And animals - not only we humans - are God's creatures too. It would be a better story if I could remember all the details, but even without the details, I believe it still gets the message across. It took a homeless man, to show me what I should have done. He showed me to be better man that day.

Home Hygiene
Pests and insects like the houseflies, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches and lizards are a nuisance to health and comfort in the home. Though many people use generous amounts of insecticides in its many forms - sprays, coils, nets, etc it seems that it has little or no effect on these creatures. The only way to ensure that our homes are pest-free is to make our surroundings as non-conducive as possible for their breeding and presence. Mosquitoes are parasites which live on the blood of man and other animals and they are also carriers of deadly diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. So, we should never leave any water stagnant for a long period of time. We have to ensure that water does not collect in any area surrounding our homes and make it possible for mosquitoes to breed. Likewise, drains and pipes should be cleaned regularly. Spiders like to spin cobwebs in dark corners inside and outside the house. Therefore, it is wise to clean these corners once in a while so that these infrequented corners do not become homes for spiders and other creepy crawlies. Houseflies breed in rubbish. Many people leave their rubbish in open garbage bins which attracts flies. The flies will then swarm over to the kitchen and infect the food left open in plates and pans. The best way to keep flies away is to keep food covered at all times. Rubbish should be disposed in plastic bags tied securely with a knot before putting it into the garbage bin. The garbage bin should also be always covered. Ants and cockroaches search for bits of food lying about in the house. Cockroaches also thrive in filth and dirt. Therefore, ensure that the house, and especially the kitchen, is swept and cleaned everyday so that no particles of food are left on the floor. All eating and cooking utensils should be kept in pest-proof containers. Drawers and cabinets should also be checked periodically to ensure that ants and cockroaches are not breeding within them. Therefore, to ensure that our homes are pest-free, we have to adopt cleanliness and hygiene as our way of life.

My Favorite Author

One of my favorite authors is Michael Crichton. He has written several best-selling novels such as "Jurassic Park" and its sequel "The Lost World", "The Andromeda Strain", "Eaters of the Dead" and "Rising Sun". He is also the creator of the award-winning television series "E.R." Michael Crichton is a wonderful storyteller. He spins his tales with true-to-life characters and his intricately woven plots are realistic. It is obvious that Michael Crichton does a good deal of research for all his science fiction novels are based on known scientific facts and sound theories. He does not invent unbelievable fantasies, like some others whom I do not want to name, to attract readers. For example, in "Jurassic Park", Michael Crichton painstakingly portrays the means which the dinosaurs were cloned. The scientists first look for preserved blood-sucking insects from the Mesozoic Era trapped in ambers, that is, the hard translucent fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees. Next, they look for traces of dinosaur blood in these insects. The tiny amounts that they extract from the insects are then used to clone the dinosaurs. One can discern that Michael Crichton's knowledge of palaeontology and medical science is truly astounding when they read his two dinosaur novels. In "The Andromeda Strain", Crichton tells the tale of a deadly micro-organism brought to Earth by a satellite. The bacteria kills people in seconds by clotting their blood solid. Again, his immense scientific knowledge comes into play when he writes this novel about how five scientists race against time to find a solution to nullify the effects of the 'Andromeda Strain'. This was his first book written in 1969 and after more than thirty years, it is still in print and remains in great demand by readers all over the world. Many of Michael Crichton's novels have been made into box-office hits. It is undeniable that this master storyteller is able to attract readers and audiences alike regardless of the medium, be it books or movies.

The Effects of Overpopulation

Most major cities and towns in the world are overpopulated. This means that too many people are living in the same area. The reason is quite simple. Folks from the country move into the cities in the hope of getting better employment and enriching their lives. But what has this led to?

Trees and plants have to make way for skyscrapers to house the hordes of people that migrate into the cities. Hundreds or even thousands of motor vehicles travel on the roads at all times emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere polluting the air we breathe. The city has been stripped of its natural beauty and has become a concrete jungle! Overpopulation has also led to the rise in crime as the city's economy is not able to support everyone and there is bound to be unemployment. This in turn results in the rise of crime and corruption. Robbery, prostitution and peddling of drugs are prevalent in most cities. Finally, scientists have devised ways to make crops and animals grow faster by unnatural means such as the use of growth hormones. This has become necessary to feed and sustain the ever-growing population. But what is the price of these synthetically enhanced foods? Recent studies have shown that there are certain side-effects for the consumers. As can be seen, the effects of overpopulation are manifold. Health and morals have deteriorated and nature has been sacrificed in the name of scientific progress.

A Great Figure of the 2011 Century

Write about someone who is known throughout the world and recognized for his achievements. Nelson Mandela, a South African, is famous for his struggle against the apartheid policy in his country. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was born in 1918 to an aristocratic family. His father was Chief of the Tembu tribe. In his childhood, he listened to tribal stories depicting wars for freedom fought by his ancestors. These tales must have imbued him with strong feelings for freedom. Nelson Mandela went to the University of Fort Hare and Witwatersrand. After earning a law degree in 1942, he joined the ANC (African National Congress) in 1944. From 1948, he was actively engaged in resistance movements against the South African government's apartheid policy that discriminated sharply against non-whites, especially blacks. During this period, Mandela advocated violence to attain their anti-apartheid aims. He fought for the setting up of a military wing within the ANC. Not all supported his idea, but members who did were allowed to join his campaign. In 1960 the ANC was officially banned. In 1963 Mandela was tried for plotting the violent overthrow of the government. His statement from the dock was broadcast and received international publicity. The impression he gave was that of a fierce revolutionary, a firebrand. In 1964 he and eight

others were sentenced to life imprisonment. For 18 years, Mandela lived in a small cell on Robben Island, sleeping on the floor, using a bucket as his toilet and receiving only one visitor a year. He was then moved to Pollsmoor Prison until he was released. In Pollsmoor Prison, he held his newborn grandchild whom a friend secretly brought to him. While in prison, Nelson Mandela learned and practised self-discipline. He carried himself with dignity and charmed many who met him. He was still defiant but no longer advocated violence for his cause. In fact, during his imprisonment, he held secret talks with the government to free South Africa from the apartheid system. His reputation grew, and his movement gathered strength, winning wide international support. After his release in 1990, he continued working hard towards his goals. Finally, in 1994 he was elected President of South Africa. Nelson Mandela is admired for his relentless struggle to free black South Africans from a cruel system that practised racism and forced them to live in poverty. He was not weakened by his 27 years in prison but retained his dignity and became a finer and wiser politician.

A Family Member
Write about a family member with whom you have shared happy and sad memories. My grandfather is now seventy-eight years old. If you ask me to name an outstanding characteristic of his, I will have to say it is his posture. He stands straight and tall for a person his age. `Posture is very important' is one of his favourite sayings. Grandpa's routine is to wake up before daybreak before anybody else. Then he has a cold shower and does yoga for half an hour. After that, he takes a walk in the garden. He bends down occasionally to pick the weeds. Then he spends the rest of the day indoors, reading his religious books. He eats all kinds of food but in small portions. 'Moderation', he says, `is the key to good health.' He seldom watches television but listens to the radio. He goes to bed at nine o'clock sharp. Grandpa is a rather handsome man. He is almost six feet tall. His hair has grown completely white. He looks stem when he is not smiling. He has a deep voice that sometimes sounds like a bark. Some of my friends are afraid of him but I always tell them, 'Grandpa's bark is worse than his bite'. But things were not always like this. Grandpa came to live with us shortly after grandma

passed away. We all felt her loss. But my grandfather was devastated. He locked himself in his room for nearly two months and would not speak to anyone. He lost almost ten kilos. He remained fairly healthy but we were worried he would have a breakdown. We tried our best to make him feel better. My father bought him a computer and a CD player but he showed little interest in them. This continued for nearly a year. One day, I heard the sound of whistling from the garden. It was Grandpa! He smiled at me, his favourite grandson, and said, 'Vikram, your grandmother came to me in a dream last night and scolded me severely for not doing my yoga anymore. She told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and look after the garden again. Just like her, still bossing me around!' We were all very happy. Just as I left to board the school bus, I heard a familiar voice, saying, 'Stand straight, Vikram. Don't hunch!' I grinned. It was good to have Grandpa back to his usual self.

Write an article on 'Pollution - An Endangered Earth'. Give views by different people It is common knowledge that pollution is endangering the earth and its inhabitants. So what do the experts think of the earth's future ? Dr Paul Jones, an environmental expert, thinks that the earth's future is bleak as long as developed nations do not do enough to stop pollution. This is because the pollution caused by these nations affects the whole world. Dr John Kim, a Department of Environment official, also holds a pessimistic view of the earth's future. He thinks there is little hope for the planet. There is an increase of carbon dioxide and methane in the earth's atmosphere. As a result of this and the thinning of the ozone layer, temperatures will rise. In fifty years' time, the polar ice caps will melt, raising the sea level and causing islands and coastal areas to disappear. A world-famous economist, Dr Faridah Sulaiman, agrees that pollution is a serious threat to human life. For example, polluted water is killing marine life which affects the food chain. Destruction of forests also causes climatic changes which in turn affect the production of food. Nations must co-operate to stop pollution. Otherwise, the earth is doomed.

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Keys to Health
Write an article on health suitable for publication in your school's Science Magazine To stay healthy, you need to work on four areas exercise, diet, weight control and good health habits. Regular exercise is essential for good health. It tones the muscles, strengthens the bones, and makes the heart and lungs work better. Exercise also helps to relieve stress. The most beneficial type of exercise is aerobics. Aerobic exercises, in the form of jogging, cycling and lap swimming, strengthens the heart. It is important to choose a form of exercise you enjoy. It could be dancing or just walking. As long as you do it regularly, you will be fit. People who are fit enjoy life more because they can join in any kind of activity. To maintain a healthy life, it is necessary to develop good dietary habits. Eat more wholewheat grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. Decrease intake of animal protein and fats. Use less salt and take at least 1000 mg of calcium a day. Non-fat milk is a good source of calcium. Do not forget to drink at least seven glasses of water a day. Avoid eating junk food or processed food which is high in sugar or salt content and has little nutritional value. Developing good health habits is important if you want to keep healthy. Don't smoke, avoid excessive alcohol intake, and keep moderate hours. Go to bed early and wake up early. Work hard and play hard too. Avoid stress by exercising and developing hobbies. Have a positive attitude towards people and work. Half-yearly dental check-ups are also necessary to maintain dental health. Being overweight can lead to a lot of health problems. You can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins and gall bladder disease. Weight control requires conscious effort and self-control. Diet and exercise play the most important role in weight control. Make sure exercise is part of your daily program. Watch the amount and type of food you eat. Complex carbohydrates are important in a healthy diet. Health is pleasurable; ill health is miserable. There are other threats to health but if you remember the points mentioned above, you should enjoy good health.

The Olympic Games

Write an article for a youth magazine on a major international sport event Have you ever wondered why the Olympic Games is the most important sporting event in the world? It is certainly the most well-known but there are other reasons to account for its significance. The reasons are as follows: To begin with, it is bigger than any other sports event. Thousands of athletes from all over the world take part. Several million attend the Games and many more watch them on television. Another thing that makes the Games impressive are the ceremonies. The opening ceremony begins with the march past of athletes, followed by all kinds of performances and finally the lighting of the Olympic torch. Thousands of people are involved and millions spent to make each Game more special than the last. The preparation for the opening and closing ceremonies alone may take years. While the opening ceremony is known for its grandeur, the closing ceremony is remembered for its touching moments. The Olympic Games is also important for its record of various human achievements. Firstly, the Games is the best example of human efforts to achieve peace and cooperation through sports. The first Olympic Games was held in Greece to stop the different states from fighting. The, Games was started with the aim of promoting world peace and unity through sports. It is indeed a noble idea and up till today, sportsmen all over the world continue to aim for the same ideal. Secondly, some of the finest performances in sports have been recorded during the Olympics. No one will forget the perfect scores of the young gymnast, Nadia Comaneci, the seven gold medals of Mark Spitz in swimming or the four gold medals of Carl Lewis in track and field events. Thirdly, the Olympics provides some of the finest examples of human courage ever demonstrated. Wilma Rudolph won three gold medals in spite of years of suffering from childhood polio. Abebe Bikila, who had trained in Ethiopia without a coach, won the marathon, running barefooted. In my opinion, nothing can take the place of the Olympic Games as the most important sports event in the world. I hope it lives forever.

Soccer / Football
Describe your favourite sport in an article for your Sports Club Magazine To an American sports fan, football and soccer are so different that it is impossible to believe that the two games were at one time the same thing. Outside the United States, 'football' is used to refer to the game that the Americans call 'soccer'. It is believed that the game originally began in Greece and was adopted by the Romans. The object of the game was to kick a ball beyond a line drawn behind an opposing team. But according to British tradition, the game began in Britain in the eleventh century. The game was very rough and violent and caused a lot of damage to property. Later the game was played in an open area marked off to form a sort of playing field. By the middle of the twelfth century, it was already called 'futballe'. By the seventeenth century, it was played in almost every town in England. It became an organized game in the middle of the nineteenth century. The football craze in Britain knew no bounds. Today, football is played in most boys' schools and there are amateur clubs all over the country. It is a professional game in England and Wales. The game is watched by millions on Saturday afternoons. The football final at Wembley Stadium is watched by thousands at the stadium and millions more in Britain and the rest of the world. The game gained popularity throughout the Commonwealth nations which were once ruled by the British, followed by the rest of the world. It is today the most popular game in the world. In Malaysia it has also become a professional sport. We have our own semipro league. Amongst sports events, football matches draw the world's largest crowds and football players are among the highest paid of all athletes. One of the most famous footballers in the world is Pele from Brazil and one of the most popular teams today is Manchester United. Why is the game so popular? One reason could be its simplicity. Football rules can be learned in one minute. A football game requires little more than a ball. It can be played on a field of any size. The play is swift and continuous making the game an exciting one both to play and to watch. The sport allows for both individual talent as well as team work. I like football because it is such an exciting game. I love the action, and I find the atmosphere in a crowded stadium very thrilling.

The Earth Goddess

Nothing remarkable occurs in any of these tribes, except that they unite in the worship of Ertha, or Mother Earth. They believe that she interposes in the affairs of men, and visits the different nations in her chariot. On an island of the ocean stands a sacred and unviolated grove, in which is a consecrated chariot, covered with a veil, which the priest alone is permitted to touch. He becomes conscious of the entrance of the goddess into this secret recess; and with profound veneration attends the vehicle, which is drawn by yoked cows. At this season all is joy; and every place which the goddess deigns to visit is a scene of festivity. No wars are undertaken; arms are untouched; and every hostile weapon is shut up. At this time, only peace abroad and at home are known. At length the same priest conducts the goddess, now weary of mortal intercourse, back to her temple. The chariot, with its curtain, and, if we may believe it, the goddess herself, then undergo ablution in a secret lake. This ritual is performed by slaves, whom the same lake instantly swallows up. Hence arises a mysterious horror and a pious ignorance of these events, which are beheld only by those who are about to perish.

A Talk on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Give a speech to your Computer Club on the advantages of the Internet Good afternoon, fellow members of the Computer Club. I am very happy to be here today to give a talk on the advantages of the Internet. The Internet is today linked to over 100 million computers around the world. I think by far the biggest advantage of the Internet is it helps me to find information on almost any topic I want to know about. It has helped me cut down my `research' time tremendously. Now all I have to do is access my favorite web sites and type in the relevant topics and I get more information that I can deal with! Another advantage is the Internet enables me to run programs I do not own. Many programs are too expensive to own. I not only can run these programs but I can also copy

them for later use. Friends, through the chat rooms, I can now talk to anyone around the world. I have now found friends around the world. I not only chat with them but I also write to them through electronic mail. I find e-mail to be an extremely useful tool. Now I can write nearly every day to people I want to. It saves me a lot of time going to the post office and buying paper, envelopes and stamps. The convenience is wonderful. Good friends, another aspect I have thoroughly enjoyed from the Internet is the ability to join groups that cater to my special interest. For example, I am interested in learning about the origins of famous nursery rhymes. It was not enough for me to get information. I joined an Internet Club for people with this unusual interest. Now I can subscribe to a special newsletter and I am kept up to date on the latest findings. I can see from your faces that I do not need to convince you about the wonders of the Internet. However, I think it is fair to give words of warning to those who lack experience. Please be careful of illegal information posted on the Internet. You can be arrested for spreading harmful rumors. Furthermore, do not entertain abusive users. Lastly, do not become addicted to the Internet. There is a real world out here and real people to have relationships with. Have a real life! Thank you.

A pet is an animal which is kept as a companion rather than for food, security or sport. In Malaysia, the most common pet is the cat. The cat is small, affectionate, and relatively easy to look after. Other common pets are dogs, birds and fish. Some not so common pets would be rabbits, hamsters, terrapins, mice and monkeys. Most people do not have clear reasons for having a pet. This is unfortunate because keeping a pet is a commitment. Some people are attracted to cute little kittens and puppies, but they forget that the little creatures soon grow into not-so-cute adult animals. Some people like to follow trends. For instance, the latest craze is to keep strange lizards. Many people who buy these expensive lizards soon get bored with them. Yet others have pets because their children want them. Of course, many people keep pets simply because they love animals. If you love animals, keeping a pet has many benefits. Most animals are capable of giving us back love and attention. For example, the dog has been described as man's best friend because it is a faithful companion and is loyal to its master whom it will protect with its

life. Animals are also known to be able to help sick children, mentally-disturbed patients and lonely old people. Pets can give us joy and keep us entertained with their antics. Some dogs, cats and even birds can be taught to perform clever tricks which are very amusing to watch. Looking after pets also teaches us responsibility. On the other hand, keeping pets has its disadvantages. Looking after a pet is not an easy job. Pets depend on us to feed them, clean them and play with them. Pets can get lost, get hurt or get ill, causing us much worry. Treatment for a sick animal can be expensive. Personally, I like animals. I have two cats. They give me a lot of joy but they also cause me a lot of trouble. I dislike the job of cleaning their litter tray. But I would not give them up for anything.

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