Ninja Manhattan
Ninja Manhattan
Ninja Manhattan
Safe house
Watch station
Drop point
Armory *
Nerve gas
Upper West Side Toxic waste
Seductor agents should bring Dojo
targets to weekly (Fri) cocktail party
W 78th—red-label champagne Child care
bottles laced with truth drug
* Armories also located
in all central Starbucks
coffee shops
Empire State Building
Do not be deceived by public copy;
actual building is 14 blocks away.
Callsign: “This is not the Empire
State Building!”
Central Park
Enlist aid from any mugger
with callsign “I’m from
Ninjalistics” (10PM -6AM only)
New Jersey
Do not enter without
permission from
Greenwich Village
Bookshop, coordinates 7186-334.
Callsign “Octopus.” On back wall, pull
paperback copy of Valley of the Dolls
to open safe room. Hours 10-7PM
Avoid “ninjas” in fetish bar next door.
Financial District
All buildings accessible from
sewers; observe Hygiene
Protocol and use deodorizer
before leaving closet
Copyright ©2009 Ninjalistics. A Ninjagraphic by Allen Varney. Satellite photo of New York City from (
new-york-city-satellite-image.shtml ). Corporate ninjas can find many helpful Ninjagraphics at