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Boxn Wagon Introduction

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For official use only


Monitoring Report of Bridges


Operation of BOXN Wagons Loaded up to CC+8+2t/ CC+6+2t As Pilot Project on Identified Routes Report No. BS-85 May, 2007



This report is based on the information provided by Zonal Railways and analysis conducted by RDSO. The analysis has been supplemented with information sent by Zonal Railways regarding instrumentation being carried out by them as part of Pilot Project. Although every care has been taken in recording data accurately, and in analyzing it objectively, the views expressed in this report are subject to modification from time to time in the light of fresh data. Further, they do not necessarily represent the views of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India. This report is the property of RDSO and is meant essentially for official use. It may not be loaned, reproduced in part or full, or quoted as an authority without the permission of Director General, RDSO.

(S.C.Jain) Director/B&S RDSO

(Piyush Agarwal) Executive Director/B&S RDSO


We wish to acknowledge valuable guidance received in preparation of the report on pilot project from Shri S.K.Vij, Member Engineering and Shri Rakesh Chopra, Additional Member/Civil Engineering. We also wish to place on record inspiration and guidance received from Director General/RDSO in the course of monitoring during pilot project and analysis of the information. The contributions from Shri V.K.Govil, ED/CE/B&S/Railway Board towards setting up the monitoring actions related to the pilot projects as well as discussions on various related issues are thankfully acknowledged. We wish to particularly thank CBEs of all Zonal Railways and their team of officers in providing timely inputs in formats circulated by RDSO for monitoring of the effects of running of CC+8+2T and CC+6+2T.



S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction


Page No. 1 1-3 3 3-4

Precautions and Monitoring Tasks Assigned to B&S Directorate of RDSO Activities done by B&S Directorate RDSO in connection with Heavy Axle Load Railway wise analysis Instrumentation of Bridges Conclusions Recommendations Annexure-1 to 4

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5-36 36-46 46-48 48-49 50-59

Monitoring Report on Operation of BOXN Wagons Loaded up to CC+8+2t/ CC+6+2t as Pilot Project on Identified Routes 1.

In order to enhance throughput to meet traffic demands of the nation, Railway Board had permitted operation of BOXN wagons, loaded up to CC+8+2 (axle load of 22.82t) on identified iron ore routes as a pilot project for a period of one year vide Railway Board letter no. 2003/CE-II/TS/5 Vol.1 dated 02-05-05 and 0405-05. Later the currency of pilot project has been extended up to June 07 vide CRBs DO letter No. 2005/CE-II/TS/7 dated 04-05-06 to DG/RDSO. Initially 16 routes were approved by Railway Board in May 05. Later on additional routes were also included for such operation and till March 07, total 34 routes were approved for operation of CC+8+2t as listed in Annexure 1. To achieve further augmentation in throughput, Railway Board also decided to permit operation of BOXN wagons loaded up to CC+6+2t (axle load of 22.32t) on identified routes, vide their letter no. 2004/CE-II/TS/2/Vol. I dated 02-02-06 as a pilot project. 100 routes have been approved for this operation till March 07, list of which is placed in Annexure 2. Various terminologies used about loading of wagons are correlated as below: S.No. Terminology 1. CC 2. CC+2+2 3. 4. 5. CC+4+2 CC+6+2 CC+8+2 Axle load in tons 20.32 21.32 21.82 22.32 22.82 Remarks Carrying Capacity 2t permitted over loading tolerance 4t permitted over loading tolerance 6t permitted over loading tolerance 8t permitted over loading tolerance



load. 2t load, 2t load, 2 load, 2t


Precautions and Monitoring

Following precautions and Monitoring of bridges have been prescribed for the operations of CC+8+2T load as per Railway Board letter no. 2003/CE-II/TS/5 Vol.1 dated 02-05-05 and 04-05-05 and 2005/CE-I/BR-II/6 dated 13-06-2005.The precautions and monitoring prescribed for CC+6+2 T are similar to those prescribed for CC+8+2 T axle load.

2.1.1 Each bridge needs to be evaluated as an individual entity regarding safety vis-vis its physical condition. (a) Thorough physical inspection as per performa in bridge inspection register

shall be done for each bridge, at the start of pilot project. (b) (c) (d) Bridges found distressed, immediately and taken up. shall be sanctioned for rehabilitation

Bridges shall be analyzed for the expected loading and where required, rehabilitation/strengthening be got sanctioned and taken up. The speed restrictions as required from safety consideration shall be imposed.

2.1.2 Bridge load monitoring system has been developed and demonstrated by M/s. Sharma Associates, Chicago, USA. Each Zonal Railway should install one of the systems to monitor the load spectrum including dynamic augment coming on the bridges. 2.1.3 Sample Bridges (representing type and span of those available on the routes) and vulnerable bridges, shall be selected for instrumentation, for monitoring the effects of increased longitudinal loads and higher axle loads on the bridge components i.e. foundations, piers and abutments, bearings and super structure. Instrumentation shall be with respect to measurement of settlement of foundations, tilting of piers/abutments, loads on bearings, deflections and stresses at critical points. Change in dynamic parameters may be monitored for quick evaluation. NDT tests may be carried out periodically. 2.1.4 The recording of data and analysis thereof would be required to be done for longer period so as to provide realistic data for future for allowing higher axle loads. (a) The tests for longitudinal loads on bearings and proportion transferred to approaches be done initially and further tests as may be required after analysis of results of tests. The test for deflection/ tilts & stresses at most critical points be done initially and repeated quarterly for one year and thereafter annually for three years or as otherwise required after study of test results. Tests for Dynamic Characteristics i.e. Vibration Signature test for the bridge be repeated once a quarter for one year & then annually. Load spectrum analysis including dynamic augment shall require continuous record. These system may be got installed with recording over a quarter by agency and thereafter Railway personnel could get trained & take over recording. NDT tests be carried out once in six months for detection of any hidden defects/ cracks development.


(c) (d)


2.1.5 Quarterly review of the position by multi-disciplinary core group comprising of PHODs under GM of Zonal Railways.


Tasks assigned to B&S Directorate of RDSO

The fixing of instrumentation, recording of observations and report preparation shall be done through specialized agencies by Zonal Railways. RDSO shall associate from the beginning in the instrumentation scheme, analysis of results and report preparation.

4.1 4.2

Activities done by B & S Directorate RDSO in connection with Heavy Axle Load:
RDSO has issued guidelines for instrumentation of bridges vide letter no. CBS/Axle load dated 17-01-07. Guidelines for running of CC+8+2 T and CC+6+2 T Axle Load: RDSO has issued guidelines for running of CC+8+2 T and CC+6+2 T Axle Load operation vide letter no. CBS/Golden/Q/Strength dated 20-03-07. Salient features of guidelines: (A) RDSO has checked the superstructure of standard spans (6.1m, 9.15m, 12.2m, 18.3m, 24.4m, 30.5m, 45.7m, 61.0m and 76.2m all clear spans) of bridges for 60kmph speed for CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load and found that Superstructure of all standard spans designed to BGML loading standard, RBG loading standard and MBG loading standard are fit for 60kmph speed. (Suitability of Superstructure of standard spans has been checked for height of C.G. of wagon from rail level not exceeding 1830mm). RDSO has checked the bearings of standard spans of bridges for CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load and observations are as below: (a) Bearings of standard spans designed for MBG loadings are fit for running of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load BOXN wagon with coupled WDG4 or coupled WAG9 locomotives. In case, the bearings designed for BGML/RBG loading standards have been replaced in accordance with RDSO letter of even no. dated 30-12-2004, summarized in annexure 3, then bearings are fit for running of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load BOXN wagon. In case, the bearings designed for BGML/RBG loading standards have not been replaced in accordance with RDSO letter of even no. dated 30-12-2004 summarized in annexure 3, then Zonal Railways either replace existing bearings as indicated above or strengthen




the bearings as per Annexure-3 for restricted speed of 60 kmph. (d) RDSO has further examined the bearings of standard spans of BGML and RBG standard for limiting tractive effort of 30t per loco. It is found that two additional anchor bolts are to be provided on fixed end bearings of 76.2m spans of BGML standard. The bearings of all other standard spans are found safe for 25t Axle Load operations with coupled WDG4 and WAG9 with limiting tractive effort of 30t per loco.

4.3 4.4

RDSO has issued guidelines for running of 25 t Axle Load operation vide letter no. CBS/Golden/Q/Strength dated 08-08-07 and 24/25-08-07. Rationalization of Provisions of EUDL in Bridge Rules: Presently EUDL approach is being used for design of new bridges as well as checking of suitability of existing bridges. However, there is a need to adopt more rationalized approach for checking the suitability of existing bridges, based on Bending Moment and Shear Force calculated for actual train load. Accordingly, RDSO has developed software Moving Load for working out the maximum Bending Moment and Shear Force which is under final stage of validation.


Revision of Speed Certificates: RDSO undertook oscillation trials, controllability trials and coupler force trials for the wagons/ trains with enhanced loading. The issue of provisional Speed Certificate for trials, scrutiny of the trial reports and issue of Final Speed Certificates was undertaken on war footing and in all more than 55 Speed Certificates were issued for enhanced loading. This involved concerted efforts of B&S Directorate, Testing, Wagon, Motive Power, Track and Track Machine Directorates of RDSO. The list of Speed Certificate issued from RDSO for effecting increase in through put is enclosed in Annexure-4.


Railway wise analysis:

Central Railway:

5.1.1 There are 13 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:-

S. N.

Name of route nominated for CC+6+2T

Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No of of of Major of Minor of Arch of Steel of RCC/ of bridges bridges Important Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges PSC nominated bridges bridges for instrumen tation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11

1 2 CC+6+2T 1 Rajur-Wani-MajriCTPS 2 Rajur-Wani-MajriWR-BD-BSL-NKRD 3 Ghugus-TadaliCTPS 4 Ghudus-Tadali-WRBD-BSL-NKRD 5 Godhani-AMFGhoradongri-Sarani 6 Parasia-JunnerdeoAmla-GDYA-SARNI 7 GhugusChandrapur* 8 Godhani-Wardha 9 BallarshahChandrapur 10 Roha-Panvel-DivaVasai-Khandwa-BSL 11 ET-Ghoradongri 12 13 NKRD-Kalyan Wadi to NGSM via PA (incl Saswad)

149 1294 48 55 716 394

5 11 0 2 2 2

4 127 0 0 46 11

140 1156 48 53 668 381

12 454 10 5 195 210

16 155 2 4 25 12

65 296 7 17 337 124 5

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

199 44 801 188 546 1725

3 0 3 2 9 67

17 8 98 22 17 113

179 36 700 164 520 1605

98 5 146 72 222 695

21 9 84 8 45 184

17 23 282 62 94 505 1

Yes Yes No Yes No No

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.1.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (iii) 6 bridge have been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T. Tender for instrumentation of one bridge finalized and for remaining 5 bridges it is under finalization. Instrumentation is yet to start.

5.1.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan March 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 23 190 1064 1185

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 05 57 120 93

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 05 29 37 10

5.1.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.1.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 0.75 crores (for 2 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been sanctioned. Works costing Rs. 6.25 crores (for 34 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been proposed for sanction. 5.2 East Cost Railway:

5.2.1 There are 6 nominated routes for CC+8+2t and 10 nominated routes for CC+6+ 2t axle loads. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:-

S. N.

Name of route nominated

1 2 CC+8+2 T 1 Waltair-Kirandul Section (KK line)

Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No of of of of Major of Minor of Arch of Steel of RCC/ bridges bridges Important Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges PSC nominated bridges bridges for instrument ation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1466 1 100 1365 85 41 631 4

Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11 15.5.05

DaitariJakhapuraParadeep 3 SambalpurTitlagarhRayagadaVizianagaramVishakhapatnam 4 JharsugudaSambalpur 5 KoraputRayagada 6 BhadrakJakhapura CC+6+2 T 1 TalcherRajathgarhBarangViziangaramSimhachalamVijiyawada (Upto Simhachalam) 2 Talcher-Rourkela (Upto Jharsuguda) TalcherRajathgarhNergundiParadeep TalcherRajathgarhBarangVizianagaramSimhadri Talcher-KANIHA (NTPC) Tacher-TTPS Tacher-Angul VizianagaramRayagadaKoraputJagdalpur SalegaonKapilas-Bhadrak Raipur-TitlagarhVizianagaram















79 415 195

1 0 4

10 75 35

68 340 156

11 75 20

25 0 4

8 339 109 1

06.02.06 09..5.06 15.5.05





























5 6 7 8

13 4 37 1559

0 0 0 0

10 0 3 126

3 4 34 1433

7 0 2 111

0 0 0 32

4 2 10 1034

06.02.06 06.02.06 06.02.06 15.5.05

9 10

386 1666

4 2

49 74

333 1590

31 57

17 83

213 890

15.5.05 30.11.06

There are 2 early steel girder bridges on these routes. Bridge no. 391 (15 x 45.7 m) has speed restriction of 20 kmph for loaded goods and 35 kmph for passenger trains. Work of replacement sanctioned. 2 girders reached at site and balance girders are under fabrication at Manmad Engineering Workshop. Bridge no. 58 has no speed restriction. Work of replacement sanctioned. Girders are awaited from Engineering Workshop Arakonam.

5.2.2 Instrumentation of bridges:

(i) (ii) (iii)

10 number of bridges have been planned for instrumentation. First round of instrumentation has been done for all 10 bridges. The report of instrumentation for four bridges i.e. 1554 UP, 467, 449 and 544 has been received. Observations of RDSO on Instrumentation: (A) Bridge number 1554 UP (PSA-VKSP Section, 5x30.5m open web girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. Only 22T longitudinal force is coming on the bearing against the theoretical requirement of 73.3 T. The remaining fatigue life of the bridge has been assessed as 59 years.

(e) Tilt of the pier and settlement of pier has not been measured by Zonal Railway (B) Bridge number 449 UP (BHC-PSA Section, 29x45.72m open web girder): (a) (b) (c) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 56.44T and 60.14 T longitudinal force is coming on the bearing against the theoretical requirement of 88 T for double headed WAG7 locomotive and 81 t for double headed WDG2 locomotive respectively. Tilt of the pier is insignificant. The instrumentation of bridge has been done without taking the brake binding cases. Fatigue life of bridge and settlement of pier has not been measured by Zonal Railway

(d) (e) (f)

(C) Bridge number 467 UP (BHC-PSA Section, 2x24.4m plate girder): (a) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit.

(b) (c)

Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. Maximum tractive effort at engine level is 48 T; bearing level is 40.64 T for 2WDG7 (with brake binding) and 43.2 T for 2WDG3A (without brake binding). The theoretical tractive effort for 24.4m span for 2WAG7 is 66 T and for 2WDG3A is 60.8 T. Fatigue life of bridge, tilt and settlement of pier has not been measured by Zonal Railway


(D)Bridge number 544 (BHC-PSA Section, 64x30.48m plate girder): (a) (b) (c) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 59.36 T to 61.36 T tractive efforts has been measured at bearing level against the theoretical requirement of 73.3 T for 2WAG 7 locomotive and 74.3T for 2WDG 2 locomotive. Longitudinal force at engine level has not been measured. Tilt of the pier is insignificant. Fatigue life of bridge and settlement of pier has not been measured by Zonal Railway

(d) (e)

5.2.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan- Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 06 131 103 1662

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges 05 63 117




Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 02 65 27 396

5.2.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.2.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes, works for Rs. 29.88 crores (for 31 bridges) and in CC+6+2 T Routes works for Rs. 34.97 crores (for 138 bridges) for strengthening of bridges are being planned. 5.3 East Central Railway:

5.3.1 There is no nominated route for CC+8+2t and 12 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:-

S. N.

Name of route nominated

Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. of of of Major of Minor bridges Important Bridges Bridges bridges

Total No. of Arch Bridges

1 CC+6+2T 1

2 Pradhankhunta Manpur Mughalsarai (GC) Sonenagar Garhwa Rd. (BD) Gomoh Garhwa Rd. Garhwa Rd. Chopan Chopan Mahadiya Karaila Rd. Shaktinagar

Total No. Total No. Total No of Steel of RCC/ of Bridges PSC bridges bridges nominat ed for instrume ntation 8 9 10

Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11

1097 414 729 400 120 73

3 Nil 1 ----

74 28 50 48 10 8

1020 386 679 352 110 65

434 78 273 201 75 36

43 16 7 ----

480 294 48 91 30 20

4 1 2 ----

May'06 No May'06 May'06 May'06 May'06

2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 11 12

Dhanbad KatrasgarhChandrapura Chadrapura Dugda Chandrapura Rajabera Pradhankhunta Patherdih Katrashgarh Nichitpur Kusunda Tetulmari

53 30 15 38 9 10


7 2 1 4 ---

46 28 14 34 9 10

25 19 2 19 5 9


1 2 5 2 ---


May'06 May'06 May'06 May'06 May'06 May'06

There are 5 early steel girder bridges.

5.3.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (iii) 7 number of bridges have been planned for instrumentation. Agency for instrumentation of 3 bridges fixed by Zonal Railways. And for remaining 4 bridges tender has bee invited by Zonal Railways. Instrumentation is yet to start by Zonal Railways.

5.3.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan- Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 04 209 1275 1522

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges 01 79 32

5.3.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on bridges.

5.3.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation:

Works for strengthening of bridges are being planned for 275 bridges. Cost of works is yet to be worked out by Zonal Railway. 5.4 Eastern Railway:

5.4.1 There are 3 nominated routes for CC+8+2 T and 9 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total Total No. Total No. of of No. of bridges Important Major bridges Bridges Total No. of Minor Bridges Total No. of Arch Bridges Total No. of Steel Bridges Total No. of RCC/ PSC bridges Total No of Whether bridges CC+8+2T / nominated CC+6+2T for operation instrument started ation 10 11 May 2005 78 Nil 6 72 46 3 18 Nil 128 Nil 12 116 71 2 37 4 198 Nil 7 191 65 5 59 Nil 153 39 363 49 102 155 2 Nil 3 Nil 1 1 34 11 71 18 4 14 119 28 292 31 98 141 90 32 168 98 38 57 22 2 65 5 4 13 41 6 104 Nil 35 34 41 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil May 2005

CC+8+2 T Damodar-KalipahariBaktarnagar1 Durgapur Steel Exchange yard_ Durgapur Steel Plant. Damodar - Burnpur 2 Asansol - Kalipahari Dugapur Durgapur 3 Barddhaman (slow lines) CC+6+2T Pirpainti - Farakka 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pirpainti - Kahalgaon Khana Link Gumani - Malda Town Asansol - Dugapur Pradhankhanta Asansol Andal - Suri Sainthia Burdwan - Saktigarh - Dankuni - Dumdum-Cossipur RoadChitpur Dum - DumBallygunj-KP DocksBudge-Budge Saktigarh - Bandel BTPS/Titagarh






54 Nil

8 9

103 157

Nil 4

20 18

83 139

22 98

39 24

33 Nil 29 Nil

One bridge is early steel girder bridge on CC+8+2 T routes and speed restriction of 30 kmph is existing on bridge. Work of replacement is in progress and likely to be completed in this financial year. 32 bridges are early steel girder bridge on CC+6+2 T routes and speed restrictions are existing on 7 bridges ranging from 75 kmph to 10 kmph. Work of replacement is sanctioned on 31 bridges and for remaining one bridge, replacement has been proposed for sanction.

5.4.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (ii) 4 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T loading. No bridge has been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T loading. Instrumentation of first phase for 4 bridges has been done and report is yet to be received by RDSO.

5.4.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 are as below: (a) (b) (c) Important bridges Major bridges Minor bridges 5 130 1061

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others Nil 05 11 01

5.4.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.4.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T and CC+6+2 T Routes works for strengthening of bridges are being planned. 5.5 North Central Railway:

5.5.1 There are 2 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:-

S. N.

Name of route nominated

Total No. of bridges

Total No. of Important bridges

Total No. Total No. of Major of Minor Bridges Bridges

Total No. of Arch Bridges

Total No. of Steel Bridges

Total No. of RCC/ PSC bridges

1 CC+6+2 T 1 2

Total No of bridges nominate d for instrumen tation 10

Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11


1321 1243

4 4

68 96

1249 1143

165 242

73 122

904 469

2 3

Mar. 07 Mar. 07

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.5.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) 5 bridges have been planned for instrumentation and agency has been finalized & Instrumentation yet to start.

5.5.3 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.5.4 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 5.0 crores (for 25 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.6 North Eastern Railway:

5.6.1 There are 2 nominated route for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total Total No. Total No. Total Total Total No. of of of Major No. of No. of No. of bridges Important Bridges Minor Arch Steel bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Total Total No of No. of bridges RCC/ nominated PSC for bridges instrument ation 9 10 Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11

1 2 CC+6+2T Chhapra- Barabanki1 Burhwal -Sitapur 2 Chhapra- Allahabad

566 268

6 4

56 18

504 246

2 17

35 19

268 185

6 Nil

Not started Not started

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.6.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) 6 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T axle load. Tender for instrumentation of bridges is yet to be called.

5.6.3 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges as operation of CC+6+2 T has not started.

5.6.4 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works for Rs. 51.65 crores (for 7 bridges) for strengthening of bridges are being planned. 5.7 Northeast Frontier Railway:

5.7.1 There are 2 nominated route for CC+6+2 T axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total No. of bridges Total No. Total No. of of Major Important Bridges bridges Total No. of Minor Bridges Total No. Total No. of Total No. of Total No of Arch Steel RCC/ PSC of Bridges Bridges bridges bridges nominat ed for instrume ntation 7 8 9 10 Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11 Not started Not started


876 424

7 1

259 259

610 610

13 1

228 15

559 150

4 Nil

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.7.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) 4 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T axle load. Instrumentation is yet to start as tender is under finalization.

5.7.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 are as below: (a) (b) (c) Important bridges Major bridges Arch 12 329 5




5.7.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges as operation has not yet started.

5.7.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works for strengthening of bridges are still to be planned. 5.8 Northern Railway:

5.8.1 There are 10 nominated route for CC+8+2 T axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total Total No. Total Total Total Total No. of of No. of No. of No. of No. of bridges Important Major Minor Arch Steel bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Total Total No of No. of bridges RCC/ nominated PSC for bridges instrument ation 9 55 30 246 90 187 111 10 Nil Nil 01 Nil Nil Nil Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


3 220 119 741 277 441 218

4 2 1 2 0 3 2

5 26 19 86 19 37 10

6 192 99 653 258 401 206

7 34 4 113 45 74 16

8 24 6 92 19 76 14

6 7









8 9

185 254 583

0 0 2

12 7 18

173 247 563

14 36 107

12 5 45

80 37 203

Nil Nil Nil

Yes Yes Yes


There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.8.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) 2 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T axle load. Instrumentation of first phase for 2 bridges and second phase for 1 bridge have been done and report is yet to be received by RDSO.

5.8.3 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.8.4 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes, works for strengthening of bridges for Rs. 99.34 crores (for 87 bridges) are being planned. 5.9 North West Railway:

5.9.1 There are 5 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total Total No. of No. of Important bridges bridges Total Total Total Total Total No. Total No of No. of No. of No. of No. of of RCC/ bridges Major Minor Arch Steel PSC nominated Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges bridges for instrument ation 5 6 7 8 9 10 Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11

1 2 CC+6+2 T 1 2 3 4 5 BTI-SOGBirdhwal ROK-BNW RE-BKI-JPMD-MJ BTI By pass MD Durai Bye pass

75 147 782 7 49

0 0 3 0 0

6 2 50 0 3

69 145 729 7 46

2 1 108 0 0

6 6 14 0 5

15 47 405 0 16

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

No No No No No

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.9.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) No bridge has been planned for instrumentation.

5.9.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges as CC+6+2 T operation has not started.

5.9.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 12.49 crores (for 6 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.10 South Central Railway:

5.10.1 There are 8 nominated routes for CC+8+2t and 15 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major

bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated Total Total No. Total Total Total Total No. of of No. of No. of No. of No. of bridges Important Major Minor Arch Steel bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Total Total No of No. of bridges RCC/ nominated PSC for bridges instrument ation 9 10 Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started 11

1 CC+8+2 T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


101 95 786 209 344 45 802 31 754 350 429 503 442 252 731 28 69 111 12 64 281 208 59

1 4 1 2 6 1 1 1 -

21 8 80 22 45 2 27 2 42 27 38 74 42 14 50 1 2 23 2 16 16 20 3

79 87 702 187 298 43 773 29 712 317 391 429 399 237 681 27 67 88 10 48 265 187 56

3 106 2 5 32 4 28 38 30 31 114 19 61 7 39 9 97 -

0 0 3 0 26 1 0 0 4 1 3 2 21 3 0 1 22 0 0 17 3

74 41 310 172 132 26 361 12 346 148 249 292 192 187 376 6 8 88 2 28 130 118 56

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 02-02-06 28-09-06 28-09-06 28-09-06 28-09-06 06-02-07 09-05-06 16-02-06 16-02-06 02-02-06 28-09-06 09-05-06 09-05-06 28-09-06 28-09-06 02-02-06 15-05-05


There are 2 early steel girder bridges on these routes. Bridge no. 1017 (44x8.84+36x19.28m on RC-GTL section) has speed restriction of 75 kmph. Work of rebuilding sanctioned. Targeted for completion during 2007-08. Bridge no. 449 (2x12.19 m on BZA-VSKP section) has no speed restriction. Work of replacement sanctioned. Girders are already on site. Targeted for completion during 2007-08.

5.10.2 Instrumentation of bridges:


2 bridges have been planned for instrumentation. First round of instrumentation has been done for all 2 bridges. Reports are yet to be received by RDSO.

5.10.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan-Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 20 296 368 2656

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 16 243 89 756

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 20 143 221 1213

5.10.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Br no 208 Dn (1x91.44+ 5 x 18.3 m) -Oil leaking from one 91.44 m span. Speed restriction of 75 kmph imposed. bearing of

Br no 452 Dn (7 x 12.19 m) -Individual bed blocks shaken and cracks observed. Grouting done and bridge under observation. Br no 213 Dn (1x 1.8 m) Cracks in abutments and in slab. Speed restriction of 30 kmph imposed. Planned for rebuilding with RCC box. Br no 202 Dn (1x 1.8 m) Cracks in abutments. Speed restriction of 75kmph imposed. Planned for rebuilding with RCC box.

5.10.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: Rehabilitation/ strengthening of 75 bridges (29 bridges on CC+8+2 T and 46 bridges on CC+6+2 T) have been planned by Zonal Railway. Cost of the work has not been given by Zonal Railway. 5.11 South East Central Railway:

5.11.1 There is 1 nominated route for CC+8+2t and 6 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of Route nominated for CC+8+2T Total no. of bridges Total no. of important bridges Total no. of major bridges Total no. of minor bridges Total no. of arch bridges Total no. of steel bridges Total no. of conc. (RCC/ PSC) bridges 9 103 126 118 48 153 6 16 Total no. of bridges nominated for instrument ation 10 1 Nil Nil 1 1 Nil 1 CC+8+2T operation started with date

1 2 CC+8+2 T 1 JSG-KDTR CC+6+2 T GAD1 KRBA-CPH 2 CPH-BSP 3 BSP-APR 4 APR-KTE 5 Dumrikhurd -KNHN 6 KNHNKalaumna

3 187 166 160 154 288 11 44

4 02 1 3 Nil Nil Nil 2

5 14 12 15 21 59 Nil 7

6 171 163 142 133 229 11 35

7 36 5 5 20 29 Nil 2

8 23 8 14 28 73 Nil 9

11 Feb.06


There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.11.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) One bridge has been planned for instrumentation for 25T loading on DurgDalliRajhara route. One bridge has been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T loading. 3 bridge have been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T loading. First round of instrumentation has been done for all 5 bridges. On one bridge second round of instrumentation has been done. The report of first and second round of instrumentation for bridge no. 105 has been received. Reports of first round of instrumentation for bridge number 91K UP, 175K UP, 154 and 34 is yet to be received in RDSO. Observations of RDSO on Instrumentation:


(A) Bridge number 105 (DUG-DRZ Section, 5x30.5+2x12.2m plate girder): (a) (b) (c) In first and second round of instrumentation, deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. In first round of Instrumentation, longitudinal force at bearing was not measured by Zonal Railway. In the second round of instrumentation, there appears to be error in measurement of longitudinal force as measured longitudinal force with single loco is 35 T and dispersion is 18 T while with double loco measured longitudinal force is 20 T and dispersion is 8 T. Residue fatigue life of the bridge assessed as 50 years. 1.5 degree of tilt of the pier which does not appear to be correct and no settlement of pier has been recorded.

(d) (e)

5.11.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan.-Mar.07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 02 30 13 83

Number of bridges inspected during Oct.-Dec. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 02 82 57 447

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others

04 27 03 55

5.11.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) Bridge number 15 UP (3x60 in KAV-KP) 2 numbers stiffeners were cracked in middle span. Few other stiffeners are developing cracks in all spans. Also loosening of rivets noticed in cross frame. Bridge number 190K UP (3x40 in CHD-VYK):


Both vertical stiffeners at second cross girder of span number 3 cracked. 5.11.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation In CC+8+2 T Routes works of Rs. 14.43 crores (for 8 bridges) for jacketing of piers, abutments, foundations and replacement of bearings for 25 T axle load and replacement of girders of bridge number 145 and 154 have been planned. In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 2.68 crores for jacketing of piers, abutments, foundations and replacement of bearings of bridge number 46 UP and DN and Rs. 1.51 crores for jacketing and recapping of piers and abutments of bridge no. 34 UP have been planned. 5.12 South Eastern Railway:

5.12.1 There are 18 nominated routes for CC+8+2t and 11 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of Route nominated for CC+8+2 & CC+6+2 Total Total no. of no. of Important Bridges Bridges Total no. of major Bridges Total Total Total no. Total no. of no. of of steel no.of minor arch Bridges concrete Bridges Bridges (RCC/ PSC) Bridges 6 7 8 9 Total no. of bridges nominated for instrument ation 10 Whether CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T operation started 11








3 15/5/05







3 4 5 6 7 8


35 188 163 21 104 27

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 6 4 4 2 5

32 182 159 17 102 22

5 75 45 12 32 9

3 2 1 2 0 5

21 108 87 4 66 12

0 0 0 0 0 1

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

672 65 71 360 226 77 32 111 155 238

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 0 1 27 38 2 0 2 13 14

645 65 70 333 188 75 32 109 142 224

270 0 10 69 72 29 5 0 49 81

16 0 1 16 22 2 0 0 9 9

272 65 47 152 109 20 9 111 84 68

0 0 0 3 22/07/05 1 0 0 0 0 0 6/02/06 9/05//06 15/01/06 7/06/05

CC+6+2 T 1 2 3 319 141 47 0 0 0 19 12 4 300 129 43 51 29 8 14 9 3 167 97 13 0 0 0

4 5

24 40

0 0

0 2

24 38

2 8

0 3

21 11

0 0 06/02/06



Bridges included in MHQ VAA Route

9 10 11

38 56 22

0 0 0

5 10 2

33 46 20

14 8 9

2 8 1

15 39 10

0 0


28/09/06 0

There are 10 early steel girder bridges on CC+8+2 T Axle load routes and one early steel girder bridge on CC+6+2 T Axle load routes. Works for replacements of all early steel girder bridges are sanctioned.

5.12.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) 12 number of bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T loading.

(ii) No bridge has been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T loading. (iii) (iv) First round of instrumentation has been done for all 12 bridges. Second & third rounds of instrumentation have been done on 2 bridges. The report of first and second round of instrumentation for bridge no. 414 DN and 3 DN has been received. Draft reports of first round of instrumentation for bridge number 694, 25 DN, 206 DN,166 DN, 53 DN, 84 DN, 263 UP and 520 DN have been received in RDSO. Observations of RDSO On Instrumentation: (A) Bridge number 414 DN (CNI-ANR Section, 5x100+1x80 under slung girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) In first and second phase of instrumentation deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. Longitudinal force, settlement of pier fatigue life have not been measured by Zonal Railway. Tilt of the pier is negligible.


(B) Bridge number 3 DN (Tata-JSG Section, 3x30 Arch Bridge): (a) (b) Deflections have been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit.

(C) Bridge number 694 (BGKA-NXN Section, 2x60+7x100 plate girder): (a) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit.

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 1.4 degree of tilt of the pier which does not appear to be correct and No settlement of pier has been recorded. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Instrumentation of longitudinal force could not be done by Zonal Railway.

(D) Bridge number 25 DN (Tata-JSG Section, 10x80 Plate girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 2.7 degree of tilt of the pier which does not appear to be correct and no settlement of pier has been recorded. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Longitudinal force at draw bar has been measured as 37 T and at bearing level it is 22 T. However longitudinal force has not been measured at engine level.

(E) Bridge number 206 DN (MXW-PST Section, 4x60+2x40+1x150 under slung + plate girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 2.6 degree of tilt of the pier which does not appear to be correct and no settlement of pier has been recorded. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Longitudinal force at draw bar has been measured as 70 T and at bearing level it is 55 T. However longitudinal force has not been measured at engine level.

(F) Bridge number 166 DN (Tata-JSG Section, 1x80 Plate girder): (a) (b) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible

limit. (c) (d) (e) 1.2 degree of tilt of the pier which does not appear to be correct and no settlement of pier has been recorded. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Longitudinal force at draw bar has been measured as 46 T and at bearing level it is 30 T. However longitudinal force has not been measured at engine level.

(G) Bridge number 53 DN (KGP-Tata Section, 10x100 through girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. 0.04 degree of tilt of the pier and no settlement of pier have been recorded. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Longitudinal force at draw bar for 10 axles (brake binding condition) has been measured as 30.8 T and at bearing level it is 24.1 T. However longitudinal force has not been measured at engine level. Also braking condition instrumentation has not been done.

(H) Bridge number 84 DN (KGP-HWH Section, 7x100 under slung girder): (a) (b) (c) (d) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit (for CC+4+2 T loading). Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit (for CC+4+2 T loading). 0.01 degree of tilt of the pier and no settlement of pier has been recorded. At the time of instrumentation speed restriction of 20 kmph was existing on the bridge, therefore braking condition was not instrumented. Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. Longitudinal force at draw bar has been measured as 29.16 T and at bearing level it is 20 T. However longitudinal force has not been

(e) (f)

measured at engine level. (I) Bridge number 263 UP (KGP-BHC Section, 4x60+2x150 under slung + plat girder): (a) (b) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. However no effect of speed on the stresses in the member has been observed. 0.06 degree of tilt of the pier and no settlement of pier has been recorded. Fatigue life and longitudinal force have not been measured by Zonal Railway.

(c) (d)

(J) Bridge number 520 UP (CNI-ASN Section, 22x100 underslung girder: (a) Deflection has been found with in permissible limit. (b) Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. However no effect of speed on the stresses in the member has been observed. (c) 0.04 degree of tilt of the pier and no settlement of pier has been recorded. (d) Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway. (e) Longitudinal force at draw bar has been measured as 25 T and at bearing level it is 22 T. However longitudinal force has not been measured at engine level. 5.12.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan-Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges 11 204 120




Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 08 252 239 1167

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 01 20 01 20

5.12.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) Crack in the stiffener angle connecting cross bracings and gussets of span no 2 of bridge number 394 DN (2x60 on KTD-URA Section on GUABJMD-RKSN route) observed. Bridge number 520:


Girders of bridge No. 520 Up (22x30.5m) at km 314/5-29 between MDKD-DMA on ADA_ASN section of Adra Division, constructed in 1965, have a long history of developing cracks in different components in different spans since 1987 and some increase in the length of crack have been detected in October,2006. This Bridge lies on the nominated CC+8+2t route and rate of propagation of the crack has increased after introduction of CC+8+ 2t operations. The length of the crack has increased at following location: Location of crack Year first of Status as on detection October,2006 Span No.9 ASN 1999 Crack length End, increased by 40mm -Initial hair crack of in 7 years i.e. from 175mm at bend of 1999-2006. bent plate connecting end Raker & top boom. Span No. 13 ASN 2003 Crack length Status as on March,2007 Crack length increased by 15mm in 6 months after introduction of CC+8+2T operation. Crack length

End. D/S, -Hair crack of 270mm at Webflange junction of inside channel of top chord near end of girders over bearing area. (iii) (iv)

increased by 15mm increased by 15mm in 3 years i.e. 2003- in 6 months after 2006. introduction of CC+8+2T operation.

Hair crack at edge of bed plate in pier number 1 and 2 of bridge number 39 (1x60+2x40 on RJA-TNZ Section on Aditypur-KGP route) observed. Hair crack in slab of bridge number 189 UP (1x2.4m on NSI-DNT Section on KGP-Bhadrak route) observed.

5.12.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 50.43 crores for strengthening of bridges have been planned. In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 13.54 crores for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.13 Southern Railway:

5.13.1 There is 1 nominated route for CC+8+2t and 1 nominated route for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of Route nominated for CC+8+2T Total Total no. no. of of bridges important bridges Total no. Total no. of major of minor bridges bridges Total no. of arch bridges Total no. of steel bridges Total no. Total no. of Whether of conc. bridges CC+8+2T/CC (RCC/ nominated +6+2T PSC) for operation bridges instrumenta started tion 9 10 11

1 2 CC+8+2 T AttipattuVeysarpadi1 ArakkonamRenigunta CC+6+2 T Chennai Beach Veysarpadi 1 Arakkonam Jolarpet - Salem - Metturdam















Not started

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.13.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 7 bridge have been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T loading. No bridge has been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 loading. First round of instrumentation has been done for 2 bridges. On one bridge second round of instrumentation has been done. The report of first round of instrumentation for bridge no. 85 DN has been received. Reports of second round of instrumentation for bridge number 85 DN and first round of bridge no. 155 DN is yet to be received in RDSO. Observations of RDSO on Instrumentation: (A) Bridge number 85 DN (Arakonam-RU Section, 13x12.2m plate girder): (a) (b) (c) In first phase of instrumentation deflection has been found with in permissible limit. Stresses in the super structure are well with in the permissible limit. In first round of Instrumentation, maximum longitudinal force at rail level is 29 T and on girder is 6 T without brake binding.

(d) Tilt of the pier and settlement of pier has not been measured by Zonal Railway. (e) Fatigue life has not been measured by Zonal Railway.

5.13.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 02 07 01 03

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 01 10 01 12

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 01 10 01 16

5.13.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.13.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes works of Rs. 3.06 crores (for 43 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 1.0 crores (for 6 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.14 South Western Railway:

5.14.1 There are 4 nominated route for CC+8+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of Route nominated for CC+8+2T Total Total Total Total Total Total no. of no. of no. of no. of no. of no. of bridges importa major minor arch steel nt bridges bridges bridges bridges bridges 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Total no. of Whether no. of bridges CC+8+2T/ conc. nominated for CC+6+2T (RCC/ instrumentation operation PSC) started bridges 9 10 11

1 2 CC+8+2 T Bellary-Hospet1 Hubly-LondaVasco-Da-Gama Toranagallu2 Ranajitpura Hospet-Gunda 3 Road-Swamihalli

911 45 139

03 -

61 2 3

848 43 136

132 1

93 7 2

387 25 107

04 01 Nil Yes

Gunda RoadKotturu





There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.14.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) 5 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T. Contract for instrumentation of 5 bridges has been given to IISC/Bangalore. Field trials have been done on 1 Sample Bridge no 352 A (SBC-TK Sec). Model has been validated based on trials. Purchase order for procurement of equipments has been finalized by IISC Bangalore. Instrumentation of Ist bridge is planned in June 2007.

5.14.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Jan- Mar 07 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 01 60 95 651

Number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 03 15 15 21

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 02 24 16 20

5.14.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) Some minor cracks have been observed in the bed blocks of abutment of bridge no. 139A (1x30.5m span) open web girder built to BGML loading on Bellary-Gadag section. However no further propagation of cracks has been observed during last year.

5.14.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 1.91 crores (for 13 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.15 West Central Railway:

5.15.1 There is 1 nominated route for CC+8+2 T and 2 nominated routes for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of route nominated for CC+8+2T/ CC+6+2T Total Total No. Total Total Total Total No. of of No. of No. of No. of No. of bridges Important Major Minor Arch Steel bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Total No. of RCC/ PSC bridges Total No of bridges nominat ed for instrume ntation 10 Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started

1 CC+8+2 T


ManikpurJabalpur CC+6+2 T 1 1 2 Katni-Bina-Kota Bina-ItarsiKhandwa








May 06

629 957

34 41

48 92

547 824

204 168

82 124

179 261

2 1

Feb. 06 May 06

There is no early steel girder bridge on these routes.

5.15.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) (ii) (iii) (iii) One bridge has been planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T. 3 bridges have been planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T. Agency for instrumentation of four bridges finalized (CRRI/NDLS). Instrumentation is yet to start.

5.15.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 is as below:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others

28 49 55 414

Number of bridges inspected during July Sep. 06 is as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 32 02 112 218

5.15.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.15.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+8+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 3.76 crores (for 24 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 13.25 crores (for 45 bridges) for strengthening of bridges have been planned. 5.16 Western Railway:

5.16.1 There is 1 nominated route for CC+6+2t axle load. The route wise details of total bridges, important bridges major bridges, number of arch bridges, steel bridges, and concrete bridges is given in the table below:S. N. Name of Total Total No. Total Total Total No. route No. of of No. of No. of of Arch nominated bridges Important Major Minor Bridges bridges Bridges Bridges Total No. of Steel Bridges Total Total No No. of of bridges RCC/ nominate PSC d for bridges instrumen tation Whether CC+8+2T / CC+6+2T operation started

1 CC+6+2 T 1

2 UdhanaJalgaon

3 415

4 1

5 53

6 361

7 41

8 108

9 118

10 Nil

11 May 06

Out of 106 steel bridges, 32 bridges are early steel girder bridges. Steel girder bridges of 9.15 m span have been sanctioned for replacement by slab and steel girder bridges of more than 9.15 m span have been sanctioned by steel

girders. No speed restriction has been imposed on these bridges. 5.16.2 Instrumentation of bridges: (i) No bridge has been planned for instrumentation.

5.16.3 Inspection of bridges: As per the details submitted by core committee of Zonal Railways comprising Principal Chief Engineer, number of bridges inspected during Oct. Dec.06 are as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) Important bridges Major bridges Arch bridges Others 11 05 -

5.16.4 Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T: (i) No adverse effect has been noticed on the bridges.

5.16.5 Details of bridges planned for replacement/rehabilitation: In CC+6+2 T Routes, works of Rs. 114.62 crores (for 152 bridges) for slab replacement/re-girdering of bridges have been planned.



6.1 SALIENT FEATURES OF INSTRUMENTATION: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Total number of bridges planned for instrumentation = 79

Total number of bridges planned for instrumentation for CC+8+2 T = 45 Total number of bridges planned for instrumentation for CC+6+2 T =34 Total number of bridges instrumented for Ist phase: a. For CC+8+2 T b. For CC+6+2 T = 34 =3 =4 = Nil =2


Total number of bridges instrumented for II nd phase: c. For CC+8+2 T d. For CC+6+2 T


Total number of bridges instrumented for III rd phase: e. For CC+8+2 T

f. For CC+6+2 T (vii)

= Nil

Railway wise position of instrumentation is as below:Bridges to be instrumented 10 4 2 2 2 12 7 5 1 45 Bridge Instrumented in phase I 10 4 2 2 2 12 2 0 0 34 Report received in RDSO 4 0 0 0 1 10 1 0 0 16 Bridge Instrumented in phase II 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 4 Report received in RDSO 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 Bridge Instrumented in phase III 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Report received in RDSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CC+8+2t Axle load Railways ECOR ER NR SCR SECR SER SR SWR WCR Total CC+6-2T Axle load Railways CR ECR NCR NER NFR SECR WCR TOTAL Bridges to be instrumented 6 7 5 6 4 3 3 34 Bridge Instrumented in phase I 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 Report received in RDSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bridge Instrumented in phase II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Report received in RDSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bridge Instrumented in phase III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Report received in RDSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





The above details have also been shown in graphical form as below:



1010 10


10 8 6
4 4 4

2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


SCR SECR SER ZONAL RAILWAYS Bridge instrumented in phase I Report received in RDSO




Bridges to be instrumented Bridge instrumented in phase II

Report received in RDSO



6 6




3 3 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0







Bridges to be instrumented Bridge instrumented in Phase II

Bridge instrumented in phase I Report received in RDSO

Report received in RDSO


12 12



10 10


10 8

7 6 5 4 44 4 55

6 4

5 4


22 111


2 11 0 0000 0000

0000 00 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 000 000

0 CR ECOR ECR ER NCR NER NFR NR SCR SECR SER SR SWR WCR ZONAL RAILWAYS Bridges to be instrumented Bridge instrumented in phase II Bridge instrumented in phase I Report received in RDSO Report received in RDSO

(viii) The bridge wise and railway wise analysis for bridges to be instrumented is as below:
Railways Bridges to be instrumented 6 10 7 4 5 6 4 2 2 5 12 7 5 4 79 No of steel bridges to be instrumented 6 9 6 1 4 4 3 2 2 5 9 3 3 4 61 No of arch bridges to be instrumented 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 No of conc. bridges to be instrumented


1 1 7

3 3 1 11

The above details have also been shown in graphical form as below:







7 6 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 22 22 3 6 55

5 44 3 3 3



0 CR ECOR ECR ER NCR NER NFR NR SCR SECR SER SR SWR WCR ZONAL RAILWAYS Bridges to be instrumented Arch bridges to be instrumented Steel bridges to be instrumented Concrete bridges to be instrumented


The span wise bridges to be instrumented by Zonal Railways are as below:

Span of bridges UPTO 9.14m 1 3 1 2 1 12.2m 18.3m 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 12 2 1 1 1 12 3 5 3 1 20 24.4m 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 30.48m 33.5m 45.7m 3 2 1 1 *(61) 1 *(61) 1 *(121) 2 *(91.44) >61m Total 6 7 10 4 5 6 4 2 3 6 12 7 5 4 81


1 1

1 13 5


* INDICATE LENGTH OF SPAN. The below: above details have also been shown in graphical form as


100% 90% 80%
3 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 5 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1



60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CR

1 1

2 2 1













ZONAL RAILWAYS Upto 9.14m 12.2m 18.3m 24.4m 30.48m 33.5m 45.7m >61m


ANALYSIS OF INSTRUMENTATION: (a) DEFLECTION: The details of bridge wise actual deflection measured vis--vis the permissible deflection has been analyzed by RDSO and it is observed that actual deflection coming on the bridges is less than the permissible deflection. The details are given in the graphical form.


90 80 76.2 78.75 76.2


70 60 50 40.6 40 30 20 10 0 18.6 13.9 35.3 31.2 22.9 18.7 11.2 16.2 15.3 8.58 10.7 25.9 25.6 21.83 21.87 40.6 38.6 40.6 35.3 54.8 50.8 54 53.4 53.1 53.1 53.1


















STRESSES: The details of bridge wise actual stresses measured on critical members vis--vis the permissible stresses has been analyzed by RDSO and it is observed that actual stresses coming on the bridges is less than the permissible stresses. The details are given in the graphical form.



180 160
154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154


140 120 100



77.7 65 56 55.65 40.05 61.1

60 40 20 0













(c) LONGITUDINAL FORCES: (i) Bridge wise longitudinal forces measured at bearing level viz a viz. theoretical tractive effort (based on rated tractive effort of locomotive used for trial, number of axle of the loco coming on the bridge test span) has been analyzed by RDSO and it is observed that dispersion of longitudinal force away from test span with respect to theoretical tractive effort varying from 16.2 % to 72.7 %. After having a series of discussion with concerned CBE of the Zonal Railway and Prof. P.Banerjee of IIT/Mumbai who is closely associated with instrumentation, it has been noted that the possible large variation in longitudinal forces transferred at bearing level is mainly due to large noise to signal ratio noticed during strain measurement at bearing level and filtration process adopted to clean the signal from noise. However, more number of subsequent trials on bridges for longitudinal forces will indicate the trend more clearly.



Details of Longitudinal Forces (Maximum) measured at bearing, bridge wise are as below:

S. N.


Bridge No


Longitudinal force (T) Theoretical Measured at Bearing 22 60.14 43.2 61.36 22 55 30 24.1 20 22 % Dispersion 70.39 25.75 28.95 16.29 66.67 37.50 54.55 67.12 72.71 69.99

1 ECoR 2 3 4 5 SER 6 7 9 9 10

1554 449 467 544 25 206 166 53 84 520

30.5 45.72 24.4 30.48 24.4 45.7 24.4 30.5 30.5 30.5

74.3 81 60.8 73.3 66 88 66 73.3 73.3 73.3

The above details are given in graphical form as below:


88 81 74.3 70.39 60.14 60.8 73.3 61.36 66 66.67 55 43.2 37.50 22 25.75 28.95 22 16.29 30 24.1 20 22 66 54.55 73.3 67.12 73.3 72.71 73.3 69.99


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0








100 90


80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0













SPAN/BR NO./RLY Theoritical LF (T) LF at Bearing (T) % Dispersion



The trial was conducted with 2WAG9 loco with 58 BOXN loaded with CC+8+2 on two bridges of Bondamunda- Hatia section of S.E. Railway on 8.01.07 and starting tractive effort was measured and compared with theoretical value and it is found that tractive effort applied by the locomotive is varying from 45.2 % to 90.0% of the theoretical tractive effort. The details are given as below:Instrumentation of Bridges by RDSO

S. N.


Type of Loco


Bridge No.

Longitudinal forces Tractive effort Tractive effort by loco by loco (with Theoretical (without Brake Brake binding) binding)




2x18.3+ 7x30.48












Approach of bridge with down gradient of 1:125. Bridge on level track Approach of bridge with Up gradient of 1:100. Bridge on level track


A trial was also conducted with two WAG7 loco with 54 BOXN loaded with CC+8+2t and along with RDSO recording car on bridge No.85 (level track) of S. Railway on 13.2.07. Starting tractive effort without brake binding was measured in range of 61.4 to 78 T and compared with theoretical value (88 T) and it is found that tractive effort applied by the locomotive is varying from 69.77 % to 88.63 % of the theoretical tractive effort.

From the above two trials (ii) & (iii), it is observed that actual Tractive Effort applied by loco with respect to theoretical tractive effort varies from 45.2% to 90% depending on gradient on approaches. The above details are given in graphical form as below:-


100 90 80





88 78



70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

45.20 42.4




Theoritical Longitudinal force (T)

Actual Longitudinal force (T)

% Actual LF W.R.T Theoritical LF

7.0 7.1

Effect of running of CC+8+2 T/ CC+6+2 T on bridges:

7.1.1 South Central Railway: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Br no 208 Dn (1x91.44+ 5 x 18.3 m) -Oil leaking from one 91.44 m span. Speed restriction of 75 kmph imposed. bearing of

Br no 452 Dn (7 x 12.19 m) -Individual bed blocks shaken and cracks observed. Grouting done and bridge under observation. Br no 213 Dn (1x 1.8 m) Cracks in abutments and in slab. Speed restriction of 30 kmph imposed. Planned for rebuilding with RCC box. Br no 202 Dn (1x 1.8 m) Cracks in abutments. Speed restriction of 75kmph imposed. Planned for rebuilding with RCC box.

7.1.2 South East Central Railway: (i) Bridge number 15 UP (3x60 in KAV-KP) 2 numbers stiffeners were cracked in middle span. Few other stiffeners are developing cracks in all spans. Also loosening of rivets noticed in cross frame.


Bridge number 190K UP (3x40 in CHD-VYK):

Both vertical stiffeners at second cross girder of span number 3 cracked. 7.1.3 South Eastern Railway: (i) Crack in the stiffener angle connecting cross bracings and gussets of span no 2 of bridge number 394 DN (2x60 on KTD-URA Section on GUABJMD-RKSN route) observed. Bridge number 520:


Girders of bridge No. 520 Up (22x30.5m) at km 314/5-29 between MDKD-DMA on ADA_ASN section of Adra Division, constructed in 1965, have a long history of developing cracks in different components in different spans since 1987 and some increase in the length of crack have been detected in October,2006. This Bridge lies on the nominated CC+8+2t route and rate of propagation of the crack has increased after introduction of CC+8+ 2t operations. The length of the crack has increased at following location: Location of crack Year first of Status as on detection October,2006 Span No.9 ASN 1999 Crack length End, increased by 40mm -Initial hair crack of in 7 years i.e. from 175mm at bend of 1999-2006. bent plate connecting end Raker & top boom. Span No. 13 ASN 2003 Crack length End. D/S, increased by 15mm -Hair crack of in 3 years i.e. 2003270mm at Web2006. flange junction of inside channel of top chord near end of girders over bearing area. (iii) (iv) Status as on March,2007 Crack length increased by 15mm in 6 months after introduction of CC+8+2T operation. Crack length increased by 15mm in 6 months after introduction of CC+8+2T operation.

Hair crack at edge of bed plate in pier number 1 and 2 of bridge number 39 (1x60+2x40 on RJA-TNZ Section on Aditypur-KGP route) observed. Hair crack in slab of bridge number 189 UP (1x2.4m on NSI-DNT Section on KGP-Bhadrak route) observed.

7.1.4 South Western Railway:


Some minor cracks have been observed in the bed blocks of abutment of bridge no. 139A (1x30.5m span) open web girder built to BGML loading on Bellary-Gadag section. However no further propagation of cracks has been observed during last year.

7.1.5 No adverse effect was noticed on the bridges in other Railways. 7.2 ANALYSIS OF INSTRUMENTATION:

7.2.1 The measured deflection for CC+8+2T is well with in the permissible limit of deflection. 7.2.2 The stresses measured on the critical members for CC+8+2T are with in the permissible limit of stresses. 7.2.3 It has been noted that there is large variation in longitudinal forces transferred at bearing level (27.3% to 83.7%), mainly due to large noise to signal ratio noticed during strain measurement at bearing level and filtration process adopted to clean the signal from noise. However, more number of subsequent trials on bridges for longitudinal forces will indicate the trend more clearly. 7.2.4 Out of 13 bridges where tilt of the pier has been measured, it is varying from 1.2 to 2.7 degree on 5 bridges and is minor/ negligible on 8 remaining bridges. Tilt of the order of 1.2 to 2.7 degree is considered very high and there appears to be error in measurement.


Effect of running of CC+8+2T/ CC+6+2T has been reported on 11 bridges. All these bridges are required to be kept under close observation by Zonal Railways. Necessary remedial measures should also be taken. The effect on bridges needs to be monitored for a longer period of time as running of CC+8+ 2T/CC+6+2T is in operation since last 2 years only. With the introduction of higher axle load, bridge components are subject to increased number of cycle of higher stress ranges and shall be giving increased fatigue damage and will affect the residual fatigue life of the bridges. This should be taken into consideration while planning for strengthening/re-building of bridges. As operation of CC+8+2T and CC+6+2T axle load will continue for long time it is desirable to do instrumentation of more number of bridges by the Zonal Railways. Zonal Railways should expedite the instrumentation of bridges already planned. Presently the reports of instrumentation done by the instrumenting agencies are being submitted very late. Even in some cases, reports have not been submitted



8.4 8.5

after 6 months of instrumentation and require early submission by Zonal Railways.


List of Identified Iron Ore Routes for Operation of BOXN Wagons Loaded up to CC+8+2t
S.N. Routes for running CC+8+2t loaded Railways Total WEF BOXN wagons Length (in Km) Gua-Barajamda-Rajkharasawan-SiniSER 273 May 05 Chandil Gardhrubeswar-JoychandipaharDamodar-Burnpur-Asansol Bondamunda-Sini-Adityapur SER 144 May 05 Bolanikhadan-Barajamda SER 15 May 05 Bondamunda-Barsuan SER 68 May 05 Bimalgarh-Kirburu SER 41 May 05 Bhilai-Dhalli Rajhara SECR 76 May 05 Damodar-Kalipahari SER, 15 May 05 ER Padapahar-Banspani SER 28 May 05 Bondamunda-Nugaon-Purnapani SER 19 May 05 Bhilai-Ahiwara SECR 7 May 05 Waltair-Kirandul Section (Commonly known ECoR 476 May 05 as KK Line) Vosco-Hospet-Guntakul-ReninguntaSWR, 894 May 05 Chennai SCR, SR Nugaon-Hatia-Muri-Bokaro SER 261 May 05 Purulia-Kotshila SER 36 May 05 Daitri-Kakhapura-Paradeep ECoR 180 May 05 Sambalpur/Titlagarh-RayagadaECoR 503 May 05 Vijayanagaram-Vishakhapattanam Asansol-Kallipahari-Durgapur via slow lines ER 42 July 05 only Swamihalli-Hospet SWR 59 July 05 Tornagalu-Ranjitpura SWR 23 July 05 Birmitrapur-Bonda Munda SER 27 July 05 Adityapur-Kharagpur-Pansukura-Halidia SER 250 Aug 05 Kharagpur-Rupsa-Bhadrak-Jakhapura SER, 227 Aug 05 ECoR Anara-Rukni-Bhaga SER 34 Aug 05 Anara-Adra SER 7 Dec 05 Lohardaga-Ranchi SER 72 Dec 05 Vyasarpadi-Chennai SR 7 Dec 05 Vyasarpadi-Korukkupet-Tondirpet-Attipattu- SR 8 Dec 05 Ennoreport


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Guntkal-Samalkot-Kakinada Bondamunda-JSG-Raigarh-Kirorimalnagar

SCR SER, SECR JSG-Samalpur ECoR Durgapur-Bardhman (only DN slow line ER which is predominantly loading line) Koraputt-Rayagada ECoR Adra-Midnapur SER Manikpur-Jabalpur WCR

649 183 48 65 154 162 265

Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06


List of Identified Routes for Operation of BOXN Wagons Loaded up to CC+6+2t

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Routes for running CC+6+2t loaded BOXN Railways wagons Rajur-Wani-Majri-CTPS Rajur-Wani-Majri-Wardha-Badnera-BhusawalNasik Ghugus-Tadali-CTPS Ghugus-Tadali-Wardha-Badnera-BhusawalNasik Gudhani-Amla-Ghora-Dongri-Sarani Parasia-Junnaredeo-Amla-Ghora Dongri-Sarani Talcher-Rajatgarh-Barang-Vijaynagaram-VSKPBZA-Kondapalli Korba-Champa-BSP-APR-NKJ-Bina-Guna-Kota Chainpur-Barkakhana-Muri-Chandil-Adityapur Talcher-ROU Bhanola-Andal-Bakreshwar Pirpainti-Kahalgaon Pirpainti-Farakka Radhanagar-Santhaldih Rajrappa/Barkakhana-Muri-Bokaro Dugdha-Chandrapura-Bokaro Jamadoba-BJE-Ananra-CNI-Tata Bhelatand-Mahuda-TLE-Tudhadih-Bokaro Sudamdih-BJE-TLE-Tudhadih-Bokaro Khalari-Patratu Phusaro-Bokaro Thermal Patherdih-Pradhankanta-Gomoh-ChandrapuraDugdha Patherdih-Bhojudih Patherdih-Patherdih Washery Phusaro-Katras-Jarangdih-Chandrapura Khalari-Garhwa Road Ghughus-Chandrapura Godhini-Wardha Ballarshah-Chandrapura Manuguru-GLE-Kothagudam Rudrampur-BDCR-Kothagudam CR CR CR CR CR CR Ecor, SCR SECR, WCR ECR/SER Ecor, SER ER ER ER SER SER SER SER SER SER ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR ECR CR CR CR ECR ECR Total Length (in Km) 69 676 27 682 239 168 881 992 174 333 43 20 113 59 120 23 146 66 63 36 15 77 7 5 50 162 35 85 24 49 14 WEF

Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


45. 46.

47. 48. 49.

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Muncheryal-Ramagundam (Two block sections on the KZJ-BPQ main line Talcher-Rajatgarh-Nirgundi-Paradeep Talcher-Rajatgarh-Barang-VijayanagarmSimhadri Talcher-Kania (Talcher super Thermal Power Station Talcher-TTPS-Talcher Talcher-Angul Bhadrachalam-Dornakal Dornakal-Kondapalli Saenor-Khaperkheda Dumaro Khurd-Kanhan-Khaperkheda/Korardi Roha-Panvel-Diva-Vasai, Khandwa-Bhusawal Khana Link-Kumedpur via Gomanik, Malda Town Asnsol-Durgapur, Pradhankhunta-Asansol GHD-Sonnagar, GHD-RNQ Phusro-PKA via Kathras-Pathedih, KathrasNichitpur, Kusunda-Tetulmari Dhanbad-Mughalsarai VZM-RGDA-KRPU-JDB SQQ-KIA-BHC Delhi-Ambala, Mughalsarai-Ropar/Suratgarh via Zafarabad UTR-Moradabad, MughalsaraiTanda, Mughalsarai-Unchahar-GZB-DLI Palwal-TRD including third line, Delhi Area Mughalsarai-Ghaziabad, Bina-Palwal Barabanki-Goda-Gorakhapur-Chapra, Sitapur Cantt-Burhwat Parli-Vikarabad-Wadi-Raichur, KazipetVikarabad, Dornakal-Kazipet Paddapalli-Kazipet, Ramagundam-Pedapalli MLDT-KDPR-NJP-NGC, NBQ-GLPT-NGC Mahuda-Bhaga-Bhojudih Udhana-Jalgaon Bina-Itarasi, Itarasi-Khandwa Itarasi-Goradongri Panskura-Kolkata area terminals of ER via Dankuni BPQ-Manchiryal including MAGH-GDCR branch SYI-Karepalli Pendekallu-Gooty Jaggayapet-Motumarri Mohuda-Gomoh


14 197 510 7 8 15

Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06

15 20 145 220 94 100 60 402 500 105 1307


60 1265 516 770.85 112.61 830 28 307 408 50 30 160 10 29 26 35

May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 May 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06


61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

WCR WCR WCR CR CR SCR SECR NCR NCR WCR SECR/ ECoR 72. Rohtak-Bhiwani NWR 73. BPL-NAD-RTM-BRC-GNC-GIM WCR/WR 74. UDNA-BRC WR 75. MUNDRA-GIM WR 76. KDLP-GIM WR 77. HOM-MTDM SR 78. RC-GTL SCR 79. RENIKUT-SINGRAOULI-NKJ ECR 80. SSB-BTI-INCLUDING BY PASS NWR 81. MJ-RE-DLI NWR 82. ALD-ALY-BSB-SONAPUR-VIA CHAPRA NR 83. CNB-LKO NR 84. CPR-KIR-RAC-SCC NER 85. GY-DMM-SGWF SCR 86. JTJ-SGWF SCR 87. CHORD LINE OF RAIPUR-MANDIR HASAUD ECoR 88. CHORD LINE OF SAMBALPUR-SAMBALPUR EcoR CITY 89. Godhra-Anand WR 90. Kiul-Jhajha-Sitarampur ER/ECR 91. Ambala-Chandigarh NR 92. Sirhind-Ludhiana-Jammu NR 93. Ludhiana-Firojpur NR 94. Ludhiana-Dhuri-Sainthia NR 95. Andal-Siuri-Sainthia ER 96. Burdwan-Shaktigarh-Dankui-DumdumER Cossipore Road/ Chitpur 97. Dumdum-Baliganj-KP Docks-Bhagalpur ER 98. Shaktigarh-Bandel-Bongaigaon TPP/Titagarh ER 99. Gondia-Chanda Fort SECR 100. Naulakia-Surendranagar-Viramgam WR

Cheoki-Manikpur Satna-Rewa Jabalpur-Itarasi Nasik-Kalyan Wadi to NGSM via PA (inc Pune-Saswad) Dornakal-Vijayawada Kirodimal Nagar-Ajani Aligarh-Harduaganj GMC-(Kanpur)-Paricha-Jhansi Manikpur-banda-GMC-Lucknow Raipur-Titlagarh-Vijaynagaram

100 50 245 134 605 126 542 14 220 320 466 46 909 139 65 12 390 120 260 287 499 396 72 1097 277 125 10 5 60 199 45 335 110 200 127 100 21 56 336 212

Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Sep 06 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07

Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07 Mar 07


Action to be taken on Bearing for running CC+8+2T/CC+6+2T axle Load

Minimum strengthening required at fixed Existing fixed end/sliding bearings for fitness at 60 Kmph end/sliding bearings to be replaced With limiting with Without limiting T.E. T.E. of 30t per loco Drg. NumberCBS2354 Strengthening to be done as per Drg. NumberCBS/2354 2 Number additional anchor bolts be provided and saddle bolts be replaced by higher strength bolts of property class 6.6. 2 Number additional anchor bolts be provided and saddle bolts be replaced by higher strength bolts of property class 6.6. 2 Number additional anchor bolts be provided and saddle bolts be replaced by higher strength bolts of property class 6.6. 2 Number additional anchor bolts be provided. Safe

S. N.


A. BGML Spans 30.5m 1 (Under slung) 30.5 (Through type)


Drg. Number RDSO/B-1521


45.7 (Through type)

Drg. No RDSO/B-1522


61.0 (Through type)

Drg. No RDSO/B-1523

76.2 (Through type)

Drg. No RDSO/B-1524

2 number addition anchor bolts be provided Safe

B. RBG Spans 1 30.5m (Under slung) 30.5 (Through type) BA-11404 Alt.2 BA-11344 Alt.4 Strengthening to be done as per Drg. Number BA11404 Alt.2 Existing bearing safe.


45.7 (Through type) 61.0 (Through type) 76.2 (Through type)

BA-11364 Alt.3

BA-11324 Alt.3 B-1524

2 Number additional Safe anchor bolts be provided and saddle bolts be replaced by higher strength bolts of property class 6.6. 2 Number additional Safe anchor bolts be provided 2 Number additional anchor bolts be provided Safe



S. Wagon Loading N. / Axle Load Provisional Speed Certificate MW/SPD/B G/BOXN /Prov. dt:25-10-05 MW/SPD/B G/BOXN/Pr ov./22.32t dt:9/17-0106 MW/SPD/B G/BOXN/Pr ov.dt:25-1005 MW/SPD/B G/BOXNM1 /Prov./21.82 t & 22.82t dt:28-11-05 Speed certificate for conducting oscillation trial MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN/Osc./ 21.82t dt:27/310/11-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN/ 22.32t/Osc. dt:9/17-1-06 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN/Osc./ 22.82t dt:27/310/11-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXNM1/Osc. / 21.82t dt:2811-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN M1/Osc./22.32 t dt:13-02-06 MW/SPD/B G/BOXNM1 /Prov./21.82 t & 22.82t dt:28-11-05 MW/SPD/B G/BOXNHS M1/22.32t/P rov.dt:4-506 MW/SPD/B G/BCN/ Prov. dt:2610-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN M1/ Osc./22.82t dt:28-12-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN HSM1/22.32t/ Osc. dt:18-506 MW/SPD/BG/ BCN/Osc./ 22.82t dt:27/310/11-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXNM1/Osc./ 22.32t dt:0210-06 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN M1/22.82t dt:25-04-06 Final speed certificate Total no. of speed certificate



3 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN/22.32t dt:31-1-06 MW/SPD/BG/ BOXN/22.82t/ Osc. dt:19/241-06 3


CC+8+2 2 BOXN M1 CC+4+2



3 BOXN HS M1 4 BCN CC+4+2 CC+6+2





MW/SPD/B G/BCN/ 22.32t/Prov. dt:3-5-06 MW/SPD/B G/BCNA/Pr ov.dt:26/1610/11-05 MW/SPD/B G/BCNA/22 .32/Prov.dt: 3-5-06

MW/SPD/BG/ BCN/ 22.32t/Osc. dt:12-5-06 MW/SPD/BG/ BCNA/Osc./ 21.82t dt:27/310/11-05 MW/SPD/BG/ BCNA/22.32/O sc.dt:12-5-06












MW/SPD/BG/ MW/SPD/B BCNA G/BCNAHS HS/Osc./ /Prov./21.32 21.32t dt:31t dt:26-4-06 10-05 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCNAHS BCNAM/ /Osc./21.82t Prov/21.82t dt:31-10-04 dt:1-12-05 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCNAHS BCNAHSM1/O M1/Prov./21 sc./21.82t .82t dt:1/8dt:1/8-12-05 12-05 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCNAHS BCNA HS M1/ M1/22.32t/P 22.32t/Osc.dt: rov. dt:3-518-5-06 06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCN BCN M1/Prov./21 M1/Osc./21.82 .82 dt:28dt:25-11-05 11-05 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCN BCNM1/ M1/22.32/P 22.32/Osc. rov. dt: 3-5dt:12-5-06 06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCNAM1 BCNA /Prov./21.82 M1/Osc./ t dt:23-1121.82t dt:2505 11-05


























MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BCNAM1 BCNAM1/ /Prov./22.32 22.32t/ Osc. t dt:3-5-06 dt:12-5-06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOBR/22 BOBR/23.32t/ .32t/Prov.dt: Osc.dt:26-416-2-2006 2006 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOBRN/ BOBRN/ 23.32t/Prov. 22.32t/ dt:16-2Osc.dt:26-42006 2006 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOBRM1 BOBRM1/22.3 /22.32t/Prov 2t/Osc.dt:10-5.dt:3-5-06 06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOBRN BOBRM1/22.3 M1/22.32t/P 2t/Osc.dt:10-5rov.dt:3-506 06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOST/22 BOST/22.32t/ .32t/Prov.dt: Osc.dt:18-5-06 5-5-06 MW/SPD/B MW/SPD/BG/ G/BOSTM1 BOSTM1/22.3 /22.32t/Prov 2t/Osc.dt:18-5.dt:5-5-06 06 MW/SPD/BG MW/SPD/BG/ /BOST HS BOST HS M1/ M1/22.32t/ 22.32t/Osc.dt: Prov.dt:5-518-5-06 06 MW/SPD/B G/BOXN HA/ 22.82t/Prov dt. 28-10-06 MW/SPD/B G/BOBYN/ 22.32t/Prov. dt. 28-10-06 TOTAL

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