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Angol Középszintű Érettségi Tételek (Kidolgozott)

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Angol középszintű érettségi tételek (kidolgozott)

1. Személyes vonatkozások, család

1.1 – a családi élet mindennapjai, otthoni teendők

What do you have to do at home?

I don’t really like doing the washing up and the washing, ironing and sweeping the floor. Although I
hate dusting the furniture, hoovering or cleaning the windows I have to do it sometimes. There is
always a lot to do, so I help my mother with watering the flowers, tiding up, cleaning up the mess
and hanging out the washing. Sharing the housework is never easy, but in my family everybody has
to do something and everybody is responsible for her own room.

Who do you think does the most in the household?

I have to admit that my mother does most of the work and I could help my mother more.

What can make these duties easier?

Fortunately, we have some labour-saving devices, like the hoover, microwave-oven, washing
machine and dishwasher. Using these household gadgets can make cooking and cleaning the house a
lot easier.

How often do you usually clean your room?

I like to keep my place clean and tidy, that’s why I always put my things back on the self and I have
very well organized drawers. I usually do the tiding up on Saturday or Sunday morning, because I
have time then.

sweeping – sörögetés
dusting – portörlés
hoovering – porszívózás
tiding up – rendet rak
the mess – rendetlenség
responsible – felelős
1.2 – személyes tervek

How far ahead do you usually plan?

I don’t like to plan too far ahead, but I would definitely like to have a family, live in the countryside or
have several children in the next 10 years. I sometimes think about my plans to go to university or life
when I am forty of fifty.

What do you think your next year will look like? Do you plan to go to university or to college?

If I want to become a doctor I’ll have to go to university.

What about five years’ time when you finish university or college? Where would you like to work?

I’ll have to find a workplace where I can start working, or apprenticeship where I can learn the
different aspect of a job. I could even try to find work abroad or at an international company. It could
be any kind of job as long as it pays a reasonable salary, offers a nice environment or gives me job

Where would you like to live?

It would be cool to live int he capital or abroad. I will either stay at home with my family for a while. I
might even apply for a scholarship abroad or ask for a bank loan and buy a flat.

What do you plan for the future?

One thing is sure, I want to have a steady job and a good salary before I have a family.

apprenticeship – tanoncság
environment – környezet
satisfaction – elégedettség
2. Ember és társadalom
2.1 – a másik ember külső és belső jellemzése

What does he /she look like?

I think my sister is average looking. I wouldn’t say she is the prettiest but I think she has nice eyes.
She is tall and overweight which she inherited from my parents.

What about his /her build /hair /face /eyes /nose /mouth /etc.?

She has long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose and full lips. She always wanted curly blond hair but
she has straight brown hair. She even thought of getting contact lenses instead of the glasses.

Who do you take after in the family?

I have my father’s looks and personality. (I take after my father. My family says I look a lot like my

What kind of personality do you have?

I am quite friendly and patient. Sometimes I feel I am moody and lonely. I am generally a helpful,
polite, reliable and adaptable person.

chubby – pufók
moody – szeszélyes
lonely – magányos
confident – magabiztos
reliable – megbízható
adaptable – alkalmazkodó
2.2 – baráti kör

How many friends do you have?

I have lots of friends from the school, but only one a few close ones. Most of my friends are my
classmates. I think I am lucky because I have many friends and we can talk about everything and go
everywhere together.

How long have you known them? Where did you meet them?

We all go to the same school or dance class. We used to be members of the same choir.

What do they do?

They are all students. Some of them go to my school while the others I rarely meet.

Who is your best friend?

She is called Anett and she goes to the same school. We are both go to the same dance club. We are
quite alike because we both are friendly and patient.

What do you like doing together? Do you have the same interests /goals /personality features

Most of the time we go to the cinema and concerts. We usually meet on Saturdays int he shopping
mall. We are both interested in biology, but when it comes to future plans we have different plans
and ideas.

alike – hasonló
mall – sétány
2.3 – a tizenévesek világa: kapcsolat a kortársakkal,

What are your common characteristics and interests? What are the things that you all like doing?

We all like going for a walk in the forest. We enjoy the times when we celebrate family events.

What is the difference between you and your parents? What do you think the term „generation
gap” means?

They don’t understand my problems. They lived in a different world and that’s why they have
different opinions. They say I waste my time with playing computer games.

What do family members most often argue about?

Parents don’t let their children do what they want to and they usually don’t like their attitude
towards school. Sisters are always wearing each other’s clothes and never helping each other tidy
their room. Apart from the occasional arguments they respect each other and support each other in

Would you like to change your parents or grand parents in any way?

It would be nice if they were more lenient, not so strict and more flexible. I wish the could
understand my problems. I like them the way they are.

Do you think you should change your behaviour?

I could be more honest and reliable. Maybe I should help more with the housework. It’s true that I
am not always a saint, but I don’t want to hurt them.

attitude – viselkedés
towards – felé
apart from – eltekintve valamitől
support – támogat
lenient – engedékeny
strict – szigorú
flexible – rugalmas
honest – őszinte
reliable – megbízható
saint – szent
2.4 – női és férfi szerepek

What is the role of men and women in society /in a family?

Men are expected to be polite, protective and earn a living for the family. Traditionally, women are
sensitive, the centre of the family and the weaker sex. Nowadays, it’s not surprising if a woman
works as a soldier, and man looks after the house or stays at home with the children.

What do men typically do?

Men are usually the breadwinners in the family. Men usually work as leaders or work in intellectual
professions. Men are considered to be more suitable for manager positions or physical jobs.

What are typical professions for women?

Most of the teachers, nurses are women. Women are still considered to be mothers and wives first
of all. It is popular among women to become models, secretaries, shop assistants or teachers.

What does your mother /father do around the house?

My mother does the shopping, cooking and washing while my father does the repairing, mending.
My father would never do the washing and the cooking. Actually, it is sometimes my father who does
the gardening and fixes things around the house.

What is your dream job? Is it a typical men’s or a women’s job?

I would like to be a doctor. People may say that being a doctor is typically a men’s job, but I think
being a doctor could be just as popular interesting for me.

protective – védelmező
maintain – fenntart
weaker sex – gyengébb nem
surprising – meglepő
leaders – vezető
suitable – alkalmas
manding – javítás
2.5 – ünnepek, családi ünnepek

Which do you celebrate: birthdays /namedays /Christmas /Easter /etc.?

My family usually comes together for different occasions, for example graduations and anniversaries.

How do you celebrate these events?

On my birthday last year we ate at home, I blew out the candles and I wished for something. At
Christmas we normally stay at home and visit all my relatives while at Easter we cook ham and paint
a lot of eggs. On birthdays we usually eat cakes, drink soft drinks and laugh a lot.

What do you do on these days?

A few days before Christmas we bake the cakes, decorate the house and the tree, and wrap the
presents. On Christmas day we open the presents and watch Christmas programmes on TV. We
usually eat stuffed cabbage and turkey, and my parents drink champagne. At anniversaries and
birthday parties we eat cakes, drink something and have a good time.

What is your favourite family celebration?

I think Christmas is the best because everybody gets presents, the whole house is nicely decorated
and the whole family is together.

Can you remember a present that made you really happy?

I always get great presents from my friends and my parents because they read my mind and they
know my taste.

When do we celebrate /commemorate national holidays?

On 15th March we commemorate the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence, on 20th
August – the Fondation of the State and on 23rd October – the Revolutin of 1956. These days are
bank holidays, so we don’t have to go to school. These days were milestones in Hungarian history.
The school celebration is always the day before.

What do people do on these days?

People wear formal clothes, go to commemorition ceremonies and watch films about these events or
performances. Some people just stay at home and enjoy the day off or go on a trip it’s a long
How do you celebrate them at school?

At school we usually have shorter lessons and a short commemeoration ceremony. Students usually
wear a white blouse and a dark skirt or trousers.

Which national holiday do you like the most and why?

The Foundation of State means the most to me because it determined our history the most.

graduations – bizonyítványosztó ünnepség

2.6 – öltözködés, divat

What do you wear in different seasons?

It depends on the weather, if it is cold, I wear a warm coat, waterproof boots, while in summer I
mostly have Bermuda shorts and a top on. In summer I like wearing sandals, colourful clothes,
miniskirts or shorts.

What do you like wearing the most?

Most of the time I wear jeans or skirts and shirts. When I am at home I usually wear comfortable
clothes. I prefer fashionable clothes, rather than second-hand or hand-me-down clothes. I don’t
really like worn-out or colorful clothes.

How do you dress yourself when you go to special events or parties?

When it comes to special occasions I like to dress up. I even browse women’s magazinest o look
trendy and pretty. For these occasions I sometimes buy a new dress or skirt and a pair of high-heeled

What about a normal school day?

I don’t make much effort for school, I just put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. OR: It takes a long time
to get dressed int he morning because I never know what to wear and I have to do my hair.

Do you normally follow the latest fashion?

I like to flip through the fashion magazines but I don’t reallyfollow the fashion. If I had more money I
would buy some more fashionable clothes.

hand-me-down clothes – testvértől örökölt ruha

effort – fáradozás
flip through – átlapoz
2.7 – vásárlás, szolgáltatások (posta)

Do you like shopping?

I really like shopping, the boutiques and the shopping centre are my favourite places.

What are the differences between shopping in different places?

If we think of quality and atmosphere boutiques are the best. If we think of variety
supermarkets are the best. In my opinion a shopping center is better than a corner shop
because there is a bigger variety, prices are lower and it is self-service.

What do you especially like or dislike buying?

I especially like buying clothes because I like trying its on. I’m not very keen on standing int
he queue at the supermarket cash desk.

Where do you go shopping for clothes?

I think the best shops are in the city centre in Budapest. I always find something to buy in the
local department store. Before I buy something I always take a look around, try it on, check
the quality of the material and ask the opinion of my best friend.

Where do you buy your daily food? What about the weekends?

If I only have to buy the daily bread and milk or a few things for dinner, I go to the nearby
grocery because it is faster. When we need a lot of things we go to the big supermarket
because it is cheaper and we find everything under one roof. Sometimes we even go to the
market to buy fresh fruit because they are good quality.

What are the advantages /disangvantages of counter or self-service shops?

I like counter-service shops because I can talk to the friendly shop assistant, ask for all the
articles or get advice and I don’t have to look for the goods myself or push a trolley. I like
self-service because I can choose from the articles myself, I can look through the goods and
decide which one I like the most and I can take time and look around.

What services do you have? What else could you make use of?

I think we have everything we need, like a pharmacy,a dentist, a medical centre and a public
library. I really think that a petrol station, a bank, a takeaway restaurant, a swimming pool,
an ice rink and a cinema would be useful to have.
How often do you need these services? What kind of service do they offer?

Whenever something goes wrong in the household we call a mechanic, for example, to fix a
dripping tap, a leaking pipe, a video recorder or a broken window. If I need to post a letter I
go to the post office.

What do you use regularly? Where do you go most often?

I needed to call the doctor several time. I go to the post office almost every week.

counter service – pultos kiszolgálás

dripping tap – csepegő csap
leaking pipe – szivárgó cső
3. Környezetünk
3.1 – az otthon, a lakóhely és környéke (a lakószoba, lakás,
a ház bemutatása)

Please describe your room.

My room is quite nice and big. I have white curtains and blue walls. My favourite colours like
beige, dark blue and brown are dominant in my room.

What furniture do you have in your room? What does it look like? What is it made of?

I have a quite comfortable bed and some pictures in the corner of the room. There are some
bookshelves, which are made of wood. My desk and wardrobe are of wood.

What do you have on the walls? What is special about room?

Instead of putting up posters on the walls, I like my little sister’s paintings and drawings.
I think my room really reflects my personality. My room is exactly the way I like it.

How would you like to change your room? Why?

I would like to change the colour of the walls, put up wallpaper and have some new furniture.

Where do you live? What kind of rooms do you have?

My parents have a house which is quite big and very comfortable. It has several rooms and a
nice garden around. We live in a two-storey house; ont he ground floor we have a living-
room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a pantry, a hall, a laundry-room, and ont he first floor we have
three bedrooms, a badroom, a walk-in closet and a study.

What does the living-room /bedroom /study /kitchen /bathroom look like? What are the
dominant colours /materials /styles?

The living-room is quite big. We have a TV-set int he living room. The dominant colour in
the living-room is white and light yellow. We prefer traditional furniture in the whole house.

What do you think the difference is between living in a house and living in a flat?

I think a house offers more space and is more intimate than a flat. In a house you can have
your own bedroom and more place room to store things. Flats usually don’t have so many
rooms and a garden around, so they are less comfortable.
walk-in closet – gardróbszoba
pantry – spájz
store – elraktároz
3.2 – a lakóhely nevezetességei, szolgáltatások, szórakozási

Where do you live? Where is it situated?

I live in ………………., which is a small village near the capital city of Hungary. It has a very favourable
location because it is situated close to Budapest. It has about thousand inhabitans.

What can you find in the village /town?

Budapest has a lot of old buildings, interesting monuments, tourist attractions and historical sights.
Several statues and parks can be found here. It is also famous for its historical city centre, catedral
and great hotels.

What kind of services does it offer?

It offers a lot of great places to stay at, good restaurants, shopping centres and parks. There is also
the opportunity to watch films, go to concerts and go to athletic events.

What kind of tourist attractions are there?

There are several galleries, museums, monuments and buildings worth visiting. The most famous
monument reminds us of historic moments (depicts a great historic figure). A lot of tourists come
here every year to visit the ……………Museum, which is in the centre.

What are the main cultural /sport /etc. events in your town or village?

Several cultural and sport events are organized in Budapest. Personally I like the Spring festival the
most. If you want some entertainment during your vacation, you should really see the Sziget Festival,
wich is held on August.

favourable – kedvező
opportunity – alkalom
depict – ábrázol
3.3 – a városi és a vidéki élet összehasonlítása

What is it like to live in a town?

Living in a town is very exciting. There are a lot of cultural, entertainment and shopping facilities and
schools you can choose from. There are a lot of opportunities if you want to go out. Unfortunately,
you can’t enjoy the fresh air or go for a walk in the woods.

What is life like in a village?

It is an ideal place to grow up, enjoy nature and grow vegetables and fruit, but I miss the shops and
public transport. Village people are peaceful, calm, friendly and hospitable.
In a village you can’t go to the theatre or make use of many service facilities, but you can reach
everything easily and keep animals.

What are the main differences between living in a town and living in a village?

Some people say that towns are dangerous and dirty, and villages are sefa and clean. Life in a town is
busy and stressful, but at the same time it is full of adventure and entertaining. A village offers lower
salaries and worse health care.

Why is it good /not good to have garden?

You can have nice flowers, but you have to dig the ground and rake the leaves in autumn. You never
have enough time to enjoy bird song and mow the lawn. It’s a good feeling to eat your own fruits, sit
back in a deck-chair and plant a tree.

Would you like to live in a town or in a village? Why?

I would prefer to live in the town because my friends are there (… live in the village where my
relatives live). I cannot imagine commuting every day.

It is not an easy question, buti f I had to decide I would choose the village because of the fresh air
and the picturesque countryside.

hospitable – vendégszerető
lawn – gyep
dig – ás
rake – gereblyéz
commute – ingázik
3.4 – növények és állatok a környezetünkben

What kind of plants do you have in your house and garden /orchard?

We have a lot of pot plants, especially around special occasions like graduations. Our garden is full of
pine trees and rose, thuya and lilac bushes. We have huge flower beds in front of the house with lots
of marigolds, tulips and lilies.

What kinds of vegetables and fruits do you grow at home and buy at the market?

In our orchard we have plum, apple, cherry and sour cherry trees. We have a huge garden, but we
don’t have a truck garden, so when we want to eat potatoes, paprika cucumber or radishes we have
to buy them in the supermarket or at the market.

What are the most common pets and animals people most often keep?

Most of my friends have a cat, a dog, a hamster or a guinea pig as a pet, but one of my classmates
has a turtle. Some people keep exotic animals at home like a ferret. I always wanted to have a talking
parrot, but my parents wouldn’t let me have one. Instead, I got a cat.

Are there any other animals people keep around the house?

In villages people still have hens, chickens, pigs, goats or ducks. People mostly keep chickens, pigs or
turkeys for their meals, but a cat or a dog can also catch mice or guard the house.

What kinds of animals are kept in zoos? Why?

Exotic animals like lions, zebras, polar bears, panthers and elephants are mostly kept in zoos because
they need a special environment and climate, or they are dangerous. In the Budapest zoo there is
even a camel, giraffe, ostrich, chimpanzee and hippopotamus. Some people say it is cruel to keep
these animals there, but I think it is great experience for children.

orchard – gyümölcsöskert
pine – erdei fenyő
lilac – orgona
marigold – körömvirág
truck garden – zöldségeskert
ferret – vadászmenyét
hen – tyúk
goat – kecske
ostrich – strucc
3.5 – környezetvédelem a szűkebb környezetünkben

What can we do in our everyday lives to protect the environment?

I think it is very important to be aware of environmental problems and air pollution. I always recycle
my rubbish and use environmentally friendly things. We don’t have to do big things, just start small,
like switching off the lights in the rooms, not using too much water and not throwing litter away in
the streets. I have also tried to convince my family and friends to use less water and electricity and
public transport more often.

What is the relationship between the use of cars and air pollution? What other means of transport
do we have?

I believe car fumes can increase the greenhouse effect, destroy the ozone layer, cause breathing
problems and reduce the amount of oxigen.Instead of going by car, we could use public transport or
bicycles. Companies could use trains or ships for transportation purposes instead of lorries.

What do you know about the energy sources in the world? What happens if we run out of them?

The most well-know energy sources nowadays are fossil fuels like coal and oil, but solar energy and
wind power are also becoming more and more popular. As the traditional energy sources are running
out, we could start using alternative energy sources, like earth heat. The insreasing lack of fossil fuels
will cause problems int he economy.

What do you know of the world organizations which try to protect /conserve /save the
environment and species from extinction? What are their methods?

I know some organizations like Green Peace which try to save the environment. They hand out
leaflets and organize conferences or campaigns, and try to call attention to endangered species
(make people aware of global warming).

Why is it important to preserve the environment and save rainforests /animals from extinction?

It is important to save our environment because in 50 or 100 years’ time we will not have enough
food or energy. I think it’s not only our environment, but the next generations’ too, so we should
start to consider the problems of energy.

be aware of – tisztában van valamivel

litter – hulladék, convince – meggyőz , fume – füstöl , increase – fokoz
ozone layer – ózonréteg , reduce – csökkent , amount – oxigén , source – forrás
earth heat – geotermikus (energia), increasing lack – fokozódó hiány
leaflet – röplap
3.6 – időjárás

What is the climate like in Hungary?

The climate in Hungary is continental which means that we have four seasons, winters can be cold,
spring weather is usually unpredictable and summers are warm. There are big differences between
summer and winter weather.

What is the weather like in the different seasons and how do people dress?

Winters are generally cold and snowy and people have to wear warm clothes and boots. The
warmest month is August, and the coldest is February. In summer we often have high temperatures,
lots of sunshine, thunder and lightning.

What is your favourite season and why?

My favourite season is December because I can skate and ski, and May because it is ideal for walking,
camping and organizing a garden party.

Why is it useful to watch the weather forecast?

I always watch the weather forecast because I can be informed about cold and warm fronts. I like to
check the weather because I don’t like to get wet. I can decide whether I need an umbrella or a scarf.

What was the weather like yesterday?

It was extremetely hot, the temperature was over 30 degrees. The weather forecast was wrong
because there was rain /wind. It was ideal for me to sit out int he garden.

unpredictable – megjósolhatatlan
4. Az iskola
4.1 – saját iskola bemutatása (sajátosságok, pl. szakmai
képzés, tagozat)

Which school do you attend?

I attend Secondary (Grammar) School which is famous for its strict teachers and high-
standard of teaching. My school has a good reputation in the town because it has strict
requirements and of its well-qualified staff.
What does your school building and the classrooms look like?

The huge, old school building is situated next to a park. There are about 25 classrooms and
they are decorated with posters, charts, maps and pictures. We have our own classroom and I
like it because it’s very cosy, well-equipped and spacious. The blackboard, desks and chairs
are good condition.

What kind of special classrooms and facilities does your school offer?

We have a library with a lot of books and extensive schoolgrounds with a lot of sports fields.
Our well-equipped biology and chemistry classroom offers good oppurtunities for learning.
We could have more computers in the computer lab.

What do you like most about school?

I like the way teachers teach us because it’s motivating, challenging and interesting. I’m
lucky to have such classmates who are ambitious, well-behaved and motivated. It is worth
going to Szent István Grammar School because there are a lot of extracurricular activities.

attend – hallgat, látogat

strict – szigorú
high-standard – magas színvonalú
reputation – hírnév
requirement – követelmény
chart – táblázat, grafikon
cosy – barátságos
well-equipped – jól felszerelt
spacious – tágas
extensive – terjedelmes
well-behaved – jó magaviseletű
4.2 – tantárgyak, órarend, érdeklődési kör, tanulmányi

How many lessons, study circles, training sessions and private lessons do you have a

Almost every day Ihave maths, literature, English, German and history lessons, but on
Tuesday I have no maths, physics and PE. On Wednesday I have a chemistry lessons in the
afternoon, so I have a really long day. My timetable is quite full on most days, I usually have
six lessons.

What subjects do you study and what do you learn about during these lessons?

This year I have had my favourite subjects, such as chemistry and biology. My school is well-
equipment so we can do a lot of experiments in the chemistry and biology laboratories.

What is it your favourite subject? What are the subjects you don’t like?

My favourite subject is chemistry and biology because I have always been interested in it.
I have never been fond of PE because I didn’t really like doing exercices.

What else would you like to learn at school?

I think social studies, cooking, household management or driving would be useful to learn.
I’ve heard that students in other countries have technology or social studies lessons, which are
very interesting and useful.

How do you prepare for lessons, tests, exams?

When I have to learn something by heart I usually read it several times and I make small
reminders. I learn pretty quickly so when we have a test I never worry and I am always
prepared. I usually swot a lot for tests and exams because I hate taking tests and exams
unprepared, and I think it is really important to achieve good results.

technology – műszaki tudományok

reminder – emlékeztető
prepare – teljesen megcsinál
swot – magol
achieve – teljesít
result – eredmény
4.3 – a nyelvtanulás, a nyelvtudás szerepe, fontossága

How long have you been learning languages?

I have been learning German for 7 years, and English for 6 years. I would like to learn some
Italian one day.

What are your personal methods?

I like to learn languages by watching TV, reading books and surfing the Internet. I usually
chat with my friends in English to improve my vocabulary and speaking skills. I think it’s
really useful to read magazines or watch films in their original version for practise.

Why are languages important in your life?

I can use my knowledge when I go abroad or I meet a foreign tourist. Sometimes I have to
give directions to a tourist or read texts in other languages. As I wold like to work in the
tourism or business sector, I think it is really important for me to speak English and a second
foreign language.

Why is English considered a world language?

English is spoken all over the world. It became a world language, partly due to British
conquests around the world. It is the interanational language of communications, science,
business, aviation and information technology.

Where do you think you will use English in the future?

It can be used in many areas of life, for example, watching movies in the cinema, or at my
future workplace. I think English is worth learning because almost everybody understands it
abroad, and most workplaces require some knowledge of it. I will use it a lot in my career as

partly – részben
due – következtében
conquest – hódítás
aviation – légi közlekedés
4.4 – az iskolai élet tanuláson kívüli eseményei, iskolai

What kind of after-school activities are there in your school?

We have training sessions and choir practice. There is a wide variety study circles. You can
member of the baskelball, football team, orchestra or choir.

What kind of cultural events are there in your school?

Every year we organize various competitions, language evenings and film clubs. We go to
theatre performances, concerts and the opera house. The cultural life of our school is very rich
because we regurarly invite guest lecturers to chat with them.

What are the main events during the school year?

Every year we have the annual school days and freshmen’s camp. Traditionally there are class
excursions and camps at the beginning of the school year. The annual school days and class
performances always attract a lot of students.

Which extracurricular activities do you take part in the afternoon?

I don’t have enough time so I’m not a member of the choir although I would like to be.

What is your favourite event or activity at your school?

I couldn’t imagine our school life without class trips or the annual school days. I can hardly
wait for the school-leavers’ ball and school camp. My favourite event is the ………………..
because it’s so funny.

study circles – szakkörök

remedial tutorial – korrepetálás
competition – verseny
freshmen’s camp – gólyatábor
class excursion – osztálykirándulás
school-leavers’ ball – szalagavató
breaking up ceremony – évzáró ünnepély
funny parade – bolond ballagás
5. A munka világa
5.1 – diákmunka, nyári munkavállalás

Why do students have part-time jobs?

- Some of the reasons for having a part-time job are lack of money or boredom. There are a lot
of people who take up a job because they want to buy a cell phone or travel abroad or fulfill
their dreams. If you get a job, you can gain experience, make new friends and save money.
What are the advantages or disadvantages of working int he summer?
- It not easy to get up early in the summer holidays, but it gives you more self-confidence and
you spend your time in a meaningful way. It’s true that the salaries are not so high and the
working conditions are sometimes bad, but it is better than nothing and you don’t have any
other choice. I can’t say that I am happy when my friends go to the beach or cinema and I
have to work, but it is worth it.
What are the most typical summer or part-time jobs for students?
- Student job centres usually offer jobs like handing out leaflets, working in a fast food
restaurant, monitoring traffic flow or photocopying. A lot of students enjoy working as a
baby-sitter, shop assistant or gardener. Being a baby-sitter is not an ideal job for students
because it is too demanding.
What have your working experiences been like so far?
- I’ve never had a summer job, but my friends always say good things about working.

lack of money – pénzhiány

boredom – unatkozás
fulfill – beteljesít
gain experience – tapasztalatszerzés
self-confidence – önbizalom
meaningful – értelmes
worth – megér valamit
handing out leaflets – röplaposztás
demanding – keresett
5.2 – pályaválasztás, továbbtanulás vagy munkába állás

Where would you like to study and why?

- I have always wanted to be a doctor, genecitist. There are several reasons why I want to
become a doctor: because it needs intelligence, a variety of skills, patience and reliability.
I think there is a great demand for doctors on the labour market, so I won’t have to worry
about finding a job.
What do you think your daily routine will be like?
- I will probably have lectures during the day. I guess I won’t have learn on a daily basis and
do homework every day, but I will have to study a lot more in the exam period. I will also
learn how to organize my life and make ends meet.
Where wouldyou like to live when you’re at university?
- I have a couple of possibilities to choose from, for example, living in the student’s hostel or
sharing a flat with friends. I’m thinking of applíing for a hostel room so that I spend less on
accomodation and have more for food or other necessities. I will probably stay at home and
What would you like to do (to work) afterwards?
- Hopefully, I’ll find a job immediately after university at a great hospital. I would like to
work in a hospital as a doctor. As I speak English and German Ithink I can live and work

skill – szakértelem
patience – türelem
reliability – megbízhatóság
commute – ingázás
6. Életmód
6.1 – napirend, időbeosztás

Describe a typical weekday of yours.

I normally get up at 7 o’clock, then I have a wash, have breakfast, get dressed and brush my
teeth. I usually leave home at 7.30, then I go to school on foot. Then I have lunch at about 2
p.m. at the school canteen with my friends and int he afternoon I do my homework, learn or
meet my friends. Int he evening I usually read a book or listen ti music then I take a shower
and go to bed at half past ten. I have to organize my day so that everything fit sin it. I spend 6
hours a day at school and 4 hours with learning and studying.

What do you do at weekends?

At the weekends my daily routine changes, I relax or go out with my friends. I don’t have to
get up early, and study that much. Then time passes faster when you’re having fun. At the
weekends I usually get up later and relax a bit. I can go out with my friends, because I don’t
have school the next day.

What could you do to balance your activities better?

I know school has to come first in my life, but I really would like to have more time for
having fun or trips. I think I could make a list of the things I have to deal with that might help
me to organize my time better. In my opinion I make the most of my time, it is very difficult
to find time for everything.

How does it change in the summer?

In summer I have more time for relaxing, reading, watching films, surfing the net or pursuing
my hobbies. As I don’t have to get up early, go to school or learn a lot in the afternoons in
summer, I can sleep late, read some books and go on trips with ma friends. It is true that I
have more time in summer, but I usually spend it with helping my mother in the household or
working with my father in the garden.

deal with – foglalkozik

6.2 – az egészséges életmód

What do you need to live a healthy lifestile?

I think it is important to get enough sleep, do sports, eat healthy food, drink enough liquid,
have a healthy and positive way of thinking. Meeting people, spending time in useful way,
maintaining the flexibility of our body, keeping physically fit or preventing illnesses are also
part of a balanced life. We are not supposed to drink alcoholic drinks. Greasy food or
smoking should be avoided as well.

How does doing sports help us to keep fit and healthy?

I think doing sports generally makes us fitter, physically more flexible and healthier. We can
also develop greater endurance and strength. I’ve heard doing sports makes us more resistant
to illnesses or diseases. I’ve learned respect other people more, work in team and be hard-

What counts as personal hygiene?

For me washing myself, taking a shower, brushing my teeth and using cosmetic products are
part of personal hygiene. Going to the dentist and dostor on a regular basis is also very
important for me. I use different kins of cosmetic products like hair products or body lotions.

What do you think is a good diet? What is healthy and what is unhealthy?

To eat the right way we need to have vegetables, fruits, poultry, high fibre foods, vitamins,
cereals and dairy products on a daily basis. Our meals should countain as little fat, salt, sugar,
food colourings or preservatives as possible. We shouldn’t nibble all the time, so we should
avoid crisps, nuts, chocolate or sweets.

maintaining – fenntartás
preventing – megelőzés
avoide – elkerül
develop – fejleszt
endurance – kitartás
strength – teherbírás, ellenállóerő
disease – betegség
fibre – rostos
cereals – gabonafélék
dairy product – tejtermék
preservative – tartósítószer
nibble – nassol
6.3 – étkezési szokások a családban

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

For me, breakfast is muesli with milk or a piece of toast with marmalade and butter or a
yoghurt. At weekends we have more time, so I prepare an omelette or bacon and eggs.

Where and what do you eat for lunch?

On weekdays I usually eat lunch in the canteen, but I don’t like the food there because it’s
overcooked or fatty. Lunch is the main meal for me and it consists of some soup and a main
course which is usually some meat with rice or potatoes or a vegetable dish or pasta, followed
by a dessert like ice cream, a piece of chocolate or an apple.

What do you have for dinner and when is dinnertime?

For dinner I eat like a bird – I eat some cold cuts with a slice of bread or have some fruit. I
like to have dinner before 6 p.m. because I can’t sleep with a full stomach.

How often do you eat out and where?

We eat out only on special occasions such as weddings or birthdays or namedays. My family
rarely goes to a restaurant because we prefer home-made food, but I’m fond of Italian
restaurants. I occasionally go to fast food restaurants because it’s convenient and fast, but it’s
expensive and unhealthy.

Are you a healthy eater?

I think my diet is quite balanced, because I try to eat nutritious meals, a lot of fruit,
vegetables, fish and dairy products. I eat a lot of yoghurt and cheese. I pay attention to what I
eat because I don’t want to become overweight.

convenient – kényelmes
unsatisfactory – nem kielégítő
unhealthy – nem egészséges
nutritious meals – tápláló ételek
6.4 – ételek, kedvenc ételek

What are your favourite dishes?

I like breaded meat, vegetable dishes, stuffed cabbage and chicken paprika with dumplings
the most. My absolute favourite dish is pancakes with marmalade or chocolate sauce.

What can you cook?

It’s very simple to make an omlette or chips (French fries). I know all the ingredients and how
to prepare breaded fried meat, chicken stew and lasagne. My mum taught me how to make
broth, all you need is some red meat, carrots, turnips, celerys, kohlrabis, salt, pepper and

Why is it useful to know how to cook at least some basic dishes?

When it’s time to move away from my parents’ house, I would like to be able to prepare my
own food. If I don’t want to eat take-away or pre-packed food, I will have to learn how to
make some simple dishes. In September I hope to go to university, so I think I will ask my
mum to show me how to make some of my favourite dishes and I will get some cookery
books to survive the first couple of months.

What is your opinion about the instant and pre-packaged meals?

I think pre-packed meals and take-away food can be really useful when you don’t have time
for cooking or you can’t cook at all. I would never eat such things, they are not really healthy.
The easiest and fastest way of saving you from starving is to prepare an instant soup or a
deep-frozen pizza.

When you order a take-away, what do you usually order?

If I have a lot to study and I don’t have time to make something for myself then I order some
pizza or a hamburger. When I go out with my friends sometimes we just drop in a fast food
restaurant to have a quick meal. I usually try to avoid going to fast food restaurants because I
think the food I get there is quite unhealthy.

stew – ragu, pörkölt

turnip – fehérrépa
celery – zeller
kohlrabi – karalábé
take-away – elvihető
survive – túlél
starving – rettentő éhség
6.5 – étkezés iskolai menzán, éttermekben,

Where do you usually go to when you eat out?

There are lots of traditional and Italian restaurant sin town. I usually go to the fast food
restaurant or the pizza restaurant near to the school with my friends or my sister.

Why do people usually go to a traditional restaurant and what is it like?

Traditional restaurants offer a wider variety of meals and a peaceful and quiet atmosphere. In
a traditional restaurant people have to reserve a table in advance – you get the menu from the
waiter – you have to order the meals – waiters serve the meals – you ask for the bill before
you leave – you are expected to give a tip to the waiter. Sometimes my parents take us to a
traditional restaurant to celebrate a birthday.

When and why do people go to fast food restaurants?

My friends go to fast food restaurants at least twice a week because they usually meet their
friends there but I think the food is not very healthy. People like fast food restaurants because
there is self-service, they don’t have to wait for the waiter and they are full of young people.
Some people don’t really go to fast food restaurants because they think that the food is not
healthy there or eating at home is much more comfortable.

What do you think of school canteens?

I have been eating at the school canteen since I was eight, so I’ve got used to the self-service.
Our school canteen is quite good although sometimes the food is tasteless and we can hardly
find a place to sit down.

How could you make the school canteen better?

I think that’s a tough question, but they could pay more attention to the quality of the food. I
hate having to stand in a queue. It would be great if we could eat more fruit and vegetables
and the food was not so greasy.

wider variety – széles választék

tough question – nehéz kérdés
6.6 – gyakori betegségek, sérülések, baleset

What are the most common illnesses and health problems?

In winter and spring a lot of people suffer from the flu, have a sore throat or catch a cold. In
summer a lot of people suffer from allergies. The most common illnesses nowadays are the
common cold, the flu, bronchitis, cancer and pneumonia. Today’s hectic, unhealty and
stressful lifestile often causes insomnia, headaches, indigestion, depression or backache.

When were you last ill? What were your symptoms?

I catch bad cold very often and I always feel run down, sick, shivery, weak and dizzy. When I
catch a cold, I have a splitting headache, a bad cough, a runny nose and high fever. I have
never been seriously ill thanks to my regular way of life, my healthy diet and the vitamins I

How do you treat these illnesses?

Last time when I was ill my GP advised me to drink two to three litres of liquid a day, not to
get out of bed and to take antibiotics. The best thing to do is to stay in bed, keep warm and
drink a lot of tea with lemon. I always take my doctor’s advice and rest a lot so I can recover

What are the most common injuries or accident? Have you ever had an accident?

People need to be careful around the house and on the street, because they can easily get hurt
or break their leg or sprain thir ankle or get bruised. Last time I cut my finger badly. If there’s
an accident it’s good to know how to give first aid, how to make a bandage, how to dress a
wound and the phone number of the ambulance.

How can you avoid illnesses?

If you want to stay healthy, you should live a healthy life. I personally think that eating fruit
and vegetables and limiting oil and fat in your diet are very important. The most powerful
weapon against illnesses is a strong immune system and a healthy diet.
suffer – kínlódik
sore throat – fáj a torka
catch a cold – megfázik
cancer – rák
pneumonia – tüdőgyulladás
hectic – mozgalmas, nyüzsgő
insomnia – álmatlanság
indigestion – gyomorfájás
run down – kimerült
sick – levert
shivery – didergő
dizzy – szédülő
splitting – hasogató
GP = general practitioner – általános orvos
sprain – kificamít
bruise – felhorzsol
6.7 – gyógykezelés (háziorvos, szakorvos, kórházak)

What was your problem when you last visited a specialist or doctor?

The last time I had to go to the doctor’s, I had a cold and I felt terrible. I don’t often go to the
doctor’s, but about a month ago I felt very sick and had a fever and a bad cough.

Why do people go to private surgeries?

If someone is ill, they usually see their GP (general practitioner), there is no need to see a
specialist or visit a private surgery. When I was younger I had some problems with my
tonsils, so I needed a specialist and my parents took me to private surgeries to get the best
medical care possible. I know it is not always cheap to see a doctor at a private surgery, but
eight years ago I had an operation (tonsillectomy), since then I have to go to regular check-
ups, and I think I’m in better hands at a private surgery.

What happens in the consulting room?

When the patient enters the surgery, the doctor usually asks about the symptoms, then gives
them a thorough examination and checks their patient’s blood pressure and breathing. To give
a correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to ask several questions, listen to the patient’s chest and
give the patient a proper examination. Appointments at the doctor usually end with the doctor
giving the patient the diagnosis, giving the patient a prescription or referring the patient to a

Have you ever been to a hospital? What was your problem?

I can’t remember exactly, but when I was six I had to stay in hospital for a couple of days, but
my only memory of it is that I didn’t like it at all and I was quite bored.

When do people usually need an operation (surgery)?

There are some illnesses which cannot be cured with medicine or need an operation as soon as
possible. Serious diseases and injuries like appendicitis, a heart disease or a torn ligament
need immediate surgery. People with heart problems, knee problems or broken bones often
need to have surgery.

infection – fertőzés
tonsils – torokmandula , lung – tüdő
tonsillectomy – mandulaműtét
check-up – felülvizsgálat
prescription – recept
appendicitis – vakbélgyulladás
torn ligament – ínszakadás
7. Szabadidő, művelődés, szórakozás
7.1 – szabadidős elfoglaltságok, hobbik

How much free time do you have during the week? What do you do with it?

- As I have to learn a lot I don’t have that much free time. When I have some free time I
usually read or watch TV. (go out for a walk, meet my friends)

How much free time do you have at weekends?

- At weekends I have more free times because I don’t have so much homework and I don’t
have any training sessions or private lessons. Sometimes my mother asks me to help her with
the housework or tidy my room, so I can’t do what I want to. I like weekends because I have
more time to read or meet my friends.

What do you usually do in your spare time?

- Most of the time I read or play computer games. In my free time I try to relax by going for a
walk or listening to music.

Do you have a hobby? What do you like doing?

- I like dancing and doing embroidery. I don’t have a special hobby, I like doing lots of
different things in my free time like reading or listening to music. I have tried several hobbies
so far, like folk dancing, singing in the choir, playing the piano, drawing and swimming.

Would you like to take up a hobby in the near future?

- I have always wanted to try sewing. I may take up para-gliding and ice skating. I would like
to continue dancing but for the time being I have to study a lot for school, so I don’t really
have time for any more hobbies.

Some hobbies require a lot of money so only a few people can afford them, for example,
motor racing, sailing, photography, skiing or collecting coins. Teenagers usually take up less
expensive pastimes like jogging, going to the cinema or playing sports, because they are more

Some activities are practised alone like reading, sewing, knitting, sculpting and painting,
because they require privacy and concentration, while other pastimes are better done with
embroidery – hímzés
para-gliding – sárkányrepülés
affordable – megfizethető
sewing – varrás
sculpting – szobrászat
7.2 – színház, mozi, koncert, kiállítás

How often do you go to the cinema or to the theatre?

I regularly go to the cinema, because I’m fond of film. I quite rarely go to the theatre, because
it costs a fortune and it finishes late. I used to go to the theatre when I attended primary
school, but I can’t afford the time any more.

What kind of films and plays do you like?

I’m keen on action films because they are exciting, and comedies because they are amusing
and funny. I enjoy romantic films, science fiction films and comedies very much, but I don’t
like to watch horror films. I appreciate films with an interesting plot or a talented director, and
plays with a good cast.

Which film or play did you last see?

The last film I saw was The Avengers, which is about the superheroes. The film Black Swan
is well-acted, well-directed and worth seeing. I was rather disappointed with The
Transformers, because it had too many special effect.

Do you ever go to concerts?

I sometimes go to rock concerts as they are very entertaining. I will never forget the
Nightwish concert in Budapest, because it was spectacular and had so many special effect.
I rarely go to concerts, because the tickets are very expensive.

What kinds of exhibitions have you seen so far?

I sometimes go to museums and visit art galleries. I have seen the memorable collection of El
Greco to Ripl-Rónai in the Museum of fine arts. I would like to go to the Palace of Wonders,
because I’m interested in the history of science.
7.3 – sportolás, kedvenc sport, iskolai sport

What is your favourite sport?

I think sports are fun to do, so I’ve tried several sports so far, like running, swimming and
aerobic. I like almost all sports, but my personal favourite is auto-racing and ice-skating.
I like team sports, because I think it is much more entertaining and exciting.

What sports do you do?

I’m not so fond of doing sports, but I sometimes go skating and skiing in winter, and I go
jogging and swimming in summer, if I feel like it.

What kind of sports activities do you do in your school?

In P.E. lessons we usually begin with warm up exercises, then do gymnastic and play
handball. Fortunately, there are plenty of possibilities to do sports in my school besides the
P.E. lessons. We have several sport teams, and the school organizes a ski camp every year,

Have you ever been to a sports event? What was it?

Once my mother persuaded me to go and watch ……………. with her, and the atmosphere
was fantastic, I just loved it.

What sports events do you like watching on TV?

I wouldn’t miss the regular transmissions of Formula one car race and the Summer and
Winter Olympic games for anything. I usually watch only sports roundup in the evening
news, because I can’t siti n the front of the TV for hours watching races or matches.

entertaining – szórakoztató
sports roundup – sportösszefoglaló
7.4 – olvasás, rádió, tévé, videó, számítógép, internet

What do you like reading?

- Most of the time I read modern novels, short stories or classic dramas, because I find them
exciting, interesting and breath-taking. I like reading novels by …………………………..,
because I like the way he builds up the story line, explores and forms characters, and creates
tension and suspense.
When do you listen to the radio? Do you have a favourite programme?
- I almost never listen to the radio, just when I am in the car with my family. We listen
weather information, road constructions or music programme.
Do you watch TV a lot? Do you have a favourite series, programme or channel?
- I have several favourite channels such as the documentary channel Discovery. I don’t watch
TV a lot because I don’t have time for it.
Do you have a DVD or video recorder at home? Do you know how to use it?
- We have a very old video recorder, but I have never recorded anything with it. Nowadays we
use our DVD player more often. I have hundreds of DVD and video casettes at home with
films and every episode of House, and I watch them again whenever I can.
Do you have a computer at home? Do you siti n front of it a lot?
- We have a computer at home but it is my parent’s room so I can’t play computer games on it.
We have a modern computer (laptop) at home with sound and video cards, great computer
games and Internet access. I have a laptop, and I usually spend a lot of time sittin gin front of
the computer playing computer games, surfing the Internet, chatting with my friends, writing
e-mails, doing research for my homework.

breath-taking – lélegzetelállító
tension – feszültség
suspense – várakozással teli
7.5 – kulturális események

What kinds of events take place during the summer?

- Budapest offers a big variety of concerts, street festivals and folklore festivals in the summer.
There is no summer without theatralical and dance performances, scientific and educational
lectures, arts and craft fairs or wine days. The summer festival attracts a lot of tourists, and
provides non-stop entertainment.
What events takes place in winter?
- There are traditional crafts workshops nad children’s programmes in winter. A unique event
every winter is the traditional Christmas fair nad Christmas concert.
Where do these events take place?
- Every year when the Christmas fair takes place, the street and squares are filled with people.
The Community Centre holds salsa lessons, exhibitions and training sessions. The town centre
(garden) is an ideal place for concerts and exhibition.
What is the aim of these events?
- The choir festival or folk dance competition promotes cooperation between towns and
villages. Events like choir competitions or international music festivals have an important role
making choir music or classical music more popular. Organizing fairs, concerts, wine tastings
or workshops is an effective way to attract more tourists.
Which is the most outstanding event?
- In our village everyone is interested in live performances of the folk dance groups. A lot of
people watch the fireworks which concludes the week long festivities.

dance performance – táncelőadás

lecture – előadás
arts and crafts fairs – iparművészeti vásárok
attract – vonz
provide – ellát, nyújt
entertainment – szórakozás
traditional crafts workshops – népművészeti műhely
unique – egyedülálló
training session – képzési kurzus
aim – cél, szándék
competition – verseny
promote – támogat
effective – hatásos
conclude – befejez
After sitting indoors all day at schoolo or at work people like going out. On Friday or
Saturday nights they often go to the disco or to a pub. Sometimes they go to a concert. Going
to the theatre or to an exhibition is a bit more serious but a lot of people like to do this.

A few years ago I visited the Museum of Fine Art sin Budapest with my class. We saw the
exhibition: „Monet and his friends.” It was a very big art event in Hungary. The exhibition
presented famous paintings by Monet and his contemporaries. The paintings followed a
special thematic order.
8. Utazás, turizmus
8.1 – a közlekedés eszközei, lehetőségei, a tömegközlekedés

How do you get to school in the morning?

- I have a season ticket, but I usually go on foot to school. I live quite a long way from school,
so first I travel by train into town and then I change from the train to the metro. I take metro
line 2 and travel five stops, then take a 7 or 173 bus and travel 5 minutes then I have to walk
until I get to my school.

What types of public transport are available in your town? What are they like and how
do you use them?

- I live in a village, so we don’t have local public transport facilities, but in Budapest there are
several forms of public transport such as the metro, bus, tram and trolleybus. They are mostly
fast and safe, but occasionally they get stuck in traffic or are crowded.
When you want to travel by metro you buy your ticketat the entrance, then go down, then wait
until it arrives, then get on when the sliding doors open, then get off when you reach your
There are also taxis, which are the most convenient way of travelling, and very expensive.

What means of transport do you prefer for long distance travel?

- When I go somewhere in Hungary I usually take the train (coach), because it is comfortable
and fast. I prefer trains when I travel because I can always find a place to sit and I can sleep if
I am tired. When I travel abroad I usually choose a cheap airline, because it is faster and more

Do you have a bicycle? Does your family have a car? Where do you go on them?

- I have a bícycle and I usually go on long bicycle tours with my friends in summer. My family
has two cars. My father and mother usually take the car to work and to go shopping and we
often go on trips or visit my grandparents by car.

Do you have a driving licence? Or do you plan to learn to drive in the near future?

- I don’t have a driving licence yet, but I would like to get one as soon as possible. It isn’t easy
to get a driving licence as it takes a lot of time to learn to drive.
8.2 – nyaralás itthon, illetve külföldön

Why do people spend their holidays in Hungary?

- There are several reasons why people stay and spend their holidays in Hungary, for example
it’s cheaper than going abroad, they can visit relatives they haven’t seen for a long time or
they can discover beautiful and interesting places in their own country. Sometimes it’s only
the lack of money that keeps people from going abroad. I think it’s time that people
discovered the wonderful countriside and historic sights of their own country.

Why do people go abroad for their holidays?

- Nowadays is it possible to travel to all four corners of the world and see different cultures and
people. Travel agencies offer package tours or last minute trips to every part of the world and
more and more people can afford and want to travel abroad for their holidays.
It is always more challenging to travel abroad, not to mention other benefits, like speaking
and practising a foreign language.

Where have you been so far?

- I think I am lucky, because my parents think it’s very important to see the world at a young
age and they can also afford to take the family abroad, so I’ve had the chance to go to France,
Finland and Sweden. I’m always looking for oppurtunities to go abroad, so I always take part
in projects which involve getting to know foreign students, this way I might be able to go to
Japan with the school.

Where is your family going on your next holiday?

- We always try to visit different places, so this year it will be Croatia for a week and Germany
for five days.

What kinds of holidays do you like?

- My family likes exploring whenever we go on holiday. Last year, for example, we visited a
lot of residences in Paris and the North of France. I prefer being active on my holidays, so
when I’m away I spend most of my time going sightseeing in the city or exploring the country

Unfortunately, my parents don’t really like doing water sports on our holidays, that’s why we
always go sightseeing.
8.3 – utazási előkészületek, egy utazás megtervezése,

How do you usually organize your family holidays?

- We usually choose on the destination, proramme and activities together. My mother books
the accomodation on the Internet. Our family tries to avoid the peak tourist season and
crowded places when travelling anywhere.

When and what do you pack?

- My family never makes a packing list, and I always prepare the luggage the night before
departure. If it a summer holiday, I always pack clothes that don’t wrinkle and suntan lotion.
A rolling bag can be very practical. A backpack and sleeping bag can be very useful.

What travel documents and papers might you need?

- We always check whether or not our passports have expired. If we travel by car we have to
take my father’s driving licence and obtain a motorway sticker. Forgetting about medical
insurance or cradit card or reservation confirmations can spoil your vacation.

What do you have to arrange at home?

Make sure you have someone pick up the post, unplug electrical items and water the plants
before going on holiday. Arrange for someone to house-sit or mow the lawn. Don’t forget to
lock the doors and windows, store valuables in secure places, and move houseplants away
from direct sunlight.

What do you do to make your holiday more enjoyable?

We always buy travelogues, and research our holiday destination on the Internet. I search the
Internet to find about admission fees to museums, and attractions or sights in the area.
Checking the weather forecast or special customs can make our stay more pleasant.
8.4 – az egyéni és a társas utazás előnyei és hátrányai

Why do people go on holiday with /without their friends /family?

- People go on holiday with their friends to enjoy their company or because they don’t want to
travel with their parents. People go on holiday with their family to spend some time together.
Sometimes people go on holiday without their friends and family, because they would like to
do what they want or would like to be independent. Some people enjoy going on holiday with
their friends or family because they can decide together what to do. Some people enjoy going
on holiday without their friends or family because nobody tells them what to do or where to
go. Going on holiday alone can be bad because you can’t share your experiences and
enjoyment with your family or you might feel homesick. Going on holiday alone can be
dangerous because you might get lost or hurt, and you might get robbed or mugged.

What is it like when the whole family goes on holiday together?

- When we go on holiday together we can spend some time together and we usually have a lot
of fun. When I go on holiday with my parents I don’t have to worry about things. A family
holiday is always a nice experience because we always laugh a lot, and my dad keeps telling
jokes and making fun of everything.

Have you ever travelled with friends? What was it like?

- I have often travelled with my friends. Twice I went to their cottage at river Duna with some
of my friends and we cooked goulash, played board game and had lots of fun.

What is it like when you go on school trips?

- Excursion with my class are always funny and interesting because we have a great form
teacher and always go to beautiful places. We usually go by bus and we stop on the way to
see things and take a lot of photos. The problem is that go on exhausting walks.

What do you think of package holidays? What are they like?

- I think that package holidays are quite comfortable and there are tour guides to show people
around the most popular tourist sights and people can make friends. People going on package
holidays can also feel well-protected and safe, or enter places which they couldn’t if they
travelled alone. Sometimes it can be annoying to spend so much time with a lot of people.
9. Tudomány és technika
9.1 – népszerű tudományok, ismeretterjesztés

Which fields of natural sciences are the most popular and what is their aim?

I think astrology, astronomy, medicine and molecular biology belongs to the most popular
fields of sciences. Genetic engineering are among the most discussed fields because they want
to prevent hereditary diseases. Scientists do research to help cure illnesses, but unfortunately,
some of these experiments are carried out on animals.

In which fields are most researches carried out?

Most researches are carried out in medcine, nuclear engineering and genetic engineering.
Medical research is very popular, and it is searching for answers to certain questions and
cures for deadly diseases. A lot of research is done under special circumctances like in space
or under extreme weather conditions.

Where can you find out about scientific discoveries and inventions?

Most inventions and discoveries are only publicised in scientific magazines, or on special
programmes. I sometimes read scientific articles on the Internet and watch documentaries on
TV. Our physics and science teacher is always up-to-date and always tells about the latest

Where can you see the cutting edge of technology and the latest inventions?

Nowadays, everything is full of modern devices which are at the cutting edge of technology,
like films and the Internet. Even when you watch a movie or go to a hospital, you see modern
inventions of technology. Technology is used in every field of life, such as for military
purposes or in sci-fi films, and then they later appear in our everyday lives as well.
9.2 – a technikai eszközök szerepe a mindennapi életben

What are the greatest technological inventions?

I think the telephone, the mobil phone, the televisio and the computer are the greatest
technological inventions. There are a lot of important technological inventions such as the
washing machine, the photocopier and the answering machine. The invention of the radio, the
fax machine and the satellite was a milesotne in the history of technology.

Which electrical devices are used at our homes and why are they useful?

Electrical devices like the hairdryer or the electric razor surround us at home. The washing
machine and the dishwasher are called labour saving devices because they save our time and
make our life easier. The most common electrical devices used at home are the toaster, the
microwave or the mixer.

Which electric devices do you use for entertainment?

I have a CD-player and a laptop, and them make me happy. Having an MP3-player means that
I can listen to music wherever I am. With my Internet access I can download music and

How did people live without electrical devices and how has their life been changed by

Before the washing machine was invented, people had to wash by hand. Before the electric
cooker was invented, people had to make fires. Life without the car was more inconvenient.
It’s very difficult to keep up with the latest technological inventions and the older generations
are not always interested in, or not willing to use these inventions.

Which electric device would you miss the most?

I couldn’t live without my computer, because I’m addicted to the Internet. I cannot imagine
my life without my mobil phone. Despite the fact that computers and mobile phones can be
very harmful to personal relationships, I’m conviced that they are useful and necessary.

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